First Lady of Ohio An advocate for Ohio's women and children ZARJA - THE DAWN ON THE COVER.. (ISSN 0044-1848) Postmaster: Send all changes of address to: ZARJA - THE DAWN, 4851 S. Drexel Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615 NO. 5-6 MAY-JUNE, 1996 VOL. 68 Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Published eight times per year - osemkrat na leto. Annual Subscription for non-members, $15.00 — naročnina $15.00 letno za ne-članice. Publisher: SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432 Telephone (815) 727-1926 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, IL All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the first week of the month — vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do I. v mesecu. Editor, CORINNE LESKOVAR Editorial Office: 4851 S. Drexel Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615 Telephone: (312) 548-8878 HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN MAY & JUNE National Officer: May 1 - Jean Korsman, National President, Gilbert, MN. Presidents: June 11 - Margaret Cullen, Br. 3, Pueblo, CO June 24 - Genevieve Safran, Br. 27, Braddock, PA Secretaries: May 3 - Anna Anderson, Br. 79, Enumclaw, WA May 6 - Gladys Buck, Br. 16, So. Chicago, IL May 7 - Josephine Argubright, Br. 89, Oglesby, IL May 13 - Helen McFarland, Br. 66, Canon City, CO May 13 - Mary Mejac, Br. 103, Washington, D.C. May 17 - Marge Mollica, Br. 57, Niles, OH May 27 - Anka Kregar, Br. 55, Girard, OH May 28 - Linda Lambright, Br. 6, Barberton, OH June 2 - Blanche Laurich, Br. 81, Keewatin, MN June 3 - Jane Hudak, Br. 74, Ambridge, PA June 8 - Anne Pavelič, Br. 8, Steelton, PA June 11 - Betty Stack, Br. 24, LaSalle, IL June 19 - Dorothy Brezonik, Br. 1, Sheboygan, WI June 29 - Elizabeth Spolar, Br. 56, Hibbing, MN MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! Y\0 & HONIG 25224 W. Eames Street, Channahon, IL 60410 Office: (815) 467-3140 Home: (815) 726_41£9 FAX. (815) 467-3146 ROSANNE RUTH REALTOR Member of Branch 20, S.W.U. The State of Ohio is home to the majority of our membership - primarily in the Cleveland area - where Slovenians have lived for more than a hundred years. Cleveland has always honored itself by having hard-working and diligent citizens, people who love their families and communities. The Governor of Ohio, former mayor of Cleveland, George Voinovich and his wife, Janet are visible proponents of the Cleveland-style of good citizenship, honesty and high moral character. We wish the Governor well in all his future endeavors! Janet Voinovich has been our member (Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio) for more than twenty years. She is a marvelous example of the old adage: the wife holds up three legs of the table! She’s a good partner and brings to Ohioans the sense that old-fashioned solidity and family values mean something in their government, too. We salute Janet Voinovich, thank her for her loyalty and feminine idealism by which we count her our friend. Mother’s Day Parties listed on page 4. DATES TO REMEMBER May 5 PLANT SALE, Br. 102, Willard, WI May 10 Br. 1, Sheboygan, WI Bingo party, Church Hall May 11 Br. 42, Maple Hts., OH, Spring Straw Hat Demonstration and Meeting, SNH Maple Hts., 11 a.m. June 2 Br. 20, Joliet, IL, 68th Anniversary Mass, 8:30 a.m. St. Joseph’s Church followed by refreshments at SWU Home Office. June 9-10 Br. 13, San Francisco, CA, Reno Trip, Call Jo Aiuto June 15 ANNUAL PICNIC, Br. 105, Detroit, MI at Licht Park June 20 Br. 24, LaSalle, IL, Pot Luck Picnic, 6 p.m. Call Barb 244-2618 or Helen 223-9209. July 21 ZVEZA DAY IN LEMONT, Br. 2, Chicago, IL Sep 25 Br. 50, Euclid, OH, Picnic at Euclid Park Clubhouse Oct 17 Br. 12, Milwaukee, WI, Fall Luncheon Dec 8 Br. 50, Euclid, OH, 65th Anniversary and Christmas Dinner at Rechar Hall. # First Midwest Bank National Association 50 W. Jefferson Street Joliet, Illinois 60431 (815 727-5222 BBS JEAN KORSMAN, NATIONAL PRESIDENT HIGHLIGHTS SWU BOARD DECISIONS The Board of Directors’ Annual Reports, and Minutes of the Board Meeting on Feb. 18-19 will be printed in future issues of ZARJA, (according to the Bylaws). Some of the topics brought up and voted on may require further discussion and explanation. The DIRECT BILLING SYSTEM, voted on at the California Convention last May, will prove to be one of the best, most productive and far-reaching changes! Once we are all billed, and have paid our dues for 1996 directly to the National Secretary, we will find it very simple, time-saving and convenient. This first year has seemed confusing and upsetting to some members, who seem to prefer the “Status Quo”. Others, especially the Branch Treasurers, write that they are grateful to be relieved of such a burdensome task. (I quote one John Norley) “All things are difficult before they are easy.” (We) agreed that our elderly members need more attention, (especially at the Branch level.) We need these long-time members to WELCOME the new young members who show up at meetings, and to also pass on their love of Zveza; perhaps by having a “strudel-making demonstration,” or any other old-time recipe. I, myself, am determined to learn to make POHANJE AND ŽLINKROFI! (We) agreed our Social Members are so very important to SWU. In fact, they are the mainstay in some Branches. Yet, we have increased their dues the most; and have not given them any increase in benefits or incentives to stay with us. We cannot afford to lose such an energetic and vital part of our Zveza. Some of these members have resigned in resentment; MOST have opted to stay. We must recognize their importance and show them our appreciation on all levels. (We) agreed to continue honoring our qualified young students with (4) scholarships each year, and plan to initiate programs to enlighten and interest our Jr. members. Our New Youth Activities Director, Kathy Shroeder, (from our No. 1 Branch, Sheboygan) has. been given many helpful suggestions which she ‘■jprtli* in^ement in the coming year. (We) agreed it would be MISSION IMPOSSIBLE to expect all our members to (agree) to, or adapt to, all these changes facing SWU, but in fact, the majority of letters received are supportive; They are convinced that the direction in which the Board is guiding SWU is right for the present and right for the future. I am directed by the Board to respond to letters of complaint, concern and criticism, and continue to do so to the best of my ability. I have tried to assure certain critics that the Board is sincerely willing to bring all conflicts and problems to a successful resolution. I have been ill for several weeks, and was consoled and heartened by the following beautiful “MEDITATION” sent to me by a caring NEW FRIEND in ZVEZA. (Thank you, Irene O.) MEDITRTIDM “God has created me to do Him some definite service: He has committed some work to me which He has not committed to another. I have my mission. / may never know it in this life, but I shall be told it in the next. I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons. He has not created me for naught. I shall do good. I shall do His work. I shall be an angel of peace, a preacher of truth in my own place while not intending it, if I do but keep His Commandments. Therefore, I will trust Him. Whatever, wherever I am. I can never be thrown away. If I am in sickness, my sickness may serve Him; in perplexity, my perplexity may serve Him. He does nothing in vain. He knows what He is about. He may take away my friends; He may throw me among strangers; He may make me feel desolate, make my spirits sink, hide my future from me - still He knows what He is about." Cardinal Neuman NATIONAL SECRETARY With this month’s issue, we are initiating a new feature in ZARJA. THE SECRETARY’S PAGE will carry information all of you should share. In previous years, letters have been sent to branch secretaries, the letters were (in most cases) read at the meetings. This afforded only a few to be aware of information that was meant for the entire branch. We hope that you will take time each month to read what this page includes, so you are better informed about our organization. The first question many of you are asking is, “Where is my bill?” The process of direct Billing is moving along, however, the pace is much slower than we anticipated it to be. Snags are ironed out as quickly as possible. One big factor in getting “caught up” is the numerous payments that were made prior to bills being received. This involved more time than we really could afford. Please be patient, you will receive a bill. Secretaries are questioning what will happen if a member who has not been billed should pass away. If her dues were paid thru 1995, we would ask the family for the pro-rated amount due for 1996. The certificate will be honored. Along that same line, a note to secretaries: When submitting a death certificate, always notate 1.) dues were paid, 2.) beneficiary is current. I have issued checks only to find that the beneficiary has long been deceased. To our social members: Many of you have voiced your displeasure in the amount your dues were raised, and some of you have called it quits. We find that to our dismay, over the years, the amount of dues for a social member hardly covered the cost of the ZARJA you received. Like the lowest average bowler on a team, the rest of S.W.U. was holding you up. In perspective, think of all the members who have paid their fair share for 40, 50, 60 years, to receive only $100-$300. They have more than paid their benefit. We do not argue the point for either side. We hope that you will see our reasoning for the increase in assessments. Another problem that has surfaced are members who have misplaced/lost their certificates. These can be replaced, however, we can no longer do this free of charge. If you need a duplicate of your certificate, please fill out the information below, send it along with $2.00 and a self-addressed stamped envelope. Information must be exact. Again, we thank all of you for your cooperation during this transition period. Respectfully, Evelyn A. Majercik, Secretary SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA REQUEST FOR A LOST/MISPLACED CERTIFICATE Your Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Certificate Number: Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Certificate Amount: ________________________________________________________________________________ Certificate Date: ___ My beneficiary should be listed as: Relationship: ________________________________________________________ Date: Branch Number: Signature: Address your questions, requests and comments to: Slovenian Women’s Union, P.O. Box 46539, Bedford, OH 44146 MEET OUR NEW SCHOLARSHIP FUND DIRECTOR Mary Turvey The notification of my new position as Slovenian Women’s Union Scholarship Director was a happy day for me. It brought back memories of earlier times when Grandma Marie sat at the typewriter trying to meet deadlines, Aunt Hermine tested recipes and organized them for columns and cookbooks, and my mom wrote Branch 1 reports for ZARJA for many years. Now I am part of that tradition and grateful to have the chance to contribute. As a young mother with four dear children I decided to stay home. Volunteer organizations were a way to get out to meet people and a way to contribute to the community. In small upper Michigan communities there are always needs and one easily gets involved. There were the days of being a Cub Scout and Girl Scout leader, an officer and scholarship program member of the Munising Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, a library board member, C.C.D. teacher, and choir member. As the children became older I was first employed as a florist and later as a dental assistant. When my husband, Dan was transferred to the Marquette area I decided to take advantage of the art program at Northern Michigan University: a big step for a middle-ager who hadn’t lifted a pencil or brush in 35 years. The needs of students, especially those of single parents, and those with ill spouses became apparent. Many have been forced to upgrade or switch their careers. A 4 credit class is currently $400.00 here. Most students carry 16 credits. Favorite past times and interests are genealogy, golf, bird surveys for the Audubon Society, and most of all spending time with our four grandchildren. Dear members, I look forward to hearing from you and will try in every way to do a good job as chairman of your scholarship program. Mary (NOTE:) As you can possibly tell from Mary’s biographical sketch, she is the granddaughter of our SWU Founder, Marie Prisland and niece of former Director, Hermine Dicke. Mary’s mother, Margaret Fischer was secretary of Br. 1, Sheboygan, WI for many, many years. Aren’t we lucky to have Mary following in those auspicious footsteps? NEW STATE PRESIDENT OF OHIO-MICHIGAN Olga Dorchak Olga was born October 13, 1928 in Cleveland, Ohio to Jacob and Jennie (Kljun) Zadnik. She has one sister, Elsie Spellacy. Olga was married to Alex (Al) Dorchak in August, 1947. They raised two daughters, Kathleen and Diane. Kathy, her husband, Bob, and stepson, Jason live nearby in a suburb of Akron. Diane and her husband, Anthony live in an eastern suburb of Cleveland. Al and Olga were married for almost 47 years when he died early in 1994. Olga has been a resident of Solon, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland, for the past 29 years. She is a parishioner of St. Rita’s Catholic Church and volunteers at the Solon Senior Center. Other organizations where she is involved are: Cen-terior Energy Retirees, the Illuminating Company Women’s Retirees, and the Maple Hts. - Newburg Pensioners. Having been Secretary to her senior class at John Adams High School, she initiated their first class reunion; since then, she has helped organize large reunions very five years and pot luck picnics every year to keep her class in touch with each other. Her pastimes include keeping up with her two active daughters and their families, golfing (when our weather cooperates), caring for her jungle of plants, stamp collecting, and travel. Please turn to next page. A VERY WONDERFUL HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MARIJA PECHARICH! Our member, Marija “Mici” Pecharich of Br. 2, Chicago, IL has just observed her 90th birthday and we all salute this grand lady and wish her many more healthy and happy ones! Marija is a wonderful lady with a beautiful smile and is always in good spirits. She lives with her daughter, Marija Vlasich, and has five sons, 26 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren who visit her often. Of course, she never forgets them either, and can proudly relate all their achievements to everyone who asks. For her 90th birthday, the family celebrated with a gala party - a happy surprise! Her sister from Bela Krajina in Slovenia attended along with all the family and many friends. The Pecharich family says she is their role model as a person of strength, compassion, courage and caring. We all agree that she is indeed, as they stated, A WOMAN OF THE 90’s! _______________________________________________CJI. Olga Dorchak Ohio-Michigan President Ohio-Michigan Regional State Convention The State Convention for Ohio-Michigan will be hosted by Branch 14 and held Sunday, October 13, 1996 in Euclid, Ohio. Specific times for mass at St. Christine’s and dinner at Rechar Hall will be published when they are available. All Ohio-Michigan Branch members should mark their calendars now to plan to attend this event. The convention is always an opportune time to meet with many of our sister members to strengthen relationships and meet new friends. OHIO-MICHIGAN PRESIDENT: Olga’s interest in the Slovenian Women’s Union comes naturally from the influence of her mother, Jennie. Jennie served as President of Branch 47, Garfield Hts., Ohio for many years. She instilled in the family a pride for our Slovenian heritage. Olga is the current President for Branch 47. She has held this position for the last four years. Before this position she served as Vice President for two years. Making the commitment to the Slovenian Women’s Union a family affair. Her sister, Elsie is serving Branch 47 as Recording Secretary and her daughter, Kathy is a branch Auditor, and also, SWU National Vice President. Olga’s sincere desire is to contribute her time and efforts to the continuation of a successful Slovenian Women’s Union and to keep alive the Slovenian Heritage through our present membership. She would like to see the cooperation and assistance of our present members as we get actively involved in our wonderful organization. She looks forward to meeting and getting to know her sister members of the Ohio and Michigan branches. & MOTHERS DAY PARTIES May 4 Br. 47, Garfield Hts., OH, Luncheon at Quinn’s Restaurant, Solon, OH, 1 p.m. May 5 Br. 38, Chisholm, MN, Mass and Brunch May 5 Br. 39, Biwabik, MN May 7 Br. 14, Euclid, OH, Dinner 6 p.m. Call Marty, 585-4227. May 7 Br. 55, Girard, OH, Mother-Daughter Ban- quet, Olive Garden Rest, on Rt. 422,5:30 p.m. May 8 Br. 40, Lorain, OH, German Villa, 12:30 p.m. Call Agnes 245-3919. May 9 Br. 2, Chicago, IL, Mass at St. Stephen’s Church 6:30 p.m. followed by dinner. May 9 Br. 5, Indianapolis, IN, Covered Dish, SNH, 11:00 a.m. May 11 Br. 16, So. Chicago, IL, Crow Bar, 12 noon, call Edna, Gladys or Vida. May 12 Br. 42, Maple Hts., OH, Mass at St. Wence- slaus Church, 12:30 p.m. May 15 Br. 32, Euclid, OH, at Home Town Buffet, on E. 260th St., 6 p.m. Call Fran, 216-731-0242. May 15 Br. 54, Warren, OH, Luncheon at Elks Club- room 1 p.m. May 16 Br. 24, LaSalle, IL, Dinner at Maples in Peru, noon. May 16 Br. 50, Euclid, OH, at Alexander Restaurant in Euclid, Call Ann Tercek for reservations. May 18 Br. 105, Detroit, MI, Luncheon May 19 Br. 13, San Francisco, CA, Luncheon at Mar- riott Hotel, 11 a.m. Call Josephine for reservations, 863-8632. May 21 Br. 1, Sheboygan, WI, celebration at Fountain Park Family Rest. 6 p.m. Call Aggie or Ruth. May 21 Br. 20, Joliet, IL, Party-Scholarship Awards- Tribute to Our Lady, St. Joe’s Park, 6 p.m. May 22 Br. 10, Cleveland, OH Luncheon at Home- town Restaurant, E. 260th (Euclid Mall), 1 p.m. Call 944-4954 or 531-7635. May 22 Br. 43, Milwaukee, WI Luncheon at Olive Garden, S. 76th St., I p.m. POETRY CORNER Irene M. Odorizzi, Heritage Director The poems selected for this issue of ZARJA have been written as a “family affair, ” and are dedicated to Anne Orazem, Mother of the Year from Branch 35. She is undoubtedly loved and cherished by her entire family as is evident by three stirring selections which were submitted by two grandsons and a son-in-law. Let me mention how this all this poetry started. Kathleen Wheeler, daughter of Anne Orazem, phoned me and asked about submitting her fourteen year old son's poem which honored his grandmother as “Mother of the Year." Of course, I encouraged her to send his selection entitled, “Grandmother.” It wasn’t long before Kathleen and I spoke again and she mentioned that Mark Williams, her nephew, wished to submit an essay, which is printed on the Junior page of this issue. Finally, Kathleen announced that her husband had also been inspired to express his thoughts about his mother-in-law in verse and she was faxing me his poem as well. All selections are lovely tributes to a special lady. Anne Orazem s daughter, Suzanne, and her sons, Tony and Paul, composed the article featured along with her picture in th’s issue. Included in that article is additional information about our poets of this month. I’m also pleased to announce that not only is Anne Orazem's family poetically inclined but they are all members of Branch 35. -j A MOM TO ME. TOO Grandmother . by Bob Wheeler She is always there for you, when you don’t know what to do. My Mom died of cancer Birthday and holidays she’s never missed, A few years ago, She died too young she sends a card with a hug and a kiss. I missed her so. She helps to bandage up your knee, My wife’s Mom, Anne if you fall out of a tree. Was my Mom’s age, She’ll cook up all the fish you caught, She filled the void And calmed my rage, and they’ll taste better than store bought. She taught me to love, not to hate, She’s been there for me And for all her kin, she’s also the very best cook in the state. For her kids, her grandkids Through thick and thin. And in my mind there is no doubt, why my grandma won the bout, With a, How are things going? to be the Mother of the Year, Or a, What can I do? when the love that she shares is so sincere. Anne’s always there for us The poem entitled, “Grandmother" was written by the 14-year old A friend tried and true. Suzanne and Ton Kathleen and Paul, too, grandson of Anne Orazem. James Wheeler has expressed himself most Are all so very lucky eloquently. To have a Mom like you. The second poem, “A Mom to Me, too", comes from the heart of Anne's son-in-law, Robert Wheeler, James’ father. I’m proud you’re my friend On the “Young at Heart" page in this issue, Anne's grandson, My confidante true, Mark Williams presents his thoughts on what his Grandmother means I’ll always love you to him. You’re like a Mom to me, too. i ******** * * (Please send your poem for inclusion in this column to: Irene Odorizzi, 2362 Paddock Lane, Reston, VA 22091). FRANCES ONDOVCHIK Br. 3, Pueblo, CO Frances J. Ondovchik, Mother of the Year of Slovenian Women’s Union No. 3, is a life-long resident of Pueblo and comes from a family of ten children, six girls and four boys, two of whom are deceased, bom to Matt and Mary (Kerns) Kochevar. Frances has been a member of No. 3 for 17 years. She was 11 years old when she became a member and her certificate dated December 30, 1939 was signed by Marie Prisland. She also was a member of the St. Mary’s Jr. Cadets. Her mother, Mary Frances Kochevar, was a member of No. 3 until her death June 14, 1995 at the age of 97. She, at one time, was the Mother of the Year. Frances’ three sisters, Ann Kochevar, Rose Zupančič and Shirley Scott are also members. When she was in high school and sixteen years old, she worked for Newberry’s Five and Ten Store and also Frances Ondovchik worked for District 60 for a short time. After graduating from high school, she worked for the City of Pueblo Parks and Recreation Department for 23 years, retiring in 1985. She and her husband, Joseph were married for 45 years. Joseph, a wonderful husband and father, passed away April 27, 1993. Her two daughters are: Mary Elizabeth Macklem, employed by the City of Pueblo and Secretary to the Chief of Police, and Judith Ann Weber an R.N. at Presbyterian Hospital in Denver, Colorado. There are five grandchildren. Her hobbies are embroidery, gardening and reading. She is very proud of the fact that she embroidered a quilt for each of her five grandchildren. Frances is a very active member of No. 3, always ready to help and adds so much to the comraderie that the members enjoy. Members of No. 3 are proud to have her as our Mother of the Year. Our congratulations to you, Frances! SYLVIA KOTZE Br. 12, Milwaukee, WI Sylvia Kotze was bom in Milwaukee in 1929. Her parents, Joseph and Louise Jeza owned and ran a tavern for many years on Milwaukee’s southside where Sylvia grew up with her sister, Lydia. After attending Vieau grade school and South Division high school, she worked at the First Wisconsin Bank. In 1958, she married Rupert J. Kotze, president of the Kotze Construction Company. The wedding took place at St. John the Evangelist Church where the two had been long-time parishioners. Three children followed: Rupert, Patricia and Michael. Her husband died 1983; the absence of this kind and gentle man is still keenly felt by his family. Sylvia Kotze Today, Sylvia maintains a busy and active life, often in the company of her children. Rupert and his wife, Lynn live in Milwaukee where he now runs Kotze Construction. They are the parents of Sylvia’s first two grandchildren, Kate and Ann. Patricia now lives in Beloit, and Michael and his wife, Ann reside in Chicago, where they are active in opera and musical theater. Sylvia enjoys travelling, attending musical and dramatic performances and making the occasional casino trip where, she says, her luck has been “pretty good”! She is also an accomplished (and remarkably fast) knitter; her family and friends have been the happy