Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva 95 (2011), s. 37-44 GDK: 181.36-013(045)=111 Prispelo / Received: 09.12.2010 Strokovni članek Sprejeto / Accepted: 18.04.2011 Professional report Organization of fine root data obtained from minirhizotrons and ingrowth soil cores (how to construct an operational database using MS Access) Peter Železnik', Daniela Stojanova^, Hojka Kraigher^ Abstract Root observation with minirhizotrons is a useful technique to study root system dynamics by means of a transparent tube and a root image acquisition device. It has been in use in root studies for a few decades. The method is best complemented by sequential soil coring for studying root growth in defined soil volume in a time sequence of sampling, or by use of ingrowth soil cores method, which allows measurement of fine root biomass and growth in the exposed soil (substrate) cores during a defined time interval. Most fine root studies techniques are based on picture taking and computerized image analysis. From such analyses, enormous amount ofraw data is derived, which is hard to control and manipulate. To enable a friendly and reliable data organization, two MS Access databases were designed, using data from minirhizotron pictures and ingrowth soil cores. These MS Access databases enable the data user to save time and reduce the amount of errors made during data handling (such as extensive copy-paste data routines in and out of numerous Excel files). Our aim was to improve data quality control and allow an easy, friendly and efficient way of manipulation of fine root growth data without a high level of knowledge on database construction. Therefore, in this study, we present an efficient way of handling a large amount of minirhizotron and ingrowth soil cores data, by using MS Access database. To better present the protocols some results and experience on improving data quality are presented. Key words: fine root growth, minirhizotrons, ingrowth soil cores, database, Microsoft Access Organiziranje podatkov o drobnih koreninah, dobljenih iz minirizotronov in vrastnih mrežic (kako ustvariti operativnopodatkovno bazo z uporabo MS Accessa) Povzetek Opazovanje korenin z minirizotronije uporabna metoda za študij dinamike rasti drobnih korenin s pomočjo prozorne cevi in naprave za zajemanje slik. V uporabi so že nekaj desetletij. Metodo je najbolje dopolniti z zaporednim vzorčenjem znanega volumna tal v določenem časovnem zaporedju ali z uporabo vrastnih mrežic, ki nam omogočajo merjenje koreninske biomase in rasti drobnih korenin v določenih časovnih intervalih. Večina metod študija korenin sloni na zajemanju slik in računalniško analizo le-teh. Z analizo slik dobimo ogromno količino neobdelanih podatkov, ki jih je težko nadzorovati in obdelovati. Da bi olajšali organiziranje podatkov in natančnost prenosov, smo pripravili dve podatkovni bazi MS Access, ki vsebujeta podatke o koreninah iz minirizotronov in ^rastnih mrežic. Ti podatkovni bazi MS Access omogočata prihranek časa in zmanjšanje števila napak, nastalih med obdelavo podatkov (npr. obsežne operacije »copy-paste« v in iz številnih datotek Excel). Cilj je izboljšati nadzor ^kovosti podatkov ter omogočiti enostaven, prijazen in učinkovit način za manipulacijo podatkov iz minirizotronov in vrastnih mrežic brez visoke stopnje poznavanja dela z bazami podatkov. V prispevku predstavljamo učinkovit način za obdelavo velike količine podatkov iz minirizotronov in vrastnih mrežic z uporabo baze podatkov MS Access. Zaradi lažje predstaveje pristop podprt s prikazom izbranih rezultatov in izkušenj pri izboljšanju kakovostipodatkov. Ključne besede: drobnekorenine, minirizotroni, ^rastne mrežice,podatkovna baza, Microsoft Access ' P.