rrrtm Dresüns fa o, res/tíatchséi Chronicle of Activities of Slovenians in Australia at the Time of Slovenian Independence -at the occassion of 20th Anniversary of Independent Republic of Slovenia Kronika delovanja Slovencev v Avstraliji v času osamosvojitve -ob 20-letnici samostojne Republike Slovenije Draga Gelt Melbourne 2011 FromDreams resnJxtfOséi A Chronicle of Activities of Slovenians in Australia at the Time of Slovenian Independence -on the Occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Independent Republic of Slovenia Kronika delovanja Slovencev v Avstraliji v času osamosvojitve Slovenije -ob 20-letnici samostojne Slovenije Draga Gelt Melbourne, June 2011 From Dreams to Reality Chronicle of Activities of Slovenians in Australia On the occassion of the 20th Anniversary of Slovenian Independence © Draga Gelt ISBN 978-0-9871149-1-4 Contents advice, comments and additions, cover photo Contents advice and some material English text proofreading and some English translations Slovenian text proofreading Design, layout and cover design Cover photo Printed by Bound by Alfred Brežnik AM Stanka Gregorič Dr Ellizabeth Tomažič Mag. Fr. Ciril. A. Božič OFM OAM Draga Gelt OAM Alfred Brežnik AM New Artworx Pty Ltd, June 2011 Apollo-Moon Bookbinders Dedicated to the Australian Slovenians, who, before 1988, dared to dream about Slovenia as a free nation, to founding and subsequent members of DEMOS support organisation, to the founders and members of Slovenian National Councils, to leaders of Australian Slovenian Conference, and to all Slovenians in Australia, as well as Australians, who assisted in any way in the battle for Slovenian independence, who, in Australia, worked so hard for the recognition of Slovenia as a sovereign state, and supported its dream for independence - Free Country, and its Future. Knjiga je posvečena vsem avstralskim Slovencem, ki so drznili sanjati o svobodni Sloveniji že pred letom 1988, ustanovnim članom in članom organizacije za podporo Demosu, ustanovnim članom in članom Slovenskih narodnih svetov (SNS), ustanovnim članom in vodstvu Avstralske slovenske konference (ASK), in vsem Slovencem v Avstraliji, kot tudi Avstralcem, ki so po svojih močeh pripomogli v bitki za slovensko samostojnost -vsem, ki so se v Avstraliji trudili za priznanje Slovenije kot suverene države, in podpirali njene sanje o neodvisni in svobodni državi ter njeni prihodnosti. Melbourne, 17 May 2011 Contents - Vsebina Acknowledgements 11 Foreword: Hon. Tania Plibersek MP, Australian Federal Minister 15 Introduction: Alfred Brežnik AM, Hon. Consul General of the Republic of Slovenia to NSW 17 Messages: Dr Danilo Türk, President of Republic Slovenia 27 Hon Bob Hawke AG GCL, former Prime Minister of Australia 29 Mr Lojze Peterle, former Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Member of European Parliament 31 Janez Janša, President of the Slovenian Democratic Party, former Defence Minister and former Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia 35 Dr Dimitrij Rupel, former Minister of Foreign Affairs 39 Aljaž Gosner, General Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, first Charge d' Affaires, Embassy of Republic Slovenia, Canberra 41 The Hon. Prof Gareth Evans AO QC, Chancellor, Australian National University, former Minister of Foreign Affairs 43 Hon. Paul Filing, Former Secretary of Parliamentarians for Slovenia and Croatia 45 Dr Spomenka Hribar, former Member of Slovenian Parliament 47 Erik Modic, former Secretary of Democratic Union 49 Stanka Gregorič, Editor of Slovensko Pismo, organisational Secretary of Australian Slovenian Conference 51 Part 1 63 The Awakening - Leading to the Year 1989 65 Slovenian National Groups and Dreams by Australian Slovenians of a Free Slovenia 67 1989 January March April May June September October November December The Turning Point 1990 January February March April 131 136 137 139 141 144 144 148 153 156 161 165 167 177 188 207 May 218 June 226 July 235 August 272 September 278 October 281 November 288 December 301 The Referendum 309 1991 327 January 331 Demonstrations in Australia - Why? 345 February 356 March 367 April 382 May 384 June 399 The Realised Dream - Independent Republic of Slovenia 407 War in Slovenia 421 July 473 August 552 September 579 October 605 November 623 December 638 1992 659 January 663 Australia Recognised the Sovereign Republic of Slovenia 670 February 698 After the Recognition of Slovenia by Australia 729 May Dr Dimitrij Rupe 733 Republic of Slovenia becomes a Member of United Nations 739 June Alfred Brežnik named Honorary Consul of Republic of Slovenia to New South Wales and Victoria 741 Dušan Lajovic named Honorary Consul of Republic of Slovenia to New Zealand 743 September Unveiling of the Monument, dedicated to the Soldiers giving their lives for Slovenia by Alfred Brežnik, Honorary Consul of Republic of Slovenia to New South Wales and Victoria 745 Lojze Peterle in Australia 747 1993 755 April Aljaž Gosner, first Slovenian Charge d' Affaires in Australia, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia, Canberra 755 June Dr Peter Vencelj in Australia 757 Lawyers Sherrill O'Connor Šraj and Gary Moore translated Slovenian Constitution into English 763 1995 765 November Slovenian plaque at The International Wall of Friendship, Hobart, Tasmania 765 In Conclusion 767 Part 2 771 In Their Own Words: Reflections of the Presidents, Committee Members of Slovenian National Councils in Australia and other members of Slovenian community in Australia: 771 Nevenka Clarke nee Golc Queensland 773 Mirko Cuderman Queensland 775 Cvetko Falež Australian Capital Territory 777 Jožica Gerden Victoria 781 Stanka Gregorič Slovenia 789 Maria Grosman New South Wales 795 Fr Valerijan Jenko OFM OAM New South Wales 797 Dušan Lajovic New South Wales 799 Helena Leber Victoria 801 Lenti Lenko OAM Victoria 803 Martha Magajna New South Wales 807 Anica Markič Victoria 811 Maria Mavrič Tasmania 813 Štefan Merzel Victoria 815 Stanko Prosenak Victoria 819 Tone Resnik Western Australia 825 + Elica Rizmal and Vinko Rizmal Victoria 827 Simon Špacapan Victoria 833 Štefan Šernek New South Wales 835 Mihela Šušteršič New South Wales 837 + Jože Vah Queensland 839 + Fr Basil Valentin OAM MBE Victoria 841 Cilka Žagar New South Wales 843 Fr Niko Žvolkelj OFM Slovenia 845 Bibliography and Further Reading About the Author 847 851 ements Thank you to: Alfred Brežnik AM for instigating the project, Introduction, support, assistance with the project, help in researching the NSW archival documentation and for use of his private archive; Hon. Tania Plibersek, MP, Minister of Australian Federal Parliament, for the Foreword; Dr Danilo Türk, President of Republic Slovenia; The Hon R. J. Hawke, former Prime Minister of Australia; Lojze Peterle, Member of European Parliament, former Prime Minister of Republic Slovenia; Janez Janša, President of Slovenian Democratic Party, former Defence Minister; Dr Dimitrij Rupel, Slovenian writer, politician and diplomat, former Foreign Minister of Republic Slovenia; The Hon. Professor Gareth Evans, AO, QC, Chancellor, Australian National University, former Minister for Foreign Affairs; The Hon. Paul Filling, Former Member of Parliament, Secretary of the Parliamentarians for Slovenia and Croatia; Dr Spomenka Hribar, philosopher and publicist, former member of the Slovenian Parliament; Erik Modic, Former Secretary of Slovenian Democratic Union; Stanka Gregorič for archival material, photographs and guidelines as: the founder of the Demos support group in Victoria and the president of the movement, the co-founder and initiator of Slovenian National Councils in Australia, the long-term authority and contact for a long time for media matters, the co-founder and initiator of Slovenian Australian Conference and the organisational Secretary, the co-founder and the editor of Slovensko pismo - Slovenian Letter magazine, the co-founder and the editor of Glas Slovenije - The Voice of Slovenia, initiator of the group "Media Watch" for reports of the war in Slovenia, initiator of TV Slovenia on Channel 31, Australia, and a valuable member of the Slovenian community, one who always fought for justice; Mihela Šušteršič for sorting and scanning material from the private archive of Alfred Brežnik, AM and for material from her private archive - for being a valuable research assistant; Dr Elizabeth Tomažič for proofreading of the English text, and translations into English; Fr Ciril A. Božič OFM OAM, for proofreading of the Slovenian text; Liliana Eggleston Tomažič for some translations into English; HASA (Historical Archives of Slovenians in Australia) NSW for the archival material, especially for all the research and scanning by Martha Magajna, Mihela Šušteršič and Marija Grosman, who researched and gathered material about the Slovenian Association Sydney, Triglav - Panthers, Slovenian Associations Tivoli Newcastle and Planica Wollongong; HASA (Historical Archives of Slovenians in Australia) Victoria for archival material, especially for material of Slovenian National Council of Victoria, and Anica Markič; Archives of Slovenian National Councils in Australia and Australian Slovenian Conference; Fr Ciril A. Božič OFM OAM, Slovenian Religious and Cultural Centre Sts Cyril and Methodius, Kew; Fr Darko Žnidaršič OFM, Slovenian Mission St. Raphael, Sydney; Fr Valerijan Jenko OFM OAM, Slovenian Mission St. Raphael, Sydney; Fr Janez Tretjak OFM, Holy Family Slovenian Mission, Adelaide; Slovenian Association Canberra; Slovenian Association Ivan Cankar, Geelong; Slovenian Association Melbourne; Slovenian Association Planica, Springvale; Slovenian Association Planica, Wollongong; Slovenian Association Planinka, Brisbane; Slovenian Association Sydney; Slovenian Association Tivoli, Newcastle; Triglav - Panthers Club, Sydney; Anica Markič for the use of newspaper clippings and photos from her personal archive; Cvetko Falež for the use of material from his private archive; Vinko Rizmal for family archival material; Dušan and Voni Bakija for the use of material from their private archive; Mirko Cuderman for collection of the Queensland material; Danijela Hliš, Mary Midson nee Mavrič and Anton Ambrož for material fromTasmania; Toni Resnik for collection of the material from Western Australia; Lidija Čušin and Lojzka Kuhar for collection of the material at Slovenian Association Ivan Cankar, Geelong; Anica Markič for collection of the material of the Slovenian Association Melbourne; Lucija Srnec for material of the Slovenian Association Planica, Springvale; Alojz Kavaš for material of the Slovenian Association Canberra; Cilka Žagar for material from Canberra; Metka Čuk for translation Olga Lah for the use of text from the book The Fruits of Slovenian Heritage Florjan Auser, Slovenian Media House, Sydney, for some photographic material and digital archival files of publications: Novo doba, Svobodni razgovori, Slovensko Pismo, Bitka za Slovenijo, Glas Slovenije; Thank you to all photographers of photos in the book, especially Ludwig Tušek for the photos of the celebration of independence at Kew, demonstrations in Melbourne and the Mass at St Patrick's Cathedral; Rok Tržan for the portrait of Dr Danilo Türk; Igor Napast and Bogomir Čerin, Večer, Maribor; Primož Lavre, Reporter; Thank you to all the contributors of personal accounts of the important times in the history of Slovenians in Australia at the time of the battle for independence and recognition of Slovenia: Nevenka Clarke nee Golc, Mirko Cuderman, Cvetko Falež, Jožica Gerden, Stanka Gregorič, Marija Grosman, Fr Valerijan Jenko OFM OAM, Dušan Lajovic, Helena Leber, Lenti Lenko OAM, Martha Magajna, Anica Markič, Maria Mavrič, Štefan Merzel, Stanko Prosenak, Tone Resnik, Vinko Rizmal, Simon Špacapan, Mihela Šušteršič, Jože Vah, Fr Basil Valentin OFM MBE, Cilka Žagar and Fr Niko Žvokelj OFM. Thank you to the following newspaper publishers: Misli, The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian, The Herald Sun, The West Australian, Adelaide Advertiser, The Courier Mail, Sunraysia Daily, Mildura; Keilor Messenger and Novo doba. Thank you to the Ministry for Slovenians Abroad and Minister Dr Boštjan Žekš, Ljubljana, for financial support. Thank you to all the sponsors - without their help there would be no book: Alfred Brežnik AM, Sydney Dušan and Saša Lajovic Slovenian Mission, Kew, Melbourne HASA NSW Drama Group, Merrylands, Sydney Triglav - Panthers, Sydney Slovenian Association Sydney Slovenian Association Melbourne Thank you to all those who buy the book and treasure it as a valuable account of important milestones in the history of the battle for Slovenian independence and recognition in Australia. Information contained in this book is set as per documentation of the archives of Slovenian National Councils in Australia, Slovenian Australian Conference, the Minutes of the Committees' meetings, HASA - Historical Archives of Slovenians in Australia - NSW, HASA - Historical Archives of Slovenians in Australia - Victoria magazines and books as Slovensko Pismo, Bitka za Slovenijo - Battle for Slovenia, Glas Slovenije - Voice of Slovenia, Novo doba, Misli, Vestnik, private archives, archives of some Slovenian Associations in Australia and individual contributions. Author of the Chronicle is not responsible for the views expressed by the individuals in this book. Knjiga vsebuje informacije in dokumente iz arhivov Slovenskih narodnih svetov Avstralije, iz arhiva Avstralske slovenske konference, iz zapisnikov sestankov Upravnih odborov Slovenskih narodnih svetov in ASK, HASA - Historični arhiv Slovencev v Avstraliji, New South Wales, HASA - Historični arhiv Slovencev v Avstraliji, Victoria, iz revij in časopisov kot Slovensko Pismo, Bitka za Slovenijo, Glas Slovenije, Novo doba, Misli, Vestnik, iz privatnih arhivov, iz arhivov nekaterih slovenskih društev v Avstraliji in dopisi posameznikov. Avtorica ne odgovorja za zapisana mnenja posameznikov v tej knjigi. Forewords V sovražnike 'z oblakov rodu naj naš'ga trešči grom, prost, ko je bil očakov, naprej naj bo Slovencov dom; naj zdrobe njih roke si spone, ki jim še teže! Edinost, sreča, sprava k nam naj nazaj se vrnejo; otrok, kar ima Slava, vsi naj si v roke sežejo, de oblast in z njo čast, ko pred, spet naša bode last! Let thunder out of heaven Strike down and smite our wanton foe! Now, as it once had thriven, May our dear realm in freedom grow. May fall the last Chains of the past Which bind us still and hold us fast! Let peace, glad conciliation, Come back to us throughout the land! Towards their destination Let Slavs henceforth go hand-in-hand! Thus again Will honour reign To justice pledged in our domain. When France Prešeren wrote these words in 1844 they were considered subversive. The third and fourth verses of his poem which spoke of Slovenian nationalism and national identity were considered so dangerous by the Slovenian censor working for the Austrians that he prevented the publication of the poem. The censors said Prešeren could publish without the verses; Prešeren said the poem was mutilated without them. Stalemate. Now this poem, Zdravljica, is the Slovene national anthem. While mostly only the seventh verse is sung, this whole poem and its history is representative of Slovenia's journey to freedom and independence. A tiny nation with a rich history and mighty heart: a land both fiercely independent and peaceful; a people spread across the globe, fully integrated into their new homes, yet passionately attached to their motherland and mother tongue. Ho-n. Tonia- k MP o Australia was one of the first nations outside Europe to acknowledge Slovene independence on 16 January 1992, and Slovenian-Australians should be proud of the role they played in this official acknowledgement. The contributions made by the Slovenian-Australian community to their adopted homeland allowed the Australian government the confidence to support Slovenian independence. This important new work chronicles that time of turmoil and joy. I was in Slovenia on that first evening of independence, 25 June 1991 sitting near Tromostovje, listening to speeches over a public address system, and watching fireworks in the warm evening sky. In the morning of the next day, as the Ten Day War began I prepared to leave Ljubljana. The public announcements told us that the airport was closed. Citizens were urged to drive cars and trucks out to block the roads leading into Ljubljana to slow down the Yugoslav army. Shortly after my train left Slovenia, all border crossings were closed. It was a time of great anxiety for Slovenes at home and around the world, yet democracy and peace followed relatively quickly, and have lasted - something to be grateful for. As Zdravljica says, we should look forward to the time when all of us can live peacefully as neighbours. Žive naj vsi narodi, ki hrepene dočakat dan, da, koder sonce hodi, prepir iz sveta bo pregnan, da rojak prost bo vsak, ne vrag, le sosed bo mejak! God's blessing on all nations, Who long and work for that bright day, When o'er earth's habitations No war, no strife shall hold its sway; Who long to see That all men free, No more shall foes, but neighbours be. English translation by Janko Lavrin '¿V Hon Tanya Plibersek MP, Minister for Human Services; Minister for Social Inclusion Canberra, 4 May 2011 LV. Introduction Za to knjigo, Od sanj do resničnosti, kroniko delovanja Slovencev v Avstraliji v času osamosvojitve, avtorice in urednice gospe Drage Gelt OAM, sem dal pobudo novembra lani, ko smo se pogovarjali, kako prihodnje leto ob proslavljanju 20. obletnice samostojne države Republike Slovenije, najbolje označiti ta pomemben dogodek tukaj v Avstraliji. Ta, za nas Slovence eden najpomembnejših mejnikov v naši narodni zgodovini, za avstralske Slovence ni nič manj pomemben, kot je za naše rojake v rodni domovini. To pa prav gotovo velja tudi za ostalo po svetu razkropljeno slovensko diasporo. Dejstvo je, da je veliko število Slovencev prva leta po drugi svetovni vojni zapustilo svojo rodno domovino. V veliki meri so zbežali čez mejo, ker so pač bili v to primorani. Eni zato, da so si rešili življenje in drugi iz strahu pred negotovostjo. Odšli so najprej v Avstrijo in Italijo in od tam naprej v druge evropske in prekomorske države: ZDA, Argentino, Kanado, Avstralijo, itn. V teh državah so se počutili varne in v njih videli večje možnosti za dostojno življenje. V teh državah ni bilo pomembno, kako si ideološko nastrojen, pomembno je le bilo, da si marljiv delavec in da si pošten. Da so pa Slovenci imeli obe te lastnosti, so kmalu spoznali tudi delodajalci v državah, kamor so se naseljevali. Slovenci so ravno zaradi tega bili povsod spoštovani in uspešni. So pa v teh državah tudi spoznali, kaj pravzaprav pomeni svoboda v pravem pomenu besede, kaj je prava demokracija in kaj so pravzaprav človekove pravice ter vrednote družbe. V svojih društvih in organizacijah, ki so jih povsod pridno ustanavljali, so delovali po teh načelih. Bili in ostali so še naprej veliki rodoljubi in gojili ljubezen do rodne domovine. Upanja in sanj, da bo prišel čas, ko bo tudi njihova rodna domovina postala samostojna in demokratična država in kjer bodo človeške vrednote vodilo družbe, niso nikoli opustili. Zato nič čudnega, da so se Slovenci po svetu ob prvih pojavih demokratičnega in osamosvojitvenega gibanja v domovini tako hitro tudi sami vključili vanj. Slovenci smo trdoživ narod, ki kljub tisočletni tuji nadvladi ni izgubil svoje narodne identitete in jezika. Karantanska država tam v daljnem šestem stoletju je še vedno simbol naše državnosti. Ustoličevanje karantanskih vojvod vse tja do leta 1414, in to v slovenskem jeziku, je dokaz, da smo obstajali kot narod v takratni "multikulturni" Evropi", čeprav kot del Avstro-Ogarske monarhije. Žal pa so bile slovenske pokrajine v teh dolgih stoletjih razdeljene na manjše regije in tako smo kot narod izgubili moč in vpliv. Šele v času Ilirske province pod Francozi, katere glavno mesto je bila Ljubljana, od 1809 do 1813, se je naša narodna zavest nekoliko okrepila. Marčna revolucija leta 1848 nam je prinesla politični program Zedinjene Slovenije - zahteva po združitvi vseh Slovencev v enotnem kraljestvu znotraj avstrijskega cesarstva. Kljub temu, da se ta program takrat ni uresničil, je Slovencem uspelo zagotoviti svojo identiteto in priznanje kot narod. Do delne uresničitve programa Zedinjene Slovenije je prišlo po razpadu Avstro-Ogarske, po 1. svetovni vojni. Najprej z ustanovitvijo prve slovenske narodne vlade oz. Deželne vlade (v letih 1918 - 1921), ki je popolnoma ustrezala državnosti. Ustanovljena je bila 29. oktobra 1918 in je obstajala do 1. decembra 1918 - do združitve v Kraljevino Srbov, Hrvatov in Slovencev, poznejšo Jugoslavijo - v kateri je pa precejšen del slovenskega ozemlja ostal izven te nove državne tvorbe. V Kraljevini Jugoslaviji so se Slovenci gospodarsko in kulturno okrepili in dobili univerzo, niso pa dobili politične avtonomije. Šele ob koncu druge svetovne vojne je prišlo do pomembnih državnotvornih sprememb, vključno zahodne meje. Slovenija je dobila status republike v jugoslovanski socialistični federaciji, svojo skupščino, vlado in predsedstvo. Imela je svojo ustavo in od leta 1946 dalje tudi pravico do samoodločbe in pravico odcepitve. Honorary/ /\eMMio of SO - SlOPeniil / £o-New South lA/lJes Res pa je, da v prvih letih te nove države, Federativne Ljudske Republike Jugoslavije (FLRJ), nihče ni razmišljal o kakšni odcepitvi. Sicer pa takrat in dolgo pozneje, skorajda polnih 45 let, to ni bilo niti priporočljivo, niti varno. Marsikdo je za manjše dejanje odšel v zapor ali pa se mu je pripetilo še kaj hujšega. Misel in želja po samostojni Sloveniji ni popolnoma zamrla, nadaljevala se je v diaspori, kamor je odšel tudi precejšen del predvojnih politikov in vlade. Slovenski narodni odbor, nekakšna "vlada v senci", je obstajal vse do osamosvojitve. Član Narodnega odbora je bil tudi avstralski odvetnik slovenskega porekla Vladimir Menart. Konkretno v Avstraliji je bilo gibanje za samostojno Slovenijo zelo razgibano. Ta knjiga, ki sicer predvsem opisuje dogajanja v Avstraliji v času osamosvajanja v Slovenji, se tudi deloma dotakne tega gibanja tukaj. Že kar kmalu ob prihodu prvih slovenskih emigrantov v Avstralijo okrog leta 1949 so se naši rojaki pričeli zbirati in družiti, najprej po privatnih domovih in, ko jih je bilo že več, v raznih dvoranah in cerkvah. Že leta 1953 so ustanovili Predstavništvo zveze Slovencev v Sydneyu. V poznejših letih je bilo ustanovljenih več društev, postavili so si tudi lastno cerkev in se zbirali in družili na različnih mestih in krajih. Kljub temu, da je večina takratnih emigrantov prišla v Avstralijo zaradi političnih razmer doma, so vsa ta društva bila nepolitčna - v prvi vrsti je pač šlo za preživetje. Vendar je bila skrb za domovino vedno prisotna. O samostojni in demokratični Sloveniji se je razpravljalo in pisalo že dosti prej. V Sydneyu se je ustanovila Zveza slovenske akcije, katere ustanovitelj in predsednik je bil pokojni Ivan Kobal. Poleg tega je v Sydneyu obstajalo še Slovensko narodno društvo. To društvo je uradno štelo okoli 80 članov, je pa na njihove prireditve prihajalo mnogo več ljudi. Večkrat so se zbirali na posestvu Ljenka Urbančiča, na Mt. Mileni (Kurrajong Heights) v Modrih Gorah (Blue Mountains), kakih 80 km zahodno od Sydneya. Že pri vhodu na posestvo je ob cesti obiskovalca pozdravil velik napis, vklesan v kamen, Cesta svobodne Slovenije, ki je vodila na sam vrh gore - imenovane Mt. Milena, po Ljenkovi materi. Večji del posestva je bil poraščen s čudovito avstralsko floro in visokimi evkaliptusi. Z vrha je bil čudovit pogled daleč na okrog, na lep dan vse do Sydneya. Prirejali smo piknike in večkrat so tam taborili učenci slovenske Slomškove šole iz Merrylandsa. Glavna letna prireditev pa je bila proslava slovenske državnosti, 29. oktober 1918, ko je Slovenija dobila svojo prvo vlado. Te proslave so bile v glavnem v kakšnem večjem hotelu v Sydneyu. Vzhodna Evropa je v osemdesetih letih doživljala velike politične spremembe. Slovenija ni bila izvzeta. Na Poljskem se pojavi Lech Walesa - ustanovi Solidarnost. Na Češkoslovaškem intelektualci zahtevajo spoštovanje človekovih pravic in demokratizacijo družbe. Leta 1986 se pojavi Gorbačov in napove novo družbeno gibanje, leta 1989 sovjetska vojska zapusti Poljsko, Češko, Madžarsko in Nemško demokratično republiko. V istem letu je tudi padel berlinski zid. V Sloveniji, šele tri leta po Titovi smrti, leta 1983 Slovenska matica organizira simpozij zoper uvedbo "skupnih učnih jeder' za celotno področje SFRJ. Leta 1987 izide 57. številka Nove Revije z naslovom Prispevki za slovenski nacionalni program. Avtorji poudarjajo nujnost demokratičnih sprememb v državi in družbi ter pojmovanje izvirne suverenosti, ki pripada narodom in ne federaciji. V Litostroju ustanovijo neodvisne sindikate in pobudo za ustanovitev socialdemokratske stranke. Sledi aretacija Janeza Janše, Ivana Borštnerja, Davida Tasiča in Francija Zavrla. 3. junija 1988 v Ljubljani ustanovijo Odbor za varstvo človekovih pravic. 21. junija se na Kongresnem trgu zbere v podporo četverici 50.000 ljudi. Republiška SZDL Slovenije 27. junija 1989 sprejme Temeljno listino Slovenije 1989, ki med drugim izjavlja: Hočemo živeti v demokratični državi suverenega slovenskega naroda in vseh državljanov Slovenije, utemeljeni na človekovih pravicah in državljanskih svoboščinah. Društvo slovenskih pisateljev, Slovenska demokratična zveza, Slovenska kmečka zveza, Slovensko krščansko socialno gibanje, Socialnodemokratska zveza Slovenije 8. maja 1989 v svoji Majniški deklaraciji sporoča, med drugim, ... da hočemo živeti v suvereni državi slovenskega naroda in, da bomo kot suverena država sami odločali o povezavah z jugoslovanskimi in drugimi narodi v okviru prenovljene Evrope. Avstralski Slovenci so med prvimi, ki hočejo pomagati domovini: V Canberri so ustanovili Društvo za zaščito človekovih pravic, ki je zbralo lepo vsoto denarja za pomoč 'četverici'. V Sydneyu se 10. decembra 1989 ustanovi Društvo za podporo Slovenske demokratične opozicije. Med prisotnimi je gost iz Slovenije, mladi Erik Modic, tajnik dr. Jožeta Pučnika, ki prisotne nagovori. Razloži nam situacijo v Sloveniji - ustanovitev koalicije strank, združenih v DEMOS in njihove finančne potrebe za zmago na volitvah. Obe društvi: Sydney-sko in Melbourne-ško, ki se je ustanovilo 18. februarja 1990, pričneta z intenzivno nabirko za pomoč demokratični opoziciji v Sloveniji. Najprej kar na hitrico zberejo okoli 4000 avstralskih dolarjev za tehnično opremo pisarne (telefaks in drugo), takrat še v Munchenu. Avstralski Slovenci še pred volitvami zberejo 64.425 dolarjev. Pri DEMOS-u je ob času volitev avstralska društva za podporo demokracije zastopal Alfred Brežnik. Na volitvah zmaga DEMOS. Predsednik vlade je postal Lojze Peterle, predsednik skupščine France Bučar. Predsednik Republike je postal Milan Kučan. S tem pa stvar še ni bila končana. To je šele začetek konca . . .: najprej ven iz jugoslovanske federacije in potem priznanje samostojne države - je končni cilj. Ko avstralski društvi za podporo demokracije v Slovenji opravita svojo nalogo, se po volitvah v Sloveniji reorganizirata - preimenujejo se oz. ustanovijo se Slovenski narodni sveti (SNS), ki se 28. julija 1990 združijo v Avstralsko slovensko konferenco (ASK) za Svetovni slovenski kongres (SsK). Prvi predsednik postane zdaj že pokojni Marjan Kovač. Na povabilo ASK 23. novembra 1990 v Avstralijo prispe prvi minister za Slovence po svetu v prvi demokratično izvoljeni slovenski vladi, dr. Janez Dular. V Sydneyu Alfred Brežnik z odobritvijo Slovenskih narodnih svetov (SNS), dr. Dularja in ministra za informiranje, gospoda Staniča, ustanovi in vodi Slovenski informacijski urad. Urad dnevno razpošilja informacije od STA, Ministrstva za informiranje in drugih državnih ustanov na naslove slovenskih organizacij in medijev, posameznikom ter avstralskim medijem, ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve in raznim politikom. Avstralski Slovenci smo ostali v tesnem stiku s Slovenijo in ves čas dobro obveščeni o dogajanjih tam. Nenehno politično in gospodarsko slabšanje v Jugoslaviji je pospešilo priprave za plebiscit, ki je napovedan za 23. december 1990. Avstralski Slovenci podprejo plebiscit. Ker ni bilo dovolj časa in zaradi velikih razdalj Slovenski informacijski urad zbere 27 izjav slovenskih organizacij, ki podpirajo plebiscitarno odločitev o suvereni in samostojni Sloveniji. Uradni podatki: 88.5% volivcev glasuje ZA. Razmere na Slovenskem in Hrvaškem so prispele okoli 25. januarja 1991 na rob državljanske vojne. JLA je v stanju najvišje vojaške pripravljenosti na področju Slovenije in Hrvaške. 25. januarja smo Slovenci v Avstraliji prejeli od dr. Dularja obvestilo o situaciji v Sloveniji, svetuje nam, da tudi mi povzdignemo svoj glas in na svoj način obvestimo o dogodkih vlade držav, v katerih živimo, seveda v mejah zakonov naših novih domovin. Vsi Slovenski narodni sveti, mnoga društva in posamezniki se 27. januarja pridružijo Hrvatom na protestnih shodih širom Avstralije. V Melbournu je na demonstracijah na City Square množico nagovorila Elica Rizmal, v Canberri Marjan Kovač in Cvetko Falež ter v Sydneyu pred jugoslovanskim konzulatom Alfred Brežnik. 21. februarja 1991 je v Avstralijo pripotoval predsednik sveta DEMOS-a, dr. Jože Pučnik. Na sydneyskem letališču ga je pričakalo okoli 80 rojakov. Dr. Pučnik je obiskal, poleg Sydneya, še Gold Coast, Melbourne, Geelong, Adelaide in Canberro. Od Avstralije se je dr. Jože Pučnik poslovil 7. marca 1991. Na podlagi plebiscitne odločitve ZA je skupščina Republike Slovenije 25. junija 1991 sprejela Temeljno ustavno listino o samostojni in neodvisni Republiki Sloveniji - Slovenija postane samostojna država. Razglasitvi samostojnosti in neodvisnosti na Trgu republike je prisostvovala 10 članska delegacija iz Avstralije - prišla je na SSK, ki je bil tiste dni v Ljubljani. Tudi sam sem imel srečo biti priča temu zgodovinskemu dogodku. Svečano vzdušje - dvig te neizmerno dolge nove slovenske zastave med zvoki nove slovenske himne, postrojeni slovenski vojaki (TO) ..., vse to me je emocionalno popolnoma obvladalo. Solze sreče je bilo nemogoče zatajiti. In že naslednji dan, 26. junija 1991, se je vojna za Slovenijo dejansko začela. SSK je bil na hitrico skrajšan in zaključen. Med podanimi poročili je bilo tudi poročilo v Avstraliji ustanovljenega združenja Mednarodni razvojni partnerji Slovenije. Napad na Slovenijo je ljudi in politiko med sabo še bolj povezal v skupnem odporu. Dobro organizirani TO in slovenski milici je uspelo onemogočiti namene JLA. Po desetih dneh vojne je ob pritisku evropskih držav prišlo do premirja. Avstralski Slovenci takoj po vojni pristopimo k zbiralni akciji in za pomoč Sloveniji zberemo okrog 266.000 avstralskih dolarjev. Naj tukaj še omenim, da so poleg te akcije in drugih manjših (nekaj 10.000 dolarjev za pomoč bolnišnicam v Sloveniji), avstralski Slovenci zbrali še okrog 90.000 dolarjev za prizadete v poplavah v Sloveniji. 25. oktobra 1991 zadnji vojak JLA zapusti Slovenijo. Pričel se je boj za mednarodno priznanje. V Avstraliji se v boj za priznanje vklučijo vsi SNS-i, ASK, Slovenski informacijski urad, slovenska društva širom Avstralije in mnogi posamezniki. Lobirajo pri politikih, članih parlamenta, neposredno pri ministru za zunanje zadeve in predsedniku vlade. 15. januarja 1992 je Slovenijo uradno priznala Evropska unija. Takoj naslednji dan, 16. januarja 1992, pa Avstralija in Nova Zelandija. Prvi prekomorski državi, ki sta uradno priznali Slovenijo - v Avstraliji prav gotovo po zaslugi zgoraj omenjenih lobistov. Nova Zelandija je sledila Avstraliji po zaslugi Dušana Lajovica. Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije je 17. julija 1991 pooblastilo Dušana Lajovica, da v svojstvu posebnega svetovalca ministra vzpostavlja stike s predstavniki političnih, ekonomskih in drugih institucij Nove Zelandije. Zunanje ministrstvo je 7. novembra 1991 poslalo pismo tudi Alfredu Brežniku, v katerem dr. Dimitrij Rupel izraža, da so njegove dejavnosti, namenjene vzpostavitvi stikov z Ministrstvom za zunanje zadeve Avstralije in drugimi državnimi institucijami ter predstavniki političnega in javnega življenja Avstralije, deležne vse podpore in pomoči Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije. V tem svojstvu je dr. Rupel obvestil o zadevi tudi avstralskega zunanjega ministra Garetha Evansa. Februarja 1992 Avstralijo obišče obrambni minister Janez Janša. V desetih dneh bivanja v Avstraliji je obiskal Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberro, Brisbane in Sydney. Povsod je bil sprejet z navdušenjem. Avstralijo in Novo Zealandijo maja meseca 1992 uradno obišče minister za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije dr. Dimitrij Rupel. V Avstraliji ga spremlja Alfred Brežnik, v Novi Zelandiji pa Dušan Lajovic. V obeh državah ima uradne razgovore z zunanjima ministroma obeh držav in drugimi ministri ter visokimi državnimi uradniki. Vlada Republike Slovenije izda 18. junija 1992 Odlok o odprtju Konzulata Republike Slovenije v Sydneyu, na čelu s častnim konzulom Alfredom Brežnikom in o odprtju Konzulata Republike Slovenije v Wellingtonu, na čelu s častnim konzulom Dušanom Lajovicem. V septembru mesecu 1992 Avstralijo obišče tedaj že bivši predsednik vlade Lojze Peterle. Obišče rojake v Sydneyu, Brisbanu, Canberri, Adelaidi, Melbournu in Perthu. Aprila 1993 se v Canberri odpre prvo Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije v Avstraliji. Za odpravnika poslov je imenovan Aljaž Gosnar, za upravno konzularno referentko pa Tina Omahen. Junija meseca 1993 nas obišče minister za Slovence po svetu, dr. Peter Vencelj. Leta 1994 Združenje mednarodni razvojni partnerji Slovenije, ustanovljeno v Avstraliji, tokrat že z uradom v Ljubljani, sodeluje v Sydneyu na WTO konferenci in razstavi z 52 slovenskimi podjetji -slovenski paviljon je bil eden največjih. Slovenija je v dvajsetih letih svoje lastne državnosti postala ugledna in spoštovana članica svetovne družine narodov, je članica vseh glavnih mednarodnih organizacij, kot so: NATO (29. marca 2004), EU (1. maja 2004), uvedla EVRO (1. januarja 2007), predsedovala EU (od 1. januarja do 30. junija 2008), 32. članica Organizacije za gospodarsko sodelovanje in razvoj - OECD (21. julija 20l0). Avstralijo in Novo Zealandijo leta 1998 obišče takratni predsednik vlade, dr. Janez Drnovšek, leta 2000 ob za Slovenijo zelo uspešnih olimpijskih igrah pa takratni predsednik države Milan Kučan. Knjiga Od sanj do resničnosti pokriva kronološko obdobje osamosvojitve v letih 1989 do 1993, ko smo v Avstraliji dobili prvo Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije. Poudarek je seveda na doprinosu avstralskih Slovencev k osamosvojitvi Slovenije in njenega priznanja s strani avstralske države. Knjiga je pomemben zgodovinski dokument izredne arhivske vredosti. Je zbirka dokumentov, fotografij, korespondenc, izrezkov iz avstralskih in slovenskih časnikov ter spominov mnogih avstralskih Slovencev, ki so bili aktivno prisotni v eni ali drugi organizaciji ali pa so pomagali kot posamezniki, ko je šlo za uresničitev stoletnih sanj nas vseh. Draga Gelt OAM zasluži najvišjo pohvalo in čestitke, da se je sploh upala lotiti tega velikanskega dela -preko 800 strani knjige, za katero je imela slabe štiri mesece, da jo dokonča. V to iskreno hvaležnost njej pa je seveda položena tudi hvaležnost vsem, ki ste takrat neustrašeno delali za samostojno Slovenijo in jo še danes nosite v svojem srcu. Še posebej pa bi se želel zahvaliti Stanki Gregorič za njeno neprecenljivo zavzetost, s katero se je popolnoma predala za samostojno Slovenijo. Alfred Brežnik AM, častni generalni konzul Republike Slovenije za NSW Sydney, 8. maja 2011 This book From Dreams to Reality, a chronicle of activities undertaken by Slovenian Australians at the time of Slovenian independence, has been written and compiled by its author and editor Draga Gelt following my initiative in November last year when we talked about the best way of marking the 20th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Slovenia in Australia. This is for us Slovenians living in Australia, as one of the most important milestones in our national history, no less important than for our compatriots living in the homeland. The same probably applies to the whole Slovenian diaspora. It is a known fact that large numbers of Slovenians left their homeland in the first years after the end of World War II. Many fled over the border simply because they had to. Some of them were only trying to save their lives, others left in fear of an uncertain future. They first crossed over to Austria and Italy and from there to other European and overseas countries, including the USA, Argentina, Canada, Australia and so on.,In these countries they felt safe and had more opportunities for a decent life. In these countries one's Ideological leanings did not matter. The only things that mattered were the ability to work hard and to be honest. Employers in countries to which Slovenians migrated soon realised these workers could demonstrate both these attributes. For this reason, Slovenians everywhere were respected and became successful. Slovenians themselves soon realised the true meaning of freedom, democracy, human rights and social values. In the clubs and associations that they founded diligently wherever they settled, these principles were always respected. Slovenians were and continued to be devoted to their homeland and maintained their love for their country. They hoped and dreamed that the day would come when their homeland became independent and democratic and the country ruled by the principles of human rights. They never forgot this dream. It is no wonder then that when the first signs of a democratic and independent movement in Slovenia occurred Slovenians around the world were quick to join in. Slovenians are tough people, holding on to its national identity and language throughout more than a thousand years of foreign reign. The State of Karantanija that existed in the sixth century still remains the key symbol of our statehood. The fact that the ceremony during which the Duke of Karantanija was elected to sit on the Duke's Stone was held in the Slovenian language from its beginnings to 1414 shows that Slovenians existed as a nation in the 'multicultural' Europe of the time, even if under the Austro-Hungarian rule. Regrettably, over centuries the regions inhabited by Slovenians were gradually split into smaller areas and this led to a loss of power and influence of Slovenians as a nation. It was only when the French occupied this area and called it the Illyrian Provinces from 1809 to 1813 that national awareness awoke again. The March Revolution in 1848 resulted in the political programme called Unified Slovenia (Zedinjena Slovenija). It was a call for the unity of all Slovenians in a united kingdom outside the reign of the Austrian Empire. Even though this program was never carried through, Slovenians managed to establish their identity and recognition as a nation. The program of Unified Slovenia was partly realised at the end of World War I when the Austrian-Hungarian Empire disintegrated. Firstly, by the formation of the first Slovenian national, that is, the Slovenian Regional Government (from 1918 to 1921) that had all attributes of a state. It was first established in 29 October 1918 and remained in place to 1 December 1918 when the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes was created. Unfortunately, it left a considerable area populated by Slovenians outside its borders. The Kingdom of Yugoslavia facilitated economic and cultural growth for Slovenians and the opening of the first university in Ljubljana; however, political autonomy remained elusive until the end of World War II. 1945 brought about many political changes including the change of borders to the West. Slovenia gained the status of republic within the Yugoslav socialist federation, and had its own parliament, government and presidency. It also had its own constitution and, from 1946, also the right to home rule and to break away. Admittedly, nobody considered breaking away seriously in the early days of the new Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia. It is also true that such thoughts were neither recommended nor, for that matter, safe. Many ended up in jail or worse for a much lesser offence. Nevertheless, the thought of and the desire for independence never completely disappeared. It continued to burn among the Slovenian diaspora, which included many Slovenian politicians active before WWII. The Slovenian National Councils, a kind of a 'shadow government', were established and they remained active until the time when Slovenia gained its independence. One of the members of the National Council was an Australian lawyer of Slovenian background, Vladimir Menart. In Australia, the independence movement was actually very dynamic. The present book focuses mainly on the events that took place in Australia around the period when Slovenia became independent, but it also touches on this movement. Soon after the arrival of the first Slovenian migrants to Australia in 1949, our compatriots started to get together, first in private homes and later, when the numbers were higher, in local halls and churches. As early as in 1953, they established the Representation of Slovenians in Sydney. Later on, other clubs and associations emerged; Slovenians built their own church and met at different locations. Despite the fact that most migrants from Slovenia in those times came to Australia due to the political situation back home, such associations and clubs managed to stay non-political. This is not surprising as their main reason was survival. Nevertheless, concern for the homeland always remained present. Slovenians often discussed and wrote about an independent and democratic Slovenia. In Sydney, they started Zveza Slovenske Akcije (Slovenian Action League); its founder and president was the late Ivan Kobal. Also in Sydney, there was Slovensko narodno društvo (Slovenian National Association). This Association had around 80 registered members, however, their functions were attended by considerably larger numbers of people. They often met at Ljenko Urbancic's estate on Mt Milena, Kurrajong Heights, in the Blue Mountains, about 80km west of Sydney. At the estate entrance, the visitor was greeted by a stone engraved with, 'Cesta svobodne Slovenije' (the 'Free Slovenia' Road); this road led all the way to the top of the mountain called Mt Milena, named after Ljenko's mother. The estate was forested by beautiful Australian flora and tall eucalypt trees. From the top, there was a beautiful view over the whole area; on a good day you could see all the way to Sydney. We organised picnics there and the place was also used by students from the Slovenian Slomšek School in Merrylands for camping .The main event of the year was the anniversary of Slovenia's statehood, commemorating 29 October 1918 when Slovenia appointed its own government for the first time. These functions were normally organised in one of the larger hotels in Sydney. In the 80s of the previous century, Eastern Europe underwent significant political changes. In this, Slovenia was no exception. In Poland, Lech Walensa emerged with his Solidarity movement. In Czechoslovakia, intellectuals demanded respect for human rights and democracy. In Russia, Gorbachov appeared in 1986 and announced a new social movement; in 1989, the Russian Army left Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Eastern Germany. The same year saw the fall of the Berlin Wall. In Slovenia in 1983, only three years after Tito's death, Slovenska matica organised a symposium against skupna jedra (common curriculums) in schools that would apply to the whole territory of Yugoslavia. In 1987, Nova Revija published its 57th issue, entitled Contributions to the Slovenian National Program. Its authors highlighted the need for democratic changes in the country and society and focused on the fundamental sovereignty that was inherent to each nation and not the federation. In the Litostroj company, workers established independent unions and initiated the establishment of the Social Democratic Party. Soon afterwards, Janez Janša, Ivan Borštner, David Tasič and Franci Zavrl were arrested in Ljubljana. On 3 June 1988, the Human Rights Committee was founded and 50,000 people came to the Kongresni trg to protest against their arrest. The Slovenian Socialist Alliance of Working People (SZDL) passed the Fundamental Charter of Slovenia 1989 which declares:"We want to live in a democratic state of the sovereign Slovenian nation and citizens of Slovenia that is based on human rights and citizen freedoms." The Slovene Writers Association, the Slovenian Democratic Alliance, the Slovenian Farmers Union, the Slovenian Christian Social Movement and the Democratic Union of Slovenia declared in the majniška deklaracija (May Declaration) of 8 May 1989 that... we want to live in a sovereign state of the Slovenian nation and will, as a sovereign state, decide for ourselves on our associations with the Yugoslav and other nations within a reformed Europe. Australian Slovenians were among the first who offered a hand to their homeland: in Canberra, they founded the Human Rights Association which managed to raise a significant amount of money to help the arrested four. On 10 December 1989, Slovenians in Sydney founded the Association for Support to the Slovenian Democratic Opposition. The event was attended by a young visitor from Slovenia, Eric Modic, Dr Jože Pucnik's secretary, who addressed the meeting. In his address, he explained the situation in Slovenia - the formation of a coalition of parties joined together under the name of DEMOS and their financial needs in order to win the forthcoming elections. Both associations, the one in Sydney and the one in Melbourne founded on 18 February 1990, started an intense campaign to raise funds to assist the democratic opposition in Slovenia. Very quickly they collected $4,000 for technical equipment (fax machine and similar) for the office which at the time was in Munich. Prior to the elections, Australian Slovenians managed to raise $64,425. At the time of the elections Alfred Brežnik was at the DEMOS headquarters, representing the Australian Slovenian Associations, which supported democracy In Slovenia.. DEMOS indeed won the elections. Lojze Peterle was appointed the first Prime Minister and France Bučar the first Speaker in the National Assembly. The first President of the Republic of Slovenia became Milan Kučan. However, this was not the end of the story. In fact, it was only the beginning: Slovenia had to break away from the Yugoslav Federation and then become recognised as an independent country - that was the final goal. When the Australian Associations for support of democracy in Slovenia completed their initial tasks, they restructured and changed their name to become Slovenian National Councils. On 28 July 1990 they joined forces as the Slovenian Australian Conference for the Slovenian World Congress. The first President of the Slovenian Australian Conference was the late Marjan Kovač. On the invitation of the Australian Slovenian Conference, the first Minister for Slovenians Abroad in the first democratically elected Slovenian government, Dr Janez Dular, arrived in Australia on 23 November 1990. With support from the Slovenian National Councils, Dr Dular and Minister for Information Mr Stanič, Alfred Brežnik started the Slovenian Information Office in Sydney. This office disseminated information acquired from STA, the Ministry of Information and other Slovenian institutions and media to Slovenian organisations in Australia, individuals, the Australian media, the Department of Foreign Affairs and several Australian politicians. Australian Slovenians remained in close contact with Slovenia and kept well-informed on the latest developments in the homeland. Continuous disintegration of the economic situation in Yugoslavia accelerated preparations for a plebiscite on 23 December 1990. Australian Slovenians supported the plebiscite. Due to lack of time and the tyranny of distance, the Slovenian Information Office collected statements by 27 Slovenian organisations in Australia in support of the plebiscite decision on sovereign and independent Slovenia. Official data shows that 88.5% of the electorate agreed. The situation in Slovenia and Croatia deteriorated by 25 January 1991 to the extent that civil war looked imminent. The Yugoslav Army based in territory in Slovenia and Croatia was on the highest level of alert. Slovenians in Australia received a notification from Dr Dular about the situation in Slovenia on 25 January; his advice was to raise our voices and to inform our respective governments abroad of events taking place in Yugoslavia within the legal limits in our new countries. All Slovenian National Councils, many clubs and individuals decided to join the Croatians in public protests around Australia. Demonstrators in the City Square in Melbourne were addressed by Elica Rizmal, in Canberra by Marjan Kovač and Cvetko Falež, and in Sydney, in front of the Yugoslav consulate, Alfred Brežnik. On 21 February 1991, the President of the DEMOS Council, Dr Jože Pučnik, visited Australia. He was met by a delegation of around 80 compatriots at the Sydney Airport. Dr Pučnik also visited the Gold Coast, Melbourne, Geelong, Adelaide and Canberra and left Australia on 7 March 1991. On the basis of the plebiscite decision, the Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia passed the Fundamental Charter on Independent Republic of Slovenia on 25 June 1991. With this document, Slovenia became an independent state. The independence announcement on the Trg republike the followwing day, was witnessed by a ten-member-strong delegation from Australia who came to Ljubljana to attend the Slovenian World Congress. I was lucky enough to personally witness this historic event. The atmosphere was solemn: the raising of the incredibly long Slovenian flag as the new Slovenian anthem was sung, Slovenian soldiers in attendance... I was completely emotionally overwhelmed by the situation. It was impossible to stop my tears of happiness. On that day, 26 June 1991, the war for Slovenia actually broke out. The Slovenian World Congress was rushed to its conclusion and closed. Speeches included the report by the international association called the International Development Partners of Slovenia established in Australia. Military attack on Slovenia brought people and politicians even closer together in their joint resistance. Well organised Slovenian militia and Slovenian police managed to thwart attempts by the Yugoslav Army. After ten days of war and continuous pressure from other European countries, peace was negotiated. Immediately after the war, Australian Slovenians raised $266,000 to assist Slovenia. In addition to this fundraising event and some minor ones (collecting around $10,000 to assist hospitals in Slovenia), Australian Slovenians raised another $90,000 for people affected by floods in Slovenia. On 25 October 1991, the last Yugoslav Army soldier left Slovenian soil. The fight for the international recognition of Slovenia began. In Australia, efforts for recognition were joined by all Slovenian National Councils, the Australian Slovenian Congress, the Slovenian Information Office, Slovenian clubs and associations throughout Australia, together with many individuals. They lobbied Australian politicians, members of parliament, the Minister for Foreign Affairs himself and the Prime Minister. On 15 January 1992, the European Union officially recognised Slovenia as an independent state. The next day, on 16 January 1992, Australia and New Zealand followed. They were the first two overseas countries to recognise Slovenia. In Australia, this was definitely due to the hard work of the abovementioned lobbyists. New Zealand followed Australia mainly thanks to Dušan Lajovic's efforts. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia authorised Dušan Lajovic on 17 July 1991 to act as a special advisor to the Minister and as such to network among representatives of New Zealand political, economic and other institutions. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also sent a letter to Alfred Brežnik on 7 November 1991 in which Dr Dimitrij Rupel declared the Ministry's full support for his efforts in establishing contacts between the Department of Foreign Affairs and other Australian institutions in Australia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia. Dr Rupel informed the Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Gareth Evans, of his decision. In February 1992, the Defence Minister Janez Janša visited Australia. During his ten day stay he visited Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra, Brisbane and Sydney. Everywhere he was met with great enthusiasm. In May 1992, Australia and New Zealand were visited by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Dimitrij Rupel. On his tour of Australia, he was accompanied by Alfred Brežnik and on the tour of New Zealand by Dušan Lajovic. He held official talks with the Ministers for Foreign Affairs and several other ministers and high officials in both countries. On 18 June 1992, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia issued a decree on the opening of the Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Sydney with Alfred Brežnik as the Honorary Consul, and a decree on the opening of the Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Wellington with Dušan Lajovic as the Honorary Consul there. In September 1992, Australia was visited by the then already former Prime Minister Lojze Peterle. He visited Slovenians in Sydney, Brisbane, Canberra, Adelaide and Perth. In April 1993, the first Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia was opened in Canberra. Aljaž Gosnar was appointed the first Chargé d'Affaires and Tina Omahen as the Consular Officer. In June 1993, Dr Peter Vencelj, the new Minister for Slovenians Abroad, paid a visit to Australia. In 1994, the International Development Partners of Slovenia, an association that was founded in Australia and with an office in Ljubljana at that time, took part in the World Trade Organisation conference in Sydney and joined the exhibition with 52 Slovenian companies. The Slovenian pavilion was one of the largest. In the twenty years of its statehood, Slovenia became a distinguished and respected member of the world family of nations. It is a member of all key international organisations, such as the NATO (since 29 March 2004) and the EU (since 1 May 2004); it introduced the new currency, the euro (since 1 January 2007); held the Presidency of the European Union (from 1 January 2008 to 30 June 2008) and became the 32nd member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (since 21 July 2010). In 1998, Australia and New Zealand were visited by the Prime Minister, Dr Janez Drnovšek, and in 2000 by the President of the Republic of Slovenia at the time, Milan Kučan. His visit coincided with the Olympic Games in Sydney which proved very successful for Slovenia. This book, From Dreams to Reality, covers the period of independence from 1989 to 1993 when the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia was first opened in Australia. The emphasis is on the contributions made by Australian Slovenians to Slovenian independence and the recognition of Slovenia by Australia. The book is an immensely important document of historic value. It is a collection of documents, photos, letters, cuttings from Australian and Slovenian newspapers and memoirs by many Australian Slovenians who actively took part in organisations or helped as individuals when we were working toward realising our commonly-held centuries old dreams. Draga Gelt, OAM, deserves our highest praise and congratulations for undertaking such an enormous task - she has compiled a book of over 800 pages in less than four months. Our sincere gratitude to her goes along with our gratitude to everyone else who also made such fearless efforts for an independent Slovenia that we all hold so dear to our hearts. And last but not least, my special thanks to Stanka Gregorič for her outstanding and invauable dedication to an independent Slovenia. Alfred Breznik, AM, Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Slovenia to NSW Sydney, 8 May 2011 /Messages Slovenci doma in po svetu v letu 2011 praznujemo 20. obletnico ustanovitve lastne, samostojne in neodvisne države. Gre za vrhunec procesa osamosvajanja, ki se je pričel že bistveno pred letom 1991 in katerega se posebej radi spominjamo zato, ker je šlo za ključno zgodovinsko obdobje, ki ga je zaznamovala složnost vseh Slovenk in Slovencev pri stremljenju k skupnemu cilju samostojnosti in suverenosti Slovenije. Vsi narodi tenkočutno negujejo zgodovinski spomin na tiste redke trenutke, ki so jim prinesli notranjo enotnost, in vsakodnevno iščejo poti k doseganju novih soglasij in sinergij. Slovenskemu narodu, zgodovinsko zaznamovanemu s številnimi delitvami, maloštevilnemu in razpršenemu širom sveta ter soočenemu z izzivi prihodnosti, spomin na tedanjo enotnost pomeni še bistveno več. Avstralski Slovenci ste nedeljivi del slovenskega naroda. Četudi nas ločujejo oceani in kontinenti, čutimo, kako blizu ste svoji domovini. Vaša prizadevanja v času osamosvajanja, neposredno po razglasitvi neodvisnosti Republike Slovenije ter na poti k njenemu mednarodnemu priznanju, pomenijo pomemben del v mozaiku uspeha naše države. Slednji je bil mogoč prav zato, ker smo v vseh ključnih trenutkih stopili skupaj. Avstralski Slovenci ste delovali spontano, iz srčne ljubezni do domovine. Klicu časa ste se odzvali v vseh večjih centrih slovenstva v Avstraliji. Še posebej veseli, da ste na tej poti prišli tudi do enotnosti med seboj, na peti celini. Avstralska Slovenija ostaja vitalna in s svojim prispevkom ste lahko v ponos Vašim potomcem, ki bodo v prihodnjem obdobju prevzeli odgovornost, iskali enotnost, in se soočali z izzivi, ki sledijo. Pričujoča kronika je pregled zgodovinskega dogajanja. Naj služi tudi kot navdih za sedanjost in prihodnost. V imenu rojakov v domovini in drugod po svetu se Vam zahvaljujem za požrtvovalno in nesebično delovanje ter za vso pozitivno energijo, ki jo širite v daljni Avstraliji in s tem pozitivno prispevate k ugledu naše mlade države. Dr Türk, Presi dent o ofjRpuMic S/Oi'enia- Dr. Danilo Türk, predsednik Republike Slovenije Ljubljana, marec 2011 In 2011, Slovenians at home and abroad celebrate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of their own independent, sovereign nation. It marks the pinnacle of the process of self-determination which, in fact, began before 1991 and which we remember because it is an important, prominent historical period, marked by the unity of all Slovenians. All nationalities care deeply for those special moments in their national history that have brought internal unity, and continue daily to seek the path that will achieve new accords and synergies. The Slovenian nation has, throughout history, been marked by numerous divisions. Its small population, nonetheless dispersed widely across the globe, has dealt constantly with a challenging future. Consequently, the memories of that particular moment of unity are of a fundamentally deeper nature. Australian Slovenians, you are an inseparable part of the Slovenian nation. Even though we are divided by oceans and continents, we feel your closeness to the homeland. Your patriotism at the time of independence as you supported the proclamation of the Republic of Slovenia, and while awaiting international recognition of her independence, represented a vital part of the mosaic of the success of our nationhood. The latter was possible precisely because we all worked together at every crucial moment. Australian Slovenians, you acted instinctively from heartfelt love for your homeland. When the call came, you rallied yourselves at the large Slovenian centres around Australia. It is pleasing to see that while on this path you also achieved a sense of unity amongst yourselves, on the fifth continent. The 'Australian Slovenia' has vitality and the next generation, who will take over your responsibilities while grappling with their own challenges, can be proud of your efforts. The forthcoming Chronicle is an overview of historical events. May it also serve as inspiration for both the present and the future. On behalf of your compatriots in the homeland and those spread around the globe, we thank you for your sacrifices and selfless endeavours, and for all the positive energy you are spreading from a distant Australia. This positivity contributes to our young nation's view of the future. Dr Danilo Türk, President, Republic of Slovenia Ljubljana, March 2011 On the 25th June 1991, Slovenia declared its independence from Yugoslavia. At the time, the Australian Government under my Prime Ministership needed to be satisfied that international criteria were applied before recognition of that independence. However I was confident that this would follow and stated that Australia would be among the first to recognize Slovenia as an independent State if those criteria were met. I recall the support the government was given by the leaders of the Yugoslav communities in Australia and the responsible and peaceable response shown in our country to the hostilities being experienced by the respective ethnic States in Yugoslavia. The Australian Government lent its full support to the efforts of the European Community, and indeed as soon as the European Union formally recognized Slovenia's independence, Australia acted to do so on 16 January 1992. Since that time, Slovenia has successfully integrated into the international community by becoming a member of the United Nations in May 1992, the European Union and NATO in 2004, Eurozone in 2007 and has representation in the European Commission and the European Parliament. On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Slovenia's self-determination I send my congratulations and best wishes to the future prosperity of your country. R. J. L. Hawke, AC, GCL Sydney, 5 May 2011 1987 and 1990 Drage Slovenke in Slovenci v Avstraliji! Od časov kralja Sama in ponosne Karantanije, v kateri so postavljali vojvode v slovenščini, ni nikoli zamrla misel o lastni in suvereni politični organiziranosti Slovencev, kar je v času pomladi narodov leta 1848 zapisal tudi v Programu Zedinjene Slovenije celovški stolni kaplan in narodni buditelj Matija Majar Ziljski. Veliko je bilo posameznih ali skupinskih izrazov volje po samostojni slovenski državi, vendar je zamisel ostala neuresničena, ker zanjo ni bilo izpolnjenih pogojev. Nekateri pravijo, da smo sanjali. Zakaj smo na začetku devetdesetih let lahko sanje uresničili? Uspeli smo, ker je volja po samostojni in demokratični slovenski državi prerasla v močno politično organizirano gibanje. Razumeli smo zgodovinsko priložnost, projekt osamosvojitve in demokratizacije pa smo opredelili kot ključno programsko točko strank slovenske pomladi, ki so se združile v koalicijo DEMOS. Ključno za izvedbo pa je bilo, da je DEMOS na prvih demokratičnih volitvah aprila 1990 zmagal in prevzel oblast ter takoj začel s pripravami na osamosvojitev. DEMOS je deloval vključevalno in s takratno opozicijo sklenil sporazum o izvedbi plebiscita, na katerem so 23.12.1990 volivke in volivci močno podprli projekt osamosvojitve. Uspeli smo tudi zato, ker smo bili pripravljeni na napad Jugoslovanske ljudske armade in zmagali vojno za Slovenijo. Seveda je bilo potrebno za mednarodno priznanje izpolniti zahtevne pogoje in pridobiti zunanje zaveznike. Izredno sem vesel in ponosen, da pripadam generaciji, ki je doživela in razumela nasmeh zgodovine in ga z jasno politično voljo izkoristila za dosego največjega narodnopolitičnega cilja slovenskega naroda. S postavitvijo svobodne in demokratične lastne države smo prelomili z nedemokratičnim, komunističnim režimom, zase in za združeno Evropo smo podrli 600 km železne zavese. Ustavno sodišče Republike Slovenije je pred nekaj leti jasno povedalo, da smo politično svobodo dosegli šele v letih 1990 in 1991, ne pa leta 1945. S tem dejanjem smo Sloveniji omogočili umestitev na politični zemljevid sveta in pot v Organizacijo združenih narodov, Evropsko zvezo, NATO, itd.. To, kar smo delali takrat, smo delali v dobro vseh. Vojna za Slovenijo je državljanke in državljane Slovenije poenotila, za razliko od druge svetovne vojne, med katero, in po njej, nas je tragično razdelila revolucija. Od leta 1991 imamo svobodo za vse. Ta zgodba, ki je nedvomno zgodba o uspehu, ima neko posebno in odlično razsežnost. S tem mislim na podporo Slovencev po svetu. Nikoli ne bom pozabil, kako je projekt slovenske samostojne države prebudil Slovence po vsem svetu, še posebej tiste, ki so težko uveljavljali slovensko indetiteto proti vsiljenjemu jugoslovenarstvu. Izredno hvaležnost čutim do vseh Slovencev po svetu, ki so verjeli v naš skupni projekt in nas podprli moralno, finančno, s svojimi glasovi pa tudi s svojimi političnimi dejanji, s katerimi so prispevali k zavesti o Sloveniji in tudi k samemu mednarodnemu priznanju. Vem, kako močno je zaživela z nami v prelomnih trenutkih avstralska skupnost Slovenk in Slovencev. Vesel sem, da sem lahko po že dobljeni bitki skupaj z vami od Brisbana do Sydneya, Adelaide, Canberre, Melbourna, Pertha in še kje drugje doživljal veselje nad epohalnim dosežkom. Zame ostajajo nepozabna srečanja s številnimi rojaki v Avstraliji, ki jim ni bilo vseeno, kaj bo s Slovenci in njihovo prihodnostjo. Spominjam se pogovorov z Alfredom Brežnikom, z Dušanom in Mišo Lajovicem, s patrom Valerijanom, s patrom Bazilijem, Simonom Špacapanom, Elico in Vinkom Rizmalom, Stankom Prosenakom, Lojz rsi 'Preme /Vlinisier fRpubee sfv lofenuai /VI ember of Europedn Pan Stanko Gregorič, z Drago Gelt, pokojnim Marjanom Kovačem, Cvetkom Faležem, z Jožetom Vahom, s Pestotnikovimi in Križmanovimi in Grabnarjevimi ter vrsto drugih, ki jih žal ne morem vseh našteti. Avstralskim Slovenkam in Slovencem izrekam iskreno in globoko hvaležnost za ljubezen do Slovenije, za zvestobo slovenskim koreninam in za izdatno podporo Sloveniji na njeni poti v suvereno državnost. Želim si, da bi nas ta zgodovinski uspeh vedno povezoval, da bi ga doživljali kot praznično dejstvo in da bi nas navdihoval za tisto, kar je treba v dobro Sloveniji še storiti. Naj živi svobodna in samostojna Slovenija! Naj živi slovenska avstralska skupnost! Lojze Peterle, Ljubljana, maj 2011 Dear Slovenians in Australia! From the time of *King Samo and the proud kingdom of Carinthia, when Slovenian dukes ruled, Slovenians' thoughts about their own sovereign political organisation never stopped and it was during the 'Spring of Nations' in 1848 that the concept of a united Slovenia commenced. There have been many expressions of individual or collective will for a self-determining Slovenian nation, but the idea remained unrealised because the conditions for its fulfilment had not yet come about. Some said that we were just dreaming. Why were we able to make our dream come true at the beginning of the nineties? We succeeded because the will for an independent and democratic Slovenia grew into a highly organised political movement. While we understood the historic opportunity for this project of independence and democratisation, we also identified the key players in the Slovenian Spring who then joined together to form the coalition DEMOS. The key to realisation was when DEMOS won the first democratic elections in April 1990 and took control, immediately beginning preparations for independence. DEMOS worked inclusively with the then opposition parties entering into an agreement for implementation of the plebiscite of 23 December 1990 when voters strongly supported the independence project. We succeeded because we were ready to attack the Yugoslav People's Army and win the war for Slovenia. Of course, it was necessary to meet demanding conditions for international recognition and to obtain foreign allies. I am extremely happy and proud to belong to a generation who experienced and understood history's benevolence and with a strong political will maximised opportunities to achieve the Slovenian nation's national political objectives. By setting up our own free and democratic country, we broke with an undemocratic, communist regime for ourselves and for a united Europe, and we knocked down 600km of Iron Curtain. The Constitutional Court of Slovenia recently indicated clearly that political freedom was achieved only in 1990 and 1991, not in 1945. This action allowed Slovenia to be placed on the political map of the world and gain entry into the United Nations, the European Alliance, NATO, and so on. What we did then, we did for the good of all. The war for Slovenia consolidated Slovenian citizens, unlike during and following World War II, which revolution tragically divided us. Since 1991 we have freedom for all. This story is undoubtedly a success story that has a special and excellent dimension. By this I mean the support of Slovenians abroad. I will never forget how the project for an independent Slovenian country awoke Slovenians around the world, especially those who found it difficult to relinquish their Slovenian identity and accept instead a forced Yugoslav identity. I feel extremely grateful to all Slovenians around the world who believed in our joint project and supported us morally, financially, and with their votes as well as their political acts which contributed to an awareness of Slovenia together with international recognition. I know with what fellow-feeling the Australian community of Slovenians lived alongside us in our difficult times. I am glad that following the battle's victory, I was able to share with you all the joy of this momentous achievement in Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth and elsewhere. For me, I retain memories of unforgettable meetings with many compatriots in Australia who were not indifferent to what was happening to the Slovenians and their future. I remember conversations with Alfred Brežnik, Dušan and Miša Lajovic, Fr Valerijan, the late Fr Basil, Simon Špacapan, Elica and Vinko Rizmal, Stanko Prosenak, Stanka Gregorič, Draga Gelt, the late Marjan Kovač, Cvetko Falež, the Pestotnik, Križman, and Grabnar families, and many others who unfortunately cannot all be listed. I extend to all Australian Slovenians a sincere and deep gratitude for their love of Slovenia, loyalty to their Slovenian roots and their generous support of Slovenia on its path to sovereign statehood. I wish that this moment of historic success should always connect us to each other; that we celebrate it as an occasion that inspires us to do whatever else still needs to be done to benefit Slovenia. Long live a free and independent Slovenia! Long live the Slovenian Australian community! Lojze Peterle, Ljubljana, May 2011 * (King) Samo's Empire or Samo's Realm was the first know Slavic state established by a Frankish merchant named Samo in present-day Bohemia, Moravia, Slovakia, Lower Austria and Carinthia in 626. King Samo's Empire evolved into a powerful kingdom which successfully withstood the attacks of the Avars on the east as well as the Franks on the west. However, the state collapsed after Samo's death in 658 and most of its territory was captured by the Avars. The Slavs (Slovenians) in today's Carinthia retained their independence and established a principality known as Carantania. http/www. medievaltimes. info/medieval- europe-5th-to- 9th-century/ king-samo- empire-realm. html: Slovenija, država in domovina Vse od zasnov Zedinjene Slovenije sredi 19. stoletja naprej so nastajali moderni koncepti slovenske državnosti. 23 decembra 1990 smo se Slovenci lahko končno odločali o samostojnem življenju. Plebiscit je uspel, velikanska večina volilk in volilcev je podprla prvo programsko točko Demosa, ki je govorila o samostojni in suvereni slovenski državi. Neminljiva Slovenija kot država je postala politični projekt z visoko legitimnostjo. Demosova vlada je v šestih mesecih, ki so sledili plebiscitu, ustvarjala pogoje za samostojno življenje. Slovenska skupščina je sprejemala osamosvojitvene zakone, nekatere z večjo, druge z minimalno zadostno večino. Zakon o obrambi, zakon o vojaški dolžnosti ter obrambni proračun smo sprejeli z enim ali dvema glasovoma Demosove večine. Opozicija komunistov, socialistov in tedanjih liberalnih demokratov je bila ostro proti. Štirje člani tedanjega predsedstva republike s predsednikom Milanom Kučanom na čelu so sredi teh naporov podpisali deklaracijo, v kateri so zavračali oblikovanje Slovenske vojske. Tik pred vojno je Demos ostal sam v naporih za pripravo obrambe svoje domovine. Jugoslovanska komunistična armada je Slovenijo napadla 26. junija 1991, na sam dan razglasitve neodvisne Slovenije. Kljub temu, daje bila slovenska Teritorialna obramba maja 1990 tik po volitvah razorožena, smo se uspešno branili. Sprva nenaklonjena mednarodna javnost je pod vplivom vesti iz Slovenije ter zaradi mogočne akcije, ki so jo izpeljali naši rojaki po svetu s pritiskom na vlade svojih drugih domovin, spremenila odnos do slovenske državnosti. Prišlo je do pogajanj, prvih priznanj baltskih držav, Vatikana, Nemčije, Evropske unije, Avstralije, Kanade, Argentine, Rusije in končno tudi ZDA. Sprejeti smo bili v OZN in dokončno priznani. Še pred tem sem imel možnost, da se kot predstavnik slovenske vlade februarja 1992 udeležim praznovanja mednarodnega priznanja neodvisne Slovenije v Melbournu v Avstraliji v organizaciji Avstralske konference Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa ter pod Južnim križem delim navdušenje mojih slovenskih rojakov nad mednarodno uveljavitvijo njihove prve domovine. Redke so bile slovesnosti, ki bi bile tako prežete s pristnim modernim domoljubjem, kot je bilo praznovanje avstralskih Slovencev leta 1992. Dušan Lajovic in Alfred Brežnik, ki sta prej spremljala rojstvo samostojne Slovenije na sam dan razglasitve 25. junija 1991 v Ljubljani, ter mnogi drugi rojakinje in rojaki, ki so prišli v Melbourne na to slovesnost, so skupaj s predstavniki avstralskih posvetnih in cerkvenih oblasti Slovenijo počastili s programom, ki bi ga bila vesela katerakoli osrednja državna slovesnost ob dnevu državnosti v Ljubljani. Zame osebno je bil takrat izjemen večer. Prvič po volitvah aprila 1990, ko smo začeli uresničevati Demosov program, sem se ob poslušanju Prešernove pesmi za trenutek ustavil v mislih in se zavedel, da je dopolnjeno nekaj velikega. Da je dopolnjeno zgodovinsko dejanje, da so dosanjane sanje mnogih rodov naših prednikov in da se po stoletjih večinoma neprijazne zgodovine slovenski narod lahko z večjim upanjem in samozavestjo ozre v prihodnost. Rojaki v Avstraliji so se te milosti zavedali bolj in jo tudi že takrat cenili bolj, kot jo je cenila večina doma. Zato je bil tisti večer tako prazničen in v mojem spominu ostaja kot nekaj posebnega. Presii/fJii of S/otefUdJV DemLdcrii£i,c- Defence- and-former Prime /Viittisier of the RRepubiic ic- f SOfenu- Danes, ob obhajanju 20. obletnice naše državnosti, ne bodimo nič manj ponosni na Slovenijo. Je sad tisočerih naporov mnogih rodov Slovencev, živečih doma in po svetu. Ni še takšna, kot smo si jo želeli ob njenem rojstvu v samostojnost. Mnogih priložnosti po lastni krivdi nismo izkoristili. Kljub temu pa je bilo naši generaciji dano, da smo sodelovali pri končnem dejanju njenega nastanka in naša generacija lahko dokonča tudi nedokončano delo pri urejanju slovenske države v prijazno domovino vsem Slovenkam in Slovencem, živečim doma in po svetu. To je projekt, ki mora združevati in 20. obletnica je pravi čas, da se tega zavemo. Iskrene čestitke, dragi rojaki v Avstraliji, ob okrogli obletnici. Vsem, ki ste bili z nami v času slovenske pomladi in osamosvajanja, pa iskrena hvala za Vaš srčen napor, vložen v temelje slovenske samostojnosti in državnosti. Slovenia, state and country The modern concept of Slovenian statehood originated from the mid-19th century ideas for a united Slovenia. On 23 December 1990, Slovenians could finally decide on an independent life. The plebiscite was successful, with the huge majority of voters supporting the first stage of Demos, who spoke for the independent and sovereign Slovenian state. Achieving statehood for Slovenia became a political project with a high legitimacy. The Demos government created conditions for independent living in the six months following the plebiscite. The Slovenian Assembly accepted the independence laws, some with a greater majority and some with a minimum sufficient majority. The Defence Act, the law on military service and defence budget was adopted with one or two votes Demos majority votes. The opposition Communists, Socialists and then the Liberal Democrats were strongly against it. Four members of the then Presidency of the Republic, with President Milan Kucan at the helm, signed the declaration which rejected the establishment of the Slovenian Armed Forces. Just before the war, Demos was left alone in their efforts to prepare the defence of their homeland. The Communist Yugoslav army attacked Slovenia on 26 June 1991, the day an independent Slovenia was announced. Despite the fact that the Slovenian Territorial Defence was disarmed in May 1990 shortly after the election, we successfully defended the homeland. The conscience of the initially reluctant international community was influenced by news from Slovenia, and the mighty campaign carried out by our compatriots around the world put pressure on the governments of their second home to change their attitudes to Slovenian statehood. Recognition followed the negotiations of the Baltic States, Vatican, Germany, European Union, Australia, Canada, Argentina, Russia and finally the USA. We were taken to the UN and finally recognised. Before that, in February 1992, I had the opportunity as a representative of the Slovenian government to be involved in Melbourne's celebration of international recognition of independent Slovenia in Australia. At the Australian conference organised by the Slovenian World Congress, under the Southern Cross, I shared the enthusiasm of my fellow Slovenians for the international recognition of their first homeland. It was rare for a ceremony to be so imbued with a genuine modern patriotism, as was the celebration of Australian Slovenians in 1992. Dusan Lajovic and Alfred Breznik, who assisted in the birth of an independent Slovenia, together with many other compatriots and fellow countrymen who arrived in Melbourne for this ceremony, together with secular Australian representatives and Slovenian ecclesiastical authorities, celebrated with a program that would have been the equal of any state ceremony marking the National Day. For me personally, it was an exceptional evening. For the first time since the elections in April 1990, when we began to implement the Democratic Opposition, I was listening to Prešeren's songs. I was able to reflect and realise that something big was completed. This historic act fulfilled the dreams of many generations of our ancestors, after centuries of hostility, and now Slovenian people could look to the future with greater hope and confidence. Compatriots in Australia were more aware of this grace and appreciated it more greatly than most of those at home. Therefore, that evening was so festive and remains in my memory as something special. Today, on the celebration of the 20th anniversary of our statehood, let's not be any less proud of Slovenia. It represents thousands of efforts of many generations of Slovenians living at home and abroad. It is not yet as good as we wanted it to be on the occasion of its birth to independence. Through our own fault we have not taken advantage of many opportunities. However, our generation was given the chance to participate in the final act of its creation and has the chance to complete the unfinished work of ensuring the Slovenian state is a friendly home for all Slovenians, living at home and abroad. This is a project that needs to come together and the 20th anniversary is a good time to become aware of it. Congratulations, dear fellow compatriots in Australia, on this major anniversary. To all who have been with us throughout the Slovenian Spring and independence, sincere thanks for your heartfelt efforts in investing in the foundations of Slovenian independence and statehood. Janez Janša, Ljubljana, 9 May 2011 Praznovanje dvajsete obletnice samostojne Slovenije je priložnost za potrditev spoznanja, da je bila osamosvojitev najboljši slovenski dosežek v zgodovini. * "25. junija 1991 je slovenski parlament sprejel Deklaracijo o(b) neodvisnosti in ustrezne ustavne listine, 7. julija je sledil sporazum z Evropsko unijo na Brionih, 29. novembra je razpad Jugoslavije ugotovila Badinterova arbitražna komisija, 16. decembra je neodvisnost Slovenije priznala Evropska unija, 23. decembra je bila sprejeta ustava Prve republike. Slovenska država bo stara dvajset let. Tu pa tam se oglašajo dvomi o smiselnosti te države. Mnogi so razočarani nad današnjimi razmerami, nekateri obžalujejo razpad Jugoslavije. Sliši se vprašanje: smo se za to borili? Dvajseta obletnica sovpada z resno krizo, ki jo ponekod razlagajo kot stranski proizvod svetovne finančne krize, ponekod pa jo celo pripisujejo politiki osamosvajanja in njenim nosilcem okrog leta 1991. Ko bi bila sedanje krize kriva osamosvojitev, ne bi bilo kaj proslavljati, in res, tu pa tam nastaja vtis, kot da se pripravljamo na praznovanje obletnice nesporazuma, če ne celo zgodovinske zmote. Najnovejša slovenska kriza seveda ni posledica slovenske neodvisnosti, ampak njenega zaničevanja. V Sloveniji nimamo težav z neodvisno državnostjo, ampak s ponarejanjem življenja pred njo, z nekakšnim domotožjem po privilegijih nekdanje (jugoslovanske partijske) elite. Tej je kljub osamosvojitvi in po njej uspevalo ohraniti pomembne vzvode oblasti, dokler je ni - pod novimi imeni - popolnoma prevzela leta 2008. Pisec teh vrstic sem bil med pobudniki in ustanovitelji prve slovenske države, ves čas sem bil pozorna priča njenega delovanja, pol tega časa pa njen zunanji minister. Moj odgovor na morebitne dvome in vprašanja je: praznovanje dvajsete obletnice je priložnost za potrditev spoznanja, da je bila osamosvojitev najboljši slovenski dosežek v zgodovini." Dr Dimitrij Rupel, nekdanji zunanji minister RS Ljubljana, 26. februarja 2011 *Besedilo za Zbornik pri Inštitutu Jožeta Pučnika. 'The occasion of the 20th anniversary is an opportunity to reinforce the belief that Slovenian independence is the finest Slovenian achievement in history.' On 25 June 1991, the Slovenian Parliament accepted the Declaration of Independence and corresponding constitutional documents; on 7 July, the Briony agreement with the European Union followed; on 29 November the collapse of Yugoslavia assured the Badinter Commission; on 16 December the European Union recognised Slovenia; on 23 December, the Republic's first flag was accepted. The Slovenian nation is now twenty years old. Every so often doubts emerge as to the nation's current state. Many are disappointed at the current conditions; some regret the passing of the former Yugoslavia. One can hear the question:"Is this what we fought for?" The 20th anniversary occurs at a time of real crisis, which in some places is explained as a product of the global financial crisis, while in others, it is blamed on the politics surrounding independence and the supporting movement for same in 1991. If this crisis was caused by independence, then there would be nothing to celebrate. It is true that every so often one gains the impression that we are preparing to celebrate the anniversary of a misunderstanding or perhaps even a historical error. The current Slovenian crisis is definitely not the result of Slovenian independence but, rather, independence was its beginning. In Slovenia we have no difficulties with independent government but, rather with imitating the life we had before the event, or with nostalgia for some of the privileges of the former (Yugoslav Party's) elite. This is despite gaining freedom, and then afterwards trying to retain some meaningful levers of authority - until this occurs under the new authority, there will not be a complete acceptance of the year 2008. I was amongst the initiators and founders of the first Slovenian government and closely observed its workings, as well as being its Foreign Minister. My response to the doubts and questions is: the occasion of the 20th anniversary is an opportunity to reinforce the belief that Slovenian independence is the finest Slovenian achievement in history." Dr Dimitrij Rupel Ljubljana, 26 February 2011 Dragi in spoštovani Slovenci in Slovenke v Avstraliji, minilo je že veliko let od začetka leta 1993, ko sem po sklepu Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve odpiral prvo slovensko veleposlaništvo v Canberri, Avstraliji. To je bil, tako za domovino Slovenijo kot seveda še posebno za slovensko skupnost, res velik trenutek. Brez enotne podpore celotne slovenske skupnosti v procesu osamosvajanja Slovenije prav gotovo ne bi prišlo tako hitro do priznanja Slovenije s strani Avstralije in s tem možnosti za odprtje veleposlaništva. Takoj se je razvejalo vsestransko sodelovanje s slovensko skupnostjo, klubi, verskimi središči, mediji, kulturniki in posamezniki. Za mene osebno je bil to čas velikih izzivov, posebno še, kako zadovoljiti vsa velika pričakovanja. Še sedaj velikokrat obujam spomine na prekrasne trenutke in čas, preživet v Avstraliji. Posebno rad se spomnim pogovorov s posameznimi Slovenci, v katerih sem slišal toliko različnih življenjskih zgodb in usod. A v vseh stikih je bil vedno skupni imenovalec skrb in želja po stikih z domovino, s svojimi družinami, ki živijo v Sloveniji, in s prijatelji. Iz teh pogovorov sem vedno prišel obogaten z novimi spoznanji o tako različnih, a vedno prekrasnih vezeh z rodno domovino. Danes, po toliko letih obstoja veleposlaništva, so pričakovanja še vedno enaka in naše ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve se bo vedno trudilo po najboljših močeh, da zagotavljamo še nadalje vso potrebno skrb, podporo in prijazen odnos do naše slovenske skupnosti v Avstraliji in na ta način še poglobimo vez z domovino. Želel bi se zahvaliti vsem slovenskim organizacijam in središčem ter posameznikom za vso podporo, ki jo je v vseh teh letih bilo deležno naše veleposlaništvo v svojem delovanju. Tako lep odnos se lahko ustvari samo v medsebojnem spoštovanju in zaupanju. Seveda pa ne na koncu, ne smem pozabiti na veliko vlogo, sodelovanje in podporo delovanja našega častnega generalnega konzula gospoda Alfreda Brežnika, ki je svojimi iniciativami, nasveti in delom bistveno pripomogel k ugledu naše države. Čestitam ob velikem jubileju in prazniku! Secreidri/, J - /Vlinisir/ of. ^^ Foreign- /ffai/s, first Charged' /ffaires/ S/otettidJV EmJrtssi/, Canblrra Aljaž Gosnar Generalni sekretar, Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve RS Ljubljana, 13. maja 2011 Dear Slovenians in Australia, It has been many years since early 1993 when I followed the directions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and opened the first Slovenian Embassy in Canberra, Australia. This was for the homeland of Slovenia and, of course, particularly for the entire Slovenian community, a really great moment. Without such total integrated support by the Slovenian community in Slovenia's efforts for independence, neither Australia's recognition of Slovenia would have happened so quickly, nor the opportunity to open an embassy. Immediately, an extensive cooperation developed amongst the Slovenian community, clubs, religious centres, media, cultural figures and individuals. For me personally it was a time of great challenges, especially as to how I would meet all the expectations. Now I recall many memories of beautiful moments and the time spent in Australia -1 especially like to remember conversations with individual Slovenians, when I heard so many different life stories and destinies. During these communications, the common denominator was always a concern and desire for contact with the homeland, with families still living in Slovenia and with friends. From these conversations I was always enriched with new insights on the diverse, but always beautiful, ties with the native homeland. Today, after many years of the embassy's existence, expectations are still the same and our Ministry of Foreign Affairs will always make every reasonable effort to provide all the necessary care, support and friendship to our Slovenian community in Australia so as to deepen the bonds with the homeland. I would like to thank all Slovenian organisations and centres and individuals for their support which, throughout all these years, has benefited our embassy in its operations. Such a beautiful relationship can only be created by mutual respect and trust. Of course, I cannot forget the major role, participation and support of our Honorary Consul General Mr Alfred Breznik whose initiatives, advice and work significantly contributed to the reputation of our country. I congratulate you on this great anniversary and celebration! Aljaž Gosnar, General Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ljubljana, 13 May 2011 One of my happiest duties as Foreign Minister two decades ago was to announce Australia's diplomatic recognition of the newborn Republic of Slovenia. Since then Slovenia has become a model member of the international community, totally committed to playing a constructive part in the UN and other world councils as a good international citizen, and deeply engaged in thoughtful, sound policymaking. I have enjoyed enormously, both personally and professionally, working with colleagues like Danilo Türk and Dimitrij Rupel over the years, and visiting a country which is vibrant, sophisticated, warm, friendly and beautiful. Relations between Ljubljana and Canberra are as strong as they could be, and I look forward to them remaining that way for many decades of anniversaries to come. ^- PROFESSOR THE HON. GARETH EVANS, AO, QC Australian Foreign Minister 1988-96 Chancellor, Australian National University Melbourne, 25 April 2011 ¿Jr(f/essOr i/e Hon-Gi:lr~e{/' Evans AO, QC, C/aniceffor, Australian-National LXnii'ersiiy, former //finisier for Foreign- Affairs Travelling to Ljubljana in 1991, I was at once impressed by the rapid assertion of Slovenian national self-determination at a time when its basis for survival as a sovereign country was still in the balance. I noted the new uniforms and insignia when I first arrived and crossed the Slovenian borders. Later as I re-entered Slovenia from Croatia, I felt the nervous energy of my Croatian driver and official as we may have driven into the path of a Yugoslav tank convoy at any moment. The 10 Day War for Slovenia had just run its course after courageous (and heavily outgunned) Slovene militia and citizenry demonstrated to the JNA their determination to live as independent Slovenians. Any JNA detachments moving out of the fledgling new nation might well have been itching to exact revenge on anyone who had the misfortune to cross paths with them. However, after an exciting drive into the new capital city, I was struck by the apparent air of normalcy that pervaded the attractive and historic metropolis. Ljubljana is one of the most impressive examples of Baroque and Vienna Secession urban styles. Rebuilt, after two earthquakes at various times during its colourful history, it symbolises Slovenian culture and its historical heritage. I thoroughly enjoyed my short opportunity to witness the marvellous sights of one of Europe's prettiest cities. During my visit, I had the privilege to call on the Slovenian Parliament. Later, I met Janez Jansa. Here was a man of great courage and decisiveness. I wasn't as well informed as I should have been about the Ten Day War and he was kind enough to brief me on how this whirlwind conflict had unfolded. He was very modest about his own role and I left his office struck by his strength of character, something I learned is very much part of the Slovene identity. In fact, throughout my visit I could see the definite strength of purpose and well-formed path to a fully-developed national entity in Slovenia. It was as though the nation had sprung fully grown from its suppressed and subordinate existence as a component of communist Yugoslavia. Later, as I was swiftly driven in a powerful Alfa saloon to Klagenfurt to commence my voyage back to Australia, I reflected on my impressions of Slovenia. As one of Europe's newest nations Slovenia had, at once, demonstrated the qualities of its national character - courage, ingenuity, a sense of purpose and civilised, intelligent leadership. I was very proud to have been associated in my own small way with such a fine people at a time when they rose to assert their national identity to the rest of the world. He on, P a UltL former Seereiacrv / of-the ¿P'd.r/id.metttdridnia for sO'enud. -and-Croaiia. - Paul Filing Perth, 11 April 2011 Brez Slovencev v zamejstvu in po svetu samostojnosti ne bi bilo! Publicistka dr. Spomenka Hribar, ki je bila leta 1990 prav tako izvoljena v Skupščino Republike Slovenije, je v Škofijski gimnaziji v Vipavi med drugim spomnila na veliko pripravljenost, ki so jo ob osamosvajanju izkazali Slovenci po svetu: "Samo Slovencem znotraj Republike Slovenije to najbrž ne bi uspelo," je dejala in poudarila, da osamosvojitve ne bi bilo brez Slovencev po svetu, ki so Demosu nudili tudi materialno pomoč, ki so nam nudili neizmerne količine energije in so tudi politično sodelovali." Without the support of Slovenians abroad and around the world, independence would not have happened! At a Diocesan College in Vipava, publicist Dr Spomenka Hribar*, who in 1990 was elected to the Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, reminded others of the enormous preparedness to support the movement for independence shown by Slovenians abroad: "If the efforts for independence had depended entirely on the efforts of those within the Republic of Slovenia, it probably would not have happened." She emphasised that the support of Slovenians abroad enabled independence to be achieved as, "... they also provided DEMOS with material aid, they offered us boundless amounts of energy, and also collaborated politically." Spomenka Hribar*, filozofinja in publicistka ter nekdanja poslanka v skupščini RS Ljubljana, April 2011 Dr Spomenika H(r~u nlr afJulO-stipJier dJidpvblici.sis former /Viemfer SO of' oloi'eiudri- * In 1989, Dr Spomenka Hribar was one of the co-founders of the Slovenian Democratic Union, one of the first anti-Communist parties in Slovenia. Together with her husband, Tine Hribar, and the jurists France Bučar and Peter Jambrek, she became one of the party's foremost theoreticians. In the first free elections in Slovenia in April 1990, won by the Democratic Opposition of Slovenia, she was elected to the Slovenian Parliament. Between 1990 and 1991, she was very active in the endeavours for the secession of Slovenia from Yugoslavia. Together with Jože Pučnik, she emerged as the leader of the DEMOS coalition majority in the Lower Chamber of the Slovenian Parliament. Photo: Ljubljana, 23 April, 1990, po prvih večstrankarskih volitvah -after the first multiparty election Dvajset let, odkar so slovenske sanje postale resničnost . . . . . . je dovolj, da marsikateri spomini na takratne prelomne trenutke že malce zbledijo, je pa tudi dovolj, da danes, ko se ozremo nazaj, lažje razlikujemo med pomembnim in nepomembnim. Hkrati je taka obletnica tudi priložnost, da osvletimo in prikažemo dejstva, ki so bila doslej v širši slovenski javnosti prezrta, tako kot na primer neprecenljiv doprinos avstralskih Slovencev k slovenski osamosvojitvi. Izdaja te kronike je zgodovinska nuja, ne samo za avstralske Slovence, ampak morda še bolj za samo Slovenijo, saj prvič celovito prikazuje, da je bila zgodba slovenske osamosvojitve globalna zgodba, ki se je odvijala tudi v Avstraliji! Pri tem je treba izpostaviti dejstvo, da je velika večina avstralskih Slovencev trdno zasidrana v avstralski družbi in da je bila njihova aktivna pomoč samostojni Sloveniji in koaliciji DEMOS kot gonilni sili slovenskega osamosvajanja, izrazito nesebično dejanje, ki je zraslo predvsem iz spoštovanja do slovenskih korenin. Avstralski Slovenci so ravnali državotvorno in spoštljivo do nastajajoče države, čeprav je z njimi v preteklosti marsikdaj ravnala dokaj mačehovsko in čeprav so si morali zaradi tega poiskati novo domovino, daleč proč od krajev svojega otroštva. Kljub temu so takrat, ko je Slovenija najbolj potrebovala pomoč, pogumno in brez zadržkov stopili skupaj in ji složno pomagali. Na žalost avstralski Slovenci doslej še niso poskrbeli za ustrezen prikaz svojih zaslug in tako se je zgodilo, da njihov neprecenljiv prispevek k osamosvojitvi in demokratizaciji Slovenije ni še prišel v zavest širše javnosti doma v Sloveniji. To je še toliko bolj boleče, saj se danes marsikdo kiti z osamosvojitvenimi uslugami, čeprav je bil pred in v času osamosvajanja povsem ravnodušen do slovenske samostojnosti. Zato mislim, da je prav, da obeležimo te prelomne dogodke ne samo s proslavami, ampak tudi z izdajo zgodovinske kronike, ki bo, tudi ko bodo proslave že za nami, še naprej pričala o pomoči avstralskih Slovencev demokratični Sloveniji. Avstralski Slovenci imajo nedvomno velike zasluge za osamosvojitev in demokratizacijo Slovenije in skrajni čas je, da to končno spozna tudi javnost doma v Sloveniji! Zato avstralski Slovenci, veselite se dvajsetega rojstnega dne demokratične Slovenije, bodite ponosni, da ste soustvarjali slovensko zgodovino in hvala, da ste pomagali uresničiti naše skupne sanje! iU CommiMee for DEMOS suPpOrt Erik Modic, Štanjel, Slovenija, nekdanji generalni tajnik Socialdemokratske zveze Slovenije 1. maja 2011 Twenty years since Slovenian dreams came true... ... It is fair enough that many of the memories of what were then groundbreaking moments have paled somewhat, but it makes it easier today, when we look back, to distinguish between important and unimportant. At the same time, such an anniversary is an opportunity to highlight some of the facts, overlooked by the Slovenian public, about the invaluable contribution made by Australian Slovenians to Slovenian independence. The publication of this chronicle is a historical necessity, not only for Australian Slovenians, but perhaps even more so for Slovenia, because it shows comprehensively for the first time that the story of Slovenian independence was a global story, which also took place in Australia! This should highlight the fact that the vast majority of Australian Slovenians are firmly embedded in Australian society and that their active assistance to the movement for an independent Slovenia and the DEMOS coalition, as a driver of Slovenian independence, was a very selfless act which grew mainly out of respect to their Slovenian roots. Australian Slovenians acted respectfully towards the emerging nation, despite that in the past it had often acted like a stepmother towards them, necessitating that they should find new homes far away from their childhood places. However, when Slovenia most needed their help, they came bravely and without hesitation and stood together in unity to help her. Unfortunately Australian Slovenians have not yet put forward an appropriate display of their efforts and so it has come about that their invaluable contribution to the independence and democratisation of Slovenia has not yet come into the consciousness of the general public at home in Slovenia. This is all the more painful because nowadays many individuals adorn themselves with their own contributions towards independence, although before and during independence they were completely indifferent to Slovenia's efforts towards autonomy. So I think it is appropriate that this landmark event is commemorated not only with celebrations, but also the issue of this historical chronicle, which, even after the festivities are behind us, will continue to bear witness to the efforts of Australian Slovenians towards a democratic Slovenia. Australian Slovenians certainly deserve great credit for the achievement of independence and the democratisation of Slovenia and it is high time that this is finally realised by the public at home in Slovenia! Therefore, Australian Slovenians rejoice in the twentieth birthday of a democratic Slovenia, be proud that you helped to write Slovenian history and thank you for helping to realise our common dream! Erik Modic, Stanjel, Slovenia 1 May 2011 Biti Slovenec, to ni krst iz vode, ampak iz ognja! (Alojz Rebula) Brez žrtvovanja zemlja nikdar ne postane domovina. To sem začutila pred davnimi, za Slovenijo kritičnimi dnevi - pred osamosvojitvijo. Skozi vse moje tkivo so se takrat prepletale želje po zapisovanju dogajanj med nami Slovenci v Avstraliji in samega dogajanja v Sloveniji. Že leta 1989 sem zapisala nekje besede Alojza Rebule: "Biti Slovenec, to ni krst iz vode, ampak iz ognja u Govorila sem o pomembnem trenutku za nas Slovence doma in v tujini. In zdi se, da se v mojem takratnem življenju nič ni zgodilo slučajno. Kot da bi me nekdo zadolžil, da opravim svojo nalogo - dolžnost do svojega naroda. Informacija je bila pomembno področje tistega časa. Moje poslanstvo - biti urednica revije Slovensko Pismo - ni bilo več samo del mojega osebnega življenja, ampak je postalo živa zgodovina na papirju. Postalo je mejna življenjska situacija, ko sem se predala politiki in z njo v povezavi novinarstvu. Če takrat dogodkov iz Slovenije in aktivnosti ASK ter njenih Narodnih svetov ne bi zabeležila, vse naše takratne aktivnosti danes ne bi postale zgodovina, ki je ni moč več izbrisati. Kajti prav to zapisovanje nam kaže, kdo je takrat čutil, kako zelo nas domovina potrebuje in kaj je bilo dobrega storjenega za novo nastajajočo državo Slovenijo - kako veliko zna biti slovensko srce tudi na kraju te zemeljske oble, in kako odločno in predano bije za svoj narod, ki se ob svojem poslanstvu nikoli ni utopil v množico drugih avstralskih narodov, ampak je z njimi mirno sobival. f Stanka Gregorič Dom sv. Lenarta, Lenart, 2011 tanka ■ Grgoric, co—founidfr andfedJtor f-S/ofensko- smo S/ofenj/., Sfotenutn National To be a Slovenian is not a baptism of water, but a baptism of fire! (Alojz Rebula) Without sacrifice the land never becomes a homeland. I felt from a long time ago that, for Slovenia, the critical time would be the time before independence. My whole body screamed with the wish to record the happenings among Slovenians in Australia and the events in Slovenia. Already in 19891 recorded Aloz Rebula's words: "To be a Slovenian is not a baptism with water, but a baptism of fire... " I was speaking of an important moment for us, the Slovenians, at home and in foreign countries. And it seemed to me at that point in my life that nothing happened accidentally. It was as if I was selected to complete a certain task - an obligation to my nation. Information was an important issue at the time. My mission - to be an editor of Slovensko pismo - was not just part of my life, but it became living history on paper, which cannot be erased. It became a marginal life situation, when I surrendered to politics and with it the journalism. If, at that time, I had not recorded the events in Slovenia and the activities of ASK and the Slovenian national councils, then all of those activities would not have become history, which is impossible to erase. These writings show how people felt when the homeland needed us and what good was done for the new country as it was being born - how strong the Slovenian heart could beat at the ends of the Earth, how decisively and strongly it beat for its nation and despite its mission, was never submerged among other Australian peoples but coexisted peacefully with them. Stanka Gregorič, Lenart, 2011 L o í/uYO-19S9 19S9 Edinost, sreča, sprava k nam naj nazaj se vrnejo; otrok, kar ima Slava, vsi naj si v roke sežejo, de oblast in z njo čast, ko pred, spet naša bode last! Let peace, glad conciliation, Come back to us throughout the land! Towards their destination Let Slavs henceforth go hand-in-hand! Thus again Will honour reign To justice pledged in our domain. Dr France Prešeren November 1844 Translated by Janko Lavrin Le vstani, vborni narod moj, do danes v prah teptan. Pepelni dan ni dan več tvoj, Tvoj je - vstajenja dan! Arise, my poor nation, Trampled into dust until today. The ashen day is no longer your day, Yours is - the day of resurrection! Simon Gregorčič 1844 - 1906 Prizadevanja za Zedinjeno Slovenijo v Habsburški monarhiji. Marčna revolucija 1848. Rojstvo programa Zedinjena Slovenija. Marčna revolucija pomete z Metternichovim absolutističnim režimom; Slovenci hitro zvemo zanjo-meščani pozdravljajo politično spremembo in obljubo po konstituciji in političnih pravicah. Ustanavljajo se narodne straže, ki skrbijo za red in varnost. Skupine in posamezniki sestavljajo različne slovenske narodnopolitiče programe: slovenski izobraženci na Dunaju in duhovščina v Celovcu (Matija Majer- Ziljski) že marca 1848: programa sta si zelo podobna- za zedinjenje vseh slovenskih držav v enotno Zedinjeno Slovenijo, ki bi v okviru avstrijskega cesarstva uživala neko narodno avtonomijo z svojim deželnim zborom; slovenski jezik v šolah in uradih. Program je postavljen na demokratičnem temelju človeške in narodne enakopravnosti, na temelju naravnega, ne zgodovinskega, zato ga je avstrijsko nemška buržuazija zavrnila, skupaj z zahtevami Čehov po avtonomiji. Ker pa nismo imeli učinkovitih instrumentov moči, smo to naredili z veliko politično propagando zoper majske volitve v frankfurtski parlament, kar je tudi uspelo, volila je le peščica ljudi. "Kaj Slovenci terjamo" znameniti program Matije Majerja- Ziljskega "Nobenemu narodu ni mogoče odrekati, da sme varovati temeljne pravic, pa naj so komu še tako nevšečne." dr. Josip Kranjc Na pobudo dunajskih Slovencev se začne zbiranje podpisov za Zedinjeno Slovenijo, vendar avstrijsko nemška oblast označi "skupno življenje" za politično nujnost, Trst je namreč njeno edino južno pristanišče. Takšno mnenje se ohrani vse do razpada monarhije ob koncu 1. svetovne vojne in program Zedinjene Slovenije ostane za prihodnost. Slovencem pa je bila 1848 priznana etnična individualnost, ime in celotnost, rojena pa je bila tudi možnost za vstop slovenskega naroda v politično življenje, kar predstavlja enega najpomembnejših prelomov v slovenski zgodovini. Uvedba ustave in politične demokracije v Avstriji je bila v prid tudi Slovencem, saj je med njimi rasla splošna politična in narodnopolitična zavest, kar se je odrazilo tudi na volitvah, kjer je slovenska narodna stranka dobila večino. Vodstvo slovenskega narodnega gibanja se je pod češkim vplivom leta 1868 odločilo organizirati velike narodne shode na prostem (meeting, tabori), za katere so želeli, da delujejo kot instrument političnega pritiska na vladujoče kroge v monarhiji, da bi dopustili združitev slovenskih dežel v avtonomno Zedinjejo Slovenijo znotraj monarhije. Druga zahteva pa je bila, da se v vse šole, urade in med slovenske vojake uvede slovenski jezik. Prvi tabor je bil 9. avgusta 1868 v Ljutomeru (10.000 ljudi), največji pa v Vižmarjih pri Ljubljani (25. -30.000 ljudi); trajali so tri leta, udeleževali so se jih vsi sloji in nobene ideološke in politične razlike jih niso ovirale. Leta 1866 je Avstrija, po zgubljeni vojni s Prusijo, morala pruski zaveznici Italiji prepustiti Benečijo in 2% Slovencev je postalo nezaščitena manjšina v italijanski državi. Gospodarski, socialni in kulturni razvoj na Slovenskem v zadnji tretjini 19. stoletja. Kljub temu, da slovenski narod ni imel upravno- teritorialne enotnosti ne svoje državnosti niti politične avtonomije, lahko ob koncu 19. stoletja že govorimo o Slovencih kot popolnoma izoblikovanem narodu. Slovenska politična prizadevanja ob koncu 19. stoletja do 1. svetovne vojne. Strah pred germanizacijskim pritiskom; ustvari se predstava, da lahko temu pritisku kljubujejo le z narodno politično avtonomno Zedinjeno Slovenijo, ki bi zajemala vse dežele, ki jih po večini naseljuje slovenski narod. Na etničnem območju, ki je usrezal pribljižnim predstavam iz leta 1848 je sedaj živelo 90& Slovencev od skupno milijona in pol, vendar pa ta številka ni povsem zanesljiva, saj so pri popisu upoštevali kategorijo občevalni in ne materni jezik. Do leta 1897 je vodilna slovenska politična stranka Katoliška narodna stranka, ki se je borila za vzpostavitev avtonomne Zedinjene Slovenije, »prijateljevala« z nemško krščansko stranko, potem pa se je poslovila od starih političnih zaveznikov in se povezala s hrvaško stranko prava (imela je namreč zelo dober narodno- politični status), ki se je zavzemala za vzpostavitev velike hrvaške države v okviru habsburške monarhije. Tako so se slovenski politiki priklonili politični koncepciji vključitve Slovenije v hrvaško državo, ki naj bi dr. Janko Prunk: Kratka zgodovina Slovenije (Povzetek) http://www.google. com.au/search?hl= en&client=firefox- a&hs=kUV&rls= org.mozilla%3 Aen-US%3 Aofficial&q= mar%oC4%> 8Dna+ revolucija& aq=0&aqi=g1 &aql=&oq= Mar%C4%8Dna postala tretja enota habsburške monarhije- trializem. • Poudarjanje narodnega bratstva in solidarnosti s Hrvati je bila verjetno edina mogoča slovenska politična strategija v danem položaju, čeprav so nekateri politični krogi že pred 1. svetovno vojno verjeli v narodnokulturno zlitje vseh jugoslovanskih narodov. • V množicah se te ideje niso prijele, zavrnil jih je tudi Ivan Cankar, ki je v svojem predavanju pokazal na veliko kulturno in civilizacijsko razliko med Slovenci in drugimi Jugoslovani, ki jo je ustvarila več kot tisočletni separatni zgodovinski razvoj, ki je Slovence izoblikoval v zahodnoevropski narod. Menil • je, da skupne jugoslovanske kulture, predlagal pa je skupen političen projekt, federativno republiko jugoslovansko. Prva svetovna vojna. Odcepitev Slovencev od Avstrije. Slovence je od zunaj esistenčno ogrožal italijanski imperialistični pritisk, zlasti po sklenitvi londonskega sporazuma 1915 med Italijo in antanto, ki je Italiji za vstop v vojno na antantni strani obljubljal precejšnja ozemlja habsburške monarhije: Južno Tirolsko, Trentino, Slovensko primorje, Kranjsko, Istro in Dalmacijo. • Prošnje Rusiji za njeno politično intervencijo pred antanto za zaščito celovitosti slovenskega ozemlja so ostale brez učinka. • Prav zato so se Slovenci na Soški fronti proti Italiji tako hrabro borili v avstrijski vojski, saj so ta boj občutili kot obrambo lastne zemlje. • Poslabšalo se je leta 1916, ko so Nemci z ustavni aktom zahtevali, da se avstrijsko državno polovico preobrazi v nemško nacionalno državo; proti Slovenci niso mogli nikakor protestirati- noben parlament namreč zaradi vojnega stanja ni zasedal, cenzura pa je ostro pazila na politični tisk. • Slovensko politično vodstvo (Janez Evangelist Krek in Anton Korošec) se je zopet zateklo po pomoč k hrvaškim pravašem, saj so vedeli, da morajo ukrepati takoj, dokler ima narod kot rezervoar vojaške sile še neko politično težo v monarhiji. • Uspelo jim je zbrati vse poslance jugoslovanskih dežel v dunajskem parlamentu v jugoslovanski poslanski klub in skupaj so, kot vsi drugi avstrijski narodi, 30. maja 1917 podali svojo narodno politično zahtevo, Majniško dekleracijo. Ponovili so stare zahteve oz. takojšnjo združitev vseh ozemelj monarhije, na katerih živijo Slovenci, Hrvati in Srbi v enotno in samostojno državno telo, zgrajeno na demokratični podlagi pod žezlom habsburške monarhije. • Te zahteve so bile revolucionarne, saj so zahtevale ukinitev dualizma,uzakonjenje trializma, spremebo ustave. • Do leta 1917 je slovensko narodno gibanje organiziralo vsenarodno gibanje v podporo dekleraciji, do spomladi 1918 je bilo zbranih 250.000 podpisov, večinoma ženskih. • Od spomladi 1918 je bilo slovensko vodstvo že odločeno za razhod s habsburško monarhijo, vendar pa jih je skrbelo, da jih avstrijska politika ne bi odrezala od hrvaških zaveznikov. • 16. avgusta 1918 je bil v Ljubljani ustanovljen Narodni svet za Slovenijo in Istro in je začel delovati kot najvišje slovensko narodno predstavništvo, začelo si je jemati nekatere oblastne kompetence od avstrijske oblasti. • Do septembra 1918 se v javnosti zaradi cenzure ni govorilo o deluemigrantskega jugoslovanskega odbora in o krfski dekleraciji, ki je predvidevala združenje tudi s Kraljevino Srbijo. • Narodni svet za Slovenijo je nato sprejel načrt o federaciji treh enot: Slovenije z Istro, Hrvaške in Slavonije z Vojvodino, in Bosne in Hercegovine z Dalmacijo. Poudarili pa so tudi možnost, da pride do združitve v smislu krfske dekleracije, kjer bo četrta enota Srbija. • 6. oktobra 1918 se je v Zagrebu ustanovilo Narodno viječe Slovencev, Hrvatov in Srbov in se proglasilo za najvišje politično telo teh narodov. • 11. oktobra 1918 so pri cesarju Karlu poudarili, da se ne bodo zadovoljili z ničemer manj kot skupno državo Slovencev, Hrvatov in Srbov, s središčem v Zagrebu. Cesarjev odgovor je bil negativen. • Zato so 29. oktobra 1918 v Zagrebu in na veliki ljudski manifestaciji v Ljubljani • proglasili ustanovitev samostojne države Slovencev, Hrvatov in Srbov. Slovenci v Kraljevini Jugoslaviji. Razkosanje Slovenije ob prehodu iz Avstro- Ogrske v Jugoslavijo. Po razglasitvi samostojne Države SHS 29. 10. 1918, istočasno v Ljubljani in Zagrebu, je le ta mesec dni živela samostojno politično življenje in se sama upravljala. • Že 31. oktobra 1918 je Narodni svet v Ljubljani s sporazumom med tremi strankami imenoval Narodno vlado za Slovenijo z uradnim naslovom Narodna vlada SHS v Ljubljani. Imela je vsa pooblastila, le zunanje in vojaške zadeve so bile pridržane Narodnemu svetu v Zagrebu. • 14. novembra je Narodna vlada v SHS izdala odlok o začasni upravi za Slovenijo in Slovenija je morala za svoje narodne zadeve skrbeti sama, tudi za obrambo. • Na Koroškem je nemška deželna vlada razglasila nedeljivost deželo in njeno vključitev v Republiko Nemško Avstrijo. • Italijani pa so tudi začeli prodirati na slovensko ozemlje, čez črto določeno z londonskim paktom, proti vzhodu. Prišli so do Logatca. • Rapalska pogodba med Italijo in Kraljevino SHS je 1920 le potrdila meje takratne italijanske zasede. • V Mariboru pa je 1. 11. 1918 major Rudolf Maister prevzel poveljstvo in razglasil mesto za jugoslovansko posest in ga tako pridobil za Slovenijo. • Na pariški mirovni konferenci so se maja 1919 odločili, da bo razmere na • Koroškem odločil plebiscit, ki se je 10.10. 1920 končal neugodno za Slovenijoin koroški Slovenci so ostali v Republiki Avstriji in so jih načrtno germanizirali. • Velik del naroda je prišel v jugoslovansko državo, več kot četrtina slovenskega prebivalstva in ozemlja pa je bila odrezana. • Kmalu pa so nekateri že začenjali razpravljati, da se mora slovenski narod ohraniti in razvijati kot samostojna narodna entiteta; medtem ko se je liberalna stranka zavzemala za jugoslovanski narodni unitarizem in centralistično državo in za takojšno združitev Države SHS s Kraljevino Srbijo. • K tem je silila tudi želja po uresničitvi dolgoletnega velikosrbskega programa združitev vseh dežel, v katerih živijo, pomešani z drugim prebivalstvom, Srbi, čeprav v njih ne prevladujejo. Slovenija sicer ni bila vključena v ta program, vendar pa je kot sestavni del Države SHS postala del širokega jugoslovanskega državnega združevanja. • Na združitev smo pristali, delno tudi zaradi pričakovanj srbske vojaške in diplomatske zaščite slovenskih in hrvaških narodnih ozemlj, ki jih je zahtevala Italija na podlagi londonskega sporazuma. • Takojšnji združitvi so se upirali SLS (slovenska ljudstka stranka) in socialistična mladina, na Hrvaškem pa pravaši in kmečka stranka. • Združitev s Kraljevino Srbijo "zaradi narodnih interesov, zaradi obrambe proti Italiji in zaradi zaščite ureditve v državi". • Tako so se vsi uklonili takojšnji združitvi in »odšli« na združitvene pogovore v Beograd, pristali so na unitaristično državo in začasno na monarhijo z regentom Aleksandrom I. Karadordevičem. • 1. 12. 1918 je bila ustvarjena unitaristično- centralistična država po srbski predstavi. Politično življenje v jugoslovanski kraljevini. Najprej je sledila odprava avtonomnih narodnih vlad na Hrvaškem, Bosni in Hercegovini, Dalmaciji in Sloveniji; nadomeščene so bile z uradniškimi deželnimi vladami z omejenimi pristojnostmi. • O zakonu za volitve, o agrarni reformi, o upravi, o valuti, ... o vsem tem so se začela velika nesoglasja. • Za slovensko politično življenje pa sta bistveni dve značilnosti: • 1. idejno in politično nasprotje- boj med konzervativno krščanskosocialno in močno klerikalno stranko ter liberalno stranko • 2. boj zoper jugoslovanski narodni unitarizem in centralizem, torej boj za • avtonomijo Slovenije • Liberalci so zagovarjali jugoslovanski narodno enotnost in unitarizem, ter • centralistično državno obliko. • SLS pa razvoj individualnosti in avtonomijo Slovenije; bili so za zaščito kmeta, podpiranje kmečkega zadružništva, manjše kmečke davke, socialno zaščito delavstva in žensko volilno pravico, za čimvečjo svobodo in razmah podjetništva, z naklonjenostjo so sprejemali rast kapitala in jo spodbujali; • branili so pravice katoliške Cerkve v posvetnem, kulturnem in političnem življenju, liberalci pa so jo poskusili omejiti. • Z volitvami so zavlačevali, v tem času sta Slovence prizadela izid koroškega plebiscita in rapalska mirovna pogodba, ki sta vplivala tudi na izid volitev; zato so več glasov dobile stranke, ki so zagovarjale unitaristično državo, češ da le močna in enotna država lahko zaščiti prizadeti slovenski narod. • 2. 3. 1920 je prišlo do razcepitve slovenske demokratske stranke; njena levica je ustanovila Delavsko socialistično stranko za Slovenijo, desno krila pa je ohranilo JSDS, ki je zagovarjala reformistični socialni in politični programj. • Levo krilo, Delavska socialistična stranka za Slovenijo se e 13. aprila 1920 odločila vstopiti v Socialistično delavsko stranko Jugoslavijo (komunistov). Ta se je 2. kongresu v Vukovarju junija 1920 preimenovala v KP jugoslavije; socialni demokrati pa so v to stranko vstopili šele leta 1921. • Volitve v ustavodajno skupščino so bile leta 1920, Slovenci so volili 38 poslancev, srbske stranke so imele neznatno večino; ker je SLS zahtevala avtonomijo Slovenije je imela 1921 skoraj takšno moč kot pred 1. svetovno vojno. • Slovencem je vidovdanska ustava 28. 6. 1921 vsilila unitaristično in centralistično ureditev, ki je pomenila precejšnjo oviro v narodnem razvoju. • V začetku 1921 skupina slovenskih izobražencev zahteva ustavno zagotovljeno avtonomijo za Slovenijo, ki edina lahko omogoči gospodarski, socialni in kulturni razvoj; razne skupine so se tako začele izrekati za avtonomijo Slovenije in za federacijo. • Leta 1924 je nastala Slovenska republikanska stranka kmetov in delavcev, ki je pravtako objavila program za avtonomno Slovenijo v federativni Jugoslaviji in se pri tem povezala s Hrvaško seljačko stranko; Narodna socialistična stranka pa se je zbližala in kasneje tudi združila z liberalci; za slovensko samoodločbo v obliki slovenske delavsko- kmečke republike pa se je leta1922- 23 odločila tudi KP na Slovenskem, kar je bilo za prihodnost zelo pomembno. • Leta 1927 sta SLS (Anton Korošec) in voditelj radikalov Velja Vukečevič podpisala blejski sporazum za skupni volilni nastop in v Beogradu so ugotovili, da se morajo v Sloveniji pogoditi z najmočnejšo politično silo, SLS, ta pa se je začela obnašati vse bolj opurtunistično do načelnih zahtev po slovenski avtonomiji in federativni preureditvi. • Imenovanje Antona Korošca za predsednika kraljeve vlade (po srbskem atentatu na hrvaške poslance v parlamentu) ni prineslo bistvenih sprememb. • Velikosrbski politiki so diktaturo izrabili za utrditev svoje hegemonije, za propagiranje ideje o jugoslovanskem narodnem unitarizmu in državnem centralizmu. • 3. oktobra 1929 je sledilo preimenovanje države v Kraljevino Jugoslavijo in nova upravna razdelitev na danovine- Slovenija je bila v Dravski banovini. • SLS je oblast odkrito podpirala dve leti potem pa je Anton korošec izstopil iz vlade leta 1930. • 3. 9. 1931 je kralj Aleksander izdal oktroirano ustavo, ki je poudarjala narodno in državno enovitost, prepovedala je vse stranke na narodni, verski ali razredni podlagi, volilni zakon pa je dovoljeval le vsedržavno politično listo. • Ker je nova ustava veljala za protiklerikalno jo je podprla slovenska liberalna stranka, prepovedana SLS pa je prešla v odkrito nasprotovanje oblasti liberalcev in vladi v Beogradu, izdala je radikalni narodnopolitični programpunktacije, ki je zahteval, da se slovenski narod združi v eno samo politično enoto, da si slovenski narod v Jugoslaviji pridobi samostojen položaj, ter nacionalno individualnost, ime, zastavo, etnično skupnost, finančno samostojnost, politično in kulturno svobodo, radikalno socialno zakonodajo, Za dosego tega moramo ustvariti državo "samoupravnih enot". • Oblast v Beogradu je s pomočjo slovenskih liberalcev nastopila zoper dekleracijo in njene avtorje odolžola separatizma, vendar pa je Anton Korošec poskušal navezovati stike s kraljem Aleksandrom in mu ponujal podporo, če bi Slovenija dobila zakonsko avtonomijo. • V obeh vodilnih slovenskih političnih strankah je prihajalo do notranje diferenciacije zaradi ideoloških in socialnih razhajanj; v SLS so se začele krepiti avtoritarne desničarske struje; v liberani stranki pa zaradi aktivne unitaristične in centralistične politike. • Leta 1935 se je Jugoslovanski radikalni zajednici pridružila formalno neobstoječa, dejansko pa v Sloveniji prevladujoča SLS, ki je priznala centralistično ustavo in v Beogradu omilila svoje zahteve po zakonski vzpostavitvi avtonomne Slovenije, čeprav je doma svojih volilcem še vedno ponavljala avtonomistična gesla. • Medtem ko je SLS dobila v Sloveniji vso oblast, se je v SLS vse bolj krepila desničarska avtoritarn astruja, zbrana v Katoliški akciji, elitni organizaciji za krščansko prenovo življenja, med njimi so bili celo mladci Kristusa Kralja in stražarji, ki so bili glasni in nestrpni so vseh drugače mislečih znotraj in zunaj katoliškega občestva, zavračali so levičarstvo, boljševizem in tudi vse liberalno, demokratično in tudi parlamentarno. • Proti prevladi SLS je po letu 1935 nastopila slovenska liberalna stranka s poudarjanjem unitarističnih in centralističnih stališč. • KP Slovenije je na svojem ustanovnem sestanku 17. / 18. 4. 1937 na Čebinah sprejela znameniti slovenski narodnoafirmativni in ljudskofrontno usmerjeni politični program, s katerim si je pridobila precej somišljenikov. Propagirala je obrambo pred nacizmom in fašizmom. • Konec leta 1939 se je KP Slovenije po nemško- sovjetskem paktu in sovjetsko- finski vojni na zahtevo KP Jugoslavije, ki je bila podrejena Kominterni, vrnila k ostri razredni sektaški politiki in napadla svoje dotedanje zaveznike- socialiste, krščanske socialiste in slovenske mačkovce. • SLS ni mogla zagotoviti formalne avtonomije Slovenije, zato je čutila politično nelagodje med slovenskimi volilci; edino slovensko narodno perspektivo je videla v Jugoslaviji. • Slovenci pod Italijo, Avstrijo in Madžarsko ter v diaspori. Živeli so izredno težko, saj države niso upoštevale obljub o zaščiti in svobodnem razvoju slovenske manjšine, ki so jih dale ob podpisu mirovnih in državnih pogodb. • Politična in gmotna pomoč jugoslovanske države je bil sicer stalna, a nezadostna in neodločna. • V Italiji se je že leta 1920 razmahnil fašizem in boj zoper Slovence v Italiji je ena njegovih bistvenih usmeritev- požgali so slovenski Narodni dom, po njihovem prihodu na oblast pa se je položaj še poslabšal- leta 1923 je bila slovenščina v šolah in javnem življenju prepovedana, Slovence so preseljevali v notranjost Italije ali pa jih izganjali v Jugoslavijo, mnogi pa so se pod pritiskom izseljevali v Evropo in Južno Ameriko. • Rapalska pogodba je prinesla novo razočaranje, občutili so jo kot izdajstvo tako jugoslovanske kakor tudi narodne matice; računali so namreč, da se bodo slej ko prej pridružili jugoslovanski državi. • Leta 1924 se je slovenski meščanski tabor tudi organizacijsko ločil na dve • politični društvi- tržaško Edinost in Krščansko socialni društvi v Gorici in Istri, del Slovencev pa se je vključil tudi v talijansko socialistično stranko, v KP Italije. • Leta 1926 je Benito Mussolini razpustil vse politične stranke, tudi »slovenske«, uničeno je bilo slovensko legalno časopisje in razpuščene slovenske socialne, prosvetno- kulturne in gospodarske organizacije. • Veliko slovenskih politikov obeh smeri je emigriralo v Jugoslavijo in Slovencem je ostala le katoliška Cerkev; tako se je ohranjala krščansko socialna struja in narodnovzgojno delo- italijanske oblasti so v duhovnikih upravičeno videle zadnjo oviro za preprečitev asimilacije prebivalstva. • Želeli so priključitev k Jugoslaviji, vendar so nasprotovali radikalnemu iredentizmu. • Znan je 1. tržaški proces (bazoviški) leta 1930, na katerem je fašistično • sodišče na smrt obsodilo štiri Slovence in jih kasneje ubilo; tudi dalje so bile izvedene obsežne aretacije slovenskih nacionalistov in komunistov, ki so jim na 2. tržaškem procesu 1941 izrekli visoke, tudi smrtne kazni. • V Avstriji so Slovenci do leta 1934 živeli v formalni demokraciji, vendar pa so bili na njih različni gospodarski, socialni in moralnopolitični pritiski; imeli so jih za državi sumljive. • Slovenci so si prizadevali, da bi dosegli kulturno avtonomijo, vendar so jih nemške stranke zavračale. • Od leta 1921 je delovalo Politično in gospodarsko društvo za Slovence na Koroškem; v deželni zbor so volili dva poslanca. • Na Madžarskem je s trianonsko mirovno pogodbo 1920 slovenski del Porabja s središčem v Monoštru še naprej ostal pod Madžarsko. Niso dobili slovenskih šol, oblast jih je načrtno madžarirala, in sicer v duhu ideje, da so tamkajšnji Slovenci Vendi. • Med vojnama je bilo za Slovence značilno izseljevanje v tujino, izselilo se je približno 300.000 ljudi, Ko so ZDA omejile priseljevanje, so se naseljevali še v Kanadi, Nemčiji, Franciji. Iz Primorske pa jih je največ odšlo v Jugoslavijo in Argentino. • Slovenci so bili v izseljenstvu dobro socialno in narodno organizirani; s staro domovino so ohranjali stike, prihajali so na obiske, k njim pa so prihajali predvsem katoliški hierarhi. • Sprva so bili v svetu združeni Slovenci vseh usmeritev in so podpirali narodnoosvobodilni boj v domovini, konec 1943 pa se je svet razcepil. • Slovenci v 2. svetovni vojni in v Federativni socialistični Jugoslaviji. • Okupacija in razkosanje Slovenije v 2. svetovni vojni. • Jugoslavija se je vpletenosti v vojno izmikala poldrugo leto; koroški Slovenci so bili vanjo vključeni že od začetka, ob vstopu Italije v vojno (junij 1920) pa tudi primorski Slovenci. • Jugoslavija je bila pod pritiskom Nemčije prisiljena podpisati trojni pakt. Po tem pa so Angleži, ki nam niso mogli zagotoviti pomoči, spodbudili vojaški udar, ki je odstranil kraljevo namestništvo pod vodstvom kneza Pavla Karadordeviča. • Ob sodelovanju KP so se v vseh večjih mestih začele ljudske demonstracije, v katerih so ljudje odobravali odstranitev oblasti, ki je podpisala trojni pakt. To je bil povod za odločitev Adolfa Hitlerja, h kateri je stalno pritiskal tudi njegov zaveznik Mussolini, da napade Jugoslavijo. Po napadu 6. aprila 1940 je jugoslovanska armada, šibka zaradi nacionalnih nasprotij, razpadla v 10 dneh. • Vsi okupatorji so mislili, da bo to ozemlje za vedno ostalo njihovo. • Nemški in madžarski okupator pa sta takoj odpravila slovensko šolo, upravo in vse narodne organizacije; poleg tega pa sta kršila še eno temeljno pravilo mednarodnega prava, in sicer, v vojsko sta začela mobilizirati Slovence- v Afriko, Sovjetsko zvezo in celo na Finsko. • Nemci so začeli uresničevati svoj že poprej pripravljen načrt etnocida in genocida- izgon vsega slovenskega izobraženstva in narodno zavednih ljudi, vključno z duhovščino. Slovence so izgnali v Srbijo, Hrvaško in v rajh. Okupacijska oblast, zlaski nemška, je v prvih letih pomenila določen • gospodarski in socialni napredek- veliko brezposelnih je dobilo službo, racionirana preskrba je v nekaterih delavski družinah standard precej dvignila, gradili so se novi, moderni industrijski obrati, dokončevala se je gradnja tovarn in modernizacija obstoječih, načrtovalo se je nove energetske objekte in širilo elektrifikacijsko mrežo, delno se je moderniziralo tudi kmetijstvo. • Vse to se je dogajalo tudi pod Italijani v Ljubljanski pokrajni, vendar so z vsem teh zadovoljevali predvsem vojne potrebe. • Vseeno pa je slovensko prebivalstvo prizadel narodni, politični in neposredni fizični teror, rasna diskriminacija in dejanski genocid- Nemci so okoli 80.000 ljudi izgnali na Hrvaško, v Bosno, Srbijo, Nemčijo; Italijani pa so internirali in v kontracijska taborišča zaprli 25.000 Slovencev. • Revolucija. Britanci, v katerih varstvo so se slovenski domobranci zatekli, so jih vrnili slovenskim partizanom oz. Jugoslovanski armadi in večina je bila usmrtičenih. • Oblast je v Sloveniji prevzela OF, v kateri je politično popolnoma prevladoval komunistični vpliv. Vrhovni poveljnik Jugoslovanske armade in predsednik vlade DFJ (Država federativne Jugoslavije) je postal Josip Broz- Tito, ki je kljub svojim poprejšnjim obljubam odpravil glavni štab Jugoslovanske armade za Slovenijo in slovensko partizansko vojsko vključil v enotno Jugoslovansko armado, s tem je Slovencem odvzel pomemben del narodne suverenosti. • Razvoj v komunističnem administrativno- centralističnem sistemu. Postopoma so se uredili tudi odnosi med državo in Cerkvijo, ki so bili zelo poslabšani po 2. svetovni vojni: procesi proti duhovnikom, pastirsko pismo jugoslovanskih škofov, izključitev ljubljanske Teološke fakultete iz Univerze, prenehanje diplomatskih odnos z Vatikanom leta 1952. • "Discipliniranje" Slovencev je potekalo tako, da so bili z vodilnih mest odstranjeni liberalni komunisti, to se je kmalu zgodilo tudi po drugih jugoslovanskih republikah. Pod oznako tehnokratov je bila odstranjena tudi struja, ki se je zavzemala za tehnološko modernizacijo, za bolj tržno in učinkovito gospodarjenje in za realnejši razvoj samoupravljanja. • Kriza samoupravljanja in mednarodnih odnosov v Jugoslaviji. • Republike in avtonomne pokrajine so kritizirale federacijo in se medsebojno obtoževale, zvezne oblasti pa so se vedno bolj zatekale k zadoljževanju v tujino. Namesto zveznega sklada za pomoč manj razvitim delom države so se Slovenci zavzemali za neposredna vlaganja v drugih republikah. • Memorandum Srbske akademije znanosti in umetnosti 1986 z jasnim nacionalističnim velikosrbskimm programom po načelu, da morajo vsi Srbi živeti v eni državi, je napovedoval pritisk proti vsem federativnim enotam. • Slovenci smo se ob zavzemanju za demokratizacijo družbe upirali težnjam po centralizaciji in unifikaciji države Dezintegracija Jugoslavije in nastanek samostojne Slovenije. • Nastanek demokratične opozicije in njena zmaga na volitvah. Leta 1987 je skupina izobražencev okrog Nove revije v številki 57 objavila svoje prispevke za slovenski nacionalni program; glavne sestavke so napisali: France Bučar, Tine Hribar, Peter Jambrek, Jože Pučnik, Dimitrij Rupel in Ivan Urbančič. Suverenost so razumeli kot pogoj za to, da narod postane nacija (narod z lastno državo); in vztrajali, da izvirna suverenost pripada narodom, ne federaciji. Da pa narod postane suveren se mora znebiti skrbništva Zveze komunistov Slovenije. Rešitev slovenskega narodnega vprašanja so videli v samostojni slovenski državi, a o odcepitvi in ustanovitvi lastne države so še dvomili. • Ker sta SFRJ in zveza komunistov omejevale suverenost naroda, so bile nujne demokratične spremembe v državi in družbi; tudi vse več komunistov je zagovarjalo spremembe v slovenski družbi in zvezni državi. • Drugi deli države so Sloveniji očitali, da zavestno dopušča protirevolucionarne in protiustavne sile in pojave. Ob vsem tem se je krepila politična vloga Jugoslovanske ljudske armade, ki se je neposredno vmešavala v politično dogajanje. • Vojni svet je 25. 3. 1988 ocenil, da v Sloveniji poteka protirevolucija s pristankom in celo sodelovanjem oblasti. Po nizu kritičnih člankov v glasilu Mladina je armadni generalštab vsiljeval pomoč slovenskemu vodstvu pri obvladovanju porajajoče se opozicije in od Slovenske državne varnosti 31. 5. 1988 zahteval aretacijo treh novinarjev Mladine in podčastnika Jugoslovanske ljudske armade z obtožbo, da so nezakonito prišli do zaupnega vojaškega dokumenta. Proces je zbudil hud odpor, ker je potekal v slovenski prestolniciv srbskem jeziku in pred vojaškim sodiščem. Kot odgovor na aretacijo četverice se je ustanovil Odbor za varstvo človekovih pravic, ki si je zagotovil skoraj popolno podporo Slovencev in čeprav se ni razvil v politično organizacijo, močno pospešil nastajanje opozicijskih političnih strank, katerih zametki segajo v 1988. • Ker so se po prepričanju teh strank narodi v Jugoslaviji združili prostovoljno, na podlagi pravice do samoodločbe, ohranili pa pravico do odcepitve, so zahtevale večje upoštevanje suverenosti nacionalnih republik. • Februarja 1989 so uradne in opozicijske politične organizacije v Cankarjevem domu priredile skupno manifestacijo proti izrednim razmeram na Kosovu in posredno v državi; to je zlasti v Srbiji povzročilo kampanijo proti Slovencem v obliki množičnih mitingov in političnopropagandnega hujskanja. • Čeprav sta bili slovenska uradna in opozicijska politika v podrobnosti različne, se je vedno bolj kazala enotnost in skladnost delovanja. • Opozicijska stran je 8. 5. 1989 predstavila javnosti Majniško dekleracijo 1989, ki je izrazila zahtevo po suverenosti slovenske države in samostojnem odločanju; v Temeljni listini Slovenije, predstavljeni 22. 6. 1989, pa je slovenska oblast še pristajala na federativno (avnojsko) in demokratično preurejeno jugoslovansko državo. http://www. answers.com/ topic/timeline- of-slovene- history#20th_ century 1848 - The United Slovenia (Zedinjena Slovenija), the first Slovene political programme rises. United Slovenia (Slovenian: Zedinjena Slovenija) is the name of an unrealized political programme of the Slovene national movement, formulated during the Spring of Nations in 1848. The programme demanded (a) unification of all the Slovene-inhabited areas into one single kingdom under the rule of the Austrian Empire, (b) equal rights of the Slovene language in public, and (c) strongly opposed the planned integration of the Habsburg Monarchy with the German Confederation. The programme failed to meet its main objectives, but it remained the common political program of all currents within the Slovene national movement until World War I. The programme of United Slovenia was first formulated on 17 March 1848 by the Carinthian Slovene priest and political activist Matija Majar, and published on 29 March in the national conservative newspaper Kmetijske in rokodelske novice, edited by Janez Bleiweis. The idea advanced by Majar was elaborated and articulated by the society of Slovenians from Vienna, led at this time by the notable linguist Fran Miklošič, which published their manifesto on 29 April in the Slovenian newspaper Novice from Klagenfurt. In the same period, the geographer Peter Kozler issued a map of all the Slovenian Lands with ethnic-linguistic lines. Janez Bleiweis presented these demands to the Austrian Emperor's younger brother Archduke John, who had been living amongst the Slovenians in Maribor for 15 years. The three key points of the programme (the creation of Slovenia as a distinct entity, recognition of the Slovenian language and opposition to joining the German Confederation) were signed as a petition. 51 signed sheets still exist, showing that the programme was well-supported by the masses. The signed petition was presented to the Austrian parliament; however, due to the uprising in Hungary, the Parliament was dissolved before it could even discuss the Slovenian issue. 1849 - The Duchy of Carinthia is created as a separate crownland. 1851 - Society of St. Hermagoras (Mohorjeva družba) first Slovene publisher is established in Klagenfurt (Celovec), which publishes books in Slovene. May 17, 1869 - Rally at Vižmarje near Ljubljana gathers around 30,000 people where programme of the United Slovenia is demanded. 1896 - The National hall (Narodni dom) is built in Celje. 20th century 1900 - Liberal middle class founds the first Slovene bank, The Credit bank of Ljubljana (Ljubljanska kreditna banka). 1912 - The Preporod (Rebirth), a juvenile movement is established. Many members have political connections with the pro-Serb organization Young Bosnia (Mlada Bosna). April 12, 1913 - Ivan Cankar (the best Slovenian writer) in Ljubljana gives a speech Slovenes and Yugoslavs for the socialist society Vzajemnost (Mutuality) about Slovenes to unite politically but not culturally with other South Slavs and Yugoslavism. May 30, 1917 - May Declaration of Slovene, Croatian and Serb representatives in the Vienna parliament signed by Anton Korošec about arrangement of a unified common state of Slovenes, Croats, and Serbs living within the Habsburg monarchy. July 20, 1917 - The Corfu Declaration is signed between the Yugoslav committee (Jugoslovanski odbor) and the Serb government and becomes the basis for the formation of the Yugoslav state. October 6, 1918 - National Council of Slovenes, Croats, and Serbs is established in Zagreb. It becomes the political representative body of South Slavs in Austria-Hungary. October 29, 1918 - National Council of Slovenes, Croats, and Serbs breaks off all relations with Austria-Hungary and proclaims a short-lived State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs. Slovenia joins a new state with an independent State authority. The state is not recognized internationally. November 1, 1918 - General Rudolf Maister takes over the authority of the Maribor garrison. December 1, 1918 - The State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs joins with the Kingdom of Serbia and the Kingdom of Montenegro to form the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (SHS). Today it is believed that this was a great historical fault although at that time this was probably the only sensible decision because Italy according to the London Pact with the victorious Entente forces from 1915 without bias occupied Primorska, Istria (Istra) and Zadar in Dalmatia and Serbia was pressing for unification. • January 18, 1919 - The Paris Peace Conference begins. Woodrow Wilson gives his "14 Points" address. The 9th and the 10th are crucial for Slovenes within former Austro-Hungarian borders. • June 28, 1919 - The Treaty of Versailles is signed between Germany and victorious three Entente powers. • September 10, 1919 - The Treaty of Saint-Germain with republic of Austria. It confirms the break of Austria-Hungary. Its territory comes down to newly formed countries Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania, and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. South Tyrol with its German population and Trentino fall to Italy. • June 4, 1920 - The Treaty of Trianon with Hungary Burgenland (Gradiščansko) falls to Austria and Transmuraland (Prekmurje) to the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. • August 14, 1920 - A security agreement is signed between Czechoslovakia and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. • October 10, 1920 - Carinthian Plebiscite. • November 12, 1920 - The Treaty of Rapallo between Italy and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, where Slovenia loses almost the whole province of Primorska, which is incorporated back again after the 2nd World War. Italy also gets the whole Istria together with the Trieste region (Tržaško). • June 28, 1921 - St. Vitus Day Constitution (Vidovdanska ustava) is adopted. It legalizes a monarchal regulation and centralism in a new state and also the supremacy of the court and the Serb politics linked with it. • 1921 July - An allied treaty for insurance of a situation in East Europe, attained in the Paris Peace Conference, is made by Romania and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. This alliance supplements the security agreement between Czechoslovakia and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and gets the name "Little Entente". • 1922 - Julian March (Julijska krajina) is incorporated to Italy. • 1923 March - Prefect of Julian March interdicts Slovene and Croatian language at the administration. • October 15, 1925 - Italian king issues a decree, which interdicts Slovene and Croatian language also at courts of justice. • 1927 - Founding of the TIGR at Goriško, Slovene anti-fascist organisation, first such European organization and a secret youth organization Borba (The fight) at the Trieste region. • January 6, 1929 - The king Alexander I. with a coup d'état dissolves the parliament and establishes the January 6 Dictatorship. He abolishes the St. Vitus Day constitution, freedom of the press and the pooling rights. • October 3, 1929 - The king Alexander I renames the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes as the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. All political parties are prohibited. • May 9, 1931 - To hide a dictatorship the king Alexander I. initiates the bestowal constitution, which introduces the two-chamber parliament. • October 9, 1934- The king Alexander I. KaraČorČevic, who reigned since 1921, is assassinated in Marseille together with a French foreign minister Louis Barthou by Croatian extremist nationalists. • 1935 - Milan Stojadinovic becomes prime minister. His government begins to drop Yugoslavia's traditional leaning toward France and starts to connect economically and politically with Germany and Italy. • March 13, 1938 - Adolf Hitler annexes Austria to the Nazi Germany. Slovenes in Austrian Carinthia practically become German citizens. • 1938 December - Dragiša Cvetkovic becomes prime minister. He signs an agreement with the leader of Croatian opposition Vladko Maček allowing for the foundation of the Banovina of Croatia as the sole autonomous political and territorial unit in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. This agreement does not solve the national problem since it just distributes the authority among Serbs and Croats. • April 6, 1941 - German, Italian and Hungarian occupying forces occupy Slovenia and divide it into three parts. One of the darkest times of the Slovene history begins. • April 17, 1941 - Royal Yugoslav army signs its surrender in Belgrade. • 1941 July - Armed resistance begins. • May 5, 1945 - First postwar Slovene national government is named and elected by the SNOS (Slovene National Liberation Council) at the Bratina Hall in Ajdovščina. May 9, 1945 - General Alexander Lohr Commander of German Army Group E near Topolšica, Slovenia signs unconditional capitulation of German occupation troops. World War II in Slovenia ends. May 25, 1945 - Forced repatriation of Slovene military and civilians from Viktring, Austria to various postwar execution sites including Kočevski Rog and Teharje camp. June 12, 1945 - Trieste stops being under the administration of Yugoslav army. September 15, 1947 - Free Territory of Trieste (STO - Svobodno tržaško ozemlje) is established in Ljubljana. March 18, 1948 - Soviet Union calls back all its specialists from Yugoslavia. The Communist Party of the Soviet Union accuses the Communist Party of Yugoslavia of not being democratic, that it leans toward imperial powers, that returns back to capitalism, and that it diverts from Marxism. The Informbiro begins. Economic blockade and a threat of military intervention follow. 1954 - Free Territory of Trieste expires after the London Memorandum is signed between the US, Great Britain, Italy and Yugoslavia. Trieste becomes Italian. Slovenia gets the north of Istria. Independent Slovenia Read more: http://www. answers.com/ topic/timeline- of-slovene- history# 20th_century century December 23, 1990 - The national referendum where 88.2% of electorate vote for the independent and sovereign Republic of Slovenia. June 25, 1991 - Slovenia becomes an independent republic through passage of appropriate documents June 26, 1991 - Slovenia solemnly declares its independence from SFR Yugoslavia (SFRJ). June 26, 1991 - Slovenia removes Yugoslav border signs and marks its own. Yugoslav People's Army (YPA) sends 2,000 soldiers from the baracks across Slovenia to occupy the border and the Ten-Day War begins.[1] June 27, 1991 - July 6 - Ten Day War. YPA takes over border posts, but most of the YPA soldiers are blocked in their barracks, where they are denied water and electricity. July 1, 1991 - Germany unilaterally recognises Slovenia as a state. July 7, 1991 - The Brioni Agreement between Slovenia and SFRY under political patronage of European Economic Community (EEC) is signed. Ten-Day War ends.[1] YPA is set to leave Slovenia in 3 months. Fewer than 100 people died in the clashes, mostly YPA soldiers (45),[1] but important precedent is set for the wars in the rest of SFR Yugoslavia. October 26, 1991 - Last troops of YPA leave Slovenia.[1] December 23, 1991 - Independent Slovenia gets a new, democratic constitution. January 15, 1992 - All members of the European Economic Community recognize Slovenia as a state. Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland and Slovakia. The Slovenian tolar becomes part of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism, in preparation for eventual adoption of the euro. )eMOAy Dreams ^Australian Slovenians 'enia enske narodne skupine in s O" spi Leta 1953 je bilo ustanoviljeno Predstavništvo zveze Slovencev v Sydneyu. In year 1953 was established the Representations of Slovenians in Sydney. 1953, 21 August SYDNEY Misli, Year 2, No. 8, p. 1. Poleg tega je v Sydneyu obstajala še skupina rojakov, ki so pozneje (1.1977) ustanovili še Slovensko narodno društvo. Zbirali so se na posestvu Ljenka Urbaničiča in vedno tudi dvignili slovensko zastavo - brez zvezde v Blue Mountains, kakih 80 km zahodno od Sydneya. Pri vhodu je obiskovalca pozdravil velik napis, vklesan v kamen, Cesta svobodne Slovenije, ki je vodila na sam vrh gore - imenovane Mt. Milena, po Ljenkovi materi. In Sydney a Slovenian National Associatian was formed and ther had many celebrations at the property of Ljenko Urbančič, Mt. Milena in Blue Mountains. 