Elektrotehniški vestnik 73(2-3): 111-116, 2006 Electrotechnical Review: Ljubljana, Slovenija An Improved Repetitive Action Corrector for Reduction of Steady-State Error and Nonlinear Distortion in Power Amplifiers Gorazd Modrijan, Peter Zajec, Janez Nastran, Henrik Lavric, Danijel Voncina University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Laboratory of Control Engineering and Power Electronics, Trzaska c. 25, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: gorazd.modrijan@fe. uni-lj.si, peter.zajec@fe. uni-lj.si, janez. nastran@fe. uni-lj.si, henrik. lavric@fe. uni-lj. si, voncina@fe. uni-lj. si Abstract. The paper presents a control method suitable for reducing effects of nonlinear periodic disturbances on voltage and current. Its focus is on the theory of a modified repetitive control method based on a recurrent integral action procedure distributing the controlled signal in a certain number of intervals and subsequently correcting each interval separately and independently of the remaining intervals. The method was implemented in an experimental three-phase electronic phantom power source with special requirements, designed for calibrating mostly electronic energy meters. Two different power amplifiers, i.e. a voltage and a transconductance amplifier, and other individual components of the power calibrator are introduced and explained. Measurement results acquired with the help of the implemented experimental source are presented. Key words: periodic disturbances, repetitive control methods, regulated power sources Izboljšan repetitivni korektor za zmanjšanje statičnega pogreška in nelinearnega popačenja v močnostnih ojačevalnikih Povzetek. V članku predstavljamo eksperimentalni trifazni močnostni kalibracijski vir za umerjanje (predvsem elektronskih) števcev električne energije, ki mora biti sposoben napajati do pet števcev v fantomski vezavi. Vir mora izpolnjevati poostrene zahteve po stabilnosti, nastavljivi vsebnosti želenih višjeharmonskih komponent in visoki natančnosti generiranih izhodnih veličin toka in napetosti. Opisana sta napetostni in transkonduktančni močnostni ojačevalnik, ki sta uporabljena za samostojno napajanje posameznih napetostnih in tokovnih vej števcev. Podani so razlogi za nastanek popačenj, ki jih števci (in nelinearna bremena na splošno) povzročajo napajalnemu oz. merjenemu signalu. Poudarek članka je predvsem na izbiri korekcijske metode, ki mora biti sposobna učinkovito odpravljati tako povzročena popačenja (oz. popačenja, katerih perioda sovpada s periodo osnovnega merjenega signala ali pa je njen mnogokratnik). Podana je teorija splošnega periodičnega integralnega korektorja, ki temelji na metodi s ponavljajočim se delovanjem. Predstavljene so nekatere modifikacije takšnega korektorja, njegova praktična izvedba ter uporaba v močnostnem kalibracijskem viru. V končnem delu članka so podani merilni rezultati, ki so pridobljeni z omenjenim eksperimentalnim virom. Prikazana so popačenja merjenih signalov pri različnih obremenitvah ter izboljšave, ki jih prinese uporaba regulatorja z opisano korekcijsko metodo. Podani so frekvenčni spektri izmerjenih signalov in pripadajoče celotno harmonsko popačenje za posamezen Received 10 February, 2006 Accepted 22 February, 2006 primer. Pridobljeni eksperimentalni rezultati potrjujejo pravilnost izbire omenjene korekcijske metode in dokazujejo njeno učinkovito zmanjševanje popačenj izhodnih veličin toka in napetosti kalibracijskega vira. Ključne besede: odpravljanje periodičnih motenj, periodični korektor, napetostni in tokovni viri z veliko natančnostjo 1 Introduction Electronic energy meters have to measure energy flows even in case of a distorted, i.e. non-sinusoidal, voltage and current. As a result, the rapid developments of new electronic meters as well as the applicable legislation are strongly followed in the R&D efforts taken to make fast and reliable calibration equipment - sources capable of generating voltages and currents of known, accurate and stable amplitude and phase. Besides these general requirements, power calibrators must fulfill also the following ones: - the frequency of the fundamental harmonic must be adjustable between 40 Hz and 70 Hz in steps of 0.01 Hz, - tolerances of the fundamental component of output waveforms should not be above 0.1 %, - the phase of the three voltage and three current sources must be independent and must be adjustable between 0° and 359.9° with the minimum resolution of 0.1°, - they must be able to generate output waveforms composed of higher harmonic components up to the 30th, - they must generate the output voltage and current of the fundamental frequency with the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) below 0.1 %. The majority of these requirements can be fulfilled with precise reference generators that provide input signals to both (voltage and transconductance) power amplifiers. The exceptions are stable operation as well as low THD which are primarily subject of power amplifiers features. 2 Power amplifiers and distortion The introduced amplifiers were developed for a portable calibrator with a nominal power of 60 VA per output. To minimize their weight and dimensions, they both rely on switch mode operation. 