recipients of her handiwork, as have many children in the city’s hospitals and charitable institutions. She attends the meetings of the Slovenian Women’s Union, where she can usually be found in the kitchen, helping out with the luncheon. Her good spirits, energy and great generosity are an inspiration to all who know her. Though her modest nature keeps her from saying it herself, let her children say that they are delighted at Sylvia’s being chosen "Mother of the Year." MARY STRAZISAR Br. 14, Euclid, OH Mary Stražišar of Arrowhead Avenue in East Cleveland, Ohio is honored as the 1996 “Mother of the Year” for Branch 14, Euclid, Ohio. Affectionately known within her family as “Ma”, “Teta”, and “Grandma Joe”, she is an unforgettably charming person that consistently exudes love, compassion and humor. Mary, of Slovenian descent, was bom in West Newton, Pennsylvania in 1907, the youngest of four children. Two years later the family returned to Slovenia where six additional siblings were born. Mary’s primary task was to care for the six younger children, which she did with tenderness and love. Mary Stražišar At age 20, Mary wed Valentine Grill, and the couple left Slovenia for the United States shortly after their wedding in 1927. A daughter, Dorothy was bom early in the marriage but passed away at six months of age. Mary and Valentine subsequently had three sons, Valentine Jr., Alfred (Alan) and Ludwig (Sonny). Her husband passed away in 1938, leaving her with three young sons (9, 7 and 3) to raise in the throes of the great depression. Mary worked hard to insure that her sons were well cared for. Somehow, she saw that they never went hungry and they managed to thrive in a home full of love. In 1947, she married Joseph Stražišar, a widower and long time friend of the family. Joseph had four children, Alma, Joseph Jr., Raymond and Lillian, all grown and “out of the nest” at the time of the marriage. The ties between Mary, her children, and the Stražišar children were close and the Grill-Strazisar families soon blended into one closely knit circle. Husband, Joseph passed away in 1972, sons, Valentine in 1988 and Ludwig in 1994. Surviving are son, Alan and wife Clare, step-son, Raymond, daughters-in-law, Stana and Francis Grill, and the spouses of three deceased step children, Frank Kravos (Alma), Mary Stražišar (Joseph Jr.), and Arthur “Bebs” Tybiash (Lillian). Mary also enjoys the love and affection of 24 grandchildren and 31 great grandchildren, each of whom she manages to remember on every birthday and special occasion. At 88 years young, Mary is absorbed in her family and Catholic faith along with lifelong hobbies of crocheting and knitting. She continues to make af-ghans for each newly-wed in her extended family and still makes her very special noodles for family and friends. (Every year Mary donates twenty pounds of her home made noodles to be sold for the benefit of Branch 14.) Mary has been an active and loyal member of Branch 14 for more than 47 years, serving as Vice President for 34 years and as Sunshine Lady for several years. Always willing and eager to lend a helping hand, she has been a volunteer at the Slovenian Home for the Aged for more than 25 years where she still contributes at least one day a week. Mary’s most memorable recent experience was a 1994 visit, accompanied by her niece, Tillie Spehar, to see her surviving brother and two sisters in Slovenia. Her family and friends maintain that if Mary Grill Stražišar did not exist as she is, they would simply have to invent her. She is truly one of a kind — a unique gift from God to us all. And on this special occasion, all of the family joins in saying, “Thank you for being so sweet and caring. God bless you, “Ma", “Teta”, “Grandma Joe". CLARA SAVIANO Br. 16, So. Chicago, IL By a unanimous vote at the March 9th meeting, the members chose Clara (Juliano) Saviano to be their 1996 Mother of the Year. Clara was born on the East Side of Chicago on May 5, 1911 so she will be celebrating her 85th birthday this year. On June 20, 1931, Clara married Emil Saviano at St. George Church. Clara said that Mrs. Ana Motz and her committee did a beautiful job of decorating the church for their wedding. Since Clara was very active in all programs offered at Calumet Park, the Director, Mr. Winigar, arranged for their reception to be held in the beautiful ballroom-like atmosphere of the Calumet Park Field House which was just 5 years old at that time. Clara said it was a grand affair with 200 guests, an orchestra, a traditional Italian meal and a Grand March. For their honeymoon, Clara and Emil made a trip around Lake Michigan. There was just one sad note to their wedding and that was that Clara does not have a picture to remember her beautiful wedding day because due to the depression era of the 1930’s, no one had a camera. Clara and Emil were blessed with 2 children, Rosemary Hernandez and Emil Saviano, Jr. also 9 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. She has 3 sisters, Sylvia Antonella, Palmera Rapaich, Elaine Pannunzio and her oldest sister, Bernice DeCero is deceased. When Clara was just 13 months, her Mother returned to Italy with 3 of the children and did not return to America ALL OUR MEMBERS ARE SPECIAL THIS YEAR AND EVERY YEAR! Our hearts and best wishes Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wisconsin to all who have been selected Br. 2, Chicago, Illinois by our membership as Mothers Br. 10, Cleveland, Ohio or Women of the Year 1996! Br. 13, San Francisco, California We extend our congratula- Br. 24, LaSalle, Illinois tions also to all members on this Br. 38, Chisholm, Minnesota special occasion! Br. 40, Lorain, Ohio Branches which will be hold- Br. 52, Kitzville, Minnesota ing special celebrations for Br. 54, Warren, Ohio their members without specify- Br. 55, Girard, Ohio ing any one member/mother Br. 56, Hibbing, Minnesota are the following: Br. 57, Niles, Ohio Br. 101, Bedford Hts., Ohio All the members of Br. 101, Bedford Hts., Ohio are honored this month at their Mother’s Day celebration! until New Year’s Eve of 1921. Clara and her husband owned Saviano’s Bakery on 95th Street for 40 years. Emil passed away on November 13, 1988. Clara’s hobbies are sewing, baking and cake decorating. She shares her delicious strudels, kolacky, pizzas, etc., with all the members of the various organizations she belongs to. Clara’s youthful nature is, no doubt, attributed to the busy life she leads in attending meetings, parties and affairs of all the organizations to which she belongs: East Side Lady Lions (of which she is a member for 41 years and has held every office in this organization), Confraternity of Christian Mothers of St. George Church, Slovenian Women’s Union, Branch No. 16, East Side Seniors, Golden Agers, Calumet Park Seniors and East Side Historical Society. One must admit that is quite a schedule for being 85 years, and not just being a member but actively attending and participating in all meetings and events. She is a remarkable woman! Clara is very active in our branch, attending meetings regularly bringing home-baked treats and performing the kitchen duties with Sylvia Spretnjak. She can always be counted on to appear in her beautiful Italian costume when we attend affairs where national costumes are worn. Clara is a loving, cooperative and generous person and we are proud to add her to the long list of honored Mothers of our branch. We look forward to Saturday, May 11th when she will be crowned 1996 Mother of the Year by our 1995 Mother of the Year, Mary Therese Ehnat. May you have a Happy Mother’s Day and be blessed with good health so that you will enjoy all the activities that keep you a youthful 85. We love you, Clara. Congratulations. Gladys K. Buck AGNES DOBCZYK Br. 20, Joliet, IL The Branch 20 members of Slovenian Women’s Union are very proud to introduce Agnes Dobczyk as our 1996 Woman of the Year. Agnes has been a member since 1978, and is currently in her 5th year as our Vice Presidednt. She was bom in Joliet, IL to Edward and Veronica (Luzbetak) Jankowski and is the youngest of eight children. She was educated at St. Thaddeus Grade School, Joliet Township High School and took a year of college business courses. For the past thirteen years, she has been employed as office secretary at St. Joseph’s Church in Joliet, and for six years has been a part-time sales associate at Rand’s Hallmark. She enjoys both jobs very much, even finding time to do volunteer work for the March of Dimes and ushering at the Rialto Theatre. In 1951, Agnes married Robert Dobczyk, together they had four children; two boys - Robert Jr. and Brian, two daughters - Roberta and Doreen. They have five grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Her family is her pride and joy. She loves to babysit and does whenever she can. Just recently, she enrolled her granddaughter and great granddaughter into Br. 20. Agnes relates this very special story about the year 1994, when after eighteen years of having only one grandchild (Stephanie) her family suddenly increased with the addition of 2 granddaughters and 1 great granddaughter all Agnes Dobczyk in one year! This was a very memorable time for them. Agnes is a friendly, outgoing person with a generous nature that endears her to all of us. Her list of hobbies includes a doll collection that she started in 1982, also, reading, travelling, bowling and dancing. She enjoys country-western music, but loves the polka best of all. As one of the most dedicated members, Agnes works hard for our branch. She has chaired several very successful bake sales, donates door prizes for our meetings and always helps with the annual Grape Festival Dance. Branch 20 selected her as an alternate delegate to the San Francisco National Convention in May, 1995. Some of you may remember her because she worked every day at our Heritage Booth. Her diligence and enthusiasm is evident in all that she does for our beloved organization. The greatest inspiration in her life was her mother, whose words of wisdom she will always treasure. Agnes is most appreciative and proud to have been chosen for this honor, and to now be in the company of so many distinguished women of years past. On Tuesday, May 2i, v:e will honor our Woman of the Year with a dinner banquet at the St. Joseph fark Hall. Congratulations, Agnes! FLORENCE MARKOVICH Br. 23, Ely, MN We are honored to have Florence Markovich as our Mother/Woman of the Year for 1996. She has been a member for 47 years! Florence has also been very active in our Dawn Club, having held every office there at different times in the past. Florence was bom in Superior, Wisconsin on July 12, 1920. Her family moved to Hibbing when she was very young, then when she was 8, they moved up to Ely where she grew up, attended Ely schools and has been a resident ever since. OnJune3, 1941 she married Joe Markovich and she says, “My mom was Polish, my dad was Bulgarian and I married a Slovenian — quite a union!” When asked if she remembers anything of her wedding day she laughs and says, “It rained and poured all day - my dress got so dirty and when we went to have our pictures taken, the photographer had to do them over because the flowers were drooping so much! What a day!” Her husband worked for U.S. Steel at the Pioneer Mine in Ely until the mine closed - then he worked for Reserve Mining in Babbitt until his retirement. During their years of marriage, Joe and Florence were avid campers, did a lot of fishing and used to travel in a camper all over the U.S. along with another couple. Florence said one of the most memorable trips was to the Black Hills in So. Dakota. Her dear husband passed away in 1988 after a' bout with cancer. Florence is a homemaker who loves gardening. All through the years she’s raised flowers that have decorated our church, plus added color to weddings, and she supplied her neighbors and friends with fresh vegetables for many years. She has always offered her time and help to older neighbors also, willing to take them shopping, to their doctor’s appointments, or just to be there for good company. Florence has also been active at St. Anthony’s Church, at times helping with any extra cleaning duties, plus helping at special dinners, such as the “Seder Supper” at Easter, any fundraising dinners and funeral lunches - and always being willing to pitch in if needed. She has done a lot of embroidery in her days, too, and has been a collector of cups and saucers, which she is gradually passing ahead to her granddaughters. Joe and Florence have a son, Jim, who works for Lake County as a Road Overseer. Jim and his wife, Shirley live in Ely and have two daughters, Michelle and Patricia - there are three grandchildren, too, namely Dillon, Lacey and Billy, all of them such a blessing to Florence. She gets to see them often and they all get together for holidays. Her granddaughters are learning many ethnic culinary arts from Florence and she says Michelle has learned to make potica as good as grandma’s - or even better at times! When the family gets together you can always see them carrying packages of these goodies home - the kind that only grandmas know how to make! Florence Markovich Florence had a heart attack two years ago which slowed her down for a while - but she is “back on track” with her volunteering now - spending every Wednesday at our local Senior Citizen’s Center helping prepare and serve dinner, and do the clean-up afterwards. She also helps to plan, prepare and serve the “once-a-month Sunday dinner” for seniors which is enjoyed be many (100+) eager older adults. This is such a worthy and necessary social event where volunteers like Florence are really appreciated. Most of Florence’s immediate family members have passed on, but the cousins do get together once in a while. In 1990 they had a big family reunion where they met relatives they had never seen and everyone had a great time! Now they try to “keep in touch” more often. Florence’s daily devotions to St. Jude have been an inspiration to all her family. Having grandchildren and great grandchildren has been her pride and joy. When asked about how she feels about being named Woman of the Year 1996 she replied in her modest way, “This is really a great honor, but I feel there are others more worthy!” So, thanks, Florence, for being a super member of SWU Br. 23 and for just being you and our WomanlMother of the Year! We love you. Reporter (My congratulations and lots of love, too. CL) JANET KRIVACIC Br. 25, Cleveland, OH The members of Branch 25 have proudly selected Jan Krivacic as our Woman of the Year. She has been a member for many years, and has missed few meetings. For the last 9 years she has been our recording secretary. That’s not the only reason she attends meetings. She believes that SWU is a great Slovenian organization, and that we should preserve it for the younger generation. The past year we have kept her busy with our preparations for the Ohio-Michigan Convention. As a result, she had to attend a few extra meetings without ever complaining. Jan is very considerate of others. After our meetings, she keeps our bingo games going by making sure that everyone has their refreshments, bingo cards, and also donates some of the beautiful gifts. She always has a kind word for anyone. She is always helpful, no matter what you ask her to do. Jan is a caring, thoughtful person. There are not enough words that would describe Jan Krivacic. C.K. Janet was born in Cleveland and is the daughter of John and Katherine Podržaj, two brothers, John and Edward complete the family. She went to St. Vitus and John Hay Commercial high school. Renee Doble She had a long employment, namely, having 8 years at G.E. and 24 years at Pick-N-Pay store. She was honored at retirement by her co-workers at a party held at the Brown Derby. Janet is very much involved in her lodge work. The Pension Club and Altar and Rosary Society of St. Vitus give her many chances to do her thing, cooking and helping out. Janet was married to Louis Krivacic for 48 years. Their marriage gave them a son, Louis, who is the father of three, Louis Eugene, at Akron Univ., David at Tri C and Katherine in the 8th grade. These grandchildren have stayed with them in their childhood years and received tender, loving care from grandma and grandpa. Janet says when they were bom, these were the most special events for her. Louis suffered from Lou Gehrig’s Disease and passed away seven years ago. During his illness, Janet cared for him with dedication and love. Jan loves to work with president Fran and secretary Cirila. It has been her legacy because her mom was a devoted member of Br. 25 and Janet just does the same. “She really belongs to all of us at Br. 25,” says Cirila. Congratulations, Jan! You deserve the best! RENEE C (STEIN) DOBLE Br. 33, Duluth, MN Renee C. (Stein) Doble was voted as our “Mother of the Year”, 1996 for Branch 33, Duluth, MN of which she has been a member for 35 years. She is a lifelong member of St. Elizabeth Church and the Gary-New Duluth Community. Renee was bom in Duluth, Dec. 8, 1925, is now 70, was youngest in a family of a brother and two sisters to German parents. Since she only weighed two pounds at birth she was placed in a cigar box lined with cotton on an open oven door to keep warm. Renee went to Stowe Elementary and to Morgan Park High School. She married Wesley Doble July 19, 1943. Wesley was in the Invasion of Normandy in World War II. He retired from U.S. Steel (32 years) and from Hallet Wire (13 years.) Renee worked at Walgreen’s, Newberry’s, Glass Block, and retired from Nopeming Nursing home after 17-1/2 years, where she was active in Local 38 Union. They have three children: Sharon Dillon, Donna Collard and Steven. Also, on the death of her sister, Leona, Renee and Wesley took in her 15 year old son to live with them until he went into the service. They have added 5 grandsons and a granddaughter as well as two great grandchildren to their family. Renee took part in many activities: Club Scout Den Mother; Girl Scouts, Home Room mother, skiing, Stowe and Morgan Park PTA. Helped to get first speech teacher at Stowe. She has been secretary of St. Elizabeth Women’s Counsel. Active in VFW 6320 Auxiliary, Gary-New Duluth Senior Center, she is auditor, arts and crafts chairman, ceramics co-chairman, and “volunteer driver”. The family gets together for Christmas, birthdays and any special occasion so she can enjoy all of her family. Her most fond memory is the time her children and grandchildren honored them with an Open House for their 50th Anniversary July 1993. “Greatest Inspiration” in life are her sisters, Irene and Leona. She also has a great devotion to Our Blessed Mother. Renee has always been active in the activities of our branch. She has been Auditor many times, chairman of “Penny Social” 4 years, and as “Knife” chairman for 21 years, her sales has added a great deal to our treasury. She has served at dinners, funerals, etc. Her daughter, Donna, is also a member. Her hobbies include her yard and flower gardens, ceramics, crafts, Bingo, “bargain” shopping and playing Skippo with sister, Irene (now living at St. Ann’s) and niece, Diana. Renee feels very honored at being honored as “Mother of the Year”. To be chosen by our membership, and with God’s help, will continue in the work and “friendship” of S.W.U. Although short in stature, greyhaired with blue eyes, adjectives that describe her are: generous, hospitable, talkative, a leader. We all know and love her as wife, mother, sister, neighbor, friend. Following Mass on May 1st, Renee will be honored at St. Elizabeth Parish Hall with family and friends present. Come and join us as we celebrate this marvelous “Evening to Remember’’ with Renee. Lois Pelander, Reporter MARY GORNICK Br. 34, Soudan, MN Each year, when I write up our Mother of the Year, it amazes me to think we have women in our branch who have led such interesting, wonderful lives. Our Mother of the Year for this year is most unique — Mary Ann Tekautz Gomick had as her godmother for Baptism, the founder of Branch 34 of Soudan, Frances Loushine! In fact, Mr. & Mrs. Loushin were godparents of all the Tekautz family, which included besides Mary, John Jr., Frank, Edward, Domnick, Charles, Anthony and Ann. Mary was born in Soudan on January 17, 1906, the daughter of John and Anna (Mam) Tekautz. Her father, John was bom in Ribnica, Slovenia and mother, Anna was from Jurjeviča, Slovenia. They arrived in the U.S. separately, met and later married in Tower. Mrs. Loushine was instrumental in bringing them to this country by paying for their passages, which they reimbursed her for later. John and Ann Mary Gornick had their wedding portrait taken at the Lang’s Photo Studio in Tower. The Tekautz family lived in a home on Fourth Street in Soudan, Mary remembers only living in that home. The family included John Jr., who was a twin (the twin sister died at birth). He married Agnes Skala of Tower and Agnes is a member of our branch; Frank married Mary Zobitz; Edward died at age 17 when he was accidentally shot by his own gun while hunting rabbits near Soudan; Domnick married Angela Pechek of Ely, who is also a member of our branch; Charles married Gladys Axelson of Tower; Anthony married Christina Merhar of Ely and Ann married Joe Skala of Tower. Because her mother became ill Mary had to leave school in the 11th grade, when brother, Tony, was only 11 years old. She then cared for the family. A brother, Edward died first, then the father, then the mother, in a period of 1-1/2 years. Mary married Joseph Gomick of Tower on August 24, 1929, wearing the traditional white gown and veil she had bought in Virginia and she carried a bouquet of flowers which was bought for her by Joe. They were married by Father John Jershe in St. Martin’s Church. The Gomick family hosted the wedding dinner. John Tekautz and Julia Gomick were their attendants. The day after the wedding, a dance was held in their honor at the Catholic Men’s Club in Soudan. They took a trip to Duluth for their honeymoon! This was depression time so even that trip to Duluth was a big thing in those days. After their honeymoon, Joe and Mary lived in the Tekautz home in Soudan for one year and then moved to their own home; she still lives there today, in Tower. Her brothers Nick, Charlie and Tony lived with Joe and Mary until they married. She has lived in her comfortable cozy home for 65 years, still maintains it and does all her own housework and cooking. Joe and Mary had three children, the first was Mary Ann, who later married Donald Berg of Tower. Mary Ann attended the Duluth Business University in Duluth and was then employed at the State Bank of Tower. Mary Ann and Don have five children. The second child, Margaret, graduated from the College of St. Scholastica in Duluth as a Medical Technologist, and lives in Scottsdale, AZ. Margie and her husband have six children. So Mary has 11 grandchildren, 18 great grandchildren, with another due to be bom in August. The third child, Joseph Jr. was a graduate of the University of MN, Duluth, with a degree in Elementary Education. He taught for one year in Babbitt, MN, but was tragically killed in a car accident on the Ely-Tc-#. er Road on August 7, 1964, a severe blow to all of them. As if this wasn’t enough for her to bear, Joe Sr. was killed in an accident while changing oil in his car in their garage; this took place on November 4, 1971. Our communities were shocked by this, also. Joe Gomick was the son of Anton and Frances Gomick and was bom on February 6, 1904 in Tower. His family included Joe, Tony, Julia, Theresa and Ralph plus two sets of twins who died soon after birth. Anton had a grocery-meat business in Tower, so his sons, Joe, Tony and Ralph were in business with the father. Joe also worked in the Soudan Mine for 15 years, transferred to the Pioneer Mine in Ely and then retired, he also owned and operated a bottle gas business in Tower before he went to work in the mines. In 1938 Joe built a cabin for them on Eagles Nest Lake #3. Joe Skala built a cabin on lots by Joe & Mary; John Tekautz then bought lots and built a cabin in the same area. Nick Tekautz followed to build one a short distance away. They have had many good times together, with lamb roasts, etc. and singing was