1971, 29 OctdT SYDNEY Speech by Mr Douglas Darby, M.L.A. for Manly, NSW. 1974, 29 OctbT The path of Free Slovenia, Mt Mllena, Kurrajong Hills in Blue Mountains, NSW. fa Pr^ M^^ a-*6*' * A steep track, partly hewn in the rock, leads to the creek. A circular road, entirely handmade, winds through Mt Milena. It was completed on 29 October 1974 - the Slovenian national day - and was named Free Slovenia Drive. It is dedicated to the memory of all those Slovenians who lost their lives during the invasion and occupation of the Axis forces who perished in the ensuing civil war. The flying white-blue-red tricolour symbolises the Free Slovenia in a free Australia. G. Douglas Darby, avstralski parlamentarec za Manly, NSW, je v svojem govoru poudaril na praznovanju slovenskega narodnega dneva: " . . . če bi bil jaz premier v NSW ali celo premier Avstralije, bi posvetil to lepo gozdno pokrajino kot posebno ozemlje Sloveniji v svobodni Avstraliji." Mr Douglas Darby, M.L.A. for Manly, NSW stressed in his speech on the occasion of Slovenian national day at Mt. Milena: " . . . and if I were the Premier of New South Wales, or the Prime Minister of Australia, I would declare this beautiful area of Australian bushland as an extra-territorial dedicated to the Slovenia in a free Australia." SYDNEY Celebrating Slovenian national day every year since 1971. Ljenko Urbančič working on his sculpture Bogomila's and Crtomir's farewell- the characters from the poem Baptism at Savica by France Prešeren. August Misli, August, p. 217-218, 223. SLOVENSKA POT V AVSTRALIJI Članek je napisal VLADIMIR MENART, Sydney, član Narodnega odbora za Slovenijo. Razmnožen v nekaj sto izi odth je prišel že marsikomu v roko. Za MISLI sem spremenil naslov, da bi ga kdo bralcev neumestno nt odklonil, kar bi bilo škoda: podaja mnogo treznih misli za našo skupnost. Osebno imam sicer v marsičem tudi svoje mnenje in k članku svoje dopolnitve, Je j>a gotovo vreden branja in resnega premisleka, — Ur, Zadnja leta smo začeli Slovenci v Avstraliji pridno graditi društvene domove. Zadovoljni smo, da gre delo lepo od rok. Obenem si pa zatiskamo oči pred dejstvom, da izgubljamo za slovenstvo tukaj rojeno mladino. Če bo šlo tako naprej, bomo Slovenci v Avstraliji izginili v enem samem pokolenju. Društveni domovi bodo pa nagrobni spomeniki slovenstvu v Avstraliji. Slovenci smo majhen narod in si nobene izgube ne moremo privoščiti, poteg tega skoraj četrtina slovenskega naroda živi izven meja matične dežele, tako v zdomstvu kakor v zamejstvu, in vsa ta četrtina je narodno ogrožena. V Avstraliji se izgovarjamo, da nas je malo, da smo preveč raztreseni in da so razdalje prevelike. Dejstvo pa je, da bi vse naštete težave z lahkoto premestili, če bi bili sposobni svojim otrokom vliti voljo, da ostanejo Slovenci. Preden lahko otroci tako voljo podedujejo, jo morajo imeti starši kot posamezniki in jo mera imeti slovenska skupnost kot celota. Volja je produkt zavesti. Naša največja napaka je mišljenje, da je vsak Slovenec, ki se zaveda, da je Slovenec, že zaveden Slovenec. Vsak Ljubljančan se tudi najbrže zaveda, da je Ljubljančan, pa vendar ne govorimo o zavednih Ljubljančanih, ker bi to bila neumnost. Prav tako ne moremo reči, da je nekdo že zaradi tega zaveden Slovenec, ker rad je kranjske klobase, pleše pclke in včasih po slovensko zapoje. Zaveden je samo tisti Slovenec, ki se zaveda, da je tlel slovenskega naroda in da ima ta narod pravico tlo samostojnosti in do oblasti, ki si jo sam postavlja. Malodušju in pomanjkanju volje je krivo sentimentalno slovestvo, ki se je razpaslo, posebno v Avstraliji, na škodo pravega zavednega slovenstva. Sentimentalno slovenstvo sestoji iz spominov, domotožja in želje po slovenski družbi. Samo na sebi ne bi bilo škodljivo, če ga ne bi nekateri poveličevali in stavljali kot vzor slovenstva. Kdo stoji za vsiljevanjem in prenapenjanjem sentimentalnega slovenstva? Gotovo tisti, ki mu tO koristi. Komunstičnemu režimu prija sentimentalno slovenstvo, ker mu ne more nič škodovati. Tako slovenstvo mu nič ne očita, ga nič ne obsoja in ga ne kliče na odgovornost. Zato so njegove publikacije polne lepih slik iz domovine, zato pošilja med izseljence različne ansamble in zato podpira potvorjene "narodne običaje". Ne z namenom, da bi slovenstvo okrepil, temveč zato, da bi ga razbil in uničil. Obenem pa še sebe prikaže v domoljubni luči. V pomoč režimu je seveda tudi dejstvo, da sentimentalno slovenstvo ni zahtevno. Udeleževati se zabav in prireditev ni nobena žrtev in nc zahteva nobenega truda. Tudi se človek nikomur ne zameri. Svojo vest si pa vseeno potolaži, da je storil za slovenstvo vse, kar je potrebno. Slovenstvo, ki sestoji samo iz spominov, domotožja in družabnosti ne more privezati tukaj rojene mladine, ki nima spominov na domovino, ne čuti domotožja in prav tako ne čuti potrebe po slovenski družbi. To mladino lahko privežemo in obdržimo samo, če ji damo idejo pravega slovenstva in priliko, da zanjo dela in se zanjo bori. Vsaka mladina ima ideale ali jih hoče imeti. Slovenska mladina ni v tem prav nič različna. Jasno je, da se ne more ogreti za mlačno slovenstvo, za slovenstvo brez ciljev in brez ideje. Če pa mladini pokažemo in jo prepričamo, da delamo in da tudi od nje pričakujemo, da dela za svobodno skupnost Slovencev, za slovenstvo, čigar jedro bo svobodna in neodvisna slovenska država, matica slovenskih skupnosti v zamejstvu in zdomstvu, za slovensko skupnost, v kateri bi imel vsak Slovenec iste pravice in dolžnosti, brez razlike stanu, vere in političnega prepričanja, potem bo naša mladina lahko na svoje slovenstvo ponosa in bo želela, da taki skupnosti pripada. Kaj smo dosegli v Avstraliji s prenapenjanjem sentimentalnega slovenstva? Na prste ene roke lahko preštejemo tukaj rojene visokošolce in akademsko izobražene Slovence, ki znajo kaj več slovenskih besed, kot reči "dober dan." Zviška gledamo na Srbe in Hrvate in vendar najdemo med njimi polno mladine z akademskimi poklici, ki svoj jezik tako obvlada, kot da bi bila rojena in bi se izšolala v domovini. Tajnost, če je lahko tako imenujemo, je v tem, da so njihova društva in druge organizacije izrazito narodno politične in svobodoljubne in se prav nič ne pomišljajo jasno in javno izpovedovati, da smatrajo komunistični režim za narodnega sovražnika. Kdor tega ne verjame, naj le obišče katero koli srbsko ali hrvaško proslavo. Dvorane so nabite z mladino in stene polne narodnih, državnih in svobodoljubnih gesel, znakov in simbolov. Pri naših slovenskih prireditvah se pa bojimo razobesiti celo svojo narodno zastavo, da o geslih, znakih in simbolih sploh ne govorimo. Se naj potem čudimo, da na naše prireditve pridejo samo otroci, ki jih s seboj privlečejo starši? Slovenska društva v Argentini so narodno politična. Čeprav v Argentini ni dosti več Slovencev, kot nas je v Avstraliji, tamkaj rojena mladina govori slovensko in sodeluje v društvih. Prav tako na Koroškem, Goriškem in Tržaškem so Slovenci, ki pripadajo demokratičnim skupinam, veliko bolj narodno odporni, kot so komunisti in socialisti. Nekateri mislijo, da je slovenstvo v Argentini zato tako trdno, ker je tja Šlo toliko intelektualcev. Število slovenskih intelektualcev je nekajkrat večje "v Nemčiji, pa so popolnoma jalovi, kar se slovenstva tiče. V nekaj letih se popolnoma potujčijo. Razlika je v tem, da so v Argentini politični begunci, v Nemčiji pa izseljenci, ki so jih vzgojile komunistične šole. Nobenega dvoma ne more biti, da, če hoče slovenska skupnost v Avstraliji ostali pri življenju, mora postati politično zavestna in se mora upreti komunističnemu razkrajanju Slovenci se radi izogibamo besedi "'politika". Skoraj skozi vse devetnajsto stoletje pod ranjko Avstrijo smo morali svoje politične težnje skrivati pod prosvetnimi in telovadnimi organizacijami. To nam je verjetno ostalo v krvi. Vendar, slovenstvo in narod sta politična pojma. Narodna zavest je politična zavest. Kdor trdi drugače, je ali nevednež, ali pa hoče ribariti v kalnem. Ko govorimo, da morajo biti društva nepolitična, hočemo reči, da ne smejo biti strankarsko politična. Z drugimi besedami: ne smejo biti strankarsko opredeljena. Narodno politična pa morajo biti, ali pa niso slovenska v narodnostnem pomenu besede. Gostilne so nepolitične ustanove. In če bodo društva nadaljevala po poti, po kateri hodijo sedaj, bodo naši domovi res samo gostilne. Gostilne so v marsičem koristne ustanove. Toda eno je gotovo: Ne morejo graditi slovenske narodne skupnosti in ne morejo pritegniti mladine, posebno ne tiste mladine, ki se hoče dvigniti na višji raven. In prav take mladine naš narod najbolj potrebuje. Tisti društveni delavci in delavke, ki teden za tednom, vsako soboto in nedeljo garajo za društva, a obenem nasedajo komunistični propagandi, da ne smejo biti politični, se bodo drug za drugim prej ali slej prebudili in začeli spraševati: Za koga se mučim? Kdo mi bo hvaležen? Kdo se spominja, koliko sem doprinesel? Kdor pa dela za slovenstvo in ne za gostilne, se ne bo nikoli tako spraševal. Kdor dela za slovenstvo, nc potrebuje hvaležnosti in ne potrebuje, da se kdo spominja, koliko je doprinesel. Sad dela sam je dovolj-no plačilo in dovoljni spomin. Društva morajo postati stebri slovenske skupnosti. To pa postanejo lahko samo tedaj, ko so narodno-politična, prosvetna in družabna središča slovenstva. Merodajni ljudje v Avstraliji so zadnja leta začeli spoznavati, da je njihova priseljenska politika bila popolnoma zgrešena. Zato danes ne govorijo več o asimilaciji (vtopitvi) posameznikov, temveč o integraciji (vključitvi) etničnih (narodnostnih) skupin. Za nas to pomeni, da nas imajo za prav tako dobre Avstralce, tudi če ostanemo Slovenci, ter da nas priznavajo za narodno skupnost in da naši predstavniki lahko nastopajo v imenu vse slovenske skupnosti. Organizacijo slovenske skupnosti moramo temu prilagoditi. Pred vsem moramo dosledno vztrajati, da smo Slovenci ni ne Jugoslovani in ne dopuščati, da nas kjerkoli zastopa jugoslovansko konzularno osebje. Čim prej moramo vzpostaviti svoje narodno predstavništvo, da bodo oblasti vedele, na koga se morajo obračati. Slovenska skupnost mora biti demokratična skupnost. Predvsem to pomeni, da morajo vodslva naših društev in podobnih organizacij biti voljena od celotnega članstva. Društva, katerih odborniki so v celoti ali deloma postavljeni od majhne skupine ljudi, niso demokratična in nimajo mesta v slovenski skupnosti. Prav tako ne morejo sedeti v odborih tisti ljudje, ki hodijo po navodila na jugoslovansko ambasado ali konzulate Na vseh naših prireditvah mora viseti naša narodna zastava. Tudi takrat, ko gostujejo obiskovalci iz domovine. Komunistom nihče ne brani, da imajo svojo zastavo z rdečo zvezdo na svojih komunističnih prireditvah. Na narodnih prireditvah pa lahko visi samo narodna zastava, ki jc narodni simbol za vse Slovence. Včesih se kdo oglasi in pravi, da jc zastava z rdečo zvezdo mednarodno priznana. Nihče nima pravice nam Slovencem predpisovali, kakšno zastavo moramo imeti. V resnici se tudi take pravice nihče ne lasti, razen komunistov. Prej ali slej bodo v avstralske šole uvedli pouk materinskih jezikov. Za nas Slovence je to zelo važno. Slovenci nismo, kot so Irci ali Judje, ki svoj jezik lahko pozabijo in vendar ostanejo Irci, oziroma Judje. Slovenski otrok, ki ne zna govoriti slovensko, je za slovenstvo izgubljen. Znanje jezika mora biti tudi primerno izobrazbi. Univerzitetni profesor potrebuje večji besedni zaklad kot pastir. Noben otrok noče biti različen od svojih sovrstnikov. Dokler ni slovenščina priznana v šolah, bo slovenske otroke sram govoriti slovensko. Največji napori staršev ne morejo tega skoraj nič spremeniti. Zato je tako važno, da mora biti slovenščina predmet pouka od otroškega vrtca do mature. Tudi ne sme biti samo dodaten predmet, temveč eden od petih matu rite tni h predmetov. Drugače se bo zgodilo, da bodo starši slabih učencev rekli: "Bolje, da nač otrok dela samo obvezne predmete, da bo lahko izdelal. Slovenščine se bo že pozneje navadil7'. Starši dobrih učencev bodo pa rekli: "Bolje, da naš otrok dela samo obvezne predmete, da bo prišel prvi. Slovenščine se bo že pozneje navadil." (Konec na strani 223) SLOVENSKA POT (nadaljevanje strani 218 — konec): Obstoja nevarnost, da bodo šolske oblasti dostikrat hotele vsiliti slovenskim otrokom pouk srbohrvaščine z izgovorom, da je Slovencev premalo. Dolžnost slo- Misli, ■■„■ ..mi;:;. ■ -i :■,-,..■ ¡. ■.■ August,p. ■,■■■■.'■ .. .. ■ ; ki, i ..:,■: i■■.■,,■:::■_■ 217-218, zato, da znamo en jezik več ali zato, ker je praktično. Pravica do slovenskega šolslva je bila vedno v ospredju slovenske politiko. Tako pod ranjko Avstrijo, tako danes v zamejstvu v Italiji in Avstriji; tako povsod na svetu, kjer obstoja slovenska manjšina, vključno v Avstraliji, Slovenci smo sposoben narod. V manj kot dvesto letih smo se iz naroda tlačanov povzpeli na raven najbolj naprednih in najbolj razvitih narodov. Če smo v Avstraliji zamudili leta, smo dovolj sposobni, da zamudo v kratkem času nadoknadimo. Tudi dejstvo, da nas je malo, ne sme biti nobena ovira. Take težave lahko premostimo z boljšo organizacijo in povezanostjo. Poleg tega smo Slovenci navajeni biti jeziček na tehtnici. Pred prvo svetovno vojno je bila Avtro-Ogrska velesila in vendar je leta 1895 avstrijska vlada padla, ker ni hotela ustreči Slovencem v njihovi zahtevi po slovenskih paralelkah na celjski gimnaziji. Pravijo, da je manj kot pol odstotka ljudi odgovorno 2a napredek človeštva. Po istem ključu nas ni potrebno niti sto v Avstraliji, da iz mlačne, razbite in demora-lizirane črede Slovencev zgradimo vročo, enotno in samozavestno slovensko skupnost. Pogoj pa je, da tistih sto nismo ribe na suhem. OB NEVIHTI Strmel je z brega v dno Vipave ob prvem marčnem gromu, potrt in truden, težke glave, razmišljajoč o domu. Vipava pravi: "Dober si, da grom te nič ne moti, ko usodnih dni vihar buči v hudičevi zaroti!" "Kaj deš, Vipava, kaj si čula? Viharja čakam vdan! Odkar je zima zla nasula, viharja sem željan! Ko toča z neba se bo usula, vihar bo že razgnan! In laži-burja ne bo rjula ko nov zasije dan!" "No, kaj pa ždiš ob bregu kmet?! Napočil je ta dan! Odpri prijatljem svojo klet; sovrag beži pregnan! Pogrej že vendar staro kri, da narod se predrami! Slovenski narod, boljših dni pomlad je v zemlji sami!" Ivan Kobal, 1975 V Sydneyu se je ustanovila Zveza slovenske akcije, katere ustanovitelj in predsednik je bil pokojni Ivan Kobal. In Sydney The Union of Slovenian Action was formed. The founder and the president was Ivan Kobal. 1975 SYDNEY Ivan Kobal Obzornik, September 1975, p. 12. Izjava in poziv Narodnega odbora za Slovenijo Ob 30-letnice ustanovitve 1. Hoiemo, da so uresničilo načela suverenosti tako, da bo imel slovenski narod in vsi naredi Jugoslavije, prosti komunistične in vsake diktature, neokrnjene vse pravice svobodnega odločanja o svoji usodi na političnem, gospodarskem in kulturnem področju. V primeru svobodne odločitve za vstop v skupnost narodnih dri a v, naj hi imela osrednja oblast le tiste dolžnosti in pravice, katere bi ji narodne države prostovoljno, pogodbeno odstopile. Taka skupnost južnoslovanskih narodnih držav hi bila sprejemljiva za vse narode v njej in bi bi!a močna sila za ohranitev miru na tem dolu Evrope. 2. Opozarjamo na grozečo nevarnost, da bi Jugoslavija prišla pod sovjetsko oblast, kar poskušajo doseči posamezniki in skupine v Jugoslaviji in izven nje. Sovjetska oblast v Jugoslaviji ne bi bila usodna le za slovenski narod in za ostale narode Jugoslavije, ampak tudi nevarnost za svobodo in krščansko civilizacijo zahodnega sveta. 3. Če bi pa Slovencem in ostalim narodom Jugoslavije ne bilo omogočeno, da bi sami v svobodi odločali o svoji usodi in obstoju skupnosti ter bi kakršen koli zunanji poseg ali drugi dogodki, predvsem kot posledica diktatura in centralizma, privedli do delitve Jugoslavije, bomo v ti1 m usodnem trenntku Slovenci zastavili vse svoje sile, da sedanja repu ti! i k a Slovenija postane mednarodno priznana samostojna demokratična država. Ta naj razširi duhovne meje slovenstva tudi na vsa področja, ki so bila krivično in proti uaSi volji iztrgana iz matične skupnosti. Zaradi svoje nezlomljive življenjske sile, visoKe Kul Da bo slovenskemu narodu omogočeno živeti v svo- jurne rav„i ¡n tisočletne zahodne krščanske civilizacije bodi. pozivamo vse Slovence, ki iskreno kakor mi želijo jma si0Venski narod po naravnem in mednarodnem pra-boljšo usodo našemu narodu in odklanjalo današnjo V(1 pravieo, ja v lastni državi neovirano uživa sadove diktaturo v Jugoslaviji, da nas pri našem delu podpirajo svojega dela za duhovni in gospodarski napredek v dru-in z vsemi-močmi sodeluieio. žbi svobodnih narodov in držav. Cilji naših prizadevanj so jasni: O botifu jubilejnega leta I97i STARE MILOŠ predsednik Narodnega odbora za Slovenijo, načelnik Slovenske krščanske demokracije - Slovanske ljudske stranke — SKD-SLS Buenos A i res Komunistični vodniki nove Jugoslavije, nastale po drugi svetovni vojni, so tako s svojim totalitarističnim in centralističnim ustrojem preprečili narodom dosego svobode. Sedaj to državo povezuje z nasiljem komunistična nartii".. namesto da bi jo družila volja svobodnih narodov. Jugoslavija ie postala orodje komunistične partije, ki izvaja s svojim diktatorskim sistemom nasilje nad svobodo duha in ie prav zato notranje šibka drŽava. Ponavljajoče se napetosti zaradi teženj narodov po svobodi, so povečale notranja nasprotstva in Jugoslavijo vsak* večia kriza lahko pripelie na rob propada. Komunistična vlada Jugoslaviie tudi ne nudi slovenskim manjšinam v Avstriji in Italiji nobene učinkovite opore v teikem boju za njihove narodne in človeške pravice. Slovenci odločno branimo načelo, da ima slovenski narod prav tako, kakor tudi- drugi narodi Jugoslavije, pravico do lastile države, vendar odločno odklanjamo nasilno razbijanje Jugoslavije, Tako ra?bijanje bi povzročilo nepopravljivo Škodo ne samo slovenskemu, ampak tudi drugim narodom Jugoslavije, Rešitev je le v vrnitvi k načelu suverenosti narodov, ki naj bodo v demokratičnih narodnih državah — katerih ena naj bo Slovenija — po načelu samoodločbe vključeni v svobodno povczfivn. —o— V Dr. LUDVIK PUS, tajnik NO podpredsednik SKD-SLS New York Inž, BEVC LADISLAV, predsednik Slov. dem. stranke — SDS Napa, California Dr. URBANC PETER, tajnik NO tajnik izvršnega odbora SDS Toronto Dr. BENEDIK VALENTIN, čian izvršnega odbora SDS Cleveland Dr. DEBELJAK TINE, Član načelstva SKD-SLS Buenos Aires FAJDIGA PAVEL podpredsednik SKD-SLS Buenos Aires R1GLER RADIVOJ, član izvršnega odbora SD3 Buenos Aires MAUSER OTMAR, član načelstva SKD-SLS Toronto JIELAHER JOŽE, glavni tajnik SKD-SLS MENART VLADIMIR, član izvršnega odbora SDS Cleveland Syi Sydney — Avstralija SETÍOLEC FRANJO, podpredsednik SKD-SLS London 12 SMERSU RUDOLF, URANKAR FELIKS, član načelstva SKD-SLS podpredsednik izvršnega odbora SDS Buenos Aires Buenos Aires OBZORNIK, SEPTEMBER. 1975 50c SLOVENSKI OBZORNIK V AVSTRALIJI Revija svobodnih Slovencev * Urednik: Ljenko Vrbančič Izdaja: Agencija za svobodno Slovenijo Tajnik: Jože Košorok * Published by: Agency jor free Slovenia. Hox 352, P.O. Ashfield, N.S.W. 2131 9. 1975. * Printed by Mimis Ply. Ltd. Offset by: Neographic Print, Waitara, 48-0259 IZ VSEBINE: Dan slovenske zastave 2 Politika za Slovence v Avstraliji ...... 4,5 To in ono .............. 6 Mrtvi so še silnejši 7 Pesmi S Narodni odbor za Slo vemio 9 Vetrinj: 30 let........ 10,11 Narodni odbor za Slovenijo 12 Ob rojstvu slovenskega domobrantstva 13,14,15 Od panzerjaegerja in Dakija v svobodo 16,17,18 * Naslovna platnica: Viharjem kljubujeta Zadnja platnica: Motiv iz domovine ZBOROVANJE SLOVENSKEGA SVETA ZA N.S.W. 14. julija je v Sydneyu zboroval Slovenski svet za N.S.W, Svet sc je soglasno izjavil za svobodno, neodvisno in demokratično slovensko državo, Tudi tisti člani sveta, ki so jugoslovansko usmerjeni, so bili mišljenju, da mora bili prva lojalnost vsakega Slovenca in vsake slovenske ustanove slovenski državi in njenemu vodstvu. Prav tako je svet soglasno izjavil, da priznava Narodni odbor za Slovenijo kot slovensko vlado. Svet je izvolil pet članov sveta v izvršni odbor. Za predsednika sveta je bil ponovno izvoljen g. Vladimir Menart. OBZORNIK. SEPTEMBEK. 1975 ZARADI POLITIČNE VRZELI Prva Številka Obzornika je posvečena spominu luid 15 tisoiev pobitih in padlih Slovencev in Slovenk, med njimi tudi otrok. Mednje vključujemo ne samo domobrance, ampak tudi vaške straža/je in slovenske Četni ke. 12 tisoč domobrancev so Britanci po zvijači izročili komunističnim uzur-patorjem koncem maja 1945. iz Vet-rinja Jii! Koroškem. Komunisti so te može in fante pobili skrivoma, brez sodišč in po zverskem mučenju ter poniževanju. Se več: ta pokol so komunisti storili po le objavljenem evropskem premirju po 2. svetovni voj-si, Le majhna peščica te slovenske vojske se je rešila in itum tako ohranila žalostno pričevanje. Junij je mesec, v katerem se spominjamo tudi vseh žrtev, katere so komunisti pobili od 1941. leta dalje. Obzornik se predstavlja slovenski javnosti v A vstraliji z namenom, da izpolni politično vrzel in bo izlutjal priložnostno. Tisti, ki se zavedajo, da prodajna cena ne krije stroškov, lahko prispevajo v tiskovni sklad. Komunisti so začeli letu 1941, državljansko vojno in jo Je vedno nadaljujejo, čeprav se to nekaterim čudno sliši. Razmere nam nalagajo, da od časa do časa ocenimo položaj in temu primerno prilagodimo način naše borbe. Vsi tisti, katerih srca so na pravem mestu, vendar se iz osebnih razlogov ne morejo javno istovetiti s svobodno slovensko stvarjo, bodo že našli pot do Obzornika in mu tudi pomagali. To lahko storijo nit več načinov. Denarna pomoč je zelo važna, vendar ne edina. Obzornik priznava Narodni odbor za Slovenijo kot za časno slovensko vlado In jo kot tako podpira in ji siuži. Obzornik tudi želi pripomoči k utrjevanju slovenske narodne skupnosti v Avstraliji in zato podpira Narodni svet za Avstralijo. PONESIMO SLOVENSKO ZASTAVO NA SYDNEYSKE ULICE V okviru letošnjega tedna usužiijcnih narodov {Captive Nations) bomo tudi letos korakali Slovenci po sydncy.skili ulicah. Spored |e sledeči: Sobota 6. septembra MOTOR KAD A, Zbirališče: Wentworth Park. Čas: 9,30 a,m. Vozila naj hudo okrašena s trobojiiicami in gesli v angleščini. * Sreda, 10- septembra POLOŽITEV VENCA» Kraj: Cenotap, Martin Plače, Čas: 1.15 p.m. * Sobota, 13. septembra KONCERT Kraj: Ukrajinska mladinska dvorana 13 Church SU Lidcombe Čas: 7 p.m. — Cena $2*00. Rezerisicije: G. Decbniez na tel. št. &49-3305. * Sobota, 20. septembra OBHOD IN ZBOROV A N J F, Zbirališče: Zahodna stran Kent Str, med Druitt in Bathurst St., (Za Sydney Town Hallo m} Čas; i 0,30 a*m. Po obhodu zborovanje na Domain. \ a rod i h> noše zelo zaželene. MILIVOJ LAJOVIC - KANDIDAT ZA SENAT Ko je bil Obzornik žc v tiskarni, smo Slovenci v Avstraliji prejeli zelo razveseljivo novico. Prt izbiri kandidatov za volitev polovico senatorjev v juliju 1976. leta, je Liberalna stranka v New South Walesu izbrala na tretje mesto našega poznanega rojaka in narodnega delavca g. Milivoja Emila Mišo Lajovica, brata sedanjega predsednika Slovenskega društva Svdnej g- Dušana Lajovica. C, Milivoj Lajovic je bil prvi predsednik Slovenskega društva Sv d ne) in je Se vedno njegov član. Če gre vse po sreči, bomo čez erio leto Slovenci dal; svobodnemu svetu svojega prvega v Sloveniji rojenega senatorja, v kar ne štejemo slovenskih senatorjev v predvojni Jugoslaviji. Kar se tiče Avstralije, bo g, Lajovic prvi senator iz emigrantskih vrst» To si bodo lahk o šteli v čast tudi drogi neslovenski emigranti, /a Liberalno stranko pa je to se posebej zaželeno, ker bodo mnogi emigranti prav gotovo volili emigranta. C, Lajovic si je pridobil to mesto po dolgoletnem in vztrajnem delu v stranki, v kateri je član izvršnega sveta za N,S,W. Čestitamo! Obzornik, September 1975, p. 3. 197f SYDNEY Slovenci v Sydneyu vabijo na proslavo. Slovenians in Sydney invite to a celebrations. 1977 7 21 October Slovene i v Svdticyu vljudiii> vabimo M slavnostno večerjo v proslavo SB. OBLETNICE SIjOVENSKE OSVOBODITVE izpod avjtrtf-tiErskt nadoblflSii 2t. okiobrn WIS. leta v soboto 30. oVtobra, 1976 ob Hr zvečer V Philip Lod^e, 156 Parramntla Road, Ashficld. NSW. Obleka viieina Cena $12 po osebi RS.V. P. do 25 10.76 ¡¡j. Ncvi Mcnan — vtiii* i. AlfrtJ Jircinii — Jiltmi O, j(ti ne spim, le ivknjn čas in ¿ukani vas. da gremo skupaj čez Sen hi ti meti brate rtafe Žilo pit. — Rudj Maister; Mdtgaj Irka 29. oktober 19)3 — J976 Announcement in Slovene on 2£A - Slovene program, 1? & 21 Oct.11^?* Prireditveni odbor za proslavo 59* obletnice proglasitve slovenske neodvisnosti, vljudno vabi rojake na Koktajl Večer v petek 28. oktobra od ?.00 do 9.00 ure zvečer v Sydney Hilton Hotelu. Cena je $3.00 po osebi. Sa ostale podrobnosti se obrnite do 25.°ktobra na gosjjo Hevo Men&rt?t telefon^ S21B ali pa na g* Bpeânikci na telefon 399 9061. Translation: The Committee organizing the celebration of the 59* anniversary of the declaration of Slovene indépendance, cordially invites fellow Slovenes to a Cocktail party, Friday 28, October, from 7.00 pm till 9*00 pm. at the Sydney Hilton Hotel. Cover charge $9.00 per person, For further information contact by 25th October Mrs. Neva Menart, Tel. 768218 or Kr. Alfred Breznik on tel. 599 9061. The Slovenian National Association (Narodno društvo Sydney) Fruits of Our Slovenian Heritage, p. 191. In 1977, a group of concerned members of the Slovenian community were unhappy with the evodent willingness of the existing Slovenian clubs to establish a relationship with the then government of Yugoslavia. Ther therefore, established a new association called 'Narodno društvo Sydney' (The Slovenian National Association). Its aim was not to establish a clubhouse, but rather to promote a philosophy that reflected their 'human rights' focus, which they felt was in conbtrast to that of the then Yugoslav Government. Its objectives demonstrated a high degree of nationalistic pride and social responsibility. The Association shall be an independent and voluntary association of persons of Slovene ethnic origin and members of their families permanetly residing in Australia, who uphold the ideas of 'THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS'. Every member of the Association shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion, opiniion and expression... The objects of the Association are set out hereunder: a. To preserve Slovene heritage and to propagate Slovene culture and traditions in Australia; b. To organise functions which will enable members to promote social, cultural and sporting activities; c. To assist Slovene immigrants to obtain recognition of their qualifications and to secure their employment in their chosen professions and occupations; d. To co.operate with any other body of similar character and similar objects within Australia and overseas; e. To raise funds and make gifts and donations to approved Slovene or other bodies (cultural, educational or charitable) or for any other purpose, which is consistent with the aims and objects of the association; f. To encourage and assist children of Slovene ethnic origin to learn the Slovene language and to obtain tertiary education. Members and supporters of Narodno društvo: Alfred Brežnik, Ljenko Urbančič, Vladimir Menart, Pino Bossi (Ethnic Comminities Council), Miša Lajovic and Fr Valerijan Jenko OFM. CONSTITUTION 1977, 21 /«i SLOVENE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION SYDNEY. NAM!; AND CHARACTER The name of the organisation shall be SLOVENE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION SYDNEY, (Thereafter referred to as "ASSOCIATION"). The ASSOC 1AT ION sha'l I he Lndipendent , voluntary, non political association of persons of Slovene ethnic origin and members of their families permanently residing in Australia, who uphold the ideals of " THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHT; Everyone has the right to freedom of tought, conscience and re 1 i (> ion, op i ni oil and express i on . At everv official function of the ASSOCIATION, the Australian flag and the: WHITE - BLUE - RED flag without any insignia represent i ng all SLOVENES shall be d i splayed. Neither the ASSOCIATION nor the committee shall in any way plfedge its support to, or adhere to, or actively assist any po 1 i 1.1 ca I pa r ty . t. HEADQUARTERS AND, EXTENT OH .'ACTIVITI ES': The headquarters of the ASSOCIATION shall be in SYDNEY and activities may extend throughout NEW SOUTH WALES. All fnet ion s and meetings of the ASSOCIATION will be held at location chosen by the commi ttee. All correnspondence is to be addressed to a private MAIL BOX (A.P.C. LEASED), expressly used for that purpose, the location of which shall be .decided from time to time by the committee. OBJECTS OF TNE ASSOCIATION: To preserve Slovene heritage and to propagate Slovene culture and trad it i ons in Australia. To Organize functions which will enable members to promote the social, cultural and sporting activities. Assist Slovene migrants in obtaining recognition of their qua lifications and securing employment in their professions. Co-operate with any other body of similar character and similar objects within AMStra1ia and overseas. Rise funds arid make gifts and donations to approved Slovene or other bodies (CULTURAL, EDUCATIONAL OR CHARITABLE), or for any purpose which is consistant with the aims and objects of the ASSOCIATION. To en co lira go and assist the child ren of SI ovene ethnic origin to lorn SI ¡oven (J ] a n guage a nil i h ph t a i n i ng t.ert'i ary education. PRAVILA SLOVENSKEGA NARODNEGA DRUŠTVA. SYDNEY [ ■ IM H' IN SI-STAVA: .1. SLOVENSKO NARODNO DRUŠTVO /Spodaj imenovano "DRUŠTVO"./ 2. DRUŠTVO je neodvisna, prostovoljna organizacija oseb slovenskega porekla, nj ih druz inskih članov ki so stalno naseljeni v Avstraliji in priznavajo " Deklaracijo Združenih Narodov o univerzalni ideji Človeških Pravic". Vsak clan ima p ravico svobode govora, vere, ideoloških al.i filozofskih idej, 3. DRIJSTVO in društveni odbor ne sine podpirati ali aktivno sodelovati z nobeno politično stranko. 4. Pri vsaki društveni prireditvi mora poleg Avstralske zastave biti razobesena tradicij onaIna slovenska zastava: -bela- modra- rdeča; brez vsake insignije. I T. SEDEŽ DR1JSTVA : / Sedež društva je v SYDNEY - ju, toda delovanje'še lahko razširi po teritorju NEW SOUTH WALES-a, Vse prireditve in sestanki društva bodo v prostorih določenih od odbora. Vsa korespondenca mora biti naslovljena na privatni postni predal {P.O. BOX). ki ho v to svrho najet od POSTNI' UPRAVE. ril. .NAMEN DRUŠTVA : 1. Združevat i, ohraniti in pospesevati slovensko kulturo in tradicije v Avstraliji. Z. Organi zi rati prireditve pri katerih naj se uveljavijo kulturne sposobnosti članov za skupni interes društva. 3. Pomagati slovenskim izseljencem pri priznanju njihovih s Irokovn i h kva1 i fi kaci j i n pomoč pri zaposlitvi v njih s t rokah. 4. Sodelovati s vsako organizacijo ki ima podoben program za slovenstvo v avstraliji in inozemstvu, 5. Organizirati nabiralne akcije, gmotno in moralno pomagati s 1 ovens kin in drugim organi zacij ara (kulturnim, vzgojnim in humanitarnim), ki iraajo podoben program kot SLOVENSKO NARODNO DRUŠTVO SYDNEY. 6. Posebna pozornost bo usmerjena mladini pri kulturnem delu, učenju materinskega jezika in športu. 1978, 23 AAay CANBERRA P-\ k!..I A'il i;;N j'At'V III BRAKY ilAN.iAHD ? i LE Per KEliERENCE ONLY Original muut -?OT be removed from Library Ques ti on anaw¿red in bhe HOUii£ OF HE1 -RESEKTAT|VE3 on 4 .. , 3 19» Slovenian I jbcrulivn Movements «joes I ion No. W2) Mr G. O. W hi Ham askctl the Minister for Foreign Alfuirs, upon nance, on 3 May 1478: (ii Has his attention been Jiawn to a report in (tie Sydney Sun -Hemill of 2 J April 1M78 ifiat Mr Lyenko Urbanchidi, a member of i!n; New .South Wales F.xeeuiive of the Liberal I'anv .iiiJ lite ('resident of us Ethnic Affairs Committee, ,pnnsuiiu %elf-si vied'Free Skiveiiia'movemeuL. i 2) Can lie give the history of any war-liinc separatists in Slovenia as his predecessor gave for Croatia I Uanxaril, 2K Attfil 1971, page 22)1. question no, 1219) jjiJ Slovenia (IliinvurJ, 7 April 1971, page 1650, question no 27%) (.1) Ma> Australian ever recognised the independence o! Slovenia I «on*an/, 2ft April l«t. page 221 J, questions ros J2and 3218). J Does the Government's views on Croatia as part ot a united Yugoslavia (UumtirJ. ? May 1978, question no 1M. page 1675} alio apply tii Slovenia. Mr Peacoek-The answers to the honourable member'squestioni tire as follows; t I > Yes. (2) Following the Axis invasion »■ Yugoslavia in I '>-> I the former royalist govcifiar ol Slovenia. Han Marko N.ttlaceit, airfnipicJ to negotiate with iho occupiers uf a separate Slovene stale under German and Italian paironaee sinulni to that ailbtded to tile fascist puppet state of Cwaitii. 1 lie tier-man and Italian L'ovcfunieill$ ,lc,tded hourevei 1" divide Slovenia between ifsenisclvos. two thirds fieir;^ annex cJ lit the German Keich and the ret.......... to Italy the royalist governor was pctmiited an advisory f"le to the Italian occupation forces m Slovenia Though some royalist eagres, in tile vonie.-a of'tile posi w,ij situation advocated an independent stales for Slovenia and destnbed themselves as in favom ol a' f tse Slovenia "as siinie form rif constitution;)] m, >11.1 rvhy, the only coherent war-time force dedicated lit the liberation and lecoustitution of Slovenia was ihc National 'Liberalion Ann h'aseist front' "I his movement ■ Jl all Yugoslav peoples was, however, dedicated to she re establishment oi a federal Yugoslav state in which Slovenia would be, as !I is today, a u;nsiiitienf republic its leader pis ine current President of Yugoslavia, Josip Bun Tito (3) No. 141 Yes AGE 24.5.197B d!2 NO SIOUENIA Mr* Peacock disavowed t/Ieus on a 'Free 51oveniaT movement reportedly expressed by a member of the NSLI Liberal Party executive. Australia had never recognised the independence of Slovenia from Yugoslavia, and its views on the issue were the same as on Croatia, Hr. Peacock said in reply to a question on notice. LETNIK XXII. ŠTEV. 6 Registered for posting as a periodical — Category "A" JUNE ID7K NO SLOVENIA? ! ODPRTO PISMO PREDSTAVNIKOV SLOVENSKIH DRUŠTEV V VIKTORIJI VIclbourn.ski dllGl nik "I'hr A^e'" je 23. maja 197$, m uri poročili i/ federalnega parlamenta Avstralije oh ju* i I odgovor, ki na je podal minister /;i /.unanje zadeve Mr. Peacock na vpnimja Mr. VVliit lama o gibanju "Frc Slovenia". To gibanje baje tir-Kunkiru eden Članov eksekutive liberalne stranke v New Sou tli Ha lesu po rodu Slovcni:!'. Takole je rekel minister: "Avstralija ni nikoli pri inula neodvisnosti Slovenije od Jugoslavije in njeni pogledi na I a problem so isti kot na problem Hrvatske." Vse poročilo nas SLovence nc bi prav nil prizadelo če gu urednik -The Agc"-a ne bi postavil pod z debelimi Črkami tiskan naslov "NO SLOVENIA". Motiv, ki je urednika privede! na to nam jc ne i n ari. Morda je le navadna nevednost ali površnost. t;udno pa se nam vseeno zdi, zakaj je urednik smatral potrebno, da povdari to, za večino javnosti nepomembno novico, s takim dvomljivim naslovom. Morda so pa le zadaj globlji vzroki. Kadi svojega majhnega Števila in radi svoje zadržanosti smo Slovenci sedaj, ko se priznavajo nekateri dobrobiti etničnim skupinam že itak prikrajšani. Tolmačev na aradili iti raznih institucijah skorajda nimamo. Prevodi uradnih obvestil na Slovenščino tudi ne obstojajo. Zakaj? Zato ker nas v večini primerov še vedno mečejo v jugoslovanski koš in mislijo, da moramo razumeti in govoriti srbti-hrvaško, f"e je kdajkoli potrebno delti, prevod ali tolmačenje v Slovenščini, potem naj to Slovenci opravijo prostovoljno, v svojem prostem rasu, medtem, ko nhlasti za ostale jezike vzdržujejo plačane tolmače- K akti r. da ni i Slovenci ne plačujemo davke v enaki meri. kakor, da hi mi Slovenci ne bili ena najbolj delavnih in solidnih etničnih skupin. Kaj je vzruk (emu zapostavljanju? V manjši vrsti nevednost odluCujočih, v večji meri pa v naš nevsiljivost in .skromnost, a Se v vetji meri v agresivnost onih, ki na račun ekspanzije vpliva srbo-brva-ščine, ter deloma svojih osebnih interesov uporabljajo jugoslovenstvo kot svojo orotlje. Jugoslovanstvo pa je političen In ne etnični pojem. Nad vse očividen primer za to je 3EA, kjer imamo v lakozvanem jugoslovanskem programu od sedmih nr na teden samo po eno čisto v slovenščini in makedoničini. In paziti moramo, da si bomo ohranili tudi to. Zato se sprašujemo odkod prihaja avstralskemu časopisu motivacija za naslov "NO SLOVENIA". All so kakšni posebni Vplivi ali samo slučaj. Naj ho to ali ono. nam Slovcneem tukaj tak naslov lahko samo škodi, kajti na prvi pogleil daje vtis, da Slovenija nc obstoji in s tem seveda tudi temelji za zahtevo po pravicah Slovenske 29th of May, 1978. The Editor, "The Age", 250 Spencer Street, Melbourne, 3000 Dear Sir, "The Age" reported on 24ih oj May under the. heading "NO SLOVENIA " the answer given by the Minister for Foreign Affairs in the Federal Parliament to the question regarding "Free Slovenia" movement. We do not query the correctness of the report or the fairness of the Minister's answer, however we feel very concerned because of the headline "NO SLOVENIA" as it may he misinterpreted by many people unaware of the proper situation. This title creates an instant impression that Slovenia does not exist. Such impression, in certain circumstances may-prove to be detrimental to the interests of the Slovenian communities in Victoria. Slovenia and Slovenians are a national identity since the ninellt uentury, even though they didn't regain their national independence till October 1918. Since then, with the exception of the World War 11, they formed a part of Yugoslavia. Overwwheiming majority of Slovenians, at home and abroad, has always acknowledged that being a part of Yugoslavia is the best solution for their national existence. The opposition to this opinion is also in the present times negligent, although the individual attitudes toward the degree of independence and the ideology of internal political structure of Slovenia mav differ. Generally the Slovenians have a strong feeling of historical and radical ties to the common destiny with the other peoples of Yugoslavia. This alone would jeopardise any possibility, that the Slovenians, here or anywhere in the world, would take part in a movement whose goal would be the destruction of Yugoslavia. However, we Slovenians insist, just as firmly, that we are a completely individual ethnic group with our own language, our own culture and traditions. And now, as an integral part of Australian nation, we justly expect that our ethnic entity is recognised and respected. We deeply resent to be considered as a part of non-existent Yugoslav ethnic group. This however, does not mean that the Slovenian communities in Victoria, which we represent, entertain any sort of hostile attitude toward the existence of the Yugoslav state. STAN PROSENAK, President of Slovenian Association Melbourne STEFAN SUN EC, Secretary of Slovenian Association "Springvale — Planica" HERMAN JAKsETW,, President of Slovenian Social Club "J ad ran" IVAN ROLE, President of Slovenian Association Geelong 1978 June MELBOURNE Vestnik, June 1978, No. 6. etnične skupine v Da vsaj nekoliko stnpniki Slovenskih koj napisali pismo Age" v upanju, da "Letters to Editor", ve Se ni bilo in vse Avstraliji ne obstojajo, poprav i jo ta vtis so za-druStev v Viktoriji ta-uredniku dnevnika "The ga bo priobčil v rubriki , Ko to pišemo te obja-i/glcda, da je pismo ro- malo v Koš, l~pajino pa. da liti vsaj z oh javo v "Vcstniku" pismo prišlo tudi n: nekatera merodajna mesta ter, da bo vzhu dilo pozornost meti našimi ljudmi ter jin pokazalo, tla je naše etlintr orožje in naši edino jamstvo za obstoj, kot si ga želinit ini, skupno in složno nastopanje. ms, 2&Oc£o-fer Misa Lajovic Slovenian Senator Misa Lajovic had a speech in the Senate: Slovenia and its history. Wednesday, 25 October 1978 THE SENATE SPEECH Date Wednesday, 25 October 1978 Page 1 Questioner Speaker CARRICK, John Source Senate Proof No Responder Question No. Senator CARRICK (New South WalesMinister for Education—) (NaN.NaN ptn) - We are all indebted to Senator Lajovic for bis recording of the background history of Slovenia upon (lie approaching occasion of a significant anniversary and for bringing to the attention of the Australian people die story of a people of very proud heritage and of great achievement. Indeed, we ;ire reminded daily of ihe presence of Slovenia by his own presence in the Senate. I commend him for what he has done tonight. Question resolved in the affirmative. Senate adjourned at 12.2 a.m. (Thursday) SPEECH Date Wednesday, 25 October 1978 Page 1 Questioner Speaker LAJOVIC, Milivoj Source Senate Proof No Responder Question No. Senator LAJOVIC (New South Wales-) (NaN.NaN pm) - Some time ago a prestigious Melbourne newspaper published a small item headed 'No Slovenia'. Who wrote that ilein I do not know. The lacl is that according to the Age there is no snch thing as Slovenia. To put the record right and to demonstrate how much we can rely on the media for the correct information, it is my intention tonight to speak about this non-existent Slovenia*. As a proud Austral ian- Austral ¡an by choice born and educated in Slovenia, son of a small nation, a nation with centuries ofhistory.it is my right as an Australian senator and my duty as an Australian citizen of Slovene birth to speak about Slovenes and Slovenia. 1 would like to point out at this stage that the majority of the facts that I will present here are from publications readily available in any library to anyone, including the scribe from the Age, if he or she should want to look for them. Slovenia is in the approximate shape of a triangle, with the two longer sides being about 125 miles or 200 kilometres long and bordering on Austria on the north and Croatia on the southsouth east. The short side, which is 75 miles or 120 kilometres long, borders on Italy on the west-south west. The heart of Slovenia is in the Ljubljana Basin which is surrounded by mountains: The Julian Alps to the north-west bordering on Italy, which arc also the watershed for the Sava. the principal river of Slovenia, which is part of the Black Sea system; the Kara van ke Alps to the north, bordering on Austria; and the Slovene Kras to the south-west, also bordering on Italy. The area of Slovenian Kras is the site of many subterranean rivers where the unique prehistoricproteui anguineus still survives. The proteus anguineus is a tailed amphibian, an eel I ike blind creature which lives in almost complete darkness. Slovenia occupies a key position on the continent and is one of the principal gateways to western and central Europe via Trieste or Klagenfurt and V ienna. It also commands the main communication between the Mediterranean and the Danube Basin via the Postojna Gate, The area of Slovenia is 20j000 square kilometres. It has a population of approximately 1 ,750,000. If we compare that with the areas of New South Wales and Victoria- 801,000 square kilometres and 227.000 square kilometres respectively- we sec that New South Wales is 40 times the size of Slovenia while Victoria is I I times the size of Slovenia. Whereas in our two comparative States, New South Wales and Victoria, the average densities are respectively 5.8 and 15.6 inhabitants per square kilometre, Slovenia has a density of 85 inhabitants per square kilometre. So Slovenia, at one-fortieth tlie size of New South Wales, lias approximately 14.6 times the density rate of New South Wales. This density rate of Slovenia is aggravated by the fact that it is mainly mountainous country and there is a restricted area of land suitable for cultivation, despite the utilisation of mountain pastures for summer The present day Slovenes arc the descendants of the great Slavic migration to Western Europe which took place during the sixth and seventh centuries. These Slavs mostly settled in Pannonia which was one of the two Roman provinces founded in the first century B.C. During the migration they settled under the dominion of the Avars, a Turkic people whose rule was rejected after the Slavs had joined with them in a vain attempt to take Constantinople. The precise region that the Slovenes are thought to have settled was the area between the northern shore of the Adriatic and the Alpine valleys of the Upper Sava. At that time their area of settlement probably reached appreciably further north than it docs today, sincc the northern fringes of the original settlement have been gradually Germanised over the centuries. It is also probable that the south-western side of this original settlement penetrated the Friulian lowlands of northern Italy to a lesser degree than today. However, what is certain is that the line between the Slovenes and the Italians has hardly altered for several centuries. The Slav empire of Samo 623-658, extended from the Sava between Zagreb and Ljubljana to the Upper Elbe and embraced Saxony, Czechoslovakia and modern Austria. The Slavs of Moravia, Pannonia and Carantania acknowledged his leadership. After his death in 658 those of Carantania retained the semblance of a slate under the leadership of their dukes. In 745 the Slavic Confederation of Carantania- that is, the first Slovenian state-acknowledged Bavarian rule in order to be protected against the Avars. Thus Carantania became part of the Archdiocese of Salzburg and became Christianised, 1978, 25 October CANBERRA 1978, 25 October CANBERRA which strengthened the links between the Slavs and their northern Germanic neighbours. During this indirect Frankish control, the Slavic peasants revolted against the dukes, who had accepted the new religion. This revolt led to the further strengthening of Slav-Germanic tics because it gave the Bavarians the opportunity to intervene militarily. At the end of the eighth century, Charlemagne conquered Bavaria and Carantania and consequently destroyed the Avar state as it previously had been known. Then, in the early ninth century, Carantania was incorporated into the eastern march of ihe Carolingian empire. This situation remained largely unchanged until the tenth century when the Holy Roman Emperor, Otto 1. reorganised the duchy of Carantania as a separate entity. After Otto's demise, Carantania was divided into the feudal principalities of Carinthia, Drava March, Carniola Styria, Istria and Friuli. For a lew years in the late thirteenth century, the Slavs were wrested from Germaniccontrol by becoming part of the empire of Ottakar, who attempted to form a Slav state similar in extent to that of Samo however, with the centre of gravity further to the east. Ottakar 's ambitions were thwarted by the counter attack of the Holy Roman Empire at the battle of Marchfeld in 1278. Between 1278 and 1397 all the Slovene lands passed under the dominion of the House of Hapsburg. The Slovenes now formed all or part of the population of Istria. Gorica. Gradisca Carniola, Styria and Carinthia, with smaller numbers in Trieste and south-western Hungary. Meanwhile, those Slavs who had setlled outside the city walls of Istria in the seventh century and had thenceforth governed themselves on the basis of Slavic customary law, came under the jurisdiction of the Venetian Republic during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, accepting Venetian culture and sometimes adopting Venetian-Italian dialcct. We sec here the predicament of those Slavs, who were subject not only to German but also to Italian influences. After the eighth century this area ceased to develop culturally along independent lines and their vocabulary absorbed features from both Italian and German. This Slovene-German and Slovene-Italian national conflict was acute, especially in view of the possibility of a mixed population. In 1809 Austria gave Francc, among others, the Slovenian territories. Napoleon organised these territories as the Illyrian provinces with Ljubljana as the capital. This city had formerly been known as the German Laibach and was founded in 1144. Previous to that it was a Roman fort known as Emona and it was established in 34 B.C. It had been the seat of Ljubljana's bishop since 1461 and its high school was established in 1582. Ljubljana's theatre was one of the first to be founded in Slovenia and was built in I 765, with an audience capacity of 900. During the time of the French occupation the Slovene language was allowed to be used on the level of local public administration. However, this concession was not enough to stave off the Slovenian national revival. The French occupation was not the first provocation for such a move, since some 50 years prior to the organisation of the Illyrian provinces a Slovenian priest Marko Pohlin had sought to establish Slovenian on equal footing with German. Towards the end of the eighteenth century, Baron Zois -1747- 1819- became the leader of an intellectual circle which included the historian Linhart, the poet Valentin Vodnik, who also produced the first Slovene newspaper, and the philologist Bartholomaus Kopitar who wrote the first scientific Slovene grammar in 1808. This group sought to achieve Slovenian cultural unity in the face of the various occupations, both physical and cultural, that the Slovenian state had suffered. The poet Franc Prešeren further stirred the national consciousness of the Slovenian intellectuals and helped to achieve the re-Slav i cat i on of the Germanised Slovenian middle class. In general, ihe growing nationalism after 1848 increased Slovene literary activity btit could not again raise it to Prešeren's 's heights. However, despite these shortcomings, progress in Slovene literature was made and the foundation of the journal Ljubljanski Zvon in 188 1 marked a turning point from romanticism towards realism. At the Congress of Vienna in 1815, Austria acquired the Slovenian territories of Venice, thus all Slovenians were under the rule of the Hapsburgs. In 1821, a congress of European powers was held in Ljubljana. 'Ihe chief powers of the congress were Russia. Austria, Prussia, Francc and Great Rritnin. The meeting was convened to complete discussions begun at a congress at Troppau. The outcome of the Ljubljana congress was the widening of the ridge between Great Britain and the three conservative powers of the Holy Alliance, that is. Austria, Prussia and Russia. In I 866 Venetian Slovenia was given to ilaly and the following year the Slovenian territory north of the Mura River was given over to Hungary; thus the Slovenes inhabited area stretched over three countries. Under Austrian rule the Slovenes, despite periods of Germanisation had gradually established cultural and political rights for themselves within the province of Carniola which was overwhelmingly Slovene in its national composition. Baron Valvazor, a member of the Royal Society of England from 1687, wrote the Glory of the Duchy of Carniola, which was first published in 1689 and was dedicated to the Duke of Camiola. In this work he wrote: During my travels I was greatly surprised and astonished about the fact that such a small number of people have exact knowledge of Camiola although this was a noble country which was viewed with keen interest by the powerful Romans as well as by the old Germans, viewed from both as nothing else but the key which could lock the way to either Italy or Germany. During the luie nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the Slovenes had already made progress in local government and in education, that is, there was adequate Slovene language training at elementary schools, although higher education was still dominated by German. The end of the nineteenth century saw Slovene representatives gain a majority on the Ljubljana municipal council and a year later they captured the provisional parliament of Camiola. In 1 848 there were 14 Slovene members of the Austrian Parliament in Vienna. By this lime the majority of priests, schoolmasters and local officials were Slovene speaking and they were beginning to infiltrate the previously derm an dominated commercial and professional lives of the towns. The end of the First World War brought freedom and independence to Slovenia. As a matter of fact, 29 October was the day when Slovenian leaders proclaimed the independence of Slovenia. On 31 October the first Slovene national government was formed in Ljubljana. This coming Sunday is the sixtieth anniversary of that memorable day in Slovene history. On I December 1918 the new kingdom of Serbs,Croats and Slovenes was proclaimed. Thus it was the first time in the history of Slovenian people that Slovenia was rccogniscd as a nation. It was for a short 1 I years that the kingdom of Serbs. Croats and Slovenes, and with it Slovenia, appeared on the international scene, hi 1 929 I he kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes was renamed Yugoslavia. Despite periods of strong Germanisation, including actual German colonisation of many areas, the Slovene language has managed to remain the vernacular of the mass of the population. A book from which 1 shall quote was recently published by a German journalist. He wrote: If we correctly see 'the language as the only element which bound the Slovene nation together over generations1 then we can understand that the defence of his language is inherent to the Slovene. It has been said that 'when there is a doubt as to the survival of their language, then the otherwise sensible Slovenes become irrational'. The six ceníuries of incorporation into a German speaking Roman Catholic cultural entity moulded the character of the Slovenes. The journalist also wrote: Most Germanic among the Slavs, with their high culture, with their strong sense of order and a diligence which even surpasses that of the Germans themselves, Slovenes are by far the most realistic of the Slavs. Slovenes pay great attention to the education of their children and themselves. This fact is rellecled by statistics which show that only one per cent of the population is illiterate- a figure which is far below that in studies pertaining to Italy and France, Furthermore, the Slovenes have the highest sales of books per head in the world and their literature has been produced since 1551 when Primoz Trubar a Protestant reformer, published the first book written in Slovene. This publication was followed some 30 years later by a translation of the Bible by Jurij Dalmatin. The cultural need of the Slovenes was realised in the I 8th century by the Austrians who introduced an education reform in 1760 which led to the proliferation of Slovene textbooks and consequently the Slovene renaissance which spurred Slovene nationalism during the French occupation. Oil the whole then wc can see the history of Slovenia astutely described by a publication not published in Slovenia, as: . . one of long fierce resistance to German i sat ion. Despite the fact that its ruling class was Germanised. Slovenians knew how to preserve its cultural individuality and its Slav language. I hope that my speech tonight will demonstrate to anyone, even to the journalist who wrote that story in the Age, the facts about Slovenes, the history of Slovenia, prove and confirm once and for all that Slovenia and Slovenes existed for centuries, have survived all kinds of adversities, arc existing today and I sincerely hope will continue to exist as a nation for centuries lo come. My great-grandfather lived under Napoleon's rule as a French citizen. My grandfather and father were citizens of the Austin-Hungarian empire. I was born in the kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. My son was born under Italian rule. However, we all have one thing in common, one tiling which wc treasure- our Slovenian language. In conclusion, wc Australian citizcns of Slovenian birth would like recognition of the fact that Slovenia exists, that we are ethnically nothing else but Slovenes, and that we do not want to be immersed, ignored or forgotten just because a journalist dismissed the Slovenian nation with a two-word headline. 1.978, 28 October SYDNEY ADDRESS AT THE CELEBRATION1' OF THE SIXTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF THE DECLARATION OF SLOVENE INDEPENDENCE AT THE HILTON HOTEL, SYDNEY The Proclamation of Slovene Independence sixty years ago to-morrow was the expression of the desire of the Slovene people to get under the same roof all the lands where Slovenes were closely settled and represented an This desire was dictated by the realization on the part of the Slovenes that, the increasing intransigence of the Germans of the Hapsburg Monarchy was a direct threat to the survival of the Slovene identity and that only Slovene administration in their own national state could insure the Sixty years spans two generations. Many things occurred in the turbulent world since the Proclamation of Slovene Independence including the catastrophy of the Second World War with its upheavals and disasters. It is not surprising, therefore, that later occurrences somewhat dimmed and However, the Proclamation of Slovene Independence is an undlsputable and indelible historical fact and the most important incidence in Slovene history of this millenium and is in its essential respects as significant to us here to-day as it was to the Slovenes in the homeland sixty years The purpose behind the celebration of this anniversary is not only to remember the event as a historical fact but also to use the occasion to stir our collective conscience to indulge into some festive introspection from the fact that, once here, we are a national group with common purpose and tradition and together with other national groups an integral part of the Australian community. Apart from being an integral part, we must also consider ourselves on equal footing with any other national group,as in this context the time or sequence of arrival in this land is irrelevant, be taken to be absolute, because there is a time and^a place for each of them, /ere^one of the oppressed nations and therefore decided sixty year^ago'^to 1978, 28 October SYDNEY Celebration of 60th Anniversary of the Declaration of Slovenian Independence: Dusan Bakija, Rudi Breznik, Voni Bakija, Jeni Breznik, Mihela and Ivo Sustersic Vljudno Vas vabimo na KOKTAJL VEČER v proslavo 60, OBLETNICE PROGLASITVE SLOVENSKE NEODVISNOSTI v soboto 28, oktobra 1978. od 6,00 do 8.00 zvečer v SYDNEY COVE ROOM, 8 nadstropje, SYDNEY MILTON HOTEL, 259 Piu Street, Sydney. Prosimo za odgovor do 25.10.1978. Zh prireditveni odbor: Neva Menart, Tel. 76 8118 Alfred Breznik, Tet, 399 3061 , Snša Lajovic, Tel. 76 8561 You are cordially invited to a COCKTAIL PARTY to cclcbrate the 60TH ANNIVEESAEY OF THE DECLARATION OF SLOVENE INDEPENDENCE Saturday 28th October 1978, 6.00 p.m. — 8.00 p.m. at the SYDNEY COVE ROOM, Level 8 SYDNEY HILTON HOTEL. 259 Pitt Street, Sydney. R.S.V.P. — 35.10.1978 for the organizing committee: Neva Mcnarl. Tel. 76 82 IB Alfred Breznik, Tel. 399 9061 Susa Lajovic, Tel. 76 8561 1978, 20 November NOVO DOBA 14. - 20. Xt 1978. - 11 Novo doba, 20 November, p. 11. C Proglasitev slovenske sa-mostalnostl pred šestdesetimi leti jutri je bila izraz hrepenenja slovenskega ljudstva, da bi prišle pod streho vse pokrajine, kjer so bili Slovenci gosto naseljeni In v veliki veČini. To hrapenenje je narekovalo Slovencem spoznanje, da je vedno večja nespravljlvo st nemštva habsburške monarhije pretila obstoju slovenstva in, da samo slovenska uprava v vi as t i državi more zagotoviti neokrnjeni razcvet slovenskega naroda. Šestdeset let sta dve generaciji. Mnogokaj se Je dogodilo v razburkanem svetu, odkar je bila proglašena slovenska samostojnost; med drugim katastrofa druge svetovne vojne s svojimi prevrati in drugimi nesrečnimi posledicami, ter ni nič Čudno, da so poznejša dogajanja zasenčila tn otemnlla pomembnost dogodka. Vendar zgodovinsko dejstvo proglasitve slovenske samostojnosti je nesporno in neizbrisno ln je najusodnejši mejnik v zgodovini slovenstva zadnjih tisoč let ter v svojih bistvenih o2irih prav tako pomemben za nas tu danes, kot je bil za Slovence doma pred Šestdesetimi leti. Pred 60. leti Mr Menart Smisel proslavljanja obletnice nI samo v obujanju spomina na zgodovinsko dejstvo dogotka, te m ve C da nam ta prilika gane naše skupno vest, da se v prazničnem razpoloženju vprašamo, kako prikrojiti duh proglasitve pred šestdesetimi leti, da nam bo vodilo našega stališča, vedenja ln zagona danes v tej deželi. Prišli smo sem kot poedin-ci. Toda to ne pomeni, da, ko smo tu, nismo narodna skupnost s skupnim ciljem ter IzroCilom in smo z ostalimi narodnimi skupinami sestavni del. Zavedati se moramo, da smo enakopravni vsaki drugi narodni skupini, ker v Po Sloveniji RIM - Italijanska vlada je oborila dva zakonska akta, ki izhajata lz Italijansko-jugoslovanskih osminskih sporazumov. Prvi dokument določa 60 milijard lir za razvoj proste PRED 750. OBLETNICO KAMNIKA Leto se nagiba h koncu in KamniCani se že pridno pripravljajo na praznovanje 750- letnice svojega kraja, ki bo prihodnje leto. tej pomenski zvezi čas nI zaporedje prihoda v to deželo nista važna, pa naj bo to pred sto t i sočnim leti ali pa samo pred pol generacije. Vsak poedinec dolguje več vrsto lojalnosti: do svoje družine in ožjega rodu, do svojega naroda, do sploSne skupnosti in do države. Moramo se pa zavedati, da nobena teh lojalnosti ni neomejena ter je čas in mesto za vsako od njih. Na žalost angleški jezik pod pod vplivom angleškega prava istoveti narod z dria-vo. Naš slovenski jezik z ostalimi evropskimi jeziki razlikuje v pojmu ln predstavi med izrazoma narod ln država, kakor tudi med narodnostjo ln državljanstvom. Zato ni lahko prepričevati osebe, ki govore samo angleščino, da lojalnost do svoje narodnostne skupine, dokler država ravna enako z vsako skupino. Hambsburška monarhija je bila večnarodna država, toda bila je bolj naklonjena nekaterim narodom medtem, ko Je druge zatirala. Slovenci smo bili med zatiranimi narodi ln so se zato pred šestdesetimi letf odločili, da izstopijo iz sklopa, v katerem so bili dvanajst sto let. Vodilno načelo proglasitve slovenske samostalnostl Je jasno vsakemu Slovencu po vsem svetu: Obvezni smo biti lojalni do države, toda upravičeni smo pričakovati, da so naše narodne pravice spoštovane. (V, MEN AKT na proslavi 29. oktobra v Sydneyu) 1980, yf s-) rT /2 Ju SYDNEY / uly Invitation to the General meeting. 'rer Invitation to the celebration of 62nd Anniversary of the Declaration of Slovenian Independence. 19S7, Afirl SYDNEY Slovenia called for independence and in 1988 the first political opposition parties were created. In May 1989 the declaration of the Sovereign state of Slovenian nation was followed in April 1990 by the first democratic elections where 88% voted for independence. rns SLOVENIA http://www. acp-eucourier. info/Ljubljana-a-gatewa.1570.html 18 February SLOVENIA 18. februarja 1987 je izšla 57. številka Nove revije s prispevki za slovenski nacionalni program. Oblast jih je zavrnila, a ni ukrepala represivno. On 18 February the 57. issue of Nova Revija was published with the articles for the Slovenian national program. The Government has rejected them, but has not reacted represive. Nova Revija, No. 57, p. 46. 57. ŠTEVILKA NOVE REVIJE Ali bomo na koncu tega razvoja Slovenci živeli v konfederaciji, postali samostojna država ali pa izbrali kakšno drugo obliko, je sekundarnega in terminološkega pomena, dokler se pri tem v polni meri upošteva in v praksi uveljavlja naša neodtujljiva pravica do narodne suverenosti in državnosti. Jože Pučnik Uvodoma je uredništvo kot spremni tekst zapisalo, da se pričujoča številka ukvarja s problematiko slovenskega naroda, »bodisi da gre za iskanje definicij, ki bi zajele bistvo njegovega sedanjega položaja, bodisi da gre za raziskovanje njegovih korenin ali pa za premisleke o njegovih perspektivah. Nekateri prispevki se torej ukvarjajo s problemom slovenske državnosti, z načelnimi možnostmi naroda v moderni (in 'postmoderni') epohi; drugi s konkretnimi problemi obstoja Slovencev v družbi z drugimi narodi, z njihovimi 'naravnimi 'pravicami; tretji z zgodovinskimi in ideološkimi determinantami; s slovenskimi arhetipi in miti; kar vsi po vrsti pa razodevajo skrb zaradi krize, v kateri so se Slovenci znašli v Jugoslaviji in se kaže v posebni malo-dušnosti, v množičnem izseljevanju in v visokem količniku samomorilnosti. «3fi Uvodničarji ugotavljajo, da 57. številka prihaja v času, ko se mnogi kulturni in politični delavci sprašujejo o prihodnosti slovenskega naroda, ni pa - kot izrecno poudarjajo - njihova ambicija udeležba pri kakršnih koii zunanjepolitičnih načrtih ali notranjepolitičnih prevratih. »Ne gre nam za postavitev programa, ampak odpiramo perspektivo za nov način razumevanja slovenstva - perspektivo, v kateri pa je mogoče formulirati različne programe. Torej se naši prispevki ločijo in ograjujejo od aktualnih revizionistiČmh poskusov, ki predlagajo nove ustavne rešitve, spremembe pravnih statusov, meja itn.«57 V Prispevkih za slovenski nacionalni program najdemo veliko filozofskih razmišljanj, veliko navajanj tujih in drugih domačih avtorjev, ki naj bi piscu pomagali podkrepiti zapisano. Velikokrat so avtorji znotraj leporečja, da določena misel ne pomeni nujno določenega sklepa, hoteli prikrito zapisati, da pomeni prav to. Ko je dr. Ivo Urbančič ob neki priložnosti opisoval to govorico, značilno za nekatere revije pred Novo revijo, je povedal, da so si pravzaprav izmislili neko ezopovsko govorico, »torej nekaj, kar partija pravzaprav ni čutila kot direkten napad nase, s čimer seveda ni bila zadovoljna, ampak napadati ni mogla, je pa imelo to funkcijo, daje pravzaprav v globlji plasti spodkopavalo fundament komunistične ideologije, da je padla v svoje lastno brezno pravzaprav nihilizma, ki ga je sama s sabo skrivala in ki seje takrat začel počasi kazat.«i& Kakšen del te govorice je zaznati tudi v prispevkih za Novo revijo. Nova Revija, No. 57, p. 47. 1987, 18 Februaru 9 SLOVENIA Nova Revija, No. 57, p. 48. V tretjem poglavju o civilni družbi pa je treba izpostaviti razmišljanje dr. Jožeta Pučnika z naslovom Politični sistem civilne družbe - eksplikacija osnovnih načel, v katerem je z neizmerno jezikovno lahkotnostjo in v primerjavi z drugimi tudi popolnoma jasno zapisal, da je potrebno obstoječi politični sistem spremeniti, saj ... »ogroža ljudi, jim vzbuja strah pred nenadno spremembo 'linije', jim krati osnovno clovečansko pravico do svobodnega političnega združevanja in organiziranja, direktno prepoveduje in dejansko preprečuje organizirano politično opozicijo, blokira nastajanje demokratične politične kulture, onemogoča pravno zaščito javnega političnega delovanja in z vsem tem tudi realno demokratične volitve organov oblasti, ki bi šele omogočile efektivno odgovornost izvoljenega političnega vodstva za njegovo vsakokratno razpolaganje s količino in obliko moči, ki jim je za eno samo mandatno dobo zaupana v upravo,«41 V podpoglavju Slovenija in Jugoslavija pa je bolj jasno od vseh pisal o pravici naroda do suverenosti in organiziranja v samostojno državo. K temu ga je navajalo dvoje dejstev, temeljne kulturne razlike med narodi in narodnostmi na eni strani in na drugi strani minimalna učinkovitost in politična represivnost obstoječega oblastnega aparata. »Zato je potrebna odkrita, javna in demokratična razprava> ki mora na ustrezni strokovni ravni pripeljati do konkretnih predstav v spremembi državno-pravnega položaja Slovenije v Jugoslaviji in do njenega političnega uveljavljanja. Po mojem mnenju, ki ni le moje, je potrebno izhajati od predpostavke slovenske državne suverenosti in temu ustrezno zmanjšati pristojnosti sedanje federacije povsod tam, kjer ovirajo omenjeno državno suverenost in kulturno modernizacijo Slovenije... Ali bomo na koncu tega razvoja Slovenci živeli v konfederaciji, postali samostojna država ali pa izbrali kakšno drugo obliko, je sekundarnega in terminološkega pomena, dokler se pri tem v polni meri upošteva in v praksi uveljavlja naša neodtujljiva pravica do narodne suverenosti in državnosti,«42 Na koncu svojega prispevka se Pučnik sicer obrne na partijo in ji položi na srce, naj ne pozabljajo, da so politiki slovenskega naroda in da je njihova prekleta dolžnost skrbeti predvsem za slovenske interese, ne pa podrejanje njihove pameti in strokovnosti Moskvi, Rimu, Dunaju ali Beogradu in ob tem pozabljanje na slovenske ljudi. »Morda bo jutri boljeje končal svoj prispevek dr. Jože Pučnik. Zanimivo pa je, da jc Pučnik mesec pred izidom 57. številke oddal še en prispevek z naslovom Dvoje temeljnih zahtev, v katerem je zapisal: »Prva zahteva je dokončno uresničenje slovenske državne suverenosti kot suverenosti slovenskega naroda, ki bi šele s tem postal nacija.«44 Zaradi gonje proti 57. številki prispevek v naslednji, 58. številki ni izšel, saj sta ga urednika vzela iz tiska; objavljen je bil šele poleti, v 63.-64. številki Nove revije. V četrtem poglavju 57. številke 0pravnih načelih slovenske nacije sta svoja prispevka objavila tudi dr. France Bučar in dr. Peter Jambrek. Prvi je pisal o pravni ureditvi položaja Slovencev kot naroda in zavzel stališče, da je primarni interes Slovencev še naprej obstajati kot samostojen narod, to pa pomeni, da mora biti zagotovljena pravica, da Slovenci svoj interes samostojno opredeljujejo, ne pa da o tem odločajo drugi. » Ta pravica ne more biti prenesena na nikogar drugega. Če jo zahtevamo zase, iz tega sledi, daje izvor državnosti v narodu samem oziroma njegovih najvišjih institucijah, prek katerih izraža svojo voljo. Iz tega tudi jasno sledi, da imamo kot narod pravico, da se organiziramo kot samostojna država ali d' h a t drisnui simuir^o r icsi2 ««-»inn Phone: fO&2j 59 £622 *rfSTi J063] 53 3633 FAX {06S) 53 3626 Tele* AA 61Ö21 PREDSJ EON IKi SLOVENSKO-AUS TBALSKOS DRUŠTVA. CANBERRA AUSTRALIA. GOSP.MILAN SP^OHAR. 6 Dobinson Pface Flynn ACT 2615 P.O. Bgx 59 ACT 2606 (OPROSTITE STO PIŠEMO KRVATSKIi i N A [i ANO SE DA CE TE RAZUMJETI t tAKO NE U eUDUCE CEJ10 MORATI tPISATl ENGLESKIiILI NESTO SL,, 0PA5I PRIJATElJIP ODBILI SMO VASE KflUZNO PI SnO T DAT I RAMO 3d .OSI. 1988 . GOD. POVODOM VASE NAMJERE ZA 29 ■NOVEMBRA'19A6.60DINE. MI VAM CEST I TAM D I ZElIMO SVAKI USPJEH 1 OBECAJEMO VAM SVU NASU MOGUCU POTPDRU.MI VAM SALJEMO NEKOLIKO KOPIJ A t TAKO DA VIDITE STO SMO MI RADILI POVOOOM NAVE DE NOG SLLTCAJA, SMO POSLALI NA STOTINE FAX PROSVJEDAtNA AVSTRALSKE MlNISTREi SENATOREpNOVINARE,TVPCRKVENE POGLAVAftE^SINDIKATE 1 SLICNO.A TELEKSE POSLALI SMO SVIM AMBASADAMA UKLJUCUJUCI AUST RALSKU U JUGOSLAV IJI> TE JUGOSLAVENSKOJ AMBASADI O CANBEGRI 1 HRVATSKIM NOVINAMA U JUGOSLAVIJI. ZAGREB JE LISTOM USTAO U OBRANU KRIVO OPTUZENIri SLOVENSKIH RODOLJUBA NA MIG JAGREEA I Mi SMO USTALI I REKL'1 SVOJE- KAKO I ZNATEiHJiVATl 1 SLOVENCI U JUGOSLAVIJI USKO 5URADJUJU PA SMO MIŠLJENJA DA BI MOGLI I Ml OVOJE U AUSTRALlJI. mi imamo h.r.i.c. na a dobinson pl. flvnn.otvoren je svaki dan od 2 PM.00 6 PM.DOJDITE DA RA Z GOVA R AMO. AKO VAM Ml MOZEMO POMOČI Ml SMO TU U SVAKO DOBA. MI MISLIMO DA JE DOSLO VfiUEME DA SE JUGOSLAVIJA RASPADNE NA NARODNE DRŽAVE.SRBIJA HRVATSKA SLOVENIJA 1 TD..MISLIMO DA SE MORA SADA RADIil HA OOSOVORIMA I PflEGOVORIMA TAKO OA NAS RAZLAZ NEBUOE KRVAV.MI MISLIMO OA JE MIRNI JVAZLAZ JV A J £0L J1 ZA SvE MAS.Mi NE MRZIMO N1K0GA NITI SRBE p MISLIMO DA SU I ONI NITKO U JUSOSJ-AVIJ 11 PfiEDLAZEMO 1 NJIMA DA SE UDRUZE S NAMA NA RUŠENJU JUGOSLAVIJE I STVARANJU DRŽAVA PO VOLJI NARODA. NETKO VELI DA SU HRVATI I SLOVENCI TOLIKO SE SPRIJATELJlU DA SE MISLI OA CE ONI PRAVITI !>>EkU KOOALICIJU pU SMISLU JEDNA DRŽAVA; SLOVENCI I HRVATI.DRAGO NAht JE DA SU SE SPR1J A T ELJ 1LI * rt 1SL1 MO DA SU TO 0BO5TRAKH INTERESI A STO SE TIČE EVFL "UALNiH KO*1 ICIJA.TO NEKA NAROD OOREDI NA SLOBOONIM IZ&ORLMA. MNOGO SREČE VAMA I VAŠIM 6lIZ1MA,Z£LE HRVATSKI REPU&L1 KANCI,OSTAJEMO BORGOM 00 S L O B O O E LJUBOMIR V RANKOi TA J NIK fiLAZ KRALJEVIČ tPREDSJEDNIK CENTAR i OS.10.1986. 1988 SYDNEY Fruits of Our Slovenian Heritage, p. 191. Zveza Slovenske Akcije - Slovene Action Alliance This 'alliance' was formed in 1988 by a group of Slovenians who were concerned with the possible extinction of the Slovenian culture and language. They formed this alliance to: a. Defend and preserve the Slovene language and national heritage. b. To revive national awareness and promote self-respect among Slovenes. c. To defend human rights of all Slovenes, at home and abroad. d. To promote and encourage all kinds of activities aimed at preserving and developing Slovene culture. e. To give all Slovenes around the world an opportunity to express their will for self determination and self rule. The founding committee consited of: President, Ivan Kobal (Secretary) and Treasurer. 1989 Rudi Šeligo Društvo slovenskih pisateljev 61000 Ljubljana Na prvi dan leta 1989 se je večja skupina avstralskih Slovencev seznanila s Programsko izjavo Slovenske demokratične zveze. Navdušeni podpiramo in podpisujemo vsak stavek. Veselimo se vseh demokratičnih pobud v naši domovini, ki jih prinaša nova generacija sposobnih in zavednih narodnjakov. Ustanovnemu zboru Slovenske demokratične zve2e iskrene čestitke in vsa moralna podpora» Vsem, ki so sodelovali pri pisanju Programa, izrekamo priznanje za pogum in odkritost. Mesto Slovenije je z vsem njenim notranjim in zunanjim intelektualnim potencialom v razvoju, ki ga dosega Zahod, bi želimo vam, daVvaše prizadevanje čimprej obrodilo bogate sadove in da bi Slovenija na dostojen in miren način postala suverena. Vaši rojaki, 18000 kilometrov oddaljeni od vas, smo ob tem pomembnem zgodovinskem dogajanju v čutenju, v naporih, v veselju in upih z vami! "Bog našo nam deželo, Bog živi ves slovenski svet!" 2ivela Slovenija! avstralski Slovenci Ivan,Kobal, tajnik Zveze Slovenske akcije house of brpfiestntatives PARLI^MELNT OF AUSTRALIA SUITE <1 ii ROUND FLOOR. T-IJ MCJhuriSETi STREET Qtj£AN»EYAfJ. NSUu ifiJD TEL <06J)SS53 CANBERRA offjce of jim show. m p. rCDSflJK MtMOCft POP i-OEs-iiOMAHi 2 November 1903 Solvenian-Australian Association c/- Mr Mex Kavas 10 Waterloo street QUEANBEYAN N.S.W, 2620 Dear Alex, Following my discussions with you and your colleagues, I have raised both your proposed protest gathering on 2a November and the unjust imprisonment of four Slovenians in July 1988, with Senator Gareth Evans, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade. Senator Evans" Office is preparing information for both him and me. I shall contact you again about this matter as soon as possible, Meanwhile, please be assured of my cooperation. Yours sincerely, MEMBER FOR EDEN-MONARO IRVING STREET, PHILLIP, AjCLT.. JfiOS — p.C Box «S. vvooen A.C.T. MM - TELEPHONE S210S3 Minuli mesec smo Vam posJali povabilo in prošnjo za sodelovanje pri zbiranju podpisov Ipetition) in nastopu pred avstralskim parlamentom v Canberi,- Ker je to tako ocividna krivica obsojana doma in po svetu od rojakov in tujcev, je cas, da tudi mi v Avstraliji pokažemo ogorčenost. Menil i smo da je nasa slovenska zadeva dovolj v nobo vpijoča in Vam je zato znana- vendar vari v spodbudo pošiljamo dodatno ctivo, ki Vas bo morda napotilo k odzivu. 1'orooilo v 23 številki Mladine o kršitvi človekovih pravic v Jugoslaviji Vas mora presuniti. Članek v angleškem časopisu daje pregled dogodkov. L:ismo nasiti sosedov Hrvatov pa nam nudi vzgled, vspodbudo in stavi vprašanje koliko smo napravili mi za nese ljudi. Se enkrat Vas prosimo za sodelovanje. Srčen pozdrav Canberra 3.11.88 Cenjeni za Odbor SLOVENSKO-AVSTRALSKO DRUSTVO SLOVENIAN AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATION OF CANBERRA INCORPORATED IRVING STREET, PHILLIP, A-C.T, 26Û6 — P.O. BOX ÎS5. WODEN A.C T. 24» TELEPHONE S21QM Canberra 14 November 1988 Dear Members and Friends You have no doubt heard of the upheavals in Yugoslavia. One of the most recent and most abhorrent was the court-raartial 1 ing of the Slovene civilian journalists in Ljubljana in peace-time in a foreign language. The four eaurt-martiailed were not allowed civilian legal defence. There are no doubt numerous other cases which have not received as much publicity. In June 1988 the International Helsinki Federation (a parallel organisation to Amnesty international) after substantial objection by the Yugoslav regime, succeeded in holding a meeting on human eights issues in Belgrade. At that meeting it was made public that Yugoslavia in 1936, had 1,113 political prisoners, which was more than Hungary, Checkoslovakia and Poland together and that currently Yugoslavia has more political prisoners than the whole of Eastern Elurope. The filovenian-Australian Association in Canberra at its Extraordinary General Meeting on 25 September 1968 unanimously passed a resolution expressing abhorrence about the violation of human rights by the Yugoslav regime. At the same time it formed a local Slovene Human Rights Committee. The meeting also offered moral and financial support of $10,000-00 to the Committee for Protection of Human Bights in Ljubljana established initially to defend the four imprisoned journalists and which has subsequently expanded to protect all political prisoners in their country. The local Human Rights Committee now appeals to you to collect as many signatures as possible to be presented to the Australian parliament at the protest gathering in front of the new Parliament House on the eve of the Yugoslav National Day at 2.00 pm on 28 November 1988 . The Petition is asking the Australian Government to lodge a protest to the Yugoslav Government against the abuse of human rights in Yugoslavia. We are sending you a petition form. Please contact us for more forms (or if you are able to, have it photocopied} and approach your family members and friends to have them filled with signatures. The completed forms should be returned to the above address by at least one day before the protest meeting. ASSEMBLY POINT FOR THE PROTEST MEETING WILL BE NEAP THE EMBASSY HOTEL IN DKAKIN AT 1.30 PM ON 28 NOVEMBER 198B, PRESIDENT Dragi Člani Pošiljamo vam formularje 2a zbiranje podpisov. Predpostavljamo da ste o vsem obveščeni, razen tega so vsi podadki v angleški prilogi. Srčno Vas prosimo da pridobite člane svoje družine in prijatelje za zbiranje podpisov, Formularje lahko razmnožite in so tudi na razpologo v domu. Prosimo vrnite napoljnjene v dom pred 20, novembrom. Angleško pismo uporabljajte za pojasnilo pri angleško govorečih prijateljah. S riiio Vas prosimo za udeležbo pred parlamentom 28. novembra 1983. ZBIRALIŠČE 26.11.1988 06 1,30. URI POPOLDAN, V BLIŽINI EMBASS* HOTELA V DEAKINU. Canberski odbor za zaščito človekovih pravic Janez Janša and Elica Rizmal. g w SLOVENIA Zalika Rizmal and Igor Bavčar. SLOVENE JOURNALISTS COURT-MAFTHAULED THE AUSTRALIAN SLOVENES AND SUPPORTERS OF HUMAN RIGHTS will stage a protest meeting in front of the new Parliament House on Monday 28 November 1988 SLOVENIA Igor Bavčar, Elica Rizmal and Janez Janša interview. The meeting wiil present to the Australian Government a petition asking the Government to lodge an official protest to the Yirgcslav Government against the violation of human rights in Yugoslavia, The international Helsinki Federation reveaied this year at its meeting in Belgrade that there are today more political prisoners in Yugoslavia than in the whole of Eastern Europe. The most recent and the most abhorrent abuse of human rights was the court-martialling of Slovene journalists in Ljubljana in peace-time in a foreign language where these court-martial led were not allowed civilian legal defence. The protest march will assemble near the Embassy Motel ai Deakin art 1.30pm on 28 November 1983 on the eve of the Yugoslav national day. The meeting has been organised by the Slovenian-Australian Association of Canberra Incorporated. SLOVENE JOURNALISTS COURT-MART1ALLED IN LJUBLJANA This year Yugoslavia experienced many political upheavals. One of the most abhorrent was the recent court-ma dialling of the Slovene civilian journalists which took place in Ljubljana, in peacetime, in a foreign language, where those court-martialled were not allowed civilian legal defence. There are no doubt numerous other cases which have not received as much publicity, in June 1938 the International Helsinki Federation (a parallel organization to Amnesty International) after substantial abjection by the Yugoslav regime succeeded in holding a meeting on human rights issues in Belgrade. At that meeting it was made public that Yugoslavia in 1986 had 1113 political prisoners which was more than Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Poland together and that currently Yugoslavia has more political prisoners than the whole of Eastern Europe. The Slovenian-Australian Association in Canberra at its Extraordinary General Meeting on 25 September 1938 unanimously passed a resolution expressing abhorrence about the violation of human rights by the Yugoslav regime. At the same time it formed a local Slovene Human Rights Committee. The meeting also offered moral and financial support of $10,000 to the Committee for Protection of Human Rights in Ljubljana, established initially to defend thefour imprisoned journalists and which has subsequently expanded to protect all politiclal prisoners in the country. The Canberra Slovene Human Rights Committee has organised the collection of petition signatures to be presented to the Australian Parliament at the protest gathering in front of the new Parliament House on the eve of the Yugoslav national day at 2pm on 23 November 1988. The petition asks the Australian Government to lodge an official protest to the Yugoslav Government against the abuse of human rights in Yugoslavia. Appeals for petition signatures and invitations to join the protest gathering have been sent to all Slovene organisations In Australia, other Yugoslav organisations in Canberra and community groups which support human rights and those whose home countries1 regimes also abuse human rights. CANBERRA SLOVENE COMMITTEE FOR PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS S LQ V EH SK D-AV STRA LS KO DRÜSTVO SLOVENIAN-AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATION OF CANBERRA iNCORporateo IRVJNÛ STHECT. PHILLIP, AJCX, Ztt* — F.Q. BOX SSi, WODEN A C t. 2601 TELEPHONE S2 LOU Deaf «embers and Friends Canberra 14 November 1988 You have no doubt heard of the upheavals in Yugoslavia. One of the most recent and most abhorrent was the court-martialling of the Slovene civilian journalists in Ljubljana in peace-time in a foreign language. The four coutfc-martial1ed were not allowed civilian legal defence. There are no doubt numerous other cases which have not received as much publicity, in June 1988 the international Helsinki Federation fa parallel organisation to Amnesty intemational) after substantial objection by the Yugoslav regime, succeeded in holding a meeting on human rights issues in Belgrade. At that meeting it was made public that Yugoslavia in 19&6, had 1,113 political prisoners, which was more than Hungary, checkoslovakia and Poland together and that currently Yugoslavia has more political prisoners than the whole of Eastern Europe. The Slovenian-Australian Association in Canberra at its Extraordinary General Meeting on 25 September 1989 unanimously passed a resolution expressing abhorrence about the violation oE human rights by the Yugoslav regime. At the same time it formed a local Slovene Human Rights Committee. The meeting also offered moral and financial support of $10,000-00 to the Committee for Protection of Human Rights in Ljubljana established initially to defend the four imprisoned journalists and which has subsequently expanded to protect all political prisoners in their country. The local Human Rights Committee now appeals to you to collect as many signatures as possible to be presented to the Australian Parliament at the protest gathering in front of the new Parliament House on the eve of the Yugoslav National Day at 2.00 pm on 28 November 1988. The Petition is asking the Australian Government to lodge a protest to the Yugoslav Government against the abuse of human rights in Yugoslavia. we are sending you a petition form. Please contact us for more forms (or if you are able to, have it photocopied) and approach your family members and friends to have them filled with signatures. The completed forms should be returned to the above address by at least one day before the protest meeting. ASSEMBLY POINT FOR THE PROTEST MEETING WILL BE NEAR THE EMBASSY HOTEL IN DEAKIN AT 1,30 PM ON 28 NOVEMBER 1988. PRES IJÏENT PROTEST GATHERING AT PARLIAMENT HOUSE CANBERRA 28 NOVEMBER 1588 CANBERRA Speech by Marjan Kovac Ladies and Gentlemen, wonderful to see you all. Although yesterday's event overshadows the original purpose it is still appropriate that this gathering here today on the eve of the Yugoslav national day (which in reality was created to celebrate the establishment of the Yugoslav oppressive regime) presents to the Australian Government some 2000 signatures to petition the Government to officially lodge a complaint to the Yugoslav Government for its continuous violation of human rights among Slovenes and other nations constituting today's Yugoslavia. Quite apart from yesterday's brutal act, the Yugoslav regime has shown itself to be one of the worst offenders of violation of human rights in the world in recent times. Let me cits a few cases which clearly illustrate this point: Firstly, in June this year the International Helsinki Federation (a parallel organisation to Amnesty International) after repeated objection by the Yugoslav Authorities succeeded in holding a meeting on human rights issues in Belgrade, At that meeting it was made public that Yugoslavia in 1936 had 1113 political prisoners which was more than Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Poland together and that in June this year Yugoslavia had more political prisoners than the whole of Eastern Europe. Yet very little is published about this fact in Australia. Secondly, one of the most abhorrent violations of human rights happened recently when prominent Slovene civilian journalists were court-martialied in Ljubljana in peace-time in Yugo-army language which was foreign to those on trial and when those on trial were not allowed civilian legal defence. The names of Janez Jansa, Ivan Borstner, Franci Zavrl and David Tasic are in the heart of every Slovene at home and abroad and indeed of everyone concerned about human rights. So despicable was the act that it prompted even Slovenia's communist Government to call on Yugoslavia's federal presidency to intervene in that brutal military offence. Slovenia had for some time enjoyed a high degree of autonomy even under Yugoslavia's communist federal system and the lively Slovene press led by the youth weekly "Mladina11 regularly exposed the incompetence and corruption of the political leadership. It labelled, for example, the Yugoslav army chief, Admiral Branko Mamula "Merchant of Death" because he pretended to be negotiating Yugoslav aid to Ethiopian famine victims but in reality was negotiating the export of arms to the Ethiopian oppressive regime responsible for the famine. 1988, f?ss .u.:.1 :.;LHT r^Vv™!,-: ¡v. ::cc.< ■:;: t".c^ '!.;": November , I.-. ;.:.-:.!:■.' : ■.:■•■■■.■ :--■ .■.:.-■:- of less than two million people has drawn the interest of CANBERRA ■■. ■„■.:■ ■ v.. v.-: Gorbachev who visited Ljubljana in March this year and learned more about how to refine and implement his glasnost and perestroyka policy. The Yugoslav army chiefs and the crumbling regime in Belgrade thought that the best way to deal with the embedded freedom in Slovenia and its relative prosperity (although still very poor when compared with the neighbouring and other western countries) was by bringing the military court-martial system into effect to deal with outspoken civilian critics of the regime even though it was peace-time. Thirdly, the Yugoslav regime has extended its abuse of human rights beyond its geographical borders to retain control over its emigres including those living in Australia by disallowing them to renounce their Yugoslav citizenship and so he able to harrass and blackmail those individuals who would wish to visit their relatives and friends in their former homeland, on this very subject I have personally made representation to the Australian Government some ten years ago on behalf of the Slovene community in Canberra, As long ago as that 1 informed the Australian Government about the scare-tactics used by the Yugoslav Ambassadorial staff over Australian citizens born in Yugoslavia and over their children even if these children were born in Australia and ir,ay never have seen their parents" former homeland- Again, an example of gross contravention of human rights. This foul practice of the Yugoslav regime is so effective that it has diminished substantially our numbers here today. I therefore wish to express sincere thanks to all of you present at this gathering for your courage to come here to demonstrate your feelings publicly knowing that you may suffer consequences. We would therefore like to see the Australian Government render it impossible for foreign regimes to intimidate people who have chosen to make Australia home. Furthermore I am sure that you would like the Australian Government to take this meeting as a protest not only against the uncivilised court-martial proceedings by the Yugoslav regime which involved prominent Slovene civilian journalists but also as a protest against all other atrocities and violations of human rights that the Yugoslav regime is practicing at home and abroad and in particular Australia. Only recently a prominent Croatian nationalist was shot in Scotland by what appears to be a Yugoslav Government appointed assassin recognised when captured by the British Police as having exterminated numerous other prominent people of Yugoslav origin elsewhere in the world- It appears however that he was not the only thug that the Yugo-regime had trained if yesterday's outrage in Sydney is any indication. We all feel sad for the innocent youngster who fell victim of a desperate act of a fast decaying regime. Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to conclude by saying that most of the communist world and in particular China, Russia, Hungary and of course much earlier Slovenia and other Yugoslav nations, have recognised that communist and socialist regimes are a prescription for disaster as far as the personal freedom, economic prosperity of the community and democratic rights of individuals and nations are concerned. Mr Stanovnik the President of Slovenia reportedly said that it is not too much of a heresy to say that there is something wrong with the socialist economy -or that the socialist countries are in a deep crisis. It is therefore time that the Yugoslav regime recognises that the people no longer want to be YUGO-SLAVES but people who want to determine their individual national destiny and their economic well being freely without the artificial, central, oppressive dictatorship. Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to end by congratulating the Australian Government, and in particular Senator Evans, for the firm and positive attitude that is being taken in regard to yesterday's brutal act committed by the Yugoslav authorities. As for us the only way to condemn yesterday's barbaric act is by staying calm and in this way demonstrate our abhorrence. SLOVENIAN AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATION INVITES all members and sLi^'por ters of human rights to a protest meeting in front ot t hie new Parliament House. The megting has been Organised by the ftssoc i a t i on to present to the Australian Government a petition asking the Government to lodge an official protest to the Yugoslav Government against the violation of human rights in Yugos!av i a. The internationa1 Helsinki Federation revealed this year at its meeting in Belgrade that there are today inore political prisoners iri Vugoslavia than in the whole of Eastern Europe. The most recent and the most atihorant abuse of human rights was the court—martial1ing Of Slovene journalists in Ljubljana in peace-time in a foreign 1anguage where those court-marti*11ed were not allowed civilian legal defence. The protest march will assemble near the Embassy Motel at Deakin at 1.50pm on 2S Mcyember 19S& on the eve ot the Yugoslav national day PLEASE ATTEND CANBERRA PRESS STATEMENT SLOVENE JOURNALISTS COURT—MART IALLED IN LJUBLJANA This year Yugoslavia experienced many political upheavals-One of the most abhorant was the recent court-martial1ing of the Slovene civilian journalists which took place in Ljubljana in peace-time in a foreign language where those court-martial 1ed were not allowed civilian legal defence. There are no doubt numerous other cases which have not received as much publicuty. In June the 1 interna t i ona 1 Helsinki Federation fitter substantial objection by the Yugoslav regime succeded in holding a meeting on human rights issues in Belgrade. At that meeting it was made public that Yugoslavia in 19®6 had 1113 political prisoners which was more than Hungary, Chechoslovakia and Poland together and that currently Yugoslavia has more political prisoners than the whole of Eastern Europe. The Slovenian-Australian Association in Canberra at its Extraordinary General Meeting on the 25 September 19SS unanimously passed a resolution expressing abhorance about the violation of human rights by the Yugoslav regime, At the same time it formed a local Slovene Human Rights Committee. The meeting dlso ottered moral and financial support of $10,000 to the Committee tor Protection of Human Rights in Ljubbljana established initially to defend the four imprisoned journalists and which has subsequently expanded to protect all politicial prisoners in the country. The Canberra Slovene Human Rights Committee has organised the col lection of peti tion signatures to be presented to the Australian Parliament at the protest gathering in front of the new Pari lament House on the eve of the Yugoslav national day at 2pm on 2S November* 1 ^ii&_ The Petition is asking the Australian Government to lodge an official protest to the Yugoslav Government against the abuse of human rights in Yugoslavi a. Appeals for petition signatures and invitations to join the protest gathering have been sent to all Slevene organisations in Australia, other Yugoslav organisations in Canberra and community groups which support the human rights and thase whose home countris' regimes also abuse human ri ght s. Canberra Slovt?m' Cvimin I tin- Fui Protection ol Human Rights Canberra Committee for the Protection of Human Rights in Slovenia e/o Sl&vtrilift-Australian Australian Association of Canberra incorporated irving St, Phillip P.O BOk , Woim A.C.T. 2 December, Î983 The Honourable the Prima Minister Prime Minister's Department Parliament House, Canberra, A.CT Dear Prime Minister, □n behalf cr Slovenians in Canberra we wish to congratulate you and your government fcr your courageous and appropriate response to the incident outside the Yugoslav Consulate in Sydney Many penpie that come from that country will criticise your actions. Rest assured that the majority of these are uninformed or nave succumied to the false propaganda that has been heaped on them over the years by the regime. The disregard for people and the high-handed attitude has with this incident reached the shores ot Australia When fsced with this you could not have acted in any other way Compliments again and you have our full support in this matter. J / 1o&j Marian Fja)ez for the Committee Oèceabiv, LS SLcvâni:! fjrtti*rï,-;. îthi îiskfMjírti sJ-tdili oït^rti ik jcjatiju v 1Jäh!jAíTl", Poil ud t i : tí.s^dnlarjsv Odboru ?Air?tV3 pravic v [liibijini il obsodbi vejj;¡si¿si vodstva aj iere-im čliniki jo;" fleJíl BO-'W V5*rn SlúVíinoen in njíJuiVls pr\ jatf 1 jt*.T íi a^.st'. oii vl-jrf'í ; ji íKfï'":Tiatflti pVJiii* pivi jugoslovanski vladi ^i 3:1 v ni' -iîf: .■:.:(■*)«-i obetali Vsfl.ii, kí i** iii jí, v^í^é 1- Vi :;i «SÍ)» Irirr- Vi Ir na J 1.1 ?-T il [111 oí, í-iv S3 lev i-' 0 1 n L !- r j- . ill. Vfliko, LieltJj j ü rJ ir, „ lu pictestut' v? ;V/Vln= p.ii Iftitentoa: lapo podpili ti 3lavn<*:ii : in Makedonci Tito ajiii f-rkaj j 3;itV.MLa. Zü! hjí íosjdki pred lotolatan v 5:rdfiffjii p vehi tel "j., sne Mih sues; j isn ¡m rttdljl ko: Vi tí:«.-, Si.îtr:^ jí til pdarttbeii kíi bil ííví politicen ,-j^'ofi Sioveílrív 1 i'iíf i'tJ ijl in je oivvesti] ¿Vf t r-tisk" pOlititnC iÛtJïT.VC I.1 ; Jovínsk". Jí^j-r. 1; i-XíiV. i 3£pol¿~-3rJ , Vfii hili is-íljilí rtJVíís^nl. Tis.iC Mt d s vat «Lo podpis', kí j; s-.. j.! gssp&d Ji-., liii.ït. pjgl&flfli: : ï Edeu^Vr.narr ra pr^dlOíltiíV v p l;ll ni^t'i in Jih j = pod^i" v nj¿cvcim r<í ¿hodu -ciiaiijl ciiiislšv, ¿cspid Mícheii McKellcr, «i S'^'fiitj druítvn Je* í pî^tj «i"' J d £:j:> j 11 j ■ ■ s j aifiisterstta, ki ¿i pril:iaüam, r^ iijoja 1 í^t.'i.'fiiú, ¿JI j-1 n-i avstí aliîiï VIAIÍ.- y,-, fililí r'1 ■ t j i^n.T-, ¿^ii.iüJé» 1 iiinistd i 1 fvíjtlj t fínrj^i. îlt îJ.îj ¿OVPvili : -:kï j ¿c no o J\t£ialovi J i Z¡ v ■7!í,í:,í >itíjs¿ijih pTSiïi ci í ^íanc-j Jín lua veliki ta iuu niiíiíh ta tUd íiJé.hj javj:.i zahvala, 3:110 íVL-dtll, j.* ni iij^^l'. . pi'üiiijc tfli", írfiitíií' Evjjií iahfe -il in jois^ilo " áü£íjdkiíi v ji> íwoj.j Je bii zun] ti j i i;l1i1í it« tli teko. ;tu in ji prjv zato v "ifrel-i.î: -'.lih [lig.ídku pred j poslov vísVA.: v S^düíju po stepal in1. írfiu.. n.H 1 ößToi i pohvale ifii;öiio Po:!» fiasen, Druitv.j i>n poa vie tp vati Jj? ?, ji^rti fumanje^d nlnifrti ^ajhtn i¡íp<íli :.j timide "Tíií part.Tient ci 17,-. tíi^n Affaire ail' T-, idí been a i vi na »roiisiJJfi ra t í*>b ro -Im: ^ôuIlI tu spi--fï-irití1'- ^L. bijL-J^ U". jih cfljïzicc ; isvrdníjo purtíar,. D p * À V- - j v rinbfr^vl üdbor ■1 -.i-i - ' i fJijf r ■u'.',L.-- >- MLL I I M'in I.- 1.988, CANBERRA CROAT 1 ANS AMI) SLOVENES r / ' 3 iJcconb-er : .[ i : vi :-j i i-i". i i :ir-, ■ " rf^Bl. ml'lk i r<- ^ , ■-":■ ii CANBERRA Present : CROAT I AMS Kraljevic Josip Butkdvic Harko Nai&r ]erk Kowac Bozo Subasic Vicko Potrebica St jepan Kroiin Mirjana Vidakovic hat i1 da Naror The meeting was cal led to discuss the proposed gathering of Australian Slovenes and thei r supporters at the new Pariiament House in Canberra on 20 November i960 at 2pm and the present ai i oui et petition signatures to the Australian Government as a protest against the Yugoslav regime for the recent unjust i ir^risonmerit of prominent Slovene civilian journalists who were court martial led in Ljubljana during peace time and in foreign language. The President of the SI oveni an-flus trà 1 i an Association in Canberra, ftr Alojz Kavas expressed a warm welcome to the represen t a t wes of the Canberra Croatian Community and stressed the signi ficance ot this meeting which should be regarded as a starting point c t the two Na lions" close co-operation in assisting their tel low- countryman in their struggle tor freedom and self determination. IT was decided that the representatives could use their own language at the meeting but that English could be used to explain certain technical terms that might not be understood othervr i se. Both parties agreed lhat there is no ill feeling against the Serbs in the struggle tor national freedom in the Home Country and that they would be as welcome to join the proposed gathering at the Parliament House as would be the Macedonians and other nationalities. Marjan Kovac undertook to contact again représentâtives ot the groups to whom the circulars were sent to test their reaction. SLOVENES Cvetko Fales Marj an Kovac rtlojz Kavas Er i k Fras ni 1 an Sprohar Frank Culek The Slovenes have indicated that they intend to approach as their speakers Mr 3 i m Snow MP, Ex Senator Lajovic and perhaps a Liberal Party MP» The Croatians have also indicated that they will arrange somebody to speak for them* tt was agreed that banners and other material intended tor di str ibut i L.n wi 11 not carry offensive slogans but that there should be strong expressions ot nationaIistic feeling tor freedom in the Homeland by focusing attention on the violation of human rights in the communist Yugoslavia, Each party will fr&vi de sufficient number of persons serving as guides at the gathering who will be carrying a specific ribbon on their sleeves tor identification, Each party will provide their own walkie-talkies». The Croatians have undertaken to provide timely advice to the Polite about the march and the gathering which was proposed to slant at 1.30pm at the Croatian peahen Soccer "1 ub. Fhe Slovenes are to provide t i jne 1 y advertisement! Canberra Times and on television and and reporters to the gathering. iach party will identify a spokesman 11 together be talking to reporters. lach party wi T1 provide their own statements tor distribution during jatheni ng. Tho mes?t i ng closed at Llpn. in the to invite journalists for their group who leaflets and pv^ess the march and the larjan Kovao SLOVENSKO AVSTRALSKO DRUŠTVO BI SLOVENIAN-AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATION Of7 CANBERRA INCOR POR ATEO ihving stfteêt, ph i lup, a.c.t, ífiw — p.o. sox »sí. wodem act. mi — telephone e2 1ï3î 9 fjicimber 193S CANBERRA SYDNEY International Herald Tribune Time, 11 December, p.30. Slovenia Leadership Clashes With Army EJv Jackson DichJ Lhc Sio*eiii press jr.d loinUmidjte in mlroduang more freedoms ^nd M:iniuJa. whom Mladina labeled J Wene Sprang," in reference to ¡he prepared a report on the situation regarded as lhe tjnguatd of point- ante. a Communist-backed front I'WS Prague Spnr-g reforms of in Slovinia. alleging I hat j "Special cal reform in the Communist organisation. have pub.icly de> Czechoslovakia, ih( process of war" wis beiig carried cut against world, appears robe iacins a severe landed thai J hi army pfO^iste 1 change in this prosperous enclave the military in the press and thai a challenge from hard-ime mi.lilary fall explanation of the journalifts' of 1.5 million people has drawn "he "couniertenoluLicfl'" ■»as Ln prfr leaders following Ihr Jrreit OF two arris; and condtlii proceedings interest of Communist reformers gress. dissident |ouriia.is!S aEjsinit them :n ah Cpen manner, around the world, including the So- At ike same lime, reports by Tin jai-irtg of the journalists ud- officials say lhe military kid' via leader, Mikhail S Gorbachev, Mladinit and OtJwr jOurnaJi have der mtliiary-coun obliges last ers have noi responded, eU her pub- who visited Ljubljana in Marc It. said the miliiary was planning a week brolce optn whai had a lidy Or prualeiy. AUtiOw&H framed j high degree major crackdown in Slovenia. A simntenng dispute beiween Sloie- government ha:> now of autonomy under Yugoslavia's tepuled transcript or the national ma's branch oil he ruling Lea sue of asked Yugoslavia's federat presi- federal system. the Slovene Irtdet- party meeting, whieh SIladina wjs Communists and cluefs of Yugo- dency io intervene in the case, snip has occasionally faced strong banned by censors from publislt- slavia's national irmy cj»tr ihtf Slo- "dlilt Slovene ACtivistl ilte warning objections to its reforms From the Jflg. quoted ibeSli^ne leader. Mi- vene pa ri v's tol trance of afi Ou tspo- I hat public disconieti t ove? tht tf- leaders of Yugoslavia's seven other Ian Kyi an, as saying a mili tary offi- ken dissident press. could SOOn lead to unrest. republics an J aulOnomouS prOv- cial had approached Slovenia's The limrniLisrs, [van Jans» jnd "The CM could lead 10 ifrevcrv ifcies. Many of the complaints luvei,-.civilian proseculor io report that i David Tasic. are pion-jrent among "Ni poUnrat and social conse- focujcdon the lively Slovene pKH. number of political attests weri ■ nunbtr of young Slovene ^our- 4'WK) (Of SlO^tnit (All Vu^xln- whkli. led by the youth weekly planned and lhat the army was pre' nalists Who have recently published Lfce ncwrfy formed Conmtiliee Ml ¡id in a, regularly prints attacks pared to quell any resullingdeinon- hard'hitlinj anaclti cr. the mill- 'bf Protection of Human On the polilical teaderstup. Sti ttions tzry. Charged mih handling confi- riijh's^iroaicoaliiionofcom- Ln recent months, aniagomsm facause last weeJif itttstj ann den 11 aiaimy documents, the V have mum si and'independent groups. ,igamsi Slovenia has appealed to about ¡0 cays afier reports of Ihe b«f- heid iniiommumeade^ and laid Thursday in the official ne^s- h»ve eonceniraied in the Military purported intervention begin ap- miltiary offieials have ruiused to pap^r. Odn '"Funher nejlect or Council. t"ne jenior body of the pcarin^ the cases have b«a mier- supp:y inforsiarii/t on ilvftt ca^ts. political dimensions of lb« esse armed rows. Milituy duefs have pre ted by many Slovenes as the file arrests have sparked in tip- wilJ lead loan unconuollabfepobi- been raged by reports in Mia- beginning of a broader 4rUty opera- roar among Slovenia s liberal press iCil-iiluation " dina and dtlier journals on such tion agiinst the republic, and well-organized student and io- The apparent standoff between lupKi ill the milliard's arms ex- Mladina's ediloT has sug^iSted fial orjjiniiations. eon lend the army and Slovene leaders is ports 10 ihe Third Wortd ar.d aF- that the documents for which Mr. that lheideieniions were stage J to particular!* significant betause of lejed iorrup-jion involving former Jansa and Mr Tasic wete arrested silwit'irtikiilll of the nuilirary in the republic's recent role IS4leader deiense'muiister.. Admiral ttranko were planied by the military. SLOVENIAN-AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATION OF CANBERRA INCORPORATED CANBERRA IRVING STREET, PWLUP, AC, T., 2ÉW — P.O. SOX «5* WODEN A.C.T. 2406 — TÉLÉPHONÉ aïlûfii 12 Deoeflltie/. IWS The Editor The Canberra Tiuts flevcütle St Fyshw-iclt *CT ¿609 Diar Sir We ore affronted by ycu. unfair ¿Sepie. reporting of important issues raised by local association ors-iniied 4 retins, jji the Îî^h uf i^'i^bai in f'.'on t"1 merit hot« s. ' l j ¡:£ t.T the attention of t^i Australier. public ,î:id save neurit t t:ïç inj'jit'.i-e nid breach human rights occurring in ïu^os iiivj.a. The e\T.ent of the violation is such '.b3tioe irtiï ; he v■■. at^Oii of hear) rights Gf icit.^L-ïst . Ynurs faithfully 'r,-: - he r.i. b r Ce , i l t se fo 1 Pro of -,..:. FAshts i :i Sic vi ilia a copy cf 3uv press release and advice oi ■ 'a ins is dttiched, 0101000276020100 Odhor zo vurstvu clovekuvih pravic Kersniku va 4,6 T 000, Ljubi j ana Slovenija, Jugoslavija SLOVENIA Štev : í 11-E3S Datum: 16.12.1933 SLOVENSKO - AVSTRALSKO DRUŠTVO frving Street, Philli0, A .C.T., 2606 AVSTRALIJA Gospod Cvetko Faiež j Spoštovani, najlepša hvaie za Vašo cenjeno podporo in izjemno zanimanje, ki ste ga pokazali zo naše delovanje. Opravičujem se Vam, ker Vam nismo odgovorili ze na pismo, Ki sle ga Datirali s 3.9 1988, toda pozdrave in vesti.smo Vam poslali po nekaterih ljudeh. Preko njih smo Vam tudi sporočili, da nam lahko zbrana sredstva pošljete preko naslova v 2R Nemčiji (g. Branko ROZNAN. Liebf&i Str&sse 10, München), Zh finančne pomoč se Vam najlepše zahval ju jejmo. Pošiljamo Vam tudi nekaj gradiva s .katerim seznanjamo mednarodno javnost o svoji dejavnosti in o razmerah v Sloveniji in Jugoslaviji, ki ga lahko uporabljate tudi za lastno informiranost in informiranost avstralske javnosti. Menimo, da je zeiü pomembno, da je mednarodna javnost kar najbolj korektno informirano oL delu Odbora, zato Ves prosimo, da se Z3 morebitne nove informacije obračate neposredno na nas. S spoštovanjem, za Odbor za varstvo človekovih pravit !qor BAVČAR 1989 Sociolog in folozof na torontski univerzi, C. B. Macpherson - tudi dr. Jože Pučnik pozna n jego vo tezo o I i be ra Ini in n arod n i demo kraciji ■ p ra vi v svoje m p reda va n j u za kanadski radio z naslovom "The real World of Demovracy": ... Democracy used lo be a bad word. Everybody who was anybody knew thai democracy, in ils sense of rule by Ihe people or government in accordance with the will of the bulk of the people: would be a bad thing - fatal to individual freedom and to all the graces of civilized living..." iščem drobna zrna peska v ne u sla vi j i vi uri časa. Solon je v Atenah že leta 594 pred našim štetjem uvedel demokracijo" v atenski državi. Revni meščani so mogli izraziti svoje mnenje na sodbah. Platon je kasneje nasprotoval demokraciji, Luther pravi v letu 1525: "Bolje je ubogali princa, ki dela slabo, kol pa ubogati ljudi, ki delajo dobro..V Rousseau-jevem "Du Con trat Social' se čuti zaupanje v demokracijo, a že je bilo zaupanje ljudi izkoriščeno. Hitlerje bil izvoljen leta 1933. Komunistične države imajo volilve. Demokracija? Tito je bil izvoljen. In Daniel Ortega - Nikaragua-je bil izvoljen. Ferdinand Marcos je bil izvoljen. Kakšna je Marxova vizija enakopravnosti - in kako jo je razumel Lenin? In Mao Tse Tung? ??? Vsi mi 7? ? T o d a K J E je "demos" "kratos"? Se vedno med plebejci? Moremo priznati sočloveku svobodo mišljenja? Brez dvojnosti: "Poslušaj, kaj govorim, a ne glej. kaj delam!..."? Dr Tone Strojin pravi, da je pesnik, pravnik in prerok France Prešeren čutil važnosti tradicionlanih vrednot edinosti, sreče, sprave, in naravnih prvin- matere, domovine in mladine v "Zdrawljici". v napitnici družbi prihodnosti. Čutimovažnosl tudi mi? Culimo edinost, srečo, spravo? Razumemo mladino? Čutimo domovino? Draga Gelt, 1989 C.B. Macpherson, sociologist and philosopher at Toronto University - whose thesis on liberal and national democracy is familiar to Dr Jože Pučnik - in his lecture on Canadian radio titled The Real World of Democracy, said: "Democracy used to be a bad word. Everybody who was anybody knew that democracy in its sense of rule by the people or government in accordance with the will of the bulk of the people, would be a bad thing -fatal to individual freedom and all the graces of civilized living..." I am looking for the smallest grain of sand in the hourglass of time. In Athens in 594 BCE, Solon* introduced"democracy" to Athenian society. Poor citizens were compelled to express their views in judgments. Later, Plato was opposed to democracy. In 1525, Luther stated that,"It is better to obey a prince who rules badly, than to obey people who rule well...". Rousseau's The Social Contract expresses faith in democracy, although people's trust was already abused. Hitler was elected in 1933. Communist nations hold elections. Democracy? Tito was elected. Daniel Ortega (Nicaragua) was elected, too. Ferdinand Marcos was elected. What was Marx's vision of equality - and how was it interpreted by Lenin? And Mao Tse Tung? All of us! Well, then! Where is demos kratos? Still with the people? Do we recognise our fellow beings' freedom of thought? Without irony or double standard:"Listen to what I say, but do not look at what I do ..." Dr Tone Strojin observed that poet, lawyer and prophet France Prešeren, in his poem Zdravljica - his Toast to a future society - understood the importance of the traditional values of harmony, happiness, and reconciliation, together with the basic values of motherhood, homeland, and youth. Do we, too, appreciate these values? Do we, too, value harmony, happiness and reconciliation? Do we understand the youth? Do we value our homeland? Translated by Dr Elizabeth Tomažič *Solonian Constitution Previous to Solon's reforms, the Athenian state was administered by nine archons appointed or elected annually by the Areopagus on the basis of noble birth and wealth. The Areopagus comprised former archons and it therefore had, in addition to the power of appointment, extraordinary influence as a consultative body. The nine archons took the oath of office while ceremonially standing on a stone in the agora, declaring their readiness to dedicate a golden statue if they should ever be found to have violated the laws.There was an assembly of Athenian citizens (the Ekklesia) but the lowest class (the Thetes) was not admitted and its deliberative procedures were controlled by the nobles. There therefore seemed to be no means by which an archon could be called to account for breach of oath unless the Areopagus favoured his prosecution. According to Aristotle, Solon legislated for all citizens to be admitted into the Ekklesia[49] and for a court (the Heliaia) to be formed from all the citizens. Osamosvojitev Slovenije Odločitev Slovenije, da zapusti Jugoslavijo, ni bila enostavna, saj je vanjo v povojnih desetletjih vložila veliko energije in sredstev, od nje pa pričakovala varnost in zaščito nacionalne identitete ter možnost za miren razvoj. K odhodu so jo prisilile okoliščine, vedno večji razkorak z razvitimi državami, v prvi vrsti pa nezmožnost, da se Jugoslavija demokratizira, modernizira in zagotovi nacionalne pravice svojim narodom. V povojnem času so v Jugoslaviji potekala trenja med zagovorniki centralizma na eni in federalizma na drugi strani. Slovenija pa je bila eden glavnih udeležencev teh sporov. Vendar so se v teh sporih slovenski politiki omejevali predvsem na položaj SLO v Jugoslaviji in ne o osamosvojitvi Slovenije in s tem o spremembi obsega Jugoslovanske države. Ko se je v drugi polovici 80. let organizirala slovenska politična opozicija, so se odprle tudi možnosti za drugačne poglede na slovensko politiko do Jugoslavije. Leta 1987 so slovenski intelektualci v 57. številki Nove revije predstavili opozicijski nacionalni program, ki je vseboval zahtevo po krepitvi slovenske državnosti. Isto zahtevo pa so izražale tudi prve opozicijske stranke. Te stranke so se sprva še imenovale zveze, kot na primer Slovenska kmečka zveza, ki je nastala leta 1988 in pa Slovenka demokratična zveza, ki je nastala leta 1989. Maja 1988 so bili aretirani Janez Janša, David Tasic, Ivan Borštner in Franci Zavrl. Obtoženi so bili izdaje vojaških skrivnosti, njihovo sojenje pa je potekalo pred vojaškim sodiščem v Ljubljani. Pripadniki močnega civilnega gibanja so ustvarili Odbor za obrambo četverice, ki se je kasneje preoblikoval v Odbor za varstvo človekovih pravic, vodil ga je Igor Bavčar. Slovenska javnost je na iniciativo odbora z množičnimi demonstracijami protestirala proti procesu sojenja četverici a vojaške oblasti niso popustile. Obsojeni so bili na zaporne kazni, ki so jih kasneje slovenske oblasti zmanjšale. Tudi slovenska oblast je začela spoznavati, da so možnosti za sožitje v Jugoslaviji vse manjše, in je začela braniti slovenske pozicije pred napadi iz centra. To je bila posledica reformnih procesov v sami zvezi komunistov ali ZK, v kateri je pod vodstvom Milana Kučana začela prevladovati t.i. prenoviteljska struja. Ta je postopoma začela odpovedovati ob lastnem monopolu, zaradi pritiskov opozicije in konflikta z Beogradom. To odpovedovanje pa se je najprej izrazilo v političnem geslu o nestrankarskem pluralizmu., nato pa v sestopu iz oblasti. Sestop je bil miren in se je končal s korektnimi večstranskimi volitvami. SLOVENIA http://sl.wikipedia. org/wiki/Zgodovina_ Slovenije# Osamosvojitev_ Slovenije Slovenia's discontent with the Yugoslav federation grew during the 1980's. Slovenia wanted more http://library. autonomy within the federation rather than independence. Slovenia held its first multi-party elections in thmkquest.org/2S60/ Yugoslavia in April 1990. This was the result after the fall of communism in Eastern Europe. The winning si°venia.htm party called for independence, and nearly 90% of the population voted for independence in a referendum issued on 23 December, 1990. Following the referendum there were political upsets. This included the Serbian refusal to give the rotating presidency to the Croatian delegate. /January J SYDNEY Rudi Šeligo Društvo slovenskih pisateljev 61000 Ljubljana ta prvi dan leta 1989 se je večja skupina avstralskih Slovencev seznanila s Programsko izjavo Slovenske demokratične zveze. Navdušeni podpiramo in podpisujemo vsak stavek. Veselimo se vseh demokratičnih pobud v naši domovini, ki jih prinaša nova generacija sposobnih in zavednih narodnjakov» Ustanovnemu zboru Slovenske demokratične zveze iskrene čestitke in vsa moralna podpora„ Vsen, ki so sodelovali pri pisanju Programa, izrekamo priznanje za pogum in odkritost. Mesto Slovenije je z vsem njenim notranjim in zunanjim intelektualnim potencialom v razvoju, ki ga dosega Zahod, hi. Želimo vam, da\vaše prizadevanje čimprej obrodilo bogate sadove in da bi Slovenija na dostojen in miren način postala suverena. Vaši rojaki, 18000 kilometrov oddaljeni od vas, smo ob tem pomembnem zgodovinskem dogajanju v čutenju, v naporih, v veselju in upih z vami! "Bog našo nam deželo, Bog živi ves slovenski svet!" Živela Slovenija! avstralski Slovenci Ivan'.Kobal, tajnik Zveze Slovenske akcije Odbor za varstvo človekovih pravic Kersnikova 4,61000, Ljubljana Slovenija, Jugoslavijo Štev.: 59- 69 Datum: 7. marec ¡939 ■ Mi- riKfi-:S2!*- ■■'ite-r • SLOVENSKO - AVSTRALSKO DRUŠTVO . irving Strest, Fhillip, A.C.T., 260č "AVSTRALIJA ' ^Sporočam Vam, da srno prejeli ari spe vek SJovbnskflrAvstralBkega" ._.._'. -i . ____ . ... . : j' ■■ ASSuMU«.. ,'isini 5000 avstralskif i dolarjev. V svojem -MerjuSin v za pri spe vek društva v ■imenu : Članov Odbora za varstvo človekovih pravic se Vam .najlepše izahvBlujem. obveščamo Vas, da borno denar namenili;'obsojenim-.in za delo našega Odbora. Prosim Vas, da 03šo zahvald/prs^s^tc i tudi našim rojakom včlanjenim v Slovensko-Avstralsko- društvo':.in jim sporočite, da Borno 0 Vasem prispevku obvestili ludii:'d6mačo |pvensko javnost. L'i ■ tJL.,- Vaša moralna in materialna podpora od vsego začeWaShafeaa delovanja nam je v tem trenutku še posebej d^rodošiKP.ol^aj-je sedaj namreč takšen, da kljub evidentnim kršitvcrirzdionbv .'"in prottust avnemu delovanju vojaških $odnt!i organov v sedneni predelu proti- Ivanu eorftnerju Davidu Tasiču, Franci Ju ZjaMt^u InVjanežu Janši, še vedno ni prišlo do obnova postopka. Bojfhra se^a bomo morali s svojo dejavnostjo vztrajati dalj, kot smo sprv& nVisfili; ■.. ■ -v S spoštovanjem igorGavc jo Marci 'm^ . /,:;: SLOVENIA : z, i iv . i: .. Tone Kuntoer Ljubljana, ¿0. 5, 1989. SpoStov^ni, - - i Na prvem plenarnem zboru Cd bora za ilovsko ve pravica,sem sliSal poročilo blagajnika»je posebej izpostavil va£ prispevek za delovanje Cdbor3 in fc zanj javno zahvalil. Prejeli ste izjemen aplavz, 'ti je pomenil izkreno zahvalo vseh udeležencev zbora. Gotovo se Vam je odbor že pismeno zahvalil. Ker se Cutint z Vami intimneje povezan zaradi mojih dveh nepozabnih obiskov pri Vas,Sutira dolžnost,da se še jaz osebno zahvalim za vašo humano in domoljubno potezo,ki pomeni ne le pomoč delovanja Odbora za Človekove pravice er i h lapostavijenih posameznikovlampak tuči podpora demokratičnim procesom :.n ohranitev slo^enirke samobitnosti. Vsakemu posebej in vsea skupaj, hvala in prisrčen pozdrav, Tone Kuntner« Odbor za varstvo človekovih pravic Beethovnova 9, 61 000 Ljubljana Številkami/-89 Datum: 10.0^.1989 Prvo poročilo o uporabi sredstev a so M dar najinega žiro računa za pomoč obsojenim in njihovim svojcem Odbora za varstvo človekovi h pravic j« m plenarnem zasedanju v Cankarjevem domu dne 23 marca 1989 sprejel naslednje finančna poročilo: Pri hoditi in odhodki sredstev z žiro račooa od ¡jstarovitve Odbora zt varstvo človekovih pravic do 28.0?. ¡939 PRIHODKI: 1. Nakazila na 2i ro račun občanov iz Jugoslavija................... 66.707.970 di n 10 April SLOVENIA Z. Prihodek voščilnic Odbora.......................... 3. P ri a pe ve k SI o ve n s ko-A vat r a 1 s ke ga d uŠt va iz Cenberre.................................................. 10 360 000 din ................................27.365,850 din Skupaj vsi prihodki ODHODKI \. Pomoč obsojenim in njihovim družuiarr;..................... 2. Porabljen pisarniški material ..................................... 3, PTT storitve ................................................................... 3. FrbTzvbdne storitve (fotokopiranje .izdajanje biltenov, obvestil itd,)................................................................ 4. Najemnina prostorov ....................................................... 5.Avtorski honorarji............................................................ ¿.Študentski honorarji......................................................... 7. G rija niza to rs ki stroški....................................................... 8. Nočnfne na službenih potovanjih...................................... 9. Prevozi na službenih potovanjih....................................... S. Dnevnice na službenih potovanjih................................. 1 04.933.820 din 15.994.420 din 289.240 din .....1 565.230 din S kupe j odhodki PRIHODKI SKUPAJ DO 28.21989 . ODHODKI SKUPAJ DO 28.21969_ .34.943.oso „.4,366 150 .26.023570 .3 042.000 .......144.000 331,700 7.367 330 174580 din din din din din din din din 9S.241300 din i 04.933.820 93.241.300 din din PRESEŽfK PRIHODKOV 6.692,520 din Finančna sredstava se stekajo na solidarnostni žiro račun it. 501ft1-67B-47303 UK ZSMS (šifra 32 ) za Od&or za varstvo človekovih pravic. Odbor za varstvo Človekovih pravic se zahvaljuje individualnim in kolektivnim članom za finančno pomoč in se posebaj Slovensko-avstralskemu društvo iz Cannbere. Kolegij Odbora za varstvo človekovi h pravic Majniška deklaracija Na protestnem zborovanju na Kongresnem trgu v Ljubljani zaradi druge aretacije Janeza Janše je pisatelj Tone Pavček 8. maja 1989 prebral Majniško deklaracijo. Deklaracijo so podpisali Društvo slovenskih pisateljev, Slovenska demokratska zveza, Slovensko krščansko socialno gibanje in Socialdemokratska zveza Slovenije. Zahteve, izražene v Majniški deklaraciji, so postale temeljni program nastajajočih strank demokratične opozicije. Majniška deklaracija je bila politična izjava, ki so jo oblikovale prve slovenske opozicijske politične stranke leta 1989 in z njo zahtevale suvereno državo slovenskega naroda. Zborovanje je bilo poimenovano 'odprta seja predsedstva RK ZSMS', ker so ga oblasti prepovedale. Deklaracija je bila objavljena v dnevnem časopisju, v Delu 10. maja 1989. Besedilo deklaracije Podpisniki te listine izjavljamo in sporočamo: 1. da hočemo živeti v suvereni državi slovenskega naroda; 2. kot suverena država bomo samostojno odločali o povezavah z južnoslovanskimi in drugimi narodi v okviru prenovljene Evrope; 3. glede na zgodovinska prizadevanja slovenskega naroda za politično samostojnost je slovenska država lahko utemeljena le na: * spoštovanju človekovih pravic in svoboščin, * demokraciji, ki vključuje politični pluralizem, * družbeni ureditvi, ki bo zagotavljala duhovno in gmotno blaginjo v skladu z naravnimi danostmi in v skladu s človeškimi zmožnostmi državljanov Slovenije. Osnovne točke Majniške deklaracije so bile: • Zahteva po suvereni državi slovenskega naroda • Zahteva po samostojnem odločanju o povezavah z južnoslovanskimi narodi in drugimi narodi v okviru prenovljene Evrope • Zahteva po spoštovanju človekovih pravic in svoboščin, vključno s političnim pluralizmom • Zahteva po taki družbeni ureditvi, ki bo zagotavljala duhovno in gmotno blaginjo slovenskim državljanom. Uradne oblasti so na razglasitev skušale odgovoriti z delno alternativnim programom (t.i. Temeljno listino Slovenije, objavljeno 22. junija; ta je še zagovarjala jugoslovansko državo, vendar pod pogojem, da bo dejansko federativna in demokratična). Nastajajoče opozicijske stranke, zlasti Zbor za ustavo, pa so zagovarjale doslednejše določbe o političnem pluralizmu in gospodarski suverenosti. Slovenske oblasti pa so odločno prepovedale miting resnice, ki je bil napovedan za 1. december 1989, s katerim so srbski nacionalisti hoteli zrušiti slovensko oblast. The poet Tone Pavcek reads the May Declaration at a public protest meeting in Kongresni Trg square in Ljubljana demanding the sovereignty of Slovenia and its freedom of choice regarding external relations. 8May SLOVENIA httpy/sl.wikipedia. org/wiki/Majni% C5%A1ka_ deklaracija_% 281989%29 http://www. twenty.si/first-20-years/89/ dr. Božo Repe 1989 SLOVENIA PREJELI SMO Pred zaključkom te ítevilke SVOBOUNIH RAZGOVOROV je prispelo iz Slovenije nekaj prispevkov in pisem(slovenski h kulturnikov)na naslove posameznikov tukaj v Avstrali ji.naj bi tudi mi.avstralski Slovenci pričeli razmišljati o Slovenskem svetovnem kongresu. Ker se v vesteh o tem kongresu pojavljajo razne napake,bomo objavili pismo Vinka Oílaka iz Celovca,ki je tajnik odbora za organizacijo kongresa. Pismo je bilo objavljeno v "Novo doba1,24,-30.okt.89. KAJ NAJ BO SLOVENSKI SVMOVNl KONGRES ? T.Nihče od predlagateljev ni mislil na lo,da bi p rit'1 a g ah a vseslovenska organizacija(S5K) na done s t i 1 a ali dopolnila tra d icÍon a 1 ne slovenske Studijske dneve,ki jih poznano pod ime nomnt>r agar„f o r un Drage je bil samo primeren kraj ta obnovitev predloga in za začetek praktičnega dela.Tako tudi vprašanje o eventualnem spreminjanju kraja za bodoče prireditve Orage ne moremo poveíovati z vpraianjom,k je naj bi zasedal bodoči vseslovenski kongres Ce bo zasedal v okviru bodofe (Jrage,bo to sapo časovna koordinacija dveh si čer popolnoma različnih prireditev. ¿.Zamisel Slovenskega svetovnega kongresa nima nifesar skupnega z zaci sli jo nekakínega vsesplošnega parlamenta,o katerem je pisal Že pok.pisatelj Bojan itih,Parlament je zakonodajno politično telo, v katerem so jastopani vsi,na svobodnih volitvah verificirani politični interesi in usmeritve l j u i stva-in tako ustanovo si bo slovenski narod gotovo ustvaril,če se bo hotel tudi politično uvrstiti med rajvite evropske narode.Izhodišče predloga za Slovenski svetovni kongres pa je potreba vsakega naroda,da si poleg svojih državnih institucij ustvari íe paralelno in avtonomno neoblastno organiia cijsko struktur o ,k i se ne konstituira po kriterijih politične in svetovnonazorske diferenciacije kakor vsak pravi p ar 1 amen t,temveč po minimalnem konsezu pripadnosti k istemu narodu in sol i darností,k i iz priznavanja k ta ki pripadnosti i z v ira.Vscslovenski kongres torej ne bo niti v a i irnati vnem niti v opozicijskem razmerju do konkretne vsakokratne oblasti v slovenski drf a v i, tem več; t) o njegova skrb delo la ohranjanje in aMrniraitje slovenskeg naroda in njegovih posameznih pripadnikov po vsem s ve tu,povezovan je slover ske ku1 turc,znanosti in ekononi je,obveščfanje drugih narodov in njihovih vlad o problecih slovenskega naroda ter internacionalizacija slovenskih v; íanj,kadar je to potrebno.íaza te strukture bodo območni odbori SSK,ki bo< v svojce delovanju popolnoma a vtonomni.pri osrednjem uradu Kongresa pa bo delovale strokovne slozfhe za posamezna področja povezovanja in informiran 5.It gornjega jasno sledi,da je kraj vsakokratnega zasedanja Kongres lahko le nevtralno oiemlji lunaj take ali drugačne slovenske dríave,predv pa seveda kraj,kamor lahko svobodno pride vsak Slovenec in kjer hotelske ste po naroČilu prebujajo hotelski usltifbenci,ne pa nenarncena policija. Vinko Oslale tajnik odbora ia organizacijo Slovenskega svetovnega kongresa ATTENTION »II« . HR. Simon SPACAPAN *2JAiay FROH..Geoff GARDINER Phirie 6671777. MELBOURNE ñl PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA Speaker of the Legislative Assembly President of the Legislative Council re: Demonstrations at garliament.Housa Requirementa to be Met As the Officers of Parliament responsible for che care and security of the Parliament Building, we have reviewed the requirements to be observed by demonstrators at Parliament House. These requirements are as follows:- 1. Demonstrators are to be confined to the steps below the carriageway. 2. The carriageway is to ba kept clear for official vehicles. 3. Sound is to be kept to a reasonable level and must not be such as to interfere with the operations of the Parliament. 4. The area used by demonstrators ia to be left clean and the promoters jointly and severally are to be responsible for any cleaning and restitution costs incurred by the Parliament. The use f car.dles in the area is not permitted. 5. if' a demonstration occurs oil a weekday, no more than five people are to be admitted to the Vestibule for the purpose of meeting a Member. Assurances of orderly conduct are to be obtained from such persons first, following which House Attendants will ascertain the wishes of Member(s) concerned. Access to the building by members and the public is to be preserved and demonstrators not to be permitted on to the colonnade, apart from anyone authorized as par point five. Ken. Coghill, M.P. Alan Sunt, M.L.C. SPEAKER PRESIDENT Issued; 23 May, 1999. Parliament House, Melbourne 3002 Telephone (03) 651 8911 Facsimile (03) 650 7245 16J linuArv http://www.projects. v2.nl/~arns/Texts/ Chrono/SLO.html ebruirt/ SLOVENIA The 'Slovenian Democratic Association' is founded in Ljubljana as the first alternative to the League of Communists of Yugoslavia. It has about 1,100 members. Dimitrij Rupel, professor of sociology, is elected as chairman. According to a poll recently published in Mladina, in free elections the Social Democrats would get 35 percent of the votes, Christian Democrats 20 percent, Greens 18 percent and the Communists 9 percent. Slovenia's opposition organises a rally at Cankarjev Dom, Ljubljana's cultural center, to demonstrate solidarity with the Kosovo Albanian miners of Stari Trg, Kosovo, who are on strike since 20 February 1989. In the face of intense public pressure, the republic's communist leadership decides belatedly to join the protest. Leading communists, including the President Milan Kučan, share the platform with the non-communist opposition. The rally is broadcast live on television and radio and for the first time Slovenia's communists openly defy the federal League of Communists of Yugoslavia. SERBIA AAay Slobodan Milosevic is elected President of Serbia. As an alternative to the official Mladina, oppositional groups start publishing the bi-weekly Democracija. /urne 27 September SLOVENIA Slovenia's parliament passes fifty-four amendments to its constitution formally renouncing the League of Communists' monopoly of political power and including the explicit right to self-determination, that is, secession from Yugoslavia. (While Yugoslavia's first communist constitution of 1946 had included the explicit right to self-determination, that right was merely implied in the 1974 constitution; hence the need to modify it.) At the time, the threat to secede was meant merely as a precautionary last resort. It was not a statement of intent, and whether Slovenia exercised this right or not would depend on developments elsewhere in the country, especially in Serbia. Prvi osamosvojitveni ukrepi Slovenski komunisti so 20.1.1990, potem ko niso upoštevali nobene od njihovih pobud, zapustili 14. kongres ZKJ ki je tako dokončno razpadla. V času, ko je začela razpadati SZ, so se spori med Slovenijo in federacijo stopnjevali. Vrhunec so dosegli, ko je zaradi slovenske podpore kosovskim Albancem na zboru v Cankarjevem domu januarja 1989, Srbija napovedala Sloveniji gospodarsko blokado. Marca 1990 je Slovenija razglasila gospodarsko samostojnost, aprila pa je na volitvah za predsednika slovenskega predsedstva zmagal Milan Kučan. Na parlamentarnih volitvah pa je s 126 poslanskimi sedeži od skupnih 240 zmagala organizirana opozicija-DEMOS, ki jo je sestavljala večina opozicijskih strank. Te stranke so bile : Slovenska demokratična zveza, Socialdemokratska stranka Slovenije, Krščanski demokrati, Zeleni, Slovenska kmečka zveza. Predsednik skupščine je postal France Bučar, vlado je sestavil krščanski demokrat Lojze Petrle, ker je njegova stranka znotraj Demosa dobila največ glasov. Najmočnejši opozicijski stranki sta bili prenovljena komunistična in liberalna, v parlament pa je od prejšnjih družbenopolitičnih organizacij prišla tudi socialistična stranka (nekdanja SZDL). Slovenska skupščina se je začela ukvarjati z osamosvojitveno zakonodajo že julija 1990. Tedaj je bila sprejeta Deklaracija o suverenosti Republike Slovenije, ki je določala enoletni rok za sprejetje ustave in postopke ugotavljanja, kateri zvezni zakoni v Sloveniji ne veljajo več; odpravila je tudi slovensko delegacijo v zveznem zboru skupščine SFRJ. Še pred prvimi večstrankarskimi volitvami (7. marca) so bila sprejeta dopolnila k slovenski ustavi; iz imena republike je bila črtana beseda »socialistična«, z deklaracijo o urejanju razmerij, ki imajo splošen pomen za Slovenijo, pa je bila načelno razglašena samostojnost na gospodarskem področju. Slovenska skupščina je 28. septembra in nato 4. oktobra (tedaj je bil sprejet ustavni zakon in razveljavljenih 27 jugoslovanskih zakonov) nadaljevala s sprejemanjem osamosvojitvene zakonodaje. Novi zakoni so dajali Sloveniji izključne pristojnosti pri določanju vojaškega roka in poveljevanja v teritorialni obrambi. Zvezni organi so terjali naj Slovenija te zakone prekliče. Na podlagi zakona o SLO in družbeni samozaščiti ter z vednostjo vseh treh predsednikov (predsedstva, skupščine in vlade) sta Janez Janša in Igor Bavčar kot sekretarja za obrambo in notranje zadeve organizirala t.i. Manevrsko strukturo narodne zaščite. Oktobra 1990 so pripadniki JLA zasedli štab TO v Ljubljani. Njegov dotedanji poveljnik Ivan Hočevar je ostal lojalen JLA, zato ga je predsedstvo RS zamenjalo; njegov naslednik je postal Janez Slapar. DEMOS Democratic Opposition of Slovenia, also known as the DEMOS coalition (in Slovenian: Demokratična opozicija Slovenije) was a coalition of democratic political parties, created by an agreement between the Slovenian Democratic Union, the Social Democrat Alliance of Slovenia, the Slovene Christian Democrats, the Farmers' Alliance and the Greens of Slovenia. All these parties emerged after December 1989, when the Communist government permitted multiparty political life in Slovenia. The leader of the coalition was the famous dissident Jože Pučnik. In the first democratic elections in April 1990, DEMOS won 54% of the votes and formed the first multiparty government of the country, headed by the Christian Democrat Lojze Peterle. The Coalition led the process of democratisation of the country, the liberalisation of public life and the implementation of a market economy. The most important achievement of the Coalition, however, was the declaration of independence of Slovenia on 25 June 1991, followed by a Ten-Day War in which the Slovenians rejected Yugoslav military interference. As a result of internal disagreements the coalition fell apart in 1992. It was officially dissolved in April 1992 in agreement with all the parties that had composed it. Following the collapse of Lojze Peterle's government, a new coalition government, led by Janez Drnovšek was formed, which included several parties of the former DEMOS. Jože Pučnik became vice-president in Drnovšek's cabinet, guaranteeing some continuity in the government policies. SLOVENIA http://sl.wikipedia. org/wiki/Zgodovina_ Slovenije# Osamosvojitev_ Slovenije beer SLOVENIA http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/DEMOS_ coalition (i-er SYDNEY The Sydney Morning Herald, September 27. Slovenia defiant over the right to secede YUGOSLAVIA BELGRADE, Tuesday: The rebel Yugoslav republic of Slovenia vowed today to give itself the right to secede from the country, despite warnings from federal authorities that they would tolerate no such step. Communist Party leaders in Slovenia, a small republic of two million people which borders Austria and Italy, said they would adopt amendments to their republic's Constitution tomorrow declaring it can split from Yugo- slavia by means of a referendum. "Yugoslavia is not being broken up by those who demand additional guarantees for the equality, independence and responsibility of its peoples and republics," said a member of Slovenia's ruling party Politburo, MrCiril Ribicic. "It is being broken up by those who, contrary to the basic principles of the current Yugoslav Constitution, want to redesign Yugoslavia," Mr Ribicic told a party meeting in the Slovenian capital Ljubljana. Yugoslavia's federal Communist Party leaders went into emergency session in Belgrade to discuss the Slovenian crisis, which is the biggest threat to the country's unity posed by a single republic since the communist takeover in 1945. Slovenian representatives boycotted a meeting today of the federal parliamentary committee for constitutional affairs, which convened to discuss the crisis. The full Parliament was due to meet later in the day. Yugoslavia is a loosely-knit federation of six republics with a total population of 23 million. Slovenia fears that Serbia, the largest republic, with almost nine million people, wants to centralise the country under its control. The eight-member collective State Presidency, which controls the Armed Forces and can declare a state of emergency in any republic, has said it will not let Slovenia pass constitutional amendments challenging federal authority. Mr Vasil Tupurkovski, a member of the Presidency, told a workers' meeting today: "The Yugoslav Presidency is firmly determined to persist in securing vital State functions on the whole territory of the country," Apart from the Slovenian crisis, Yugoslavia has been hit this year by ethnic Albanian riots in the southern province of Kosovo and by economic chaos which saw inflation soar last month to almost 900 per cent. Slovenia's leaders say they do not plan to exercise the right of secession but view the constitutional amendments as a way of guaranteeing their freedom from domination by other republics. Rcutrr 28 SjêéeMber SYDNEY The Sydney Morning Herald, September 28. Army warns rebel republic on secession YUGOSLAVIA BELGRADE, Wednesday: Yugoslavia's federal Communist Party leaders urged the rebe! republic of Slovenia today to postpone the adoption of constitutional amendments giving it a right to secede from the country. The party's policy-making Central Committee met through the night in Belgrade to discuss the crisis, the most serious threat to Yugoslavia's unity by a single republic since the communist takeover in 1945. The Central Committee voted by 97 votes to 40 to declare that the changes would threaten Yugoslavia's territorial integrity. The Army's representative in the party's ruling Politburo, General Petar Simic, had earlier told the meeting that the amendments were "in direct conflict with the Yugoslav Constitution and represent a threat to the territorial integrity of Yugoslavia". Belgrade warned Slovenia on Monday against amending its constitution to allow it to leave the federation, threatening to take steps to "ensure the respect of the federal Constitution". The Slovenian party leader, Mr Milan Kucan, rebuffed the threat of "emergency measures", such as military intervention. In a speech to the federal Central Committee broadcast on television, Mr Kucan said the situation was "extremely worrying" and warned against emergency measures. "The Slovene people have and retain the permanent right to self-determination and even secession," Mr Kucan said. "The demand to postpone the changes is an attempt to limit Slovenian sovereignty." But General Simic said a clause stipulating that the Slovenian Parliament alone, and not Belgrade, could decree a state of emergency and command the Army in Slovenia in peacetime was unconstitutional. He said the vote on the amendment should be postponed. Slovenia is a small republic with only about 2.1 million of Yugoslavia's 23 million people. But it is the most politically liberal and economically advanced of the six Yugoslav republics. Many Slovenes fear that Serbia, the largest republic, wants to crack down on liberal political trends in their region and centralise Yugoslavia under its own control. The Slovenian amendments include a right to secede by means of a referendum and a clause stating that federal authorities cannot deploy the Armed Forces or declare a state of emergency in Slovenia without local permission. Slovenia's Communist leaders say they do not actually want to split from Yugoslavia, but view the amendments as a way of protecting their freedom from outside interference. But some radical Slovenes are so disillusioned with Yugoslavia's collapse into political and ethnic turmoil and economic crisis that they say their republic should go its own way. Another Slovenian party leader, MrCiril Ribicic, said there was "no convincing reason" for the parliament to postpone the vote on secession. In a report to a special session of the Slovenian Communist Party's Central Committee, meeting in Ljubljana, Mr Ribicic upheld the right of each republic to draw up a constitution in keeping with its interests. The Central Committee said any intervention by the federal authorities could have "irreparable consequences". Slovenians interviewed yesterday said they considered the federal warning as the last step before possible armed intervention to keep Slovenia under central control. Reuter, Agence Francc-Presse Slovenia in steps to secede YUGOSLAVIA BELGRADE, Thursday: Yugoslavia, reeling from economic chaos and ethnic unrest, has fallen into more turmoil with the Republic of Slovenia proclaiming its right to secede from the federation. By 256 votes to one, with one abstention, the Slovenian Parliament yesterday amended the republic's Constitution to include the right to reject federal laws and even break away completely. It also declared that federal authorities in Belgrade could not deploy forces or impose a state of emergency on it without consent. "The Slovene people have shown in this war of nerves that they are physically and psychologically mature and are able to be the masters in their own homes," the Slovenian President, Mr Janez Stanovnik, said. Slovenia, a little republic of 2.! million people, which borders Austria and Italy, was driven to its action mainly by its fear that Serbia, the largest republic with about 9 million people, plans to dominate and centralise the federation, Slovenian leaders say they do not actually want to secede, but to protect the republic from unjustified external pressure. The federal Communist Party, Government and armed forces had all urged Slovenia not to pass the amendments. But the military ruled out force to bring the republic into line, in contrast with its use of tanks and soldiers in Kosovo this year. Reuter SYDNEY The Sydney Morning Herald, September 29. Saturday, September 30,1989 17 Serbs outraged at 'high treason' 3Û September YUGOSLAVIA BELGRADE, Friday: Serbian rage against the new Constitution of the Yugoslav republic of Slovenia, which guarantees its right to secede from Yugoslavia, erupted yesterday in anti-Slovene demonstrations in towns, cities and factories throughout Serbia, and in Montenegro. In the largest rally in Novi Sad, in the Serbian province of Vojvodina, thousands of demonstrators shouted "We want the Army", and carried portraits of the Serbian leader, Mr Slobodan Milosevic. The Yugoslav Head of State, Mr Janez Drnovsek, was also strongly criticised for tolerating unconstitutional moves by the Slovenian Parliament, Tanjug news agency reported. Authorities, trade unionists and youth organisations called for Mr Drnovsek's dismissal, saying he had cut short his visit to the United Nations Genera! Assembly in New York in order to "come and applaud an act equivalent to high treason". On Wednesday the Slovenian Parliament passed some 70 constitutional amendments broadening the republic's autonomy and establishing its right to "self-determination as far as secession". Authorities at Titovo Uzice, in Serbia, called for an inquiry into Mr Drnovsek's roie in the Slovenian Parliament's decision. At Ulcinj, in Montenegro, town officials said Mr Drnovsek could no longer be head of State. A veterans' association in Belgrade, the Serbian capital, called on the country's leadership to "take all measures necessary to ensure the country's integrity", also demanding Mr Drnovsek's dismissal. Some 15,000 people rallied in front of the town hall of the Serbian town of Lazarevac, while in Vojvodina, an autonomous province attached to Serbia, a big demonstration was shown by national television. Speakers called for the Army to be sent in to quell Slovenia's "high treason". As the chasm between the Westward-leaning republics led by Slovenia and the centralising forces led by Serbia deepens, the Croatian cities of Split, Kardeljevo and the capital, Zagreb, rushed telegrams of support to the embattled Slovene leaders. The federal Parliament attempted yesterday to defuse the crisis. It voted for the Slovenian constitutional changes to be forwarded for the judgment of a federal constitutional court. AFP, The Independent SYDNEY The Sydney Morning Herald, September 30, p.17. SLOVENSKQ-AVSTRALSKO DRUSTVG OF CANBERRA INCORPORATED IRVING STREET, PHILLIP, A.C.T.. 2606 — P.O. BOX 955, WODEN A.CT. 7(,06 — TELEPHONE 82 1083 October 1, 1989 CANBERRA Ambassador for Austria, 12 Talbot Street, Forrest 2603 Your Excellency, No doubt you are aware of recent events in the Slovenian Parliament. The Parliament adopted changes to its Constitution which confirmed its right to secede from Yugoslavia. This vote was passed by 256 to one and one abstention, despite the fact that its members are not democratically elected. (Canberra Times, 28, 29, 30th September, 1989.) Slovenia is a minority nation in the Yugoslav federation and wants to determine its own destiny and preserve its identity. This action has brought, forward hysterical threats from Serbia, the largest and least liberal of Lhe republics. The danger is that Serbia will use the Central Government to send the army into Slovenia and interfere in their internal affairs. We are afraid that the events of Kosovo, where the array brutally massacred people, will be repeated in Slovenia. We kindly ask you and your government to extend encouragement and support to the people of Slovenia in their attempt to assert their legitimate rights. Yours truly ^ K/k^S President on behalf of the members. SLOVENSKO-AVSTRALSKO DRUSIVO SLOVENIAN-AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATION OF CANBERRA INCORPORATED IRVING STREET, PHILLIP, A.C.T., 2506 — P.O. COX 955. WODEN A.C.T. 2606 — TELEPHONE 821083 October 1, 1989 Representative of the European Communities, Capital Centre, Manuka 2603 CANBERRA... Your Excellency, No doubt you are aware of recent events in the Slovenian Parliament. The Parliament adopted changes to its Constitution which confirmed its right to secede from Yugoslavia. This vote was passed by 256 to one and one abstention, despite the fact that its members are not democratically elected. (Canberra Times, 28, 29, 30th September, 1989.) Slovenia is a minority nation in the Yugoslav federation and wants to determine its own destiny and preserve its identity. This action has brought forward hysterical threats from Serbia, the largest and least liberal of the republics. The danger is that Serbia will use the Central Government to send the army into Slovehia and interfere in their internal affairs. We are afraid that the events of Kosovo, where the army brutally massacred people, will be repeated in Slovenia. We kindly ask you and your government to extend encouragement and support to the people of Slovenia in their attempt to assert their legitimate rights. Yours truly fllOfi A<#!//?<> ¿v-<7. President on behalf of the members. SLOVENSKO-AVSTRALSKO DRUSTVO SLOVENIAN-AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATION OF CANBERRA INCORPORATED IRVING STREET, PHILLIP, A.C.T., 2606 — P.O. BOX 955, WODEN A.C.T. 2606 TELEPHONE 82 1083 October 1, 1989 The Rt Hon G Evans Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 CANBERRA My dear Minister, No doubt you are aware of recent events in the Slovenian Parliament. The Parliament adopted changes to its Constitution which confirmed its right to secede from Yugoslavia. This vote was passed by 256 to one and one abstention, despite the fact that its members are not democratically elected. (Canberra Times, 28, 29, 30th September, 1989.) Slovenia is a minority nation in the Yugoslav federation and wants to determine its own destiny and preserve its identity. This action has brought forward hysterical threats from Serbia, the largest and least liberal of the republics. The danger is that Serbia will use the Central Government to send the army into Slovenia and interfere in their internal affairs. We are afraid that the events of Kosovo, where the army brutally massacred people, will be repeated in Slovenia. We kindly ask you and your government to extend encouragement and support to the people of ' Slovenia in their attempt to assert their legitimate rights. Yours truly /-7- c"'" President on behalf of the members. 1989 SLOVENIAN-AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATION OF CANBERRA INCORPORATED IRVING STREET. PHILLIP. A.C.T., Z606 P.O. BOX 955, WODEN A.C.T. »06 — TELEPHONE 8210S3 October 1, 1989 CANBERRA...................................................... The Rt Hon RJ Hawke The Prime Minister Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 My dear Prime Minister, No doubt you are aware of recent events in the Slovenian Parliament. The Parliament adopted changes to its Constitution which confirmed its right to secede from Yugoslavia. This vote was passed by 256 to one and one abstention, despite the fact that its members are not democratically elected. (Canberra Times, 28, 29, 30th September, 1989.) Slovenia is a minority nation in the Yugoslav federation and wants to determine its own destiny and preserve its identity. This action has brought forward hysterical threats frorn Serbia, the largest and least liberal of the republics. The danger is that Serbia will use the Central Government to send the army into Slovenia and interfere in their internal affairs. We are afraid that the events of Kosovo, where the army brutally massacred people, will be repeated in Slovenia. We kindly ask you and your government to extend encouragement and support to the people of Slovenia in their attempt to assert their legitimate rights. Yours truly President on behalf of the members. tobe/ * 20 Octb CANBERRA THE DEPARTMENT OF THE PRIME MINISTER AND CABINET CANBERRA, A.C.T. £600 TELEPHONE: C062) 7 15111 FACSIMILE: 71 5411 20 October 1989 Mr A. Kavas President Slovenian-Australian Association PO Box 955 WODEN ACT 2606 Dear Mr Kavas Thank you for your correspondence of 1 October 1989 to the Prime Minister, Your continents about the Slovenian Parliament have been noted and referred to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Senator the Hon. Garetb Evans, QC. The Minister has been asked to arrange for a reply to you on behalf of the Government. Yours sincerely (NE)DIALOG IZ MOJEGA DNEVNIKA / AUREA MEDIOCRITAS- MELBOURNE da,z lata,srednja pot ali je vedno najboljsa?Tako je sicer nekoč dejal Horac v ODAH. V današnjih časih pa seje te poti malce težko držati... prebuja se Evropa____nasa Slovenija.... Skoraj bomo v avstralskem poletju 1989.a "slovenska pomlad" Še ni prišla ned nas. Jezi me.Bol i me.Saj"moj narod"mrttf/ sen spi",kot je napisal Njegoš.In jaz? Nekakšen peklenski stroj Čutim v sebi,nekaj kar mi ne da spati,mirovati .poraja se živalski instinkt;MORAM! Poizkušam.Rada bi ustanovila DEMOKRATIČNEGA SLOVENCA,glasilo v katerega bi lahko zapisali vse tisto kar sicer tukaj med sabo cenzuriramo.Tak¿ha vpitja na komuniste, mi se pa ne zganemo in nismo nič boljši.Smo diktatorji,firerji,oportunisti,zavira Ici. Vsega naprednega.Kdo nas zavira?Kdo nam takoj^ko odpremo usta zavpije:MOLClTE! POLITIKAlTa ni za nas?fJe,ni za nas.Zato smo večni hlapci in dekle.Klečimo!Večno! Revolucija je v meni.Prijateljica mi pravi:Bog ve zakaj,ti si ustvarjena,da nekaj potisneš,se mene vznemirjaš,pa kako bos,saj vidifkako je,kamorkoli se obrneš'. V naših Svobodnih razgovorih,ha,kakfna ironija, se nočemo vmešavati v politiko. November je,Se ne.Usoda je hote la,da mi pride v roke urejevanje dveh številk. OdloČim se.Spregovorim.Zapišem,ne samo poezijo,fantazije.. .danaÎen lias ni za to. Je cas za revolucije.... Opravljajo me-da me razganjalNaj grem k jogi,mi pravijo.Jaz pa čutim,da je z menoj vse v redu-le z njimi^ni! Slovenci smo,danes,včeraj Jutri in podobne parole se mi zdijo tako puhle.Saj ob njih mislijo le na polko in valček, pa ¿e na kranjsko...Bog ne daj da spregovori £ Talenta,nikar ne kaft,sicer jih dobi i po glavl.Zboijsaj kij s svojimi idejami,ki kar mrgolijo po glavi-nikar!sicer jih dobiš po gîavi.HoČemc odpravo cenzure v Sloveniji,svobodo govora......kričijo tukaj.Bratje,preberite si slovenske Časopise in naučite se svobodnega izrazanja. In jaz?iem kot odprta knjiga in neozdravljivi iskalec resnic-s tem pa verjetno neprijetni odgrinjalec vsega,kar se mi zdi zmotnojn lažno.Te/im k bratstvu in spravi Včasih se mi zazdi,da sem kot glas vpijočega v puščavi in zaman iščem stike z marsikaterim rojakom.Edino moja prijateljica-in oh,ta telefon,saj stanuje izven Melbourna. Edino midve se ujemava in pogovoriva.Pa kaj bova revici naredili?Podpira me,pri vsaki idej i —¿"uti da me razganja.Nekaj vendar morava ukreniti! Sovražim suženjstva.nepotrebne cenzure(Mandelj,ki se ima za nekakšnega vodica-ne urednika,Vestnika,je zadnjič zavrgel 23o vrstic,objavil pa 247 .napisala pa sem toliko poz i t ivno-zan imi veqa kar se dogaja)in tudi samocenzure ne zmorem ali pa zelo tezkOjNekje sem brala,da ce bi se ravnali po nasvetih s^mocenzuriranja.bi to pomenilo resničen poraz zdrave in kritične misli,ki se ne ustraši nobenih pritiskov in se ne boji poštene konfrontacije z drugačnimi pogledi na svet in dogodke. Morda sem ali bom zaradi teh lastnosti vedno manj pri ljubi jena, saj živimo v času.kjpo imajo resnicoljubne za"kaj je z njimi narobe".demokratične za"they are nothing but trouble",narodno zavedne za skrajneže in separat i ste,sposobneze za karieristeftisti, ki po sebi sodijo),bogate za pri j atelje,nore za pametne in obratno.Ne ^razlikujemo veČ dobrega in delovnega od slabega in lenobnega ali pa morda dobro ni več dobro? Slovenija je pred revolucijo,Čutim jo v sebi...med nami pa je vse preveč takšnih,ki razmišljajo tako: naj bolj varno je,da molcilf,da nič" ne re£e&|îca se ne opredel jujeif, pa Četudi vjikodo svojega naroda.^ Kako dolgo se,bom sposobna hoditifAUREA MEDIOCRITAS? November 1989. m Svet Slovenskih Organ izacij v Viktoriji Council of Slovenian Organizations of Victoria P.O. 8ÜX Roisnna, V Član sveta SDZS Erik Modic iz MOnchen-a, da organizira pridobivanje novih članov med zdomci v ZRi: in tudi zbiranje denarnih sredstev, saj opozicijske sile v Sloveniji nimajo nobene materialne baze, razen Članarine, ki pa je pri sedajsnih plačah tudi temu primerno nizka, Erik Modi c si je zadal nalogo, v ta namen ustanoviti podporno društvo, kmalu imel zbranih pet ustanovnih članov: Kari Cepi, Waiblingen Helmut Kindlhoier, Fraunberg Erik Modic, München Marcus Pučnik, Hartiburg Jürgen Unfried, Leonberg. Z osebnimi kontakti je Ti ustanovni clan socialne, denckra i so imeli prvotno za cilj ti ene in svobodne družbe v da pcdpirajc razvoj Sloveniji. -S. avgusta 1989 so se sestali v 3ad FUssing-u Cepi, Modic ir. Kindlhofer, da se pogovorijo o konkretni ustanovitvi društva kot eV. Pri tem razgovoru so se zedinili na^to, da ne bodo podpirali samo SDZS ampak da naj bo delovanje društva nadstrankarsko. Glavno vodijo za tc odločitev je bila misel, da moramo Slovenci sedaj složno nastopiti preti etablirani in v politični upravi inoeno zasidrani ZKS. Politična polarizacija se v tujini med Slovenci naj nebi odvijala. Tc naj bo prepuščeno rojakom doma, saj oni bolje vedo kje koga čevelj žuli in kako dobra je katera stranka. Ml tukaj v tujini želimo le podpirati celotno gibanje, ki vodi k svobodnim volitvam in pluralistični družbi. Zato pozivamo vse Slovence, da izkoristijo tc priložnost, na katero smo tako dolgo čakali in dokažejo svojo politično ir. državljansko zrelost. HK 1989 JVUSTRALSKI" SLOVENCI HE PUSTIJO DOMOVINE HA CEDILI' Sydney, 3. december 19S? _ Soustanovitelj našega društva, Erik tiodic, ki s« trenutno nahaja med našimi rojaki v Avstraliji nam j« danes posredoval sledeče sporočilen V vseh slovenski klubih vlada zelo veliko zanikanje :a dogajanja v Sloveniji. Hodi o je že imel nešteta predavanja o razvoju demokracije v Sloveniji. Pri tem je pristopile zc dosti novih članov v nase društvo, oz. se organizirajo samostojne poddruznicj našega društva. Avstralski Slovenci so tudi dali na znanje, da bi v primeru, da se Slovenija vsaj gospodarsko osamosvoji, to se pravi, da bi imela svojo valuto in narodno banke, bili pripravljeni s vsemi svejimi deviznimi "rezervaci" podpreti slovensko gospodarstvo. 