The Diocese of Sarsenterensis Ivica PULJIC and Ante ŠKEGRO Izvleček Abstract Omembo sarsenterske škofije najdemo v aktih druge salo-nitanske sinode, ki je potekala pod vodstvom salonitanskega nadškofa Honorija II. (528-547) leta 533 v Saloni. Na tej sinodi so bile ustanovljene nove škofije v Sarsenteru, Mukuru in Ludru (in Sarsentero, Muccuro et Ludro) in posvečeni njihovi škofi. Mnenja predhodnih piscev, ki so se ukvarjali s sarsenter-sko škofijo, se precej razlikujejo, avtor tega članka pa meni, da moramo središče sarsenterske škofije - Sarsenterum (Sarsiteron) iskati v ostankih antične urbane naselbine v Stolcu. Ta naselbina s svojo velikostjo in pomenom prevladuje med ostalimi antičnimi naselbinami na širšem območju spodnje Neretve, z izjemo Narone. Ključne besede: rimska Dalmacija, zgodnje krščanstvo, Sarsenterum (Sarsiteron), sarsenterska škofija A reference to the Diocese of Sarsenterensis can be found in the acts of the Second Ecclesiastical Synod, which was presided over by archbishop Honorius II (528-547) in 533 in Salona. It was during this synod that the new dioceses in Sarsenterum, Muccur and Ludrum were founded (in Sarsentero, Muccuro et Ludro) and their bishops ordained. It is clear from the acts of the same synod that the Sarsenterian diocese was given the basilicas from the municipal areas of Dellontino and Stantino, Nouense (Neuense) per Rusticiarum, Potuatico et Beuzavatico (Benzavatico) and others as well (Sarsenterensis episcopus basilicas, quae in monicipiis Dellontino, Stantino, Nouense (Neuense) per Rusticiarum, Potuatico et Beuzavatico (Benzavatico) et supra constitutae sunt). The opinions of authors differ on the matter of the diocese of Sarsenterensis. Keywords: Roman province of Dalmatia, Early Christianity, Sarsenterum (Sarsiteron), Diocese of Sarsenterensis 1. AN OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH COMPLETED THUS FAR Early authors Wilchelm Tomaschek (1841-1901) located "Sar-siter" in Goranci at the foot of Bila by Poleg (sic!) near Mostarsko blato. He identified it with Sarsenterum - which from the time of the second Salona synod became the seat of the Sarsenterian diocese.1 He interpreted the founding of this diocese in a specific way2 and concluded that it had been allocated the municipium Ad Novas (Runovic, Imotski), Stantium (sic!) or also Constantium - that is Kočerin (Široki Brijeg), Delontium - the estates and the grazing lands Pecuaticum and Beuzavaticum. Delontium irresistibly reminded him of the name Epilentium -with the meaning "on the other side of the marsh" and located it at the fields of Posušje - that is, Lončari near Imotski (sic!). He viewed Pecuaticum as a large grazing land, and Beuzavaticum as the estate of some Delmataean with the name Beuza, claiming that the name Beusas was a quite common Dalmatian name.3 D. Mandic questioned Tomaschek's opinion, arguing that there were no traces of an important ancient settlement in that area.4 1 Tomaschek 1880, 547. 2 Tomaschek 1880, 547-548: "ut Sarsenterensis episcopatus basilicas, quae in municipiis Delontino Stantino Novense (et) per rusticaria Pecuatico et Beuzzavatico supra sunt constitutae, in parochia consequatur". 3 Tomaschek 1880, 548. 4 MandiC 1959, 77; 1963b, 31. F. Rački (1828-1894) considered that Sarsenterum was located at the area between Imotski and Duvno, namely at Roško Polje,5 and he also identified Dellontino with Epilentium, deeming it to have been between Librae and Novae in Garbovac-Zagvozd (Imotski),6 and assumed that Stantino was situated in Krstatice-Slivno near Imotski (forsitan in valle Krstatice-Slivno), identifying Novense with Novas and locating them at Runovic (Imotski),7 and locating Rusticiarium at Rastovača (Posušje).8 He also identified Potuatico with Pazinatium,9 whereas he considered Beuzuvatico a corruption, and thought it to be Bulsanaticum or Bulsinium, locating it at Bužanin grad in the