always included. The Tekautz family always was heard singing at wedding celebrations. Nick, age 85 and Mary, age 90, are the only family members left. Mary has enjoyed good health during the years. She had pneumonia this past year and has had two surgeries, but, other than that, she is in very good “shape” for her age. She loves to play cards and reads current best sellers — at age 90,1 think that’s great! She has spent time in Florida and Arizona with her daughters and traveled to her homeland along the Adriatic and attended Mass in Rome on a tour in 1973. She enjoys crocheting and knitting, makes doilies, afghans, mittens, stockings, tossle caps and is known for her lovely covered hangars, which she offers as prizes, etc. She helps out granddaughter, Dawn Marie, with craft items when she has her Christmas boutiques and also daughter, Mary Ann’s boutique at Christmas. All the Slovenian dishes and baked items she has made, walnut poticas and apple strudels. Dawn’s husband especially enjoys apple strudel and asks her to make them. Her home is always open to her grandchildren. She had her own car and drove until she was 83 years old. Besides being a member of Branch 34 and served as treasurer and currently is an auditor, she belongs to the Senior Citizens of Eagles Nest, the Tower Cemetery Assn.; at one time she belonged to the Catholic Women’s Council of St. Martin’s, and was a member of St. Martin’s St. Mary’s Circle until four years ago. Mary was honored at an open house held in January 1996 for her 90th birthday. It was attended by over 100 people, in spite of the bad weather we were having. Daughter, Margie Ahearn surprised her mother by coming from Scottsdale for her birthday and then spent two months with her, which Mary really enjoyed. Two granddaughters, Patty Rovzar from California and Mary Jo Coldwell from Florida also surprised Mary by coming to her party. Margie plans to visit the Holy Land in June and might be able to stop back in MN when Tower-Soudan celebrates an allclass reunion the 4th of July weekend. Branch 34 of Soudan was founded on October 6, 1929, and Mary was there when they had their first meeting and remembers they met on Sunday afternoons at Mrs. Loushine’s home. They enjoyed singing Slovenian songs at their meetings. We honored Mary as our Mother of the year in 1963 and we again are honored to have her with us in 1996, the only surviving charter member, as our Mother of the Year. We hope you will continue to have the good health in mind and body for many years to come, Mary. May God Bless You! Adeline Mustonen, Reporter ANNE ORAZEM Br. 35, Aurora, MN Mother of the Year for 1996 is Anne Orazem, 16 North First Street East, Aurora, MN 55705. She has been a member of Branch 35 for 17 years, was recording secretary and is currently ZARJA reporter. Branch 35’s Mother of the Year, Anne Orazem, has always been “Mother of the Year” for her children: Suzanne, Anthony (known to many as Tony “O”), Paul and Kathleen! We’d like to tell you a little about this lovely lady-our Mom! Mom was born in Buhl, MN on July 24, 1919, to Matt and Mary (Kasteltz) Kolak. Her Dad was Croatian and Mother was Slovenian. Mom was the oldest in the family of five girls and one boy. She grew up in Keewatin, MN and graduated from R.L. Downing High School in 1937. While she was working in Keewatin she met our Dad, Tony Orazem. Dad and Mom were engaged on Valentine’s Day 58 years ago and they were married on June 18, 1938, at the Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Aurora, MN, Tony’s hometown. Mom has been active in the Holy Rosary Church as a guild chairperson and taught catechism. She’s presently working with the Holy Rosary Happy Quilters. Of course we can’t forget all those years in Girl Scouting with Suzanne and Kathleen or all the sewing and craft projects that made all the holidays special, as well as being the best ‘homemaker’ anyone could ask for. There was always room for ‘one more’ at our table. Family and friends were welcome in our home and were always ‘dropping in’ and greeted with a cup of coffee and a little ‘something’. Dad said our home was the ‘United Nations’, ready to help anyone and everyone! Mom began a family tradition by baking favorite birthday cakes from scratch for everyone. She never turned down a special request for a birthday or favorite food when we would return home for visits. Traditional Želodec (Easter Pastry), poticas, strudels, etc. were taught to her daughters to carry on the family traditions. We all grew up with ethnic foods as well as whatever dad, Tony “O” and Paul brought home: venison, partridge, rabbit, pheasant and fish (caught year around and served every Friday). She’s always there when we need her to listen to us and give advice. “Grandma Anne” or “Nan’s” seven grandchildren are the greatest loves of her life. She’s been there when each one was bom and taught us all so much about raising them to be the fine young people they are all turning out to be. Grandma Anne/Nan has been at birthdays, baptisms, First Communions, Confirmations, graduations, basketball, football, and baseball games as well as piano recitals-always there with a loving ‘you did a wonderful job’ and a hug and a kiss. In October she’ll attend her oldest grandson, Mark’s, wedding. Suzanne, Kathleen, Linda and all six grandsons are members of Branch 35. She’s also been active in numerous other organizations as well as presently serving a second term as Minn. State SWU Vice President. Mom has attended all State Conventions and five National Conventions. She was an alternate delegate in 1991 and a delegate in 1995. Dad attended the conventions in Joliet and San Francisco with her. Mom is past secretary, vice president and president of the American All Slav club and presently trustee of the American All Slav Association. She worked on all Grape Festivals, picnics and ethnic bake sales. She was able to secure material through Corinne Leskovar for the members to make up their National Slovenian costumes. Mom helped organize the concert and dance by the Lojze Slak Ansambel from Slovenia in 1985 which brought in a record crowd. Mom also belongs to the American Legion Auxiliary, Women of the Moose, Sr. Citizens of Aurora, Sr. Federation, and A ARP. She and dad were past members of the Range Polka Club, the Laurentian and Club ‘50’ Dance Clubs and Mom and Dad served as Vice President and President for both dance clubs. Mom went to work part-time at the Cina Cafeteria when Kathleen was in Sr. High School. Mom and dad were married for 57-1/2 years when dad passed away last November. They were the stronghold of our family and mom remains strong, even while missing her ‘best friend’. A special family event was mom and dad’s 50th wedding anniversary on June 18, 1988. Family and friends attended a special Mass. Celebrant was Fr. John Sustarsic with songs sung by the Slovenian Choir. Following the mass was a reception at the American Legion Clubrooms. The Polka Chimes provided the music. Family and friends made the dinner rolls, walnut potica, krofe and wedding anniversary cake to add to the dinner catered by Zup’s. Dad said this was a milestone for them. The first Kolak family reunion was held at Twin Lakes in 1993, which brought 50 members together. A fun time was had by all! Family: 1941 was a busy year for mom and dad. They were blessed with a little girl - Suzanne and moved to Cleveland. Dad worked in a defense plant for 2-1/2 years and then they returned to Aurora as they didn’t want to raise their family in the city. Suzanne lives with her husband Dick in Roscommon, Ml. She has a degree in physical and health education from University of MN-Duluth and has taught at the high school and college level. Currently she is teaching mentally and physically handicapped adults at a sheltered workshop. Suzanne also teaches ‘Little One’s Liturgy’ at her church. Dick is retired and is currently raising horses and hunting dogs. They have two sons, Mark and Paul. Mark graduated from Michigan Tech in 1993 with a degree in metallurgical engineering and is presently General Manager and metallurgical engineer at International Casting Corp. in New Baltimore, MI. Paul is a student in business at Michigan State University. Tony “O” lives in Aurora and works at Bradach Lumber True Value as Yard Manager. He graduated from Bemidji State with a degree in Industrial Arts Education. He is a member of the volunteer fire department and is Second Commander of the American Legion. He enjoys hunting and fishing with his nephews at his dome home on Armstrong Lake as well as doing some trapping. Paul and his family live in Isle, MN. He is a graduate of Bemidji State University and has taught Industrial Technology and Drivers Education at the Isle High School for 25 years. He serves as the local Fire Chief and is on the zoning commission. His wife, Linda, is a graduate of University of MN-Duluth and teaches fourth grade at the Isle Elementary School. She is active on the Faith Lutheran Chruch Council. They spend much of their time watching their two boys play sports. Joe, 17, is a Junior at Isle High. He’s active in football, basketball and baseball. Joe is also a member of the National Honor Society. Bob, 15, is a freshman and also is active in football, basketball and baseball. Bob will be confirmed this spring. Living on Mille Lacs Lake, the family enjoys what the lake has to offer year around. Kathleen’s family lives in Minnetonka, MN. She graduated from Eveleth Tech and prevously worked for the FBI in Washington, DC and Los Angeles, CA and Dow Chemical Co. in Minnetonka, MN. Since 1989 she has been an Administrative Assistant in Inside Sales for Triad, an electronics rep firm (dealing mostly in video games) and spends the majority of her time handling the Best Buy Co. account. She also is a Room Parent and Den Leader for David. Her husband Bob is a Global Account Manager with Dow Chemical Company and travels from Zurich to Mexico City. In his ‘spare’ time he coaches the boys in Lit- A kitten purring, soft and white, bedtime prayers said by candlelight... A mother’s tender lullaby that hushes baby’s lonely cry... A father’s gentle table grace within a humble dwelling place... A singing choir on Sunday morn praising the day that Christ was born... A friendly voice on the telephone recalling mem’ries you thought were gone. A wedding march in early June promises made on a honeymoon... Singing birds in a sycamore tree, a laughing child on Grandpa’s knee... The mournful cooing of a dove these, my friend, are the sounds of love! Clay Harrison tie League and Babe Ruth baseball. Kathleen and Bob have three children. Cheri graduated from University of WI - LaCrosse and is a Eating Disorders Coordinator at Methodist Hospital in St. Louis Park, MN. James is an active 8th grader involved in baseball, basketball, being a percussionist in band and taking piano lessons. He is active at church as an acolyte and as a member of the bell choir. David is in third grade and keeps busy with Cub Scouts, piano lessons, baseball and basketball. Kathleen’s family enjoys spending time at their lake cabins on Armstrong Lake. They enjoy time spent there and having Uncle Tony “O” as their neighbor across the lake. There’s not enough words to express the dedication mom has for her family and friends. We can’t begin to tell you all she means to us. She has taught us what it means to be a wonderful Christian lady in every sense of the word. Thanks mom, for always being there for us, whether we needed a shoulder to cry on, a helping hand and baby sitter and most of all for your love and friendship. Love from us all! Suzanne, Tony “O”, Paul & Kathleen KATHLEEN RIORDAN Br. 39, Biwabik, MN Our Woman of the Year for Branch 39, Biwabik, Minnesota is Kathleen (Perpich) Riordan. She has worked at several full and part-time jobs since 1974; and since 1982 has been a secretary in the Elementary Schools for the Eveleth-Gilbert school district. Kathy is an excellent cook. She belongs to a “Gourmet” Club that meets once a month, taking turns cooking a meal from an assigned category. She has amassed a large collection of cookbooks, and is hoping to work her way through them with at least one new recipe each week. Her family and friends are the lucky recipients of these experiments in the culinary arts. Kathy also collects dolls, with special love for “Barbies, old and new; and “Gone with the Wind items, including Scarlet O’Hara dolls. She also has an extensive collection of Santa Claus figures. Kathy and her husband, Tim Riordan have been married for 10 years and live in Virginia, MN. Tim is an active member of Lion’s Clubs International, serving as District Governor for 95-96. Kathleen Riordan Together they have traveled extensively this past year for the Lions, including a memorable trip in the summer of 1995 to Hong Kong and Seoul,-Korea. Tim is a business teacher at the Duluth Business University and is currently working on his Masters Degree in management at the College of St. Scholastica in Duluth, MN. Kathy is the mother of three children: Laura Maki, age 22, who works in Duluth following her May, 95 graduation from the College of St. Scholastica. Melissa Maki (age 19) who is a Junior at St. Cloud State University, and Patrick Riordan (age 9) who is in the fourth grade. Her daughters come home frequently, and Melissa still lives at home during the summer months. Patrick is involved in summer basketball and winter hockey programs, so he keeps both mom and dad very busy attending his sports activities. This honor is very special to me because I am proud of my heritage and proud to be a member of SWU. 1 have not been very active in SWU because the demands of work and family don’t leave mea lot of extra time. But I am especially proud of my mother, Jean Korsman, and her leadership role in SWU. She takes great pleasure in preserving Slovenian traditions for our family, and through her involvement in SWU has helped ensure this preservation for future generations of Slovenian descent. One person who has been a great inspiration to me is my grandmother, Annie Purkat. I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world, the opportunity I had to grow up living just down the block from Grandma. She always was active and didn’t know the meaning of the word “idle”. She was an excellent cook, a talented seamstress, an avid, experi- Kathy has been a big help to Branch 39 when her typing talents were needed, pitching in whenever called on. She has typed and designed the programs for our “Woman of the Year” dinner meetings for the past several years, along with numerous other letters and articles for use in the Branch. She has joined the groups’ festivities at the annual Christmas party, and the gala celebration of our “Mothers” dinners, especially rejoicing when the Honor went to Grandma Purkat, Aunt Jane Purkat and mother, Jean Korsman. Kathy is always warmly welcomed at Branch activities. All three of her children are enrolled in SWU so the group hopes they will have the opportunity and be persuaded to join us actively in the future. Kathy is tall and statuesque with a ready smile and sparkling dark eyes. She is a fun-loving and spirited gal who always has a positive attitude and an encouraging, up-beat manner. Kathy has many friends because of this warm and compassionate nature, and will find time, no matter how busy, to do a favor. She is a thoughtful and calming presence in any crisis, a loyal and trusted friend and confidante, and has proved many times to be a “friend indeed, to any friend in need.” Branch 39 salutes Kathy Riordan, our first third-generation (young) “Woman of the Year". Reporter enced gardener, a berry-picker, and a traveler; (She continued to drive well into her 80’s) She was an expert at painting and wallpapering, and even did furniture upholstering! (There was very little she couldn’t do)! Best of all, she had patience with me and all of her grandchildren (28 others) and always had TIME for us all. I often was invited to spend the night when I was young. We would sit in front of the television watching “Gunsmoke” or “Bonanza”, two of her favorite shows. She would serve melty ice cream on a TV tray, (which was my favorite snack). In the morning she’d let me drink coffee (with lots of milk and sugar). My grandma has always been open-minded, quick to praise and encourage, and slow to criticize or condemn. (She turned 94 years old on Easter Sunday.) Happy birthday, grandma! Kathy ANNE ELISE KONCZAL Br. 43, Milwaukee, WI Slovenian Women’s Union Br. 43 have proudly chosen, Anne Elise Konc-zal, as their “Woman of the Year.” She is our reporter and a very active member of thirty-one years, two of which she served as a President. Anne is an attractive blue-eyed, gray-haired, smiling person with a gracious attitude. There are many facets to Anne Konc-zal’s personality. First of all, she is a deeply religious person whose belief in God never wavers. Second, her philosophy of life is that, “in giving ourselves to others in love and understanding, and in getting to know the needs of others, we bring joy to our hearts.” Anne Konczal Anne was bom in 1915 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She has one brother, Attorney Joseph Prelaznik, residing in Madison. She attended elementary and vocational school and has just recently become a licenced life insurance agent. Upon her sixteenth birthday Anne started working in a factory and stayed there for 32-1/2 years. The last twenty years she worked in secretarial and accounting positions. Anne will always remember the special day in her life, her wedding day on February 8, 1936. “A beautiful morning, a terrible snowstorm in the afternoon, and a deserted city under a snow blanket in the evening!” Two children were bom of her marriage to Kasimir. Her husband died after thirty-one years of marriage. Her daughter, Mary resides in Ap-pache Junction, Arizona. Her son, Harry, in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin. She is very proud of her five grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Her fondest memory, “is witnessing the marriage of her lovely daughter as a beautiful bride.” Anne is very proud of the accomplishments of her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. The highlights of her life were the two parties given in her honor by her family and friends for her 75th and 80th birthdays. Anne’s skills are many and varied, she can knit and crochet, but her hobby is baking. She can bake a feast for any occasion, her cheese strudel is known and enjoyed by all! When asked to help by the many organizations and groups to which she belongs, she never says no. Anne stated that it is an honor to be chosen as Woman of the Year. S.W.U. Br. 43 salutes a lady who loves greatly and serves quietly. Congratulations and our best wishes for many more years of good health and happiness! Anne will be honored on Wednesday May 22, at 1:00p.m. luncheon at Olive Garden on So. 76th Street. Everyone is invited to attend this celebration. Josephine Janezic DOROTHYANN WINTER Br. 50, Euclid, OH Dorothyann was bom February 19th, 1947 and has a younger sister, Alyce Marie, her parents are of Croatian/ Slovenian descent. The family home is on Neff Road. She attended Memorial Elem. School and Collinwood High School, graduating in 1965. She took a Business Education Course and earned the rating as tops in her typing class - at 70 words per minute, no errors! After graduation, she started working at Progressive Insurance Company and has been with them for 31 years. She types for the Ohio Division. She also does photography and takes pictures of new hires; celebrates 5, 10, 15 year service anniversaries. She belongs to the 20+ club. She enjoys traveling, walking and reading. She travels with Milan Tours. She and her mom will be leaving shortly on their 80th trip to the Grand Canyon. She enjoys visiting the Slovene Home for the Aged often as quite a few members of our branch reside there. She’s single and enjoys doing things with her parents. Her sister, Alyce is a former beautician and currently works at Parker Hannifin. Her father, Louis is retired from General Motors (formerly Fisher Body Euclid Plant), while mom is a homemaker. Dorothyann and Alyce arranged a 50th Wedding Anniversary party for their parents on November 3rd, 1991. Dorothyann Winter Dorothyann belongs to St. Mary’s Church in Collinwood. Her parents were married there; both she and her sister were baptized there; and made Holy Communion and Confirmation also. Dorothyann says her greatest inspiration are her wonderful parents! “They were always there when needed, with homework; school projects such as gathering leaves and buckeyes and later in high school - taking me every day for driving lessons. To this day, dad reminds me “Be a Leader, not a follower.” When my sister, Alyce and I were in grade school we went on educational summer vacations such as Wash. D.C.; Boston, Mass. Later on, while in high school, we travelled to Florida; Hawaii and Canada. I’ve been in Europe 3 times; all the World Fairs except Japan. While in Europe I visited both grandmother’s birth places - to think I probably walked “in their footsteps” brings fond memories today. I have no regrets making all the trips abroad. Today - I continue taking in as much as possible in the U.S. There is so much to see in this beautiful land of ours.” She shares some fond memories over the years: “Tobogganing at Aunt Jen’s and Uncle Dolph’s (Jane/Adolph Som-rack) house; going dressed as a hobo (cork face and all) with my cousin, Joan; anxiously awaiting the arrival of Santa Clause; going to Euclid Beach park (5 min. down street in the old neighborhood); always playing the patient while my sister played Doctor; at the old house (grandma and grandpa living downstairs) while we lived upstairs - being with them every day. “I’m proud to be a member of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America, Branch 50. I miss the ladies Linda Costell and the day-time meetings but try to attend other functions. I keep in touch with many of the members. I enjoy being a Marie Prisland Cadet and try to attend services for members if time allows. I’ve been to Duluth and Hib-bing, MN for Nat’l. Conventions. I attend Ohio/Michigan State Conventions - and enjoy meeting officers and members from all branches. I try to be of any assistance if needed by my branch”. Woman of the Year, Dorothyann is a member of Br. 50 for over 20 years; she was our branch Vice President for 7 years and her mother and two aunts are all members also. Dorothy Ann does a lot of typing for our branch. She is a happy, friendly young lady always smiling and giving compliments. She was a good fund raiser and donated a lot. We miss her at our meetings, since they are during the day now for the last three years. She is all "heart" and we love her. Br. 50 will honor her on May 16th at the Alexander’s Restaurant on E. 222nd St. and Lake Shore Blvd. Please keep this date open for our Dorothyann. Ann J. Tercek LINDA M. COSTELL Br. 100, Fontana, CA Woman of the Year, Linda Costell is an asset to the County of San Bernardino for more than 30 years! During that time she has been employed as a financial interviewer for the California Children’s Services and helps with the program to supply medical care for handicapped children. It is a job that requires the kind of person that Linda is, conscientious, pleasant and easy to talk to! Linda fulfills all the requirements to which her sister members at Br. 100 can attest for she is the same sweet generous person with them. Linda is a member for 8 years and reporter for ZARJA for five years. Her mother, Clarissa Costell is also a member. The family came to live in California in 1960 when Linda was 14. She completed her grade school and junior high at Massillon, Ohio where she was bom on Nov. 18, 1945. She has a sister, ROSE REPASKY Br. 73, Warrensville, OH It’s nice to hear compliments such as those about Rose Repasky of Br. 73. The members say, “Rose is a very sweet friend and pleasant member. All of us wish her well and that she will be in our midst for many more years!” They love having her attend meetings and all the functions of the branch and thank her for her generosity in monetary donations given for whatever activities they have. Rose was selected