Ž., univ. dipl. ing. gozd; Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije, Večna pot 2, 1000 Ljubljana; peter.zeleznik@gozdis.si ^ mag. D.s., univ. dipl. inform.; Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije, Večna pot 2, 1000 Ljubljana ' prof. dr. H.K., univ. dipl.biol., univ. dipl. ing. gozd; Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije, Večna pot 2, 1000 Ljubljana 1 Introduction 1 Uvod Root observation with minirhizotrons is a useful technique to study root system dynamics by means of a transparent tube and a root image acquisition device (Figure 1). It has been in use in root studies for a few decades. Minirhizotrons provide insight into the ground and enable direct root observation (UPCHURCH, RITCHIE 1984). According to the type of the experiment, several parameters can be observed, which usually include root status (alive versus dead or non-turgescent), root length and number of root tips. The method is best complemented by use of the ingrowth soil cores method, which allows measurement of root biomass and growth of the fine roots during a defined time interval (MAJDI et al. 2005). Ingrowth soil cores is a method in which an intact soil core, removed from the ground, is replaced by a mesh bag of equal size, filled usually with an equivalent volume of root free soil from the site (Figure 2). Sometimes sand is also used to fill the cores (VOGT et al. 1998). The size of mesh openings is chosen according to research goals and can allow fine roots to grow in cores or prevent the ingrowth of roots and let in just fungi mycelia (PERSSON 1979; MAKKONEN, HELMISAARI 1999; NEUMANN et al. 2009). Most improvements of root studies techniques in the last decades have been in picture taking equipment and computerized image analysis. Video optics has been replaced by different digital optical scanners and CCD devices (DANNOURAe? al. 2008). Trends in development ofpicture analysis software is oriented towards a completely automated analysis of root pictures, although a substantial breakthrough has still not been achieved (LE BOT et al. 2010). This kind of analysis results in enormous amount of raw data, which is hard to control and manipulate. Programs like Excel, Open Office, etc. are widely used for raw data manipulation, but unfortunately do not provide a good data control and the user can be easily lost in the large amount of data. Currently there is no software, which would enable handling of enormous amounts of raw minirhizotrons data placed in multiple files. Inspired by the current situation, two MS Access databases were designed, using data from minirhizotron pictures and ingrowth soil cores. These MS Access databases enable the researcher to save time and reduce the amount of errors made during data handling (such as extensive copy-paste data routines in and out of numerous Excel files). Our aim was to improve data quality control and allow an easy, friendly and efficient way of manipulation minirhizotrons data without a high level of database knowledge. Therefore, in this study, we present an efficient way of handling a large amount of minirhizotrons data, by using MS Access database (GROH et al. 2007). To better present the protocols some results from our research plots and our experience on improving data quality is presented. 2 Data description 2 Opis podatkov 2.1 Minirhizotrons 2.1 Minirizotroni Fine root growth data obtained from minirhizotron pictures represent field conditions at research plots and provide information on fine roots living status at the time of each picture taking session. During the observations, roots are marked as alive, dead or disappeared. At the end ofthe experimental process, the living status ofall roots is analysed and the lifespan of roots can be estimated with various statistical methods. Figure 1. Minirhizotrons are inserted in two steps: corer is used to remove soil and transparent minirhizotron tube is inserted; minirhizotron camera is used to take pictures (drawing by M. Bajc) Slika 1. Minirizotroni se vstavljajo v dveh korakih: s tal na sondo odstranimo zemljo in v luknjo vstavimo prozorno minirizotronsko cev; za zajemanje slik se uporablja minirizotronska kamera (ilustracije: M.Bajc) Figure 2: Ingrowth soil cores are installed with the help of soil corer; soil from the plot is sieved through sieve to remove the roots and filled in ingrowth soil core; core is left in the ground for chosen period