22. in 23. novifflbra ge imal Modic tudi razgovore z dvema poslancema Australske laburistične stranke (ALP) Jim Snow-on, kateri je nekakšna slovenska lobby v avstralskem parlamentu in J. V. Langmore-etn, kateri sodeluje na zunanjepolitičnem področju svoje stranke, ALP ima tudi tesne stike z £PD in francoskimi socialisti. USTANOVNI OBČNI ZBOR NAŠEGA DRUŠTVA Kot veste, smo mi sedaj le "Iniciativni idbor društva za podporo demokracije v Sloveniji". Ustanovni oboni zbor smo predvideli za soboto, 3. marca Kraj bomo s'a povedali. Verjetno nakje v južni Nemčiji. Mogoča v okolici llunchen-a. Vse zainteresirane prosimo, da si ta termin rezervirajo. Dolga, temna stoletja smo blodili po močvirju, s potrtim srcem, s plaho dušo, brez ^upan j a, brez vere v svetlobo in življenje, zakrknjeni v svoje ponižanje, v svojo samoto in bridkost. Ali planil je silen vihar, razgnal je cfclake. ugledali smo sonce in ugledali pot. Nic veo nevere, nič veo nezaupanja - ven iz močvirja, ven iz teme! - Ivan Cankar CANBERRA MELBOURNE SYDNEY V minulih tednih sem imel med svojim potovanjem po Avstraliji obilo priložnosti spoznavati Vase življenje v novi domovini. V pogovorih z mnogimi Slovenkami in Slovenci sem občutil, da ste se vedno čustveno navezani na Vašo (bivšo) domovino Slovenijo - in to čeprav živite morda ze vec kot 30 let tako daleč proč od dežele Vase mladosti. Kot član Svetd Socia1demokratske zveze Slovenije (SDZS) sem imel priliko seznaniti nekatere izmed Vas o pomembnih političnih spremembah, ki so zajeli celotni svet pod Triglavom. Zopet so se našle pogumne Slovenke in Slovenci, ki so končno vzeli usodo v svoje roke. S tem so zavrteli zgodovinsko kolo v pravo, to je demokratično smer. Zaceli so se zbirati v novih političnih strankah, ker so se zavedali, da lahko demokraciji le s skupnimi močmi zagotovijo končno zmago, ki pomeni svobodo misli, svobodo človeka, gospodarski in kulturni napredek. Tako so nastajale pred kakšnim letom med drugim 4 pomembne politične organizacije: - Slovenska kmečka zveza (SKZ), ki šteje danes ze blizu 40,000 članov. Iz prvotno stanovske organizacije se je pod predsednistvom Ivana Omana razvila v politično stranko, ki uživa ne samo pri kmečkem zivlju velik ugled. - Socialdemokratska zveza Slovenije (SDZS), ki je s 2500 člani druganajmocnejsa stranka. Zavzema se za demokratično in socialno družbeno ureditev. V zadnjih mesecih se je pridobila tudi na mednarodnem področju veliko simpatij in podpore. - Slovenska demokratična zveza (SDZ), šteje dane» okrog 2000 članov. Nasta 1 a je prvotno i z giba n ja za vzpostavitev demokratične in suverene Slovenije. Morda tu v Avstraliji najbolj poznana člana predsedstva SDZ sta Janez Janša in Ivan Borstner(1jubljanski proces proti cetverici 1 . - Slovenska krscanskodemokratska zveza (SKDZ), najmlajša med omenjenimi zvezami, šteje danes okoli 500 članov. Zavzema se za demokratično in socialno družbeno ureditev, v skladu s krscanskim izroči lom. V zadnjih mesecih je vsem tem zvezam uspelo uBpesno organizirati območne enote po celi Sloveniji. Kljub nekaterimi razlikami v svojih politicnih programih so se sporazumele, da se združijo v koalicijo, ki se imenuje danes Slovenska demokratična opozicija (SDO). Smisel te koalicije je zagotoviti cim efektivnejso politično delovanje in nastopanje v slovenski javnosti. Predsednik Slovenske demokratične opozicije je Dr. Jože Pučnik, ki je hkrati tudi predsednik Socialdemokratske zveze. Najvažnejše točke skupnega programa so razvidne iz takoimenovane Majniske deklaracije '89, ki se i989 zavzema za suvereno državo slovenskega naroda, demokracijo in človekove pravice. Na gospodarskem področju se SDO poteguje za sodobno tržno gospodarstvo, katerega pozna ves zahodni svet. v preteklih mesecih se je delovanje zvez omejevalo na politične razprave, prirejanje okroglih miz, predlaganje ustavnih in zakonodajnih sprememb, izdajanje prvega neodvisnega tednika DEMOKRACIJA in pogajanje s slovenskimi komunisti o novem volilnem sistemu, ki naj bi zagotovil prve svobodne volitve v povojni Sloveniji. Zdaj se pripravlja Slovenska demokratična opozicija s polno paro na volitve za slovenski parlament, ki bodo ze aprila 19901 Prvič po vec kot 40-ih letih bo imela Slovenijo realno možnost si izbrati svoje poslance po lastni volji. Toda čeprav bo imela SDO pravico kandidirati svoje lastne predstavnike in se pomeriti z Zvezo komunistov Slovenije, so izhodiščni položaji opozicije in vladajoče partije se vedno zelo neenakopravni. Medtem ko lahko slovenska partija razpolaga s finančnimi sredstvi, ki presegajo nekaj milijonov avstralskih dolarjev, je opozicija praktično hrez materijalnih virov. Tudi obseg in način poročanja v tisku, na radiu in televiziji daje partiji nepravično prednost pred opozicijo. Tako se bosta nasprotovala na volitvah David in Golijat; David-Opozicija, ki ga predstavi ja jo neplačani popoldanski politiki in Gol ijat-Partija, ki je zastopan od poklicnih politikov. Zaradi tega bo predvolilni boj težak, samo z materijalno pomočjo vseh Slovencev bo lahko Slovenska demokratična opozicija krila stroske za najnujnejšo politično delovanje. Te izdatki nastajajo npr. pri plačevanju telefonskih pogovorov, poštnine, najemnin za delovne prostore sedeža ter območnih enot posameznih zvez, najemnin za prireditve v večjih dvoranah, dalje pri kritju stroskov za avtomobilski prevoz političnih predstavnikov SDO, stroskov pri izdajanju časopisa DEMOKRACIJA, stroskov za tiskanje letakov, plakatov, obvestil in tudi stroskov za moderno predvolilno kampanjo, ki bo vsebovala tudi politično propagando v tisku, na radiu in televiziji. Da bi lahko opoziciji zagotovili uspesno delovanje, smo se mi ustanovni člani Socialdemokratske zveze Slovenije, ki živimo v Zvezni republiki Nemčiji, po pobudi Sveta SDZS odločili, da ustanovimo v Nemčiji Mednarodno društvo za podporo demokracije v Sloveniji. Želeli bi zdruziti cim vec Slovencev po vsem svetu in skupno podpirati demokratični proces v Sloveniji. Omogočali bomo, da bo lahko Slovenska demokratična opozicija razpolagala z devizami, saj je do današnjega dne se vedno tako, da pobere Narodna banka v Beogradu političnim zvezam vse devize, ki se jim iz tujine posije preko nakazila. Zvezam izplača samo iz dneva v dan manjvredne dinarje. Torej, kako lahko pomagamo? Povezimo se s cim večjim številom Slovencev v naai okolici in povejmo jim, za kaj gre tokrat v nasi domovini! CANBERRA MELBOURNE SYDNEY Zagotovimo s finančnimi prispevki Slovenski demokratični opoziciji uspesni predvolilni boj, ker lahko le tako prispevamo k zmagi demokracije! Svet Slovenskih Organizacij v Viktoriji je ponudil svojo pomoč pri zbiranju novih članov, članarin in prostovoljnih prispevkov za Slovensko demokratično opozicijo. Vse denarne prispevke bo nakazoval na nemški ziro-racun Mednarodnega društva za podporo demokracije v Sloveniji. Od tod bo lahko društvo direktno podpiralo Slovensko demokratično opozicijo! Po pobudi nemškega Mednarodnega društva za podporo demokracije v Sloveniji se je ustanovil v Sydneyu avstralski odbor za podporo Slovenske demokratične opozicije, ki bo neposredno povezoval vse avstralske Slovence, ki želijo moralno in materijalno podpirati demokracijo v Sloveniji. Samostojno bo zbiral člane in/ali finančna sredstva za SDO. Tudi odbor bo nakazoval svoje prispevke na zgoraj omenjeni ziro-racun. Za Vaso moralno jn materijalno podporo se Vam v imenu Slovenske demokratične opozicije ze v naprej zahvaljujem. Canberra-Melbourne-Sydney, v decembru 1989 Erik Modic Ustanovni član Mednarodnega društva za podporo demokracije v S lovenj j i Član Sveta Socialdemokratske zveze Slovenije (SDZS J Naslov Sveta Slovenskih Organizacij v Viktoriji se glasi: Council of Slovenian Organisations of Victoria P.O. Box 79 Rosanna VIC. 308 4 Naslov Odbora za podporo Slovenske demokratične opzicije se glasi: V Merrylandsu je bilo ustanovljeno Društvo za pomoč demokracije v Sloveniji, vodja Fredi Brežnik. In Merrylands, Avstralsko društvo za pomoč demokracije v Sloveniji - chair person Alfred Brežnik -was established. DEMOS, a six-party coalition made up of left, center, and right parties, is founded. 12 December SLOVENIA SYDNEY Slovensko Pismo No. 1 July 28, p. 8 Erik Modic Stanko Aster-Stater, Martin Berkopec, Dušan Bakija, Peter Šinkovec, Mihela Šušeršič, Alfred Brežnik, Rudi Brežnik, Voni Bakija, Tončka Coby, Dr Marko Coby, Tanja Resnik, Vladimir Menart, Erik Modic, Jože Košorok and Ivan Sušanj. TELEFAKS ¿T.I 90 01 3 38? B46S Ureirtrilžtvo Misli Pjitar Bazi li J DBKOS - »EKOKRATI&TA OFOZIC1JA SLOVESIJE < 3oc i a 1 d«i jloicr-ttte k» zvez« Slovenije, Slov cmoku d«jnoJrr«ti<5na zveza, BI o venski kr&SaiiEiAi demokrati in Blovenak« tnedka zveze) SOClALDHMtlKRATSKA ZVEZA SLOVBIT JB Sternanciv« 8, TTU-61000 Ljubljana Tel. in* + 30 61 Bfl \4 07 V ■*MCDMnptcifJfJO ORiiivvo rr« i*noro«D o«naKn«oiJ* v «LOV«wi jr t " s »eroHL^ieM v nuHi'Hiiu t KtO NR. i mxomTt st, HLZ , 700 TIS , i»,»t JK , D-7MO UAIBL ihlfliN > , t?« □ □ PHILKL- TC«n ruouLnMT 11 ■ < x,m In« i* I ^au^dfta BEMOS — D5HOKHA7 7 ('-tJO OPO? iri.TO SLCtVCN I J* i!J«WLuI«Mn , tlft V TftENUt IKJ NI f-iqjiB04IMCl CA F"I UftNCNO PDMO^ CA 1KVCOBO PHLDvOt II HOJA, K"* Kt_ viU DHtnOKRAT I A O t J I V U-l. C I^rrj t J l M ff. bo ENAKn^nAVD rv . poTRCVgjffMO NAPAKO IMftJNUJCJKJ OF-mri-lG, KI INI «J maOTOV I HO ¿rja«-»- PfilUBTAVlTV« NAillflA PRO»RAMH UOC I UCJM . ¿¡I- V.SKM ROJAKOM BOZ I ČSB F* li A iri JN I K I £ X JN SRKCUO NOVO T ICO VESELB PODPRE, i nltovec rm PRBV&BMIK DEMOS 15 PRHDSHDIIK BDZS, Jožo PuCnlk X AUVOUii Jo« J «J t>IL J ■«scTiocombra 19SO Í990 V soboto, 7. januarja 1990, so v Merrylandsu, Sydney, imeli svojo prvo redno sejo člani Iniciativnega odbora Avstralskega društva za podporo demokracije v Sloveniji. Namen društva je, kot samo ime pove, podpora slovenskemu demokratičnemu gibanju v Sloveniji in to moralna in finančna pomoč. Iniciativni odbor je na seji sprejel začasna pravila društva in izbral devetčlanski upravni odbor. Na seji so prebrali IZJAVO predsednika DEMOSa (Demokratična opozicija Slovenije) dr. Jožeta Pučnika, avstralskim Slovencem. On Saturday, 7 January, at Merrylands, Sydney, the first meeting of the initial committee of Slovene Democratic Association, Sydney for the support of Democracy in Slovenia. The aims of the organisation are to support the democratic movement and help with moral and financial aid. The Committee members: Stanko Aster-Stater, Dušan Bakija, Alfred Brežnik, Rudi Brežnik, Martin Berkopec, Dr. Marko Coby, Jože Košorok, Miss Tanja Resnik and Mrs Mihaela Šušteršič. The STATEMENT of the President of the democratic movement in Slovenia, Dr Jože Pučnik, was read. 7JaMdrv SYDNEY AVSTRALSKO DRUŠTVO ZA PODPORO DEMOKRACIJE V SLOVENIJI, SYDNEY OBVESTILO Sydney, 11. januarja 1990 V soboto, 7. januarja 1990, zvečer so v Merrvlandsu imeli svojo prvo redno sejo Člani iniciativnega odbora avstralskega druStva za podporo demokracije v Sloveniji. Namen društva je, kot ime samo pove, podpora slovenskemu demokratičnemu gibanju v Sloveniji in to moralna in se vede finančna pomoč. Iniciativni odbor je na seji sprejel začasna pravila društva in izbral devetčlanski upravni odbor. Upravni odbor sestavljajo : Stanko Aster-Stater, DuSa« Bakija, Alfred Brežnik, Rudi Brežnik, Martin Berkopec, Dr. Marko Coby, Jože KoSorok, gdč. Tanja Resnik in gospa Mihela SuSteriič. Na seji so prečkali sledečo "IZJAVO", predsednika DEMOS-a (Demokratična Opozicija Slovenije) Dr. Jožeta Pučnika, avstralskim Slovencem: DEMOS - DEMOKRATIČNA OPOZICIJA SLOVENIJE (Socialdemokratska zveza Slovenije, Slovenska demoktratitna zve2a, Slovenski krščanski demokrati in Slovenska kmečka zveza) IZJAVA 1. POOBLAŠČAMO "MEDNARODNO DRUŠTVO ZA PODPORO DEMOKRACIJE V SLOVENIJI" S SEDEŽEM V MÜNCHJj (KTO NR. 8208712, BLZ, 602 700 73, DEUTCHE BANK, D-7050 WAIBLINGEN), DA DO PREKLICA TEGA POOBLASTILA ZBIRA FINANČNO PODPORO ZA DEMOS - DEMOKRATIČNO OPOZICIJO SLOVENIJE 2. IZJAVLJAMO, DA V TEM TRENUTKU NI MOŽNOSTI ZA ODPRTJE USTREZNEGA DEVIZNEGA RAČUNA V SLOVENIJI 3. DEMOS JE VOLILNA KOALICIJA ZA SPLOŠNE VOLITVE SPOMLADI LETA 1990 TER SE ZAVZEMA ZA VZPOSTAVITEV SUVERENE DRŽAVE SLOVENSKEGA NARODA, PARLAMENTARNO DEMOKRACIJO, PRAVNO DRŽAVO, CIVILNO DRUŽBO, SVOBODNO PODJETNIŠTVO TER ČLOVEKOVE PRAVICE IN SVOBOŠČINE 167 /actuary SYDNEY Stanko Aster-Stater, Dusan Bakija, Tanja Resnik, Alfred Breznik, Ivan Susanj and Mihela Sustersic. 4. AVSTRALSKE SLOVENCE PROSIMO ZA FINANČNO POMOČ ZA IZVEDBO PREDVOLILNEGA BOJA, KI KLJUB VSEJ DEMOKRATIZACIJI V SLOVENIJI NE BO ENAKOPRAVEN. POTREBUJEMO PREDVSEM NABAVO NAJNUJNEJŠE OPREME, KI NAJ ZAGOTOVI MOŽNOST PREDSTAVITVE NAŠEGA PROGRAMA VOLILCEM PODPREDSEDNIK SDZS IN PREDSEDNIK SDZS Matjaž Šinkovec Ljubljana, 14. decembra 1989 PREDSEDNIK DEMOS Jože Puinik Fo prečkanju gornje "IZJAVE" je odbor odločil, da čim prej zbere $3000 za nabavo potrebne opreme. Člani, polni navdušenja in optimizma so Je isti veter nabrali to vsoto. Seveda s tem delo društva Se ni končano. Slovenska demokratična opozicija v domovini nujno rabi pomot vseh Slovencev, zato vabimo vse rojake, da po svoji moči pomagajo in pripomorejo, da bodo te volitve, prve po skoraj petdesetih letih, res demokratične in poJtene. Naslednji sestanek druitva bo v začetku februarja 1990, Za Iniciativni Odbor Alfred Breinik VOLIL BOM DEMO ZDRUŽENA OPOZICIJA >M \ OS w IN CANBERRA. Canberrski rojaki vedno čutijo potrebo po sodelovanju z demokratično usnerjeitiii slla»i. Podpori DEHOSU se odzovejo s H.600 $ Lani so ustanovili tudi Odtaor za zaščito človekovih pravic v Sloveniji-predsednik Cvetko Falef. /atmarv SLOVENIA SLOVENIA Constitutional movement The changes of the Yugoslav constitution, dating back to 1974 and removing the basic principles of the federal order, caused a creation and organization of a constitutional opposition and the establishment of the Convention for the Constitution in 1989. The Convention prepared a series of suggestions for changes to the Slovenian constitution and had a great influence on the work of the constitutional commission. Slovenia thoroughly changed its constitution by adopting 81 amendments on September 27th, 1989. http://www. muzej-nz.si/eng/ eng_enotni_v_ zmagi_03.html A 'permanent, wholesome and inalienable right of the Slovenian nation to govern itself' was implemented, along with the right that only the Slovenian assembly can declare a state of emergency; other constitutional amendments enabled Slovenia to transition from the one-party system to a multi-party democracy and from a socialist to a market economy and reduced some jurisdictions of the federation in Slovenia. Action North The first test of determination of the Slovene leadership and agencies of internal affairs to protect the independence processes of Slovenia was the obstruction of the Serbian anti-bureaucratic or so-called »yoghurt revolution«import into Slovenia. The Serbs announced to have a Meeting of Truth in Ljubljana on 1st December 1989 with the intention of revealing the truth about Kosovo to Slovenes. Their intention was to involve Slovenia into bloody clashes between Serbs and Albanians, to introduce a state of emergency and to eliminate the Slovene leadership. Such a provocation would be in interest of the Serbian unitarist politics for which democratisation in Slovenia was a real thorn in their flesh. Action North was a consequence of all this. Agencies of internal affairs prepared plans to make a stand against the groups of roisterers and those who were prepared to exploit and direct their actions. The Ljubljana Secretariat of Internal Affairs banned the meeting as it was assessed on the basis of a petition and public announcements of »The Association fot the Return of the Banished Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija« that its realisation might inflame national hatred and intolerance. New political parties In the 1980s, political opposition was growing in Slovenia, demanding the end to the governing monopoly of the League of Communists and the implementation of democracy. The initiative for the establishment of the Social Democratic Alliance of Slovenia was expressed during the Litostroj workers' strike in December, 1987. In May 1988, more as a professional association, the Slovenian Farmers' Association was established. The majority of the political opposition parties were established in 1989: January 11th, Slovenian Democratic Union; February, Social Democratic Alliance of Slovenia; March Slovenian Christian-Social Movement (renamed to Slovenian Christian Democrats in November); June, Ecologic Movement (renamed to Greens of Slovenia in November), and towards the end of the year the Slovenian Craftsmen's Party (renamed to Liberal Party in June 1990). Demos — the Democratic opposition of Slovenia On December 4th, 1989, the Slovenian Democratic Union, Slovenian Christian Democrats, the Social Democratic Alliance of Slovenia and the Slovenian Farmers' Association (later Slovenian People's Party) created DEMOS - Democratic Opposition of Slovenia as a pre-election coalition. By the end of December, the Greens of Slovenia also joined Demos and in February, or March, 1990, the Slovenian Craftsmen's Party and the Grey Panthers - the organization of retired denizens - joined as well. The president was Dr Jože Pučnik, vice-presidents were Dr Dimitrij Rupel and Lojze Peterle. The Transformation of sociopolitical organizations into political parties. In the autumn of 1989 the sociopolitical organizations of the self-governing socialist system began to change into political parties as well. The League of Socialist Youth of Slovenia independently developed numerous political initiatives, critiqued the existing system, supported various alternative groups and movements and cooperated with the growing opposition. At the end of 1990 it was renamed to Liberal Democratic Party. Yugoslav party faces split after ceding monopoly BELGRADE: The Yugoslav League of Communists yesterday renounced its 45-year monopoly on power, but a walkout by angry delegates from Slovenia could mean the break-up of the party. After the walkout forced an immediate postponement of the last day Of the extraordinary Congress, Slovenia's party leader Mr Ciril Ribicic said the federal party had failed to reform itseif and remained internally undemocratic. "We tried repeatedly to change the course of this Congress," said Mr Petar Bekes, an official of the Slovene Politburo. "We hoped the League of Communists would transform itself into a social-democratic party." Delegates shouted down speakers from the republics of Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina who demanded the party be dissolved as a unified body and broken into several parties. The Slovenians must now decide whether their republic's party should secede from the federal body and Change its name at a conference on February 2. This would in effect create a country within a country. The party leader of Slovenia, Mr Milan Kucan, asked whether dissolving the federal party would mean the end of the Yugoslav federation, said: "The unity of Yugoslavia does not depend on the League of Communists." The party voted to postpone the fourth and final day of the conference to an unspecified date. The Congress overwhelmingly rejected a toughly debated proposal to give greater autonomy to communist parties in its six republics — a vote challenged by the more liberal republics of Slovenia and Croatia. Despite formally relinquishing their monopoly on power, only a fifth of the delegates voted for a proposal to abolish torture and an end to political show trials. That proposal was aimed at easing the human rights situation in the troubled autonomous province of Kosovo, where last year thousands of ethnic Albanians were detained and questioned. Acrimony Evidence has emerged that the police have been using torture against ethnic Albanian detainees and human rights groups have compiled embarrassing reports. Supporting the proposal, Professor Ljubo Bavcon, a prominent Slovene professor of criminal law in Ljubljana, said it was necessary to prevent torture and humiliating treatment practised by the police. He also demanded an end to ■ the "repressive system so that the transformation of Yugoslavia would proceed along the Czechoslovak and not the Romanian path". Only 169 of 1654 delegates to the Congress voted in favour of the Slovene proposal on autonomy. Instead, the Con- gress voted for a watered-down version, pledging a "quick transformation into a modern, unified, democratic party with a new socialist program", which has yet to be worked out. The vote was a clear victory for the Serbian-led faction which wants central control of the party from Belgrade to continue. The plenary session had opened with party leaders unable to calm acrimony and delegates heading for a formal split into conservative and reform socialist sections. At the opening, with an already hostile mood, the president of the Bosnian party youth organisation, Mr De-simir Medovic, renewed his calls for the split, and charged that the party had not had to face free elections. "There is no such thing as party unity, only a rotten compromise. The League of Communists is headed towards suicide and dragging Yugoslavia towards it." His remarks were met with applause by the Slovene delegation, mixed with some calls that he leave the podium. The leader of the Bosnian party, Mr Nijaz Durakovic, told the conference of the Slovenians: "If they want to form a new party, it would be more honest to leave this party." Earlier, a Serbian-led majority of the 1649 delegates from the country's six republics, rejected a motion that the League of Communists seek closer ties with the European Community. The Times, AFP, Reuters The Australian January 24, p.8 anualry The Sydney Morning Herald 24 January, p. 2. The Sydney Morning Herald 24 January, p. 3. The Washington Post Yugoslavia risks ethnic split-up From Page 1 A seventh, Romania, had it$u leading role violently taken away, from it. Ooly the smallest and thiù largest parties on SL>f continent, ttiç; Soviet Union and Albania, continue' to ciaim an automatic right to power^, linlike most of the communis^; parties, the Yugoslav party was not forced to relinquish its grip by mass; protests. Like Hungary, the greatest push for reform has come from,-within the party. But despite <%e fundaments* reform of political pluralism, th'£ hardliners won the day on almost every other issue. .■> Slovenia, the most reformist o( the six republics and two autonor mous regions which make apt Yugoslav, wanted a much mor,e, Western, European look to ihei party, but was solidly outvoted. They also voted against splitting the party into two — a communist' and a new socialist party. ¿i But despite tiiis, it appears that' is exactly what has happened. The reformers have control of th£ Slovenian and Croatian parties* while conservatives control tlie., Serbian branch. The congress became so divided on national lines yesterday that at one stage delegates voted against a proposal to stop prosecuting peop& for political crimes and torturing them. It was only after a journal^ pointed out to party powerbrokere that it would be internaticualfy! reported that the party was fi^ favour of torture that they passed another motion supporting humsiti rights. The congress also voted against a Slovenian proposal to develdj? closer trading links with Europe. "* ' The issue which has ignited the Slovene/Serbian conflict is the' treatment of Albanians in Serbia's autonomous province of Kosovo. Slovenia has protested about the prosecution of a local political' leader, Mr Aiem Vlasi. and Perth, Maeedonlsns h \lclbnurnc, and Scrbians En Sydiwy and Canbcrni. The olher »aiionalilie*, Slovenians, Bosnians and Vojvodinans, are hert in numbers sosmall (hat their prestnte is barely felt, Of Ihe Vugoslaviian population, 58,409 havt settled In NSW, a »erj slieht inerease on the figures in the I9SI etftsus, suggestiog popu lat ion numbers are stable. □ JONCASiMIR alone. Inflation has so ravaged the dinar, Yugoslav's currency, that bank notes almost always had five or six zeroes, and a taxi ride 10 the outskirts of town requires you to be a millionaire. Coins had been abandoned because inflation meant that the value of the metal was almost instantly greater than the face value, Markovic's solution is radical, at least for Yugoslavia. Tito had ruled the country by giving the republics almost complete autonomy, Markovie saw this as part of the problem. Through a loophole in the constitution he grabbed federal control of the money supply. On January I, he issued a new currency, the new dinar, worth protective of their powers, but espe> dally so for Milosevic, who has run Serbia in the old-fashioned Stalinist way, Last year he conducted a purge of the leaders of government enterprises and installed his own men, And the trial of a former party official in the province of Kosovo has all the hallmarks of an old-fashioned show trial. Milosevic has also led a economic boycott of Slovene goods in Serbia- The boycott was sparked over Serbia's treatment of Albanians in Kosovo. Serbs had planned to go to the capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana, to demonstrate about their position on Kosovo. Slovene officials, fearing a football-hooligan style campaign, banned them. Serbia responded with a boycott of Slovene goods, Kosovo is the Balkans' Jerusalem. Now incorporated into Serbia as a southern province, it is a land which has been fought over for centuries. To Serbian patriots, Kosovo is sacred terrority. Five hundred years ago the Serbs lost their own independence to the Turks there in battle. That independence was not fully regained until the end of World War I, Yet it is equally important io Albanians, since it was briefly part of a greater Albania and some 1.9 million people of Albanian descent live there, Kosovo is the one place in Yugoslavia where tensions have turned to tear gas. Despite the gfnerosity of the Yugoslav Constitution towards the various Slavic nations, this accommodation does not extend to Albanians. Indeed, one of the fundamental things that has stopped Albanians obtaining autonomy is the Yugoslav Constitution. Serbians fear that if Kosovo ever became a republic^ il would secede and seek a union with Albania. It sounds fanciful at the moment, since the Albanian regime of Ramiz Alia makes Serbian police actions look like the epitome of liberal tolerancc. But if there is a revolution in Albania, that prospect will Loom large. Within nine hours of the Communist Congress self-destructing in Belgrade, the mob was on the streets of Pristina, the capital of Kosovo. On Tuesday they demonstrated peacefully outside the Communist Party's central committee building on Marshal Tito Street. Before his death, Albanians had long refused to hang photographs of Tito, believing him to be an oppressive dictator. But by comparison with Milosevic, Tito is now regarded by them as a national conciliator, The impending crisis is also illustrated by the numbers of Serbs who fear bloodshed and are packing their bags to leave Kosovo. Although the last census in 1981 shows them as 77,5 per cent of the population, Serbs have been leaving the province in droves si nee then. Serbs say it's because of harassment by Albanians. Albanians say it's because of the poverty of the area. Professor Ibrahim Rugova is a professor of literature in Prist ma. and looks like one. He smokes cigarettes as if sipping fine cognac, and speaks in literary allusions. He is the president of the Democratic League of Kosovo, an Albanian group which claims 100,000 members. A moderate, he has appealed for calm several times in the past week, without any apparent effect. He didn't even attend the demonstrations in Pristina this week. Unfortunately, he seems powerless to play a role in the conflict, since the conflict is at a very basic, neighbour-to-neighbour level. The revolt by Albanians is not lo be orchestrated even by well-meaning politicians- It is basic racial conflict, with all the irrationality that involves. Albanian* are obsessed by the activities of the secret police, claiming telephone tapping and harassment, As yet, while il's impossible to discount these things, the atmosphere docs not spell the oppression of the other communist countries. The Yugoslavian special police are certainly nol the Securuale. The two communities barely talk to each other. Serbs constantly talk of Albanians raping Serbian women, and yei there is little reported evidence of this. They also discount claims of impoverishment saying that the Albanians have too many children. According to a Serb, Drajan Lazic. "ihe solution is birth con trot", Serbs simply cannot understand the Albanians' demands. They see the them, with their own school«, own language, and all the same government entitlements as the Serbs, and wonder why they protest, To them, political independence is meaningless. To the Albanians, it is becoming increasingly important as the police actions become harsher. Vfinn Suvrrni is tf> Albanian who refuses to answer questions about ethnic conflicts. He is a journalist who is the local Prisiina branch of Yugoslavia's leading opposition group, the Democratic Initiative. He argues that the answer to Yugoslavia's problem is not compromises between the ethnic groups, but basic political reform. Multi-party democracy and a guarantee of human rights would make arguments about oppression by one group of another irrelevant, he says. As the death toll climbed to almost 30, this week the Army moved on to the streets. With the Federal Assembly also seeking a solution, the conflict changed from a bloody regional skirmish into a national crisis, The Army is also intimately associated with the Communist Party (il has delegates to the party's congress), and deeply conservative when it comes to questions of national unity. But as Serbs take io the streets demanding protection, and Albanians throw stones at police who return them with bullets, there seemed little help of negotiations, let alone a solution. Milosav Milic has been walking in the ethnic minefield for II years. He is a journalist, and a Serbian, reporting on Kosovo. "The Albanians should not be forced to go. But the Serbs have been here for centuries too, and ihey have rights, too. "No-one has found a solution to Kosovo, Anyone who docs should win the Nobel Priie." 12 ~ebruari/ SYDNEY Novo doba 12 February, p. 18 18 — NOVO DOBA 6. — 12. H 1990- SLOVENSKA STRAN "Prihodnost Slovenije", Demosov veliki večer V veliki dvorani Cankarjevega doma v Ljubljani je v sredo 17, jan. '90, potekut politični shod DEMOSA - zdrutene opozicije Slovenije, Dvorana je bila nabito polna in premajhna, da bi sprejela vse, ki so se hoteli udeležiti političnega shoda. Zborovanje je potekalo pod geslom "Pk I HO D NO S T SLOVENIJE". Mnoiico so nagovorili Številni govorniki, predvsem predstavniki vseh strank zdrutenib v koaliciji, kjer so predstaviti poglede na posamezna področja, pomično, gospodarsko in socialno in svoje poglede na prihodnjo driavno ureditev Slovenije. Shoda so se udldSff tudi raji predstavniki strank, nekateri konzularni predstavniki v Jugoslaviji in predstavniki slovenskih strank v zamejstvu. Predstavniki DEMOSA so se 2 dni kasneje predstavili v Trstu, kjer jih je sprejel deielni predsednik Adriano Biasutri. na tiskovni konferenci pa so odgovarjali številnim novinarjem, v popoldanskih urah pa so se v Gorici sestali s predstavniki slovenske skupnosti. Da je DEMOS koalicija sedmih zvez aH strank smo le poročali. In tudi, da so okrog po s\e!u organizirana društva za podporo demokracije v Sloveniji, s sedelem v Munchnu in pred nedavnim tudi v Sydneyu. Sydneysko društvo ima 9 članski odbor in sklicuje od časa do časa sestanke na katere vabi vse, ki se zanimajo za prihodnost Slovenije. Imajo svoja pravila in društvo bo obstojalo le toliko časa. kot bo to potrebno. Namen in cilj teh društev je razviden iz okrotnice, ki jo je poslal iz Munchna Eric Modic, član tamkajšnega odbora in katero le nekoliko skrajšano objavljamo na tetjo članov odbora Sydneyskega društva. L.K. Dsmokratična opozicija Slovenije DEMOS se pripravlja na odločilno fazo predvolilnega boja Avstralski in Kemiki odbil a p «t poro demokracije i Sloveniji ponujala DEMOSu Skupni) politično platformo predstavlja Majniika deklaracija '89. ki se arama la parla men lamo demokracijo, ClMkM prsnice in svobcrtčine ter a suvereno državo slovenskesa naroda. Na gospodarskem področju se zavzema DEMOS za socialno in ekološko sprejemljivo Irinn gospodarstvo, DEMOS bo obstojal do konca naslednjega legislaturnega obdobja ali pa dokler ne bodo uresničene glavne lučke skupnega programa. Predsednik 0£MCiS-a je dr. Ježe Pučnik, hi je hkrati ludi predsednik ZDZS Podpredsedniki so: dr. Dimitrij Rupel (ZDS), dr. Lojze Peterle (SKD). Ivan Oman (SKZ) in dr. Dušan Plut (IS). Od decembra lanskega leta dalje SO vse rreze popolnoma legal in rane, tudi ime stranka je dovodno, večstrankarski sistem je uzakonjen, naialosl Se ni rešeno financiranje strankin njihovih predvolilnih kampanj, ki je seveda eden izmed pred pogojev za enokopraven nastop no volitvah. Vse stranke delujejo samostojno in ne več pod okriljem SZDL Socialistična zveza delovnega ljudstva Slovenije se je preimenovala v Socialistično zvezo SZ in predstavlja skopaj! Zvezo komunistov Slovenije ZKS (ki bo mimogrede povedano tudi spremenila ime na naslednjem koogresu v februarju J dosedanjo poHtitno oligarhijo. Predsednik SZ ostaja Joie Smole, novi predsednik ZKS je Cilir Ribičič, sin Mit,e Ribičiča. Kot tretji btok obstaja Se ZSMS, bivSa Zveza socija listič ne mladine Slovenije, ki se je novembra 1989, proglasila za samostojno stranko In se ieli prikazali kot neka tretja alternativa. Volitve se bodo vršile 9, 15. in 22. aprila 1990. 8. aprila bodo Slovenci odločali o predsedniku predsedstva Slovenije, Skupni kandidat DEMOS-a je dr. Joie Pučnik, protikandidati s strani obstoječe oligarhije bo predvidoma Milan Kučan, bivSi predsednik ZKS. Za predsedstvo Slovenije bodo kandidirali sstrani DEMOS-a dr. Dimitrij Rupel, dr. Lojze Peterle, Ivan Oman m dr. Dušan Plut. 15. aprila bodo volitve za družbenopolitični zbor skupščine, kjer bodo nastopile sicer vse zvere D£M0S-a s svojo lastno volilno listo in s svojimi lastnimi kandidati (proporcionalni sistem!), toda seieda bodo delovale vse zveze skupno do naslednjih volitev. 22. aprila bo DEMOS nastopil s skupno listo na volitvah (večinski sistemi) za občinski in delovni zbor slovenske skupščine. Največji pomen imajo volitve za predsednika Slovence (simboličen pomeni in volitve za družbenopolitični zbor slovenske skupščine. DEMOS se trenutno nahaja v politični ofenzivi. N.pr. 17. januarja je prirejal shod v Cankarjeve m Domu (CD) v Liubljani na temo Prihodnost Slovenije Čeprav sprejme dvorana le 2000 ljudi se je zbralo tez 3000 navduSenih poslušalcev. DEMOS je predstavil svoje prvake, program in konceple za reševanje politične in gospodarske krize v Sloveniji. Predložil je deklaracijo o slovenski samostojnosti. Zahtevali so, n. pr. da naj bi bila slovenska zastava zopet brez zvezde in da se črta socialistično it naziva republike Slovenije. Predstavniki slovenskih manjšin iz zamejstva so izrazili željo, da bo zmagala demokracija, da bo zmagal DEMOS. Na prvem pregramu radia Ljubljane so direktno prenašali prireditev v CD od 17. ure dalje dp 19. ure, drogi televizijski program Ljubljane je poročal v enournt oddaji o tem dogodku, tudi v vseh poročilih so o tem obširno seznanjali javnost. Ne mine dan, ko nebi poročali v časopisih o novoustanovljenih podružnicah slovenske opozicije. Po zadnjih anketah lahko DEMOS na volitvah računa s 33% glasov. ZKS, SZ in ZSMS pridejo skupno le na 33% (pri tem ni rečeno, da bo ZSMS podpirala dosedanjo oligarhijo!). Skoraj 30% pa je neopredeljenih! Glavna naloga DEMOS-a t», da pridobi najmanj Se podporo preostalih 131 neopredeljenih Slovencev. Ker je llnaočno stanje DEMOS-a zelo klavrno, ker so predstavniki DEMOS-a dvojno obremenjeni (sluiba-politika!) in ker bodo zveze dobile materijalno pomoč iz republiškega proračuna Šele (če sploh) po volitvah, bo to zelo zahtevna naloga, temu nasproti razpolagajo ZKS, SZ in ZSMS z zadoral-jivimi finančnimi sredstvi in tudi s poklicnimi politiki, ki se lahko več kot B ur na dan ukvarjajo s politiko. 22. januarja 1990. je mednarodno druStvo za podporo demokracije v Sloveniji, s sedežom v Munchnu, prejelo od avstralskega odbora za podporo demokracije v Sloveniji, s sedežom v Sjdneju, AS 3000. - katerega je uporabilo za nakup telelaksa (cena ca. A J 1650.-) :a DEMOS. S preostalim denariem bo skuSalo organizirati kombi-avto za prevoz predstavnikov DEMOSa. Oa bi lahko čimprej ugodili tej želji DEMOS-a in Se naprej finančno pomagali slovenski demokraciji v odločilnih tednih pred volitvami, pozivamo vse Sloience, naj Se naprej podpirajo DEMOS ali pa njegova podporna druStva s finančnimi prispevki. Ne smemo zaigrati zlato priložnost za zmago demokracije, la zmago DEMOS-a v Sloveniji. Aprilske volitve so zgodovinskega pomena, odločilne bodo za prihodnost demokratične in suverene Slovenije! Erik Modic, Munchan, 25.1.1990. Izseljenci želijo voliti v Sloveniji LJUBLJANA, - Svet slovenskih krščanskih izseljen- cev v Evropi je na svojem petem zasedanji« v Obcrhausnu, ZRN, 13., in 14, januarja 1990 obširno obravnaval tudi položaj v domovini. V svojem sporočilu so napisali: Slovenski izseljenci odločno podpiramo vse napore za demokracijo v Sloveniji, za obrambo slovenske suverenosti, za rešitev težkih gospodarskih problemov, za družbeno priznano versko svobodo in polno enakopravnost državljanov Slovenije vseh prepričanj. Trdno upamo, da bodo bližnje volitve potekale res svobodno in da bodo izrazile voljo večine po pluralizmu in demokraciji. Pričakujemo tudi, da bo novi slovenski parlament pokazal večjo zavzetost za Slovence v zamejstvu in izšeljenstvu: Slovenski izseljenci zahtevamo, da se nam prizna možnost sodelovanja na volitvah v Sloveniji, saj so mnoge demokratične države svojim izseljencem že omogočile pisno glasovanje, (A..C.) SOZALJE MIRAN K>TRC Milan Kučan na beograjskem kongresu ni imel rdeče obleke. Imel je Črno obleko. Tako je tudi prav. Na pogrebe se običajno hodi v črnem... ...........P**>K........... (Branch) Wo roqusst Westpac Ban lang Corporation and/or Weslpao Savings Bank Lim Itad [either of which (s hereinafter referred lo as "lha Bank-) to open or continue to conduct, as the case may be, for (a) _____________________________-...................... {hereinafter called "the Body*] an Account styled :[b)„.. 13 February SYDNEY (c) We hand you a copy of the ■YotrfTave-feeetved-e-eop'jroftfW' Thaie arena — ) Rulos, Oy lowo-crWritton Constitution at prat an] In force— ) 6y a resolution of a toga lly constilutod moot Ing of the Body authority was given to id)...... ..........C.W?.X.....0.E........£(?v>MWlTl?.Lr weMCMSe*. in the name and on behalf of the Body (e):.....^.O.tHX.Uy...».......................................... 1 ♦ To operate upon the said Account 2. To draw cheques upon the said Account it permitted by the Bank 3. To overdraw the said Account to the extent authorised by the Bank 4. To authorise the Bank to make any periodical payments to the debit of the said Acoount and to debit such Account with all charges and other costs connected with such payments 5. To place money on Interest Bearing Deposit or other Deposit Account(s) in the name of the Body and receive payment of the same and any other moneys at any time on Interest Bearing DesposH or other Deposit Account(s) in the name of the Body and intere st t hereon. Also to give the Bank instructions reg arding the disposal o r renewal of any Interest Bearing Deposit or other Deposit Account(s) In the name of the Body, or as to any other matter or thing relating thereto 6. To have access to, demand of and receive from the Bank and give the Bank any instructions regarding any Boxes, Packets, Deeds, Commonwealth Treasury Bonds. Savings Certificates, Debentures, Share or Stock Certificates, Certificates of Deposit, or other documents or property of any kind whatsoever at any time held by the Bank on behalf of the Body 7. To instruct the Dank to transfer the said Account between branches of the Bank 8. To instruct the Bank to close tho said Account By the said resolution anyowwrf was authorised to endorse Cheques, Drafts, Bills of Exchange, Promissory Noles, and other Instruments made payable lo or to the order of the Body and lodged with the Bank for credit of tho said Account. The names, designations and specimen signatures of the duly appointed office-bearers now authorised to act under the resolution reforrod to are as set out in the schedule hereunder, The atoresaid authority andfor authority supplemental thereto Is/are to continue In full force and effect until Ihe branch of the Bank at which tho said Account is at the time being conducted receives notice in writing from the (g}.."^.-^tft fW.......................of the Body of tho cancellation thereof. The notice(s) previously given by us to the Bank regarding persons) authorised to sign or act In respect of the matters above-mentioned is hereby terminated except as regards any Cheques or other Instruments dated prior to the dale hereof and presented lor payment after rooeipt by the Bank of this notice and as regards any act done by the Sank or such person(s) in pursuance of the authority referred to In such previous notice{s). SCHEDULE Sporočilo za DEMOS oziroma Dr.Jožeta Pučnika BfiOSINSKO AVSTRALSKO DRUŠTVO ZA PODPORO DEMOKRACIJE V SLOVENIJI-V1KT0RIJA V nedeljo,Id.februarja ia90.se je zoralo v dvorani Verskega sredisca Kew, v Meloournu,Kljub temu.oa je oil sestane* sklican na hitro in oDjavljen enkrat na Radiu 3 EA Melbourne.vec kot 100 Slovencev.Prišli so zato.da bi siti sal i kaj vec o tem kako naj bi,po vzoru sydneyskih rojakov tudi mi.Slovenci v Viktoriji podprli demokratična gibanja doma v Sloveniji. da sestanku je prva podala nekakšno pojasnilo zakaj ustanoviti društvo Helena Leoer,napovedovalka io voditeljica slovenske radijske skupine na Radiu 3 EA.Za njoije spregovoril predsednik Sveta slovenskih organizacij Peter Mandelj.lavolili smo delovno predsedstvo,ki je po sirsem poročilu Iva Leberja, tudi radijskega delavca,Ki je prisotnim povedal nekaj vec o DEMOSU,skupaj s prisotnimi iavgliiavinjeiitftisna odbor desetih članov,vendar smo odločili,da ste vilo članov tega odoora neomejeno.Vec nas je.lai^febaimDonteltJidelili dolžnosti. Govornikom se je pridružil tudi pater Bazillj Valentin,ki se je v svojih bese dan tudi obrnil na navzoče,naj podprejo demokratična gibanja v Sloveniji. s tem.da se bo nase društvo,po vzoru sydneyskega s katerim bomo sicer sodelovali(kot samostojna viktorijska organi zacija)imenobalo SLOVENBKfi AVSTRALSKO DRUŠTVO ZA PODPORO DEMOKRACIJE V SLOVENIJI-VIKTORIJA. Za nekakšno voditeljico tega društva je bila izbrana Stanka Gregoric,kotio$(bm psevdonimom,ki ji ga je dodelil Peter Mandelj "The new oeleiver". Večina v dvorani prisotnih je potem postavljala vprašanja in nekateri so povedali tudi svoje mnenje.Enotni smo si bili v tem,da pomagamo novim demokratičnim gioanjem v Slovenipj. Po formalnem delu sestanka je okrog nase mize na odru kar zaorencalo.Trije smo morali sorejemati denarne prispevke za pomoč DEMOSU in vpisovati člane v nase novo društvo.Tega dne smo zbrali v pičli uri okrog 1.936 dolarjev,točna vsota nam ni oil a znana zaradi tega,ker so nekateri obljubili se poslati darila v obliki čekov ali naKnadno prinesti denar.Vse se je odvijalo v taksni naglici in navdušenju,da smo se težko zavedli kaj se dogaja in za taksen odziv seveda nismo oili pripravijeni.Pridobili smo 43 rednih članov društva,z letno članarino 20 $. Dolžnost blagajnika je sprejel Ivo LeDer in dogovorili smo se,da bomo zbrani dedanaposloljirejmpp&ijli v Evropo. Ves teden po tem sestanku smo posamezniki in radijski napovedovalci prosili ljudi naj se udeležijo drugega sestanka,ki je bil napovedan ze za ¿o.feoruarja 1930. Tega dne se je zoralo povonno v dvorani Verskega sredisca v Kew otekaj cez 50 dJadiu.Ze pred samim sestankom smo nas"oolegali"na odru s svojimi prispevki in vpisovanjem v članstvo. 12 SLOVENSKO AVSTRALSKO DRUŠTVO ZA PODPORO DEMOKRACIJE V SLOVENIJI VIKTORIJA USODNI OBISK l'- Erik! Kdo ve kako bi se vse zgodilo,če te ne bi bilo v Avstralijo.Tukaj si se srečal z mnogimi Slovenci.,.tudi z nama dvema.Se spomniš našega prvega srečanja na melbournjki železniški postaji ?Z Ivanko Škof sva ti mahali-ona z nageljčkom in rožmarinom,jaz pa z DEMOKRACIJO. Cez kako urico smo Že sedeli na stopnicah pred spomenikom padlih borcev,na St.Kilda Rd. in... kovali načrte I Pripovedoval si nama o prvem obisku v Melbournu kakšen teden nazaj,v začetku decembra ter o svojih ljubeznivih gostiteljih Heleni in Ivu Leber, h katerim sta te menda napotila Radio Ljubljana in Slovenska izseljenska matica.Helena in Ivo sta te seznanila z Melbournom,s tukajšnjimi Slovenci pa tudi z nekaterimi vplivnimi slovenskimi prvaki si navezal stike.Ze takrat so ti zbrali za DEMOS nekaj čez 800 dolarjev.Po drugem obisku v Melbournu si se vrnil ponovno v Sydney in nam od tam sporočil,da si tokrat naletel pri posameznikih na veliko podporo in obljube za pomoč DEMOSu. Erik se spomnis,dejal si:če bi mi demosovci imeli dovolj denarja,bi na volitvah zmagali.Vsaj pet do ¿est tisoč dolarjev... In,dragi Erik,tega prav gotovo nisi pričakoval; niti ti,niti demosovci z Dr.Jozetorn Pučnikom na delu,kajne?Avstralski Slovenci smo zbrali za vašo predvolilno kampanjo 64.425 dolarjev(v Melbournu 10.925 $). Erik Modic,sedaj generalni tajnik Socialdemokratske zveze Slovenije,v ranih jutranjih urah,9.aprila 1990. v Ljubljani,v pričakovanju končnih rezultatov volitev v Sloveniji... Po tvojem odhodu so ustanovili najprej v Sydneyu,potem se mi v Melbournu, Društvo za podporo demokracije v Sloveniji. V Melbournu smo se sestali tisti,ki so nas pritegnile demokratične spremembe v Sloveniji-18.februarja 1990.Helena in Ivo Leber sta zaorala prvo ledino takrat,ko je bilo Že vse neznanka in si je še malokdo upal verjeti v Demosov uspeh na volitvah.Pridružil se jima je Peter Mandelj pa pater Valentin Bazilij,ne le idejno,tudi dvorano nam ^e dal na razpolago za vse kasnejSe sestanke.Slovensko versko in kulturno središče Sv-Cirila in Metoda v Kew,je postalo prizorišče uspesnih akcij v naslednjih nekaj mesecih. Rada bi imenovala vse darovalce in člane društva,vendar se nekateri s tem ne bi strinjali,zato vsem prav lepa hvala! Aktivni člani odbora društva pa so bili:Helena in Ivo Leber,Peter Mandelj,pater Valentin Bazilij,Paul Cesnik.Elica Rizmal(tajnica),Simo Spacapan,Dr.Jure Koče, Štefan Merzel in jaz,Stanka Gregorič, sem bila izbrana za predsednika. Z blagajno je imel opravka Ivo Leber, Vse je sedaj ze zgodovina.Društvo za podporo demokracije v Sloveniji je opravilo svojo nalogo.Izdalo je tudi resolucijo,ki so jo objavila sredstva slovenskega javnega obveščanja v Avstraliji ter DEMOKRACIJA v Sloveniji.24.junija 1990.je ukinjeno. DEMOS je zmagal!Ti Erik pa si ostal v našem spominu kot preprost mladenič v kratkih hlačah in z nahrbtnikom na ramenih-iz Avstralije si odhajal v Novo Zelandijo in potem 2a demokracijo-naprej! Stanka Gregoric Helena Leber distribution the information about DEMOS. 18 February MELBOURNE Establishment of the Group to support DEMOS: President Stanka Gregoric. Peter Mandelj, Helena Leber, Alfred Brežnik, Stanka Gregorič, Rudi Brežnik, Ivanka Škof, Fr Basil Valentine OFM MBE, Vinko Rizmal and Ivan Hanželič. Peter Mandelj, Helena Leber, Ivanka Škof, Fr Basil Valentine OFM MBE, Vinko Rizmal, Stanka Gregorič, Rudi Brežnik and Ivo Leber SLOVRNSKO AVSTRALSKO DRUŠTVO ZA PODPORO DEMOKRACIJE V SLOVENIJI VIKTORIJA Diie iS* februarja 1990- se je zbralo v dvorani verskega sredisca v^elbournu vec kot 100 1judi,Slovencev, V društvo,ki sag ga imenovali SLOVENSKA AVSTRALSKO RRUSTVO ZA PpDPORO DEMOKRACIJE V SLPVEWIJI-Viktorija,in ki naj bi se priklju- i /l : ■■ V.' :'.■.' .! I. . ,' i.' :■ i r: ; i i i ■'. .■■■: I ■.. r ,: M - 18 relvuAry no podporo demokratičnim gibanjem v veni ji,trenutno in konkretno ■■■'.■ ■■■-.■'. ::■:-:.' ':..! J' i i. ■ r. MELBOURNE do sedaj 5 strank,oziroma zveš ali gibanj:SLOVENSKA ^MOKRATUiNA ZVEZA .SOCIALDEMOKRATSKA ZVEZA SLOVE NT JE, SLOVANSKI KBSCAHSKI DEMOKRATI .SLOVENSKA KMEČKA„ZVEZA IN ZELENI SLOVENIJE so se včlanili (s prispevanjem letne clananrine £0 t±h dolarjev) sledeči člani; 'ebruarv MÜNCHEN GERMANY Attn, to Mi. Alfred Bi»znikr Ernpnn Entsrpii»« Ltd, München, dno 21, 02, 1990 Dragi Alfred, trenutno ssm ponovno v Munchnu, ker moram malo pripraviti nas ustanovni ¿bor društva, ki bo 10 marca. V Sloveniji se je 2 malno dvema plačanima funkcionarjema in vsaka nova zveza dobiva po nekem novem zakonu približno A$ 1800.- mesečno. Obe partijski zvezi (komunisti in socialisti] razpolagata s skupno 650 funkcionarji in dobivata približno po A$ 70.000,- mesečno. Zato se mnogokrat pri nas dogaja, da reci no potekajo tako kot žaljeno. Seveda je poieg preobremenjenosti razlog tudi že določena jugoslovanska slamparija in brezbrižnost, Kar se tiče valega faksa sva skupaj z, gospodom Kindl-hofeijem predala te-tega DEMOSu že 29. 01. 1990. Faks naj bi bil montiran v prostorih Socialdemokratske zveze v Ljubljani, ker je to po skupnem dogovoru vseh demosovih strank tudi hkrati sedež DEMOSa. Danes sem izvedel, da so konča lo nabavili neko se potrebovano stikalo, torej bi moral faks delovati ze cez dva ali tri dni . . . 1 ► v Veseli me, da se bova videla 2e začetkom aprila v Sloveniji in morda bova lahko skupna priči zmage demokracije in rojstva slovenske državnosti. V naslednjih dneh bom poslal se natočen DEMOSov program, upam že preko vašega faksa! V prilogi pošiljam se tri informativne strani o Slovenskem svetovnem kongresu, ter intervju z g. Pučnikom za NAŠ TEDNIK (Celovec). Goispodarsko stanj«, v Sloveniji se iz dneva v dan slabša, cone so astronomske, zlasti za živila in presegajo evropski nivo za 100 odstotkov. Stopnja brezposelnosti se je v enem letu podvojila iz 2.5 % na 5%, v Mariboru računajo, da bodli do konec leta izgubil» okoli 15,000 ljudi svoje delovno mesto JLA, ki je v zadnjih letih bila eden glavnih naročnikov Mariborske industrije se gospodarsko umika iz Slo- ebruaru y MÜNCHEN GERMANY venijt hkrati^ gradi velikansko fabriko v Srbiji, za gradnjo jugoslovanskega nadzvočnega vojnega letala in za izdelavo vojnih helikopterja v. Denar za to neumnost (oz. za ta kriminal) dobiva JLA direktno iz prometnega davka, saj gre pri vsaki ceni nekoga proizvoda 5 odstotkov direktno v ta sod brez dna. Markovicov program pomeni ta Slovenijo totalno pogubo, zaradi umetno visokega dinarja pesa predvsem slovenski konvertibilni izvoz, juznobalIranske banke dajejo nekrits posojila, iigube iz tega kriminalnega dejanja mora kriti federacija, torej se enkrat predvsem Slovenija in nasi hlapčevski predstavniki v Ljubljani in v Beogradu pa razen medijskih nasprotovanj s Srbi ne delajo rtič drugega, kot da se vedno podpirajo to porazno in zgrešeno politiko. Upam. de se bomo teh kriminalcev znebili Že aprila meseca. DEMOS zdaj zahteva jugoslovansko konfederaciji;, odklanja vsakršno skupno jug. ustavo in zagovarja le konsultacijske pogovore med samostojnimi vladami jug. držav - torej praktično že samostojno Slovenijo - v zelo ohlepnih in raztegljivih okvirih. S tem se Ščiti pred mednarodno kritiko, hkrati pa lahko zagotovi Sloveniji maksimalno samostojnost. Dragi Alfred, to je zaenkrat vse - hvala za vaso aktivno pomoč, hvala seveda tu-di^denar, ki ga seveda krvavo potrebujemo za zadnjo fazo predvolilnega boja. V prilogi pošiljam še zahvalnico. Prejmite prav lepe pomladanske pozdrave iz Bavarske - danes smo imeli ze 19 stopinj - torej za ta letni cas neobičajna vrednosti Lepe pozdrave P.S. Natančni datumi volitev so 8., 12. in 22, april) 8. aprila volimo glavna dva zbora republiške i predsi krog volitev za preds^nika Slovenije, skupseine in tudi predsenika in predsedstvo Slovenije. 22. aprila je pa morebitni drugi Iniciativni odbor modriarodnagg H«Imut Kindlhofar Oimllm igiali. 9a D-BOS"? Fraunberg d t-Lat v s za podporo domokrecijo v 31oviiriiji Erik Modle Bwtw »Hatowwwnwti-RtwB W" D-SOOO München A3 Tal. (WW 630069) 'ebruary MÜNCHEN GERMANY "■■ihr — P*jr-ceai62L_3lQl_ München, dne 21, 02. 1990 Zahvala avstralskemu odboru za podporo demokracije v Sloveniji Internacionalni odboi za podporo demokracije v Sloveniji, s sedežem v Mfinchnu, se zahvaljuje v svojem imenu in v imanu g. dr. Jožeta Pučnika, predsednika DEMOSa, avf rajskemu odboru za podpore demokracije v Sloveniji, s sedezom v Sydneyu, za sprejeto nakazilo A$ 8000.- , Predvsem se zahvaljuje tudi g. Dušanu Lajovicu za svoj prispevek v višini A$ 5000.- in za prispevek g. Niko Krajca v višini A$ 1000.-. V imenu iniciativnega odbora in v irnsnu g, dr. Pučnika Sestanek SLOVENSKO AVSTRALSKEGA DRUŠTVA ZA PODPORO DEMOKRACIJE V SLOVENIJI Viktorija Dne 26.februarja 1990. ob 7.30 v dvorani Verskega sredisca Kew-Melbourne. ?rejsnjo nedeljo,18.februarjj je bilo v tej dvorani ob prisotnosti vec kot 00 Slovencev ustanovljeno SLOVENSKO AVSTRALSKO DRUŠTVO ZA PODPORO DEMOKRA CIJE V SLOVENIJI-VIKTORIJA.ki naj bi sodelovalo skupaj s sudneyskim istoi menim društvo toda kot samostojno viktorijsko telo. Tega dne so prisotni v dvorani izbralili ede$etclanski iniciativni odDor: Marko Pintar,Štefan Mrzel,Ivo in Helena Leber,Peter Mandelj.Elica Rizmal, Paul Cesnik,pater Bazilij a,Valentin,Adriana Kermec in jaz,Stanka Gregoric kot nekakšna voditeljica tega društva. Ker nekaterih izmed vas na tem sestanku ni bilo,drugim pa je morda namen tega društva se nejasen predlagam danes sledeči dnevni red: 1.Kratko pojasnilo današnjega političnega stanja v Sloveniji, zakaj pomagati DEMOSU. 2.Dvanajst Konkretnih pobud-zahtev SDZ.ene izmed zdruzenih strank v DEMOSU 3.Razno(vasa vprašanja in predlogi,vpis novih članov in zbi ranje prostovoljnih prispevkov za DEMOS. Prva točka dnevnega reda: KRATKO POJASNILO DANAŠNJEGA POLITIČNEGA STANJA V SLOVENIJI .MKlflKAJ POMAGATI DEMOBB "Iz pričujoče politične scene v Sloveniji je jasno,da predvolilni boj ea prve svooodne volitve po drugi svetovni vojni,ki bodo aprila letos.ne bo enakopraven.Zakaj? Kdo ima za seboj dobro finančno podporo in vpliv na skoraj vse slovenske medije javnega obveščanja je jasno.Jasno je,da ima vse te privilegije socialis stični blok v Itliierega spadajo,Zveza komunistov,ki se je preimenovala v ZKS-stranka demokratične prenove,ZSMS,ki si je dodala vzdevek Liberalna stranka, in SZDL.ki jo je Jože Smole "preleviI"v Socialistično zvezo,stranko.ki ima izmed vseh naštetih izredno močan vpliv na ljudstvo potom raznih organov druzbeno-politicnega življenja Slovenije.Vsi,ki so v naštetih strankah so poklicni politiki in tako seveda opravljajo svojo poiiiiroiilno kampanjo v času svoje službe,torej so za to delo se plačani. S kozmetičnimi spremembamisocialisticnih in komunističnih simbolov pa ni potrebno posebej poudarjati:ostajajo vsi ti ljudje in organizacije v bistvu isti le za kanček liberalnejsi.saj so taksne tudi potrebe današnjega časa v vsej Evropi,ki se otresa srpa in kladiva.Pa tudi za zvezdo je cisto vseeno kakšne barve je;rdeca in krvava ali rumene barve s krvavo preteklostjo. Slovenija bo svobodna sele takrat.ko bodo torej odpravljeni privilegiji teh omenjenih strank,ki imajo skupni imenovbiec"socialisticni/takrat tudi za sedaj se zelo aktivna tajna poli«ija(udba)ne bo imela vec kaj delati. SKLEPI S SESTANKA-26.februar 1990. -Gjavni sklep:čimprej poslati denar v Nemčijo,v Munchen-za DEMOS.Za svoje stro-ske,ki jih bomo imeli pustiti le kakih 100 $,saj je njim denar ta trenutek bolj potreben kot nam. -Začasna pravila in druge formalnosti bomo reševali kasneje,sedaj je vafina^ akcija,vaine so ideje,kako Čim hitreje zbrali vec denarja in pridobiti čim vec članov. -V razpravi se je pojavilo vprašanje postnih volitev.Ker živimo v demokratični državi in smo na to tudi navajeni^dajemo predlog,da se slovenskim izseljencem po svetu dovoli in omogoči tak način volitev.S tem se pridružujemo zahtevam Sveta slovenskih krščanskih izseljencev v Evropi,ki je na svojem petem zasedanju v Oberhausnu,ZRN,13.in 14.januarja 1990.odločno podprlo vse napore za vecpo demokracijo,poštene volitve in suverenost Slovenije,obenem pa seveda moinost sodelovanja slovenskih izseljencev na volitvah. -Čeprav smo v Melbournu trenutno zelo zaposleni,smo pred II.Slovenskim taborom ki bo {p.in 11.februarja 1990.(smo se vseeno dogovorili za naslednji sestanek, ki bo ze Čez teden.Sicer bo v resolucijo Tabora vključena tudi podpora demokraciji v Sloveniji in druge podrobnosti. -Člani odbora smo si razdelili dolžnosti: S.G.je že poslala Članke za objavo v VESTNIKU,za slovensko stran v NOVO DOBA, za SVOBODNE RAZG0V0RE(glasii,o Slovensko avstralskega literarno umetniškega kroz-na-SALUK),za LOJZETOV KONJIČEK,RADIU 3 ZZZ. (Tim prej bo sestavila nekak zapisnik o tem kaj smo naredili do sedaj.Poslan bo po telefaksu DEMOSU,oziroma DR.Jožetu Pučniku,tako,da jim damo vedeti,da smo aktivni in seveda proti pričakovanjem-uspešni. -E.R.bo napisala kritično pismo komunistom v Slovenijo,ki naj bi bilo objavljeno v DELU in MLADINI. -P.M.bo poslal pisma vsem predsednikom slovenskih društev v Viktoriji naj nas gpdprejo in pristopijo nas"i akciji ali Drus*tvu. Ze na drugi sestanek bo prinesel naslove nekaterih slovenskih podjetnikov-biznismenov.ki naj bi jih zaprosili za pomoč. -Vsi bomo poiskali po telefonskem imeniku nekaj slovenskih imen in te ljudi tudj zaprosili za pomoč". -Nasi radijci bodo se naprej objavljali na radiu ta apel za pomoč demokraciji v Sloveniji in poročali o delu našega Društva. -Nekateri člani so izrazili zeljo,da se to Društvo ne bi povezovalo z Slovensko izseljensko matico v Ljubljani. -S.S.nam je obljubil.da bo natisnil tiskovine z "glavo društva"in potrdila o sprejetem denarju. -Pristopne izjave bomo kopirali kasneje,zdaj ni čas za to,imamo ogromno drugega dela. -Tudi na II.Slovenskem taboru v Melbournu bomo dva dni zbirali nove člane in prostovoljne prispevke za DEMOS. -B.V.nam bo dal na razpolago P.O.BOX za vso korespondenco,pa tudi dvorano za bodoče sestanke. -Nekateri člani bi radi malce več pojasnila zakaj mora denar v Munchen. -Vsi smo veseli in navdušeni,saj nismo pričakovali tak odziv. ■iDemosovcem - vsem,ki se borijo za demokratično,enakopravno,suvereno Slovenijo, želimo obilo uspeha.DrŽte se fantje.Z vami smo! Za Slovensko-avstralsko društvo za podporo demokracije v Sloveniji-Viktorija Stanka Gregoric Melbourne.27.febrtJar 1990. Nas naslov: Za DEMOS P.O.BOX 197 KEW 3101 Melbourne.Australia SLOVENSKO AVSTRALSKO DRUgTVO ZA PODPORO DEMOKRACIJE V SLOVENIJI VIKTORIJA Poročilo s sestanka i>. marca 1990 Odsotni: Adriann kiurmec, pater Bazi 11 j( s^ie opravičil zaradi odsotnosti) Stanka Gregor ic predlaga dnevni rod i 1.poroči las prejšnjega sestanka 2.organizacija stojnice in dela na Taboru 3.razno ■J -poročilo blagajnika Iva Leberja v j |j -g.Spacapan preda natiskana potrdila in pism^ z glavo tvsi smo navdušeni) -pr^da denar od Knapovih in Dubrocevih (290$} za članstvo in darila proda patrov koncept resolucija za Tabor v' -Kii Rizmal poroča o tel, pozivih vplivnim posameznikom,o njihovih reak-Gi cijah , o novity članih iri nabranem denarju ter o pismu Denisu glede obrazložitve volilneqa procesa , ^ v ^ Stanka Gregoric poroča o napisanih in poslanih prispevkih za časopise,o tel- pozivih za nabiranje novih članov ln denarne podpore, * ter da je pred sestankom Le L obvestila vse odbornike o današnjem sestanku j -ter prebere sklepe prejšnjega sestanka -g.Kocc sc jo zavzel za osnovno pravico vsakega državijana-torej tudi nas : za volilno pravico in predlaga i.da moramo to zahtevo poslati slovenski vladi — i w ... - glasilo ST.OVRNTJA naj precitamo in na kratko poročamo o vsebini na naslednjem sestanku, POGOVOR o predvolilni situaciji v Sloveniji: vlada ima v rokah vso medije ter o hrvaškem kongresu in strankah f v1 .Mrzel je poročal, da jo telefoniral Hubertu Pozarniku na dom in da Ista ¿eli kontakta z nam i.Po raziskavah javnega mnenja podpira Demos ohcanov SKLEP : naj se pisma pošljejo tudi direktno Hubertu Pozamiku, Stanka govori o "izgubi jeni "posti -Peter Mandelj pa predlaga,naj zato vso pošto naslovimo na vec ljudi,tako manj možnosti,da se pisma "izgube" Pogovor o vzrokih,da v Sloveniji ni javnih političnih zborovanj; da so ljudje prestraseni tu in tam, o zasliševanju Slov. zdomcev na policij i Strah in nevarnost prod JLA - ugotovitev ,da smo Slovenci nevojaški narod in politično neamaneipiran i;vendar pa naj bi strah bil odveč,ker ji je Markovic dodelil dovolj denarja, da je trenutno nevtralna- Ekonomske stanje ¡Slovenija pred popolnim gospodarskim polomom nezaposlenost in socialna ogroženost se visa Peter rtandelj je pred lagal,da cimvec pišemo o tem v slov.časopisih v CelovcutZvonJ,v Lj. ter v Katoliškem - (^»J ú czXJL íw_Dtu&\>i«0 i I- ' 1990 & oX v _ M ^ ^ *-sj UÜA *<"W>sr£ TV X rt I ¡JÜ V&c r vk. ^o il O i OVVO Av ■ \ M fy1— vX. TS,roJ ^ i VvAi^j ^ tosí {s. -toU ¿^jó-.^^O^ í i*0" ' j1*" I O ÍV^L L ¿.r*v>—' VTv f ¿i«- JruAK^r«wi Oífiü^iU^icU. Uil— ^p^o^*«^' ^ Ol * I • - IL, SU •Ur, rr 720 A^O I vj ^k, ÏVvJOT' C> j . \jaV\0 ¿t, roo ^Vo^ SU J ^ -ítv^^c ¡O** A^riWX ( Û^U' r^j^ ¿UvI-W^ ov. -i ^ oW-lojtS^:. 13 Marri MÜNCHEN 1990 ÎWVX^ o V O UI ci ÀD-JO I ^ m r ; i I iC j iT k iSV^^'^ ^r^j^dtV^ \/ ^ ^WÀ Vu^'O' k^A^ÄWNj^ (jOWijo SO* r ^^^ yu J r. \¿, S.V\oni/vv ^¿UkV^- I1000 LJUBLJANA • ZRINJSKrGA 3 » SLOVENIJA • VI TELEKOM oti/J!i-?4S * FAX 0 6 1/313- t fl ! « 50(01-61i-655tJ • SKLIC N A !t OS 04 CQ i, J u D L j A N A. 23 . marec 1990 Avstralsko društvo za podporo demokracije v SloveniJi Sydney, Av&tralija H V I MENU F'R^O&EDNlk'A DEMflSfl OR , JOŽETA PUČNIKA VAM f>R I SR(!;NO ZAHVALJUJEMO 2A VAIO VEL IRO ANGAŽIRANOST TER PCJDPDRO PEMQ8U — inRljirw I OPnZJCT ji # NAKA7ANO NA RA^UN MEDNARODNEGA DRUŠTVA ZA PODPORO OFMOKRAC X J F" V SLOVEN T JI $ SEDELI V MuNCHNU- Vni.ItVF VO Z" VfiAKlM ONEM &L T ^E IZID F-A Sfc KIT JASEN KLJUB I 'QCJDNIM NAPOVEDIM J AVNOMNFiNJSk X M RAZISKAV. ZA USPEŠNO PRDPAflANONn KAMPANJO S PI .AKATI , LETAKI , OGLASI , XV pPOTl TER PREOS/CILILNIMI NASTOP I HLlMO POTREBOVAL 3 NADAL JNQ POMD<^ JARAUI Moi?Nn»'r I HnRFT^CGA NAKAZOVANJA IN PORABE SRCD&TtV SMO ODPRL I NA KORO^KtM V AVSTRIJI £ ¿IRQ RAKUNA ZA DEMOS. K X JU LAHKO UPODABLJATE: — ZVE2A BANK 1/C*1MV*C i ! BL Z 1 OO KTO . NR , 421 27 BAWAG (Ki f t/C* IovmC > t «L Z 1 lOOO KTO . NR . t 1 06Z 1 4dl 1990 ' n view of the democratic rcfonnsin Slovenia and of ihc need to find a new regulatory formula for the coexistence of Yugoslav nations; encouraged by the profound political changes in Eustern Europe; and inspired by the new thinking about the future European Confederation, llieSlovenian democratic and oppositional parties joined into the Slovenian United Oppki.ition io promote by peaceful means democracy ;»nd independence of Hie Slovenian people. The Slovenian democratic movements and organisations have already in the past advocated the idea of Slovenian self-determination, most resolutely in the May Declaration of 198£> where its signatories hitvc declared: "We want to live in Ct sovereign state of the Slovenian nation, As a sovereign state we Shall decide on out own about associations with South Slavs or other nations within a reformed Europe. With,the regard to the historic efforts of the Slovenian nation for political independence, the Slovenian stale can only be founded on the respect of human rights and freedoms, democracy which implies pluralism, and Soda! order in accord with natural possibilities and hitman capabilities of Slovenian citizens " To pursue these end*, the Slovenian United Opposition agreed upon the followinp political objectives; ltTosccure (hut the elect ions to he held in April IV^O will be free and honest, resulting in a rcprpiciilalivc and legitimate parliament. 2. A plebiscite where Slovenes could freely express their will nnd dccide about their political future: Slovenian United Opposition stands for the confederation yf the sovereign republic OfSlovunia with utlier Vugoslnv nations. 3, A referendum to let itn- Slovi-niun ttuiiun determine the nature of IK state in (tic form nf a ir» constitution. ThC above Mated p»liltc;il of the Slovenian United Oppo- sition is based upoc, uur firm dcctstonto prepare ground lor the respective dctlUKi im consensui of ilte Slovenian people, including the possibility nt ihc umhucrat declaration of its independence, ¡■based upon people'*- fimif:inn'ni,d hunvm nutti u%m;1 I'mIctermination. 1990 9- Councillors for a particular field may admit other interested members of the Council to the subcommittee for their field, A new councillor can only be admitted where all the Councillors of the Sub-committee agree to the appointment. Councillors for a field of activity shall appoint a Chairperson from among themselves. 10. The President shall preside at all meelings of the EC, the GM and Meetings of members. If not present or is not willing to preside the Vice President shall preside, but if she or he is not present or 4s unwilling to preside the meeting shall elect a Chairperson for the meeting. In case of a tied vote the Chairperson has a second or casting vote. 11. Membership meetings are only consultative and informative. Motions can only he passed at Ordinary or Extraordinary General Meetings, for which at least one weeks notice has been given in writing or an announcement has been made on the local Slovenian radio program. Equally notice shall be given for motions. 12. A motion is passed if it has received a simple majority of votes of members present personally or by proxy. A motion for amendment of the Council rules must toe agreed to by at least three quarter of those present and must not be inconsistent with this model rules. A valid vote can also be cast by proxy. The proxy form must be in writing and the proxy must be a member of the Council. Voting shall be by secret ballot if at least three members present so demand it A secret ballot can be called for even after the Chairperson has declared the result of the vote on a show of hands. 13. For a meeting of the EC the quorum shall consist of five Councillors. For the GM ten members must be present personally or by proxy. 1+ There shall be an annual membership fee of (20.00 or such other sum as a GM shail from time to time determine. 15. No office holder of the EC shall be paid remuneration or benefit in money or money's worlh except by way of reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses. 16. Upon a resolution that the Council be dissolved, all assets and funds of the CouncH shail toe handed over to the Australian Slovenian Conference, or if the latter does not exist any more, then to such a registered or exempted charity as a simple majority of a general meeting shall decide. SLOVENSKO AVSTRALSKO DRUŠTVO ZA PODPORO DEMOKRACIJE V SLOVENIJI VIKTORIJA POOBLASTILO Slovensko avstralsko društvo za podporo demokracije v Sloveniji-Viktorlja, pooblašča gospoda Alfreda Breznika,ustanovitelja prvegajstoimenskega društva v Avstraliji, oz i roma v Syrineyu, tja osebno izroči sledeče sporočilo: Člani zdruzene koalicije-DEMOSOVCI.občudujemo vastker ste v boju za demokrat ticno Slovenijo žrtvovali velik del svojega privatnega življenja in svojo osebno sigurnost,kakor tudi sigurnost svoje družine,ne nazadnje pa tudi svoj lastni denar. V Avstraliji sledimo vsem vašim uspehom,tudi rahHm spodrsljajem,toda vodi nas le dejstvo,da se borite za svobodnejšo,samostojnejšo in boljs'o Slovenijo-saj je le ta vedno in povsod v naših izseljenskih srcih. Seveda si želimo zmage DEMOSA,vendar,kakršenkoli bo izid volitev,ostal i bomo z vami in si prizadevali vzpostaviti še tesnejše stike. Upamo,da smo vam s svojo podporo dali občutek,da slovenski izseljenci tudi po morda 20,30 ali več letih bivanja v daljnji Avstraliji nismo pozabili svoje rojstne domovine in da nam ni vseeno v kakšno Slovenijo se bomo zatekal¡-začasno ali pa se vrnili za vedno. V Avstrali j i bo vsak čl an DEMOSA dobrodošel»posebej pa bi radi srečali človeka kot je Dr.Jo^e Pučnik.Kd^j mu bo^o okoliščine ^dovoljevale,da objame svoje sestre in brate v debeli pod JUŽNIM KRIŽEM pa prepuščamo bodočnosti. Lep in iskren slovenski pozdrav v imenu vseh Članov društva kot tudi ostalih rojakov,ki podpirajo demokracijo v matični domovini. V slučaju zmage: ČESTITKE VAM i NAM PA NEIZMERNO VESELJE,ZADOVOLJSTVO IN PONOS! Predsednik; Stanka Gregorio ¡S Cj-íc^f'lo Melbourne.27.marca 1990. Naslov: "DEMOS" I'O. HOX 107. K F. V V. VICTORIA. AUSTKA1JA, 3101 TELEFAX:Simo 4pacapan(6l3)380214 I 30 Marci SYDNEY ' 9e um £ 61 2 33013 ? 8 EMQNfi EH T. P^L AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATION FOR SUPPORT OF DEMOCRACY IN SLOVENIA, SYDNEY AVSTRALSKO DRUŠTVO ZA PODPORO DEMOKRACIJE V SLOVENIJI SYDNEY P.O. Box -tBB, COOGEE, N.S.W. 203-1 AUSTRALIA 30 March 1990 Ms Dinoo Kellegham The Australian Holt Street Sunny HILLS :isi> 2010 Dear Mb Kaviegham Further to my telephone call J am enclosing the 'Declaration of Slovenian Seli-Determination1, as promi sed. Thi s Declaration was issued in Ljubljana in January, 1990 by the Slovenian United Opposition - DEMOS. Recently another two parties have joinned DEMOS, these ire: The Small-Business Union and the Grey Power (pensioners). The latest polls by the Slovenian media indicate that 'DEMOS' is likely Lo win the first free democratic elactions and oust the communist government. Elections will be held on the following datesi Sunday, Apt i I Sth, 1990 Thursday, April 12 1990 Sunday, ipr;l 22 1990 the For the President of Republic of Slovenia. Meir.bers of collective pres ider.cy. Local council delegates. Delegates to the social-Political assembly (lower house). Delegates to the United labour assembly. Second round for the President of the Republic, if the absolute majority not obtained in the £ii»t round. (April B). Second round for the delegates in the above mentioned assemblies, as well as some other local represetatives. Our Association was formed in January, 1 990 with the aim to morally and financially support the democratic movement in Slovenia. We are in daily contact with the headquarters of the Slovenian opposit ion DEMOS, as well as the international headquarters in Munich. So far, our combined financial cent r ibutions (Sydney, Melburne & Canberra) to the Slovenian opposition has been in excess of A?35,000-. This is a great help to the 'parttime' politicians without resources in contrast to the longtime (40 years) established commun!st party machine in power. I have also enclosed our Associations Preliminary Rules for your information. Yours faithfully Alfred fireïnik- (On behalf of the Management Commi t tee ) P.S.: 1 will be in Slovenia during the election time and should you wieh to contact our organisation during my absence, please contact the Victorian president Mrs Stanfca Greaoric on Tel: (03) 509 5070. Resolucija Društva za pomoč demokraciji Resolution of Društvo za pomoč demokracije Člani novoustanovljenega SLOVENSKO AVSTRALSKEGA DRUŠTVA ZA PODPORO DEMOKRACIJE V SLOVENIJI iz Sydneya N.S.W.in Viktorije ter ostali rojaki,ki med nami podpirajo demokracijo v matični domovini.izražamo svoje zelje in zahteve potom sledeče RESOLUCIJE t.Od vseh Slovencev doma in po svetu pričakujemo skupno zavzemanje 2a izboljšanje medsebojnih odnosov.Spoštujmo naše različnosti! 2.Uspešnost in napredek Slovenije vidimo v njeni osamosvojitvi-v SUVERENI IN PRAVNI SLOVENSKI DRŽAVI,v kateri bodo vsi državljani enakopravni-v političnem,gospodarskem,kulturnem in verskem pogledu. 3.Nova Slovenija ne sme postati last katerekoli stranke. 4.Nujna bi bila uvedba zastopnikov in predstavnikov nove slovenske države v tujini, vsaj v tistih državah,kjer živi največ slovenskih izseljencev in zamejcev. 5.Zunanjo politiko naj vodi v vsakem primeru Slovenija sama.se pravi ima naj svoje ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve. 6.Takoj po volitvah naj se pristopi h konkretnim akcijam za čimprejšnje organiziranje Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa s tem pa: a)k vseslovenski spravi-potom odkrivanja vseh resnic in spodobno označitvijo vseh slovenskih grobov; bjslovenska sprava naj bo usmerjena v slovensko bodočnost,brez maščevanj za preteklost,naj ne zaide v drugo ali edino skrajnost; c)eno od poglavitnih naporov SSK naj bi bilo vprašanje boljšega sodelovanja vseh Slovencev,doma in po svetu.na političnem,kulturnem,verskem in predvsem na gospodarskem področju. v v 7.Člani tega društva bomo podpirali tiste stranke in gibanja,ki se bodo zavzemala resnično za demokracijo,oziroma za uveljavitev splosnih Človeških pravic,med katere sodijo tudi svoboda govora,tiska in pravica do ideološke pripadnosti vsakega posameznika. 8.Zahtevamo ukinitev politične policije in nemoten vstop v Slovenijo vsem slovenskim izseljencem in zamejcem,brez kakršnihkoli nevšečnosti,zasliševanj ali aretacij. 9.Pozivamo vse Slovence,doma in po svetu,naj se ostreje in predvsem z dejanj i( ne le z besedami in obljubami)uprej o boj kotom,poni zevanjem ter nasiljem.ki jih izvajajo nad Slovenijo v nekaterih delih Jugoslavije. 10.Ker živimo v demokratični drŽavi in imamo kot avstralski državljani pravico voliti, ne glede na to v katerem delu sveta se nahajamo,zahtevamo tudi od slovenskih oblasti motnost sodelovanja pri volitvah vseh slovenskih izseljencev. 11.Slovenska izseljenska matica v Ljubljani ali kakršnokoli drugo ustanovljeno telo, ki bi imelo isto osnovo,mora enako obravnavati vse Slovence v izseljenstvu in zamejstvu,ne glede na njihove politične in ideološke opredelitve včeraj,danes in jutri.V novi slovenski državi naj prihaja do svobodnega pretoka misli.prepričanj in dejanj vseh Slovencev.Besede"Ideolosko sovraina literatura" in "slovenska politična emigracija"naj izginejo za vedno,z njimi pa tudi negativen in nekorekten odnos do ljudi,ki so bili z njimi ožigosani. V Sydneyu, 2. aprila 1990. Za upravni odbor v Sydneyu: st^m&F ' ' Aifred Brežnik' / 1 Naslov; "DEMOS" P.O. BOX 197, KEW, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA, 3101 TELEFAX:Simo Špacapan(613)3802141 Naslov: "AASDS, SYDNEY", P.O. BOX 188, COOGEE NSW 2034 AUSTRALIA. TELEFAX: (612) 5501378 V Melbournu.1.april 1990. Predsednik Viktfe-ri j skega društva: Sender's SigiWre , aLUVtmilMLŠKB DRUŠTVO 4 Signature of Accepting Officer/Drivf=7 SLOVENIAN-AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATION OF CANBERRA INCORPORATED JRV1NG STREET, PHILLIP, A.C.T., 26QS — P.O. BOX 9SS, WODEN A.C.T. 1606 — TELEPHONE 821CS3 POZDRAV IN VOŠČILO Z izrednim veseljem pošiljamo naše pozdrave in voščila za zmago Demosa v težko pričakovanih volitvah v nali dragi domovini, Štejemo si v čast ker smo že vedno čutili potrebo za 1 sodelovanje s demokratičnimi silami, kar ¡smo dokazali z našo akcijo za Janša, BorŠtnerja, TaSiča in Zavrla, ko smo1 v Canberri ustanovili Odbor za zaščito človekovih pravic v Sloveniji že minulo leto. Veseli nas ko na tem poljuj nismo več osamljeni in so se nam pridružile številčno bolj pomembne slovenske skupnosti v Avstraliji. Menimo, da spada naša podpora Demusu v isto območje zaščite domovine in rojakov kot je to bilo v gornjem primeru. Slovenci v Canberri smo le drobec vseh rojakov v Avstrliji, zato nam je v izreden ponos, ko dajemo vzgled podpore in zaskrbljenosti vsej Avstraliji. NaSe £elje bodo vse te aprilske dni z vami. Želimo vam uspeh na volitvah in hiter napredek v obnovi domovine. Z veseljem predajemo naše pozdrave in srčne želje gospodu Alfredu BreSniku, in ga prosimo naj jih izroči Demusu in slovenski domovini. Za društvo:; Alojz Kavaz Predsednik 1 . Canberra, dne 2. aprila 1990 Slovenske prve večstrankarske volitve od leta 1938. Prve demokratične volitve 8. 12. in 22. aprila 1990. Predsednik Milan Kučan, člani parlamenta dr. Matjaž Kmecl, Ciril Zlobec, dr. Dušan Plut in Ivan Oman. Ministri, med njimi dr. Janez Dular, minister za Slovence po svetu. Slovenia's first multiparty elections since 1938 take place. Slovenia allows opposition parties to organize, meet, and sell their newspapers on the street, and subsequently, allows them to field candidates in the spring 1990 parliamentary elections. Victory of DEMOS, the oppositional six-party coalition made up of left, center, and right parties. First after war democratic election on 8,12 and 22 April 1990. President Milan Kučan, Members of the parliament: Dr Matjaž Kmecl, Ciril Zlobec, Dr Dušan Plut and Ivan Oman. Ministers: among them Dr Janez Dular, Minister for Slovenians Abroad. 8, 12 and 22 AfriZ SLOVENIA PRVE POVOJNE SVOBODNE VOLITVE V REPUBLIKI SLOVENIJI-8.,12.,in 22.4.1990. Predsedstvo Republike Slovenije £redsednilc:Milan Kučan Člani predsedstva:Dr.Matjaž Kmecl,Ciril Zlobec,Dr.Dušan Plut,Ivan Oman Skupščina Republike Slovenije Predsednik:France Bučar Podpredsednik:Viktor Pukl Podpredsednik:Vane GoŠnik Vlada Republike Slovenije Predsednik:Lojze Peterle Podpredsednici o û^eU 2-lanv lv\ \J Sloveniji , Sta^VcmeV* ^xfoLii V/ÖIV^CUAL . v>c9djc> «s^A^mta WiV ^ovuPuno M-^ocÄ it. v [e, ^rceal o dcP&edtoa «âelM. 'ÇcxAaI ■Çinavvcno ( osko^CL <\abûïAne_ aV^iie.. ^cL&PWI ^o svo^e. fuxvrci^«®^^ \ice>ci.ce-Ç.tuV, Aaden , «a (Vwalloe^urn-Cttivtv 4, ^«tâaX '^Eno&o'. W" (¿ia-^Ue-^ -treV\ iwe^e.^e.v' odt u^tciAou i-We_ l &o s-e. s^dcv^aU v ^ se ^fezaiUu. Vz-ce&i ipiejtA&etdLmV-a ~D _ « 4 I . 1 M ivvec( opozllcluo <ö>\c*r«jf\v.\< AUrblasti. Ni dovolj, da ZK spremeni prodam. v strukturi oblasti pa ni v teh mesecih t bistvu spremenila ničesar. Tako nas ne nore slepiti. Proti temu se bomo upirali, asno je, da bodo prišli očitki antikomu-lizma, ti se pojavljajo že zdaj. Vendar se ne memo pustiti izzvati. C AJi ste antiko mu nisi? Beseda sama je grda. Vzbuja vtis, da je ntikomunist nekdo, ki je proti ljudem, ki so mgačnega prepričanja. To nisem. Komuni-te, ki se z demokratičnimi metodami borijo a svoje ideje, spoStujem. Sem pa proti ko-lunističnemu režimu, kakršnega smo spoz-ali v povojnih desetletjih. V tem smislu bi ihko rekel, da sem a ntikomunist. • Vaša predpostavka, da bi bila ZK neki lok, se mi zdi precej radikalna. Če rečemo, a je ZKS blok. lahko prav tako trdimo, da ■ blok ZKJ. Nevarnost oblikovanja zdra-me opozicije vidim v tem. da ZKS koalicijah partnerjev ne bi iskala le med zvezami Sloveniji, pač pa bi vstopila v koalicijo regrecivnimi silami v ZKJ. Ta pomislek se mi zdi neutemeljen. ZKje še do zdaj iskala partnerje in skušala ohranjati desetletja obstoječi blok: SZDL i:d. Če bi se začela opirati na zdrave sile v Jugoslaviji? Ja. to bi bila njena odločitev. S leni bi demantirala verbalni preobrat, ki ga je naredila z novim programom. Če se bo spustila v to. nima več nobene, prav nobene možnosti v slovenskem političnem prostoru. Potem je z njo konec. • Kratkoročno pa to pomeni kup težav! Seveda, kratkoročno lahko mobilizira ves svoj aparat: propagandni, državni, gre v ek-stremno zamrznitev razmer, vse to lahko naredi. Vendar s tem svoj konec lahko odloži le za leto. dve. tri. S tem bi se dokončno katapultirala iz slovenskega političnega prostora. • Kako ste prišli do tega sklepa? To kažejo poljske, vzhod no ne mike izkušnje... Takšne metode nimajo prihodnosti,' Lahko pa za kakšno leto ali dve blokirajo razvoj. » Veste, meni je pred volitvami zoprno razširjati optimizem« C Socialdemokrati učinkovito sodelujete pri globalnih stvareh, npr. pri razpravi o volilni zakonodaji, manjka pa socialdemokratska speciAka. če je tako, vas moram vprašati, zakaj je tako. To je podobno vprašanju, zakaj se ekonomija ne ukvarja s cenami živil, pač pa govori o inflaciji. Najprej je treba rešiti problem inflacije, šele potem se lahko ukvarjamo z razmerjem med cenami živil in industrijskih izdelkov. Tako je tudi s splošnimi stvarmi. Ne moremo zastaviti konkretnega vprašanja nezaposlenosti, če sploh ne vemo. v kakšnem gospodarskem okviru bo potekalo življenje. Kakšen bo okvir, ki ga bo vzpostavil zvezni izvršni svet ob reformi naslednjo pomlad? Nihče ne pozna tega okvira. Kako rešiti problem financ, obdavčevanja, odgovornosti, ekonomske suverenosti republik... Če bi zdaj pisali scenarije - čeprav bi bili lepi in na krasnem papirju - to ne pomaga veliko. Semantično sem začel analizirati nekaj programov: tu je ogromno verbalizma, razočarani smo, ko začnemo pojme jemati resno. Ali je bilo to resno mi Sije no? Avtorji teh programov so morda osebno res imeli dober namen. Toda ali so svoj svet res preusmerili po drugačnem organizacijskem načelu, iz katerega prihajajo demokratične teze? Vprašanje je, če se je v substanci te elite komunistov sploh kaj dosti spremenilo. Konkretna vprašanja je treba zastaviti tam, kjer se kot konkretna že kažejo. Npr. ljudje sprašujejo, kaj bo s sladkorno peso v Murski Soboti. Problem je torej okvir, družbena paradigma, družbeni sistem; v civilnem smislu ga moramo preoblikovati. Vse drugo je empiristična metafizika. spekulativno sklepanje o konkretnih rešitvah, ki so povsem v zraku. % Ja, zakaj pa potem ustanavljati stranko, ki se imenuje socialdemokratska.' Če pa ni jasno, znotraj česa bo ta stranka pokazala svojo socialdemokratsko speu-fiko? Socialna demokracija ni patentirana le za eno ali dve volilni obdobji, pač pa skuša pognati korenine in postati ena od strank v prihodnosti. Socialno demokracijo razumemo kot prenos temeljnih človekovih pravic na vprašanja proizvodnje in razdelitve temeljnih družbenih dobrin. Nočemo se ubadati s špekulacijami o raznih socializmih - demokratičnih, po meri človeka ali kakšnih tretjih. Hočemo, da bi bila demokracija socialna. Ne zanimajo nas razprave evropskih socialdemokratov, ki se po milimetrih rešujejo marksistične tradicije, p rolet a r-skega intemacionalizma in vse navlake iz preteklosti. Te razprave smo kompenzirali s štirimi desetletji povojne realnosti. Gremo k izvoru socialnega vprašanja: izvor socialnega vprašanja pa je doživetje socialnih razlik. Iz doživetja lega vpraianja so sicer nastali tudi leninizmi, marksizmi... Metode. ki so jih predlagali za rešitev, pa so se danes izkazale kot neučinkovite. Zato sc vračamo nazaj: hočemo biti demokracija, ki je socialna. Ne dovolimo, da bi se pojavljali konstrukti kot socializem, komunizem... Izhajamo iz prvotnega problema: neenakosti med ljudmi in vprašanja strukturnih sprememb, s katerimi bi družba v smislu solidarnosti to urejala. Ne želimo pa iz tega narediti nekega ideala, bitnosti. predmeta, ki bi kot tak imel zagotovilo, da obstaja. V temelju programa izjajamo iz socialnega programa. S tem prihajamo z drugimi temelj-imi človekovimi pravicami: npr, pravico, .o inovativnega in uspešnega gospodarjenja. ustvarjanja profila itd. Tu se pojavlja -oblem usklajevanja različnih temeljnih pravic. Zato potrebujemo pravno državo. Pravna država pa je tehnologija za urejanje konfliktov. Pravna država ne odstrani nobenega konflikta. Za pravno državo potrebu-;rao demokracijo. Demokracija se je uve- vi; kot tehnologija osmišljanja norm >.vni države. Nimamcopravka z resnico, evTopski civilizaciji je bilo to osmišljanje rejeto. Veste, demokracija ni nekaj popolnega. * Zakaj pa? Toje še vedno primitivna tehnologija urejanja problemov. Kaj pa je to, da odloča večina? To ne more biti nekaj idealnega, pač pa trenutno najmanjše zlo, ki si ga lahko zamislimo. Celotna evropska demokracija je v hudičevi krizi. Razmišljanje o novih paradigmah je zato v Evropi silno pomembna stvar, ki-pa si je Slovenci ne moremo privoščiti. Najprej moramo sprejeti lo nujno zlo. # Torej tako kot pri Churchiln? Demokracija kot najslabši sistem, pa Še vedno najboljši obstoječi? To ni nič več. O tem sem precej pisal v Nemčiji, pa si tega tu ne upam objaviti, ker bi rekli, da sem totalitarist in da nimam nobenega zaupanja v demokracijo. Vendar moramo uveljaviti to tehnologijo, da se rešimo še slabše, arhaične tehnologije. S tem dobimo Šele prvi centimeter humane družbe. Tega pa ne moremo preskočiti. Ali Zanlln 23 Pismo dr. Jožeta Pučnika Slovencem v Avstraliji. Dr PučnikS letter to Slovenians in Australia. SLOVENIA SOCIALDEMOKRATSKA ZVEZA SLOVENIJE PREDSEDSTVO številka: Ljubljana 25. aprila 1990 Drage rojakinje in rojaki v Avstraliji! Na prvih svobodnih, čeprav še ne povsem popolnoma demokratičnih in poštenih volitvah je zmagala DEMOS-Združena opozicija. DEMOS ima v slovenskem parlamentu absolutno večino in bo sestavil prvo demokratično vlado Republike Slovenije. Vsem, ki ste tako požrtvovalno prispevali k razvoju in končni zmagi demokracije v Sloveniji, se prav prisrčno zahvaljujem. Vaša pomoč ni bila zamanj! Naši dobri stiki in naše prijateljsko sodelovanje niso končani z zmago na volitvah - zdaj postajajo čedalje pomembnejši. Cilj nove slovenske vlade je povezati vse Slovence po svetu - v izšel jenstvu, zdomstvu in zamejstvu. 2elimd vzpostaviti skupni slovenski kulturni prostor, ki ne bo poznal ne mej, ne-kakšnih drugih omejitev. Slovenija naj končno postane dobra mati vsem svojim hčeram in sinovom po svetu. Gospodarski položaj Slovenije se v zadnjih mesecih dramatično slabša. Rešitev gospodarske krize in postopna (gospodarska) osamosvojitev zahtevata veliko naporov in solidarnost vseh Slovencev. V najkrajšem času želi DEMOS zagotoviti, da bo smiselno vlagati v slovensko gospodarstvo in bančništvo. Računamo tudi na vašo solidarnosti Imamo dovolj skupnih nalog, s skupnimi močmi bomo tudi uspeli. V prihodnosti moramo okrepiti naše stike in povezave ter tesno sodelovati Le tako bomo vzpostavili demokratično in samostojno slovensko državo! Ob koncu se vam še enkrat prav prisrčno .zahvaljujem za vašo dosedanjo pomoč I 7A/Uy Novo doba, 7 May, p. 18. Sestanek Drus'tva za podporo demokraciji v Sloveniji-14.maja 1990,ob 7.30 v dvorani Kulturnega in verskega središča KEW. S,G.:Dober veder vsem skupaj in hvala,ker ste prišli na ta nas^svečani sestanek. Preden se seznanimo z današnjim dnevnim redom.pozdravimo našega rojaka g.Alfreda Bre2nika,soustanovitelja oz,vofTSyoneyskega istoimenskega društva, ki je volitvam v Sloveniji prisostvoval osebno.V Melbourne pa je prišel na nasve srečanje zato,da bi nam o tistem pravem volilnem vzdušju v Sloveniji povedal nekaj veČ.Pozdravljen g.Breznik. Rada bi izrazila tjpfi obžalovanje,da danes ni med nami marljivega člana nas*ega društva oz.odbora Štefana Merzela.ki ie imel p_red tednom manjšo nesrečo. Obvestiti vas moram tudi,da se je nas Član g.Spacapan srečal v Ljubljani z nekaterimi predstavniki DEMOS-a,katerim je izročil Še 2.000 dolarjev. Seveda^ se moram v tej uvodni besedi zahvaliti še vsem vam,ki ste na tak ali drugačen način prispevali za predvolilno kampanjo DEMOSA. Iz Avstralije smo poslali skupno ,64.425 $.Viktorija 10.925 $,Sydney 38.900$ in Canberra 14.600$.To so podatki!,ki so doslej prispeli,morda pa so tudi drugačni. Seveda ne smem pozabiti se naše telefonske akcije-hvala vsem,ki ste se s prispevki se naknadno odzvali. DANAŠNJI DNEVNI RED: 1.DEMOS ZMAGAL-K0NEC KOMUNIZMA V SLIMNIJI. PR_£QSJAmm NOVF SI 0VFNSKF SKUPŠČINE OZ.PARLAMENTA TER DO SEDAJ IZVOLJENEGA ^iodstva. [2.BESEDA-DVE 0 SSK L „ ^-TPULUVLIk Ž ¿.ALffflbOM BREZNI KOM 4.IZBIRA NOVIH CLANOV-IZVOLITEV SE NEKAJ LJUDI V PRIPRAVLJALNI ODBOR ZA SSK 5.RAZNO „ Vremena Kranjcem 1.TOČKA :DEM0S JE ZMAGAL-KONEC JE TOREJ KOMUNIZMU V SLOVENIJI! bodo se zjasnila!? Nazdravimo zmagi Demosa s slovensko himno "Zdravljico"(kaseta) Za Prešernovo Zdravljico obstoja sicer več uglasbitev,melodija,ki smo jo pravkar slišali pa vetja od 27.septembra 1989.naprej kot nova slovenska himna^in zato bi bilo prav,da to melodijo pojemo tudi mi tukaj. Po naši lepi domovini Sloveniji nas bo z nekaj ilustracijami popeljal g.CesnikftAst Poglejmo kako izgleda nova slovenska skupŠcina(grafični prikaz). Vodilna mesta v slovenski skupščini in v predsedstvu Slovenije(graficni prikaz) Konstituiral_se je torej demokratično izvoljeni parlament.Do sedaj so izvolili vodstvo skupŠČine.ki je popolnoma v rokah Demosa: Novi predsednik slovenskega parlamenta je Dr.France Bučar-upokojeni univerzi tetnTprofešorT^^ Slovenije. nika skupščine sta: 1.VANE G0SNIK,rojen 1953.,član Zelenih Slovenije,doma iz velenjske občine, po poklicu sociolog. 2.VIT0DRAG PUKL,rojen 1930.živi v Celju,po poklicu je odvetnik. PREDSEDNIK DEMOSA je se vedno Dr.Jože Pučnik. PREDSEDSTVO SLOVENIJE: PREDSEDNIK MILAN KUČAN (ZKS-SDP)rojen 1941.leta,p^okltcu pravnik. ČLANI PREDSEDSTVA:dva iz vrst DEMOS-a in dva iz socialističnega bloka. I.IVAN OMAN,roj en 1929,ima kmetijo pri Škofj i Lok i,je predsednik Slovenske kmečke zveze. 2.Dr.Dušan Plut,rojen 1950.je profesor geografije na filozofski fakulteti ter predsednik stranke Zelenih Slovenije. 3.Ciril Zlobec,rojen 1925.je kraški pesnik in zastopa Socialistično zvezo S. 4.Dr.Matjaž Kmecl.rojen 1943.je doktoriral iz literarnih ved,je profesor na filozofski fakulteti in književnik.Zastopa ZKS-SDP. Nova slovenska vlada ,novi ministri torejt bodo izbrani Še ta teden.Skoraj sigurno je,da bo predsednik vlade LOJZE PETERLE,rojen 1948.leta,diplomiraj ekonomist in profesor zgodovine in zemljepisa.Je predsednik Slovenskih krščanskih demokratov,ki so znotraj Demosa dobili največ glasov na volitvah. Ostali ministri:verjetno-Janez Janša,za obrambojlgor Bavčar za notranje zadeve; Dimitrij Rupel za zunanje zadeve;Spomenka Hribar za kulturo in tako naprej... santfzveneča imena,ljudje,ki so bili tako ali drugače doslej preganjani,ali v zaporu. Predsednik skupščine Dr.France Bučar se je^ zavzel za čimprejšnji sprejem nove moderne slovenske ustave-osnutek je že prispel do nas. 2.točka:o SVETOVNEM SLOVENSKEM KONGRESU S.G.Vsak narod ima potrebo,da si poleg svojih državnih instMŽij^jp^9fiiini ustvari ie neoblastno organizacijo,v kateri naj bi se znašli vsi njegovi pripadniki.To idejo so speljali tudi judi.med Slovenci pa živi ¿e kakih 15 let. To je ideja o združitvi vseh treh Slovenij:matiČne,zamejske in zdomske. Na lanskoletnem tradicionalnem srečanju v Dragi(Italija) je nastopil primeren trenutek za obnovitev predloga za SSK ter za začetek praktičnega dela. Tako so se pričeli ustanavljati razni pripravljalni in iniciativni odbori, tako doma kot po svetu(Celovec,Kanada,Argentina in drugod). Pred dvemi mesečni so nam iz DEMOS-a poslali nekaj splošnih informacij ter navodil o SSK,vendar^zaradi volilne mrzlice &e konkretnih akcij sve nismo ^dotikal i. jf Prejšnji teden,8.maja 1990.se je odbor našega društva za podporo demokraciji v Sloveniji dogovoril,da bomo,kot pripravljalni odbor za SSK pričeli z resnim delom ter povezovanjem z drugimi odbori doma in po svetu.OdloČili smo se,da bomo povabili,oz.izvolili Še nekaj rojakov.ki bi bili pripravljeni sodelovati v začetnih pripravah za kongres. Pravtako smo sprejeli predlog Dr.Jurija Koceta,ki ga bomo tudi posredovali naprej,naj bi se ta kongres namesto SVETOVNI imenoval raje VSESLOVENSKI KONGRES.Po mnenju našega odbora se ne moremo ravnati po judih, ki žive po vsem svetu,mi Slovenci pa ne. ^Priprave za kongres bo v matični domovini vodil DEMOS.Odprto pa ostaja vprašanja kdaj in kje bo ta kongres. Ideja o SSK je predvsem: -ideja o slovenski spravi; -skrb za ohranjanje in afirmacijo slovenskega naroda; -medsebojno povezovanje Slovencev na gospodarskem,kulturnem in znanstvenem področju; -obveščanje drugih narodov in vlad,o te/avah slovenskega naroda,kjer bo dodeljena predvsem velika vloga slovenskim izseljencem-kot glasnikom slovenstva v tuj ini; -internacionaliziranje slovenskega vpraianja,kadar bo to potrebno. Torej na^bi SSK pomenil boljši medsebojni pretpk življenja iz domovine v tujino živečim Slovencem in iz tujine v domovini zivečim-pravzaprav obstanek slovenskega naroda. Tako bi morali sedaj mi v Avstraliji ustanoviti področne pripravljalne odbore,ki bi kasneje izbrali skupno telo ODBOR za kongres ter delegate. Dalnje smernice bomo seveda dobili iz samega DEMOS-a ter od drugih odborov po svetu s katerimi bomo navezali stike. Vsi Slovenci,doma in po svetu moramo končno sesti za isto mizo, si odkrito pogledati v oči,se pogovoriti,ne glede^ na na?a razi icha prepričanja ali nasprotja.Pozabiti moramo na nasa manjša ali večja nesoglasja. Ce bomo kot narod hoteli obstati in biti dobri glasnici slovenstva v tujini, bomo morali uporabljati le skupni imenovalec:SLOVENEC.vzdevke: dober-slab,,partizan-domobranec,komunist-demokrat pa bomo morali pri skupnem delu opustiti ali se jih vsaj izogibati. Spomenka Hribar o kongresu(kaseta) 3.Pogovor z g.Alfredom Breznikom 4.tavolitev Članov v pripravljalni odbor za SSK ter pridobitev novih irl a nov v drus"tvo. • J . SLOAwij* lie 5 li * f J A M 19 May ^y CANBERRA Meetting of the Group supporting democracy in Slovenia and opening of new premises in Canberra. 30 S (3 SYDNEY MELBOURNE CANBERRA Pismo DEMOSu - Društvo za podporo demokracije. Letter to DEMOS - Društvo za podporo demokracije. SLOVENSKO AVS'iWALSKO DRUŠTVO ZA PODPORO DEMOKRACIJE V SLOVENIJI Sydney-Melbourne-Cauberra DEMOS-u Cankarjeva 10 Ljubljana Na svobodnih in tajnih volitvah ste kot zdruzena opozicija zmagali,ostanite uspesni se naprej,saj boste le tako uresničili vse tiste zamisli skkaterimi ste v volitve vstopili. Naj vas vase strantearsKe različnosti ne ovirajo pri delu ampak peljejo le do enega cilja:ao resničnih in pozitivnih sprememb v Sloveniji,ki je skupna in eama prava aoinovina VSEH SLOVENCEV. V Avstralijioziveci Slovenci se bomo trudili,da bi bili vasi dobri glasniki in posredniki. Lep požarav. Za arustva v Sydneyu Melbournu Canberri ČESTITAMO 29 /VUu ^y SLOVENIA Zahvalno pismo dr Bučarja. Thank you letter by Dr Bučar. Spoštovana gospa Gregoric! 30 A/Uy TORONTO, CANADA Z vel i hi m janimanjem sem prebral Vase cenjeno pismo.Za nas v Kanadi naravnost presenencenje.Ielo nas vse okoli SSK veseli, da ste si osvojili kongresno idejo, ki .je resnično 2iva in nujna.V potok 25. maja smo imeli ia kanadsko področje ustanovni obtni zbor Kanadsko Slovenskega Kongresa .Za nas vse je bil ta dogodek naravnost presenečen je.Izredno zanimanje ter zauzetost v današnjem času s a slovensko problemstiko.Ako pomislite, da smo izbirali in volili 15 članov sveta , kandidiralo pa jih je 32 potem morete sajnati, da je bil* izbira velika in tudi kvalitetna. Na obenem zboru se je zbrala praktično vsa slovenska "mavrica" in niti J>al besede,se manj vročo krvi.Pred letom dni bi bilo verjetno drugače.Sedanjost prerašča preteklost in to je prav. Mi v svetu moramo skrbeti ;ato, da bomo cimdali časa ohranili slovenske skupnosti in s tem tudi podprli naso osjo domovi no.Tudi ta prerašča preteklost «eveda pa potrebuje naso pomoč. Po Vasem pismu sodeč ste na pravi poti k uresničitvi kongresnega gibanaja,Kar se imena organizacije tiče pa se bo prav gotDvo o tem vec govorilo na sirsem sestanku v dneh pred letošnjo Drago, to se pravi ob koncu meseca augusta. Danes Vam pošiljam nekaj nase"1iterature" in upamo, da Vam bo vsaj v pomoč pri organi z i ranju avstralskega obmocja.Gospa Gregoric bodite"siroki"in uspeli boste E 1ahkoto.SIovenci moramo pričeti z novimi prijemi sicer bo nas cas odtujil. Pošiljam Vam Kongresno miseel,, osnutek Statuta ter Pravilni k,Kadarkoli in karkoli boste rabil i,Vam bomo vedno na uslugo.Skupno delo nas bo se bolj povezalo kljub temu, da so razdalje pošastne. Lepo pozdravite patra fcazilijaT Dr J. Koceta in vse člane iniciativnega odbora 3 a pripravo SSK- Vse dobro Vam želim in Vas pozdravl jam z dobrim željami pri oblikovanju nujnega SSK. P.S, z veseljem pozdravljamo vase napore pri sodelovanju z domovino S prisrčnim slovenskimi pozdravom, V Tor orrt.u, SO.maja 1990 Organizacijski tajnik KSK. PRIPRAVLJALNI ODBOR ZA SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES VIKTORIJA P.O.BOX 197 Kew 3101 Spoštovani! Kot veste smo dobili v Viktoriji v začetku maja 1990. pripravljalni odbor za Svetovni slovenski kongres.Med Slovenci doma in po svetu se že dalj dasa razpravlja o slovenski povezavi in tesnejšem sodelovanju,konkretno pa so nekateri Slovenci pričeli z resnejšimi pripravami že pred letom ali celo dvemi leti. Mi,avstralski Slovenci pri tem zamujamo. NaŠ pripravljalni odbor za SSk je navezal stike z drugimi odbori po svetu, kot tudi z iniciativnim matičnim odborom v Ljubljani. Ker želimo upoštevati tudi vaše mnenje in se skupno dogovoriti kako naj bi delali mi,Slovenci Viktorije,vas prosimo,da se udeležite sestanka odbora za SSK v ponedeljek 11.junija 1990.ob 19.30 v prostorih Kulturnega in verskega središča v Kew(pri patru Baziliju). Ker se Širijo o kongresu in samem pripravljalnem odboru različne vesti.se bomo potrudili,da vas o vsem osebno obvestimo,obenem pa tudi posredujemo materi-jal,ki smo ga dobili.Ker ze sama beseda-PRTPRAVLJALNI-pove da pripravljamo vse potrebno za taksno organizacijo,vam moramo tudi povedati,da se bodo prave volitve v različne svete,recimo v svet za kulturno sodelovanje,v svet za narodnostna vprašanja,v svet za ekonomsko sodelovanje itd.vršile naknadno. Tore} bi se razdelili tako,da bi n.pr. društva skrbela še naprej,kot doslej za kulturna dejanja,morda bi naše društvo za podporo demokracije v Sloveniji prevzelo skrb za narodnostna vprašanja in podobno. Potrebno je,da se srečamo in da se pogovorimo.Kaj nam je všeč" in kaj ne. Namen tega pripravljalnega odbora pa je prav:biti centralno telo,ki bi urejevalo začetno korespondenco in formalnosti. Moram še pripomniti,da se je Sydney prav lepo organiziral in,da so sicer v društvu za podporo demokracije Že od samega začetka vsi predsedniki društev. Pripravljajo veliko manifestacijo SLOVENSKI VEČER,na katerem se bodo sestali VSI-ne glede na različno preteklost in mišljenja.Bilo bi žalostno,ce bi naše delo v Viktoriji kdorkoli zaviral. Pripravljamo tudi redni list-okrožnico,ki naj bi krožila med nami(morda v obliki časopisa)tako,da bi bili vsi redno obveščani o delu SSK doma,v Avstraliji in drugod po svetu.V njej pa bi bili tudi objavljeni razni dokumenti in ponatisi iz raznih slovenskih časopisov iz Slovenije in drugod. Naj vam povem Še to,da sodelujejo v Sydnevu predsedniki društev kot posamezniki in ne predstavljajo društva.SLOVENSKI VEČER pa bo v društvu TRIGLAV,sodeloval i bodo tudi iz drugih organizacij. Celotnemu delu se pridružuje Canberra,ki nas podpira v celoti-kot društvo. V pričakovanju na vaše sodelovanje lep pozdrav. Za.pripravljalni odbor za SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES Stanka Sreac J / Melbourne,g.junij 1990. P.S.O povabilu na sestanek je obveščen tudi Peter Mandelj. Poslano pa je:dlanom pripravljalnega odbora za SSK,predsednikom družtev-kot posameznikom, drugim rojakom, ki bi jih radi pritegnili v naše delo. AVSTRALSKO DRUŠTVO ZA PODPORO DEMOKRACIJE V SLOVENIJI, SYDNEY, 13 June SYDNEY ZAPISNIK SEJE (PRAVNEGA ODBORA, KI SE JE VRŠILA SREDO 13 JUNIJA 1990. V MERRYLANOS» PRICETEK 7.15 ZVEČER. PRISOTNI: A. BREZNIK, R, 3REZNIK, J KOSOROK.DR. M. GOBY.T. RESNIK, M. BERKOPEC S. ASTER-STATER, M. ŠuSTERSlČ. V. MENART (POVABJEN KOT PRAVNI SVETOVALEC). OPRAVIČENI: D,. BAKIJA. A. BREZNIK JE ODPRL SESTANEK OB 7.15 IN PREDLAGAL SLEDEČI SPOREO: 1. PREDLOG ZA SPREMEMBO^DRUŠTVA V " SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET- SYDNEY", KI BO PREDLAGANO NA PRIHODNJEM SESTANKU DRUŠTVA. 2. SPREJETJE NOVE USTAVE. 3. RAZPUSTITEV ODBORA, TER VOLITVE NOVEGA ODBORA OZIROMA REFEREBTOV SLEOECUH PODROČIJ/ PSLSGATW tA A. S. K. ( AVSTRALSKI SLOVENSKI KONGRES). a. PODROČJA ZA NACIONALNA VPRAŠANJA b. PODROČJA ZA KULTURO, SOLSTVO c. PODROČJA ZA GOSPODARSTVO d. PODROČJA ZA VERSKO - KULTURNA VPRAŠANJA e. PODROČJA ZA SOCIALNA VPRAŠANJA. а. REFERENTI NAJ IZVOLIJO ODBOR DRUŠTVA ( PREDSEDNIK, PODPREDSEDNIK, TAJNIK IN BLAGAJNIK). 5. ČLANI DRUŠTVA SE LAHKO PRIDRUŽIJO IN SODELUJEJO NA KATEREM KOLI PODROČJU OZIROMA PODROČIJ ( ŠTEVILO NEOMEJENO). б. DA 3£ ODOBRI - Q3LA3 NA RADIJU O SKLICU SESTANKA PO GORNJEM VZORCU. 7. PREDLOG, DA SE SKLICE PRVI " SLOVENSKI KONGRES" V SYDNEY-U 2B JULIJA 1990. OB 2 URI POPOLDNE„NA DAN SLOVENSKEGA VEČERA. NA KONGRES NAJ SE POVABIJO DELEGATI SLOVENSKIH NARODNIH SVETOV IZ DRUGIH KRAJEV AVSTRALIJE. 3. DA SE IME BANČNEGA RAČUNA SPREMENI PO VOLITVAH. A. BREZNIK JE RAZLOZIL VZROKE ZA SPREMEMBO IMENA IN NAKAZAL SMERNICE ZA 30D0CE DELO DRUŠTVA. REKELjjZ, DELOVANJE IN OBSTOJ NESEGA DRUŠTVA JE PRAKTIČNO KONČANO ( Z DENARNO NABIRKO(ZA DEMOKRATIČNO OPOZICIJO V SLOVENIJI. OPOZICIJA JE ZMAGALA 1990 na volitvah, ima večino v parlamentu in sestavila prbo slovensko demokratično vlado. nasa naloga naj bi 3ila sedaj, nestrankarsko usmerjena, pomaga in dela naj za slovenijo in vse slovence. zato je najbolj primerno, da se vključimo v "svetovni slovenski kongres", ki je v programu nove vlaoe. razlozil je tudi pomen s.s,kongresa, da to ni enkratni z30r ljudi, temveč stalna ustanov, -nekakšen parlament vseh slovencev iz zamejstva, izseljen3tva in domovine. da pa lahko seohlujemo v s?t kongresu moramo najprej' ustanoviti a.s.kongres, ki go izbral iz svojih vrst predstavnike v 3,s.k. slovenski narodni sveti iz vse avstralije 30d0 skozi svoje referente sestavljali a.s.k. za referente posameznih področij naj se pojavijo oziroma naj 30d0 predlagani na prvem mestu strokovnjaki teh področij ( ce je to mogoče), ljudje ki iskreno £^=ssg in s srcem Želijo pomagati in so pripravjeni delati. a. breznik je predlagal da bi izvolili 3 ali vec referentov za vsako področje. gospod v, menart predlagal enega referenta in enega namestnika referenta, ker 30 to pac normalno in je lažja kontrola ce je samo eden odgovoren. a. breznik je razlagal, oa zaradi ekoloških in drugih razlik, bi z večjem številom referentov pridobili vec ljudi k sodelovanju.kajti vsak referent ima svoj: krog ljudi ki se bodo zaradi njega priključili k sodelovanju. dr. m. coby je govoril v prid večjega števila referentov, kajti pozabiti moramo na razlikb in trenja v skupnosti in postaviti slovenstvo na prvo mesto. gospod j. koborok je podprl predlog a. breznika za 3 referente - kar je 3il0 soglasno sprejeto. ^ j predlog a.. breznika za spremembo imena društva v " slovenski narodni sv£"[, sydney" je podprl j. kosorok. predlog sprejet soglasno. diskotiralo se je tudi, kdo je lahko clan društva. predlog dr. m, coby - vsak kdor ima slovensko poreklo , je lahko clanl samo posamezniki lahko postanejo člani. društva 3e ne morejo vključiti, kajti slovenski narodni sveti oziroma a,3. k,so politična telesa, društvo pa ne. odbor je naprosil gospoda v. menarta da pripravi pravilnik in statut za " slovenski narodni svet " in za a.8,kon^bc&.oospod menart je obljubil da bo to storil. članarina naj ost,ane $ 20,00 ( dvajset dollarjev). doseoanju člani imajo plačano Članarino do konca leta 1990. vsi predlogi a, breznika so sili soglasno sprejeti. spored za soboto 23 julija i99d bi naj 3il sledeč: ob 2 uri popoldne ustanovni zbor a.s,k, ob 5 uri popoldne masa ob ? uri zvečer slovenski večer - proslava objave na radiju za sestanek g julija 1990 v merryland in za celotni program 23 julija 1990, a. breznik, priprave za kongres in slovenski večer bi se morale pričeti takoj, to je pred sestankom s julija 1990. seja zaključena 00 8.¿15 zvečer. zapisnikar: H. SUdTERŠIC" Tajništvo Iniciativnega odbora za SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES Congresaus Universalis Slovenorum PRIPRAVLJALNI ODBOR Dr. Jožko Tischler Park 1 A-9020 Celovec/Klagenfnrt Tel.: (0463) 37553 Spoštovana g. Stanka GregorIčt Celovec, 20. Junija 1990 Z veseljem smo prejeti Vaše pismo 12. junija, kjer opisujete ustanovitev območnih odborov za Svetovni Slovenski Kongres (SSK3 v Avstraliji. Zahvaljujemo se za Vaš trud in pomoč za ta vseslovenski dogodek. Pošiljamo Vam zapisnik zadnje seje začasnega pripravljalnega odbora, kjer so Informacije o razvoju In pripravah na SSK. SSK je vključen v uradnem programu Drage '90. Tam naj bi se sestali delegati vseh območnih odborov In glasovali o deflnitvnem programu In statutu, katerih osnutek pripravlajta dve komisiji, kakor piše v zapisniku. Važno in koristno bi bilo, če bi tudi Vaš odbor poslal svoje delegate, ker odločitve na Dragi bodo stebri nadaljnjega delovanja. Tako Vam tudi posredujemo naslov tajništva ter telefonsko številko, da bo naša povezava tekla brez ovirov. Naslov je torej: Dr. joško Tischler Park 1, 9020 Celovec/Klagenfurt; tel.: (0463) 37553. Se enkrat Vam čestitamo za ustanovitev odborov ln upamo, da bomo s skupnim delovanjem uresničili idejo SSK. Lepe pozdrave Vam in vsem članom odbora. V imenu pripravljalnega odbora, CELOVEC (KLAGENFURT) AUSTRIA ija Ivana Tekavec, tajnica IMENOVANJE ORGANIZACIJ: SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVETI PO DRŽAVAH AVSTRALIJE IN AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA NAMING OF THE ORGANISATIONS: SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCILS FOR EACH STATE OF AUSTRALIA AND AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN CONFERENCE. Ustanovitev Slovenskega narodnega sveta Viktorije (SNS). Ime za organizacijo sta izbrala Stanka Gregorič in dr. Jure Koce; kar po telefonu sta se domenila in vsi so se strinjali z imenom. V ključena je bila tudi Ivanka Škof, ki je opozorila Stanko Gregorič na Spomenko Hribar pri Svetovnem slovenskem kongresu v Ljubljani (SSK). Ime Avstralska slovenska konferenca (ASK) je izbrala Stanka Gregorič in vsi so predlog podprli in sprejeli. Establishment of Slovenian National Council of Victoria. The idea for the name of the organisation was given by Stanka Gregorič and Dr Koce, via a telephone conversation. Ivanka Škof was very active at the time, supplying the contact for Spomenka Hribar, a well known leader for the Slovenian World Congress in Slovenia. The name of the all Australian organisation, uniting the Slovenian National Council in all states, was the idea and concept of Stanka Gregorič - Australian Slovenian Conference. Ustanovitev Slovenskega narodnega sveta Canberra. Slovenian National Council of Canberra was established. June 21 MELBOURNE June 24 MELBOURNE CANBERRA ZAČASNI PRIPRAVLJALNI ODBOR ZA SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES je dal pobudo za današnji ustanovni občni zbor za SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET (i telo, aJčcifa,gibanje za SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES oziroma Avstralski slovenski kongres-konferenco) Predlaga sledeči dnevni red: 1.Predlog za ukinitev DRUŠTVA ZA PODPORO DEMOKRACIJE V SLOVENIJI Predlog za ustanovitev SLOVENSKEGA NARODNEGA SVETA Predlog za izvolitev začasnega predsednika sestanka 2.Začasni Pravilnik Slovenskega narodnega sveta 3.Sklenitev kandidatne liste za odbor Slovenskega narodnega sveta 4.Predstavitev kandidatov 5.Izvolitev volilne komisije-volitve Volitve bodo tajne.Vsak bo dobil kandidatno listo in bo lahko zaokrožil 15 kandidatov. 6.0 Svetovnem slovenskem kongresu.Vasa vprasanja-na^i odgovori' 7.Volilni rezultati 8.Razno Melbourne,24.junij 1990. a ( A VcmcC,^ ¿¿^rj^< JLo -\) S . ti- jUt dsA-i^ dtiMn^b/Kd Se&fc^ui^ AtU cha,*suj> Hide- _ l^-tdicrD lo,11'^ oil kx dl -L) f'H J°c uaoIVCÄI M yö ) f 'KCXXcnp UA M^ioiA^jD tMJ cls^M čbt&i. /M^dM, , dJticnn^' Uzd&dU^L &eotVu*a% _ Ctrtlu A fo ž) . f^UoscJ^ jI G idoi^xsK, 4. /S f^it^iJi- ßv){u} jI ¡¿cmtj/re* /a ctrfii Ai ci-r^cC^-"-"- % /flX^CTi Shrff' ' okvnojsML^, ip K^ii* / V a-i/ s . iHd iXoArl ¿faxt i7, G* S.?- M z- .ifa-'-w . S,P. ^^klcD^ /lA^u^Jo. 03 ■ jA^e dierv ^ ^a^c^k^ /V Hcu^ t/5 dkouds* ¿M fM^M^ f A « ¿MAO -S A7 3 /U^^pKy, ATti A-^ 1990 î . tfoiZuJ^ UAU^L j^JXO^O^ Actual iù^ ¿ÚTHc^e (lánA ^t^cc ) yC c ¿ ^ /P^ , - / i „ J û r V to , /Lu^O KceM.0tidhu.4MJL ù^fj^ , jftjfafa £¿(/5 jlcn&sj f cJU dcUm) f .'{j€--f - r- v--j-, - u— v (Cp . S , inlw ¿/^ SA/ i /I**' (foiïPim UclUÏa^U*A' C^Ayisx T'C^-C- ' L 1990 err r< I ^ „ i > I/^UAS-=> juc-f-w. /O-^/r^i— 4¿ ^€aaA Settel ^/Kifk^feJku crrOo^^ Č^Uct OIMj 1 5" . L /trt> A V© & L^ /L-£? fn-t^Ji^' L#doc) fit** ^{/CTH^- Jo mb^-rjciL^tii qoy^cfov-v ¿fo^ f ¿foYWTr*^ - q^ . fAj^Wfa %Üsr ßiL^dc Hrtfl /t o i/■nH-'^jç1 , '¿'i < T/^rtviž^ ^^f ~ ft^J^ ° ^ ¿/o^rr^u-^- Lt ' /k« (0 ■ ^ All Slovenian World Congress A Message to the International Community In the heart of Europe a fire has sparked. Yugoslav Army has attacked independent Republic of Slovenia with the aim to establish a Communist dictatorship. The Army has been comandcd by commanders withouth a constitutional legal base and withouth the support of International Law. Enormous consequences for the peace in Europe and the whole World could emerge from this attack. This fire must be shut down immediately. The All Slovenian World Congress is calling on all the World Community, United Nations and members of European Safety Council to immediately act by all moral, political and real means to stop the bloodshed, human rights violations and devastation of the independent country of Slovenia, founded by the referendum of Slovenian people. In our opinion the immediate diplomatic world recognition of the Republic of Slovenia within the current borders would contribute to sobering of the attacker, a ccase fire and establish the precondition to a pcaccfull search for a solution. The All Slovenian World Congress is asking its members to take part in acting with their own Governments and International Institutions to achieve the above goals. Ljubljana, 28 thJune 1991 UTRINEK Dragi rojaki, spravni dogovor Avstralske slovenske konference je naša združitev na podlagi slovenstva, ne glede na bivša ali sedanja ideološka prepričanja posameznikov. Ne dovolimo, da nas nekateri znotraj ali zunaj Konference ponovno razdelijo na skregane skupine z različnimi pogledi na svet, politiko in delovanje naše slovenske skupnosti. Izogibajmo se tiste ozkosti, ki večkrat posega po enoumju in nezdravi enotnosti tam, kjer ni potrebna ali je celo škodljiva. Vsaj v tej svobodni deželi Avstraliji, kjer so nam polna usta besede DEMOKRACIJA, ne kratimo drug drugemu svobode MIŠLJENJA, GOVORA, PISANJA in GIBANJA. Stanka Gregorič Slovensko Pismo, leto 1, št. 4, stran 17 DEKLARACIJA REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE 2.julij 1990. Deklaracija o suverenosti države Republike Slovenije Slovenska skupščina je po skupni seji vseh treh zborov 2. julija 1990 sprejela Dek laracijo o suverenosti države Republike Slovenije. V njej je zapisano: 1. Člen Izhajajoč iz pravice slovenskega naroda do samoodločbe in v skladu z X.,XI.,LXXII in XCII. dopolnilom k ustavi Republike Slovenije ter z doloCbami mednarodnega pakta o državljanskih in političnih pravicah razglasa skupščine Republike Slovenije suverenost Republike Slovenije. 2. 61 en PolitiCni, gospodarski in pravni sistem Republike Slovenije temelji na ustavi in zakonih Republike Slovenije. Ustava SFR Jugoslavije, zvezni zakoni in drugi zvezni predpisi veljajo na območju Republike Slovenije,če niso v nasprotju z ustavo in zakoni Republike Slovenije. 3. člen V skladu z naCelom suverenosti in z načelom primarnosti ustave in zakonov Republike Slovenije morajo republiški organi in organizacije zagotavljati,da bodo tudi vsi zvezni organiin organizacije na območju Republike Slovenije poslovali v skladu z veljavnim pravnim redom v Republiki Sloveniji. 4. Člen Skupščina Republike Slovenije z ustavnim zakonom določa kateri zvezni predpisi se na obmoCju Republike Slovenije ne uporabljajo, ker so v nasprotju z njeno ustavo in zakoni. Zakoni, ki jih skupščina SFRJ sprejme po sprejemu te deklaracije, veljajo za območje republike Slovenije, če k njim izreče soglasje Skupščina Republike Slovenije. 5. Člen Skupščina Republike Slovenije bo izvedla predpisan postopek za sprejem nove ustave Republike Slovenije v roku enega leta. 6. člen Ta deklaracija začne veljati z dnem ko je sprejeta in slovesno razglašena na skupni seji zborov skupščine Republike Slovenije. Slovenska skupščina je ob deklaraciji sprejela še dva dopolnilna oziroma izvedbena sklepa. Prvi določa,da mora slovenska vlada do začetka letošnjega septembra pripraviti predlog ustavnega zakona, s katerim bo ugotovljeno, Kateri zvezni zakoni v Sloveniji ne veljajo več. Z drugim pa umika delegate Slovenije iz zveznega zbora skupščine SFRJ (zbora, ki odloča na podlagi večinskega načela). Slovenija ima tako odslej v zvzeni skupščini še delegacijo v zboru republik in pokrajin (zboru, ki odloča na podlagi konsenza). Čeprav je bilo politični akt, podoben sprejeti dklaraciji, zaradi političnih razmer v Jugoslaviji in gospodarskih v Sloveniji magoče pričakovati že nekaj Časa, je bil dogodek vseeno precejšnje presenečenje. Dnevni red tokratnega skupščinskega zasedanja namreč ni vseboval ničesar "vznemirljivega". Toda med samo sejo je Tone Peršak, poslanec in podpredsednik družbenopolitičnega zbora skupščine (vladajoča koalicija Demos) v imenu 56 poslancev predlagal razširitev dnevnega reda s predlogom besedila deklaracije,ki ga je prea nedavnim na kongresu sprejela Slovenska demokratična zveza, ena od strank iz vladajoče koalicije. Slovenska javnost je bila s tem predlogom dobro seznanjena, pa tudi polemike o njem so v javnih občilih že tekle, zato je tudi opozicija navzlic "taktičnim" pomislekom pobudo sprejela in zavzeto sodelovala pri oblikovanju dokončnega besedila. Deklaracijo, o suverenosti Slovenije so po nekajurnem usklajevanju podprle vse v slovenski skupščini zastopane stranke in poslanske skupine: zanjo je glasovalo 187, proti 3, vzdržala pa sta se 2 poslanca (poslanskih sedežev je skupno 240). Kot je neposredno po razglasitvi deklaracije dejal predsednik slovenske skupščine dr. France Bučar, gre za zgodovinski korak v uresničevanju predvolilnih obljub večine slovenskih strank, obljub, da bo Slovenija sama odločala o svoji usodi. Dan kasneje pa je predsednik slovenske vlade Lojze Peterle izjavil, da deklaracija ne pomeni odcepitve. Povzeto iz "ŽARIŠČA" 235 SLOVENIA SYDNEY Slovenski parlament je sprejel deklaracijo samostojnosti in potrdil spremembe ustave. The Slovenian Parliament passes a fundamental declaration on the independence of Slovenia, and agrees upon additions to the constitution. Pismo Dr Bučarju v zvezi s slovensko zastavo. Letter to Dr France Bučar regarding the Slovenian flag. AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATION FOR SUPPORT OF DEMOCRACY IN SLOVENIA, SYDNEY AVSTRALSKO DRUŠTVO ZA PODPORO DEMOKRACIJE V SLOVENIJI, SYDNEY P.O. bok 188, co ogee, n.s.w. 2034, australia 3. julija 1990 Dr. France Bučar predsednik Skupščina Republike Slovenije ŠubiČeva 4 Ljubijana Spoštovani Dr. Bučar, Kot nam je znano je v programu nove slovenske vlade nova slovenska zastava in grb. V slovenskih medijih je že opaziti razne predloge. Tudi Člani našega društva so na seji 13. junija o tem razpravljali. Soglasno je bil sprejet predlog, da je naša želja, da slovenska zastava ostane tradicionalna in zgodovinska troboj niča belo, modro, rdeča -seveda brez vsakega ideološkega znaka. Da bi se pa slovenska zastava ločila od slovaške, ruske in drugih zastav, ki imajo iste barve, vendar v drugačnem vrstnem redu, naši člani predlagajo vstavitev do sedaj priznanega in nadvse priljubljenega lipovega lista. Možnosti za vstavitev lipovega lista je več,kot naprimer: zeleni lipov list v levem gornjem kotu na belem polju ali zlati 1ipov list v sredini na modrem polju itd. Upam, da bo skupsčina pri izbiri nove slovenske zastave upoštevala tudi zelje izseljencev. 2 najbol j širni žel jami pri vašem nehvaležnem, vendar važnem in častnem delu za dobrobit slovenskega naroda. Prejmite prav lepe pozdrave, AVSTRALSKO DRUŠTVO ZA PODPORO DEMOKRACIJE V SLOVENIJI, SYDNEY _ Alfred Breznik za upravni odbor Spoštovani dr. Janez Dular in vsi, vsi Slovenci! Rada hi vam tokrat napisala osebno pismo, saj sicer zelo Težko pridem do tega zaracft dela za Avstralsko slovensko konferenco, Slovenski narodni svet in drugo. Rada bi vam povedala, da smo Slovenci v Avstraliji tako aktivni, da vam tega niti nimamo časa sporočiti. Nekateri skorajda ne spimo, nimamo časa jesti, da o čem drugem sploh ne govorim. Ure in ure stojimo obffaaaih-razpošilajmo pisma, proteste in sporočila avstralskim politikom, TV postajam Radijskim oddajam, časopisom. Televizijski ekrani so polni Slovencev, časopisi pišejo na prvih straneh o dogajanjih v Sloveniji. Po vsej Avstraliji smo organizirali demonstracije, bodisi sami, bodisi s Hrvati. Izrezujejo se zastave, izdelujejo plakati itd itd. Verjemite mi, da tudi zdaj pišem to sporočilo z veliko naglico-to lik o dela me še čaka.,-Prav včeraj smo na sestanku Slovenskega sveta za Viktorijo odločali na kak način bomo zbirali pomoč za Slovenijo. Ker se poniijajo tudi druge etnične skupine:Hrvati, Albanci, Muslimani, Makedonci, Slovaki, Litvanjci, Ukrajinci, Madčari in kdo bi še vse našteval, bomo organizirali Diner dance, zaprosili društva, da del dohodka zabav gre za Slovenijo, odprli bomo račun na banki za SLOVENIJO, pa seveda tudi objavljali vaš devizni račun v angleščini, čeprav bi tak način vsakega posameznika stal več. Bolje bi bilo da se tukaj organizira zbiralna akcija. Torej razmišljamo, načrtujemo, delamo-vse kar je možno. Tudi protestiramo ob kakšni napačni informaciji v medijih. Kličemo senatoije, kot sem rekla pišemo predsedniku, ministrom itd.Delegacije bodo odšle v p ari amen t. Skratka-ne morem našteti in se skoncentrirati kaj smo in še bomo naredili. O. da, natisnili smo dopisnice s kratkim protestnim tekstom. Mislim, daje šlo senatorju Evansu, ministru za zunanje zadeve 5 ali 10 tisoč, sploh nimamo več kontrole. Pišejo jih Hrvati in vsi drugi. Zavedamo se, da nam solze in jadikovanje ne bodo pomagala, čeprav smo od vsega že tudi mi na koncu Ki pekem snlisiu se težje kot vam- Radi bi se borili z vami. Včeraj me je poklical nek albanski vod.telj tukaj kocersJoj' prcKhka^ se/» «•antul ¿¿«jfcrZ dem, & ^iv^u. tfocr. ; (II , ^ ie^iaou'^ j&xdcnnA; ped foff^ cf&JOjrik' fzffA^ (jbjMobwow fino-LdJi 1auXa~ &o oZ &t tišino fl&efo/ fyvi, M cte^uuQjh faetUi^itLe / tc&ido Jkf ^ ptv ¿Z /oOoz>f-iU' tež/tvi fobtc Clfk^^u^ , 'UoU foqim' & i^re M/uf / ^cUfaofoMJif pu&att/ ftodlC (J. fifrtj t/de dujph mcKodAužti(,f& ^ SryJut. ^ Mfc -^jpncujru SOouej kOŽQ rft po rnatn' /H andoviČVH / /€ pomn^do peU tub yhucuW/ iti&tt pvtf&cl^ JUnreu^ktM m/Jftadli^ /A^ ^portrcioxii f cča pvefok&tfj ni fac^o&i /ipreyut(\Xd t H KiUfcoiuo &t*4L fcQXCdi fiu&l&L & ovvLciriG&Te' A_ ^zo^uui, zbtusj otowuka. rudouo/oc^a a^X. -p? i/tč H/ TtA kuz^hj ¿^ms ¿oposute Jc&sti 'VjtCvj za t^KK^uo cdk ¿M&JCzkvvd /a2jtučo/t5 inlti^tuj ct&' M^aS^O n^^ J pit&Ji tSto spricuroj MX jo fcsj /vojtcdf fxukodtLOJČ- /poln^UfOnQ, /c eoodt^, iskane Ji cos hub&ju' 'n* ¿othnjyhAi . /ftctu ^T&fctfJ) ^ ¿Ct^u&'k pcstu& /Hf/h&iž« ^ tU CUJU ' ■iot •J&cricj h- . Jjy=> c^s trteu< IZ p&fita Tj^ciO, -&ZPUa>4 1 »^M SODELAVKA L1TJICNEGA RADIA 3 EA V ME! J300RNU ODDAJE V SLOVENSKEM JEZIKU http://www. twenty.si/first- 20-years/90/ On 8 July 1990, a reconciliation ceremony was held at a mass grave of the Home Guard militia in Kočevski Rog and a monument to the victims of post-war killings was erected. The ceremony, at which the two main speakers were Milan Kučan, the President of the Presidency, and Dr Alojzij Šuštar, the Archbishop of Ljubljana, was an attempt to symbolically overcome the ideological dispute between Slovenians. At the Reconciliation Ceremony at Kočevski Rog: Milan Kučan, President of Slovenia and Dr Alojzij Šuštar, Archbishop of Ljubljana. SYDNEY The Eastern Herald, 12 July. THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1990 TELEPHONE: EDITORIAL 369 1566 ADVERTISING 369 1599. SERVICES DIRECTORY: 413 5100 It's Woollahra v Yugoslavia By DAPHNE SIDER No Yugoslav Consulate here — that's the message from Woollahra Council. The council wants to stop the consulate from reopening on its former site in the municipality. The building has stood empty since December I988+ when a consulate security guard shot and wounded a young protester outside the gates. All Yugoslav diplomats were expelled in the wake of the shooting. The Department of Foreign Affairs has now agreed the consulate can be reopened. But not in a residential area of Woollahra - if the council has its way. The shot teenage protester, Josef Tokic, was hit in the neck during a demonstration by Croatian nationalists outside the consulate gates. "The shooting took place in a residential street," Alderman David Rofe, QC, told the council meeting on Monday night. "The perpetrators were allowed by diplomatic law to leave this country. They have never been brought to justice." Mr Rofe said Lhe consulate was a commercial premise, and should not be allowed to operate in a residential area. Other aldermen agreed. The deputy mayor. Alderman Beatrice Gray, who raised the issue. said the consulate would be a security risk to residents. But the Department of Foreign Affairs told The Eastern Herald there are 20 other diplomatic missions in the municipality, including four in the same street - Belgium, West Germany, Poland and Lebanon. The only Labor alderman on the council. Alderman James Dupree, di sag red with the council's stand, calling it "a case of NIMBY - not in my backyard". Mr Dupree said that although the Yugoslavs might not be the type of people the other alderman would like to have cocktails with, they had a right to use their own consulate. The council will urge Senator Evans to reconsider his decision, and will ask Dr Hcwson, the Member for Went worth and Leader of the Opposition, to lobby the Minister on its behalf. KRI NI VODA! BLOOD IS NOT WATER! Kakopak - Of course, kri ni voda! Blood is not water! Ko nas tujina spreminja While foreign countries change us, omahli ne dajmo se, Make us weary, kar tako odtujiti. Let us not become estranged. To je torej, Here, then, priliko imamo! We have an opportunity! V multikulturnem objemu In multiculturalism's embrace, v tujo prst posejmo In a foreign soil, we sow kleno besedo kranjsko pure words from Kranjska. ter v žaru življenja And in life's glow, upljivo jo dvignimo Hopeful, we lift them visoko k soncu; High up to the sun; nakar še veseli zapojmo Then joyfully we sing Prešernovo himno našo! Preseren's anthem! Ivan Legiša, Adelaide MELBOURNE The Australian, 23 July. Slovenia hankers for status as a part of Europe From NICOLAS ROTHWELL in SLOVENIA S Foreign Ministry wears its heart on its sleeve. All down its corridors, stickers announce "r love Europe", or display the starred flag of the European Community. In his austere office, the republic's jeans-clad, erudite chief diplomat. Dr Iztok Simoniti, busily draws up blueprints for this new ministry. planning "Slovenian consulates" in the other republican capitals of Yugoslavia and even a mission in Brui^els- 'The time is ripe now. we must become part of the process of European integration; we cannot wait, things are moving fast," he said. Since Slovenia became the first Yugoslav republic to elect a non-communist government, in late April, the pace of diplomacy in Ljubljana has been hectic. The republic's new National Assembly, controlled by the Democratic United Opposition of Slovenia - Demos -earlier this month passed a controversial declaration of sovereignty The new Minister for International Co-operation. Dr Di-mitrtj Rupel. has been In constant motion, seeking to build Slovenia's links »1th Its neighbours. Italy and Austria And on July 16, Dr Rupel and his advisers met the Yugoslav Federal Government's Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Budimir Loncar, to tell him bluntly that "Euro-peanisation is the internal and external policy of Slovenia today", For the two million Slovenes, divided from Yugoslavia's dominant republic of Serbia by language, temper and religion, the prospect of entry into the institutions of Europe looms like a sweet vision. For centuries. Slovenia was the southern redoubt of the Hapsburg empire and Ljubljana went by the name of Lai -bachEven now the capital has the air o! a central European city and a nostalgic enthusiasm for Germanic and Austrian culture is becoming palpable. Leaders on brink of a new age Dr Simonitt believes Slovenia and Its neighbouring republic. Croatia, which also held elections and returned a non-communist government in April, belong in Europe and already sattsly Western Europe's standards "in the Itelds of democracy, free market economy. or respect for human rights". But the simple problem lacing the Government of Slovenia is that the rest of Yugoslavia "is not ready". Consequently, Slovenia is calling for the Yugoslav Federation to be completely overhauled and turned into a loose confederation, though Dr Simoniti. like almost all the political leaders here, added pointedly that "if we cannot fullii our national interests through the structure Of Yugoslavia, secession is not excluded". A battle erupted betwven the central authorities in Belgrade and the Ljubljana Government in the wake of the "sovereignty" declaration, and Yugoslavia's Federal President. Mr Jovlc. warned last week that he would take all possible steps to ensure that Slovenia did not infringe the Yugoslav Constitution. But yesterday, the atmosphere appeared calmer, as Mr Jovic visited Ljubljana for talks with the Slovenian President, Mr Milan Kucan. and released a lily-white statement saying "nothing stands In the way of changes carried out in the regular way". Dr Simoniti and Dr Rupel also lace an arduous task in persuading Western Europe to let Slovenia in. The European Community is not accepting new members before it completes its economic union in 1992 and will not consider applications from provinces or regions. UuWtaná "We don't insist on full membership." Dr Simoniti pleaded, "We would accept association." His heart Is even more set on the Strasbourg-based Council oí Europe, which he views as the "ego"' of the emerging united continent, the body that will determine its philosophy. "We will find our way to join Europe, and Europe must come to us. the Council of Europe must Tind some special status lor Slovenia and Croatia, for Europe will help to normalise us after all these years Of communism - first in our own eyes, then in theirs/' he said. The Council of Europe, however. has also told Slovenia that it cannot apply alone, and should instead wait and act as a "locomotive of democracy" for the rest oí Yugoslavia. This stand exasperates the new leadership in Ljubljana, who feel they have come through a tumultuous struggle only to be denied a nat ural part in the historic transformation of the contuwnt, Hence, the increased attraction of a restructuring oí Yugoslavia, which would allow Slovenia much greater latitude to form its own ttes- tn the meeting oí Yugoslavia's various foreign ministers last week. Slovenia's Dr Kupel briskly set out his Government's policy. "Yugsolavia will not be acceptable in the new Europe for a long time," he said. "Our goal is not to split Yugoslavia, but to integrate in this new Europe; we are bound by the position ol our Government for confederation. and our declaration of sovereignty, and if we cannot succeed in our aims within the framework ol Yugoslav institutions, we shall try to find alternative solutions, and stop providing money to Yugoslavia" In addition to its romance with the central institutions oí Europe, Slovenia Is also avidly exploring other routes westward - the republic is a keen member of the Alpine' Adriatic Community, a group of regions and provinces from Hungary. Germany. Austria, Yugoslavia and Italy. Flans are being prepared for Slovenia to open representative offices in Milan, capital of nearby Lombardy. Last week Dr Rupel met Austria's Foreign Minister. Mr Alois Mock, and next week the republic's Prime Minister, Mr Lozje Peterle, travels to Rome- Slovenia also welcomes Italian Foreign Minister Mr Gianni di Michaelis' scheme lor tlve creation of a "pentagon Oí central European nations -Italy, Czechoslovakia. Austria. Yugoslavia and Hungary - to act as a counter-weight to a united Germany, "Our goal is simple - recognition in Europe and overseas as an international State of law." Dr Simoniti said "The West should listen to what is happening here, lor we will create a fait accompli." Although the rest of Yugoslavia, and especially Serbia, may resist this trajectory - a form ol covert secession, as Slovenia seeks to shift out oí the orbit oí Belgrade, and into that o I Brussels - Dr Simoniti believes this process Is now unstoppable. indeed, Serbia's 3eader, Mr Slobodan Milosevic, has privately conceded to Slovenian officials that Yugoslavia is already virtually functioning as a confederation. With the power relations both inside and around Yugoslavia changing so rapidly. and some form of redefinition ol the country's poll-tics inevitable. Slovenia's leaders fee) themselves on the brink of anew age. "You could say we have become obsessed by Europe. " admitted the head of one political party privately. "Nowadays we dream of Europe, oí all the blessings it will bring us and of the contribution we can make ourselves." Ljubljana's philharmonic, as its residents love to remember, gave the first performance oí a Beethoven symphony and was also a way-stage on Gustav Mahler's conducting career, i < J « I (P rp < US S h MELBOURNE The Australian, 24 July and 25 July. Ustanovitev Avstralske slovenske konference. Izdaja prvega Slovenskega Pisma; editor in ustanoviteljica Stanka Gregorič, upravnik Alfred Brežnik. Australian Slovenian Conference is established. First Slovensko Pismo - Slovenian Letter published, editor and initiator, creator Stanka Gregorič, manager Alfred Brežnik. Stanka Gh.e.go>U.Č AVSTRALSKO SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA Sydney,28.j u 1 i j 19 9 0. Današnji dan naj bi bil zaznamovan v zgodovini avstralskih Slovencev kot prehod iz idejne k akcijski vključitvi v Avstralsko slovensko konferenco, do katere nas je pripeljala želja po sodelovanju znotraj Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa. Kakšni bodo ^načini sodelovanja in kaj naj bi vsi skupaj z njimi pridobili bo pokazal Čas.Temelj i so postavijeni-sedli smo skupaj,da bi se pogovorili in že to je drugačen začetek našega jutrišnjega slovenskega bivanja. V mojem srcu ni dvoma,da smo se zbrali zreli 1judje-Slovenci,ki se zavedamo, da^moramo ubrati tisti del poti,katero je za vse nas kjerkoli živimo zakoličila naša slovenska duša-rojstna domovina Slovenija. Različni smo si v marsičem,od preteklosti in usod,do današnje miselnosti. Nismo ^prišli po popolno enotnost,enoličnost in uniformiranost.Prisli smo po popuščanje v svojih napetostih... Dana mi je bila naloga,da spregovorim o Avstralski slovenski konferenci in Svetovnem slovenskem kongresu in vendar nisem mogla brez tega uvoda. Izogibala sem se besedi "sprava", čeprav nam prav ta odpira vrata do tistih ciljev,ki jih bomo iskali v skupnosti imenovani Svetovni slovenski kongres. SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES(SSK) Zadnje čase je prihajalo do nas v Avstralijo kar precej^informacij in pobud za SSK.Gre za zamisel,ki je ponekod v zdomstvu ze leta čakala na pravi trenutek^ Sloveniji pa je bila prebrana prvič 2.junija 1988.na zboru kulturnih delavcev v Cankarjevem domu v Ljubljani.Vlado Habjan,zgodovinar in pisatelj, tačas predsednik Iniciativnega odbora za SSK v Ljubljani je prvi konkretni avtor te ideje. Sicer ima vsak narod potrebo,da si poleg svojih državnih institucij vzporedno ustvari še organizacijo v kateri naj bi se znašli vsi njegovi pripadniki. Zamisel SSK tezi predvsem k obstoju slovenskega naroda,kfijegovi spravi.medsebojnem sodelovanju na vseh možnih področjih,tezi k internacionalizaciji slovenskega vprašanja in seveda zadnje čase vse bolj k osamosvojitvi Slovenije. Kongres naj bi dokazal,da sodelovanje med nami,Slovenci,ni nujno vezano za ideološke opredelitve"mislim,da je treba v njem doseči idejno širino in uravnoteženost, vključiti vanj ustrezno število-grobo rečeno-levičarsko,desni carsko in sredinsko usmerjenih,tako da ne bo prevladala nobena struja,noben svetovni nazor",je dejal Vlado Habjan. Pred nekaj meseci je bila misel kanadskegaJcongresnika Dr.Zlatka Verbinca ta: kakor hitro vzpostavimo in aktiviramo KOROŠKI SLOVENSKI KONGRES-AMERISKI SLOVENSKI KONGRES-KANADSKI SLOVENSKI KONGRES-SLOVENSKI KONGRES,ter nadaljujemo z organizacijskimi pripravami za ustanovitev ARGENTINSKEGA,AVSTRALSKEGA, EVROPSKEGA IN PRIMORSKEGA KONGRESA ter vse povežemo v SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES,lahko pričakujemo uresničenje naših dolgoletnih želja... Kanadčani imajo za seboj svoj ustanovni občni zbor KS Kongresa-25.maja 1990. 1990 IN MI-AVSTRALSKI SLOVENCI Danes 28.julija 1990. lahko zadovoljno pogledamo nazaj v kratko obdobje nekaj mesecev,v katerem se je med nami zgodilo marsikaj pozitivnega: pred petimi oziroma sedmimi meseci so v Sydneyu,Melbournu in Canberri ustanovljena društva za podporo demokracije v Sloveniji in svojo nalogo so opravila dokaj uspešno.Takratni opoziciji sedmih strank združenih v DEMOS,ki je potem na volitvah tudi zmagal,je bila dana moralna in materialna pomoč. Po volitvah se začuti potreba,da se deluje naprej,v neki novi obliki in pod novim imenom pa tudi z novim članstvom. Alfred Breznik iz Sydneys in Stanka Gregorič iz Melbourna pričneta razmišljati kako se priključiti gibanju za Svetovni slovenski kongres(SSK},kako ustanoviti in imenovati nove avstralske organizacije,ki bi se povezovale v eno telo, potom katerega bi potem lahko vstopili v ta kongres.Posvetujeta se še z drugimi rojaki.Dr.Jure Koče,ki redno obiskuje srečanja razumnikov v Dragi pri Trstu tudi posreduje nekaj materiala o kongresu,pomaga pri izbiri imena,-v te razprave pa so vključeni tudi pater Valentin Bazilij,Vinko Rizmal,Simon Špacapan, Helena in Ivo Leber,Ivanka Škof,Vlado Menart ter drugi. Tako je v Melbournu ustanovljen Pripravljalni odbor za SSK,ki zdaj seveda ne obstoja več,potom katerega so navezani stiki z rojaki iz Avstralije,Argentine, Kanade,Koroške in Slovenije. Junija 1990.pride končno do pobude Alfreda Brez'nika in Stanke Gregorič, naj bi se v Avstraliji ustanovili takoimenovani SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVETI in se povezovali med seboj v skupno avstralsko telo AVSTRALSKO SLOVENSKO KONFERENCO. V Melbournu je 24.junija 1990. na ustanovnem občnem zboru v dvorani Verskega in kulturnega središča SV.Cirila in Metoda v Kew ustanovljen Slovenski narodni svet za Viktorijo.Tega dne se vpiše v širše Članstvo 61 rojakov,ki izvoli 15 članski odbor oziroma referente in sodelavce za posamezna področja delovanja.Društvo za podporo demokracije ta dan ukinejo. V Sydneyu 6.julija 1990. tamkajšnje Društvo za podporo demokracije sprejme predlog svojega upravnega odbora za spremembo imena v Slovenski narodni svet za N.S.W, in vpiše 88 članov.Izvolijo tudi 21 članski odbor oziroma referente za posamezna področja. Canberra sprejme idejo o Slovenskem narodnem svetu na četrtletni članski seji društva 24.junija 1990.in 1.julija 1990.ustanovijo posamezniki canberrski Slovenski narodni svet ter pravtako kot Melbourne in Canberra izvolijo v odbor 15 referentov. Sydneyski rojak Vlado Menart-odvetnik,izdela za vse Slovenske narodne svete v Avstraliji Pravilnik in Ustavo Avstralske slovenske konference. Določen je datum ustanovne ASK 28.julij 1990.Kraj:Slovenski klub Triglav-Sydney Nekateri predlogi in zaključki te konference bodo ze posredovani na letošnje srečanje razumnikov "Draga 90" v Občinah pri Trstu.Tam bo določen točen kraj in datUM SSK. SYDNEY Australian Slovenian Conference - ASK. Florjan Falež, DušanLajovic, Alfred Brežnik, Simon Špacapan and Vida Kodre. Vladimir Menart Ljenko Urbančič, Marjan Kovač, Dr Jure Koce, Pavla Gruden, Jože Žohar, Mirko Cuderman, Fredi Brežnik jnr., Marija and Jože Senčar. Cvetko Falež At the Conference. Pavla Gruden Rick and Alex Slatinšek, Voni Bakija, Lolita Žižek and Carmen Lah. Vinko Rizmal DRUŠTVO ZA DEMOKRACIJO V SLOVENIJI VABI NA TJtVl VSE SLOVENSKI VEČER" v soboto 23 1990 tib 7.30 JIvsOif v prostorih kluba Triglav črna: S25.00 vključuj vtnfcrjfl v Irch obratih Dotiivk Mtnotjtn iii podporn tkTTiokradJr v ddimin) Dr«. Formil Mihela Šušteršič, Jeni Brežnik, Mark Brežnik, Erin Brežnik, Fredi Brežnik (jnr.), Frank Stare, Dušan Bakija, Ivanka Škof and Stanka Gregorič Slovenian Club Triglav: viewing of the latest news from Slovenia. Novo doba 7 August, p.1. 2SJuJy SYDNEY ASK Constitution 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, 8. 3. 10. 1 1, USTAVA AVSTRALSKE SLOVENSKE KONFERENCE Ime ustanove je Avstralska slovenska konferenca. Avstralska slovanska konferenca je organizacijska skupnost Slovenskih nerodnih svetov širom Avstralije. Namen avstralsko slovenskega konference je predstavljati avstralski slovenski živelj v Svetovnem slovenskem kongresu in prestavljati Svetovni slovenski kongres avstralskemu slovenskemu živ I ju. Cilji Avstralskega slovenskega kongresa so: a) Podpirati slovensko zavest med avstralskimi Slovenci; b) Podpirati slovenske kulturne in družabne ustanove v Avstraliji; c) Podpirati slovensko šolstvo v Avstraliji, vključno slovenske univerz i tetne lektorate; d) Seznanjati avstralsko javnost z dejstvovanjem slovenske manjšine v Avstraliji; e) Podpirati kulturno in gospodarsko sodelovanje Avstralije s Slovenijo. Člani Avstralske slovenske konference so vsi avstralski Slovenski narodni sveti, katerih pravilniki so v skladu z vzorcem pravilnika za Slovenski narodni svet v prilogi "A" in jih sprejme občni zbor. Vladujoče telo Avstralske slovenske konference je občni zbor, ki sestoji iz vseh referentov Slovenskih narodnih svetov včlanjenih v Avstralskem slovenskem kongresu. Občni zbor Avstralske slovenske konference se mora sestati najmanj dvakrat na teto. Kraj in čas sestanka občnega zbora določi upravni odbor Avstralske slovenske konference po posvetovanjem s posameznimi Slovenskim! narodnimi sveti. Kraj in čas sestanka občnega zbora mora bit! javijen pismeno posameznim Slovenskim narodnim svetom najmanj mesec dni pred sestankom. Tajnik upravnega odbora mora sklicati izredni občni zbor na zahtevo enega ali več od Slovenskih narodnih svetov. Občni zbor je sklepčen, če je na njem prisotno najmanj pet referentov od vsakega Slovenskega narodnega sveta. Glasovanja na občnih zborih so tajna, kadar to zahtevajo najmanj trije prisotni referenti. Referenti tudi lahko zahtevajo tajno glasovanje za katerkoH predlog tudi potem, ko je vaditelj sestanka že objavil izid javnega glasovanja. Vsak predlog mora biti javijen tajniku upravnega odbora najmanj dva tedna pred sestankom. Tajnik mora sporočiti predloge skupaj z dnevnim redom sestanka posameznim Slovenskim narodnim svetom najmanj teden dni pred sestankom. Občni zbor je sprejel predlog, če je za njega glasovala navadna večina referentov prisotnih osebno ali pa po pooblaščencu. Predlog, ki ni bil javljeni posameznim Slovenskim narodnim svetom, kot je predvideno v praviiu 9, je sprejet, če je za njega glasovalo tri četrt referentov prisotnih osebno ali po pooblaščencu. Pooblastilo mora biti pismeno. Pooblaščenec je lahko samo Član dotičnepa sveta. Predlog za spremembo ustave mora biti javijen vsem Slovenskim narodnim svetom najmanj mesec dni pred sestankom občnega zbora in je sprejet, če je za njega glasovala najmanj tri četrtine referentov prisotnih osebno ali po pooblaščencu. Navadni predlog ali pred tog za spremembo ustave je tudi sprejet, Če so ga soglasno sprejeli vsi Slovenski narodni sveti. 1990 13. Sestanke občnega zbora vodi predsednik. Če nJega ni ali noCe voditi, vodi sestanek podpredsednik, in če njega ni ali noče voditi, izvoli sestanek voditelja sestanka Izmed sebe. V primeru enakega število glasov Ima voditerfj pri vseh -Sestankih, zborih In sejah drugi ali odločilni glas, 14. Vsak Slovenski narodni svet delegira po^tn svoje referente v Upravni odbor Avstralske slovenske konference za dobo dveh let. Člani upravnega odbora izberejo Izmed sebe predsednika, podpredsednika, tajnika in blagajnika. Izpraznjeno mesto dopolni Slovenski narodni svet, katerega delegat je izpadel. Vsak Slavonski narodni-avot lahko vaok ¿os odpoklice ■prwrlinr nI i voe »veje Mr Irgnf r—in nn njthrvn mnut" laganje DOve—dgtegcrfc» — 15. Predsednik in drugi čiani upravnega odbora predstavljajo Avstralsko slovensko konferenco javnosti v Avstraliji in po svetu razen na sestankih Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa, ko predstavljajo Avstralsko slovensko konferenco delegati posebej v to namen i2voljeni na občnem zboru. IS. Upravni odbor vodi sestanke ob časih in v krajih, ki jih som odloČi. Upravni odbor je sklepčen, če Je prisotnih več kot polovico članov odbora. Predlog je sprejet z navadno večino prisotnih. Predlog upravnega odbora je tudi sprejet, če so zo njego pismeno izrazili soglasje vsi člani odbora. Upravni odbor lahko sprejema samo predloge, ki so upravnega značaja. 17. Slovenski narodni sveti Iz New South Walesa, Viktorije in Canberre so ustanovni čiani Avstralske slovenske konference in pričujoča pravila stopijo v veijevo takoj, ko jih sprejmejo imenovani ustanovni člani. 10. Nove Slovenske narodne svete sprejme v članstvo občni zbor Avstralske slovenske konference ali pa so sprejeti, Če so za sprejem soglasni vsi Siovenski nerodni sveti, ki so člani Avstralske slovenske konference. AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN C0NF£RENCE-Sydney,28.july 1990 Saturday,28th July 1990. was a historical day for all Slovenians living in Australia.lt was the first time Slovenians of all political denominations gathered at Australian Slovenian Conference in Sydney,with a common goal: sharing the ideas on the cooperation and the preparation for the WORLDWIDE SLOVENIAN CONGRESS. At the Slovenian Club Triglav in Sydney,44 delegates from The Slovenian National Councils from N,S.W.,A.C.T. and VIC.5mer at the conference,where 16 reports were presented and discussed.with themes from different aspects of life among Slovenian Community and of possibilities of cooperation with Slovenians overseas.At the same time there was elected the Executive Committee for Australian Slovenian Conference. This Conference was possible because of the reconciliation ceremony in Slovenia, at the simbolic funeral at Kocevski Rog on 8 th July 1990.at the site of mass graves where thousands of Slovenian douiobranci(Homeguards) were masacred after the II.world war.It was the reconciliation of the nation,the conclusion of the national tragedy of separating the dead on good and bad.The reconciliation at Rog was possible because the newly and democraticly elected Slovenian government proclaimed its full sovereighnity on July 2.1990. The Australian Slovenian Conference concluded early in the evening with the traditional mass and the ciltural evening with singing,poetry and dancing. The highlight was the telephone link-up to the President of the first democraticly elected Slovenian government,Mr.Lojze Peterle.with Mr.Dusan Lajovic,the President of the Slovenian National Council of N.S.W.,the host of the Australian Slovenian Conference. Eli Rizmal AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA Kraj Konferenc?: Klub Triglav 19 Brisbane Rd Si John's Park, NSW 217G Datum: Čas: Prisotni: Sydney, 2ß. Julija 1690 Ob 13 url Referenti in sodelavci Slovenskih narodnih svetov A-C.T,j N.S.W. In Vit. PROGRAM 1. ABrtri SmlfllK. Vodja Kontenenc* - afvorlLcv i p. Viefijan JmiSpu ■ J Pater Niko Zvokelj dodaja, da se morajo gospodarstveniki povezati, kdo bo za avstralske Slovence trgovski oziroma gospodarski predstavnik in s kom se bo res minister iz Slovenije pogovarjal. D) VERA ... ✓ (lj Pater Niko Zvokelj: Nasa prihodnost V tem sestavku govori o pomembnosti in vlogi vere v človekovem življenju. Obsega tudi preteklo delo v naših verskih centrih, načrte za prihodnost in odnosi do avstralske cerkve. (ii) Pater Niko Zvokelj: Verska vprašanja V verskih vprašanjih prikaže Vero in cerkev v socialistični Jugoslaviji in vero in cerkev ter vernika v novi, pluralistični Sloveniji. Nadalje govori o nalogi Slovencev v Avstraliji in po svetu, da kot polnopravni člani slovenskega naroda podpremo domovino tudi materialno in ji pomagamo do čimprejšnjega gospodarskega okrevanja in do tvarnega blagostanja in zaključuje referat z mislijo-kjer je volja, tam je pot. P. Niko Zvokelj navaja v razpravi svojega referata predlog, da verska središča sodelujejo in predstavljajo oziroma razrešujejo odnose. Alfred Breznik se ne strinja in pove, da se te predloge ne glasuje, ker je stvar cerkve - E) SOLSTVO IN IZOBRAŽEVANJE (i) Lucija Srnec:Šolstvo in izobraževanje Lucija Srnec odsotna, zato je njen referat predstavila Draga Gelt in sicer v njem prikaže začetke slovenskih sol v Viktoriji, njihov pomen in nalogo ter vlogo učiteljev v klubskih šolah in soli verskega središča. Omenjen je učni program in učbeniki ter kulturne prireditve v okviru šole. Poudarjena je zaželjena pobuda otrokom in mladini v časopisih in po radiu, s sodelovanjem mlajših sodelavcev. Predlagano je tudi medsebojno dopisovanje posameanih šol tukaj in drugod po svetu - predstavitev šol širšemu krogu. Raziskovalna področja naj bi bila bolj objavljena, da so vsi lahko ponosni na dosežke. Predlagan je tudi sklad za pomoč študentom. Radio 3ZZZ razširja in dopolnjuje znanje slovenščine s 5-minutnim programom , Točka 10 je bila črtana iz referata in na točko 2 so bile pripombe, glede pisanja referata. Njene predloge je ASK sprejela. (ii) Mafija Sencar: Slovenščina na Macquarie univerzi v Sydneyu. Slovenski lektorat na Macquarie Univerzi včeraj, danes in jutr: v katerem obširneje opisuje "trnovo pot" od začetka predavanje slovenskega jezika na Macquarie univerzi. Predlaga, da bi bilo potrebno predavanje obogatiti, napraviti zanimivejše, vzpostaviti zvezo z kulturnimi ustanovami doma v Sloveniji, jih povabiti v goste. Navaja, da bo potrebno zbrati določeno vsoto denarja (60.000.-A^) za plačo rednega lektorja in učitelja s polt vičnim delovnim časom.Referat zaključuje z nasvetom, da poskrbimo za naše najmlajše in njihovo bodočnost, da ohranimo slovenski jezik in seveda tudi pripadnost slovenskemu narodu. Marija Senčar predlaga, da bi nov odbor skušal vzpostaviti večjo zvezo z ljubljansko univerzo in Macguarie univerzo na področju študija. Te predloge podpre Jože Zohar in ASK jih sprejme. 1990 F) ŠPORT IN DRUŽABNOST (i) Vida Kodre : Šport in družabnost Vida KOdre v tem referatu povdarja, da sta šport in raz vedrilo posebnega značaja, ki sta potrebna za vsakogar. Omenja, da je Slovencem potrebno prinesti vec humorja, vec organiziranih zabavnih večerom, veselic in^od teh navaja ideje za slovensko popevko, prireditev šaljivih tekmovanj in kvizov, lutkovna gledališča za otroke in odrasle. Konec referatov. ODMOR Na koncu pred odmorom in volitvami, Stanka Gregorič predlaga, da se dr.Jureta Koceta izbere za poslanika v Dragi, ker se odpravlja domov ob tistem času. Predlog je SPREJET. Nadalje omenja in predlaga Ireno Birsa, ki je trenutno v Ljubljani na študiju in je bila sprejeta v SNS Viktorije, da bi ASK to potrdila, da bi lahko delovala kot naš ambasador med Slovenijo in Avstralijo. A.Breznik se s tem stri nja. Elica Rizmal predlog podpre in predlog je sprejet. Ob 18.uri je bil zaklj učen obs irnej ši del ASK. k točki R Rezultati volitev. Vol itve upravnega odbora ASK so se pričele ob 23.05 s prisotnimi: Cvetko Falez, Rizmal Elica, p.Niko Žvokelj, Leber Ivo, Dušan Lajovic, Marta Magajna, Marjan Kovač, Stanka GregoriČ, Alfred Breznik, Alojz Kavaš, in Vida Kodre (kot zapisnikar) . Odsotna: Cilka Žagar. 1. Odborniki izvolijo voditelja, Alfred Breznik odpre sejo oziroma volitve za predsednika, podpredsednika, tajnika in blagajnika. Dušan Lajovic predlaga A.Brežnika za predsednika, vendar A.Breznik ugovarj a, da je zanj nemogoče zaradi preobilice dela. Stanka Gregorič predlaga Dušana Lajovica za predsednika, vendar se Dušan Lajovic s tem tudi ne strinja, in se poriudi za podpredsednika. Isto predlaga tudi Marjan Kovač in Ivo Leber podpre predlog. Izid: Podpredsednik je Dušan Lajovic. 2. Cvetko Falež nato predlaga Marjana Kovača za predsednika in pred log podpre Dušan Laj ovic. Sprej eto: za predsednika je izvoljen Marjan Kovač. 3. Za mesto tajnika je Marta Magajna predlagala Stanko GregoriČ. Predlog podpre Dušan Lajovic in predlog je sprejet. Stanka Gregorič pove, da želi biti le organizacijska tajnica, zaradi prevelikega obsega dela in bolezni rok. k. Nato izberejo referenta za odnose z javnostjo. In sicer Cvetko Falez predlaga Elico Rizmal. Marjan KOvač to podpre. Predlog sprejet. Cvetko Falez pripominja, naj bi 8 odborniki oziroma referenti iz vsakega posameznega področja sami zastopali, da bi se specializirali v določenih strokah. Odborniki predlagajo Alfreda Breznika za političnega referenta za narodno politiko. Predlaga Dušan Lajovic, podpre Stanka Gregoric. Sprejeto. Zatem Cvetko Falez predlaga Alojza Kavasa, da bi bil tudi politični referent, ker ima dobre zveze in odnose z avstralsko vlado. Podpre Marjan KovaČ, vendar predlog ni sprejet, ker se Alfred Breznik s tem ne strinja in želi naj bi bil samo eden referent in ne dva ali več. Obenem tudi odklanja svoje mesto političnega referenta, vendar ga odborniki se enkrat enoglasno izvolijo. Za referenta za gospodarstvo Cvetko Faloz predlaga Marjana Kovača, podpre Alfred Breznik in predlog je sprejet. Za Šolstvo in kulturo Stanka Gregoric predlaga Cilko Žagar, Cvetko Fa.lež podpre, vendar odbor meni, da se se to mosto pusti odprto, ker Cilka Žagar ni prisotna. Za področje vere Stanka Gregoric predlaga patra Bazilija, podpre Cvetko Falež in predlog je sprejet. 9. Za področje športa in družabnosti ni izbran nihče in odbor se dogovori, da bodo to opravili na naslednji seji odbora ter se enkrat vse preverili. k točki 9 Razdelitev dela nakazanih^pred logov v referatih. Te točke ni bilo, zaradi pomanjkanja časa. k točki 10 Dušan Lajovic je daroval 1000,- a$ za ASK, da se nabavi fax aparat. k točki 11 Dogovor za naslednjo sejo odbora ASK, ki bo 18.avgusta 1990 v Melbournu v verskem središču Kew. Zaključek ASK ob 24.10 uri. Zapisnikar : vida Kodre cJL— Predsednik ASK: Marjan Kovač Vodja ASK: Alfred Breznik AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA - AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN CONFERENCE President: Marjan Kovač Vice President: Dušan Lajovic Organisational Secretary: Stanka Gregorič Referent for national and political questions: Alfred Brežnik Referent for Financial questions: Cvetko Falež Referent for Economy: Marjan Kovač Referent for Media: Elica Rizmal Referent for Culture and Literature: Pavla Gruden Referent for Religious Matters: Fr Basil Valentin OFM MBE Other members: Ivo Leber, Martha Magajna and Alojz Kavaš. 1990 PREDLOGI IN SKLEPI iz referatov prebranih na Avstralski slovenski konferenci za Svetovni slovenski kongres -Slovenska vlada naj bi pričela s pogajanji z Avstralijo zaradi priznanja slovenske narodnosti na potnih listih.Ukinile naj bi se tudi vse vize Slovencev in njih svojcev ob obisku domovine.Slovencem v inozemstvu naj se prizna slovensko državljanstvo s potnim listom in volilno pravico. -Naj se prizna Deklaracija o suverenosti drŽave Republike Slovenije z dne 2.julija 1990. -Slovenija naj bi imela svoje konzule. -V Avstraliji naj bi se ustanovili kulturno-informativni centri. -Navezati stike z SBS TV v Avstraliji¡boljši odnos do slovenskega vprašanja in do slovenske manjšine v Avstraliji.Boljše sodelovanje med TV.