as Mother of the Year in recognition of her long term membership - 60 years! She was also secretary for four years from 1936 to 1940. She is now 85 years young and lives in Mantua, Ohio with her son, Jim. There she enjoys being with her two grandchildren. She also has a daughter, Mary Louise. Rose was bom in Warrensville Hts., on Sept. 6, 1911. She attended school there and graduated from Bedford High. Married to Ed Repasky, they made their home in Maple Hts. “Congratulations from all of us to our chosen Mother of the Year!” Jean Turnbull to whom she is very close. Linda also plays the button box ac-cordian and belongs to the Fontana Slovene Button Box Club. She collects commemorative tins and loves to watch figure ice skating. The best event in her life, she says, was traveling to Slovenia, once in 1982 with her sister, Jean and the second trip in 1985 when she toured Croatia, Austria and Slovenia where she met and became very fond of the Kastelic side of her family. Linda, who is slim, tall and has brown hair and eyes and is unmarried says the greatest inspiration in her life came from her parents and sister. In particular, she remembers her father, Frank, who instilled in her a love for the Slovenian culture and people. Frank also played the accordian and spoke Slovenian. He passed away in 1986 and is still missed. Her mom, she says, is not only “mom” but also “friend” and sister, Jean is her best friend. Most heartfelt congratulations and admiration from Br. 100! JOANNE TRUNKEL Br. 102, Willard, WI I lived on a dairy farm with my parents and my 3 brothers and 3 sisters. I was the 3rd oldest. There was always something to do. When we were not working we liked to play “Indians” across the road on the hill we lived next to. We also did a lot of climbing up that hill to the fire tower on top. You could pick some of the best blackberries on that hill. I should know, Dad and Uncle Leo would make us stay there all day sometimes. I went to the country school in Willard for my 1st year but then because of overcrowding they moved my 2nd grade class to the “big” school in Greenwood which was 8 miles away. It was different but I stayed there until I graduated from high school. After high school I worked as a waitress for a while and then for the Thorp Finance Company. After I got married I stayed at home to raise our children and to do some child care for others. For the last 6 years I have worked for the local grocery store. I also cook at my brother’s restaurant part-time. I enjoy doing many different kinds of crafts. The main one is glass etching. I have been doing it for about 13 years. I also enjoy sewing, reading, and singing. I sing with our church choir and our Slovenian Singers group. My husband, Bob, to whom I’ve been married for 22 years, and I live just outside Greenwood where he is a lineman for the local power company. We have raised 3 wonderful children. Christine will graduate in May from UW-Green Bay. She will then be moving to Texas. Christine is also a member of branch 102 and was a 1992 recipient of the SWU Scholarship. Jeff is a sophomore at UW-Stevens Point, he is majoring in History and also enjoys playing football and baseball. Richard is a freshman at UW-Stevens Point. He’s not sure what he would like to do but if it involved playing his drum set he would be very happy. Bob and I have spent a lot of our time in the last several years following our children to their various events in both high school and college. My daughter, Christine and I have tried to do what we could for our branch, mostly through our creative talents. I would have to say my husband and children have been my greatest inspiration. they have always encouraged me to try to do the things I wanted to and supported me through them. Although I am younger than the other members of my branch I enjoy working and visiting with them and am honored that they have chosen me as their Mother of the Year. JILL AUGUSTINE Br. 103, Washington, D.C. Mother of the Year 1996 is Jill Augustine, our President of Branch 103 since 1995. She joined SWU in 1994. Jill was bom in Waukegan, IL to Pauline Grum Caldwell and C.W. Caldwell. At 3 years of age she lived with her Slovenian grandparents when her mother was hospitalized for tuberculosis. This was the beginning of her strong devotion and ties to her grandparents and her Slovenian heritage. When she attended Marquette U. Jill met her husband, Robert an engineering student. She worked for 2 years as a stewardess for Delta Airlines and then married in 1960. After her 2 children were sufficiently grown she resumed her education and eventually graduated in 1982 from the U. of WI/Milwaukee with a fine arts degree (majoring in art metals, with a minor in fiber arts). She exhibited her art work at various Midwest colleges and universities, received Jill Augustine accolades, awards and sold her art. Her art was also featured in Metalsmith magazine. Jill spent a semester studying textiles and related arts in China. (“We were the first foreign art group to be invited to study in China since 1949. China was just opening its doors to the west, and we and our artwork were a real curiosity to the Chinese.”) Traveled while in China to other tourist, educational, and art centers. Post graduate courses in both metal and fiber arts. After graduation from UWM Jill established a workshop where she fabricated and sold jewelry “incorporating my art pieces with ethnic treasures I collected from our travels to foreign countries.” While living abroad she bought and sold Asian artifacts. She has interesting hobbies! “We use to ski when the children were growing up. Right now, however, my husband and I are great enthusiasts of Scuba diving. We became certified divers while living in Singapore in 1988. Living in the region gave us access to some of the most exotic and best diving spots in the world. Since discovering this sport I have abandoned the cold snow for warm water and beautiful fish and corals. Our long-standing hobbies are hiking, nature studies and traveling. In our many travels, Robert and I have managed to combine all 3. We hiked to the top of Mount Kinabalu in Borneo, I climbed a volcano on Banda Is. in Indonesia, as well as mountains in the Rockies and along the Appalachian trail. We are always thrilled to see the wildlife along the way. Next we hope to climb Mt. Triglav in Slovenia as soon as our daughter Paige’s busy work schedule will allow her to join us.” “A personal interest of mine has always been in world cultures and religions. I have been blessed with the exciting experience of living amongst, traveling and studying the major world religions and cultures. Living in both Iran and Singapore were two wonderful opportunities to experience other cultural traditions first hand. I guess I was conditioned from childhood to be aware, respectful, and curious about other peoples origins and beliefs. My mother is a Catholic Slovene, my father was an English Protestant, my friends have always been a wonderful mix of all colors and religions. Throughout all of this, however, there was never any doubt who I was. I am proud to be an American-Slovenian. “Since moving back to the Washington, D.C. area, one of my greatest pleasures has been to become involved in the Slovenian community. Another great joy has been to travel to Slovenia to meet our many cousins. We now reglarly correspond and are planning to visit there again soon.” Of her immediate family members, Jill writes: “My husband, Robert, my hero, will soon retire. His love of travel is legendary and his support and encouragement of all things Slovenian is both touching and heartfelt. Our son, Mark works and lives in Milwauee, W1 with his wife Joan and son, Paul, our 1st grandchild! At 2 and 1/2 Paul’s the star of the family. Our daughter, Paige lives in Pasadena, CA and works in the film industry as a set decorator. All of the above encompass my most rewarding jobs of being a wife, mother and now an enthusiastic grandmother. “My mother, Polly, who moved here 3 years ago, is both my role model and my dearest friend. Her guidance, love and support while growing up, often through very difficult times, was awe inspiring. Her sense of humor and joy of life is infectious. She can still make me laugh like no one else can. Now that she is 81 those same qualities are making the burden of growing old more manageable. I am so lucky to have her for my mom! “To be chosen as the Mother of the Year is an honor I will long cherish! I only wish grandpa and grandma Grum and mother’s sister Ana were still here to enjoy this honor with me. Along with mother they taught me much about what it is to be Slovenian. They would be so proud! In honoring me in this way you honor them as well. Thank you.” It’s such a pleasure to have Jill among us and to have this opportunity to honor her in this way. All our best wishes! VALERIA JACKLICH Br. 105, Detroit, MI Branch 105 is proud to introduce our Mother of the Year for 1996 - Valeria Jacklich. She was bom to Joseph and Anna Koss, who were both bom in Slovenia when it was part of the Aust-rian-Hungarian Empire. Val has four siblings - sister, Olga Malnar (her twin); two brothers, Herman and Adolph, and one other sister, Elsie Flack. The children were bom in Newark, Ohio before the Koss family moved to Detroit for better opportun-ties. The Koss twins graduated from Pershing High school during the depths of the depression and went to work at a series of low-paying jobs. In 1935, Valeria married Joseph Jacklich. They have one son, Joel, who lives in El Centro, California with his wife, Judy and daughter, Barbara. During the years of World War II, when Joe was in the Service, Val moved back home and went to work for Chrysler Corporation. After adopting Joel in 1948, Val stayed at home to care for her family. She was a Den Mother for the Cub scouts at that time. When Joel was fourteen, Val went back to the business world as a teller for City National Bank where she had the dubious experience of being robbed. In 1986, Val lost her husband, Joe, after 51 years of marriage and a new phase of her life began. She toured Slovenia for the first time with her sister, Olga. They located the houses where their parents were bom and met cousins on both sides of their family. Being a Slovenian has always been important to Val and her family. She has held many offices in the Young American Lodge of the SNPJ and was a delegate to two National Conventions. As a member of Branch 105, Val is a very active, attending most meetings and social events. She can always be counted on to lend a hand whenever and wherever she is needed. Proud mother that she is, Val reports that son, Joel, who teaches music at the Imperial Valley College in California, was named outstanding teacher of the year. He also conducts the Imperial Valley Symphony Orchestra. Granddaughter, Barb, is the apple of grandma’s eye. She is 17 years old now and is a very lovely young lady. We had the pleasure of meeting her a couple of years ago when she was here to visit grandma. Val’s love for her Slovenian heritage is a testament to her parents who taught her to appreciate the culture and the music of her ancestors. Before her husband, Joe’s, death, they could be found on the dance floor enjoying the polkas and waltzes they loved. Together with friends, they sang all of the songs from the “old country” and we will always remember their sweet harmony. Congratulations on your selection as Mother of the Year, Valeria. We are all proud to call you friend and member of Br. 105 in Detroit. Reporter Happy 95th Birthday Joliet, IL - Mayme Fedo (nee Erjavec) celebrated her 95th birthday on February 15, 1996! Daughter Dorothy Koncar, along with sister-in-law, numerous grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces and nephews joined in the celebration. History will record that Mayme was one of the most successful business women of her time. In 1933, following the death of her first husband John, she operated Mayme’s Tap in Rockdale, IL. In the 1940’s sold the tavern establishment to her sister and brother-in-law, Tress and Matt Shepich. Mayme then joined her 2nd husband, Franz Fedo and together operated the popular Raynor Ave. Tap in Joliet, IL. What is so significant, is that this family tradition began in 1933 and has continued to the present day at Shep’s Tavern in Rockdale. Schlitz Beer is on tap there these 63 years! Mayme is remembered fondly by patrons of both establishments. Officers and members of Br. 20 wish their ‘1985 Mother of the Year’ a Happy 95th and God’s blessings! She is the last living family member of 12 children. M.P. GRATITUDE TO THE GENEROUS MEMBERS AND BRANCHES FOR DONATIONS TO ZARJA PUBLISHING: January-February-March, 1996 In memory: EmmaPlaninsek daughter Irene Odorizzi( 103) $20.00 Carol Piccirello mother, Ann Tercek (50) 25.00 RoseBaraga Rosemary Mlakar (100) 25.00 Donations: Barbara Bruch (89) 10.00 Michelle Twers (13) 25.00 Hedy Sterle 5.00 Branch 32, Euclid, OH 25.00 Br. 47, Garfield Hts., OH 25.00 Helen Spelich (16) 25.00 GOVERNOR APPRECIATES HERITAGE Governor and Mrs. Jim Edgar of Illinois stopped to greet our ladies during the Governor’s 1996 Tribute to Ethnic Women’s Organizations held at the Thompson Center in Chicago in March. He spoke of the importance of preserving “our national legacy and working to enrich countless lives” through the efforts of these organziations. Participants included, Millie Pucel, Pat Figurowski (Nat’l Auditor), Jo Lustik and Bonnie Prokup (State Vice Pres, for IL-IN), Millie, Pat and Joe are volunteers at the SWU Heritage Museum in Joliet and members of Br. 20; Bonnie is with Br. 24, LaSalle, IL. Displayed were books, maps, national costumes and photographs that are exhibited at the Heritage Museum all year long. SLOVENIANS WITH THE GOVERNOR! a,0VENI/J^ GENEALOGY THE SHUSTERICH FAMILY HISTORY Preparing a family history may be the ultimate goal for genealogists but what is included in the history once you have your family tree completed and are ready to start compiling the facts? Edward Shusterich of Middle Village, NY, recently sent me a xerox copy of his family history which included maps of the area from which his ancestors immigrated, pictures and descriptions of the area, houses, and a church in the small village which still remain and the homes of his ancestors. He described the Bela Krajina area and the customs which people in that region observed; the reason his family name was spelled in many different ways due to the keeping of records in Latin, German or Slovenian by the churchmen. He presented a general introduction about immigrants and why and how they came to America. Future generations will value such a family history in years to come. Dear readers, have you started your family history? SLOVENIAN LANGUAGE SCHOOL THIS SUMMER ARE YOU A BEGINNER? Know a little? Know a lot? The Slovenian Language courses being offered this summer in Slovenia are open to all ranks and welcome students from all over the world. If you are interested, you may contact the sponsors, address below. Cost for a four weeks, tuition and accommodations is $1,050, for a 2 week course, $560.00. Tuition covers morning classes, textbooks, all student activities including excursions. Additional class time is available for a nominal charge. Accommodations in a dormitory are shared with two in a room, includes breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. Send in your reservation by May 31st. For information and/or reservations write to: POLETNA ŠOLA, FILOZOFSKA FAKULTETA Aškerčeva 2 61000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Telephone: (386-61) 176-92-38 (precede direct dial with 011, international code) FAX: (386-61) 125-70-55 Participants must be at least 17 years old. This is an opportunity for you to increase your knowledge of the Slovenian language, its culture, its land and people. Traveling past a church one day, I noticed the following: CH CH What’s missing? U R Irene Planinšek Odorizzi HERITAGE HEROES Other names are being added to our long list of heroes who are supporting the Heritage Fund with their donations. The most recent donations sent to me are listed below. On behalf of the SWU and the Heritage Fund, sincere appreciation is sent to the following: $10.00 Frances Gross, 2611 S. 82nd St. in West Allis, WI53219 wished to contribute to the Heritage Fund. $25.00 Branch 46, Garfield Hgts. sent by Mary Taucher, Secretary. This branch never fails to remember the Heritage Fund each year. We are deeply appreciative. $ 5.00 Memorial for W. Robert Dye sent by Branch 105. $10.00 Barbara Bruch of Granville, IL remembers Heri- tage. Our thanks. $20.00 RoxannBerge, Branch 30,1362 S. University, Denver, CO 80210; a genealogy researcher recently sent this donation to help our worthy cause of assisting genealogists with their research. $20.00 Josephine Aiuto, President of Branch 13sentthis donation in memory of a sister member, Mae Batko, who passed away Nov. ’95 and sister member Marie Ruth Zwyssig, who passed away Jan. ’96. The members of Branch 13 remember fondly these members by donating to the Heritage Fund in their memory. A beautiful remembrance. Donations may be made to the Heritage Fund in memory of or in recognition of an important event. Please send your check made out to the SWU Heritage Fund to: Heritage Director 2362 Paddock Lane Reston, VA 22091 COMMEMORATIVE POSTCARDS AVAILABLE Four colorful postcards, ideal for framing as pictures, for sending to your friends or including in your family history portfolio are available from the Heritage Museum Gift Shop. The commemorative cards are a tribute to the Slovenian immigrants who left their beloved “old country” in search of a better life in America. The designs are miniatures of the murals which are part of Joliet’s Viaduct Enhancement Mural Project designed and painted by Lucille Dragovan and Lillian Brule, members of Branch #20. These unique postcards are available from the Heritage Museum Gift Shop, 431 N. Chicago St., Joliet, IL for the price of $3.00 plus 55 cents postage. There is a limited supply so order now! Support Your Heritage! flCTIUlTIES SWU Crest indicates the 65th Anniversary of this branch in 1996. Congratulations! NO. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WI Happy Spring - Happy Easter -Happy Mother’s Day! We will have our Mother’s Day celebration on May 21st at Fountain Park Family Restaurant at 6 p.m. Please call 457-8808 (Aggie) or 452 8251 (Ruth). Hope to see many Mothers of the Year there. All mothers will be honored. This is our regular meeting night so we will have a meeting following our dinner. We will talk about our up-coming Bingo Party May 10th at the Church Hall. We will need workers. Also on the agenda is the Convention in Sept. Thanks to all the members and friends of SWU who donated to our Bakeless Bake Sale. We did well. Speedy recovery to Molly Sterk and all our members in nursing homes throughout the area. God bless them all. DOROTHY BREZONIK NO. 2, CHICAGO, IL Our meeting of March to celebrate the St. Joseph Table and St. Patrick’s Day was well-attended by members and guests. The weather was on our side as we had a warm night. Thanks to all members who helped to make the “feast table” well stacked, and we had a variety of desserts. Our new member, Dan Bell from AZ, sent a box of oranges and grapefruits, which were so sweet. What a difference from those we buy at our supermarkets! Thanks, Dan, for thinking of us. It was nice to have our Sisters and Fathers from St. Stephens, and also Father Vendelin. He thanked Br. 2 for the beautiful statue of St. Francis on the hill at St. Mary’s. Father said each time he returns home, St. Francis is there welcoming him back. (For Br. 2 it was a project of love and we also enjoy seeing the statue each time we attend outings there). Congratulations to all the ladies of Br. 2, who this year are being honored as “Women of the Year” in memory of our deceased members and of our “Diamond Celebration” (70th Year). Please try to attend. MASS at 6:30 p.m. - dinner afterwards. Remember the date: May 9th! The third Sunday of July is our annual picnic and pilgrimage to Lemont, IL at and the beautiful Shrine of Marija Pomagaj. All those who have visited in past know how beautiful the area is. We hope that this year many of our members will be coming from neighboring states; we have so many hotels in the vicinity to stay, and you could make a vacation seeing the sights in the Chicago area. Are you planning your wonderful trip to Slovenia with Zveza??? It sounds like a fun trip; keep reading ZARJA for more information. Our members who worked so hard at the Altar Society Bunco wish to thank everyone who helped, those who donated gifts and worked in the kitchen. Wherever you worked or if you attended you helped make it a very successful day. God Bless You All. Our condolences to Irene Kalina whose sister, Marie Watson, passed away in California. We are waiting for Meta Hamzlik to return from her vacation, she is spending time in China. It should be interesting as there is much conflict in that country, and she will meet the family of one of the priests of Western Springs. Please remember in your prayers our sick members: Albie Rasp, Tekla Kerzich, Irene Kalina, Jennie Worth, Kathie Srabamek, and Irene Carter. Happy and healthy days ahead to all our Zveza members and may God help and guide us each day. Love, DAISY NO. 3, PUEBLO, CO Here we are in month of May. Easter has passed. Our sick and homebound were delighted with the Easter goodies that were given to them. They look forward to this and appreciate being remembered. We had a very nice meeting in March, good attendance and everyone seemed to be happy and having a good time. The audit report was given by Pauline Pauchick. She and Catherine Kochevar did the audit and found everything in order and balanced and commended Eileen for the beautiful records she keeps. Frances Ondovchik was chosen Mother of the Year. She is very worthy of this honor and we congratulate her. The May party was discussed. Marge Cullen and Eileen Kaplan will be the hostesses. Our Mother of the Year will be honored at that time. The mystery gift was donated by Adeline Kochevar and won by Angela Mikatich. Get-well wishes are extended to De-lores Klun and Mary Tekavec, both of whom are recuperating at home. Hostesses for our March meeting were Helen Skul and Steffie Barnett. The cake was enjoyed by all. Helen Skul and Mary (Mitzi) Drov-nick got a bus together which consisted of members and others for a trip to Cripple Creek. It was very enjoyable. Once again I owe an apology to Shirley Kochevar Scott. First I had her name as Shirley Zupančič Scott. When I got Zupančič corrected, I put her last name down as Cook. So sorry, Shirley! Have a good summer and let’s try to make our September meeting as good as the previous ones were. PAULINE PAUCHICK Start With Us on the current membership drive! NO. 5, INDIANAPOLIS, IN The Annual Spring meeting and luncheon will be held May 9, 1996. We will meet at the Slovenian National Home at 11 DO a.m. Please bring a covered dish to share, Branch 5 will provide the meat. All the snow should be gone, so you can get out and join us. We look forward to seeing you ALL at the meeting. We will be honoring our member-of-the-year, Sylvia Stanfield. Sylvia has long contributed and been a member of Branch 5 as well as having served as an officer in the past. Sylvia always seems to be lending her “helping” hand. She has helped many an individual and the Branch. It does not matter what the cause or person, Sylvia is there to help. For all those who are homebound, in the nursing home, or who have been sick, our prayers and thoughts are with you. Love from Texas, BARBARA MOHR NO. 10, CLEVELAND, OH Members met on March 27th at the Collinwood Slov. Home-prayers were said for our sick and deceased members. We also reminisced with Martha Batich, our member who now lives in Akron with her daughter, Carol Batich Yassine. Nice to relive old times! Martha was our recording secretary years ago. Many thanks for the generous donation honoring her 90th birthday. It was wonderful to see Martha and talk over the many good friends, many of whom are now gone. This year we will honor all our members as Mothers for 1996! After much discussion we decided to have a luncheon at Hometown Restaurant at 1290 E. 260th St., (Euclid Mall) at 1 p.m. on Wed. May 22nd. Please call 944-4954 or 531-7635 to let us know if you will be able to attend. Guests are welcome, too. We hope to see many members there. Fr. John Kumse, our Spiritual Advisor has been chosen as Man of the Year for Collinwood Slov. Home on Holmes Avenue. Our best wishes from Br. 10. He will be honored on May 4th. Get well to ailing member. Toni Alic. Condolences to the family of Rose Kovatich who passed away. The meeting was closed and prayers were said for all members. A raffle was held and refreshments served. Thanks to all the ladies who baked and served. Don’t forget our luncheon on May 22nd. Happy Mothers Day and good health to all. ANN STEFANČIČ NO. 12, MILWAUKEE, WI March weather was really good to us - 42 members came to the meeting for a delicious lunch of Italian sausage and baked beans, and of course, all of the desserts, less calories, which our members so graciously bring. We must thank all who pitch in and help in the kitchen and do the clean-up so they can enjoy the meeting. Of course, we must thank those who help with our famous games after the meeting, too. I am just about through making a ledger sheet for each member with your information, birthday, beneficiary, etc. I sent out 10 letters asking for this information from people I could not contact by phone. Please give this your immediate attention so I can say: FINISH! In talking to Laveme Korpnick I had a delightful conversation. She doesn’t get around and does not drive, but she sent a generous check for the ladies to enjoy. We’ll use it towards our Mother’s Day Luncheon. A thank you card was signed by all the members. Another surprise call came from Ursula Ruppe. What a delightful lady! She wanted to know about her dues and what does she do about special assessments. She is in her 90’s and sharp as a whip! She used to bring the “South-side Spirit” to our meetings which her son printed. Plenty of news from the Slovenian community and the old south side. Thank you, Ursula. Our member, Ann Jelinek had eye surgery and son, Albert Jelinek spent a few days in the hospital. We wish them well along with all our ailing members. A bus has been ordered for the State Convention in Sheboygan Sept. 8th. Also, our Fall luncheon will be Oct. 17th with Flashback entertainment by the “Harmonicas”. Come to the meetings and get all the details. Our meetings are the 3rd Thursday of the month at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 7929 W. Lincoln Ave., at 12 noon. Happy Mother’s Day to all. See you soon. MARY KIEL NO. