¿^creative , ars mathematica ^commons contemporánea Also available at http://amc-journal.eu ISSN 1855-3966 (printed edn.), ISSN 1855-3974 (electronic edn.) ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA 12 (2017) 135-144 Remarks on the thickness of Kn,n,n Yan Yang * Department of Mathematics, Tianjin University, Tianjin, P.R.China Received 10 March 2015, accepted 14 March 2016, published online 3 November 2016 Abstract The thickness 6(G) of a graph G is the minimum number of planar subgraphs into which G can be decomposed. In this paper, we provide a new upper bound for the thickness of the complete tripartite graphs Kn n n (n > 3) and obtain 6(Kn n n) = , when n = 3 (mod 6). Keywords: Thickness, complete tripartite graph, planar subgraphs decomposition. Math. Subj. Class.: 05C10 1 Introduction The thickness 6(G) of a graph G is the minimum number of planar subgraphs into which G can be decomposed. It was defined by Tutte [11] in 1963, derived from early work on biplanar graphs [2, 10]. It is a classical topological invariant of a graph and also has many applications to VLSI design, graph drawing, etc. Determining the thickness of a graph is NP-hard [7], so the results about thickness are few. The only types of graphs whose thicknesses have been determined are complete graphs [1,3], complete bipartite graphs [4] and hypercubes [5]. The reader is referred to [6, 8] for more background on the thickness problems. In this paper, we study the thickness of complete tripartite graphs Kn,n,n, (n > 3). When n = 1,2, it is easy to see that K1,1,1 and KC2,2,2 are planar graphs, so the thickness of both ones is one. Poranen proved 6(Kn,n,n) < [f] in [9] which was the only result about the thickness of Kn,n,n, as far as the author knows. We will give a new upper bound for 6(Kn,n,n) and provide the exact number for the thickness of Kn,n,n, when n is congruent to 3 mod 6, the main results of this paper are the following theorems. Theorem 1.1. For n > 3, 6(Kn,n,n) < [^2 + 1. Theorem 1.2. 6(K„,„,„) = [^2 when n = 3 (mod 6). * Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 11401430 E-mail address: yanyang@tju.edu.cn (Yan Yang) ©® This work is licensed under http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ 136 Ars Math. Contemp. 12 (2017) 111-126 2 The proofs of the theorems In [4], Beineke, Harary and Moon determined the thickness of complete bipartite graph Km,n for almost all values of m and n. Lemma 2.1. [4] The thickness of Km,n is |~2(m+w-2)l except possibly when m and n are odd, m < n and there exists an integer k satisfying n = L2^^—"]. Lemma 2.2. For n > 3, 0(Kn,n,n) > []. Proof. Since K„,2„ is a subgraph of K„,„,„, we have 0(Kn,n,n) > 6(Kn,2„). From Lemma 2.1, the thickness of Kn,2n (n > 3) is [n^1], so the lemma follows. □ For the complete tripartite graph Kn,n,n with the vertex partition (A, B, C), where A = {ao,..., an-1}, B = {bo,..., bn-i} and C = {c0,..., Cn-i}, we define a type of graphs, they are planar spanning subgraphs of Kn n n, denoted by G[ aibj+iCk+i], in which 0 < i,j,k < n - 1 and all subscripts are taken modulo n. The graph G[ aibj+iCk+i] consists of n triangles aibj+iCk+i for 0 < i < n - 1 and six paths of length n - 1, they are aobj+iCfc+2a3bj+4Cfc+5 . .. a3ibj+3i+iCk+3i+2 . .., cka1bj+2Ck+3a4bj+5 . . . Ck+3ia3i+1bj+3i+2 . . . , bjCk+ia2bj+3Ck+4a5 . .. bj+3iCk+3i+ia3i+2 . .., aoCk+ibj+2a3Ck+4bj+5 . .. a3iCk+3i+ibj+3i+2 . .., bjaiCk+2bj+3a4Ck+5 . .. bj+3ia3i+iCk+3i+2 . .., Ckbj+ia2Ck+3bj+4a5 . . . Ck+3ibj+3i+ia3i+2 . . . . Equivalently, the graph G[aibj+iCk+i] is the graph with the same vertex set as Kn,n,n and edge set {aibj+i-i, aibj+i, aibj+i+i, aiCk+i-i, aiCk+i, aiCk+i+i | 1 < i < n - 2} U{bj+iCk+i-i, bj+iCk+i, bj+iCk+i+i | 1 < i < n - 2} U{aobj, aobj+i, an-ibj+n-2, an-ibj+n-i} U{aoCk ,aoCk+i, an-iCk+n-2 , ar—iCk+n-i)} U{bj Ck ,bj Ck + i,bj+n-iCk+n-2,bj+n-iCk+n-i}. Figure 1(a) illustrates the planar spanning subgraph G[aibiCi] of K5 5 5. Y. Yang: Remarks on the thickness of K„,„,„ 137 Figure 1: A planar subgraphs decomposition of K5j5j5 Theorem 2.3. When n = 3p + 2 (p is a positive integer), #(Kni„in) < p + 2. Proof. When n = 3p + 2 (p is a positive integer), we will construct two different planar subgraphs decompositions of Kn n n according to p is odd or even, in which the number of planar subgraphs is p + 2 in both cases. Case 1. p is odd. Let Gi,..., Gp be p planar subgraphs of K„,„in where Gt = G[aibi+3(i-1)ci+6(i-1)L for 1 < t < ; and Gi = — 1)ci+6(t—1)+2], for ^i3 < t < p and p > 3. From the structure of G[ajbj+ick+i], we get that no two edges in G1,..., Gp are repeated. Because subscripts in Gt, 1 < t < p are taken modulo n, {3(t - 1) (mod n) | 1 < t < p} = {0, 3,6,..., 3(p - 1)}, {6(t - l) (modn) | 1 < t < pt-1 } = {0,6,..., 3(p -1)} and {6(t - 1) + 2 (modn) | < t < p} = {3, 9,..., 3(p -2)}, the subscript sets of b and c in Gt, 1 < t < p are the same, i.e., 138 Ars Math. Contemp. 12 (2017) 111-126 {i + 3(t - 1) (mod n) | 1 < t < p} = {i + 6(t - 1) (mod n) | 1 < t < ^y1} U {i + 6(t - 1) + 2 (modn) | < t < p}. Furthermore, if there exists t G {1,... ,p} such that ajbj is an edge in Gt, then ajCj is an edge in Gk for some k G {1,... ,p}. If the edge ajbj is not in any Gt, then neither is the edge ajCj in any Gt, for 1 < t < p. From the construction of Gt, the edges that belong to Kn n n but not to any Gt, 1 < t < p, are aob3(t-i)-i, aoC3(t_i)_i, 1 < t < p (1) an-1&3(t-1), an_lC3(i-1), 1 < t < p (2) aA-3, ajbi-2, 0 < i < n - 1 (3) ajCj-3, ajCj-2, 0 < i < n - 1 (4) p + 3 bjCj+3(t-i)-i, bjci+3(i-i), 0 < i < n - 1 and t = —— (5) b3(t-1)C6(t-1)-1, b3(t-i)-iC6(t-i), 1 < t < (6) p + 3 ^(i-i^i-i^^ b3(i-1)-1C6(i-1) + 2, —< t < p andp > 3 (7) Let Gp+ i be the graph whose edge set consists of the edges in (3) and (5), and Gp+2 be the graph whose edge set consists of the edges in (1), (2), (4), (6) and (7). In the following, we will describe plane drawings of Gp+1 and Gp+2. (a) A planar embedding of Gp+1. Place vertices b0, b1,..., bn-1 on a circle, place vertices ai+3 and cj+ n+i in the middle of b and bj+1, join each of aj+3 and ci+ n+i to both bj and bj+1, we get a planar embedding of Gp+1. For example, when p = 1, n = 5, Figure 1(b) shows the subgraph G2 of K5j5j5. (b) A planar embedding of Gp+2. Firstly, we place vertices c0 , c1 ,..., cn-1 on a circle, join vertex ai+3 to cj and ci+1, for 0 < i < n - 1 , so that we get a cycle of length 2n. Secondly, join vertex an-1 to c3(t-1) for 1 < t < p, with lines inside of the cycle. Let ^ be the line drawn inside the cycle joining an-1 with c6(t-1)-1 if 1 < t < or with c6(t-1)+1 if < t < p (p > 3). For 1 < t < p, insert the vertex b3(t-1) in the line Thirdly, join vertex a0 to c3(t-1)-1 for 1 < t < p, with lines outside of the cycle. Let 4 be the line drawn outside the cycle joining ao with c6(t-1) if 1 < t < P+1 or with c6(i-1)+2 if P+3 < t < p (p > 3). For 1 < t < p, insert the vertex b3(t-1)-1 in the line In this way, we can get a planar embedding of Gp+2. For example, when p = 1, n = 5, Figure 1(c) shows the subgraph G3 of K5,5,5. Summarizing, when p is an odd positive integer and n = 3p+2, we get a decomposition of Kn n n into p + 2 planar subgraphs G1,..., Gp+2. Case 2. p is even. Let G1,..., Gp be p planar subgraphs of K„,„in where Gt = G[ajbj+3(i-1)ci+6(i-1)+3],for 1 < t < p;and Gt = G[aibj+3(t-1)ci+6(i-1) + 2],for < t < p. With a similar argument to the proof of Case 1, we can get that the subscript sets of b and c in Gt, 1 < t < p are the same, i.e., {i + 3(t - 1) (modn) | 1 < t < p} = {i + 6(t - 1) + 3 (modn) | 1 < t < p} U {i + 6(t - 1) +2 (modn) | ^y2- < t < p}. Y. Yang: Remarks on the thickness of K„,„,„ 139 From the construction of Gt, Gp and G p+2 have n - 2 edges in common, they are bi+3(p+2_1)Ci+6(p+2_!)+1, 1 < i < n - 1 and i = n - 4, we can delete them in one of thes2e two graphs2 to avoid repetition. The edges that belong to K„in,m but not to any Gt, 1 < t < p, are a0b3(t_1)_1, a0C3(i_1)_1? 1 < t < P (8) a„_i63(t_i), a„_1C3(t_1), 1 < t < p (9) aj6j_3, aj6j_2, 0 < i < n — 1 aiCj_3, ajCj_2, 0 < i < n — 1 bjCj_1, bjCj, bjCi+1, 0 < i < n - 1 p b3(i_1)C6i_4, 1 < t < 2 P + 2 »3(i_1)C6i_5, —^