of time and after that removed and new ingrown roots analyzed (drawing by M. Bajc). Slika 2: Vrastne mrežice se ustavijo s pomočjo talne sonde; zemlja s ploskve je presejana, s čimer iz nje odstranimo korenine; s presejano zemljo napolnemo vrastne mrežice in jih vstavimo v tla ter vzorčimo v določnem časovnem intervalu (ilustracija M. Bajc) In most studies, the Kaplan-Meier (KM) method (KAPLAN, MEIER 1958) is used for estimation of root lifespan. This method computes the root longevity by using a product limit formula. Root longevity is presented by a survival curve (Figure 3), where the mean (average) root longevity is defined to occur at the moment when 50% of all roots are dead (KLEINBAUM, KLEIN 2005). The outcome variable of interest of the KM method is the time until an event occurs (the event in this case is the death of a root). At the end of the experimental period, during analysis, roots are divided in two groups - the ones for which it is not possible to ascertain survival time and the ones for which the survival time can be ascertained. This process is called censoring, and the first group of roots is called censored roots. Roots for which the time of their birth (sprouting) is not known are left censored, and roots that are still alive at the end of the experiment are called right censored. The group, which is not censored, results in a known lifespan ofindividual roots. To illustrate the problem of root censoring, data from a research plot at an international beech provenance trial in Slovenia is presented. In this, minirhizotrons were installed in the autumn 2006 nearby three different beech provenances, with picture taking sessions starting in June 2007 (for description see ŽELEZNIK 2010). Censored data for growth of roots from 2007 till 2009 are presented in Figure 3. Pictures from minirhizotrons were acquired with ETC lOOX Minirhizotron Camera system (Bartz Technology Corp., USA). The ETC lOOX Minirhizotron Camera system consists of a camera handle with attached video optics. A cable connects the camera head to the camera control box, which consists of a digitizer of video signal and a notebook. Pictures are saved in special picture capture software, which accompanies the camera system. Figure 3. Survival curve for three beech provenances. Red line represents 50% root mortality. Slika 3: Preživitvena krivulja za tri provenience bukve. Rdeča črta ponazarja trenutek, v katerem odmre 50 % korenin. The acquired pictures are then analyzed by using WinRhizoTron MF® (v2003c; Regent Instruments, Canada).WinRhizoTron is software for manual analysis of minirhizotron pictures. Data is later prearranged using a special MS Excel macro, XLRhizo TRON (v2005; Regent Instruments, Canada), which transforms the WinRhizo output file (a simple text file) to an Excel file having one or more worksheets. 3 Database construction and manipulation methods 3 Metode izgradnje in upravljanja podatkovne baze 3.1. Database creation 3.1 Ustvarjanjepodatkovne baze 2.2 Ingrowth soil cores 2.2 Vrastne mrežice Ingrowth soil cores (dimensions: diameter 5 cm, length 20 cm; mesh opening size 2 and 5 mm, substrate: sieved soil at research plot) were installed at the same research plot in May 2010 and removed after approximately 365 days. Roots grown into the cores were cut with a knife on the outside of cores, which were then pulled out from the ground and kept in plastic bags at 40C until analysis was carried out. Individual samples were soaked in water and roots separated from soil particles manually, first using water, running through different sieves and at the end under a stereo microscope for fine classification of roots. Roots were sorted into three categories: vital roots of woody plants, non-turgescent roots of woody plants and roots of non-woody plants. Roots from the first two groups were then scanned, while immersed in water, with an optical scanner (Epson Perfection V700 Photo). After scanning, all roots were dried at room temperature and weighed. The acquired images were analysed using WinRHIZO® (v2002c. Regent Instruments