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CA Our March meeting was a lovely day celebrating our annual spring luncheon and ‘B’ party. This reporter made “Fran’s Famous Hot Sandwiches” and we had marvelous salads and delicious desserts. It was great seeing so many of you again. We are now looking forward to our Brunch at the MarriotonMay 19,1996. It will start at 11:00 a.m. and is $15.00 a person. President Josephine got this marvelous price for us and it is indeed a marvelous Brunch. I hope to see a wonderful turnout. Please contact Jo at 863-8632. I am very sad to report the death of Frances Krans who was the housekeeper at the Church of the Nativity for over 40 years. With the closing of our Church, Frances lived with dear friend, Angela Gospardarich who gave her much loving care. God Bless you, dear Frances and thank you for your kindness to her, Angela. We received a lovely letter from member, Marion Lucchesi who has moved from Potrero Hill to Danville. She is closer to her daughter. Marion would love to hear form you. She lives at 950 Diablo Road #172, Danville, CA. Josephine has another one of her famous trips to Reno on June 9 and 10. Contact her if you would like to join this fun group. I haven’t much news as we haven’t seen many of our members in awhile. Many are sick and just can’t make the meetings but you are in your thoughts. Wishing all of our members a beautiful Mother’s Day. Our prayers to all those who have passed on and our love and thanks to you who do work so hard and support us. Our brunch will honor all of you this year. It is a tribute to all the women of Branch 13. Everyone of you is “Woman of the Year.” REMEMBER: It almost impossible to smile on the outside without feeling better on the inside. Every kindness you do is a stepping stone toward heaven... BEVERLY JACKSON NO. 14, EUCLID, OH As we await Easter Sunday, we’re informed by our weathermen to expect snow for Easter. Remember the days when we would eagerly look forward to that long awaited Easter Sunday when we could show off our new Easter clothes and of course, an Easter bonnet? Pres. Marty Koren and husband Ed have wisely left the city and are enjoying a vacation golfing in Myrtle Beach. A belated election was held for Vice President and the very capable Diane Varney has taken over the task of being treasurer along with Vice Presidential duties. Get well wishes to Mary Stražišar (Kewanee) who is on the mend after surgery and who now resides at the Gateway complex. Also get well wishes to Marie Son and Vickie Kindic who was hospitalized. Hope everyone has gotten over the flu and colds for this season. We’re busily making arrangements for our May 7 dinner, which begins at 6:00, in which we’ll honor our “Woman of the Year” Mary Stražišar (Arrowhead). This is always a well-attended evening with an excellent home-style dinner, lots of friends and conversation. Call in your reservations to Marty Koren 585-4227. A happy Mother’s Day to all! ALICE KUHAR NO. 16, SO. CHICAGO, IL Mother’s Day greetings and best wishes to all mothers, grandmothers, great grandmothers and to all those special moms and aunts. The special lady that we at our Branch will honor this year is our lovely Clara Saviano. The date is May 11th - the place is the Crow Bar, at 4001 E. 106th St. at 12 noon - the price is $12.00. Please mark your calendar for this special party. Call Edna, Gladys or Vida for your reservation. We all love Clara and this is our way of saying “thank you” to this gracious lady. Besides being so nice, she also bakes delicious strudels and stuff. Our March meeting was attended by a nice group of ladies - of course there is always room for more. Father Raphael surprised us with his presence. We enjoyed having Father with us for lunch and the meeting. Our luncheon treat was corned beef sandwiches, chips, tomato salad, jello mold and assorted pastries. Thanks to the ladies that baked and donated. I am sorry that I did not get your names. Thank you notes were read from Tina Martin, Agnes Krilich, Marge Krmpotich of Br. 95, and our Rose Salakar. Oh, yes, there also was a note from Polly Klobucar’s daughter. Mary Gorenz is on the mend - as is Marie Vidovich. Mary Therese Ehnat recently had a triple by-pass - hope all is going well, my friend. All of our members who are ill are remembered in our prayers. One of our long-time members will have 75 candles on her cake this month - happy birthday Helen Magnus! We miss you and hope to see you soon. On Monday, March 18, our Dolores Franko, her daughter, Marion Sochacki and grandson, Steven left for a 10 day hockey trip to Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The “Spirit of Chicago” all-star team was comprised of 15 ten and eleven year olds from 5 different Chicago area teams. Lillihammer, Norway, home of the ’94 Olympics was the first stop. A tour of the Olympic facilities was the big attraction. In Karlskoga, Sweden the boys participated in the “Alfred Nobel tournament” and proudly won all 4 games. They were presented with medals and a trophy made of iron ore made at the Nobel Foundry. The boys were guests of host families for this 3-day visit, experiencing a real cultural exchange. Then on to Copenhagen, Denmark where they witnessed the changing of the guard at the Royal Palace and a look at “The Little Mermaid” of Hans Christian Andersen fame. A great trip, one not soon forgotten. More news from Dolores - her daughter, Ellen recently became engaged to Steve Schmiedl this wedding is planned for October. Our best wishes to the young couple. Gladys donned her travelling shoes again. She entrained for Minneapolis and The Mall. Her hosts, Tom and Barb Ireland along with Jason and Kelly look forward to her visits. Veseli Materinski Dan vsem mamicam! S ljubezenski pozdrav! MARGARETA NO. 20, JOLIET, IL Hi! Well is spring finally here? This article will cover May and June as the next ZARJA will be in July. Our May meeting will be on the 21st at 6:00 at St. Joseph’s Park. At this meeting we will honor our Woman of the Year. The Scholarship Awards will be presented at this time. And there will also be a special tribute to Our Lady of Brezje. On Sunday, June 2nd will be Branch 20’s 68th Anniversary. We will celebrate with an 8:30 a.m. Mass at St. Joseph’s followed by refreshments at the Home Office. A speedy recovery is sent to Sharon Planinšek, Bertha Hofer, Johanna Rogel, Shirley Dzurko and Stella Tezak. Hope you are all feeling well enough to come to our May meeting. We extend our deepest sympathy to the Dorothy Jursinic family. Mrs. Jur-sinic went to her eternal rest on March 17th after a courageous battle with cancer. We wish all mothers a Happy Mother’s Day on May 12th , and, a Happy Father’s Day to all fathers on June 16th. Have a wonderful day! See you all on May 21st. Take care and may God Bless. JOYCE VICICH NO. 22, BRADLEY, IL Some interesting facts about the movable feast of Easter. In 325 AD, at a Church Council, it was determined that Easter come on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox. Thus, the fall moon appearing on Wednesday, April 3, this year made April 7 the feast. The earliest that Easter can occur is March 22, the latest is April 25. Some of you may observe that late date if you live to the year 2038; but only God knows who will be around to celebrate on March 22, for that will happen after the year 2100! For now, we hope you had a good Lent and a wonderful Easter in 1995! Our St. Joseph parish may not realize what a valuable person it has in its midst. No, she is not Slovenian, but her mission should touch parents of every nationality. Coleen Mast, author of two books on sex, was invited by the Vatican last January to meet with 30 other experts to review the document, “The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality: Guidelines for Education within the Family”. It contains practical suggestions on teaching chastity in the home. Mrs. Mast has the formidable task of promoting the document throughout the USA. We wish her Godspeed on the difficult road ahead. We have lost another lifelong friend, a former Bradleyan, Marie Drassler DesLauriers. She was a cousin to Branch members, Mayme Drassler and Anne Zorbas. Widowed 10 years and in poor health, Marie spent her final years in a nursing home in Burr Ridge, IL, where she died on March 22, at age 92. Our sympathies to the many families who mourn her passing. God, grant her soul eternal rest. Birthday greetings of the warmest kind to my sister, Antoinette Legris, who was ?? on April 29. And many more! For the fourth time. Las Vegas Night was a huge success. It’s a benefit for the parish school, to keep down the tuition cost. In a future report will let you know what 300 volunteers have accomplished in dollars and cents. Looking for sunshine and flowers? May is here with the Blessed Mother, our honored guest! She would be pleased to receive red and white roses of the Rosary, don’t you think? At this writing I am shivering with the cold; nevertheless, I wish all of you a Happy and Safe Summer! EMMA LUSTIG NO. 24, LA SALLE, IL There were 12 members present at our March meeting. We were pleased to have Bonnie Prokup, our IL State Vice-President in attendance. Thank you cards were read from the families of Mary Sever, and Elizabeth Ritz; also a card from Mary Gomik for the Christmas gift. Members in attendance signed a sympathy card to be sent to Doris Hallett whose son, Ronald, age 35, was injured in an explosion and fire which destroyed his trailer and later claimed his life. He is survived by his mother, Doris, a daughter, 2 sisters and his maternal grand- mother. His father passed away in 1989. Prayers at the close of our meeting were said for Ronald, Mary Sever and Elizabeth Ritz. May God grant our loved ones Eternal Rest and comfort our bereaved families. Rose Furlan, Terese Kinczewski’s husband, Walt, and Fannie Piletic’s husband, Anthony were reported as being ill at this time. We’ll remember them in our prayers. Congratulations to Mimi Hewitt on the birth of granddaughter Maria Elma to Kevin and Annette Hewitt Lorenz of DePere, WI on February 11th. Our May dinner will be held on Thursday, May 16th at noon at the Maples in Peru. No special Mother of the Year but we will honor all members. Betty Stack and Doris Hallett will serve as Co-chairmem. Reservations are to be made by calling Betty (phone 224-1949) or any of the officers by Tuesday, May 14th. Looking ahead to June - there will be a short business meeting and a pot-luck picnic to be held at the home of Barbara Pohar at 2253 Crosat St. in La Salle on Thursday, June 20th at 6:00 p.m. Please call Barb (Phone 224-2618) or Helen Swietek (Phone 223-9209) if you plan to attend so Barb and her committee know how many to plan for. After our business meeting, Bonnie Prokup told us how she is learned to color Slovenian Easter Eggs and displayed some she and her mother, Barb Pohar, had made at the Slovenian Cultural Center classes in Lemont. She has enrolled her daughter Bekki in the Children’s Slovenian Language Class there at the Center that take place on Saturday mornings and. she herself is also studying the Slovenian language. Bonnie is so enthusiastic about all things Slovenian -- she makes us really proud of our heritage. She is planning a trip to Slovenia and we look forward to her report on her visit there. Our May birthday celebrants are Jo Foley, Rita Mae Pyszka, Sherrie L. Plowman and those who will celebrate in June are Paula Illman, Financial Sec-retary-Treasurer, Betty Stack, Junior members Abby Schweickert and Bekki Jo Prokup, and Rose Mary McLaughlin. I hope each of you has a special birthday celebration and will have many more years to celebrate. I hope to see many of our members at the May Dinner and again in June at our Picnic meeting. (Sounds like all we do is eat). There will be no meetings in July and August. We congratulate the elected Mothers of the Year and wish all of them a Happy Moher’s Day. We hope that all of our Mothers have good health and much happiness. We remember those who are no longer with us in our prayers. ANNE M. WANGLER, Reporter NO. 25, CLEVELAND, OH Hello, dear members! And, happy Mother’s Day to all. We are now in the most beautiful month of the year -that we have all waited for so patiently. Our message this month is to wish our chosen Mother of the Year, Jan Krivacic, a most wonderful Day! We will honor her and celebrate at Sterle’s Country House on Saturday, May 11th and all members are invited. You may bring guests, too. C.K. NO. 32, EUCLID, OH Our first meeting for 1996 was held on March 20. President Ann Cooke came back from sunny Florida well-rested and tan. The weather was bad for our meeting on the first day of Spring; it was more like winter. It was nice to see the members who attended. Lavona Avitt lead us in saying the rosary for Lent. We also had a few moments to meditate while listening to the Choir of Ljubljana singing the song of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Many thanks to Lavona for bringing in the tape. President Ann Cooke displayed the new Slovene flag which we will have at our meetings along with our U.S.A. flag. Congratulations to Ron Suster on being appointed Judge in the Cleveland Court. Ron’s wife, Pat has been a member of our branch in donating gifts when needed. Thanks, Ron, and we wish you well in your new endeavor. We send our sympathy to our National Secretary, Evelyn Majercik and family on the loss of her husband and their father, Stephen Majercik who was laid to rest on February 10, 1996. May he rest in peace. Rose Hahn is recovering J v, JANET VOINOVICH A Dedicated Life of Service Governor George Voinovich has often referred to his wife as God’s greatest gift to him. Partners for 33 years, Janet has been beside her husband throughout his long career in public service. As First Lady of Ohio, Janet has chosen to direct her attention and energies toward initiatives that focus on the health, education and well being of Ohio’s women and children. The first is the OHIO ADOPT-A-SCHOOL PROGRAM, encouraging Ohio’s businesses and service organizations to partner with their local schools to benefit student achievement. With her encouragement, over 4,000 partnerships exist throughout Ohio, including 34 state agencies, assuring that our school children have a bright future through mentoring and tutoring programs. In 1994, Janet became the spokesperson for HELP ME GROW, a program that strives to decrease Ohio’s infant mortality and illness rate. In November, 1995, she introduced “P.J. Hugabee” to the Help Me Grow effort, a bear that was provided to children that are removed from their home and taken into protective custody. Since Help Me Grow began, nearly 100,000 wellness guides, filled with prenatal and early baby care tips, have been distributed to expectant and new mothers across Ohio. While in Cleveland, she served as an American Cancer Society Area Captain for 15 years and today is taking the lead in fostering breast cancer awareness among Ohio Women. October 25, 1995 marked the third annual OHIO MAMMOGRAPHY DAY that she has chaired as a part of her Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign, stressing the importance of early detection through mammograms. She is a strong supporter of the Race for the Cure, and has participated in numerous public service announcements and programs promoting early cancer detection and women’s health issues. She is also involved with the on-going preservation and restoration of the Governor’s Residence, working with the Ohio Historical Society and others to ensure that the Residence is properly maintained as a showplace for all Ohioans. Also during her days as Cleveland’s First Lady, she was a weekly volunteer at Ronald McDonald House and now serves on the Board of the Columbus house, where she continues to volunteer as time allows. Her earlier community service included hands-on volunteerism with, in addition to the American Cancer Society, the Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, Lung Association and the Bellflower House for Abused Children as well as a Junior Board hospital service. Janet and the Governor met in the Young Republican club and married in the fall of 1962. Their four children often joined them on the campaign trail when they were younger. Now that they are older, son George and his wife Dina, and Betsy and Peter are involved in their own pursuits, but they and their parents remain a closely knit family. (Molly, their youngest child, was the victim of a fatal traffic accident at the age of nine.) First Lady Janet Voinovich is making a difference for Ohio’s women and children. Yet she’s the one still paying the most attention to the Governor’s speech even though she’s probably heard it before. She’s the one wearing an outfit she quite possibly made herself. She’s the one taking time to talk and share hugs with elementary school youngsters. And she’s the one who’ll make you feel like you’ve known her a long time. from heart surgery. Sorry to hear that she had to give up her Secretary recording job. Ceal Znidar’s son, Frank is also recuperating from a heart attack. We have many sick members. We wish them all well and hope they soon will be up and around. At our April 17 meeting we had a mini Chinese Auction among the members. Hoped everyone would bring in a few small items. Tickets were sold for the items to make a little money for our treasury. We will be having a Mothers’ Day Dinner on May 15th at the Home Town Buffett, 1290 East 260th Street in Euclid. We will be honoring all the mothers. Bring a guest. Everyone will pay for the dinner as they enter the restaurant. We will meet at six o’clock (6:00 p.m.) and will have a special room. There will be a short meeting, too. Call Fran at (216) 731-0242 if you plan on attending. Happy Birthday to all the members that had birthdays in the month of January, February, and March: Alma Ep-pick, Hermine Strainer, Dorothy Lamm, Josephine Koss, Mary Tushar. Anniversaries in January were celebrated by Frank and Helen Kovačevič, 49 years on the 11 th and Frank and Frances Ogoreuc, 52 years on the 22nd. Refreshments were served by our hostesses Ceal McLean and Adrienne. We were served delicious pie and beverages in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. We hoped to see you at the April 17th meeting, and that you all had a Blessed Easter with good health. FRANCES OGOREUC and ADRIENNE JAGER NO. 33, DULUTH, MN Final plans for the April Spaghetti Supper/Bake Sale were made. Possible bus trip to the Festival of Nations in Twin Cities, May 4. Each member made a Easter Rabbit to take home. Congratulations to Josie Hočevar -50th Anniversary. Prayers to all on sick list including, Helen Cheetham, Loretta Immerfall and Yours Truly. LOIS PELANDER, Reporter 70 Years I V athleen’s GV / \ onnection I have returned from a wonderful tour of China, So. Korea, and Japan! I enjoyed seeing the sights of these countries but it also gave me a greater appreciation of what I have right here in the U.S.A.! Being away did put me behind in responses for our Tour of Slovenia, however, I did answer all of them to date. We have had 43 requests for a brochure. That’s a good start, but we still need more especially since I have not received any of them back with a deposit! We still do not have all the ad-on airfares to Detroit. The ones we do are: Buffalo, NY: $50.00, Milwaukee, WI: $60.00 and Los Angeles, CA: -0- (believe it or not!). The National Board meeting held February 17 and 18th was very informative and productive. I would like to extend my personal thanks to Jonita Ruth and Pat Figurowski for their hospitality. We enjoyed a couple of nice meals and snacks. While waiting for the meetings to start, I enjoyed looking around the Heritage Museum. We are very fortunate that people have donated artifacts, costumes, and pictures. Here is an example of what you may learn during a visit. I was looking at the map of Slovenia and noticed that my grandmother was born in the sub-region of BELA KRAJINA in the town of Črnomelj. The native costume for that area is displayed in the museum. Unfortunately it is not the costume I was going to make myself. The pattern I bought was for the GORENJSKA region. There was a beautiful picture of Mary Staut, from Wisconsin, in the full costume displayed at the museum. I was fortunate to meet her and her husband at the last 3 National conventions. If anyone does have a pattern for the costume for the Bela Krajina region, please let me know. If you are ever in the Joliet area I recommend you visit our Museum but call ahead for the hours. I would like to extend congratulations to Mary Turvey, of Michigan (my home state), on your appointment as Scholarship Director and to Marion Bowers on your appointment as Food columnist in ZARJA. Welcome aboard!!! I did receive some of the packets I sent to the branches regarding updated officer lists and Member/Mother of the year applicants back due to wrong addresses. If your branch did not receive a packet please forward an updated list of branch officers to our National Secretary, Evelyn Majercik. Obviously it is important to have a current list. I have received some letters I would like to acknowledge. Mrs. Sabina Bartol of McLean, VA wrote to acknowledge receipt of the packet I sent her even though she is no longer an officer. She advised she remains an active member of Branch 103 and was happy to let me know she sent it on to the correct officer. Thanks for the help! Mrs. Marie Robinson of Adelphi, MD wrote for some additional information on our trip to Slovenia and states “the program sounds great and should be alot of fun.” She also wrote regarding our ZARJA “It’s a very nice publication and Corinne does a great job!” I also received a very nice letter from Mrs. Anita Vovk of Aurora, MN. She gave me details of a place to stay in Vižmarje, a suburb of Ljubljana, should anyone want to extend their trip before or after the tour. She gave it rave reviews. It appears it is on a bus line and reasonably priced. Should anyone be interested for more information please contact me and I’ll be glad to send it to you. Thanks, Anita, for all the information. Please keep those cards and letters coming! Happy Mother’s Day to all our mothers and congratulations to all the branch honorees. See you next issue! Kathleen Emerson Slovenia is a country of beauty and diversity... ...from the snow-capped Alps to the sunny seashores of the Adriatic. It has blended the best of German, Slav, Latin and even Mongol cultures into a land and people who live “on the Sunny Side of the Alps.” Geographically, the country once included parts now in Italy and Austria before 1918. It has seven major regions and several sub-regions each with its own joys, customs, cuisine and costume. Old names for the regions often date to Roman or Celtic times... reflecting a rich tradition in culture of which the Slovenes are very proud. PRIMORSKA (Littoral) is the westernmost region of Slovenia, adjacent to the Adriatic coast. It once included the now-Italian city of Trieste. Today it is the home of the “Slovenian Riviera”, a European mecca for tourists, with fine hotels, casinos, and a sunny vacationsite. Portorož (Port of Roses) and beautiful Piran with its church, a miniature copy of St. Mark’s in Venice, show the heavy influence Venice held sway here for four centuries. Koper and Isola and other old cities are worth a visit while in the Adriatic sunshine. NOTRANJSKA (Inner Slovenia) is home to the most spectacular features of the Karst region: the magnificent caves of Postojna (fifth largest in the world and a tourist attraction for two centuries), and there is Cerkniško Jezero, a large lake which appears and disappears with the seasons. Here, too, is Lipica home to the famous Lippaz- 70th Anniversary Tour xoivjvemja, moj dom September 2-16, 1996 ifl Only $2,717 per person/double occupancy (add $185 single supplement) (Non-member surcharge: $50 per person) Tour Features Roundtrip Airfare from Detroit on board KLM Airlines All Accommodations, including first-class hotels and some at Slovenia’s Spas Breakfast & Dinner Daily, many at Slovenia’s finest Gostilnas All sightseeing & admissions per itinerary in All Slovenia’s Seven Regions! Airport transfers & Deluxe Kompas Motocoach on tour Special wine-tasting & parties - planned just for You. Baggage handling, local taxes & service charges at hotels All airline taxes (as of this printing) Special “Learn about Slovenia” travel document package Gala Farewell Dinner in Venice with “Vaporetto” rides through this Adriatic Jewel Tour price also includes connecting air from Pittsburgh, Cleveland or Chicago. Inquire about low add-ons for other cities. Deadline for reservations: MAY 1, 1996 Final payment due, JULY 1, 1996. A $300.00 deposit per person must accompany all reservations. ARRANGEMENTS BY: T. STEFL TRAVEL 603 Laurel Drive, Monroeville, PA 15146 (412) 856-9290; FAX (412) 856-9285 Detach here & mail with your check payable to T. STEFL TRAVEL and mail to: Kathleen Emerson, 41 Sparrow Hill Orion Township, Ml 48359 - Tel. (810) 370-0015 1/We enclose a deposit of $ . Deadline for reservations is May 1, 1996 .