area of Duvno.10 L. Jelic (1864-1922) sought "Sarsiter" in Stržanj or Strmica grad near Šuica.11 He identified it with the "renowned Delmatian diocese".12 He located Lontino (Epi-Lentio or rather De-Lontino) at Imotski,13 Stantino at Stanik to the east of Voštane (Sinj), Novense at Runovic, per Rasticianum (sic!) at Rastok (Vinjani, Posušje) or Raštane (the eastern part of Duvansko plain), and he identified Petuatico with Bestuatico or Bistue vetus, locating it at Šuica or Bužanin grad in the area of Duvno.14 F. Bulic (1846-1934) located Sarsenterum in Aržano and considered that the diocese of Sarsen-terensis was founded at the second Salona synod, with Paulinus as its first bishop. He also identified Novense, also a part of the diocese of Sarsen-terensis, with the municipality of Novae, locating it at Runovic. The main argument in favour of this was the three-naved early Christian basilica in Dikovača (Zmijavci, Imotski) (^ig. 1).15 He locat- Fig. 1: Early Christian basilica from Dikovača (according to: Cambi, Gamulin, Tonkovic 1999). Sl. 1: Zgodnjekrščanska bazilika v Dikovači (po: Cambi, Gamulin, Tonkovic 1999). ed Rusticiarium approximately at Rastok (Vrgo-rac), and considered Delontinum and Stantinum unknown sites, locating them between Runovic and Trilj, and associated Beusavaticum with Bužan-grad, whereas he claimed that Potuaticum had an unknown location.16 Bulic's theses were accepted by V. Klaic, F. Šišic, M. Barada, N. Bilogrivic (1893-1947),17 A. Ujevic,18 K. Draganovic,19 J. Wilkes,20 N. Cambi,21 J. Buturac and A. Ivandija,22 R. Bra-tož,23 J. Kolaric24 but not L. Katic (1887-1961).25 5 Rački 1894, 16 note: Rav. cosmographi IV, 16 inter Aufustis (aufustianis, ad Fusciana) et Bistue vetus, inter Imosko et Duvno, in valle Roškopolje. 6 Rački 1894, 16 note: De Lontino videtur esse cosmographi rav. (loc. cit.) Epi-lentio, inter Libros et Novas (Imosko) in valle Grabovac-Zagvozd. 7 Rački 1894, 16 note: Novae (tab. peut. segm. VI, 4. Rav. cosmogr. IV, 16), nunc Runovič (CIL III 302) in Dalmatia. 8 Rački 1894, 16 note: fors Rastovača, ubi antiqua rudera visuntur. 9 Rački 1894, 16 note: Pazinatium, municipium. Bulletino di Archaeol. e Storia dalm. XIV 163. 10 Rački 1894, 16 note: fors. corruptum pro Bulsanatico, tab. peut. (segm. VI, 4) "in monte Bulsinio", cosmogr. Rav. IV, 16 monte Vulsi, inter Bistue et Libros, forte Bužanin grad. 11 Jelic 1898, 548, 550; Jelenic 1990, 15; Stržanj was located near Šuica also by Radimsky 1894, 284. 12 Jelic 1898, 548. 13 He supposed that the ancient name of Imotski was Saloniana but also not Emotha. 14 Bužanin grad was located at the base of Tušnica mountain near the village of Miši in the Duvno region: Radimsky 1892, 223-224; 1894, 284; Mayer 1940, 127-128, 129). 15 Cambi et al. 1999, 132. 16 Bulic, Bervaldi 1912, 55. 17 Bilogrivic 1998, 35. Ujevic 1991, 61, 69. " Draganovic 1943a, 97, 116. 20 "... ecclesia Sarsenterensis, which has been identified with Aržana (sic!) near Duvno" Wilkes 1969, 432. 21 Cambi 2002, 206, 209. 22 Buturac, Ivandija 1973, 25. 23 Bratož 1986, 378 n. 80. 24 Kolaric 1993, 9; 1998, 9. 25 Katic 1959, 2. V. Klaic (1849-1928) first relied on Tomaschek's thesis.26 Later he stated that the diocese "Sarni-tensis" was actually related to the Sarnitae, the Sarnadae or Sarniclo, which he claimed to have been around the source of the Sana River in western Bosnia. He concluded that the diocese of Sarsenterensis was given Ston (Stagnum) and Runovic (Novense, Novae),'2'7 with which he made this diocese even larger than the archdiocese of Salona. F. Šišic (1869-1940) emphasized that the dioceses of Sarsenterensis, Muccur and Ludrum, founded at the second Synod of Salona, were located to the west of the Bestoen diocese.28 He located Novense (Municipium Novense) at Runovic, mun. Rasticia-rium at Rastok (Vrgorac), and mun. Delontinum at Stolac. He did not know the location of Stanti-num, he looked