¡Slovenijo in SBS TV v Avstraliji.Prišlo naj bi tudi do boljšega obveščanja avstralske javnosti o slovenskem vprašanju-v ta namen naj se novinarjem v Sloveniji pošljejo naslovniki avstralskih revij in časopisov.Pride naj do izmenjave zvočnih pisem med Slovenci iz raznih držav.Avstralski Slovenci naj bi do ustanovnega zasedanja Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa izdelali VODIC-informacije o Avstraliji in avstralskih SLoveneih-namenjen rojakom po svetu.S slovensko zgodovino na predavanja na takoimenovano Tretjo univerzo A3U. -V avstralskih mestih naj bi uredili galerije za stalna slikarska in grafična dela,prišlo naj bi tudi do slikarske izmenjave. -Izdelal naj bi še film o slovenski skupnosti za SBS TV,vključitev v program "Masterpieces". -Izdelal naj bi se načrt za poučevanje zgodovine novejše slovenske imigracije, kakor je predlagal član parlamenta za zgodovino splošne imigracije v Avstraliji. -V slovenskih Časopisih naj bi objavljali kratek pregled sodobne literature. -Boljša obveščenost Slovenije o tukajšnjih učiteljih. -Naj se posveti več pozornosti avstralskim slovenskim pesnikom in pisateljem. -Avstralskim knjižnicam je treba ponuditi več slovenskih knjig. -V slovenskih časopisih naj bi se uporabljala čista slovenščina,brez tujk. Enako naj bi veljalo tudi za radijske oddaje itd. -Naj se izvede popis Slovencev v Avstraliji.Na podlagi tega bi izdelali študij ,iz katerega bi bili razvidni demografski,socialni,antropološki podatki o Slovencih. -Domovina mora združiti energijo na vseh kulturnih področjih,tudi kulturno-gospodarskem.Pride naj do tesnega sodelovanja med ministrom za kulturo,ministrom za Slovence po svetu ter kompetentnimi organizacijami v izšeljenstvu. -Izvoz in uvoz med Slovenijo in Avstralijo naj se poveča.Nuditi pomoč slovenskemu bančnemu sektorju z naložbami in delnicami.Poiskati je potrošnike izdelkov slovenskega tržišča.Turizem je ena najboljših porabniških dejavnosti, □vede naj se vseslovenska loterija,ki naj bi za glavni dobitek imela domačijo v Sloveniji. -Ustanoviti je gospodarsko zbornico,s katero bi se povezovali Avstralija in Slovenija.V Slovenijo vlagati tuj kapital. -Nujnost vseslovenskega glasilain.pr.SLOVENSKO PISMO),ki bi avstralske Slovence in preko njih Avstralce seznanjal s slovenskimi proizvodi ter uvoznimi in izvoznimi možnostmi. -Propagirati slovenske proizvode preko osebnih stikov.Seznam izdelkov,ki jih avstralsko tržišče uvaža.Minister za gospodarstvo v Sloveniji naj bi sodeloval z določeno osebo v Avstraliji.Potrebna je propaganda in reklama za Slovenijo. -Ustanovitev slovensko-avstralske hranilnice. -Izdelke iz Slovenije označiti z MADE IN SLOVENIA. -Izdela naj se imenik vplivnih Slovencev po svetu. -Dopisovanje posameznih Šol,tukaj in drugod po svetu. -V Avstraliji naj se ustanovi sklad za pomoč študentom. -Učiteljice Slovenske šole Slovenskega društva Melhourne:Draga Gelt,Magda PiŠotek in Marija Penca zaključujejo priprave za učbenik slovenskega jezika z naslovom UČIM SE SLOVENSKO I.del in II.del.Prvi del bo Šel v tisk Že letos septembra na okrog 100 straneh.Drugi del pa do Božiča. -Uciteljice pripravljajo tudi program za računalnik Macintosh in IBM,ki bo primeren za otroke in mladino,ki si želijo dopolniti znanje slovenskega jezika in splošno znanje kulture,literature,zgodovine in zemljepisa Slovenije. -Vzpostaviti boljše stike med sydneysko Macguarie univerzo in univerzo v Ljubljani.V Avstraliji je potrebno zbrati določeno vsoto denarja za plačo rednega lektorja in učitelja s polovičnim delovnim Časom.Povezovanje s kulturnimi ustanovami v Sloveniji,predstavnike teh povabiti v Avstralijo. -V Avstraliji naj bi se organizirali razni kvizi,slovenske popevke,tekmovanja in lutkovna aledaliŠČa. VpKaSanja 6titavil Paul CoAnik 1.Ali je povratniku,ki se vrača v domovino za stalno.omogočena zdravniška pomoč, bolnica,zdravila,okrevalisče-kakšne so morebitne dajatve? 2.Kakšne so motnosti 2a nalup pokojnin ali sploh obstojajo? Prispevek za nakup pokojnin. 3.Kakšne so možnosti za prostor v domovih za upokojence? Cena mesečne oskrbnine? Kje vse so ti domovi v Sloveniji? 4.Kako se obrestuje devizna štednja v bankah Slovenije?Ali so obresti plačane v tuji valuti ali v dinarski? Višina obresti. 5.Kaj lahko uvozi-prinese v Slovenijo dolgoletni izseljenec,če se vrača za stalno? 6.Ali se bo odvzeta lastnina(hiša,kmetija in slično)izšeljencu vrnila? Vsa navedena vprašanja naj obravnava v Avstraliji le ena organizacija,n.pr. Avstralska slovenska konferenca.Poveže naj se z odgovornimi v Sloveniji. /Iz i^OAatav:C\jLZQo>u.£,Elice. Hlzmal,Ez-Ha Piibca,Joizta to-haija,Pavle, G>lu.de.n, Vinka Hizmala,lva izbija,Marjana Kovača,Maiijz Sznčai,Vlage. GeZt.p.Ntka Zvoki^fP.VateJUiana Jznka.VuAana Laiovtca.Lu.cih SA.neti in Vidu Kcd-ieJ MELBOURNE AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA Vestnik, Avgust 1990, V soboto. 28. julija 1990, so se v prostorih Slovenskega druina "Triglav" >* Sydney-u, zbrali predstavniki na avstralski slovenski konferenci v sklopu Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa. mevalo upanje v stilu za črtanih pori demokracije in mednarodnega spoštovanja. p. 4. Zbralo se je več kot 40 predstavnikov iz NSW-a, Canberre, Queensland-a in Viktorije. Zastopnik Slovencev v Avstraliji bo od Se l na srečanje v Dragi pri Opčinah (blizu Trsta) s predlogi in dobrimi željami za uresničitev resnične in pravične poti demokracije. Konferenca je potekla zelo uradno in v poročilih, oziroma v referatih je od- Draga Gel t -l- VESTNIK EMBASSY OF THE SOCIALIST FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA CANBERRA I. avstralsko slovenskemu kongresu, Sydney, 20.julij 1990 Spoštovani rojaki* Vas kongres Je nedvomno zgodovinski dogodek v življenju slovenske skupnosti y Avstraliji in predstavlja mejnik v odnosih z matično domovino. Se več, to je nadvse dragocen prispevek k procesu globalnega konstituiranja Slovenstva, ki "bo sklenjen z napoveda-nim SV2T0VNIK SLOVENSKIM EONCHEBCH prihodnje leto. Po svobodnih volitvah in narodni spravi stopamo Slovenci med tiste narode sveta, ki so dosegli visoko raven demokratične civilizacije in večstrankarskega političnega življenja. To so dosegli Slovenci doma, ob vasi pomembni podpori, in s tera nam svet pričenja priznava* ti zasluzeno mesto v skupnem,evropskem domu. V novih pogojih se Sloveniji odpirajo možnosti za hitrejši in uspes* nejsi razvoj na vseh področjih. Pri tem imate lahko rojaki po svetu zelo pomembno vlogo, ki mora temeljiti na vzajemnem spoštovanju in obojestranskih interesih. V preteklosti so nas, žal, delile politid» ne razlike, premalo smo anali ceniti vaše znanje in dragocene izku£* nje, zaradi nesmiselnih, dogmatskih omejitev zasebne lastnine pa niste mogli aktivneje sodelovati v gospodarskem življenju Slovenije* Vse to Je zdaj preteklost in gotovo se vsi zavedamo nadvse obetavnih možnosti za gospodarsko sodelovanje, od direktnih naložb, mešanih in drugih delniških dru£b ter posedovanja in svobodnega razpolaganja z nepremičninami. O tem govori hrošura "Investing in Slovenia", katere nekaj izvodov vara pošiljam- Go to vo "boste podprli tudi pobudo za "bratenje" (twinning arrangement) med Slovenijo in Novim Južnim Valesom. Slicna pogodba je bila podpis sana nedavno z državo Ohio in mestom Cleveland v ZDA, med obiskom premiera Peterlea in zunanjega ministra dr Huplja. Ce to morda £e niste storili, predlagam, da ju povabite na obisk v Avstralijo. Vsem delegatom avstralskega slovenskega kongresa in članom slovenskih narodnih svetov sirom Avstralije želim plodno delo v duhu sloge in vzajemnega spoštovanja ter preko vas obilo sreče in tesnih sčikov z domovino vsem slovenskim rojakom v Avstraliji» Canberra, 26.Julij 1990 in tesnih stik S-tsFr dr.Boris Cizelj veleposlanik Triglav Club, Sydney Alfred Breznik explaining Voni Bakija the piece of the Berlin wall he himself cut on 9 November 1989. Alfred Brežnik, Ivanka Škof, Mariza Ličan, Stanka Gregorič, Tončka and Dr. Marko Coby. Dušan Bakija and Zora Johnson viewing the Exhibition. Vestnik, Avgust 1990, p. 4. Srečanje in sestanek ASKja v Melbournu s člani iz Canberre in Sydneya. Melbourne ASK meeting including members from Canberra and Sydney. Elica Rizmal, Alfred Brežnik, Ivo Leber, Dušan Lajovic, Marjan Kovač, Stanka Gregorič at the meeting in Melbourne. ■ Y ^ Mt Sestanek upravnega odbora Avstraisko-slovenske konference V soboto. 18. avgusta se je v verskem središču v Kew, v Melbournu, zbral upravni odbor Avstralske slovenske konference (ASK) na svoji drugi redni seji. Prisostvovali so (lani odbora iz ACT (Marijan Koval, Cvetko Falei), NSW-a (Dušan Lajovic, Al/red Breinik in Pavla Gruden), in Viktorije (pater Bazilij Valentin, Stanka Gregorič, Ivo Leber in Elica Rizmal). Ocenili so delo ustanovne seje ASK, kije bila 28. julija v Sydneyu, za zelo uspešno, saj je v njej konstruktivno sodelovalo kar 44 delegatov Avstralije, podanih 16 referatov z različnih področij; od gospodarstva, kulture, Šolstva, itd. Prav tako je bil uspešen in lep Vseslovenski večer, z mašo, kulturnim programom ter govorom predsednika SNS NSW-a g. Lajovica s predsednikom demokratično izvoljene slovenske vlade g. Peterletom. Na sobotni seji Upravnega odbora ASK, ki jo je vodil predsednik g.Marjan Kovač iz Canberre, so preučili predloge referatov in razprav z ustanovne seje ASK in sklenili, da jih bodo poslali na srečanje v Dragi, ki bo konec avgusta. Predloge bo predstavil dr. J.Koče, ki zastopa ASK. Predlogi sami se tičejo organizacije SSK, ki bo drugo leto, konec junija prvi Svetovni kongres vseh Slovencev: Slovencev iz domovine, iz zamejstva in izsetjenStva, kjer bomo Slovenci Hrom sveta sodelovali na vseh moinih področiih (publicitete, gospodarstva, kulture, itd.). Na sobotni delovni seji, ki je potekala vej dan, so predstavili tudi osnutek statuta SSK ter izvolili tudi referentko za kulturo pri ASK. To. mesto je prevzela g. Pavla Gruden iz SNS NSiV-a.____ PETITION To the Honourable the Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives Assembled in Parfyment The Petition of ccrtain cilizcns of Australia draws to the attention LiüVij.».";ivi(i u; .1/ AC!J—ViCi Efjoitovr.: H i V souoto, ib,¿VLjUiitii li/bio.sino se člani Upravnega oduora Avstralske slovenske konferei ice z razprav i j ali tuai o sproiie^ljafi 3.osnutka statuta V '¿i.dletm Pruamuile je navedena sledeča spremembi.da je Članstvo SSK Svetovneti sloves »iorKjresti iiKiiviaualno, ali pa so člani razne slovenske organizacije... "¿eveša tx> o tun. Končno odloČil ¿Si; na svojci,t prven zaseoanju, ki oo oo 27,-jj.junija iyi>i. Zaraui lc.ja oi oiio prav»,če bi prišlo tned Avstralsko slovensko konferenco za SSK in Svevon slovenskih organizacij v Victoriji oziroma slovenskimi društvi oo oZje^a souel0van3a.Ua ui souelovanje obrodilo za žel jene uspehe predlagamo za posredovalca informacij na enem vaŽih sestankov člana odbora Slovenskega narodnega sveta Victoria patra Nika ¿voklja. Pričakovati je,aa ijo tozadevno posredovanje patra Nika Žvoklja koristilo vseslovenskim interesa'». S slovenskim pozdravom Marjan KovaČ PredseOnik Melbourne,19.Ö.1990 Kopija pisma poslanega 19.8.90.,ki ga je podpisal predsednik Avstralske slovenske konference Marjan Kovač in ga baje niste sprejeli.Poslano pred dvemi o Stanka Gregoric^ S- t^^jc-CjCrj"-*^ Elica Rizmal je poslala vprašanja v Slovenijo in prejela odgovor. Elica Rizma's questions to Slovenia and the response. 274 MED AVSTRALSKIMI SLOVENCI HI VOJNIH ZLOČINCEV TELEFAX TELEFAX TELEFAX TELEFAX TELEFAX TELEFAX TELEFAX TELEFAX telefax SKUPŠČINA ~:r.l'. J.;-. 5i-Ov£NUE IZVRÍNI SVET Ljubljana, 24,8.1990 ST. ; illSo REPUBLIŠKI SEKRETARIAT 2A INFORMIRANJE, LJUBLJANA URGENT! NUJNO! G. STAN IGU ! Prosim, prenesite naslednja vprašanja ministru za notranje zadeve, g.Bavčarju in ministru za Slovence po svetu,dr.Dularju; saj nimam direktnih naslovov in faxov. Lepo pozdravljeni! i Pisen vam v imenu Avstralskih Slovencev oz. Avstralske slovenske konference(ASK) in Slovenskega narodnega sveta Viktorije, Prosimo vas za uradni odgovor na naslednja vprašanja: 1. Od 7.7.1990 lahko s tujim potnim listom in celo brez,vsak tuj drzavljar, (razen izjem} vstopi v Jugoslavijo brez vize za 30 dni. Tuji državljani(rojeni v Sloveniji oz v Jugoslav!j i),ki zaradi velike oddaljenosti in dragih letalskih kart, prihajajo v Slovenijo za vet kot 3C dni,Se vedno potrebujejo vize. Izstayi pa se jim se vedno LE ENKRATNA viza. Zakaj? In ali bi lahko to vprašanje uredili? 2. Ali je bila sprejeta deklaracija o prenehanju preganjanja kaznivih dejanj,ki so bila storjena med vojno od 6.4.1941 do 15.5.1945 in ali so ustavljeni vsi kazenski in drugi postopki proti tem osebam(19 ali 22-im iz vrst slovenske politične emigracije)? j 3. Vedno znova nas vprašujejo ljudje za spisek teh imen: ker s^, bojijo, da so na spisku. Torej ali so na tem spisku imena Slovencev,ki živijo v Avstraliji? (✓ ¿»z i roma v 4. Ozirajoč se na članek I.Zajdela v Demokraciji 31.7.1990,vas Prosimo, da objavite spisek teh imen(19 ali 22). J Odgovore bi potrebovali čimprej,saj je to nedeljo 26.avgusta 1990 odprt sestanek Slovenskega narodnega sveta Viktorije, kjer bodo ijudje gotovo postavljali ta vprašanja. Odgovor poslj i te,prosim, s faxom Elici Rizmal , referentki za odnose z javnostjo za Avstralsko slovensko konferenco, tel. 03-752 0003, fax: 03-755 J74fc Prisrčen pozdrav, hvala za intervjuje, hvala za pomoč f Elica Rizmal za ASK in SNS-Vic Melbourne, 21.B.1990 Gospa Elica Rizmal Avstralska slovenska konferenca in Slovenski narodni svet Viktorije fax: 03 755 1746 epoZtorana qospl Elica ItLzzcllI Republiški sekretar za informacije Stane Stanič mi je posredoval va£e pismo z nujnlini vprašanji. S a kratko odgovarjam takole: 1. Casern in -druge omejitve v zvezi z vstopnimi viiani za Jugoslavijo so ostanek stare urs11 iK i^eFfje^bu ^^¿baiOJ Spoštovani 1 Slovensni narooni svef iz Ki* tor i je(c 1 an A S<) pr e d 1 aga, da oo oois*o Slovanij9 uredita sledeče; 1.Sodelovanje aed «inistroa za Slovenca po svetu,arugtoi konpatentnirai or5aniiaclja&i v Sloveniji in meoes1 o vensko skupnostjo v lltttiljji naj bi v oodace potekalo prelso predstavni s tu vseh Slovencev v Avstraliji AS* oziroma regionalnih Slovenskih narod niliiBve tatov. Z.f ros l.no ,da poizveste o o o T3 O i-t a 03 ■ f—i -M (tf o U O tj pi «j as i a QJ > CO ■i iS ° B.« 3 - -p ^ S £ s a . | oc S (U U [ j etas ■ i « c w ■ •q 3 a-*-, } S ! 6 THE AUSTRALIAN Friday Octotx Slovenia, Croatia push unity to brink From TIMOTHY HERITAGE in Belgrade YUGOSLAVIA has moved closer to disintegration with defiant, action by the powerful Slovenia and Croatia republics against central rule. Slovenia's representative stormed out ot a crisis meeting ot tlif eight-man presidency yesterday while Croatia's leader publicly denounced plans by the State President. Mr Bonsav Jovic. for strong central rule. Yugoslavia, groping its way towards democracy after 45 years oi communism, is deeply divided over whether to keep tight central controls or give the six republics greater autonomy in a confederation — a looser alliance. Slovenia and Croatia, which dumped communist rule in free elections recently, want a confederation But Serbia, the largest republic. and Mr Jovic want central rule. Slovenia's representative, Mr Janes Dmovsek, who walked out of the meeting yesterday. accused Mr Jovic ot try. ing to unite the presidency behind a plan to keep Yugoslavia under tight central rule without considering other proposals, Slovene sources said. Mr Jovic tried to put his views to the Federal Assembly late last night, but was prevented by representatives who said it should be put to a joint meeting of the two chambers When the debate is resumed later today he is likely to pay little attention to a draft plan by Croatia and Slovenia for an alliance of six autonomous States similar to the European Community. Croatia and Slovenia, Yugoslavia's most prosperous republics. threaten to secede if their demands are ignored. The Croatian President, Mr Franio Tudjman. rejected Mr Jovic s plans at a rally of several hundred thousand supporters in the republic's capital. Zagreb, last night. He said Croatia would stay in Yugoslavia only as an autonomous State and would resist any attempt to threaten its. independence, ReuiersTXPf* — Parliamentarians for Croatia & Slovenia Chairman: Dr. Andrew Theophanous MP Member for Cal well (Labour Party) Secretary: Paul Filing MP Member for Moore (Liberal Party) Comunique to the Croatian and Slovenian Parliaments Canberra, Thursday 22th August 1991 At Us inaugural meeting today, Parliamentarians for Croatia and Slovenia, a friendship group of Australian Federal Parliamentarians expressed its strong support for the parliaments of Croatia and Slovenia and the aspirations for independence and self-determination of the peoples of the two Republics. The group, consisting of 20 Members and Senators of the Australian Parliament was formed to encourage the Australian Government to recognise the independence and sovereignity of the Republics. The group deplores the violence, loss of life and destruction of property that has taken place in Slovenia and Croatia, where more than 300 civilians are reported to have been killed, largely as a result of the attacks of terrorists suplied by the Communist led Federal Army and attacks by the army itself... The Parliamentarians for Croatia and Slovenia are willing to meet and/or communicate with representatives of the parliaments of the Republics to ensure full and accurate information as to the progress of the movement towards international recognition is exchanged between Australia and the Republics. We wish you every success in your endeavours. Dr. Aodrew Theophanous Paul Filing Sesatnek z Garryjem Handom, ministrom za imigracijo in etnične zadeve Sydney Avgusta 91 je predstavnike slovenske skupnosti povabil na razgovor Garry Hand, minister za ¡migracijo in etnične zadeve. Sestanka so se udeležili: Dušan Lajovic - predsednik SNS (Slovenskega narodnega sveta) NSW: Martha Magajna - podpredsednica SNS NSW; Alfred Breznik - tajnik SNS NSW in vodja Slovenskega informacijskega urada; Vlado Menart (svetovalec v Ethnic Affairs in pravni svetovalec ASK (Avstralske slovenske konference)' pater Valerijan Jenko OFM - vodja Verskega in kulturnega središča Merrylands - Štefan Semek - predsednik Slovenskega društva Sydney; Brni! Kukovec - predsednik Slovenskega kluba Triglav; LjenKo Urbančič - predsednik Slovenskega narodnega društva; Marija Senčar - predsednica Slovenian Studies Foundation 'trust; Mariza Ličan - predsednica Slovenskega šolskega odbora NSW in koordinatorka oddaje v slovenskem jeziku na radiu 2 EA. Prva točka programa je bila predstavitev Slovenije in važnost priznanja Slovenije, govorili pa so še o pomembnosti obojestranskih diplomatskin predstavništev, o trgovinski izmenjavi, o oprostitvi davka za darove Sloveniji in o drugih vprašanjih. Gerry Hand je obljubi! pomoč, ob slovesu pa je dejal, da Slovence res občuduje. Iz poročila Alfreda Breznika SYDNEY Stanka GregoriČ Referent za narodno politiko in publiciteto SNS VIC. in organizacijska tajnica SNS in ASK Spoštovani! Na seji SNS VIC.dne 16.oktobra 1990.smo razpravljali o mojem predlogu in člani odbora so bili mnenj a,naj razposljem pismo vsem SNS v Avstraliji v svojem imenu.0 predlogu se bo razpravljalo na naslednjem sestanku. Prosim,da date svoje mnenje tudi vi in da se v imenu ASK posije pismo Slovenski skupščin i.Ker se doma razvijajo dogodki z veliko naglico,bi vas prosila,če vprašanje obravnavate v kar se da najkrajšem času. Moj predlog je sledeč: Slovenski skupščini V Avstraliji pozorno spremljamo vse dogodke v Sloveniji oziroma Jugoslaviji. Zadnje case sledimo tudi pripravam za dokončne od ločitve: v kaks'ni drz'avi in s kom naj bi Slovenija živela. CLani^Avstralske slovenske konference smo za samostojno-suvereno drfavo Slovenijo V slučaju konfederacije smo zasledili podatek,naj, bi se ta zveza drz"av imenovala bodisi JUGOSLOVANSKE ZDRUZENE DRŽAVE,bodi Si ZDRUZENE DRŽAVE JUŽNOVZHODNE EVROPE. Zavedamo se,da izseljenci ne moremo končno odločati o imenu,vendar želimo dati svoj predlog in svojo pojasnitev:morda bi se imenovala ZVEZA DRŽAV JUZNOVZHODNE EVROPE ali ZVEZA JUŽNIH SLOVANOV. V tujini Živeči Slovenci smo v času svojega izseljenstva Še kako čutili na svoji lastni koži vpliv in posledice besede YUGOSLAV,zato smo odločno proti vsakemu nazivu bilo katere novotvorbe-novega zduzenja,ki bi nosilo to ime. Prosim,da dopolnite gornji tekst in ga kar se da hitro pošljete referentu za narodno politiko ASK Alfredu Brezniku. Stanka Gregoric f ' Referent za narodno politiko SNS Vic. GOLD COAST Melbourne, 16.10.90. NEKOČ NE BO VEČ SONCA An eight year old Gold Coast girl is part of a worldwide push to have LULU SU.VIVl£,tl «HIV- The Coast Slovenian Community is also soon to become involved in an international fund-raising effort to help cushion the Republic against the ravages of fighting, which has caused an estimated"? 3.7 billion in damages already. Coast Push for Slovenia Preko vseh meja grmijo kriki, med naseljenimi griči lomijo se vzdihi groza nas je, groza življenja, ekstaza smrti rodi uvela poželenja. Trepetajoče roke grabijo po oblakih, trudne noge korak so izgubile, naše oči, v blodnjah zastrte, ustnice mrzle v poljubu sp mrtve. The Australian Government is being petitioned to recognise the republic as an independent and sovereign state and to also condemn any action of force against it. Shannon Cribble, of Benowa, is to present a petition with 909 signatures to the Member for Moncrieff, Kiithy Sullivan. rages of tight mji. which has caused estimated"? 3.7 billion in damages ■sent a petition with 909 signatures the Member for Moncrieff. Kathy Le konec še čakamo, za nami stoletja obstoja. Poti prehojene, novih ni, ljubezni izpite, besede oropane, ljudje sami! Danijela Hliš, Hobart, 1988 SKUPŠČINA REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE 19 Oc tober SLOVENIA Komi sij a za raziskavo povojnih množičnih poboj ev, pravno dvomljivih procesov in drugih nepravilnosti Letter from Ljubljana regarding postwar crimes. Številka: 020-02/90-16 Ljubljana, 19/10-1990 SLOVENCEM DOMA IN PO SVETU Napočil je nujni - in morda skrajni - čas, da pogledamo svoji polpretek losti v oč i, predvsem pa da z api šemo in shranimo vse spomine in pričevanja ljudi o našem travmatičnem polpreteklem času. Čas strahu je minil, nastopil je Čas za besedo. Skupščina Republike Slovenije je na sejah zborov 18. in 19. julija 1990 sprejela Odlok o ustanovitvi, nalogah in sestavi ter številu članov Komisije Skupščine Republike Slovenije za raziskavo povojnih množičnih pobojev, pravno dvomijivih~proce5Qv in drugih nepravilnosti. Komi si j a se je zavezala, da bo opravljala na loge, za katere je bila ustanovi j ena, s polno mero etičnega posluha, s trpnosti in nepri stranosti ter ideološke neobremenjenosti. Njena naloga je raziskava povojnih dogodkov, vendar bo Komisija verjetno morala seči tudi v dogajanja med vojno, kolikor se bo izkazalo, da so neposredno pogojevala povojno dogajanje. Raz iskava povoj n ih poboj ev, pravno dvomi j iv ih procesov in drug ih nepravilnosti je nujna pot k resnični spravi na Slovenskem ter pogoj za pisanje dopolnjene zgodovine polpretekle dobe, ki bo temeljila na dejstvih in ne bo prilagojena ideološkim gledanjem na tedanji čas. Da bi komi sija lahko dobro opravila svoj e delo, pros i za pomoč Slovence v domovini in po svetu. Prosimo vas, posredujte republiški komisiji, ali pa tudi ustreznim komisijam po občinah, ki so jih ali pa jih bodo ustanovile, vse znane podatke (kraji grobišč, število žrtev, okoliščine, v katerih so bili poboji in podobno, podatki - pričevanja o pravno dvomljivih procesih in njihovih posledicah za posameznike ali skupine ter druge nepravilnosti). Komisija bo ugotovljena relavantna dejstva posredovala pristojnim organom, da bodo storjene krivice tudi moralno, politično, pravno in materialno popravljene. Komisija bo delovala tako, da bo vsem pričevalcem zagotovljena osebna integriteta in varnost. Komisija se obenem že vnaprej zahvaljuje vsakomur za dragoceno pomoč pri nj enem odgovornem delu, ki je naša skupna dolžnost. V^^ä. (JP\r edsednik ^dlnac Polajnar l.r. 14 NfcH'wbtr V Verskem in kulturnem središču Kew, Melbourne, so se zbrali predstavniki vseh slovenskih organizacij ' ieMm v Viktoriji. Sestavili so začasni odbor, ki ga je vodil p. Niko Žvokelj OFM, namenjen zbiranju pomoči MELBOURNE poplavljeni Sloveniji. Odprt je bil posebni bančni račun: Slovenian Flood Appeal. Meeting of representatives of all Slovenian organisations in Victoria to form a temporary committee to help the victims of the floods in Slovenia - Slovenian Flood Appeal, led by Fr Niko Žvokelj OFM. SI -OVF.NSKAk^lZSEI JF.NSKA MATICA cankaajeva i ii 41001 L JI lil JANA it gosi a\ ija u61 nera • p p it,« Avstralska slovenska konferenca fax «tt/3io«i P.O.Box 197 KEW, Vic. 31ol Melbourne,Australia DNt14. novembra 199o zap si zadeva Spoštovani, dovolite nam, da slovenskim narodnim svetom in Avstralsko slovenski konferenci ob ustanovitvi in pričetku delovanja iskreno čestitamo. VeČ o tem smo zvedeli od g. Breznika ob njegovem nedavnem obisku v Sloveniji. Veseli nas, da ete se avstralski Slovenci tako enotno združili v to organizacijo in vam želimo pri vaših prizadevanjih tudi v bodoče kar največ uspehov. Pričakujemo Iskreno medsebojno sodelovanje pri uresničevanju naših skupnih ciljev. Slovenska izseljenska matica bo imela v mesecu decembru svoj redni občni zbor, na katerem bo izvolila tudi novo vodstvo. V želji, da bi tudi Slovenci zunaj meja Slovenije lahko s svojimi predstavniki sodelovali v organih Matice in tako tvorno vplivali na oblikovanje in izvajanje njenega programa, ki naj bi kar v največji meri upošteval želje in potrebe Čim večjega števila Slovencev v svetu, smo se odločili povabiti k sodelovanju zaslužne in ugledne rojake, ki naj ne bi temelji^ na delegatskem sistemu. V tem bi se razlikovali od reprezentativnega - geografskega pristopa k ustanovitvi Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa. Glede na to, ker ste nova organizacija, ki s svojim Članstvom pokriva vsa večja področja, kjer živijo in delajo Slovenci v Avstraliji, smo se odločili, da vas povabimo k sodelovanju in prosimo, da nam do lo. decembra sporočite, če boste kandidirali predstavnika v izvršni odbor in koga. Slovenska izseljenska matica je že predhodno povabila k sodelovanju ga. Berta Pribca, kot kandidata za podpredsednika in go. Marizo Ličan za kandidata za izvršni odbor. Prepričani smo, da so njune zasluge za ohranitev in negovanje slovenake kulturne dediščine med Slovenci v Avstraliji nesporne in njuna kandidatura sprejemljiva za večino Slovencev v Avstraliji. Pričakujemo vaše sporočilo in vas iskreno pozdravljamo, Janez Rogelj tajnik SLOVENSKI HAHODlil SVET TIKTOEIJA G.A.BHEZHIKUI. Lepo pozdravljeni i Navdušeno pozdravljamo in podpiramo v a so pobudo za ustanovitev začasnega informacijskega centra» saj;ste pripravljeni žrtvovati vaš čas in denar,da bomo Slovenci bolje obveščeni o dogodkih v domovini. Zavedamo se izredne pomembnosti informacijskega centra» ki bo avstralsko javnost seznanjal o življenju male, doslej skoraj neznane, države Slovenije. Prosimo vas, da nam sporočite, kako si predstavljate delovanje informacijskega centra; posebno Še, glede posredovanja novic po Avstraliji. Istočasno predlagamo, da bi po šestih mesecih, ponovno razpravljali o nadalnjem delovanju informacijskega centra. Za SMS Vic Elica Hizmal lielbourne, 21. nov. 1990 ZBOGOM, ZEMLJA MOJA Zemlja grenka, ljubila sem te. Borovi gozdovi, kjer gobe sem iskala, jezero, ki rojstno mesto je pogoltnilo. Domovina moja, zbogom. Ne jočem, ker našla sem nov gozd. Le iščem, vztrajno, eno lipo, eno vrbo, eno smreko, en hrast, da bleščali bodo med zelenimi evkaliptusi. Moja domovina je bila in ostane -Narava. Danijela Hliš, Hobart iLoi/tii- l/(C. 22. november 1990 Spoštovani Slovenski narodni svet Vam sporoča, da se ho nahajal za nekaj dni v Melbournu Dr, Janez Dular, član nove sLovenske vlade, namreč minister za vprašanja Slovencev po svetu. Prihod v Melbournc pričakujemo v soboto 1. decembra ob 10,15h zjutraj. Za sprejem na letališču je najeta soba na Ansett terminal, Group Lounjje, Mezinihi level. Cim večja udeležba rojakov, posebno se narodne nose za-zeljene. V soboto zvečer bo slovesen sprejem ministra v dvorani Slovenskega društva Melbournc, 82 lngrams Road, Research, v obliki Dinner Dance. Spored tega večera je sledeči: kratek kulturni nastop, razgovor z ministrom (odgovori na vprašanja publike, kateri bi naj bili napisani in predani pri vhodu v dvorano) sledila bo večerja in ples. Pricetek točno ob 7h, zato je nujna točnost. Celoten profit te prireditve bo sel za pomoč prizadetim od poplave v Sloveniji. Rezervacije sprejema gospod Štefan Merzel na telefonsko številko 687 5176, po uradnih urah pa na številko 687 5713. Vstopnina je $25.00 po osebi. Vljudno vabljeni no ta zgodovinski večer, ko nas bo obiskal prvi demokratično izvoljeni predstavnik nove slovenske vlade. -LIt C- Simon Spacapan, Predsednik P.S. Rezervacije zazeljene do četrtka zvečer. 23 November SYDNEY 24 November 25 November o / \ovemJw 7 / Movember CANBERRA 28 November Press Conference at the Sydney Airport. Prihod dr. Janeza Dularja na sydneysko letališče, sprejem v letališčni dvorani. Dr Janez Dular arrived at Sydney airport. Welcome in the Airport conference room. Obisk slovenske srednje šole v Bankstownu in intervju na SBS etničnem radiu 2EA, zvečer prisoten na maturantskem plesu. Dular's visit to Slovenian classes at Bankstown High School, interview at SBS radio station 2EA and spent the evening with the final year students (HCS) at their Maturantski ples. Maša v slovenski cerkvi v Merrylands, sledil je piknik. Popoldne je bila izredna seja upravnega odbora Avstralske slovenske konference. Na seji so v prisotnosti dr. Dularja ustanovili Slovenski informativni urad. Ustanovitev so podprli vsi Slovenski narodni sveti. Prva akcija: zbiranje podpisov kot podpora plebiscitu za neodvisno Slovenijo. Slovenski informacijski urad razpošilja avstralskemu zunanjemu ministrstvu in vsem avstralskim slovenskim medijem fax poročila (ki jih kasneje prejema od Slovenske tiskovne agencije). Holy Mass at Merrylands, followed by picnic. In the afternoon, a meeting of Australian Slovenian Conference, when a Slovenian Information Centre was established with the positive decisions from all. Dr Dular je obiskal podjetje Slovene Enterprises. Obisk na Macquarie univerzi. Sprejem v Slovenskem društvu Sydney. Dr Dular visited Slovene Enterprises, Macquarie University - the Slovenian Lectorate and was welcomed at the Slovenian Association Sydney. Dr Dular je obiskal Slovence v Canberri in srečal ministra za imigracijo. Dr Dular visited Slovenians in Canberra and met the Australian Minister for Immigration. Tiskovna konferenca za SBS TV in radio. Press conference for SBS TV and Radio. Welcoming Minister Dular Minister Dular at Bankstown High School - Slovenian class. Minister Dr Janez Dular at Macquarie University SYDNEY Pavla Gruden, Marija Senear, Ljenko Urbančič, Dr. Janez Dular, Vlado Lušič -SBS Radio. Štefan Šernek and Dr Janez Dular. Dr. Janez Dular, Ted Grace, than Member of Australian Parliament and Mrs Grace. Dr Janez Dular and Mariza Ličan on Radio SBS, Sydney. 294 Press Conference at Radio SBS. After the meeting at Slovenian Mission, Sydney. Director of Saturday School NSW, Mr Peter Dooley, presenting Minister Dular a book. Dr Dular met the Teachers and the Staff of Education Department NSW. Dr Janez Dular attended an irregular meeting of ASK at Slovenian Mission, Sydney SLOVENSKA KARITAS Ciril Mciodcw i rt? SW YU 61Ü0Ü LJUBLJANA tcL 001)311-577 Št. žir. r.: 50100-620-107 05 ¡140116-625903 Telefax: Družina 061/329 793 22.11.1990 SLOVENIA Začasni odbor za pomoč Sloveniji Slovenian Flood Appeal - Australia 19A'iJecKett 5t., KEW,V1C., 3101 f Australia * t * » V imenu poplavljencev, 13. kai-ere snira Slovenska Karitas denarne prispevke, se odboru in vam p.Nikio iskreno zahvaljujem za poslani denar in za vaše ad 1) denar 10.000 AUD smo prejeli; ad 2) sredstva bomo razdelili potem, ko bomo dobili o d go vo re pri za detih koliko škode so ut rpeli j koliko pomoči so že prejeli, koliko jim je se obljubljeno, koliko bodo lahko sami zbrali in koliko dejansko potrebujejo. Na podlagi odgovorov se bomo odločali za višino puiiiuči Kairita 3. To bo tre j a lo kakčnih *1 fl dna , ad J) Vsakemu, ki bo prejel denar, bomo naročili, da napiše potrdilo o višini prejete vsote. — To bomo potem dostavili vašemu odboru, ad odgovarjam danes. tLk.iat Se vat*, aok^ttifuiitti i* d. ■ b ro d tO n n" akcijo* T Poplava nas je vse precej pove2ala. Ostanimo povezani tudi v molitvi! Naj Bog povrne vsem darovalcem in vas blagoslavlja! «a Slovensko Karitas SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET ■ VIKTORIJA SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL - VICTORIA lAVSÜfULSKA 503VENSKA KÛMft RENCA Z* SílOíh* SlOYEffiKI IfONSfiESÍ [AUSTRALIAN ÈLCVENAH COFiPEMCi FOH ÎUMhlliH WDHJOOOMCfÉSSl MELBOURNE To the Chief of Staff, Mews Department MEDIA RELEASE The collate of communism and democratizatlon of Eastern block, have led to great government changes in Europe. This has also happened in Slovenia, the northern republic of Yugoslavia. Slovenia led in the democratization with the first multiparty elections and its proclamation of soveregnty. The historical events of World Mar II have led to a national tragedy, to a great rift in the Slovenian community all over the world- But after 45 years of communist rule £loveia is free again and the new democraticly eletted government has tried to heal the rift with a nationwide reconciliation ceremony at the site of mass graves, where thousands of Home guards were massacred after the War. This was a symbolic reconcllliation of a nation. The new government also established its first Ministry for Slovenians Abroad. So the Slovenian community of Victoria Is experiencing an unprecedented event; the visit of representative of the first democratiely elected Slovenian government. dr.Janez Dular, minister for ethnic affairs and for Slovenians abroad. Dr.Janez Dular is member of Slovenian Parliament and is politicly independent. He was a lecturer of linguistics and sociollinguistics at University of Ljubljana and the editor of the Slovenian daily Delo. We are inviting your reporters to the Press Conferrence this Saturday, 1, december. 1990 at 10.30 A.MsTuUJkMA«ikJe Aiftft^Kr at ANSETT TERMINAL GROUP LUNCH - Mezzanine Floor Contact person: firs.Eli Rizmal Press officer for Australian Slovenian Conferrence for Slovenian World Congress Tel: 03- 755 2626 or 752 0003 Fax: 755 1746 Melbourne, 29.11.1990 V Sydneyu je bil ustanovljen Slovenski informacijski urad. Prva akcija: zbiranje podpisov kot podpora plebiscitu za neodvisno Slovenijo. Slovenski informacijski urad razpošilja avstralskemu zunanjemu ministrstvu in vsem avstralskim slovenskim medijem fax poročila (ki jih kasneje prejema od Slovenske tiskovne agencije), kot tudi avstralskemu parlamentu. The Slovenian Informations Office was established in Sydney. Its first major activity was to collect signatures to support the Plebiscite in favour of Slovenian independence. Slovenian Information Office sends faxes to Australian Foreign Ministry and Australian Slovenian media (later received from Slovenian Press Agency), as well as to the Australian Government. SLOVENIAN INFORMATION OFF;.: P.O. Box 188, Coogee NSW 2034 Australia Obisk Slovencev v Coolangatti in Slovenskega društva Planinka. Dr Dular visits Slovenians at Coolangatta on Gold Coast and at the Slovenian Association Planinka. Sprejem v klubu Triglav, Sydney. Welcome at Triglav Club, Sydney. 29 November BRISBANE 30 November SYDNEY Slovensko Pismo, Year 1, No. 4, p.16. Tončka Heric pozdravlia ministra Dularja 299 29 November BRISBANE Welcome at the entry to Slovenian Association Planinka: Anica Cuderman, Marica Podobnik, Dr Janez Dular, Tončka Heric, Jože Vah and Marjan Lauko. Celebrating the visit of Dr Janez Dular at Slovenian Association Planinka: Vinko and Danila Čoper, Franc Sauli, Tončka Heric, Veronika Tadina, Jože Vah, Francka Barbis and Albina Vah. •ber 1 MELBOURNE ber - 2 De ecember 3 Prihod v Melbourne, sprejem v letališčni dvorani. Srečanje dr. Dularja v Slovenskem društvu Ivan Cankar, Geelong. Zvečer družabni večer v Slovenskem društvu Melbourne, ki ga je organiziral Slovenski narodni svet Viktorije. Arrival to Melbourne and welcome. Meeting with the Slovenians at Slovenian Association Ivan Cankar Geelong. In the evening social evening at the Slovenian Association Melbourne, organised by Slovenian National Council of Victoria and the cultural program. Maša v slovenski cerkvi v Kew, popoldne srečanje z rojaki v Slovenskem primorskem socialnem klubu Jadran. Mass at the Slovenian church at Kew, in the afternoon meeting Slovenians at the Slovenian Social Club Jadran. Dr Dular je obiskal Slovensko društvo Planica, Springvale. Zvečer sestanek in večerja s člani Slovenskega narodnega sveta Viktorije. Visit of Slovenian Association Planica, Springvale, in the evening meeting and dinner with the members of Slovenian National Council of Victoria. GEELONG Welcome to Dr Janez Dular at the Slovenian Association Ivan Cankar, Geelong: Silvo Črtalič, Damjan, Ana and Natalie Ramuta, Chris Horvat, Simon Deželak, Kristina Kure, Nataša Martinčič, Barbara and Adam Konšak. 3 December MELBOURNE Novice - Bulletin (Planica), 1991, Year XI, No. 44, p. 6 Slovenian Association Planica, Springvale: Dr Janez Dular, President Ivanka Kolačko and Lucija Srnec. Welcome at Melbourne airport. Pavel Česnik, Simon Špacapan, Dr Janez Dular and Marjan Kovač. Simon Špacapan and Dr Janez Dular. Slovenian Association Melbourne, Dr Janez Dular and Fr Niko Žvokelj OFM Anica Markič, Dr Janez Dular, Drago Čeferin, Stanko Prosenak and Štefan Merzel Slovensko Pismo, Year 1, No. 3, p.10. nepozabni obisk Elica Rizmal nam po Silja poročilo o bivanju dr.Janeza Dularja, ministra za Slovence po svetu, ki se je mudil med nami, avstralskimi Slovenci od 23.nov.do 4.dec.90 V petek zvečer, 25, nov. so Slovenci na sydneyskem letališču slovesno pričakali predstavnika prve demokratično izvoljene slovenske vlade, dr.Janeza Dularja, ministra za Slovence po svetu. Dr.Dularju, ki je pričel na povabilo Avstralske slovenske konferencetASK), je izrekel dobrodošlico njen predsednik Marjan Kovač iz Canberre in v pozdravu poudaril, da smo Slovenci v Avstraliji pozorno spremljali demokratizacijo v domov ini in da upamo, da ne bo nikoli več zavladala ena sama stranka, ki bi lahko povzročila razkol med Slovenci. Dr, Dular se je zahvalil za povabilo in dejal, da je pozornost Slovencev Žirom sveta pomagala demokratizacijskem procesu v domovini in da nam, avstralskim Slovencem prinaša pozdrave nove slovenske vlade. Zdaj je nastopil zgodovinski trenutek j<0 Slovence Sirom sveta druz"i skupni interes:bodočnost Slovenije. V domovini pa jih čakajo težke naloge: gospodarska obnova, nova ustava, plebiscit, s katerim bo slovenski narod pokazal svojo voljo glede popolne osamosvojitve Slovenije, V soboto dopoldan 24.nov.je dr. Dular obiskal slo -vensko gimnazijo v 8ankstownu, kjer se je sestal z najvišjimi predstavniki vzgojno izobraževalne ustanove State Education Department. Za tem je na radiu 2 EA imel intervju z voditeljico slovenskega programa Marizo Ličan. Zvečer je bil dr.Dular dastni gost 12.maturantskega večera, ki ga je v dvorani Slovenskega kluba Triglav organ iziral Slovenski šolski odbor N,S.W., na katerem so prisostvovali tudi uradni gostje gimnazije in univerze. Na kulturnem večeru, katerega moto je bil MATERIN JEZIK JE NASTAL Z NAMI KOT RESNICA 0 NAS, so predstavili lOmaturantov slovenskega jezika in podelili priznanja učencem slovenske gimnazije. Maturanti so dobili spominske plaketo in knjige. Priznanje za svoje delo so dobile tudi vse učiteljice Slovenske gimnazije z Marizo Ličan na Čelu, pri kateri je maturo iz slovenščine doslej opravilo Že 108 dijakov. V kulturnem programu so nastopali pevski zbor Slovenskega družtva Sydney(SDS) in folklorna skupina SDS, letošnji maturanti so po Šaljivem preiskusu sposobnosti preda- li svoj ključ znanja bodočim maturantom. Kot Častni gost je na slovesnosti spregovoril dr,Dular o stikih z domovino in pomembnosti ohranitve slovenskega jezika in kultura. Svoj nagovor je zaključil z besedami; NAJ ZIVI TA NAŠ LEPI IN BOGATI JEZIK, NAJ ŽIVI NAS* NAROD, NAJ ŽIVIJO VSI PRIJATELJI SLOVENIJE! BOG z'lVI VSE 1 V nedeljo dopoldan,25.rtov. je dr. Dular prisostvoval maši v slovenski cerkvi v Merrylandsu in se nato ude-lefil piknika oziroma pogovora v dvorani verskega središča. Opoldan se je zabela odprta izredna seja Avstralske slovenske konferenceiASK), ki so se je udeležili predstavniki Slovenskih narodnih svetov (SNS) Viktorije, N.S.W,,A.C.T, in Queenslanda. V pogovorih, ki so dr.Dularja gotovo spominjali na skupščino, smo govorili o stikih z domovino in o nezaupanju mnogih, ki so jo morali zapustiti. Seja, tieprav včasih burna in čustvena, je pokazala prizadetost ob storjenih krivicah, vendar pa tudi to, da lahko sedaj kljub različnim prepričanjem sodelujemo; da smo se demokrat izirali tudi avstralski Slovenci. Po seji je Častni gost odpotoval v Wolongong, kjer so mu v Slovenskem društvu Planica priredili lep sprejem. Sledil je pogovor o vprašanjih, ki zanimajo avstralske Slovence:o storjenih krivicah, o vizah, o samostojnosti in bodočnosti Slovenije ter našega odnosa do nje. V ponedeljek,26.nov.je dr.Dular obiskal podjetja Euro International in Gorenje Pacific, popoldan pa Macquarie Univerzo. Zvečer je bil gost v Slovenskem društvu Sydney. V torek,27.nov.je dr.Dular z avtom odpotoval v 350 km oddaljeno Canberro, kjer se je srečal z zveznim ministrom za imigracijo, z Jerryjem Handom, ki je ob srečanju izrazil zadovoljstvo nad tem, da se matična drsava zanima za svoje izseljence. Dr.Dular je predstavil namen svojega obiska; poudaril je, da smo Slovenci majhen narod in zato je dragocen vsak član. Govoril je o stanju v Sloveniji: o demokratizaciji in prizadevanju za samostojno Slovenijo in o ielji, da se vezi med Slovenci doma in po svetu Še okrepijo. Poudaril je tudi, da je avstralska politika multikulture, v Sloveniji in Evropi delefna velikega ugleda. Gospod Hand je izjavil, da avstralska vlada z zanimanjem spremlja dogodke v Jugoslaviji, vendar se ne namerava vmešavati v njene notranje razmere; sicer pa avstralska vlada s simpatijo gleda na demokrat izac i jo v Sloveniji in bo sprejela.voljo slovenskega ljudstva izraženo s plebiscitom. Gospod Hand je tudi izrazil veliko zadovoljstvo, da so se Slovenci organizirali v Avstralski slovenski konferenci, s katero bo lahko odslej sodelovala avstralska vlada neposredno. V torek zvečer je dr.Dular v bolnišnici obiskal nekdanjega predsednika Slovenskega društva v Canberri, gospoda Osojnika ki je naslednje jutro umrl. V sredo 28.nov. se je dr. Dular z letalom vrnil v Sydney, na tiskovno konferenco na etniSki televiziji SBS, Prisostvovali so pomembni predstavniki slovenske javnosti v Sydneyu; pogovor je prevajala gospa Pavla Gruden. a Slovensko Pismo, Year 1, No. 3, p.11. Pozno popoldan je letalo poneslo dr.Dularja nazaj v Canberro, kjer so rojaki Častnemu gostu priredili lep sprejem, s slavnostno večerjo, v Slovenskem društvu Canberra, kjer se je neuradno srečal tudi s Članom zveznega parlamenta gospodom Jimom Snowom terdrugimi pomembnimi gosti, med katere sodi tudi veleposlanik dr.Cizelj. V Canberri si je dr.Dular ogledal tudi razstavo slik znane slovenske umetnice Metke grobar, V četrtek 29.nov. je dr,Dular poletel proti severu Avstralije, v Queensland, kjer si je s predstavniki Slovenskega narodnega sveta Queenslanda ogledal Zlato obalo(Gold coast). Na slovenskem hribčku. v društvu Planinka, so mu priredili lep sprejem, ki so se ga, kljub temu, da je bilo sredi delovnega tedna, udelefili Številni slovenski izseljenci. Obisk je bil zelo uspešen,saj so Slovenci v Queenslandu prav tako zavzeti, da se zbližajo z domovino. V petek zvečer se je dr.Dular vrnil v Sydney, kjer je obiskal slovensko društvo Triglav. Na slavnostnem sprejemu je srečal tudi zveznega poslanca Gospoda Teda Gracea, slovesnosti pa je tudi tukaj sledil pogovor z rojaki. Na prvi poletni dan v Avstraliji, v soboto 1.dec. je dr.Dular pristal na Tullamarinu, na Melbournlkem letališču, kjer ga je pričakala navdušena skupina rojakov, z velikim napisom dobrodošlice. Pozdravile so ga barvite narodne nože in vesela pesem harmonike, pozdravili smo ga s kruhom in soljo ter mu tako, po starem slovenskem običaju, izrekli dobrodošlico. Na letališču je kmalu po prihodu imel tudi tiskovno konferenco za radio ABC, v katerem je ponovno poudaril željo po zbližanju Slovencev doma in po svetu; govoril je o demokratizaciji Slovenije in želji in nujnosti osamosvojitve Slovenije ter o ugledu, ki ga avstralska politika multikulture uživa v Sloveniji. Po tiskovni konferenci je minister takoj odpotoval v Geelong, kjer so mu priredili lep sprejem s kratkim kulturnim programom; s pesmijo so ga pozdravili otroci in mladina Slovenske zveze Ivan Cankar, Tudi tukaj je dr. Dular poudaril, da tudi nas, Slovence po svetu, čaka pomembna naloga, saj moramo biti ambasadorji Slovenije v svetu in skrbeti za dobro ime Slovencev širom Oceanije. Po dobrem kosilu in dolgem pogovoru z rojaki, se je naš gost poslovil od prijaznega društva v Geelongu in se vrnil v Melbourne, kjer je v Slovenskem verskem in kulturnem središču v Kew, v Baragovem domu, dobil skromno sobico, v kateri je živelo že mnogo slovenskih fantov, ki so v centru našli zatočišče in pomoč ob svojem prihodu v novo domovino, Pa ni bilo časa za počitek! Ob Šestih je bil že gost Slovenskega društva Melbourne, na slovenskem hribčku, kot ga po domaČe imenujemo, saj zares spominja na domovino:zelen hribček in razgled, lepa zgradba z gankom, šola, lovska koča, pokrito balinišče, kapelica in vaški trg. Po ogledu se je začela večerna prireditev, ki jo je priredil Slovenski narodni svet Viktorije, na katerem so prisostvovali pomembni Členi slovenske skupnosti iz Melbourne in celo iz 36o km oddaljenega dvomestnega društva Albury-Wodonga, Po kulturnem programu, v katerem je nastopil mešani pevski zbor S.D.Melbourne ter mladina s petjem in harmoniko ter pozdravnih govorih, je pater Niko Žvokelj, vodja začasnega odbora Viktorije za pomoč poplavljeni Sloveniji, izročil dr.Dula^ ju denarno nakaznico(15,ooo AUD)M Slovenski karitas, V nabirki so sodelovale vse slovenske organizacije in versko in kulturno središče; do zdaj je 429 posameznikov in organizacij podarilo 29,591 AUD vključno z dvema rad iot o notna na radiu 3 EA in J ZZZ, Dr,Dular se je zahvalil za darilo in dejal, da tudi to kaže na veliko navezanost Slovencev na rodno domovino. Sledil je pogovor z rojaki, nato pa družabni večer s plesom, V nedeljo,2.doc. je dr,Dular prisostvoval maši. kjer je bral berilo v slovenski cerkvici Cirila in Metoda v kew, po maši pa je ostal na Miklavževanju. Po bogatem kulturnem programu, v katerem je sodelovalo mnogo otrok in mladinski pevski zbor Glasniki, je prišel Sv.Miklavž, ki je poleg otrok obdaril tudi gosta z video kaseto mladinskega koncerta v Sydneyu. Sledil je piknik, ki ga je priredil Slovenski narodni svet Viktorije(SNS), ki je namenil izkupiček družabnega večera in piknika za poplav-Ijence v Sloveniji. Popoldne se je minister srečal z rojaki v Slovenskem primorskem socialnem klubu Jadran. Prisrčen sprejem, ogled dvorane in mnogih Športnih igrišč, Župančičevega spomenika in novo zgrajene kapelice je razveselil dr. Dularja. V pogovoru z rojaki pa so se nanašala vprašanja predvsem glede stanja v Sloveniji in kako bo nova slovenska vlada rešila socialne probleme zaradi vedno večje brezposelnosti, ob odhodu je dr, Dularja spremljala pesem veselih Jadrančanov on pa je odhitel na srečanje s predstavniki Učiteljske zveze Viktorije. Po končanem srečanju si je ogledal praznično okrašen in razsvetljen Melbourne, V ponedeljek,3.dec. je že ob ~> zjutraj na slovenski oddaji radia 3 EA v živo odgovarjal na vpraSa-nja rojakov; klicali so od vsepovsod, celo iz Ta-smanije. Po oddaji je imel tiskovno konferenco za radio 3 EA, ki sodi v sklop S6S. Uradni pogovor z viktorijskim ministrom za etniske zadeve je odpadel zaradi iiredne seje viktorijskega parlamenta. Dr. Dular si je na hitro ogledal še narodno galerijo in umetnostni centertArt Center) in polotok Mornington peninsula, nato je obiskal uspešno slovensko podjetje Euro International, kjer so mu priredili lep sprejem. Pozno popoldan si je ogledal veliko in lepo dvorano Slovenskega društva Planica-Springvale, sledil pa je zanimiv pogovor z rojaki, nato se je dr.Dular udeležil izrednega sestanka in večerje S Člani odbora Slovenskega narodnega sveta Viktorije, V torek dopoldne,4. dec.je bil že v Sydneyu, kjer je na Macquarie univerzi poskrbel za povezavo antropološke fakultete z Ljubljansko univerzo. Po kratkem ogledu Sydneyskih znamenitosti se je dr,Dular telefonsko pogovoril tudi s predsednikom Slovenskega centra iz Adelaide, z dr,Frankom, Na letališču samem so posneli še govor, s katerim se je zahvalil za prijazen in gostoljuben sprejem. Tudi mi smo se dr.Dularju zahvalili za obisk in ugotovili, da je slovenska vlada izbrala pravega, politično neodvisnega človeka, ki je s svojim skromnim in iskrenim nastopom in z jasnimi in jedrnatimi odgovori na vprašanja in probleme, ki težijo Slovence v Avstraliji, še pripomogel k zbližanju Sloven -cev doma in po svetu. Dal nam je nov zagon za tesnejše sodelovanje in nas vzpodbudil k premagovanju notranjih nasprotij in trenj, ki delijo slovensko skupnost v Avstraliji. E 1 ica Rizmal referentka za odnose z javnostjo ASK POZDRAVNI GOVOR dr.Janezu Dolarju MARJAN KOVAČ -predsednik. AVSTRALSKE SLOVENSKE KONFERENCE Slovensko Pismo, Year 1, No. 3, p.12. Dr.Janez Cular v pogovoru s predsednico slovenskega društva Planica-Vfolongong Marico Ifcr<3nar "Zelo mi je drago, dr. Dular, da mi je biia dana časi, prvič, da sem vas lahko osebno povabil v Avstralijo v imenu Avstralske slovenske konference in drugič, da vas sedaj po vašem odlivu lahko pozdravim in izrazim dobrodošlico v A vstralijo v imenu A vstralske-slovenske konference in seveda v imenu Slovencev v Avstraliji. Niti dve leti nazaj bi si kdo od nas ne upal misliti, da bo v novembru 1990. prišel iz Slovenije na obisk med avstralske Slovence predstavnik demokratično izvoljene slovenske vlade. Dovolite mi, da vam in vašim kolegom v vladi čestitam za vašo vztrajnost, za vaš trud in seveda za vaš uspeh na volitvah. Slovenci v Avstraliji smo zadnje čase z zanimanjem opazovali razvoj dogodkov v vzhodnem svetu, posebno pa razvoj dogodkov v Sloveniji in to ne pasivno. Ko je bil Janez Janša in četverica pred vojaškim sodiščem v Ljubljani smo v Avstraliji ustanovili odbor za varsvto človekovih pravic in uspešno podprli istovrstni odbor v Ljubljani. Ko smo konec lanskega leta izvedeli, da bodo Slovenci prvič v petinštiridesetih letih imeli svobodne volitve smo takoj v Avstraliji začeli organizirati podporo za demokratizacijo in samostojnost Slovenije. Po uspehu demokratičnih sil na volitvah v Sloveniji smo pa v Avstraliji ustanovili Slovenski narodni svet, katerega delegati sestavljajo A vstralsko-slovensko konferenco v dkviru razvoja Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa. Naš namen je, povezati Slovence po Avstraliji, ne glede na politično prepričanje poedincev in ustanoviti trdne vezi z demokratično vlado v Sloveniji in sodelovati pri nadaljnjem političnem, kulturnem in gospodarskem razvoju Slovenije. Naša Zelja je, da bi nikoli več ne prišlo do slučaja, kjer bi poedina politična sila zopet lahko razdvajala Slovence po svetu in doma, in da bi Slovenec nikoli več proti Slovencu ne delal. Želel bi, dr. Dular, da bi ta vaš obisk ustanovil temelje za nadalnji tesen povez med A vstralsko-slovensko konferenco in matično očetnjavo in da bi vas v kratkem zopet videli in to v spremstvu predsednika Peterleta in drugih predstavnikov slovenske vlade. Za ta kratek obisk smo poizkusili organizirati vaše potovanje na način, da bi vam bila dana možnost obiskati čim več slovenskih ustanov v A vstraiiji in upam, da vam to ne bo prenaporno. V zaključek, g. Dular bi se vam rad zahvalil za vaš odziv na povabilo z upanjem, da se boste dobro počutili kot naš gost v Avstraliji". Meeting of Dr Jože Pučnik and Marjan Kovač in Ljubljana, November, 1990. Inscription in the Guest book of SNS Victoria. Melbourne. SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET, N.S.W. SLOVENE COUNCIL OF N.S.W. P.O. Box 1BB, Coogee, N.S.W. 2034, Australia 6, december 1990 g.Stane Stanič republiški sekretar Republiški sekretariat za informiranje Levstikova 10 61000 Ljubljana Slovenija Spoštovani g. Stanič, najprej, prav lepa hvala za sprejem in razgovor v vaši pisarni. Po obisku Slovenije, sem za nekaj dni poslovno obiskal Munchen in Los Angeles in se v Avstralijo vrnil 18. novembra. Takoj po mojem povratku sem bil vključen v priprave in organizacijo obiska Dr.Dularja. Gospod Dular nas je med tem 2e obiskal in v torek 4. decembra 2apustil Avstralijo. 0 obisku g.Dularja je poročala gospa Elica Rizmal, naša referentka za stike z javnostjo. Sporočila mi je, da je IZJAVO ZA TISK poslala po telefaxu na sledeče naslove: g.Stanetu Staniču, Demokracijo, Delo, Večer, Tanjug in Rodni Grudi. Ki pa uspela poslati Dr. Pučniku/Eriku Modicu (tajnik) in gospej Spomenki Hribar. Za nas avstralske Slovence je bil obisk Dr. Dularja izredno pomemben zelo koristen in nadvse uspešen. Kljub tesnemu in nabitemu programu je g. Dularju uspelo obiskati Slovence živeče vse od sončne in zlate obale Qld-a, Brisbana, Sydneya (vse klube in ustanove,cerkev, gimnazijo in slovenski lektorat na univerzi; održal tiskovne konferenceipd.), Wollongonga, Canberre, Melbourna in Geelonga. Razložil in pojasnil je razmere v domovini, odgovarjal na vsemogoča vprašanja in se pravtako seznanil z razmerami in življenjem med Slovenci na peti celini. Prepričani smo, da je Dr. Dularjev obisk pripomogel tudi v tem, da se je podrl še zadnji ostanek prepreke oz."zidu", ki so ga med nas izseljence postavili bivši oblastniki. Seveda, se vedno najdejo poedinci, katerim vse to ne gre v račun in še vedno držijo vezi z "bivšimi" v domovini, vendar jih je vse manj in njihove vezi vse manj pomembne. V zvezi s slovenskim informacijskim uradom (Slovenian Information Office) o katerem sva se pogovarjala, vam z veseljem poročam, se strinjajo vsi narodni sveti (SNS) in seveda avstralska slovenska konferenca (ASK). SNS-i v državah NSW, VIC, QLD in ACT so na svojih sestankih sprejeli predlog o ustanovitvi takšnega urada v Sydneyu in, da prevzamemvodstvo tega urada jaz. Gornje je še posebej potrdil upravni odbor ASK-a na svoji izredni seji v prisotnosti Dr. Dularja v nedeljo 25. novembra 1990 v Sydnyu. Kot sera vam ze osebno omenil, je bil moj pogoj, da je ta urad začasnega značaja, t.j. dokler se v Sloveniji stvari ne uredijo in, ko bo Slovenija lahko po svetu postavila profesionalne ljudi, ki bodo opravljali te posle poklicno in, da vodim urad prostovoljno in na svoje stroške, ker pač imam v svojem podjetju EMONA ENTERPRISES PTY LTD, vse pogoje za funkcioniranje takega urada brez dodatnih stroškov ( tajnice, telefon, telefax, kopiranje ipd.) Pisarna je skoraj v centru mesta, nasproti Sydney-ske univerze. Slišati je bilo, da je bojazen, da bi taksen urad dobival vse informacije is Slovenije in jih nato razpošiljal po Avstraliji in, da bodo vse dosedanje vezi z mediji tukaj in v domovini pretrgani. Pojasnil sem, da ni potrebna nikakršna bojazen, da bi do tega prišlo, temveč nasprotno, urad bo pomagal z iformacijami, ki jih sicer ne bi imeli in bo samo dopolnjeval obstoječe vire. Obstoječe obojestranske medijske vezi se morajo obdržati in izboljšati ne pa omejiti.Saj morajo mediji obdržati svojo neodvisnost/avtonomijo. Sicer pa informacijski urad ni namenjen samo medijem (radio in časopisi) ima širši pomen. Gospod Dular je iniciativo za takšen urad pozdravil in podprl kot pozitivno, ter rekel, da bo po vrnitvi v domovino še o celi zadevi pogovoril z vami, kako bi bilo to najbolje izpeljati, da bi bila korist obojestranska in,¿da bom o tem kmalu po njegovi vrnitvi obveščen. Toliko o tem. V nedeljo 2. decembra nas je obiskala vaša hci Ana. Imeli smo lepo popoldne. Na žalost nisem bil sposoben vključiti se v zanimive debate, ker sem imel precej hud prehlad. Ani sem oddal obe video kaseti, zanje prav lepa hvala. Obe sta zanimivi. V kratkem jih bom presnel oz. napravil nekaj kopij za slovenska društva. 6December SYDNEY Se enkrat prav lepa hvala in lepo pozdravljeni. Alfred Breznik Po kratkotrajnih usklajevanjih je Skupščina Republike Slovenije 6. decembra 1990 na skupni seji vseh treh zborov sprejela Zakon o plebiscitu o samostojnosti in neodvisnosti Slovenije. Zanj so glasovali 204 delegati, proti ni bil nihče, štirje so se vzdržali. Poleg zakona o plebiscitu je bil izglasovan še Razglas državljanom Republike Slovenije, v katerem je Skupščina RS pozvala volivke in volivce k udeležbi na plebiscitu in pojasnila pomen plebiscita in odločitve za samostojno in neodvisno državo. Tik pred sejo parlamenta je bil dosežen in podpisan Sporazum političnih strank in poslanskih skupin Skupščine RS o skupnem nastopu na plebiscitu za samostojno in neodvisno državo Republiko Slovenijo. O besedilu sporazuma, ki ga je predlagala in prvi osnutek napisala Spomenka Hribar, je ustno poročal predsednik ustavne komisije, objavljen je bil 11. decembra v skupščinskem Poročevalcu, skupaj z ostalimi plebiscitnimi dokumenti. Istega dne je bil sprejet tudi predlog predsedstva, vlade in dveh poslanskih klubov o potrebnem številu glasov potrebnih za uspešnosti referenduma. Za pozitiven rezultat bi morala glasovati večina vseh glasovalnih upravičencev. 6. decembra so delegati vseh treh zborov Skupščine RS sprejeli še dva dokumenta. Izjava o dobrih namenih je manjšinama in pripadnikom drugih narodnosti s stalnim bivališčem v Sloveniji zagotavljala vse z ustavo določene pravice na področju kulturnega in jezikovnega razvoja in možnost za pridobitev državljanstva, če to želijo. Sprejeta je bila še Deklaracija o spoštovanju temeljnih konvencij Sveta Evrope, v kateri je Slovenija izrazila željo, da postane enakopravna članica Sveta Evrope. 23. december 1990 ob 7. uri so se odprla volišča po vsej državi in pred volivci je bil listek z vprašanjem: "Ali naj Republika Slovenija postane samostojna in neodvisna država?" Ob volilni udeležbi več kot 93 % volilnih upravičencev oz. 1.361.738 volivcev je na zastavljeno vprašanje pritrdilno odgovorilo 1.289.369 volivcev oz. 88,5% vseh glasovalnih upravičencev, proti jih je bilo 57800. The Slovenian independence referendum about the Slovenian independence from Yugoslavia was held on December 23, 1990. It was summoned by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, then a federal unit of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Both the ruling centre-right coalition and the left wing opposition supported the referendum and called the people to cast a vote in favour of Slovenian independence. The voters were asked the question: "Should the Republic of Slovenia become an independent and sovereign state (samostojna in neodvisna država)?" 93,2% of the Slovenian voters turned out, of which 95% voted in favour of independence. This means that around 88,5% of all Slovenian voters supported independence, far above the threshold of 50%, which was set by the Slovenian Parliament for the validity of the plebiscite. On December 26, the results of the referendum were officially proclaimed by the National Assembly, automatically obliging the Slovenian authorities to declare the independence of the country within six months. http://www. slovenska-pomlad. si/1?id=225 http// en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Slovenian_ independence_ referendum, 1990 1S December CANBERRA IDVEHSKCTSlRminJITOira ■ ^S ■ SlfflENlAH-AllSTRAtlMt WIN CANBERRA OF CANBERRA INCORPORATED irving STftEÉT, phillip. a.c.t., 2606 _- p.o. 6qx »5, wqqen a.c r. ltd* - tclep-hqwe kz1033 Izr&dna članska seji Slovensiko avstralskega društva C,inbe rra v nedeljo ob 1.30 popo Udfi ( o bd r za in a skupno s Slovenskim narodnim svetom Canberra. Gldsov.Tinjfi obeh organizacij se je na željo prisotnih izvedlo sepsratno, da s tem dosežemo veoj i pomen in podporo plebiscitu. Navzoči člani; Alojz Hjv-js, Marjan Kovač, Olga i Kovač), Bulbar j ta Iti s, Albin Grmok, Alojz P a pez , Milan Sprohar, Barbari'a Koren, Franc Frpic i Milka Penca, Ivar. Savle, Miha flovjr, Rorun D.ivj.ik, Cii113 Setnicar, Franc Pok lar, Frank Kil bar. Marry Hribar, Frank Hribar jn, Ada Fale¿, Fluí"J an Fa lei jn, Cvotku Fa)e;r< Po pozdravu predsednik razlogi, Jo je bil j izredna «=¡eja sklicana predvsem radi n.ijí -] jermga plibisciti v Sloverniji in da upa, da bo nas^ društvo to dogojanje v Jomo vini podprle). Cvetko Falez poroča- da jft bila prvotna zelja vodilnih ljudi v Sloveniji, naj Slovenska avstralska konferenca zb j. ra podpise v podporo, da Slovenija po ¡sta ne sanost o j n-a in neodvisna dL¿ava, predvsem zato, ker ni bi Jo nognee Slovencem v Avstraliji dati volilne pravice v tjko kratkem času. Slovenski informacijski urad v Sydneju je odločil, s cin so se predstavniki v Sloveniji strinjali, namreč da Jbi radi kratke dobe ne bilo mogoči zbrat i dovolj podpisov, ki bi odražali slovensko mnenje. Sato smo prišli do sporazuma, da se sklicejo seje organizacij, ki bi mnenje članstva posredovale v LJubljano Slovenski narodni skupščini potara Tn formadjskega urada v Sydneju. G. Falez jo to zel jo poročal predsedniku g. Kavasn in sta rat ■ oklenila, d,- sklic.1: ..kc^nj Sfija Slovensko .-11-si .jJ^kega društva O .rib-: i" t-i in S ! ■ ivtrifckegfi narodnega y \ rLt - i C'iubsrt >i. Gospod Hribar je bi! cinenj.i. du bi morali Slovenci imeti liiviv tco <1li volitev, í»rj Jugoslovani nj splowno lahko voli' h t «-t Tita v lotu I94r>, ko bilo stavljeno v L»r" za kar p-* .■• .] n-isj. i a vprašanje a.li n^j Slovani, j.a ^...Btjiie samostojna L ji ncorJvjsi-la država je C vel ki> F.<1:"/ prebral clani.-k i.' ^ssflpiia Demokracije, ki. ni^orno pukazo, da ni vec i'pr^sanja ako naj Slovenija neodvisna, ampok je Jí- vprašanje lía kij dolgo l^hko Slovenija v Jugoslaviji ilifv' i j j i . Cvetko FmI^- j" j;-. L- 11 ■ v in na j r-:dsedfiikovo vprašanj* mví'j'; .jílt/^v^i1 " ¡ 5 • Pr. KrdnLk y r . i , L t-.-d 1 og SLDVENSKO AVSTRALSKO DRUSTVO OF CANBERRA INCORPORATED irving srntfT PhtiLL p. * c t . ?M6 ? 0 BOX 9SS. W0DE« t c - ÎËOfi TELEPHONE 2SÎ 1Û83 FOR MEDIA SLOVENIAN REFERENDUM FOR INDEPENDENCE On 23 December 1990 the Slovenian nation will vote in a referendum, for the first time in its history, to decide whether to become ari independent State detached from the Yugoslav federation or retain the 'status quo'. The referendum has been called by the new democratically elected Slovenian Government which came to power last May ending 45 years under a communist regime. The president of the Slovenian-Australian Association in the ACT Mr Alojz Kavas, stated after the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association held on 16/12/90, that it was unanimously agreed that Slovenians in Canberra fully support the vote for an independent Slovenia. Mr Marijan Kovac, who is the president of the Australian Slovenian conference, reported that other Slovenian organisations throughout Australia carried similar motions in support of an independent Slovenia, There are some 30,000 Slovenians living in Australia but they do not have voting rights on this issue for technical reasons. Firstly, Slovenia has no diplomatic representatives who could assist in compiling the electoral role of community members scattered around Australia. Secondly, it is essential that the referendum be held as quickly as possible otherwise Slovenia, which is now ostracised by the central Yugoslav government in Belgrade, could be brought economically to its knees unless its people decide quickly on the future international status of the nation. Public opinion polls held in Slovenia indicate that the vast majority of voters will vote for the independence of Slovenia. Alojz Kavas President Slovenian-Australian Association 19 Irving St Phillip ACT 2606 Tel (06) 231 6449 Marijan Kovac President Australian Conference 9 Pandanus Fisher ACT Tel: (013) Slovenian st 2611 62 B206 16 Dec 1990 1990 AUSTRALIAN-SLOVENIAN CONFERENCE 9 Pandanus Si, Fisher A C.T. 26' 1 TEL: [01B|6£aZ0G Dear Member of Parliament, The Gulf conflict has undoubtedly taken much of your attention but we would like to remind you of other no less important events. Others are using this opportunity to thwart the recent gains of democracy We are writing to remind you of the plight of the new democratically elected governments of Slovenia and Croatia. Last May. a democratic, non-communist government was elected in the Republic of Slovenia. Then on 23 December a referendum was held to determine whether Slovenia should become an independent and autonomous country. 92.3 percent of the population voted; 38.5 percent said "yes" and only 3.5 percent said "no". This result was achieved despite the uncertainty and fear that such a vote could bring. The reasons for this outcome are many, but let us point out only a few. Yugoslavia, although a federal system, has no effective machinery to protect the smaller Republics, as in Australia. The Parliament and all other Federal institutions are dominated by the largest Republic, Serbia. The Serbian communists have changed their name but are still governing according to their authoritarian and archaic methods. In recent days the Serbian dominated Federal Government plundered the Federal monetary system of one and a half billion dollars ($1 500 000 000) The response of the Federaf authorities to the protestations by the other Republics was to order the Yugoslav army, which is also Serbian communist controlled, to demand the disarmament of the police and local territorial self-defence units which are not under their direct control. These units were originally formed by the communist Government but they now fear them as they are under the control of the Republics, The Slovenian Foreign Minister, Mr, Dimitrij Ruplj said: "We are paying for the Yugoslav army to intimidate us and for the diplomatic service to spread lies about Slovenia". The Yugoslav army units in Slovenia and Croatia have been put on the highest state of alert Soldiers have been issued with live ammuniiion. Tanks were moving on the outskirts of Zagreb, the Capital of Croatia. 14 plane loads of special Army units disembarked at Zagreb airport. Slovenian men, doing military service in the Yugoslav army previously stationed in Slovenia, are being transferred to other Republics. In short, the people and the new Governments are being intimidated by this huge show of force. The Australian press warns of a revolution. We fear that in this onesided struggle there will be a massacre. SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET - VIKTORIJA SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL - VICTORIA i austhal ian slovenian conference for slovenian wohld congress} MELBOURNE (avsihalska slovenska konferenca 7a svetovni slovenski kongres) X1F- «c . 35 Izvršni svet foyufalD« Slcuenije Rasar za Slovence po svetu iiegarciceva 21 Lji±xLjana 61 0000 Spoštovanil Slovanski narodni svet iz avstralate države Viktorije, ki je siost od svetov Avstralske sloronate tonference, je na gvoji seji z dne 17.12. 1990. zakljicil sledecni Ufc> ra^jisu plebiscita, ki naj ugotovi ljudsko voljo ali naj postane rejxi>lika Slovenija samostojna in naaiid. neodvisna država, žalimo tudi ml izraziti svojo zeljo. Slovenija naj se zavaans ia cim mirna j so rešitev nastale situacije in naj končno zaživi kot: samaetojna država v družbi evrc^Bkih narodov. V celoti j ^ [: cdbacitve datokraticno izvoljene slovenske vlade in i^oro, da se bo tem priftemo izjasnilo tuli slovensko ljudstvo. eniji želimo vse najboljše v nuvan letu 1991. Mi bom so najiej z *Jani in vam nudili tisto podporo, ki vi»r So potratna in nan irogoca. siownski pozdrav Siirezi Spacapan rTcdsodnik Stanka Ctocpric OrcjsnizicijsVa tajnica itelboLcne ,17.12.1990. 1990 SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET - VIKTORIJA SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL - VICTORIA [avstrat ska slovenska koneehenca za svetovni slovenski kongres} (austral ian sloven ian con fe h ence for slovenian world congress) Tie^r. NO . Vinko Mam Ettnic Piijl i.c aroadoasting Association of Victoria Radio 3 zzz F.O.HCK 422 Carlton South Victoria 3053 Spcetwanil &B 4.12. lJijO. aro Imeli ponovno ¡illamjot jcrisltfittiti radijski oddaji m Rsiiu 3 IZi, ki sta jo ta tci&k vodili'vi in g.Viki zrzut. Narfilj tiru bili iusmiihu, ku viscJii obisk ministra ¿a SitA^ce pj s^tu dr. Janeza Eularja ni bil črtenjon niti z besedico, xakgro ravnanje se nan zdi vsetp obsojanja vredno ton bolj, ker dr.Eular na fripoda nctefii politični etrmiki v iiiONeniji, v Avstraliji pa ao ga navdušeno in teplo sirejaia vso slovanska društva od iJydneya, do Malbourna, Canberae m tirisbana, pa oelo Halongariga. Sprašujemo ue karu aa naienjene '/ase oddaja? Ali nan Slovenoem ali kan; drugam? Ker as zadeva re da vec pojaviti se temj lahko le zgražamo nad taksnim ravnanjem in naiti, da bo vaša oddaja v bodooe slutila potratam jonsko skuavasti in ne l/i delčka te iste. pozdrav S inen 3paca|*!n Predsednik Mälbom*s,17.12.9G. PREBUJENJE Slovenec, kri vnema mi tvoja povest. Trpina ga ni, da se s tabo meri! Najhuje pa grize mi dušo zavest, da tujec čez te se kot gad srakoperi! Čuj, vstani, prebudi, predrami se vžgan! Odkoplji talente vsevprek zakopane; pozdravi vstajenja Slovenije dan, obriši se znoja, operi si rane! Spočita je zemlja, raztajan je led, pomlad je pognala, livade cveto. Škrjanček pozdravlja krog sebe razgled -le ti še dremotno povešaš oko! Čuj, zdrami, razglej se: orat se mudi, pred tabo je sonce visoko se vzpelo. Prebudi že vendar prespane moči, razvnemi kar nekdaj je v tebi gorelo. Da ta bo dežela živeti spet smela -naj Triglav se zruši nad dvoma goro -svobodna, krščanska, pojoča, vesela -Slovenija cela - to uredi, nebo! SLOVENSKA BESEDA Prijatelj! Živi naj slovenska beseda! Edina, najdražja nam skupna posest. Kdor rojen Slovenec je, predse naj gleda, bodočnosti lepše goji naj zavest. Slovenska beseda nam venomer poje kar nekdaj še mladi smo čuli doma. Z milino, s krasoto različnosti svoje se venomer znova pred nami smehlja. Poznamo pač tujih jezikov ducat, že v zibelko trobijo pesmi nam tuje; vendar po domače nazdravi nam brat, ko mora tujine pritiska najhuje. Zatorej, beseda, zadoni glasna, da dan se naznani, da čilnič zapluje, beseda slovenska, da zgine megla, da sleherna duša slovenska te čuje! Ivan Kobal, Sydney Ivan Kobal, Sydney ife MELBOURNE PARLIAMENT OF AUSTRALIA ■ THE SENATE SENATOR SID SPINDLER AUSTRALIAN DEMOCRAT SENATOR FOR VICTORIA COMMONWEALTH PARLIAMENT OFFICES 400 FLINDERS STREET MELBOURNE, VICTORIA 3000 TEL.: (03) 614 3791 FAX: (03) 614 8771 18 December 1991 His Excellency Mel Sembler American Ambassador American Embassy Moonah Place YARRALUMLA ACT 2600 Dear Mr Ambassador, Enclosed please find copy of a letter addressed to President Bush, to be handed to him during his visit to Australia. Mr Carlson in your Embassy Office has kindly agreed to ensure that the letter is handed to the relevant White House staff, and I trust these arrangements meet with your approval. I would, of course, be very happy indeed should you decide that an alternative procedure was preferable, or that you personally would be prepared to arrange the handover. You will no doubt be aware that the events in Slovenia and Croatia are of great concern to these communities living in Australia, and indeed the Australian community as a whole. I would appreciate your assistance in ensuring that my letter reaches President Bush and in particular that an answer is provided. Yours sincerely, SID SPIKDLE^t Senator for Victoria cc. Slovenian National Council of Victoria SYDNEY Informativni center iz Sydneya, ki ga je vodil Alfred Brežnik, je odposlal v Slovenijo 27 izjav slovenskih društev, organizacij in posameznikov, v katerih so avstralski Slovenci podprli plebiscit v Sloveniji. The Slovenian Informations Office sends 2l declarations of plebiscite support from the following Slovenian Associations in Australia: Avstralska slovenska konferenca; Slovenian National Council of NSW; St Raphael Slovenian Mission; Slovenian Association Sydney; Slovenian Club Triglav, Sydney; Slovenian Schools Committee NSW; Slovenian Academic Association Sydney; Slovenian Australian Literary Association - SALUK; Slovenian Australian Club Planica, Wollongong; Ivo Klopčič, president of Slovenian Association Tivoli, Newcastle; Slovenian National Council Canberra; Slovenian Australian Association Canberra; Slovenian National Council Queensland; Slovenian Australian Association Planinka, Queensland; Slovenia Radio Group 4EB, Queensland; Slovenian Bowlers Group, Cornubia, Queensland; Slovenian National Council of Victoria, Slovenian Religious and Cultural Centre, Kew, Victoria; Peter Mandelj, president of SSOV, Victoria; Slovenian Association Melbourne; Slovenians of South Australia; Slovenian Community, Darwin; Slovenian Club Perth, Western Australia; editorial of Slovensko Pismo; press release - Slovenian Association Canberra; advertisement published in Canberra Times and The Australian, Canberra. 20 December Skupina slovenskih vernikov se je zbrala k skupni molitvi v cerkvi v St. Albansu. Pred plebiscitom so molili MELBOURNE tudi v vseh slovenskih cerkvah v Avstraliji. Prayers at church in St Albans, Victoria for the plebiscite in Slovenia and in all Slovenian churches in Australia. 23 December Plebiscit - 88.5% prebivalstva voli za neodvisno Slovenijo. SLOVENIA Plebiscite - 88.5% of population votes in favour of independent Slovenia. 24 December Novica iz Slovenije o uspešnem plebiscitu. News of successful plebiscite from Slovenia. 26 December CANBERRA Praznovanje uspeha plebiscitnega izida. Celebrations to mark the successful plebiscite, especially in Canberra. Referendum Form and Voting booth. Slovenia moves to break away YUGOSLAVIA LJUBLJANA, Sunday: Slovenia. a mini-republic in north-west Yugoslavia, votes today in a plebiscite on independence which could pave the way to secession. The L9 million Slovenes are being asked if they want their tiny Alpine republic - which has borders with Austria, Italy and Hungary - to be an independent and sovereign State. Federal leaders in Belgrade have denounced the vote as a unilateral act of secession and vowed to take action to protccl Yugoslavia's integrity. But the Slovenian Prime Minister, Mr Lojze Pelerle, said yesterday: "We don't see this as secession but as a gradual disconnection. We are giving ourselves a six-month period to achieve sovereignty in a step-by-step process." But he added that an independent Slovenia would have its own passports and currency and take over the most of the functions of the Federal authorities. The Slovenian Government has already taken steps to create a regional army by asserting control of the republic's territorial defence - reservists who are former conscripts. The plebiscite comes one day after neighbouring Croatia proclaimed a constitution giving it the right to secede from the Yugoslav Federation. If permitted, full secession by Croatia and Slovenia would represent the first change of borders in Europe since World War II, except for the reunification of Germany, and set a precedent for the country's other independence-minded republics. Most leaders in the two republics say secession would be a last resort if negotiations on co-existence with the other republics failed. Slovenia is Yugoslavia's most economically advanced republic, accounting for a quarter of the country's hard currency exports and about a fifth of its economic output. It spearheaded the drive for democracy in Yugoslavia and was the first republic to dump communist rule, after 45 years, in free elections last spring. Croatia and Slovenia want Yugoslavia to become a loose confederation of sovereign States. They are bitterly opposed by communist-ruled Serbia, the biggest republic, and by the army -which wants the country to be a centralised federation. Croatia yesterday adopted a new constitution which sets forth the mechanics for secession from the Yugoslav Federation. The Croatian parliament, elected last May in the republic's first free postwar poll which drove local communists from power, adopted the new constitution with only one vote against. According to article 135 of the constitution, the republic can withdraw from the federation if two-thirds of parliament vote for secession. The parliament also adopted a new symbol, flag and anthem. Renter. Agen« France-Prcsse INDEPENDENCE FOR SLOVENIA SLOVENIAN PLEBISCITE FOR INDEPENDENCE ON 23.12.90 à Çi 3lA \J )p . - ' ' ' ■ s.''illI A LJUTOMEi*, V«ra s TRIESTE, V,', 'KOPER SLOVENIA ""T^ev^ NOVO MESTO " * v^v POSTOJNA ^KOCEV.E ^ I . NOMCtJ \ -w \ Rvrtn y * ^ rST ,, _. vv; CRMOMfVj \ After 8 Boi-c #"tf t WttX' SLOVENIAN-AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATION, CANBERRA, AT ITS EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING, UNANIMOUSLY DECIDED TO SUPPORT THE VOTE FOR THE INDEPENDENCE OF SLOVENIA, On the 23rd of December 1990 Slovenia will have a plebiscite when Slovenians will, for the first time, have an opportunity to decide whether they wish to have Independence from the rest of Yugoslavia. The referendum has been called by the new democratically elected Slovenian Government, which came Into power May 1990. ending 45 years of communist dictatorship. AUTHORISED BY THE PRESIDENT A. KA VAS The Sydney Morning Herald, 24, December. CANBERRA Canberra Times. 19 December MELBOURNE The Australian, 19, December, p.4. 26December Landslide vote for separate Slovenia SYDNEY YUGOSLAVIA LJUBLJANA, Tuesday: The Yugoslav republic of Slovenia voted overwhelmingly to become an independent and sovereign State, in a plebiscite that could open the door to secession. As the outcome of yesterday's vote became known, thousands of usually unemotional Slovenes joined spontaneous street celebrations. They sang patriotic songs and waved torches as brass bands played in the tiny republic's capital. Ljubljana. "This is an historic night" said the Slovenian Prime Minister, Mr Lojze Peterle. *'We have waited for it for 1,000 years. Europe will have to accept an independent Slovenian State sooner or later." According to unofficial final results, 88.2 per cent of voters opted for independence for Slovenia, Yugoslavia's most Westernised and prosperous region. Four per cent opposed independence for the republic of 1.9 million people, which borders Italy and Hungary, and the rest of the ballot papers were invalid, election officials said. About 90 per cent of Slovenia's 1.5 million electorate voted. 6 This is an historic night. We have waited for it for 1,000 years. Europe will have to accept an independent Slovenian State sooner or later.^ Slovenian leaders have ruled out immediate secession, saying a complete break would come only if the six Yugoslav republics failed to work out a new political framework for the country within six months. But the poll was a tumultuous climax to an independence drive that has picked up steam since Slovenia earlier this year became the first of Yugoslavia's republics to dump 45 years of communist rule. Central authority has crumbled with political liberalisation and the multi-ethnic federation has slid into a deep political crisis. Slovenia is set apart from most of the rest of Yugoslavia by its Western cultural and religious tradition. It was part of the Austro-Hungarian empire before World War I, whereas most of the rest of Yugoslavia had been ruled for centuries by the Ottoman Turks. Sunday's vote was likely to widen the rift between Slovenia and central authority in Belgrade, which denounced the plebiscite as an act of unilateral secession and threatened reprisals. It was not immediately clear how Slovenia would try to assert independence. Federal authorities have already made clear that they will not accept an independent Stovenian army and they oppose giving the republic more economic autonomy. Mr Joze Pucnik, president of Slovenia's ruling centre-right DEMOS coalition, said action was needed to implement sovereignty, but he did not elaborate, "Our path is now clear. We have to be quick and decisive in taking over functions of the Federal Government and becoming a sovereign State in all areas," he said, Rcutcr The Sydney Morning Herald, 26 December, p. 14. 23 December The Age, 23 December. Slovenia defying Yugoslavia over freedom vote Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, Friday The northern republic of Slovenia, defying the Yugoslav Government, vowed yesterday to go ahead with an independence plebiscite despite a threat of economic sanctions. The Justice Minister, Mr Vlado Kambovski, said the Government could impose "quiet but effective economic policy measures" against Slovenia, the most Westernised and prosperous of Yugoslavia's six republics, if it held the vote scheduled for Sunday. Federal Yugoslav leaders have described the plebiscite as unconstitutional and tantamount to secession of the republic, the first in the Balkan country to hold free elections and end 45 years of communist rule. The Slovenian Defence Minister, Mr Janez Jansa, said the ballot would be held on Sunday but would "not mean we will become an independent state the next day". "Unilateral secession would be considered only in the event of army intervention in Slovenia," he said in an interview in the republic's capital, Ljubljana. Diplomats said the unrest in Yugoslavia's republics suggests that time may be running out for the Prime Minister, Mr Ante Mar-kovic, who less than a year ago was hailed as the man to lead the country out of political and economic crises, — Reuter 24 December The Age, 24 December. Slovenia votes on independence Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, Sunday Slovenia, a mini-republic in northwest Yugoslavia, votes today in a plebiscite on independence which could pave the way to secession. The 1.9 million Slovenes are being asked if they want their tiny Alpine republic — which has borders with Austria, Italy and Hungary — to be an independent and sovereign state. The plebiscite, which comes six months after the northernmost republic declared its sovereignty, is virtually assured of passing. But what happens then is not so clear. Yugoslavia's collective presidency has called the plebiscite on independence unconstitutional but Slovenian officials said they do not expect the Federal Government to act with force to hold the country together. Nevertheless, a close watch is being kept on the 20,000 soldiers of the Yugoslav national army, which is under Serbian command, and Slovenia's militia has been ordered to guard public buildings during the voting. The Slovenian Government has said that a vote for independence will not mean that the republic breaks away from the rest of Yugoslavia the next day. But Western diplomats say the vote should accelerate similar moves by neighboring Croatia and fuel the nationalist talk of the recently re-elected Serbian President, Slobodan Milosevic. All this may plunge an already fissured Yugoslavia deeper into turmoil. On Friday, Croatia approved a new Constitution that moves it further towards independence from the Federal Government in Belgrade. Slovenia's drive for independence is backed by its economic might. As the richest and most economically developed of Yugo- slavia's six republics, Slovenes could manage alone economically, though the going would be difficult, said Mr Joze Mencinger, an economist and a vice-president of the republic. Already 60 per cent of Slovenia's trade is outside Yugoslavia, and privatisation and other reforms are far ahead of those in the other Yugoslav republics, 't Mencinger said. But in Ljubljana, where residents like to think of themselves as pragmatists, the plebiscite w ,1 simply mark the beginning of a six-month process. During that time, Slovenia will take over all functions now under federal control while trying to negotiate a confederation arrangement with the rest of Yugoslavia similar to the one among the nations of the European Community. — New York Times, Reuter 26December The Age, 26 December. ÁctSTtAL/Á/S Former devils come back to haunt fledgling democracies From NICOLAS ROTHWELL in Vienna AS winter lengthens its grasp on Eastern Europe's struggling new democracies, it is bringing in its train not only Tood shortages and refugees, but also two reawakened devils from the past — nationalism and separatism. Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, both federal countries yoking distinct peoples with strong aspirations for independence, are now troubled by the spectre of dissolution and tensions are rising sharply in both. The Yugoslav federation's future has been in doubt since one-party communism began to unravel early this year. The CIA. in a report leaked recently in the United States, predicts the break-up of the country within 18 months, with a high probability of civil war. The results of Sunday's first free elections in Serbia, the largest constituent republic of Yugoslavia, confirmed the former communist Socialist Party's grip on Serbian politics and the position of its nationalist leader, Mr Slobodan Milosevic. Spectre of dissolution Ironically, this victory for the Socialists, who campaigned oh a platform of retaining the existing federation, has in the eyes of observers in the capital, Belgrade, only made the demise of the sis-republic union more likely. Although the Serbian socialists maintained power in large part because they were seen as more moderate than rival nationalist parties, their success deepens the division between Serbia and the two north-western Yugoslav republics. Slovenia and Croatia, both of which voted overwhelmingly against communism in free elections earlier this year Since the country's "velvet revolution'' last year, nationalism has been gathering force in the Slovak republic. The crescendo came on Monday, when the President, Mr Havel, asked the Czechoslovak Federal Assembly for enhanced executive powers to deal with a "constitutional crisis". Mr Havel, according to the deputy chairman of the Federal Government, Mr Pavel Rychetsky. believes it is essential for the President to have the power to declare a state of emergency, to rule by decree and to veto legislation. He was prompted to act by increasing evidence that Slovak politicians, marshalled by the republic's Premier. Mr Vladimir Meciar. are preparing a strategy of gradual secession. Slovak ministers threatened to declare that their laws took precedence over federal measures unless the Federal Government adopted the Slovaks' favoured division of powers with regard to issues such as taxation and control of vital oil and gas pipelines — an outcome Mr Havel says would mark the beginning of "Czechoslovakia's disintegration as a State". Demands for full independence come mainly from the Slovak Nationalist Party, which fared poorly in last month's local elections, winning only 3 per cent of the seats. But the Christian Democratic movement in Slovakia, which won the local elections and is the rising political force in the republic, also hopes for the creation of a much more autonomous Slovakia. The Christian Democrats in Slovakia now have strained relations with their former allies in Mr Havel's own political movement, the Prague -based Civic Forum. The main figure of the Slovak Christian Democrats, the former dissident Mr Jan Carnogursky, has suggested a Croatia's conservative leader, Mr Fran jo Tudjman. and the Slovenian authorities under the republic's President. Mr Milan Kucan. have put forward proposals for a renegotiation of Yugoslavia's political compact,, suggesting a loose confederation to replace the tightly integrated federal system. Mr Milosevic, now all but assured of election as Serbian president on the first-round voting, opposes this model and Is certain to put many obstacles in its way. He is expected to demand in any negotiations over the future of Yugoslavia far-reach -ing guarantees of autonomy for the many Serbs who live in enclaves within the present borders Of Croatia. M. Slovenia, which has long quietly despaired of finding a solution to the Yugoslav crisis, is now resolved to proceed unilaterally towards independence and simply regards Yugoslav institutions as fading structures that will wither away. The Slovenian Assembly, 'which has already proclaimed the republic's sovereignty, took a step further last week, fixing December 23 as the date for a republic-wide referendum on independence. Although such a plebiscite would not automatically amount to a declaration of independence — it would merely be a statement of popular intent — the referendum has alarmed the Yugoslav army, which is controlled by an officer corps close to the Serbian political establishment. There is a long history of rivalry between senior figures in the Slovene Government and the army and showdowns have already erupted over Slovenia's plans to develop its own territorial defence forces. The split between Belgrade and the Slovenes and Croats was potent enough when it rested purely on ethnic tensions and economic grievances. Slovenia, in particular. resents the heavy subsidies it pays to the federal Treasury. But now a political dimension has been added. The governments in Zagreb and Ljubljana both want to enter the European Community and have developed increasingly close political, economic and even semi-diplomatic ties with their West European neighbours. Serbia has a less friendly attitude towards West European institutions, largely because of the EC's criticism of its harsh treatment of the Albanian population^ in Kosovo province. The troubles in Czechoslovakia considered by most West European diplomats as the model for emerging democracy in central Europe, are less strident but equally deep-rooted in history and political experience. The Australian, December. form of quas¡-independence for Slovakia within a united Europe. His party says that if Czechoslovakia becomes part of a pan-Europe an federation, then Slovakia wants to "enter Europe as Slovakia". Although opinion polls show only 30 per cent of Slovaks want a complete split, there are increasing signs of political frustration in the Slovak capital, Bratislava. Slovaks have experienced independence only once in their history, under a fascist regime set, up when Hitler occupied Czechoslovakia, and there are troubling signs of nostalgia for this period. Further, Slovakia, always the poorest part of the country. was economically privileged under communism and some Slovaks feel Mr Havel's velvet revolution was a largely Czech affair that will restore the traditional dominance of Czech culture. Sovereignty proclaimed But the key division between Czechoslovakia's two republics may be a religious one. The Slovak Christian Democrats are both more powerful and more conservative than their less successful hohemlan counterparts. But even if Czechoslovakia's problems seem like small beer compared with the bubbling tensions of Yugoslavia, the derailing of central Europe's model reforming State is a disturbing sign of the fragility of the post-communist political order. Czechoslovakia, just as much as Yugoslavia, is a somewhat artificial "nation" and it badly needs the patina of calm at present Mr Havel warned the Federal Assembly that the consequences of dissension could be grave - "wc would be the first State to split in the history of post-war Europe". "This, owing to our central position, would destroy the peaceful structure of Europe, halt disarmament talks and divert the interest of the West away from the countries of central and Eastern Europe" — and so trigger economic collapse and the end of democracy for both Slovaks and Czechs, he said. Few politicians can be found, from Berlin to Belgrade. who regret the passing of the old communist order, but one of its chief effects was to keep nationalist and separatist sentiments firmly in check. With its removal, a new model for satisfying the aspirations of the vast, overlapping patchwork of peoples spread from the Baltic to the Black Sea must be found and for the moment there seems to be no sign of a beginning to 23 this complex task. ber MELBOURNE AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA ZA SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES AUSTRALIAN SLOVENE CONFERENCE for U1E WORLD SLOVENE CONGRESS REPUBLIŠKI SEKRETARIAT ZA INFORMIRANJE' v •> . " . . V roke g.Staniču, republiškemu sekretarju za informacije V I Spoštovani . j V J rt Pošiljam vam čestitko ob uspesnem plebiscitu. Prosimo vas, da jo pošljete dr.Dularju na IS, g.Peterletu ,^na slovensko predsedstvo in na medije; saj imam težave s gosi 1janjern^. Najlepša hvala za pomoč. Vsem želim tudi srečno in uspesno leto 1991 in seveda veselo s i 1 ves tro van j e*. Lep pozdrav,E1 i ca Rizmal! SLOVENSKI VLADI IN SLOVENSKEMU NARODU ! Slovenija, čestitamo ti ob uspesnem plebiscitu! Čestitamo slovenskemu narodu in vladi; slovenskemu narodu za visoko volilno udeležbo in za trden in odločen DA, s katerim je izrazil svojo zeljo za samostojno, neodvisno Slovenijo, in za pogum, da kljub rožljanju armade z orožjem in kljub nasprotovanju svetovne javnosti, vztraja pri svoji zahtevi. v čestitamo slovenski vladi za zaupanje v modrost in politično zrelost svojega naroda in za jasnovidnost in prepričanje, da zdaj pravi zgodovinski trenutek, da izrazi slovenski narod svojo zeljo, oziroma zahtevo, po neodvisni in samostojni državi. v Sestitamo ti, draga domovina, za pogum, dostojanstvo in odločnost, s katerimi si nakazala svojo pot v bodočnost. Tudi Slovenci v Avstraliji smo nestrpno čakali volilnih rezultatov in se veselili Že ob prvih, se neuradnih številkah; nato smo tudi mi praznovali in se veselili z vami. y j Slovenija, pozdravljamo tvojo odločitev in zaupamo v tvojo bodočnost. Prisrčen pozdrav iz Avstralije! za ASK Elica Rizmal Elica Rizmal Referentka za odnose z javnostjo za Avstralsko slovensko konferenco Fax : 03 - 755 1746 Melbourne, 27.12.1990 Yugoslavia: the of anarchy break-up begins Yugoslav Govt warns BELGRADE, Thursday: The Yugoslav Government warned yesterday the country would be plunged into chaos unless agreement could be reached between its six squabbling republics. "Yugoslavia must choose whether ... it will create normal conditions for talks about the future or will continue with a trend which leads to anarchy and chaos and complete uncertainty for all its citizens," a government statement said. The statement was released after a meeting between the Yugoslav Prime Minister, Mr Ante Markovic, with republic leaders. They are expected to attend a crisis meeting of Yugoslavia's collective Slate Presidency today. The multi-ethnic federation appeared closer to disintegration after Slovenia voted in favour of independence in a plebiscite last Sunday. Croatia adopted a constitution on Saturday giving it the right lo secede. A big communist victory in elections in the biggest republic, Serbia, was likely to increase tension between the republics. Slovenia and Croatia, which ousted the Communists after 45 years last spring, want Yugoslavia to become a loose alliance of sovereign States while Serbia favours a centralised federation. Renter THE Yugoslav federation is disintegrating. On December 21, the republic of Croatia adopted a new Constitution granting itself the right to secede. On December 23, Slovenians voted overwhelmingly in favour of pursuing independence; three days later their parliament declared the republic a sovereign State. In the next few months, the six republics must agree on new rules for co-existence if the people of Yugoslavia are to enjoy a common future and the people of Europe spared serious unrest. But reconciling Yugoslavia's political, economic and ethnic divisions inside the country will not be easy. Ever since the death of Marshal Tito in 1980, YugosJa-via's six republics and two autonomous provinces have been straining for greater independence from the centre. The collective leadership model that replaced Tito has added to the pressure. By rotating the federal leadership among the republics and provinces, no one member of the Yugoslav family can dominate the rest. In turn, however, the capacity of the Federal Government to make and enforce decisions has been weakened whenever disagreements arise among the regional leaders. Given the highly uneven economic performance of the republics since 1980, and the political jockeying for position among their leaders, agreement has become a rare commodity indeed. Slovenia's decision to opt for independence as a last resort underscores the growing conflict of interests among the republics. With less than 10 per cent of the population of Yugoslavia, Slovenia accounts for 25 per cent of the country's exports and 20 per cent of its GNP. Like neighbouring Croatia, Slovenia has moved quickly to introduce market- oriented economic reforms, embrace liberal democracy, and exploit historical and cultural ties with mainstream Europe. In contrast, Yugoslavia's most populous republic -Serbia - has yet to emerge from the dead-end economic policies of the past or shed the influence of The Communist Party. Instead, Serbs have turned their attention to nationalist nostalgia and old feuds with ethnic Albanians. The challenge from Slovenia has been met with some dire threats from the federal authorities and the Yugoslav People's Army. The State Presidency, currently chaired by Mr Bori-sav Jovic — a Serb — has called the December 23 referendum "unacceptable". The Minister of Defence, General Veljko Kadijevic, who is of mixed Serbian and Croatian parentage, has said that the Army will take whatever measures are necessary to preserve the federation. Recently, General Kadi-jevic warned that he would use force to disarm Slovenian and Croatian reservists. Last month, senior generals launched a new federal communist party perhaps with a post-coup regime in mind. If the Army decides to flex its muscles, it, too, could disintegrate along ethnic lines. Serbs may dominate the military, but the high command still would find it hard to maintain control in the outlying regions. And military intervention would only exacerbatc Yugoslavia's economic problems and aggravate ethnic tensions. But the prospect of a neat division of the country into several independent States also is remote. Ethnic boundaries no longer conform to republican ones. It may be possible to negotiate a new confederal structure. If that fails, however, it is hard to avoid the conclusion that the alternative is civil war. SYDNEY The Sydney Morning Herald, 28 December. 30 December SYDNEY The Sydney Morning Herald, 30 December. FREEDOM ISN'T FREE I watched the flag pass by one day. It fluttered in the breeze A young soldier saluted it, and then He stood at ease. I looked at him in uniform So young, so tall, so proud With hair cut square and eyes alert He'd stand out in any crowd. I thought how many men like him Had fallen through the years. How many died on foreign soil? How many mothers' tears? How many Pilots' planes shot down? How many foxholes were soldiers' graves? No, Freedom isn't free! I heard the sound of taps one night, When everything was still. I listened to the bugler play And felt a sudden chill. I wondered just how many times That taps had meant "Amen" When a flag had draped a coffin of a brother or a friend. I thought of all the children, Of the mothers and the wives, Of fathers, sons and husbands With interrupted lives. I thought about a graveyard at the bottom of the sea Of unmarked graves in Arlington..... No -- Freedom isn't free!! Cadet Major Kelly Strong Air Force Junior ROTC Í991 Iskre, kam hile? Si iskre podajajo roke? V plamenu skupne narodne ljubezni žare? Iskre upanja, poštenja, zahvale, v sreii plamte? Siromak, kdor le z idejo drugega se hvaliti more. Sebične, častihlepne - v pajčevinaslem gradu napuha plameni moči odleti žele? Iskre ukradenih besed in častihlepnega olja, čutite toploto plamena skupnega? Slutile sledi hlapčevstva? Vam je, iskre, ¡asna demokracija? Glasovi lahko izrazijo svoja mišljenja, ne le da eden govori, ukazuje, drugi pa le kimati more, sme? Piha veter strokovnosti v vse smeri, na vsa polja? Črpa plamen moči v preteklosti ognja? Več pričakovano je: ne le sprava. Ivan Cankar piše: "Očščenje i ta pomlajen je" - prav ima?" Pripovedujte otrokom, ki jih učile in vzgajate, da sle hlapci da vam še kruha ne dajo. To jim povejte, tako jih učite. In ve, učiteljice, kt ste že matere in še boste matere, povejte svojrm otrokom, kako so nas uklepali in zapiral, kako so nas kakor razbojnike vlačili po ječah in kako nam niso pustili govorili.,, Jaz, bratje, pa vem za domovino in mi vsi jo slutimo, Kar so nam šiloma vzeli, za kar so nas ogoljufali in opeharili, bomo dobili povrnjeno s stori mi obres-m i! Iz muke, trpljenj in suženjstva neštetih miljonov bo vzrasla naša domovina: vsa la lepa zemlja z vsem svojim neizmernim bogastvom,.. Kaj je slovenski narod? Slovenski narod je teptan... Ampak po krivici uživa na$ narod to prebiranje in zaničevanje- visoko se ¡:e vzdignila njegova kullura - in naš narod jeslopil v ravno vrelo z drugimi mogočnimi narodi!..." Ivan Cankar se dotika uporno zoper zlagano dmžbo in njeno h li njeno čednost Pravi. "Življenje, ki ga živi to bežno leo zunaj pod glasnim soncem, je te medel odsvilje le motna piispodoba onega drugega življenja, ki je zaklen;eno v meni in tebi... "Pa pravi Jerman v Cankarjevi drami Hlapci: 'Hlapci, za hlapce rojeni, za hlapce vzgojeni ustvarjeni za hlapce vanje! Gospodar se menja, bič pa ostane in bo ostal, zato. ker je hrbet skriven, biča vajen m željan1 ' Casi učiteljeva zahteva, da bodi danes bel m jutn Cm, kakor ukazuje gospodar. Nadalje še zahteva, da imej glavo na voljnem konopcu, zato, da se ahko s pridom priklanja na vse štiri strani: in tudi zalo, da ktekne sredi ceste v blato, če je prilika in ukaz. In naposled zahteva, da imej učitelj zaklenjena usta. ključ do ključavnice pa obešen na šolske duri..." Je v Jermanu skrit slovenski narod? ... Tako so menatiapotisnili, tako so me zasmeho vali, lako pljuval i predme. da se j im moram pokazati pred lioe. da nisem na tleh in opljuvan ." Kako odločilne so bile besede Gmdnovke v njegovi komediji Za narodov blagor. "Narod srno mi!', in Sčukove besede:"... Takral ne bo več tega naroda, ki caplja na različnih uzdah, ki je naprodaj za groš, za uslužen smehljaj...' Sledimo navodilu Frana Levstika:."... da bi Slovenec videl Slovenca, kakor vidi svoj obraz v ogledalu..,"? Žaljivki Podrte pest je odgovoril: "Psa ste me imenovali, ker biti nisem h'tel vaš pes... A vendar glave ne uklanjam ter vam ne bodem je nikdar in brez bojazni še naznanjam: Ti slepec sL a ti slepar!"... Josip Stritar opiše Levstika: "Jeklena vol|an, neupogn|en vrat, prjatel| stanoviten, človek zlal." ?? ?? Že Franoe Prešeren je zapisal v Elegiji svojim rojakom "Zemlja kranjska., draga mati. kdaj bo utihnil najin jok? Al kdaj bova vidla vslati bralo v jaz, h čast otrok? Kar ni luje zaničuješ. domu, Kranjc moj, z ves; postan!' K1 a io d r i :: himen, gc is s votle, s ki. pro :ili si tom:.i" ? Dmga Geit, 1991 Where do you hurry to, sparks? Do sparks shake hands? Do the sparks of collective national love glow? Do sparks of hope, fairness, and gratitude blaze in happiness? Poor wretch, he who is only able to praise others' ideas... Selfish, ambitious - in a cobwebby castle of arrogance they wish to take power ? Sparks of stolen words and oil of ambition, do you feel the heat of the collective flame? Do you detect impending slavery? Sparks, is democracy clear to you? Voices are able to express their own thoughts, not just one person's ideas, giving orders, while others can only nod and smile. Does the wind of authority blow in all directions, in every field? Do flames draw power from the fires of the past? More than reconciliation is expected. Ivan Cankar wrote:"Purification and rejuvenation" - is he right? Tell your children, those who you teach and raise, that you are servants: that they do not even give you bread. Tell them this, teach them this. And be aware, teachers, those of you who are mothers already and those who are yet to be mothers, tell your children how they locked us up, how they treated us like thugs and dragged us through prison cells, and how they would not let us speak... My brothers, I know about our homeland and we all anticipate it. What they took from us by force, that for which we were deceived and cheated, we will be reimbursed with interest. Our homeland will grow from the torment, suffering and slavery of countless millions: all this beautiful land with its countless blessings... What is the Slovenian nation? It is downtrodden . . . Our nation has been ignored and hated injustily... its culture has been elevated and our nation has become a molten mass with other mighty nations!..." Ivan Cankar rebels against lying society and its pretentious virtue. He says, "Life which is lived fleetingly outside in the bright sun, is only faint ecco and is only a dim likeness of that other life, which is locked inside you and me...". Jerman, in Cankar's play Slaves says:"Servants, you were born servants, raised as servants, created for bondage! The master might change, but the whip remains the same and will stay because backs bent, accustomed to the whip, even longing for it!..." "Teacher's honor dictates to be white today and black tomorrow, whatever the master demands. He continues to demand that your head is placed willingly into the halter, as it is possible to bow in all four directions, and to kneel in the mud in the middle of the road, on command. The final demand is for the teacher's lips to be sealed, and the key to the lock to be hung from the school's door. Is the Slovenian nation hiding within Jerman? "They pushed me to the floor, they mocked me, spat at me, and I have to face them as if I am not on the floor and spat upon ...". How decisive are the words of Grudnovka in his comedy, For The Nation's Wellbeing: "We are a nation!" And Scuk's words, "... Then this nation will no longer exist because it toddles around in a harness that costs next-to-nothing, with an obliging smile...". We ought to follow the directions of Fran Levstik: "... If only a Slovenian could see his own face in the mirror...". In response to an insult in Die, Dog!:"You called me a dog when I did not want to be your dog... So, I have never bow my head to you and I never will and I can say without fear 'you are blind, and you, a cheat!'... Josip Stritar describes Levstik:"Steel will, unbending neck, firm friend, kind-hearted person." ?? ?? France Preseren wrote in an Elegy to his compatriots "Dear mother, land of Kranjska, when will your tears stop flowing? When will we see our brothers arise and their honour? Everything not foreign you despise, to your home, man from Kranjska, faithful become! National flame, you burn brightly, collectively, or are you dim? Translated by Dr Elizabeth Tomazic Srbske oblasti "vdrejo" v jugoslovanski finančni sistem in si pri Narodni banki Jugoslavije iz primarne emisije "sposodijo" 18 milijard in 243 milijonov dinarjev (1,4 milijarde dolarjev - skoraj polovica načrtovanih skupnih kreditov iz primarne emisije za vse jugoslovanske banke v letu 1991). To je začetek razpada jugoslovanskega ekonomskega sistema. Serbia breaks into the Yugoslav monetary system, misappropriating large sums of money -1,4 Billion Dollars. 8 January ^y http//www. slovenija2001.gov.si/ pot/kronologija/ SERBIA Slovenska vlada objavi memorandum, ki zvezni vladi očita zapoznelo in neučinkovito reagiranje ob razpadanju jugoslovanskega ekonomskega sistema. 9 January SLOVENIA Sprejem zahvalnega pisma dr. Dularja in Spomenke Hribar za podporo plebiscita. Thank you letter from Dr Janez Dular and Spomenka Hribar. Člani SNS Viktorije so na svoji redni seji razpravljali o boljši povezavi s slovenskimi društvi v Viktoriji, o načinu izbire kandidatov za Slovensko izseljensko matico v Ljubljani. SNS Victoria attempts to foster a better relationship with the Slovenian Associations in Victoria, especially with regard to the selection of the SIM candidate. ASK je poslala protestno pismo jugoslovanskemu veleposlaniku v Canberri dr. Borisu Cizlju s pritožbo nad ravnanjem takoimenovane Jugoslovanske ljudske armade, ki je nenehoma pretila Sloveniji. ASK protest letter to Yugoslav Embassy regarding the YPA threats towards Slovenia. Answer by B Cizelj. Sestali so se predstavniki ASK iz Melbourna, Sydneya and Canberre s hrvaškimi predstavniki in razpravljali o organiziranju demonstracij. ASK Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra representatives met with the Croatian representatives in regard to organising demonstrations. Predsednik ASK Marjan Kovač je pisal avstralskemu predsedniku vlade Bobu Hawku in ga obvestil o vrstnem redu dogajanj v Jugoslaviji ter o napadih na slovensko in hrvaško demokracijo, še posebej pa o pritisku JLA na obe republiki. Avstralskemu parlamentu je pisal pismo tudi Cvetko Falež, predsednik SNS Canberra. ASK president Marjan Kovac's letter to Bob Hawke, Australian Prime Minister, reporting the events in Yugoslavia, including YPA attacks against Slovenia and Croatia. The letter was also written by Cvetko Falež, SNS Canberra and Alois Kavaš, President of Slovenian Association Canberra. 16 Ja anuary anuary ^y MELBOURNE 22 January ^y CANBERRA 25 January January 7Ja 'actuary (ÎS/'O; 'SI 18:13 FAI 38 61 22432S IS R SLOV LJB YL* ■*+•• EMONA ENT. P/L SLOVENIA SKUPŠČINA REPUBUKE SLOVENIJE IZVRŠNI SVET Ljubljana, 7.x.1991 St. 249/91 Zahvala za sodelovanje, pri podpisni akciji ob slovenskem plebiscitu. V času priprav na plebiscit o osamosvojitvi države Slovenije sva v imenu Izvršnega sveta Republike Slovenije in v imenu iniciativnega odbora konference Republike Slovenije za Svetovni slovenski kongres dala pobudo za zbiranje podpisov v podporo plebiscitni odločitvi - Odziv Si ovpjif.pv po svetu j & bil izredno velik in je 'n3Čvše"5 ugodno vplival na politično ozračje v plebiscitnih dneh; okrepil se je občutek, da gre res za zgodovinsko odločitev vsega slovenskega naroda. V dneh od 10. do 23- decembra 199.0 je prispelo na naslov slovenskega izvršnega sveta čez 6.000 podpisov (zaradi težav s poŠto jih. je še nekaj sto prišlo tudi pozneje). Zganili so se Slovenci in Slovenke od Z da'do Avstralije, od švedske do Madagaskarja ter nam pošiljali posamično podpisane "glasovnice" ali pa cèle pôle s po" več deset/ s po več sto in celo s po več tisoč podpisi; prihajale so tudi številne solidarnostne izjave slovenskih društev in organizacij --.z vseh koncev sveta. S tem smo seznanili slovensko javnost, gradivo pa je bilo na dan plebiscita izročeno predsedniku slovenskega parlamenta dr. Francetu Bučarju. Ta je 26.12.1990 sporočil uradni izid plebiscita (88,"5% volilnih upravičencev ZA samostojno in neodvisno državo Slovenijo) ter oznanil: "slovesno razglašam ~~ pred tem visokim zborom, slovensko in jugoalnwiTisko ter vso svetovno javnostjo, da se je slovenski narod na temelju trajne in neodtulj ive pravice do samoodločbe odločil, da Republika Slovenija postane samostojna in neodvisna dražva." 1991 V dneh, ko se že lotevamo neposrednega uresničevanja te plebiscitne odločitve, se želimo tudi zahvaliti vsem,, ki ste s svojim podpisom pripomogli k prepričljivosti tega.' <3V)išiija.posebna pa tistim, ki ste pomagali podpisno akcijo izpeljati: predsednikom ativnim posameznikom, ki ste z veliko požrtvovalnostjo in iznajdljivostjo v tako kratkem času dosegli, da se je podpisovanja udeležilo toliko ljudi. Vaša. zavzetost nas zavezuje, dn bmmo z vsemi moCmi izpolnjevali naloge, ki izhajajo iz odločitve za samostojno in neodvisno državo Slovenijo, našo in vašo domovino. druStcv, -vodjem dušnopastirskih središč ter številnim inici KOMIGIJE ZA CVETOVI?! SLOVENSKI KONGRES IN TAJNICA INICIATIVNEGA ODBORA KONFERENCE REPDBLIKE SLOVENIJE 2A SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES ČLAN IS RS ZA SLOVENCE PO SVETU IN NARODNOSTI " V SLOVENIJI 12Janualry SYDNEY The Sydney Morning Herald, 12 January. 16J dJtudrv The Sydney Morning Herald, 16 January. President warns of likely Court puts all back to demands square one YUGOSLAVIA BELGRADE, Friday: President Slobodan Milosevic of Serbia has warned that if Yugoslavia became a confederation of independent States, Serbia would demand territory from neighbouring republics to bring all of the country's 8.5 million Serbs into a single State, a Federal official said. The declaration by the Serbian leader yesterday came as the six highly autonomous republics of Yugoslavia were being swirled by economic and political turbulence that threatened to tear apart their unified but loosely knit federation. Mr Milosevic was addressing a meeting at which the highest officials of the republics, as well as the eight members of the national collective presidency and the national Prime Minister, Mr Ante Marovic, were presenting their visions of how the republics were to relate to each other and to the centre in the hope of drawing up a new constitutional formula. Slovenia and Croatia, the two richest republics, have threatened to secede if creation of a confederation of independent republics proves impossible. Serbia, the largest and most populous republic, has long advocated strengthening the federation. In the past, Mr Milosevic and other leading Serbs have said informally that any constitutional rearrangement of Yugoslavia vould require redefining the borders of the republics. Slovenia's parliament is to meet today to consider measures to bring border Custom controls under the republic's wing and sever most of the republic's fiscal ties to the centre. The measures are expected to pass easily. The New York Times YUGOSLAVIA BELGRADE, Tuesday: Yugoslavia's Constitutional Court annulled Slovenia's declaration of sovereignty yesterday and ordered Serbia to lift duties on goods made in rival republics, the State news agency Tanjug reported. The court, comprising judges of all six republics, ruled that Slovenia's declaration of last July and Serbia's decision to tax products from Slovenia and Croatia were unconstitutional, Tanjug said. The court theoretically is Yugoslavia's highest judicial body but it lacks effective authority to impose decisions on the feuding republics. Ethnic, religious and political differences among the regions have prompted centre-right governments in Slovenia and Croatia to press for more independence, or even secession, from the federation. Communist-ruled Serbia opposes their plans for a looser Yugoslav confederation, publicly advocating strong central rule and effectively torpedoing the federal Government's freemarket reforms. The quarreling has pushed the brittle federation to the brink of disintegration, which many believe could erupt into civil war, Presidents of the six republics met last week and agreed to start bilateral talks on the future before a new multilateral round on January 23. But a federal presidency order that the Army enforcc a decree demanding armed groups hand in their weapons by January 21 could stir up tensions with the republics further. It was not clear whether the order referred to territorial militia in Slovenia and Croatia or armed groups of ethnic Serbs in Croatia or both. "The constitutional court has quashed the declaration of Slovenia's independence," Tanjug said, adding that the court also "annulled the decision by Serbia's Government" last October to slap 50 per cent duties on goods made in Slovenia and Croatia. An overwhelming majority of voters backed Slovenia's declaration of sovereignty in a referendum last month. The republic's parliament has subordinated more than 30 federal laws to republican legislation. Serbia retaliated by imposing its own taxes on cattle and meat, produced largely in Slovenia. Slovenia and Croatia urged companies on their territory to cease sales on credit to Serbian enterprises after Serbia admitted it ordered the printing of SA1.8I billion worth of extra banknotes to shore up its failing economy. The court also declared a Serbian law flouting wage restrictions imposed under federal-government austerity measures as illegal. Associated Press íTJanu/lry SYDNEY Spoštovani g.Dular! Prav lepa hvala za vas telefax št.263/91 z dne 15.1.1991. Popolnoma razumem vašo prezaposlenost z dogodki doma; posebno nas pa skrbijo grožnje^1 federacije' o katerih slišimo preko avstralskega media. Nažalost iz Slovenije ni nobenih novic, tako, da popolnoma odvisimo od tujih virov, večkrat zelo pičli in pozni. V zvezi z video kasetami - upamo, da bo TV - Slovenija poskrbela za tovrstno informiranje, saj je to zelja mnogih Slovencev. Poleg tega je pa za spoznanje in priznanje SLOVENIJE, kot samostojne države, takšno obveščanje avstralske javnosti najbolj primerno. Zahvalo vsem podpornikom plebiscitne akcije, sem posredoval na radia 2EA in 3EA, kjer je ze bila objavljena. Objavljena bo tudi v "NOVO DOBA" v ponedeljek, 21/1/91 ter v naslednji številki SLOVENSKEGA PISMA. Poslal sem jo tudi*Brisbane (radio) in g. Persiču za "TEDENSKE NOVICE" ter ostalim oddaljenim društvom oz. organizacijam. V zvezi z nabiralno akcijo za poplavijence, je stanje 17/1/91 sledeče: p.Valerijan Jenko, predsednik sydneyskega odbora mi je sporočil, da 5.decembra 1990 je bilo odposlano A$26,383-15. _ " " " 12,420- Na bančnem računu v Sydneyu je se 2,000- Skupaj A$40 , 803- p.Bazilij Valentin mi je sporočil {predsednik odbora je pater Niko Zokelj, ki je na dopustu), da Dr.Dular prevzel A?15,000- 22. novembra 1990 so odposlali .................... 10,000- Na bančnem računu v Melbournu je še ............... 8,876- Skupaj A$ 33,876- Torej, iz gornjega je razvidno, da je doslej nabranega A$74,679-. V Slovenijo na KARITAS odposlano A$63,803-Na bančnih računih še 10,876- Nabirka bo zaključena koncem januarja 1991, ko bo odposlana zadnja oziroma končna vsota. Pošiljam vam tudi poročilo slovenskega kluba iz Pertha v zvezi s plavalci ,ki so nastopali na šestem svetovnem prvenstvu v Perthu. Toliko za danes. Prejmite lepe pozdrave, P.S.: Prosim, če podatke o plavalcih posredujete g. Stanetu Staniču, ministru za informacije. 17Ja,tmarv SYDNEY The Sydney Morning Herald, 17 January, p.10. ? rT 23JdMJlri/ SYDNEY The Australian, 23 January, p.9. t Wednesday January 23 1991 9 Yugoslav leaders split on crackdown BELGRADE: The Communis l-domina ted Yugoslav Collective State Presidency was meeting in emergency session this morning, divided by a bitter dispute over whether the secession-minded Slovenian and Croatian republics are risking army intervention for refusing to surrender all paramilitary weapons. As Yugoslavia's worst post-World War II crisis deepened, security remained high in the Slovenian capital of Ljubljana and the Croatian capital of Zagreb, where heavily armed police guarded key government buildings and the cities' airports Authorities in Zagreb also positioned buses and trucks overnight near the city's main bridges for use as barricades. according to State-run Zagreb television. The nationalist governments of Yugoslavia's wealthiest republics have warned that their security forces and citizens will fight military intervention. The Presidency in Belgrade convened after the expiration of a midnight deadline set under a January 9 order for the disarmament of what it called "illegal paramilitary units" allegedly formed by unnamed political parties along ethnic lines, exacerbating tensions pushing the nation towards civil war. The order threatened unspecified "legal" measures against violators and entrusted enforcement to the Communist-co mmanded Yugoslav People's Army. But the Presidency's vote on the order waff not unanimous, reflecting the ethnic and political divisions threatening to sunder the Yugoslav federation of 23 million people t ran* six main ethnic groups and three main religions. The directive was rejected by the Croatian Vice-President. Mr Stipe Mesic, and Slovenian representative. Mr Janez Drnovšek. whose governments began moving to seccde because of concerns of Serbian domination after they drove communists Out of power in Yugoslavia's first free elections last April. The President of Croatia. Dr Fran jo Tudjman, said last night that in talks held on Friday, Mr Mesic and Yugoslavia's Serbian President. Mr Borisav Jovic. were unable to agree on whether the order referred to the Croatian police force, Both republics refused to surrender weapons they imported last year for their police and military reserve forces in defiance of the army. UPI SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET - VIKTORIJA (avstral sua slovei jsk a kcwe se i £ ' za svetovni slovenski kongres) SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL - VICTORIA '■ Ai,S[r,.,'£)j!AKCONrEREiJC£ for slovenian world congress) SLOVENSKIM ORGANIZACIJAM IN DRUŽTVCM V VIKTORIJI Spoštovani! Leto 1990. je 2a nami. Za nas, avstralske Slovence se je zaokrožilo z visokim obiskcm ministra za Slovence po svetu dr. Janeza Dularja. Bilo je to leto ustanavljanja novih organizacij (Slovenskih narodnih svetov v Viktoriji,N.S. W. ,QLD in A.C.T., združenih v Avstralsko slovensko konferenco), katerih predhodnica je bila predvsem ideja Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa. V Viktoriji, na žalost, ne moreno biti zadovoljni z našim s odelova n j em,nan -reč SNS-ja in ostalih slovenskih društev, pa tudi ne s Svetom slovenskih organizacij. Zarnanj bi bilo o tan Se naprej razmišljati in iskati razloge za to. Bolje bo, če pogledamo v bodočnost in v naše bodoče sodelovanje. Seveda si želimo, da bi bilo dim tesnejše in uspešnejse, saj vse kar počnemo, počnemo za dobrobit slovenstva. Pred nami je še mnogo ciljev, ki bi rrorali biti skupni-gre za bodočnost slovenskega zivlja, tako v Avstraliji, kot po svetu in dana. Zato vas vabimo na pogovor za okroglo mizo, ki naj bi bil v nedeljo,24.2.91, ob treh popoldne v Verskem in kulturnem središču Kew. Naš predlog bi bil, da se tega srečanja udeležijo člani vašega odbora, najmanj pa 2 ali 3. Na tem sestanku bi se lahko dogovorili tudi o načinu izbire avstralskih delegatov za Slovensko izseljensko matico. Ob tej priložnosti pa vas še obveščamo, da se bo na privatno povabilo Sydney-skih rojakov mudil v Avstraliji dr. Jože Pučnik, predsednik koalicije DEMCS, ki je, kot veste vladajoča stranka v Sloveniji.O dr. Jožetu Pučniku smo vsi že slišali in lepo bi bilo, ko bi tudi njega sprejeli kar se da prisrčno in složno. upanju na skorajšnje srečanje lep slovenski pozdrav Simon Spacapan Predsednik Melbourne,22.1.91. >0. BOX 197. KEW. MELBOURNE. AUSTRALIA. 3101 TEL. FAX 3 gotici Republic defiant ^y MELBOURNE The Sun Herald, 20, January, p.8. THE rebel Yugoslav republic of Slovenia said yesterday it was ignoring an order by leaders for armed civilians to hand in weapons or be forcibly disarmed. Slovenian Prime Minister Lojze Peterle told a news conference in the Slovenian capital, Ljubljana, the order did not apply to his republic, "fn Slovenia there is not a single unit !hat could correspond to the formulations of the Yugoslav presidency's order to hand in weapons, and therefore, in Slovenia, the return of weapons is not under way,1' he said, A leader of the 1,7 million ethnic Albanians in the province of Kosovo, part of the Yugoslav republic of Serbia, said they would also ignore the order. "The decree can only provoke tragic :onsequences and that's why we are rejecting it," Zekerija Cana, a senior :thnic Albanian leader, told a news inference in Kosovo's capital, Pristina. The centre-right leaders in Slovenia ind Croatia have angered Yugoslav authorities by seeking independence. Federal leaders and the army's com- munist generals oppose the two republics* independence drive and want Yugoslavia to remain under centra! rule. Civilians in Croatia and Slovenia were reported to have armed themselves as ethnic tensions rose in recent months. More than 50 people, mostly ethnic Albanians, have been killed in riots in the past two years in Kosovo. The majority of ethnic Albanians want more autonomy but Serbs regard the area as the cradle of Serbian culture and are resisting giving it to them. The Yugoslav state presidency on January 9 ordered "illegal paramilitary groups" to give up arms by midnight Saturday local time or be disarmed by the army. Some Serbs in the northwestern republic of Croatia have surrendered weapons to police. The Croatian Interior Ministry said six sub-machine guns, 112 rifles, 60 pistols and ammunition were handed in last week. Some Croats fear the army may forcibly confiscate arms. Mothers of Croatian soldiers have launched a petition asking the army not to force their sons to fire at "brothers, sisters and parents", Tanjug news agency said. ? rT 23JilMalr/ SYDNEY The Sydney Morning Herald, 23 January, p. 10. THE SUN-HERALD, January 30, 1991 Slovenia, Croatia brace for intervention by Army YUGOSLAVIA ZAGREB, Tuesday: A federal deadline has elapsed for "illegal" militias to disarm, with Slovenia and Croatia both expressing fears the communist-led Army may move against their local police units. The two neighbouring republics, governed by centrc-right parties that toppled Communist regimes in the spring elections, expressed fears that a crackdown could come at any time while world attention was diverted by the Gulf War. Just hours before the deadline to disarm at midnight last night, the Croatian President, Mr f-ranjo Tudjman, said the Army had put Croatia's and Slovenia's police forces in the category of "illegal paramilitary groups". "Army intervention would be a disaster," Mr Tudjman said. "We allow the right of the Army to seize illegally-held weapons, but not to disarm the Croatian police." Croatia's deputy leader. Mr Mr Tudjman ... Army action would be a disaster. Stipe Mesic, said: "In defence or the sovereignty of Croatia we will go to the limits.'1 He dispelled any remaining doubts about whether efforts by the Yugoslav Army to remove Croatia's government would be resisted by force. In a tefephone interview, Mr Tudjman's spokesman, Mr Mario Nobilo, cautioned against any crackdown. "It would be madness if the Army moved against Croatian units," Mr Nobilo said. He said the Croatian police had gone on alert and had orders to resist. Croatian policemen armed with submachine-guns were maintaining watchful guard yesterday outside the Sabor, Ihe republic's parliament, on the roof of the television centre and outside other key installations in [lie Croatian capital, Zagreb. The streets in Zagreb were calm an hour after the deadline passed. Croatia's Catholic bishops also launched an appeal against Army intervention, attacking "the threat of swords being used against the peaceful development of democracy and freedom by our people". Fears or an Army assault set off panic buying oT petrol, flour, tinned food and even salt among shoppers in several Croatian cities. Slovenia and Croatia want the squabbling federation of six republics that is now Yugoslavia transformed into a loose confederation of independent States. They claim Communist-ruled Serbia, ihe largest republic, and the Army are in collusion to preserve centralised power. Yugoslav Army leaders have in recent months publicly voiced bitter opposition to the process of démocratisation in Yugoslavia. In alliance with Serbia's Communist Party rulers, the generals have set up a new party — the League of Communists Movement for Yugoslavia — which Army officers are forced to join and which many Slovenes and Croats fear will be used to form quisling governments in their republics in the event of an Army coup. In an apparent show of force yesterday, heavily.armed police guarded government buildings and patrolled Zagreb and the Slovenian capital of Ljubljana. AhMKUted Press a il (J The Independent YUGOSLAVIA RISKS A BALTIC REPLAY In Yugoslavia we see in miniature the imperial decline of the Soviet Union. Like the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia is a multi-racial entity without logic or legitimacy. In both, the dominance of one ethnic group survived the advent of communism. In both, the central party imperialists have vilified and threatened republics which dared seek independence. These republics fear that when the party and its army speak of restoring order and preventing ethnic chaos, they intend the restoration of central control, by whatever brutal means deemed necessary. Like the Baltic States, the democratic republics of Yugoslavia must rely on their police and citizen militias to guard government buildings in anticipation of the coup which too often follows communist denunciation. And like the Baltic States, these republics fear a coup most when the West is looking the other way - as it is now looking towards Baghdad. As in the Soviet Union, it is unwise to consider the party the best judge of what ethnic disturbance an end to central control might bring. But Yugoslavia certainly has a turbulent history, bringing together Catholic Croats - who were to "Europeanise" the Balkans -and the Orthodox Serbs. But the principle of ethnic self-determination, in vogue at Versailles after World War I, ordained that Serbs and Croats were "South Slavs", united by a similar tongue. What emerged was a Yugoslavian empire in miniature, in which the Serbs dominated the officer class and the administration. The brutal suppressions of Hitler and Stalin kept these ethnic animosities somewhat sudued. Upon the certification of the economic death of communism in 1989, it was inevitable that the Serbian hegemony would be challenged. The communists have been ousted in four republics - Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Hercegovina, and Macedonia - but in Serbia, the largest, and Montenegro, the smallest, the Socialists (the "former" communists) have kept power. The two relatively prosperous northern republics, Croatia and Slovenia, have inspired hope for independence within a loose federation which would restrain the Serbs. The two authoritarian republics of the south want a tight federation which they would continue to dominate as they do the Yugoslav People's Army, in which some 70 per cent of the officers and non-commissioned officers are Serbs. Even if the four republics feel they may be spared coups, it seems increasingly unlikely they will be able to bring themselves to trust Serbia and her leader, Mr Milosevic. His Socialist Government now stands accused of having dedicated, illegally and secretly, for its survival, the equivalent of half of the planned federal increase in the money supply of this year. It is clear that a loose federation in which the communist Serbs have no undue influence is the least undesirable future for Yugoslavia. The concern of the West should be to exert whatever diplomatic and economic influence they can so as to frustrate Mr Milosovic's unregenerate centralism, and prevent civil war among peoples who have suf fered greatly. ~> ? rT 23 Jiinualrt/ SYDNEY The Australian, 24 January, p.10. (From the Editorial, THE AUSTRALIAN Thursday January 24 1991 p. 10] http://www. tatjana-malec. si/default. asp?Id=347 MISLI O SVOBODI Svobodo mislimo s političnimi pravicami, ki delujejo tako, da postanemo kot indiviuumi nesvobodni, da ne kratimo svobode drugim. Svoboda se preneha tam, kjer se začenjajo pravice drugih. Svoboda je odgovornost. Svoboden si samo v samogovoru z molitvijo. Zato ljudje že tisočletja vztrajno molijo. Običajno imenujemo človekovo delovanje, svobodo. Svoboda je torej metafizično prisotna okoliščina, ki vlada celotni naravi. Svoboda je v tem, da se odločaš in odzivaš na gole reakcije in tako deluješ. Svobodo lahko uresničiš le s sodelovanjem sveta in z odnosom z drugimi ljudmi. Imeti voljo za prostost, še ne jamči, da si svoboden, če nisi varen. Svoboden nisi, če te država privatizira in tvojo zasebnost postavlja za predmet javne skrbi. Država je najboljši odvetnik tvoje svobode, saj ti šele njena pravila povedo kako je s tvojo svobodo in kje so njene meje. Človekovo svobodo, ki ti je dana ob rojstvu, vedno vzame zunanja sila. Ta ti odvzame celo svobodo za sporočanje tvojih misli, odvzeme ti notranjo sposobnost za svobodo in ti jo uniči, te skrivenči, ne da bi se tega zavedal. Svoboden si le v notranjem pogovoru s samim seboj. Tvoja svoboda se giba vedno na relaciji zakonov vzročnosti. Neprostost te vedno udari nazaj. Ne-moči-delovati in ne-biti-svoboden je eno in isto. Tvoja svoboda je razseljena na vseh koncih sveta in skrbi za tvoje razpoloženje in za asociacije, ko jo občutiš, da nekje obstaja in s tem lovom za njo lažje živiš. Je odsvit tvoje želje po biti svoboden, a ti zmoreš ubogati samega sebe in to samoobvladanje te legitimira za vladanje (odtenki svobode), ki te osvobaja verig lastne nesvobode. Tatjana Malec http://www. quotegarden.com/ freedom.html The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage. Thucydides quotes (Ancient Greek historians and author, 460-404bc) Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of men and so it must be daily earned and refreshed - else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it will wither and die. Dwight D. Eisenhower In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved. Franklin D. Roosevelt CANBERRA Ko.010/91-OB EMBASSY OK THE SOCIALIST FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA CANBERRA Datum: 2J/V91 Avstralska sloveneka konferenca Oospod Marjars Kovač, rvedssdndlt SpoitoVani gospod Predsednik, Zahvaljujem se vam aa vaš« fax*pieuio od Sfl.Januarja -199-1, v ka« terem v imenu Avstralske slovenske kojiferaflca izražate zaskrbljenost in protestirate proti grožnjam /.a uporabo eile JLA ob 1?;vt«> Žavanju Wcaza Predsedstva SFRJ z dne 9.januarja 1991» Celim važo skrb in meniti da grožnje» se bolj pa ev. upor&ba sile nikakor ne bi pripeljala do roäitve , Ampak bi gotovo probleir.0 äe dodatno zeostrila. Vam, da z veliko zavzetostjo, budno spremljat o dogajanja' ter ste seznanjeni, da je Predsedstvo na zahtevo B ep »Hrvaške portal j Salo rok, Morda Že niste slišali »a zahtevo Frcd^eisitva BiH, ds Predsedstvo $FRJ eksplicitno navede organizacije in enote, na katere ee omenjeni Ukaz nanaša, Verjajn^n, da bo to storjeno te dni ter bo 9 tem odpravijon nesporazum, ki nastaja zaradi različnih iuter* preteči j. Vase pismo sex posredoval Predsedstvu BiTiJ in upam, ds bo storilo vee, da so pre?cze nastala krizta situacija. Dr.Boris "AI ATioslanik 23Jajtualry y MELBOURNE The Financial Review, 23 January, p.7. Croatia, Slovenia forces on alert Defying a federal deadline to disarm their police forces, the independence-minded republics of Slovenia and Croatia yesterday went on alert for a possible military crackdown. The Croatian President, Mr Franjo Tudjman, said: "In the event the army intervenes, Croatian [security forces) and the people would resist using all available means." Mr Tudjman, speaking before the deadline of midnight Monday set by the nation's nine-member presidency, said the army had put Croatia's and Slovenia's police forces in the category of "illegal paramilitary groups". Mr Tudjman was due to meet on Friday Serbia's hard-line communist President, Mr Slobodan Milosevic. In a telephone interview, Mr Tudjman's spokesman, Mr Mario Nobilo, warned against any crackdown. He said it would be "madness" if the army moved against Croatian units and that the Croation police had gone on alert and had orders to resist. The streets in Croatia's capital, Zagreb, were calm an hour after the deadline passed. Heavily armed police guarded government buildings and patrolled streets in Zagreb and the Slovenian capital of Ljubljana. Television footage showed Slovenian officers, clad in bullet-proof vests, searching cars at roadblocks for weapons. The stand-off is the latest in the disputes threatening to break apan Yugoslavia's fragile federation of six republics. Slovenia and Croatia want the federation transformed into a loose confederation of independent States. They claim communist-ruled Serbia, the largest republic, and the army ate in collusion to preserve centralised communist power. Meanwhile, reports said authorities in Yugoslavia's centra! State of Bosnia had called on the federal presidency, nominal commanderin-chief of Yugoslavia's armed forces, to clarify its order and extend the deadline. SLOVENIA Have you ever had a group of loving people serenading you under your bedroom window ? Waking you, in the heat of a summer night, making you sing back into their hearts? With full moon laughing? And did you, brown and hot, felt so loved your heart was bursting? "Just give me your hand again so goodbye we can say". The old romantic song lingered on. I was leaving homely forests just like so many times before. How rich I felt, in my little nightdress, bare feet,a little old and grey and fat, singing with them about love and our youth that ran away... IN THIS NEW HOMELAND OF OURS THE YOUNG SLOVENIA. Oj mladost ti moja,kam si sla oj kje si..." The song that father and I loved to sing; now his soul is travelling in heaven and I am here to find the branches of our family tree. Have you ever had more happiness than your heart could take? Have your skin and eyes and ears craved yet one more embrace, just one more familiar face. The eternal hello with no good bye? No foreign countries, No borders? After much fleur ting and teasing, The moon departed, our song died. Like a warm palm of a hand, my desire to belong slid over me. Danijela Hlis, Hobart, 2008 The Honourable tho Parliament House Canberra ACT £000 Prime Minister AUSTRALIAN 9 Pandanus Fisher ACT Tel: (018) SLOVENIAN Street 261 1 628206 CONFERENCE 24 January 1931 /iinu/lrv CANBERRA Dear Sir I am writing this letter as the President of7 the Australia Slovenian Conference, a body representing the Slovenian- community ï Australia, to express our profound concern over the recent threat emanating from the Serbian Government that the Vugoslav army would b used to quash the démocratisation of Slovenia and Croatia and theii struggle towards national sovereignty. You will be aware of the results of the recently held referendum i Slovenia when the Slovenian people overwhelmingly expressed their desir for independence from the Yugoslav federation. Earlier last year th-Slovenian nation for the first time in forty-five year: democratical1 y olected its non-communist Government. Members of tne Slovenian community in Australia have been closely observing tht démocratisation process in Slovenia and overwhelmingly support th« des i res of the Slovenian people and the'ir struggle for democracy anc i ndependence. There are some thirty thousand members of the Slovenian community ir Australia plus relatives and friends who have been particularly Concerned to hear the recent news of the possible crackdown by tht Yugoslav army which could mean the end of the non-communist government in Slovenia and undoubtedly the slowdown of the movement towards Slovenia's independence. Their concern is accentuated by the outbreak of the Gulf war and tho world's attention to it, which Yugoslav army an advantage and could prompt it to stop and Croatian drive for independence and democracy like Soviet crackdown in tne Baltic republics. would give the the Slovenian it prompted the In the name of the Slovenian community in Australia I appeal to you for your support of the Slovenian people's aspirations by expressing your opposition through diplomatic channels to the use of any military force by the Yugoslav Government against Slovenia. I have send a copy of this letter to The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator Gareth Evans; The Minister for Immigration! Mr Jerry Hand and The hon^Mr Jim Snow, M P, Yours faithfully Marrjan Kovac CANBERRA The Yugoslav Communists always paid much attention to world opinion and have become experts at exploiting it. In the past, Yugoslav disinformation has been very successful in Australia. We hope that by informing you and the Australian public of the real facts we can support the newly elected democratic governments in Slovenia and Croatia. Slovenians are a quiet community. In the past little has been heard from us, but we now must speak out. We join with the peaceful Croatian protest and express our solidarity with them in seeking democracy for Slovenia and Croatia. We know that the tactics, if successful against Croatia, will also be used against Slovenia. In the name of democracy and freedom we ask you to take up our cause. The Australian and United Nations involvement in the Gulf is to protect the right of small nations to exist, if our Parliament is to be impartial it cannot ignore injustice in the Balkans, in Slovenia, in Croatia or in fact anywhere in the world. We know that we can count on your support to defend democracy and freedom wherever it is in danger We ask you to play a leading part in raising this matter in the Australian Parliament and all other forums- Please urge our Parliament lo take meaningful and decisive action against the Yugoslav Communist Government. We thank you for your efforts which will enable others to have the freedom we already enjoy in this country. A letter has already been sent to the Prime Minister on this issue by the President of the Australian-Slovenian Conference. Marjan Kovac President Australian-Slovenian Conference Alois Kavas President Slovenian-Australian Association Canberra / 3 S> A il , j' \ Florian Falez / Prudent Slovenian National Council Canberra Canberra, Australia Day, 26January, 1991 Demonst /antudrv SYDNEY RADIJSKA POSTAJA- 2EA - Sydney Zadeva: Poročilo o protestnem pohodu v Sydneyu 27.1. 1991, objavljeno med slovensko radijsko uro v torek 29.1.1991 ob 22.15. Nedeljski dan, 27. januar 1991, bo zabeležen v spominski koledar kot dan, ko se je zbrala množica ljudi v Centennial Parku v Sydneyu, da bi tukajšnjim oblastem z mirovnim pohodom izrazila nezadovoljstvo, strah in skrb zaradi neuradnega, nepoštenega in nasilnega početja jugoslovanske ljudske armade, ki želi zlomiti demokracijo v republikah, ki so z voljo naroda na demokratičnih, svobodnih volitvah izvolile svoje vodstvo in želijo živeti samostojno in neodvisno. Dovolj je bilo izkoriščanja, nadvlade, ukazov, groženj in na koncu Še prevar. V Jugoslaviji obstojajo že štiri republike, ki so razglasile svojo suverenost: HrvaŠka, Slovenija, Bosna in Hercegovina ter Makedonija. Edino Srbija je izjem, kar ji gotovo odgovarjaj obdržala je komunizen in centralistično vodstvo. Toda, le do kdaj bo lahko izkoriščala in ukazovala sedaj "neposlušnim republikam"? Zato jih svari z orožjem in strasi z vojsko in to ne srbsko, ampak jugoslovansko, v katero so se vedno vključeni tudi nasi vojaki - naši državljani. Mad dvajset tisoč demonstrantov, med njimi je bilo največ Hrvatov, je na miren in dostoj anstve«-(toda odločen način protestiralo proti jugoslovanskim silam in uporabi orožja, V Sydneyu so se zbrali Slovenci v dopoldanskih urah pri sveti naši v slovenski cerkvi v Merrylandsu in skupno molili za domovino. Nato so se srečali v dvorani verskega sredisca, kjer jih je nagovoril gospod Alfred Breznik in jih povabil, naj se udeležijo protestnega pohoda. Nad sto ljudi se je odzvalo povabilu in menda se nikoli ni bilo tako številčno 55 GRAFTON STREET, BON DI JUNCTION, N.S.W.2022 (P.O.BOX 1386.B0NDI JUNCTION 2022) AUSTRALIA Telephone: (02) 369 8888 Fax: (02) 337 5800 zastopano slovenstvo v avstralski javnosti. Nosili so zastave in plakate in na obrazih je bil poseben izraz. Izraz, ki si želi miru in spoštovanja, ne pa groženj in strahu, Med njimi je pogumno korakala naša rojakinja, gospa Eda Frank, čeprav se je opirala na berglo. Uspešno je prehodila razdaljo med Centennial Parkom in jugoslovanskim konzulatom. Ta napor si je štela v posebno zmago in osebno zadovoljstvo. Navzoče je z naslednjimi besedami nagovoril vodja Slovenskega informacijskega centra v Sydneyu gospod Alfred Breznik. Drage Slovenke in Slovenci! Danes smo se zbrali pred jugoslovanskim konzulatom, da protestiramo. Kaj pravzaprav imamo za protestirati? In zakaj protestirati pred konzulatom, ki bi vendar moral biti predstavnik tudi naše domovine in ščititi nase interese. Protestiramo zato, dragi rojaki, ker vlada, katero predstavlja ta konzulat ne dovoli, da bi mi Slovenci živeli tako kot mi bocemo. Protestiramo zatOj ker nam državniki, ki jih zastopa ta konzulat lažejo in obljubljajo ze 70 let enakopravnost in svobodo. 70 let ponižanja, varanja, izkoriščanja in intev-zivnega omejevanja osnovnih narodnih in človekovih pravic. In, ko je naš narod odločil, da je tega enkrat za vselej dovolj in da hoče, da si sam kuje svojo usodo, so se tisti, ki so imeli z nami druge načrte temu uprli. In, kako so se uprli? Z orožjemn dragi rojaki. Grozijo nam z. orožjeml To, da je slovenski narod na plebiscitu z 88.5 % večino odločil, da hoče svojo suvereno in samostojno državo- centralnemu vodstvu in rdeči ni P^v nic mar. Nasprotno, poglejte, kaj delajo. Minister za Slovence po svetu g. Janez Dular, ki nas je pred kratkim obiskal v Avstraliji, je predvčerajšnjim po telefaksu sporočil, da je 25. januarja v Sloveniji in 55 GRAFTON STREET,BONDI JUNCTION, N.S.W.2022 (P.O.BOX 1386, BONO I JUNCTION 2022) AUSTRALIA Telephone: (02) 369 8888 Fax: (02) 387 5800 1991 sosednji HrvaŠki bilo opaziti dejavnosti armade.Vpeljana je bila najvišja stopnja bojne pripravljenosti. Nekaterim vojaškim enotam so razdelili pravo bojno strelivo, pripravljene so nekatere oklapne enote (npr. na Vrhniki ), obmejne enote so poostrile nadzorstvo ob meji z Avstrijo, iz Slovenije so zaceli premeščati slovenske vojake (iz narodnostno mešanih enot } v druge kraje po Jugoslaviji. Na zagrebškem letališču je pristalo 14 letal z vojaki za specialne naloge. Zagreb so oblolili tanki. Res je, po najnovejših poročilih so se ti tanki umaknili. Pa se vprašajmo: za kako dolgo? Ali jim lahko zaupamo? Sam minister nas prosi, naj protestiramo zoper namene in poskuse uporabe vojaške sile. Istočasno nas pa svari, da se pri tem držimo zakonskih okvirov svojih dr^av. Stanje v nasi done vini mora biti presneto resno, da nas svari sam minister^' prosi nas tudi, da skušamo s tem seznaniti množične medije v svojih državah. Posebno zdaj je to potrebno, ko so vsi zazrti v zalivsko vojno. Ali brano dovolili, da nas doleti usoda Baltika? Torej, zato danes demonstriramo; ker protestiramo proti nezakonitemu ravnanju jugoslovanke centralne vlade in JLA z naiio republiko. Protestiramo proti grožnjam in nasilju, ki ga izvajajo nad našimi ljudmi. Opozorimo in seznanimo avstralsko javnost in vlado na dogodke v na^i domovini. Povejmo jim, da imajo nasi bratje in sestre v naši stari domovini tudi pravico do obstoja, do dostojnega življenja in do lastne državi«Domovini pa obljubljamo solidarnost ob teh težkih dnevih. Da čutimo z njimi in da so naše misli in srca pri njih. Tukaj v Avstraliji bomo naredili vse, kar je v naši noči, da bo naža Slovenija vse bolj poznan priznana-in ugledna država. BOG ŽIVI SLOVENSKO DRŽAVO! Čeprav niso veliko omenjali Slovenije v tukajšnjih medijih, je bil mirovni protestni pohod v Sydneyu uspešen. Vsi televizijski kanali so pokazali demonstracijo in napovedovalci so povedali namen pohoda in zelje rojakov. Prav tako so poročali časopisi in radijske postaje. Tako je prav, naj končno svet ve, kje je Slovenija, kakšna država zeli biti in da so Slovenci zmozni imeti svoje vodstvo, gospodarstvo, vojsko in vse, kar je potrebno. Predolgo smo bili zasenčeni pod nazivom federacija, tako v političnem, kulturnem, športnem in najbolj v gospodarskem področju. Danes smo samostojni in enotni, kot se nikoli poprej nismo bili in v temu je moc. Složno je ljudstvo, složno je vodstvo in V slogi v to je moc. Matična domovina naj vzgled tudi nam, Slovencem po svet M,, BODIMO ENO!. Mariza Lican, ' Vodit^ij|.ca slovenskih oddaj na SBS Radiu 2 EA v Sydneyu, 55 GRAFTON STREET,BONDI JUNCTION. N.S.W.3022 (P.O.BOX I3B6.B0MI JUNCTION 2022) AUSTRALIA Telephone: (02) 369 8088 Fax: [02) 387 5800 27 Januari/ SYDNEY MELBOURNE Slovenci iz Sydneya, Canberre in Melbourna so se pridružili masovnim demonstracijam Hrvatov. Demonstrirali so proti uporabi sile Jugoslovanke ljudske armade. Hrvaškim govornikom so se pridružili tudi slovenski: Elica Rizmal in Alfred Brežnik. Želeli so vzbuditi pozornost avstralske javnosti. Poslali so pisni protest senatorju G. Evans-u - prošnja za mirno rešitev krize. Predsednik Avstralske slovenske konference opozori avstralsko vlado o dogajanjih v Sloveniji. Senator Gareth Evans je v svojem članku izrazil opozorilo predsedstvu Jugoslavije. Australian Slovenians joined Croatian demonstrators on 27 January in capital cities. Melbourne - City Square, Croatians with banner ask for Croatia and Slovenia to become members of UN; poetry read by Elica Rizmal, singing Vinko Rizmal, many Slovenian banners and flags. SYDNEY Demostrations in Centennial Park. Demonstrators on the way to Yugoslav Consulate at Woohllara. Written protests are sent to Senator Evans as a plea for a peaceful resolution of the crisis. President of Australian Slovenian Conference notifies Australian Parliament of crisis in Slovenia. The demonstrations and petitions were heard and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator Gareth Evans, delivered a public statement - a warning to the Presidency of Yugoslavia. Slovenian Mass in Merrylands, than demonstration with Croatians in Centennial Park and before Yugoslav Consulate General in Sydney, speaker Alfred Breznik. 1991 /aMAri/ SYDNEY Slovensko Pismo, 1991, No. 4, p. 7. DEMONSTRACIJE AVSTRALSKI SLOVENCI SMO SE PRIDRUŽILI HRVAŠKIM DEMONSTRANTOM Avstralija,27.1.199), Razmere na Slovenskem in Hrvaškem so prispele okoli 25.jaiiuatja do same točke vrelišca-na rob državljanske vojne. Takoimenovana Jugoslovanska ljudska armada je v dogovoru s Srb o-komun isti v Beogradu postavila v stanje najvišje vojaške pripravljenosti vse svoje enote na področja Slovenije in Hrvaške. V prekomando so bili poslani vsi slovenski in hrvaški vojaki s petega anuadnega območja v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem, odpeljali so jih baje najug^ srbske vojake pa v slovenske in hrvaške vojašnice. 