Inc., Canada). WinRHIZO is software that enables a completely automated analysis of pictures of scanned roots. The role of the system operator is to set the diameter classes, in which root data will be organized, and to correct any mistakes in detecting roots (or dirt), made by the software. The output files are then imported in MS Excel. An additional pre-processing step that changes the stop dots into comas is applied in order to avoid misinterpretation of decimal numbers by Excel (ŽELEZNIK 2004). Data from minirhizotron pictures and ingrowth soil cores were organized in two databases. The minirhizotrons database includes data gathered in a 4-year period, obtained from 15 minirhizotron tubes. The ingrowth soil cores data includes values from 3 samplings. As a result of the analysis of the methods described above, the output data on the estimated root parameters is sorted in 30 MS Excel files and can reach dimensions of 27 columns per 20,000 lines and more. Data for each root, observed in a specific tube at different sessions, is imported in MS Access. The structure of the MS Access database is prepared according to the MS Access documentation. The structure of each table in the database is generated according to the structure of the original data files (files processed by the XLRhizoTRON program). The import process is simple and follows a user guided procedure for import data from different file formats, including MS Excel. The data can be imported in columns, arranged in a user-chosen way. During the import process, the consistency of the data is automatically checked. At any inconsistencies, import is stopped and the user is informed about such an event. An example of the result ofan import process of the root data from MS Excel is presented in Figure 4. After data are imported from Excel files, there is a minimal possibility left for user errors, since the compiler is asked to confirm each process, even an accidental attempt to delete data from the database. The import procedure can be saved and repeated every time data are imported, making the import process efficient in practice. Figure 4. Root data are imported in MS Access and at the same time checked for consistency Slika4. ObvnosupodatkovzakoreninevMSAccessse preverijo še napakegledenaizvirne podatke In addition, errors found and corrected in queried data are automatically corrected in the original Ms Access data set. Thus, a constant control over data quality is assured. 3.2 Data manipulation 3.2 Upravljanje s podatki A selected subset of data stored in the database can be filtered out and exported to external software for selected further statistical analysis. On the one hand, the filtering process is usually done by using database queries, where the user specifies the root's parameters and their values to be selected or queries on different criteria such as plot name, subplot name, date of gathering etc. On the other hand, the export process is simple because MS Access supports several export formats like MS Word, MS Excel, Open Office, csv format, etc. In order to illustrate the operations that can be performed over the data organized in an MS Access database, we present several tasks of the data manipulation process executed over our databases. An example of a filtered left censored data where the filtering process was done by using database query on the session dates is presented in Figure 5. An example of the longevity of the dead roots calculation is presented in Figure 6. First, a filtering task is done by using database query on the session dates and then a sorting task performed in order to better organize the results. At the end, the longevity of the dead roots is calculated in external statistical software. An example of filtered right censored data is presented in Figure 7. The filtering process was also done by using database query on the session dates, as in the previous examples. The ingrowth soil cores database was constructed in a similar way as the minirhizotron database and the data were organized in the same way as well. The main difference