($300 per person) Names(s) Address _ City________ . State_ Tele. ( )_ . Rooming with_ . Zip_ Departure City:________________________________________________________________________ Note: All airline taxes & departure taxes are included as of February 15, 1996. Any increase will be surcharged. INSURANCE: (A reservation will not be accepted unless you select one of the following options.) _____________ Trip cancellation protection only ($148.50 per person) OR _____________ Comprehensive Coverage ($172 per person) OR _____________ I/We decline insurance protection. Note: All flights nonsmoking. _______________________________________________________ Signature & Date NOTE: Itineraries are always subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances and in the best interest of the group. Tour prices based upon a minimum of 30 passengers. zaner horses, breeding center for these equines to serve the royal Hapsburgs. DOLENJSKA (Lower Camiola) has Novo Mesto at its heart, home to the Krka River, it is a region of rolling farmlands, vineyards, spas, and wonderful hospitality. Most Americans who claim Slovene roots find them here. We might mention here, too, that there are a number of sub-regions. Most notable are BELA KRAJINA (White March) with its major cities of Metlika and Črnomelj. This region borders Croatia and its customs, music, cuisine and costume reflect the southern neighbor. Famous for wines and crystal too, White Slovenia has a distinctive flavor in the wonderful ingredients that make up delightful Slovenia. KRANJSKA (Camiola) is centered, naturally, by the city Kranj, gateway to the Alpine regions. The Germans called the Slovenes “Oberkrainers” (from Over-Kranj) and “Krainisch”... when heard in America, Amerians copied the name and “Granisch” came into the language. ŠTAJERSKA (Styria) is the largest region of Slovenia and lays claim to the cities of Celje and Ptuj, both claiming origins to pre-Roman times. Here, too, is Maribor, a sophisticated city well worth a visit. It is a region of hops and grapes, of wheat and wonderful touring in the Pannonian Plain. PREKMURJE (Transmuraland) has a great Hungarian influence, being east of the River Mura between it and Hungary, the northwestemmost part of Slovenia. Murska Sobota is a major center city, and few American tourists get to enjoy the fine cuisine and attractions of this region. KOROŠKA (Carinthia) was the “cradle of Slovenian Civilization" and now lies mostly in Austria as the province Kaamten, which holds the pre-1918 capital of Slovenia, Klagenfurt (Celovec). In the Slovenian remnant the major city is Slovene Gradec, also Ravne and Prevalje. Graz was an important Slovene center for centuries be- fore the World War I partition. It remains a wonderful blend of Slovene and Austrian cultures today. GORENJSKA (Upper Camiola) is the Alpine region, whose costume is most-recognized in America as Slovene, although each region has costumes indigenous and diverse, no two capable of comparison. Here is beautiful Bled, the ski-areas of Kranjska Gora and lake Bohinj. Its “heart” is the highest peak in the magnificent Julian Alps, Triglav. Škofja Loka is a major city here dating back a millennium! No country small as Slovenia (about the size of New Jersey) is so full of so much in geography, culture, customs and hospitality. It is a traveler’s delicacy not to be missed. SLOVENIA The Seven Regions of Slovenia will be on the itinerary for the SWU 70th Anniversary Tour in September, 1996. NO. 34, SOUDAN, MN With another very good attendance at our meeting on March 19, it seems we should have all our meetings in the afternoon — it will be something for us to think about. We would like to express our sympathy to Agnes Tekautz. Her brother, Frank Skala died on March 14. He drove the school bus in my school days and all of us knew him well. He had been in a nursing home and suffered very badly from arthritis. Plans for our Mother of the Year Celebration were to be made at our meeting on April 17. Serving as hostesses were Eileen Poderzay and Jean Zupanich, the door prize brought by Margaret Mesojedec. Plans are being made for an all-class reunion of Tower-Soudan High School alumn the weekend of July 4th, with individual classes having get-togethers, which should be fun. One of our members, Margaret Yematich, is one of the chairmen for this event, a lot of work... thanks, Margaret! Our winter just doesn’t seem to want to leave us; as I’m writing this, another snowfall with at least 3 inches is forecast. I’m waiting for spring to arrive! At our meeting in March, Kay Dean and Agnes Tekautz were the hostesses and they served hot tuna sandwiches, which were just delicious. Agnes Mesojedec furnished the door prize, which was a little Easter chick (with money enclosed) and was won by Emma Betoume. Winners at cards were Marge Skala, Tory Bobence, Helen Adkisson and Lorraine Berg. I wish all mothers a happy Mothers Day — God Bless Us All! ADELINE MUSTONEN, Reporter NO. 38, CHISHOLM, MN Will it never stop!!! This is Wed. night of Holy Week as I write and the snow is coming down heavy and steady! I can realize only one good from all this fresh white stuff. It covers the mounds and mounds of dirty snow that has not yet left us. Our group met this evening to finalize plans for our Fund raising social in late April. We decided to add one more item to our sale and social. It will be a cheese strudel raffle, a potica cake raffle and a walnut potica raffle. Plans for our Mother’s Day mass and Brunch will take place on Sunday, May 5th. We will not be honoring a specific mother as in the past. Instead our group has decided to pay tribute to all mothers of our Branch. With the advantage of having two excellent singers in the persons of Charolette Laurich and Jenny Briski to lead us we intend to have a singing session of Slovenian favorites. The girls are looking forward to the event. It should be fun. It is our custom to deliver a fresh red carnation to each of our shut-in members on Mother's Day. Fran Zalec has offered to take on this pleasant chore. Jenny Briski will assist Fran. In May we will get together to close this season’s meetings and projects until August rolls around again. My goodness!!! — 1996 is passing all too quickly — Don’t you agree? Have a wonderful summer. Stop to enjoy each day the Lord gives you. Wherever you go - Whatever you do — May you return to your homes and families in Peace, Safety and Joy. GERT ZAKRAJŠEK Bon Voyage tc all those of SWU who will be making that beautiful trip to SLOVENIA! Ljubljana DOLENJSKA BELA ( KRAJINA' NO. 39, BIWABIK, MN Our meeting was called to order by Vice President, Kathy Siskar. Twenty members were present. Our President (and yours) was in the hospital and we are happy to report that she is now out and doing well. We opened the meeting with a prayer for all members who are ill and those in nursing homes. We had no meeting in February due to 60° below zero weather! Also, our treasurer, Jane Purkat was absent so our meeting was quite short. We sang Happy Birthday to Marge Dewhurst who is a little over 21! Right, Marge? The Woman of the Year party was discussed and it was decided to have it the first Sunday in May. Kathy Riordan is our selection this year. Mary Cossal-ter will inquire at different restaurants and report to us at the next meeting. Fran Siskar volunteered to order the corsage and Jane will get a gift certificate ready. Kathy Siskar will call Jean about the program as Kathy is Jean’s daughter. The callers will inform our members of the place and time and ask if you need a ride to the dinner. Our Sunshine Girl, Ann Geržina sent get-well wishes to Jean, Gramma Purkat, Maize Geržine and Millie Mestnik. We hope you are all feeling better. Our beloved member, Helen Potočnik passed away and we had the Ritual for her at St. Joseph’s Church. Thanks to Ann G., Ann Boszcar, Katy Steblay, Jennie Ahlin and all the other members who attended their funeral. May she rest in peace. A delicious dessert was served by the Gilbert ladies and the door prize was won by Leah Suhadolc. Next meeting planned for April 14th instead of the 7th. A belated Happy Easter to all and hope everybody is feeling better. Loyally yours, ANGIE “TOOTS” HIETALA NO. 40, LORAIN, OH 18 came to our meeting on March 13th. It was a nice day and we were glad that the cold winter was behind us. But, that was not so because I’m looking at the calendar and it’s March 20th the first day of Spring and looking out my window a big snow storm is brewing. It will probably be a while before we will see our daffodils and tulips in bloom. Agnes Mroske, Helen Sekular, Angie Voytko, and Angie Zgonc treated us to a delicious dessert. Thanks, girls! Our Jean Balogh was lucky to win the door prize. Agnes, our Pres, brought our meeting to order with prayer; after our reports were read we got down to business and made plans for our May Dinner when we will honor all our mothers. It will be held May 8th at 12:30 p.m. in the German Villa. Call Agnes at 245-3919 for reservations. Our Agnes Mroske just came back from Arizona, surprised us and said they will be moving to Sun City at the end of this month. We hate to lose you, Agnes. We hope that you will keep in touch. At our last meeting I asked for help for news and thanks to Stephanie Polutnik for this response. Stephanie is a grandmother blessed by 5 grandchildren, 4 in college and one ready to go. Rachel Polutnik is graduating from Bowling Green this year. Her brother Stephan attends Xavier U. and is freshman manager of the Xavier Basketball team. Mark Barthelemy is active in musical groups while attending Northwestern University. Jennifer Polutnik is on the Dean’s list at Ohio University. Her sister, Stephanie who has made high honors all four years at Elyria Catholic High School also plans to enter Ohio University this fall. Congratulations to all. Our Mary Gradišek and husband will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on May 4th and our Jean Balogh and husband will be celebrating their 50th on May 30th. Jean’s birthday falls on the same day. Our Agnes Drstvensek and husband will be celebrating their 50th on June 29th. We wish them all many more years of good health and happiness. We wish a quick recovery to our sick members. Angie Tomsic fractured her shoulder when she had a fall and Irene Kokinda had a sick spell. Happy Mother’s Day to all our mothers. No meeting on May 8th but hope to see you at our dinner at the German Villa on that day. Love, MARY MATOS NO. 42, MAPLE HTS., OH Easter Blessings to all our members! Spring is a beautiful time fo the year. Spring is a wonderful time to listen to Slovenian songs, watch the migrating birds, walk in the park and enjoy the new wildflowers. The days are longer and warmer and it is easier to see our friends. We will be meeting on Saturday, May 11 at 11:00 a.m. at the Slovenian National Home in Maple Hts. for a brief business meeting. Joseph A. Offutt, social member of the organization and long time floral arrangement hobbyist, will be our guest. He will present a demonstration of a Spring Straw Hat decoration. Come and enjoy a pleasant morning. The branch’s Mother’s Day Mass will be on Sunday, May 12 at 12:30 p.m. at St. Wenceslas Church. All members are urged to attend. A Blessed Mother’s Day is wished to everyone! Congratulations to Kimberly A. Balach for making her First Holy Communion on April 27 at St. Wenceslas and Emily Gruden for receiving Communion on May 5. Kimberly has also attained Academic Excellence at Raymond Elementary School. Congratulations to Jean and Joe Offutt on the birth of their grandson, Christopher Joseph Offutt, Jr. He weighed in at 9 lbs. 7 ozs., 21-1/2” on March 12 at Bedford Hospital. In celebration of the Lenten and Easter Season, Marge Church reported that Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Macedonia presented a concert of songs of the season. Ann and Marge Zupančič were in Florida for a vacation. Ann went to the spring training game of the Cleveland Indians and met Sister Assumpta. She is also feeling better. Mel Blazy is recuperating after a short stay at Marymount Hospital. Mary Lou Prhne was in California recently. She also had an eye operation. Mary Lou will be coming back to Cleveland June 6 and will spend the summer here. May birthday greetings to: Clara Hrovat, Dorothy Mehosky, Vida Shega, Samantha Thompson, Shawn Thompson, Mary Champa, Donna Wilk, Melinda Prhne, and Angeline Zupanc. June birthday greetings are wished to: Ann Trattar, Mary Ann Filips, Dolores Lipnos, Robert Kastelic, Jennie Intihar, Betty Ann Kastelic, Sally Prhne and Katherine Gruden. “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. ” Winston Churchill. DIANE M. BALACH NO. 43, MILWAUKEE, WI The calendar says it is Spring, but the weather just doesn’t agree. It is still cold. We had a very nice attendance at our March 27th meeting. We had three guests, Joan Yaklich, our State President, Theresa Fedran, Secretary of Branch 12, and a possible new member, Mary Ann Johnson. Mary Ann is the daughter of the late Mary Mura, who is the author of the book of poems titled Flowers From My Gardens. We wish to extend Happy Birthday wishes to Elsie Gallun, Mary Zortz, Alene Fritz, and Helen Hajichek, who treated us to a wonderful luncheon. Our meeting was opened with a prayer by our President, minutes were read, and the financial report was given, and all was approved. Our “Mother of the Year” luncheon will be on May 22nd at 1:00 p.m. at Olive Garden Italian Restaurant at 4760 S. 76th Street. I wish to thank all of the members for selecting me as the “Mother of the Year”. The time and place for honoring our 50 Year members is still in the planning stage. Please remember in your prayers all of our sick and deceased members. Hoping to see you at the Olive Garden Italian Restaurant on May 22nd. ANNE E. KONCZAL 50, EUCLID, OH Dober Dan! This news for the May/ June issue of Zarja took place in March. The next issue in July will cover April and May because this news will be turned in before June. In other words, we cover the late, late news as thoroughly as possible and we don’t mean “at night.” If you are confused, you can imagine what your reporter is! ----------------------A Crafty Idea-------------------- Cross-stitchers: Why not think now of all the people you want to remember at Christmas time? You know, a project takes several hours to complete -- can’t start it on December 1st! I have made two very simple, very colorful, Merry Christmas greetings. Lettering is very plain and it includes a snowman. The creator of the design has done a series, one for each month of the year, with the same snowman in each piece. Delightful. If you would like the Christmas greeting, please send $1.00 and a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Evelyn A. Majercik 31 Eldred Avenue Bedford, Ohio 44146 Make checks payable to ZARJA First things first, we are reminding you once more that the day after the May 15th meeting, the 16th, we are going to celebrate “The Woman of the Year” in honor of our diligent and efficient member, Dorothyann Winter at the Alexander Restaurant, 22305 Lake Shore Blvd., in Euclid at 1:00 p.m. Please try to attend. Call Ann Tercek for reservations. This is one of the best get-togethers of the year, and the weather should be fine. Of course, our Picnic on Sept. 25th at the Euclid Park Clubhouse is another one. More on this later. Anyway, mark your calendars NOW. Another reminder for your calendar is to reserve a palce for the 65th Anniversary and Christmas Dinner combo at the Rechar Hall on the 2nd Sunday of December. Steff Smolich will represent the Hall for our palatable eatables. Yummy! At this time we will honor the following charter members Mitzi Bencen, Carole Traven, Antoinette Gaeta, and Sophie Posch. By the way, please note that our September, October, and November meetings will not be held at the Euclid Public Library due to the renovation of the library at that time. Further details will be forthcoming. Now for some unpleasant info. We have the following ladies who have had the misfortune of being ill as of March. Joan Fellenstein, Jo Trunk, Vera Nosan, Stella Baum, Bertha Vidmar, Josephine Semenc, and Mary Cesnik who always was so kind in bringing that delicious lemon strudel to our various meetings. By the time this is read, we hope to see most of you at the next meeting feeling much better. Now we wish a peaceful rest to the following and share the sympathy to those those of us who bear the loss. Jo Smith’s brother, Louis Just and Julia Zaller’s brother, Max Jerin are no longer among us. Our member, Jean Radelec also left us. Our sympathies go to her husband, John and her son, Leonard. A fine and most pleasant lady, Julia Urankar, mother of Fran Vidmar, Ann Skebe, and Mary Aucin, entered the gates of heaven straightaway. And the sister of member, Mary Buda, Jean Kendle also passed away recently. The departed will be greatly missed by many. Our sincere condolences to the bereaved family of Frances Stariha who passed away just as this article was going to press. May she rest in peace. A happy birthday is wished to Josephine Posch. She reached her 90th recently at the Slovenian Home for the Aged. Josephine was the 1st President of our Lodge 50,65 years ago in 1931. At this time we would like to commend Jo Smith, our Sentinal and Historian, on being a 60-year member. She must have joined when she was still in the womb. We want to acknowledge Jo’s diligent and remarkable writing in four volumes covering the history of Lodge 50 from 1931 to the present. We are counting on more to come from Jo. She knows how to deliver! Josephine Petrovič is on her way to an extensive European trip during which she will visit the Holy Father at the Vatican. Bon Voyage! Share it all with us, Jo, when you return. In May we honor many people dear to us, our mothers, our stepmothers, 1 LOVE IS STILL IN BLOOM * IN CLEVELAND We are in the season of weddings and springtime romance! Aren’t we? It is what makes the world go round -as they say-and to prove it we offer the following story about our dear member, Antoinette Celesnik Gaeta of Br. 50, Cleveland. Fast food and fast courtship for seniors By Harry Stainer, Cleveland Plain Dealer Reporter They met at a McDonald’s resturant on lake Shore Blvd. She is 85. He is 91. They chatted over coffee. Then he asked her out for a date. And, then, ... Cleveland streets commissioner Philip S. Gaeta and Antonette Celesnik were married at St. Jerome’s Church. They followed it with a wedding reception at McDonald’s. More than 100 guests of McDonald’s attended the reception, most of them senior citizens who live in the Euclid Beach Villa and Club behind the resturant. The seniors loudly cheered. It was the second wedding for both. Gaeta was married 62 years and Celesnik was married 60 years. Their spouses died six years ago. He has two sons. She has one son. “I never thought I would be going to my mother’s wedding,” joked her son, John Celesnik, who said he approved of the marriage. John has eight children and several grandchildren. “I came here for breakfast because I liked the cheesecake,” Gaeta said. “Then I met her and introduced her to the cheesecake. Then I began going out with her. “It was fate. It was the will of God,” Gaeta said. “She is the most wonderful person.” Loneliness also played a role. “We both have children.” Gaeta said. “But they have their own families to take care of.” The romance that blossomed in McDonald’s was in full view of the seniors who lived in Celesnik’s building. There was gossip, said some of the seniors. Some questioned the marriage. But romantics urged the couple to ignore the gossip and go ahead with the wedding plans. After their reception, the couple ducked their children and grandchildren and went to his apartment on SOM Center Rd. in Willoughby where the couple now lives. They are married over a year now and having the time of their lives! ^ Just a note: Antoinette is a charter member of Br. 50. She was a cadet during the “heyday” of drill team activities and has maintained her association with the Cleveland ladies all the years. Happy Mother’s Day to this very special lady! Thanks to Carole Traven for sending us this lovely news about a lovely member. and those who gave their lives to defend our country, so don’t forget them. Mothers (step and natural) Day, May 12th and Memorial Day, May 27th. Mark your calendars and also mark them for the other special days mentioned for the rest of this year in this report. Nasvidenje! VI MORAVCHEK NO. 54, WARREN, OH Our branch will hold its annual Mother-Daughter Luncheon on Wed. May 15th at one o’clock at the Elks Clubroom at Rt. 422. We will honor all mothers and especially our member, Anne Savor, who will celebrate her 90th birthday on June 14th. She never