2.1 Voltage Power Amplifiers Voltage power amplifiers should supply voltage branches of energy meters under test with an accurate voltage waveform in the range between 20 V and 320 V rms. Due to their relatively low output power, a straightforward topology comprised of a half-bridge PWM-controlled inverter with a passive output filter and an output transformer with three taps on its secondary is used [1]. To sufficiently reduce the high-frequency output voltage ripple, caused by transistor switching, and to flatten the frequency response, a second-order filter with an additional notch filter is implemented. The use of a passive output filter inherently causes stability problems of the superior control loop supervising the output voltage. This becomes particularly evident when supplying the load with a capacitive character. In order to maintain stability, a low open-loop gain is mandatory. On the other hand, the low open-loop gain leads to a considerable steady-state error between the reference and output waveform. Deviations in amplitude and phase are load-dependent as well. From the load point of view, their impact on the output voltage can be modeled through the use of equivalent output impedance of the amplifier. Likewise, but with more extensive effects, voltage deviations occur due to the pulsed load current drawn by a nonlinear load, which happen to be nearly all power supply units of modern electronic energy meters drawing power from voltage branches. 2.2 Transconductance Power Amplifier Due to the extremely wide range of the output current (from 1 mA to 60 A rms) forced into current branches of devices under test, a novel hybrid power amplifier (HPA) was constructed [2]. It consists of a master three-stage class AB linear power amplifier (LPA) and a slave switch mode inverter connected in parallel through a coupling inductor. Contrary to the voltage branches of the energy meter, the current branches introduce almost negligible load nonlinearity. In spite of that, a stability problem of the superior control loop supervising the output current occurs. Its cause is the inability to maintain the stability criterion in a wide range of output currents especially due to the extreme variations of the load impedance. Consequently, the open-loop gain must be reduced, causing the appearance of amplitude and phase deviations. However, they can be reduced by the superior control loop. Similarly to the voltage amplifier, the current deviation in the amplitude and phase is load dependent. In both cases, the maximum amplitude error does not exceed 5 % while the phase shift between the reference signal uref and the output waveform stays within 2°. This imposes moderate demands upon the digital control loops that should be employed to control output quantities of amplifiers in order to comply with requirements specified for the high-quality output voltage and current. 3 Correction principle In the past, repetitive control methods have seen extensive applications in instances where correction of a periodic waveform is required [3, 4]. In our case, we chose an integral repetitive control method since the output waveforms of both amplifiers as well as their disturbances are always periodic, even in the case of a nonlinear load supplied by the voltage amplifier [5, 6]. A simplified representation of the voltage or transconductance amplifier is shown in Fig. 1. The above mentioned periodic disturbances causing output voltage distortions are summarized in disturbance signal d. This representation is especially appropriate when analyzing the impact of periodic disturbances caused by structural nonlinearities inherent to almost all switched-mode power supplies. Thus the nonlinear distortion of the output voltage can be initiated with a nonlinear load as well as with structural nonlinearities, e.g. with dead time imposed ... Figure 1: Voltage / transconductance amplifier Regardless of different types of repetitive control mechanisms, they all rely on operation of a discrete number of period-based integrators. Fig. 2 shows a Figure 2: Block diagram of the repetitive controller system variant of a plug-in repetitive controller [7]. It processes the tracking error e, which is (at least in the first correction period) the difference between the input reference waveform uref and the actual output waveform uout. The controller periodic output waveform ucor is added to the original reference waveform uref in a way that compensates the disturbance d. The basic idea of the repetitive controller is that a period T of the reference (and sampled output) voltage is divided in N discrete intervals of duration z (where T = N z). In each interval n, the acquired sample of the amplifier output voltage uout(nj} is subtracted from the reference value uref(n). The calculated error e(„:T) at the present discrete interval n in a particular period T is then stored in a table of correction values (which has N different positions) at the position corresponding to the discrete interval n [8]. The same procedure is applied to all intervals in a given period of the generated waveform. In the next period (T + 1), the stored value of the error in a particular interval n is used to correct the original value of the reference waveform. The two values are summed up and the result is a new reference waveform uin(n,T+1) = urf(n) + ucor(„j+1). The stored values of the error e