between these two databases is the time scale. The data included in the ingrowth soil cores database are sampled a few times per year whereas the minirhizotrons are visited and sampled on monthly basis. The differences in timescale prevent direct connection and joining of data between the two databases, whereas a research plot code or date of sampling can be selected as reference information in the linking process between the two databases. A part of the ingrowth soil cores, database is presented in Figure 8. Time needed to arrange data in a way suitable for analysis, is considerably shortened as data extraction (queries) is made by a few clicks on mouse and keyboard. All queries can be saved and repeated when needed. At last, the queries can also serve as error detection mechanism inside the database and enable tasks like detection and removal of duplicate or missing information among the data. This may be a very important step and sometimes an essential task of the data handling process that assures data integrations and quality. Figure 5. Left censored data are filtered from the database Slika 5. Levo cenzuriranipodatki so izločeni iz baze Figure 6. Dead roots are filtered out and longevity for each one ascertained from session dates Slika 6. Mrtve korenine so izločene iz baze in za vsakoposebej se ugotovi dolgoživost glede na datume snemanj Figure 7. Right censored data is filtered from database Slika 7. Desno cenzuriranipodatki so izločeni izpodatkovne baze ft^rezica Vstavljanje ^ Expo5u e [days ^ Me sh opening ^ Volumen Vi ^ Mas a (g) - Length(ctTn) ^ Proj Areajcn^ S urfAreaicn- ^ AvgDia mitn ^ RoQtVolunn( ^ KH31 ll.ll^OOg 127 2 0,14 194J^ 10,^4 34,2477 0,5598 0,479 11.11.200S 127 2 0,0003925 0,01 25,535 0,4595 1,4749 0,1763 0,006 KH33 T 11.11.200S 2 0,0003925, 0,03 90,7494 3,3519 _ 10,5303 _0,3694 0,097 KH31 5.5.2009 __ 175 2 0,0003925 0,31 1043,8551 31,5284 99,3535 0,9553 0,754 KH32 r 5.5.2009, 17S| 2I 0,0003925, 0,8^ 1083,8055 55,4299 _ 177,2798 1,0803 2,308 KH33_ 6.5.2009 176 2 0,0003925 0,5 1437,7691 63,6046 199,8199* 1,5236 2,229 KHm 5.5.2009 303 0,0003925j 0,03 104,2041 5,1305 16,1173 0,796 0,2 KHm 5.5.2009 _ 303 2 0,00039^ 0,13 217,8041 10,4145 32,7179 0,9535 0,407 KH123 5.5.2009, 30ä| 21 0,0003925, 0,11 189,7515 10,3855 32,6304' 1,0579: 0,447 KHISI 1 5.5.2009 303 2 0,0003925 0,23 455,5878 24,7391 77,7204_ 1,0041 1,035 KH132 5.5.2009 303 0,0003925, 0,11 271,4296 12,3858 33,9112f 1,0418. 0,462 i;Hia3 6.5.2009 303 2 0,0003925 0,05 174,8524 8,7559 27,5077 1,0535 0,347 KH51 6.5.2009 303 0,0003925 0,04 137,4418, 5,9773 13,77S2f 0,773 0,211 KH62 5.5.2009 '303 _ 2 0,0003925 0,05 107,9042 4,0588 12,7824 0,7758 0,121 KH63 5.5.2009 303__ 2 0,0003925, 0,02 171,5111 5,8783 18,45721 0^277_L 0,159| KH241 5.5.2009 303 2 0,0003925 0,08 85,0709 4,1833 13,1421 1,0292 0,15 KH242 6.5.2009; 303 2 0,0003925, 0,03 78,8367 3,9336 12,3735| 0,98321 0,157 |;H243 6.5.2009 _ 303 2 0,0003925 0,22 339,649 19,1258 60,0356 1,2127 0,854 KH31 13.5.2010, 377| 21 0,0003925 0,41 501,2555 25,4875 33,2134* 0,5234 1,099 KH32 IS.5.2010 377 2 0,Ö0M925 0,36 1302,853 54,8415 172,2899* Ö,7«)l 1,839 KH33 I8.5.2OIO; 377 2 0,0003925, 0,31 547,7547 27,0197[_ 84,885 0,4933 1,047 KH51 IS.5.2010 377 2 0,0003925 0,14 919,2229 31,8814 100,1583 0,3458 0,858 KH62 18.5.2010 2| 0,0003925; 0,24 1070,4371; 41,2178 129,4896 0,3851 1,247 |;H63 18.5.2010 377 2 0,0003925 0,32 2667,2784 92,2443 239,7941 0,3458 2,506 KH121 IS.5.2010; 377| 2| 0,0003925; 0,09 ^,6073 _ _18,0942 56,3«7 0,3347 0,476 KH122 18.5.2010 377 2 0,0003925 0,39 1008,2697 44,5781 140,3505 0,4431 1,555 KH123_ 18.5.2010 377 _ 2 0,0003925, 0,33 2190,5414 ^9331 247_^58 0,3503 2,234 KHlSl 18.5.2010 377 2 0,0003925 0,41 938,2787 44,3988 139,483 0,4732 1,&5 KH132 18.5.2010- 377| 2| 0,0003925 0,57 2085,3222 99,1973 311,6377j 0,9292 3,715 |;H183 18.5.2010 377 2 0,0003925 0^73 4244,0185 145,6436 457,553 J.,0284 3,929 fch241 1S.5.2010| 377 ____2j. 0,0003925: 0,2i 1155,104j 39,08« 122,7874] 0,3355 1,03 KH242 18.5.2010 377 2 0,0003925 0,29 1780,4549 51,4339 193,0003 0,5845 1,555 KH243 18.5.2010i 377| 2| 0,0003925, 