25.jamiaija smo Slovenci sprejeli preko Slovenskega informativnega centra v Sydueyu telefax dr,Dularja, v katerem nas obvešča o situaciji in nam obenem svetuje, da tudi mi, izseljenci, povzdignemo svoj glas in na svoj način obvestimo o dogodkih vlade držav v katerih živimo, seveda v mejah zakonov naših novih domovin. Tako so se Avstralska slovenska konferenca, slovenska društva v Sydneyu in Canberri ter nekateri posamezniki iz Melbourna odločili, da se bodo vsak v svojem mestu pridružili demonstracijam, ki so jih priredili Hrvati, Predstavniki ASK-ja smo se pred tem sestali s Hrvati na posebnem sestanku in povsod smo bili neverjetno prisrčno sprejeti. Protestni pohodi so bili povsod po Avstraliji v nedeljo, 27 januarja ob dveh popoldne. V Melbournu smo se zbrali na City Squaru, kjer so spregovorili predstavili k i Hrvatov, Slovencev in Albancev po tem pa v povorki mimo in dostojanstveno odšli do viktorijskega parlamenta, kjer so govore ponovili, obenem pa Se zapeli nekaj pesmi. V imenu Slovencev je spregovorila v angleščini in slovenščini Elica Rizmal, recitirala je tudi Prešernovo Zdrav-Ijico, njen soprog Vinko pa je okrog 8.000 glavi množici zapel Gor čez izaro in marsikomu se je zarosilo oko. Sicer nas je bilo v Melbournu le kakih 30 Slovencev. Malo, vendar smo kot slovenska skupnost zato močneie delovali s svojimi narodnimi n [¿¡ami, majicami z napisi Slovenija, moja dežela ter s transparenti, ki so bili dokaj učinkoviti. KUWAIT, BALTIC, CROATIA, SLOVENIA-ARMY LIVE DEMOCRATIC SLOVENIA TO LIVE-HANDS OF SLOVENIA-SLOVENIA NOT KUWAIT NO 2-takšne in podobne so hile naše parole. Eotoreporterji so nas kar naprej oblegali, prav tako tudi snemalci hrvaške tele vizije. Hrvatje pa so tudi za nas izdelali ogromen transparent, morda je bil velik I0x5m, na katerem je bilo sporočilo naj se Sioveitija in Hrvaška sprejmeta v članstvo Združenih narodov, V Sydneyu se je velika množica Slovencev zbrala pri posebni maši za Slovenijo v Merrylandsu, odkoder so potem skupno odšli na mesto zborovanja Hrvatov.Tega protesta se je udeležilo kakih 100 Slovencev .Nosili so transparente in slovenske zastave iz katerih so izžgali zvezdo. Več tisoč glava množica je krenila proti jugo-konzulatu. Tu je med drugimi spregovoril tudi Alfred Breznik. Imel je intervju na hrvaškem radiu, pa tudi na slovenski oddaji radia 1 EA,ki je to nedeljo posvetila svoj program temu dogodku. Slišali smo, daje med slovenskimi rojaki v demonstracij ali korakala tudi gospa Eda Frank z berglami, 25 šivov je imela na nogi in dejala je:"Kaj morem čeravno popokajo, to moram storiti za svojo Slovenijo!" Bila bi laltko za vzgled marsikomu izmed nas. V Canberri se je demonstracij s Hrvati udeležilo okoli 200 Slovencev, članov tamkajšnjega društva in Avstralske slovenske konference ter drugih posameznikov. Na protestu sta spregovorila predsednik ASK-ja Marjan Kovač in predsednik Slovenskega narodnega sveta A.C.T.Cvetko Falež. Avstralski Slovenci smo veijetno prvič tako množično povzdignili svoj glas v družbi Hrvatov. Canbertski in sydneyski rojaki so se sicer takšnih in podobnih protestov udeležili že v preteklosti. Avstralska televizija pa je, nas Slovence, le bežno omenila, saj tukajšnja javnost komaj da zna za nas. Še en dokaz, da se bomo morali predstaviti dosti bolj organizirano in glasneje, če bomo hoteli vprašanje SLOVEN1JE-DRŽAVE intema-cionalizirati. To pa od nas pričakujejo tudi doma. Sicer se zna zgoditi, da tujci v kakšni kočljivi situaciji vprašajo: kakšna Slovenija, kje pa je to? Saj to se dogaja že sedaj. In mi ? Ali se žrtvujemo in trudimo dovolj, da ne bi bilo tako? S. G. .MA DEMONSTRACIJAH V MELBOURNU JE V IMENU SLOVENCEV SPREGOVORILA ELICA RIZMAL We are -Mih''n .I here on this peace march to highlite thai there is a real threat of another possible war zone, beside Kuwait and the Baltics ill the country called Yugoslavia. As the world is fully occupied by the Gu If war, we are here .ind simultanco&ly ill Sydney and Canberra, to show our concern and to voice our objection to the repeated threat of the Yugoslav Army to use force to crush the pro-independanl movements in Slovenia and Croatia. Members of the Slovenian community in Australia have been observing and ,-iipporLing the démocratisation process in Slovenia, the first free elections, the proclamation of sovereignity and the national referendum in which Slovenian people overwhelmingly voted for independent S lote nia and showed their support tor the first dc-mocraticly elected government after 45 years of communist rule. As the attention of the wor! is turned to the Gulf, we respond to Slovenia's plea to call attention of the world to the possible création of another war zone,possihly more dangerous than the Gulf. Therefore we strongly onject to the army force. The tensions are rising, the army troops were put to combat readiness, the Slovenian" soldiers in the multinational force werc-are being sent from the 5 th Army territory, covering Slovenia and Croatia, to the South. We are here to uree the Australian government to make all the diplomatie effort tolielp Slovenia and Croatia to resolve the problems through the diplomatic channels with the Yugoslav presidency. Slovenians and Croats deserve indépendants and freedom from the altrocities of war- LET US NOT DIE FOR PEACE-RUT LIVE FOR PEACE! Nadaljevanje s str. 6 Please urge our Parliament to take meaningful and decisive action against the Yugoslav Communist Government, We thank You for Your efforts which will enable others to have the freedom we already enjoy in this country. A letter has already been sent to the Prime Minister on this issue by the President of the Australian Slovenian Conference. Marjan Kovač President Australian Slovenian Conference Alois Kavas President Slovenian Australian Association Canberra Florian Falez President Slovenian National Council Canberra Canberra,Australia Day, 26.January 1991. Očitno so bile demonstracije in pismeni protesti avstralski vladi koristni, saj je minister za zunanje zadeve, senator Garetli Evans izdal takoimenovani "public st a tem en t "-s v aril o vladi SFRJ, IN SE O DEMONSTRACIJAH... RADIJSKA ODDAJA v si o venskem jeziku RADIO 2 EA SYDNEY Nedeljski dan, 27, januar 1991, bo zabeležen v spominski koledar kot dan, ko seje zbrala množica ljudi v Centennial Parku v Sydney, da bi tukajšnjim oblastem z mirovnim pohodom izrazila nezadovoljstvo, strah in skrb zaradi neuradnega, nepoštenega in nasilnega početja jugoslovanske ljudske armade, ki želi zlomiti demokracijo v republikah, ki so z voljo naroda na demokratičnih, svobodnih volitvah izvolile svoje vodstvo in želijo živeti samostojno in neodvisno. Dovolj je bilo izkoriščanja, nadvlade, ukazov, groženj in na koncu še prevar. V Jugoslaviji obstojajo že štiri republike, ki so razglasile svojo suverenost:Hrvaška, Slovenija, Bosna in Hercegovina ter Makedonija. Edino Srbija je izjema, kar ji gotovo odgovarja; obdržala je komunizem in centralistično vodstvo. Toda le do kdaj bo lahko izkoriščala in ukazovala sedaj "neposlušnim republikam"? Zato jih svari z orožjem in straši z vojsko in to ne srbsko, ampak jugoslovansko, v katero so še vedno vključeni tudi naši vojaki-naši državljani. Nad 20 tisoč demonstrantov, med njimi je bilo največ Hrvatov, je na miren in dostojanstven, toda odločen način protestiralo proti jugoslovanskim silam in uporabi orožja. V Sydneyu so se zbrali Slovenci v dopoldanskih urah pri sveti maši v slovenski cerkvi v Merrylandsu in skupno molili za domovino. Nato so se srečali v dvorani verskega središča, kjer jih je nagovoril g.Alfred Breznik in jih povabil, naj se udeležijo protestnega poli oda. Nad sto ljudi se je odzvalo povabilu in menda še nikoli ni bilo slovenstvo zastopano v avstralski javnosti v takšnem številu. Nosili so zastave in plakate in na obrazih je bil poseben izraz. Izraz, ki si želi miru in spoštovanja, ne pa groženj in strahu. Med njimi je pogumno korakala naša rojakinja, gospa Eda Frank, čeprav se je opirala na berglo. Uspešno je prehodila razdaljo med Centennial Parkom in jugoslovanskim konzulatom. Ta napor si je štela v posebno zmago in osebno zadovoljstvo. Navzoče je z naslednjimi besedami nagovoril vodja Slovenskega informacijskega centra v Sydneyu g.AJfred Breznik: Drage Slovenke in Slovenci! I>,•;;,<- smo se zbrali pred jugoslovanskim konzulatom, da protestiramo. Kaj pravzaprav imamo za protestirati? In zakaj protestirati pred konzulatom, ki hi vendar moral biti predstavnik tudi naše domovine. in ščititi nase interese. Protestiramo zalo. dragi rojaki, ker vlada, katero predstavlja ta konzulat ne dovoli, da bi mi Slovenci živeli tako kot mi hočemo. Protestiramo zato, ker nam državniki, ki jih zastopa ta konzulat lažejo iti obljubljajo že 70 let enakopravnost in svobodo. 70 lel ponižanja, varanja, izkoriščanja in intenzivnega omejevanja osnovnih narodnih in človeških pravic, In ko je naš narod odločil, da je tega enkrat za vselej dovolj in da hoče, da si sam kuje svojo usodo, so se tisti, ki so imeli z nami druge načrte umu uprli, lil kako so se uprli? Z orožjem, dragi rojaki. Grozyo nam z oroiycmi To, da je slovenski narod na plebiscitu ?. 88.5 % večine odločil, da hoče svojo suvereno in samostojno državo, centralnemu vodstvu in rdeči JLA ni prav nič mar. Nasprotno, poglejte kaj delajo. ,27 January Minister za Slovence po svetu,drj anm ^ / Dular, ki nas je pred kratkim obiskal v Av- cvnK.cv - ;i .i ■■ ¡/i.!; ;.:. ■ l.ii-i; .p.-. SYDNEY ročil, da je 25. januarja v Sloveniji in sosednji Hrvaški bilo opaziti dejavnost armade. Vpeljana je bila najvišja stopnja bojne pripravljenosti. Nekaterim vojaškim enotam so razdelili pravo bojno slrelivo, pripravljene so bile nekatere oklopne enote(n.pr. na Vrhniki), obmejne enote sojioostrile nadzorstvo ob meji z Avstrijo, iz Slovenije so začeli premeščali slovenske .",:. i. i.. . ;.ii.i :n - 11 .....i: . irj-. i . i .■■ i.j'- -: i Slovensko Na zagrebškem letališču je pristalo 14 lelalz vojaki za specialne nalo- n:smo l::.i; .. i:!, !' :■ i: j:.i ■ ::i i i ■ i ■■ i ¡.' 11. j:.....■:'■ .',■■ ■ ; I. llSm0, tanki umaknili. Pa ne vprašajmo za kako dolgo. Ali jim lahko 'zau- 1991, No. 4, parno? Sam minister nas prosi, naj protestiramo zoper namene in „ iq .:: .■ ■ :J . .1 i: : ... .■ - ,■;■ :i - . .-I . -!|.: :i,..- .1 .-■■ .u i:' i -■■■ ; i" ¡1 n. 1:: / p '0. mo zakonskih okvirov svojih držav. Posebno zdaj je to potrebno, ko so vsi zazrli v zalivsko vojno. Ali bomo dovolili, da nas doleti usoda Baltika? Torej zato danes demonstriramo; ker protestiramo proti nezakonitemu ravnanju jugoslovanske centralne vlade in JLA z našo republiko. Protestiramo proti grožnjam in nasilju, ki ga izvajajo nad našimi Ijudmi.OpOiorimo in seznanimo avstralsko javnost in vlado i:J dogodke v naši domovini. Povejmo jim, da imajo naši bratje in sestre v sia-ri domovini tudi pravico do obstoja, do dostojnega življenja in do lastne države. Domovini pa obljubljamo solidarnost ob teh težkih dnevih. Čutimo z njimi in naše misli in srca so pri njih. Tukaj v Avstraliji bomo naredili vse, kar je v naši moči, da bo naša Slovenija vse bolj priznana ugledna država. BOG ŽIVI SLOVENSKO DRŽAVO! čeprav niso veliko omenjali Slovenije v tukajšnjih medijih, je bil mirovni protestni pohod v Sydneyu uspešen. Vsi televizijski kanali so pokazali demonstracije in napovedovalci so povedali namen pohoda in želje rojakov,Prav tako so poročali časopisi in radijske postaje. Tako je prav, naj končno svet ve, kje je Slovenija, kakšna država želi biti in da so Slovenci zmožni imeti svoje vodstvo, gospodarstvo, vojsko in vse kar je potrebno. Predolgo smo bili zasenčeni pod nazivom federacija, tako v kulturnem, športnem in najbolj v gospodarskem področju. Danes smo samostojni in enotni kot še nikoli poprej in v temu je moč. Složno je ljudstvo, složno je vodstvo. Matična domovina naj bo vzgled tudi nam, Slovencem po svetu! Mariza Ličan Voditeljica slovenskih oddaj na SBS Radiu 2 EA v Sydneyu. G.Eda Frank z berglami na demonstracije /Htmalrv Slovensko Pismo, 1991, No. 4, p. 8. Demonstracije CANBERRA Speaker at the Canberra demonstrations: Marjan Kovač. Slovenians in Canberra are united: Slovenia is my Country! SYDNEY Slovenians in Sydney say NO! to the Red Generals. Mihela Šušteršič, Ljenko Urbančič, Frank Stare, Štefan Šernek and Dušan Lajovic. 27' January ^y MELBOURNE Lenti Lenko -speaker, Vinko and Zalika Rizmal, Fr Niko Žvokelj OFM - speaker, Magdalena Tomšič (a Croatian, married to a Slovenian) and Ivo Leber -speaker at the demonstrations. 27 Januari/ MELBOURNE Milena Merzel, Angelca Povh, Marta Krenos and others - banner bearers. Stefan Merzel, Vinko Rizmal and Lojze Jakša at the demonstration. Angelca Povh and Marta Krenos in national costumes from Gorenjska at the demonstrations. 28 January y SYDNEY The Australian, 28, January, p. 3. 1 Febru 'ebruary CANBERRA No. Date M16 . February 159JI SENATOR EVANS CAU-S FOR NEGOTIATED SOLUTION Iii '/UGCSLAVIA Senator Gareth Evans, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, lus called on all political forces in Yugoslavia tc work together to find a peaceful solution to that country's problems. Commenting on the tens ion it in Yugoslavia over the past few days which almost saw a confrontation between the Yugoslav national army and the Croatian police force, senator Evans expressed relief that a compromise had been found to avert violence. "The actions of the Yugoslav leaders to avert a conflict between Croatia and the Yugoslav army marks a victory for rationality", senator Evans said. "The Australian Government calls on all political forces in Yugoslavia to work together to find a peaceful and democratic solution to the Country's problems", Senator Evans continued. Senator Evans went on to note that there are many thousands of Australians with relatives in Yugoslavia. "I am conscious of the concerns in the Australian community over recent developments in Yugoslavia." "I would like to assure those persons that the Australian Government understands these concerns and is following events very Closely, Tha Australian Government will do what it can to encourage a peaceful outcome that respscts the wishes cf the people of Yugoslavia." CANBERRA Council of Slovenian Organizations of Victoria Svet Slovenskih Organizacij v Viktoriji MELBOURNE P.O. BOX 79, Rosanna, Vic., 3084, Australia Telephone: (031 4592163 SNS VIKTORIJA P.O.Box 197 KEW 3101 Vic. 12.2.1991. Spoštovani 1 ^prejeli smo Vaše pismo z povabilom na sestanek. Vsebino tega smo na našem sestanku dne 10.februarja t.l. obravnavali z končnim sklepom SSOV in sodelujočih organizacij, da je direktno sodelovanje onemogočeno radi društvenih pravil, ki določajo smernice aktivnosti. Za povabilo se Vam zahvaljujemo in Vas naprošamo, za pravočasna obvestila o točkah.'programa delovanja kjer in če je potrebno naše sodelovanje. Poleg tega Vas ponovno naprošamo, da se SNS oz. ASK predstavniki ne lastijo uporabe izjave "V IMENU VSEH SLOVENCEV", temveč naj se izjave nanašajo na Vaše organizacijsko polje. prosimo za razumevanje in Vas lepo pozdravljamo, SLOVENIAN ASSOCIATION, MELBOURNE SLOVENIAN P. SOCIAL CLUB, JADRAN SLOVENIAN TWIN CITY CLUB ALBURY-WODONGA SLOVENIAN ASSOCIATION, GEE LONG SLOVENIAN ASSOCIATION, PLANICA, SPRINGVALE SLOVENIAN SPORTS ASSOCIATION, ST,ALBANS 18.2.91 Slovenski Narodni Svet - Viktorija P.O.Box 197, Kew, 3101 Spoštovani, Najlepša vam hvala za pismo, v katerem nas vabite na pogovor za okroglo mizo. Va£e pismo je bilo prebrano na rednem sestanku odbora S.D."Planica", Springvale, 17.2.91. Odbor vam sporoča sledeče; Vsi vemo, da delamo kolikor je le mogote za dobrobit in bodočnost Slovencev in še prav posebej za ohranitev slovenskega jezika. To delamo na "Planici" ze od vsega začetka obstoja. Zel imo nadaljevati svoje načrte tudi v bodočnost po našem zakoniku brez zunanjih pritiskov. Kar se pa tiče obiskov iz domovine so pa bili in so tudi se v naprej dobrodošli. Sestanka za okroglo mizo se ne bomo udeležili. Vam pa, kot novo ustanovljeni organizaciji, želimo vse najboljše. Želimo, da se zavedate in predstavljate samo vase člane in vaso organizacijo. Lepo pozdravljeni, IVANKA K0T.ACK0 Predsednica. ANICA MAVRIC Tajnica. 7 >/ r G.Vinku Marnui Prosim .objavit.e to obvestilo na 3ZZZ ! Najlepša hvala! 24 February ' MELBOURNE SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET VIC (SNS Vic) vas vab i na odprti sestanek širšega članstva in prijateljev, ki bo v nedeljo 24,feb.1991, jpo 10-ti mašijo je ob 11.dopoldan v slovenskem verskem in kulturnem sredisču v Kew.^ Dnevni red bo zajemni porodilo o dosedanjem delu SNS a in o bodooem obisku dr. Putnika. J J Istočasno vas v soboto 2. marca. 19EF1 SNS Vic vpbi na VEČER Z DR. PUCNIKOM. ^ ki bo ob 7.30 zvečer v dvorani^verskega središča v Kew Razen dobre domače večerje,ki jo bodo pripravile olanice društva Svete Etne, bo na sporedu tudi kulturno zyabavni pOreram ter pogovor z dr. Fuitn i kom. Naj vam osvežim spomin: dr.Jože Pučnik je predsednik Sveta Demosa - vladajoče koalicije v Sloveniji. Dr.Pučnik bo na privatnem obisku v Avstraliji; v Melbourne bo prispel v četrtek ob 10.15 dopoldan in ostal bo med nami do nedelje zjutraj,ko bg> odpotoval v Adelaide. Obiskal bo Sydney,kjer mu bodo rojaki prire^ilil svečan sprejem v verskem sredincu in v obeh klubih, na S.D.Triglav bo častni go^t na velikem ^ balu,ki bo prirejen v počastitev slovenske neodvisnosti. Dr.Pučnik se bo srečal z rojaki v Queensland!.! v S.D.Planinka , obiskal bo t.udi^verski center in klub v Adelaidi. V Canberri mu pripravljajo srečanje s političnimi osebnostmi z ministerstva za zunanje zadeve in predavanje na Univerzi v oddelku za sooialne znanosti. Seved^ga bodo^slavnostno ^prejeli tudi v slovenskem klubu. Za kulturno-drUSabni Večer Z dr;. Pučnikom, ^ki bo 2. marca v Kew , bodo vstopnice po 20$ na osebo( v to je vključena tudi večerja); rezervirate jih lahko na stevilki687 5176, po delu pa na številki 637 5713 Elica Rizmal za SNS Vic tel. 752 0003 fax. 755 1746 Jugoslovansko zvezno predsedstvo ukaže razorožitev slovenske in hrvaškeTeritorialne obrambe. Yugoslav Federal Presidency orders all legal civilian defence bodies, especially those of Croatia, to disarm. SNS NSW se je sestal v Sydneyu. Razpravljali so o izbiri delegatov za SIM. Imenovali so svoja predstavnika: Ljenka Urbančiča in Cvetka Faleža. SNS NSW meeting nominated two candidates for the SIM in Slovenia: Ljenko Urbančič and Cvetko Falež. V Sydney pripotuje dr. Jože Pučnik, predsednik vladajoče koalicije sedmih strank Demosa v Sloveniji. Arrival in Sydney of Dr Jože Pučnik, President of Demos Coalition in Slovenia. ebruary y SERBIA 1 February SYDNEY^ ebruary Visoki gost, dr. Jože Pučnik obišče Versko središče v Merrylandsu; v Slovenskem društvu Sydney pa mu pripravijo poseben sprejem. Dr Jože Pučnik visits Religious Centre at Merrylands and a special welcome is prepared at the Slovenian Association Sydney. 24 ebruary M ¿jf ¿ .¿ J® V % if: « ) nils k7'\fl B stezi Welcoming Dr Jože Pučnik in Sydney: Tanja Resnik, Ivan Sušanj, Dennis Cesar, Dr Jože Pučnik, Vesna Lukežič, Alfred Brežnik and Stanko Aster-Stater. 23 February SYDNEY Dennis Cesar, Dr Jože Pučnik and Vesna Lukežič. Dobrodošli na Bal v proslavo slovenske neodvisnosti v soboto 23 februarja 1991 ob 7 uri zvečer v dvorani slovenskega Kluba Triglav Častni gost večera; Dr. Jože Pučnik Predsednik sveta Demosa (vladajoče koalicije) Slovenije Obleka: Vstopnina; Dostojna in večeru primerna Igra ansambel Odrasli $10.00 Alpski Odmevi Upokojenci in študentje $5.00 Welcome to the Slovenian Independence Ball on Saturday 23rd February 1991 at 7.00 p.m. at Slovenian Club Triglav 19 Brisbane Road St. Johns Park Special guest: Dr. Joze Pucnik President of Governing Coalition from — Demos in Slovenia Dress: Admission: Lounge Suit Adults: $10.00 Pensioners and Students: $5.00 Alpine Echoes CWlin^g>t,i>w\ , 1. J tf [ ^ j C Slovenian politician welcomed THE man who led a coalition of democratic parties to victory over the Communists in Slovenia's first free elections in April has just visited Fairfield. Dr Joze Pucnik, president of the council of DEMOS, visited St Johns Park's Triglav Club and the Slovene Association Sydney at Wetherill Park, to explain the process of democracy in Slovenia and efforts for Slovenian self-determination. About 350 guests attended a ball at the Triglav Club to hear Dr Pucnik speak. Club president EmiS Kukovec said Dr Pucnik had so far been the club's most important Slovenian visitor. Mr Kukovec said Sydney's 5000-strong Slovenian community was "very happy that democracy came to Slovenia". Although Dr Pucnik lost the race to become the first democratic president of the Republic of Slovenia, he and other Slovenian politicians have played an important part in shaping Slovenia's position within Yugoslavia. m» 1 » - Kt a Dušan Lajovic and Dr Jože Pučnik. Fr Valerijan Jenko OFM OAM and Dr Jože Pučnik. Dr Jože Pučnik and Marjan Kovač, president ASK. Dr Jože Pučnik, Karlo Dolmark, Lojze Kmetič, Dušan Lajovic and Alfred Brežnik. HODOŠU w w" -- * ii, » ■¿CK n J? ! —_ * 23 March SYDNEY 25, 26 February gold Coast ■ QLD. Srečanje dr. Jožeta Pučnika s slovenskimi rojaki, ki so mu pripravili prisrčen sprejem v Cornubiji, kjer so bili prisotni tudi Hrvatje. Gold Coast: Dr Pučnik meets with the Slovenian community and is warmly welcomed at Cornubia, where Croatians were also present. Tončka Heric, Dr Jože Pučnik, Stanko Heric and Mirko Cuderman. Welcoming Dr Jože Pučnik: Anica Cuderman. Slovensko Pismo, Year 1, No. 5-6, p.11 Tončka Heric, Dr Jože Pučnik, Albina Vah and Vinko Čoper. Dr Pučnik among Slovenians at Gold Coast: Franc Berič, Marija Rubeša, Albina Vah, Zinka Simič, Dr Jože Pučnik, Tončka Heric, Šime Zimič, Pavla Berič, Jože Vah and Alojz Kolenc. 1991 Slovensko Pismo, Year 1, No. 5-6, p.7. BRISBANE... Hvala za SLOVENSKO PISMO, saj nam vsaka številka znova poživi našo narodno zavesi. Zadnja številka mi je bila posebno všeč zaradi profesionalnih tiskarskih črk. Demonstracije pa(ki so v fotografiji prikazane že na prvi strani) povedo, kako velikega pomena so za sedanje čase, Queensland ca ni tudi nismo bili popolnoma neaktivni. Skupno z 2 000 Hrvati je nekaj naših rojakov pred vladno palačo v Brisbanu predstavilo naša gledišča in zahteve. Na tem protestnem zboru je govoril naš rojak Jože Vah, Po govoru je požel velik aplavz vseh prisotnih. Slovenija je ogrožena od Jugo-armije in zato je potrebno, da se s tem seznani tudi tukajšnji svet. Prepričan sem, da bomo v bodoče, če bo potrebno, še boljše pripravljeni. Nedavno lega smo imeli v svoji sredi predsednika ASK Marjana Kovača. Podrobneje nam je pojasnil kako veiikega pomena je za Slovenijo, da njene današnje pereče probleme Loi.iisi posamezno ali potom naših društev in organizacij predstavimo avstralski javnosti.G .Kovač ima v tem o žiru vec izkušenj saj so bili v Canbcrn že vsa leta precej aktivni. Naš predsednik SNS QLD Jože Vab seje tudi obrnil na tukajšnjega predstavnika zvezne vlade ».Johna Brad ford a, ki se je v avstralskem parlamentu takoj zavzel za Slovenijo in Hrvaško s tem, daje povdaril tamkajšnjo nevarnost. Zelo pomemben dogodek za Brisbane je bil obisk dr.Jožeta Pučnika. V Queensland je prišel 25.februarja in sicer je najprej obiskal Gold Coast. Naši Slovenci so ga prisrčno sprejeli. Isti dan je tudi ohiskal slovenski "hribček" v Cornubiju, kjer je bil domač sprejem. Udeležba je bila dohra in srečanje je potekalo prisrčno in tudi zelo informativno. Na številna vprašanja je dal dr, Pučnik točne in odkrite odgovore. Vsako m ur je bilo jasno, da se od današnje Demosove vlade v Sloveniji ne more pričakovati večjih in hitrejših pozitivnih sprememb. Dr.Pučnik je povdaril, da Demos ne pričakuje dolgotrajnega vladanja. Glavna naloga, ki si jo je zadal je, da čim prej izpelje Slovenijo v samostojno in demokratično državo. Takrat, ko se bo to zgodilo, bo Demos razpisal nove volitve, čeprav se morda do takrat še ne bo iztekel njihov mandat.Dr.Pučnik jc tako predstavil pošteno in nesebično delo dernosovcev, katerih glavni namen je služiti slovenskemu narodu. Veselo srečanje se je zavleklo do pozno v noč. Zapeli so celo nekaj domačih pesmi.Naj dodam, da so se srečanja udeležili tudi nekateri Hrvati, med njimi patra Nikica ZlatuniČ iti Slav ko Pelrušič, Vsi so z zanimanjem sledili pogovoru z dr.Pnčni-kom, saj je položaj sosednje Hrvatske zelo podoben slovenskemu. Na koneu želim izraziti posebno zahvalo Tončki in Stanku Herie, ki sla obisk visokega gosta prevzela na svoje rame. Hvala tudi našim pridnim gospodinjam, ki so pripravile slavnostno večerjo. Naslednji dan so sprejeli dr. Pučnika rojaki iz Zlate obale. Razkazah so mu nekaj turističnih zanimivosti. Vsi smo bili veseli, da smo tako neposredno spoznali človeka kol je dr. Jože Pučnik in njemu osebno kot tudi celotnemu Demosu želimo čim prejšnjo uresničitev zadanih ciljev. Tople pozdrave vsem iz sončnega Queenslanda N a Velikonočni ponedeljek imel redni sestanek. Vinko ga odbora ASK-ja v £ Ct e naš Slovenski narodni svet opar nam je poročal o seji upravnega odbora A5R.-ja v Canberri. Debatirali smo o pripravah na Svetovni slovenski kongres, na drugem sestanku pa bomo dokončno izvolili delegate. Pogoj udeležbe na Kongresu je, da se srečanje ne bo znašlo pod zastavo z rdečo zvezdo, saj je brisbanska slovenska skupnost nasprotovala temu komunističnemu simbolu že polnih 35 let. MIRKO C UDE RMAN Sprejem dr. Pučnika na letališču v Melbourne. Ves dan so potekali zanimivi pogovori, pogovor s poslušalci radia 3EA in zvečer sestanek SNS Viktorije. Dr Pučnik arrives in Melbourne, is interviewed on Radio 3EA, and meets with SNS Victoria in the evening. 28 ~ebruari/ MELBOURNE Welcoming Dr Jože Pučnik at Melbourne airport: Pavel Česnik, Jože Bole, Elica Rizmal, Milena Merzel, Simon Špacapan, Fr Basil Valentine OFM MBE and Stanka Gregorič. Milena and Štefan Merzel welcoming Dr Jože Pučnik with a carnation. Dr Jože Pučnik and Fr Basil Valentine OFM MBE Jelka Kutin, Milka Kutin, Fr Niko Žvokelj OFM and Dr Jože Pučnik. Dr Jože Pučnik, Fr Basil Valentine OFM MBE and Šarika Kodila from Slovenia. Pavel Česnik, Milena and Štefan Merzel and Dr Jože Pučnik. Stanka Gregorič, Simon Špacapan, Dr Jože Pučnik and Fr Basil Valentine OFM MBE. Stanka Gregorič and Dr Jože Pučnik. 1 March MELBOURNE Slovenian Association Melbourne: Stanko Penca, Marie and Natasha Pišotek, Julie Krnel, David Markič and Dr Jože Pučnik Tone Tomšič, Lojze and Anica Markič, Stanko Penca and Dr Jože Pučnik. Dr. Jože Pučnik je obiskal Slovensko društvo Melbourne Dr Jože Pučnik visited Slovenian Association Melbourne. 2 Ma. rci Dr. Jože Pučnik je bil med Slovenci v Slovenskem društvu Ivan Cankar v Geelongu. Slovenski Narodni svet Viktorije pripravi visokemu gostu družabni večer s kratkim kulturnim programom v Verskem in kulturnem središču Kew; sledi pogovor in odgovori na vprašanja. Dr Pučnik meets Slovenians in Slovenian Association Ivan Cankar in Geelong. Slovenian National Council of Victoria organises a special evening with a cultural program at Religious and Cultural Centre, Kew, followed by discussion. Slovenci Južne Avstralije v velikem številu pozdravijo dr. Jožeta Pučnika. Many South Australian Slovenians greet Dr Jože Pučnik. Prvi spopad na Hrvaškem med hrvaško policijo in Jugoslovansko ljudsko armado (JLA) -Pankrac in Plitvice. First confrontation in Croatia between the Croatian militia and Yugoslav People's Army (YPA) -Pankrac and Plitvice. Dr. Jože Pučnik se sreča s tamkajšnjimi Slovenci in predstavniki avstralske vlade, med njimi z ministrom za priseljevanje, senatorjem Gerry-jem Hand-om, z direktorjem Vzhodno-evropske sekcije, senatorjem Ronald-om Rich-em ter dvema uradnikoma oddelka avstralskega prvega ministra, dr. Bessamires-om in Dr. Neggie-som. Dr. Pučnik se sreča tudi z zunanjim ministrom v senci, senatorjem Robert-om Hill-om in jugoslovanskim veleposlanikom dr. Borisom Cizljem. Dr Pučnik meets Slovenians and representatives of Australian Parliament in Canberra, among them the Minister for Immigration, Senator Gerry Hand, the Director of East European Section, Senator Ronald Rich, and two officials from the Office of the Prime Minister, with Dr Bessamires and Dr Neggie. Dr Pučnik also meets with the Shadow Foreign Minister, Senator Robert Hill, and Yugoslav Ambassador, Dr Boris Cizelj. Slovenska vlada doseže, da slovenski fantje služijo vojaščino v Sloveniji. Confirmation of a moratorium of the Slovenian government for compulsory army service in Slovenia only. 3 March ADELAIDE CROATIA 5 March CANBERRA 7 Marci SLOVENIA 367 7 Marci, SYDNEY SLOV SLOV e e n s k i n 1 a n i n i n formacijski urad FORMATION OFFICE 86 Parramatta Road, Camperdown NSW 2050 Sydney - AUSTRALIA All CorrespondenceA'sa korespondenca: P.O. Box 188, Coogee NSW 2034 AUSTRALIA Tel: (02) 517 1591, (02) 519 3933 Fax: (02) 550 1378 I=Z-J_A_Y_A__Z = A=^ = ! = i = £ Dr.Jože Pučnik, predsednik sveta DEMOS-a, se je mudil v Avstraliji od 21. februarja do 7. marca. Obiskal je slovenske oryanizacije v Sydney-u, Brisban-u, Melbourn-u, Adelaidi in Canberri, kjer so njegov prikaz demokratizacije v Sloveniji in prizadevanj za osamosvojitev slovenske države sprejeli z velikim navdušenjem. Med obiskom je imel razgovore s predstavniki avstralske vlade in s parlamentarci vladajoče stranke, kakor tudi opozicije. Petega marca je Dr.Pučnik bil sprejet na zunanjem ministrstvu, kjer se je pogovarjal z gospodom Garry-jem Conroy-jem, sekretarjem v ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve in trgovino, z gospodom Roland Rich-em, direktorjem sekcije za vshodno Evropo in drugimi sodelavci ministrstva. Dr.Pučnik je prikazal položaj v Sloveniji in Jugoslaviji s posebnim poudarkom na osamosvajanje Slovenije in reševanje njene gospodarske krize. Nato je gospod Conroy izrazil polno razumevanje za demokratične procese v Sloveniji in formuliral tudi naslednje stalisče:"V naših javnih izjavah, nic vec ne izražamo naše želje po ohranitvi Jugoslavije, kot enotne države. Mi govor imo samo še o tem, da je potrebno naj ti demokratično rešitev po mirni poti". Dr.Pučnik je ob tej jasni izjavi izrazil svoje zadovoljstvo. Pogovor je tekel še o izmenjavi parlamentarnih delegacij med Avstralijo in Slovenijo, o možnostih obiska slovenske parlamentarne delegacije v Avstraliji, o postavitvi honorarnega avstralskega konzula v Ljubljani in o izpopolnjevanju dveh do treh slovenskih gospodarstvenikov v Avstralij i. Med važna srečanja spadajo še razgovor z ministrom za izse1jence,vlade v senci, gospodom Phillip-om Ruddock, kosilom, ki ga je v parlamentu priredil za Dr.Pučnika senator Jim Snow. Kosila so se poleg slovenskih predstavnikov udeležili tudi gospoda Ted Grace in lohn Bradford, člana parlamenta. Po kosilu je sledil obisk zasedanj parlamenta in senata. Ob štirih popoldne je Dr.Pučnik imel seminar na "Australian National University", oddelek za družbene vede. Tema seminarja je bila: "Problemi integracije in desintegracije federativnega sistema". Seminar je organiziral prof. Dr.Robert Miller. Naslednji dan sta sledili srečanji s gospodom Gerard-om L.Hand-om, zveznim ministrom za emigracijo, manjšine in lokalno upravo in senatorjem Robert-om Hill-om, minister vlade v senci za zunanje zadeve. V vseh teh srečanjih so avstralski politiki povsem jasno poudarili, da podpirajo demokratične procese v Sloveniji, da bodo sprejeli odločitve slovenskega naroda in, da odločno zavračajo sleherno uporabo sile proti tem odločitvam. Sedmega inarca zvečer je Dr.Jože Pučnik odpotoval v domovino. Alfred Brežnik vodja informacijskega urada. Sydney, 7. marca 1991 Slovensko Pismo, Year 1991, No. 5-6. p. 14. Welcoming Dr Jože Pučnik in Canberra: Marjan Kovač, Cvetko Falež, Alojz Kavaš, Ada Falež and Olga Kovač. Marjan Kovač and Dr Jože Pučnik Alojz Kavaš Marjan Kovač Dr Jože Pučnik, Dr Boris Cizelj, ?? and Alojz Kavaš. Alfred Brežnik and Dr Jože Pučnik. Slovensko Pismo, May 1991, No. 5-6 p. 7. 7 March SYDNEY Sydney Airport: Dr Jože Pučnik - Farewell, Australia! Štefan and Anica Šernek, Dr Jože Pučnik and Lojze Kmetič. INTEGRATION AND DISINTEGRATION OF A FEDERAL STATE A Lecture Presented by Dr Joie iJucn1k, Présidant of the Slovenian Democratic Coalition AND G March 1901 I) A federal system is a very demanding form of political organization. a) it is a matter of uniting different groups who wish to preserve their internal organizational structure in spite of their union, b) The make up of this identity or individuality can be just a different organizational set up but in most oases it is also a matter of geographiesI, historical or cultural peculiarities which ought to be preserved. In most instances to these peculiarities are also connected the differences in the nay the economy 1s managed or even the level of economic developmeftt. 2) As a prerequisite to the federal high degree of political culture. system It 1s necessary to have a a) because of the significant differences federal entities, it is necessary to have an tolerance towards these differences. which exist among the appropriate degree of b) In forming the common law ie. federal law it is always necessary to search for end indeed to find a workable compromise. c) The search for and also the implementation of compromlsory solutions requires highly developed communlcation skills. 3) I defend tho thesis that it is not possible to develop a high degree of political culture without a lawful State. a) The lawful state determines the rules of the game 1h the formation of interpersonal relationships, b) The lawful State is the mechanism of our civilization. Its starting points are tho human rights fundamentals which dictate that the rights terminate at the point where the rights of another person begin. Without tho lawful ¿State as a mechan 1 em ft may not be possible to determine tho parameters of an individual's rights in the environirient of an induatrlal society. c) Without a lawful state it is not possibls to master the conflicts between individuals and organised groups which themselves exercise a certain amount of Influence and power. 4) Yugoslavia was never in all the post war years a lawful State. a) Monopoly of a single party [Union of communists). b) Prohibition of free democratic elections. 5 March CANBERRA Lecture presented by Dr Pučnik at ANU, Canberra 5 Aiarci CANBERRA Lecture presented by Dr Pučnik at ANU, Canberra c) Absence of all democratic means of publicity [prase, television, right of congregation and freedom of speech ). radio and d) Political ideology criteria in filling positions in the cultural field, science, Ian, police and army. The Government was always ope party Government; -ft was the property of one party and one ideology. 5) Yugoslavia did not create conf1icts. the mechanism for systematic resolution of a] The basic conf1 lets. principle of the communist regime was to conceal b) In as far as conflicts could not be concealed they were proclaimed to be the results of "the hostile work of the class enemy". Their "culprits" were physically exterminated or brutally punished. c) The outcome of this was that the system could sensibly to operational problems, in this way it has to learn from mistakes and adapt itself to reality. no longer react lost the ability d) The consequence of th1e was the Toss of contact with reality and the creation of a seIf-imposed blockade of the system. e) The monopoly of the Government and ideology of the ruling communist party has succeded in concealing its self-imposed blockade until it destroyed the functioning of the economy. When the economic fundamentals became endangered it was no longer possible to conceal the matter. f) Communist regimes are capable of eliminating their opponents with the political and ideological monopoly system. That Is why the only effective adversary of the communist totalitarian regime is reality itself, particularly in the form of decaying economic flow of goods and the seizure of the society's infrestructure. of Yugoslavia as a federal State 1s today 1n its why this process cannot possibly be held back, G) The fragmentation last phase. That is « r i d |/[ uuooo ^arutuv puas ! u i y utr [|H m Even the use of military oppression cannot revitalise or retain it. a) The lack of a mechanism for systematic resolution of internal conflicts among groups and in particular among nations and nationalities has lasted too long. b) So much mistrust has accumulated between nations and leaders that in some areas it developed into hatred and violence. their c) There is an established belief among all nations and ethnic groups that they are being exploited. Thus everybody believes they are being exploited by somebody else both politically and econowica11y. d) The political leaders of particular Republics are no longer capable of talking and negotiating rationally. This is accelerating the agony of the federal State. e) The military threats expressed by the federal Presidency and to 1991 some extend also by the federal Government have completely destroyed every significant communication line between the leaders of the majority of the Republics. Because of that the meetings that are taking place are only of formal significance; they do not lead to concrete results, they are only the means for tho media war among the republics. f) Such joint formal contacts, to some extend, tend to cover the actual process of disintegration of the federation. Within the territory of the existing Yugoslav federation it Is neccsssary to formulate new Government order as soon as possible. Such order can only be oonposed of smaller and larger independent states who would recognise each other, share among themselves debts and other obligations and start to put in order their own relationship independently but always on the basis of equal rights, voluntary action and common Interests. a) Slovenia has proposed to start calling meetings of delegates from the democratically elected Governments in the Republics. b) The previous federal organs can only take over the role of administering agreements without the right and ability to arbitrate. c) Parliamentary delegations mu&t, as a starting point, undertake not to use force and recognise the fact that the existing borders are untouchable, d) Parliamentary delegations must recognise the republics or their groups as successors of the current Yugoslav federation. e) Delegations from individual Par 1laments must limit themselves to the proceedings dealing with the questions which are of fundamental importance for peaceful disintegration, fj) in case the Paliamentary delegations cannot reach an agreement for peaceful disintegration, there is a proposal to call on an international arbitration. This recourse would only be used in desperation to prevent the outbreak of a civil war. 2 March CANBERRA Visit to Canberra by Dr Jose Pučnik, President of DEMOS (Slovenian Government coalition) Or Joie Pucnik is in Auslralia al the invitaUon of all Slovenian Communities in Australia The visit ccmes al a Lime when Slovenia is oLLempling tc di sen lang e itself from a disintegrating Yugoslavia and from lre domination of Serbian Communist central rule Tlie visit is therefore significant for a.I Ihose interested :n Ihe contemporary European political scene and all Ihose While in Canberra Dr Pucnik will hold discussions with [he Vimsler for Immigration, Elbmc Affairs and Local Government. Ihe Shadow Spokesmer for Foreign Affairs and for Immigration He will meel wiih officials of Ihe Departmenl of Affairs and members flf the local Dr Pucnik will alsu give a lecture a; the A?IU entitled "Problems of Integration in a Disintegrating Federal System" This lecture will he of interest to these wishing a comparison with cur own Australian Federal Syrern Dr Pucnik's experiences and unique position as a participant in the downfall of Communism in Eurofw will provide fascinating listening. further information regarding Dr PjcHiVs visit may be obtained from Flor>an Falez on ¡06) 391 13436. Program for Canberra. 5-6 march 199! Tuesday. & March 9.30 10.00 1130 Arrival at Canberra AirporL (Flight TN 421). Call on Department of Foreign Affairs, Mr Carry Conroy, First Assistant Secretary. Call on Mr Phillip Raddocli, Shadow Spokesman for 1m mitral ion 13.30 - 14.00 Lunch at Parlament House hosted hy Mr JLm Sncw. Member for £den-Monaro. 16.00 - 17.30 lecture-discussion, "Problems of Integration in a Disintegrating federal system - The Con federation Altern alive" Convener Prof Robert Miller. AMU Research School for Social Sciences. Coombs Building. Semnia:1 floom D IB.00 - 10.30 Call on Ihe Hon. Gerard L. Hand. Federal Minister for l m m igral ion. Ethnic Affairs and Local Government. 10.30 - 23.00 Meeting with the Slovenian community at the Slovenian- Aus trail an Association. Irving St, Phillip. Wednesday, 6 march i?.30 - 14 00 Lunch at Ambassador Ciselj's Residence. 1530 - JG00 Call on Senator Robert Hill, Federal Opposition Spokesman on Foreign Affairs 30.40 Departure from Cantwrra Airport (Flight J'N 37). 1991 Bom in 1932 ill Cresnjevec pri Slovensk] Bistrici [Slovenia] as the secord son of a small farmer's family. ALLends elementary school in Cresnjevec and secondary school in Maribor. After having completed eighLh grade, he is banned from the graduation examination (for publishing a arLicle critical oi the school). Passes the graduation examination only after completing compulsory SLudies philosophy and comparative literature in Ljubljana. Graduation in 195!} During this time he works for the 'Kevija 5T magazine as a member of the editorial staff. Writes several Because of these articles he is imprisoned in Autumn J958 and sentenced to 9 years jmprisonmnnl under the pretext of 'hostile propaganda and revolt against the people and the In 1962. his sentence is reduced to 7 years due to the amnesty La*, alter five years of He immedjatcly begins work for the newspaper Perspective' and publishes several articles, among oLhers 'Eye Lo eye'. 'A Friendly Interview', 'On the Dilemma of our Agriculture. In May 1964 he is imprisoned again. Proceedings are initialed because of hostile propaganda and iater suspended However, his probation sentence is annulled. Two years imprisonment in After his release from pnson in 1966. a political ice age reigns in Ljutljana. In autumn oi the same year lie travels to Germany (with 50DM in his pocket and a poor In the beginning he earns his bread by doing physical work in various factories Obtains political erle from Ihe German authorities Never accepts German citizenship. In April J967. he begins studies at the University if Hamburg. Graduation and doctor's degree in 1971 The following autumn he is employed as an assistant professor at Luneburg University. from 1983 he works for the "Nova revija' magazine and other publications. Publishes articles on the social and economic crisis and on possible development perspectives. Jn 1367 a collection of his publications from the fifties and the sixties is published Publication In 1989, he is one of the founding members of the Slovenian Social-Democratic Party. He is party Chairman since November 1909 At the same time he becomes Chairman of the Opposition coalition. DEMOS, a coalition of ali non-communist parties, formed to oppose the Communist Party at the first free elections ever held in Slovenia. The Communists are resoundingly defeated and DEMOS forms the first democratically elected Slovenian government after years 5 March CANBERRA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES parliament of australia 7Û MONARO STREET (P.O. BOX 232) QUEANBEYAN, N.S.W. 2620 TEL. (061 297 3953 OFFICE OF JIM SNOW. M,P. FEDERAL MEMBER FOR EOEN-MOMARO JIM SNOW. M.P. HAS THE PLEASURE OF INVITING V\r ^ Vvs L \<<*v3*s>_ TO LUNCH AT PARLIAMENT HOUSE, CANBERRA AT 12.30 P.M. ON TUESDAY 5TH MARCH TO WELCOME: DR. JOZE PUCNIK PRESIDENT OF THE GOVERNING COALITION OF SLOVENIA R. S. V. P. Penny Lockwood, 2973953 14 Marci, CANBERRA minister for immigration, local government and ethnic affairs PARLIAMENT house CAWBBWA, AC.Y. 2600 Mr Jim Snow MP Member for Eden-Monaro Parliament House CANBERRA ACT 2 6 00 1 4 MAR 1991 Dear Jim 1 am writing in relation to our meeting with Dr Jose Pucnik and representa! ives of the Austral i an Slovenian comin unity last Wednesday morning. As you may recall, Dr Pucnik requested that Australia consider the appointment of an Honorary Consul in the Slovenian capital, Ljubljana. I informed Dr Pucnik that this was a matter far the Hinister for Foreign Affairs and Trade but undertook to advise Senator Evans of tlie request. I have noV written to Senator Evans and you may wish to convey this to your friends in the Slovenian community. The issue of Commonwealth funding of the Slovenian Studies Centre at Macquarie University was also raised at the meeting. You may wish to restate my offer to assist the Slovenian community to forward their application to the appropriate Department. Perhaps in the first instance the community could direct their enquires through ycu. Yours Sincerely Gerry Hand • Queanbeyan action Queanbeyan News Aloiz Kavas and Dr Boris Cizelj SNS v Canberri je izbral na svoji redni seji delegate za SSK, Marjana Kovača in Cvetka Faleža ter kandidata za podpredsednika Slovenske izseljenske matice, Cvetka Faleža. SNS Canberra selects delegates for the World Congress in Slovenia: Marjan Kovač and Cvetko Falež. Sestanek Upravnega odbora ASK v Canberri. Na dnevnem redu so bile prirave za SSK. Na seji je bil tudi dr. Boris Cizelj, ki je govoril o ustanovitvi gospodarske zbornice. Meeting of ASK in Canberra to prepare for the World Congress and select delegates Marjan Kovač and Cvetko Falež. Also present was Dr Boris Cizelj, who speaks of the establishment of the economic sector. Cvetko Falež selected as SIM vice president. V melbournškem verskem središču je bila ustanovljena slovenska mladinska skupina. Fr Niko Žvokelj OFM reported that a Slovenian Youth Group, with 40 members, was formed at the Slovenian Religious Centre in Melbourne. JLA grozi Sloveniji zaradi spremembe služenja vojaščine. The YPA threatens Slovenia because of the Moratorium Amendment. Osrednja pisarna SSK iz Trsta je poslala okrožnico, v kateri so obvestili o pripravah na SSK in pisali, da se kongresa v Ljubljani lahko udeleži vsakdo kot opazovalec. Na samem Kongresu pa so neposredno sodelovali le izbrani delegati regionalnih konferenc. V osnutku statuta SSK je bilo za Avstralijo določeno 10 delegatov. Slovenski narodni sveti Avstralije so si razdelili število delegatov: 3 - Viktorija, 3 - NSW, 2 -Canberra, 2 - Queensland. Central Office of World Congress in Trieste sends a letter providing the information that anybody can be an observer at the Congress in Ljubljana, although the Statute prescribes 10 delegates for Australia. The Australian SNS decide on 3 delegates from Victoria, 3 from NSW, 2 from Canberra and 2 from Queensland. SNS Južne Avstralije se je ustanovil v Adelaidi in se bodo priključili ASK, ki je poslala dokumentacijo v Adelaido. Udeležili se bodo občnega zbora ASK v Melbournu 4. maja. Slovenian National Council established in Adelaide. They will be part of ASK and will be present at the meeting in Melbourne in May. 16 Aiarci 17 Marci MELBOURNE Marci SERBIA 19 Mar TRIESTE, ITALY ci 4 Aprl ADELAIDE Meeting of ASK; the organisational secretary gives documentation to Elica Rizmal. Na seji odbora SNS Viktorije je organizacijska tajnica Stanka Gregorič predala dolžnosti Elici Rizmal. Nastop Stipe Mesica kot predsednika predsedstva Jugoslavije. Bojkotirata Srbija in Črna Gora in tako predsedstvo ostane brez predsednika. MARIBOR: Pride do spopada med Teritorialno obrambo in JLA - pade prva slovenska žrtev. Slovenski Narodni svet Viktorije organizira pred parlamentom komemorativni protestni shod. Serbia and Montenegro boycott appointment of Stipe Mesic as the President of Presidency. Yugoslavia's presidency remains without a president. MARIBOR: First encounter between civil defence and YPA - first Slovenian casualty. Slovenian National Council organises commemorative protest at Parliament House. Redni letni občni zbor ASK. Prisotni so referenti Slovenskih narodnih svetov Sydneya, Melbourna, Canberre, Brisbana, pa tudi opazovalci iz Južne Avstralije. Statutu ASK dodajo nekaj novih členov, potrdijo izvolitev delegatov za Svetovni slovenski kongres. Zberejo tudi $1800 za fax stroj za ASK. The Annual meeting of ASK with delegates from Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, and Brisbane, together with observers from Adelaide. They adjust the Statute of ASK and confirm the delegates for the Slovenian World Congress in Ljubljana. They collect $1800 for ASK's new fax machine. Prvi minister avstralske vlade, Bob Hawke, sprejme predsednika Avstralske konference in vodjo Slovenskega informacijskega urada v Sydney-u ter predstavnika hrvaške in makedonske skupnosti v Avstraliji. Bob Hawke je sprejel stremljenje slovenskega naroda po osamosvojitvi z velikim razumevanjem in obljubil, da bo Avstralija med prvimi, ki bo priznala državo Slovenijo. Prime Minister, Mr Bob Hawke, meets the President of Australian Slovenian Conference and Manager of Slovenian Information Office in Sydney, together with representatives of the Croatian and Macedonian communities in Australia. Mr Hawke acknowledges the Slovenian nation's endeavour for independence and, indicating great understanding, promises that Australia would be among the first to recognise the Republic of Slovenia's independence and sovereignty. 8 April Aiay ^y SERBIA SLOVENIA 4 /Vlav ^y CANBERRA 9 Mav ^y CANBERRA / SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET ■ VIKTORIJA SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL - VICTORIA (AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN CONFERENCE FOR SLOVENIAN WORLD CONGRESS! MELBOOURNE AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA ZASVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES) Slov. društvo Melbourne Slov. društvo Planica ^ Slov.S.P.klub Jadran Slov. zveza Ivan Cankar Slov. špoitno društvo ^eseli lovci Slovensko društvo Snežnik Slovensko versko središče Spoštovani rojaki! Približuje se dar, ko bo slovenska vlada izvršila voljo slovenskega ljudstva, izraženo na referendumu (plebiscitu, 23.dec.1990), in proglasila samostojno in neodvisno državo Republiko Slovenijo. Ta narodnostno pomemben zgodovinski dogodek bomo praznično slavili vsi Slovenci; doma in po svetu. Zato vas vabimo, da skupaj pripravimo veliko slavnostno, kulturno praznovanje, ki nam bo v ponos tudi pred avstralsko javnostjo: ki^zdaj zaradi medijev ¿e ve za demokratična prizadevanja Slovencev v matični deželi in tudi tukaj v Avstraliji; nas pa pozna kot sposobne in pridne ljudi z bogatim kulturnim izročilom. Ker je neuraden datum proglasitve samostojne Slovenije že 26.junij 1991 ali celo prej, nimamo časa na pretek. Zato bi radi povabili dva člana vašega odbora, da bi se, skupaj z drugimi, zbrali v ponedeljek, 29.4.1991, ob 8-ih zveier, v Verskem sredisdu v Kew, da bi s skupnimi močmi pripravili slavnostno proslavitev tega zgodovinsko neponovljivega in se nikoli prej doživetega dogodka v zgodovini slovenskega naroda. Prosimo, odgovorite na to pismo g.Stanku Prosenaku na tel, štev. 670 2075 Prijateljski pozdrav! Dear friends! The time is drawing near when the Slovenian Government will execute the will of Slovenian people, regarding the national referendum that took place on Dec.23,1990, and proclaim the independent and sovereign state The Republic of Slovenia. This nationally important historical event will be celebrated bv all Slovenians; in Slovenia and abroad. Because of the great importance of this occasion we would like to invite you all to help creating a big cultural celebration; to show our abilities in our new homeland,in Australia. Though media meny Australians already know of existence of Slovenia and of democratic changes there and they know us as loyal and capable citizens with a rich cultural inheritance. The proposed date for the Slovenian Independence Day ls June,26.1991, which is only a short time away. Therefore we would like to invite two members of your committee to get together with the others, on Monday, 29th April 1991, at the Slovenian Religious and Cultura1 Centre, 19 A Beckett Str., Kew, at 9 PM, to arrange the preparation for this important, historically unprecedented event. Please,■R.S.V.P.: Mr.Stanko Prosenak, tel.670 2075 Vours sincerely v Simon Spacapan Predsednik Za SNS Vic Elica Rizirial, Tunica Melbourne, 15.4.1991 P0 BOX 197. KEW MELBOURNE. AUSTRALIA. 3101 TEL. FAX. Slovenians ready to 'eat grass' for freedom By DUSKO DODER, Ljubljana, Sunday It is to be the first new country in post-communist Europe. Passports and money are being printed. Its initials are emblazoned on cars everywhere. Maps chiselling out the tiny, defiant republic of Slovenia already hang in homes and offices. But though most Slovenes are in no doubt they will be independent in eight weeks, its leaders are nervous that they could be beaded for independence PLO-style. "We don't want that," said Slovenia's Foreign Minister, Mr Di-mitri Rupel. '"We don't want suddenly that our passports are not accepted, that our citizens can't travel. Or that nobody will trade with us. We are taking whatever measures we can to prevent that." His caution is not, however, felt on the streets of this idyllic alpine land of less than two million that borders on Austria, Italy and Hungary as well as the country it is breaking away from; Yugoslavia. "We'll eat grass if we have to," said Mr Janez Fras, a store clerk, summing up the popular mood. It may not come to that, but the United States and the EC have already said they would not support Slovenian independence. There are fears of an economic embargo by Italy. Though Mr Rupel is confident two (unidentified) countries will recognise an independent Slovenia, membership of the United Nations is a long way off. In many ways it is ironic that the first group of people to declare themselves independent in the shifting and uncertain post-communist times have never in their history been independent. Indeed, it was a communist — Yugoslavia's dictator Marshal President Kucan: Slovenia belongs to Europe. Tito — who first encouraged them to be proud of their nationality as he played Yugoslavia's many rival ethnic groups off against each other. With Tito dead since 1980 and the other ethnic groups quarrelling like children, the Slovenes decided they wanted out. They were particularly distressed at being the economic strong-men of Yugoslavia holding many of the other five republics afloat with their Germanic hard work and economic sense. They took their giant step to the verge of independence with a December plebiscite. More than 90 per cent endorsed the Nationalist Government's independence proposal. Six months were declared necessary to draw up al) the legal documents of divorce from Yugoslavia, including apportioning the Slovene share of the national debt. Slovenia's President Milan Kucan sees independence and sovereignty as a way of meeting his people's destiny, Slovenia belongs to Europe, he pointed out in an interview. Even physically, It- aly or Austria are within an hour's drive from any point in Slovenia. Slovenia's uncertain leap to independence has already fed a popular mythology. The bad guys are the leaders in Serbia, Yugoslavia's largest republic which dominates the country in an authoritarian fashion. The baddest of the bad is Serbia's communist leader Slobodan Milosevic. He is intensely disliked for his repression of ethnic Albanians who live as a majority in the Serbian-ruled southern province of Kosovo. A state of de facto war already exists between Slovenia and Serbia. Mr Milosevic has put an economic embargo on Slovene po-ducts. Mr Rupel said Serbia has moved ahead to simply confiscate the property of some 4000 branches of Slovene companies in Serbia. With their move to independence, the Slovenes, in turn, have spearheaded a political crisis throughout Yugoslavia. Its six republics are already acting as independent states with their own legal and constitutional systems, much to Ihe distaste of Serbia. Slovenia's 28 June declaration of independence will put a formal end to Tito's Yugoslavia. But the complexities involved in an amicable divorce from Yugoslavia — and the Slovenes are trying to make it amicable — are mind boggling. In an attempt to make things as painless as possible, Slovenia has prepared laws to assess Slovenia's obligations under Yugoslavia's treaties and contracts with other countries. It is erring on the side of generosity. Slovenia, Mr Rupel said, is willing to assume 25 per cent of Yugoslavia's debt even though it accounts for "only eight per cent of Yugoslavia's population". Herald-Sun, 29 April. iAiajf MELBOURNE SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET - VIKTORIJA AVSTRIJSKA SLDV£KS*AKÜtfERf h* ■ » Svt TOiM StfWENSK1 KOTGftS, SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL - VICTORIA '•' Ii:" IN! I. VIN AM( i» ! 61/41 Att.: Mr.Ray Thompson tel. 6r=ß 9R00 fax 654 1427 Re: Reservation of Ci Ly Square May 1. 1991 6May MELBOURNE Dear Mr. Thompson: As requested by your secret.ary I am wri ti ng on hch.i I f of the Slovenian National Council of Victoria. We are an organization that maintains close? cultural ties with our native country. SIoven1£ will shortly be announcing its independence as a separate state of Yugoslavia. So we - Lhe Australian SIovenians, would I i ke to ce1ebrate this greatest event in the history of Slovenian people all over the world: the birth of the Slovenian state - the first new country in the post-communist Europe. Wo see the 01 ty Square as the centra! po i nt. where wc could all meetland share our excitement and happiness with a spontaneous celebration on the evening of t.he day of proclamation, with music and dancing. On the first saLurday afternoon, between 2 and I? l>n, wo would like to organise a "Festival" - a picturesque 1nLroducLion of Slovenian cultural heritage to Australian people; with singing (folk singer s and choi rs), nationa1 music. FoJklore dancinq and national costumes, arts £. crafts, national food, banners, speaches and poetry. We would like to use the public adress system. We apologise to bdjumible to define the date: Australian media quoted the dates as June 23, 26 and 28, but hope that we could still come to some arrangement. We anticipate three hundred to one thousand people attending. I hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely yours Simon Spacapan President R1 i Rizma1 Secretary tel 755 2626 fa* 755 1746 1 AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA ZA SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES AUSTRALIA?) SLOVENE CONFERENCE f„r the WORLD SLOVENE CONGRESS RWBvism Avl-it? Ah.: Jelko Kacin rti i I r0i. ^'-fy- poročila o v.K ■ •.. - .<- u.^ pokritrmr! ..^p-----C . , J/1-. pLtai**.' t^o] , Nlct SobatxefA o(rtu.iiM lioQr u A^N ic iMt^ÖÜC "WJA c CjpipsiLivsk*, pjvetairi Stoifcudtij fo Juitn, x. majX&CuSJ" etcuAdn-UO i.e. CdfeicLv" | AwljixiXilto pc-ioSito xa 5$f0 niti*' tluii iadUiiUi Cluuxtkj CT i adjuLcrveui^i _ V /UöieJ^c i- /jt .je M'JSX-i Ujomlkiet" (uoj AS^. N*, sv&A^KM. ü naT-pu^yx; o siutftH AvStoUke^ft [CCTOLt'ßa. 2't Kr^Oces hv C t^l-hj&'U EU KiJouxUt. isvi OfciieS- 384 Relbonvwt j fe. u^ctj- Mil SLOVENSKI SLOVENIAN ¡FORMACIJSKI URAD INFORMATION OFFICE 86 ñoad. Camperclciwn NSW 2050 Eidney - AUSTRALIA All V - irw pun dt* ma P.O. (jjr 100 Cootfu« NSW AUSTRALrA Tel (021 517 tS91 B03 519 39Î3 Fa. (021 550 1370 IZJAVA ZA TISK Predsednik avstralske vlade gospod Bob Hawke sprejel predstavnika Avstralske slovenske konference Canberra, 9.maja 1991. Predsednik avstralske vlade g, Boh Hawke je sprejel g. Marjana Kovača, predsednika Avstralske slovenske konference in g. Alfreda Brežnika. vodjo slovenskega informacijskega urada v Sydneyu ter predstavnika hrvaSke in makedonske skupnosli v Avstraliji. Prisotni so bili: dva člana avstralskega parlamenta - g. led Grace, ki je predsednik parlamentarnega odbora za zunanje zadeve in g. Gary Puncli ter g. Hugh While, prvi svetovalec za mednarodna vprašanja v uradu predsednika vlade. G. Bob Hawke je najprej izrazil svojo zaskrbljenost zaradi dogodkov v Jugoslaviji in upanje, da ne bo prišlo do nadaljnjega prelivanja krvi. Predstavniki slovenske, hrvaike in makedonske skupnosti so pojasnili razmere v matični domovini ler zaskrbljenost v svojih skupnostih. Slovenska predstavnika sla ob tej priložnosti izročila pismeno poročilo o položaju, predloge, kako lahko avstralska vlada najbolj pomaga Sloveniji pri njeni demokratizaciji in razdružitvi ter predlog za imenovanje avstralskega častnega konzula v Ljubljani. G. Hawke je pokazal izredno razumevanje in naklonjenost predlogu za imenovanje Časi nega konzula v Ljubljani. O priznanju suverene države ob osamosvojitvi je g. Hawke povedal, da avstralska vlada pač mora priznati realnost razvoja v Jugoslaviji in da bo v ospredju z drugimi državami pri realizaciji demokratičnih principov in spoštovanju želja narodov. Izrazil je ludi, da ho Avstralija proučila možnost interveittije Združenih narodov in lako odigrala vodilno vlogo. Bili smo prijetno presenečeni, da je predsednik avstralske vlade sprejel s lakim razumevanjem in naklonjenostjo stremljenja slovenskega naroda po osamosvojitvi. Slovensko Pismo, Year 2, No. 7-8, p. 67. 8 Mae CANBERRA Delegation for talks with Prime Minister Mr Bob Hawke: Marjan Kovač, and Alfred Brežnik. UlbCUSSION POINTS WITH THE PRI*£ MINISTER 1 )The fact that western countries hesitate to recognise Slovenia and Croatia gives the SerbianjGcvernment and the army generals tadd approval for their actions, particularly because they have such military supremacy. 2 ) The later the recognition is forthcc(mmg the higher the likelihood for the war spreading pejyond Croatian borders as is already happening in Boarjia. 3) we see no reason why Australia should not be in the fc< 'ront in recognising Slovenia: a) the Slovenian Government is in total control of its terr i tory as fade-a 1 troups have been gji van marchi ns orders and are now evacuating from Slovknia. t>) other Virgos i av He i preaiQency are no longer SI oveni a. ■ ■■■ lcs and the federal opposing the Independence Of c) Australia would gam in international reputation for its standing by democratic principles as it did in the case of Cambodia and, of course, in the Gulf war. d) a number of other countries who like Australia do not want to t.afce the first step would be pleased to follow the Australian example straight after. e) Serbia and the army generals wouiq discover that their war is purposeless as they would fiind them&elves occupator3 of foreign territories and asl such condemned by the rest of the world. MELBOURNE l5May ^y SLOVENIA ADELAIDE Ivan Zagorc V prvih učnih centrih Teritorialne obrambe (TO) v Pekrah pri Mariboru in na Igu pri Ljubljani se je pričelo usposabljanje prve generacije slovenskih vojakov. Stipe Mesic ni izvoljen za novega predsednika predsedstva SFRJ. SNS je takrat organiziral demonstracije skupaj s Hrvati. In the first TO learning centres in Pekre, near Maribor and at Ig, near Ljubljana, training of the first generation of professional soldiers commences. S. Mesic was not re-elected as president of the presidency of the SFRJ. "SNS Južne Avstralije je bil ustanovljen 19. maja 1991. Tako kot vsi SNS, smo se tudi mi v Južni Avstraliji trudili za čimvečjo povezavo med tukajšnjimi Slovenci, rojaki v matični domovini in drugod po svetu. K še večji povezavi je prišlo ob samosvojitvi Republike Slovenije in ob napadu JLA na Slovenijo. SNS je takrat organiziral demonstracije skupaj s Hrvati, Bosanci in Makedonci v Parku Miru v Adelaidi. Sledili so govori v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Krajši odlomki so bili objavljeni v časopisih in na televiziji. Zbirali smo podpise za priznanje Slovenije kot samostojne države in v koordinaciji s Slovenskim klubom in Slovenskim verskim središčem zbirali denar za pomoč Sloveniji. Ena vrhunskih in za nas najdragocenejših zamisli SNS pa je vsekakor postavitev spomenika v spomin padlim za Slovenijo. Ta spomenik je edini spomenik izven Slovenije." "SNS of South Australia was established 19 May 1991. We wished for the unity among Slovenian people. We united at the time of attack by JLA on Slovenia. WE organised demonstrations together with Croatians, Bosnians and Macedonians at the Park of Peace. There were speeches in Slovenian and English, published in newspapers and on TV. Our best idea was the monument for the soldiers who gave their lives for Slovenia." Slovenian and Croatian delegations for talks with the Prime Minister Mr Bob Hawke. SLOVENSKE ORGANIZACIJE V VIKTORIJI: MINISTRU AVSTRALIJE ZA ZUNANJE ZADEVE 17 May BRISBANE Svet Siovenskih organizacij v Viktoriji, v katerem je povezano 6 siovenskih drustev drustev in je tako stevilcno najmocnejsa slovenstca organizacija v Avstrallji, je poslal avstralskemu zunanjemu ministru senatorju Gareth-u Evans-u apei slede6e vsebine: Dear Minister, You are without doubt aware, that the population of the Republic of Slovenia in Plebiscite conducted on 23rd of December 1990. declared itself in support of an Independent State of Slovenia. In this Plebiscite which was scrutinized by foreign observers. 88.5 % out of 95.5 % of all entitled voters expressed their wish that an independent Slovenia revises its present relationship with the rest of the Republics, which constitute the Yugoslav Federation. Since that time more and more reports coming from Slovenia are indicating intentions of the Yugoslav Peoples' Army to intervene in order to retain the Yugoslav Federation in its present form. If this eventuates, bloody skirmishes and possibly a civil war may follow. We Slovenians settled in Australia are naturally very anxious that any bloodshed or any forcible suppression of civil liberties in the country of our origin will be avoided. Our fears are understandable since many of us have still close relatives living in Slovenia. In view of this we would kindly ask that in the name of Australian Government you - will condemn any forceful action of the Yugoslav People's Army against the implementation of the wishes of the people of Slovenia as expressed in the Plebiscite on 23rd December 1990. will support the endeavours of the Government of the Republic of Sio vena to proceed by peaceful and legal means to achieve the goal, as directed by the Slovenian Parliament We are sure that such res trainable advice to Yugoslav Government issued and publicized by our Federal Government in Canberra will signifitantly diminish the present anxieties of the Slovenian Community in Australia ana will at the same time enhance the chances of survival of the democratic system which Slovenia elected in the Spring of 1990. Podpisali pa so se Peter Mandel, predsednik Sveta Siovenskih organizacij v Viktoriji; Stanko Penca predsednik Sicivenskaga društva Melbourne, Dino Rupnik, predsednik Slovenskega Primorskega socialnega kluba Jadran, Werner Remšnik za Slovenski dvomestni ktub Aibury-Wodonga: !vo Sirca za Slovensko društvo Geelong, Ivanka Kolačko, predsednica Slovenskega društva Planica Springvale in Jože Caf, predsednik Slovenskega športnega društva St.Albans. Tedenske Novice 17 May 1991 - 5 - MELBOURNE Council of Slovenian Organizations of Victoria Svet Slovenskih Organizacij v Viktoriji___ P.O. BOX ?9, Ream*. Vit., 30Sd, Australia W.fptXW («) 4» 2!« fAirf,«. 25rd May l?9l Ga. Spooenk* HMtiar, Pr vd-ie-dft I c> Konf erence Z* $1I ho »laveftttkega kafloi"«M( Post Box 124, ¿¡10? Ljubijana 51ov?MJ»l24. Fa* 39861 32® 3S3 Spefctovara 5». preds&dhiea , Gbracair se rta Va* v »vojtvu predsadnlk* Sveti SLovenakih Crgan i zac IJ v Viktoriji (SS0^> . SIcer * pIMlttft nekoliko pozerr * vzrok t»nvj Je v&Metno nekoliko nesporazuma in pwnanjkinje i K*e i Svet 6ieven»kl OrfjM Za£ l j. v VlKtorijl Je tolo, KI touar.ipj* delovkftj* 4e*tih tlovenskfh druiahno-kui tvrnih druttev iz področja 0*f»1t ViJCtoriJei UtA ti dru*tva delujejo io vec de»*tletli In ti 1 »hko pofiaiijo » tvojo dalpvno In AfftknIZ*ClJtkd tradieljo. s prepr !Sl J l^t itovllan £lan*tva ter z zftitftim premoženjem v obliki dr^ftvertih darov tn drugih ugodnosti, Skratka, t«, dfufit"*, ki so po aunjlh statutih *trankar*ko-palttl^ftO n#«pred«1 Jen*, «o n»«parno ha*a In hrbteftli* tuklj J 1 h »1 ) h dejavnost i . So t ud t »d I n I rxtann 1 k I r tukajinj» tlgviMjtt vkuprtottj grJ^vT^eih-. Lri 3rvaJ> jtvflih UKtCnSLŽK yryhlfifl ^TST Jjc: »»m kot pr»{(t»dnik SSCU tudi čl»rp ektefcvtfureg» orihr>ra Svete Etničnih *kupna«tf v Viktoriji ifh» VictorUn Communities Coyn?lT> Prt par m» »C i , ko M v ^vstral I Jo pM?o!a pr i hftj * 11 vfchf 1» za udtiluba n* Svetovnem »loveriifcero kongresu, M/5_t>J_L_fjL- t.fJi3SW gp^l nemočptij. d» crg mtl ar jjn__k&t _|i£*n i h v SSCW. N*d«wri» p» nam Ji bil« dano vedeti, da Ji avstralskim &1ov»ncem iikkaiarilh I» d^set mett, (h d* beda na ta mesta imanoval I praatavnik* edinole v_ I ar . ■ »ti—1-alu vcpfrstavlJ en i 61 cvini); i 1 «vati ..rAZJlJh-deeeJjLh To J* ŠTTo po nekaterih do5lj>.iih "ta storjeno Nada-Lla J e caž' taarj»- vzrckovnerada dpmokratj^an n»cln i;hrtnp sub« 11 ar;po tvojim itevllu »0090 vecJe od flftnatva kltereKoli tfruge »lovefi»ke organ i zac IJ v v Avttralijf, Protirn, dami ž iftiprej» «porofite, E* hcn kon$ra»a lahko ude 1i 1 kot »kreditlriJM d»1{«t * pravico do aktivne udeležbe v delu konflreja. V vmkem *)uc*ju roi bo Va* odgovor uadlto kako vkrepam( Z i «ki-mlml pozdravi P.MAN&ELJ PRgOSEONIK V učnem centru Pekre pri Mariboru pride do incidenta med TO in JLA. "Pekrski dogodki maja 1991 so bili samo uvertura v veliki finale slovenske osamosvojitve, ki se je zgodil z junijsko - julijsko vojno istega leta in dobil v začetku naslednjega leta tudi mednarodno potrditev... ... Dogodki v Pekrah 23. maja 1991 so pokazali predvsem dvoje. Dokončno so poteptali geslo o bratstvu in enotnosti med jugoslovanskimi narodi in potrdili, da JLA ni več vojska vseh državljanov Jugoslavije, ampak le še orožje za izvajanje velikosrbske hegemonistične politike. Domine so se sprožile. Poti nazaj ni bilo več. Na to, da je Slovenija iz takratnih kaotičnih razmer izšla v primerjavi z apokalipso v nekaterih drugih jugoslovanskih republikah le z manjšimi praskami, je vplival splet okoliščin. Predvsem je bil to odločen in enoten nastop slovenskega naroda (skupaj s Teritorialno obrambo in policijo seveda!), naklonjenost mednarodne javnosti, ki pa smo si jo v veliki meri pridobili z izjemno uspešno medijsko vojno in prepričanje JLA, da mednarodna skupnost dokončnega razpada ne bo dopustila. Pekre 1991, kot začetek slovenske osamosvojitvene vojne, imajo zato svojo zgodovinsko vrednost kot visoko moralno dejanje tistih, ki so zastavili svoja življenja v bran slovenskih nacionalnih interesov. Takrat smo pokazali značaj Martina Krpana. Želeti je samo, da v miru ne bi postali hlapci Jerneji." An incident between TO and JLA at the Pekre learning centre near Maribor. "The Pekre incident of May 1991, was only the opening of the big finale of the Slovenian independence, which occurred at the time of the June-July war of that year and received international acknowledgment at the beginning of the following year. The incidents in Pekre on 23 May 1991 showed two things: eventually they trampled on the slogan of brotherhood and unity amongst Jugoslav countries and confirmed that JLA wasn't the army of all Jugoslav citizens, but the weapon for destroying 'supreme, Serb' hegemonistic (supreme leadership) politics. Dominos were released. There was no going back. Slovenia emerged with small scratches from those chaotic times compared to the apocalypse that other Jugoslav republics had to endure. Above all this was the individual performance that the Slovenian nation experienced (involving the territorial defence force and the police of course), the mood of international relations, which was given in large doses in a successful war of the media with the persuasion of JLA, that the international community would not allow its disintegration. Pekre 1991- at the beginning of Slovenia's war of independance, the historical significance and their high morals is evident by those who gave their lives in the interests of the Slovenian nation. We see the nature of Martin Krpan. One wishes only that in the peace time we wouldn't become Bailifs Jernej." http://www. hervardi.com/ vojnaslo. php#zacelo_ seje Mariborčani so z zbiranjem, s svojimi telesi in avtomobili preprečili izhod tankov JLA iz takratne vojašnice Franc Rozman Stane, nasproti naselja Nova vas II. ?4 A/i ■ Med pogajanji vojska ugrabi poveljnika pokrajinskega štaba TO Vladimirja Miloševiča in častnika TO Milka """ Ozmeca. Oklepno bojno vozilo JLA ob izhodu iz vojašnice Vojvode Mišica v Mariboru do smrti povozi SLOVENIA Josefa Šimčika. Mariborčani so z zbiranjem, s svojimi telesi in avtomobili preprečili izhod tankov JLA iz takratne vojašnice Franc Rozman Stane, nasproti naselja Nova vas II. During negotiations, the army arrested the commander of the headquarters - Vladimir Miloševič, and officer- Milko Ozmec. Armoured war vehicle of JLA, at the exit of the barracks in Maribor, fatally runs over Josef Simčik. The people of Maribor gathered, some in cars, preventing the exit progress of the JLA tanks from the existing barracks, opposite the township of Nova Vas ll. Začne se usposabljanje 180 vojaških obveznikov v učnem centru Ig pri Ljubljani in 120 v učnem centru Pekre pri Mariboru. Beginning of the qualification of 180 war servicemen in the Ig centre near Ljubljana and 120 at the Pekre centre near Maribor. JLA je najprej obkolila 710. učni center v Pekrah z oklepnimi vozili, kasneje pa je tja poslala še pehoto in tanke. Mariborčani so z lastnimi telesi - živim zidom, ustavili kolono JLA, ki je bila poslana kot okrepitev k obkolitvi 710. učnega centra v Pekrah. ASK organizira volitve v izvršni odbor Slovenske izseljenske matice v Ljubljani. Za podpredsednika je bil izvoljen Cvetko Falež iz Canberre, za člana pa Ivo Leber iz Melbourna. In Australia, the election of ASK's representatives for the Slovenska izseljenska matica. Elected were: vice president Cvetko Falež, Canberra, and member Ivo Leber, Melbourne. SYDNEY St Raphael Slovenian Mission m ' Ml* Marija Rede, Mihela Šušteršič, Fr Valerijan Jenko OFM OAM, Marija Senčar, Marija Košorok, Marijan Cesar and Lojze Košorok. SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET - VIKTORIJA AVSIFIALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA 'A SKf TOVNi SI WtNSKI KONGItLS) SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL ■ VICTORIA (AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN CONFERENCE FOR SLOVENIAN wont D CONGRESS) nh i AMBASADA SFR JUGOSLAVIJE CANBERRA, 11 Muyts Street, RED EiiLL A.C.T. 2603 Fax: (062) 39 6178 AMBASADORJU dr.BORISU CIZLJU t Spoštovani! z Protestiramo proti nenehnim grožnjam JLA, da bo ukrenila vse in, Že je potrebno, uporabila tudi silo, z namenom, da se obdrži enotna, centralizirana Jugoslavija. Menimo, da je to grobo kršenje človekovih pravic, oziroma pravic celega slovenskega naroda, ki je lani v deceiriberskem plebiscitu nepreklicno zahteval samostojno in suvereno državo Republiko Slovenijo. Obsojamo ukrepe JLA preteklega tedna v Mariboru, ko j[e vojska z oklepnimi vozili krenila iz vojašnic in obkolila učni center Teritorialne obrambe ter kareje necivilizirano posegla v pogajanja v mariborski skupscini ter odpeljala sabo voditelja Teritorialne obrambe za Vzhodno Štajersko in nekatere njegove spremijevalce- Najostreje obsojamo ta dejanja, ki so povzročila smrt občana, ko se oklepno vozilo ni ustavilo pred ¿ivim zidom demonstrantov. S tem incidentom se je JLA pokazala v najbolj okrutni in nečloveški luiii; nevredni kraju in času: na pragu Evrope ob koncu 20.stoletja. v Zgražamo se nad pogostimi smrti mnogih slovanskih fantov, ki so izgubi 1 i svoja živi jenja med služenjem vojaškega roka v JLA. Kako je izgubil življenje 19-letni slovenski vojak Matjaž Urh v Vukovaru? Prosimo vas, dr.Cizelj, posredujte nase protestno pismo jugoslovanski vladi, oziroma predsedstvu Jugoslavije kot vrhovnemu poveljstvu JLA. Slovenski pozdrav W v/■ Simon Špacapan Predsednik El ica Rizmal Tajnica CkiLD' Melbourne, 26.5.1991 '0 BOX 197. KEW. MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA, 310) TEL FAX 2T — tlftV - SI MON 13:^3 DISTIHCTIOHPRIHTÍMGR^L-. F- ■ O 1 27 Ma/ MELBOURNE PARLIAMENT OF VICTOKlA Speaker of the Legislative Assembly President of the Legislative Council re: Pfiiijongt ra Liona at Par liampnt Houti? Rftqu i reme nts_ Vo_bs MeJL As the Ofí.t'.Ki's oí Parlianorít responsible for i.I'ift csre security the rarliameiit Building, we have reviewed the requirements to he observed by demonstrators at Parii?fn«nt Ho,ir>e. Tríese reqoätemeiits are as follows:- 1, Di-nionstjffit or» art- to be ;onfitu'd to i lie stcjpfs be1ow the carriageway* 2, The ; arriagcv)fty is to be kept ciesr for o 'f-cial 4. Tile irea US&d by demonél rarors is tit ho. left citar, and the pr orno ters jointly ar.d sever Ally are i.o be responsible for any cleaning and list i tut. i or. costs incurred by the Par 1; ár.*»1" t. The use of oar.d I ns in the ates is a sit permittee■ .■>. II a demonstra l i orí occurs un a «<. o k d a y, vq muif that: five people are to he a6r.it ted to tht Vestibole for the purpure uí necting a MembrT. JtasuranceR of order ly co;id'>nt arc to hi1 obtained from suc:h persons first, fo^lovn ;ig which House Attendants will ascei'talr. t ne wishes of Mc^berls) concerned. 6 . Acv <-ts to the bu i Id í ng by member« an i hpu b i i o i i to be preserved and rtemonstratoi s nc-t to be pcrroitted or. to the eolonr.a'lp, apart (tor. aiiyonr nuthoc I v.ed an per point fivi.>. Ken. Coghiil, M.P. Man Bnrtt, H.t,C. S F E A K BR f 'RF.f üjEvr Issued: 2 S May, l1'«". veh i rloí-, 3. ^'juná is to .be kept to a reasonable level must ntir be such as to interfere with the . t opRCatioti.-i of the Par 1 lament. Parliament House, Mel ho urne _'(ifi2 Telephone(03)631 S9M Fpi simile (C3J 7245 28 May SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET - VIKTORIJA SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL - VICTORIA MELBOURNE (AVS1 flALSKA SLOVE NSKA KONEE F1FNCA /A5VI 1 OVNI SLOVENSKIKONGRES) (AUSIRAII AN S) OVfNIAKI CONFERENCE I Oft SLOVENIAN WORLD CONGRESS! SNS NSW SNS A.C.T. SNS QUEKNSLANU SNS JUŽNE AVSTRALIJE Mol bourne, 2Ü.5.1991 j SposLuvani SNS Viktorije obvešča, da v Melbournu organiziramo mirovni stiod vseh Slovencev , to nedeljo, 2.junija 1991, pred Parlamentom; v protest na krizna doga jan ja protok1ogn todnak jih je povzročila JIjA in kot žalno komemoracijo za demonstrantom,, ki ga je povozil tank, ko se ni ustavi! pred živim zidom protestiraj06ih in za slovenskimi vojaki, ki so doslej izgubi ii svoja življenja med služenjem vojaškega roka. Predlagamo, da tudi vi organizirate tak shod {morda na isti dan) da se bo dostojanstven slovenski protest slisal po celi Avstrali j i. «■i/ Obveščamo tudi, da smo poslali protesLno pismo Jugoslovanskemu ambasadorju dr.Ciziju (prilagamo fotokopijo) in predlagamo, da tudi vi uradno protestirate. S slovenskimi pozdravi Simon Spacapan Predsedni k SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET - VIKTORIJA S_CVEMAN KATICNA. COUNCIL - VICTORIA 28 Maf j AVSTRALSKA SLOVE NSKA KONFERENCA ZA SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES) (AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN CONFERENCE MELBOURNE TO THE CITY TRAFFIC MANAGER C/O Mr. JOHN HEUSTON FAX : 650 8519 We - the Slovenian Narional Council of Victoria - are representing the Slovenian community in organising the peaceful demonstration as a protest against the Jugoslav Army which is thratening to use force to stop the démocratisation and independence of Slovenia and which has in the last few days killed a demonstrator by not stopping before the live wall of Slovenian people and has squashed him. The gathering (with singing, speaches and prayer, will be also in remembrance of all Slovenian sodiers, which have inexplainably died while in the Army; like 19 year old Matjaz Urh, who died last week. We are expecting a crowd of two - five hundred people All the other authorities have been notified. In case you need further information, please, contact Mr.Stefan Mrzel on tel.No 687 5176. Thank you fot your cooperation Sincerely yours Eli Rizmal Secretary for SLovenian National Council of Vic Melbourne, 28.5.1991 30 /Vi ay TRIESTE ITALY Avstralska slovenska konferenca za Svetovni slovenski kongres P.O.BOX 197 Kcw. Melbourne, Victoria 3101 AUSTRALIA Trst, 30/5/199J Spoštovani! V prilogi Vam pošiljam pismo, ki ga je konferenca za Slovenijo prejela od Sveta Slovenskih Organizacij v Viktoriji. Sprašujem Vas za mnenje o tem pismu in sicer: 1. ali je bil ta Svet kako vključen v delo Vaše konference, če ni bil, zakaj je do tega prišlo in ali obstaja va^a razpoložljivost, da se z njimi pogovarjate; 2. ali se Vam zdi umestno, da bi v delegacijo (poleg Vaših delegatov) vključili tudi predstavnika tega Sveta; 3. ali mislite, da lahko na tej osnovi pride do dogovora že med Vami in, v kolikor menite, da to ni mogoče, zakaj. Ker se zelo mudi, Vas prosim za Čimprejšnji odgovor. V prihodnjih dneh boste vsekakor prejeli zadnjo okrožnico in vsa navodila za udeležbo na Kongresu. Prisrčen pozdrav Bojan^&rezigar ore(Jsednik iniciativnega odbora n ^>7 m Mi c=S SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES OSREDNJA PISARNA do SLOVENSKI RAZISKOVALNI INŠTITUT via GIACINTO GALLINA 5 34100 TRIESTE-TRST ITALY "jS? - 39 - 40 - 765-633 FAX - 39 - 40 - 369-392 Uradne ure: pon., sre,, čet.: 8 - 12 in 15*18 tor., pet.: 8-12 in 16 -19 avstralska slovenska konferenca za. SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES P.O. Box 197 Kew, VIC, 3101, AUSTRALIJA 31 AAoy CANBERRA 31. Maj 1991 O, Bojan Brezigar predsednik inicijativnega odbora Svetovni slovenski kongres via Giacinto Gallina 341O0 TRIESTE-TRST, ITALY Spoštovani NanaSam se na važe pismo 30/5/1991 m priloženo pismo od Sveta slovenskih organizacij v Victoriji tSSOV). Na Vasa vprašanja fe1i m odgovori ti po točkah 31edeče: 1,SSOV je vključen v dalo Avstralske slovenske konference (ASK) s tem, da so Člani SSOV tudi fflam Slovenskega narodnega sveta za Victorijo iSNSVic). Po ustavi ASk in pravilnikih Narodnih svetov v Avstraliji so Č1arn ASK lahko samo fizične osebe. Namen ASK je predstavljati avstralski slovenski živelj v Svetovnem slovenskem kongrsu'(SSK) in obratno, medtem ko nameni drugih organizacij v Avstraliji ao drugačnega značaja. Čl ari i ASK so seveda istočasno tudi vodje, predsedniki in navadni c1an i drug i h siovenski h organi zaci j v Avstra!1 j 1. 1.Delegati sa SSK so člani ASK, ki so bi 11 Izbrani od Narodnih svetov 1n potrjeni na občnem zboru ASK v Melbournu na 4.t.m. To pomeni, da vsi člani ASK sc lahko zaprosili, da postanejo delegati za SSK. G. Mandelj ni 2aprosil, da bi bil delegat in tako tudi ni mogel biti izbran, Ako bi ASK sedaj morala vključiti vodje vseh drugih organizacij v Avstraliji med delegate za SSK, Avstralija nima dovolj akred11i rani h mest za to; in bi to bilo proti ustali in pravilnikom ASK. 3. Razgovori 2 g, Mandeljem so se že dogajali in smo seveda Še vedno na razpolago, da se z njim nadalje pogovarjamo. Njega kot predsednika SSOV sedaj vključiti kot delegata za SSK je nemogoče laradi zgoraj navedenih razlogov (t.j. bilo bi proti ustavi ASK in nedovolj akreditiranih delegadskih mest za Avstralijo, da bi lahko vključili vse druge predstavnike slovenskih organizacij v Avstralij i). Gotov sem. da bo SSK po Vasi zaslugi velik uspeh. Prisrčne pozdrave ter na svidenje v kratkei" Marjan Kova? predsednik 1 May SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET ■ VIKTORIJA SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL - VICTORIA MELBOURNE (AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA Zfl SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES) (AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN CONFERENCE EOH SLOVENIAN WORLD CONGRESS! 31 May 1991 To; Re:- Peaceful mani testation of Chief of newsroom ABC Fax : 6403209 Slovenians. Date : Sunday 2nd June 1991 Time : 5 p.m. Place : Steps of the Victorian Parliament House. PRESS RELEASE. The northern yugoslav republic of SLOVENIA is hearing its inde= pendence. The Slovenian pariiamentias unanimously decided the 26th of June as the date for proclamation. However recent interferences on the part of the yugoslav army ha= ve led to injuries and loss of human lives. The recent reports from Slovenia indicate that the army is in full preparedness and is trying to arrest the will of the Slovenian people, who have on the 22nd of December last year at the referendum with a 90% vote demanded a sovereign and independent SLOVENIA. The Slovenians of Victoria will hold a vigilance manifestation on the steps of Victorian Parliament House on Sunday 2nd of June to commemorate the deaths of innocent victims of recent army invasion of the city of Maribor.With this peaceful action we fully support the desire for freedom for our Slovenian people back home and all nations living under oppresive governements. A k avstralska slovenska Za konferenca SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES P.O.BOX 19? Kew Victorii 3101 Australia AUSTRALIAN SLOVENK CONFERENCE for (ht WORLD SLOVENE CONGRESS PREDSEDNIK-Marjan Kovač 9 Pandanus str, Fisher A.C,T. 2611 TEL-FAX: (043) 852 455 ( 06) 288 4091 TAJNIŠTVO SUflki Gregorlč 2/15 AlUndâle rd.Boronia Victor« 3155 TEL-FAX: (03) 762 683Û G.BOJAN BREŽIC A K SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES Osrednja pisarna Trst Fax:-39-40-369-392 Spoštovani! Predsednik ASK-ja Marjan Kovač vam je v grobih obrisih že odgovoril ria vaia vprašanja o zadevi 'Mandelj'. Danes vara posredujemo kopiji dveh pisem-prvo, kjer AS K ponuja sodelovanje Svetu slovenskih organizaciji patra Nika Žvnklja koi posredovalca informacij o ideji kongresa) in drugo, odgovor Sveta, ki to ponudbo zavrača. Člen 15.Ustave ASK pravi: Predsednik in drugi člani Upravnega odbora predstavljajo ASK javnosti v Avstraliji in po svetu, razen na sestankih Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa, ko predstavljajo ASK delegati, posebej v ta namen potrjeni na občnem zboru ASK, 4. maja 1991. v Melbournu. G.Peter Mandelj ASK ni zaprosil, da bi bil delegat in tako tudi ni mogel biti izbran, oziroma neizbran in potrjen na občnem zboru ASK, 4. m^ja 91. Člani Slovenskih narodnih svetov oziroma ASK pa so sicer že nekateri sedanji ali bivši predsedniki slovenskih društev, podpredsedniki, tajniki ali blagajniki, Člani odborov druitev in navadni člani slovenskih ustanov, organizacij in društev, predstavniki slovenskih verskih središč, radijski delavci in ne nazadnje člani Sveta slovenskih organizacij Victorij«. Eden izmed teh članov je tudi delegat za SSK G.Peter Maodelj ni član SNS VIC oziroma ASK-ja- Podrobnejie odgovore na vaša vprašanjaNg. Brezigar, pa vam pošilja SNS VIC. Lep pozdrav StankaiGrvgoirtč Organizacijska tajnica ASK Melhotirne, 1.6.91. Mirovni protestni komemorativni shod Slovencev v Viktoriji, ki ga je organiziral Slovenski narodni svet. Kljub slabemu vremenu se je zbralo pred parlamentom več kot 300 ljudi z zastavami, nageljčki in transparenti. Govorniki so bili predstavniki SNS Viktorije in mladine. A peaceful commemorative demonstration by Victorian Slovenians was organised by Slovenian National Council. Despite bad weather, around 300 people with flags, carnations and banners attended the front of Marinka Vogrin, Zorka Černjak and Franc Krenos. Tone Brne at the demonstration. Demonstrations in Melbourne - rain has not stopped the Slovenians. Darko Butinar, Zofka Matičič, Frances Butinar and Viktor Matičič. Hugo Povh, Jože Stopajnik. Srečanje predstavnikov slovenskih društev in organizacij Viktorije s pomočnikom sekretarja ministra za zunanje zadeve Jugoslavije, Zvonetom Draganom, in z jugoslovanskim ambasadorjem iz Canberre dr. Borisom Cizljem v Melbournu. Oba sta predstavila situacijo v Sloveniji in njeno bodočnost. Meeting between representatives of Victorian Slovenian Associations and organisations and the Yugoslav Assistant Secretary of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Yugoslavia, Zvone Dragan, and the Yugoslav Ambassador from Canberra, Dr Boris Cizelj. They discussed the situation in Slovenia and the nation's future. SNS Viktorije je razpravljal o končnih pripravah praznovanja na mestnem trgu v Melbournu, kjer naj bi vsi Slovenci proslavili slovensko neodvisnost. Sestanku je prisostvoval tudi predsednik mladine Lenti Lenko. Priprave za proslavitev osamosvajanja Slovenije so tekle tudi v Sydneyu, kjer so natisnili več tisoč letakov z angleškim besedilom - s podatki o Sloveniji, delo Vladimirja Menarta. Letake so razposlali po vsej Avstraliji. Slovenia's Declaration of Independence June 1991 Today Slovenes in the home country of Slovenia and around the wortd are rejoicing. They are celebrating the long awaited and hoped for separation of Slovenia from the Yugoslav federation and the declaration of independence and sovereignty. Slovenia was the most western and at the same time the most westernised constituent republic of the Yugoslav federation. It was also the most progressive and the most industrialized. Being only 8% in population it produced 25% of GNP and 30% of the total export of Yugoslavia. It was relatively the most prosperous and enjoyed the highest standard of living Slovenia is a republic of two million people. Uniquely among the ex-communist dominated countries more than one sixth of its population are guest workers from other parts of the defunct Yugoslav federation. Slovenia has no territorial disputes with any of its neighbours and only wishes that they would treat Slovene minorities within their borders with the same tolerant consideration and respect for human rights as Slovenia is according their minorities. Slovenia was among the first countries to shake off the Communist so called 'realsocialism' and installed a free, democratic and multiparty system of government, Slovenes are not given to extremes in any direction and certainly cannot be accused of rashness; the rate of dismantling of the Bolshevik structures and removal of their symbols is to some irritatingly slow. Nevertheless, in its road to the market economy Slovenia is still the most advanced and the most determined and tenacious Slovenes are well aware that things will get a lot worse before they get any better and are prepared for it. What Slovenes find hard to understand is the reluctance of the Western wortd to recognize the right of the Slovene people to their independence, especially, whilst there are many smaller nations in Europe itself as well as around the wortd, whose independence has never been denied or frowned upon. Still, Slovenes look confidently into the future and are encouraged by the friendly understanding of the Australian Government. Slovenia was part of the political set-up of the Western Europe since the time of Charlemagne. After the first World War Slovenia joined Yugoslavia to avoid national repression and Germaniza-tion Gradually Slovenes became very disenchanted with Yugoslavia, especially during the post Second World War communist period. Still, the Slovenes are parting from Yugoslavia without chagrin and without hatred or ill-will towards other peoples of Yugoslavia We, the thirty or so thousand Slovenes who settled in this country, are very proud Australians. However, blood is not water and we join in the merriment of all Slovenes. Slovene Council P.O. Box 188 COOGEE. NSW 2034 17June MELBOURNE SLOVENIA - a country between the Alps and the Adriatic 1 s AVSTRALSKA slovenska Za konferenca M. SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES P.O.BOX 197 Kew Victoria 1J Oí Australia AUSTRALIAN SLOVENE CONI'ERtNCK fur (hi WORLD SLOVENE CONGRESS PREDSEDNIK-Maijan Kovač 9 Partdanus str. Fisher A C.T. 2611 TEL-FAX: (04Í> 852 455 ( 06) 288 4097 tajništvo Stank* Cregorič 2/15 Allandale rd Boroma Victoria 3155 tel-fax: (03)7626830 / SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET VICTORIA P.O.Box 19? Kew Vic 3101 Spoštovani! Pred kratkim smo vam podali kopijo pisma g.Bojana Brezigaija, predsednika Iniciativnega Odbora SSK. iz Trsta, z dne 30.5.91, Prav tako ste s em sprejeli tudi kopijo pisma, ki ga je v imenu Sveta slovenskih organizacij Victo rije, poslal menki Hribar v Ljubljano 23.5.91 predsednik Sveta Peter Mamlelj. Spomenka Hribar j. lata kopijo Man del je vega pisma v Trst, Trst pa Avstralski slovenski konferenci s prošnjo, da damo svoje mnenje n pismu In medsebojnem sodelovanju SSOV In SNS VlC V Trst je najprej poslal svoje; mnenje predsednik ASK-ja M Kovač, ki je V fax-pismu izrabil pripravljenost na v e s tO viktorijsko organizacijo in z Petrom M ande {jem Tajništvo ASK-ja pa je 6.91.(poslalo tudj spremno pismo skupaj z vašim in z dukumenti-pismi. V in slovenskim društvom v Victoriji, v katerih ste jih vabili na sodelovanje, < ijihova pisma-odgovore, ki so praktično sodelova- nje odbijala. To sicti pol;, v Tedenskih novicah Marjana Periiča, pod naslo- vom "Ne teče vse tako ,n piše:"Slovenski narodni svet V Victoriji, bi si Že- lel! večje sodelovanje tan iskih organizacij. Zato jih je povabil na sestanek za 'okroglo mizo*, kjer nqj bi razčistili nekatere točke In pritegnili društva v svoje dejavnosti. Svet slovenskih organizacij Victonje pa smatra, da je tak sestanek nepotreben in se ga ne bo udeležil." Toliko o temu. AS K paje sprejel 21.6.9! še kopiji dveh pisem: prvo pismo Sveta slovenskih organizacij z dne 13.5.91., ki gaje v imenu te organizacije pisala tajnica SSOV in glasi tako: "Sledeč telefax u, ki ste ga poslali predsedniku SSOV g.Mandelju. vam sporočamo, daje bilo na sestanku SSOV že v samem začetku odločeno iti končno sklenjeno(dne.,,datum nečitljiv), da bo g. Mandelj predstavil SSOV na SSK v juniju ti. V jparyu za uspelo kandidatu ro na SSK in čimprejšnji odgovor." 1991 /urne Svetovni slovenski kongres, ASK and SNS committee members: 20 — NOVO DOBA 18. — 24. VI 199 SLOVENSKA STRAN Za mir, demokracijo, samostojno Slovenijo LJUBLJANA, - »Za mir in demokracijo, za samostojno SSovenijo« je i>il naslov današnjega zborovanja na Kongresnem trgu v Ljubljani. Kakih 5000 ljudi s« je zbralo na mitingu, kije bil sprva mišljen kot izraz enotnosti Slovenije v obrambi suverenosti, zaradi medstrankarskih sporov pa je večidel postal miting Demosa. Na zborovanju je govoril predsednik slovenske skupščine dr. France Bučar, isastopiii pa so tudi predsedniM DomkiSi strank. Tri - opozicijske stranke - SSS. LDS in SDP - so se namreč odločile, 'da na zborovanju ne bodo sodelovale. Socialisti in liberalni demokrati so menili, da takšna manifestacija v tem trenutku ni potrebna, prenovitelji pa so dodali, da bi bilo treba opozicijo vključevati V vse procese in projekte osamosvajanja in ne le v manife-Stativne akcije, je o tej nadevi povedal član predsedstva Slovenije dr, Dušasi Piut, ki je bil tudi koordinator te akcije. Dodal je, da je zaradi takšnega razpleta po svoje celo nekoliko razočaran, saj je resnično poskušal storiti vse, da bi se v stvar vključile vse stranke. Tako je vnovič prišlo do nekakšnega razkola med opozicijo in »pozicijo«, do polarizacije, ki slovenskim načrtom, gledano v celoti, zdaj bržkone ni najbolj v pri' Krivda je po malem bržkone na obeh straneh, saj med Toda za dosege sporazumne volje se je rcujno treitt najprej resno in potrpežljivo dogovarjati,« je rečeno v izjavi SDP. Kot je dejal dr. Ciril Ribičič, predsednik SDP, današnje zborovanje ne bo izraz enotnosti; njegov i?3men je »pokriti« vse, kac je bilo dosiej storjenega na področju osamosvajanja, in dati bianco menico za -naprej. SDP pri tem ne želi sodelovati, saj ima resne pripombe na dosedanji postopek osamosvajanja., To p» ne pomeni, da SDP ne želi sodelovati pri uresničevanju plebiscitne odločitve. Meni le, da jo je treba uresničevati na sporazumen način, je bilo rečeno ca popoldanski tiskovni konferenci. »večino« in »manjšino« ni več ne pravega zaupanja ne tolerance. »Zdi se, da Demos tudi v parlamentu ne izvaja najbolj modre potnike,« ie menil dr. Plut. M. P..B. S Razdružitve ne jemljejo resno BEOGRAD, - V Beogradu te dni pogosto omenjajo Slovenca Davorina Jenka, avtorja srbske himne Bože pravde, ksSere razglasitev namerava srbska »pozicija 9. junija pospremiti » iako silovitimi demonstracijami kot pred tremi meseci. Medtem ko o Jenku govorijo kot o »našem človeku«, ocenjujejo slovenske uki-epe v zvezi z napovedano razglasitvijo samostojne Slovenije kot izdajstvo in igranje z ognjem. Tako profesorica mednarodnega prava na pravni fakulteti v Beogradu dr. Smilja Avramov poudarja, da so slovenske in hrvaške pobude popolnoma infan-Hlne, Pravi, da nobena izmed teh republik »nima pravnega naslova, torej ni pravno sposobna sklepati pogodbenih odnosov«. Se pravi, da ni država, ki bi, de-njmo, lahko sklenila pogodbo o konfederaciji. Po njenem mnenju je treba posledice napovedanega razpada Jugoslavije politično obravnavati v mednarodnem kontekstu. Meni tudi, da slovenske m hrvaške pobude za ustanovitev lastne države lahko prinesejo le zmedo, ki je svet in Evropa ne bosta mirno gledala, Dr. Avramova pravi, ua tisio, kar »danes ponujajo Slovenci - razdruževanje, nc obstaja. To ni pravni termin in tudi nasploh ni sprejemljivo, celo sociološko ne ...« Zanjo tudi sklepi Avnoja nimajo pravne moči med drugim (udi zato, ker so bile vse »revolucionarne« pridobitve izničene z uvedbo večstrankarskega sistema in tržnega gospodarstva, se pravi, da so bili. sklepi Avnoja soglasno zavrnjeni od Triglava do Gevgelije Edini pravni temelj za izpostavitev novih odnosov med jugoslovanskimi republikami so mednarodnopravni sporazumi iz leta 1918, ker sta bila »temelj Jugoslavije vojaška zmaga in moralni prestiž Srbije v prvi svetovni vojni«. • V Beogradu le redki verjamejo, da bo Slovenija res storila, kar napoveduje, in 26. junija razglasila samostojnost. Prevladuje mnenje, 11 >< ',' ¡len geometrijskem in barvnem pravilu. 2. Zastava Republike Slovenije je belo-modro-rdeča slovenska narodna zastava z grbom Republike Slovenije. Razmerje med širino in dolžino zastave je ena proti dve. Barve zastave se vrste po temle vrstnem redu: bela, modra, rdeča. Vsaka barva zavzema po širini tretjino prostora zastave. Grb je v levem zgornjem delu zastave tako, da sega z eno polovico v belo polje, z drugo polovico pa v modro polje. 3. Uporabo grba in zastave uredi zakon. 4. S tem amandmajem se nadomestita 8. in 9. člen ustuve Republike Slovenije. Št. 001-02/89-2/74 Ljubljana, dne 24 junija 1991, 3. Ker je izpolnjen pogoj iz 3. točke ustavnega amandmaja XCVIN k ustavi' Republike Slovenije, sprejema Skupščina Republike .Slovenije na skupni seji vseh zborov dne 25. junija 1991 ODLOK o razglasitvi temeljne ustavne listine o samostojnosti ¡rt neodvisnosti Republike Slovenije , Razglaša se temeljna ustavna listina o samostojnosti in neodvisnosti Republike Slovenije, ki ga je sprejela Skupščina Republike Slovenije na skupni seji vseh zborov dne 25. junija 1991. Št. 001-02/91-12/2 Ljubljana, dne 25. junija 1991. Skupščina Republike Slovenije Predsednik dr. France Bučar I. r. 4. Izhajajoč iz volje slovenskega naroda in prebivalcev Republike Slovenije, izražene na plebiscitu o samostojnosti in neodvisnosti Republike Slovenije dne 23. decembra 1990. upoštevajoč dejstvo, da je bita Republika Slovenija država že po doslej veljavni ustavni ureditvi in je le del svojih suverenih pravic uresničevala v Socialistični federativni republiki Jugoslaviji, ob dejstvu, da SFRJ ne deluje kot pravno urejena 1 država m se v njej hudo kršijo človekove pravice, nacionalne pravice in pravice republik in avtonomnih pokrajin, ob dejstvu, da federativna ureditev Jugoslavije ne omogoča rešitve politične in gospodarske krize, in da med jugoslovanskimi republikami ni prišlo do sporazuma, ki bi omogočil osamosvojitev republik ob sočasnem preoblikovanju jugoslovanske zvezne države v zvezo suverenih držav, ob trdni odločenosti, da Republika Slovenija spoštuje enake pravice drugih jugoslovanskih republik ter z njimi enakopravno, demokratično in po mirni poli postopno ureja vsa vprašanja iz dosedanjega skupnega življenja, spoštuje njihovo suverenost in ozemeljsko celovitost, ter ob pripravljenosti, da se bo z drugimi jugoslovanskimi republikami kot samostojna in neodvisna država tudi v prihodnje dogovarjala o inslitucionalnih in drugih povezavah, sprejema Skupščina Republike Slovenije na skupni seji vseh zborov dne 25. junija 1991 na podlagi ustavnih amandmajev LXV!II. LXXII in XCIX k ustavi Republike Slovenije ter v skladu s 4. členom zakona o plebiscitu o samostojnosti in neodvisnosti Republike Slovenije TEMELJNO USTAVNO LISTINO O SAMOSTOJNOSTI IN NEODVISNOSTI REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE I Republika Slovenija je samostojna in neodvisna država. Za Republiko Slovenijo preneha veljati ustava SFRJ. SKLEPI SKUPŠČINE, SPREJETI NA ZASEDANJU 25 Junija 1991 Na slavnostni seji slovenske skupičuie 2$. junija ¡991, dan ¡¡red razglasitvijo sbivnske državnosti, sq poslanci s potrebno večino glasov Sprejeli Temeljno listamo listino o samostojnosti in neodvisnosti Republike Soven^t in Deklaracijo ob neodvisnosti S tem so poslanci slovenske skupščine zaokrožili pnv fazo ustvarjanja nale nove države. Druga faza • ozdravitev ^OJptJfirtfSi^rt, tnednotodno priinanje ter rcHlev ttdprlih vpraSanj O fktcnčtiih obveznostih it t terjatvah, razmejitvi premoženja s federacijo, pa bo nedvomno težja. l/vodna govora na zasedanju sta unela predsednik Predscibfva Republike Slovenije Milan Kučan in predsednik IzvrSnep) sfma Republike Slovenije Lojze Pet trla. SKUPŠČINA REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE Izhajajoč iz volje slovenskega narotla in prebivalcev Republike Slovenije, izralene na plebiscitu o samostojnosti in neodvisnosti Republike Slovenije dne 23. decembra 1990, UpoitevajoČ dejstvo, dfl je bila Republika Slovenija država le po doslej veljavni usta vn i ureditvi in je le dei svojih suverenih pravic uresničevala v Socialistični federativni republiki Jugoslaviji, ob dejstvu, da SER/ne deluje kolpritvru/ urejena država ¿rt Je? v- njej Itudo krSijo človekove pravice, nacionalne pravice in pravice republik in avtonomnih pokrajin, ob trdni odločenosti, ad-jo zagotovljene vse petnice iz ustave Republike Slovenije in veljavnih med, narodnih pogodb. IV, Za izvedbo tega ustavnega akta se sprejme usiavnt zakon fja skupni seji Meh zborov SkupICine RcpubliJte Slovenije z dvotretjinsko veČina delegutfrv vseh zbtirtn'. V. Ta ustaviti akt začne veljati z razglasitvijo na skupni seji vseh zborov SkupSčine Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, 25, junija ¡991 Skupščina Repuhlike Slovenije Predsednik dr. France Bttf.ar SLOVENIA Resolutions of the Assembly in session adopted 25th. June 199 J Af (he Ceremonious sitting of Slovenian Assembly 25di. June 1991, the day before announcing Slovenian country:hip, the delegates accepted with majority the Fundamental Statutory Document oi'independancy of Republic of Slovenia find its Declaration. Representatives of Slovenian Asemhly concluded that the first phase was the declaration of tndcpcndcncy and the creation of a new coJrtry. 'l"he second phase was to recover the economy with international recognition and to look at the financial situation, introductory speakers at this session were, the President of the Slovenian Republic Milan Eiu£an, and the President of the Slovenian Ejtcculive Committee Lojac Pteterle. PERTH The West Australian, 25 June, p. 16. LJUBLJANA 412 V Perthu so ustanovili Slovenski narodni svet. Za Slovenski svetovni kongres v Ljubljani so odločili Franca Pestotnika, predsednika SNS Zahodne Avstralije. SNS in Perth was established with president Franc Pestotnik, who was a delegate for the World Slovenian Congres. SYDNEY DRAGI SLOVENSKI DEŽELI - OB NJENEM NAJVEČJEM PRAZNIKU Stoletja si za soncem hrepenela, preljuba ti dežela mi domača, že dolgo skrito željo si imela, naj svet hitreje k soncu se obrača. Prišel je čas, rodil se novi dan -dan, ki nikoli nisi ga imela, bil tuj je zate, s senco še obdan, čeprav že davno zanj si dozorela. Naj svet tvoj dan spoštljivo si zapiše, pozdravi novo naj zastavo tvojo, nikdar nihče ta dan naj ne izbriše, naj narod tvoj uživa grudo svojo! Ivan Lapuh, Melbourne 1991 Prva reakcija nekaterih melbournskih Slovencev, srečanje v slovenski cerkvi v Kew, snema televizija SBS. Štefan Merzel je pripravil posebni transparent New Country Slovenia is born in mnogi presrečni slovenski obrazi so bili na avstralski televiziji. First reactions of some Slovenians in Melbourne, gathered at Slovenian church in Kew; recorded by SBS Television. Many happy Slovenian faces were featured on TV news. Štefan Merzel prepared many banners, among them: New Country Slovenia is born. SLOVENIA JLA napade Slovenijo; avstralski mediji redno poročajo o vojni v Sloveniji. Hrvaška prizna državo Republiko Slovenijo. QUEENSLAND PROSLAVA PROGLASITVE SLOVENSKE DRŽAVE. Izjave Slovencev v Queenslandu v vseh dnevnih časopisih, snemanje na dveh TV postajah. YPA attacks Slovenia; Australian media pays much attention. CROATIA CROATIA RECOGNISES THE INDEPENDENCE AND SOVEREIGNTY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA. CELEBRATION OF DECLARATION OF SOVEREIGN STATE SLOVENIA. The media conveys Slovenians' statements. Postcards for celebration of the Independence of Slovenia /L z -r* iî 3 _2 o %—* it* 1 . \ S fv « > V : 3 vie \jf vu "C — Hi * Sfc! i* ; — = < z s. r " X í sa 3 o rt q 3 0 s -fcj ifl 9 fi i» A f , ..<■■ i.o: — t!»* invdiiion oi Sluvtsiia, an Independent and sovereign stüLi1, by the occupation f toiijsh of iJie Yugoslav Amr.- r.Licl the undent naerf for thi? inmedifllii reeog/ii ti -oices. uf the Yugoslav Army rentii'i in Slovenia to this tine, t'uu t«t.lt1im»;*is d»1 e£ufe iwrfily jray ihat the ft*»*-;- Slovenians in Australia have signed the petition. 1. Lakti.-i iaacdlete and at gent action to ui^e tile Anstraliaii GovernMent ti j ttmrti into I j rotognij^ Ut»* Republic of SIoTenia an on Independent ond eovereig 2. Lwtedi-atelj prodolAB its complete and utter coude«ii,iLioTt of wiy or ii»« of iuru; agalnat the d»i»x'rat.ir.al] j elected Goienmtnt of Slovenia Its people or it« territory. N F. SI GNAT I'Rh ADDRESS 27 June- PERTH The West Australian, 27 June. On the third day of the war, the Slovenian defence ministry ordered: At all locations where RS (Republic of Slovenia) armed forces have the tactical advantage, offensive actions against enemy units and facilities will be carried out. The enemy will be summoned to surrender, the shortest deadline possible for surrender given and action taken using all available weapons. While in action, the necessary arrangements will be made to evacuate and protect the civilians. At Medvedjek in central Slovenia, another JNA tank column came under attack at a truck barricade, where air raids killed six truck drivers. Heavy fighting broke out at Nova Gorica on the border with Italy, where the Slovenian Special Forces destroyed three JNA T-55 tanks and captured three more. Four JNA soldiers were killed and nearly 100 more surrendered. The border crossing at Holmec was captured by Slovenian forces, with two fatalities on the Slovenian side and three on the JNA side; 91 JNA soldiers were captured. The Yugoslav Air Force carried out attacks at a number of locations across the country, most notably at Brnik Airport, where two Austrian journalists were killed and four Adria Airways airliners were seriously damaged. The Air Force also attacked the Slovenian military headquarters at Kocevska Reka and flew sorties against radio and television transmitters at Krim, Kum, Trdinov vrh and Nanos in an attempt to silence the Slovenian government's broadcasts. By the end of the day, the JNA still held many of its positions but was rapidly losing ground. It was already beginning to suffer problems with desertions — many Slovenian members of the JNA quit their units or simply changed sides - and both the troops on the ground and the leadership in Belgrade appeared to have little idea of what to do next. 28 /UA£' SLOVENIA http://www. ljubljana-life. com/ljubljana/ ten-day-war LIGHTNING RIDGE, NSW Cilka Žagar I'OROtA CILKA 2AGAR iz LIGHTNING RIOGE-a Ker zdaj vas, kakor nas, jo srčno hranit kliče čas! /Po Prešernu/ Slovenska tragedija je zadnjih dni junija je povzro Oila veliko vznemirjenje doma in med nami po sveto. Stane Heric, delegat Avstralske slovenske konference za Svetovni slovenski kongres in Aleksander Zoni, ki nas je pred kratkim obiskal, sta oba po telefonu iz Ljubljane prosila, da v Avstraliji organiziramo proteste in da pritiskamo na svetovnu javnost, da prizna slovensko neodvisnost. Takoj v petek, 28.6. smo se sestali v Canberri s člani Slovenskega kluba. Vsi so bili navdušeno pripravljeni podpreti Slovenijo v borbi za neodvisnost. Miha Ho-var, Erik Fras. Frani: Culek, Marjan Koren; Florjan Falež-mlajši in Bert Pribac, so bili v akciji vse dni. Slavita Hrumeč je s svojo operirano nogo prispela na vse sestanke in demonstracije. Ivan Urbas je dcjakza Slovenijo sem pripravljen narediti kar je treba. Dolge večere je pisal plakate za naše demonstracije. Večina njih so pustili službe, da so lahko pomagali. V soboto nas je 162 Slovencev demonstriralo pred avstralskim parlamentom, V nedeljo smo se srečali v kluhu oh enajstih in smo tu izmenjali nekaj misli o naših bodočih načrtih. Seslavili smo peticijo za prvega ministra Avstralije g.Boba Hawka. Ob dveh smo zopet demonstrirali, tukrat skupaj s Hrvati. Predala senr podpisano peticijo Canberra Timesu, ki je poročal o tem v ponedeljek. V torek smo se srečali s svetovalcem g.Hawka, g.Hue White-om. V sredo zjutraj smo se zbrali v kluhu in ponovno poklicali Canberro Times. Vsi prisotni so povedali svoja mnenja, kar je bilo objavljeno v sredo. Franc Culek, Miha Hovar in Erik Fras so osebno nosili pisma ambasadam. V pismih smo jih prosili, da javno napadejo ravnanje jugo-amtije in da posredujejo pri svojih vladah. V sredo popoldne smo imeli dve TV ekipi, Associated Press irt SBS radio-prisostvovali so našem sestanku. V četrtek zjutraj smo odnesli pred ameriško ambasa do torto in prosili Amerikance naj nam pomagajo praznovati neodvisnost Slovenije skupaj s svojo proslavitvijo njihove neodvisnosti. Videli so nas vsi poslanci sveta, ker so ravno takrat prihajali na ameriško slavje. Govorili smo z teportetji in z ameriškim predstavnikom, ki se nam je prijazno pridružil z obljubami, da bo posredoval naše želje ambasadorju. Zame osebno je bilo najbolj razveseljivo to, da so naši mladi pokazali svojo pripadnost domovini svojih staršev in se jim v vseh protestih priključili. Morda se do sedaj niso nili zavedali tiste ljubezni, kije za Slovenijo tlela v njihovih srcih. Mnogi izmed njih niso bili nikoli aktivno vključeni v delo društva, toda v teh, odločilnih trenutkih, so priskočili na pomoč. Naj navedem nekaj primerov: John Bozic je vse dni pomagal pisati pisma, organizirati medije!radio, časopise, televizijske postaje), demonstriral je in bil cenjeni svetovalec v celotni akciji. Greg Maček je v ponedeljek hral našo peticijo v časopisu in je hitro organiziral srečanje Slovencev z g. Hue White-om, Havvkovim svetovalcem. Igor Urbas je napisal pismo, v katerem je nazorno nakazal naš položaj. To pismo je bilo predano vsej elektronski in časopisni mediji ter avstralski vladi. Marko Žagar je uredil, tiskal, razmnoževal in dostavljal pisma, ki smo jih Slovenci pošiljali v javnost. John Falež in lože 2užek sta pisala pisma uredništvu Cauberre Timesa, ki smo jih brali drugi dan v Časopisu. Marika Falež je v zgodnjih jutranjih urah pekla torto ki so jo njeni otroci Veronika in Floyd v narodnih nošah delili pred ameriško ambasado. Nelka Javšnik, Frank Hribar, Barbara Falez in še veliko drugih mladih je bilo z nami. Večine njih imen ne vem. vendar, ko nas je Slovenija poklicala smo bi li skupaj. TO SO SLOVENCI, KI SO ZRASLI V AVSTRALIJI! Postali so še bolj ponosni na Slovenijo, na svoje starše in na našo vojsko doma, ki tako pogumno brani svojo domovino. Slovenske žrtve v tej borbi niso padle zaman. Ves svet zdaj ve kje je ta SLOVENIJA in, da so Slovenci sposoben pošten narod, pripravljen dati tudi življenje za svojo neodvisnost Vsem se za sodelovanje iskreno zahvaljujem. V demo kraciji pomaga in šteje vsak glas, ne samo glas elite aH Samostojna SL0VENWA1991 z/si' na/io^se / 16 THE WEST AUSTRALIAN FRIDAY JUNE 28 1991 Tl-i ni"l rf _A_W H-Wf/titiltihn w—J V* PERTH The West Australian, 28, June p 16. Slovenia braces for Yugoslav onslaught LJUBLJANA: Slovenian President Milan Kucan callcd on his citizens yesterday to defend the republic against attack by Yugoslav federal troops as tanks rolled in and sections of the Austrian border were closed, Mr Kucan said his republic would use all means available to defend itself and appealed to the people to fight for Slovenia. In Vienna, a spokesman for Austria's leading motorist organisation said about 30 Yugoslav army tanks closed one of the main border crossings with Austria. The Tanjug news agency in Belgrade quoted a Yugoslav general as ordering the army to seize control of the borders in Slovenia and crush any resistance. General Konrad Kolsck told Slovenian Prime Minister Lojze Peter!e that the order would be carried out "unconditionally", Tanjug said. "We shall act in conformity with the rules of combat and any resistance will be crushed," he said. It was not known if Mr Kucan's comments were in response to the generaPs, In an emotional radio statement, Mr Kucan said Slovenia had authorised its territorial defence units to use arms after tanks rolled towards Ljubljana, the capital, Slovenians were also blocking roads with ears and trucks to try to stop the Yugoslav tanks. Slovenia arid Croatia — two of Yugoslavia's six republics — declared independence on Tuesday. The Yugoslav Government outlawed the declarations. World governments have refused to recognise the independence of either republic. The drama began early yesterday as Yugoslav army tanks thundered towards Ljubljana. A federal soldier was wounded in a shootout with local defence units near the town of Novo Mesto, close to the border with Croatia. The skirmish, reported as Slovenians scrambled to block roads to Ljubljana, was the first serious clash between local forces and the Yugoslav army. Slovenia, which has a population of fewer than two million people, is expected to call out 68,000 reservists but has arms for only 40,000. They are heavily outnumbered by the better-equipped 138,000-strong federal army. The death toll From violence in Croatia on Wednesday is still confused. Reuter and Agence-France Presse said four had been killed while Associated Press said seven. Reuler said the four killed and 14 injured were hurl in two gunbaitles involving Croatian police and members of the Serbian minority of 600,000 — about 13 per cent of the 4.5 million people in the republic. Yugoslav army tanks were sent into the towns of Glina and Brsadin to keep the peace after the clashes, which took to at least 26 the death toll in violence this year between Croats and Serbs. Many of the Serbian minority have taken up arms to oppose breakaway moves, which have helped plunge Yugoslavia into a deep political and economic crisis. - ' * ; ■ l-.-J JH iiffi J Í 11 f ** i — Jm 4 stet sr jfeÜI - yb* . . V 1 ñ ffl m » fi I SN REPUBLIK SL0VENIJ l a, 1 ... p r >: 2 , - ■ _ ^ , j 5 ■■ yL;» rf i « - * Of . 1 • 'T'J b * % >. . ' - I 1 IP fl hJ 11 PS^SbVÄ ^BS V2 i i ' ' i •; ■ - I I. giT Bvifili .. .üV'j I* ^É&aL.' • "«RP J Er 4 9 a a m , % -ft ' ¿ t-i- • m „ Mfiyifc'BTi m DEFENDER: A Slovenian guard patrols the Austrian frontier, watching for Yugoslav tanks. The Age, June 28. Slovenia defies the tanks Bp i? t y — w ^ r ^ _ - % 11 Ev OA AH AM BARRETT, European correipoodtnt. L odd on. Thun^ay Tension nose in Slovenia today n the Yugoslav Army threatened to crush all resistance to I he military. uid the rebel r«imti>ic authorised Its fortes to shoot. The Slovenian Pr^iJciil, Mr Milan KuCnn, sail) hi* republic would ait alt Hi means lo defend I'mII against atlatk by Yugoslav federal troops, nn-d appealed to the people lo fight for Shivcni». In <1 radio slate mrni, he suid Slove nla had euhoj-istd its territorial defence units to use arms. Tanks rolled towards the Stove-man capital of Ljubljana, apparently heeded for Its Fsmik Airport, Slovenes scrnniljled to ',i[ia P.t-h, Lifector for (.ue Eastern Euiupr. Section. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade del: Ub 261 3653) asked that ue notify him of any delegates for wham ue had fears for their safety. He promised that the Australian Embassy uould do what it could for then. 2:15 Ule arrived at the American Embassy and uere there net by Mr Robert Carlson, Second Secretary. Ue said to fir Carlson that ue kneu that the United States and the American people wanted denocracy and freedom for all people but that the comments by the Secretary of State, Mr James Baker had served to encourage the Yugoslav Army to attack Slovenia. Ue felt that because of this the United States had a responsibility to act to stop the violence. Ue emphasised tint Slovenians only uanted the same democracy and freedom that Americans enjoyed. Ue appealed to fir Carlson to do all that he could to stop the uar. He promised to pass our letter and representations on to Uashingtou, Ue finished by telling Mr Carlson that, as a world pouer, the United States has a duty to stop the killing, 3:G0 Ue marched from the United States Embassy to the Embassy of the European Community. Here ue net with Ambassador iinul Jurgenson. He listened to us and indicated that he and the members of the European Cnmmimity were also concerned about the violence ill Slovenia. Ue told bin that the statement by the Foreign Ministers of the Community had served to encourage the Yugoslav ftrny to attack Slovenia and to start the blood shed. The Community therefore had to hear Some responsible for what had happened. Ue further told him that as neighbours of Slouenia itwas in their own interests to act to stop the war. He told us that the Community would be holding an emergency meeting tomorrow and that he was sure that Slouenia uould be discussed and he hoped that a solution would be found. 3:45 flftcr the meeting ue again addressed the gathering and reported oil the meeting. Cuetko Falez reminded then that we uere here because Slovenians had died, Slovenians uere dying and that more Slovenian uould die unless the war was ended immediately. He then called for a short silence to remember tho^e that had already died. The rally concluded with an appeal for to all ta go home and pray "or the people of Slovenia and of Croatia. They were also asked to tell all their fri nds about what was happening in Slouenia so that they too would do something to stop the Killing. Eucn if one life was saued, our efforts would have been worthwhile. Ue separated until Sunday at 2:B0 when we would hold another rally ill front of Parliament House. In addition, the Croatians said that they uould also organise a uigi fnont of Parliament House. I in From noon onwards Canberra television and radio carried reports of our press conference and of our deputations to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and to the Embassies. The press gave us good and sympathetic coverage. 6 00 The members of the Slovenian Association decided that, despite what had happened in Slovenia, the planned celebrations for this weekend must go un. They resolued that Slouenia tias independent. They resolued that Slouenia uould not give in. They resolued that Slouenia would remain independent. The resolued that Slovenia would not give in and that the activities would go on. adelaide adchudc V nedeljo popoldne je bilo mirovno zborovanje Hrvatov, Slovencev, Muslimanov in Albancev v Parku miru, North Adelaide, s priložnostnimi govori narodnih skupin. Zborovanja seje udeležilo okrog dva tisoč ljudi. Za slovensko skupnost sta govorila ing. Franci Svirt v slovenščini in prof. Lavra Premrl v angleščini. Podan je bil kratek oris zgodovine Slovencev in njihove dolgoletne želje po svobodi, s pozivom avstralski vladi za priznanje samostojnosti Slovenije. Poročevalec iz SA Delegates at the Slovenian World Congress in Ljubljana. 1991 — odbor kongresa za posamezno državo ae oblikuje eamoetojno in Je pri avojea delovanju neodvisen ter lahko neposredno navezuje odno3e a cru^iai odbori 02.matično Slovenijo in poaaaesninl orcaniza cijaci.Prav ta^co lati^o anaoarojno organizira poaacezne dejavnosti v le ¿orist tretjih oaeb.lfjegova dejavnoat Je omejena izključno a Cilji S3i£, oz, sklepi ¿ongreaa. jisnaciranje* - 3leherna dejavnost in izvajanje slehernega projekta se financira aaaoatcjno v okviru naČrtatJ£i ga sprejme nosilec take dejavnosti oztprojekta« - kongrsa praviloma ni neposreden nosilec posameznih dejavno; in projejitov.Če ae na kongreau aprejce sklap o začetim ka.;e'de javr.o ati oz.projekta,se določi tU Ji neposrednega nosilca, - stroški kongresa se poitrivajo tako, da vsak odbor nosi atros-ta svojih delegatov,ostali nerazdelni 3troši£i pa se pokrivajo ■saj£0,da se sorazmerno porazdelijo med odbore glede na Število nji-novih člar.ov. Odbori seo načinu sritja strokov kongresa lahko dogovorijo tudi drugače glede na avoje finančne sposobnosti. - - redni stroSki za administrativne in funkcionalne izdatke predsedstva in sekretariata se določijo a proraSunon,ki ga 3prejne kongrea.7 proračunu se določijo tudi viri dohodkov,in njih nosilci. Sekretariat: - SSiC ima za opravzjjanje tekočih adaninistrativnih in n.h poslov sekretarja SSK,ki mu je v pomoč potrebno Število tshrič oz,administrativnega 03ebja. — sekretariat ima stalni sedež........... - 3dkretarja S iouentj* ki svoje posle praviloma opravlja kot stalno profesionalno dejavnoatjinenuje predaedatvo'SSK. Cilji j - vzdrževati povezanost in zavest o alovensii pripadnosti ned Slovenci v "aatici,samejatvu,zdomatvu in izaeljenižtvu - razvijati različne oblike gospodarskega in kulturnega sodelovanja aed Slovenci in medsebojna pomoS na teh področjih. - podpirati prizadevanja Slovencev na njihovem aatienen nast litvenec območjti za narodno auverejioat,kar vključuje njihovo pravic do oblikovanja lastne državl^li vključevanja v nadnacicnalne pove: - orsanisirati mednarodno podporo Slovencem, ki 30 preganjan ali v nsvamoati zaradi svojih političnih staliiSČ in prepričanj ■ - podpirati in posredovati stike med slovenskim narodoc ter drugimi narodi in ¿riavami ter mednarodnimi organizacijami,tako na ravni vlad,različnih institucij, pa tudi na ravni posameznikov - seznanjati svetovno javnost s problemi slovenskega narodne vprašanja ter dosežki in prispevki slovenskega naroda k scdaioviir.ju r.a širši regionalni in mednacionalni osnovi. T^V. tprMtj* Slovenia at war THE tank barricades and gun emplacements surrounding Ljubljana, Slovenia's bijou capital, spell out a single message: the glorious gamble taken by this republic's leaders, their fond hope that declaring independence from Yugoslavia would be a simple matter of procedure, was mistaken. As the Yugoslav army tightens its grip on Slovenia's border crossings and battles for control of the international airport at nearby Brnik, it is becoming clear that the language of force will engulf Slovenia's peaceful "proclamation of statehood", celehrated here on Wednesday night with all the fine naively of a small nation rediscovering long-vanished traditions. Slovenia, so close geographically to Western Europe, with the look of a tiny Switzerland and the culture of a Hapsburg protectorate, is now locked in a duel with the last post-communist regime of the East prepared to send in weapons against Its own people. Both sides are fighting with fierce conviction to secure the moral high ground: Slovenia's Prime Minister Lojze Peterle speaks of "barbaric acts" by the federal army while the Government in Belgrade insists that its actions are justified in order to keep the country together. Slovenia's leaders evidently believed they would not face tanks and MiG fighters; at most, they expected an economic blockade, a war of words, grandstanding and threats. Now their placid land Is crawling with tank columns, their fledgling army is engaged and they are locked in a battle with a foe that must win in order to preserve the very existence of federal Yugoslavia. Slovene television has been turned Into an open channel carrying constant, grizzly images of tanks crushing obstacles, bodies in ambulances being ferried to hospital. For the young leaders of Slovenia, with their priest-like demeanour, their touching trust in the ideals of Europe, their longing for acceptance as a peaceful nation, the events of the past 48 hours fulfil a nightmare. Their script was quite different: marginal to Yugoslavia, divided by language and culture, they believed the flashpoint in any challenge from Belgrade would come in neighbouring Croatia; it was Croatia, the ancient rival of dominant Serbia, that should have borne the brunt of any retaliation. But they made a fatal error; by assuming control, on independence day, of their borders they were threatening to assume not only the form of independence, the rhetoric and the flags, but also the substance. They knew the federal army had long-developed contingency plans to take over these strategic points: the documents had even been leaked and published in the Ljubljana newspaper Delo. Yet they decided to press ahead with their independence blueprint, and as relations with Yugoslavia's federal Government deteriorated, they hardened their plans — Slovenia's President, Mr Milan Kuean, himself a reformed communist, spoke just before independency day of his vision of Slovenia as a genuine Stated From Page 25 Ljubljana had long expressed its hope for a remodelled confederation of sovereign Yugoslav States — but this idea faded swiftly from the picture. It was Slovenia which printed its own passports, began soliciting International sympathy and recognition and blazed a trail for other republics thinking of secession. Set against the background of poll-tics in Belgrade, where the authority of the federal institutions has been crumbling in the past three months, Slovenia's strategy was inevitably viewed as more than a provocation — it was a dagger pointing to the heart of the Yugoslav establishment. If Slovenia was allowed to go free, federal Yugoslavia would be the first victim. The Slovenes thus unwittingly united the Serbian nationalists, determined to preserve their own position as the chief force In the country, and the federalists. The federal Prime Minister, Ante Markovie, a man much given to preaching economic reform and new relations within Yugoslavia, found himself faced with a dreadful choice: he could either remain pacific, and allow the destruction of his own power, or send in the army. Markovic telegraphed his Intentions when he addressed the Croatian Parliament on Monday. He was prepared, he said, to use all means at his disposal to preserve Yugoslavia intact. This was an implicit threat to send in the tanks. Croatia understood him; the Parliament replied that it would fight. Slovenia paid no heed, and brought down his retribution. Communications had virtually broken down between Ljubljana and Belgrade, thanks to the collapse of the federal presidency. Had the Slovene leaders attempted a staged process of Independence, leaving Yugoslav authorities in charge of their borders, the army might not have moved. Faced with demands from Ljubljana for the army's detachments in the republic to remain In their barracks, the generals chose their well-laid contingency plan. Even as the cheers for Slovenia's Independence were dying away in front of the Ljubljana Parliament, the soldiers were heading for the frontiers. The putsch had begun. At first, government ministers in Ljubljana felt the situation was containable, even that their own forces would be able to act as a peaceful deterrent. There was much evocation of nonviolent resistance, of strategies of denial. But after a few hours the army was lea fie ting the citizens of Ljubljana, warning simply that all resistance would be "broken", Slovenia, living under pressure and drenched in uncertainties for months, dug In and resisted. The situation is now close to the worst: deaths and injuries have made compromise impossible. Slovenia's peaceful path to freedom stands revealed as a tragic underestimation of the politics of Yugoslavia. This kind of empire is at its most dangerous when gravely weakened. Ljubljana now waits like a lamb for the slaughter, its flimsy barricades no proof against a military charge. AH its symbols of defiance are prov- Stricken feel to the capital Ing as flimsy as paper, while the pinpricks It draws can only enrage the assailant. The chances of a graduated move towards Independence may always have been illusory but Slovenia's first taste of freedom for centuries lasted only a few hours. There Is a stricken feel to the capital: automatic weapons fire spasmodically; unexplained incidents multiply while fighting swells under cover of darkness. The alms of the army are murky, the chain of command unknown. Many here fear that the generals arc writing their own script as they go. A certain ghastly quality of cinema verife Is In the air as film pictures come in from all around the republic showing scenes that come straight from Cold War history. Phone lines flicker on and off, the borders are sealed and the city waits. The suddenness of the explosion, the mismatch between ideals and result, are hallucinatory. Bulletins flash in from the frontline while wild reports of shooting at the borders proliferate. Helicopters hum overhead and the streets empty. Perhaps today, the tanks will come. And the Slovenian flag, newly designed and hoisted, waves desperately. - VETER MY FRIEND WIND Sonce zahaja, žari ognjeno nebo, veter boža vrbo lahno; cveto poljane, žito valovi -v daljavi Triglav v nebo kipi. "Jaz, veter, pa ne morem s teboj, ne morem na trato nocoj. O, veter, dekle moje ima tako mehke lase rad bi jo poljubil v slovo; veter, pobožaj njene nežne roke - rad bi jih stisnil mehko. Veter, jaz ne morem na trato nocoj, ne morem, veter, s teboj! Raztrgana prsa, prestreljene noge: krvavi mi srce... O, veter, pobožaj v slovo moje ljubljene. Veter, pohiti k materi in jo poljubi predno utrujena zatisne oči. Pohiti k očetu, mu stisni roko -rad bi se mu še enkrat naslonil na ramo. Pohiti, veter, položi roko bratcu na kodrasto glavo in vzemi v naročje sestrico malo. Jaz pa ne morem, veter, nocoj -nikdar več ne morem domov s teboj. Veter, pobožaj moje dekle v slovo: objemi jo rahlo, nežno. 'Rad te imam', ji pošepni in jo poljubi. Veter, moje kaplje krvi, naj bodo topli objemi; moje kaplje krvi, naj bodo slovesa poljubi; moje kaplje krvi naj bodo val njihove nove moči; veter, moje zadnje kaplje krvi naj bodo jim stopinje v svobodi..." Evening sunset burnishes the sky, the wind caresses the willow, the fields are full of flowers, the wheat sways ■ in the distance, Triglav punctuates the sky. "Dear friend Wind, I cannot come with you today, I cannot go to the meadows. O, Wind, my sweetheart has such soft hair - I long to kiss her goodbye; Wind, caress her gentle hands - how I ache to hold them again. Wind, I cannot go to the meadows, I cannot come with you! My breast is torn, my legs shattered: my heart bleeds... O, Wind, caress my loved ones goodbye. Wind, rush to my mother, kiss her before she wearily falls asleep. Rush to my father, hold his hand -how I yearn to lean on his shoulder just once more. Rush, Wind, stroke my brother's curls and hold my little sister. But tonight I cannot come, Wind -never again can I return home with you. Wind, caress my sweetheart goodbye: embrace her gently. Whisper, 'I love you', and kiss her. Wind, let my drops of blood be warm embraces; let my drops of blood be farewell kisses; let my drops of blood be their wave of new strength; Wind, let my last drops of blood be their steps into freedom..." Draga Gelt, Melbourne, 28 June 1991 Translated by Dr Elizabeth Tomažič Herald Sun, June 28. The Hon. R.J.L. HAWKE, AC Prime Minister of Austialia Parliament House, Canberra, ACT, 2600. r WE, AUSTRALIAN f.tTI7ENS OF SLOVENL fJCSCENVF 1 ¿4Y ' j*. Wi eW &V1 \ *.f >> republics Four «¡t farce planet last night bombed the main Bunt airport otttside »he Slovenian capital, Ljubljana. The Slovenian Information Minister, Mr Kacin, said two army planca had it» boenbed the airport in Muribor. Sloveniamain industrial city. The Slovenian Interior M wilier, Mr Bavcar, accused ihc federal force* of bobbing civilian Slovenian defence unilf had earlier been reported to be fighl-m| fierce bank* with (be Yugoslavian army in two place». • * . ihc AMrin Gov* 1HHM. d it weald formally protest to Yugoslavia for vioUt-mg us air space during a hc-rnbi ng raid on n boedet pQM. The Austrian Defence Minw-ter, Mr Fasriaben-J, »id three Yugoslavian fighter-bombers had fljwn ikrn into Austria before bomfcng i he Senlilj border poal i.tee report befcm |. The Slovenian Defence Minnie, Mr Jansa, uid 100 people had been killed or wounded in Slovenia. which with neighboring Croatia declared independence o« Tuesday in defiance of through barncades of bims and iracior trailers and firod an Slo-unijn defence umts Jl Radenci, 6km from lbe Auslrian border The ballte rafed for 40 minutes. wüh michinefuot ro*riag froai a toliamn of five lants and fiv» ununil w-back* carrying about 60 tnen. In Maribor, * Slovenian Police man »II shot dead bv Ihc artny in a gunbaltlc ttul leit lül police car nddled wiih taöets, Two Stovenian militiamen were killcd yeateriiay in a gun battle with Yugoslav —,J---- ¿«day in t Yugoslavian aulWili 111 word, tl Skwenia." he saed Witneases said federal army tanks and arnaored vehicles »itn mnebineguns had smashed En Ljubljana. the charred, contorted bodies or two army pilots lay sprayed m a wealthy suburban road in the Slovenian capital after their helicopter was i hot down by police The Yugoslavian army «id five of 111 iddieri bad been killed in two military helicopters shot down by Slovenes. The Slovenes said they had Planes scream in 50m from ground L peo ple hen i irj (•(¡oslan jets bomted trucks tnd railway cart blocking the main border tTosv i»S from A uatria to V«fMlwta 1 watched the jets circle the are* twice to «et Ike lie of the land and head rWrli into Aintria. After taming back la the H wrramias the road, and an unknown nun-bev of dead and injured, On« Avarrkan (ruck dri*er said at least fltr people had been killed hat this c We dired for e dropped tl goa arm) tanks situated j*st t Wim down the road fr dob the blockade upened iire with mach inffivns- Eteryaac raa back ta (he MDt liur v of the bosocs- F'arller, the taaks had ao( retaliated when a Slovenian nili-tiamaa bidden In the woods »r i.hjiki i be border pocis Bit one with aa >Bii-taak greoade, injuring the dri ter. Aa ha or »r M later two >eta agai n flew o»er the horde« pbe federal government was catling the ahota or if the defence forces were acting independently. Slovenia's IVp«t> Foreign Minister, Mr Dhaler, said the Wen hid a responsibility to become involved in the Yugosla- Mr Dhaler said froen Ljubljana that Western notions must try to stop the righting before peace negotiation! »«Id begin In Luxembourg, liaropean Commanily leader* agreed to tend three Foreign Ministers to Yugoslavia to try to hall the fightiflg- ln Belgrade, Ihc Yugoslavian (overnmcnt called for an immediate end to the use of armed forces thrvyghout the country. In a brief «mmunKiuc issued at the end of the meet ing cha ired by ihc Federal Pmne Minister, ln Mr Markos'ic, the Government '' t'f * ^ - ; fj ' ' .. * * . ' J A YUGOSLAVIAN soldier pews through a wlrwJow shuttered by bultets during Serb-Croat (ighiing Glirta in Croatia. Aussies in war zone CANBERRA: Up ta 7000 Australians were caught la Vugoalatia as the country descended into (oil war. was io protect Yugoslavia's borders. Mr Markovic's closest aide, the Deputy Prime Minister, Mr Pregl, who is a Slovene, igned. saying he was In Zagreb. Croatian officials emphasised that their independence declaration was not the outright secession mttch of the world has interpreted it to be. Cauidrtm oi athiHc hrta. Pag« 29 be directly (hreateatd by the trouble*. But 4104 t «»at rial** ba»e enrolled on a Foreign Affairs llepartmeat safety register to keep la rejgatar coat act with ■vtfcnririr« if IwWvair ewthtted. Many of the Australian passport holders 111 Luc in Yugo-daiia are thought to he retirws. The foreign Minister, Senator Lraas. yeilrrday espretied A TANK crash«* through a roadblock r*ar Ljubljana alrporl yeslnedAy. The Courier-Mail, 29 June, p.5. A PROUD heritage but uncertain future for those left behind ... Croatlans and Slovenians support independence of their homelands at yesterday's Brisbane rally. Residents fear air raids From Pag» 1 At an emotional press briefing. a Slovenian spokesman said he feared thai because of a change of personnel in charge of the Yugoslavian chemical warfare plant in Belgrade, which had been taken over by "a hardline Serb", chemical warfare against the new republic could not be ruled out. Meanwhile, Yugoslavia has protested to Austria about Aus- trian troops being deployed along its border. Yugoslavia is bordered by seven countries but Slovenia, in the north-west, has three countries sharing its border — Italy, Austria and Hungary. Austria ordered troops to the border and increased aerial patrols along it after a Yugoslav jet fighter flew over Austrian air-spacc before attacking a road block on the Slovenian side of the border. The European Community made a dramatic bid to halt the slide into civil war and the break-up of the Balkan federation, proposing a three-point peace plan. It looks to be in tatters. The crisis is the worst Yugoslavia has faced since World War II. its leaders fear the 72-year-old federation of si* republics and two provinces will collapse. PERTH The West Australian, 29 June, p.8 29 June Di i l ---V-'^" :'K>I- —J^'. tiirUiom. Po mojem pogovoru z Vami iz Ljublajane, prejšnjo sredo, se je seveda veliko zgodilo in ludt moja napoved, da se jugoslovanske armije ni treba bati, je bila napačna. Priznati moram, da sem se tega vedno bal, toda sem se prepričeval, da do tega priti ne sme. Oglasiti sem se morda moral že prej, roda sem stalno visel pri rele vizij i in radiju ter hlastal za novicami, da Vam lahko javim tudi kakšno veselo. Končno se obeta premirje, se vedno pa ni zadeva z: V kolikor sem bil povezan z Ado, Cvetkom in Avstralijo, sem vesel, da ste dobro obveščeni in da skrbno zasledujete dogodke v Sloveniji, Hvaležen sem Vam za trud in za skrb, ki ste jih pokazali z Vašimi protesti in nastopi. Čast i tam Vam vsem in vsakemu posebej, saj sem prepričan, da ste pomagali opozoriti svetovno javnost, ki nam je zdaj izredno naklonjena. Tudi jaz sem v imenu Slovenskega narodnega sveta pisal Primerni nistru Hawku in Presidentu Bushu. Vsi skupaj smo na svetovno javnost vplivali. Kako je bilo v Ljubljani ? Po tem, ko sem govoril z Vam i, telefonsko v sredo zvečei; sem se vrnil k Šestič i, gostilni v Ljubljani, kjer smo se srečali vsi avstralski delegati. Razglas o osamosvojitvi prejšnjo večer je prvotno počasi vplival na ljudi, toda je z vedno hiirejšo naglico spreminjal vzdušje. Vse več novih zastav je pričelo plapolati po Ljubljani, obešali so se krasni plakati 'Samostojna in neodvisna Slovenija'. Ljudje so prihajali na ceste in Ljubljana je pričela živeti, kot je Se nisem videl poprej. Stojnice so pričele prodajali majhne, na hitro izdelane in zelo drage zastavice. Dekleta so pričela prodajati nageljne. Vse ve£ je bilo izobešenih zastav, ki so bile v posebnem pomankanju. Delegati za Svetovni kongres smo ob peti uri bili povabljeni na sprejem v Rotovžu pri ljubljanskem županu. Zaplesali sta nam dve Maroltovi plesni skupini v gorenjskih in ljubljanskih narodnih nošah. Ti prizori so bili enkratni, vzdušje pa svečano in ganljivo. Sledil je sprejem pri županu v prvem nadstropju s pozdravom župana in od^dravom g. Zdemsarja. Sledila so srečanja vredna zlata. Cvetja in Johna bo zanimalo, da sem srečal Pavlo in Ivana Koroscc iz Argentine, Kako veseli smo bili tega snidenja je težko opisati. Srečali smo tudi ljubljanskega nadškofa, gospoda Tineta De beljaka in mogo iskrenih Že na sprejemu smo zvedeli, da bo imel g. nadškof ob pol sedmih zahvalno sveto maso v stolnici, kamor smo pohiteli tik za sprejemom. Cerkev je bila nabito polna, veličastno petje je d vigalo ginjenost, nadškof pa je povdaril, da zrno mora pasti v zemljo in umreti, da obrodi Naslednja prireditev je bila otvoritev razstave umetnika g. Rapotca iz Sydneja. Tudi tu smo srečali nekaj znancev, tudi gospoda Aleksandra Zorna in prve člane Slovenske izseljenske matice. Razstava je bila zelo uspešna, voditeljica umetniške galerije mi je ponudila v prodajo krasno sliko Bleda, ki stane tri tisoč dolarjev. Društvo rabi nekaj tako drage«:enega, vendar Kontno smo se odpravili na veliko slavje na trg med Skupščino in Cankarjev dom. Že ob osmi uri je po vsej Ljubljani mrgolelo ljudi. Na irgu se skoraj nt dobilo prostora, kjer bi Človek imel neoviran pogled. Žal se nisem javil na upravi Kongresa poprej, kjer bi dobil prepustnico med povabljene goste in Člane kongresa. Vseeno me to ni motilo in v prihodnji uri ali dveh sem doživljal najlepše ure mojega življenja v navdušenju in solzah. Ko se je nižala zastava z zvezdo in dvigovala nava, prekrasna Slovenska irobojnica je trepetalo srce in veselja ni bilo konca. Gotovo bodo na razpolago kasete, ki so zabeležile te zgodovinske Po proslavi so bili gostje, poslanci in člani Kongresa povabljeni na sprejem v Cankarjev dom. Tudi tu smo pozdravili veliko pomembnih ljudi od predsednika Kučana do predsednika Peterleta in mnogih ministrov. Najbolj ponosen sem pa bi), ko sem s lis rt i I roko prvemu slovenskemu vojaku, poveljniku Slovenske teritorijeJne obrambe. Zopet naj poročam osebno, da sem srečal bratranca Štefana Faleža iz Rima, zdaj slovenskega poslanika Republike Slovenije za [talijo in Vatikan. Krasno pripravljen sprejem je seveda samo po sebi umevna ^adeva, saj je tudi tO bilo le enkrat v zgodovini našega naroda. Ura se je bližala polnoči in Povabili so nas k Trnovski fari, kjer so ob polnoči pričeli zvonili z vsemi zvonovi. To pa ni bilo vse, saj so kurili tudi kres, župnik pa je stregel z vinom, kot se ob takem veselju spodobi. Vsi smo bili £idane volje, najbolj pa župnik sam in pesmi ni bilo konca. Že ves dan sem se odpravljal k bratrancu, v isto trnovsko faro, kjer bi naj prespal vsaj vse dni Kongresa, pa gladko nisem utegnil. Kot čudež je ob eni uri priromaJ uidi on in smo se tamkaj srčno pozdravili. Mnogo jih je Se osi a! o. toda ob treh zjutraj je utrujenost vsaj mene premagala. Ves čas je bila z mano tudi sestra Marija Osolrtik, ki je imela prespali blizu Domžal pri drugem bratrancu Ediju, ki je načelnik policije. Odločili smo se, da me pusti v Ljubljani, zjutraj pa me pobere, da skupno pojdeva-na kongres. Hitro po peti uri zjutraj me kiičejo rta telefon. Oglaša se Marija in naznanja: "Vojna je i "Vse ceste so zaprte in ne morem do tebe. Kongresa gotovo nebo. Ti lahko prideš do mene z vlakom pmti Kamniku, Pridi čimprej, Edi svetuje, da gresta preko Velenja in Dravograda na Koroško, ker boš prvi na vrsti, Če se kaj ponesreči, saj si na listi." Zato Vam zdaj piSem iz Koroške in tudi tu človek težko najde čas za pisanje, pa vendar sem moral posvetiti nekaj časa in spregovoriti tudi o hrabrosti in sposobnosti naše vlade, vseh voditeljev in vsega naroda. Mnogokrat smo mislili, da ni pripravljen na žrtve, še manj za žrtve v samostojnost. Kako smo se varali. Že poprej mi je pripovedoval Edi; ' Pripravljeni smo na najhujše, toda ne vemo na koga se lahko zanesemo. Naša stran je mlada in neizkušena." Zdaj ni več mlada in neizkušena. Kdo bi jih ne cenil in ljubil ? Lojze pošljite Naj zaključim in upam, da Vas to pismo vse najde zdrave. Verjetno se bom v kratkem vrnil v Slovenijo, poskušal sem že včeraj, pa so me Avstrijci poslali nazaj. Srčno Vas vse If. PERTH The West Australian, 29 June, p. 9. MELBOURNE \PU iMilSIM E SIS .apS3i'1S-. 1lh i(r>!jl|] !BE III!'«! is jj§|a§»|lBäi!iä f f iMillllpri i|iiiiiilsl!li Ilsioss ejiifSstS IllliH - S IS® |l imt itsts fit 111 ^Miii. ip J c 3, ii rt o L. in hi hi II I jri'lUlllx! < < < r s ss i 5 lil.Sf ¡Ifgsi 11 his ■ "5 8|sje 6 3 ^ ijl-c t = i i-lültl The Weekend Australian, 29 June, p.11. e u V un ii ¡„Mas iiwlll i 3 7 = w 0 a -Iflllll - tj ü to x: 55 ^ s 1 ■a I a B ao a. 'S 1? 3 C E be .s rt pS f i (ft 1 be I £ -3 a=ie2 oi H n J3! l^sl; jfiaf s«. EsP IlllJi^Ilii^lsFllPs "sffl&Se aai '"^ss'si'iss'flj" SlelJlElSgssliIIFi6ls?öll'H It lll^Pli lilSl» ll^E-il 11*11 ihpj liil^-iLsJ^l sJIW iityiyJi^ lalfal iSnS.iilifiilai iiuiAAiPihtit^Uua^shj 1991 29 June SLOVENIA ATH- Mcs. tftui-zu LlcMn r Fjn' At^radL ^ee^fM-^. /6 So^ca- REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA MINISTRSTVO ZA ZUNANJE ZADEVE LJUBLJANA, Gregorčičeva 25 - p.p. «1 td. 224 141, 219 439 - fax 213 357 Sestanek predsednika Predsedstva Republike Slovenije Milana Kučana in zunanjega ministra Republike Slovenije dr. Dimitrija Rupla s skupino zunanjih ministrov, predstavnikov Evropske skupnosti Jacquesom Poosom (Luksemburg), Giaimi de Michelisom (Italija) in Van de Brookom (Nizozemska) ter komisarjem Komisije Evropske skupnosti za Sredozemlje A. Katutesom V noči od 28. na 29. junij se je skupina evropskih zunanjih ministrov na poti iz Beograda ustavila v Zagrebu, Tam se je srečala s hrvaških predsednikom F. Tudmanom in slovenskim predsednikom M, Kučanom. Potem, ko je na svojo pobudo dobila pozitivne odgovore s strani federalne jugoslovanske vlade in s strani srbskega predsednika, je Tudmanu in Kučanu zastavila tri vprašanja: 1. ali hrvaški in slovenski predsednik sprejemata premirje in umik JLA v kasarne, 2. ali je mogoče pričakovati odložitev deklaracij o neodvisnosti za 3 mesece in izvajanja 3. ali se voditelja strinjata, da je treba spoštovati ustavni red z izvolitvijo Mesida kot predsednika Predsedstva SFRJ? Že na prvi pogled je bilo jasno, da imata slovenska in hrvaška stran pri odgovarjanju na ta vprašanja različna stališča, saj je Republika SIoveni ja v vo jni, oziroma je v vojni na povsem drugačen način kot Hrvaška, Predsednik Kučan je na prvo vprašanje odgovoril, da premirje ni nikakršen problem, ker se je slovenska stran zgolj branila pred okupacijsko vojsko in je seveda pripravljena kadarkoli zaustaviti vojaške operacije, če se jugoslovanska vojska vrne v kasarne oziroma umakne s teritorija Slovenije. Postavitev Mesida je problem jugoslovanske države in problem Hrvaške, če nadaljujejo s svojim sodelovanjem v tej državi. Kar zadeva vprašanje odložitve izvajanja slovenske neodvisnosti za Slovenijo na tej točki ni umika, medtem ko je sama Slovenija že prej večkrat pojasnjevala, da je pripravljena nadaljnje dopolnilne korake delati postopoma in v sporazumevanju z mednarodnim okoljem, jugoslovanskim in evropskim. To izhaja tudi iz slovenske deklaracije o neodvisnosti in iz ustavnih dokumentov, z dne 25.6. 1991. 29 June Slovenska delegacija je zelo jasno dala vedeti trem i!. .L I:.; .'. i.. ; ■■ ".U: :'. "otki .-to:..:..-;:. ^ SLOVENIA neodvisnosti ne more odstopiti, navsezadn je tudi zato ne, ker so kot žrtve brutalne agresije padli slovenski ljudje. Predsednik Kučan je še posebej poudaril, da je končen odgovor na tri vprašanja odvisen od odločitve slovenskega parlamenta. Za slovensko delegacijo je seveda prejkoslej pomembno - to je bilo tudi povedano in je dokazljivo s posnetki nastopov, da se brutalna agresija in okupacija Slovenije neha. Tu so si bila stališča evropskih ministrov in slovenske delegacije podobna podobna. Slovenska delegacije se je udeležila sestanka z evropsko delegacijo zato, ker je menila, da mora slednja dobiti informacijo o stanju iz prve roke in zato, da bi preprečila enostranske učinke stikov s federalnimi oblastmi. V ta namen je slovenska delegacija trem predstavnikom izročila posnetke bojev, ki pričajo o brutalni agresiji jugoslovanske vojske na ozemlju države Sloveni je. Včera jšnji sestanek je bil sestanek predstavnikov Slovenije s predstavniki Evropske skupnosti. Po tem pogovoru je zdaj na vrsti pogovor s predstavniki Jugoslavi je, v katerem bo treba doseči popoln umik jugoslovanske vojske z ozemlja Slovenije in povrnitev vojne škode. Dr. Dimitrij Rupel MINISTER l^ca^a. L lian j Koi^ces, toU u^eSea , mpcal WvU ffedčbs-ao doMoulna s\ov/eva'^a ploTtivA\£L oV-u^ae^o. t^eče- ofcta^i^Kje 3 jt^a - ce^rau v Aa Z. ¿H-Oafn , D usam La\tXAc_ \<\ \a2r ^ P*ispetflB% »red. .pol uve. C fK\ U to, nt ^t^o , \ J y tj A-v<.t*.eJ\> tJci» cacod. \rvcaJocč>} e»^- ^Mjtii Lč-v ^o^tij^o odi T? ulsguSu^lV- - SLOVENIA War in Slovenia: Mari and Franci Lenarsic drove Afred Breznik to Ljubljana to attend SSK, but due to barricades at Brezovica could not complete the journey. From the other side of the barricades the journalists of RTV Ljubljana took him to the World Slovenian Congress in Ljubljana. ■JOE V H H 61759412 P.81 29 June BRISBANE JOŽI VAH FAX - TEL.(075)9^1162 00LD COASÏ.qLD. Gûapa ¡Jragoric, Na vale vprašanje vam takoj odgovarjam.Ml a o o proslavljali osamosvojitev Slovenije včeraj ,26. junija 1991 ,pri(Tetek ob 14.00 uri v prostorih Slovensko Australekcija društva "P L i K I H 1" * Coraublji.Ker ni bilo veliko éaea ca obveščanj» rojakov,ano sklicali t» »Zgodovinski dogodek" kftr po telefonu,čeprav ja preko 200 icm razdalje od nae tukaj na Zlati obali, do savernega dala Sončne obale.Zbralo se je zalo lepo stavilo rojakov,saj »mo pričakovali la kakih prisotnih je bilo preko 50.Povabili smo vse TV postaje in Îasopins, .Novinarji največjega časopisa v <4ueensland-u so nam ugodili "THE COURIER MAH" .Jaz sam imel kratek intervju,in to-ls je rezultat njihovega obiaka na nafem Hribiku.Upam, da bo fotografija dobra tudi za vai članek v »SLOVEN3K0t PI3KU".TV Chansl 9 »aa Je tudi obiskal,vT»ll so kratek intervju,kot tudi filmali dvorano s rojaki v rajanju ob tej priliki.Tudi ABC Chanel 2 no nas obiskali ir. kot prva TV postaja,tako Je ti tukaj se izvedlo to,kar je bilo najvažne>e,poka*9ti veselje naših rojakov ob teo zgodovinskem dogodku. Oba TV postaji eta imeli vee to sinoei na novicah,kot Časopis,pa smo na pati strani,tega ogromnega ¿aaopiea(kot lahko sani vidita. Tofcaj tako smo ai praznovali dan,kateri bo zapisa« v slovenski ugodovini z ZLATIMI Srkaai. Danes p» sem bil v stiku z loKalni* MP »važna vlado g.John-o» Bradford.Prosil se« ga,da sra v atik z zunanji» ainistroa v Canberi.d* se poSljs najo»trejfe "PROTEST NOTE-s" v Beograd in na 01N,da as takoj konca brezpotrebno uničevanj* privatne lastnina v Sloveniji od članov Jugoslovanska Ana&de,fcsr,da sa sačnajo pogajanja med Slovenijo in Jugoslavijo na miren in prijateljski način. O.Bradford mi J« obljubil,da bo etoril ve»,kar je v njegovi aoii,povdaril pa je,da bi bilo potrebno nekaj podobnega pO vseh državah,kot Yie.NSW itd.rezultat,bi bil dosti bolj nooan»mogoče lahko vi,ga.3rsgorič apelirate na funkcionarje Narodnih Svatov,naj to etorijo ci a praje. J. Vab SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET ■ VIKTORIJA SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL ■ VICTORIA MELBOURNE (AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA ZA SVEIOVN! SIQVEMSW KONGRES; (australian slovenian CONFERENCE EOfl SLOVENIAN WORLD CONGRESS 29 June 1991. The Hon. R- J.L. HAWKE, A,C. Prime minister of Australia Parliament House, Canberra, ACT, 2600 WE, AUSTRALIAN CITIZENS OF SLOVENIAN DESCENT, ARE DEEPLY CONCERNED BY THE OCCUPATION OF SLOVENIA BY THE YUGOSLAVIAN MILITARY AGAINST THE WISHES OF THE PEOPLE OF SLOVENIA. WE RESPECTFULLY REQUEST THAT YOU EXPRESS IN THE STRONGEST POSSIBLE TERMS AUSTRALIA'S DISAPPROVAL OF THESE ACTIONS AGAINST SI'OVENIA BY THE GOVERNMENT OF YUGOSLAVIA. FURTHERMORE WE ASK THAT YOU RECOGNISE THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE BY THE PEOPLE OF SLOVENIA. POMLADNA SLOVENIJA Naša lepa Slovenija mala, na rojstvo stoletja je čakala. Po kotih so narod vsi metali, nazadnje v bratstvo 'zamotali'. Hrabrim junakom dovolj je bilo - nič, če žene od strahu jokajo. Heroji so se postavili na noge: "Tu je Slovenija!", naj zvon zapoje. Slovensko zastavo so zasadili na Triglav. "Tu je Slovenija!", tudi če ostanemo brez glav. Po kratki, hudi borbi so bratje odstopili; mnogi narodi Sloveniji samostojnost dovolili. Slovenija zaželjena se rodila, po stoletjih trdih led razbila. V pomladi nežna, kot novorojeno dete, čaka pomoči, da se srečno razcvete. Kot na vrtu cvetje spomladi moramo samostojno Slovenijo zalivati. Vsi Slovenci, doma in po svetu, moramo v slogi ekonomsko živeti. Slovenci skupno moramo v skledo metati - pravično vsi iz sklede jemati. Skromnost, odpuščanje in poštenje Sloveniji zagotavlja dolgo življenje. Marcela Bole, Melbourne, 1991 WE REMAIN V Simon Špacapan, president SNS - Vie., 29 June MELBOURNE The Age, 29 June. «li^irl&ssalslifr»^ Q) ^ ^ o c. in I ■K PssllllllSiPl-Si S-22 .Jiiife Afl 3 a si: 3 ^ n*> a? ) World 30 /une- MELBOURNE Sun Herald, Ceasefire holding breakaway 4iwy w 30 June. HAPPY: A Croatian celebrate» the withdrawal of the army from his village. YUGOSLAVIA last night called off its air and ground attacks on the breakaway republic of Slovenia, in which up to 100 people have been killed. The nation's feuding leaders agreed to send federal troops back to their barracks and temporarily suspend bids for independence in Slovenia and Croatia. Hours earlier, the Yugoslav federal army and Slovenia agreed to a ceasefire after two days of air and ground clashes. The ceasefire began at 5am yesterday (Sydney time) but Slovenia reported minor violations, including bombing at Ljubljana airport and at crossings on the Austrian border. The tentative agreement gives Yugoslavia a breathing space but does not address the myriad of ethnic, political and economic disputes which have fuelled the crisis. Slovenian radio said yesterday seven people died in Friday's fighting and at least seven others were killed on Thursday. Janez Jansa, the Slovenian defence minister, said at least 100 people had been killed or injured. Yesterday's accord was engineered by the foreign ministers of Luxembourg, Mediterranean Sea Italy and the Netherlands, who were dispatched to Yugoslavia by the European Community to negotiate a settlement. Under the agreement, the presidents of Slovenia and Serbia, Milan Kucan and Franjo Tudjman, pledged to suspend temporarily the implementation of their declarations of independence. No time limit was announced, In turn, their chief rival, Serbia's ['resident Slobodan Milosevic, promised to reconsider his opposition to Croat Stipe Mesic being elected to the collective federal presidency to rule over the country's six republics. 