for mun. Beuzavaticum at Bužan-grad or Buško blato, while he concluded that Potuaticum had an unknown location.29 Despite the more than obvious illogical claims, the theories of Tomaschek, Rački, Bulic, and Šišic can still be encountered in some textbooks. All of this is still being accepted, despite the overlapping jurisdictional questions of the bishops of Muccur and Sarsenterum (fig. 2), which in the process of creating dioceses was not the intention of the bishops at the second Synod of Salona.30 N. Vulic (1872-1945) identified the diocese of Sarsenterensis from the acts of the second Salona synod with the Sarsiteron of the Anonymous Geographer of Ravenna (Geogr. Rav. 211, 14), locating it somewhere along the Aufustiana - Bistue Vetus road in the Dalmatian area.31 M. Barada (1889-1957) also accepted the Tom-aschek-Bulic-Šišic location of Sarsenterum at Aržano and Novense (Novae) at Runovic. He placed Rus-ticiarum in Rastok in the hinterland of Biokovo Mountain and Rastočko polje near Vrgorac.32 K. Draganovic (1903-1983) was initially satisfied with the claim of the creation of three new dioceses at the second synod of Solin (sic!): Muc-cur, Ludrum and Sarsenterum,33 only to conclude ^ \ V N N Šujica A /fin. Delminese « \ ( (^Arzan^.R^ poljef —^ / W 1 Makarška W\ / — • Trebinja 0 0 Fig. 2: Overlapping jurisdictional questions of the bishops of Muccur and of Sarsenterum. Sl. 2: Območje prekrivanja pristojnosti sosednjih škofij (Muc-cur in Sarsenterum). afterwards that the diocese of Sarsenterensis might also have been Aržano.34 Later he refuted his own theory of locating Sarsenterum at Aržano. Relying on D. Mandic and D. Basler, he was more inclined to place it in Bišce polje at the mouth of the Buna River to the southeast of Mostar, where he claimed four important Roman roads intersected. Draganovic considered the early Christian basilicas at Potoci, Cim, and Žitomislici to be peripheral churches that belonged to the diocese of Sarsenterensis.35 M. Vanino (1879-1965) concluded that the diocese of Sarsenterensis at the time of its founding was given Stolac (Daluntum, municipium Delontinum) and the Beuzavaticum municipality (Bužan? Buško Blato?), and that the diocese of Makarska (Muccur) was given Duvno (municipium Delminense).36 He did not take into consideration the jurisdiction-al overlapping of the mentioned dioceses.37 Despite the fact that he argued against the authenticity of the Salona synod acts,38 V. Corovic (1885-1941) still believed that the dioceses in Sarsenterum, Muccur and Ludrum were created at the second synod. He concluded that the location of the Sarsenterian diocese was unknown, but its 26 Klaic 1882, 40-41 n. 32. 27 Klaic 1912, 314. 28 About this diocese: Škegro 2005. 29 Šišic 1914, 156; 1990, 171. 30 About this cf.: Barada 1928, 46; Mandic 1957, 66; 1963a, 21; Puljic 1999, 95 and n. 14; Škegro 2002b, 45-47. 31 Vulic 1923, 51. 32 Barada 1928, 41. 33 Draganovic 1934, 4; 1943b, 201, 220. 34 Draganovic 1943a, 97, 116. 35 Šematizam 1975, 386. 36 Vanino 1998, 144. 37 Vanino 1998, 150. 38 Corovic 1940, 91 n. 4. position could be found, considering that it had been given parishes that were until then part of the Salona diocese, and that one of them was identical to the municipality Novae in Runovic. He considered that the diocese of Sarsenterensis also encompassed a part of the Ljubuški and Duvno areas.39 Recent research A. Ujevic (1944-1992) accepted Bulic's location of Sarsenterum at the Aržano area. He attributed the Imotska region, except for Zagvozd, to the diocese of Sarsenterensis and identified Novense with Novae locating it at Runovic and Rusticiarum (Rusticiat-ico) at Rastok (Posušje). He considered that Lon-tino, Stantino, Pecuatico, Bezzavatico should be sought in the Imotska area and the neighbouring districts.40 D. Mandic (1889-1973) searched for the "town of Sarsiteron", the seat of the diocese of