misses a meeting and is amazing for her age! She’s quite a gal! Come and wish her a Happy Birthday! You can bring paper products, etc. (no canned foods, please) for the raffle and a door prize. The raffle helps our treasury, so please bring some products. I’ll be calling all of you for reservations. Visiting our pres. Jo Kassan this week is her son, Jim, from SC, I know she is so happy to have him home. My son, Phil was planning to come for Easter, first time in four years. He’s quite a world traveler for his job and is usually gone for Easter. Vacationing in Naples, Florida is our daughter, and member, and her husband, Mark. They’re visiting his aunt and uncle. Happy Mother’s Day to all and God’s blessings to you. Happy Springtime, too. JOANNE PONIKVAR NO. 55, GIRARD, OH Happy Mother’s Day to all Moms!! Veseli Materinski Dan!! Mothers deserve a special honor. I know our Mama, Milka Kregar, is a living saint!! She is always ready to help us and provide the moral support in all of our endeavors. Mama has been especially helpful as I am getting prepared for my wedding day. Hvala lepa, Mama, for helping me become the woman I am today. I hope that some day, I too, along with my future husband, Tom, will be able to impart all the values that you and Očka have taught me. Ladies-Ladies-Ladies - Our Mother-Daughter Banquet will be held at the Olive Garden Restaurant on May 7, 1996 at 5:30 p.m. on the strip, on Rt. 422. Our secretary-treasurer, Anka Kregar, will be contacting you to remind you of the event. Our March meeting was held on March 13, 1996. Seven members were in attendance. Anka Kregar read the financial report. I want to thank the ladies of Branch 105, Detroit, for making me feel so welcome at their meeting. I’m so happy that I have found a little bit of Slovenia in the Detroit area. Our family will be celebrating many events in the next few weeks. My nephew, Luke Rozman will be making his First Communion at St. Paschal’s in Richmond Heights, OH. My niece, Andrea Selak will be graduating from Ursuline High School on June 1,1996. Special congratulations to my niece and godchild, Monica Selak, who re- POTS AND PANS Bev Menart, our Nat’l Treasurer of Duluth, Minnesota submitted these great recipes: ceived a special music award for her fine piano performance. Even though this is the Mother’s Day issue, I want to thank my father, Frank Kregar, “Očka”, for all the love and support he has and is constantly giving me. They say that a woman marries a man just like her father; it’s true. My husband-to-be has many of the same qualities that Očka has. So often Tom will do or say something that reminds me of Očka. Tom looks up to my father very much. Hvala lepa, Očka, you’re the greatest!! May is also the month of the Blessed Mother. Dearest Mary, give all of us the strength we need to live our daily life. Your love and guidance are the most wonderful gifts your son, Jesus, has given to us. Marija, skoz življenje, voditi srečno znaš... Our May birthdays: Virginia Rostan, Andrea Selak, Anka Kregar, Frances Lukz and Dori Kregar. Our June birthdays: Seth Gordon, Anna Zagger, Marian Cigolle, and Milka Kregar. Hope to see you at the Olive Garden!! Nasvidenje, DORI KREGAR NO. 56, HIBBING, MN On March 5th, the ladies of Br. 56 held their meeting at the First Ave. Apt. - meeting opened with prayers and then, roll call. Ann Pintar fell and broke her ribs and is at the Leisure Hills Nursing Home. Sylvia Latich has been transferred from Grand Rapids Hospital to Leisure Hills. Our best wishes for speedy recovery to them. Ann Satovich won the door prize. Birthdays for March were recognized. Lunch committee for April were Dorothy Oberstar, Jen Sator and Ann Shubert. No further discussion so our meeting closed with prayers. Sincerely submitted by, EDITH JONES Household Hint: To remove a twist-off jar lid: With the end of a spoon handle pry under the edge of the lid rim. The pressure is released and the lid can be twisted off easily. * * * These three recipes have nothing to do with each other, only the fact that they are delicious! I serve the salad with a slice of cranberry bread or with a muffin and fresh fruit. The potato recipe was given to me by a friend. It is a nice change from au gratins. The dessert was served at a downtown lunch counter. They called it cheesecake, but it is much lighter than a traditional cheesecake. SWISS POTATO BAKE 2# frozen hash browns 1 pt. whipping cream 2c. grated swiss cheese 1 stick oleo melted Put hash browns in 9 x 13 pan. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. Cover with grated cheese-then pour cream evenly over it. Drizzle with melted oleo. Sprinkle with paprika. Bake at 350° for 1 to l1^ hours. “DIMESTORE CHEESECAKE” large can evaporated milk (refrigerated) small pkg. lemon jell-o 8 oz. pkg. cream cheese 1c. sugar few drops of yellow food coloring graham cracker crust (9x13) Dissolve jello in l1^ c. boiling water, and refrigerate for about 1 hour. Melt the cream cheese and sugar in a double boiler and allow to cool. Beat the milk until it’s very light and fluffy in a very large bowl. Pour in jello and mix at slow speed and add the cream cheese and sugar mixture gradually. Add the food coloring, pour the mixture over a graham cracker crust pressed into a 9 x 13” pan. Refrigerate overnight. DAYTON’S HOT TURKEY SALAD 4c. diced, cooked chicken or turkey 4 c. diced celery lc. toasted, slivered almonds 2t. diced onions 4T. lemon juice lc. grated cheddar cheese 2 c. mayonnaise It. salt 2c. crushed potato chips Mix all except chips. Put in 9 x 13” pan or large casserole. Top with chips. Bake at 400° for 15 minutes. Serves 12. NO. 73, WARRENSVILLE, OH CLEVELAND FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN HOMES HONORS OUR MEMBERS! Apparently everything and everyone is doing OK in our area, since my chief informant advises there is no news for this month, and as they do say, no news is good news. We have come through a roller-coas-ter spring, with bright sunshine one day, and snow the next. The grass is green and here and there a new growth of shrubbery or flowers can be seen. But we know all too well—it ain’t over yet. We do wish all of you a very Happy Mother’s Day from the youngest mothers to the very oldest mothers. We congratulate our Mother of the Year, Rose Repasky. Rose has been a member of Branch 73 for many, many years. Her family (Danicic) lived in our immediate neighborhood, and nothing will ever take away the memory of Mr. Danicic’s crabapple orchard and the wooden swing that sat in its’ shade. And we can’t forget “Sandy”, he was always there. We hope you have a beautiful day. Rose. We were happy to honor you with this special recognition. As the summer rolls along, let us know about your comings/goings. Have a delightful summer, because all too soon it will be over. Respectfully, EVELYN A. MAJERCIK NO. 85, DEPUE, IL Our last meeting was held on March 12 with 6 members present. Two of our faithful members were unable to come. Mary Oberch is still on the sick list and Mary Benkse had an appointment. We missed them both. It was good to have Mary Suarez back with us. Marv Suarez’ grandson, Mike will be playing on the World League as a right tackle for the London Monarchs. William “The Refrigerator" Perry has also been signed up primarily as a “promotional player" for the league. Mike had played on the University of III. football team when he attended college in Champaign. We send our congratulations and best wishes to Mike. We also congratulate Jana Barto who was picked as a starter for the all-star basketball game played in the Reagen FLORENCE MIRTEL Center at Eureka College. She had to meet two qualifications in order to make the team. She had to be a senior and be a unanimous pick from all the coaches in the conference. Jana is a senior at St. Bede’s High School in Peru. By the way, her team won! It was decided at the meeting we would not have a Mother of the Year. I had such a nice surprise last week when I received a phone call from Adrienne Micklich from Tower, MN. You ladies who attended the national convention in San Francisco will remember Adrienne for she really had a great whistle. It was sure good hearing from you, Adrienne. Our branch would like to extend our deepest sympathy to Jonita Ruth and Evelyn Majercik who recently lost their husbands. May they rest in peace. SYLVIA PLYMESSER Happy Mothers Day to all our mothers in Branch 85 and to all the other mothers both living and deceased in the S.W.U.. God bless you. MARY JERMENC NO. 89, OGLESBY, IL Here it is March and we’re on our way to spring weather which we could enjoy very much. We are still being very active with the Veteran's Memorial Monument. The City of Oglesby really turned out in full force to make it a "city affair." We are very proud of all the people of the city who are participating in the project. Birthday wishes to Angie Nico and Two of the honorees celebrated this year as Men and Women of the Year by the Federation of Slovenian National Homes in Cleveland are our members! Florence Mirtel, a member of Br. 101, Bedford Hts., Ohio for 24 years, has served as their Treasurer and Reporter for ZARJA. She is being recognized by the SNH on East 80th St., for all her community work. Sylvia Plymesser, a member of Br. 25 for 43 years, is the honoree of the SNH on St. Clair Ave. About 500 guests attended the celebration dinner March 17th where six very special and dedicated Slovenian-Americans were given acclamation. We are very proud of them all. Fr. John Kumse, pastor of St. Mary’s Church in Collinwood, where many of our members worship was among those honored and we add our best wishes to him as well. (See Slovenian article of Br. 10) So many of our SWU members devote their time and efforts to their parishes and communities - we salute you all and wish you continued success! BR. 103 MEMBERS LEARN ABOUT SLOVENIA’S PEACE GARDEN Mary Stubler for their March birthdays, Helen Komater and Barbara Bruch (April) and Josie Argubright and Catherine Golick (May). Our deepest sympathy to Evelyn Majercik and Jonita Ruth on the loss of their loved ones. Our prayers are with you. Holy Family parish set a St. Joseph’s Table on the 24th of March. It was enjoyed by all. We even got to dance and enjoy ourselves very much. Coming up is a Salad bar with the D of I of Holy Family taking charge - and will report on that next time. We are all well here at Br. 89, and wish everyone a lovely spring and Happy Mother’s Day. Our love to all! EUNICE KOMATER NO. 101, BEDFORD HTS., OH Branch 101 is happy to pay tribute in 1996 to all members as “Mother of the Year.” 1996 will bring many exciting events to our branch. There will be two wed- dings this year for our young members. Kim Ramacciato plans her wedding day on August 3, 1996 and Lori Szumski has her memorable day October 19, 1996. We wish them much happiness. On March 17, 1996 the Federation of Slovenian Homes honored nine members of Cleveland Slovenian Homes and two members to represent all Slovenian Homes. Our member, treasurer of Br. 101, Florence Mirtel was honored as 1996 Slovene Women of the Year for Slovenian National Home, East 80th known as the NASH. A well deserving honor. Congratulations! As a group we will attend mass and receive communion at Holy Trinity Church, Bedford Heights on April 28, As our branch continues to carry on our traditions we look forward to many more happy and unforgetable events throughout the year with every day having something to do or somewhere to go and every day have someone to call or someone to see and most important every day have something to give to someone. Wishing all the members a beautiful Mother’s Day. We remember our members who have passed away, we extend our love to those who can no longer join us and God bless all of you who work so hard to support our branch. Reporter NO. 102, WILLARD, WI Signs of Spring have arrived! Robins have been around for a month or so. Some bluebirds have also been seen. The tulips will be bursting forth. The Holy Family Adult Choir is practicing in preparation for the Easter Holy Week. Mary Staut’s husband. Vitko celebrated his 80th birthday on March 17th with most of the family present to help him celebrate the special event. Our president, Josephine Artac celebrated her birthday on March 13th. Our best wishes to both! We were honored to have Msgr. Malnar offer a mass at Holy Family on March 6th. The mass was well-attended. The Slovenian Singers of Willard had a dinner at Dale’s North Mound tavern on April 21st. The food was delicious and served Slovenian style. After dinner we spent some time singing and socializing. Congratulations to Leo and Dorothy Gregorich on the birth of their great grandson, bom Feb. 22nd, son of Roger and Michelle Cook. The son of Mary Djubenski, Michael Plautz and his wife, Gloria will be leaving (April 19th) for Paris, France where Michael will teach architecture. They will be gone for 3 weeks. There are American students there studying in Europe for the past year. Andrea Plautz entered a contest from Ithaca, NY University in which art and science are combined. She was the winner and was awarded a paid, round-trip for one week in Paris! It must have been a great and exciting trip for her. Father Jim Lesczynski, our former pastor, lost his dad, age 93, on Feb. 15th. Our condolences to Fr. Jim and family. My granddaughter, Wendy Klancher will be spending a week in April vacationing in Venice and Paris. She is very excited, too, about her trip. Our prayers to those in our area who are sick and for those in hospitals and nursing homes. FRIEDA KLANCHER Officers of Br. 103, Washington, D.C. and guests at their installation meeting: Miklavž Borštnik, First Secretary at the Slovenian Embassy, Mrs. Irene Borštnik, Br. 103 President, Jill Augustine, Guest Paula Savage Konan, the president and founder of International Peace Garden Foundation, Br. 103 Vice-President Nika Kovacic and Recording Sec’y Tillie Ausich. (See pg. 35) A Peace Garden Comes to Ljubljana By Jill Augustine, Pres. Branch 103 On May 7th the International Peace Garden Foundation will dedicate a peace garden in Ljubljana’s Tivoli Square. The story of how this came about is both fascinating and remarkable. It all began during WW II when the Dutch royal family sought refuge in Canada. As the time neared for Princess Juliana to give birth, the Canadian government enacted legislation declaring the portion of the hospital used for her delivery to be temporarily declared the territory of the Netherlands. This would enable their child, the future Queen Beatrix, to inherit the throne since Dutch sovereigns must be bom in Dutch territory. The royal family returned to the Netherlands after the war but Queen Juliana was ever mindful of the courtesy extended to them by the Canadian government. The Netherlands later sought to expressed their gratitude and friendship by sending thousands of tulip bulbs to Ottawa. The tulips they sent, called “Triumph”, have rich red petals tipped with yellow and have been blooming and propagating in Ottawa ever since. In 1990 the Canadian government presented the United States with some of the bulbs from Ottawa’s “Dutch” Tulip Garden. This gift was given to commemorate the lasting friendship between our two countries as exemplified by sharing the longest undefended border in the world. The garden which overlooks the Tidal Basin on the grounds of the Washington Monument was dedicated in 1991 and was the beginning of a tradition of passing an International Peace Garden each year from one capital city to another. In addition, the Garden also inspired American composer, Thomas Deering, to compose “Rhapsody in Color”, a musical tribute to the Peace Gardens and the friendships they engender. At his request proceeds from his composition were used for cultural scholarships for needy students. Thus in 1992, the International Peace Garden Foundation was established to manage various scholarship and exchange programs and organize the annual passing of the gardens from one country to the next. The United States then chose Warsaw as the recipient of the next Peace Garden in recognition of its achievements towards democratization. A Polish artist commemorated the event by creating a tulip brooch which was presented to the Foundation at the dedication ceremonies in Warsaw. Since then, each recipient country has bestowed the Foundation with a unique gift of local artistry. All have since become part of the Foundation’s traveling exhibit. In turn, Poland selected Berlin to emphasize the friendly ties between Poland and the newly reunified Germany. Budapest, Hungary was Germany’s choice for a Peace Garden in appreciation of its .roll in helping to bring down the Berlin wall by allowing east Germans unimpeded access to west Germany by crossing its borders. Hungary broke with tradition by expanding the meaning of “capital” city with its choice of Strasbourg, France. In recognition if its key roll in the reconstruction of post war Europe, Strasbourg, home of the Council of Europe and the European Parliament, aptly qualifies it as one of Europe’s capital cities. In an adjunct function, the International Peace Garden accepted an invitation to plant a Peace Garden at the entrance to the Garden of Peace in Caen, Normandy in 1994 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of D-Day. The garden serves as “a lasting reminder of the horrors of war and the beauty and delicacy of peace.* At the May 1995 dedication ceremonies in Strasbourg, the French chose the Republic of Slovenia as the recipient country for the 1996 International Peace Garden. Slovenia was chosen in part because it is perceived to be an exemplary country seeking peaceful solutions while living on the perphery of its war torn neighbors to the south. It is hoped that the peaceful emergence of a newly democratic Slovenia will serve as a roll model for other countries in Balkans. Dedication ceremonies on May 7th will usher in Slovenia’s choice of next year’s recipient. A Slovenian student will later be selected to receive a scholarship award. Attending the ceremony and reception will be a delegation of 20 from the United States headed by IPGF founder Paula Konan** and a compliment of Slovenian diplomats. Hosting the affair will be the mayor of Ljubljana, Dr. Dimitri Rupel who Branch 103 members met at a past Anniversary Dinner Dance. It promises to be a gala event. **A word about the International Peace Garden founder, Paula Konan and the workings of the organization: I had the pleasure of meeting Paula when I invited her to speak to us at our Branch meeting in March. It was her ideas and dynamism that spearheaded the foundation’s existence. While working for the Canadian Board of Tourism, it was she who conceived of the initial Peace Garden. The longest undefended border in the world was certainly symbolic of friendship and worthy of noting in order to foster an increased friendship between the U.S. and Canada. From that auspicious start the organization has blossomed into a dynamic volunteer organization promoting International Peace Gardens, providing scholarships for needy students, and establishing school programs to help children broaden their knowledge of other cultures by engaging in school to school, student to student projects. Paula and her husband live in Vienna, Virginia. For more information on the foundation write or call: The International Peace Garden Foundation, 1700 K Street, NW Suite 902, Washington, D.C. 20006. Tel.: 703-698-8607. Fax: 703-698-5385. *Quote taken from International Peace Garden Foundation literature. UrzdEHEC Ivan Cankar MOJA MATI je bila doma iz Vrzdenca. Ta vas je, pravijo, tam nekje v Horjulski dolini; jaz ne vem, če je res, ker je nikoli nisem videl in je tudi na nobenem zemljevidu ni zaz-namenovane. Ali da je na svetu in da je celo prav blizu, je čisto gotovo. Morda sem bil že do nje samo še za uro hoda; morda sem jo bil kdaj na dolgih svojih potih ponevedoma že ugledal, pa je nisem spoznal po imenu in mi je bila tuja in nema kakor vsaka druga vas. Zdi se mi prav zares, da sva nekoč stala z materjo na hribu ter gledala nanjo. Zgodaj zjutraj je bilo, mislim. V dolini so bile še bele megle, iznad megla se je vzdigal holmec, na holmcu je bila cerkev z visokim obzidjem in na to cerkev je sijalo žarko sonce. Na materinem obrazu je odseval ta nebeški svit. Iztegnila je roko in pokazala na cerkev. "Tam je Vrzdenec!” Njen glas je bil globok, mehak in zamišljen, kakor da bi rekel otrok: “Tam so nebesa!" In kakor da bi jetnik strmel skozi omrežje: “Tam je polje!" ... Morda pa je vas čisto kje drugje in čisto drugačna in so bile vse to samo sanje. Nikoli nisem bil na Vrzdencu in vem, da nikoli ne bom. Tudi ne, če bi bil en sam korak do tja. Spomnim se na to vas, kadar sem zelo potrt, ali zelo bolan. Takrat se mi približa, kakor se časih razboleli in preplašeni duši približa smrt. Prešinila me je nekoč misel, iz temne globočine, iz bolesti je bila segla, da bom ob tisti uri, ko se bo treba napraviti na zadnjo pot, ugledal s slamo krito kočo, kjer se je rodila moja mati, ugledal tudi še njeno zibko, z rdečimi srci pomalano; in videl drobnega otroka v predolgem zelenem krilcu, njegove prve, nebogljene korake, slišal njegov tanki smeh, njegove jecljajoče, na pol razumljive besede... in da bodo vsenaokoli, kakor cvetice na polju, cvetele bele misli srca, ki še ni bilo ranjeno od spoznanja. Prešinila me je taka misel in ne dvomim nič, da se bo res tako zgodilo. Ker spomin, ki se človeku oglasi iz onih krajev, ne laže nikoli. Dan pred smrtjo se je mati selila. Bilo je že pod mrak in truden sem bil. Mati je mirno sopla in zdelo se mi je, da spi; zato sem šel po prstih iz izbe ter se napotil k sosedu, da si odpočijem ob kozarcu vina. Ostal sem tam, dokler se ni do dobrega znočilo. Ko sem se vrnil ter prižgal svetilko, me je zgrabila za grlo neznana groza. Materina postelja je bila prazna. Stal sem in trepetal in se nisem mogel ganiti. Nič ne vem kako in nič ne vem kdaj sem se prestopil, hodil s svetilko v roki po izbi, po veži; in vse, kakor da hodi neki drug, čisto tuj človek, jaz pa da stojim za mizo ter gledam in čakam, kdaj da bo opravil. Tako sem prišel skozi vežo in po dveh lesenih stopnicah v malo kamrico, kjer je imela stara ženska svoj kot. Na postelji je ležala moja mati. Ko sem jo ugledal, mi je stisnilo, do kaplje izželo srce nekaj tako čudnega, da nikjer ni temu imena; bolest in ljubezen, oboje in še več. Mati je bila mlada, lica so bila zdrava, oči jasne in vesele, na ustnicah smehljaj. Gledala me je z nekako tiho, pritajeno prešernostjo, nespametnega otroka, ki trepeče, da sam ne ve zakaj. “Kako ste prišli v to posteljo, mati?” “Sama sem prišla. Nikar ne misli, da sem tako hudo bolna! Če Bog da, bova kmalu na Vrzdencu. Saj se meniva že toliko let! Ko sem vstala, se mi je kar zdelo, da bi se napotila naravnost tja, pa nisem našla obleke. Kam ste jo spravili?" Ob teh besedah, ob tem pogledu in smehljaju mi je bilo, da bi šel kam v samoto, v temo in tem potožil nebesom. Kar občutil sem, da je v kamrici še nekdo tretji, ki se sklanja nad naju bled in visok ter naju posluša. “Tista postelja tam ni prav postlana; peče me, kakor da ste mi nasuli žerjavice pod rjuho. Tukaj je boljše, le malo daleč je. Saj bi že skoraj bila prišla do Vrzdenca, tako sem hodila. Stopim in tudi zid stopi na stran, kakor da bi se otroci lovili... Mislim, da bi naročila voz do Vrzdenca, drugače ne prideva nikoli tja. Kako bodo gledali, ko se pripeljeva! Saj bi Mrovec dal voz, kajne?” “Čemu bi ga ne dal?" “Zares, čemu bi ga ne dal? Rano zjutraj se odpeljeva, nedelja bo in sonce. Jaz vem, da bo vse lepo, kakor da bi bilo v svetem pismu. Zgodilo pa se bo kmalu; nocoj še ne, ker je že noč, ali jutri najbrž... stopi no k Mrovcu in povprašaj zaradi voza ... Čemu jokaš?" Vroče se mi je bilo izlilo iz oči in mi je žgalo na licih. Mati se je ozrla name z globokim, nemirnim, čudno plahim pogledom; obrnila je glavo k zidu, spet je bil bolan, ubog, od trpljenja in bridkosti izsesan njen obraz. Človek, ki je imel pelin za kosilo in pelin za večerjo, ki je škropil ljubezen, koderkoli je hodil, sam pa ni okusil nobene kaplje, si na tihem, prav na skritem dnu svoje duše ustvari svetle sanje, brez katerih bi moral skoprneti od vsega hudega. Najprej se mu zasveti od nekod le prav ponižna lučka, spomin na nekaj milega, želja po nečem lepem, mehkem, kar morda nikoli nikjer ni bilo ni nikjer ni. Luč pa je zmerom lepša in svetlejša, kolikor več je bridkosti in kolikor bliže je odrešenje. Dokler se svetloba nazadnje veličastno ne zlije v ono, ki je zadnja in večna; ter je tako izpolnjena obljuba, srcu dana, in doseženo plačilo za verno zaupanje. Spomnim se na Vrzdenec, kadar mi je v dušo mraz, kadar mi zahladi v lica tesnobni strah, ki je spomin na smrt... Kaj je res že blizu tisti čas, tista sončna nedelja? Mrovec, pripravi brž voz, da se popeljeva z materjo na Vrzdenec!... DIOlP DID ŠT. 10, CLEVELAND, OH Drage članice: po dolgem zimskem mrazu je začelo sijati nam zopet zlato toplo sonce iz pod sinjega neba. Že vsi utrujeni od dolge zime smo dočakali že skoraj pomlad. Zopet bo treba vzeti v roke lopato in motiko in začeti na novo obdelovati vrt, kedor ga ima. Prihajajo tudi veliki slavni prazniki, danes je bil sv. Patrik, v torek, 19 marca slavimo sv. Jožefa. To je velik družinski patron in Jezusa rednik. Po njem ima veliko ljudi ime. Prvič je lepo, drugič pa bolj kratko in slavno po celem svetu. Zato pa ko slavijo vsi to ime, želim prav od srca najlepše in najboljše želje, vsem Jožicam, Pepcam in Joškotom, da bi zdravi še dolgo praznovali ta dan. 20., marca začenjamo pa tudi pomlad. 