'Bombers screamed in at 50 metres' SEVERAL people were feared killed yesterday when Yugoslav jets bombed trucks and railway cars blocking Sentilj, the main border crossing from Austria to Yugoslavia. 1 walched the jets circle the area twice to get the lie of the land and head north into Austria. After turning back to the south, the planes came scream- By KLAUS REISINGER of Heutars__ ing in - just 50 metres above the ground. We dived for cover as they dropped their bombs on a line of goods vans strung out where the road crosses the train track sandwiched between two lines of heavy trucks. The planes made three separate raids, leaving a twisted mass of metal, steel splinters all over the road, and an unknown number of dead and injured, Austria said it would formally protest to Yugoslavia over what it termed a serious violation or its air space when the planes flew 3km inside its territory One Austrian truck driver said at least five people had been killed, but it was impossible to confirm this. As people came out from behind a small group of buildings to see to the wounded and check the damage, a group of sis Yugoslav army tanks situated just 100 metres down the road from the blockade opened fire with machine guns. Earlier the tanks had not retaliated when a Slovenian militiaman hidden in the woods surrounding the border posts hit one with an anti-tank grenade, injuring the driver. PERTH Slovenians march in protest at the Esplanade. s if el A baffled people forges its future ROGER BOYES, in Slovenia, watches the creation of a new nation-State whose people are still dazed by events SUCH late-Victorian romances as Anthony Hope's Prisoner of Zenda began a fascination for small mountainous principalities somewhere in central Europe, which Hollywood later eagerly picked up. But despite its castles and mountains and swashbuckling nationalists, Slovenia is not the Duchy of Grand Fenwick, the Fturitanian fantasy of Peter Seller's film The Mouse that Roared. This land of two million people, the size of Wales. has a real war to conduct and future role to find. But there is a Ruritanian feel to the strange troika running Slovenia's war with Yugoslavia. The Defence Minister, Mr Jane.; Jama, who wears tailored camou flage, describes himself as a post-punk modernist and was once jailed for writing an article revealing army secrets. Mr Igor Bavear. a former hippy and dissident, led the campaign to free Mr Jansa in 1988- Now Mr Bavcar is Interior Minister and wears big black leather boots. The rumpled Foreign Minister, Mr Dmitri Rupel, is a sociologist. dissident and novelist. The three share vaguely liberal-left political views. * But when the war is over, the Slovene troika will have to fight for its political existence. The idea of breaking away from Yugoslavia was to enter the modern, non-Balkan world ¿Yet the most Important political ■axis is between the Christian Democrats — led by the Prime Minister, Mr Lojze Peterle — and the farmers' party, a- They are militant Catholics who want to Pan abortion, introduce Catholic catechism in all schools, drive the girlie magazines out of kiosks and. in Mr Peterle's words, give political life a "moral base ", Slovene liberals say there is a disturbing shift from red (communist) to black (clericalist) and that the trend lias been strengthened by the war. Even before the Yugoslav army moved in. the Slovene police were flexing their muscles — to raid the homes of marijuana smokers. In an interview, the Archbishop of Ljubljana, Monsignor AlojziJ Sustor, tried to dampen suspicions that Slovenia was returning to the pre-war model when the Church, linked to the Slovene People's Party, interfered actively in politics. Passed test of statehood "I can assure you there are no grounds for suggesting that the Church wants to seize power through the Christian Democrats," he said. Even so, Slovenian ministers are divided into those who pray and those who do not. Even former communists have to play the clerical game. Slovenia's President. Mr Milan Kucan, a reformed socialist, ostentatiously visited the Pope this year. Mr Kucan's advisers do not like the drift towards clericalism and hope the inarch to independence can subtly be converted into a march to modernity. There has been a considerable, if temporary, victory over the Yugoslav army. There are hints from Belgrade that the Slovenes were Initially willing to have Yugoslav soldiers stationed on the border posts after independence. But when the troops moved, the Slovenian resistance pounced and declared the country had been invaded. The Slovenian leadership handled the subsequent crisis brilliantly. In five days, it had passed the strictest test oí statehood and sovereignty by repulsing a foreign army. Within a week the West was pushed from a confused commitment to a unified Yugoslavia to near-recognition of an independent Slovenia Mr Rupel was suddenly on the phone to dozens of Western politicians. But Slovenia's post-war management will not be so smooth. First, it has to secure a guarantee that there will be no further attack from the Yugoslav army. It also has to work out the terms of the divorce from Yugoslavia. And then it must show It Is able to survive economically and politically. The new currency of independent Slovenia has been printed, but before it can be circulated, there must be backing of $500 million. Slovenia needs to change its export strategy. Two-thirds of production is consumed at home, a quarter goes to the rest Of Yugoslavia, and the remainder is exported. If Slovenia loses the Yugoslav market, its already sick economy is doomed, Mr Peterle Is ready to unleash a radical privatisation plan, modelled on that of Poland. This will entail even more unemployment. On the sixth day of the war the JNA's ammunition dump at Erni Vrh caught fire and was destroyed in a massive explosion, damaging much of the town. In the meantime, the JNA's leadership sought permission to change the tempo of its operations. Defence Minister Veljko Kadijevic informed the Yugoslav cabinet that the JNA's first plan - a limited operation to secure Slovenia's border crossings had failed, and that it was time to put into operation the backup plan of a full-scale invasion and imposition of military rule in Slovenia. However, the cabinet — headed at the time by Serbia's Borislav Jovic — refused to authorise such an operation. 30 June SLOVENIA http/www. ljubljana-life. com/ljubljana/ ten-day-war "Brisbanski protest 30. junija 1991 na Roma Street. Protest sva organizirala skupaj s predsednikom hrvaškega kluba. Takrat sem bil z Anico redno na radiu EB in smo skupaj delali reklamo. Poleg Slovencev je bilo vsaj desetkrat več Hrvatov. Udeleženih je bilo tudi več drugih Jugoslovanov in nekaj Slovencev, ki so bili posebej ob strani s preluknjano jugoslovansko zastavo. Mi smo protestirali s slovensko zastavo, katero smo vedno razobešali od ustanovitve društva leta 1955. Čeprav so Hrvati močno prevladovali, je bil v tukajšnjih medijih predstavljen uspešen in enoten slovensko - hrvaški protest. Nekateri mediji so nas ocenili kar na tri tisoč. Zelo veliko ljudi je stalo ob strani in nas bodrilo." BRISBANE Mirko Cuderman Demonstrations at Roma Street, Brisbane: Mirko Cuderman, Tinko and Leane Visočnik, Anica Cuderman, Breda Ponikvar, Danilo and Slavka Maver, Simon and Helena Erlah. S1 « S- « ž i Ii = (6 -+-J i I ft tsi to ■H »H 0- Q- O K i i ; xOiti oo> g MELBOURNE Herald-Sun, 1 July. Vojska uniči svoje skladišče na Črnem vrhu nad Idrijo. Letalski napadi na slovenska mesta se nadaljujejo. YPA destroys its own ammunition storage at Črni vrh above Idrija. Air attacks on other Slovenian towns continues. /uly J CANBERRA SLOVENIA CANBERRA Prispe delegacija evropske mirovne komisije. Enote JLA se umikajo v kasarne. Starši iz drugih republik obiščejo svoje sinove, ki so v Sloveniji v JLA. Avstralski prvi minister Bob Hawke na tiskovni konferenci obsodi brutalnost JLA in izjavi, da je jasno, da se Jugoslavija v dosedanji obliki ne more obdržati. Če bosta Slovenija in Hrvaška zadovoljili zahtevam neodvisnosti, ju bo Avstralija priznala. Rojstni dan ZDA, v ambasadi proslavljajo, gosti prihajajo, Slovenci protestirajo. Delegation of European Peace Keeping Force arrives. Divisions of YPA retreat to barracks. Parents from other republics visit their sons, serving in YPA in Slovenia At a press conference, Australian Prime Minister, Mr Bob Hawke, states that Australia deplores the YPA's use of force and believes that the pre-existing state of Yugoslavia is not going to be able to be held together. As far as Australia is concerned, if Slovenia and Croatia come to a point, of when they satisfy the requirements of independent statehood, then Australia would recognise them. Celebration of American Independence. As guests arrive for celebrations - at the Embassy, they celebrate, as guest arrive, the Slovenians protest. 1 July PERTH Demonstrations: Vice President Anka Furlan -speaker, Latvian gentlemen Peter helped with the banners; in national costume of Gorenjska is Tone Krizman, and Slavko Stefanec is holding the Slovenian flag. Slovenians at the demonstrations: Bozo Hladin, Stefan Plej and Franc Trtnik, joined by Ukranians, Czechs, Estonians and Latvians. 1 1931 I YUGOSLAV CRISIS I Slovenia defends I.J 11 Hi J AN A: Slovenia, liming i- '.L wntrul 'i'[t(ir,hji i j m Uri km. sailed lul fimtil wis n ■J;iil- nr Altai "It lIi CUPilil. lji. ■ ■Hi, (Ikv *frf SunlmJ dunn nnh riHii »im miii-Liiik IIJ'H behind truLkl filk'J widi Tand mint'* dnJ tHiUih"!^ 11 um Mrcit I MHM KllHll likr in he Hir "firtlan "IK) WHd fflf twt^llf.ffdrJhrt nap or ltw litdrprndnil and Sovernm Kvd.il». ihf M'xcnid Krt mik- hill LV.HLU hm lud rti Of. lienor lud ihr ikr Mid T*.ii> vi.- iiy dIimil' and ■*r van herrcn* uuE »*ii imfilr, hu fan By BRUCE WILSON le fin» and nei Wed in iicaih b> Eklpfudr "iVc du i*ii Min- Ha ii. hu muH Hind i ihr m. dir mrnnt Ilm Sedi. IhiL I Mid. Lhifi will lend ill; )ai)tv "Writ, W wmr liml id kamikivi;. 1B0. AK uU. h T-1-hajdk Ihr aiillKnt 1 ■ :■ ■ ,i new nalitin lu- kipu I-.L' uit tlMivtiiip LiL r> iL: liandiLipn oF iI)l ■■■iiy 'I"' uid all ^Kirnn K ill hin£ C "CT 11. tl' Ihn mili: ■hov git In ih.'-r ih jihi In niK-niiii vene Tiv n«inr'. I'ifndi. n mer ^int Im i r >Wl »inr inakf^ nn« drain uj ij« Um hriflv I0l4ru, I"*-Ii flu in cir;\ \i'in, hillen .l-.ill l'üiv ivit^tvhcjt. Ind ujmmnn kiw iwl nf dfi »ii . ." Mm IhjE iIkj lw.iuf.lir i|k !:r. L in IjdHjann i'UfiLl.ri .i i;, lin- Tin . jk.i --:, ■ ppi rmpirni ik'i'iJTd Iii hin1 luMc isj ikiili ty in Ju k hin . f-iv-Klrr Kirnt n> ih /Jimi hl aciili. Iumrint OntlH) nn l^iidty rnpln Bcil^' il hn«dlL h«t lirnj H» ftf. ihc »r» kimiuu-'» h-t wji ilrjind itw» Hie cafllai ef m MHII1I niiifc F'r-'II'J |lrlk iff ^likni^i Ab d pypwuii nnp> ¡m r-lianj* ■!■ ■ i ii;l.. in Ilir LH-' |i' * lii|rlc hii m, lapinL in Almpil lim nlrll iptUr IJ-piHin! ulnrtiil u in lul irrn Ii.imJoI i-iil Ii) Ihr ivnlral jtit>-i'innu'hi ¡H UthJJdr. Hull me1ii1liiliiHi inwl Mn- iaiu »n apriifTiLlly piiiiiiiml Iii a niriiilTi of Lin lthh-lI "I Jt:nln i,i IUBJI wttinand. Wilhi« J* Iliru 11 i'f ihr vc^^j-Hir K'Hi'f d iiwiinrcd h) .1 Einb nf ^Mihi|: Il i r l- r f i niiMMK ri I'huiL ihr L'iinipL'dn I nmmiini1i Lil ir.uLL Umi davili icjniril ILriv il taai de« Ihn Ihr Hfci-hCrtiliil hditx Sit) Jff Hin at "ai In j nialErr oT liuun Ljn> hli.iiu rultril in Ihr drfriLrr prnniMEn nnd Ihv nrli-idnk Imr-iii hk' nf parird imn-lrailrn 1im kv L^rMiid Lrispinftm Kfii H dir rivd nJ UPfh Uran fwdl»t ("miti llif eil y «nur. Croats threaten to deplete army /■MJKLB. I lie irirubkr "I ClUlU laid lrilrrd.i. il inMirdHHdn ill rhlijriLi 1n tair Ml VwjihI^v iimv it viokiKT «eaidKil in ilv WMiiiui-Umi n.ilk.ui iij|f Taiijidt nrv ~ JtriK^ laid Ihr ShnaL microM i:«rn a inrrlin^ Hhf Ihr ['malmn Cjnvcmiiicnl ljL.-J In d liim 'ilk1 JiKl L'r|nLf nr Lh^ Vupmbv inini;it> ih ihr 11tempt to «ropy Skuwrnn". Ciluiij »hieh, like Sloniiii. deiliretl ll-.J.'-liriKk'E.'': un T udldd L . djhll ■.!•.■. 111 LI I Llh d'l (UVUiLriiLi in L|v Tfiifil hiwiki-l, 11) diYirl Tiinnli irl.-iidnl Ax lltr jij1il 1U !tiljAiifi Airpcu. sealed cd) since tne ensis tw^ari Tiny nation always under foreign rule nimm: Ihr Hive™ n-.it nil .Hin, Ihn ■J,.. l' L Ltii'i lud nrYci hdd Ihr 4if|>irLimiii ki run Ihm .illd>i> SiiiLr sir-, fjirk \p.'i Ihr Iihl ndlkin Mi .ilnjii h(rn undrr Lhr Ihuinlp nf munc iKiutrlwl nrijlilicuij I Hltl" air Il'Wli Ihm Lkii piiIIi>>il St i^inr* u;id Ihdii main arhiridnmnL ¡1 In ti^iv I'livm.iJ llv ii idi'nLil^ 1i,i h> h>h|j i -ilmi^'lI i.i .hiiiihui ibrir uimnal Iwiop IK Jirn'ih »tin lu hi krpl Ilir Ihtiiu6<' nine, Jn IVIK Shivrnia mart Vu(ndnLid i hi il kf hi i*. d^ ihr klnpiknn! SctIi). i niarb ,11kl ShiLrik's uhiii n »ai iri jp ill in dlli'ntpi W "illlf thf endiini: lailfhiblt "d Ilk' ItJlk.iiii ' 1-ikMi lbr LiarL ü ui uk'df Midi ihi srrln h«j l>i ih nf^nj i Ik. viidin nF ITii- un-ilk'r naiiniLh — j fwihlrin whh h Iwi l iWHiniPil m iliii dst T hi Vlnvrnri JlfdLlRlft) lü ilu devclnprd L.mnltrb ul «ok^'i l:nf>'|L h*L nwn rlk'ni famtflir Knimnn < alhnlk't .IIll! ii* ihr I Jll II iLlipl. tt> roninu i he Sttln UiUMfked und rniiHiiih Itukint -nil flint !" npe-cdiintiuitfu emnuiwii rnniin (irliindm ("hftMijifliy «1)4 i'W ihr Hi)ui:in ulrlLihrL JIliT Mdnhal TlW'" it-aih m IW-1, SJnveiili diii'A.'d 1.1 ■ mnnl rnijii il-j i i h iT.. □ i lun nrhrr ivpidhtki. Il kii Mir Him 1L i h|L( ah AnliAar mnh(piLim an tliikrjti" Ji HWVHHqBI. p I- l-.l|1lihl idul i,:v)l",1I , cl«1 d J.l-ik|t hnt Mm' i^-Lji'r m gii (iftiii. The West Australian, 1 July, p. 4. SLOVENIA http://www. ljubljana-life. comi/ljubljana/ ten-day-war The seventh day of the war saw the heaviest fighting so far, and it was a day of disasters for the JNA. The JNA tank column in the Krakovski gozd came under sustained attack from TO units, forcing it to surrender. Units from the JNA's Fourth Armoured Corps attempted to move up from Jastrebarsko in Croatia but were beaten back near the border town of Bregana. The Slovenian T.O. mounted successful attacks on border crossings at Šentilj, Gornja Radgona, Fernetiei and Gorjansko, capturing them and taking a number of JNA troops prisoner. A lengthy engagement between JNA and Slovenian forces took place during the afternoon and evening at Dravograd, and a number of JNA facilities around the country fell to Slovenian forces. At 9pm, the Slovenian Presidency announced a unilateral ceasefire. However, this was rejected by the JNA leadership, which vowed to "take control" and crush Slovenian resistance. The West Australian, 1 July, p. 1. {the Mtst Mztwiim ESTAemsHeii IBH PERTH WJNQA7 JULY 1 lyil r 11| I .1 nmrril «puknauii Ulli Ihr Eufi^Jfl l'MTV •w.il s-n in wnd i tcöml porr •fitIM'HI hi Yafn*l»v!i t»i niphl CT feat! c-diiUn Sluti.uu uilUi ";mi Iip i iinlirIii ihxi il kdkftfldi- ii« .iv' 'tkpcwJoaie ihfyixiiufl. ii rte uinr imir it »Ii iniMWK^ ihji \iituilj' Prirw Miniurr Ante M,;ikni. t," wji, ilur ip Sims-nm fur iilLi in 1 limj In vt-w Ihr fEW^Iii'r, By flflUCE WL5Q« J n.L L'jpilkl H-l Iht hli-p.il J A J-l rrwhlk ™ m ■ tfw Hifwu-wi rnarrunp 1.1J /jrtjrj fcflrf Äm rnixa idn nkrti *6C<— ni| VufiriJUi ptMA. Kcuk-ii Uff.T TTPHrttfl ihjl Ihi A cfcw wa ten IpäM&i iM I he imJuMruloh uf Mink* «ftei tffcc WMmJ pUirt laitf Thrt i-jJIo-viJ m ilinnhi c-mic* under »I«* hflmradr» nf larnri al h.1%-% him: k*far<.rd b> k läfei&f w#lh rifJiitiiev. ft-.vi eü. Sliilll I hi iMJUkirU IRL» «IlLnJ Lp»Wjjn* ("Ihurrt frdk iiiiumnnipj thr rr.amlt Slmtfnm In m*« v.LTi mli/rrupir J trji ihr feiH-nlil iucfit, i"--'Il IÜ# Ihr *0?lhi|KKra L0> kgvt thechrfthi»-IapH TTT-p«rrd l^jnib ihrllcin m wtki p,i nuwl rai rurk.il I hmr »nr ihr rrpsn* dI i unk WO) frrnri hctwfTO t^v Mr*w> 2iid Zi^fiib 1-loMrvfT dirr uimmm »vr httptav H iiw ihi nufl.m fmxftr i-J ihr rrbri iriufiu. JitifeiUd ihiif H'jailijiiiri!1'v dnlnMA | he firmr-nnr, mxi>. LiumpclrJ Ir, H. ikkp^Kra kadtf I'-.n- Of liiki^^hHJif, itpfxima in 1» tokliif Ih NraijwiJ1 C rtjnlui _ »hta.JL rrnrnihrd In »«prniJ iniifpm-" ik-nv !i:i ihin: niunihi rt ci^~hill|r In* u rnJrtal urrfi« »ilhiln»ll£ Vciiri.iJY'» SliiHr»iBn i&cTji *ttr M IDfl. TiiVVlU1)! ücii^ end V|±4.0 ^jiUJiKiMfc,- waroi-ii W. crii> ilw.' dfckkd c-n SsiuriiiN Mi ihf mcnirv. r»f ihr rrnirii mwlcno npikr up «»J" ihr Vnps-i.ih .an iitvMk» and lmi «■feMOJIn uUn Ihr {WiMeitiiifi nf IsfibUi |hf mini pimrifid nrpui*». tlill til I £D(TI»IIHill (iitrenmrnl Silixens K.VVK* ifc df r ihi I rul 11 rq Ihr (,-4rr»l arm-. IKjMt( IIW inur niphl In ind 4 ihfl -------— Skivcrtitn cifMiiil ihr« pc'-pk *r*T lilkd — w HAhn, iifflr BMrt ■.-Lind irf lv»»c t fiilh CulMni-HU Md: 1 d% III» « hi? pann,ltcd il A vmd bt«lL TT* ciTilu« ihüi by c h^tüL^i; prettdfn) 'MiLiH Kucin. piyHii i lii-pui-ni mC'IIOt ic044rnnninp "ühr Iii uIjI ■gjTVunn" uf Ihr l-nkul jrm>. ind "m:rti ¿rriu^rl^ rfjAülilfl 1hf niluRi 44 Kk- lOTiWH' The Nilirmnil nfced lie It I- «<-&d uliKT'.sn Iii "io ninmhif llic ubMnktiKL- uf «-hue-tff ihn iiu-, mnin »¡w* ii tnmi ^kivcnn hi«, jlaruljir^d an» najf h Zj^ttfr 'Mi T-inLir Im fml. Ihr cntxnr /p*rullii ML^ Mfmn m ■ Munnint frn lw ihf WBiaitt m w fiiWü I SiO>.EfhiP~!i Irjdrri uid l^rs *rl-okiici.i ihr dreiiK* uära m /j^-.-ih In nhi.ill L rnjiipn Sli|pC Kk^iC li pfsTÄfcM rf Ibr crntrai pn^UerK ,. A niU1-^ t-11-w LLIJ nh 19 b> !krtmj JJ Si-^kj'i I»ii "puppel" mini ix pi, N^t, Ik. «fcCiiiOII In bOvLLril i lli-ffnisk- ITr.--,-1 rJg 4IH| l.> nmiMHfC Ml Cn Rn%frn Wrcnia KM-i^l^ly w I hi VutmJj', iLllr dlrrti^dN crti ihc Viprthk llciliiMitia ici 141 ind pvftvfd iw, MmhiH Ti» uha WiwU Vi * || In Vkm*. mmi«rd ih«i VbpiMi h*| |Hi:U"ürd Sü ÄÜUM- kTiHil 4m0i«n IFtrtp fc£HIC dcr4G1'hi Mwk wd • Vugofelav emu, paflo-i S; AltlOrt. P«Q« 10 The West Australian, 1 July, p. 5. Svnra-vfig. Jtfj^ Civil war prompts fears for safety of friends and family Our Slovenians pray for peace SUNRAYSIA'S Slovenian community was yesterday praying for the safety of family and friends as the breakaway Yugoslavian republic prepared for further violence, Slovenia is seeking independence from the Communist dominated Yugoslav alliance of republics and has defied calls for the suspension of the independence move, The Yugoslav Government reacted to the move by placing its army on alert and there have been several violent military clashes including threatened air raids of the Slovenian capital, Ljubljana. Sunraysia's Slovenian community spokeswoman, Mrs Jozica Gerden, said that the entire community was in a state of despair. "We are very hurt and upset. We all have brothers, sisters and parents there," she said, "Our hearts are bleeding for our family and friends, but all we can do at this stage is to pray for their safety and the safety of our people and our homeland." Mrs Gerden said there were about 20 families in Sunraysia with Slovenian heritage and they were all drawing upon each other for strength "We are a small community and very close. We organised a prayer night last Friday and have since been in constant prayer for our people," she said. Mrs Gerden said that it was extremely difficult to get in touch with relatives in Slovenia. "I managed to get in touch with my sister who lives some distance from Ljubljana, but she couldn't tell me whether the rest of my family was safe," she said. Mrs Gerden said that relations between Slovenia and the Communist Government had been tense for the 50 years of the unification of Yugoslavia, but during a visit to see her mother this year there had been heightened military activity by the army and airforce. "The Slovenian community has been persecuted for its strong asso- ciation with the Catholic Church for many years," she said. "My first memories of my father] were visiting him in a jail where he was held as a political prisoner foi his religious beliefs." Mrs Gerden said the Sloveniar public were united in their struggle to attain independence. She said that she hoped the western world, including Australia, would back their efforts and allow them the rights of other people. "We are proud to be Australian, but we cannot forget where we grew up," she said. "It is like when England has been threatened and Australia has gone to her defence. We are also willing to go back and fight for our heritage." MILDURA Sunraysia Daily, 1 July. ADELAIDE The Advertiser, 1 July. Flowers for the victims of War in Slovenia at the monument in Adelaide: a Croatian, Franc Svirt -speaking of freedom and independence (Slovenian Club Adelaide was opposing any support for the independence of Slovenia); Laura Premrl, and Croatians. '¿4 Z j '» 1 l * ijh * ■ -* i SLOVENIA Lojze Peterle on line with Dušan Lajovic in Australia -Triglav Club. SYDNEY MELBOURNE SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET ■ VIKTORIJA (AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCI iASVEFOllll SLOVENSKI KONGRES) SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL - VICTORIA I AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN CONFERENCE FOR SLOVENIAN WORLD CONGRESS) NUJNO SKUPŠČINA REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE Dr.Dimitrij Rupel-m i ms ter za zunanje zadeve Dr Janez Uular-minister za Slovence po svetu Fax:224 328 Spoštovani! Slovenski narodni svet Viktorije si v imenu Avstralske slovenske konference z vsemi napori prizadeva doseči, da bi Avstralija priznala Slovenijo, V nekaj dnevih se bomo sestali s senatorjem Garethom Evansom, avstralskim ministrom za zunanje zadeve. Da bi bil naš sestanek uspešen, moramo pokazati Senatorju Evansu, da ima Slovenija po mednarodnih zakonih pravico do samostojnosti. Naslednji dokumenti nam bi olajšali priprave na sestanek in verjamemo vplivali na odločitev avstralske vlade: 1.Odlomki in členi iz zvezne ustave, ki se nanašajo na odcepitev posameznih republik iz Jugoslavije in možne interpretacije. 2.Uradni rezultati referenduma in uresničitev referenduma v procesu osamosvojitve po ustavi, 3.Rezultati demokratičnih volitev v Sloveniji. Če imate dodatne informacije, ki bi lahko vplivale na odločitev drugih držav, da priznajo Slovenijo, prosimo, da jih tudi dostavite. Želeli bi vedeti koliko imate stikov z avstralskim zunanjim ministrstvom in koliko zgornjih informacij ste morda že poslali avstralskim ministrstvom. Dokumenti, ki dokazujejo autentičnost, naj bodo v slovenskem jeziku, za ostale pa je bolje, če pridejo sem že v angleškem jeziku. Prosimo čimprejšni odgovor. Če bi imeli te informacije danes, bi se lahko sestali s senatoijem jutri. V vašo vednost še to:Slovenci smo po vsej Avstraliji pripravili demonstracije, bodisi sami, bodisi s Hrvati, Natisnili smo nekaj tisoč dopisnic s posebnim tekstom, ki so jih rojaki poslali ministru Eva nsu.Telefonsko kličemo scnatoije, člane parlamenta obeh partij in jih prosimo, naj nas v parlamentu podprejo. Za nami in pred nami so seveda še druge številne aktivnosti naših Svetov in ASK-ja. 2elimo vam uspeha pri pogajanjih, mi pa bomo dali od sebe vse kar le moremo. Lep pozdrav vsein-ponosni smo na vašo pokončnost in odločnost! Simon Špacapau Predsednik - _ Melbourne, If.91. AffiSL w SLOVENSKICENTER PEN SI OVEN E P. E. N. CENTRE 111«» i jubuaÑa TOMS1CBVA ULtCA 11 StOVENIA -- YUOOSI A VIA TEt H-ON («,jj 114 IK), 2H 1« To hit THE M CÉRTREí Of THE WOKLO LJVRJ IANA July let, 1991, at 21(00 SLOVENIA ">TffKEHT CP TH: SLLVSMi WRITERS Kr.; our Serbian colleague; we heve received i.^-«itlori thít Servan ¡reiií are «yatewetioilly creatlrig an impression that the Slovene satlor. Is in tho state of war with Serba, Slr-veue writer* claln with »11 the respOhoability thit SlóVertit in In no with eny nation - it is in war with the yugo «lav mill tary JjiiU which has comsittei a licnetruQua Sggreasior ■ the 311vena nation anj citísene t>t Slovenia. aí much ai - grlfiVftl oy the unnecessary tr.3 tragic military «ni oivil r . a.nc¡r.;s lh« of Sic vari», we feel sorry for the nations who1ere fcroe3 by the cyuicAl pia. (j z o z < a < 2 t/1 z o ü£ h i/l < > 1— u z h < h- t/1 o ca lu > z i/l lu h z tu t/f lu o h U Ll. O | > o > lu z o o > lu 20 > o N a. o h- lu z z q£ lu < > t/l b i H < < co < 0£ h > H > {J z i/> _J LU lu 2* d Cl. Cl. > 3 < LU t/J cm o 1 lu LU LL, — o a: \J\ ■S1 BRISBANE The Courier-Mail, 1 July, p.2. 1 July MELBOURNE The Australian, p. 1, p. 6. MELBOURNE Media filming the protest; speaker Stanka Gregorič. Vlado Godec and Lenti Lenko at the demonstrations. 482 braces for air assault By LOUISE BRANSON in Ljubljana and agencies SLOVENIANS took to bomb shelters late last night under threat of air raids by Yugoslavian warplanes after the Slovenian Assembly rejected a federal army ultimatum for an immediate ceasefire. The partial truce reached earlier in the weekend between federal and republic authorities started crumbling as fighting broke out around the republic's capital, Ljubljana. killing at least three people. Slovenian television warned the population to go into air raid shelters before the arrival of the warplanes» which took off from airstrips in Croatia. Church belis pealed as citizens raced for cover. But republic television later broadcast that the planes had returned to their base. Ljubljana remained Jittery early today as the Slovenian Government appealed to the European Community to send observers to the republic. Slovenian radio called for all Slovenes and other ethnic groups in the federal army to desert before further hostilities broke out. The capital was dotted with roadblocks and barricades made up of trucks, buses and bulldozers. Riflemen began to take up positions in hotels and on rooftops. The Slovenian defence and Interior ministry buildings were guarded by forces equipped with bulletproof vests and Kalashnikov rifles, as was the press centre where about 600 journalists were gathered, The Slovenian Defence Minister, Mr Janez Jansa, was seen at the press centre wearing military fatigues with a handgun in his belt. But hopes for a breakthrough emerged late last night when it was revealed the Yugoslav Prime Minister^ Mr Ante Markovic. would go | to Ljubljana later today for talks with the nationalist leadership. The Yugoslav army warned earlier yesterday that it would take "decisive military action" and that it had raised "the Yugoslav People's Army to maximum combat readiness". Slovenian officials said General Andrija Raseta. second-in-command of army units in Slovenia, made 12 ceasefire demands to the republic s defence and interior ministers. The ministers rejected one demand — for restoration of Slovenians ride high after humbling army — Page 6 Futile rush to resolder State - Page 9 federal control over international border crossings — and told General Raseta to present the rest in writing. The threat of civil war had seemed to recede on Saturday after a European Community peace mission emerged from talks in the Croatian capital, Zagreb, saying the breakaway republics of Slovenia and Croatia had agreed not to take any more steps towards independence for three months. Under the accord, intended to open a way to peace talks, the army would go back to barracks and the republic of Serbia would stop blocking the election of a Croat as head of the Collective State Presidency. the three-man mission said. But Slovenia refused to participate in electing a new Yugoslav head of State until its Assembly ratified the peace plan, blocking the rapid implementation of the accord. Continued — Page 6 Recognition possible for rj new states, says Hawke By MARK METHERELL, diplomatic corrBBpondant, Canberra The Prime Minister. Mr Hawke, yesterday gave the Australian Government's strongest supported so far for the creation of Independent states ol Croatia and Slovenia, Mr Hawke said that It the two states reached a point where they satisfied the requirements of Independent statehood. Australia would recognise them. "II Is quite clear that the movement towards democracy in Slovenia and Croatia has considerable momentum now and that the pre-existing state of Yugoslavia is not going to he able to be held together." Previously, the Government has taken a more cautious lineLast week the Foreign Minister, Senator Evans, said It would he "premature" to contemplate recognition oi Slovenia and Croatia. ; Government sources said the development ol the Government's position reflected the changes in Yugoslavia, and they rejected suggestions that the Government was following the United States which, in a policy reversal, indicated yesterday lhat it would support the independence moves if they could be achieved peace tully. Germany, Yugoslavia's biggest aid donor and a previous backer of Its territorial integrity. Is now considering recognising Croatia and Slovenia, a Government spokesman said in Bonn. The British Foreign Secretary, Mr Douglas Hurd, also conceded that "It may no longer be possible to hold the country together". The shift by the US and the Europeans appears to have left the Soviet Union, si it of whose 15 republics have expressed a desire for Independence, alone In siding with Belgrade's attempt to keep Yugoslavia's 1918 borders Intact, An Australian official said that Australia had been ahead of the US on the Issue in previously accepting the possibility of a break-up. Last week Senator Evans said that the campaign for Independence by Croatia and Slovenia represented a majority view which could not be swept away by force. Mr Hawke said yeslerday that the Government deeply hoped that relations between the constituent parls of Yugoslavia could be resolved peacefully. Mr Hawke congratulated Australians of Yugoslav origin for the restraint they had exercised. The secretary of the Croatian Democratic Union, Mr Rade Clkes, yesterday wrote to Senator Evans calling on the Government to open a consular office In the Croatian capital, Zagreb, Immediately. An Australian official said the Government was working on the matter. Mr Cikes said that tensions within Yugoslavia were causing considerable difficulty for Croats wanting to contact Australian Government representatives. At the last count, 4500 Australian cltliens In Yugoslavia had contacted the Australian embassy in Belgrade to say where they were. I® t V ai—— G C Ë BS ta £ — I fi Oft « tn Sfl Si Stanka Gregoric at Croatioan demonstration with Croatian and Macedonian speakers. MELBOURNE Demonstrations. Herald-Sun, 1 July, p. 6. tf ! MMi |ir Ml Piii ■E MELBOURNE The Australian, 2 July, p. 6. On the eighth day of the war, a large JNA armoured convoy set off from Belgrade for Slovenia. It never arrived; according to the official account, this was due to mechanical breakdowns. However, observers have suggested that the real reason for the troop movement was to position the JNA for its imminent attack on the Croatian region of eastern Slavonia. 2 zuxy ill silt! Iisfif? luff!! Ities £s. = si. sIEs £ B SLOVENIA http://www. ljubljana-life. com/ljubljana/ ten-day-war MELBOURNE The Age, 2 July, p.7. Voice for dialogue now leads country mmm ipiw&sliii"« Belgrade. Monday Mr Stipe Me sic. elected Yugoslav President early today, had to wait si* tense weeks to complete the final step on the road from political prisoner to Yugoslavia's first non-com-munlst head of stale. The election of the Croatian politician was blocked from 15 May by the rival republic of Serbia and its allies on the collective state presidency, plunging Yugoslavia into a constitutional crisis and stripping it of the head or Its armed forces. Mr Mesic, 57. called the crisis "the ultimate Insult", and maintained throughout that he was the rightful president. He pledged to change the shape of Yugoslavia by turning the centrally-ruled federation into a loose alliance of sovereign states, or confederation. "My I ask Is to convince the world of the other view, that a confederation Is necessary." he said in a recent interview. He takes over the eight-man presidency knowing thai il is divided down the middle, making decisionmaking almost impossible, and facing the prospect of a eivil war. His enemies say he will dismember Yugoslavia. "I would like to be remembered as the one who helped reach an agreement on our future ... and that during that time, the army was kept in the barracks,1' he said. An affable man with cropped hair and a beard, Mr Mesic had been Vice-President since last October, after moving from the post of Croatian Prime Minister He took up that job after the Croatian Democratic Union, the party he belongs to, ended communist rule in May 1S91. The path to the presidency was not easy. Mr Mesic was Jailed for a year in 1971 on a charge of "hostile propaganda" in a crackdown on Croatian nationalism. Although trained as a lawyer, he was unemployed for three Mr Mesic: from political prisoner to head of state. years after his release because he had been in Jail. He eventually became the director of a Croatian business and entered the Croatian Parliament. He has firmly rejected using I he military to solve economic and political crises, in which Croatia and Slovenia have threatened to secede from Yugoslavia. His predecessor, Mr ftorisav Jovic, a Serb, quit after failing to win the presidency's backing for emergency measures proposed by the army to deal with the country's mounting problems and protests In the Yugoslav and Serbian capital, Belgrade. "The army has no business getting involved in such cases," Mr Mesic said."[ believe we will overcome this crisis through democratic dialogue." Like most Croatian politicians, Mr Mesic has been vilified by Serbia's official media. He has also had public rows with Mr Jovic. Mr Mesic is married and has two children. He says he has little spare time but enjoys a game of tennis on Sundays with Croatian President Franjo Tudjman. — Router & SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET, N.S.W. SLOVENE COUNCIL OF N.S.W. TO: ATTN : FROM: P.O. Box 188, Coogee, N.S.W, 2034, Australia PRESS CONFERENCE SLOVENIAN COMMUNITY APPEAL TO TED GRACE M.P. FOR HELP AND RECOGNITION BY THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Date: 2nd July, 1991, Location: Triglav Slovenian Club 19 Brisbane Rd St. John's Park Tel: 610 1627, 823 2522 Time: 7:00pm Leaders and representatives from the Slovenian community will be appealing to-Ted Grace M.P. to plead for help from the Australian government to pressure the Yugoslav government to bring to an end the Intimidation of the democratic nations of the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Croatia, A document will be issued to Mr. Grace on behalf of the Slovene people requesting official recognition of the Republic of Slovenia to be delivered to the Australian government. Leaders from the following Slovene organisations will be present: St. Raphael's Slovene Mission, Slovene Club Triglav, Slovene Association Sydney, Slovene Graduates Association, as well as representatives of the Croatian community. Commentary will be provided by members of the community, based on conversations with relatives and friends in Slovenia, on the excessive and bloody violence and abuses by the Yugoslav People's Army on the citizen's of the Republic of Slovenia. The opening speech will be made by Mr. Vladimir Menart, Slovenian-Australian writer and academic on the legal justification of Slovenia's declaration of independence. For more information contact: Martha Magajna Tel: 725 7551 Ivanka Bulovec Tel: 601 7820 Mark Breznik Tel: 517 1591 o B^PlClf.'* «fcJlUKI aL-OvENU* Ob 1». uri ¿c Vil dan v IdublfraL zna* trfcir.i Klara. iZVftftM HVBT SLOVENIA ftpoktovani rojaki in rojfkinjel 04 Slovencev po svetu prb;er »."5 iteviine iaraaa aoliciai.-ioatl in poroMla o njihovi i«javnesti v podpor» Republiki eiovanljl v trenutkih rjenenjiir du?OVOi-j«na ustanovitev Tiskane koinlaije, vendar Markovid 9« adaj ni itotiiovijl otivana potrdil od juooslovanako vlade poblateanih Slonov koPlsljei t - <iii*e driavriir, vladnim in atrankarekim prafeadnlkoir. in družite funkcionarjam ter medijafc» naj na CakajOi kakor so (pradolsol ^•kall pri Kurdih« Orsanirltajta eiber«, shirajte podpise, ntatO" pijte v ievnoKti (TV idr.), abira^ta pri»pevke (devizni raiu« pri lb J01<»-MQ-i33-aS?Jl/4 - t pripiaoR "pot?e>6 Republiki Sloveniji ta UblBlitav poaledi« a?reaija")t Posredujte to fporoti!O drugim, !a nato (kupno domovine) ljubljeno, S.7.1961 dr. ¿snea Pvlar ' i*LAV IS 3KU?SCIN£ t» BLftVRNCE PO SVSTU Rada bi vam tokrat napisala osebno pismo, saj sicer zelo težko pridem do tega zaradi dela za Avstral- MELBOURNE "i'iu>ii-.ku !-;unK-H.>!ii-i>. SMionsL :i;ii-i)Uni s\t.'[ in dni.m>. U:id:i hi min pnu>il:il;i. d;s Mini Nli-viki v Avstraliji tako aktivni, da vam lega niti nimamo časa sporočiti. Nekateri skorajda ne spimo, nimamo Časa jesti, da o čem drugem sploh ne govorim. Ure in ure stojimo ob faxih-razpošilajmo pisma, proteste in sporočila avstralskim politikom, TV postajam Radijskim oddajam, časopisom. Televizijski ekrani so polni Slovencev, časopisi pišejo na prvih straneh o dogajanjih v Sloveniji, Po vsej Avstraliji sm» organizirali demonstracije, bodisi sami, bodisi s Hrvati. Izrezujejo se zastave, izdelujejo plakati itd itd. Verjemite mi, da tudi zdaj pišem to sporočilo z veliko naglico-toliko dela me še čaka. Prav včeraj smo na sestanku Slovenskega sveta za Viktorijo odločali na kak način bomo zbirali pomoč za Slovenijo. Ker se ponujajo tudi druge etnične skupine:Hrvati, Albanci, Muslimani, Makedonci, Slovaki. Litvanjci, Ukrajinci, Madžari in kdo bi še vse našteval, bomo organizirali Diner dance, zaprosili društva, da del dohodka zabav gre za Slovenijo, odprli bomo račun na banki za SLOVENIJO, pa seveda tudi objavljali vaš devizni račun v angleščini, čeprav bi tak način vsakega posameznika stal več. Bolje bi bilo da se tukaj organizira zbiralna akcija. Torej razmišljamo, načrtujemo, delamo-vse kar je možno. Tudi protestiramo ob kakšni napačni informaciji v medijih. Kličemo senatoije, kot sem rekla pišemo predsedniku, ministrom itd. Delegacije bodo odšle v parlament. Škrat kane morem našteti in se skoncentrirati kaj smo m se bomo naredili. O. da, natisnili smo dopisnice s kratkim protestnim tekstom. Mislim, da je šlo sena-in vsi fua"5U' min'Stm Za »-* z;,deve 5 ali 10 sploh nimamo več kontrole. Pišejo jih Hrvati Zavedamo se, da nam solze in jadikovanja ne bodo pomagala, čeprav smo od vsega že tudi mi na koncu svojih moči. Morda nam je v nekem smislu še težje kot vam. Radi bi se borili z vami. Včeraj meje poklical nek albanski voditelj tukaj(s Kosova) vprašal je preko katere meje se lahko pride v Slovenijo, prodal da bo avto, ker nima denarja in želi se boriti za Slovenijo, ne more več gledati vsega samo en primer in podobnih je še dosti več. Tudi nekateri avstralski senatorji so se nam z govori pridružili na demonstranti Rada bi da moje misli uredite in jih sporočite slovenskemu ljudstvu, saj posamezniki telefonirajo tukajšnjim sorodnikom češ zakaj nič ne podvzemamo. Ni bilo časa sporočiti kaj delamo Slovenska emigracija seje prebudila bolj kot kdaj koli prej v svoji zgodovini, vsaj v Avstraliji Želimo s. samo, da nam ostanete živi, vse drugo bo že nekako. Toplo vas vse objemamo, smo z vami 'aS P°dP;ram0 m občudujemo za vse akcije, ki ste jih do sedaj izvedli.Slovenei, pa tako hrabri? se spra- Protest speakers: Ivo Leber and Victorian Premier Hon. Jeff Kennett MP. SLOVE N S K I SLOVENIAN INFORMACIJSKI URAD INFORMATION OFFICE 86 Parramatta Road. Camperdown NSW 2050 Sydney - AUSTRALIA All Correspondence/Vsa korespondenca: P O Box 188, Coogee NSW 2034 AUSTRALIA Tel: (02) 517 1591, (02) 519 3933 Fax: (02) 550 1378 ******* PRESS RELEASE ******* 3rd July, 1991. MEMBER FOR FOWLER, E.L. (TED) GRACE M.P., PASSES PLEA FOR RECOGNITION OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA TO MR. BOB HAWKE AND SENATOR GARETH EVANS. Today the Member for Fowler, E. L. (Ted) Grace, has passed a statement requesting recognition of the Republic of Slovenia by the Australian Government. The statement was written on behalf of the Australian-Slovene community. It was was accepted by Mr. Grace at a press conference held on the 2nd of July at Triglav Slovenian Club at 7:00pm. Mr Grace indicated that he would pass it on to the Prime Minister, Mr. Bob Hawke and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator Gareth Evans. At the press conference, Mr. Grace spoke in support of Slovenia's aspirations for freedom, which he said was the direct result of a democratic process. He also described the personal abuse and harassement he and his office has received because of his outspoken support for the self determination of Slovenia and his refusal to support the corrupt Communist generals and regime of Yugoslavia. Other speakers at the press conference included leaders from Sydney's Slovene Associations and Church. Martha Magajna, Secretary of the Slovene Council of N.S.W., said "The media should be aware that Slovenia's government should not be referred to as "rebels" by the Australian media. The Slovene people declared independence as a result of a free and democtratic election, as well as a plebicite that was held 6 months ago and passed by 97 per cent of the population". Vladimir Menart, Slovene-Australian lawyer and writer said, "Contrary to the Australian government's statement that Slovenia does not meet the criteria for statehood under international law, the Slovene government has shown in recent days that it is in effective control of the subject territory and has the undisputed loyalty and allegiance of all its citizens". Other speakers who spoke in support of Slovenia's freedom were Fr. Valerian Jenko, of the St. Raphael's Slovene Mission Church at Merrylands, Prof. Buda of the Croatian community and Mr. Michael Darby of the Captive Nations Council of N.S.W. Following is the statement delivered to the Prime Minister and the Minister for Foreign Affairs by Mr. Grace For More information, please contact: Vladimir Menart Tel: 047 761 246 Air force On the ninth day of the war and with a ceasefire now in force, the two sides disengaged. Slovenian forces took control of all of the country's border crossings, and JNA units were allowed to withdraw peacefully to barracks and to cross the border to Croatia. MELBOURNE The Australian, 3 July. SLOVENIA http'J/www. ljubljana-life. com/ljubljana/ ten-day-war attacks Slovenes By NICOLAS ROTHWELL in Zagreb and agencies HEAVY lighting resumed between tile Yugoslav federal army — backed by air cover — and Slovenia's territorial defence forces yesterday, threatening the latest West European peace initiative. Reports from Slovenia said planes attacked Slovenian forces as they fought a column of Yugoslav People's Army vehicles trapped outside the village of Krakovskl Gvozd near the Croatian border. The Slovenian Defence Minister, Mr Janez Jansa. said last night that the federal air force had also attacked television and radio transmitters in the towns of Nanos, Krvavac and Hum, according to the Yugoslav news agency. Tanjug. The federal Defence Ministry said air force planes had been sent into the Trebnja region on Slovenia's border with Croatia to support an army unit under attack from Slovenian forces. The ministry blamed Slovenia. saying that the rebel republic's forces had "rudely violated the ceasefire agreement" by their action against federal troops. Slovenian authorities remain distrustful of the federal troops and want international observers to monitor their proposed withdrawal. The fighting broke out yesterday afternoon about 130km south of the Slovenian capital, Ljubljana, Slovenian officials said last night. A Yugoslav army convoy had tried to break through a Slovenian barricade and continue toward Ljubljana, they said. The federal army sent helicopter gunships and planes to bomb the barricade, prompting the ground fighting, Slovenian radio reported heavy casualties on both sides. Much of the fighting was near Slovenia's nuclear power plant, which was shut down for safety reasons yesterday, Slovene defence officials said. The federal army had sent a column of tanks in aid of federal troops who made the initial push against the Slovene barricade. gotlate an immediate halt to the fighting. The German Foreign Minister. Mr Hans-Dietrich Genscher, was interrupted in attempts to talks with the leaders of the rebel republics of Croatia and Slovenia to promote the latest West European peace initiative. Mr Genscher's planned meeting in Ljubljana, was cancelled "for securitry reasons". Soldiers shot from behind He was acting on behalf of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, which is to discuss Yugoslavia in Prague today, following yesterday's meeting of the CSCE Conflict Prevention Centre in Vienna. But Mr Genseher was still to have talks with the Slovenian President, Mr Milan Kucan, in Villach in southern Austria. Mr Genseher wanted to pursue his mediation efforts which he began yesterday in Belgrade with the presidents of the two breakaway republics. In Canberra last night, the Department of Foreign Affairs warned Australians to avoid travelling to Yugoslavia. In a consular notice, travellers were warned to defer all travel to the Republics of Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina and defer nonessential travel to other parts of the country. People who still decided to visit Yugoslavia were encouraged to register their arrival and departure at the Australian Embassy. Mr Jansa accused the army of breaching the ceasefire, flying ammunition and supplies to troops in the republic and "sticking Red Cross signs on its helicopters", Slovenia's radio broadcast appealed for the surviving tanks In the column to surrender in order to spare further loss of life. This sudden escalation of activity in Slovenia comes as the diplomatic effort to resolve the crisis moves into its most Intense phase, with Mr Genseher expected to place strong pressure on the federal and republican authorities to accept a mission by European civilian observers. MADEC Mi I d ura And District tid neat i on a I Ceil'.;: I P. O. Bo* 1005, Mildura, 3500 ___________Avenue. M i ¡dura. 3500 Telephone! (050) 23 7233 DfiTE; ¿J- /J/f I X&.LbCil l.T&UX. R^.p £ L,.. fr/r.. M. Ki t c Q aj TO: HOI,- CA ..QE^EA., IVXv U^ L.A R A SUBJECT; ..rP.iih^t?......----- - H ¡L^f\uu ilUifiMu ¡Pel '^Jo^icj- ijjldct-rt*/ ftvsr#.4t~//f MILDURA PREDSEDNIK MILAN KUCAN IZVRŠNI SVF.T REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIJA Mildura, 3/7/91 SPOSTOVANI PREDSEDNIK RS G. MILAN KUCAN Danes sem imela interview - razgovor z novinarjem našega lokalnega avstralskega časopisa o vojaškem nasilju v Jugoslaviji. Na novicah sem ravno slišala sirene v Ljubljani, zato sem bila istočasno vesela, da so me poklicali iz časopisnega podjetja in sem imela možnost izraziti moje občutke in mišljenje vseh naših rojakov, ki žive tukaj v Milduri. Povedala sem jim , da to ni vojna med Srbi in hrvati, kakor je ves svet pričakoval, temveč je vojna med slovensko demokracijo in jugoslovanskim komunizmom. Vedno sem bila ponosna Slovenka, vendar kakor sem danes, še nikoli prej, kljub žalostnim novicam, ki jih prinaša svetovni tisk in TV. V vseh poročilih in tisku ste prikazani zelo realno in pozitivno in kljub bolečinam, ki jih občutimo, vas lahko le občudujemo. Ne samo jaz in nasi slovenski rojaki, ampak tudi Hrvatje, ter ljudje vseh narodnosti. V duhu podpiramo vaio borbo za svobodo izpod komunističnega imperializma in narodovo samostojnost. Novinar mi je naroČil, naj vam v imenu vseh ostalih novinarjev izročim njihove pozdrave z zeljo, da ste uspešni v vašem velikem naporu. Slike iz TV enkrana so 'v nebo vpijoče'. N.pr. ko smo gledali pogreb trebanjskega kmeta in obupni krik njegove hčerke, ni nobeno oko ostalo suho. Podoben občutek je imel protest srbskih mater v Beogradu in njihova zahteva odstopa komunistične vlade in vojske. VaŠ ugled v svetu raste hitro in vsi ljudje se zgražajo, da je kaj takega mogoče v današnjem času v sredini Evrope. Zgražamo se tudi, daje bil Zahodni svet tako zaslepljen o realnosti v Jugoslaviji in v začetku podprl takšno barabrsko vojno vlado. Ko vidim na TV bombandiranje blizu mojega rojstnega doma, mi srce krvavi od žalosti... Ponosna sem na trebanjskega rojaka g. Lozjeta Peterleta, ki ga poznam se iz Šolskih let, obratno pa sem razočarana nad drugim trebanjskim rojakom, vojaškim generalom Stanetom Brovetom, ki je v svetovnem tisku prikazan kot eden glavnih odgovoren za barbarski pohod na Slovenijo, in se je izkazal kol narodov izdajalec... Zavedamo se, da se v tej vojni vojaki sami med seboj ne sovražijo, daje to vojna za obrambo vojaških privilegij srbskih generalov. Le oni si želijo nadaljevati s staro Jugoslavijo. Ce bi jo hotelo ljudstvo, jo ne bi pripeljali v sramotno 2000% inflacijo v zadnjem letu. Zgražamo se, ko vidimo, da seje JLA spravila s tanki nad ljudi, ki soji v največji meri pomagali oborožiti in jo podpirajo 50 let. Vaša hrabrost in dobra organizacija nas je vse navdihnila z. upanjem in zeljo, da ne odstopite od neizmerno težkega položaja in da vztrajate do končne zmage. Lep pozdrav, Jožica Gerdfen / 491 SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET - VIKTORIJA (AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA ZA SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES) Ms Christine Neville Appointments Secretary Hon. Senator Gatelh Evans Minister for Foreign Affairs Parliament House Canberra, ACT, 2600 SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL - VICTORIA (AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN CONFERENCE - FOR SLOVENIAN WORLD CONGRESS) Re: Recognition of Republic of Slovenia Dear Ms Neville, We confirm the advices of Ms Shcrril O'Connor-Sraj to your David Chaplin of Monday, 1st July, 1991 that the Slovenian communily in Australia is extremely concerned at Ihc dramatic turn of events in the Republic of Slovenia and urgently requests that a delegation meets with the Minister for Foreign Affairs at the earliest possible time in regard to this situation and the Australian Government's position on the recognition of Slovenia as an independent and sovereign stale. At a special meeting of the Slovenian National Council held on Monday 1st July, 1991 and again at a special meeting of the Slovenian National Council on Wednesday, 3rd July, 1991 it was unanimously agreed that wc should urgently request the Minister to grant us the opportunity to put before him a number of urgent matters, including Slovenia's right under the Federal Constitution of Yugoslavia to become an independent and sovereign state; that Slovenia has proceeded over a number of months with democratic elections and with a Referendum which endorsed that Slovenia should bccome independent. Despite Slovenia's constitutional right toscccdeshc has been attacked by the occupation forces of the Yugoslav Army. Wc believe that, at international law, Slovenia qualifies for recognition by the international community as an independent and sovereign state. At this stage we propose that die members of the delegation would be: Mr Stanko Prosenak, Vice President of Slovenian National Council (SNC) Mrs Helena Leber, Acting Secretary of SNC MrsNcvenka Golc-Clarke, adviser andfor Gerard Clarke, adviser Mr Garry Moore, Barrister at law. former candidate for Federal Scat Goldstein Mrs Sherril O'Connor-Sraj, Solicitor, Melbourne We will be forwarding to the Minister's Office a folio of documents by way of background information prior to any meeting, in particular in relation to Slovenia's legal rights to independence under the Federal Constitution and in relaMon lo recognition at international law. Wc understand the Minister will be in Melbourne this coming week, that is appro*. 9th - 1 llh July, 1991. We would request lo his acccding to see such a delegation in this urgent matter at a convenient lime during his presence in Melbourne. We would request your urgent adviccs in this matter and lhank you in anticipation. Yours faithfully. Simon Spacapan President of SNC Contact persons: Slanko Prosenak Shcrril O'Connor-Sraj tel. bus. 670 2075 tel. bus. 598 0512 home: 598 7948 fax: 598 8700 MELBOURNE Herald Sun, 3 July. C o ut 3 O o CT» a > 'L o ■ 1/1 a *o o E en 3 (A tf> J) >- T3 C u O O le LJ T3 > O O ■D O o ■ > V) (rt 0 E o O >_ u *m u a w o O m u C a CT» C 'û CL Û. 'E c i/> M c w 3 ÛÉ a> > £ o m -o 1991 SLOVE N S K I SLOVENIAN INFORMACIJSKI URAD INFORMATION OFFICE 86 Parramatta Road, Camperdown NSW 2050 Sydney - AUSTRALIA All Correspondence/Vsa koresporidenca: P.O. Box 188, Coogee NSW 2034 AUSTRALIA Tel: (02) 517 1591, (02) 519 3933 Fax: (02) 550 1378 ******* PRESS RELEASE ******* 3rd July, 1991. MEMBER FOR FOWLER, E.L. (TED) GRACE M.P., PASSES PLEA FOR RECOGNITION OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA TO MR. BOB HAWKE AND SENATOR GARETH EVANS. Today the Member for Fowler, E. L. (Ted) Grace, has passed a statement requesting recognition of the Republic of Slovenia by the Australian Government. The statement was written on behalf of the Australian-Slovene community. It was was accepted by Mr. Grace at a press conference held on the 2nd of July at Triglav Slovenian Club at 7:00pm. Mr Grace indicated that he would pass it on to the Prime Minister, Mr. Bob Hawke and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator Gareth Evans. At the press conference, Mr. Grace spoke in support of Slovenia's aspirations for freedom, which he said was the direct result of a democratic process. He also described the personal abuse and harassement he and his office has received because of his outspoken support for the self determination of Slovenia and his refusal to support the corrupt Communist generals and regime of Yugoslavia. Other speakers at the press conference included leaders from Sydney's Slovene Associations and Church. Martha Magajna, Secretary of the Slovene Council of N.S.W., said "The media should be aware that Slovenia's government should not be referred to as "rebels" by the Australian media. The Slovene people declared independence as a result of a free and democtratic election, as well as a plebicite that was held 6 months ago and passed by 97 per cent of the population". Vladimir Menart, Slovene-Australian lawyer and writer said, "Contrary to the Australian government's statement that Slovenia does not meet the criteria for statehood under international law, the Slovene government has shown in recent days that it is in effective control of the subject territory and has the undisputed loyalty and allegiance of all its citizens". Other speakers who spoke in support of Slovenia's freedom were Fr. Valerian Jenko, of the St. Raphael's Slovene Mission Church at Merrylands, Prof. Buda of the Croatian community and Mr. Michael Darby of the Captive Nations Council of N.S.W. Following is the statement delivered to the Prime Minister and the Minister for Foreign Affairs by Mr. Grace For More information, please contact: Vladimir Menart Tel: 047 761 246 Slovensko Pismo, Year 2, No. 7-8, p. 56. Welcoming Alfred Breznik, returning from Slovenian World Congress in Ljubljana. z najnovejšimi dogodki iz Slovenije in prvič v zgodovini je vsak Slovenec na vprašanje od kod prihaja, lahko odgovoril "iz Slovenije", ne da bi mu bilo treba pojasnjevati kje je Slovenija. Tudi verski center v Merrylandsu se je pokazal kof dober dušni pastir narodu v stiski. Poleg prve proslave oz. zborovanja na Triglavu, maše za domovi no v soboto v Slovenskem društvu Sydney, molitev za domovino pri maši v nedeljo, se je pater Valerijan udeležil tudi srečanja na Triglavu, vmes pa pridno pošiljal protestna pisma in faxe vsem institucijam, ki bi lahko pripomogle k mirni rešitvi slovenske krize in priznanju slovenske neodvisnosti, zraven pa je dajal še številne izjave za tisk. V četrtek, 4. julija je Slovenski verski center skupaj s hrvaško cerkvijo pripravil svečano mašo za domovino v St.Mary's katedrali v Sydneyu, katere se je udeležilo več tisoč Slovencev, Hrvatov in simpatizeijev iz Litvanije, Ukrajine in drugih. Isti večer smo svečano sprejeli na letališču Sydney vračajoče se delegate iz Ljubljane. Oba dogodka sta bila dobro prikazana v časopisih in na televiziji. V nedeljo, 7 julija smo v Klubu Triglav pripravili sprejem za povratnike iz domovine in dali sydneyskim Slovencem možnost, da so slišali vse novice o dogodkih doma iz ust očevidcev. Veliko zanimanja je tudi bilo naslednjo nedeljo, ko smo v Klubu Triglav predvajali video posnetke iz slovenske televizije o vseh najvažnejših dogodkih v domovini. Lahko rečemo, da smo bili avstralski Slovenci prav tako ganjeni in prizadeti, kot ljudje doma in čeprav smo gledali svečano proglasitev neodvisnosti samo na videu, smo sprejeli dviganje slovenske zastave, himno in predsednikov govor z rosnimi očmi in ploskanjem odobravanja, posnetke razdejanja in posledic vojne pa z grozo in globoko ogorčenostjo. Sedaj vlada premirje in vsi čakamo. Daleč smo od doma in ne moremo mnogo pomagati domovini, ki gre skozi težko preizkušnjo. Vse kar lahko zdaj še napravimo je, da ji pomagamo materialno. V ta namen so pri vseli slovenskih organizacijah v Sydneyu že organizirane zbirke prostovoljnih prispevkov. Vse organizacije tudi pripravljajo dobrodelne prireditve v ta namen. Prva taka prireditev je dobrodelna večerja v Slovenskem društvu Sydney, ki bo 27. julija, kjer bo ves dobiček namenjen za pomoč Sloveniji. Klub Triglav in verski center v Merrylandsu bosta sledila s podobnimi prireditvami malo kasneje. Medtem se je pozornost avstralske javnosti precej zmanjšala, saj premirje za njo ni tako zanimivo, kot je borba malega naroda { Avstralci nas kličejo "plucky"), ki seje skoraj golih rok boril proti dobro oboroženi armadi. Javno mnenje se je v glavnem obrnilo na našo stran, kar pa seveda še ni dovolj Še vedno moramo delati z namenom, da svetovna javnost ne bo pozabila, da se je slovenski narod odločil za svobodo in neodvisnost in da pri tej odločitvi ne bo odnehal. MARTHA MAGAJNA SYDNEY Alfred Brežnik speech. Slovensko Pismo Year 2, No. 7-8, p. 57. Mß The Ten-Day War was formally ended the next day with the agreement of the Brioni Accord, signed on the Croatian Brioni Islands. The terms were distinctly favourable to Slovenia; a three-month moratorium on Slovenian independence was agreed — which in practical terms had little real impact — and the Slovenian police and armed forces were recognised as sovereign on their territory. It was agreed that all Yugoslav military units would leave Slovenia, with the Yugoslav Government setting a deadline of the end of October to complete the process. The Slovenian government insisted that the withdrawal should proceed on its terms; the JNA was not allowed to take much of its heavy weaponry and equipment, which was later either deployed locally or sold to other Yugoslav republics. The withdrawal began about ten days later and was completed by 26 October. 4 July ^y SLOVENIA MELBOURNE The Australian, 4 July, p.7. 4 July Mt. MEE .QLD. Slovenska Radijska Skupina 4EB ( Slovenian Radio Group 4EB ) 140 Main Street, Kangaroo Point, Q'ld., 4169 The Hon. R.J.L. HAWKE, A-C. ?rine Minister of Australia Parliament House, Canberra, ACT, 2&0C. Dear Sir //a AUSTRALIAN CITIZENS OJj' SLOVENIAN DESCENT ARE DEEPLY CONCERNED EY THE RSCsNT EVENTS IN SLOVENIA. ALL QUEENSLAND SLOVENIANS RESPECTFULLY ASK YOU TO EXPRESS, IN THE STRONGEST TERMS, YOUR DISAPPROVAL OF ACTIONS TAKEN AGAINST SLOVENIA BY THE YUGOSLAV ARMY« Fleass Mr. Hawke, help Slovenia by recognition. Yours faithfully Per Secretary Anica Cuderman ■it.Mee Jul. The Vth 1991 Youth Meeting City Square Melbourne 4 July 1991 Our country needs help. New born democratic Republic of Slovenia has been brutally attacked by illegal self appointed commanders of the Yugoslav Army. We need the immediate world recognition which would diminish the power of the army, stop devastating the country and contribute to the peace in Europe. Certain characteristics need to be met to be recognized, by international law, as a country. To my knowledge those characteristics are: recognizable area, definable nation or group of people, sustainable governement and impact or consequence to the surrounding area or the rest of the world if a particular area A recognizable area: Slovenian nation has lived on the teritory of current Slovenia for over 1300 years and is probably one of the oldest European nations remaining on the same teritory for such a long time. From 6th to 9th century Slovenians lived in a free and independent kingdom of Carinthia under duke Samo and other dukes. The seat of the kingdom was the castle of Krn in South Austria. After constant attacks of Avars from north we allied with Bavarians and Franks which subsequently and slowly subordinated us. Later on, in the mediaeval era, the control over Slovenian teritory was being exchanged between Slovenian and German feuds. For a short time Napoleon walked into Slovenian teritory. After we fell under Austro-Hungarians and stayed there until the first world war. During all that period we retained our identity, our songs, our culture and our language in oral and written word. After the first world war we allied with Croats and Serbs to form South Slavs Union and after the second world war in the federation called Yugoslavia. And now it is the last form that we feel most endangered with and we Slovenians unitedly decided today not to be part of this form, form of Yugoslavia any more and on 25th June we declared Definable nation or a group of people: 90% of population of Slovenia are Slovenians and from the above said I hope is clear that we are a nation and this point cannot be disputable by international law. Moreover this nation is today Sustainable governement: Slovenian government was elected through democratic elections last year and was elected to bring Slovenian nation freedom and independence which task has been performed with admirable skills, I have to emphasize here again that Slovenian government has a full support of Slovenian citizens and if that has not been shown in this war between Yugoslavia and Slovenia I do not know how to prove more sustainable government. Moreover, Slovenian government and here I mention also Croatian government, have in order to move towards independency, listened to the will of people through referendums which overwhelmingly supported becoming independent countries. In addition to that Yugoslav constitution Nevenka Clarke-Golc Speech at the Youth meeting. 4 July ^y MELBOURNE allows each of the Yugoslav nations to secede if they want so. For that reason the attack of Yugoslav Army on Slovenia was illegal by international law. It was an attack of the country of Yugoslavia on the country of Slovenia, The impact of recognition on other countries: We cannot see any bad consequences if the world recognizes Slovenia and Croatia. Europe is by default a mixture of all sorts of small nations and countries. Why cannot have a few more? Is the world affraid that also Macedonians will try to be independent? What is wrong with that? They most deserve to be free. Bosniaks. If their people vote for it, they can separate from Yugoslavia. We also want Serbians to have their own country if that is their will of course. And if they call it Yugoslavia we do not oppose. We do not oppose the will of Monte Negrin people to join Serbia in a country called Yugoslavia or if they wish they can call it Serbia. We do not go with our tanks over their streets and fields, killing people just to demand that they have to separate. But they will have to respect OUR will and our right to decide about our own future. What is wrong if Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine and others are in dependent. Russia wants to retain its big empire gained through a dictatorship. The world has changed. Russia is having enemies on its borders. They should be thinking towards making friends. We cannot agree that our independence will have bad impact on the world. On the contrary. We will enrich it with our knowledge, capability, spirit and kindness. Let me summarize the reasons for the request to the Australian government to recognize Slovenia to become a country. We are a recognizable area with over 1300 years of history, we are a definable group of a very homogenous nation, we have a sustainable government which I hope has been proved to the whole of the world. I hope also we have proved to the whole of the world that we are a sustainable nation as well with Slovenian teritorial defence completely blocking ten times bigger and better equipped Yugoslav Army. Therefore we ask all the countries of the world and in particular Australia to recognize democratic movements in Slovenia and recognize Slovenia to become a country. We Australian citizens of a Slovenia origin would be particularly proud if our new country is as brave as our old country and is also taking a leading role in creating a new democracy in Europe and that Australia the same as Slovenia is not reading the history but writing it. Nevenka Golc-CIarke MELBOURNE The Age, 4 July. MELBOURNE The Australian 4 July, p.1 YUGOSLAVIA Transcript of part of Hews Conference criven by the Prime Minister in Parliament House, Canberra on 4 July 1991 Journalist: Prime Minister what's the latest information that you have on Yugoslavia? Prime Minister: Well it seems to be the case now that there are further"talks going on, that the tanks of the Yugoslav Army are halted at the border of Croatia. And r want to say these things about what's happening there. Of course, we deplore the use of force and the violence that's occurred. I welcome the efforts at mediation that have been undertaken by the -particularly by our European friends. We were very much concerned to hear the reports that the Yugoslav Army seemed to be operating beyond civilian control. It is quite clear that the movement towards democracy in Slovenia and Croatia has considerable momentum now and that the pre-existing state of Yugoslavia is not going to be able to be held together under the arrangements that have existed to this point. We deeply hope that the relations between what had been the constituent parts of Yugoslavia will be able to be resolved peacefully. Of course as far as Australia's concerned if Slovenia and Croatia come to a point where they satisfy the requirements of independent statehood, then we would recognise them. But the important point to make, I believe, is the one I have, that we want to see these matters resolved peacefully and in an acceptable and orderly fashion, and I would take this opportunity of congratulating the people in Australia of Yugoslav origin, from whatever part of that country they may have come, for the restraint that they have exercised here in Australia. I congratulate them on that and certainly hope and expect that that will continue to be the case. 4 July ^y Mt. MEE - QLD Slovensko Pismo Year 2, No. 7-8, p. 67. NEWS CONFERENCE PRIME MINISTER Mr.Bob Hawke Parliament house-on 4 July 1991 Prime Minister:Well, it seems to be the case now that there are further talks going on, that the tanks of the Yugoslav Army are halted at the border of Croatia. And I want to say these things abouth what is happening there. Of course, we deplore the use of force and the violence that's occured. I welcome the efforts at mediation that have been undertaken by the particularly our European friends. We were very much concerned to hear the reports that the Yugoslav Army seemed to be operating beyond civilian control.lt is quite clear that the movement towards democracy in Slovenia and Croatia has considerable momentum now and that the pre- existing state of Yugoslavia is not going to be able to he held together under the arrangements that have existed to this point. We deeply hope that the relations between what had been the constituent parts of Yugoslavia will be able to be resolved peacefully. Of course as far as Australian concerned if Slovenia and Croatia come to a point where they satisfy the requirements of independent statehood, then we would recognise them. But the important point to make, I beleive, is the one I have, that we want to see this matters resolved peacefully.....I would take this opop tunity of congratulating the people in Australia of Yugoslav origin, from whatever part of that country they may have come, for the restraint that they have exercised here in Australia. I congratulate them on that and certainly hope and expect that that will continue to be the case. SECRETARY OF THE SULCSTRAL1AN SLOVENIAN CONFERENCE,-FOR THE SLOVENIAN WORLD CONGRESS,-FAX:{3)762 6830,-Att.Stanka Gregoric,- To: The PRIME MINISTER,-The Hon, R.J. Hawke,-Parliament House,-Canberra 2601,- To: The MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS, The Hon. Garcth Evans,-Parliament House,-Canberra 2601,- Dear Sirs,- On behalf of (he Australian Slovenian Conference we again urge the Australian Government:,- 1. To immediately recognize the Republic of Slovenia as an indépendant and sovereign state. Under the federal Constitution of Yugoslavia a constituent republic has the right to secede from the YuyogMiwffedaiatiori. In april 1990 democratic elections were held and on 23 rd December 1990 a Referendum was held at which over 88 % of voters supported the indépendance of Slovenia.,-On 25 th June 1991, UteRepublic of Slovenia was proclirimdd by the democratically elected Government, pursuant to the legal right of Slovenia to secede as state in the Federal Constitution.,- 2.To immediately condemn the use of force and all aggressions by the occupational forces on the Yugoslav Army, which is occupying the Republic of Slovenia contrary to international law - 3. We request the Australian Government, which has an unparalleled record for the defence of democratic nations, to take immediate steps to recognize Slovenia at international law as an indépendant and sovereign state and to halt the use of force by the occupation forces.,- Preamble, 1974. Federal Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia:,- "On the basis of the rights of every nation to self detennination, THAI INCLUDE ALSO THE RIGHT RIGHTS OF SECCESSION the nations of Yugoslavia decided oil the basis of free will.....to union into the Federal Republic of free and equal nations and nationalities.",- Yours sincirely,-Maijan Kovac,- Pre side nt,- /uxy ^y CANBERRA Alfred Breznik,- Ref.for the national politics ASK,-Melboume, 5.7.91.,- 1991 Janez KRANJC Professor of Law University of Ljubljana SLOVENIA Kongresni trg 11 YU-61 000 Ljubljana Fax Nr. (3861) 33 IB 09 Mrs. & nr. Sherrie & Pavel 5 R ft J 55 Holyrood street HAMPTON, VICTORIA 31 BB MELBOURNE Australia, Fax Nr. 03 59B B7 00 Draga Pavel in Sherrie, V zvezi z vajinim klicem vama sporočam naslednje: Rezal tat slovenskega referenduma so bili nas lednji: udeležba je bila malenkost več kot 93'/.; za samostojno Slovenijo je glasovalo BS , 5"/. volilnih upravičencev proti je glasovalo Q7. volilnih upravit' .ficev ne vel j avnih je bilo 0,9*/. g 1 a so vn it: volilnih upravičencev. Ustava SFRJ (tj . Soc i a 1 is tiCrne federativne republike Jugoslavije) iz leta 1974 vsebuje že na samem začetku temeljnih načel naslednje besedilo: Izhajajoč iz pravice vsakega naroda do samoodločbe, ki Vključuje tudi pravico da odcepitve f , so se narodi Jugoslavije fa podlagi svobodno izražene volje v skupnem boju vseh narodov in narodnosti v narodnoosvobodilni vojni in socialistični revolucij i v skladu s svojimi zgodovinskimi težnjami, zavedajoč se, da je nadaljnja krepitev bratstva in enotnosti skupni interes, skupaj z narodnostrni, s katerimi živijo, združi 1 i v zvezna republiko svobodnih in enakopravnih narodov in narodnosti in ustvari 1 i socialistično zvezo del ovnih ljudi — Socialistično federativno republiko Jugoslavijo, v kateri v interesu vsakega naroda in vsake narodnosti posebej in vseh skupaj uresničujejo in zagotavljajo ... nacionalno enotnost in neodvisnost. V normativnem delu ni več izrecnega sklicevanja na pravico do odcepi tve, vendar se mi zdi začetek preambule oziroma temeljnih načel dovolj jasen in načelr formuliran. Lep pozdrav, prisrčna hvala in veliko uspeha pri vajinem plemenitem prizadevanju. Upam, da nas ne bodo do nagega priznanja že vseh pobili. Sicer pa je morala zaenkrat zelo visoka. 1 C" AVSTRA.LSKA SLOVtNSKA KONFERENCA Z\ SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES I'O.BOX 197 Kcw Victoria 3101 Australia ^^ MELBOURNE AUSTHAUAN St QVEWE CONKtRKNCK for (he WORLD SLOVENE CONGRESS URGENT SECRETARY Ol THF AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN CONFERENCE FOR THF SLOVENIAN WORLD CONGRESS FAX: (3)762 6830 Att.Stanka Gregoric To: The PRIME MINISTER The Hon. R.J. Hawke Parliament House Canberra 2601 To: The MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS The Hon. Gareih Evans Parliament House Canberra 2601 Dear Sirs On behalf of the Australian Slovenian Conference we again urge the Australian Government! 1 To immediately recognize the Republic of Slovenia as an independan! and sovereign state. Under the federal Constitution of Yugoslavia a constituent republic has the right to secede from the Yugoslav Federation. In april 1990 democratic elections were held and on 23 rd DeieiiilKi 1990 a Referendum wis held at which over 88 % of voters supported die independan« of Sloven. On th June 1991, the Republic of Slovenia was proclaimed by the democratically elected Government pursuant to the leía! right of Slovenia to secede as state in the Federal CoMtttUUo:.. 2 To immediately condemn the use oí force and all agressions by the occupational force* >■ - ' Slav \rmv. which is occupying the Republic of Slovenia contrary to intematwnri law. sovereign state and to halt the use of force by the occupation forces Preamble, 1974. Federal Constitute of «» So*»« ^^¿^Zt INCLUDE ALSO THF "On tV basis of the rights of every nation to self det rm; I on. TH,« ^ to union illto VIGHTS OF SECCESSlON the nations of Yugoslavia dec fed on the basts or the Federal Republic of free and equal nations and nationalities. Yours sincirely Mar) an K-ovac President _, . _. . ynce on June 25, Slovenia ministers from the Euro- seized the posts and trig-pean Community decided gered the week of wide-to send three officials to spread fighting that monitor the ceasefire. nudged Yugoslavia closer Control of Slovenia's 27 to disintegration, international border posts Slovenia had strength-is most likely to shatter ened barricades in Ijubl-the fragile peace in the jana, replacing buses and Balkan federation. trucks blocking streets Neither side is willing to with iron girders fortified compromise on the border by barbed wire. SETS FREE But the truce reached on Thursday seemed largely intact, although the issues that plunged the two sides into widespread combat during the past week remained unresolved. Skirmish Despite Yugoslav army reports of skirmishes with Slovenian fighters overnight, there appeared to be no new threat of military action. The 35-nation Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, meeting in Prague, agreed yesterday to support and take part in a European Community observer mission to monitor the truce The EC foreign ministers expected to discuss the organisation of such a mission during their meeting in The Hague. Meanwhile, Serbia, the largest Yugoslav republic, said it opposed independence for Croatia, which has a large ethnic Serbian minority, but might accept a separate Slovenia, • The Australian Slovenian Conference has again urged the Prime Minister, Mr Hawke, to recognise Slovenia as an independent state. - AP V The tension shows as mothers of Yugoslav soldiers join o Zagreb rally to demand thot their sons be allowed to come home in pcocc. The Courier Mail, 6 July. July MELBOURNE Anica Markic and Stanka Gregoric went to American Consulate in Melbourne to present a petition. The Consul cancelled the appointment. Stanka Gregorič in Anica Markič sta obiskali ameriški konzulat v Melbournu. Na recepciji so jima povedali, da je konzul prezaposlen za pogovor z njima, da bi lahko prevzel informacije, katere sta pripravili. Anica in Lojze Markič, Stanka Gregorič in Štefan Merzel so se udeležili srečanja skupnega sestanka s predstavniki drugih narodov. Stanka Gregorič in Stanko Prosenak sta se priključila tudi sestanku predstavnikov slovenske skupnosti z avstralskim ministrom za emigracijo, Gerryjem Handom. Stanka mu je izročila sveženj raznih informacij in dokumentov, med drugimi tudi Ustavo Jugoslavije, ki v svoji preambuli iz leta 1974 govori o tem, da imajo narodi Jugoslavije pravico do osamosvojitve, vključno s pravico do odcepitve. Stanka Gregorič and Anica Markič had an appointment at the American Consulate in Melbourne, but were told, once all prepared with the information and documents at the reception, the Consul was too busy to see them ot take the prepared material. Stanka Gregorič and Stanko Prosenak attended a meeting together with other representatives of Slovenian community with the Australian Minister for Immigration Hon. Gerry Hand MP. Stanka gave him many documents, among them the Statute of Yugoslavia, which stated in 1974, the nations of Yugoslavia have the right to become independent includung the right to suceede. A PVStiL. TO US,R EMiHS-£>y ZA/ /^¿TZ-Ec^v/2 /o - jC> 9/ MELBOURNE XT IS OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE THAT FURTHER BLOODSHED IS PREVENTED. THIS CAN ONLY BE DONE BY USA AND OTHER WESTERN NATIONS RECOGNISING THE WILL OF SLOVENIAN PEOPLE. THEIR DESIRE TO BE AN INDEPENDENT STATE THE LATEST FAX FROM LJUBLJANA, NAMELY DR. JANEZ DULAR, MINISTER FOR SLOVENIANS ABROAD, EMPHASISES THAT A SERIOUS THREAT STILL EXISTS FROM THE ARMY TO ATTACK SLOVENIA AGAIN. SLOVENIA IS THEREFORE STILL UNDER CONSIDERABLE DANGER. SLOVENIANS LIVE IN GREAT FEAR THAT MORE INNOCENT LIVES WILL BE LOST, FURTHER DESTRUCTION OF COMPLEXES AND HOMES IS A VERY STRONG POSSIBILITY. THIS IS MENTAL TRAUMA, THAT THEY ARE EXPERIENCING, BECOMING FURTHER MORE DETERMINED THAT THEY IK ) NOT WANT TO BE A PART OF YUGOSLAVIA ANY LONGER. THESE PEOPLE SUPPORT THEIR SLOVE NIAN GOVERNMENT, THE PEOPLE THEY ELLECTED IN A DEMOCRATIC MANNER, FURTHER EXPRESSING THEIR DESIRE BY 93%rvmi ^*A'*PLEBISClTE'FOR AN INDEPENDENT STATE LAST DECEMBER. EVERYONE WE SPEAK TO FROM SLOVENIA CLAIMS THAT THEY ARE PREPARED TO FIGHT FOR THE,'I R FREEDOM TO THE VERY END. THERE IS NO GOING BACK!!!! TILL NOW SLOVENIA WAS NOT TAKEN SERIOUSLY ENOUGH, NOT BY YUGOSLAVIA, NOT BY THE OF THE WORLD. ON BEHALF OF SLOVENIAN GOVERNMENT, ON BEHALF OF SLOVENIAN PEOPLE, WE STAND HERE TODAY APPEALING TO USA GOVERNMENT TO LISTEN TO THE PLIGHT OF THESE PEOPLE. ALL THEY WANT IS RECOGNITION, TO BE RECOGNISED BY DEMOCRATIC NATIONS. AFTER ALL IT IS A DEMOCRATIC RIGHT OF EVERY NATION GREAT OR SMALL TO BE ABLE TO CARVE ITS OWN FUTURE. TO BE MASTERS OF THEIR OWN DESTINY. IT IS IN THE CONSTITUTION OF YUGOSLAV FEDERAL GOVERNMENT THAT EVERY STATE HAS THE RIGHT TO SECEDE^ THEY SO WISH _ THAT IS WHAT SLOVENIANS WANT. BOTH, MONTENEGRO AND SERBIA HAVEEXPRESSED THAT THEY DO NOT OPPOSE TO THIS DECISION ANY LONGER , WHETHER THEY MEAN THIS OR NOT REMAINS TO BE SEEN, FOR WE ALL KNOW THAT THESE TWO STATES STILL HAVE COMMUNIST GOVERNMENTS. THE ARMY IS THE BIGGEST THREAT. THESE GENERALS ARE A LAW UNTO THEMSELVES, ASWE HAVE ALREADY SEEN, WITH NO VALUE FOR A HUMAN LIFE, NOR ANY CONSIDERATION FOR ANY PROPERTY INCLUDING CHURCHES AND HOSPITALS. PLEASE ROCOGNISE AND SUPPORT SLOVENIA AND CROATIA. THE REST OF THE WORLD IS WATCHING YOUR GOVERNMENT. ONLY PEACEFUL PATH WITH DIALOG TO FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY IS THE RIGHT PATH, OTHERWISE USA TOO, ALONG WITH OTHER WESTERN NATIONS WILL HAVE TO SHOULDER ITS SHARE OF RESPONSIBILITY SHOULD FURTHER BLOODSHED OCCUR. MELBOURNE The Age, July 7 US warns Yugoslav republics BELGRADE: Yugoslavia's rebellious republics were yesterday warned by both the country's Prime Minister and the US not to go ahead with plans to secede. Prime Minister Ante Markovic told the republics of Slovenia and Croatia that he would use all legal means at his disposal to prevent them seceding without the prior agreement of his Government. And in a one-day visit to the capital, the US Secretary of State, Mr Baker, warned that breakaway republics would not receive diplomatic recognition. The wealthy, pro-Western republics Of Slovenia and Cro a t i a have announced their intention to become sovereign, independent states. Slovenia has set June 26 as the date for its breakaway and Croatia says it will follow suit on June 30. Slovenia has already begun constructing control posts along its southern and eastern borders with Croatia. Its Defence Minister said its troops would be on full alert next week to repel possible federal army intervention. After a meeting with Mr Markovic, Mr Baker warned against "unilateral actions" that would "jeopardise a peaceful solution to Yugoslavia's political crisis". Preserving the unity of Yugoslavia was "the best way to ensure that human rights are protected and Gold Coast Tudi rojaki iz Queenslanda so bili aktivni, čeprav jih tam živi dosti manj kot drugod. Jože Vah. predsednik tamkajšnjega Slovenskega narodnega sveta, je naštel akcije kar po vrsti: " Resnični položaj dogodkov v Sloveniji sem osebno pojasnil na ABC televiziji. Bil sem v stiku z lokalnim članom parlamenta zvezne vlade Johnom Bradfordom. Predal sem mu protestno pismo, ki "a je odposlal senatorju Garethu Evansil. Radijska postaja 4 CRB-FM je imela dvakrat intervju z menoj. Razdelili smo lepo število dopisnic, ki so bile podpisane in poslane Evansu. V Brisbanu smo imeli dvakrat mirne demonstracije s Hrvati, na katerih se loven )ožie je vodil brisbanski duhovnik. Zbrali GOLD COAST Naša bitka za Slovenijo, p. 38. je zbralo tudi lepo število Slovencev. Udeležili smo se še službe božje, ki jo smo nekaj denarja za pomoč Sloveniji, z zbirko pa bomo še nadaljevali. Iz poročila Jožera Vaha, predsednika SNS Qld MELBOURNE Sunday Age, July 7 that Yugoslavia will receive the kind of economic support to which it is entitled", Mr Baker said. Under no conditions would the US recognise Slovenia as a separate nation. Sis remarks were clearly also aimed at Croatia. Mr Baker's tough stance followed a flurry of Western diplomatic activity aimed at preventing an escalation of ethnic violence and forcing the divided republican leaders to the bargaining table. He indicated that he carried the full support of the European Community and several countries bordering Yugoslavia who have expressed fears of violence spilling across their frontiers. In a tough address to Parliament. Mr Markovic said: "The Government is determined to use all legal means in accordance within its constitutional rights and competences to oppose unilateral demands and behavior." In the case of unilateral secession, the Government would take "essential measures to secure a democratic solution". Political and ethnic disputes have killed at least 22 people this year. Mr Markovic repeated calls for free elections to the country's Parliament and an urgent solution to a row that has paralysed the ruling collective presidency, leaving Yugoslavia without a president or commander-in-chief of its army since May 15. - REUTEH. DAILY TELEGRAPH Birth of an old nation THE Slovenes are late-comers to a struggle for an independent state. Tucked into a tranquil and lush corner of the Alps, the two million Slovenes are not burdened with a martial tradition or memories of past glory. A blurred memory endures of an Independent Slovene duchy, which vanished in the 9th Century. Since then, the Slovenes have pragmatically accustomed themselves to foreign rule. After six centuries in the Habsburg empire, they passed in 1918 into the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, later called Yugoslavia. Unlike their Catholic neighbors In Croatia, who struggled bitterly between 1918 and 1939 with their royal Serb masters, the Slovenes put dreams of independence to one side in favor of self-enrichment. Slovenes rallied loyally to the Yugoslav cause when war broke out in 1941, though some followed the royalists and others the Partisans, led by Josip Broz Tito. The victorious Tito was himself of mixed Slovene-Croat descent and the post-war Slovene communist leaders accommodated themselves to the state with the same mixture of pragmatism and enlightened self-interest as their predecessors. But by the 1980s, Slovenia was rapidly sloughing off communist rule,, which placed a serious strain on the republic's relationship with the rest of Yugoslavia. Appeals to Slovenia's new communist leader, Milan Kucan, to crush this "counter revolution", as it was SLOVENIA called in Serbia, fell on deaf ears. Mr Kucan realised Communist rule In Europe was doomed and championed the very forces he was supposed to stop. He survived the transition in 1990 from communist rule to a multiparty democracy unscathed, and was elected president of Slovenia in April 1990. But the rise in Serbia of a xenophobic hardline communist clique, led by Slobodan Milosevic, closed off this path. Slovene entreaties for the rapid integration of Yugoslavia with Europe, for the curtailing of military influence and a quicker transition to a market economy, fell on hostile ears. As recently as a few weeks ago, very few people in Slovenia regarded the forthcoming "declaration of independence" from Yugoslavia as much more than a political gesture, designed to break the log-jam between the pro-Western republics of Croatia and Slovenia, and Serbia. The ascendancy in the army of a hardline faction of Serbian communists, who appeared determined on war, forced the Slovenes to make a tough choice. They could return to a centralised, Serb-dominated state, burdened with a parasitical military machine and isolated from the rest of Europe. Or fight. It is richly ironic — a nation with no martial tradition and not much of a reputation for nationalism is now fighting perhaps the last war for independence in Europe. Independent Brionska Deklaracija. Brioni Declaration. MELBOURNE The Weekend Australian, July 7, p. 14. 1991 July 7 ^y SLOVENIA SLOVENIA ADELAIDE V nedeljo popoldne je bilo mirovno zborovanje Hrvatov, Slovencev, Muslimanov in Albancev v Parku miru, North Adelaide, s priložnostnimi govori narodnih skupin. Zborovanja se je udeležilo okrog dva tisoč ljudi. Za slovensko skupnost sta govorila ing. Franci Svirt v slovenščini in prof. Lavra Premrl v angleščini. Podan je bil kratek oris zgodovine Slovencev in njihove dolgoletne želje po svobodi, s pozivom avstralski vladi za priznanje samostojnosti Slovenije. Poroccvalec iz SA Envoy criticises crackdown By foreign affairs writer TONY PARKINSON /^(U&TLieJjno cjí CardieAAsi. $ioir do*iov¿rL¿ px nAiSi/ia^ejt no.p.o*.,da b-l SíouesiJ^Ja, /soLiaia ¿afioótoina. , d-zm.ci/tiaüc/ia c£tfaua» / if Qb¿a¿u.fai±a/n.esi4¿i ¿ño od-sii pJt&A. AJM lí^iXsfiD CLttJjaeadO' 7üit ¿MÍO ¿no.tí'üütaü tai- » fiewJae^íJie. ■Lyjaui., fcaie/to ¿e ftejta^v'"^ ¿wie+í-íJti pinanjÀ. tUALtttJt. ßa^/t&t u ße-O^Aaciti in poifo-vtita jit/iaí'jeLjíi Jninid-i-Lit/a na 7v flntcytiki. £/Iq¿ú noic^ -juto ijyiocÜü íütü f iHäftfi CtftO/LflfcA Skupfí. a4ü ■ aíi^Jaíatís-í ¿aJtoi fLí^rijitj^nfiJit 4.ap4it- Skiípn-3&t<. rniAO d.e.ßuAjixJ^.o uí^ud/ta ¿}fiAe,-je.Á¿L JJÍ oi}-lfuÁ/-C¿a Uit o ¿ííjiiKJCf Za flfiÍT&io 29 • ¿nAsi-ja rtaíiíJi/itíiííao J-írOyc/i^te SoMo^ía-ffin^íí* 2a dMx -íjji-p (Wiflü ßoyxJsÄJLi., (ftí^jio JJ^ÍüWt ¿1 jUie-ÍKl ímc ÎLOrtOt/nO ^vlû^i,'^!^.;» ÍÜCíí i/i ¡ionov* n.a uaü t Ha flmtta^/jtú fiada, p-tij^a $J-Qvw<-¿0i Od i« íimo t^/iiLt-i, (/ ÍJct™, torn íe-í-íiitrüt jjijmc) h to^tevtc^a /Icil^JíOÍ pod* ^¿ííaü in ÇÛ ptjj^ii ail/«fcfymi Aii^ii^e-t^/iCfliti pi&c^eiinijtu.i' pi^au ^juto pau^ , ¿fíj íioiroijia ¿^uA^Cifta JÍÍ^IO Jtuj'dai, ¿a^Äin^A^e, ¡íaífiLa -te." ^eAianc/oaíwi díííflila iftn rjír. i Jtfli&íi^ -at. j.Q. Jiotíftc4f i^(U/i¿O 0íic£^iit.(L4/ OÍÍ. JtifD^iat/i^c,^OÍ-ÍÜ JJHO ún/ue,^ píijAa JIO^O t' ÜjíltrO Jipire/vií'O* CANBERRA 0®,O7 91 22 21 Sol 6 Ü9ÍJI2Í5 SLOVENIAN AUST IZ-HAT J CA m YU liaoe U pot\.tdeJ.^£.k. mo ^ffva+LovaAA. ¿p&e.jejn. VÁ^Í¿UCÍÓUOAJCÁL ¡a. p¿njin.'j.e. «no <¡¿i naj. prtJ-pJLQ.uí. jftin-id^í^i-jfcapu do ¿e.(jqrdo. Lto ¿ka u¿ada C-LripJi.e.^. pJi^LyiaÁa S-Loi/wL^o, mexLnaAodfl&ya, n* I/O #U¿UítOdv,QuQx*i>l ¿EL: "U-Lada. -íe, jtt,u íít. ¿Í rfi*JflJfl'*j(Jit lítuflJL^a" ■tíc/ia. cn/^otie^ei/ í-totJianded/./íti^Maij'-itil utíida ¿D fnpo.í'-iat/ar'íoíii doLLcA, $iouefi¿Ja~ imaA p.Qgoj.t?.u nwfriaA ndn.a j'jí n,e nic-re Í^Oiffl/ti^'ji. Faudi-lÄAsL vtnotda. na-j da/itAcLi.^a. fie. Caín, da bodo dAnge. dAp.u/e. S-Lavcnl^-O*Cí i¡.id<- tfl£ bo QUsoJA&LCfa. PAJ.¿A fUto^ o p¿rcntpt/a/t/*.*A*t&t¿¿k¿ a^'o-doda'* /A /soí/aí'*/. na. p4af/i0vast^ iMti^ajte, yicacf? (/¿en-¿/i'infi^ndfaK^H day,) 1/4* (LipJ-omatt. ak&vt4¿t¿Aaftf y njÁ/ní je, TS.000 ,WmaAj0VtlHci£jc¿ OIVL^.U -L/I X-ttua/icfttf demon.Ct&LQ i&Ofü ^ifscij* -to^fis-íi, Od oíut^U aftifi^acie -sa ÍKIPCÜ^L pit^ liAatíe, Lfe-i ¿maja Híva.^«, "ü-lqÁA,'¡da Li/íofl^ka. ¿ktlflfiOit oluc-a.jna ne, poysM^La taj. od 0 na ¿Jamí. nema.¡ja. cí-iu^jtua na odJ.ocUsli.tda ^c dJUí^tu-o 4odÁ. 10.000 daíiLoJi¿m.tttda, í'o otfceAttee dejia-ino podante. CjJa/l<¿ U nj^flji ¿.e ¡Áf'tOfU- Si .300. íjUjííj Jra jt - JÍJ Af"®«: ■vi tj-iíd/aio .tiA-^'^j^ im aju, ^ ¿^MV. jt-) to yJjiíií? j o ti tí ai. ba pAÁ.yulía SMois^nÁ^o, V/¡í S^otrejií^tf^itd-L in'jo y áu.-ií'taom 4.0 Ifi /¿A vpodJxitt/CLQ, iia- po ^i/nj-tA-^vic--/-/li^a.Jo ^tdají' fimo Í&. ia ^iOflíinte^n Lfc, teJ.wi.yLfA. ÁA. AadJ-fti, B¿1¿ ¿.tio pcn.Q4fL jM^jiian^e ^ofc^^Jte. Í/JO'IPCíijiu ¿íi^ /te. dnqapi. 1/ doaov¿rtii-t ptofim.qaj.Q jAaüti ^Bíiooio^a^ . p.o Aa. p.o ¿aka^i ! ía ÍJ-Oufyidjto^ííi^-ü^^^jtp A shaky ceasefire in Yugoslavia ~ ? - FOR the third time in a fortnight, representatives of the European Community have managed to negotiate a peace plan for troubled Yugoslavia. On both previous occasions, [he EC delegation had no sooner left the conference room to fly home than ttie ceasefire began to disintegrate. It takes considerable optimism to believe that the new plan will fare better. Under it, the EC will send between 30 and 50 civil and military observers to monitor an early ceasefire between Slovenian forces and the Yugoslav Army. The terms of the ceasefire include the freeing of all prisoners, the lifting of blockades on army units, and the withdrawal of all troops to their bases or homes. On I August, a round-table conference will be held, again under EC auspices, to negotiate on the wider aspects of Yugoslavia's future. Even while the new agreement was being hammered out in talks on the island of Brioni, bloody clashes were taking place in eastern Croatia between ethnic Croats and Serbs. Federal lanks had to be used to separate the armed participants. Clashes in border towns and villages have occurred almost daily since Croatia and Slovenia declared their independence on 25 June. Hostilities between the two groups are long-standing, and Ihe worry must be that one small incident could be enough to trigger an even bloodier outbreak. Mo less worrying is the position of the federal army, whose officer corps is dominated by Serbs. In theory, the army is subject to the presidency, which has authority over the armed forces But in practice, as the Slovenes found last week when the army stormed into their breakaway republic, the military are apt [o take matters into their own hands. If the new agreement is to have any chance of succeeding, the federal presidency must impose its authority over the army, and ensure lhal it does not act of its own accord and in an inflammatory way. The next tew weeks will be difficult enough without the military pursuing their own agenda. MELBOURNE The Age, 9 July. io July ^y SLOVENIA 14 July CANBERRA /uly CANBERRA Slovenija uradno sprejme Brionsko deklaracijo. Official acceptance of Brioni Declaration by Slovenia. Slovenci se udeležijo svete maše za vojne žrtve, mašo vodi nadškof. Istega dne protestirajo pred francosko ambasado za Bastille Day. Slovenians conduct a Mass for the Victims of the War, led by the archbishop. That same day, the Slovenians protest before the French Embassy on Bastille Day. Avstralski zunanji minister, senator Garreth Evans, sprejme delegacijo: predsednika Avstralske slovenske konference, zastopnika Slovenskega narodnega sveta Viktorije - avstralsko odvetnico Sherrill O'Connor Šraj in strokovnjaka za mednarodno pravo Garyja Moora. Australian Foreign Minister, Senator Gareth Evans meets with the President of Australian Slovenian Conference, representatives of Slovenian National Council of Victoria - an Australian solicitor Sherrill O'Connor Šraj and an expert for International Law Mr Gary Moore. SUBMISSION TO HON. SENATOR GARET9 EVANS ^ I STO FOR AFFAIRS | * W| PARLIAMENT HOUSE, CANBERRA. MONDAY l^th JULY, 1991 ON BERALE 01 iHt, . ;,. rAKLlAntwi SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL, VICTORIA ' A. Legal document s: ! V)lr\ i. Government GBaette: .....................Klc-ctiort of President/Ministers».1 -. ^ ' ■■ i^'Wi V; rsi® 1. Cover iuu;:it 'i ......................Dec roe relating to Referendum,. .2, 3, Gove rn.ru; nt (io/.a1: t i;:......................Referendum results..............3. U, Cover nice n(Jo/>/tt>;:.......................Declaration of Independence.....4, 5. Govern '.ia/.v; :.......................Resolution of Parliament, 10,7.90«;i;'^ (Brioni Declaration) .......5.: B. Background (Jocuiueiits: 1, Historical summary, luciu-l ing tiiaps:. 2. Demographic suiniar-iry:................ 4. Summary uf i-.migration ftom Yugoslavia ro Australia: 5. Suiiaiiir; i f \ i.;1 r: !i jti trodt- with Yugoslavia......... J - i V i: to .6. ,,7. 3, Surrjnary of source law relating to border crossings , treaties and details of ioeaLion/rv^o >f 'jo filer crossings.........................8»^ gi :«J •9' £ .10.' C. Speaking ^oii.ts: \ Caae fur rj ] i .t=■ Reoogntion of the Republic of Slovuiif-: '- t.- (Jovoi'-riiBsiiit iii i.iuhljana..............................11, * cisur^ (Uäxäg % -sv+tß-^ut- o To iot^^gw M<l6fc"kra a c t. 2600 1 1 JUL. 1391 Mr Philip Ruddock MP Member for Dundas Suite 302 Eastwood Centre 160 Rowe street EASTWOOD NSW 2122 Dear Mr Ruddock Th.irfk you for your letter dated 28 June 1991 concerning the situation in Slovenia. I am following events in. Yugoslavia very closely. I remain concerned about the difficult security situation and the continuing loss of life. Attached are copies of my two most recent press releases and a transcript of an extract of the press interview with the Prime Minister on 4 July which states the Government's position. GARETH EVANS FÄXE© CANBERRA ADDENDUM TO SPEAKING NOTES OF DELEGATION TO THE HON. SENATOR GARETH EVANS, MINISTER F08 FOREIGN AFFAIRS PARLIAMENT HOUSE, CANBERRA. MONDAY 15th JULY, 1991 1. The Speaking Points represent what we saw as elements of of the Republic of Slovenia's case at international law for de jure recognition by Australia as at 15th July. 2. Since then we have become aware of important developments ments which appear to us to strengthen Slovenia's case. The collective Presidency of Yugoslavia announced the phased withdrawal of the Federal Army from Slovenia over the coming three months. These Federal forces are to redeployed in Serbia and liosnia-llercegovina. Serbia's representative on the collective Presidency Mr, Borisav Jovic, is reported as saying, "This is in complete accordance with our political stand that the Jugoslav Army should not be stationed in those part's of the country which see it as an occupier." ("The Age," Saturday, 20th July, 1991, P.9), 3. In view these developments:- a. come close to a Serbian and Yugoslav de facto recognition of Slovenian sovereignty; b. make it signficantly less likely that Yugoslav forces will seek to reverse Slovenia's independence by force. 4. The new developments make it even more likely that effective control by the Slovenian Government over the territory of the Republic of Slovenia is likely to continue. They further affirm Slovenia's already firmly established independence: an essential precondition in law for d e .jure recognition (see Speaking Point no. 2 (ii)). Dated 20th July , 1991 , Garry Moore Barrister at law, Melbourne A). Page 2 (iv) Sloven [a h;is hollt I lie cnpac Î ty to cuter into, relations with other StaLes and a strong wish to do so. - the government has established a Foreign Ministry under the Foreign Minister, Nr. Dimitry Rupel. - Slovenia is ready and willing to exchange diplomats with other countries. - Slovenia is prepared to shoulder its responsibilities as a successor State to the old Yugoslavia and as a member of the international community of nations. "Every State has the right to its own independence in the sense that it is free to provide for its own well-being and to develop materially and spiritually without being subjected to the domination of other States, provided always, that in doing so, it shall not impair or violate the legitimate rights of other States." - Draft Declaration on the Rights and Duties of States, drawn up by the Secretary General of the United Nations pursuant to a resolution of the General Assembly of 21 November, 1947. 2. The present government of the Republic of Slovenia governing from Ljublj ana meets the pre-conditions for de jure recognition "---- it is international law which defines the conditions under which a government should be recognised dej'ure or defacto, and it is a matter of judgment in each particular case whether a regime fulfills the conditions. The conditions under international law for the recognition of a new regime as the defacto government of a state are Hint the now regime has in fact effective control over most of the state's territory and that this control seems likely to continue. The conditions for the recognition of a new regime as the dejure government of a state are that the new regime should not merely have effective control over most of the state's territory, but that it should, in fact, he firmly established. His Majesty's Government consider that recognition should not be given when these conditions are not fulfilled. The recognition of a government dejure or defacto should not depend on whether the character of the regime is such as to command His Majesty's Government approval" : Secretin v of State for Foreign Affairs to the House of Commons on 21 March, [951 (Hansard, Vo.. 485, co. 2410 : cited in Car] Zeiss St if tun* v. Rayner & Keeler ltd. & Or* [1967J A.C, 85J, 006 per l.ord Reid). 1991 SPEAKING POINTS : A CASE FOR AUSTRALIAN RECOGNITION OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA AND THE GOVERNMENT IN LJUBLJANA: IMiWlffl TO 1HF. irTTlramy ^APFrn EVANS PARLIAMENT HOKE, CANBERRA. MJJDAY 15IH JULV. 1^1: Iteration Mr Nh^ r!Lr President, Australian Slovenian Conference; Mr. Carry Muore. Barrister: ggrrill O'Connor. Solicitor. 1, The criteria for sovereign statehood in international law are said in Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of Status (1933) to be: "(a) a permanent population; (b) a defined territory; (c) government ; and (d) capacity to enter into relations with other States." (165 League of Nations Treaty Series, P.19), (i) y (ii) bl Slovenia has a permanent and homogenous population : - total population of 1,712,445 (1981 Census). 43% are urbanised. Capital of Ljubljana has a population of 305,000. Other important towns include Mnribor, Celje, Kra»z and Novo Mesto. - Slovenians form 90.6% of the population, with the following ......oritiL-8 : Croatian 2.9%, Serbian 2.2%, Hungarians 0.5%, Italians 0.1% and unclassified 3.7%. - the Slovenian language is a Slavic tongue. As such, it is related to but distinct from Czech, Slovak and the neighbouring Serbo-Croat language, - the Slovenes settled what is now Slovenia in the 6th and 7th Centuries A. 1), and have lived there ever since. ' Slovenia has a defined territory ; - the Republic of Slovenia has an area of 20,256 square kilometres. It occupies 7.9% of the former territory of Yugoslavia. - Slovenia is bordered by Italy and the Adriatic Sea in the west, Austria in the north, Hungary in the north-east, and Croatia in the south-east and east. - the borders of Slovenia have been well-defined and accepted by all since the Second World War. Hi (iii)Slovenia has an effective and authoritative government : " the government is republican in form and headed by the President, Mr. Milan Kucan, and the Prime Minister, Mr. Lojze Peterle " the government reflects the principles of parliamentary democracy It 18 formed by members elected from the ^cemeral legislature The members of the legislature were, in turn, elected in free and fair elections.held on 8, 11 flnd 23 Aprll( 199Q ec^ 8* (i) The Slovenian government has, ill fact, effective control and administering authority over all of the territory of Slovenia bar Yugoslav army bases. - all bureaucratic offices and functions in Slovenia are directed by the government in Ljubljana. Officials' report to the relevant minister in that government. - the courts, police and militia forces accept the authority of the Slovenian government. - the Slovenia government has at its disposal some 35,000 militia troops and u furlhet H,000 armed police. All are well-trained, well-armed and committed to Slovenian independence. In contrast, some 20,000 Yugoslav federal army troops (of a total of 130,000) are presently stationed in Slovenia. Most are poorly trained and poorly motivated conscripts. Since the outbreak of hostilities, a large uuiuber of federal troops in Slovenia (not exclusively of Slovenian origin) have deserted. A further 55,000 federal troops face 40,000 Croatian militia troops and 30,000 Croatian armed police within the Republic of Croatia. - Slovenian government authorities control all of Slovenia's border crossings : a total of 115, of which 38 are international crossings, 64 locals crossings and 13 others. - the Slovenian government has the backing of the Slovenian people. (ii) The effective control exercised by the government of Slovenia not only is likely to continue but is also already firmly established. - nothing less than a massive land and air campaign by Yugoslav forces would be likely to break the control of the present government over Slovenia. Such a campaign would result in protracted guerilla warfare by the Slovenia forces (an ideal hilly and wooded country), probable Croat involvement , possible Macedonian and/or Kosovo Albanian involvement, significant dissension in Serbia, a rapid logistical run-down by Yugoslav forces, economic chaos throughout Yugoslavia and almost certain European peacekeeping involvement. Despite the intemperate remarks of some Serbian generals, such a Yugoslav military campaign is unlikely to be initiated and, if initiated, would almost certainly fail to negate Slovenian sovereignity. CQiPV 1991 - Yugoslav )ondi>rs ; 1 j>fif11- in have moved a long way towards accepting a sovereign, independent Slovenia. The Brioni agreement wa.s a significant step in that direction. An AP, Reuter report published in "The Age" on Saturday 13 July 1991 (P. 9) asserts that the European Community is prepared to send 40 - 50 truce observers to monitor the Brioni agreement in Slovenia with the approval of the Republic's government. Approval has also been subsequently obtained from the federal collective presidency. The report went on to assert that the Yugoslavian Vice-President, Mr, Branko Kostic, had, on the previous Friday, stated that he believed that Slovenia "has been written off for Yugoslavia", and had added that he supported the withdrawal of federal forces from the republic. Mr. Kostic is a Montenegrin. The focus in Yugoslavia has in a real sense moved from the independence of Slovenia to the disentanglement of Serbia and Croatia. - There is no suggestion that the Slovenians are having, or are likely to have, second thoughts about independence. 3. Australia should exercise its discretion and recognise the present government in Ljubljana as tile dejure government of the Republic of Slovenia. A i Ci) The Slovenian government is a government which has achieved power by constitutional means. - The President and Members of Parliament were elected under the terms of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia 1974 and the 19^0 Electoral Law. Presidential and parliamentary elections were conducted on 8, 11 and 23 April, 1990. (ii) The Slovenian declaration of independence was adopted and effected constitutional Iy. - A referendum was conducted pursuant to s.379 of the Constitution of Slovenia on 23 December, 1990. The referendum was initiated by Presidency Decree No. 0100-290/9 and the Independence Referendum Law (6 December 1990). The question put was : fVi Should 1 tic Rppuhlii' n( Slovenia become an independent and Sovereign State : Yes or Mo." VS t> % of adult Slovenians voted : Yes; and i, o % of adult Slovenians voted : No. } ' S h - ^^"'^rvvV Parliament declared independence on 25 June 1991. (iii)The Slovenian government has shown a preparedness to meet its international obligations and behave responsibly towards foreign countries. the government has publically indicated its preparedness to assume responsibility for 20% of the Yugoslav National Debt. (iv) Early recognition would win a place for Australia in the hearts and minds of Slovenians - Slovenia lias the most advanced economy in South-Eastern Europe. Karly recognition would enable Australia to foster trade links with Slovenia and, through it, with the entire Balkan region. - The longer recognition is delayed, the greater the potential for difficulties to emerge in non-public legal fields with the development of Slovenian laws to meet changed circumstances. Areas of likely difficulty include those of marriage and divorce, inheritance, private legal status and nationality and the formation and enforcement of contracts, 4. Possible arguments against immediate dejure recognition are far from compelling. (i) It might be argued that Slovenia is a "mini-State" and thus too small to merit recognition. - Slovenia is bigger in terms of area, population and/or economic output than a significant number of current members of the Uniti-d Nations. - With an area of about 20,000 sq. kms. and a population approaching 2 million persons, Slovenia is a state with half the area of Denmark (43,000 sq.km.), the Netherlands (41,000 sq.kms.) and Switzerland (41,000 sq.km.). It has two-thirds the area of Belgium (30,000 sq.kms.). It is almost as large in area and population as Albania (28,000 sq. km. and 2.6 million persons). It is almost 10 times bigger than Luxembourg (2.500 sq. kms. and 360,000 perJOns); and has an 1991 area 60 times Rro«rer, and population 6 "times larger, than those of Malta (300 sq. km. and 300,000 people). It is, ot course, many times larger than Andorra, Liechtenstein, San Marino and Monaco. Slovenia is 40,000 times bigger in area, and 2,000 times bigger in population, than Europe's smallest State, the Vatican City (0.4 sq. km. and 1,000 persons). Although, perhaps, something of a special case, the Vatican is, of course, recognised by Australia. (ii) It might also be argued that Australian recognition should await a complete settlement of affairs in Yugoslavia. Put slightly differently, it might be asserted that recognition would tend to destablilise the Balkans. Affairs in the ¡remainder of Yugoslavia and the Balkans may take many years or decades to settle, - The present posit ion <>[■ Slovenia as a sovereign nation conducting its affairs independently is most unlikely to change as matters are sorted out further south and east. - Recognition of Slovenia would contribute to regional stability. It would assist in deterring any extremist military adventure from the south. (iii)It might next be argued that recognition of Slovenia cannot be effected without simultaneous recognition of Croatia. Each State's claim to recognition should be judged on its own merits and in the light of its own circumstances. - Without ,„ any way wishing to argue against Croatia's claims to recognition, its position is clearly different from that of Slovenia. Unlike the latter, Croatia shares a longer border with Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. The present boundaries of Croatia would appear to enclose some 600,000 disaffected Serbs. Negotiations between Croatia and Serbia for the division of Bosnia-Herzegovina along ethnic or national lines have reportedly commenced. In all, Croatia's situation is a lot less clear than that of Slovenia, iv) It might be argued that Slovenia should not be recognised until the financial and other consequences of its succession from Jugoslavia are finalised. i the Baltic nations. The claims of the Moldovians are clearly different to those of the Georgians (and very different to those of the South Ossetians and Abkhazians). (viii)Finally, it might be argued that Australian recognition of Slovenia would engender ill-will among Yugoslav migrants in Australia. - It might be said as against this that a significant percentage of such migrants would welcome such recognition; notjust those of Slovene extraction but also Croats and Macedonians. - Most Serbian Australians would probably accept recognition as at least inevitable and, possibly, as a iactor contributing to regional peace and justice. Australian recognition of Slovenia at this time would be both right and proper. The United States, in recognising the new State of Israel in 1948, justified its action as : "a practical step in recognition of realities." (U.N. Security Council Official Records, No. 68, 3rd Year, p.16). Australian recognition of the Republic of Slovenia and its government m Ljubljana would also be a practical (and timely) step in recognition of realities. n D) Mr, Garry Moore, Barrister at law, Melbourne. D) FURTH RS SURHTSSrON TO TUR CO VF.RNHENT OF SLOVENIA RE: RECOGNITION OF SLOVENIA AS A SOVEREIGN STATE We are concerned at the way in which the case of the Republic of Slovenia to be recognized as an independent, sovereign state, is being publicized in Australia. We believe that it may also be an indication of the way in which Slovenia is presenting its case to other foreign Governments and to the foreign media. We speak as we know of the Australian situation. Our comments below may be applicable to the situation in other countries. This would however be for the Government of Slovenia to assess. Australians in general know little of the history or problems which have led to the break-up of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, They know even less about Slovenia: its history, its claims to independence and to international recognition and its present political and constitutional position. We believe that this ignorance in relation to Slovenia probably also extends to senior officers in relevant departments of the Australian Public Service, More importantly, however, it certainly extends to senior Australian politicians. We understand that the Australian Government and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs have gained in the past, and still gain, most of their information concerning Slovenia from the Australian Embassy in Belgrade and, to some extent, from the Yugoslav Embassy in Canberra. Further information comes second-hand by „ay of Australian contacts with other Governments, eg., the European Governments and the United States. While we believe that those persons or agencies currently providing Australian •ubtwrtfciaa wi-eh Information ara doing their best to keep ' abreast of affairs in Slovenia and to provide those Australian authorities with reliable and objective data, they cannot, ue believe provide any substitute for hard information direct From Slovenia. The Government is or; record as stating that Australia will be "among the iirsi" to recognize Slovenia. Justice and common sense dictate that we should immediately announce our recognition. Tferijre should be no further delay. Garry Moore, Barrister at law. i XQI.CI OL , , herrill O'Connor-Sraj, J Sher Solicitor. /ulv ^y CANBERRA Delegation to Senator Gareth Evans: Sherrill O'Connor Sraj, Garry Moore and Marjan Kovac. HRVAŠKA: Vedno hujši napadi JLA. Člani Slovenskega narodnega sveta Viktorije obiščejo ameriško in nemško ambasado. Skupni sestanek s predstavniki drugih narodov. Predstavniki Slovenskega narodnega sveta Viktorije, Avstralske slovenske konference, verskega središča, predstavniki slovenskih društev, radia in drugih organizacij se sestanejo z zveznim ministrom za priseljevanje, z Gerry-em Hand-om. Upokojenci v Kew pričnejo z denarno nabirko za pomoč Sloveniji. Slovenci odprejo zbirko za pomoč Sloveniji. CROATIA: YPA attacks in Croatia worsen. Members of Slovenian National Council of Victoria visit American and German Embassies. Joint meeting with members of other nations. Representatives of Slovenian National Council of Victoria, Australian Slovenian Conference, Religious Centre, representatives of Slovenian Associations, radio stations and Slovenian organisations met with Federal Minister for Immigration, Mr Gerry Hand. President of Australian Slovenian Conference met with Mr Gerry Hand in Canberra. Senior citizens commenced the collection of funds in aid of Slovenia. MELBOURNE CROATIA MELBOURNE Slovenians open Relief Appeal for Slovenia. CANBERRA Minutes of the Meeting with Senator Gareth Evans. GAERY MDCRE: Delivery of suttiussicn, based on Speaking Notes (8 pages). MINISTER: 1. Australia ready to recognize that certain irreversible changes have taken place. 2. significant manentun generated in the question of recognition of Republic of Slovenia by the world camunity. Australia acknowledges that it is not now a situation of "preserving unity at all costs." Not attempting to "squeeze the ncvanent [for independence ] back into the bottle." 3. the reality of the natter is however that the Declaration of [Slovenian] independence has been ntide mi thai followed by the Briani Declaration which has essentially suspended natters for three months. That is, to the Minister's understanding, the Declaration of Independence has been put "cn ice" for the duration of the Brioni Declaration (3 months). Were Australia going to "jump in" during that period, it would have the flavour of prematurity. A, Australia is not going to "lead the pack". The question of tuning of recognition by Australia is more likely to be that Australia will be cne of the first amongst the first, ie in the first "paJc" but will rat be the first. Australia has to have regard for which part of the world we are dealing with. It is necessary always for Australia to consider will "be there" if Australia is not. For example in the case of (South East Asia and Cambodia, (Cur role in this area and the F^cific hasin). 5. We also have to recognize the perception of Australia in the world ard in this, it would be perceived that there singly is a "migrant ccnnection Ma lave no capacity to influence the course of events. We teve to take into account the political and diplomatic currents if we would jump in. It could create political difficulties which could rebound cn our capacity to deal with that part of the world. There are also the dcnestic precedential inplications of such recognition: (discussion of tow breakup of migration to Australia frcm various republics and nationalities of Yugoslavia and how these groups nay react to recognition). 6, Turning to the actual international legal questions, the Montevideo Convention is correct and gcing through the criteria: a permanent population, defined territory, stable government (which in practice links back with the criterion of a defined territory) are all net. If we consider the question of the Baltic States, all these criteria are met, but that still does not amount to a case for recognition, as these have in fact been subsuned by the Soviet Union. In[the Minister'si opinion Slovenia now stands "finely poised" for recognition. 1991 2. Delegation, 15,7.91 cont. 7, The main question for determination is the question of "capacity." Not accepted that at the ncment Slovenia has this, satisfies this criterion. At the nrment it difficult to assure that Slovenia has unequivocally satisfied this requirement. There is certainly a willingness as far as the de facto reality is concerned, but it not a question we can say is presently full and finally resolved. The question is not so dearcut.. The capacity to enter into relations with other states does in fact have the ability of a state to undertake international mlatirrig; It demands a degree of recognition of the willingness to acknowledge fran elsewhere. There is lot of 'Wmbo junbo" talked about this criterion................. 8, The implications of recognition by Australia. The Minister does congratulate the various commities in Australia for their forebearance in the difficult di-cunstances at present. Vfould be hopeful of a"way through" being adiieved by consensus [ie.,recogniticn achieved: by negotiation/consensus]. 9, Thie question of solfdetenmnatim. It vos noted by the Minister that this wis not presented as an argument in the presentation.Hie position at international law and die situation in practice is this: questions are mixed together by seme, but the matter of self-determination is not — - applicable here. The actual questions of law in relation to selfdetennination to be considered are:- ~ a. the decolonization quest!mi, not relevant here. b, is the sovereign power, eg, the British concept of suzerainty in relation to Tibet and its right to self-determination vis-^a-^vis China. c. the right of peoples of existing sovereign entities to self determination............... In relation to secession, however, the international cannunity has set its face against secession until the country/state las gone quite sane vey dawn the track. It was noted that so many countries are in fact artificial canbinations, so that any cloun of the ru^ifc to socodc bdng successful msans there could follow a 'rdghtnorish1' situation. Sore of the present cases which are awaiting resolution are: Biafra, Kuwait TLgre, Eritrea, Also the situation of Bangladesh. It is obvious therefore that tliese are tlie reasons why the question of secession is resisted so vigorously by the international caimurdty with so many contenders "waiting in the wings." 10.In fact however, there is really no appropriate analogy to tills situation eg., the constitutional questions, steps of Slovenia, etc. The Minister expressed appreciation of the approach of the delegation and stated that the submission added a stock of nHterial to tliat of the Eepartirent particularly in relation to border posts and crossings, and military forces. 11. Obviously Australia is talJdng constantly to other countries and these materials/submission will assist in that dialogue. It is also obvious there needs to be seme caution exercised [in question of recognition now] for all the reasons indicated. SLOVENSKD-AVSTRALSKD DRUSTVO SLOVENIAN-AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATION OF CANBERRA INCORPORATED IRVING STREET, PHILLIP, A.C.T.. 260S P.O. BOX 3SS. WODEN A.C.T. 2SOS TELEPHONE 282 1083 J£fiES£ RELEASE '¿77A, A del eoat i on representi ng the Austral i an Slovenian Conference today met with thu Foreiqn Minister, Senator Gareth Evans. The deleg ation consisted of Mr Marjan Kovac, the presi dent of the con-ferEnce, Mr Garry Moore and Mrs Sherri11 O'Connor-Braj from Mel bourne. The .del eqat i on presented Senator Evans with a submi ssi on arguing for early Australian diplomatic recognition of the newly—independent Republic of Slovenia, The members of the delegation subsequently spoke at some length with Senator Evans and a seni or official in the Forei gn Mi n j stry, In a welI-argued case, the delegati on submitted to Senator Evans that the Republie of SIqvenia now met all relevant international legal criteria for recognition. It was also submitted that early Australian recognition would make a real contribution to a peaceful rssoluti on of current tensi ons in Jugoslav!a. Senator Evans expressed his appreciation for the wel1 — documented submission. He also demonstrated a high level of understanding of the rapidly—evolving si tuati on in Slovenia and Jugoslavia. He recognised that irreversible changes had occurred in the region. Wh i1st promi si the submjssi on that the Austr developments i present 1y atan recognjti on of acceptance by that the parti resoluti on of Australi a ful1 ng that he and his Department would study in further detail, Senator Evans stressed ali an Government was closely mon i tor i ng ri SI oven i a and Jugosl avi a. As matters d, Sentor Evans stated that Australian SI ovenia wut.ild be premature. The recent all parties of the Brioni Declaration meant es are coioini tted to pursuing a peacef ul their differences over the comi ng 3 months. y supports this process. Contact Mr Marjan Kovac 06 288 4097 Fax 043 85 2452 JBtc> (P^PV7 Council of Slovenian Organizations of Victoria Svet Slovenskih Organizacij v Viktoriji MELBOURNE p.o. box 79, rosana, Vie., 3054, aurtr»llj T*l»phorie: (03) 4592163 15th July 1991 Mrs. H. Leber, 25 Reserve Road, BEAUMARIS. Dear Helena, After your departure frcm the meeting last Wednesday evening Council decided c ' be following important matters:- 1. T '-h-ocrmittee be organized between S.N.S- Council of Slovenian oi9,in victoria, and Religious & Cultural Centre Kew (ft.basil) Members of the Council expressed there wish that:- (a) Sub-Carmittee be called Ccrtmittee for Slovenian Relief Appeal. (b) To be known to our Slovenian Cctmrunitv and others \ as Relief Appeal far Slovwnia, 2. Decision has been made by CSOV that we call a meeting between S.N.S and resolve these concerns, and to determine guidelines and perimeters, and within what dialogues can we work for the corrmcn good of our ccnrmjnity (Australian Slovenian Centrum it y) and Slovenians in our Old Country. I have already checked and secured meeting place at the E.C.C. on Wednesday 24th July 1991 and 7.30 p.m. Since Saturday morning I tried to get in touch with Mr.Simon Spacapar, this morning I found out from his office that he has changed his private phone no, and also he is away for the long wek-end. '^.-imingorgnmiioni:_(contd Page 2.) Meeting to be called as soon as possible and I an to call and invite Father Basil," President of S.N.S. i tNi - ■ ■ SOOAHON.MELBOUKNfc u /K1AL CLUB, (ADRAN St JNIAN ASSOCIATION,GEELONG SLOVENIAN ASSOCIATION, FLANICA,5PR!N<;VALE ■ m C'TYCLUB ALBURY-WOEJONGA iinvrwiiv ÍD^ptí Aecrt'-MTírtv er A i pAnir r i Council of Slovenian Organizations of Victoria M Svet Slovenskih Organizacij v Viktoriji MELBOURNE P.O. BOX 79, Roranna, Vie., 3084, Australia Tete phone: (03) 459 2163 2 I tried to get in touch with Mrs. Anna Markic since Saturday , left a message at her home to ring me back, rang again this morning but she was asleep, left message again. I tried to rang Mrs. S. Gregorich, but apparently the mutter I am ringing 509-5070 has a recording asking me to consult the telephone directory and check the number. So Helena you can see that the problems are not only:.with us but with the others as well, communication is vital, but its a lot to be desired. 3. I have new just on 1000 signatures on Petition for S£>eakar and Members of the house, that I am arranging to be sent to-day. •f In conclusion, I realize your feelings and Ivo's in regards to current events in Slovenia. I believe that all the work that you have done for the Slovenian Carmunity has been honourable and always In all sincerity, but unfortunately sometimes we cannot agree in what manner to go about it, and how to achieve what we want to achieve, but in principal I ^¡t no doubt that we do have an agreement, therefore, I believe that it is imperative that we finish the work that we started, and that we forget personalities for the good of our Slovenian Community. As you can see, the above work is still outstanding, and we have an obligation to ourselves and to our people. ;lovenian association, Melbourne ilovenjaii p. social clus, jadran slovenian twin city club albury-wodonga SL i NI AN ASSOCIATION, GEE LONG SLOVENIAN ASSOCIATION, PLANICA, SPRINGVALE SLOVENIAN SPORTS ASSOCIATION. ST.ALBANS SLOWENE CftTHOLIC CENTRE 08J46i6T1 t a 5e (j&C-ltfo ADELAIDE 8t,QVENSK& SKUrUOSTi JVZ11Z AVSTRALIJE .iajbrz bi pred mesecem dni bil drugačen odgovor na Vprašanji kaj dela Slovarja Južne Avstralije, Ljudje smo živeli bolj vsak sebi. Pa je prišel 25.c ur tij in dnevi pc njen, ki eo nas Slovenje saj nekatere ee bolj zdruiili i) ene sera veliko družino. Postali smo ponosni zavvdni, odkritij ljudje, tudi j: , . 4 (4. naši etroai se veselijo radostt domovine svojih svarsev. Strah jf srd po. nas sili v v jo k zer-.Tu da delujem kot skupnost da se se bolj zblizcmo in da pomagale roja-kon: doma. i-7.lce.tno je spoznanje, da je morala nad Slovenijo zavrgati vojna. da^nasi Avstralski sosedje spoznali nase deželo. Sedaj nor: čestitajo, ruta vzpodbujajo. i 4 1 Vsi Slovenci zaskrbljeni aakaro poročila iz domovine in se bojimo jutranjega dne Prepričani pa smo da se slovenska vlada r.e bo vdala in da bo Slovenija končno le svobodna, demokratična dežela. Ob dogodkih v Sloveniji pa se tudi pri na$ v Jukni Avstraliji začela vrsta razliinih akcij. SLovenci ubiramo podpise (peticijo), da bi avstralska vlada le •priznala slovensko neodvisnost. Ljudem delimo domoljubna nagovore a zeljo da bi vsi priznali svojcu domovino. Zaceli srn tudi- akotjo zbiranja finančne pomoči za obnovo ncäe delale. Akcija je zasnovana na Široko in pričakujemo, da bo uspe- * srn. j V nedeljo ?.7.li$l smo skupaj s Hrvati imeli mirovni shod. Pridružili so se nam tudi ALbanoi Mue linwit in Makedonci. Govor v slovenščini j a apeliral na zavednost SLovencev, \n govor V angleščini, ki je avstralski javnosti predstavil zgodovino slovenskega naroda in jih kritično vzpodbujal k priznanju neodvisne Slovenije. , 14.7. bw> y slevensk&n klubu zaceli s serije desetih predavanj o slovenskem jeziku literaturi-, kulturi in zgodovini. Tako bo avstralski Slovenec v se bolj spoznal Slovenijo. ¥ ¥ nh vsem tem pa eta celo aktivna »luvensko versko sredisce in slovenski radijski program. Storili bomo vseJ kar moremo, va bi nosa Slovenija postala svobodna. P.e. Prilagamo oam govore i-* pozive^ ki jih uporabljamo. Jones ZagoTo Predsednik SS9— »a Južno Avstralijo %■-- Slovensko Pismo, Year 2, No. 7-8, p. 67 Dušan Lajovic SLOVENIA Senator the Hon C.J. EVANS,Q.C WOLLONGONG Minister for Foreign Affaire Parliament I louse, Canberra, ACT, 2600 22.7.1991 Dear Sir. T, Rebeka Rudolf, wt mid like to bring to your attention the recent disruption in Slovenia. My.seIt born to Slovenian parents, my eoneern is great for the future of Slovenia, f am a naturally bom'Australian, along with mv brother, and my parents are Australian citizens, which doesn't make them any iess Australian than myself i am a year 11 student and am writing to you to express my freedom of speech! The amount of publicity Slovenia has received , has made this small piece of land, known to the world. I have visited Slovenia many times. It is a country lull of warmth, happiness, love and jov- The folk do not let anything get them down but now, for the fii^st time, have the opportunity to taste freedom. Let me ask, "Wasn't each man rightfully born to freedom?". Surely removal of freedom, is removal of human dignity! Slovenians do not expect miracles, they expect understanding. They want to be treated fairly, honestly and independently. They have nothing against Serbia or anyone else, thev just want peace and justice, for this generation and the future generations. Filch Slovenian would work harder, if he was to work for himself! They have been taken advantage of, now for too long Is it fair for Slovenia to pay and fund those who have no wish to help themselves? Slovenia has been under command, rule and suppression since it's existence, now with your greatest respect, let me say it's about time for democracy, justice, recognition and most of all. independency! INDEPENDENCY IS THETR LAST HOPE AND THEIR OLDEST WISH!! Slovenians are people who stand up for themselves, stick together in good and bad times, and who are determined and willing to fight for their rights........and their homeland! They wish not to see further bloodshed or disruption amongst each other but to live freely and peacefully. This is their first major chance to expand and show the world their culture, country and ability to live productively and independently. I truly feel that justice will be done and that all our prayers will be deservmgly fulfilled. Please accept this letter, merely as a way of showing the concern of myself and ail of the Australian/Slovenian community for the recognition of Slovenia and for them to pursue a life of independency. Thankyou for your time and understanding and I know that everything will turn out for the best Y Rebeka ] 2 Sherwood Drive, Balgownie, N.S.W.2519 AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA 23 July . < MELBOURNE A SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES AUSTRALIAN SI.QVF.iNE CONFERENCE r„r (h, WORLD SLOVENE CONGRESS AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA P.O.Box 197, Kew, VIC 3101, Australia PRE D S E DN1K: M aijan Kovač 9 Pandanus str., Fiiher, A.C.T.2611 Tel.-fax:(o43) 832 455 ali TeL-fax:( 06} 288 4097 TAJNIŠTVO: SECRETARY: Stanka Gregorii 2/15 Allandale rd„ Boronia, V1C 3155 2 3.7 .1 991 . Tel .-fax: (03) 762 6830 To: Mr. Peter Horton Director SBS Radio 3BA 2/4 Kavanagh Street STH: MELBOURNE VIC: 3203 Dear Mr. Horton will start an appeal to help the needy, therefore we sincerely hope that announcments can be taede on the Slovenian programmes at 3EA. Last year we held a very successfull appeal for the victims of the floods disaster in Slovenia, simply, becouse of your generous assistence in allowi Mondays Ihr programme )Slovenian)to run a mini radioton, using our outside phone facilities and one oij your portable phones. Can we hope that your permission will allow us to help our people in this urgent hour of need. due to the devastation in Slovenia, our communities here Maijan Kovač President Fax:<3) 762 6830 Melbourne, 23.7.9! (fmriadran (äari&iiiuie MELBOURNE (fmtsi'uktt ÖLI (Sariaiia 6th Floor One Collins Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia Tel: [03] 654-1433 Fax: [03] 650-5939 July 25, 1991 Miss Anne Markic Executive Committee Member of the Slovenian National Council for Victoria 16 Hamilton Drive NORTH RINGWOOD VIC 3134 Dear Miss Markic Thank you for your letter of 15 July, 1991 expressing concern over recent events in Slovenia. The Government and people of Canada, of which Canadians of Slovenian descent comprise an active and valuable part, share your concern over the current crisis. For your information, I enclose copies of two recent statements made by the Canadian Secretary of State for External Affairs, the Honourable Barbara McDougall regarding events in Yugoslavia. Yours sincerely Graham B. Rush Consul and Senior Trade Commissioner Ivanka Bulovec, Eda Frank. Marjan Kovač, president of ASK. 27 July ^y SYDNEY Choir of Slovenian Association Sydney Choir of Slovenian Association Planica Wollongong The united Slovenian community organised at the Slovenian Association Sydney a fundraising evening for Slovenia. The attendance was great. Dobrodelni večer slovenske skupnosti - denarna zbirka za Slovenijo. The Slovenian Community's Charity Evening - Relief Appeal for Slovenia. SYDNEY CANBERRA 29 July 1991 British High Commission Canberra Anne Markic 16 Hamilton Drive Ringwood North VIC 3134 Commonwealth Avenue Y.l I : 11. ; Canberra, ACT 2S0O Telephone: (06) 270 6666 Facsimile: (06) 273 3236 Telex: AA T> 2222 ) Thank you for your letter of 15 July addressed to the Consul-Genera 1 in Melbourne, about the situation in Slovenia. I have been asked to reply. The British Government has consistently made clear to the Yugoslav federal authorities that it deplores the use of force to coerce and intimidate the democratically-elected governments of Slovenia and Croatia. As the British Foreign Secretary made clear in the House of Commons on 3 July, Yugoslavia's problems cannot be resolved by resort to arms. The British Government and its European Community and Western partners have been actively involved in trying to prevent further bloodshed in Slovenia and Croatia. However, only the people of Yugoslavia themselves can devise a future for their country. The plan which was agreed between the European Community Troika and Yugoslav representatives offers a basis upon which negotiations can restart. The British Government stands ready to do whatever it can to help, cooperating closely with its European Community and Western partners. In order to meet the British Government's established criteria for recognition, a state must have not only a clearly defined territory and population, but also a government in effective control and independence in its external relations. In present circumstances Croatia and Slovenia do not satisfy these criteria. M S EVERSON Mr M Cuderman Campbells Pocket Rd Mt Mee Q 29 July 1991 Dear Mr Cuderman, I have now had the opportunity to receive advice from the Department of Foreign Affairs on the official Australian position on the Slovenian Declaration of Independence as well as reading the additional material you have sent to me. The Australian Government is closely monitoring the situation and has to date: 1/ acknowledged that the Declaration has the backing of a clear majority of Slovenia's citizens and the plebiscite, prior to the Declaration, represented an expression of democratic will. 2/ Deplored the use of force by the central authorities and called for the cessation of hostilities and the withdrawal of central forces from Slovenian areas. 3/ Encouraged the efforts of mediators from the E.C. to reach a negotiated peaceful settlement. 4/ Stated that independence would be recognised upon the satisfaction of the requirements of statehood under international law. In this regard, the Proclamation of Independence is not itself the totality of action needed for international acceptance of statehood. I further understand that a delegation representing the Australian Slovenian Conference and including Mr Morjan Louse met with Senator Evans and a senior Foreign Affairs official on July 15. I also note from recent news reports that agreement has been reached on the withdrawal of troops which augers well for a more peaceful resolution. This however, is mitigated by the clash between Seberian and Croation forces. As I understand the views of the Australian Slovenian community, it is hoped that international recognition of independenace will pressure the Federal authorities to accept the Declaraton. In this regard, I am sympathetic to your wishes and accordingly, I have written to the Prime Minister urging the earliest possible recognition of a Slovenian nation by Australia. I would be happy for you to keep me informed of further information that may come to your attention and which may be helpful in apprising me of developments. Yours faithfully. / J&iQ)ael Lavarch Federal Member for Fisher :jh», iflr-. ivtwiouo' vjrlkx"-v ^«ict'v i ninfl1», ¡ivijiti' nr.! . ■,» sii^s. InirlJCjing :,l'nlfip<»H* «• W««?^" i Mo^jv ia» '. .«Em A t jcr«n.j LV^ptK"! h- tUXY" partv d! in« %c*tft ■>• -HH Swn$r»i-> |V. ..iqC'fm Hei: Croya .'wf iüJKhtM). Toogoatawnli. CANBERRA Bitka za Slovenijo, p. 58 PETITION To the Honourable the Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives Assembled in Parliament "Hie Petition of" certain citizens of Australia draws to the attention of the House That the democratically elected members of the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia proclaimed on 25th of June 1991 that the Republic of Slovenia be an Independent and Sovereign State as it was requested by the Slovenian people fn the Referendum, held on 26th December 1980. Youi petitioners Therefore humbly pray that I he House takes all action within its power to bring about: The recognition of the Republic of Slovenia by the Australian Government as an Independent and Sovereign State. The condemnation by the Australian Government of any action of force against the Republic of Slovenia and its people. Avstralska slovenska konferenca je razposlala ¡jurnjo pc tičijo vsem svojim narodnim svetom po Avstraliji, razdelila a i h jc tudi posameznikom. Vit |xrikije o predane avstralskemu parlamentu. Svet slovenskih organizacij Viktorije je posla i okrog [ .500 podpisov ministru za priseljevanje Ganyju Handu. SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET - VIKTORIJA (avstralska slovenska konferenca za svetovni slovenski kongres) Dr. Janez Dular G. Jelko Kacin Minister za informacije Izvršni Svet RS LJUBLJANA 61000 SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL ■ VICTORIA (australian slovenian coherence for slovenian worlc congress) Predsednik : S.špacapan 13.8.19*1. Zadeva/-posredovanj e direktnih informacij Avstralski vladi. Spoštovani. Po nasvetu naših pravnih zastopnikov,notarja Garrya Moora in odvetnice Sherrill O'Connor Šraj, ki sta se v našem imenu sestala z zunanjim ministrom Garrethom Evansom glede priznanja Slovenije Vam sporočamo sledeče : Senator EVans je izrazil željo, da Vaš urad pošilja vsaj tedensko redne informacije glede razvoja vprašanja Slovenske neodvisnosti. Ta komunikacija naj se vspostavi takoj potom Faxa z Ronafcdom Richom, tajnikom/svetovalcem za vzhodno Evropska vprašanja,številka Faxa : 61 6 2612176. To boste našli v Memorandumu, ki smo ga Vam dostavili pred dvemi tedni. V skupni želji za samostojno Slovenijo, 1 Vas lepo pozdravljamo, S. Špacapan ^¿j^^J^J^J za : Helena Leber-začasna taj niča. Slovenija zahteva umik JLA. Začetek uradne denarne nabirke za pomoč Sloveniji - Australian Slovenian Relief Appeal - zbrano približno $97.000. Peticije, pisma, telefonski klici in telefaxi, prevajanja dokumentov za avstralsko vlado. Opomini avstralskim medijem za napake pri poročanju. Udeležba v hrvaških demonstracijah. Predstavniki Slovenskega narodnega sveta Viktorije in vodja Slovenskega informacijskega urada iz Sydney-a, se srečajo s senatorjem Robert-om Hill-om, senatorjem James-om Short-om in Phillip-om Ruddock-om. Slovenia requests YPA to leave. Beginning of the official Australian Slovenian Relief Appeal (about $97,000 collected). Daily petitions, letters, telefaxes and phone calls, with translation of documents, for the Australian parliamentarians. Notification of a protest against the false, unjust and biased reporting by the Australian media. Participation in various Croatian demonstrations. SLOVENIA VICTORIA CANBERRA SLOVENIA VICTORIA 12 DELEŽ SKUPŠČINE V AKTIVNOSTIH ZA slovenia pH^^čijE SAMOSYcy?uiSi'? Kdo ima moč v Sloveniji? Predsedstvo, vlada ali skupščina? Za vsakega tujca bi blf odgovor pred vojno veliko težji, kot je danes. Toda med vojno je postalo Jasno, da je moč v Republiki Sloveniji Imela skupščina. Spomnite se recimo, kako so se štiri strani sporazumele ob brionski deklaraciji - Slovenija, Hrvaška, Jugoslavija in Evropska skupnost. Samo v Siovenlji je morala skupščina ratificirati dogovor, preden je stopil v veljavo. Morda je bilo to prvič ■ medtem ko je mednarodna javnost Čakale na odločitev našega najvišjega zakonodajnega telesa - da je svet spoznal, da v Siovenlji obstaja parlamentarna demokracija Skupščina Ima Še posebej pomembno vlogo pri odločitvah, ki zadevajo mednarodne odnose, saj Ima vedno zadnjo besedo pri oblikovanju slovenske zunanje politike, Imenovanju ambasadorjev fn ratificiranju mednarodnih sporazumov Čeprav večina odnosov s tujino poteka prek ministrstva za zunanje zadeve, je tudi skupščina precej dejavna na mednarodnem področju. Skupščina In skoraj vse njene komisije za mednarodne odnose so z enostranskimi In večstranskimi parlamentarnimi odnos: povezane s Številnimi evropskimi In drugimi deželami kot tudi s parlamentarno skupnostjo Evropskega sveta In i Evropskim parlamentom. Ker je slovenska skupščina sestavljena dokaj pluralno (devet strank, dve drugi skupini), so se lahko vzpostavili odlični odnosi s političnimi skupinami v tujini: s socialnimi demokrati, krščanskimi demokrati, liberalci, zelenimi Itd, Že obstoječe vezi so pomagale pri naših komunikacijah med vojno, ko smo večkrat stopili v stik z vsemi parlamenti držav članic KEVS, Evropskim parlamentom in z različnimi evropskimi parlamentarnimi skupščinami, njihovimi komiteji In političnimi skupinami. Z nekaterimi komiteji za zunanjo politiko smo bili tudi v neposrednem stiku, medlem ko so obravnavali razmere v Sloveniji. NaŠI predstavniki so obiskali parlamente mnogih držav in tudi Evropski parlament, Med vojno in še posebno v času razglasitve prekinitve ognja je več parlamentarcev iz drugih držav in Članov Evropskega parlamenta obiskalo Slovenijo, pri čemer so nekateri celo tvegali življenje. Prišli so v to deželo, Čeprav še ni bilo varno stopati po cestah naših krajev in mest. Bilo bi samovSečno trditi, da so naše dejavnosti obrodile sadove, ki so se kazali v pozitivnem odnosu do slovenske samostojnosti v različnih tujih parlamentih In v številnih javnih Izjavah ter resolucijah, npr v julijski resoluciji o Jugoslaviji, ki jo j« sprejel Evropski parlament In je gotovo najpomembnejša. Toda prepričan sem, da smo odločilno prispevali k boljšemu razumevanje razmer pri nas. Dodat bi še, da je bilo Življenjskega pomena, d? 9 bila slovenska skupščina, med našimi ljudmi znana po medstrankarskih prepirih, enotna ob vprašanjih samostojnosti in obrambe naše države. To je bil eden od pomembnih elementov za predstavitev naše samostojnosti tujini In hkrati najbolj očiten primer samoodločbe ne le v Evropi, ampak na splošno. In verjamem, da to v resnici je MATJAŽ ŠINKOVEC Predsednik Korulslle 7n mn rt na rodno odnose Skupfiilne Republiko Slovenije 7, avgust 1 »01 PRIZNANJE DRŽAVE SLOVENIJE. GEORGIA RECOGNIZES THE INDEPENDENCE AND SOVEREIGNTY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA. SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET ■ VIKTORIJA "ii-V t! 'ai>4 lovu ;. '.ik .". t- [ml niaiw-i vtniahlmtjikttlk.i Mr . V IKTORAS MARTISIUS President of Lithuanian Executive Committee in Austra1 ia Fax 06 241 2910 Dear Sir! The Slovenian National Council of Victoria and the Slovenian Communi t y would like to extend our deepest satisfaction and cor.giatulation at the dipl orna tic recognition of Lithuania. The past injustice of forced annexation of your home country has finally been corrected and Lithuania took her rightful place in Europe, We know that you supported Lithuania through the strained and unfortunate events before the collapse of Soviet Union and suffered with your home country. So now you must be rightfully rejoicing. We hope that our country Slovenia too will soon be recognised by the world and that the terrible war in Croatia will end. For oui cour.t.ry is still under threat of aggression since the Lords of War! Yugoslav Army) warti that they will :eturn to Slovenia and pay for their shamef ul defeat j r> June and July. Lithuania has recognised Slovenia already on 30,July 1991 and a special envoy of the Lithuanian Minister for Foreign Affairs has handed the Letter of Diplomatic recognition to Slovenian Foreign Minis t el on Auqus* If 19?! . Let us hope that the process of changing over from a Soviet stats into full and comp iet<= independence! the removal of the Soviet troops 1 wall be peaceful and swift and that your country will prospel and live in peace. Sincerely Yours Simon Spacapati Presi dent E1 i ca Ri Ema1 12 August SLOVENIA IN, 12 August, p. 1 PRIZNANJE SLOVENIJE JE POT DO UMIRITVE Na tuj strani objavljamo pismo predsednika Republike Slovenije Milana Kučane generalnemu sekretarju OZN Javlerju Perezu de Cuellarju. Dogodki, ki so sledili sprejetju temeljne listine o slovenski neodvisnosti In osamosvajanju In temu pismu, so v marsičem potrdili veljavnost In univerzalnost načel, na katerih je zasnovana težnja prebivalcev Slovenije, da bvo|o državnost uveljavijo kot enega Izmed dokazov sprememb v mednarodni odnosih In civilizacijskih temel|ev današnjega sveta. Z dejanji, nepopustljivim bojem, razumsko In Čustveno opredelitvijo za svojo pravico do samoodločbe in svobode Je Republika Slovenija ob koncu letošnjega junija nastopila kot samostojen subjekt v mednarodnih odnosih, frej ko je bilo realno mogoče pričakovati, so (o pomembne države In ustanove nove svetovne mednarodne ureditve pri male kot dal nove stvarnosti To, ker je bilo v začetku vizlonarsko spogledovanja z usodo in seganje po nedosegljivih Idealih, Je slovenska država začela udejanjati Današnje dramatične trenutke sploSne Jugoslovanske krize, ki |e postala ključni problem evropske In svetovne varnosti, Republika Slovenija doitvija kot protagonist, ki je s avojlm znanjem In voljo zavaroval nekatere svoje najbolj bistvene Interese, hkrati pa je pripravljen v laetnem In v interesu drugih držav In narodov -na kriznem področju države SFRJ in SfrSe ■ sodelovati pri iskanju reSttev Slovenija se ¡9 od začet*ov stopnjevanja zaostrovanja jugoslovanske krize zavzemala za njeno internacionalizacijo. Po vsll|ent vojni, ki js globoko prizadele njene prebivalce in udarila po slovenskih gospodarskih zmogljivostih In Interesih, Je z zadovoljstvom sprejela ponujeno posredovanje Evropske skupnosti In njene misije opazovalcev Zadovoljni smo spričo pozitivnih mnenj vodilnih politikov ES o prizadevanjih Slovenija, da uresniči določbe brionskih sporazumov In prispeva k umiritvi razmar na Jugoslovanskih tleh v celoti, Hkrati, ko ostaja kOnatruktrven In potrpežljiv pogajalec v procesu reflevanja jugoslovanske krize, Slovenija gradi svojo atrukljio samostojne državnosti, ki jI bo omogočila enakopravno vključitev v vse evropske in svetovne integracijske proc-M«. To želimo In za to Že danes Izpolnjujemo večino pogojev ^ p j GOSPOD GENERALNI SEKRETAR, v čast mi je, da Vas lahko obvestim, da je Skupščina Republike Slovenije danes, 25. junija mi, sprejela ustavni zakon o razdružitvi Republike Slovenije od Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije in popolni os-ant osvoji ni. Zakon jt stopil v valjava takoj Na temelju te odločim se je konstituirala rti>.odvisny-ba;-ke<2 terrorists. ,;The international community should not ba particularly cor.; ■ that various nationalities now gee their futures in in de;, terms. "This trents obviously provides the international community with new challenge«, but it simply means that the world muec. find ways to aoc,'.Ti5odftte theea new states» y*Tha Australian Government h&a offered some, soothing rhetori : /¡the futurs of the Yugoslav republic is, but has taken little c '''to support the peaceful transition to the establishment of new endeat «täte». "Australia should not take any action which could inflame the situation in Yugoslavia» "However, it should realise that a point will be reached when diplomatic recognition £or the newly evolving independent states will hfclp the ^Eoee&s of peaceful resolution rather than hinder it»« (ends) En4uiri.ee t Senator Hill or Mark BatieUch en (Ofi) 211 3170 Coast Push for Slovenia An eight year old Gold Coast girl is part of a worldwide push to have governments recognise the breakaway Republic of Slovenia as an independent and sovereign state. The Coast Slovenian Community is also soon to become involved in an international fund-raising effort to heip cushion the Republic against the ravages of fighiinj, which has caused an estimated $ 3,7 billion in damages Shannon Cribble, of Benowa, is to present a petition with 909 signatures to the Member for Moncrien, Kathy The Australian Government is being petitioned to recognise the republic as an independent and sovereign state and to also condemn any action of GOLD COAST Naša bitka za Slovenijo, p. 58. 