0,191 555,0951 23,0751| 72,4925| 0,4157, 0,753| Figure 8. Ingrowth soil cores database Slika 8. Podatkovna baza za vrastne mrežice 4 Conclusion Data quality and time efficiency are two most important factors in any work concerning studies of root system dynamics. If a research project operates over 90 minirhizotron tubes, the extent of data is far over the capabilities of an MS Excel. Therefore, the minirhizotron data manipulation in Excel is time and labor expensive, and other statistical software provides only partial opportunities for data manipulation, sorting and extraction. Moreover, handling large amounts of data involves extensive copying procedures and compiling of root parameters in and out of various files, which produces a number of human errors. In this study, an efficient way of handling large amounts of fine root growth data, by using an MS Access database, is presented using results from a sample research plot. The results can be summarized in the following conclusions: - Time needed to arrange and rearrange large amounts of minirhizotron data in a way suitable for analysis is considerably shortened by using MS Access. - The possibility of user errors is minimal and finding errors (ifpresent) is more likely. - Data extraction (queries) is made by a few clicks on mouse and keyboard only. - Once queries are saved, process can be automated and repeated when needed. - Errors found in queried data are automatically corrected in the original data set in Ms Access as well. - A constant control over data quality is assured. - Minirhizotron data can be easily connected with other databases like ingrowth soil cores data from the same research plots or data from a different analysis in order to obtain a better understanding of root biology, as presented by combination with the database on root growth in ingrowth soil cores. The obtained results, knowledge and experience will be of great advantage in further work concerning root parameters analysis and handling large amounts of data. tem pa lahko nastajajo napake. V prikazani študiji predstavljamo učinkovit način upravljanja z velikimi količinami podatkov iz minirizotronov in vrastnih mrežic z uporabo podatkovnih zbirk MS Access. Poročamo tudi o dobljenih rezultatih, znanju in izkušnjah pri izboljšanju kakovosti podatkov. Naši rezultati so lahko povzeti v naslednjih zaključkih: - Čas, potreben za urejanje velikih količin podatkov iz minirizotronov v obliko, uporabno za analizo, je znatno skrajšan z uporabo MS Accessa. - Možnosti pojavljanja napak zaradi uporabnika so močno zmanjšane innjihovo odkrivanjeje bolj verjetno. - Pridobivanje želenih podatkov s poizvedbami je mogoče z nekaj kliki na miško in tipkovnico. -Ko poizvedbe shranimo,_jihlahkopoljubnoavtomatizirano ponavljamo. - Zagotovljenje stalen nadzor nad kvaliteto podatkov. - Baza s podatki iz minirizotronov se lahko enostavno poveže z drugimi podatkovnimi bazami iz iste raziskovalne ploskve ali s podatki iz drugih raziskovalnih ploskve z namenom pridobivanja boljšega vpogleda in razumevanja biologije korenin. Pridobljeni podatki, znanje in izkušnje bodo v veliko korist pri naših nadaljnjih raziskavah koreninskih parametrov in obdelavi velikih količin podatkov. 5 Acknowledgements 5 Zahvale The study was funded through the research programme P4-0107, young researcher's programme (PZ) and the research project L4-2265, by the Slovenian Research Agency and co-financed by the Slovenian Ministry, responsible for forestry. 6 References 6 Reference Zaključek Kakovost podatkov in časovna učinkovitost sta dva najpomembnejša dejavnika pri obdelavi podatkov dinamike rasti drobnih korenin. Trenutno opravljamo poskus v 90 minirizotronskih ceveh na raziskovalnih ploskvah in obseg podatkov presega zmožnosti programa MS Excel. Obdelava podatkov iz minirizotronov je zamudna in draga. Obdelava podatkov velikega obsega vključuje pogosto kopiranje in urejanje koreninskih parametrov v in iz različnih datotek, s DANNOURA, M./ KOMINAMI, Y./ OGUMA, H. / KANAZAWA, Y., 2008. 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