25. je zopet praznik Marijino oz-nanenje. Enako vsem Marijam in Mickam vse najboljše želim kot drugim, posebno tisti, ko praznujejo rojstne dneve. Da bi res pomlad nam vsem prineslo božjega miru po sveti in novih nad. Kakor vsako leto tudi letos društva ražlicne in Slovenski kulturni domovi izbirajo leto za letom, najbolj aktivne, napredne in požrtvovalne osebe za slavno mesto leta možev in žena. Letos so v Slovenskem domu izbrali na Holmes Ave. našega farnega g. župnika John Kumšeta pri Mariji Nebovzeti. On je zelo marljiv in napreden človek. Odkar je prejel veliko častno mesto za župnika še zelo mlad, trdno je prijel za krmilo in začel prenovljati župniško hišo, šolo in cerkev. Okrog cerkve nikjer ni tako lepo poleti kot tukaj ob naši cerkvi pri Mariji Vnebovzeti v Collin-woodu. Okrog cerkvi je tudi lepa nova železna ograja. Tudi notraj-nost cerkve je zelo lepa in preprosta. Posebno o Božičnih praznikih je tako lepo okrašeno kot v življenju nisem videla nikjer. Drugod postavijo jaslice in en drevešček, to je vse. Ker je zelo priden in marljiv Fr. John Kumše ga je škof Hickey postavil, da bo pasel ovce svoje katere ga imajo rade v svoji sredi in mu rade pomagajo pri njegovem naprednem delu. Zato mu pa želimo vse članice naše Slovenske ženske marljivo gospodaril in pasel svoje marljivo gospodaril in pasel svoje ovce. Zato naj prejme naše najboljše želje in čestitke, za njegovo častno mesto moža 1996 leta. Gospod župnik Viktor Tomc kateri je bil poprej pri Mariji Nebovzeti je imel še dogove na cerkev je moral odplačevati. Ko je ta na novo mesto njegovo prišel, je bilo vse poplačano. Seveda čas žarji, pa še železo, kako nebi po zidu ko preteče pol stoletja, to je lepa doba, se začne vse krušiti. G. župnik Kumše je bil rojen v Barbertonu, novo mašo je obhajal ali slavil 1979. Nato je šel na obisk k svojim sorodnikom v stari kraj in imel pa ponovitev nove maše še enkrat tam pri svoji teti v Cerknici na Notranjskem v kolikor mi je znano. Vse eno, da je rojen tukaj, govori lepo Slovensko. Zelo rad obiskuje Slovenijo, rad je med našimi rojaki. Rad nudi pomoč slovenskim župnikom kateri pridejo iz Slovenije, vedno so dobrodošli pri njemu. Pretekli četrtek smo imeli tudi spominsko sv. mašo za pokojnim župnikom Maks Sodja, ki je preminul na Floridi 16. februarja v starostnem domu. Bilo ali maševalo je 9 duhovnikov in prečastiti naš slov. škof Edvard Pevec je imel glavno mašo. Ker ju služboval nekaj časa tudi tukaj pri Mariji Nebovzeti naš g. župnik je napravil kot v spomin njemu sv. mašo in častno kosilo vse udeležencem v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave. Tudi za par let živi v naši župniji iz starega kraja g. kaplan Jože Černe. Dobrodošel med nami, ker ga tudi zelo potrebujemo, da pomaga našemu župniku. Še malo pa bo spet Velika noč na vrata potrkala najlepši pomladanski praznik, sveta nedelja in vel. noč. Zato pa želim res vesele in zadovoljne praznike vsem skupaj, posebno slavljencem tega leta. Bog vas živi vse skupaj še mnogo let. Vsem bolnim pa želim čimprejš-nega zdravja. V imenu naše podružnice naše globoko sožalje g. Evelyn Majercik ki je izgubila svojega dragega moža in očeta, ki je preminul v februarju. Enako njeni družini. Lepe pozdrave vsem skupaj in veselo pomlad. TEREZIJA FERRACCIOLI ŠT. 39, BIWABIK, MN Kar lepo število članic se je zbralo k redni seji v mesecu marcu. Sejo je otvorila podpredsednica Kathy Siskar z molitvijo za vse bolne članice doma in v "Nursing Homes". Teh je kar precej in med njimi je tudi naša in Vaša - predsednica, Jean Korsman. Vendar, ko pišemo to poročilo, je že spet doma in se veliko bolje počuti. V mesecu februarju je bila seja odpovedana zaradi prehudega mraza. Zapisano bo ostalo še dolgo, da je bila temperatura do 60 stopinj pod ničlo. Da smo na ta mraz Ob Materinskem dnevu: Kaj je mati in kakšna mora biti dobra mati? Kaj je mati? To vprašanje bi si moral zastaviti vsak človek, zlasti otroci. Mati je v družini vse, ona je sonce in srce družine. Srce je tisti organ v človeškem telesu, od katerega je najbolj odvisno zdravje in življenje. Dokler ima človek zdravo in močno srce, tako dolgo je zdrav in močan. Če pa začne srce pešati in če srce ni v redu, potem je tudi zdravje in življenje v nevarnosti. Tako je tudi z materjo v družini. Dokler je ona na svojem mestu, dokler zna ona svojo družino prav voditi, tako dolgo je v družini red, sreča in zadovoljstvo. Če pa mati ni dobra in se ne zaveda svojih materinskih dolžnosti, potem je v družini marsikaj narobe, v taki družini je življenje pokvarjeno in žalostno. Mati je sonce družine. Kar je sonce v prirodi, to je mati v družini. Od sonca dobiva priroda svetlobo, toploto, življenje rast moč......... Če bi ne bilo sonca, bi zavladala neprodirna tema na zemlji, nastala bi večna zima, večna ledena doba, življenje bi polnoma izumrlo, smrt bi prevladala. Tako daje dobra mati družini svetlobo in toploto, življenje in rast, moč in lepoto. In kako žalostno je v družini, kjer je mati prezgodaj umrla! Ne, take nesreče ne želimo nikoli nobeni družini. Mati je v družini vse: posebno otrokom. Ona je njihova kuharica, ona je njihova perica, ona je njihova vzgojiteljiva in učiteljica. Ona svoje otroke dan za dnem ljubeče poučuje in opominja. Ona je njihova svtovalka in tolažnica, ki jim daje dobre nasvete in jih tolaži v bolezni in težavah, ona je takorekoč njihova dekla, ki jimu je vedno na voljo. Morda danes materinstvo ni tako visoko cenjeno kot si to zasluži in kot je bilo nekoč, še posebej v Prekmurju. V svojem večdesetletnem bivanju v prekmurski župniji sem spoznal marsikatero mater, ki je dala življenje deseterim in več otrokom. Blagor takim materam, ki so znale ceniti življenje. Res so bile včasih mučenice, a bile so hkrati dekle Gospodove, ki bi jim celoten narod smel izreči stokratno zahvalo. Materinstvo je poklic, najlepši poklic, najvzvišenejši poklic in tudi najzahtevnejši poklic. To je poklic, na katerega se treba temeljito pripraviti. Ne morda v gostilnah, ampak pred tabernakljem, v molitvi, ob prejemanju zakramentov, v Marijini šoli, v šoli svete Ane, ob zgledih številnih svetnic in vzornih krščanskih mater. Če bomo imeli številne dobre matere, se nam za bodočnost ni treba bati. Če bomo imeli številne dobre matere, kot sta bili sv. Ana in njena hčerka Marija, potem bo svet lepši in pravičnejši, potem nam ne bo treba nikoli vdihavati dušljivega dima smodnika. Potem bo zavladala zlata doba prave, neskaljene ljubezni, katere izvor je BOG. Amen. pozabile danes, smo zapele pozdravno "Happy Birthday, Marge Dewhurst, ki je praznovala svoj rojstni dan in je malo čez “21 let’’... Še na mnoga leta Marge in še vedno tako korajžno naprej! Sledila je debata in priprava na banket za "Ženo leta", ki bo prvo nedeljo v maju. Vso skrb so prevzele Mary Cossalter, Fran in Kathy Siskar, da uredijo vse potrebno. Članice bodo pravočasno obveščene, kje bo ta banket in tiste, ki prevoza nimajo, bodo v tem poskrbljeno. Naša "Žena leta” je Kathy Riordan, ki je hčerka gl. preds. Jean. Čestitamo! Ann Geržina, naša zvesta “sunshine girl" je odposlala več kartic bolnim doma in po "Nursing Homes”. Med njimi so: Millie Mestnik, Maize Geržina, gl. predsednica Jean in njena mama Anne Purkat, ki bo na začetku aprila slavila svoj 94. rojstni dan. Ob tej priliki ji vse iskreno želimo vse najboljše in ji iz srca kličemo: Še na mnoga leta! Med tem časom smo tudi izgubile dolgoletno članico Helen Potočnik. Odšla je od nas mirno, kot je bilo njeno večletno počutje mirno in vdano. Njen mož Joseph, je odšel v Večnost prav za Božične praznike v starosti 101 let. Naj oba v miru počivata! Vsej njuni družini pa nas vseh iskreno sožalje! Članicam pa, ki so se njenega pogreba udeležile na Gilbertu v imenu Zveze gre naša iskrena zahvala. Gilbertske članice so pripravile okusno čajanko v motivu 'St. Pat- rick’s day" in durno nagrado je prejela Leah Suhadolc. Naslednja seja bo šele 14. aprila, ker bo Velika noč vpadla na prvo nedeljo v mesecu. Vsem članicam blizu in daleč kjerkoli Vas bodo našle tele vrstice želimo blagoslovljeno Veliko noč, da bi po našem lepem slovenskem običaju tudi ne manjkalo barvastih pirhov in dobrih potic. Ohranjajmo našo slovensko dediščino! To iskreno želi in lepo pozdravlja, ANNE TUSHAR Postanite tudi Vi del naših skupnih naporov, da pridobimo nove članice, da poživimo našo Zvezo ter vlijemo novega duha naši organizaciji! HflSfl SLDVEMSKfl DEDIŠČIMfl Ana Gaber 3 i— CO c .2 3 Začetki Katoliške Cerkve v Ameriki FRANC JAKLIČ IX. BARAGA REDNI ŠKOF SAULTSKI Ko je bil Baraga tri leta apostolski vikar, je poslal v Rim poročilo, da se razmere v vikariatu hitro urejajo, da s priseljevanjem raste število vernikov in da se veča tudi število duhovnikov in cerkva. Tudi škofje cincinnatske nadškofije so poslali sveti stčlici tako izjavo. Dne 23. aprila 1857 je Baraga prejel iz Rima obvestilo, da je papež Pij IX. povzdignil njegov apostolski vikariat Gorenji Michigan v redno škofijo, ki se naj, kakor je bil Baraga predlagal, po Saultu Ste. Marie imenuje “Mariopolitana” in ki bodi vključena v cincinnatsko nadškofijo. Papež je v posebnem pismu izrazil škofu Baragi pohvalo za njegovo delo. Svoje duhovnije je Baraga tudi poslej imenoval “misijone" in ne "župnije”. V pismu v Rim z dne 18. julija 1861 izrecno pravi: “Nimam župnikov, ampak samo misijonarje, ki so od mene nastavljeni in ki jih morem vsak hip odstaviti. Vsako nedeljo in praznik mašujejo za ljudstvo.” Takrat je imel v škofiji 19 cerkva, štiri so se pa gradile. Duhovnikov je imel 16, misijonskih postaj 18, šol 13, v Saultu akademiju za dekleta. Redovnice so imele tri samostane. Ob imenovanju za rednega škofa bi bil lahko odložil upravo indijanskih delov sosednjih škofij. S tem bi si bil prihranil mnogo dela, težav, potov in stroškov, ki jih je v lastni škofiji imel več ko dovolj. Pa je iz ljubezni do Indijancev tudi to breme nosil do smrti. Nove in velike bridkosti so se valile nanj. V maju je zapisal v dnevnik: “Ves dan sem delal načrt, da se odpovem in se vrnem v indijanske misijone. Zgodi se tvoja volja, Gospod Bog!” Tudi še pozneje beremo v dnevniku isto tožbo. Lavtižarje pisal 11. avgusta istega leta 1857 v domovino: “Bog je ljubil gorečega Friderika Barago, ko je bil misijonar, zato mu je naložil težki križ škofovstva, da bo po smrti prejel toliko večjo krono v nebesih. Zares ima škof težko breme; mnogokrat mora piti iz grenke čaše bridkosti po zgledu najvišjega duhovnika Jezusa Kristusa.” Ker ni imel denarja, ni mogel svojih bogoslovcev poslati v nobeno semenišče. Morali so jih kar posamezni duhovniki učiti svetih ved in vzgajati v duhovnem življenju. Zlasti Mraku in Jackerju je večkrat poveril to odgovorno nalogo. 26. maja se je peljal na škofovsko vizitacijo v Dolenji Michigan. Lavtižar jo je v Krivem drevesu nekako takole opisal: “Zdaj nam je prišla čast in radost imeti svojega ljubljenega škofa v svoji sredi. Binkoštni ponedeljek, 1. junija, je prišel v Križno vas. Dan je bil zelo drževen, pa škof, vajen največjega trpljenja, se je prepeljal v siromašnem indijanskem čolničku. Prav ta dan sta bila ondotna duhovnika Weikamp in Zorn po opravku, tako da škofa ob prihodu ni noben sprejel. Šele drugi dan sta se vrnila. Takoj v sredo je škof ošel na otok Garden Island (Little Detroit), precej daleč od Križne vasi, kjer je silno uboga cerkvica s siromašnimi Indijanci. Tam je škof maševal, učil, spovedoval, birmal itd. Indijancem je bilo všeč, da se škof tako poniža in pride brez duhovnika na otok. Nekateri so rekli: "Gegeti gitabasenindizo," to je: Zares se je ponižal. V torek se je vrnil v Križno vas, kjer je na praznik sv. Rešnjega Telesa imel slovesno mašo s procesijo. Drugi dan je šel v Srednjo vas, kjer je bil spet sam; sam je učil, spovedoval itd. V ponedeljek 15. junija popoldne je prišel k nam (v Krivo drevo). Kadar Indijanci peljejo škofa, imajo vselej ameriško zastavo obešeno na drogu. Tudi v vasi sprejemamo in spremljamo škofa z zastavo. Drugi dan se je škof odpravil v misijon g. Mraka (v Eagle Town). Čeprav je močno deževalo, se je peljal v čolnu, natlačenem z ljudmi in blagom, in je tisto noč prebil v šotoru, kakršnega si naredijo Indijanci, ker imajo plahte večinoma s seboj. Dobri škof ni hotel nadlegovati Indijancev, da bi ga bili nalašč v posebnem čolnu tja peljali; peljal se je s tamkajšnjimi Indijanci, ki so bili po opravkih ravno tukaj. On pač ve, kako je treba ravnati z ubogim ljudstvom, da mu od nobene strani ne pristudi vere. V ponedeljek 22. junija se je vrnil k nam in je takoj drugi dan šel v neko vas v mojem misijonu, kamor sem ga spremil. Peljali smo se v čolnu. Vožnja je bila prijetna, ker je bilo lepo vreme. Tam sva ostala do petka in se spet nazaj pripeljala. Pri meni je škof ostal do ponedeljka. Popoldne po pridigi je vse še posebej opominjal, naj se vzdržijo žganja, in je zapisal imena moških, ki so obljubili, da ne bodo pili žganja. Večinoma vsi so se vpisali, nekateri za vselej, nekateri pa za nekaj časa. Žensk ni bilo treba opominjati ali vpisovati, ker ga tako ne pijo. Tako je škof storil tudi v drugih vaseh. Sebični žganjetržci spridijo zares mnogo Indijancev, posebno tam, kamor duhovnik le malokdaj pride. Kjer dušni pastir navadno stanuje in ima torej svoje ovce bolj pred očmi, jih tudi laglje v&ruje tega strupa." Na dan sv. Petra in Pavla, na svoj 60. rojstni dan, je po tihi maši odšel proti Križni vasi. Ostal je tri dni, potem se je preko Mackinaca peljal v Detroit, da se pogovori z vladnim agentom o šolskih zadevah. Pri posvetitvi nemške cerkve sv. Filipa in enega zvona je imel nemško in angleško pridigo. Za La Pointe je dobil irskega učitelja Dillona 0’Briena; njegov sin je pozneje zapisal nekatere zanimivosti o Baragi in o La Pointu. Dne 15. julija se je Baraga vrnil v Sault, a le za nekaj dni. Potem se je odpeljal v misijone ob Gorenjem jezeru. 11. novembra je podelil črno redovno tančico saultski uršulinki Mariji Henry. To je bila prva redovna obljuba v škofiji, zato jo je izvršil zelo slovesno. Govoril je o sreči redovniškega stanu in potem imel slovesno mašo. Med mašo je bila redovna zaobljuba. 23. avgusta je posvetil za mašnika nemškega tretjerednika Ludovika Sifferatha in ga poslal v Krivo drevo, odkoder je bil 14. junija odšel za Pircem v šentpavelsko škofijo v Minnesoti njemu tako dragi Lovrenc Lavtižar; želel je spreobrniti minnesotske poganske Indijance, ki so bili še vse bolj zapuščeni kakor Otavani. - Siferrath se je vsega posvetil Otavanom in je pozneje sestavil otavski katekizem. Malo pozneje je Baraga posvetil Irca Patricija Murraya (Moreja). Čim bolj so se razmere v škofiji urejale, tem bolj je bilo Baragovo delo podobno delovanju drugih škofov. Poglejmo, kako je živel in vodil škofijo v sedmih letih 1858 do 1865, ko je stoloval v Saultu Ste. Marie. Če se nam zdi branje o Baragovih škofovskih vizitacijah včasi enolično, si mislimo: kako enolične in utrudljive so bile te vizitacije šele za Barago, ki jih je opravljal! LETO 1858 Cincinnatski nadškof John Purcell je za prvi teden maja sklical 2. pokrajinski cerkveni zbor. Baraga je šel z doma sredi zime 12. februarja. Izbral je pa daljšo pot po kanadski obali Huronskega jezera do Georgijskega zaliva in nato v Barric. Osem dni je potoval in užil mnogo mraza. Več dni se je vozil na sanih s pasjo vprego; pred psi je tekel Indijanec in jih priganjal k diru. Vsak dan je prevozil po 70 do 80 km, enkrat celo 86 km. Spal je v natrpanih indijanskih kočah, enkrat v opuščeni koči brez oken in vrat na pasjih saneh. Od Barrie se je preko Toronta in Buffala peljal v Cincinnati. Spet se je ustavil pri prijatelju Hammerju; spet je Hammerja naprosil, naj mu bo na cerkvenem zboru uradni svetovalec. To pot je pa zadnjkrat užival Hammerjevo gostoljubje. Dve leti nato, leta 1860, se je Hammer vrnil na Češko v svoje rojstno mesto Jachimow, kjer je postal župnik in dekan. Tam je leta 1866 umrl za mrtvoudom. Pri tiskarju Hemannu je Baraga ponatisnil molitvenik Katolik Anamie-Masinaigan v otavščini in očipvejščini. Ponatisniti je dal tudi očipvejski Katolik Gagikwe-Masinaigan, katoliško pridigarsko knjigo, ki je leta 1843 prvič izšla v Ljubljani pri Blazniku. Nadzorovanje in popravljanje tiska mu je spet dalo mnogo dela. Tisk in vezavo vseh treh knjig je plačal s 600 dolarji, ki mu jih je poslalo Ludovikovo misijonsko društvo iz Munchena, 400 dolarjev so mu pa zložili cincinnatski katoličani. Tudi zdaj je pridno pomagal pri dušnem pastirstvu, zlasti v Hammerjevi cerkvi. Ob nedeljah je imel nemške pridige, včasi tudi slovesno mašo, enkrat prvo sv. obhajilo otrok, enkrat pa birmo. Dne 23. aprila je za škofa Carrella iz Covingtona, ki je bil z njim posvečen za škofa, podelil dvema nemškima bogoslovcema mašniško posvečenje. Na Carrellovo željo je dva dni pozneje blagoslovil vogelni kamen za neko novo cerkev blizu Covingtona in imel nemški nagovor. 2. maja se je v stolnici slovesno začel cerkveni zbor. Isti dan je v stolnici med večernicami pridigal Baraga. Na zboru so škofje obravnavali 25 važnih vprašanj in izdali 12 odlokov, ki jih je v oktobru potrdil papež Pij IX. Ob sklepu so izdali pastirski list. Baraga je zaradi tiska knjig moral ostati v Cincinnatiju do 25. maja. V nedeljo 16. maja je na Purcellovo prošnjo blagoslovil cerkev v Gallipolisu. Čez Dayton in Detroit se je po trimesečni odsotnosti dne 29. maja vrnil domov. — Nadaljevanje — if “FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART”} DAVY’S COLUMN The true definition of a Grandma Never ending love! Always there for you. No matter what! These three phrases best describe my grandma, Anne Orazem, or as I like to refer to her as NAN! All through out my life I have had the pleasure and the honor of having the best grandparents any child could ask for. They held an unconditional love and respect for their family and friends that is seldom seen in this world. They never did it because they had to but because they wanted to. Unfortunately, there is very little recognition in this way of life, due to the society that we all live in. My grandpa, Tony Orazem (Poppa) never received any award for his part in my life, but I feel it appropriate here and now that as his wife is being recognized as Slovenian mother/grandma of the year that it is also a tribute to him as Slovenian father/grandpa of the year. I feel this only right since they have never been thought of anything else but one in the same with qualities that complimented one another for over fifty years. Nan, you truly are grandma of the year this year and every year of my life; for as Poppa told me once while we were fishing on Armstrong in August 1994. “Your Nan is quite a woman. She never asks or complains about anything that she wants, but instead tries to give a little bit more or do what ever she can to make those around her feel better. She is the most unselfish person on earth and we are lucky to have her in our life.” Words can only begin to express how great and wonderful a person you are, so 1 will close by saying... Thank you, Nan, for being you. Love always, Mark The End of an Era This will be the last time I will be writing to you. In the future, you will be hearing from our new Youth Director, Kathy Schroeder. According to our President, Jean Korsman, Kathy is very excited about her new position and has lots of ideas, especially where our younger members are concerned. I’d like to take this time to wish Kathy good luck in her endeavors and I hope she gets as much joy and satisfaction in writing to you each month as I have had over the years. Also, I’d like to thank all of you who have read my column faithfully. (Mom, I’m sorry, but I couldn’t resist!) I know that there’s more than just my mom who’s been reading my column! (Aunt Lorraine) Seriously, thank you, everyone. As you know, my life and family has expanded to include my very loving and wonderful husband, Bob, who is very supportive of my writing endeavors; my two sons, Randy and David, who are showing me life from a new and interesting view and a very big German Shepherd, who doesn’t realize he’s not a puppy, and of course, my daughter, Katie, who’s always has kept life interesting. So, as you can see my life is very full. Actually, I find it very appropriate that my last column should fall in the May/June issue. In May we honor our mothers and in June we honor our fathers. The biggest job a parent has is to teach their children that life consists of change and in order for life to continue it must change. The end of an era is the beginning of another. I wish all you moms and dads a very happy Mother’s and Father’s Day. Thank you, again for the time we’ve shared. I know I’ve enjoyed it. Who knows, maybe we’ll run across each other, again, like in the bookstore! ‘Til then, may your hearts always know love; your minds always know peace, for then your souls will always know life. DAVY aka: Diane (Hrubos) Stoner Member, Branch 20, Joliet, 111. Written by Grandson Mark Williams and Member of Br. 35 Dear Diane: When this column started under your pen name DAVY in 1978, your perception of the idea “For the Young at Heart” was right on the money! You have always reached all the readers of ZARJA with not only interesting but also educational and heartwarming articles. We thank you for all your time, loyalty and dependability, not to diminish in any way the love and dedication you have shown to all readers, young and old! Good luck in all your endeavors! We’ll miss you! Editor 2ND CLASS POSTAGE PAID CHICAGO ILLINOIS SEND IN YOUR NEW ADDRESS BEFORE YOU MAKE A MOVE! It will save us delays and $ if you send in your new mailing address before moving. Simply cut off the wrong address label (above) and send it, along with your new address (or any other address correction) to ZARJA - THE DAWN, 4851 So. Drexel Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615 Please comply to be assured of receiving ZARJA without interruption. All “undeliverable” Post Office Notices will be filed in our CANCELLED file until we receive the correct address from you. TEZAK FUNERAL HOME “First in Service Since 1908” I Licensed Producer's; Richard K. Tezak Lydia Marquaidl LUTCF (74I-0427) (Forethought Trust) American Slovenian Catholic Union (KSKJ) Call for information and a free booklet "For Future Reference" (815) 722-0524 Fred C. Dames Funeral Homes Phone 741-5500 Mark L. Dames Jeffrey M. Dames Brian L. Dames Fred J. Dames 251 North Center St . Joliet. IL 60435 3200 Black Rd . Joliet IL 60435 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME Louis Ron Zefran Frank J. Zefran Marilyn E. Zefran Lois M. Zefran 1941 West Cermak Road Chicago, IL 60608 847-6688 HABERMANN Funeral Home 805 N. 6th Street Sheboygan, WI 53081 AVSEC PRINTING Union Shop ‘Over 60 Years of Service’ 825 Plainfield Road Joliet, Illinois 60435 (815) 722-2961 ZELE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES Cleveland, Ohio 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. 481-3118 361-0583 SHELIGA DRUG INC. 6025 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 (216) 431-1035 Sening our neighborhoods' daily needs AMERICAN J L Ask About SLOVENIAN M H "KSKJ ANNUITIES" CATHOLIC MTm A New UNION Beginning HOME OFFICE: 2439 GLENWOOD AVENUE • JOLIET, IL 60435 • (800) 843-5755