22 August CANBERRA Naša bitka za Slovenijo, p. 60. Parliamentarians for Croatia & Slovenia Chairman: Dr. Andrew Theophanous MP Member for Calweli (Labour Patty) Secretary: Paul Filing MP Member tor Moore (Libera) Party) Comunique to the Croatian and Slovenian Parliaments Canberra, Thursday 22th August 1991 At its inaugural meeting today, Parliamentarians for Croatia and Slovenia, a friendship group of Australian Federal Parliamentarians expressed its strong support for the parliaments of Croatia and Slovenia and the aspirations for independence and self-determination of the peoples of the two Republics. The group, consisting of 20 Members and Senators of the Australian Parliament was formed to encourage the Australian Government to recognise the independence and sovereignity of the Republics. The group deplores the violence, loss of life and destruction of property that has taken place in Slovenia and Croatia, where more than 300 civilians are reported to have been killed, largely as a result of the attacks of terrorists suplied by the Communist led Federal Army and attacks by the amiy itself... The Parliamentarians for Croatia and Slovenia are willing to meet and/or communicate with representatives of the parliaments of the Republics to ensure full and accurate information as to the progress of the movement towards international recognition is exchanged between Australia and the Republics. We wish you every success in your endeavours. Dr. Andrew Theophanous Paul Filing Sesatnek z Garryjem Handom, ministrom za imigracijo in etnične zadeve Sydney Avgusta 9) je predstavnike slovenske skupnosti povabil na razgovor Garry Hand, minister za imigracijo in etnične zadeve. Sestanka so se udeležili: Dušan Lajovic - predsednik SNS (Slovenskega narodnega sveta) NSW; Martha Magajna - podpredsednica SNS NSW; Alfred Breznik - tajnik SNS NSW in vodja Slovenskega informacijskega urada; Vlado Menart (svetovalec v Ethnic Affairs in pravni svetovalec ASK (Avstralske slovenske konference)' pater Valerijan Jenko OFM - vodja Verskega in kulturnega središča Merrylands - Štefan Sernek - predsednik Slovenskega društva Sydney; Emil Kukovec - predsednik Slovenskega kluba Triglav; LjenKO Urbančič - predsednik Slovenskega narodnega društva; Marija Senear - predsednica Slovenian Studies Foundation Trust; Mar iza Ličan - predsednica Slovenskega Šolskega odbora NSW in koordinatorka oddaje v slovenskem jeziku na radiu 2 EA. Prva točka programa je bila predstavitev Slovenije in važnost priznanja Slovenije, govorili pa so še o pomembnosti obojestranskih diplomatskin predstavništev, o trgovinski izmenjavi, o oprostitvi davka za darove Sloveniji in o drugih vprašanjih. Gerry Hand je obljubil pomoč, ob slovesu pa je dejal, da Slovence res občuduje. Iz poročila Alfreda Breznika SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET - VIKTORIJA SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL - VICTORIA (avsiralska slovinska konferenca za svetowji slovenski kongresi (australian slovenian conference f or slovenian world congre ss; MELBOURNE Ms.VALDA LIEFINS President of Latvian Popular Front Fax 612 £501 Dear Valda! The Slovenian national Council Of Victoria and the Slovenian Community would like to extend our deepest satisfaction and congratulati on at the diplomatic recognition of Latvia. The past injustice of forced annexation of your home country has finally been corrected and Lithuania took her rightful place in Europe and in the world. We know that you supported Latvia through the strained and hard times before the collapse of Soviet Union and suffered with your home country. So now you must be rightfully rejoicing. We hope that our country Slovenia too will soon be recognised by the world and that the terrible war in Croatia will end. For our country is still under threat of aggression since the Lords of War( Yugoslav Army) warn that they will return to Slovenia and pay for their shameful defeat in June and July. Latvia has recognised Slovenia before the collapse of Soviet Union and was one of the first to do so, hence Latvian people wi11 always be dear to us. Let us hope that the process of changing over from a Soviet state into full and complete independence( the remova1 of the Soviet .troops) will be peaceful and swift and that your country will prosper and live in peace. Sincerely Yours Simon Spacap?" Elica Rizrnal Secretary Fax 755 1746 President SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET - VIKTORIJA (avstralska slovenska konferenca za svetovni slovenski kongresi Ms.EBE KARTUS Head of the Estonian Community, Melbourne SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL - VICTORIA (australian s loven'an conference for slovenian world congress) Dear Ms. Ebe Kartus! The Slovenian National Council Of Victoria and the Slovenian Community would like to extend our deepest satisfaction and congratulation at the diplomatic recognition of Estonia, The past injustice of forced annexation of your home country has finally been corrected and Estonia took her rightful place in Europe and in the world. We know that you supported Estonia through the strained and hard times before the collapse of Soviet Union and suffered with your home country. So now you must be rightfully rejoicing. We hope that our country Slovenia too will soon be recognised by the wor Id and that the terrible war in Croatia will end. For our country is still under threat of aggression since the Lords of War( Yugoslav Army) warn that they will return to Slovenia and pay for their shameful defeat in June and July. Estonia has recognised Slovenia after the coll apse of Soviet Union, already a member of United Nations and was one of the first to do so; hence Estonian people hold a special place in our hearts. Let us hope that the process of changing over from a Soviet state into full and comp1ete independence( the remova1 of the Soviet troops) will be peaceful and swift and that your country will prosper and live in peace. *- Sincerely Yours Simon Spacapan President Elica Rizmal Secretary Fax 755 1746 22 August CANBERRA Delegation of Slovenian National Council of Victoria at the official meeting with Senator Robert Hill: Gerald Clarke, Nevenka Clarke nee Golc, Senator Robert Hill, Senator Phillip Ruddock, Alfred Breznik and Senator James Short. A MEDIA RELEASE SENATOR ROBERT HILL LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION IN THE SENATE SHADOW MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS Friday, August 23 Canberra 75/91 SLOVENIAN INFORMATION OFFICE P.O. Box 153, Coogee NSW 2034 Australia •3VRKS MUST ADDRESS YUGOSLAV CRISIS AKD RECOGNITION ¿gSUE: H^ The Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator Robert Hill, today said the Foreign Minister, Senator Evans, should address the crisis in Yugoslavia and in particular the question of the mast expropriate time to recognise the evolving independent states. The Senate last night passed an Opposition motion calling cn the Government to recall its Ambassador for talks on how it might support Yugoslavia's newly evolving independent states, including the rcout appropriate time to give diplomatic recognition. "Despite Senator Evansrs denial, last night's fiasco over the Government's position on my motion regarding Yugoslavia highlighted the indifference he and the Government have shown towards the continuing turmoil in Yugoslavia," Senator Hill said. "The Governor,ent was fully aware of the final terms of the motion - including the paragraph referring to the recall of the Ambassador - when debate started on August 15. "On this day. Senator iooaley out the position tha Government eventually adopted cn the motion. "Senator Evans had a whole week to consider the motion, but he obviously gave it little if no attention. "This lack of attention to the motion is indicative of his and the Government's overall indifference to the grave situation in Yugoslavia. "It is time the Minister ended his indifference towards the crisis, took note of the resolution of the Senate, and recalled the Ambassador for consultation. ,!irhis action would allow the Government to receive the latest and mast detailed information and would signal to Belgrade that Australia regards the ongoing violence as intolerable." (ends) Enquiriesi Senator Hill or Mark Batisstich on (06) 277 2170 CANBERRA SLOVENIAN INFORMATION CFFK P.O. Box 188, Gooses NSW 2034 AuSte GßXEBBESS? POSITTON OK YhflftBLAV!k The Minister fer Foreign Affair® end Trade, Senator Gereth Evans, today rejected claims by the Opposition that the Government had demonstrated an "indifference" to concerns about the people of Croatia and Slovenia. Contrary to suggestions by the Opposition, the Government explicitly supported all the key elements of a motion passed in the Senate on 22 August (see paragraphs (a) - (d) of motion attached) which deplored the loss of life in Croatia and Slovenia and called for a negotiated settlement between the pertlee involved. The Governm&nt did not, however, support the recall cf Australia's Ambassador to Yugoslavia and sought to delete that clause (paragraph (e) attached). "A« j said in the Senate on 22 August, it makes no sense to recall the Australian Ambassador at a time when it is v. for Australia to be fully end accurately informed of developments in Yugoslavia,0 Senator Evans said. "Recalling the Ambassador for consultations would be a pointless gesture and one which would do nothing to assist Australian citizens in Yugoslavia, the citicens of Slovenia anfl Croatia, or Australia's understanding of events there. The Opposition's suggestion that we do so was a pointless political exercise not based on any sound policy decision. "The situation in Yugoslavia is, however, one that cries out for e negotiated peaceful solution that will satisfy the aspirations of the people of Slovenia and Croatia. For that reason, the Government supported the sentiments in the first four parts of the motion passed by the Senate [gee attached) "Those parts of the motion did capture the sentiment that we «11 feel about the very unhappy situation in Yugoslavia and expressed,' in s positive way, thB need for ue tc support international efforts for a settlement which avoids conf.ic: and meets the aspirations of the conctiv- ----- For ASK Eli Rizmal Press Off i cor for Australian Slovenian Conference Tel: 755 2626.. Fax: 755 1746 Melbourne, 29.8.1991 "Thč. ASK. K c^i-fv-^iLw^ *f\i i^co-oufcwv C^dU of Wf ACT, C^u^^s-touvci cx^d Sct'tti -AoilVcLljCcL. 24 August SYDNEY Slovenian Club Triglav, Gala Night with guests Hon Ted Grace MP and Dr Cizelj. SYDNEY Slovenian Club Triglav, Gala Night with guests Hon. Ted Grace MP and Dr Cizelj. WcIcomc to the "GALA NIGHT" orft-jmscJ by Slovenian Community SYDNEY TO HELP SLOVENIA" On Samnday. 24th Auguir J. IC^pm ¿it Slovtnian Club Tngbiv ] 9 Btukaiw: Read St Joluu Pint Entry F«: $100.00 per prison incLud= Dinner with L'j i^lhtJ ■irijp'" Dtso; FutifuJ RiitiJ: VeaeLi G,yrenjci ADnaJHinftf lKc relief ui the Jjnwff (iuseJ ty flgsi«SM>n N* 122 ^ Ctobrodotli Ti* fi GALA VEČER" V. pi prireji jlnveiuka alupnrat SYDNEY ,V POMOČ SLOVENIJI" V Kjfcwo 24-S. 1991 ob 7-50 ivrfti v posT^ih Klubi Trtgtiv 19 Bri^sme ft™!, St. Joh> EVrt Viiopnina; S 100.00 po ostbi vkljuEen» vcitri» in Joti» kapljica OHrt» ^Tiirn pnnwnw ipojo: Ve« 1 Gonenjei Vd denarje namenjen v pom« Sloveniji zA uhLižitc v poledic >|jrc\ije CALA VEČER V POMOČ SLOVENIJI V s^dneyu so pripravili v soboto, 24. avgusta poseben GALA VEČER V POMOČ SLOVENIJI. Večerje sydneyska slovenska skupnost organizirala v prostorih Kluba Triglav in čeprav so bile vstopnice po 100 dolarjev po osebi jc ta večer prišlo kar 230 gostov, med katerimi so bili tudi avstralski. Program je vodil mladi Mark Breznik. Po slovenski himni, za časa katere so razvili dve slovenski zastavi, je nastopilo nekaj govornikov. Med njimi avstralski član parlamenta Ted Grace, velik prijatelj Slovencev, ki je izjavil optimistično prognozo, da bo svei takoj z a Baltskimi državami proglasi! kot neodvisno tudi Slovenijo.Govoril je tudi predsednik ASK MaRjan Kovač, pa predsednik SNS NSW, Dušan Lajo-vic, kakor (udi predsednik Kluba Triglav Emil Ku-kovec. Dušan Lajovic je izročil dr. Borisu Ciz.lju plaketo tla kateri je pisalo:Dobremu Slovencu v dar. Dve de klici v narodnih nošah pa sta mu izročili velik šopek rož za soprogo. Dr.Cizelj se poslavlja od Avstralije, ker mu poteka službeni mandat. V Sloveniji bo vodja urada SVETOVNEGA ZDRUŽENJA RAZVOJNIH PARTNERJEV SLOVENIJE. Na slavnostnem večeru so še zapeli nekaj pesmi pevci pevskega zbora Triglav. V fond za Slovenijo se je tako samo na ta večer steklo kar 26.000 dolarjev in tako je doslej zbral Sydney okrog 90.000 dolarjev za Slovenijo. Bravo! NEWCASTLE Celebration of Independence Jože Crnagoj, Hermina Pichler, Andrej Pichler and Jožefa Crnagoj. http://www. slovenija2001. gov.si/10years/ path/documents/ declaration/ The Republic of Slovenia as a sovereign and independent state hereby proclaims: • that the Constitution of the Social Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is no longer in force on the territory of the republic of Slovenia. The Republic of Slovenia is continuing with the procedure of assuming actual rule on its territory. The procedure will be carried out gradually and in agreement with the other republics of former Yugoslavia, without encroaching on the right of other republics; • in compliance with the decision of the Sabor of the republic of Croatia, Slovenia recognizes the Republic of Croatia as a sovereign state and an international legal entity. In its capacity as an international and legal entity, the Republic of Slovenia pledges to: • respect all the principles of international law and, in the spirit of legal succession, the provisions of all international contracts signed by Yugoslavia and which apply to the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. In conformity with the anticipated agreement on the assumption of the rights and obligations of former Yugoslavia, the Republic of Slovenia will honour its share of international financial obligations towards other states and international organizations, and ensure the free flow of goods, services and people across its borders, and also ensure the uninterrupted flow of transport and communication on its territory... PRIČAKOVANJE AWAITING Nova dežela se je rodila: poletje mi kvačka porjavelo kožo. Moje sanje so spletene v pomanjkanju sreče. A new Country is born: Summer is crocheting my tan. My dreams are plaited in lack of joy. Moj ponedeljek oblekla bom v upanje na torek, ali sredo; v upanje na dan, ko Slovenija prikazana bo v svetovnem atlasu. I shall dress my Monday in Hope; For Tuesday, or Wednesday; Hope for the day Slovenia will be on the World Atlas. Danijela Hliš, Hobart, 1991 SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET-VICTORIA,P.O.BOX 197,Kew,Telefax 3802611 S.Žpacapan Spoštovani! SNS Victoria je na svoji seji odbora,ki je bila 27.avgusta 1990. med drugim razpravljal tudi o Pravnem komentarju na 3.osnutek Statuta SSK,ki ga je izdelal odvetnik Vlado Menart iz Sydneya. Člani Upravnega odbora ASK iz Vic.:P.Bazilij Valentin,Elica Rizmal,Ivo Leber in Stanka Gregorič ter ostali člani odbora SNS Vic.so mnenja: 1.0 točki 17.člena Komentarja,da nadzorni odbor ni potreben itd, hi bilo prave razprave niti na sestanku Upravnega odbora ASK,18.8.1990.,niti so se s tem imeli priložnost seznaniti ostali Člani odborov SNSvetov. SNS Victoria je dal predlog,ki je bil posredovan na istem sestanku,naj bi nadzorni organ obstojal.Tudi o tem predlogu ni bilo konstruktivne razprave. 2.{?^ani Upravnega odbora ASK so se seznanili na sestanku,18.8.90.s prvo varianto Pravnega komentarja,druga varianta pa vsebuje povsem nove točke in nove predloge o katerih ni imel priložnosti razpravljati nihče,posebej ne viktorij-ski Člani Upravnega odbora ASK.To se nanaša predvsem na stran 4.Tukaj je torej veČina toČk-pripomb,dodana povsem na novo. Zaradi naglice,srečanje v Dragi je pred vrati,so štiri strani Pravnega komentarja potom faxa ze odposlane Dr.Juretu Kocetu,z namenom,da jih posreduje na tem srečanju. Zato so člani odbora SNS Victoria mnenja,naj se CIM PREJ pošlje Dr.Kočetu novi fax s pripombo,naj se člen 17.in četrta stran komentarja izpusti. Nekaj je bilo tudi pripomb na ostale točke,ki so precej nerazumljive. Lep pozdrav Za ' '* " ivnega odbora ASK,za odbor SNS Vic. Org Stanka GregoriČ Fax poslan: Marjanu Kovaču Alfredu Brezniku Dušanu Lajovicu D.L.prosino potom g.A.Breznika Melbourne,27.8.1990. PRIZNANJE DRŽAVE REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE. LATVIA RECOGNISES THE INDEPENDENCE AND SOVEREIGNTY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA. LATVIA 575 t-TT. ftfe, htfLVftfi ICOVAŽ MELBOURNE 29 a AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES AUSTRALIAN SLOVENE CONFERENCE for Lhc WORLD SLOVENE CQNGHESS The Australian Slovenian Conference is protesting because for weeks Australia turned a blind eye to the Yugoslav crisis. Indifferent media reported of a succesfull ceasefire, broken only by little "squirmishes", while in reality the occupying Yugoslav army was attackung with tanks and mig jets, openly supporting the chetnics in their fight to attack and kill Croatian people and to occupy more Croatian territory. And the media now is still talking of "ethnic clashes" and not of the occupying and brutal war, instigated by Serbian Chetnics and the Yugoslav army. WHY? Was it easier to pretend that the brutal war didn't exist? That there were no bombs dropped on civilian quarters, hospitals, churches, no tanks destroying everythins in their paths? That MUST have been the reason. Otherwise if the horrifying facts were known: of the army using by international laws prohibited cluster bombs and of people being tortured and mutilated in ways that belong to the dark history of mankind, the Australian government would have been under moral obligation to react. Are DEMOCRACY, HUMAN BIGHTS and FREEDOM empty words to be used only at election times? The children of the suffering Croatian nation - the children of the opressed nations of the world - turn accusing eyes on you, Australian politicians and politicians of the world. For would not a person help his neighbour if he was attacked by brute force? Who turns a blind eye to the crimes of the world is just as guilty as he who commits them. Look at the situation now: one third of the Croatian territory Is occupied by Yugoslav army and Chetnics, thusands and thousands of refugees are fleeing with nothing but their lives, their homes destroyed so they would have no home to return to, whole villages erased, towns in ruins, property looted, wheet and corn fields destroyed, lifestock left to die, dogs that warned of approaching enemy, shot. Australian Slovenian Conference(ASK) has began a symbolic action of gathering funds to help one Croatian family. Our emphaty to Croatia is based on our experience with Yugo-army oppression; for Slovenia too was Its victim. We support you, Croatian people. We, the members of ASK. are protesting. How long is Australian government going to abstain from giving diplomatic recognition P. I TO THE NEWSROOM : CHIEF OF STAFF 1^/z/v MEDIA RELEASE AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES ZA 29 Aust MELBOURNE AUSTRALIAN SLOVENE CONFERENCE for the WORLD SLOVENE CONGRESS to Slovenia and Croatia, whose peoples expressed their demands for sovereignity in their referrendum? How many more will have to die before the stone hearts of politicians of the world will open? Will Australian government only recognise Slovenian and Croatia at a politically oportune moment; to get more votes at elections? How long can the UN abstain from taking responsibilities? Do we ever learnfrom the history? The world turned a blind eye to the rising power of Hitler,-. We, the ASK demand the recognition of Slovenia and Croatia for Yugoslavia, like Soviet Union, does not exist any more. Slovenian Association in Canberra and the representatives of ASK will support the Australia wide Croatian demonstration this Saturday. 31-august 1991 in Canberra, P, Z For ASK Eli Fizmal Press officer for Australian Slovenian Conference Tel: 755 2626, Fax: 755 1746 Me Lbourne, 29-8-1991 "Tni. AS*. & "iKfi CrtJiVvitiikems. l^ttiG&*vciU of Ac- ( us A er, 1 A-udut Na tajništvo ASK prispejo protesti in izrazi podpore hrvaškemu ljudstvu od vseh Slovenskih narodnih ¿y s svetov po Avstraliji. Protesti so bili prebrani na demonstracijah v Canberri, kjer so se protestom Hrvatov pridružili tudi Slovenci, med njimi Marjan Kovač, predsednik ASK. ASK je odprla nabirko za pomoč eni hrvaški družini. Letters of protest and expressions of support for the Croatian nation received at the ASK from various SNSs in Australia. The protests were read at the demonstrations in Canberra, where the Slovenian community joined the Croatians, among them Marjan Kovač, president of ASK. The ASK started an appeal for a Croatian family.. AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA ZA SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES AUSTRALIAN SLO VENE CONFERENCE for the UORLD S LOVE NE C ON G RES S Chief of Staff: CHANNEL 10 NEWSROOM +Ak ; I am writing on behalf of Australian Slovenian Conference - an organization embodying the Slovenian National Councils of Victoria, NSW, ACT, Queensland and Sth.Australia. We are very di ssapointed at your station for inaccurate reporting of the situation in Croatia at 6 o'clock news on Tuesday, 3.sept.1991, when it was stated that Croatian forces breached the cease-fire agreement in Petrinje. We suggest you to contact independent sources who will give unbiased reports; for example the Austrian TV and journalists who reported from the scene. Hoping that you can avoid such blunders in future Sincerely yours Elica Rizmal Press Officer for ASK tel: 755 2626 fax: 755 1746 ouiü Melbourne, 4.9.91 »ässt* «war jv nwuixa mm.: Si wtKi ¡mo w^v em M »cmj xz äcmo MMtllffM a mw msiu/'x & zama* ZYW4 fvsmXMt,mm*XXiA I iwü.'1 WOHN VWWtoMffltf&tosm " * ¿-MEW 00 XNOM PtmVA S& tm*< Ft^ivfi www ___»—J u 'TJ tax*! 4#T»i ^ mti aw fffiÄBÄ1*-.«-" P im iv Ttamt ADELAIDE Slovenia Relief Appeal poster in Adelaide. Jože Klemen and Fr Janez Tretjak OFM at the Holy Family Slovenian Mission. (er Vse viktorijske organizacije, med njimi tudi Slovenski narodni svet Viktorije, organizirajo dobrodelni večer za pomoč Sloveniji v slovenskem društvu Planica, Springvale. All Victorian Associations and organisations had a fundraising evening at Slovenian Association Planica, Springvale to help Slovenia. Fundraising event at Slovenian Association Planica, Springvale. 7 September Meath Chronicle, 7 September. V Saturday, 7th September, Ï991 4 Meath Recognise Slovenia's Independence (Editor, "Meath Chronicle") Dear Sir - The Government of [he Republic should at once recognise the independence of Slovenia, There are, of course, weighty reasons why Ireland should not give a lead in this matter. For instance, as a member or :he EC, we have to, at all limes, consider our position However, during the period from 1916 to 1921. Slovenia itself was one of those "gallant friends in Europe" to whom the founders of National Independence made their appeal for assistance, an appeal which did not go entirely unheeded. When Mr. dc Valera and his friends before the civil war were making the rounds of the capitals of Europe and America in a desperate bid for assistance of any sort, among those who offered their support were representatives from Slovenia. Then, through a combination or brave decisions and fortuitous circumstances, Ireland was enabled to, in part at least, throw off the yoke of the foreigner and go on to achieve greatness in many neids of human endeavour. Today, Slovenia is calling. It is a small nation which has maintained its identity through the centuries. Its borders are recognised and it has no claims upon any of the territory of its neighbours; neither has any of its neighbours got a claim upon any of the territory of Slovenia, Slovenia is a small country iibout a quarter of the size of Ireland and with a population of about two millions, most of whom are Catholics. It is a pleasant, civilised country which has suffered under Communist dictatorship for nearly 50 years and now' sees an opportunity to be free. In 1919, Ireland took advantage of a conjunction of passing circumstances to go its own way. It was a small country facing great odds and begging for support from any quarter. Slovenia today is a small country begging for support. The least we should do is recognise its right to be free. Yours faithfully, J.P. FARRELL, Lionsden, Longwood. j4\> ZA \ -fete AUSTRi^0 SLOVENEC, RODOLJUB! Tako daleč od Slovenije smo, da lahko samo z bolečino v duši gledamo na grozote, na tragedijo, ki se dogaja doma. V vseh nas je ponos na naš narod, je jasna zavest, da smo Slovenci. Tanki gazijo preko zorečih žitnih polj, uničujejo ceste, ki so jih gradili počasi, mukoma. Tuja vojska podira kulturne spomenike, bombardira letališča, radijske in televizijske objekte, elektrarne . . . Kamor stopi sovražni vojak, pušča za sabo smrt, uničenje in katastrofo. V naši deželi ne bo žetve, ne sreče, ne miru. Slovenci, ne dajmo našim rojakom doma, da bi ostali brez vsega! Bodimo solidarni z njimi, ki branijo naš dom! Da bi Slovenija ponovno postala bogata, delovna dežela, ji moramo denarno pomagati tudi mi. Vsak naj po svoji vesti, po svoji zmožnosti in ljubezni do domovine prispeva svoj denarni prispevek. Prispevke oddajte: . Danilu Kreševiču . Ivanu Zagorcu . Stanki Sintič . Pavli Selan . Mary Benc v Slovenskem klubu v Slovenskem verskem središču patru Janezu Tretjaku Čestitka predsednika slovenske vlade, Lojzeta Peterleta, k izdaji "Slovenskega pisma", kateremu zaželi 7- SeAitMiia-dolgo in uspešno življenje. / Na demonstracijah hrvaške mladine sodelujejo tudi slovenski mladinci iz Melbourna. ci0\/enia Congratulations from Lojze Peterle, President of the Slovenian Government, for the "Slovenian Letter" oLUvtN|A At the demonstration of Croatian youth, Melbourne's Slovenian youth also participated.. MELBOURNE V Sydneyu in Melbournu so pripravili demonstracije Ukrajinci. V Sydneyu podprejo njihovo zahtevo tudi 8 Sei£e/n/čr Slovenci, govoril je Alfred Brežnik. V Melbournu se je udeležila zbora Elica Rizmal, ki je spregovorila nekaj j besed in še nekaj drugih Slovencev v narodnih nošah. In Sydney and Melbourne, the Ukranian community organised a demonstration. Their plea was supported by the Slovenians. In Sydney, Fredi Brežnik was the spokesman, while in Melbourne, Elica Rizmal spoke, supported by a few Slovenians in national costumes. 9 September CANBERRA THE HON ROGER PRICE MP Parliamentary Secretary to the prime minister parliament house canberra a,c,t. 2600 9 SEP 1991 Mr S. Spacapan President Slovenian National Council - Victoria PO Box 197 KEW VIC 3101 Dear Mr Spacapan Thank you for your correspondence of 29 June 1991 to Prime Minister concerning the current crisis in Yugoslavia. the The Australian Government is deeply concerned at the violence in Yugoslavia, and in particular the deteriorating situation in Croatia, and deplores the actions which have led to such bloodshed. Reports that the Yugoslav army has been operating outside constitutional authority have been of particular concern. The Government applauds the announcement that the army will withdraw from Slovenia and hopes that the Yugoslav authorities will recognise that the problems confronting Yugoslavia can only be resolved by peaceful negotiation. We condemn the use of force and urge all parties to turn away from confrontation and return to dialogue. The Government welcomes the European Community (EC) initiatives to mediate and considers that the current EC peace proposal should be given the opportunity to resolve the conflict. The Government welcomes the emergence of democracy in Croatia and Slovenia and recognises that their peoples have voted overwhelmingly in favour of independence. We accept the declarations of independence by Croatia and Slovenia as reflecting the democratically-expressed will of their populations. The Yugoslav Government cannot ignore these declarations. In giving effect to the declarations, we urge the Croatian and Slovenian authorities to avoid violence and seek negotiated settlements to the many problems which have and will inevitably arise. We are particularly concerned that the rights of minority groups be respected. CROATIA Vedno več ljudskih žrtev ter uničenih kulturnih in zgodovinskih spomenikov ter hrvaških beguncev v Sloveniji, Madžarski, Avstriji in Italiji. The number of casualties increases drastically; cultural and historical monuments destroyed. More and more Croatian refugees in Slovenia, Hungary, Austria and Italy. 9 September CANBERRA — THE HON ROGER PRICE MP Parliamentary secretary to the PRIME MINISTER parliament house canberra a.c.t 26o0 9 SEP 1991 Ms A. Cuderman Slovenian Radio Group 4EB 140 Main Street KANGAROO POINT QLD 4169 Dear Ms Cuderman Thank you for your correspondence of 4 July 1991 to the Prime Minister concerning the current crisis in Yugoslavia, The Australian Government is deeply concerned at the violence in Yugoslavia, and in particular the deteriorating situation in Croatia, and deplores the actions which have led to such bloodshed. Reports that the Yugoslav army has been operating outside constitutional authority have been of particular concern. The Government applauds the announcement that the army will withdraw from Slovenia and hopes that the Yugoslav authorities will recognise that the problems confronting Yugoslavia can only be resolved by peaceful negotiation. We condemn the use of force and urge all parties to turn away from confrontation and return to dialogue. The Government welcomes the European Community (EC) initiatives to mediate and considers that the current EC peace proposal should be given the opportunity to resolve the conflict. The Government welcomes the emergence of democracy in Croatia and Slovenia and recognises that their peoples have voted overwhelmingly in favour of independence. We accept the declarations of independence by Croatia and Slovenia as reflecting the democratically-expressed will of their populations. The Yugoslav Government cannot ignore these declarations. In giving effect to the declarations, we urge the Croatian and Slovenian authorities to avoid violence and seek negotiated settlements to the many problems which have and will inevitably arise. We are particularly concerned that the rights of minority groups be respected. 1991 Australia recognises states, not governments. On 4 July the Prime Minister commented that it was quite clear that Yugoslavia was not going to be able to be held together under the arrangements that have existed to date and that the critical question was what form of relationship would emerge between the constituent parts. The Prime Minister went on to state that, if the two republics satisfied the requirements of independent statehood, the Government would recognise them. Under international law, this would require Croatia and Slovenia to claim a permanent; population, a defined territory, a government and the capacity to enter into relations with other states. The criteria also require that a government be in control of its territory. The Government has made clear that, should the two republics acquire these attributes of statehood, Australia would recognise them. This remains our position. All Australians sympathise with those in Yugoslavia who have suffered because of the violence. The Prime Minister has called on all groups involved to refrain from violent actions which will only make it harder to reach settlement on outstanding issues and will provide a pretext for further intervention by the Yugoslav army. The Prime Minister and I also share your concern and that of all the communities of Yugoslav origin in Australia who are so anxiously following developments. The Prime Minister reiterates his congratulations to these communities, from whatever part of Yugoslavia they may have come from, for the restraint they have exercised in what are most difficult and trying times. The Prime Minister is informed that the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is closely monitoring the situation in Yugoslavia and is providing medical assistance where needed. The Government considers the Red Cross is best placed to ensure that medical needs of humanitarian aid are met. On 5 September 1991 the Prime Minister announced a contribution of S100,000 to the ICRC special appeal for relief assistance in Yugoslavia. The Government fully appreciates your concern about conflicting reports of the level of violence in Croatia/Yugoslavia. The Prime Minister assures you we are following developments there very closely indeed. The Government is receiving frequent reports from diplomatic and other sources and the Prime Minister is confident these are providing us with an accurate and comprehensive account of events. The Australian Government will continue to monitor events closely and urge all parties to demonstrate a commitment to a peaceful and democratic resolution to the situation based on democratic self-determination and respect for minorities which will lead to genuine peace, stability and economic revival. Thank you for bringing your concerns to the attention of the Prime Minister. CURRENT HOUSE HANSARD 12 September 1991 Page: 1219 [PROOF] YUGOSLAV REPUBLICS Mr FILING (Moore) (11.37 a.m.)~On behalf of the honourable member for Dundas (Mr Ruddock), I move: That the House: (1) deplores the violence, loss of life and destruction of property that has taken place in Slovenia and Croatia, where more than 30 civilians are reported to have been killed, largely as a result of the attacks of terrorists supplied by the communist-led federal army and attacks by the army itself; (2) notes the potential for further conflict if aspirations for self-determination expressed through democratic plebiscites in the Yugoslav republics are confronted by military force; (3) welcomes the efforts of the European Community to act as a mediator to prevent further conflict; (4) calls on the Australian Government to support international efforts for a negotiated settlement between the Yugoslav republics which will avoid conflict, achieve the independence which the people of Croatia and Slovenia demand and protect the interests of ethnic and religious minorities; and (5) further calls upon the Australian Government to recall its Ambassador to Yugoslavia for consultations on how Australia might, consistent with a desire to preserve peace, support the newly evolving, independent states, including the most appropriate time to give diplomatic recognition, I would like at the outset to make an important point. The motion is not making a judgment as to the long held differences between the various groups that have until recently made up the federation of Yugoslavia. There is no intention or desire on the part of those supporting this motion to say that one national group is better or worse than any of the others. Behind this motion is the inherent support that Australians traditionally give to the encouragement of freedom, democracy, self-determination and, most importantly, the right to be able to live in peace throughout the world. These are principles to which Australians have willingly devoted their support not only in word but also in deed in the past. This motion reflects those principles by applying them to the most unfortunate situation that prevails in the republics which until recently used to form part of Yugoslavia, Croatia and Slovenia. I have deliberately used the past tense because there is little doubt that the former Yugoslav Federation has broken up and will never return to its former political and geographical status. That its time has come and gone is no longer a matter for serious debate. However, what is deplorable is the attempt in the first instance to hold the republics together at the point of a gun and then to use the enormous armed resources of the former Federal Government to attack Slovenia and Croatia and to support irregular terrorist attacks on the town and citizens in the latter republic. These are dangerous times. This is the first outbreak of serious armed conflict in Europe since the Second World War. The Balkans have played an enormously influential role in the continent In modern history. One only has to look to the events that occurred at Sarajevo in 1914, an event which triggered the first great war, a war that resulted in terrible destruction and the loss of the flower of Europe's younger generation. What are the issues at stake In the conflict in the Balkans? The principle of self-determination is foremost in our minds when considering the desire for Croatia, Slovenia and, more recently, Macedonia, to live in their own free nations rather than participate further in the artificial federation that for so many years of post-war history was held together by the iron-fisted rule of President Tito. Why should Australia take a leading role and commence the process of recognising the independence of Croatia and Slovenia after finally acknowledging that the process is inevitable? And what are the criteria for recognition of independence that are making Australia's movement towards recognition so painfully slow? The principles for recognition of independence revolve around full control of the territory by the government, support of the majority of the population, and clear signs that the new state has reasonable prospects of permanence. If we were to apply even the most conservative application of these principles to Slovenia, there is no doubt at all that the republic meets those standards and should be recognised immediately. The case for Croatia under these criteria is as strong in that its lack of control of part of its own territory is being perpetuated by the 1991 combination of the Federal Yugoslav army, which is operating illegally, and forces which have invaded and occupied large sections of eastern Croatia. Thus Croatia's ability to control its own territory will not happen until there is a stable peace and those forces are withdrawn. Cease-fire after negotiated ceasefire has been flagrantly violated by the Yugoslav army and those forces that are occupying Croatia and has effectively prevented the peaceful resolution of the crisis and delayed the recognition of the independence of Croatia and Slovenia. In both eases, their declarations of independence have followed plebiscites which have overwhelmingly supported self-determination and independence. The Prime Minister {Mr Hawke) in his statement on 23 August said: The peoples of Croatia and Slovenia have freely and democratically expressed their desire for independence. Their aspirations must be satisfied in a just, peaceful and democratic manner. For our part, Australia will be among the first countries to recognise Croatia and Slovenia when they satisfy the attributes of statehood. This is just not good enough. What is Australia really waiting for? Is it a desire to be in good company or does our reticence reflect an intent to let the decision be made for us by other nations? Australia has, in reality, all but acknowledged that the basic criteria to be satisfied for recognition of independence are only awaiting the outbreak of peace in Croatia. In that case, Australia can make a valuable contribution to promote an early peace by commencing the recognition process now, hence the need for the Government to recall our Ambassador to Yugoslavia for consultations as to the most appropriate time for recognition. The Prime Minister, in his statement of 23 August, acknowledged that the dramatic collapse of the coup d'etat in the Soviet Union has brought the tragic situation in Yugoslavia into sharp focus. Despite his self- promotion as being some kind of diplomatic hero, the Prime Minister has reality allowed our foreign policy to lag be'iind rather than ahead of events. The Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are now enjoying the benefit of Australia's and the rest of the world's recognition of their independence. However, it was not that long ago when former Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam's Government recognised their incorporation into the Soviet Union-a disgraceful act that will undoubtedly long rankle in the minds of the Baltic communities in Australia. I said at the beginning of my speech that this is not a case of taking sides in the historical feud between the nationalities in the Balkan region-this is a matter of supporting the desire for people who have so chosen to live in a free and democratic society in their own nation. As Des Moore commented in his article in the IPA Review on 22 July: The 1974 constitution of Yugoslavia provides specifically for the rights of republics to withdraw from the federation, and overwhelming majorities in Croatia and Slovenia have recently voted in referendums for independence. Both republics have governments elected in free and democratic elections. The republics have their own administrative structures, public services, armed forces and police. ... at this point in world history, continued dominance of the democracies in Slovenia and Croatia by a hardline Communist establishment in Serbia would clearly be an anachronism. In this motion we recognise the efforts of the European Community to bring peace to the region and fervently hope that, despite its lack of success in recent weeks to have a secure cease-fire, peace will come quickly and further losses of life and destruction of property wiil be prevented. Finally, I draw the attention of the House to the formation of the friendship group, Parliamentarians for Croatia and Slovenia, which was formed on 22 August. This group now has 34 members and senators and is chaired by the honourable member for Calwell (Dr Theophanous). It has indicated its support for the recognition of the independence of the two republics by way of a communique to the parliaments in Zagreb and Ljubjana— the two capitals. The parliamentary friendship group is a multipartisan group which seeks to achieve recognition of independence, that ultimate goal. I thank those honourable members who have shown their support for the group by joining and participating. As secretary of the Parliamentarians for Croatia and Slovenia, I received a letter from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia, Dr Separovic, who said: We hope that the efforts you are making towards the recognition of independence and self-determination- (Time expired} Mr Filing-1 seek to leave to table that document. Leave granted. Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr Dubois)-Is the motion seconded? Mr Broadbent-I second the motion and reserve my right to speak. 12 September 1991 Slovenci pričnejo denarno zbirko za pomoč Sloveniji. Slovenians begin a collection to aid Slovenia. 18 September MELBOURNE SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET - VIKTORIJA i avstralska slovenska konferenca za svetovni SLOVENSKI kongres) Att-iJV^LEBER 2, T\ SrcRi^cticvv^ i 5 nov i C. f KeJr ^e ve u C« Vi UMfcesr " SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL - VICTORIA (AUSTRALI AN SLOVENIAN CONFERENCE FOB SLOVENIAN WORLD CONGRESS) PRESS RELEASE IZJAVA ZA TISK V sredo 18,septembra 1991 so se predstavni ki S1 ovenskega Narodnega Sveta Vic {SNS Vic) sestali z dr.Theophanousem, predsednikom avstralske parlamentarne skupine Par1amentarians for Croatia and Slovenia, ki jo sestavlja dvajset članov in senatorjev Avstralskega Parlamenta in je bila ustanovljena z namenom, da vspodbudi avstralsko vlado, da prizna obe republiki. Dr.Andrew Theophanous, sicer tudi poslanec Laboristicne stranke, je danes popoldne, na prošnjo predsednika Franja Tudjmana, odpotoval na Hrvaško in v Slovenijo, kjer se bo sestal s predstavniki vlad, da bi dobil cim bolj popolne informaci je in pripomogel k priznanju obeh republik. Spremlja ga osem-clanska TV ekipa novinarjev. V Ljubijano bo prispel v četrtek zvečer. Na sestanku so bili prisotni Ivo Leber, clan Sveta slovenskih organizacij Viktorije in novinar slovenskega programa Radia 3EA, Stefan Merzel, blagajnik Slovenske nabirke za pomoč Sloveniji in SNS Vie, Gerry Clarke, zaloznik in ko-avtor publikacije Republic of Slovenia in Elica Rizmal, tajnica SNS Vic in referentka za odnose z javnostjo pri Avstralski siovenski konferenci, ki je sestanek organizirala. Na sestanku je bila prisotna tudi novinarka SBS-a (kamor sodi Radio 3EA in TV postaja). Slovenski predstavniki so zaprosili, da Parlamentarna skupina čimprej predlaga avstralski vladi, da prizna Slovenijo in Hrvaško, saj bi to pomagal o vključiti se OZN v mi rovna prizadevanja, saj so se dosedanja prizadevanja ES pokazala kot neuspesna. Istočasno so izrazili nezadovoljstvo, da Avstralija ni pokazala večje zavzetosti, za priznanje obeh republik in poudari 1 i,..da obotav1 jan je da je močno podporo generalstabu, ki si upa nadaljevati agresijo predvsem zaradi neodločnega odpora svetovne javnosti, ki je sicer izjavljala, da bo ob napadu armade takoj priznala obe republiki, potem pa, vsem dokazom navkljub, ni storila ničesar, Zvedeli smo tudi, da avstralska vlada dobiva informaci je o stan ju v Jugoslaviji predvsem cd avstralske ambasade, ki je seveda v Beogradu in dobiva poročila predvsem od Tanjuga. Dr, Theophanous je od slovenske delegacije prejel publikacijo Republic of Slovenia, ki sta jo, za boljše razumevanje situacije v Sloveniji, pripravila Nevenka in Gerry Clarke. Publikacija daje jasno zgodovinsko, ekonomsko, politcno in pravno podlago za utemeljitev zahteve in pravice po samostojni državi Republiki Sloveniji in je bila doslej ze predana vladi in opoziciji. Eli Rizmal za SNS Vie in ASK tel 03 755 2626 ali 752 0003 Fax ci 75$ ¡7^6 P.O BOX 197. KEW. MELBOURNE. AUSTRALIA. 3101 TEL. FAX. (AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA ZA svetovni SLOVENSKI KONGRES) SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET - VIKTORIJA SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL - VICTORIA 18 September Sep ber (AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN CONf-EFENCE FOR SLOVENIAN WORLD CONGRESS) MELBOURNE NEWSROOM ABC : TO RENA SARUMPAET PRESS RELEASE On Wednesday 18 September 1991 the representatives of Slovenian National Council met with dr.Andrew Theophanus, the chairman of the Par 1amentarians for Croatia and Slovenia, a friendship group of twenty Australian Federal Pariamentarians, which werfe formed to encourage the Australian Government to recognise the independence of the Republics. The members of Slovenian community asked for support and personal commitment of dr.Thephanus in urging the Australian Government for a full diplomatic recognition of the Republics, Dr.Theophanus left in the afternoon for the troubled region in response to an urgent request from the President of Croatia Mr.Franjo Tudjman. As the situation in Croatia is becoming rapidly worse, despite the new cease-fire agreement secured by Lord Carrington, the Australian Slovenians are worried the agression might also spread to Slovenia. The Slovenian National Council is the Victorian Branch of australia wide organisation The Australian Slovenian Conference. Eli Rizmal Press Officer for Australian Slovenian Conference Tel 03 755 2626 Fax 03 755 1746 Melbourne, 18.9.1991 MELBOURNE SHERRILL O'CONNOR — SRAJ Barrister and Solicitor S.E, O'Connor ■ Sraj, Ll.tf., B.A.flionsI Our réf.: Your réf.: 495 Hampton Street, Hampton, Vic. 3188. Hampton, Vic. 3188. Telephone: 598-0512 P.O. Bo* 53, Thursday, 19th September,1991 Mr Jelko Kacirt Minister for Information Republic of Slovenia Ministerial Offices LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA. Dear Mr. Kacin, Re: International Recognition of Slovenia We firstly wish to congratulate you and the Slovenian Government on the achievements to date and the great efforts towards the Republic of Slovenia obtaining recognition by the international community as an independent and sovereign state. While writing however, we note that the ceasefire sought to be put in place by the efforts of the previous British Foreign Secretary, Lord Carrington, appears to be broken yet again. Split is being bombed. You may already know some background of our work here in Melbourne, Australia towards having the Australian Government recognize Slovenia. I an an Australian lawyer and lived for some years in Slovenia. My Husband Pavel Sraj is Slovenian. We have three children and speak Slovenian at I am working with another Australian, a very senior Barrister (sodni advokat), Mr. Garry Moore, who also knows Senator Gareth Evans, the Australian Foreign Minister. Senator Evans was a Professor at the Melburne University Law School and I also knew him there. On Monday, 15th July, 1991, Mr. Garry Moore and I were sent to Canberra by the Slovenski Narodni Svet, Melbourne to see Senator Evans. We put to him a submission comprising detailed legal arguments for the recognition of Slovenia, together with considerable background materials on the history of Slovenia, details as to control of territory, a copy of the Federal Yugoslav Constitution (including Preamble, giving rise to the right to secession), copies in Slovenian and English translations done by us of home. 1991 2. letter to Mr. Jelko Kacin, 19/9/1991 relevant Uradni listi, including:- a. the Electoral Law for the calling of the April, 1990 elections; b. the December, 1990 Referendum (plebiscit); c. the Declaration of Independence, 25th June, 1991; d. the Constitutional law relating to that Declaration; e. the enactment by Parliament for the implementation of the Brioni Declaration, etc. Senator Evans expressed his appreciation of the submission put to him. He also was appreciative of the new material presented and stated that he is prepared to see us at any stage again in relation to this matter. Following this we wrote to the Slovenian Government at length in respect of attempting to set up direct contacts between the Ljubljana Government and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs. A copy of our submissin to Senator Evans and of our subsequent submission to the Slovenian Government was also sent by us to Professor Janez Kranjc, Professor of Law at Ljubljana University, who was instrumental in obtaining a lot of the information we presented to Senator Evans in our submission. On 7th September, 1991 wc sent another submissioi*to the Slovenian Government requesting that the Government turn its efforts to: i. establishing Government to Government contact and continuing this contact with weekly news releases on new diplomatic, political initiatives, enactment of new law, etc. We note that Mr. Roland Rich, a Senior Advisor to Senator Evans would welcome such ka contact, which we have discussed with him. making contact with Australian Parliamentarians, including such people as Dr. Andrew Theophanous who is the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs Subcommittee (Australian Parliament) contact and having regular communication with mn k i nz copy enclosed herewith tor votir "information MELBOURNE 3. letter to Mr. Jelko Kacin, 19/9/1991 the Australian media, including television, radio and newspapers. It may be thought that this is great effort directed simply towards one country, however, we believe that preparation and contact at a Government-to Government level would apply equally as well to your Government's cntacts with other countries, eg. United States, England, members of the European Community, etc. In addition, preparation of a briefing folder, as suggested in our submission, for the media, would be appropriate for briefing new media in most other countries also. Mr. Moore and I stated that we would be pleased, if the Slovenian Government wished, to prepare such a briefing folder for the approval of and the use by the Slovenian Government. We note that the following is the situation :- 1. Senator Gareth Evans is in Europe at this moment and is discussing the question of Slovenia and Croatia with representatives of European Governments. We note that we have asked for and are still awaiting new materials in relation to a number of questions so that we can complete our submission to Senator Evans, including new material on control of territory and the fulfilling by Slovenia of the Montevideo criteri for recognition. Senator Evans told us indeed that he is prepared to discuss the question of Slovenia's recognition with foreign Governments. We now also believe thae the Australian Government may be prepared to recogniso Slovenia independently of any recognition granted to Croatia. 2. Ilr. And rew Theophanous left Melbourne last night on * fact-finding mission in Slovenia and Croatia. he is sympathetic to recognition now, as we understand. Dr. Theophanous is an influential member of Government and of the Australian Parliament. 3. The worsening situation in Croatia, coupled with the 1991 U. letter to Mr. Jelko Kacin 19/9/91 the expiry of the date for the three months pursuant to the lirioni Agreement means that Slovenia must assert itself again to reach a focus on the world stage, for she runs the risk cf being overshadowed by events elsewhere. We therefore urgently request you to have materials requested for us to make our submission to Senator Evans reach us immediately so that we can contact him while he is in Europe. Also we request that we be pernmitted to go ahead with a briefing folder of materials for the press in Australia. We would undertake to send that to Slovenia to the Government on completion so that it could be used for all foreign press and media. We await your urgent reply and thank you in anticipation. Zivela Slovenija! Sherrill 0'0onnor-Sr;ij . Encl. Submission to Slovenian Government, 7.9.91 SHERRHX O'CONNOR — SRAJ )J;ir rister and Solicitor our fax: 598-8700 S,E. O'Connor Sr;ij, U.B.. 11 A.l> ! u-Ourrpf.: S0CS:SR Your ref. : few«» v « Sv {( ( y 495 Hampton Street, Hampton,Vic.318S. P.O. Bo* 53, Hampton, Vic. 3188. Telephone :.i 9 8-0512 19th September, 1991 Dr, Andrew Theophanous Chairman, Senate Foreign Affairs Subcommittee ATTENTION: ANGELA Bear'Madam Re: Recognition by the Australian Government of Republic of Slovenia Re: Trip by Dr. Theophanous to Slovenia and Croatia, 19/9/1991 onwards tfe refer to the telephone conversation between yourself and our Mrs. Sherrill O'Connor-Sraj of Thursday morning, 19th September, 1991 in the atrve matter. We confirm that Sherrill O'Connor and Mr. Garry Moore, Melbourne Barrister, went at the request of and on behalf of the Slovenian National Council of Victoria to see Senator Gareth Evans in Canberra on Monday 15th July, 1991 to put legal arguments to the Senator in favour of the recognition by the Australian Government of the Republic of Slovenia as an independent and sovereign state. Since that date we have made further submissions to the Slovenian Government and are now preparing a further urgent submission to Senator Gareth Evans office with new materials from Slovenia. We believe that Slovenia fulfils the criteria at international law for recognition. In the preparation of all submissions wehave been working closely with Professor Janez Kranjc, Professor of Law at the Ljubljana University. He is well aquainted with the political and legal situation in relation to recognition as well as him having copies of our submissions to date. In addition, he is aware of the requirements of the Australian Government in order to grant Slovenia recognition. / 1991 2, letter to Dr. Theophanous's office In view of this, and Dr. Theophanous's impending trip to the Republic of Slovenia, we would urgently request you to advise Dr. Theophanous at the earliest possible opportunity that Dr. Kranjc would, as we understand, be available and happy to see Dr. Theophanous and to assist him in any way that he may during the Doctor's trip to Slovenia, We confirm that we are attempting to contact Professor Kranjc at short notice and would hope to advise him in several hours of Dr. Theophanous's impending arrival at Brnik airport, Ljubljana at 7.30 p.m. this evening, Thursday 19th (local time). We provide below the telephone contact numbers for Professor Kranjc:-0011 38 61 311 814 (home) 0011 38 61 154 055) 0011 38 61 1 034^ Ljubljana University, extension ^ for Prof. Kranjc - no. 21 We -would also urgently request you to provide this office with the names of any contact persons from the Slovenian Government so that we can advise Professor Kranjc. This may well assist him to make suitable and prompt arrangements while Dr. Theophanous is in Ljubljana. We thank you for your considerable assistance in this matter, particularly at short notice and look forward to hearing from you again. Yours faithfully 24/09 '91 17:34 FAX 38 61 213357 MZZ LJB YU 23 September Sept be/ SLOVENIA REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA MINISTRSTVO ZA ZUNANJE ZADEVE LJUBLJANA, Gregorčičeva 25 - p.p. 431 tel.: 224 141, 219439 - fax 213 357 TELEFAKS 9961-3-59-88-700 Številka: 921-21/91-Datum: 23.09.1991 Gospa Sherill O'Connor Sraj 55 Hollyrood Street Hampton Victoria 3188 Melbourne ZADEVA: Informacije Spoštovani, Zahvaljemo se vam za vaše angažiranje glede prezentacije razmer v Republiki Sloveniji in vaše napore pri priznanju Republike Slovenije z strani Avstralije. V prilogi vam pošiljamo materiale, ostali materiali so na razpolago v Slovenskem informacijskem uradu v Sydneyu, ki ga vodi g. Alfred Brežnik. Obveščamo vas tudi, da boste od sedaj naprej dobivali j&ilformacije tudi od naše informativne službe. Priloga: - materiali - prošnja za priznanje - pismo g.dr. Dimitrija Rupla zunanjim ministrom KVSE 'REPUBLIŠKI SVETOVALEC 25 September MILDURA Dr. Perez de Cuellar UNITED NATIONS ORGANISATION Jozica Gerden 1 Charles Court MILDURA, VIC. 3500 AUSTRALIA Mildura, 25/9/91 Dear Sir, As an Aus t ral ian of Slovenian descent, I wish to expres s my great concern about the way in which the European Community is handling the so-called Yugoslav crisis. As we have often witnessed, their effort has been fruitless, and the people are asking why. For me this is not a puzzle. Let me briefly remind you of the unfair composition of the former Yugoslav Federal Government: Four Serbian representatives, propped up by the power of the Yugoslav army confronting the democratically idealistic representatives of the other four republics. Serbia has also been supported, until recently, by the Yugoslav Prime Minister Mr.Markovic, (with Serbian in-law relatives), and until May thrs year, by the Yugoslav President, Serbian Mr.Jovic. With such a loaded structure, one could be certain that nothing could be solved democratically, and without genuine Western support, the little freedom won would be at the high cost of the human lives. We were extremely concerned to hear the irresponsible statements made by the world leaders (such as America and England), that Yugoslavia's integrity should be preserved. We knew that this is not possible and that war would follow. Serbian Government has clearly wished to misinterpret these statements as that Yugoslavia has to be preserved at any cost in human lives or material damage and continue to dominate the country by the Army. 1 ask you, Sir, what right does Serbia have under international law to claim a large part of Croatian territory? Australia has made a home to over 250,000 people of Slovenian and Croatian descent. We would never have dreamed that part of Australia should secede to Slovenia or Croatia. We are all faithful Australian citizens. I ask you again, what right does Serbia have under international law to dominate by force the autonomous provinces of Vojvodina and Kosovo? Why have you turn a blind eye to this crime? Serbia's action towards the other republics is no different from that of Iraq to Kuwait. Mr. Milosevic, with Yugoslav communist-dominated army should not be treated any more favourably than Saddam Hussein. . This time the world leaders forgot to respect the people's wishes. England has dismissed the warning calls of injustice by the Slovenian and Croatian governments as mere "Balkan Wars". May I remind you that Slovenia and Croatia are not "Balkan", but purely the book by Nicholas Tolstoy: "Minister and Massacre", you would not know the true story. England has cruelly betrayed, and Yugoslav army slaughtered over 60.000 innocent Slovenian, Croatian and other post-war refugees. Their only crime was a fear of communism and there was hardly anybody left to tell the truth about this horrific story. We children of the war learnt the true story from the dead ghosts of horrible war, from the "pits of Kocevje" and many other mass graves kept sccret for 45 years. In the light of this past, I am extremely worried about British involvement in any "Yugoslav problem solution". England could not be impartial as it has a long association with Serbia, its royal family and their interests. The other European neighbors such as Austria, Italy, Hungary and Germany, I believe, would better understand our problems and are much better qualified to help and intervene. Why is their support and advice being denied? Who is asking for the international peaee-kceping force? Republics of Slovenia and Croatia are! Of course, Serbia does not need to! Why then ask Serbia for permission? Where is the logic in this? Do we need another European or world war to solve this problem? The war needs to be stopped at all costs. Internal pre-war borders should not be allowed to he changed, to prevent any other 'Saddams' and Milosevics invading the territory of another country. Who is to be next? Bosnia & Herzegovina and Macedonia? How many more people would have to die. before the world Finally realizes that borders don't really matter? Only people matter! It seems that we would need another Berlin war around Serbia to put stop to its aggression. Let us remember that cach nation and its people need to feel free, to be able to live peacefully alongside its neighboring nations. No one has the right to prevent any nation from developing to the full its freedom and independence. 25 Sep, (er United Nations, please act before it's really to late. Your sincerely, M da, 25/9/91 Jozica Gerden PRIZNANJE DRŽAVE REPUBLIKE SLOVENJE. ESTONIA RECOGNISES THE INDEPENDENCE AND SOVEREIGNTY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA. ESTONIA Minister za zunanje zadeve in trgovino Nove Zelandije Don McKinnon, ki takrat nadomešča predsednika vlade, sprejme Dušana Lajovica, posebnega svetovalca slovenskega zunanjega ministrstva za Novo Zelandijo. Razgovor se nanaša na priznanje Slovenije. Dušan Lajovic se sreča tudi z novo - zelandskimi gospodarstveniki. Minister for Foreign Affairs and Economy of New Zealand, Don McKinnon, representing the Prime Minister, welcomes Dušan Lajovic, the Special Advisor of Slovenian Foreign Ministry for New Zealand. They discuss recognition of Slovenia. Dušan Lajovic also meets with New Zealand economists. September NEW ZEALAND REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA MINISTRSTVO ZA INFORMIRANJE Ljubljana, Levstikov» 10 Fa?:: 212-312 St. ". 421 [27 th September, 1r.f p;-ii,-:-.-. : : c^nd 'Tv^ilâ'-À" ■■■ undir their feet if one or more of the States were recognized. Vow were absolutely right when you said that the European Community had exhausted their option? and were reasonably unsuccesful In solving the problem in Yugoslavia. European Community countries have all sorts of their little internal problems and all sorts of their own Interests In the Yugoslav crisis. Therefore it is probably quite impropriate to be given an exclusive right to operate in this crisis. EC stands quite firmly on the idea of United Yugoslavia. Seems they do not care much about the rights of the nations. They talk only about peace (and sponsor war) even if only a submissive peace is achieved by the guns over the neck of people, Maybe they have other reasons or interests which myself cannot understand as I don't have enough insight into the diplomatic field and behind the scenes. Ragardless of what Europeans Community thinks, Slovenia is irrevokably independent after the 7th October. After the last exercise of Mr Van Der Brook two weeks ago, when he required from the Slovenian Government to lift the Yugoslav flags on the Slovenian border posts, we cannot recognize any authority of ec over Slovenia any more. Slovenia has very firmly told the EC that it will not negotiate away its Independence. Slovenia has shown s good will and now it is the turn of the International Community to manifest their fair play. I'd like to say two more things. 1, Î thank you for your answer to my letter from 28th Aug 1991 Although the letter did not answer all the questions we had we were pleased to receive some word from you. There was something in the letti" which va f.U found it very interesting, You emphasized that Australian 0. ■ rnmbnt recognises states not governments, V\V could not understand why that was emphasized as we have never asked y recognize our government It is completely dear to us that the government ¿-¿mes and gees but we Slovenians still want to bo independent. Over the years, we want to have many, stable governments but we wsnt all of them to be Sloveniar governments. Well, cr. y recently Ï noticed that in my own documiit 'Rep Mic of Slovenia1 which was given to you, chapter 12 * The legal case presented to Senator Evans actually asks for the recognition of the government as well as of the state of Slovenia. As this chapter has been includf in the document as the part of the tontine us process for the recognition Slovenia, we did rot change th° tent, But we forgot to comment on it. In the next issues of the publication^ i Wire asked to meke some more) we ere including a eomn* or. the second page of the Chapter 12 under the second paragraph which reads 2, The present government of ■.'■.r Republic of Slovenia governing from Ljubljana meets the preconditions for de jure recognition* The comment reads * This legal ease wag based on the requirement of both recognition of the Slovenian Government and the Slovenian State but the rest of the case prtst M in this book seeks the recognition by Australian Governmint of the irtd« ¿(-nee and sovereignty of the State of Slovenia, This is in accordance with : current Australian policy of recognizing states instsnd of the old policy of i agnizing governments, It mlgh! Vav* slipped pest us because the current Slovenian government is a true embt Slovenian nation, I will tell you the secret why they have so much sup;k :t is not only because they fight for the independent Slovenia but more because they are honest people, Peopie trust them. 2, In my letter to you dated 26th Aug 1991 I mentioned that Croatia did not constitutionally their independence. That was a mistake which did not have the purpose of neither harm the Croatian case nor to mislead you. It was merely due to a bad source oi information. Nevertheless the rest of the information was absloutely correct. rrom the submission which has been prepared for you by Creations and I bel1e\ e you have already received it too, it is cle^r that Crottia with the Declarator, c;' Independence recognized quite a few federal bodies yet and most important they recognized still the YugoslavjArmy. At the end 1 would just like to ask you not to forget ¿boui -as Slovenians although we are not as vocal a» the more numerous Ctoatiani. You have postponed the meeting with the Slovenian Community several times now. We hope that that is not due to any possible negative stand against Slovenia. We are not asking you to be on our side in the war- We only want ;■> ^o use your intelligence, common sense, information, knowledge and power to : o the right thing. Telefax 061224328 Dr. Janez DULAR Minister za Slovenca po svetu LJUBLJANA ADELAIDE Adalaide, 30.09, 1991 Ogorčeno protestiramo proti imenovanju ing< Zisona za vsklajevalca za Avstralijo za priznanje Republike Slovenije.! Avstralska Slovenska Konferenca, kakor tudi druge Avstralske Slovenske organo2ac1je o tem sploh niso bile obveščene, ^aj šele konzultirane. Niso nam Znane zasluge ing. Žigona za Slovenstvo v Avstraliji, niti ne vemo kje živi. Mogoče vse skupaj sloni na nekem bombastičnem načrtu za zdomsko narodno posojilo. Doslej smo zbrali za Slovenijo $ 21.000 in se zbiramo. Soglasno smo danes Sklenili, da nabranega denarja ne odpošljemo, dokler ne dobimo zadovoljivega odgovora. Takšno ravnanje je pluvanje na naše delo iij napore. Predlagamo, da nemudoma razveljavite imenovanje ing.zigona, ker je bilo izvedeno na nedemokratičen način. POZDRAVLJENI ! Predsednik SNS za Južng Avstrajijot anez ?A60RC Gerard and Never,ka Clarke 3/lfO Egllnton St Kew, Vic, 3101 Sen »tor Robert Hill Leader of the Opposition In the Senate Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs Parliament House Canberra tel. home (03) 853 0386 fax (03) 853 0707 Melbourne, 30th Sep 1991 MELBOURNE Re; Recognition of the Republic of Slovenia Dear Senator, We are writing to you again In this matter which v-: Mr/ of life Importance to us although we understand that for you is just another part Of your daliy work load. The Br ion! Declaration runs out on the 7th OctcWr Slovenia will be independent "again". We would like to know how dose Australia if to recognition. How close are we with conducting norms! life wi-.hout hidden fear of air alarms and how close are we with conducting normal economy without fears that our work and money will be devalued or stolen again and again, the economy which would be led in our own currency, by our own laws and to benefit our own people. So far Slovenia has been recognized by Lithuania' and Latvia who recognized Sloventa even before they were recognized themselves by the International Community and by Kitonia who recognized Slovenia last Thursday and is therefor® She first International Community country'to recognize Slovenia- Even the USA is taking a eoncllitory attitude to Slovenia. The American imbasfcador to Yugoslavia said recently that Yugoslavia should be- £ confederation of 5 republic» without Slovenia (the former Yugoslav;a v i. a federation of six republics). He added that the responsibly for the current crisis in Yugoslavia '.;»« with both Mr Tudfman (Croatian President) who pushed for their independence too soon and Mr iJiloMvlc (Serbian President) who wanted to establish a Greater Serbia out of Yugoslav!«. ..id where can we see Australia's stand on Slovfnla in all this? -,'here is the stand of the Liberal party on Siovenie in all this? Yes, Opposition pissed the motion In the Senile about recalling the ambMador to Yugoslavia for consultation. We thank you for that, But it appears the Liberal party is satisfied with that only, Unfortunately this motion did not have as much weight as it seetr.se because the Government is not obliged to follow the decisions accepted by (he Seriate. Liberal party has a very mellow approach towards the recognition of Slovenia. And yet this was a real opportunity for Liberals to distinguish themselves and win the heart» of many voters especially at the times when the Labor party avoided to do anything or even say anything and because the case of Slovenia is very clear, The attitude which you appeared to display of r, 1 wanting to upset the Europeans because we might want future favours tfe its the moral case that Slovenia should be recognized or. its own merits. In ¿he matter of recognition of Slovenia, Australia should not be constrained by petty European rivalries, but rather should do the right thing. As a continent in itself, Australia's recognition is of great«-, value than our mere population would usually suggest. We do not accept 'We cannot do anything because we ere r, :t In the government1. With such an attitude you will never be in the government. When you are not In the government you need to b« ever, more vocal ar.d your decisions even more striking. Even if you are not In the governmnet you still :an express your own opinion as long as you have one. Of course, if the Liberal party is convinced that Slovenia should not be recognized then we do not want to ask you to do for us anything else. Democracy means freedom for se who think different (words of Ro;-- * jxambourg). We accept this. But if you feel ¡hat Slovenia could and should be rjecognUad then you should speak up for it. It will pay. yours faithfully, S'evenka Golc-Clarke SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET - VIKTORIJA (AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA ZA SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES) TO CHIEF OF STAFF CHANNEL 10 NEWSROOM SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL - VICTORIA (AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN CONFERENCE FOR SLOVENIAN WORLD CONGRESS) Dear Sir! We, the members of Slovenian National Council of Victoria would like to protest becouse the news item. Close up, televised on Monday, 30,9.1991, on evening news at 6.00 PM, included a statement from Dara Milojevic, that the members of Serbian Community are worried becouse their relatives in Croatia are burning in crematoriums. We feel that such unconfirmed and volatile statements are used to prejudice the viewers against the suffering people of Croatia and present a real threat that violence will spread to our community, It was a bad mistake to put it in an otherwise good report. No past injustices justify the use of brutal force against Croatia today and the pictures of army jets bombarding the Croatian territory speak for themselves, Don't forget, just three months ago Slovenia has been attacked by that same army! Yours faithfully Elica Rizmal Secretary Tel 755 2626 fax 755 1746 Mel bourne, 1.10.1991 Dušan Lajovic se je sestal v Novi Zelandiji v svojstvu posebnega svetovalca slovenskega zunanjega NEW ZEALAND ministra z vodjem opozicije g. Moorom. Dušan Lajovic and Advisor of Slovenian Foreign Minister meet with New Zealand's Opposition Leader, Mr Moore. SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET - VIKTORIJA (AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFE RENCA ZA SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES) Mr.Robert Hawk, M.P. Prime Minister of Australia Parliament House, Canberra, A.C.T. 2600 SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL - VICTORIA (AUSTRALIAN SLOVEN IAN CONFERENCE FOR SLOVENIAN WORLD CONGRESS) Re: Recognition of the Republic of Slovenia Dear Mr.HAwke! We, the members of Slovenian National Council of Victoria, are appealing to you most urgently and vigorously to recognise the Republics of former Yugoslavia: Slovenia and Croatia. We are urging you to do it on the basis of the rights of a nation to independence and self-determination, agreed upon by international laws and on basic human rights of an individuals which have been violated in the aggressive attack of the Yugoslav Army on Slovenia and Croatia, In view of the present critical situation, which is growing worse by the minute, urgent action is necessary, as the attempts of the European Community to reinstate peace in Croatia have dismally failed, since it had its own political interests, which obviously have nothing in common with the rights of the nations. Thank you for voicing your opinion that "Yugoslavia no longer exist". But this is not enough; the diplomatic recognition of the Republics of former Yugoslavia are necessary to put the reality into political action. Then the aggression would be recognised as what it really is: invasion of the territory and the biggest land grab in history, made before the European Community and the world as indifferent spectators. Is that the new world order one hears so much on media? Mr.Hawk, you made the initiative to the United Nations, to take the matters into their hands. Thank you, for it. But the Security Council of UN just put a belated arms embargo on Yugoslavia, which really hurts only Slovenia and Croatia. The power hungry Generals had almost five decades of organising themselves into one of the best equipped army in Europe and they are certainly not going to give it up so they cooperate with Serbian government and Mr.Slobodan Milosevic{ who was put back into office by a great majority of 107% in some areas of Serbia) to create the"great Serbia". Meanwhi1e the Yugo-Serbian Army is attacking, bombarding and destroying the centuries old historical sites, using the arms prohibited by international laws, and the Chetnics have tortured, mutilated and killed in the ways that belong to the dark history of mankind. From the beginning of war in former Yugoslavia nine foreign and local reporters were killed, while more than 40 attacks have been made on them. And I don't have to remind you that even the International Red Cross have suspended its work a couple of days ago, when their convoy was attacked by the Army. The effects of the war in Croatia on the 1 i ves of SI ovenian people are growing. There is an increased economic pressure as the number of Croatian refugees is growing {on Oct 1st there were almost 10.000 refugees officially registered, not to count those who found a place to stay with relatives and friends). Slovenian air space is again closed and some telephone communications are broken off due to war. The people on the border region with Croatia feel the approaching battle lines even more. There is also the continuous threat of another Army attack on Slovenia, where the Slovenian Territorial Defence has increased its preparedness, while the Army is stalling and delaying its withdrawal and handling over of military complexes. We have been trying to arrange an urgent meeting with you through the efforts of Mr.M.Kovac, the President of Australian Slovenian Conference. But we were unsuccessful, as your office keeps postponing it. The Brioni Declaration will expire on Monday ,October 7th 1991 and Slovenia wi11 pursue its path to independence, You have stated that Australia will be one of the first countries to extend the diplomatic recognition. Well, last week Estonia was the first member of United Nations that recognised Slovenia, and Lithuania and Latvia recognised Slovenia before they were recognised themselves, but if Australia and your government would like to show the world that DEMOCRACY and HUMAN RIGHTS are the basis of the new world order and not just empty words, you must decide now, for A LITTLE LATER MTGHT JUST BE TOO LATE for people of Slovenia and other republics of former Yugoslavia which only ask for what we already have in Australia. 2 October MELBOURNE Yours faithfully Simon Spacapan President Elica Rizmal Secretary Tel 03 755 2626 Fax 03 755 1746 Melbourne, 2.10.1991 197, KEW. MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA. 3101 TEL. FAX. Izteče se Brionski moratorij. Brioni Moratorium expires. Slovenija je dobila svoj denar - ■ tolar, zaenkrat samo bone. Slovenia has its own currency - - the Tolar. 7 October SLOVENIA 8 October 1991 SLOVENIA REPUBUKA SLOVEN1JA . . | INATaTatSJ REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA r ]fi fi»Tr j-jSiJTi;TjTiad SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES WORLD SLOVENIAN CONGRESS AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN CONFERENCE CANBERRA INCORPORATING: SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCILS OP ACT. NSW. QLD, SA & VIC MEDIA RELEASE On Thursday Oct.10, 19 91 the delegation of Slovenian Ethnic Community meet with the Prime Minister of Australia Mr.R.Hawke, to remind the Australian Government that the three-monthly moratorium of Brioni Declaration has expired and that the Republic of Slovenia is determinate 1y pursuing its path into full sovereignty and independence; which includes the implementation of its own Slovenian currency and passports and the warning to the remaining troops of Yugoslav army( which should have already left) to leave the territory of the Republic of Slovenia by the Oct,18th, 1991. The delegation asked the Australian government to extend full diplomatic recognition of the Republic of Slovenia, because all criteria for diplomatic recognition have been met. In the delegation, representing the Australian Slovenian Conference (ASK, embodying the Slovenian National Councils of ACT, Vic, NSW, Sth.Australia and Queensland), were Marjan Kovac, the President of ASK, Cvetko Falez Jn, the member of Slovenian National Counci1 of ACT and Elica Rizmal, the Secretary of Slovenian National Council of Vic. They called the attention to the plight of Slovenia which is on the verge of economic collapse because of the brutal aggression of the Yugoslav army on Slovenian territory in June and July and caused also by the moratorium, the three monthly freeze on implementation of Declaration of Slovenian independence, which Slovenia and Croatia accepted in good faith that the time will be used for the peaceful disunion from Yugoslavia. But it was used instead for ruthless economic war, with Serbia and its al1ies unscrupulous1y seizing the Slovenian assets and excluding S1ovenia from the Yugoslav monetary system and foreign currency reserves. The delegation explained that both SIovenian and Croatian communities felt betrayed at the Europe's and the world's passive behaviour in face of the most horrifying destruction of lives, property, cultural heritage and the occupation of Croatian territory. The members of the delegation emphasised the great importance of a swift diplomatic recognition, thus demonstrating in practical and political terms to the Serbian block, which took the effective control of the Yugoslav Army, the world's opposition to such aggression and that it stands on the side of the democracy and human rights of the nations that decided to leave communist-control1ed Yugoslavia. Korespondenca/All Correspondence to: Organizacijska Tajnica - Organising Secretary: STANKA GREG GRIČ 2/15 Allandale Road. Boronia, 3155, Melbourne, Australia. Tel. - Fax: (03) 762 6830 - Int. +613 762 6830 Predsednik ■ President: MARJAN KOVAČ 9 Pandanus Street, Fisher, 2611, Canberra, Australia. Tel. ■ Fax: (06) 288 4097 or (043) 85 2455 Int. +616 288 4097 or +6143 85 2455 We called his attention on the problems we had with the mail to and from Slovenia and of Slovenians not being allowed into Australia with Slovenian passports; and that we feel hurt and surprised that the Australian Government did not align itself with the most advanced countries of Europe, which accept Slovenian Passports and new currency. Mr.Piling promised to do what he can to help us in these matters. He stayed with us and answered our questions late into the night , or truthfully said into the early hours of the morning. We thanked him for stopping in Melbourne after the hard week in Canberra, when he would have surely liked to have gone home. He impressed as a man of great qualities, an upright and honest politician for whom Democracy, Humanity and Freedom are not just empty words. Eli Rizmal Press Officer for Australian Slovenian Conference Tel 03 755 2626 Fax 755 1746 Delegation for talks with Prime Minister Bob Hawke: Marjan Kovač, Elica Rizmal and Florjan Falež jnr. CANBERRA Slovenska delegacija ASK se je v Canberri srečala s prvim ministrom avstralske vlade g. Bobom Hawkom. V delegaciji so bili Marjan Kovač, Elica Rizmal in Cvetko Falež mlajši. MELBOURNE Popoldne se je na melbournškem City Sqaure zbrala tisočglava množica Hrvatov in pripadnikov drugih narodnosti v protest proti kruti, barbarski vojni na Hrvaškem. V imenu SNS Viktorije je spregovoril Stanko Prosenak. Zvečer so se zbrali predstavniki Slovencev, Hrvatov, Albancev, Makedoncev, Muslimanov in predstavnica organizacije Captive Nations Tereza Kral. Ustanovili so organizacijo, ki naj bi nadzirala poročanje avstralskih medijev, seveda predvsem kontrolirala srbski pritisk na medije in laži, ki so jih širili po etničnih radijskih postajah, v oddajah v srbskem jeziku. Slovenian delegation: Marjan Kovač, Elica Rizmal and Cvetko Falež jnr. of ASK met with the Prime Minister, Mr Bob Hawke. In the afternoon, more than a thousand people, Croatians and Slovenians, as well as others, gathered in Melbourne City Square as a protest against the cruel and barbaric war in Croatia. Stanko Prosenak spoke on behalf of SNS. In the evening, a meeting was held with representatives of Slovenians, Croats, Albanians, Macedonians, Muslims and the representative of the Captive Nations, Tereza Kral. They established a new organisation that would supervise the Australian media reports. They wished especially to limit Serbian pressure on the media and to restore truthful and fair reporting of events. Slovenski klub Perth je imel zgodovinsko proslavo v čast slovenske samostojnosti in dvignili so novo slovensko zastavo, zapeli slovensko himno. Častni gost je bil g. Peter Ceka, poseben govor je imel g. Ivan Žigon. Nabrali so tudi denarno pomoč za Slovenijo. Slovenian Club Perth held a celebration to mark the historically significant occasion of Slovenian independence, raising the new Slovenian flag and singing the new Slovenian national anthem. Honorary guest was Mr Peter Ceka. A noteworthy speaker was Ivan Žigon. They organised an appeal to help Slovenia. 13 October CANBERRA Misa Patafta with the Slovenian flag at the demonstration at the Australian Parlaiment House in Canberra. O, domovina, ko te je Bog ustvaril, te je blagoslovil z obema rokama in je rekel: "Tod bodo živeli veseli ljudje!" Skopo je meril lepote, ko jo je trosil po zemlji od vzhoda do zahoda; šel je mimo silnih pokrajin, pa se ni ozrl nanje - puste leže tam, strme proti nebu s slepimi očmi in prosijo milosti. Nazadnje mu je ostalo polno prgišče lepote; razsul jo je na vse štiri strani, od štajerskih goric do strme tržaške obala ter od Triglava do Gorjancev in je rekel: "Veseli ljudje bodo živeli tod; pesem bo njih jezik in njih pesem bo vriskanje!" Kakor je rekel, tako se je zgodilo. Božja setev je pognala in je rodila - vzrasla so nebesa pod Triglavom . . . Bogatejši so pač drugi jeziki; pravijo tudi, da so milo-zvočnejši in bolj pripravni za vsakdanjo rabo -ali slovenska beseda je beseda praznika, petja in vriskanja. Iz zemlje same zveni kakor velikonočno pritrkavanje in zvezde pojo, kadar se na svoji svetli poti ustavijo ter uzro na čudežno deželo pod seboj. Vesela domovina, pozdravljena iz veselega srca! O my homeland, when God created thee, he blessed thee with both hands and said:"Merry people will live here!" Sparingly he measured out beauty, as he scattered it across the earth from the east to the west; he passed magnificent lands, and he did not look upon them - they lie there dull, staring into the heavens with blind eyes and beg for grace. Finally he had just a fistful of beauty left; he scattered it to all four parts from the low hills of Stajerska to steep beaches of Trst, and from the Mount Triglav to the Gorjanci Ranges, and spoke:"Merry people will live here; song will be their speech, and their song will be a shout of joy." As he spoke, so it happened. God's seed quickened and bore fruit -there grew the paradise under Triglav ... Richer are other languages; they say that they are more melodious and more suitable for everyday use - yet Slovenian speech is the speech of feasting, song and joyfulness. From the earth itself it rises forth like the church bells at Easter and stars are singing, when they pause on their bright path and glance at the magic land underneath. Happy homeland, I greet you with a joyful heart! Ivan Cankar, Slovenian writer, poet and dramatist, the master of Slovenian language. SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET VIKTORIJA AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL VIKTORIA AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN KONFERENCE Avstralska slovenska konferenca C/O Stanka Gregoric 2/15 Allandale Rd. Boronia 3155 Spoštovani \ Na zadnjem sestanku Slovenskega narodnega sveta Viktorije z dne 22.10.1991, smo, po poročilu g. Rizmala o sestanku in ustanovitvi International Association of Slovenian Development Partners of Australia, sklenili, da moramo izvedeti vcc o celotnemu projektu saj smo zanj soodgovorni; zato nam prosim pošljite poročilo o sestanku I.A.S.D.P. v Sydneyu 14.1Ü, 1991 Prisrčen pozdrav Simon Spacapan Predsednik Elica Rizmal Tajnica rt/ ¿//¿>, /h fZ ft ¿L&dw ÇfrûXiï ï&véc/je Çgrf/tscw t/a/uj Oy^Gi&v '' l/se Zétà/2)- Âyks/t^ Zuk '0 /V toeu/rf&Mkyf^btf^Sfy?/? A Z rtkÙ rtt^/ï&i^ 0PgMe ton, ßrejm/jS? frcueiSâm.ëttf ^éd^m äM HûéetAtWQfiftKfy'fi( ^J> Âï/Mcf M mM«? ÛU. 1991 14 October SLOVENIA BUSIHESS IIMU ASSOCIATION OF SLOVENIAN DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS Slovenian businessmen in Australia recently established an international association to facilitate its members' active involvement in the economic development of Slovenia as their contribution to the efforts of the Slovenian World Congress Dr. Boris Cizelj Director of IADSPLjubljana Bureau A! _ _ft ITER MONTHS of preparations and meetings of future members in major cities of Australia (Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and Brisbane), and with the endorsement and encouragement of Slovenian World Congress delegates, as well as of all relevant Slovenian authorities, on 14lh October the International Association of Slovenian Development Partners (IASDP) was formally established in Sydney by the first 40 financial members. The Australian Slovenian Conference has thus accomplished an important task which was recognized at the recent session of the International Council of the Slovenian World Congress held in Celje. The new Association is defined by the Charter as "an institutionalised global not work of businessmen, experts, professionals, and other concerned Slovenians and friends of Slovenia, influential in the business world, whose resources in the nature of experience, know-how, con- tacts, and capital, should initiate and facilitate mutually rewarding cooperation leading to the advancement of the Republic of Slovenia." Inaugurated in the framework of the Slovenian World Congress, the Association is designed as a non-governmental, non parly political, and non profit organisation. In the initial stage, the Association, and particularly its Bureau in Ljubljana, is to be provided with some support by the Slovenian authorities and interested organisations, while very soon all activities of the Association will be financed entirely from the membership fees. The independent status of the association is vitally important for its success, and is therefore appreciated by the membership. ii The new Association is defined by the Charter as 'an institutionalised global network of businessmen, experts, professionals, and other concerned Slovenians and friends of Slovenia, influential in the business world, whose resources in the nature of experience, know-how, contacts, and capital, should initiate and facilitate mutually rewarding cooperation leading to the advancement of the Republic of Slovenia' " In the past, for many reasons, Slovenians living abroad only had limited possibilities to participate in the economic developments of their homeland or country of origin on an equal and mutually heneficial basis. Conditions have now changed, and such involvement is not only possible but also welcomed and encouraged. Business interest has regained the status of a legitimate motive for cooperation with Slovenians abroad, Slovenia should facilitate all contacts leading to ventures bringing together complementary resources, since knowledge, technology, business contacts, managerial experience, capital, and other assets obtained by Slovenians living abroad are now appreciated and viewed as an important external factor of restructuring and revival of the Slovenian economy. On the other hand, Slovenian businessmen, scientists, and other professionals bave developed many technologies and marketing channels and relevant eon-tacts which could be interesting to Slovenians abroad. Slovenians could become partners in developments in the newly independent republic of Slovenia, as well as anywhere in the world. In pursuance of these objectives and general goals, the main activities of the Association will "be the following: • promotion of the Republic of Slovenia, its products and technologies • encouragement and assistance to members involved in cooperation with Slovenia • contribution to design and formulation of a Slovenian development strategy, econom ic system, and development policies. The Association has individual and corporate members. There are four categories of individual membership: foundation, ordinary, associate, and subscription members, with annual fees ranging between 300.00 and 40.00 USD. The joining fee, applicable only the first year, amounts to double the level of the selected membersliip fee. The Charter provides that 40% of the fees collected in a country be retained for the activities of the national Association, and if there are local Chapters, they are entitled to half of that share (i.e. 20% respectively). The remaining 60% of fees go for the expenses of the Association's Bureau in Ljubljana. Needless to say, various categories of membership entitle the respective member to differentiated rights and scope of services provided by the Bureau in Ustanovitev Viktorijskega združenja gospodarstvenikov pod imenom Slovenian Business Association of Australia, Melbourne. Poslovil se je dr. Boris Cizelj, ki je odšel iz Avstralije in postal vodja Biroja Mednarodnega združenja razvojnih partnerjev v Ljubljani. Predsednik združenja v Viktoriji je postal Vinko Rizmal. Skupni sestanek gospodarstvenikov in Mednarodno združenje razvojnih partnerjev - odločijo se za ime Narodni svet avstralskega združenja in predsednik je postal Dušan Lajovic. Establishment of Victorian Amalgamation of Economists under the name "Slovenian Business Association of Australia, Melbourne". Dr Boris Cizelj, who arrived from Australia, became the leader of the International Economists Group in Ljubljana. Vinko Rizmal became the president of the Victorian group and Dušan Lajovic the president of Australian Association. 6 lyctoter MELBOURNE SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES WORLD SLOVENIAN CONGRESS AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN CONFERENCE INCORPORATING: SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCILS OF ACT, NSW, QLD, SA & VIC. To the Editor o£ The Australian Dear Sir! We are sending you the fax we received from Si Computer Centre at the Institute of Josef Stef Mr.Vladimir Alkalaj, regarding the war in Croat another aggression on Slovenia, because Oct,18, by which the rest of the Yugoslav Army soldiers to leave Slovenia ). It expresses the feeling the passivity of the Western world at the occupation of Croatia and non- recognition of ovenia's Head of an in Ljubljana, ia (and possibly 1991 is the date , about 2500, is s of betrayal at destruction and both Republics. We ask you how many more will have to die before the world does something to stop it? We are surprised that a newspaper of your quality has no journalist there and would like to ask you whether YOU HAVE JOINED THE PROTEST AGAINST THE NUMEROUS ATTACKS BY THE YUGOSLAV ARMY ON FOREIGN JOURNALISTS WHICH CLAIMED THE LIFES OF NINE OF YOUR COLLEAGUES? Thanking you for your answer Sincerely yours! Elica Rizmal Press officer for Australian Slovenian Conf erence tel 755 2626 (w) 752 0003 (h) fax 755 1746 Melbourne, 16,10.1991 18 October ASK je poslala na slovensko vlado pismo s prošnjo, da avstralske Slovence obišče kateri od slovenskih politikov, morda celo predsednik. CANBERRA ASK suggested that the Slovenian Parliament sends a Slovenian politician or perhaps the president, to visit Australian Slovenians. Slovenski narodni svet organizira zabavo - dobiček namenjen v pomoč Sloveniji, nabrali so 2,680 dolarjev. Privatno slavje in nabirka za pomoč Sloveniji pri sestrah Pavli Vizintin, Eli Sass in Milici Hajak v Woodendu. Slovenian National Council organises a celebration - the profits in aid of Slovenia. A private fundraising celebration in aid of Slovenia at the Woodend home of Pavla Vizintin, Ela Sass and Milica Hajak. Sestala se je organizacija za nadzor avstralskih medijev, ideja Stanke Gregorič - Joint Committee on Media Matters. Organizacija pošlje številna pisma, zgodovinske podatke in razna dejstva vojne na Hrvaškem raznim radijskim in televizijskim postajam in dnevnemu tisku. Pri pisanju pisem in zastopanju sta se zelo potrudila Nevenka in Gerald Clarke. Gerald je bil izbran za govornika - spokesperson. Meeting of the organisation Joint Committee on Media Matters - an idea by Stanka Gregorič. The organisation sends many letters, historical documentation and facts about the war in Croatia, to the many Australian radio and TV stations and newspapers. Nevenka and Gerald Clarke were very active. Gerald was elected as a spokesperson. 19 October BRISBANE MELBOURNE 21 October MELBOURNE IJubijans, 23 Ou-r.h.-r 1991 J>J Oetober SLOVENIA Your Excellency, Allow me to Inform you, Your Excellency, that the Federal Authorities continue to Interfere with the economic relators cf the Republic of Siovsnta and the world. The National Bank of Yugoslavia has recently adopted s decision to withdraw from commercial banks of Slovenia and Croatia, authorisation for foreign operations. As you may know, all correspondents of the National Bank of Yugoslavia, together with all correspondents of Yugoslav authorised commercial banks, have been informed of this decision wkh the aim of disrupting payment transactions with commercial banks of the Republic of Slovenia and to divert these transactions to banks outside Slovenia and Croatia, i earnestly hope that you will treBL t/ils message with ail gravity and help prevent potential proble:: is in the normal course of payments between and among your arid Slovenian banks, this being a crucial part of our economic cooperation. I am sum that, in your fictions concerning this matter, you will also bear in mind that payment transactions between and among Slovenian hanks and banks abroad hove eiway3 bees prompt and that we have duly met all our foreign obligations, to creditors from your country as well as to the National Bank of Yugoslavia, It is our desire, however, as we have repeatedly expressed, to reach an agreement on the legal succession and, within this framework, on the division of resources and properly, rights and obligations of the SFRY. Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration. L. PETERLE This has been sent to heads of Government Avstralski Slovenci predajo Sloveniji denarno pomoč v znesku 266.875 dolarjev. Australian Slovenians gift for Slovenia $266,875.00. SLOVENIA Letter sent to Lord Csrringiott, The Hague Allow me, Your Lordship, to notify you that the Slovene delegation to the Conference in the Hague will not be able to accept, any kind of compromise which threatens the sovereignty and full independence of the State of Slovenia. This means that: a) We support &ny form of links among the Yugoslav republics, together with their independence, if they so wish; b) Slovenia has no wish to enter into &ny kind of association of Yugoslav republics and that it expects from the Conference the recognition of its independence and dissociation. We therefore propose a working group for dissociation. Our resolve is based on the results of the plebiscite and Parliamentary decision and our delegation is therefore bound thereby, We have said that we are prepared to cooperate with other republics, both during the Conference and afterwards. This cooperation, however, requires clarification or ¿stalled provisions of the Article i e, which provides the possibility of realising the Slovene decision, but has remained the least concrete of all articles. I would particularly like to stress that Slovenia cannot accept the proposal for establish'rig a Customs Union, and that we do not wish formal membership is any of the institutions presented in Chapter IV. A quick calculation shows that 19 new institutions are foreseen, which could be understood as a reconstituting of Yugoslavia, r am afraid, Your Lordship, that our constructive cooperation at the Conference to date may have been understood as silent agreement to such a reconstituting, with our pat ticipation in such a uew Yugoslavia. I would like to clarify In this letter that such an Interpretation of the Slovene standpoints is mistaken and ¡s quite unacceptable to us. Esteemed Lord, please accept the renewed expression of my profound respect. 23 October, 1991 Milan Kucan IMPAf^ INTERNATIONAL PTY. LTD. H5ADvFFitF-CC,SlvEH VICTOR:* A MOO CSiSKfU 5Tft£E7&. SVGMh" * TO: MARK BREZKIK PROM: DUSAN S. LAJOVIC DATE: 28 October 1991 PO 30> 5 SMltHP'ELO, MS.W 2 A'. "fiLES^AMS AfsDt AbctS' I'^ftCTSVO JvoMfiy ?i TEli*: ¿r-lSi — PA< Mj ^O^'CUW tiA.nrisrsfiiii-rTrsi^iiisa&iiilsrsiS"^'*-'^*;»- IF you DO NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGE'S PLEASE COOTACT US IMMEDIATELY A PARKS INC. HEADER General comments On IS October in Rome, the Italian Foreign minister, Mr. Da Mi chelis had an interview with "DEW", Slovenia newspaper and declared in hin opinion Slovenia will be recognised by western European countries within one month or two. No« all the requirements (Tor recognition have been fulfilled: 1. f)n 0 October Slovenia issued its own currency, the unit is called Tolar. Exchange rate 1 to 1 with Dinar. The. last Say t:o change currency was 12 October when the Yugoslav Dinar ceased to be legal tender in Slovenia, The Tolar has been accepted as legal tender in neighbouring countries. 2. Republic of Slovenia has its own passports. As from today, 26 October, validl ty has been recogr J sed by the followi ng countries: Hungary, Austria, Ital y, Germany, Switzerland, n7.«nh-Slov»c Republic, Latvia, Lithuanian, Estonia, Croatia and Poland This is de facto if not de jure - recognition of the Republic. 3. On 26 Octobex Yugoslav army personnel withdrew, totally completely and peacefully, in accordance with Brioni Agreement. Therefore, no foreign forces are stationed on Slovene soil. A crEdjt to coounon srv.se on bcth sides 4. Slovene government and its territorial army have absolute control ovftr the territory of Slovenia and its borders with neighbouring countries, including Republic of Croatia. b. Slovene government. has recognised the rights and protection of minorities. Recognition of Slovenia will not work against the Interests oE ex Yugoslavia, including Croatia. In fact, it will work towards settlement of disputes at present so tragically illustrated by civil war between Croatia and Serbia. Slovene government's principal interests, spart front recognition, is to continue economic ties with other nations and establish new ones. The Slovene neighbours in Europe, plus France and Germany, have been supporting normal trade with Slovenia for some time now. Best; regards / Diisart Lajovic PREPIS ZAPISNIKA SEJE ČASTNEGA RAZSODIŠČA SSK DNE 3.11.1991 V CELJU Original v rokopisu je v arhivu osrednje pisarne SSK v Trstu ZAPISNIK seje častnega, razsodišč a SSK dne 3.11,1991 v Celju. Alfred Brežnik was elected for the Honorary position (častno razsodišče) of the Slovenian World Congress at Celje. 4 November SLOVENIA Delo, 4 November. Navzoči: Alfred Brežnik, Konf, za Avstralijo, osebno Božidar Fink, Konf. za Argentino, pisno Franc Miklavčič, Konf. za Slovenijo, osebno Jože Slobodnik, Konf. za Kanado, osebno Začetek ob 9.45 uri. Odpremo pismo g. Finka in ga prečitamo ter priložimo temu zapisniku. Opravičen je zaradi bolezni peti izvoljeni član razsodišča g. Vlado Habjan, ki pa ni dal pismenega sporočila. Priložimo tudi glasovnico g. Marjana Pirca in pooblastilo g. Bajta. Izid glasovanja za predsednika razsodi i č a: Vsi Štirje navzoči člani glasujejo za g. F. Miklavčiča kot predsednika častnega razsodišča, s Čimer je razsodišče konstituirano v smisla statuta ter sejo zaključimo ob 10. uri. Franc iMiklavčič l.r. Jože Slobodnik l.r. Alfred Brežnik l.r. J> NOVO MESTO USPEHA Rojaki kot tujci? Celjski Svetovni slovenski kongres kritičen do odnosa, ki ga ima Slovenija do svojih rojakov, razseljenih po svetu CELJE, 3. novembra — Kako lahko mlada slovenska država obravnava svoje rojake po svetu kot tujce, hkrati pa pričakuje, da ji bodo taisti ljudje pomagali pri prvih samostojnih korakih? V glavnem odboru Svetovnega j v pomoč pri povezovanju roja- dosedaj odgovornega za finance, ki se je funkciji odrekel zaradi prezaposlenosti. Odbor je na to slovenskega kongresa, ki je v soboto in nedeljo zasedal v Celju, se jc vprašanje priznavanja državljanstva za Slovence, ki živijo v državah izven Slovenije, mešalo z jezo in bolečino. Zato je bila sprejeta pobuda, da se bodo predstavniki SSK o tem pogovorili z vladnimi možmi. V razpravi je bilo omenjeno, naj bi imeli slovenski rojaki po svetu v domovini poseben status, ki bi bil enakovreden državljanstvu. Čtani glavnega odbora SSK, ki so prišli na zasedanje v Celje iz Avstralije, ZDA, Kanade in iz številnih evropskih držav, so se tudi domenili, da bodo predsedniku slovenske vlade Lojzetu Pe-terletu predlagali, naj v reorganizirani vladi vendarle ohrani tudi ministrstvo za Slovence po svetu, ob čemer so poudarili, da želijo imeti kompetentnega sogovornika. Kot so povedali, bodo nadaljevali s pripravami na izid imenika »kdo je kdo med Slovenci v svetu«, ki bi lahko bil kov z domovino, pa tudi z zbiranjem gradiva, ki ga potrebujejo zato, da bodo zaprosili OZN, naj Svetovni slovenski kongres sprejme kot svojega posvetovalnega člana. V razpravi o delovanju konference SSK v posameznih deželah je prevagato mnenje, da sta nujni prožnost in organiziranost vsake konference glede na številčnost in povezanost Slovencev v posamezni državi. Vsekakor se v SSK lahko vključujejo člani tako preko društev in organizacij, kot posamično. Glavni odbor je na zaključnem zasedanju, sicer zaprtem za javnost, sprejel tudi odstop dr. Johna Hočevarja iz ZDA kot Revija o računalništvu Monitor Z. številka že v prodajil ® Vodstvo SSK je tudi podprlo dejavnost Adrie Airways in si bo s pomočjo svojih članov prizadevalo za čim hitrejšo rešitev problema, ki zadržuje letala tega slovenskega prevoznika na tleh doma in v tujini. Glavni odbor SSK je zavzel stališče do resolucije o domobranstvu, ki je bila obravnavana na SSK julija v Ljubljani, ps tedaj zaradi kvo-ruma in ne zaradi svoje vsebine ni bila sprejeta. Ugovori, ki zadevajo njen sprejem obstajajo še danes, a le zaradi nedosega-nja kvoruma pri glasovanju. Zato bo glavni odbor o tem razpravljal na prihodnji seji, resolucijo pa bodo vseeno objavili z vsemi kongresnimi dokumenti. mesto imenovat Jožeta Slobod-nika iz Kanade (več na 2. strani). DAMJANA STAMEJČIČ DRAGO MEDVED Lepo je bilo v "Tedenskih novicah" preČitati zahvalo dr.Dimitrija Rupla, slovenskega ministra za zunanje zadeve, ki jo je naslovil na odbor za nabirko za Slovenijo (Australian Slovenian Relief Appeal), še lepše bi bilo, če bi odbor zahvalo, kot se spodobi, najprej poslal tudi nam, kot sodelujoči organizaciji v nabirki, ne pa, da smo jo morali najprej prebrati v časopisu. Začudile so nas uvodne besede Marjana Peršiča, Kar ne moremo verjeti, da so njegove! Kajti poročati o neki organizaciji, ne da bi se prej prepričal o pravilnosti svojih izjav, gotovo rte more biti delo človeka, ki se že tako dolgo ukvarja s časopisi. Sprašujemo se, zakaj g. Peršič meni, da tako dobro pozna situacijo, da se mu ne zdi vredno potrditi resničnost svojih trditev? Kateri so viri njegovih informacij, ki jim tako slepo zaupa? Ker se je ob razcvetu slovenske demokracije ustanovila le organizacija "za Demos", iz katere so zrastli Slovenski narodni sveti in Avstralska slovenska konferenca, ki je KROVNA organizacija Svetom, veljajo besede torej nam:Slovenskemu narodnemu svetu Viktorije. Hvala g.Peršič, da nam vsaj ne oporekate plemenitih ciljev in priznavate, da smo že storili nekaj dobrega za Slovenijo; čeprav nas najprej okrcate. Kar v isti sapi nas obdolžite, da smo komunistični diktatorji (p red nekaj meseci nas je nekdo obsodil v svoji študiji, da so v Avstralski slovenski konferenci skoraj sami desničarji-paranoični desničarji, op.u.), ki so hoteli prevzeti oblast nad obstoječimi slovenskimi društvi, malo kasne- MB ORGANIZACIJE PREKO KA TERE JE TEKLA NABIRKA: Svet slovenskih organizacij Viktorije Slovensko versko in kulturno središče Kety.............. KOMENTAR NA PISANJE MARJANA PERŠIČA V "Tedenskih novicah" v «J* Slone n s/t o društvu Melbourne................... Slovenska zveza "Ivan Cankar" Geelong... SI o ['eni/i o (¡rustuo Planica-Springvale....... Slovenski Primorski socialni klub Jadran.. Športno društvo -St. Albans...................... je pa, da so bila društva nekako odrinjena na stran, v neko sekundarno vlogo. Pa to ne drži. Viktorij-ska društva niso bila odrinjena tja, kar zadeva politično pomlad Slovenije, temveč so se nekatera s svojimi izjavami, da se ne v ti kujejo v politične zadeve sama postavila na "drugi tir". Ves naš trud, da bi sodelovali in da bi jim prikazali, daje narodnostna politika nekaj čisto drugega kot strankarska pripadnost, je naletel na gluha o sesa ljudi, ki v svoji nezaupljivosti do besede politika, niso doumeli te razlike; zato so nekateri zavrnili sodelovanje z nami kar pričajo njihova pisma, ki smo jih sprejeli. Morda so imeli isti vir informacij kot vi, g.Peršič? Vprašujemo se tudi, kdo so tiste osebe, ki so zaradi svojih ambicij povzročile ta nesporazum? Mimogrede pa se poraja tudi vprašanje, zakaj je Šlo to pismo na Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve, ko pa se društva s politiko ne ukvarjaj o... ali ne bi bilo bolj primerno, ko bi šlo na Ministrstvo za Slovence po svetu? Sicer pa čisto"očetovsko in na osnovi dokazov" ugotovite, da smo nepotrebni! Morda pa le. Ker ste dali kot primer nabirko za Slovenijo (Australian Slovenian Relief Appeal), bodo številke blagajnika A.S.RA. g. Štefana Merzela najboljši odgovor na to: Število darovalcev: 8 183 12 57 22 25 52 Slovensko društvo Snežnik Alburj Wodonga.................. neznano Skupno organizirani ples odbora za A.S.R.A in srečolov v slovenskem društvu Planica-Springvale......................... Nabrana vsota: 1, 920.00 dolarjev 24, 228.00 2, 730.00 8, 239.00 2, 200.00 3, S10.00 4,450.00 " 570.00 6,439.00 " Slovensko Pismo, No. 9, pages 53 and 54. Upokojenci, versko središče ¿n Slovenski narodni svet Viktorijefnabrano pred uradnim začetkom nabirke)..... Slovenski narodni svet Viktorije..................................... 101 8, 124.00 30, 769.00 Slovensko Pismo, No. 9, pages 53 and 54. 2 3 Ociofer Vsota $92,650.00, nabrana v slovenski skupnosti Viktorije za žrtve vojne v Sloveniji, je bila preko banke poslana na Mohorjevo družbo v Celovec. MELBOURNE Amount of $92,650.00 was sent via bank to Mohorjeva družba in Klagenfurt - the gift of Slovenians in Victoria to the victims of war in Slovenia. Priznanje slovenskih potnih listov - Nemčija, Avstrija, Italija, Madžarska, Francija, Baltiške države: Estonija, Litva, Latvija; Albanija, Hrvaška, Švica, Poljska, Češka in Slovaška federacija in Nizozemska. Slovenski tolar rnenjajo v italijanskih in avstrijskih obmejnih mestih in bankah. Recognition of Slovenian Passports - Germany, Austria, Italy, Hungary, France, Baltic States: Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia; Albania, Croatia, Switzerland, Poland, Czech and Slovakian Federation and Netherlands. Slovenian currency Tolar is exchanged in ltalian and Austrian border towns and banks. Slovenski zunanji minister dr. Dimitrij Rupel obvesti avstralskega zunanjega ministra Garreth-a Evans-a, da pooblašča Alfreda Brežika kot kontaktno osebo slovenskega zunanjega ministrstva v Avstraliji. Slovenian Foreign Minister, Dr Dimitrij Rupel, notifies the Australian Foreign Minister, Senator Gareth Evans, of the appointment of Alfred Brežnik as the contact person of Slovenian Foreign Ministry in Australia. 7 November EUROPE SLOVENIA Alfred Brežnik Sestanka SNS Viktorije se je udeležil dr. Andrew Theophanus, predsednik skupine Parliamentarians for Croatia and Slovenia, ki je tudi postal častni član SNS. Na sestanku sta bili tudi Francka Nekrep, ki je vodila geelongško radijsko oddajo in Francesca Deželak, ki je postala članica SNS. The meeting of SNS Victoria was attended by Dr Andrew Theophanous, the President of the group "Parliamentarians for Croatia and Slovenia", and who became an honorary member of SNS. Francka Nekrep, Radio Geelong and Francesca Deželak were present at the meeting and became member of SNS. 10 November MELBOURNE Slovenci v Zahodni Avstraliji so pripravili posebno prireditev, katere dobiček je bil namenjen Sloveniji. Do konca oktobra so Slovenci v Zahodni Avstraliji nabrali $4.585. Slovenians in Western Australia collected $4,585 for Slovenia at a fundraising event. 16 November PERTH SNS je pripravil kulturni program - predstavitev šestih novih knjig, pesniških zbirk in slikanice. SNS Victoria held a cultural day during which six new books of poetry and a children's book were launched. 17 November MELBOURNE Na kolegiju zunanjega ministrstva Republike Slovenije obravnajo informacije o Mednarodnem združenju ^ Novem slovenskih razvojnih partnerjev, ki doseže popolno podporo in pomoč zunanjega ministrstva. Združenje je registrirano v Canberri, v Ljubljani pa je odprlo svoj biro, ki ga vodi dr. Boris Cizelj. SLOVENIA Predsednik Narodnega sveta Avstralskega združenja razvojnih partnerjev je Dušan Lajovic iz Sydney-a. The Board meeting of Slovenian Foreign Ministry discusses information about the International Amalgamation of Slovenian Developing Partners, which is to receive absolute support and help from the Foreign Ministry. The Amalgamation is registered in Canberra, and opens a bureau in Ljubljana with Dr Boris Cizelj as Director. President of the National Council of Australian Amalgamation of Developing Partners is Dušan Lajovic from Sydney. COMMITTEE MEETING OF SLOVENIAN BUSINESS ASSOCIATION IN AUSTRALIA MELBOURNE HELD AT EURO TRADING PTY. LTD. 3 DALMORE DRIVE, SCORESBY ON THE BTH NOVEMBER 1991. The mat -q opened at 7.30 pm. Present; Apologies: Minutes Taker, by: Vinko Rizmal Bailey Hunter Stan Penca Ivo Leber Tony Ribaric Nevenka Clarke Viktor Baraga Peter Cesnik John zadnik Lyn Pettitt 1. 2. 2a. Fax sent by Mr, John Zadnik was read by S.Penca making his apologies for not attending meeting. V.Baraga sends his apologies, as he is on overseas business trip. Minutes of last meeting was read by s.Penca -amendments to be made to the minutes as follows - - Under comments by Mr. Toso (to be added) Constitution of the Italian Chamber of Commerce was tabled and further study, - Under clarification of office bearers (to be addeu) It was further decided net to bank any monies collected at this stage. Minutes from last meeting with alterations, was passed by Nevenka Clarke and seconded by Tony Ribaric. Matters arising from minutes of last meeting : - Copies of Italian Chamber of Commerce's constitution given out to committee members. - Name The name of the association was tabled and passed at last meeting. It was decided that the following alteration was needed "SLOVENIAN BUSINESS ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA - MELBOURNE." This amendment was tabled and seconded. 1991 - Confirmation is needed from V.Baraga for address before letterhead can be printed, - Mr.Leber has beer, in contact with factory 'EMONA MERKUR DO' who has sent fax back expressing interest in import/export. They have about 140 shops and would like to export various types of goods to Australia, ranging from wine, fruit juices, fruit, vegetables, white goods, shirts, blouses etc and they are interested in importing from Australia sporting goods, frozen fruit/vegetables, Australian cheese, margarine. ■• Also there is some interest to sell health products in Slovenia. - V.Rizmal has been in contact with Železarna Ravne and Železarna Jesenice (steel manufacturers) who have sent fax's back stating some interest. Letter from L.R.Bini (solicitor) to Mr, Toso was read expressing his wish in becoming a member of SBAA, It was suggested that perhaps we could use Mr. Bini to work on our constitution, but it. was expressed that we should find out if Slovenian solicitors would be interested ir. joining and be willing to work on constitution for us. V.Rizmal to follow up. Letter to be sent to Mr. Dusan Lajovic, President of IASDP NSW advising him of the decision for the Victorian branch to be independent to the HSW branch Mr.Lajovic will in turn advise Dr. Cizelj. Letters to be sent out to members advising of the above change. Letters also to be sent to Chamber of Commerce in Ljubljana, Maribor and Nova Gorica. Bailey Hunter will most probably be in Slovenia in the New Year and could follow up. it is important that membership fees to he paid as soon as possible. B.Hunter, V.Rizmal, S.^enca to read the Italian Chamber of Commerce Constitution and make comments. sed at 9.30 pm. MELBOURNE S.B.A.A. MELBOURNE INCORPORATED LEVEL 1, 85-87 CHARLES ST KEW 3101 POSTAL ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 157 MONBULK 3793 Our réf.: Australian Chamber of Commerce P.O.Box E 139 Queen Victoria Terrace ACT 2600 Mrs. Rozanne Kijko Fax 06 273 3286 Dear Mrs. Kijko ■ UeIbourne.16.il.92 In regards to our telephone conversation I hereby apply, on behalf of Slovenian Business Association of Australia, Melbourne Inc.(SBAA). to gain the status of Australian Slovenian Chamber of Commerce. At the present SBAA is the member of VECCI in Victoria and we were advised by Mr.Hug h Doran to contact your office for further instructions regarding our application. SBAA is in close contact with Slovenian Chamber of Commerce in Ljubljana. Slovenia and with Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Members of our organisation are involved in export, /import. We will lodge the application to the Corporate Affairs Office for change of name. We urgently need further instructions regarding procedures for this application as we have the meeting of the Executive Committee of SBAA and members of International Association of Slovenian Development Partners Inc. at the following- weekend regarding our plans for merging into Australian Slovenian Chamber of Commerce. The Honorary Consul of Slovenia for Victoria and NSW Mr.Alfred Breznik will also be present at the meeting. Thanking you for your help and cooperation Sincerely Yours President SBAA Tel 755 2626 fax 755 1746 PRESIDENT: VINKO RIZMAL TEL. (03) 755 2626 FAX. (03) 755 1746 Vinko Rrižmal Haaška konferenca potrdi, da Jugoslavija ne obstaja več. Hague Conference confirms the end of Yugoslav Federation. Zgodovinska odločitev - podelitev statusa posebnega gosta Republiki Sloveniji v Parlamentarni skupščini Sveta Evrope; Slovenija je prva in edina še ne priznana država s tem statusom, ki pomeni vmesno stopnjo do polnopravnega članstva, Jugoslavija pa je prva, ki isti status izgubi. Historical decision - Awarding of status of Special Guest of Republic of Slovenia in the Parliamentarian Assembly of the European Council; Slovenia is the first and only not yet fully recognised nation with this status, indicating an intermediate step towards full membership. Yugoslavia is the first country to lose this status. HAGUE STRASBOURG Na sestanku širšega članstva Slovenskega narodnega sveta Viktorije prisoten predsedujoči organizacije MELBOURNE "Parliamentarians for Croatia and Slovenia", laburistični zvezni poslanec dr. Andrew Theophanous, ki postane častni član Slovenskega narodnega sveta Viktorije. Slovenski narodni svet Viktorije organizira večerjo z liberalnim zveznim poslancem, Paul-om Filing-om, tajnikom in pobudnikom organizacije "Parlamentarci za Slovenijo in Hrvaško". Dr Andrew Theophanous, Labour Member of Parliament and President of"Parliamentarians for Croatia and Slovenia"present at the meeting of Slovenian National Council Victoria. He becomes an Honorary Member of Slovenian National Council of Victoria. Slovenian National Council of Victoria organizes dinner with Mr Paul Filing, Liberal Member of Parliament, initiator and secretary of"Parliamentarians for Croatia and Slovenia". Slovensko-avstralsko društvo Canberra organizira slavnostno večerjo in srečanje z avstralskimi politiki, člani "Parliamentarians for Croatia and Slovenia", prisoten tudi član Slovenskega narodnega sveta Viktorije, Stanko Prosenak; Marjan Kovač ASK, g. Ante Grivec - hrvaška skupnost Adelaide, predsednik hrvaške krovne organizacije v Canberri Drago Ljubic. Večer je vodil Florjan Falež ml. Avstralski govorniki: senator Haradin, Jim Snow in Barnard Collaery, Ken Aldred in Paul Filing. Slovenian-Australian Association organises meeting and a special dinner with Australian politicians, members of "Parliamentarians for Croatia and Slovenia"; present is member of Slovenian National Council of Victoria Stanko Prosenak and member of Croatian community in Canberra Drago Ljubic. Australian speakers were: Senator Haradin, Jim Snow and Barnard Collaery, Ken Aldred and Paul Filing. 26 November CANBERRA Members of Slovenian National Council of Victoria and Ljenko Urbančič. SLOVENSKO-AVSTRALSKO DRUSTVD ESä SLDVENIAM-AUSTRAL1AN ASSOCIATION OF CANBERRA INCORPORATED IPVIHi STREET. PHILLIP, ACT., ÎÎM P.C COX Mi. WODE* AjC.T. 2SM TElËPHONÉÎflîlîM Press release 22 November Ï99Î Our Association has extended an invitation to dinner to all members of the group 'Parliamentarians for Croatia and Slovenia'. We are pleased that many of the group have been able to accept our invitation. The dinner will he held at our club this Tuesday, 26th November 1991. at 6.30pm. We will take this opportunity to thank the Parliamentarians for their support and for their efforts in seeking a solution to the problème of Slovenia and Croatia. Some of our children will show their appreciation by performing a short folk dance tor the members. We wiJI also bring the Parliamentarians up to date on the latest news from Slovenia. Finally, we will impress upon them the importance of the work, not only to Slovenia but alsc to Australia. Indeed, their efforts and support are required now more than ever as a solution in Slovenia can oriy help to provide a solution for the war in Croatia. Further information regarding the dinner can be obtained from Florian Falez at home on 258 7256 or at work on 266 5086. REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA Minit J^uM® IKA S L G V E H I J A HIRISTRSTVO ZA 2UNAHJE ZADEVE LJUBLJANA Koordinati J a predstavništev Številka i 9 21-Ljubljana, 25.11,1991 Na Kolegiju Ministrstva dne 1 S,novembra 91 je bila obravnavana informacija o Medanrodnem združenju slovenski razvojni partrteiji(MZSRP). Sprejeti so bili sklepi in stališča o pomenu in koris-iiosti Združenja ter ukrepih in dejavnostih, s katerimi naj slovenska vlada, oziroma Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve sodeluje in pomaga v razvoju Združenja v državah z večjo slovensko skupnostjo in v orga niziranju Biroja Združenja v Ljubljani, Sprejeta so bila naslednja stališča in sklepi: 1. MZSRP je zelo pomemben mehanizem povezovanja R Slovenije s slovenskimi poslovneži in strokovnjaki po svetu, mednarodne promocije RS in krepitve bilateralnega gospodarskega sodelovanja R Slovenije z zainteresiranimi državami. 2. MZSRP je dragocena za R Slovenijo kot samostojna, nepolitična organizacija, katere dejavnost je zasnovana na obojestranskem interesu pri uspešni realizaciji razvojnih projektov v Sloveniji ter njenih ekonomskih odnosih s tujino. V začetni fazi je potrebna določena pomoči tudi materialna) pri konstituiranju Biroja v Ljubljani. 3. Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve bo zagotovilo MZSRP naslednjo konkretno pomoč: -vodilni delavec v Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve bo posebej zadolžen za MZSRP in bo skrbel za koordinacijo z ostalimi vladnimi resorji in drugimi dejavniki v R Sloveniji, -sodelovanje v razvojno-raziskovalni nalogi ^Gospodarsko povezovanje s Slovenci po svetu" (financiranje nekaterih pripravljalnih del, strokovno sodelovanje slovenskih diplomatov, ki so se nedavno vrnili iz držav, kjer se nahaja večja slovenska skupnost kar bo pomagalo pri oblikovanju strokovno-metodoloških in informacijskih osnov MZSRP), -obvestilo bo Biroje in pooblaščence o MZSRP in dalo navodila, da pomagajo pri ustanavljanju Združenja v sprejemni državi, -zagotovilo vodji Biroja Združenja v Ljubljani dr, B.Cizlju drugo pomoč, v okviru možnosti in po predhodnem dogovoru. Zvone Dragan Koordinator SLOVENIA Slovensko Pismo. Year 2, No. 9, December 1991, p. 46. MEDNARODNO ZDRUŽENJE RAZ VOJN (H PARTNERJEV Medatirodno združenje razvojnih partnerjev je nastalo na pobudo Avstralske slovenske konference Slove ndtega svetovnega kongresa. Referat, ki so ga gospodarstveniki v Konferenci pripravili je bil predstavljen na letošnjem SSK v Ljubljani, 11. junija 91. V Celjn pa je 2. in 3, novembra glarol odbor SSK to pobudo ie enkrat pozitivno ocenil. Tako bo priSlo med Združenjem in SSK do sporazuma, v katerem bodo definirali obveznosti in pravice, Združenje pa bo kot pravna oseba delovalo v okvim SSK. Združenje bo svetovna mreža poslovnežev, izvedencev, strikovnjakov in drugih zainteresiranih Slortncev in prijateljev Slovenije, ki ¡imajo vpliv v poslovnem svetu in katerih izkušnje, znanje, stiki in kapital bodo spodbujali in krepili sodelovanje v obojestransko korist in s tem pomagali pri nadaljnjem razvoju R Slovenije. Združenje je registrirano v Canberri-Avstralija, na temelju Zakona o združenjih v ACT it leta 1953. Združenje je odprto v Ljubljani svoj biro, ki ga vodi biv- ti jugoslovanski velepodanik v Avstraliji dr. Boris Cizelj. Pričakujejo, da se ho v mrežo tega Združenja počasi vključilo IS držav, kjer živijo Slovenci. Članstvo pa naj bi naraslo na 2-3 tisoč. Predsednik Narodnega sveta Avstralskega združenja slovenskih razvojnih partnerjev je g.DuSan Lajovic iz Sydneya. Na nedavnem zasedanju Glavnega odbora SSK je več delegatov potrdilo kite» za ustanovitev Združenja v njihovih državah(Avstrija, Nemčija, Italija, Vdika Britanija, Kanada, ZDA. Švica). Pričakovati je, da bo do sredine prihodnjega leta tudi stekel postopek ustanovitve združenj v Argentini, Novi Zelandiji in Franciji. Do konca prihodnjega leta pa naj bi se konstituirala ie združenja v Švici, Švedski, Izraelu, Belgiji in Danski. Za nadaljnje informacije kontak tiraj te; Dr. Boris Cizelj, direktor, Biru MZSRP, 61 000 Ljubljana, Cankarjeva l/IV, Telefon: 38 6J 219 509/216 722. Fax:33 61 121 125. » ■ ■ » JtEPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve SLOVENIA TELEFAX: 9961-3-755-1746 Stev i 1ka i 921-11/91-Datum; 25-11.1991 Gospa E1 i ca Ri zmal Slovenski Narodni Svet-V iktori j a Spoštovan i , zahvaljujemo se vam z« v a Se pismo in za trud, ki ga vlagate za priznanje samostojne in suverene Republike Slovenije. VaSa dejanja nedvomno prispevajo k boljšemu razumevanju in poznavanju Slovenije v Avstraliji, zato smo vam se ponehaj bva1e2ni. Obveščamo vas, da smo za 1a2ji pretok informacij iz Slovenije pooblastili g. Alfreda Bre2nika, da vodi Slovenski Informacijski urad v Sydney-u, Z ozirom na to, da vam je Jeljene podatke 2e posredoval g. Ivo Vajgl vam sporočamo dr2ave katere so dosedaj priznale slovenski potni listi Avstrija. Italija, Nemčija, Švica, Mad2arska, Poljska, Latvija. Litva, Estonija, HrvaŠka, Čehos1ovaSka, Francija, Nizozemska, Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije ima direktne povezave z Ministrstvom za zunanje zadeve in trgovino Avstralije prav tako pa g, Roland Rieh dobiva informacije direktno preko Slovenskega informacijskega urada v Sydney-u, V zvezi z Častnim konzulom vam sporočamo, da v tem trenutku, do vzpostavitve diplomatskih odnosov z Avstralijo, kar je povezano z priznanjem Republike Slovenije, ni mogoCc imenovati Častnih konzulov niti ostalih diplomatskih predstavnikov. Vas predlog glede imenovanja Častnega konzula bomo vzeli v obzir ob priznanju Republike Slovenije in vzpostavitvi diplomatskih odnosov z Avstralijo. S spoštovanjem, 61000 LjublJ»n«, GregorCltevi 25, Slovenij» Telefon 061/150 300, F** 061/21J 357 November 29 630 Srečanje s poslancem zvezne avstralske vlade, Paulom Filingom, ki je povedal o vtisih z obiska Slovenije in Hrvaške v svojstvu tajnika Parliamentarians for Croatia and Slovenia. Meeting with Hon. Paul Filling MP, who spoke of his visit to Slovenia and Croatia. MELBOURNE SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES WORLD SLOVENIAN CONGRESS AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN CONFERENCE IN CÖ KW)RATINO: SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCILS OF ACT, NSW, <}LL>, SA ti VIC. TAJNIKOM SLOVENSKIH NARODNIH SVETOV Melbourne,27.11.91. Spoštovani! Obveščamo vas, da pripravlja Slovenski narodni svet Viktorije srečanje z avstralskimi pariamentarci-AVSTRALSttJ SLOVENSKI VEČER s, kulturnim programom in vere rjo v petek, 13. decembra91-ob 8 uri zvečer v prostorih Verskega in kulturnega središča Kevv v Melbournu. Ker bodo na večeru prisotni tudi nekateri člani Upravnega odbora Avstralske slovenske konference, smo se odločili, da obenem še organiziramo redni sestanek Upravnega odbora ASK, ki naj bi bil v soboto, 14. decembra od 9 ure dalje(prcdvidevamo, da bo trajal skupaj z odmorom za kosilo vse tja do 5-6 ure zvečer) prav tako v prostorih Vetbkega središča v Kew. Prosimo, da o sestanku obvestite tiste člane vašega Sveta, ki so V Upravnem odboru Avstralske slovenske konference. Ker je prišlo do nekaterih Sprememb v samem članstv u oz. pri referentih SNS-jev vas prosimo, da določite nove ali torej obvestite o sestanku stare člane. Nujna je prisotnost vs^j enega člana s pooblastilom od ostalih članov Upravnega odbora ASK.Število članstva vsakega posameznega SNS-jn v Upravnem odboru ASK-j3 je ral-llčnolod 3-4 od vsakega SNS-ja), Na sestanku SO seveda dobrodoili tudi ostali člani vaših odborov. Prav tako jih vabimo ludi na slovenski večer s parlamentarci. DNE VNI RED sestanka Upravnega odbora ASK: 1. Pozdrav jp-dsednika Marjana Kovača(5 minut) 2.Zapisnik s-i>rejšnjega sestanka s pripombamil30 minut) 3. Pošta ASK-S t mik a Gregorič(15 minut) Pošta ASK-Elica Rizmal<10 minut) 4.Poročilo o dosedanjem delu predse d nika-Maijan Kovači 10 minut) 5.Poročilo o dosedanjem delu organizacijske tajnice-S tank a Gregorič(I5 minut 1 6.Poročilo o dosedanjem delu referenta za finance-Cvctka Faleža( 10 minut) ■ 7.Poročilo o Svetovnem slovenskem kongresu v Ljubljani 27. junija-Elica Rizmal(15 minut) 8.Poročilo o sestanku glavnega odbora SSK 2. it) 3, novembra-Cvetko Falež(15 ininut) 9.Poročilo o sestanku časmega razsodišča -Alfred Brezniki 15 minut) 10.Poročilo gospodari tve ni kov. Razvojnih partnerjev ....(Kovač, l-iyovtc, Breznik, Rizmal)(30 minut 11 Poročilo Dušana Lajovica o svojem delu v svojsrvu svetovalca slovenskega zunanjega ministrstva Za Novo Zelandijo in drugo(1 5 minut) 12 DISKUSIJE po gornjih točkah-POGLED V DOSEDANJE DELO IN V NOTRANJO ORGANIZACIJO ASK-ja(60 minut) OD\iOR-kosilo(60 mimft) 13.Predlog Slovenskega narodnega sveta Viktorije, da ASK prevzame izdajo knjige-učbenika UČIMO SE SLOVENSKO(učbenik za začetnike)(2o minul) 14.SLOVENSKO PISMO-poročilo upravnika o naročnikih, oglaševalcih in pokroviteljih-Alfred Bre-Žnik: novi naročniki, oglaševalci, pokrovitelji; kako finančno podpreti S.P. prošnja je bila poslana na Ethnic Council za finančno pomoč. Pripombe urednice—Stanke Gregorič(30 minut) IS.Načini financiranja ASK(30minut) 16.Smernice za nadaljnje delo in medsebojna povezava med SNS-ji ter z ASK-jem, izmenjava dosedanjih izkušenj, delo, ki je m nami. 17.Razno POZOR! Prosimo, da pripravite vsa poročila PISMENO!!!!) in jih pred sestankom predate t^nlcl. Poročila bodo kot priloge zapisniku. Upamo, da se boste tega držali zaradi lažjega urejevanja zapis-nika,Upamo tudi, da si boste vzeli toliko časa, da se bomo lahko o vseh tekočih vprašanjih in problc mih dela V SNS-jih in ASK-ju dokončno pogovorili, saj doslej tega nikoli ni hilo moč storiti zaradi hitenja posameintkov in zaradi drugih razlogov. Če želimo, da ASK še naprej obstoja in da se njeno delo še poglobi, bilo bi škoda da ta nova organizacija zamre, potem heste vzeli ta sestanek kar se da resno in se zanj tudi pripravili. Hvala in nasvideme- ~ / L .. _ Korespondenca/Al! Correspondence to: Statva/O^on^Organizacjska t^iuca Organizacijska Tajnica - O/farnim* Secretary. Predsednir:• President' MARJANKOl'AC STA NKA CREGORlC 9 Pandanut Street, Fither. 26) I, Canberra, Australia. 2/15 AltanJate ROad, Boronu, 3155. Melbourne. AMralia. Tel ■ Fax (06) 288 4097 or (043) 85 2455 Tel. ■ Fax: (03) 762 6830 - Int. +613 762 6830 Int. +616 28S 409? ur +6143 85 2455 m ¡1 -, ' 1I MARJflN KOUftC FPX 043-852455 PHGE 01 SLOVENSKO DRUSTVO Canberra Speech by Marjar - so much. These same issues were subsequent 1 y c-scussed with Prii->© Minister when the Yu<;o-arm> practically withdrew from tne Slovenian territory and he was personally convinced that Slovenia, after the army pulls cut, would Teet all tne criteria necessary for tne recogni^on of its independence and that Australia would be amongst the first countries in recognising its independence. He undertook to discuss the matter personally with Senator Evans.Tn^s was over a montr ago, the arrr-y is completely out of Slovenia; yet, so far notning has happened. Lets go further ana loo* at ot'^er wq>-standards particularly trcse that Mr «awke At his most recent meeting with tne European Cortimun-1y leaders Mr Bus* s&io, when referring to tre Croatian war ano the devastation of Duorovnik, that US will on behalf of tne European Economic Community sponsor tne United Nations' Security Council to consider a possible enbargo on oil expert to Yugoslavia. The only time Mr 8usn could have indeed added ..."Watch my lips', because what he said meant absolutely nothing, despite the fact that Dubrovnik is on the United Nations Internationa1 heritage list for its historic and natural beauties; but of course that factor does not Oroduce oi1, Lord Carrington, who as you all know was ironically elected to solve the Yugoslav crisis because England was the least 1991 interested to solve that crisis, keeps saving that the war in the regions is of their own making and unless the parties involved in the dispute come to a peaceful resolution he cannot do anything. What a farce! wny dia they arag Lora Carnrgton out of the geriatric ward to tell us that. If the parties could come to a peaceful resolutio n who would reed anyone to resolve the o r o o 1 e m and least of ail a person ^rom a geriatric ward, history wil1 eventually demonstrate that Lord Carrir.gtor.'s attitude to the situation is similar to that of his friend Macmillan who after the Nazy Germany «as defeated, took the liberty to return some 200 000 young Yugoslav refugees from Austria to Tito's thugs. In a'l western civilised countries i'-t is accepted and lawful that a marriage car be di solve;;, whether both partners agrse to it or not. mere are severe penalties, if one Darin-' who may disagree with the idea of divorce, dares to cause oca ly harm or comm-t muroer of his or her e* partner, what a hypocracy'5 The unhappy marriage that involves nations, l i ke that of the southern SI avs. that principle does not apply. The aspiration for separation of these nations, wh^ch was overwneTming1y expressed in their democratically held referenaae; is not being tolerated as if these nations are not made up o* human beings. James 3aker" who should never be allowed to speak even or things that he thinks he uderstands well, »ert to Belgrade and told " the peoples army's' generals with the star on thei" helmets that America will not tole'erate secessions of nations which the'- -still formed Yugoslavia, The Bel grace generals never had a Dette'- recipe for blood making than that and immediately started to devastate and kill, firstly in Slovenia, now -n Croatia and who "news what next. It may be that James Baker »ant^d to secure a new export market for the US arms particj1 ar1y, as that type of orsetice is the only way to become a hero in the US as did Oliver North, I wanted to demonstrate as clearly as I could to you that the world does rot give a damn about us. The 'eason is simple; we have no oil and we are not influential enough. We are different to Kuwait which has oil and different to Israel which is influential to the extreme throughout the world. To be influential the community needs to oe property organised and have a common goal. It 1s of course wonderful to see that we feel proud to be members the Slovenian Community. That in itself, however, is not enough, what good does that do, when no one wants to recognise you as a Community. An organised Community however with its common goal can be persuasive and influential and as such win respect and recognition globally. These friends of ours from the Australian Parliament who have given us great pleasure in accepting our invitation to re out* guests tonight, have arrived at their conclusion that Mover,la ana Croatia deserve their independence, Other Par 11amentarians who have not yet beer, persuaded must realise that their re-election will also depend on the vote that you and I are prepared to cast and on the votes of the friends that you and I can influence. The more we are organised the more influential we become. In the last 18 months or so, tnere have been a lot of vigorous activities in organising our community mempers outside Slovenia with the purpose of becoming more influential, we have successfully formed The World Slovenian Congress in Ljubljana last June; just at the time when tne so called "Yugoslav Peoples Army" started to vandalise indiscriminately our beautiful country, its expert, industry and its Other vital economic and strategic points. The World Slovenian Congress is macie uo of Slovenian Conferences in countries abound the wôrlo and Conferences ir these countries are made up of Slovenian Nat*ona1 Councils like the Slovenian National Council of the ACT, jointly with NSW, Qld, VIC, sa ana wa form the Australian Slovenian Conference. More recent'y we ha».e established a ousmess promotion organisation called Slovenian Development Partners of wh^ch the principal objective is to operate within tne ambit of the world Slovenian Congress to promote development and trâde with Slovenia. All these organisations have oeen established with the purpose that our community becomes more organised and of course more influential wherever Slovenians live. However, thesa organisations are only as good and influential as the rank and file of their constituents, in Australia overall, we a"e not doing badly but we need more members, we need you who feel deeply about Slovenia to join one of the Slovenian National Councils and, or the Development Partners of Slovenia, because, as I sa^d earlier to be influential, we need numbers and to be orooer'y organised, we need administrative cash. In these historically important times, fellow Slovenians, ask not what will you get out of all this; ask yourself what are you prepared to ao for Slovenia because she desperately needs yoy. Člani odbora Slovenskega narodnega sveta Viktorije so v petek zvečer, 29.nov.1991, v svoji sredi sprejeli zveznega liberalnega poslanca za Moore, Paula Filinga, ki je tajnik posebne skupine Poslancev za SI oveni jo in Hrvaško. Paul Fi1 ing je skupaj z Gordonom Scholesom, ki je poslanec za Corio, v spodnjem domu avstralskega parlamenta sprožil predlog, ki je bil 13.nov.1991 enoglasno sprejet. Prediog obsoja agresi jo, naznani, da jugoslovanska vlada ne predstavlja vec bivše federacije,in zato ne deluje vec kot njena vlada. Predlog poziva avstralsko vlado, da naj Avstralija ne sprejme vec Jugoslovanskega ambasadorja, kot predstavnika celotne Jugoslavije, niti kot njenega poglavitega dela in da o tem obvesti 02N, da se morajo takoj ustaviti sovražnosti in da avstralska vlada prizna, da ni vec mogoča ponovna vspostavitev Ju federacije, kakšna je obstajala doslej in da se začne pot do priznanja Jugoslovanskih držav. SNS Vic se je zahvalil Paulu Filingu za ves trud in delo, ki ga on in ostali parlamentarci vlagajo v pomoč Sloveniji in Hrvaški. G.Filing je pojasnil, da je ta posebna skupina nastala v začetku avgusta, ko je on povabil posamezne pos1ance, da se mu pridruži jo. Skupina pa je od takrat narast1 a in šteje ze 35 članov, ki se redno srečujejo. Povedal nam je o svojem obisku na Hrvaškem in v Sloveniji, ter o srečanju s slovenskimi vladnimi predstavniki. Srečal se je % nekaterimi člani predsedstva in z namestnikom zunanjega ministra Zoranom Thalerjem, za katerega je rekel, da mu je podal najboljši opis situacije. Podal je popolno podporo slovenski vladi in rekel, da je navdušen nad tem, kako se je pripravila na izvrševanje vol je slovenskega 1judstva, na ustanovitev samostojne Slovenije. Pohvalil je pripravljenost slovenske obrambe in povedal, da res spostuje pridnost in natančnost Slovencev in meni, da si bo Slovenija prav hitro opomogla, ko bo končno priznana. Vsec mu je bila nasa domovina in povedal je, da nas popolnoma razume, da smo navezani na rodne kraje in sorodnike ter prijatelje, ki so ostali tam; saj tudi on prihaja iz Britanije in ve, da ne bi mogel ravnodušno stati ob strani, ce bi agresor napadel njegovo rojstno hiso. V spominu so mu ostali tudi 1epo prebarvani španski jezdeci, to so tankovske prepreke, ki so oktobra, ko je bil tam, se vedno stali ob cestah, sredi med pokoseno travo. Menil je, da mora slovenska vlada nadaljevati po isti poti naprej in, da je res le stvar časa, da bo Sloveni j a pri znana, Po najnovejših poročilih, da je SI oveni ja dobila status posebne gostje v Svetu Evrope in da je ameriški predsednik Bush spremenil svoj odnos do Ukrajine in jo je pripravljen pri znati, upa in meni , da se bo spremenil tudi odnos do SI oveni je in Hrvaške. Upa, da se bo vojna na Hrvaškem čimprej končala, saj bi morebitni poraz Hrvaške pomenil tudi novo možnost agresije na Slovenijo, Svetoval nam je, da ne obupamo in ne vržemo puške v koruzo, ampak se naprej pritiskamo na vlado in njene predstavnike, z zahtevo, da prizna Slovenijo. Opozorili smo g.Filinga na težave, ki jih imamo s pošto in na dejstvo, da Avstralija se vedno ni dežela, v katero bi lahko Slovenci potovali s svojimi potnimi listi; čeprav smo ze pred nekaj tedni zaprosili, da se avstralska vlada priključi tistim naprednim deželam Evrope, ki ze priznavajo slovenske potne listine in denar. G,Filing pa je obljubil, da bo naredil vse, kar je v njegovi moči, da nam pomaga. Na vsa vprašanja je zavzeto odgovarjal , čeprav se je nase srečanje zavleklo pozno v noc, ali po pravici povedano, v rano jutro. Zahvalili smo se mu, da se je samo za nas ustavil v Melbournu, po napornem tednu dela v parlamentu, ko bi lahko odšel takoj nazaj domov v Ferth. Na nas pa je naredil vtis, odkritega in poštenega človeka, politika, ki se, z vso svojo močjo, bori za demokracijo, človečnost in svobodo. Elica Rizmal Referentka za odnose z javnostjo za ASK Tel : 03 755 2626 Fax ; 03 755 1746 5 December MELBOURNE The Australian, 5 December. EC to recognise Croatia, Slovenia By SLOBODAN LEK1C in Belgrade THE European Community would recognise the breakaway Yugoslav republics of Croatia and Slovenia at a meeting on December 16, the Danish Foreign Minister, Mr L'ffc Ellcmann-Jensen, and other EC officials said yesterday. In a related move, the Croatian Assembly today began considering legislation to grant more autonomy to Serb-dominated areas in the republic, a key civil war issue. Thousands have been killed in fighting which broke out in Croatia after it and neighbouring Slovenia declared independence from Yugoslavia on June 25. A temporary truce was in place yesterday around Osi-jek, the capital of Slavonia in eastern Croatia. Osijek has been repeatedly attacked by Serb-dominated federal troops eager to control a wider swath of Croatian territory. They have already captured more than a third of the secessionist republic. The EC announcement followed release of an internal EC report condemning the Serb-dominated Yugoslav army for terror attacks on Croatian schools, hospitals and other civilian targets. The report, compiled by EC monitors on the scene, said the army offensive had been continuing at full force, killing Croatian civilians and bulldozing their villages. The Speaker of the Croatian Assembly, Mr Zarko Domljan, said legislation had to be adopted on the "rights and freedoms" of the 600,000 Serbs in Croatia for the republic to qualify for international recognition. Regions in Croatia dominated by minority Serbs would have special status and "a certain independence", Tanjug reported. But Mr Domljan issued a caution that the law, to be adopted at an Assembly session that started today, would be implemented only when the war stopped and free elections were held. Serbs fear persecution, reminiscent of World War II, in an independent Croatia. AP The Age, 5 December Europe weighs republics' claims to independence By GRAHAM BARRETT, Ai£ Yugoslav army for staging terror London, Wednesday «"Äff/* («^attacks on Croatian schools, hos-inaot P^»5 and other civilian targets. At least five European governments are set to recognise the independence of Croatia and Slovenia by Christmas in the hope of easing the Yugoslav civil war. The leaders of the two republics, Croatia's Dr Franjo Tudjman and Slovenia's Mr Milan Kucan, are holding talks with German officials in Bonn today over plans for Germany, Austria, Italy, Belgium and Denmark to grant diplomatic recognition. It remains uncertain whether the 12 members of the European Community can reach agreement at next week's Maastricht summit to act as a bloc, although Britain is among those to say it is moving in that direction. In Brussels, the Danish Foreign Minister, Mr Uffe Ellemann-Jen-sen, and other EC officials said yesterday the EC would recognise the two republics at Maastricht. The announcement followed release of an internal EC report condemning the Serb-dominated The report, compiled by EC monitors on the scene, said the army was continuing its offensive at full force, killing Croatian civilians and bulldozing their villages. It went on to recommend the use of force against the federal forces, but EC officials strongly played down that option. Serbia and the federal army are outraged at the EC report. A senior federal officer, General Milan Pujic, yesterday reacted to the document by accusing the EC of trying to break up Yugoslavia and said the federal forces had no faith in its peace process. The EC ceasefire monitors, he said, habitually sided with Croatia while some members of the EC were secretly supplying it with arms. General Pujic also told reporters in Belgrade that the army Intended to keep the territory it had seized, an apparent admission that there were plans for a Greater Serbia. — with AP SKUPä&NA SLOVENIA REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE rZVRŠH! SVET Ljubljana Gregorčičeva 27 Tel-i 061 224-352, 061 224-328 Fax i 061 224-328 Številka: Datum iS.12*1991 Drag« rojakinje in rojaki v Avstraliji! Slovenci doma in po svetu te dni živimo v velikih in veselih pričakovanjih: s tradicionalnih pričakovan j en božičnih in novoletnih praznikov se prepleta enkratno pričakovanje zgodovinskega dogodka - mednarodnega pirznanja nove drlave Republike Slovenije. Kq vam sporočam praznična voščila/ se vam hkrati zahvaljujem za izredno velika In učinkovito politično, moralno in materialno podporo, ki ste jo letos izkazovali svoj i stari domovini in brez katere v tem trenutku najbrž še ne bi bili tako blizu gotovemu mednarodnemu priznanju, kakor ano. Ko bomo v družinskem, prijateljskem, cerkvenem ali kakem drugem okolju obhajali božične in novoletne praznike tsr se v«$elili mednarodnega priznanja, si vtisnimo globoko v spomin spoznanje, da tudi slovenski narod iffiore zgodovinska dejanja, Če se njegovi pripadniki enotno lotijo uresničevanja skupnih načrtov. Takili načrtov in take enotnosti, ki pa ne pomeni popolne uniformiranosti, želim vam in sebi ter vas prisrčno pozdravljam! MINISTER SA SLOVENCE PO SVETU IN NARODNOSTI V SLOVEHTJI SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET - VIKTORIJA {AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA ZA SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES) Mr.PAUL FILING, MP tel. 09 300 22 44 fax, 09 300 22 45 SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL - VICTORIA (AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN CONFERENCE FOR SLOVENIAN WORLD CONGRESS) Dear Paul! On behalf of Slovenian National Counci1 of Victoria, a belated but very warm thank you for a very interesting meeting on Friday, Nov 29, 1991, We enjoyed the evening and are grateful for your moral and practical support, as we find it harder and harder to understand the worlds indifference to the war in Croatia and its naivety while dealing with the aggressor. The report of the EC monitors helped to show that the fighting runs to the plans of the "great Serbia". We found an interesting little article,printed in Slovenian magazine Katoliski glas, referring to better understanding of Jugo-crisis. Here is the direct trans 1 at ion: Canadian Slovenian monthly magazine Word of God published some interesting facts, which are probably important in resolving the Jugoalav crisis. This facts were already published by Toronto daily newspaper The Toronto Star(12.oct,1991): the wife of Canadian president Mil Mulroney is Serbian. The daughter of american president Bush is married to a Serb. The leader of foreign affairs of European Community HAns Van Den Eroek is married to a Serbian. Lord earrington, the President of Peace Commission of EC for Yugoslavija is one amongst the principal shareholders of Consortium, which sold the patent for production of arms to Crvena zastava.( Serbian automobile and arms industry) Thank you also for the interview - it was successful; it showed your know1 edge about the situation and readiness to work for a better, more democratic and just world. And we admire you for it. I have also written to Mr.Zoran Tha1er and send him the press release about our meeting, in which I told of the high regards you have for the work of Slovenian government and for him. Enclosed is also the letter to Mr.Hawke. I shall also send you the trailslation of the Press Release. Thanking you again Sincerély yours Simon Spacapan Presi dent Eli Rizmal Secretary tel 03 755 2626 fax 03 755 1746 cx/ZLQ Melbourne, 6.12.1991 P.O. BOX 197. KEW, MELBOURNE. AUSTRALIA, 3101 TEL. FAX. SYDNEY Ustanovljeno je bilo Mednarodno združenje slovenskih razvojnih partnerjev (MZSRP) ali International Association of Slovenian Development Partners - Australian Association (IASDP). Establishment of International Association of Slovenian Development Partners -Australian Association (IASDP). 9 December SYDNEY Conference of International Association of Slovenian Development Partners. Committee: John Falež, Dušan Lajovic, Marjan Kovač, Dr Boris Cizelj and Alfred Brežnik. Rudi Brežnik, Vlado Menart and Dr Boris Cizelj. World Slovene congress conference for Gt. Britain 76 GHACMt RQAP i= N f= 111 a. M1DDX, tNl 3uT T.I 0») «>»7 N* Ml .351 »783 To th# AmbOnptdor of the United Smut gf Aaaerii.& 24 GroBvftnor Square, London WtAlAE LONDON Decoraber 9,1&6] You: Excellency, According to British naliuimJ n*w»f)ai)cr*> Uio U.6 A. ha* Introduced mnctiom atfamit »be Vugotbv republics Tin» U.S. Government utep hat, caused consternation amons Slovene» throughout the world 1 wis writing or behalf yf -Uit Cunfurtni.".* (or Great Britain of (lie World Slovene CwfKtt, which it t non-parly 61«w«e orjanitition. to prote»t most ^eiifemenlly «gnin-st thlsSecilion. ■ As far as Yugoslav!» ¡® concerned yi>ur .Government appaun to be unsbk to diatlnguiah between Slovenia .uiii Croatia (victims of agression), Macedonia and Bosnia Ilercegovma (whidi cunJemntd the ajgreiiion but cftimot do a great deal for the fear of provoking tho »u ntlluJ Yuguiilitv j^ople'» army), and thi aggressor republics of Serbia and Mor.wnefio (which provided the manpower for thut army ar.d the rationale for flgjre«ion, i p. territorial gain» «1 CroMta's exptiiw), The« U a cpmpwlton Lii lwve»i t*!ii>< Serbs havt» dwne to Vwkov«r »rid «re now doing to Obijek and DuUovtiik ami what the Irakis did to Kuwait City, fcancttons were rl^itly lu'^tcd I Ii«s> but Wti do not recall ««y »uch sanctions applied tgMnst Kuwait whivh, like Slovenia »nil C'ontin, ww > victim oJ tggie«ion. We wonder why Slovenia arid Croatia h*vr been singled out fur this extraordinary treatrnsnt. We would be grateful If yon would ¡(¡lis the ConVpnti Of this letter to the State Popwtun-nt h'id iv dit! Ri.naki rtnulpi ndationi. CvmnillU». Your» »incerely, fttvJkc Vatovec, chairman. GERMANY Nemčija obljubi Sloveniji priznanje januarja, ne glede na ostale države Evrope. Germany promises to recognise independence of Slovenia in January. 12 Deco UKRAINE PRIZNANJE DRŽAVE REPUBLIKE SLOVENJE. UKRAINE RECOGNISES THE INDEPENDENCE AND SOVEREIGNTY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA. Slovenski narodni svet Viktorije organizira večer z avstralskimi parlamentarci. MELBOURNE Pristoni: dr. Andrew Theophanous, gospod Ken Aldred, senatorja Sid Spindler in Rod Kemp. Prisotni tudi: bivši senator, Slovenec, Miša Lajovic, predsednik Avstralske slovenske konference in člani Slovenskih narodnih Svetov iz N.S.W, Canberre, Južne Avstralije in seveda Slovenskega narodnega sveta Viktorije. Slovenian National Council Victoria organises an evening with Australian Parliamentarians: Dr Andrew Theophanous, Mr Ken Aldred, Senators Sid Spindler and Rod Kemp; retired Senator, Slovenian Miša Lajovic, President of Australian Slovenian Conference, members of Slovenian National Councils of NSW, Canberra and SA, and of course, members of Slovenian National Council of Victoria. Vinko Rizmal, Stanko Prosenak, Vlado Gregurek, Paul Filing MP and Simon Spacapan. SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET VIKTORIJE (AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA ZA SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES) predstavlja VEČER Z AVSTRALSKIMI PARLAMENTARCI J 3. decembra ob 8,uri zvečer v Verskem in kulturnem središču, Kew SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL - VICTORIA (AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN CONFERENCE FOR SLOVENIAN WORLD CONGRESS) presents AN EVENING WITH THE AUSTRALIAN PARLIAMENTARIANS on 13 th December 1991 at 8p.m., Cultural and Religious Centret Kew P.O. BOX 1&7, KEW, 3101, Telephone: 7552626, Pax 7551746 Uvodni zvoki - Introductory tunes 1. Avstralska in slovenska himna Australian and Slovenian National Anthems 2. Pozdrav predsednika SNS Viktorije Welcome by the President of the Slovenian National Council of Victoria 3. Namen d an ašnjega sieČ anj a in pred st a v i te v gosto v avstralskega parlamenta in drugih pomembnih gostov Purpose of today's gathering and introduction of ¡he Honourable Guests of the Australian Parliament and other Special Guests 4r Slovenski narodni plesi iz Prckmiirja StovirtiV™ Folk Dances from Prekmurje region 5. Slovenska narodna pesem "Tam kjer teče bistra ZiJa" Slovenian Folk song "Tam kjer teče bistra Žila" 6. Slovenska pesem "Slovenec sem" Slovenian song "Slovenec sem" 7. Pomen letošnjega Božiča Significance of Christmas 1991 3. Bo?,icna pesem "Sveta notH Christmas Carol "Silent Night" Glasba ob večerji ■ Dinner music KJjckljaricc - Lace makers Frank Pcielin Anita Pahor, Lcnti Lcnko Simon Spacapan Stanko Prosenak Youth Folk Dancing G roup "Rožmarin" Lenti Lcnko Youth Choir "Glasniti" Helena Leber Kristina Cestnik Igor Densa Marija Ursič. Marija Bmc in Kristina Cestnik 13 December MELBOURNE Naša bitka za Slovenijo p. 73. Mr Ken Aldred MP, Senator Sid Spindler, MP, Senator Rod Kemp MP and Dr Andrew Theophanous MP. AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN CONFERENCE CANBERRA SVETOVNI SUOVENSK! KOifCllES WOHLD SLOVENIAN COHCatESS INCOIH'OIIATING: SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUMCILS Of ACT, NSW. OLD. SA & VIC, Co r, b f >r r a, L fi IJt-jf: h ml j er 191? 1 OPEN LETTER Til \ IC PRT ME MINISTER T!iO Hon. R.J, Hawf.e, MP ^r i me Mini ^|_f;r Pcjii" }. i iiintii t House CHNBCR^A ACT 26O0 Dkr Prime ninist.er , Tht? Slovenian cdMmunity in Australia is disturbed to riear* the news that countries such England, tfie United States well the Unitsef Nation« Socrr'tary Mr F'ere:. ¡de C'jihll^r" art? combining f.ht'ir e?:: H or1t Ei to try to convince the Ljiarnian ChapcpUor, Mf" Kohl to reverse his deCiriian "tD r fit n lj n i S o v c-in i a a n ri □rod'!;: \, no member o-f thH Australian Parliament Could (Jtiny th,nt Slovenia tocfay rtiEiots all ttie criteria -for i nt«rn*t.i onal f t'CDLjni ti on as a Sovprsjiqn state. Vet, tiy t^ctLcii how can Slovenians eth1eve tilei i' Jemoccatic status among nations i + no—one is willing to rec.jgnise them'7 f41 so , how can the ^njr in Croatia bit a tapped if no-or(et tven pr spared tu prevent tlie bombardment oi Qubrovn i t Hhich is on th# Intidrnatiiinai Her i i: ri y e Lisit. SurelyT ill the rol t> Qf Per ez de Cue L1 ar to defend Diibrovm k and not to allow the continuation iJ-f it* destruction by preventing the r ecogni t i on trf SlDvttnia and Cr fiiit i . Germany came to the realistic cDritkisioii that the recognition o-f 51 ovinia aod Croatia would Rnij the war in tlie region. Wti'urqt? you, PrimEi Minister, to stand hy Austral l an democratic principles aruJ recotjniss SI ovinia you havs said on a number n-f ^ccasmni; that Auatralta would bi? amancj tha iir«t to da esd. We also urge you to ta£e ill the PiotifiijSiiry nw*s(iren through the United Nation» to ttop Pere: nk-j Cupi 1 1 uf in hi.fi L1 76?. CK3ä Predsednik. - President: MARJAN KOVAČ 9 ¿fcndmmi Street, Fisher, 2611. Qml/crm, AuUralin. Tel. - Fax: (06) 28S 4097 or (043) 85 2455 tet *6I6 28S 4097 or *6143 85 245$ SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET - VIKTORIJA SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL - VICTORIA (AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN CONFERENCE FOR SLOVENIAN WORLD CONGRESS) MELBOURNE (AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA ZA SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES) (YÜ . 3 S Izvršni svet tepUalike Slovenije Haean: za Slovence pO 3vetu Ciregarcioeva 21 Ljiiiijana 61 OOOO Spoštovani1 Slovenski narodni svet iz avstraiiste države Viktcrije, Iti je sioer od svetov Avstralske slovenske konference, je na svoji seji z dne 17.12. 1990, zakljicil sledeoaj Ob razpisu plebiscita, ki naj ugotwi ljudsko TOljo ali naj postane mep±>lika Slovenija sarcstojna in nanrkri nsodvisna tlrzdwa, zeU/vu tudi mi izraziti svojo zeljo. Složni je naj se zavzaie za eliti mirnejšo roei-tev nastale sitiacije in raj kcncno zazlvi Kot sarostojna država v družbi evrcpskih narodov, v celoti poSpiraio odločitve darokraticno izvoljene sloeriste vlade in ipstro, da se bo tem primerno Zjasnilo tudi slovensko ljuiBtvo. «niji zelinrj vse najboljše v rtwem letu 1991, Mi bana eo napcej z vs»ni in van mdili tiato pw^pcffo, ki v=7n bo potratna In rem irogoca. ■ ip slovenski pozdrav Sinui Spaočipan j^roLisednik Stanka Ctecprix; Qr^nizacijsiö tajnica Melbourne,17.12.1990. SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES WOULD SLOVENIAN CONCkESS AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN CONFERENCE CANBERRA INCORPORATING: SLOVENIAN MTJONAL COUNCILS OF ACT, NSW. OLD. $A £ VIC Ca&berra, 17. 12 1991 H i s E\eelIengy the Ambassador of the United States of Amen cm Canberra Dear Ambassador, I kindly -a k mu to Convey my , ritiCiim to Pres iden( Bush Mr Bak i for theit st.md j n regard to the recognition of Slovenia .ind Croatia. it seems tli^it they lío not cjrasp that most people anuí nations w.mt to be independent without the USA telling Lhtri whftfi .3nfl how- I arid many Slovenians have For many y^jra looked to ths United States for guidance and protection ¿ind have agread with President Reagan's statement that the Soviet Union uúi an ivi' st^te. The ftanif; was true of Yugoslavia and i 1 f Communist 1H if, not ¿ r ¿dox that Mr Bush ■ind Mr D.nker are trying Ll-j preserve th-jt evil? The USA stand on Soviet Union to save Gorbachev and it3 stand fjh Yuijoü via to save the St:rbi¿n Coitmuniats is inexcusable- Statements that continuous fighting prevents the UM forces from entering Yugoslavia is a cJear indication to the Serbs to continue the brutality. History will surely retjiaUi' this. T Kjve congratulated and thanked Or Kohl And Mr Genscher for their firm stand Jnd T kindlv .ask Mr Dush not to interfear with their decision. With kind regards m íi i' )¿¡ n Ko vac P ril1 s i. de nt Kortspandcneú/AH Correspondence ro- Orgsiiizatijtka Taimes - Otgtwising $tcttlsry: STANKAC.RECORlC 2/15 Allandilefíoait. Rorottia. 31Í5, Melbourne, AusinKa. Tel. ■ Fiix (03) 762 6830 - Tat. *6lí 762 6830 fredisdnik. - PratdeM MA RJA N KO VA C 9 fbrtdmiut Slrrtt, fíthtr, 2611, Canberra. A Uit Mf¡3. Tel. - Fax. (06) 2SS 4097or (043) Si 2455 Int. +ÓI6 2SS 4097 or +6143 #5 2J55 •ber CANBERRA 18/12/91 21:47 SENATOR S SP^r .ER 001 PARLIAMENT OF" AUSTRALIA • THE SENATE SENATOR BIO 6PIMOLER AUSTRALIAN DEMOCRAT SENATOR FOR VICTORIA 18 December 1991 COMMONWEALTH PÄFU.IAMENT OFFICES 400 FLINDERS STREET MElBOURNfc. VICTORIA 3000 TEL: (03) 614 3791 FAX: (03) 614 8771 The Hon George Bush President of the United States of America C/- US Embassy CANBERRA ACT 2600 Dear Mr President, SLOVENIAN INDEPENDE?- I am writing to you at the request of the Slovenian National Qoit: I ; r owing a meeting on 13 December 1991, to raise the issue of Slovenian independence during to Australia, Their concerns coincide with the position the Australian Democrats have adopts, and I would appreciate it if you wuid provide me with an answer io the central question - why does the United States hesitate to recognise Slovenia's independence, in particular since Slo lie has batisfied the required criteria: 1. a permanent and defined population; 2. clearly defined territorial borders; 3. an independent and democratically elected Government; 4 capacity to enter into relations with other countries. In addition to these formal criteria Bet down in the Montevideo Convention, it should ' noted that Slovenia is in full control of its borders and that no foreign troops are present on its and that on 8 October 1991 Slovenia established its own currency, the Tolar, as welt as the Sin v.. iia passport which is now recognised by fourteen countries. I note that other countries, including Denmark and the German Bundesrepublick, have either recognised Slovenia's independence or have indicated their intention to do so before the end of 1991, or early In January 1992 May I suggest, with res poet that in these circumstances speedy recognition by the United States would indicate to Slovenian people the world over, and indeed to the world community generally, that the United States supports the UN principle of recognising the independence of peoples such as Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, the Ukraine and now Slovenia when the requisite conditions for independence arc met May 1 also take the opportunity to pose the question or Croatia's independence and, in the immediate future the urgent need of UN intervention to stop further bloodshed, and ask in particular whether the United States supports reference of that issue to the UN Security Council to ensure that action is taken as a matter of urgency. Yours sincerely. sid spindle: Senator for Vie CANBERRA PRIZNANJE DRŽAVE REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE. ICELAND ICELAND AND SWEDEN RECOGNISE THE INDEPENDENCE AND SOVEREIGNTY OF SWEDEN THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA. EC delays recognition of Croatia, Slovenia By GRAHAM BARRETT, Europ«an correspondent, London, Tuesday The European Community last night averted a damaging split over Yugoslavia by postponing for a month a final decision on recognition of Croatia and Slovenia. Germany, which argued fiercely for Immediate recognition at a meeting of foreign ministers in Brussels yesterday, appears to have gone along with the compromise. Earlier It had vowed to open diplomatic ties with Croatia unilaterally later Ibis week. Under a plan drafted by the Dutch Foreign Minister. Mr Hans van den Broek, the II EC governments say they are ready to recognise the breakaway republics on 15 January as long as certain conditions are met. The community is insisting that human and minority rights must be guaranteed, that EC and United Nations peace moves are accepted. tbat international security commitments are honored and existing borders respected. All all republics are being invited to apply for recognition by the beginning of next week, a tacit acceptance that Yugoslavia Is no longer a working federation. Whether Croatia and its enemy, Serbia, fulfil the requirements next month Is still open to question, according to senior European diplomats who warn that further difficulties may be in store. Germany and several smaller European states are saying tbat diplomatic recognition will reduce the conflict. The United States, Britain and the United Nations, echoed by Serbia, say the opposite. "Frankly, we have been faced with a dilemma and have had to make a difficult judgment" Mr Van den Broek, the chairman of the EC's council of ministère, said last night. "We have a full month from now to get tbe peace process under way. You cannot Indefinitely withhold recognition from a state which Is seeking it." Britain's Foreign Secretary. Mr Kurd, conceded after yesterday's 10-bour meeting on European problems tbat tbe only issue now was the timing of recognition. He said the outcome was satisfactory and that tbe alternative would have been "deeply damaging". He and other ministère bope tbe interval will allow tbe peace process to take bold. The latest move coincides with tbe dispatch of a small UN military team to Yugoslavia to prepare the way for a possible international peace-keeping force if a proper ceasefire takes hold. But It failed to stave off growing tension between tbe United States on tbe one hand and Croatia and Germany on the other. Relations between Washington and Zagreb are reported by diplomats to be at an all-time low after the State Department's insistence on the need for caution. The Serbian authorities have latched on to the split between Western powers and warned that an act of recognition by Germany would cause a widening and worsening of the war, which is now six months old and bas caused thousands of deaths. In Croatia, meanwhile, fighting was reported to be continuing in several areas, particularly around tbe embattled eastern city of Osl-Jek and at Zadar on the Adriatic. PAGE 11: Editorial Three to join community Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland won associate membership of the European Community yesterday in a big boost for (heir struggling economies. An agreement signed by foreign ministers after a year ot negotiation gives the three East' ern European countries Improved market access for their exports, new loans and trade credits and easier access to the EC for their citizens. "They are being brought into the European Integration process," tbe chairman of the EC council ot ministers and Dutch Foreign Minister, Mr Hans van den Broek, said last night. "We realise that the final Intention is to Join." The EC, worried about a winter of discontent In Eastern Europe, also decided to speed up the distribution of several hundred million dollars of emergency aid (a the former Soviet Union. — Graham Barrett The Age, 18 December. Herald-Sun, 18 December. EC SET TO HECOGi^iSE REPUBLICS LONDON — European Community foreign ministers yesterday agreed to recognise Yugoslavia's breakaway republics in a bid to avoid an embarrassing rift following the Maastricht summit. After 10 hours of tough negotiations in Brussels, they agreed on the conditional recognition of Croatia. Slovenia and other willing republics on January 15 — resisting intense German pressure to acknowledge independence before Christmas. British Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd hailed the deal as a satisfactory compromise, "achieved not without difficulty". He said the alternative - disagreement — would have been "deeply damaging" to the EC. All Yugoslav republics are now invited to apply for recognition by next Monday*- An EC Arbitration Commission — part of the Yugoslav peace process — will vet the applicants to ensure they meet conditions laid down by the foreign ministers. • Mr Hurd . . . "satisfactory". At Mr Hurd's insistence these include willingness to support the continuing peace efforts of the United Nations and Lord Carring-ton. the chairman of the EC's own peace conference. The conditions also Include respect for human rights, respect for minority groups, non-violation of borders, the honoring of arms treaties and compliance with arbitration and disputes procedures, German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher said Bonn would go ahead tomorrow with its announcement that it will recognise Croatia but said the decision would take effect on January 15. Mr Hurd admitted the move contained risks if Serbia responded by rejecting the peace process and stepping up the factional fighting for territorial control in Croatia. There are risks. No one can guarantee that the steps taken will bring about peace in Yugoslavia." he said. But he did not believe Serbia wished or was able to "continue indefinitely in defiance of the world". He said he felt the efforts of the EC and the UN. and yesterday's start on the road to recognition, were calculated to produce a peaceful result. But Mr Hurd warned that if the republics seeking recognition failed to fulfil the conditions, it would be up to the foreign ministers "to take stock". A declaration after the talks made no specific mention of Croatia or Slovenia. It simply invites those Yugoslav republics wishing to be recognised as independent states to make their applications no later than December 23. Germany, whose solitary pressure on the rest was prompted by historic, political and reli gious ties to Croatia and Slovenia, can now claim to have fulfilled its pledge to launch its recognition initiative before Christmas. 18 December MELBOURNE The Australian, 18 December. AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN CONFERENCE CANBERRA „stiiovwi SLfflïîs'Sffl HONGRES WOÎfLD SLOVENIAN CONGRESS INCORPORATING: SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCILS OF ACT, NSW, QLD, SA & VIC, 18 Dec, 1991 Mr Paul Keating MP Prime Minister Parii ament House Canberra, ACT, £600 Dear Prime Minister 1 am writing to you as the President of the Australian Slovenian Conference which incorporates the Slovenian National Councils throughout Australia, to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your appointment as Prime Minister of Australia. Your are no doubt aware of the Slovenian declaration of independence and the recent EEC resolution that they will recognise the former Yugoslav Republics under certain conditions as independent nations on IE January 1992. Slovenia meets all trie necessary criteria set down by the EEC and I am confident that it will be recognised as a sovereign state en that date. I have written a number of letters to the former Prime Minister Mr Hawke, copies of which are attached, and have met with him. Senator Evans, other Ministers and Federal Par 1i amentari ans on several occasi ons to d i scuss the Slovenian s i tuati on. Mr Hawke a 1 ways expressed the view that Australia will be amongst the first countries to recognise Slovenian sovereignty. The Slovenian community hopes that you will stand by Australia's democratic principles and indeed be amongst the first nations to recognise Slovenia as a sovereign state, I wi sh you the very best in your pos i ti on of Pri me Mi n i ster and extend the season's greetings from our commun i ty. Yours faithful 1y, Marjan Kovac Pres i dent, Korespondenca/AII Correspondence to: Organizacijska Tajnica - Organising Secretary: STANKA GREGQRIC 2/15 Alltindnlc Road, Baronia, i 155, Melbourne, Australia. Tel ■ Fax: f031 762 6830 ■ /nt- *613 762 6830 Predsednik • President: MARJAN KOVAČ 9 Pandanus Street, Fisher, 2611, Canberra, Australia. Tel. - Fax: 106) 288 4097 or (043/ 85 2455 int. +616 288 4097 or+6143 85 2455 MELBOURNE SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES WORLD SLOVENIAN CONGRESS AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN CONFERENCE INCORPORATING: SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCILS OF ACT, NSW, QLD, SA & VIC. HON.R.J.L.HAWKE MP Pari iament House Canberra, ACT, 2 600 Dear Mr,Hawke! On behalf of the Australian Slovenian Conference I would like to thank you for the symphaty and friendship you displayed to our community by meeting our delegations and in general showing your knowledge and understanding of the situation in Slovenia. We hope that Australia will still be one of the first countries to recognise Slovenia and that we will be able to celebrate this great historical event together in the near future. Hoping that you will go on working for the good of this great country and appreciating what you have done unti11 now we extend the season's greetings from our community to you and your family, Sincerely yours Elica Rizmal ^^ , Press Officer for ( t> f J Australian Slovenian ( J*— Conference Tel 03 755 2626 Fax 03 755 1746 Melbourne, 20.12.1991 Korespondenca/All Correspondence to. Organizacijska Tajnica - Organising Secretary: Predsednik - President: MARJAN KO VAČ STANKA GREGORIČ 9 Pandanus Street. Fisher, 2611, Canberra, Australia. 2/15 Allandale Road, Boronia, 3155. Melbourne. Australia. Tel ■ Fax: (06) 288 4097 or (043) 85 2455 Tel.-Fax: (03) 762 6830 ■ Int. +613 762 6830 Int. +616 288 4097or +6143852455 Proslava slovenske državnosti v slovenskem Klubu Triglav. Celebration of Slovenian Sovereignty at Slovenian Club Triglav. 26"Dec-ember SYDNEY IAVS TRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFE RE NCA ZA SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES) SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET - VIKTORIJA SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL - VICTORIA (AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN CONFERENCE FOR SLOVENIAN WORLD CONGRESS) MELBOURNE Dr . JANEZ DULAR Minister za Slovence po svetu Skupščina Republike Slovenije FaJt: 061 224-328 Spoštovani dr-Dular! Melbourne, 27.12.1991 Najprej naj vam v imenu Slovenskega narodnega sveta Viktorije prav od srca zazelim sreče, zdravja in uspeha v novem letu 1992, v upanju, da ste tudi vi lepo proslavili Božične praznike. V telefonskem pogovoru v ponedeljek, 23.dec.91 vam je g,Spacapan razlozil naso zel jo, da v Melbournu proslavimo diplomatsko priznanje nase ljube domovine prav na slovenski kulturni praznik 8.feb.92 s posebnim gostom iz domovine. Zal nam je, da g.Kučan ne bo mogel priti in da bi bila za g,Peterleta dva obiska (v feb in aprilu) res neumestna; vendar menimo, da je nujno, da je na tem večeru tudi častni gost iz Slovenije. Radi bi, da bi Melbournski Slovenci čutili povezavo z domovino, ko bomo proslavljali ta dan. Organizirali smo vec srečanj z avstralskimi parlamentarci; kar bo gotovo spodbudilo njihovo dejavnost za priznanje Slovenije; menimo, da je pomembno, da tudi avstralski predstavniki na tem večeru.srečajo gosta iz Slovenije, Na ponedeljkovem sestanku SNS Vic smo se dogovorili, da vas zaprosimo za obisk enega od naslednjih slovenskih ministrov -politikov. Najprej za Janeza Janšo, saj je za avstralske Slovence simbol slovenske pomladi in junaškega odpora, nato za Spomenko Hribar {in dr.Tineta Hribarja), simbol sprave in sodelovanja ter Jelka Kacina, ki je v vojni pokazal izredno sposobnost organiziranja in podajanja informacij. O kritju stroskov se dogovorimo kasneje. Resnično upamo, da bo 8.februarja 1992 med nami gost iz Slovenije, s katerim bomo skupaj praznovali in se veselili priznanju domovine, od katere nas loci pol sveta, a katere nelocnljivi del smo tudi mi. To nam bo zadoščenje za vse dosedanje delo in skrb. Prisrčen pozdrav Simon Spacapan Predsednik Fax 03 755 1746 PO. BOX 197. KEW, MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA, 3101 TEL. FAX. ■ber MELBOURNE Our ref. SOCS:SR:slo/91/45 Hon, Gareth Evans Minister for Foreign Affairs Parliament House CANBERRA A.C.T. 2601 POSTED Mr. Garry Moore, Barrister at law, and - Mrs. Sherrill O'Connor Solicitor. 27th December, 1991. Dear Minister Re: Australian Recognition of Republic of Slovenia We have been requested by our Slovene friends in Australia and elsewhere to again press yoti on the issue of Australian diplomatic recognition of the Republic of Slovenia, The case for recognition is overwhelming and compelling. Slovenia now indisputably meets every criterion fixed by international law for recognition as an independent and sovereign state. It has a democratically-elected Government in firm and effective control of its territory; its borders are uncontested by other states; it has no restive minorities with which to contend; it has achieved its independence by constitutional means and has since publicly and successfully demonstrated its determination to preserve that independence and, it has acknowledged its willingness to meet appropriate international obligations as a successor state to che old (and clearly defunct) Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Similarly, we can see no political, geopolitical, diplomatic or moral consideration which might warrant the continuance of an Australian policy of non-recognition of Slovenia. We recall your observation to us in Canberra on 15th July, 1991 to the effect that Australia would be among the first to recognize Slovenia. We note that Iceland and others have already extended recognition. Formal recognition by Germany was announced on 20th December 1991,to be Implemented on 15th January, 1992. This formal recognition by Germany will, it has been reported ("The Australian," 21/12/91), be accompanied by simultaneous recognition by Austria, Hungary, Sweden, Czechoslovakia, Poland and Italy, This will almost certainly lead the way to recognition by other nations. We also note that Australia, under Labor, has a proud history of early recognition of newly-independent states. Israel, Indonesia, Namibia and the Baltic States come readily to mind. Early recognition by Australia of the Republic of Slovenia would be in the finest traditions of both our country and our Party, In the light of the above, we respectfully seek your advice as to when Australia will recognize Slovenia. If such recognition is not presently contemplated, would you please advise us why not and precisely what more" is needed. Yours faithfully, Garry Moore, Barrister at law, Owen Dixon West, 525 Lonsdale Street, MELBOURNE 3000 Sherrill O'Connor-Sraj Solicitor, 495 Hampton Strecl HAMPTON 318Ö BELARUS PRIZNANJE DRŽAVE REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE. BELARUS RECOGNISES THE INDEPENDENCE AND SOVEREIGNTY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA. MELBOURNE Herald-Sun, 29 December, p.19. 1991 Ponatis slovenskih dopisnic in jqpotivov po knjigi in zbirki »NAPREJ ZASTAVA SLAVE« tiskanih okoli 1900. Oproščeno davka od prometa proizvodov po mnenju Rep. sck. za kulturo Št. 415-399/ 90 mb z dne 10. 10. 1990 Fotoliti: tiskarna DELO Samozaložba: Krese R & S Ljubljana. Ledene rože v oknih bede, valovi Save pod ledom hrepene; Triglav razsul je svoje kristalne dragulje do vsakega doma prelepe Slovenije; v snegu skrite so hišice: tako slavnostno praznuje vse. The blossoms are resting until Spring, the fields still sleep, Spring will awaken all your s trength; Slovenia, you are recognized, built of innocent drops of blood; th e bells toll -do you hear them, brothers, s isters? The graves mutely in the midst of ruins - oh, how your heart leaps in joy. Australian Slovenians send you sunshine and strength, you are acknowledged -we all celebrate with you! Draga Gelt, Melbourne, January 16,1992 1992 SOCS :SR slo/91/46 ~î£) EbiTDfiS. k&e ^ AvsT^Awt /VfO " ate- • To the Editor, Mr. Garry Moore, Barrister at law, Owen Dixon West, 525 Lonsdale Street, MELBOURNE 3000 and 2JaAua,rv MELBOURNE Mrs. Sherrill 0'Connor-Sraj Solicitor, 495 Hampton Street, HAMPTON 3188. 2nd January,1992. Re: Australian Recognition of Republic of Slovenia The international position and status of Slovenia have tended to be obscured by the current fighting in neighbouring Croatia. The Republic of Slovenia is a small Alpine nation wedged between Italy, Austria and Croatia. It was formerly the most western constituent state (both geographically and in orientation)of old Yugoslavia. The imminent recognition of Slovenia {and also of Croatia) by the countries of Europe, puts Australia's stand on recognition into sharp focus. Slovenia's independence was achieved on 25th June, 1991. Slovenia exercised her right to secede under the Yugoslav Constitution and following an overwhelming pro-independe'nee vote in a national Referendum. Slovenia is not embroiled in the current fighting in Croatia. Slovenia presently meets every criterion fixed by international law for recognition, includingj- fixed borders; a Government in firm and effective control of its territory; no restive minorities; democratic structures and institutions, and, a commitment to meet all its responsibilities and obligations as an independent State, Iceland and some other states have already recognized Slovenia. German recognition takes effect on 15th January, 1992, with Sweden, Austria, Italy, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Poland certain to follow suit. Australia has a proud tradition of recognizing newly-independent states Israel, Indonesia, Namibia and the Baltic States spring to mind, No doubt most, if not all, of the remaining successor states of the Soviet Union will soon be recognized. 19921 Slovenci pripravijo skupno s Hrvati protest ob obisku ameriškega predsednika Georg-a Bush-a. Slovenians and Croatians participate in a protest on the occasion of the visit of American President George Bush. 7 7anua/v POROČILO O OBISKU AMERIŠKEGA PREDSEDNIKA MR. GEORGa BUSHa ^ V AVSTRALIJI, 2. JANUARJA 1992 CANBERRA Priprave na obisk predsednika najmočnejše države na svetu, Združenih držav Amerike, Mr Georga Busha, v Avstraliji, so potekale vse bolj za kulisami kot odprto Telefonski kJic na ameriško ambasado nam ni razodel poti, kiji bo važni gost sledil na obisku v Canberri. Kljub temu smo se veselili priložnosti, da bi spel nekaj storili za priznanje Sloveruje. Večina nas je do Amerike m njenih voditeljev gojila neke vrste spoštovanje, če ne prijateljstvo, saj smo vedno smatrali Ameriko za zaveznico, ker je vedno javno nastopala proti komunizmu. Zdaj ko smo dočakal t razpad komunizma in je ta naš zaveznik postal neoporečen zmagovalec nad komunizmom, smo se z njimi skregali. Proti tej sili smo pripravljeni iti tia demonstracije, jo žaliti in zahtevati svoje pravice. Mislim, da ni potrebno razlagati zakaj. Opazovali smo lir vaške demonstracije, saj so jih že vajeni, mi pa se počutimo majhne in neopazne, v strahu nepomembnosti. Napovedana velika demonstracija avstralskih farmarjev, zaradi ameriške kmetijske politike, nas je navduševala, vendar skrbela, da se bomo v množici izgubili Plakat na oglasni deski v slovenskem domu nas je pozival k udeležbi, čeravno se nismo vedeli kje in kdaj, slovenska radijska oddaja pa ti a s je vzpodbujala, naj sledimo vesti, napravimo svojo dolžnost in zahtevamo priznanje Slovenije. Končno smo se odločili ¿a zbirališče ob tretji uri, pred Avstralskim parlamentom, nekje ob strani Hrvatov. Kako bomo izrazili naše ogorčenje, ker Amerika zavlačuje z mednarodnim priznanjem Slovenije. Kaj bomo napisali na plakate? Zakaj nas vključujejo med zavrženee sveta? Tehtali in posvetovali smo se, kako naj bomo kruti Odkrilo bi radi povedali predsedniku Bushu, da se nobena njegova napoved, ne Bakerjeva, na v/hodu ni izpolnila in da je njegova politika slepa. Za demokracijo sta oba postala izdajalca in goljufa. Očitati smo jima hoteli otopelost, krivičnost in neumnost. Vse to smo hoteli storiti v naši zagnanosti za našo domovino. Tako ravnati v podobnih slučajih pa je ležko in morda je tako prav. Verjetno bi naša jeza in zloba ne spremenila mnenje mogočnega človeka. Slovenija bi morda zaradi lega bila prizadeta ali celo oškodovana. Po daljšem preudarku smo se odločili za velik transparent, ki bo, iti tudi je, prekosil vse druge, kjer bo v angleščini napisano: 992 :■■: ■ ■■ ■■ v-.-; ■ : ■ - ■/■".■://.■ .■ -.:■■ .■ :.■:'■■■■ 2 Januar/ ZAKAJ Sli: MENJALI STAN IN ZDAJ PODPIRA TE SRBSKE KOMUNISTE? - &■ ■: - ■ canberra Pred Avstralskim parlamentom smo se navduševali približno dve uri, ko je že tudi veliki hrvaški skupini zmanjkalo poguma Obiskal nas je francoski fotograf m vprašal, če nas sme posneti. Tik pred našim odhodom smo dobili tudi obisk od avstralskega poslanca Teleofonisa. V rokah je držal pismo in razlagal, da je od Kučana. Kaj pa piše? Zahvaljuje se mi za moj prispevek. Ko se je oddaljeval je še dvakrat pogledal po transparentu in menda ni verjel svojim očem, kjer je pisalo: 'Skupaj smo se borili proli komunizmu,' saj je Nazadnje smo se odločili za premestitev pred ameriško ambasado, kamor bo baje prišel Mr Rus h na večerjo. Prosi večeru se bo pripeljal iz parlamenta. Naš transparent smo namestili tako, da ga Bush ne bo mogel spregledati Ne daleč vstran je bila tudi skupina Hrvatov, ki se je zadovoljila z občasnim vzk I i kanj eni. Med našim čakanjem se je v ambasado pripeljal bivši avstralski Prime-minisier, ki nam je pomahal v pozdrav. Po tem se je z avtobusom pripeljalo mnogo fotografov in policistov, da smo vedeli, da se bo naše Čakanje kmalu končalo. Nato so se pripeljali trije policisti na motorjih in Še dva polna avtomobila policajev. Nazadnje so sledili še štirje ameriški 'Lincolni' z zatemnjenimi okni. Bog ve, kje je predsednik, mar vidi naš transparent? Pri tej počasni vožnji avtomobilov bi ga lahko, saj ni od njega več kot 15 metrov Že je zadnji avto pred nami, ko se predsednik nagne k oknu in nam prične mahati. J udi tisti, ogorčeni nad njegovimi dejanji, mu Ali jc prebral naše sporočilo^ Ali ga je ganilo in nas zato pozdravlja? Ali bo priznal Slovenijo? Vse drugo, razen zadnje vprašanje bomo težko zvedeli Transparent smo pustili postavljen ob cesti, kje se je predsednik peljal mimo še dvakrat pred svojim odhodom iz Canberre. Moral bi biti slep in gluh, če ga ni videl. Prepričani, da smo storili vse kar seje dalo, smo odšli domov, danes pa vemo, da smo za priznanje Slovenije morda nekaj malega primaknili tudi The Weekend Australian, 11 January, p. 18.. 992 PRIZNANJE DRŽAVE REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE. HOLY SEE: VATICAN RECOGNIZES THE INDEPENDENCE AND SOVEREIGNTY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA. VATICAN PRIZNANJE DRŽAVE REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE. SAN MARINO RECOGNIZES THE INDEPENDENCE AND SOVEREIGNTY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA. /anuilry 9 SAN MARINO The new map of the Balkans r! a" tn i % I & Id FROM today, Croatia and Slovenia are eligible for recognition as fully sovereign and independent States under terms laid down by the European Community (EC) last month. The republics of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia also have applied for the EC's blessing to break with Yugoslavia. Not to be outdone, the southern province of Kosovo has submitted its own case for independence, as has the breakaway Serb enclave of Krajina in Croatia and the self-proclaimed "Republic of the Serb People of Bosnia-Herzegovina". Obviously, these claims are not equally strong. But they will all need to be satisfied in some way if peace is to return to the Balkans. The first — and long overdue — step is to extend recognition to Croatia and Slovenia. Both countries have a mora! claim to independence — their efforts to renegotiate the terms of Yugoslavia's old federation began years ago; when those efforts failed, Croats and Slovenes voted overwhelmingly for independence, and both republics adopted a sensible timetable to realise the goal — but there are practical reasons to recognise them as well. The Serb-dominated Yugoslav People's Army (YPA) was helped in its attack on Slovenia and its subsequent war in Croatia by the legal fiction that these matters concerned Yugoslavs alone. The recognition of Croatia and Slovenia as independent States won't preclude another outbreak of violence but it will raise the stakes for the YPA in any new round of fighting. Next, the legitimate rights of Serbs in Croatia must be addressed. That doesn't mean giving in to the demands of Serb warlords in Krajina or anywhere else. They have managed to graft their personal ambitions onto the more genera! hopes and fears of Serb minorities but their prescriptions for ending the current conflict would only sow the seeds for new conflicts in the years to come, Serbs have understandable concerns about their fate in an independent Croatia. But those concerns should be allayed with an autonomy plan that protects Serb culture, allows Serbs to police their own communities and, perhaps, involves neighbouring Serbia in the economic welfare of Serb enclaves. Serbia couid establish its bona fides to play such a role by applying the same principle to the people of Kosovo. Under Yugoslavia's 1974 Constitution, Kosovo was split off from Serbia and made an autonomous province as a precaution against Serbian domination of the federation. The change also reflected the fact that 90 per cent of Kosovo's population was made up of ethnic Albanians. Serbia's President Slobodan Milosevic managed to have control over the province's internal affairs transferred back to Serbia in 1989 and since then the YPA has been kept busy trying to hold the Albanians in line. in many ways, Yugoslavia's demise can be traced to that power play by Mr Milosevic. Together with the YPA's recent behaviour in Slovenia and Croatia, it has convinced Bosnians and Macedonians that they have no future in a rump Yugoslavia dominated by Serbia. But encouraging Bosnia and Macedonia in their bids for independent statehood could backfire: Bosnia is an ethnic patchwork that, left to its own devises, is likely to fragment violently and Macedonia is in the centre of a controversy involving Greece and Bulgaria. For that reason, Bosnia and Macedonia probably are best dealt with by dusting off the original plans by Croatia and Slovenia for a loose confederation of Yugoslavia's republics. DANSKA, AVSTRIJA, ŠVICA, MALTA, PORTUGALSKA, VELIKA BRITANIJA, FRANCIJA, BELGIJA, MADŽARSKA, POLJSKA, NORVEŠKA, BOLGARIJA, ITALIJA, KANADA, AVSTRALIJA: PRIZNANJE DRŽAVE REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE. DENMARK, AUSTRIA, SWITZERLAND, MALTA, PORTUGAL, GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE, BELGIUM, HUNGARY, POLAND, NORWAY, BULGARIA, ITALY, CANADA, AND AUSTRALIA RECOGNIZE THE INDEPENDENCE AND SOVEREIGNTY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA. Slovenian Association Melbourne celebrates. I5jtmarv SYDNEY Sydney Morning Herald, 15 January. DENMARK, AUSTRIA, SWITZERLAND, MALTA, PORTUGAL, GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE, BELGIUM, HUNGARY, POLAND, NORWAY, BULGARIA, ITALY, CANADA, and AUSTRALIA MELBOURNE 5 jaxvty Slovenski Narodni Svet, Queensland Mt. MEE - QLD - Slovenian Council of Queensland - M. Cudermaa, (Secretary) Campb ells PocketRd MtMee, Q. 4521 Tel: 074 98-2147 Predsedniku S.N.S. Viktorije v* G. Simonu Spacapanu c/o- Distinction Printing FEy.Ltd. fax: 03 38c 215+1 Spoštovani g. 3pacapan. Dovolite mij da se Vam v imenu Upravnega Odbora našega Narodnega Sveta zahvalim za prejete letake o razlagi Slovenije in sedaj se za opis našega gosta iz Slovenije ministra Janeza Janša. Vsi letaki so zelo lepo izdelani in lepo razložijo oz. predstavljajo Slovenijo. Za nas tukaj je bilo toliko bolj, pomembno ker bolj poredko doDimo razlago v angleščini. Tiskana oeseda najoolj potrdi osebno izgovorjeno predstavo. Hvala tudi Dragici Gelt in Elici Rizmal za lepo izbrane besede. i Nekaj letakov smo razposlani tudi naprej v severni Qld.t v Mt. Iso, Mareeoo, Rockhampton in Karyoorough. Še enkrat hvtila in se priporočamo tudi za vnaprej , Lep In topel pozdrav vsem odbornikom SNS- Vic. fz P,s: Prosim Vas ce lahko posredujete naslednje dve strani patru -^mbt*1 NiTio-ni- - AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN CONFERENCE SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES WORLD SLOVENIAN CONGRESS INCORPORATING: SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCILS OF ACT, NSW, QLD, SA & VIC, NEWSROOM: CHIEF OF STAFF MEDIA RELEASE Wednesday, Jan 15,1992 is a day of great joy for all Australian Slovenians and indeed for all Slovenians of the world. The new state emerged in Europe today: The Republic of Slovenia, diplomatically recognised by the Baltics, Germany, Italy, Vatican, etc, with the recognition of other states of the European Community and the world in the following days. The Slovenian National Council of Victoria, an organisation that from its beginning worked for democracy, human rights and the diplomatic recognition of the new Slovenian state, can indeed be proud of its achievement: establishing the communication with Australian and Slovenian Government, with the Parliamentarians of both countries and establishing ties between them, their delegations visiting the highest Government Officials in Canberra and presenting them with information on the democratic development of Slovenia and Slovenia's legal right to sovereignty and independence. All this documentation, as well as the reports of the aggression on this proud new state of Slovenia has been saved in the Archives of Slovenian National Council, which will be displayed on Australia Day Sunday, Jan 26, 1992 in Slovenian Religious and Cultural Centre in 19 A'Beckett Str. in Kew after 11 AM. Documents, studies,videos and photographs wii1 be displayed and the libraries, universities and schools notified of its existence. The recognition of Slovenia and other republics of former Yugoslavia offers hope that the new world order, based on human rights, democracy and freedom is in the making. WILL AUSTRALIA STILL BE ONE OF THE FIRST TO RECOGNISE SLOVENIA AND CROATIA AS PROMISED? For Slovenian National Council (a branch of Australian Slovenian Conference) MELBOURNE Mrs.Elica Rizmal Press Officer Tel 755 2626 Fax 755 1746 Melbourne, 15.1.1992 Korespondenca/All Correspondence to: Organizacijska Tajnica ■ Organising Secretary: STANKA GREGORIČ 2j 15 Allandale Road, Boronia, 3155. Melbourne, Australia. Tel. - Fax: (03) 762 6830 - Int. +613 762 6830 Predsednik ■ President: MARJAN KOVAČ 9 Pandama Street, Fisher, 2611, Canberra, Australia. Tel. ■ Fax: (06) 288 4097 or (043) 85 2455 Int. +616 288 4097 or +6143 85 2455 6 January CANBERRA Naša bitka za Slovenijo, p. 68. a recogttisdthe Sovereign ena STATEMENT BY THE PRIME MINISTER PAUL KEATING Australia has decided to recognise as indépendant states the former Yugoslav republics of Slovenia and Croatia. Slovenia and Croatia have met the conditions set out by the EC on 16 December 1991. These include respect for United Nations and Confarence on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) principles, including regard for (he ruls of law, democracy and human rights, guarantees on minority rights, observance of international obligations on security and non-proliferation, respect for the inviolability of aii frontiers, and recourse to peaceful means for the sattlement of disputas. But much remain« to be done before the people of the former republics of Yugoslavia are able to enjoy the peace and prosperity that is their right, I strongly urge the leaders of all the parties to the conflict to demonstrate the strength of will and political determination to resolve their differences peacefully Nor does the act of recognition bring to an end the responsibility of the international community to help resolve the conflict. The international community must continue to promote and support efforts to ensure that minority rights, territorial disputes and succession questions are settled peacefully and justly. I warmly welcome the establishment of these new states, and wish the leaders and people of the nations ol Slovenia and Croatia well in the tasks ahead. My Government will seak discussions with the new states on establishing diplomatic relations. The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Senator Evans, will issue a statement on the ammgemante for Australian recognition. MELBOURNE Elica Rizmal reads the Statement by Paul Keating, Prime Minster of Australia, at the gathering at the Parliament House in Melbourne. CANBERRA Î6 January 1992 Paul Keating Prime Minister On this day. 16th J 1 ' ■: 1: '■ " ■' ■ - \ ' S - K \ I - \ '■ - ■: ^ 11 : ■ 11: ■ I 1 ■ ■ i I ...... ■ I 1 ■ I ■ . I. I '■ : ■ l\ ■ 11 I' I \. ■ l6jctttM/LfV NEW COUNTkV RI J'Mtl.lC OF SLOVENIA Thank You Australia. - A NEW COUNTRY IS BORN SLOVENIA ^ CZECHOSLOVAKIA GERMANY REPUBLIC of SLOVENIA Language Slovenian Territory 20,251km2 Population 1,999,000 (about 10(1 persons per kin ^ ) LJUBLJANA (capital) 279,000 Maribor 108,000 Cclje «.000 Kranj 37,000 Other major (owns ¡and places of interest: Koper, Jesenice, Novo mcslo, Murska Sobota, Lendava, Nova Uorica. Tolmin, Koccvje. Ajdov.tfina, klrip, Po5tojnahTmcr Radenei. Cmomelj, Pluj.Ljulomer, Skofja Loka. Bled. Bulunj, Krwijskagora, Lipica Tim country has a wide range of varying landforms an J lypes of climate, hcncc the colouful world of living creatures, human characteristics, own culture, literature, traditions and customs. This is a region of wind-exposed physical features, die crossroad of Latin. Germanic, Hungarian and Slav cultures. a meeting place of Lhc Roman Catholic, FrottSiSU, Ortodos, an J even Muslim faiths, Slovenia's physical freaimes art very varied. In (lie north, there is [he Alpine region with rugged mountains and limestone peaks, including Triglav, dte highest mountain (28Mni). Ml Triylav has tu«l a symbolic meaning in the history of the Slovenian people; for their ancestors li was a £od, for the Slovenian people of today il is a national symbol. Who can ever forget Lhc beautiful lakes, green plains, pine and heech forests, vinyards, Karst caves and a*urt Adriatic coast and mineral springs - a handful of natures HISTORICAL OVERVIEW wonders dispel in a small counLry. 3rd «Btory lit The territory was seitled by Celtic tribes, who were subjugated by the Romans in 35BC-afler 566A l> Slavs began stilling In the valleys of Siva. Drava and Mura rivers, and under pressure of ihe Avars, reached the shores of the Black Sea, die plains of Furlania, the Danube and Lake Balaton. A new thesis on origins places ihcm among die bearers of Umfield eulture, the Protoslavie people - Vencti. mid 7th century Slavic forebears of die Slovenians revolted, together wiili tlte Czechs, against the Avars, ted by King Samo {(523-658). They formed an independent stale of Carinthia, with its capital at Kmski Grad (modem Kamhurg In Austrian Cnirinthia). Slovenian terriiory «tended then 70 000 sq km. Today Carinthia is still considered the cradle of die Slovenians, mid 31 h century Because of renewed pressure from the Avar; in the middle of the Bth century, the Carinthtans formed an alliance with the Bavarians and Franks and slowly began to lose iheir independence; the Carinthian state bequeathed the enthronement ceremony of (he Carinthian rulers at Prince's Stone near Kmski grati. l"hc installation of Dukes of Carinthia was well known all over the Europe. Ttte author of the biojyaphy of King Charles V, Ptro Mcxia, lhe "magnified caballero", from Seville, has included in his wort Selvia de varia lecion a report regarding the ducal Installation. Hie installation of the Dukes of Carinthia was of great interest (o THOMAS JEFFERSON. when he was w orking on the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE <1776). and read (he work hy Jean Bodln, Lis jot iivrts dc la republiqut (1567). The history of the installation was one of lhc sourecs thai helped Jefferson come (o (he conclusion that THE POWER, HANDED OVER TO A LEADER IS NOT A VISION OF UTOPIA BUT A FORM OF GOVERNMENT WHICH KARANTANCI (people of Caranlhania or Carinthia) HAD ADOPTED AND LIVED UNDER. THEIR LEADERS BEING SELECTED ACCORDING TO DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES. The first evidence of the enthronement of native princes dates from the 8th century, The ceremony was carried out for the last lime in |4 JJ with the enthronement of Ernest the Habsburg. Vth century An Independent stale of Slovenians existed briefly in Lower Fannonia with its capital. Sal var, by Lake Balaton (in modem Hungary); it wis led by Prince Kocctj. 16Ja '/nu/lry f _ [ii (cnturf I Mil it'hlun mid lOih century Individual Duchies hcgan id spring up (Camiola, Savmja, Carinthk) and in the I3tli century. the duchies became regions; ATong with the growing influence of die Catholic Church the Slovenian language wast»?d increasingly in clusch prayers A rccord oi the oldest Slovenian kxt written in Lnin scnjit in aboul 1{KK) A.D., has been fouiul in the Monuments of Freising The national division between d^ninins and Slovenian* took ibatiGbetween the 12ihand l.^th ccntuncs. By the start of the I6ih century, nil Jil: Slovenian regions hail become Hobstwrs property. The Rtiormalion contributed to ihe giuwth of the Slovenian literary language (the first" Slovenian Ivrnk by Primttt Trubar m 1550, the translation ol the Bible by Jurij Da h rial in in litui, creating now dMncl pro vine«, or which only Carniota and lower Styria retained a Sloven™ character. End oiiSe reforms introduced by Maria Theresa and Franc Joseph at thccrijof Ihe 18th ciauttiy brought some progress m Slovenian regions, while Napoleon's occupation and the foundation ofihe JJJytian Provinces simulated political ¿id ImtJectual growth* The Spring ctf Nations in Slovenia tn 1K4H outset a program for a Linncd Slovenia. Elections in 1867 clearly manifested a distinct sense of national consciousness and com......... y. Because of German pressure, the Slovenians rirsi conceived the idea of turning to iheir southern neighbours m al)tiui 1H70, With Hit declaration of May W17, a Yugoslav Club (Slovenian, Istnan and Dalmatian i dclepien to the Vienna parliament called for a federal roofganiYation ofihe Austrollunjtirianmonarchy. After a year, the grievances tumid into a demand for secession jnd die foundation of an indcpendanl state of Slovenians. Croats and Scrh^. After die Atisuu-l liaigorian Emperor Charles QGarlj .iihniiicJ defeat and agreed lo the independence of subject Slav nations. The Slovenians. Croats and Serbs, living in die kingdom, est.tblislied the State of SI-IS (Serbs. Crojts and Slovenians) October I'J I'J On 1 December 1919 the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats mid Sloven bin was formed, hm soon, m the next ten years, Kingdom 5 US turned iniu Serbian led dicuiiorahip. Ttie King fled lo England a lie: die fascial ami na/i a luck on his Kingdom of Yugoslavia, The Communist Party wiih its followers attained die [viwer anj Sui ialisi Federative Republic of Yugoslavia was recognized aftiithc initial preparatory founding in November IW3. The first [soil- wLu democratic ejections in April saw the end of die lomlitiiian ¡amer of the League of Communists. ON DECEMBER 23 A PLEBISCITE WAS CARRIED OUT ■ 93% VOTED FOR INDEPENDENCE OF SLOVENIA and a NEW CONSTITUTION. SLOVENIA AN it CHUATlA DECLARE INDEPENDENCE SLOVFNIA WAS OCCUPIED BY SERBIAN LED YUGOSLAV ARMY ON THE PRETENCE THAT FORtKJX FORCES HAD ATTACKED THE COUNTRY AND THAT THEV MUST PROTECT THE tlORDERS, CONSTITUTION OP SOCIALIST FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA, 1076 < from the Introductory f'an of Uasit Principles! Cruss-Cultural CoiuniunieatiotLS. Mejru.lt, New York, I97i>) "The ndtlMu of Yugoslavia, prueeedlnjj from the rij;hi of cur) nation tn nIf-delermlnation, idelnding the liylit ntf .............. tli* busis irf ihelr will I'rtL-lv expressed ..." AS THE UNION OF S»« REPUBLICS WfTH SO-CALLhi: t^UAL KIOHTS. EVERY NATION HAS THE K1GHTTO SECEEDE.THE RIGHT FOR SEl.P-DETERMINATION - TIIEOCCl FATK^OPSLOVENIA £1Y THE SERBIAN LBD ARMY JULY, AFTEft THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE AND THE OCCUPATION AND CONTINUOUS AIR. SEA AND LAND MISSILE ATTACKS BY SERBIAN LED ARMY ON CROATIA. PROVED THE REAL FACE OP T1 IE SERBIAN MAJORITY LED PARI IAMENT I K A 7 IV 17 i'j l'i I 'J 4 I 1945 I »0 2Sth 26tb June ,1 m ne I'J VI J "J'it I 11E THE PRICE FOR INDEPENDENCE OUR FUTURE 25ih June 7tft October SVefxircil by D. C3elt far the Slovenian Nation^Coundl of Vicyn. RO-IIOK I '>7, Kcw. Vie toria 31 □ 1, Tel. 7552«6. Fa* 7 5 51W" " Sources: ThoSlovenians from théEariïest Times, SIovl-iuj: History and Basic i'ilïhijiuinmal Charier. Republic of Slovenia fun! mit JonjU.I hj Simtn SpjL^iun DliUnctldn Pfln.tlnt F'i h I IJ Change of Slovenian flag: symbol of Communism - red star replaced wijh j)f Arms, npircd. fies Slovenian passport rrcney DmLir isrcplacetl in ill tin: nearly 5W J car s okt MELBOURNE Stanko Prosenak, Veronika Smrdel, Štefan Merzel, Magdalena Tomšič, Marica Ostoja, Frances Plut, Anica Markič and Neva Roeder. 6 Jantudrv PERTH Celebrating Slovenian independance at Slovenian Club Perth in Guildford: Bozo Hladin, Gina Gesmundo and others. SYDNEY Jožica and Ivo Jurin, Mark Stare, Aleksandra Bizjak, Mark Brežnik and Mihela Šušteršič. GEELONG Janez Kure, Jože Ramuta, Jože Matkovič, Marija Bole, Lojzka Kuhar, Anica Kodrič, Helena Hilla, Justa Pobežin and Julka Kure. 16 January NEWCASTLE From left to right: Row 1: Maria Grosman, Peggy Klopčič, Cilka Prinčič; Row 2: Ricky Henicken, Andrej Pichler, Ivan Klopčič, Hermina Pichler, Sofija Meze; Row 3: Sergio and Matilda Visintin, Pavla Kolatchew, Albina Mavrič, Maureen and Tone Mamič, Karl Meze; Row 4: Rihard Prinčič, Peter Kolatchew, Miha Ulčej, Andrej Mavrič, Emil Grosman, Jožica and Franc Brajlih. NOVA ZELANDIJA, ŠPANIJA, CESKA IN SLOVASKA FEDERACIJA, ARGENTINA, CILE, URUGVAJ, LICHTENSTEIN: PRIZNANJE DRŽAVE REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE. NEW ZEALAND, SPAIN, CZECH AND SLOVAK FEDERATION, ARGENTINA, CHILE, URUGUAY, LIECHTENSTEIN RECOGNIZE THE INDEPENDENCE AND SOVEREIGNTY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA. Slovenski narodni svet Viktorije se pred parlamentom zahvali Avstraliji za priznanje Republike Slovenije. Razen slovenskih govornikov izrečejo svoje čestitke in čestitke avstralskega prvega ministra Paul-a Keating-a tudi gospod Ken Aldred, senator Rod Kemp in senator Sid Spindler. Slovensko društvo Melbourne je bilo edino, ki je pripravilo praznovanje slovenskega priznanja, nekatera druga društva so se bala celo razobesiti slovensko zastavo. Zvečer praznovanje priznanja Slovenije pri Slovenskem primorskem socialnem klubu Jadran. Letak New Country is Born, pripravila Draga Gelt, tiskal Simon Špacapan, se je razdelil med tisoče ljudi in mimoidočih pred parlamentom v Melbournu. Slovesni prenos slavja preko slovenske oddaje radia 3EA; sledi slavje v Verskem in kulturnem središču v Kew. NEW ZEALAND, SPAIN, CZECH AND SLOVAK FEDERATION, ARGENTINA, CHILE, URUGUAY, LIECHTENSTEIN MELBOURNE Slovenian Association Melbourne and Slovenian Club Jadran celebrates the recognition of Slovenia. On the steps of Parliament House, Slovenian National Council of Victoria officially thanks Australia for its recognition of Republic of Slovenia, with a cultural program and congratulatory faxes from Prime Minister, Mr Paul Keating. Guest speakers: Mr. Ken Aldred, Senators Rod Kemp and Sid Spindler. Draga Gelt prepared a leaflet New Country is Born, printed by Simon Spacapan, which was dispersed among thousands of Melbournians at the Parliament House gathering. The celebration concluded with a special Slovenian radio program on 3EA, followed by a gathering at the Religious and Cultural Centre Kew. In the evening followed a celebration of Recognition of Slovenia at Slovenian Association Melbourne and Slovenian Social Club Jadran. /b January J SLOVENIA Skupščina Republike Slovenije Izvršni svet Ministrstvo za Slovence po svetu Spoštovani Marjan Kovač, predsednik A vstralskc slovenske konfcrcncc! Ob tako hitrem avstralskem priznanju neodvisnosti Republike Slovenije, se Vam osebno, cclotnemu vodstvu Avstralske slovenske konfcrcncc ter Slovenskim narodnim svetom po posameznih avstralskih državah, seveda pa tudi številnim drugim društvom, skupinam, ustanovam in posameznikom, najlepše zahvaljujem za velikansko delo, ki ste ga opravili v prid naši domovini. Ni si mogoče predstavljati, da bi avstralska vlada že kar "vprevem valu"priznala Slovenijo brez Vašega prizadevanja za intenzivno informiranje avstralske javnosti, oblastnih organov in pomembnih vladnih osebnosti o resničnih razmerah v Sloveniji in o upravičenosti našega boja za osamosvojitev. Doseženi uspeh naj Vam bo v zadoščenje pa tudi v spodbudo za nadaljnje ohranjevanje in krepitev slovenskega kulturnega izročila v A vstraliji in za tesnejšo povezanost med Avstralijo in Slovenijo. Prisrčen pozdrav vsem dr. Janez Dular Minister za Slovence po svetu in narodnosti v Sloveniji Ljubljana, 16. 1. 1992 MELBOURNE Ivanka Škof celebrating recognition of Slovenia by Australia. 6 January CANBERRA HOBART TASMANIA Stan Šajn, Jože Zorc, Angela Umek, Mario Klemenčič, Janez Golež, Corleen Klemenčič, Rosalia Golež, Maria Mavrič, Syd Medhurst, Anton and Jessie Ambrož, Pepca Lahovnov and Ruža Šajn. 1992\ 16 January CANBERRA SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL CANBERRA IRVING ST PHILLIP ACT TEL: (61) (06) 282 1033 P.O. BOX 955 WODEN 2606 AUSTRALIA The Hon P J Keating, MP P r j me >1 i n i.s t".c r Pari lament House Canberra, ACT, 2600 Canberra, 16 Jan 1992 r>ea r P r ; ne M i. n i st. e r , in. enenl that: you r flovtr rimen t i.s rocrogn ising js reeei ved wit h re1 pleasure and relief. ] i .ins of Si ove n 1 a n e \ I ivh ■ I :. >n h,:i v e t iren ve ry S 1 o ven i a bf,: ace^-pt rd into t;he intoma 1" 1 ona .1 a member with full rights and obligations. 1 and you 1 ea r I.y xecognit ion is T h t1 a ri: i í S 1 oven i í. "\ust r/i a n n i ñu;', ; ha !' irrnu ri j. L y as '¡"Iiis can now prtji.;(■.:(_■<.! j real. 1 y .apprec ia Led . We k i n d1y th an k you £ o r yOur support. We hope that Slovenia can develop full diplomatic ties with Australia at an early stage. Slovenia needs Australian friendship, suppoft and e.ooperation. Slovenia in its infant age will be 100k i ng for gu i da nee and practical help especially L o t oun t ri.es whe re cons ide ra bl e numbers of Slovenian s ha ve set11ed . Somet ime in the- near future we hope to show our appreciation with a small function at the premises of the Slovenian Australian Assoc Lai: ion in Canberra. We wi.1 1 be yreatly honoured with your presence. >r lan fa iv^z r s 1 -V- n t 92 1&JuiUrtJV CANBERRA 1992 MELBOURNE THURSDAY 16 JANUARY 1992 THE AGE Yugoslavia declared dead • 01 independent Croatia and Bhmala by the European fomiminity marks the end of Yugoslavia. PACE 7 V A * EC to recognise independence of Croatia, Slovenia By GRAHAM BARRETT, European correspondent, London, Wednesday Yugoslavia is to pass Into history today as most, perhaps ail, European Community governments follow Germany's lead in recognising the independence of Croatia and Slovenia. The move opens the way for Australia and other nations around the world to acknowledge the death of a federation that has disintegrated in nearly seven months of civil war. But doubts appeared to remain about whether the other two republics applying for recognition, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia, would win an early decision from the EC. Greece is particularly anxious to delay recognition of Macedonia because of what Athens says is an implied territorial claim on their northern border. "I want to tell you that I will probably be able to announce tomorrow that all member states are ready to recognise or to implement the recognition of both Slovenia and Croatia," Portugal's Foreign Minister, Mr Joao de Dcus Pinheiro, whose Government holds the EC presidency, said in Lisbon last night. Mr Pinheiro's confidence appeared to indicate that reservations about Croatia expressed in a report by a French judge, Mr Robert Badinter, had been overcome. Mr Badinter had suggested that Zagreb had not fully satisfied EC desires for guarantees of human and minority rights. EC officials last night indicated that the Croatian leader, Dr Franjo Tudjman, had offered new assurances. The only public statement Dr Tudjman made yesterday was a promise to recover all territory seized by the Serb-run Yugoslav army and Serbian irregulars. The deployment of United Nations peace-keeping troops should help to bring this about, he said. Dr Tudjman's tough statement reflects his seriously weakened political state after fighting that has killed at least 10,000 people, stripped away a third of Croatia's territory and destroyed many Croatian towns. Thirty-three members of a UN advance party led by an Australian officer. Colonel John Wilson, yesterday arrived as a liaison team between Serbian and Croatian forces and prepare the way for 10,000 peace-keeping troops if the 13-day-old ceasefire continues to hold. The 17 other members of the advance group are being sent in from Italy today with vehicles and equipment. The 50 men, most of them military officers from 18 nations, are to assist EC ceasefire monitors in troublespots, but will not venture to the front line of what has proved to be a treacherous war for outsiders. Deployment of the full peacekeeping force could take place next month if the truce — the fifteenth — survives and a quarrel between the Serbian government and miliant Serb leaders in Croatia results in clearance for the UN to undertake its task. The hard-line leader of Serbs in the Krajina region, Mr Milan Bablc, is strongly resisting the authority of the Serbian President, Mr Slobodan Milosevic, in agreeing to disarm his militia under UN supervision. This is one of the conditions set down in the peace plan reached between Croatia and Serbia and the federal army. As representatives from Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia waited anxiously in Lisbon for word from the EC ministers, Mr Pinheiro warned that "some points need to be clarified before recognition of their independence can be made". But the problems were not insoluble and could be settled within days or weeks, he added. Britain last night edged towards today's meeting with the Foreign Secretary, Mr Douglas Hurd, saying: "I would have thought it would not be very long before we and the majority of the members of the community recognised at least Croatia and Slovenia." Britain was among EC governments that fell out with Germany before Christmas when the Kohi Government insisted on pushing ahead with recognition of these two breakaway republics, saying it was the only way to start bringing the conflict to an end. Britain and others argued that forcing the pace on recognition THE DAILY TELEGRAPH MIRROR, Thursday, January 16, 1992-16 Dr Tudjman: promise to recover territory. would widen and deepen the war. But Germany so far has been proved right, From Washington, however, the State Department retained its firm opposition to declaring an end to Yugoslavia. "Our policy on recognition has not changed," a spokeswoman was reported as saying. At least 11 people have been killed since the latest truce came into effect. The UN is insisting that the full peace-keeping force will not be sent unless it is quite clear that the truce is being honored and enforced by both sides, although it is accepted that sporadic incidents are bound to happen in such a charged atmosphere and should not be allowed to destroy peace efforts. In Belgrade yesterday a senior UN official, Ms Judith Kumln, said that up to a million people had been made homeless. "The impact is tremendous. We are used to seeing people coming from nothing and going to nothing, but these are middle-class Europeans. The psychological trauma for them is enormous." WORLD Croatia, Slovenia official nations By raf casert BRUSSELS: The European Community (EC) late last night recognised Slovenia and Croatia a.s independent nations, but held off on two other Yugoslav breakaway republics. Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia. ■ Tliers is an agreement among the 12 (EC nations) to recognise Slovenia and Croatia," said Belgian Foreign Minister Mark Eyskcns. "It's official now." While northern Slovenia was recognised without any problems, the EC nations needed a commitment fi'om Croatian President Franjo Tudjman to respect the rights of minority Serbs before agreeing to recognition, officials said. Serbia and Montenegro, which have pushed to preserve the Yugoslav federation, did hot ask (or recognition, but the EC move was another major step in the nation's disintegration, officials said. "Yugoslavia is now in a state of dissolution," said a Belgian Foreign Affairs spokesman. An EC source said the conunission's report on the republics' commitment to human rights and democracy raised "serious objections" in the case of Bosnia, a republic with a mixed ethnic and religions population. Slovenia arid Croatia have been relatively reserved in their enthusiasm towards recognition, the latter with one-third Of its territory destroyed or occupied by the Yugoslav Army and Serb irregulars. "We should not give ourselves over to any triumphal ism because there is no room (or it," Croatian Prime Minister Franjo Oreguric said. But Serbia's Foreign Minister, Vladko Jova-novic, attacked plans to rccognise Croatia, saying the EC risked compromising its role as a peace broker. The debate over recognition has revived feuds in Lhe Balkans and pushed Bosnia - a volatile mix of Serb£, Croats and Muslims — into the limelight as a potential flashpoint. — Reuters The Age, 16 January, p. 7. SYDNEY The Daily Telegraph Mirror, 16 January, p. 16. ? jdMJlrt/ SYDNEY The Sydney Morning Herald, 16 January, p. 7. iinprt^ ËPÎ -of EïîJ- ï-SS-s! SHtlUf-SU*1!» ui1 g.ËÏ g-=Sg 3-g.a i =5 I = ïï «115 » »'s " E — U Pa) = 5 8«||:ä -i g s S 3 ti-S^ " 16 January SYDNEY The Australian, 16 January, p. 9. 1992 to January J CANBERRA MEDIA RELEASE SENATOR ROBERT HILL LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION IN THE SENATE SHADOW MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS Thursday, January 16 06/92 HILL TO VISIT HEW STATES OF CROATIA AND SLQVEN^A The Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator Robert Hill, today welcomed Australia's recognition of Croatia and Slovenia and announced he would visit the two new states early next month. "The Federal Opposition welcomes the Australian Government's decision to grant diplomatic recognition to the former Yugoslav republics of Croatia and Slovenia,H Senator Hill said. "The Opposition yesterday urged the Government to support the decision the European Community was to make overnight on the recognition of former Yugoslav republics by itself granting diplomatic recognition, "To underline the Opposition's support for Croatia and Slovenia, I plan to visit the new states early next month. "J wil1 use my visit to Zagreb and Ljubljana to explore ways in which Australia can develop its relationship with the new states and contribute to the peace process, "The EC's and Australia's recognition of Croatia and Slovenia is an encouraging development in the peace process, but the task ahead is still enormous. "Apart from the maintenance of the current ceasefire and the deployment of UN peacekeeping forces, Australia and the international community will need to focus on important humanitarian issues arising out of a conflict which has reportedly killed at least 6000. "For example, the number of people displaced by the conflict is estimated to be more than 600,000 - two thirds of whom are women and children - and the figure is increasing. "Urgent provisions need to be made available to these refugees, and a major program of return and resettlement must be put in place. "Australia can help this process by contributing to a special fund established by the United Nations to provide humanitarian assistance." (ends) Enquiriesi Hark Batistich on (08) 237 7920 MINISTER FOR J&u - FOREIGN AFFAIRS «i AND TRADE NEWS RELEASE 6 January CANBERRA Mo. m? Date: 16 January 1992 AUSTRALIA TO ESTABLISH DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS WITH CROATIA AND SLOVENIA Tlie Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Senator Gareth Evans, announced today that Australia will establish diplomatic relations with Croatia and Slovenia, Senator Evans's announcement «companies the Prime Minister1* statement earlier (inlay that Australia has decided to recognise Croatia and Slovenia as independent nations. "Recognition fry the in tern a! to nul community is the culmination of the prutess of self-determination on which the people of Croatia and Slovenia have embarked," Senator Evans said. "The governments of Croatia and Slovenia have given the necessary undertakings ■ identified by (he Eu rope n Community - about respect for tlir rule of law, observance of human rights, acceptance of democratic principles and willingness id abide by international obligations and Australia accordingly w¡slues to enter into diplomatic relations with froth countries..'1 Senator Evans advised that Australia will lie proposing accreditation to Croatia and Slovenia fry tlie Australian Ambassador in Vienna. Senator Evans also confirmed tliaf Australia inlcndcd to establish a Consulalc In Zagreb to be headed, in the first instance, by an Honorary Consul, A nomination would be Submitted to tlie authorities in Zagreb as soon as diplomatic relations are established, '"Our tine disappointment is that we arc not afrle to take this aclion in the conlcxt of an overall solution to the ptoblcms in the region," Senator Evans said. Australia will continue to give close considérafiojt to tlie question of the recognition of (lie republics of Macedonia and Bosuia-Heizcgovina,The Australian Government is well disposed towards ihe claims of indépendance of these republics but would not wish to take action in advance of a decisive move towards recognition by a numl^r of European countries. Senator Evans said that the international community, and tu particular Ihe United Nations and Ihe European Community, must continue iheir efforts to achiave a comprehensive and peaceful resolution. "Australia will play Its part in Support of ihese efforts," Senator Evans concluded. Slovensko Pismo, No. 11, p. 8. MEDIA RELEASE SENATOR ROBERT HILL TO VISIT NEW STATES OF CROATIA AND LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION IN THE SENATE SLOVENIA SHADOW MWISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS "Hie Shadow Minister for l-'oreign Affairs, Senator Rohert Hill, lodaj welcomed Australia's lecopiition of Croatia and Slovenia jfid announced he would visit the two uv slat« early next motuh. "The Federal Opposition welcomes the Australian Govern, mtnt'i decision io grant diplomatic recognition to the fanner Yugoslav republics of Croatia and SI ovinia," Senator Hill nu. 'Tlie Opposition yesterday urged the Government to suppon Uie decision the liuropejn Community was lo makeon; might Oil tlie recognition of former Yugoslav repubbes by itself granting diplomatic recognition. "To underline the Opposition's support for Croatia and Slovenia, I plan to visit (he new slates early next month. I will use my visil (0 Zagreb and Ljubljana lo explore ways in which Australia can develop its relationship with the new stales and ountibule tD the peace prociii, "Tlw EC's and Australia's recognition Of Crn&tia and Slovenia is all encouraging development in the peace proceSl, but (ht task ahead is still enormous, "Apart from (he maintenance of ihe cu trent cease firt and the deploymenl of UN peacekeeping forces, Australia and the Lntemattjnal community win need to focus on important humanitarian issues arising out of a ccsniliei which has repot-tedly killed at least 6000. "For example, the number of people displaced by the conflict is estimated to be mora than 6UO,000. two thirds of whom are women and children - and the figure is increasing. "Urgent provisions need to be made available lo these refugees, anil a major program of return and lesailemetu must be put in place. "Ansiralis can help this process by contributing to a special fund established by the Urtiled Nations 10 provide humanitarian assistance. Thursday, Januaiy 16 06/92 19921 17 Ja 'dJiuAri/ SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET - VIKTORIJA SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL - VICTORIA MELBOURNE (AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFEREMCA ZA SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRESI (AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN CONFERENCE FOR SLOVENIAN WORLD CONGRESS} Gospod Janez Janša Minister za obrambo Skupščina Republike Slovenije Spoštovani gospod Janša! Z velikimveseljem smo sprejel i novico, da ste pripravi jeni priti med nas v Avstralijo. Radi bi, da bi bili prisotni na naših proslavah ob pri znanju Republike Slovenije; posebno se, ker vemo, kako veliko vlogo ste odigrali v boju za demokracijo in za obrambo nase ljube Slovenije. S tem dopisom vas vabimo, da ste nas častni gost, vključno s spremljevalcem, ki mora potovati z vami; z vsemi obveznostmi politične in finančne narave. Slovenski narodni svet Viktorije je iniciator tega obiska, gosti tel ji bodo slovenski narodni sveti Viktorije, NSW, ACT, Queenslanda in Južne Avstralije; pod okri1 jem Avstralske slovenske konference. Ker so razdalje v nasi novi domovini "gromozanske", menimo, da bi bilo najbolje, ce bi med nami ostali najmanj 10 dni. Proslava ob avstralskem priznanju Slovenije v Melbournu bo na slovenski kulturni praznik Prešernov dan, v soboto 8.feb.l992. Zaradi časovnega zamika in dolgega potovanja vas prosimo, da bi bili 7.feb.(ali se prej), v Melbournu. Med tednom bi se sestali s predstavniki avstralske vlade v Canberri, naslednji konec tedna vas pričakujejo v Sydneyu. Glede možnih potovanj v Queensland in Južno Avstralijo vec , ko nam boste javili, koliko časa boste 1ahko ostali med nami. Prosim, javite nam čimprej, kdaj vas lahko pričakujemo. Smo ze stopili v kontakt z ministrskim predsednikom g.Keatingom, glede vašega obiska s Senatorjem Rayem, avstralskim obrambnim ministrom. Tudi z gospodom Breznikom smo se dogovorili, glede posredovanja in z g.Falezem. Veselimo se vašega obiska in nestrpno čakamo na vas odgovor! Prisrčen pozdrav Simon Spacapan Predsednik Elica Rizmal Tajnica Tel 03 755 2626 03 752 0003 _ELa_ü_Q3l- 155 IZAfi_ P.O BOX 197. KEW, MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA. 3101 Melbourne, 17.1.1992 TEL FAX. Canberra gives recognition to Slovenia, Croatia By KATHERINE GLASCOTT and RICHARD SPROULL THE Federal Govern men! yesterday decided to recognise the independence of the former Yugolsav Slates of Slovenia and Croatia - but said it would continue to recognise the Federation of Yugoslavia. The Minister for Foreign Affairs. Senator Evans, said while Australia would maintain diplomatic relations witli Yugoslavia, it would give consideration to the question ol the recognition of the republics ol Macedonia and Bosn ia-Hersse govina. But he said it would not move towards recognising the two other republics until a decision was made by European nations. "We will continue to recognise what is left of Yugoslavia as Yugoslavia and our mission in Belgrade will stay ... accredited to Yugoslavia, and there will be no change in the status ol the Yugoslav mission here in Australia," he said. "But as the situation is progressively resolved in relation to Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina. the question would have to be addressed as to who will be the proper successor State to Yugoslavia, whether there's anything left that can be property so . described." Despite recognition of the two republics. Senator Evans said it was "no panacea" to an amicable solution to the problems within Yugoslavia "We can just hope that the process will hold, we can just hope that the Germans who have led the way on this have got it right when they say tliat on balance the recognition will work to advantage," he said The Prime Minister, Mr Keating, welcomed the establishment or the new States but said much remained to be done before the people of Croatia and Slovenia were able to enjoy peace and prosperity. The Minister for Trade and Overseas Development, Mr Kerin. announced that Australia would provide a further $250.000 to United Nations agencies to assist those affected by the conflict in Croatia, Slovenia, and Yugoslavia This is in addition to the Relations maintained 5200,000 in emergency funds already contributed by the Federal Government. The national president of the Australian-Croatian Communities Council. Mr Anton Grivec, said the recognition of Croatia as a sovereign arid independent State was an event Croatians had sought For 900 years. "This is a day on which we can feel very pleased and proud but it is obviously also tinged with remorse at the enormous destruction and loss of life suffered by our people in this war against Croatia." he said. While the Government's decision to recognise Croatia and Slovenia was welcomed by local groups, the Serbian community complained that the Government had acted too soon without guarantee-nig the rights of Serbs in Croatia. A spokesman for the Serbian National Federation ol Australia, Mr Ilija Glislc. said: "The Australian Government might find itself in a position similar to East Timor where it rushed in and recognised Indonesian sovereignty before anyone else and is now kicking Itself." The Yugoslavian federation was not opposed to Croatian independence but said its boundaries should be established by proper international legal processes, and the rights ol Serbian and other minorities protected, he said. The Opposition spokesman on foreign affairs. Senator Robert Hill, announced that he would visit the two new States early next month to -underline the Oppositions support for Croatia and Slovenia". Meanwhile. Croatian and Slovenian communities celebrated throughout the nation. In Adelaide the red. white and sky-blue flag of Croatia Hew proudly as the relatively small but strong community gathered to celebrate the Government's recognition of its native sovereign State. About 500 members oi the Adelaide community held a one-minute silence to remember friends and family killed in the recent conflict- More reports — Page 6 /iinualrt/ MELBOURNE The Australian, January 17. SLOVENIJA 1992 Ko so samostojno Slovenijo priznali, v Avstraliji od veselja smo plesali. Misleči: Slovenija druga Švica bo postala, kmalu bogata, čeprav je mala. Po priznanju, že prvi dan, so drveli tanki čez poljan. Hrabrim Slovencem hvala gre, da so izgnali tanke iz Slovenije. Potem strašni boji so sledili, ko Srbi in Hrvati so po krvi vpili. V Jugoslaviji razni narodi in vere so kot v panju razdražene čebele. Jugoslavija je razkosana - na Balkanu so vasi in mesta razdejana. V Bosni in Hercegovini povsod gori; zbegano ljudstvo žejo in lakoto trpi. Begunci na vse strani bežijo - na tisoče; pribežali so v našo domovino. Naša nova domovina Slovenija mala, kje naj vzame, da bo beguncem pomagala? Slovenija, kot nebogljeno dete se mi zdi. V strahu gleda, kaj okoli nje se godi. Vsi upamo, da bo kmalu tudi te vojne konec in Slovenci imeli bomo spet dobrot poln lonec. Marcela Bole, Melbourne, 1992 C/ C/ / /ilMalri/ Mt. MEE - QLD FINLAND PRIZNANJE DRŽAVE REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE. FINLAND RECOGNIZES THE INDEPENDENCE AND SOVEREIGNTY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA. MELBOURNE Zahvalna maša Slovencev in Hrvatov v katedrali St. Patrick, mašuje nadškof Francis Little. Hrvaška skupnost proslavi pred parlamentom priznanje države Republike Hrvaške. Joint Slovenian and Croatian Mass at Cathedral of St Patrick, with Archbishop of Melbourne, Sir Frank Little. Croatian community celebrates the recognition of the Republic of Croatia in front of Parliament House. and Australia THE Serbian community in Austraiia should not interpret the Government's decision to recognise Croatia and Slovenia as a case of Canberra taking sides in the dispute that first divided, then destroyed Yugoslavia. Croatia and Slovenia qualified for recognition months ago. After trying unsuccessfully to modify the terms of the old federation, both republics held referendums on breaking from the rest of Yugoslavia. These passed with overwhelming majorities long before either republic declared its independ ence. The European Community's belated decision to acknowledge those acts of self-determination made the recognition of Croatia and Slovenia by other countries inevitable. Australia is merely catching up with the new reality in what was Yugoslavia, Serbs here should do the same. The death of Marshal Tito in 1980 left the Yugoslav federation without the kind of leader who could appeal to a "Yugoslav" sentiment over and above narrower ethnic loyalties. The collective leadership mode! that replaced Tito exacerbated this problem. The effect of a rotating presidency meant that no one republic could dom mate the others. But it also meant that the central Government was unable to make or implement decisions unless a consensus existed among the leaders of all the federation's constituent republics. The gap in economic performance between the northern republics of Croatia and Slovenia, on the one hand, and Serbia in particular on the other made consensus unlikely. So did the deep cultural and ideological differences between Croatia and Serbia in particular. As a result, the Federal presidency ceased to exercise authority in any meaningful sense of the word, and Yugoslavia's republics began to go their separate ways, "three groups have resisted that trend violently over the past six months. One is the Serb-dominated and communist-oriented Yugoslav People's Army, which has remained committed to Tito's original vision of a Yugoslav federation. A second is the leadership of the republic of Serbia, which has sought to whip up Serb nationalism as a distraction from declining living standards and a means of tilting the balance of power between Yugoslavia's republics in Serbia's favour. Last, there are the self-proclaimed leaders of the Serb minority in Croatia, who saw in Zagreb's declaration of independence a golden opportunity to carve out their own fiefdoms from the crumbling federation. That the resort to violence by the Yugoslav Army - first in Slovenia, and more recently in Croatia - has not had the support of al! Serbs in Serbia is clear enough. Demonstrations against the war have been growing in Belgrade. And increasingly the Army has had trouble finding enough young Serbs willing to be sent off to fight. People have been dodging military service, the desertion rate has risen and morale in the ranks is low. Historically, there has never been much love lost between Croats and Serbs. And relations between them have been tested severely by this war and the terrible recriminations on both sides that have accompanied it. To that extent, both the Croat and Serb communities in Australia deserve great credit for not allowing their differences to get out of hand here. There will be further tests in the immediate future as both communities react differently to Canberra's decision to recognise Croatia and Slovenia. It is to be hoped that calm and commonsense continue to prevail on both sides until everyone can put the whole tragic episode of the past six months behind them. 17 January SYDNEY The Sydney Morning Herald, 17 January. MELBOURNE 19921 /OttuAr/ J MELBOURNE SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET - VIKTORIJA (AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA ZA SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRESI SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL - VICTORIA (AUSTRALIAN SLOVEN IAN CONFERENCE FOR SLOVENIAN WORLD CONGRESS) Gospod Janez Janša Minister za obrambo Skupščina Republike Slovenije Spoštovani gospod Janša! Z velikimveseljem smo sprejel i novico, da ste pripravi jeni priti med nas v Avstralijo. Radi bi, da bi bili prisotni na naših proslavah ob priznanju Republike Slovenije; posebno se, ker vemo, kako veliko vlogo ste odigrali v boju za demokracijo in za obrambo nase ljube Slovenije. S tem dopisom vas vabimo, da ste nas častni gost, vključno s spremljevalcem, ki mora potovati z vami; z vsemi obveznostmi politične in finančne narave. Slovenski narodni svet Viktorije je iničiator tega obiska, gostite 1 ji bodo slovenski narodni sveti Viktorije, NSW, ACT, Queenslanda in Južne Avstralije; pod okriljem Avstralske slovenske konference. Ker so razdalje v nasi novi domovini "gromozanske", menimo, da bi bilo najbolje, ce bi med nami ostali najmanj 10 dni. Proslava ob avstralskem priznanju Slovenije v Melbournu bo na slovenski kulturni praznik Prešernov dan, v soboto 8.feb.l992. Zaradi časovnega zamika in dolgega potovanja vas prosimo, da bi bili 7.feb.(ali se prej), v Melbournu. Med tednom bi se sestali s predstavniki avstralske vlade v Canberri, naslednji konec tedna vas pričakujejo v Sydneyu. Glede možnih potovanj v Queensland in Južno Avstralijo vec , ko nam boste javili, koliko časa boste lahko ostali med nami. Prosim, javite nam čimprej, kdaj vas lahko pričakujemo. Smo ze stopili v kontakt z ministrskim predsednikom g.Keatingom, glede vašega obiska s Senatorjem Rayem, avstralskim obrambnim ministrom. Tudi z gospodom Breznikom smo se dogovorili, glede posredovanja in z g.Falezem. Veselimo se vašega obiska in nestrpno čakamo na vas odgovor! Pri srčen pozdrav / / PRIZNANJE DRŽAVE REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE. ROMANIA RECOGNISES THE INDEPENDENCE AND SOVEREIGNTY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA, also LUXEMBOURG. Proslava ob priznanju Republike Slovenije. Med častnimi gosti sta Mr. Michael Easson, tajnik Labor Council za NSW in Mr. Darby, predsednik organizacije Captive Nation. Proslava je v Slovenskem društvu Sydney. Napovedana trgatev v Brisbane se je spremenila v proslavitev priznanja Republike Slovenije. Praznovanje priznanja Slovenije pri Slovenskem društvu Planica Springvale. /anudri/ ROMANIA LUXEMBOURG SYDNEY BRISBANE MELBOURNE Celebration of Recognition of Republic of Slovenia. Among the special guests are Mr. Michael Easson, Secretary of Labour Council for NSW and Mr: Darby, President of Captive Nations Council of Announced celebration of grape picking was changed into celebration of the Recognition of Slovenia. Celebration of Recognition of Slovenia at the Slovenian Association Planica Springvale. V cerkvi sv. Rafaela se zbere lepo število Slovencev pri zahvalni maši za priznanje Slovenije. Proslavitev priznanja Republike Slovenije: Posebna zahvalna maša v cerkvi sv. Cirila in Metoda, Kew. At St Rafael's, a celebration of the Recognition of Slovenia with a Special Thanksgiving Mass. Celebration of Recognition of Slovenia in Adelaide. Special Mass at Sts Cyril and Methodius Church in Kew. 19 January SYDNEY MELBOURNE ADELAIDE 693 • Smiles all round . . . the district's Creation and Slovenian communities gathered last week to celebrate the world-wide recognition of their States' independence. Above, from left, enjoying the occasion are Danny and Maryanna Grzan and Melita and Brian Dolenec. • Marking the occasion . . . Jazica Gerden, right, and Mary Gadanec display a special celebratory cake. /iinu/lrv SYDNEY Novo doba, January 14-20. 21 /anuary MELBOURNE Keilor Messenger, 21 January. 21 January J ALBANIA ~> ? rT 23 January NETHERLANDS 24 January BRAZIL ^ 6 January MELBOURNE PRIZNANJE DRŽAVE REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE. ALBANIA RECOGNISES THE INDEPENDENCE AND SOVEREIGNTY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA. PRIZNANJE DRŽAVE REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE. THE NETHERLANDS RECOGNISES THE INDEPENDENCE AND SOVEREIGNTY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA. BRAZILIJA PRIZNA DRŽAVO REPUBLIKO SLOVENIJO. BRAZIL RECOGNISES THE INDEPENDENCE AND SOVEREIGNTY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA. Slovenski narodni svet Viktorije je odprl razstavo arhiva "Bitka za Slovenijo", ki je vsebovala uradne dokumente, članke, dopise posameznikov parlamentarcem, elektronsko pošto, fotografije, knjige in predmete iz vojne v Sloveniji. Idejo za arhiv dokumentacije je predlagala Draga Gelt, ki je preko Tereze Kral, Monash univerza, dobivala elektronske dopise iz Nemčije, kasneje so dopisi prihajali iz Inštituta Jožef Štefan v Ljubljani. Slovenian National Council organizes an Exhibition of the Archive "Battle for Slovenia", which included the official documents, reports, articles, personal correspondence to Australian parliamentarians, electronic mail, photos, books and objects from the war in Slovenia. Naša radost, bolečina, vera, strah, obup, odločnost, naša borba za bodočnost, nade, v mraku nam prižgane, sanje, v prsih pokopane, vse nekoč bo zgodovina: blažen, komur ni se bati, da ga kdaj bo sram jo brati! 6 jaAu/lrv J MELBOURNE Exhibition of documentation of The Battle for Slovenia at Slovenian Religious and Cultural Centre, Kew. Naša bitka za Slovenijo, p. 72. f992\ 27 January J PARAGUAY January/ J BOLIVIA PRIZNANJE DRŽAVE REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE. PARAGUAY RECOGNISES THE INDEPENDENCE AND SOVEREIGNTY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA. PRIZNANJE DRŽA VE REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE. BOLIVIA RECOGNISES THE INDEPENDENCE AND SOVEREIGNTY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA. 3 rebrua/v SLOVENIA Slovensko Pismo, No. 11, p. 9. HILL SEEKS AUSTRALIAN TRADE WITH THE NEW STATE OF SLOVENIA The Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator Robert Hill, visiting the newly independent state of Slovenia, said building worthwhile bilateral trade was the best way Australia could support the new democracies of Eastern Europe. "Slovenia lost through the break - up of the former Yugoslavia and is desperate to expand its markets," Senatori LI said today in the Slovenian capital, Ljubljana. "The 30,000 Slovenians living in Australia are the key to building bridges to an expanding trade relationship between Australia and Slovenia." While in Slovenia, Senator Hill addressed business and commerce leaders at the National Development Centre in Ljubljana on business and trade opportunities in Australia. H» Slovenian Foreign Minister, Mr.Rupel, told Senator Hill that Australia could help Slovenia with business and management training and with advice and assistance on democratic and parliamentary practices and procedures. The Deputy Prime Minister and Economics Minister, Mr.Ocvirk, also said Slovenia was anxious to leam from Australia's privatisation experiences. "With over 1000 Slovenian Government business enterprises still to be privatised, this process could provide opportunities for astute investors as Slovenia provides unique access to the Austrian, German and Italian market," Senator Hill said. "It is recognised that Slovenia's new democracy is fragile and to survive needs the support of a successful transition from a command to a market—driven economy. "Support for this process is an investment in freedom and stability." Senator Hill will later today arrive in the new state of Croatia and its capital, Zagreb. Tuesday, February 4 10/92 RAZGOVOR MINISTRA DR,DULARJA Z AVSTRALSKIM SENATORJEM R.HILLOM Dr.Dular je senatorja seznanil z osnovnimi podatki o Številu in organiziranosti Slovencev v Avstraliji, senator pa je sogovorniku zagotovil, da je slovenska populacija zelo prisotna v avstralskem življenju. V nadaljevanju razgovora je dr.Dular sogovornika seznanil z nekaterimi problemi Slovencev v Avstraliji: - Kljub zagotovilu, da bo avstralska država nadaljevala s financiranjem lektorata za slovenski jezik v Sydneyu, potem ko ga bo slovenska skupnost ustanovila in nekaj Časa vzdrževala, avstralska vlada financiranja do sedaj še ni prevzela. - Vprašanje prenosljivosti pokojnin, ki jih Slovenci pridobijo v Avstraliji in bi jih želeli uživati v Sloveniji je bilo urej'eno v posebnem sporazumu med Avstralijo in SFRJ. Slovenska stran želi, da se to v smislu sukcesije uredi tudi za naprej. V na daljnem pogovoru je dr.Dular omenil tudi vprašanje domov za ostarele. Slovenska skupnost je že sama začela z akcijami za gradnjo takšnih domov, zaželena pa bi bila tudi pomoč avstralske drŽave. Senatorja Hilla je seznanil tudi z željo Slovencev, da bi obnovili oddaje v slovenščini na sydneyskem radiju dvakrat tedensko. Senator Hili je izrazil začudenje, da so Slovenci v Avstraliji prosili ministra v Sloveniji, da v njihovem imenu spregovori o njihovih problemih. Za vpraianja, ki jih je postavni dr.Dular, ni vedel in je obljubil, da bo storil vse, kar je v njegovi moči, da bodo Slovenci dobili ugodne odgovore. Zanimal se je, koliko je še Slovencev po svetu in s kom konkretno od Slovencev slovenska vlada sodeluje v Avstraliji. Ljubljana, 3.2.1992 PRIZNANJE DRŽAVE REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE. TURKEY RECOGNISES THE INDEPENDENCE AND SOVEREIGNTY OF THE REPUBLlC OF SLOVENIA. Na povabilo Slovenskega narodnega sveta Viktorije prispe Janez Janša, minister za obrambo Republike Slovenije. Arrival of Janez Janša, Minister for Defence of Republic of Slovenia, guest of Slovenian National Council of Victoria. b February J TURKEY 7 February J MELBOURNE Angelca Povh, Stanka Gregorič and Janez Janša. Simon Špacapan, Štefan Merzel, Janez Janša and Drago Mate. Stanka Gregorič, Janez Janša and Simon Špacapan. 8 February MELBOURNE Janez Janša si je ogledal razstavo arhiva "Bitka za Slovenijo" in se je udeležil tiskovne konference v Verskem in kulturnem središču Kew. Slovenski narodni svet Viktorije je organiziral na dan slovenskega kulturnega praznika slovesno akademijo z naslovom "Podarjeno Tebi, priznana država Republika Slovenija" v dvorani Malvern Town Hall. Ideja in koordinacija kulturnega programa Draga Gelt. Prisotni: Janez Janša, minister za obrambo Republike Slovenije in njegov spremljevalec Drago Mate, melbournski nadškof Francis Little, nemški generalni konzul Hans George Fein, italijanski generalni konzul dr. Mario Alberto Montecalvo, zastopnik madžarskega ambasadorja Toni Alman, dr. Andrew Theophanous, predsedujoči "Parliamentarians for Croatia and Slovenia", ki je zastopal avstralskega prvega ministra Paul-a Keating-a in ministra za priseljevanje Gerry-ja Hand-a, gospod Ken Aldred, liberalni zvezni poslanec, zastopnik viktorijske premierke Joan-e Kirner, George Seitz, Michael O'Connor, "Executive Director of the Australian Defence Association", Paul Jokubaitis, predsednik litvanske skupnosti, Valda Liepins, predsednik baltiškega združenja in predsednik latvijske "Popular Front", Bruno Metsar, predsednik estonske skupnosti, Mate Verkic, predsednik hrvaškega koordinacijskega odbora, Stipe Sučič, predsednik HDZ-ja, Marjan Bošnjak iz Hrvaškega informacijskega centra, Josip Cuk, koordinator hrvaške oddaje na etničnem radiu 3ZZZ, predstavniki Avstralske slovenske konference, Aleksandra Čeferin, predsednica Slovenske učiteljske zveze, Andrej Fistrič, predsednik Slovenskega društva Melbourne - edini predsednik slovenskih društev v Viktoriji. Janez Janša je predal Slovenskemu narodnemu svetu Viktorije posebno priznanje in medaljo za uspešno delo. JANEZ JANŠA was present at the Exhibition of the Archive "Battle for Slovenia" and press conference at the Religious and Cultural Centre Kew. Slovenian National Council of Victoria organized a presentation entitled"Dedicated to You, Recognized New Country Republic of Slovenia" on Slovenian Cultural Day in Malvern Town Hall. Special guests: JANEZ JANŠA, Minister for Defence of Republic of Slovenia, and his companion, DRAGO MATE; Archbishop of Melbourne, the Most Reverend Sir FRANCIS LITTLE; His Excellency, Mr HANS GEORGE FEIN, Consul General of the Republic of Germany; His Excellency Dr MARIO ALBERTO MONTECALVO; Consul General of Italy, Mr TONI AlMAN; representing the Ambassador for the Republic of Hungary, Dr LASZLO PORDANY; Dr ANDREW THEOPHANOUS, Federal Member for Calwell, Victoria and Chairman of the "Parliamentarians for Slovenia and Croatia"; Senator SID SPINDLER, Member of the "Parliamentarians for Slovenia and Croatia"; Mr KENNETH ALDRED, Federal Member for Deakin, Victoria; Mr GEORGE SEITZ, Member for Keilor, representing the Hon. Premier of Victoria, Mrs JOAN KIRNER; Mr MICHAEL O'CONNOR, Executive Director of the Australian Defence Association; Mr PAUL JOKUBAlTlS, President of the Lithuanian Community; Ms VALDA LEPINS, President of the Baltic Council, and President of the Latvian Popular Front, Mr BRUNO METSAR; President of the Estonian Community, Mr MATE VERKIC; President of the Croatian Coordinate Committee, Mr Sučic; President of the HDZ, Mr MARJAN BOSNJAK; Mr JOSIP CUK, Coordinator of Croatian Program on Radio 3ZZZ, Spokesman for the Croatian Information Centre; Mrs ALEKSANDRA CEFERIN, President of the Slovenian Teachers Association of Victoria; and Mr ANDREW FISTRlČ, President of the Slovenian Association Melbourne. Janez Janša presents an Award and Medal in appreciation of efforts to Slovenian National Council of Victoria. Archbishop of Melbourne Dr Francis Little and Janez Janša. Janez Janša and Simon Špacapan-speeches at Malvern Town Hall. S February J MELBOURNE 1992 > O _f (t> / P I ^ffíliíl^l* 1992 ■íii s s- I iliflil í| -1? ^ >J ^ ^ ïl »¿fililí?*? 'Ijlllll fililí flIillIÍHU íllfí Inscription in the Guest book of SNS Victoria. Melbourne. Versko in kulturno središče Kew. Zgodovinski dogodek: nepozabno predavanje Janeza Janše o kritičnem času svojega življenja, ko je bil kot eden izmed "četverice" v zaporu ter o vojni v Sloveniji in o današnjem političnem življenju v Sloveniji. Popoldan se udeleži bosansko-hercegovskih demonstracij, kjer spregovori nekaj besed. Sreča se tudi s Paul-om Filing-om, liberalnim zveznim poslancem iz Perth-a, tajnikom "Parliamentarians for Croatia and Slovenia", ki prispe v Melbourne prav za to priložnost. Gosta se srečata s Slovenci v Slovenskem društvu Melbourne. Religious and Cultural Centre Kew. Historical event: an unforgettable lecture by Janez Janša about a critical time in his life. He spoke about being one of the "four" in the prison, about the war in Slovenia, MELBOURNE and about today's political life in Slovenia. In the afternoon, he is a guest speaker at Herzeg-Bosnian demonstrations. He meets with Mr Paul Filing, Liberal Member of Parliament from Perth and initiator and secretary of "Parliamentarians for Croatia and Slovenia", who came from Perth especially to meet the Minister. Both guests meet with Slovenians at the Slovenian Association Melbourne. 9 FeL 'rrud/v Celebration and Welcome at Slovenian Association Melbourne: Drago Mate, Stanko Penca, Paul Filling MP, Janez Janša, Andrew Fistrič, Leah and Melissa Fistrič, Marie, Natasha and Damien Pišotek, Simon and Samatha Penca. Magda Pišotek, Janez Janša, Draga Gelt, Drago Mate and Marija Penca at Slovenian School. President SAM Andrew Fistrič and Janez Janša. 9 February 9 MELBOURNE Slovenian Association Melbourne. Stanko Penca, Janez Janša, Paul Filling MP and Magdalena Tomšič. 10 'ebrurlrt/ ebruary GEELONG^ Karlo Berginc. Štefka Matkovič, Lojzka Kuhar, Janez Janša, Ivo Širca and Tone Štefanič. 708 Minister Janša se je srečal z avstralskim zveznim ministrom za obrambo, senatorjem R. Rae-jem. Pogovoril se je tudi s senatoIjem Sid-om Spindler-jem in odvetnikom za mednarodno pravo in avstralsko odvetnico. Zvečer večerja in sestanek s člani odbora Slovenskega narodnega sveta Viktorije. Na večerji prisotna tudi direktorja Euro International in Euro Furniture. Minister Janša met with the Australian Federal Defence Minister, Senator R. Rae, along with Senator Sid Spindler and with the expert for International Law and an Australian solicitor. In the evening, a dinner and meeting with the committee of Slovenian National Council of Victoria; present at the dinner are the managers of Euro International and Euro Furniture. Janez Janša obišče Slovensko društvo Ivan Cankar v Geelongu. Janez Janša visits Slovenians at the Slovenian Association Ivan Cankar, Geelong. 992 SREČANJE Z OBRAMBNIM MINISTROM SLOVENIJE V ADELAIDE Tudi Slovenci v Adelaide smo bili deležni visokega obiska iz Slovenije, ministra Janeza Janše, ter njegovega spremljevalca Draga Mateta. Njegov kratek obisk v Adelaide se je pričel ob 11.20 dne 12. februarja 1992. Sprejem ministra, ki je pripotoval iz Melbourna, je bil slovesen in prisrčen. Med tistimi, ki so ga pričakali na letališču, so bili tudi Slovenci iz oddaljenega Hindmarsti Islanda. Ob tej priložnosti, je na tukajšnjem letališču prvič zaplapolala slovenska zastava, gosta pa sta bila sprejeta po stari slovenski navadi. Gospod Janez Zagorc je gostoma izrekel dobrodošlico v imenu SNS Južne Avstralije. Po namestitvi v hotelu, si je gost, na svojo željo, ogledal nekatere zanimivosti mesta. V spremstvu manjše skupine Slovencev, si je ogledal Hodfast Bay, mesto, koder je 28. decembra 1836 kapetan John Hindmarsh R.N. pred množico 600 ljudi proglasil britansko kolonijo Južno Avstralijo. Gosta sta si ogledala mesto Adelaide iz Montefiori Hill, kjer stoji spomenik načrtovalcu mesta, polkovniku Williamu Light-u. S prijaznim dovoljenjem osebja State Bank, sta si gosta ogledala mesto še iz druge perspektive, namreč iz State B ank Rooftop Walkway. V imenu mesta Adelaide, je ministra Janšo sprejel Councillor Henry Ninio, ki je gostu izkazal vse državniške časti. Sledil je sprehod iz Victoria Square do North Terrace. Gosta sta pozorno prisluhnila zgodbi o nastanku tega mesta in pripovedovanjem o njegovih arhitekturnih posebnosti. Sledil je ogled normalnega utripa mesta, kakor ga pač lahko obiskovalec začuti iz samega mestnega središča. Zaradi časovne omejenosti obiska, sta si gosta uspela ogledati samo še spomenik Neznanemu junaku, kamor so Slovenci, skupaj s Hrvati, po velikem mirovnem shodu 7.7.1991 položili venec padlim v domovini. Dodati je treba Se samn, da so mnogi Slovenci iz Adelaide ta obisk izpustili. Pogovor Z ministrom nt xalitcval niti denarja niti mnogo časa in prav tako ni Slo za nikakršno v. hi mitje stranska rs k e podpore. Prticl je, kot smo lahko razbrali iz njegovega govora, v imenu slovenskega parlamenta, da se osebno ¿alivali za vso izkazano pomoč Okoli šeste ure zvečer je bila v hotelu The Hyatt-Regency večerja z večjim številom Slovencev, večina med njimi članov SNS Južne Avstralije. Po prijaznem klepetu smo se napotili proti Slovenskemu verskemu središču kjer se je odvijala osrednja točka obiska. V skromni dvoranici Verskegs središč"-1 v Hindmarsh-u, se je /.brala precej velika skupina poslušalcev, med njimi tudi večja skupina predstavnikov hrvaške in albanske narodnosti. V imenu SNS Južne Avstralije je gosta pozdravila ga. Laura Premrl, ki je med drugim omenila tudi naslednje: "...Ko smo, pred približno pol leta, nemo in s strahom v očeh in srcih hlastali za informacijami iz Slovenije, smo povsem delili usodo z deželo, katere del in dediči smo. Up in strah sta, tako kot v Prešernovih Časih, šla i roko v roki. Oddaljenost in občutek nemoči, ker nismo bili tam sta samo se poglabljala goije. Up je bil in ostaja naše edino orožje. Toda k sreči, to kar so bile na začetku moreče sanje, se je sprevrglo v radost, pa čeprav z grenkim priokusom. Vaše ime, gospod minister, je poosebljenje boja, ki ga je Slovenija tako odločno bila. Pa ne samo to, S svojim znanjem, odločnostjo in hladnokrvnostjo, ste vedno znova dosegali največ, kar je v danem trenutku bilo mogoče doseči. Vir našega ponosa ste in z veseljem sprejemamo Vaš obisk kot obisk prvega državnika samostojne, mednarodno priznane države Slovenije..." V pogovoru s poslušalci je minister Janša razložil njegove poglede na vojno, politični ter ekonomski položaj Slovenije. Dotaknil se je tudi širših, mednarodnih razsežnosti priznanja republike Slovenije kot neodvisne in suverene države. Odgovarjal je tudi na mnoga vprašanja obiskovalcev. Prijeten večer se je zaključil s prigrizkom, ki so ga pripravile naše gospodinje. Naslednjega dne, zgodaj zjutraj, tik pred odhodom gostov v Canbeno, se je od njiju poslovila manjša skupina lljudi. Obisk je torej potekal brez vsakršnih zapletov, gospoda ministra pa smo spoznali kot dostajnega, prijaznega, dostopnega in skromnega mladega Človeka, čeprav je prav po njegovi zaslugi Slovenija vodila tako uspešno vojno proti okupatoiju. Njegov obisk je v nas ponovno utrdil zaupanje v Slovence in slovenstvo. V spomin tistim, ki so darovalil svoja življenja za drugačno Slovenijo, je minister Janša zasadil pred vhodom v Slovensko versko središče mlado brezo, ter podaril grb Teritorialne obrambe Republike Slovenije, ter Priznanje z naslednjo vsebino: "Avstralski Slovenski Konferenci, Slovenskemu narodnemu svetu Južne Avstralije, vsem slovenskim rojakom v Avstraliji za dragoceno in nesebično pomoč matičnemu narodu v borbi za demokracijo, samostojnost in mednarodno priznanje Slovenije. (Minister za obrambo, Janez Janša, Ljubljana, 8.2.1992). Sloveniji s strani avstralskih Slovcrtctv. Avstralija je bila namreč prva neevropska država, ki je priznala slovensko samostojnost. Lepo je, da se slovenski parlamentarci tega zavedajo in da so ravno ministra Janeza Janšu izbrali za la obisk med nami. Slovenski narodni svet Juf.ne Avstralije februar, 1992 12 February 2 ADELAIDE Slovensko Pismo No. 11, p. 19-20 Fefndn/ 2 PRIZNANJE DRŽAVE REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE. :/ ~ MACEDONIA RECOGNISES THE INDEPENDENCE AND SOVEREIGNTY OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA SLOVENIA. ADELAIDE Slovenci iz Južne Avstralije sprejmejo Janeza Janšo in Draga Mateja. Minister Janša preda Slovenskemu narodnemu svetu Južne Avstralije medaljo za prizadevanje pri priznanju Slovenije. Zvečer je bila slavnostna večeIja s slovenskimi rojaki, predvsem čIani Slovenskega narodnega sveta Južne Avstralije v hotelu "Hyatt Regency". Na letališču je ministra sprejel predsednik SNS Ivan Zagorc. Minister Janša se je srečal tudi s slovenskimi rojaki v dvoranici slovenskega verskega središča v Hindmarsh-u. V imenu Adelaide je Janšo pozdravil občinski svetnik Henry Ninio. V imenu SNS SA je gosta pozdravila v Hindmarshu Laura Premrl. V pogovoru je minister Janša razložil njegove poglede na vojno in na politični ter ekonomski položaj Slovenije. Pred glavnim vhodom v cerkev je pred edinim spomenikom padlim v vojni za Slovenijo v Avstraliji posadil mlado brezo ter podaril grb Teritorialne obrambe Republike Slovenije in Priznanje ASK in SNS SA. Slovenians of South Australia welcome Janez Janša and Drago Mate. Minister Janša presents an award and medal in appreciation of their efforts to Slovenian National Council of South Australia. Janez Janša is welcomed by Councillor Henry Ninio. In the evening, dinner with Slovenians, mostly members of Slovenian National Council of South Australia at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Minister Janša meets Slovenians at the Slovenian Religious Centre at Hindmarsh and planted a silver birch at the only monument for the soldiers, giving their lives in Slovenian war, in Australia. Welcome at Adelaide Airport. Slovenian Mission Holy Family: Janez Janša planted a silver birch. FrJanez Tretjak OFM and Janez Janša. February ADELAIDE Holy Family Slovenian Mission: Drago Mate, Dr Frank, Danilo Kreševič, Janez Janša,Janez Zagorc and Laura Premrl. Attentive audience listening to the speech of Janez Janša. >A DEDIČ f 1992 ebruary Srečanje s Slovenci; minister Janša preda Slovenskemu narodnemu svetu ACT priznanje in medaljo za zasluge, ki so jih dosegli pri priznanju Slovenije v Avstraliji. Janša se sreča z lokalnim poslancem Jim-om Snow-om, ki ga povabi na kosilo v parlament. Prisotnih je bilo nekaj Slovencev; zvečer svečano srečanje v Slovenskem društvu Canberra. Tudi v Canberri spremlja Janšo Drago Mate. Na slovesnem sprejemu SNS Canberre in ASK, je minister Janša opisal razmere v Sloveniji in podaril priznanje. Avstralski gosti, g. Jim Snow, gospa E. Grasby, članice ACT Legislative Assembly, predsednik 13 teiruMsj Ethnic Community Council, g. Victor Rebakov. CANBERRA Meeting with Slovenians, Minister Janša presents a special award and medal in appreciation of their efforts to the Slovenian National Council of ACT. Janša meets with Local Member of Parliament, Jim Snow, who invites him to lunch at Parliament, with other Slovenians present. In the evening, a special gathering with Slovenians at the Slovenian Association Canberra. Cvetko Falež, Australian Member of Parliament, Janez Janša, Jim Snow, Marjan Kovač and Aloiz Kavaš. CANBERRA MINISTER JANEZ JANŠA ACT, 13. in 14. FEBRUARJA 1992 Povabilo obrambnega ministra gospoda Janez Janše v Avstralijo od SNS Viktorije je priljubljenega gosta napotilo tudi k nam v Canbcrro. Kako ga bomo sprejeli, kako mu bo všeč, kakšen vtis bo odnesel, kaj nam bo povedal, kaj mu bomo naročili mi in še kakšno vprašanje nam je rojilo po glavi. Zdaj je obisk za nami in zadovoljni si manemo roke, ker vemo, daje obisk bil lepši kot smo pričakovali. K uspehu smo doprinesli vsi, najbolj pa priijeten gost, ki umirja, navdušuje in osrečuje vsakogar v njegovi bližini. Njegove zasluge, ki so nam vsem dobro znane, ne bom tukaj posebej omenjal. V četrtek 13. februarja 1992, ob 9.45 jc skupina rojakov pričakala gospoda Janšo in njegovega spremljevalca g. Draga Mateta na canbcrskem letališču, ko sta priletela z obiska v Adelaidi. Po prijaznem pozdravu in predstavi navzočih smo odveli gosta v hotel Hyatt, kjer sta odložila prtljago, nato smo pa že hiteli na ogled Canbcrre. Canberra se ni bila v januaiju tako zelena kot jc letos, v vseh mojih 41-leiih bivanja v tej deželi, sem hitel pojasnjevati^ ko smo se z avtom dvigali na razgledno točko Mount Ainslie. Običajno je v tem poletnem času suha in ogorela, le drevje ji daje sivo zelen sij. Pogled v dolinno in daljavo kakih trideset kilometrov v eno in drugo smer nam je nudil razgled, ki je sličen slovenskemu, pa je v svoji evkalituski odeji popolnoma avstralski. Regatta Point ali Canberra Exhibition Centre jc gostoma nudil vpogled v zgodovino in razvoj Canberre v sliki in filmu. Izbira prostora za glavno mesto je dana nekaterim narodom le enkrat v zgodovini, pojasnjuje komentator v filmu. Mislim, da sta gosta odnesla lep vtis, ki je v tem mestu nekaj izrednega. Canberra jc zrasla v glavno mesto v eni življenjski dobi in nekateri Slovenci smo večji del te rasti doživljali osebno. Vrhunska privlačnost Canberre je štiriletni avstralski parlament. Palača jc vredna bilijon avstralskih dolarjev in je doživela že veliko pohval, pa tudi nekaj grajanj. Slovenskega obrambnega ministra Janša smo lahko na povabilo našega znanca, poslanca Jima Snow popeljali tudi v predele, ki so nedostopni navadnim državljanom. No, nekaj takega rabimo tudi mi v Sloveniji, se je pohvalno izrazil minister, ko smo občudovali dolge hodnike, lepe konferenčne sobe in bogate dvorane. Na prvi pogled je zunanji vtis podoben Plečnikovemu načrtu, smo morali priznati ministru. Po ogledu spodnje in zgornje zbornice smo se napotili na kosilo v krasno jedilnico, na povabilo člana avstralskega parlamenta, da je počastil našega visokega gosta iz Slovenije. Po kosilu smo popeljali g. Janšo v Australian War Memorial (vojni muzej), saj ........ ,:;:.:■.■.■■ . Slovensko ■■.... ■... .. ...:.-.:>. Pismo predsednik Avstralsko slovenske konference je No. 11, bil v spremstvu in nas poučil, da je to najbolj p 21-22 obširen in bogat vojni muzej na svetu. Velike dvorane, polne zgodovinskih ostankov bitk ter slike in kipi ponazarjajo spomine avstralskih vojakov v bojih, skoraj po vsem svetu. Vse je prikazano dostojno brez politične vsiljivosti, ki je tako značilna za OF. Naš ogled smo morali skrčiti, saj bi lahko trajal ure če ne dneve. Pred odhodom v hotel smo napravili obisk prekrasne spominske kapele, posvečene avstralskim vojnim žrtvam. Pred kapelo so nepregledne vrste imen vseh padlih avstralskih vojakov na vseh bojiščih sveta. Canbcrrski motiv s Senatorjem Jimom Snowam in ministrom.. Po dobri uri oddiha smo gosta popeljali se na canberski razgledni stolp. Na mesto smo gledali iz druge smeri in odpiral sc nam je pogled v Woden, kraj slovenskega doma, kjer so nas čakali člani Slovenskega društva. Zbrana jc bila skoraj vsa slovenska občina. Minister Janša je pozdravil vsakega posebej, saj nas v Canberri res ni čuda veliko. Verjetno kakih dvesto, pa tudi otrok je bilo nekaj, ki so mu najprej zaplesali nekaj narodnih. Skoraj takoj je sledila izvrstna večerja in že tudi so se vrstili govori: predsednik gospod Alojz Kavaš, ki je pozdravil goste, predsednik Avstralsko slovenske koonfercnce, g. Marjan Kovač, 14 February BRISBANE PRIZNANJE DRŽAVE REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE. RUSSIA RECOGNISES THE INDEPENDENCE AND SOVEREIGNTY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA. Slovenskega obrambnega ministra Janeza Janšo in spremljevalca Draga Mateja so sprejeli Slovenci v nabito polni dvorani Slovenskega društva Sydney. Slovenian Defence Minister Janša, with his companion Drago Mate, are welcomed at the Slovenian Association Sydney. 4 F ebruary RUSSIA SYDNEY Minister Janša je prispel v Queensland, kjer ga je pozdravila najprej 9 letna Sara Novak, potem pa predsednik SNS Queensland Jože Vah in predsednik kluba Planinka Stanko Heric. Ljudje so ministra spraševali o dogodkih v Sloveniji. Minister Janša arrived to Queensland and was welcomed by 9 year old Sara Novak and the president of SNS Queensland Jože Vah and the president of Slovenian Association Planinka Stanko Heric. People were asking Minister Janša about the situation in Slovenia. BRISBANE Welcoming Janša in Brisbane: Albina Vah, Drago Mate, Tončka Heric, Janez Janša, Marica Podobnik, Anica Cuderman, Edita and Franc Penko, Jože Vah. 1992 PRIZNANJE DRŽAVE REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE. IRELAND RECOGNISES THE INDEPENDENCE AND SOVEREIGNTY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA. Minister Janša obišče Slovensko versko središče v Merylands-u in Slovenski klub Triglav. SNS NSW Sydney je v Slovenskem društvu Sydney pripravil svečano prireditev, Proslavo zmage ob složnem sodelovanju vseh slovenskih organizacij v Sydneyu. Častni gosti - predstavniki slovenskih organizacij in sosednjih držav: Italije, Avstrije in Madžarske. Ministrskega predsednika je zastopal poslanec Ted Grace, vodjo opozicije pa poslanec Phillip Ruddock, sydneyskega kardinala in primasa Avstralije Clancyja je zastopal škof David Cremin; hrvaško skupnost je zastopal Vlado Lusič. Župan mesta Fairfielda Denid Donovan je pozdravil vse goste. Prisotni so bili tudi: generalni konzul Nemčije, konzula Avstrije in Madžarske, predstavniki hrvaške in baltiške skupnosti ter drugi gosti. Predsednik SNS NSW Dušan Lajovic je pozdravil goste, kot tudi predsednik ASK, Marjan Kovač in vodja Slovenskega informativnega centra Sydney, Alfred Brežnik. Slovesnost je zaključil govor predsednika SDS Štefana Šerneka. Minister Janša visits Slovenian Religious Centre at Merrylands and Slovenian Club Triglav. SNS NSW prepared a special program, The celebration of Victory for the successful cooperation of Slovenian organisations in Sydney. The honorary guests were: Ted Grace, Phillip Ruddock, Bishop David Cremin; from Croatian community Vlado Lusic. Lord Meyer of Fairfielda Denid Donovan greeted all guests. President of SNS NSW Dušan Lajovic greeted the guests as well as the president of ASK, Marjan Kovač and the leader of Slovenian In formation Centre Sydney Alfred Brežnik. IRELAND SYDNEY 1992 SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET, N.S.W. SLOVENE COUNCIL OP N.S.W. PROSLAVA ZMAGE z obrambnim ministrom republike Slovenije Janezom Janšem Fanfare • Martin Blcesing L Slovene end Australian Notional Anthems - Triglav men's choir, led by Sr. Francka Z Welcome by the Mayor of City of Fairfield - Aldenuao Denis Donovan 3. Welcome of guwts by the President of Slovenian Conncii of N\S.W, * Mr. DuSan Lajovic 4. Address by the President of the Australian-Slovene Conference - Kir. Marjan Kovač 5. 'Domovini' - Triglav men's choir, fed by Sr. Francka 6. Address by the Head of the Slovenian Information Office - Mr. Alfred Brržnik 7. "Dolenjska' - Triglav men's choir, led by Sr. Francka 8. Address by the Guest OF Honour - Defence Minister of the Republic of Slovenia -Mr, Jane* JanSa 9. "Slovenska Zemlja" - Sv Raphael'* Choir, led by Sr. Francka, accompanied by Miriam Stariha 10. Address by die Prime Minister's representative - Mr, Ted Grace, MJ\ 11. Address by the Shadow Minister of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs ■ Mr. Philip Ruddock IZ "Slovenska Domovina* St. Raphael's Choir, led by Sr. Francka, accsmpanicd by Miriam Stariha S3* Address on behalf of the diplomatic reprcsemoiivcs - Bishop David Crctmn 14, "Domov v slovenski kraj' - SL Raphael's Cboir, led by Sr. Francka, accompanied by Miriam Siariha li. Ostani, Matjaž - Tvan Kobal Ifi. 'Slovenec sem" - men's choir Slovene Association Sydney, fed by Mr. Jote Urbas 17. *Qir Triglav, moj dom" - men's choir Slovene Association Sydney, led by Mr. Jote Urbas 13. Address by the President of the Slovene Association Sydney - Mr. Stefan Semel 19. Tc pijmo ga* - men's choir Slovene Association Sydney, led by Mr. Jote Urbas 20. ljubljanski vafeck' - folk dan« group of Slovene Association Sydney, instniattl by ivana Slabndfiik, fed by Sonja Fisher and Ida Kunec, nocordian Kndi Crt&x VICTORY CELEBRATION Pogovor Janeza Janše z vodjem Slovenskega informacijskega urada in predstavnikom zunanjega IfFÎ- ministrstva Republike Slovenije Alfredom Brežnikom ter predsednikom Slovenskega narodnega sveta ebn NSW in predstavnikom zunanjega ministrstva Republike Slovenije za Novo Zelandijo, Dušanom SYDNEY Lajovicem. Prisotna direktor Euro International in Euro Furniture. Janez Janša meets Manager of Slovenian Information Office and representative of Slovenian Foreign Ministry, Alfred Brežnik, and with the president of Slovenian National Council for NSW and representative of Slovenian Foreign Ministry for New Zealand, Dušan Lajovic. Also present are the managers of Euro International and Euro Furniture. 1992 dvorana pri Slovenskem društvu Sydney, naslednji dan v nedeljo pa je obiskal versko središče v Merylandsu in ppopoldne klub Triglav. Lep pozdrav. Mirko Cuderman PROSLAVA Z OBRAMBNIM MINISTROM REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE JANEZOM JANŠEM "PROSLAVA ZMAGE" Kratek obisk v Avstraliji, obrambnega ministra Janeza Janše v vladi Republike Slovenije, sicer ni imel svetovnega obeležja, vendar za vso našo slovensko skupnost je bil pomemben in vesel dogodek. Ob desetdnevnem bivanju med nami je obiskal Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra, Brisbane in Sydney. Povsod je bil sprejet z navdušenjem. Slovenci smo ga sprejeli, kot se sprejemajo možje zaslužni za slovenski narod. V Sydneyu ga je v soboto 15. feb. sprejela nabito polna mt? f • Ml & ' 1 g-f : . v tri ■ I »m Pušeljc pa mora bit... Na tem domaČem večeru smo gosta spraševali o vseh spremembah doma. Zagotovil nam je, da si vsak izmed nas lahko nabavi slovenski poUii list in si tudi zagotovi volilno pravico, saj Avstralija prizna dvojno državljanstvo. Skoda, da je bil obisk tako kratek. Še veliko več bi si lahko povedali. Kdor se je udeležil tega srečanja, je imel priliko spoznati koristnost In informativnost takega večera. Lepo in primemo je bilo, da smo lahko za to priliko razdelili letake o ministru, ki smo jih prejeli iz Melbouma. Razgovor z Janezom Janšem je marsikomu razčistil dvom in utrdil zaupanje v napredek demokracije v naši stari domovini Sloveniji. V soboto sta si gosta na hitro ogledala Se nekaj tukajšnjih turističnih točk. Nato smo imeli skupno kosilo, na povabilo našega predsednika ASKa Marjana Kovača, ki pa je bil na žalost odsoten. Kmalu je bilo treba na letališče, kjer smo se zadnjikrat pozdravili. "Povabljeni in dobrodošli ste v Sloveniji," sta nam gosta za slovo še dejala, predno sta zapustila našo kraljičino deželo. 'ebruajv BRISBANE Slovensko Pismo, Year 3, No.1, p. 23. Pred zidom z leve na desno: g.Alfred Breznik, minister Janša ing.DuŠan Lajovic SYDNEY priredil Janši na Čast svečano prireditev: "Proslavo zmage", ob složnem sodelovanju vseh slovenskih organizacij v Sydneyu. Pred vhodom v dom so ministra sprejeli zastopniki slovenskih organizacij in mladinci folklorne skupne v narodnih nošah in mu poklpnili šopek nageljnov in izrekli dobrodošlico. Člani ansambla Vceseli Gorenjci, pa so mu zaigrali nekaj poskoinih viž. Svečanost večera se je začela s fanfaro in moški pevski zbor Triglav je za uvod zapel slovensko in avstralsko himno. V kulturnem sporedu sta sodelovala še moški pevski zbor Lipa in mešani pevski zbor iz Merrylartdsa. Vsak zbor je tekom večera zapel tri pesmi. Ivan Kobal je z zanosom recitiral svojo pesem: Vstani Matjaž. Folklorna skupina pa je ob koncu sporeda zaplesala ples: Ljubljanski valček. Poleg častnih gostov, predstavnikov slovenskih organizacij in podjetij, so bili časmi gostje generalni konzuli v Sydneyu, naših sosednjih držav: Italije, Avstrije in Madžarske. Ministrskega predsednika je zastopal poslanec Ted Grace, vodjo opozicije pa poslanec Philip Ruddock, Sydneyskega kardinala in primasa Avstralije Clancya je zastopal škof David Cremin.. Hrvaško skupnost v Sydneyu pa je zastopal Vlado Lusič. Župan mesta Fairfielda Denid Donovan je pozdravil vse goste, mladi državi Sloveniji pa zaželel obilo lepih uspehov in lepšo bodočnost njenim državljanom. Predsednik Narodnega sveta za NSW Dušan Lajovic je kot gostitelj večera v svojem dvojezičnem nagovoru pozdravil vse navzoče, predstavil občinstvu Častne goste in povdaril namen in pomen tega večera. Njemu sta na odru sledila Marjan Kovač, predsednik Slovenske avstralske konference in vodja Slovenskega informativnega centra v Sydney Fredi Breznik. Oba, vsak s svojega zornega kota sta podala kronološki pregled in razvooj SYDNEY Slovensko Pismo, Year 3, No.1, p. 24. MELBOURNE Odborniki Slovenskega narodnega sveta Viktorije od ustanovitve do zaključka. Committee Members of Slovenian National Council of Victoria from the establishment to the final year: Anton Brne, Ana Maria Cek, Kristina Cestnik, Matija Cestnik, Sandi Čeferin, Pavel Česnik, Draga Gelt, Jožica Gerden, Vlado Godec, Jože Golenko, Fr Tone Gorjup OFM, Branko Grom, Alojz Jakša, Alojz Kastelic, Dr Jure Koce, Emil Kodre, Vida Kodre, Franc Krenos, Marta Krenos, Helena Leber, Ivo Leber, Lenti Lenko, Tilka Lenko, Valentin Lenko, Anica Markič, Milena Merzel, Štefan Merzel, Kristina Mesaric, Marica Ostoja, Nikola Ostoja, Angelca Povh, Stanko Prosenak, Elica Rizmal, Vinko Rizmal, Kamica Satler, Lucija Srnec, Simon Špacapan, Karlo Štrancar, Tine Šuštarič, Tone Tomšič, Tone Urbas, Fr Basil Valentin OFM MBE and Fr Niko Žvokelj OFM. May crooked lightning frtirn tht pty drive all our enemies away, so «t at last may live and die free men as in out fatW» day- Out own strong kendi shsl! loose thesuandi of the strangling noose d the day! V sovražnike i oblakov rodil naj naign rrcSfi grom; ptoK, ko je bil očakov, neprsi naj bo Slovencev dom, r ¡i udrobi njih roki si spone, ki jih se teši! SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET £A '^Hj-JraLiff DOBRODOŠLI NA PROSLAVO ZMAGE WELCOME VICTORS CELEBRATION SLOVENIAN CO UN' - FOR N.S.W. 19921 18 February MELBOURNE S.B.A.A. MELBOURNE INC. LEVEL 1, 85-87 CHARLES ST KEW 3101 _POSTAL ADDRESS: P.O. BOX igyMONBULK 3793 ~__Our ret: SIovsilsko poslovno zdruzenje AvstraIi je, Mel bourne-Si oveni an Business Association of Aust ralia, Mel bourne INC, "S , E . A . A. "-Por oci 1 o o dejavnosti zdru2enja. Your re f.: r i Člani upravnega odbora so od ustanovitve do danes ze imeli 6 rednih sestankov. Z opravljenim delom smo lahko zadovoljni, saj smo pripravili zakonsko osnovo- pravilnik poslovanja in z 18,2.92 je nase poslovno zdruzenje registrirano v Melbournu. Vse |_ registracijske formalnosti ¿p uredil mlad pravnik s 1 ovenskega rodu g. Srečko Konte 1 j iz Geelonga sicer tudi clan našega poslovnega zdruzenja, O delovanju smo obvesti 1 i Ministstvo za zunanje zadeve in Gospodarsko zbornico Slovenije. M a SI ovenskem festivalu, kjer so sodelovali si ovenski k 1 ubi Viktorije, se je SBAA predstavilo s svojo reklamno stojnico z brošurami, ki smo jih dobili od ljubijanske in mariborske Gospodarske zbornice ter reklamnimi brošurami nekaterih slovenskih podjetij. Ljudje so pokazali zanimanje predvsem za. investicije in nakupovanje poslovnih prostorov in lokalov. " Med 6.in 12.marcem je bil nas gost predsednik Izvršnega sveta Nove Gorice, g.Črtomir Spacapan. Njegov obisk je hvi zelo pomemben, saj nam je dal odgovore na mnoga praktična vprašanja, na katera je pismeno težko odgovoriti. Organizirali smo mu razgovor s prvim administratorjem mesta Knox, z g. Caneom, s katerim sta izmenjala ideje in izkušnje pri upravljanju mest in občin. Po besedah sodeč, sta oba iz pogovorov odnesla nove ideje za nadaljnje delo. Na rednem sestanku 6.4.1992 sta bila prisotna dva gosta: g.Pat Case, višji svetovalec pri Gospodarski zbornici Viktorije in dr.Andrew Theophanous, zvezni poslanec in predsedujoči pri prijateljski skupini Parlamentarcev sa Slovenijo in Hrvaško. §.Case nam je razlozil delovanje Viktorijske zbornice, ki ima skoraj osem tisoč članov, kateri se je pridružila tudi SBAA. V sredini aprila smo se srečali se z g.Petrom ligo, predstavnikom Ljubljanske banke za Avstralijo, Novo Zelandijo in Malezijo. Z Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve so nas povabili, da se vključimo v pripravo obiska Dr, Rupla v Avstraliji prve dni v maju, kar bomo z veseljem naredili, saj menimo da bo razgovor z Dr, Ruplom za nas nadvse koristen. Obisk gospodarskega predstavnika za Slovenijo je po mnenju SBAA tudi nujen in upamo da bo do taksnega obiska kmalu prišlo. Odbor SBAA trenutno pripravlja pogoje in način delovanja pri izdajanjuinformacij o ponudbah s 1ovenskih proizvajalcev , vodenje evidence na računalniku, načinu financiranja, saj članarina članstva ne krije vseh stroškov itd. Lista ponudnikov se hitro siri in prepričani smo, da bo na£ trud v kratkem poplačan s prvimi poslovnimi uspehi. VINKO RIZMAL Tel .03-755 2526' Fax.03-755 1746 PRESIDENT: VINKO RIZMAL TEL. (03) 755 26Z6 FAX. (03) 755 1746 SLOVENSKI NARODNI SVET - VIKTORIJA SLOVENIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL - VICTORIA (AVSTRALSKA SLOVENSKA KONFERENCA 2A SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KfNGRES) (AUSTRAL IAN SLOVEN IAN CONF ERENC E FOfl SLOVENIAN worn C CONGRESS) Report sent to Victorian Radio stations: 3EA, 3ZZZ and 3YYR. Prosim, da objavite naslednje obvestilo: Pretekli Četrtek, 18,marca 1993 so se odprla vrata Slovenske dobrodelne organizacije, ki je bila ustanovljena v okviru Slovenskega narodnega sveta Viktorije. Posebej v ta namen urejena pisarna je v Slovenskem verskem središču v Kew. Telefonska Številka je 853 76 00. Uradne ure so vsak četrtek od 10 - 12 dopoldan in od 4 - 6 popoldan. Tajnost je zajamčena. Za začetek vam bodo skušali pomagati z informacijami in če ste osaml jeni vas vabijo na pomenek ob kavici. Najlepša hvala! The ladies working Llica Rizmal Tel 755 2626 Fax 755 1746 in the Slovenian Welfare Office: Helena Leber, Elica Rizmal and Kamica Satler. Melbourne. 19.3.1993 Slovenski narodni sveti v Avstraliji in Avstralska slovenska konferenca so bili ustanovljeni z velikim številom odgovornosti in dolžnosti. Najvažnejši namen je bil dosežen z uspešno bitko za Slovenijo in priznanje Slovenije, predvsem v Avstraliji. Nešteto pisem, srečanj, dopisov, peticij, moralno in finančno podporo Sloveniji, demonstracij, opominov, predstavitev, prevajanja uradnih dokumentov, sestankov z avstralskimi parlamentarci, z avstralskim predsednikom vlade in uresničevanja - vse za končni uspeh tukaj, v Avstraliji: avstralsko priznanje Republike Slovenije kot samostojne, suverene države. Narodni sveti: Viktorija, New South Wales, Canberra, South Australia, Western Australia in Queensland ter ASK so to dosegli. Čudovit uspeh skupine ljudi, ki jim je Slovenija v srcu in so se zavzeli za svoje poslanstvo! Nameni, načrti in ideje za delo Narodnih svetov in ASK so bili številni, kot so nanizani na drugih straneh v kroniki. Že v letih prizadevanj za priznanje so se Narodni sveti in ASK vključevali v razne akcije: med njimi je najpomembnejše zbiranje denarne pomoči za žrtve velikih poplav v Sloveniji - slovenska skupnost v Avstraliji je darovala kar lepo vsoto denarja, katero so poslali Slovenski Karitas. Celotna slovenska skupnost - vključno slovenska društva v Avstraliji - se je zavzela za pomoč in sofinanciranje slovensklega lektorata na Macquarie univerzi v Sydneyu. Drugič spet so bile različne nabirke za pomoč otroški bolnišnici in Kliničnemu centru v Ljubljani, pomoč bolnišnici v Novi Gorici, pomoč posameznikom, ki so potrebovali dolgotrajno in drago zdravljenje, pomoč pri sofinanciranju športnih in kulturnih skupin in plačilo narodno zabavnim ansamblov, ki so gostovali v Avstraliji. Največja nabiralna akcija slovenske skupnosti v Avstraliji je bila nabirka za pomoč žrtvam vojne v Sloveniji - vsi Narodni sveti in vsa slovenska društva v Avstraliji. Slovenska društva v Viktoriji, razen Verskega središča in SNS, so zahtevala, da se denar uporabi za humanitarne zadeve - bolnišnice in zdravila. Denar je bil nakazan na bančni račun Mohorjeve družbe v Celovcu. Po avstralskem priznanju Slovenije in po prihodu obrambnega ministra Janeza Janše so se načrti za Narodne svete in ASK Avstralije spremenili. V Avstralijo so bili povabljeni nekateri slovenski ministri, kulturne skupine, literati, športniki in narodno zabavne skupine. Narodni sveti so organizirali razne kulturne programe, literarne večere, razstave, obletnice ter vsakoletno praznovanje ob Dnevu državnosti. V Viktoriji je SNS ustanovil tudi štipendijski sklad in organiziral prvo štipendijo srednješolcu; organizirali so tudi Socialno skrbstvo, kjer so 12 ur na teden ljudje lahko dobili pomoč in odgovore na pereča socialna vprašanja. Delovali so na področju gospodarstva in v Viktoriji tudi posadili sadiko - mladiko mariborske Stare trte. Naslednje strani kronike niso napolnjene z obiski ansamblov, kulturnih prireditev, športnih dejavnosti in sprejemov, praznovanj obletnic, temveč so namenjene le dogodkom ob sprejemih slovenskih ministrov v Avstraliji, kajti zmagali smo bitko za Slovenijo v Avstraliji: Dr. Dimitrij Rupel - zunanji minister Republike Slovenije, maja 1992. Lojze Peterle - prvi predsednik vlade Republike Slovenije, septembra 1992. Dr. Peter Vencelj - minister za šolstvo in izobraževanje, junija 1993. 22. maja 1992 - Slovenija je postala članica Organizacije združenih narodov. Imenovanje častnega konzula za NSW in Viktorijo, Alfreda Brežnika, junija 1992. Imenovanje častnega konzula za Novo Zelandijo, Dušana Lajovica, junija 1992. Odkritje spomenika padlim za Slovenijo v Adelaidi. Slovensko Veleposlaništvo v Canberri in prvi odpravnik poslov, Aljaž Gosnar in uradna konzularna referentka Tina Omahen, aprila 1993. Odkritje spominske plošče na zidu prijateljstva v Hobartu, Tasmanija, novembra 1995. The Slovenian National Councils (Narodni svet/SNS) in Australia and the Australian Slovenian Conference (ASK) were established with numerous responsibilities and duties. The main purpose, debated expeditiously, was to support Slovenia's efforts for independence and to gain recognition of the same, especially by Australia. Into this effort were poured countless letters, meetings, correspondence, petitions, financial and moral support for Slovenia, demonstrations, reminders, introductions, translation of official documents, appointments with Australian Parliamentarians, and the Australian Prime Minister, to bring the dream to fruition - ultimately, to have the Australian Government recognise the Republic of Slovenia as an independent, sovereign state. The Slovenian National Councils and the ASK achieved this. This was a wondrously amazing success for a group of people for whom Slovenia holds a special place in their hearts and who had applied themselves towards helping Slovenia gain her independence. There were numerous intentions, plans and ideas for the work of the National Councils and ASK, as are set out in the pages of the Chronicle. During the years of striving towards independence, SNSs and ASK took part in various activities: amongst the most important of these was the organisation of financial aid for victims of Slovenia's floods. Australia's Slovenian community donated a generous amount of money which was sent to Slovenian Caritas for distribution. The entire Slovenian community was in support of helping to co-finance a Slovenian lecturer at Macquarie University in Sydney. At other times, there were various collections towards a children's hospital and clinic in Ljubljana; a hospital in Nova Gorica; the long-term and expensive medical care of individuals; assisting in the co-financing of sporting and cultural groups; and to pay expenses of visiting Slovenian entertainers and ensembles who visited Australia. The biggest fundraising effort of the Slovenian community in Australia was for the victims of the war in Slovenia. Victoria's Slovenian clubs, except the religious centre, and the SNS, stipulated that these funds be used for humanitarian purposes - hospitals and medicines. The funds raised were deposited into the account of the Mohorjova družba. Following Australia's recognition of Slovenia, and on the arrival of Defence Minister Janez Janša, SNSs' and ASK's plans changed. Several Slovenian ministers, cultural organisations, literary figures, sporting identities, and entertainment groups were invited to Australia. To celebrate the occasion of Slovenia's independence, the National Councils organised various cultural programs, literary evenings, exhibitions, and anniversary celebrations. In Victoria, SNS established a scholarship fund and conferred the first secondary school scholarship. They also organised a Welfare organisation which, during 12 hours per week, provided information and assistance to those who needed it. There were many meeting regarding the economy and the cutting of oldest Slovenian vine was brought and planted in Victoria. The following pages of the Chronicle are not filled with the visits of various ensembles, cultural presentations, sporting events or receptions, or celebrations of anniversaries but rather, they document the events during the visits of Slovenian ministers who contributed to the successful campaign for Slovenian independence: Dr Dimitrij Rupel - Foreign Affairs Minister Republic of Slovenia, May 1992. Lojze Peterle - First President of the Government of Republic of Slovenia, September 1992. Dr Peter Vencelj - Minister of Education and Culture in 1993. On 22 May 1992 Slovenia became a member of the United Nations. Appointment of Honorary Consul for NSW and Victoria, Alfred Brežnik, June 1992. Appointment of Honorary Consul for New Zealand, Dušan Lajovic, June 1992. Unveiling of the only monument in memory of the dead in Slovenian war, Adelaide. Slovenian Embassy in Canberra and Chargé d'Affaires, Aljaž Gosnar with the official person Tina Omahen, April 1993. Slovenian plaque at the Wall of Friendship, Hobart, Tasmania, november 1995. MELBOURNE t, V ponedeljek, 4. maja smo sprejeli dr. Rupla me I bourns ki Slovenci. Sprejem na letališču, zvečer pa v Verskem in kulturnem središču v Kew, med člani Slovenskega narodnega sv« U Viktorije. Dr.Rupel in njegovi spremljevalci so si med drugim ogledali tudi, letos februarja odprt dom ostarelih-Dom matere Romane, katerega idejni oče je pater Valentin Razilij. Po starem običaju so ministra in spremstvo sprejeli mladi s kruhom in soljo. Pozdravil jih je predsednik Slovenskega narodnega sveta Viktorije, gospod Simon Spacapan. Pred svečanim programom sla v dvorani zadoneli slovenska in avstralska himna, Alenka in Paul Paddle pa sta s peljem v duetu osvojila srca vseh prisotnih. Kratek kulturni program je zaključila Waltzing Matilda, avstralska neuradna himna, ki jo e zapel Vinko Rizmal. _ o programu so prisotni pričeli postavljati dr. Ruplu vprašanja: zaradi potnih listov, pokojnin, telekomunikacij in druga. Nezadovoljstvo je povzročil podatek, da se slovensko državljanstvo ukine z odsotnostjo; ter prekratek rok za vlopu za pridobitev slovenskega državljanstva. Dr.Rupel je sprejel tudi pismo Avstralske slovenske konference s predlogom, «a se ta rok podaljša. Za slovenske potne liste se lahko zaprosi preko gospoda Brežnika v Sydneyu, vendar so mnogi menili, da bi bilo nujno čimprej omogočiti, da bi se viklorijski Slovenci lab ko obrnili na svoje predstavniki: v Melbournu. V torek zjutraj 5.maja je dr. Rupel obiskal Hawthorn Institute of Tehnology, kjer se je z g. Eaganom pogovarjal glede avstralskega programa za izobraževanje za Vzhodno Evropo. Tam je bila tudi tiskovna konferenca za avstralske medi je, potem pa so si častni gosti ogledali znameniti melboum-ski Ari Center, ki je znan po izredni zvočnosti in čudoviti notranji ureditvi. Po kratkem ogledu in počitku v tem lepem okolju, obveznem slikanju in intervjuih za slovensko in hrvaško radijsko tiro na 3EA, so Hr. Rupla in spremljevalce odpeljala diplomatska vozila, na katerih je prvič v zgodovini plapolala slovenska zastava, nam vsem v ponos. Eliea Rizmal Welcome of Dr Dimitrij Rupel at Melbourne Airport and welcoming group: Fr Basil Valentine OFM MBE, Štefan Merzel, Marica Ostoja, Dr Dimitrij Rupel, Nikola Ostoja, Helena Leber, Stanko Prosenak and Vinko Rizmal. Dr Dimitrij Rupel at the Slovenian Religious and Cultural Centre, Kew Inscription in the Guest book of SNS Victoria. Melbourne. r. /r t 1 1 r*^,*^« £ AX. ¿Kv jM^-' * * ■ ---— j v J y ■ / f j ' V ' .......... .....cf- 6 A/Uy ^y CANBERRA Dr. Rupel na pogovorih z avstralskimi diplomati CANBERRA, 6.maja 1992-Siovenski zunanji minister dr. Dimitrij Rupel je imel tega dne v Canberri izčrpne pogovore z ministrom za zunanje zadeve Avstralije senatotjem Garetliom Evansom Srečat seje tudi z ministrom za znanost in tehnologijo Rossom Freejem, ministrom /a finance Johnom Dawkinsonom ter ministrom za ¡migracijo, lokalno upravo in etnične zadeve Gerrijem Handom, Poleg te ga se je dr. Rupel sestal z najvišjim predstavnikom avstralskega parlamenta Leom Mc Cleaijem in pred- Minister Rupel je sogovornikom pojasnil ozadje jugo slovanke krize in dal našo oceno pogovorov na bruseljski konferenci, vloge mirovnih sil in vloge Slovenije pri razreševanju krize. Zunanji minister Evans mu je v pogovoru o dclegitimizaciji in sukcesiji nove jugoslovanske države zatrdil, da so po mnenju Avstralije naslednice vse republike{ vseh šest) in obljubil aktivno pomoč pri vstopu Slovenije v mednarodne organizacije in v zvezi s tem pri ¡obiranju držav Aseana in držav južnega Pacifika. Prav tako ho prosi! indonezijskega zunanjega ministra Alijo Alatasa. naj pomaga pri navezovanju stikov med Slovenijo in gibanjem neuvrščenih. V zvezi 7. dvostranskimi spora zumi je bilo dogovorjeno, da bodo vse dotlej, dokler se ne sklenejo novi sporazumi med Slovenijo in Avstralijo, veljali stari, sklenjeni med bivšo Jugoslavijo Slovenska stran je izrazila interes predvsem za podpis sporazuma na področju gospodarskega sodelovali ja in s tem v zvezi predstavila idealno geografsko lego Kopra kot povezave med Srednjo in"Vzhodno First Slovenian politician representing sovereign Republic Slovenia welcomed at Australian Parlaiment House in Canberra. SYDNEY Fr Valerijan Jenko OFM OAM, Sister Hilarija Šanc, Dr Dimitrij Rupel and Sister Francka Žižek Dr Dimitrij Rupel (born 7 April 1946) is a Slovenian politician. Dimitrij Rupel was born in Ljubljana, in what was then the Socialist Republic of Slovenia, into a bourgeois family of former anti-fascist political emigrants from the Julian March (his grandfather was the last Slovene mayor of Duino in Austria-Hungary). After receiving a bachelor's degree in comparative literature and sociology from the University of Ljubljana, he continued his studies at the University of Essex, and Brandeis University where he obtained a PhD in sociology in 1976. During this time, he has published literary works, journalistic and critical articles, and has worked as a translator and editor. From 1977 to 1978, he taught at Queen's University in Canada, then in 1985 at the New School for Social Research of New York and at Cleveland State University in 1989. Together with other Slovenian intellectuals in the 1980s, initiated and edited the alternative and dissident journal Nova Revija, which later became the platform for democratic reform in the Socialist Republic of Slovenia. In 1987, he was among the authors of the Contributions to the Slovenian National Program, an intellectual manifesto that demanded a democratic, pluralistic and sovereign Slovenian state. The publication of the manifesto by the journal Nova revija, edited by Rupel, caused a huge scandal in Yugoslavia, and Rupel was forced to step down as editor. In 1989, he was one of the founders of the Slovenian Democratic Union (Slovenska demokratična zveza, SDZ), one of the first democratic parties that challenged the Communist regime. After the victory of the anti-Communist DEMOS coalition in the first free elections in Slovenia in 1990, Rupel was appointed as State Secretary for International Cooperation in the cabinet of Lojze Peterle, thus becoming de facto the first foreign minister of the Republic of Slovenia, which was then seeking independence from Yugoslavia. During his term in office, Slovenia declared its independence and gained international recognition. Rupel also remained in office during the first centre-left coalition government led by Janez Drnovšek. In 1991, the Slovenian Democratic Union suffered an internal split: Rupel led its left-wing fraction, formed among others by Jelko Kacin, Igor Bavčar, and France Bučar, into the formation of a new party, called the Democratic Party. The same year, he was elected its president. In the elections of 1992, the new party suffered a defeat, but Rupel managed to be elected a representative in the National Assembly of Slovenia. In 1994, most of Rupel's party merged into the Liberal Democracy of Slovenia party, led by Janez Drnovšek. In 1994, he ran for mayor of Ljubljana and took office in 1995. He remained in this position until 1997, when he was appointed ambassador to the United States. Rupel returned to the post of the foreign minister of Slovenia in 2000 in the third cabinet of Janez Drnovšek. He remained in this position until July 2004, when Prime Minister Anton Rop replaced him with Ivo Vajgl. He returned to his seat in parliament, left the Liberal Democracy of Slovenia party, and joined the opposition Slovenian Democratic Party. In October 2004, this party won the election and Rupel became foreign minister in Janez Janša's centre-right government when it was approved by parliament on 3 December 2004. During 2005 he was the chairman-in-office of the OSCE. In 2008, after the victory of the centre-left coalition led by Borut Pahor, Rupel was replaced as foreign minister by Samuel Žbogar. However, he was nominated by newly elected Prime Minister Borut Pahor as his personal Special Envoy for Foreign Affairs. Rupel is a member of PEN, AAASS, the Slovenian Writer's Association, and the Association of Sociologists. In addition to Slovenian, he speaks English, German, Italian, French, Croatian, and Serbian to varying degrees. http:// en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Dimitrij_ Rupel 4 A/Uv SYDNEY Slovenia becomes a A^lembtr of L/nitedNatlons 22. maj 1992. SLOVENIJA V ZN PETEK 22.maja 1992. je bi) za Slovence zgodovinski dan. Slovenija je bila prvič v zgodovini sprejeta v mednarodno skupnost narodov in držav-v ZDRUŽENE NARODE. Postala je 176 polnopravna članica ZDU2ENIH NARODOV. Sicer smo bili Slovenci dejavni v Združenih narodih že v preteklosti, tako kot jugoslovanski diplomatski predstavniki kot tudi strokovnjaki v njenih specializiranih agencijah in programih. Med veleposlaniki je bilo kar pet slovenskih diploma tov: Joža Vilfan, Aleš Bebler, Jože Brilej in Ignac Goiob. Združeni narodi so stari skoraj pol stoletja, neodvisna Slovenija pa je za svet in to organizacijo novost. Prav zaradi tega, se bomo morali Slovenci kot narod vedno znova potrjevati. Pokazati bomo morali svetu, da smo narod, ki je v miru s seboj in s sosedi. IZJAVA DR.JANEZA DRNOVŠKA PREDSEDNrKA SLOVENSKE VLADE Slovenska ihsIh*b pred palačo Združenih narodov. OB SPREJETJU SLOVENIJE OZN Ob sprejemu Slovenije v Organizacijo združenih narodov je predsednik vlade Republike Slovenije dr. Janez Drnovšek dejal, da je to za Slovence in druge državljane Slovenije izpolnitev zgodovinske zelje, da s svojo last no, samostojno in neodvisno državo enakopravno vstopijo v mednarodno skupnost narodov. Dr. Drnovšek je poudaril, da je to nedvomno veliko priznanje in potrditev, da so bili uspešni pretekli napori mlade slovenske države, da svetu dokaže, da je upravičena do najširs'ega mednarodnega priznanja in sposobna v njem sprejeti vse pravice in dolžnosti enakopravnega mednarodnega subjekta. "Sprejem v OZN je najširše mednarodno priznanje upravičenosti zahtev Slovenije, da imajo narodi nekdanje Jugoslavije, ki so v preteklosti svojo državnost in mednarodno subjektiviteto oblikovali v skupni federativni državi, pravico, da sami odločajo o svoji usodi. Sprejem v Združene narode pomeni vstop v mednarodnopravni sistem, ki državam v sodobnem svetu zagotavlja najvišjo možno raven zagotovil za varnost in celovito integracijo v mednarodno skupnost. S tem so Sloveniji odprta vrata v razvejani sistem specializiranih mednarodnih organizacij, brez česar ne more nobena samostojna drfava vstopiti v kompleksno ureditev sodobnega sveta na gospodarskem in vseh drugih področjih življenja. Ena prvih nalog slovenske diplomacije v OZN bo, da stori vse, da se cim prej konča nesmiselna a izjemno kruta vojna na Hrvaškem in v 8osni in Hercegovini," UNITED STATES OF AMERICA -NEW YORK Slovenia becomes 176th full member of United Nations. Slovensko Pismo No. 11-12, p. 8. Br&žnik nOMed/Honorary Slovenia O New South^lA/aJes Na podlagi 14. in 27. člena zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS št. 1/91-1) in na predlog ministra za zunanje zadeve izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije ODLOK o odprtju konzulata Republike Slovenije v Sydneyu na čelu s častnim konzulom. Konzularno območje Konzulata Republike Slovenije v Sydneyu obsega avstralski zvezni državi New South Wales in Victoria. Konzulat spodbuja in pomaga pri razvijanju gospodarskih in kulturnih odnosov in sodelovanju epublike Slovenije z avstralskima zveznima državama New South Wales in Victoria. ODLOK o postavitvi častnega konzula Republike Slovenije v Sydneyu L člen Za Častnega konzula Republike Slovenije v Sydneyu se postavi Alfred Brežnik. 2. člen Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve opravi vse potrebno za uresničitev tega odloka. 3. člen Odlok začne veljati z dnem objave v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije. Št. 900-04/92-33/2-8 Ljubljana, dne 18. junija 1992 Vlada Republike Slovenije Predsednik dr. Janez Drnovšek Odlok Vlade Republike Slovenije, predsednik dr. Janez Drnovšek: odprtje konzulata Republike Slovenije v Sydneyu. Government of Republic Slovenia and the president of the Goverment, Dr Janez Drnovšek: opening of Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Sydney. Naša bitka za Slovenijo, p. 94. Ky$€W€étmfoM> xa xuna/ytj,e xadeue v&x ímÁ J& /m/ pm&novaw> xa caáúte^a Á&neucéa 0tefuùùùÀe t^wy v ^/pdn&jfti, » de&ytmvm c&mcJJ&tri v XMGX&UÁ dría ixtÁ , Á'eut . /m/SÁ f4ah>à ùn *Ptcúw¿et>. . Áa/aga g&jfioda Çfymxmi/ca Je /wâftM&vatâ vóeáfatwtáÁo- t*focJem>nO' sode/mjonje med 0tefMt¿¿tÁ& ¿?t le fwóehj na fwdv&cJi (f&áJhoda&áÁtÁ odttoá&u, gbwmtùz ¿n xwetCj Áa/ú¿?v ¿w, fi&avoood^a ¿ev da fm $¿ux/wnt dofôno4& ¿vi fî&maxpa á¿&uwtáÁ¿m, ¿n domac¿m dmaw^cm&m ¿n fwcwmtan oâelam, o¿ tefroUe/vavJu domahiAfwodfuMw ¿n metintwodnegafvwvoa. ^£fu/UjxntÁ d&cOAMxÁ A , /r u/Á 14/a¿ Dušan L (tjOVic nOMed rtonorari S/ovenla for T\few ii' Na podlagi 14. in 27. člena zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS št, 1/91-1) in na predlog ministra za zunanje zadeve izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije ODLOK o odprtju konzulata Republike Slovenije v NVellingtonu na čelu s Častnim konzulom. Konzularno območje Konzulata Republike Slovenije v Wellingtonu obsega Novo Zelandijo. Konzulat spodbuja in pomaga pri razvijanju gospodarskih in kulturnih odnosov in sodelovanja Republike Slovenije z Novo Zelandijo. ODLOK o postavitvi častnega konzula Republike Slovenije v Wellingtonu 1. člen Za častnega konzula Republike Slovenije v Weilingtonu se postavi Dušan Lajovic. 2. člen Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve opravi vse'potrebno za uresničitev tega odloka. 3. člen Odlok začne veljati z dnem objave v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije. Št. 900-04/92-40/1-8 Ljubljana, dne 18. junija 1992 Vlada Republike Slovenije Predsednik dr. Janez Drnovšek Odlok Vlade Republike Slovenije, predsednik dr. Janez Drnovšek: odprtje konzulata Republike Slovenije v Novi Zelandiji. Government of Republic Slovenia and the president of the Government Dr Janez Drnovšek: opening of Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in New Zealand. Naša bitka za Slovenijo, p. 94. ' SLOVENIJA Slovenija, deželica s krvjo zaznamovana, potlačena golobica, zdaj zdaj le prepoznana. Pozdravljena, ta zgodnji dan, prerokovan stoletja. Naj narod tvoj bo varovan ob zori preživetja. Z morja je vzšla danica: tvoj dan je zdaj začet, priborjena pravica, pogoj za boljši svet. Sinovi tvoji vate zro, razkropljeni po svetu. Njih klici, upi ne zamro po prvem zmage letu. Pozdravljeni, Slovenci, od Drave do morja, dolinci in gorenjci: zastava zdaj vihra. Na plan, mladina, čas je! Starina naj le peša . . . Zdravljico naj zapoje, kdor petja moč pogreša. No - zdaj, ko spet pokonci prenovljena stojiš, obraz tvoj je na sonci, da priča, da živiš. Kaj naj ti dam za rojstni dan, deseti brat brez doma? Pozdrav moj sprejmi, v srcu vžgan. Razume ga, kdor roma. Ivan Kobal Sydney, 25. junija 1992 Ob prvi obletnici osamosvojitve SLOVENIA Slovenia, land stained by blood, Crushed dove, finally recognised. Greetings, this early day, your freedom foretold. May your nation be safe at the dawn of survival. From the sea the morning star has risen, your day has now begun, You have fought for the right to a better world. Your sons, scattered across the world, look upon you, Their calls and hopes do not die after victory's first flight. Greetings, Slovenians, from the Drava to the sea, People of valleys and of mountains: your flag now flutters. Out into the open, youth, it's time! The old grow weary... Let him who misses singing, sing the Toast. Now - as you proudly stand, renewed, The sun shines on your face as you witness to being alive. What birthday gift can I give you, the tenth brother without a home? I send you the love that is etched into my heart, which only wanderers can understand. Ivan Kobal Sydney, 25 June 1992 On the first anniversary of independence ■ Si ^Vr V SPOMIN PADLIM ZA SLOVENIJO JE VSADIL TO DREVO 12. 2, 1992 JANEZ JANŠA PAVI OBRAMBNI MINISTER REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE SLOVENSKi NARODNI SVET ZA JUŽNO AVSTRALIJO PLOŠČO ODKRIL 9. 1992 ALFRED BREŽNIK PRVI ČASTNt KONZUL REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE ZA AVSTRALIJO LWA^ ç^e^eAuXV (OAWi^wWtw C* Mtouu tJEeUAJûMu. S>VH> <¡Xo ».Atj^e., ^Otil^A/UA. tAW ÁAA y«^ G^aítVA/- t t) Ç&^xxm,^ ALFRED BREŽNIK Častni konzul Republike Slovenije Sydney Lojz^Peter/e, September 1992 MELBOURNE Lojze Peterle, Draga Gelt, Aleksandra Čeferin and Štefan Merzel. Welcome at the Melbourne Airport: Marta Krenos, Milena Merzel, Lojze Peterle, Marica Ostoja, Angelca Povh, Anica Markič and Simon Špacapan. Fr Tone Gorjup OFM, Fr Basil Valentine OFM MBE, Lojze Peterle, Stanko Prosenak and Simon Špacapan. Slovenian National Council of Victoria and Lojze Peterle. Lojze Peterle and Dr Andrew Theophanous. GEELONG Lojzka Kuhar, Lojze Peterle, Jože Ramuta and Štefka Matkovič Janez Kure (accordion), Lojzka Kuhar, Lojze Peterle, Štefka Matkovič, Jože Ramuta and others. ADELAIDE Welcome of Lojze Peterle at Adelaide Airport. Lojze Peterle, Janez Zagorc and Laura Premrl. Lojze Peterle, Fr Janez Tretjak OFM and Julia Ivančič. Lojze Peterle laid a wreath in memory of the victims of war in Slovenia. C,D