Sarsen-terensis, near the source of the Radobolja River in Mostar. In his view, this diocese was founded for the area of central and western Herzegovina.41 He considered the cathedral of the diocese of Sarsenterensis to be the basilica at Zdinj (Ilici) in Mostar,42 however at Zdinj no early Christian basilica has been found. He thought that this diocese stretched from Stolac (Daluntum) to Runovic (Imotski), where he also located Ad Novas, and in the north to the Bosnian and Herzegovinian mountains.43 The diocese of Sarsenterensis was destroyed during the Avaric devastations and before Slavic tribes settled the area.44 In favour of Mandic's attempt to locate Sarsenterum in the Mostar region are earlier settlements from the broader Mostar area45 and the early Christian basilicas at: Cim,46 Grčine-Poto-ci,47 Hum-Lišani,48 Kratine in Humilišani,49 Kute,50 Sutina,51 Tepčici52 and Žitomislici.53 B. Rupčic (1920-1984) located the centre of the diocese of Sarsenterensis at Biskup-Krupac (Glav-atičevo, Konjic) near the mouth of the Ladanica River where it enters into the Neretva River.54 However, no ancient basilica was found in that area, but rather a memorial chapel from the late Middle Ages.55 An early Christian basilica was found at another place - Bare (Tadici) near Konjic.56 In the name of Sarsenterum, Rupčic would see a settlement of the Illyrian Autariatae, which was built by flowing water.57 He looked for the diocese of Sarsenterensis to the north of the dioceses of Epidaurum or Narona, to the northeast and east of Makarska, and to the south of the Bestoen diocese. It included the areas to the east of Zagvozd and the Duvno area.58 He located Delontino (Di-luntum) at Hutovo near Stolac, Stantinum he identified with Ston, Novense with Ad Novas, also locating them at Runovic, he indentified Rusticia-rum with Raštani (Mostar), whereas he could not identify Poutuatico and Beusavatico. Rupčic did not accept locating Beusavatico at Buško Blato. By including Stolac, Ston and Runovic in the diocese of Sarsenterensis, he realized that he had extremely minimized the dioceses of Narona and Epidaurum.59 Rupčič's theory is in contradiction with the reform of the diocesan borders and the creation of new dioceses at the second Salona synod (^ig. 3). The same goes for locating Sarsenterum at Cim, that is at Žitomislici (Mostar).60 He neglected the fact that at the Salona synod, the Bestoen bishop also demanded the division of his diocese because 39 Corovic 1940, 90-91. 40 Ujevic 1991, 61, 69. 41 Mandic 1957, 65-68; 1959, 71-77; 1963a, 19-23, 1963b, 24-31. 42 Mandic 1959, 77; 1963b, 31. 43 Mandic 1959, 71; 1963b, 24. 44 Mandic 1963b, 26. 45 Arheološki leksikon Bosne i Hercegovine 3 (Sarajevo 1988) 283-309. 46 Andelic 1974, 179-244; 1980, 257-262; 1988a, 292 br. 24.45. 47 Miletic 1962, 153-157; Patsch 1904a, 271-273; 1904b, 39-43. 48 Atanackovič-Salčič, 1997, 26-27. 49 Atanackovič-Salčič 1988c, 300 no. 24.222. 50 Atanackovič-Salčič 1988a, 292 no. 24.39. 51 Atanackovič-Salčič 1988b, 292 no. 24.42; 1997, 24-26. 52 Andelic 1995b, 95-115. Andelic 1978b, 293-314; 1980, 262-264; 1988b, 292 no. 24.44; 1999b, 1-60; Ribarevic Nikolic 1998, 699-701. Rupčic 1957, 69-84; 1959, 78-87. Andelic 1973, 192-193. Glavaš 1986, 113-128. Rupčic 1957, 73-74. Rupčic 1957, 82, 83. Rupčic 1957, 83-84; 1959, 85-86. Puljic 1999, 102. 50 km EPIDAURU/V^^ Fig. 3: Overlapping jurisdictional questions of the bishops of Narona and Sarsenterum. Sl. 3: Območje prekrivanja pristojnosti sosednjih škofij (Nar-ona in Sarsenterum). it was very large.61 Rupčič's opinion was very similar to that of A. Benkovič (1890-1970), who assumed that the centre of the diocese of Sarsenterensis was in Dalmatia or in Herzegovina and that it encompassed a large part of Herzegovina.62 The Sarsenter diocese is also located somewhere north of Mostar in the Catholic Encyclopaedia.63 D. Basler (1917-1990) initially located the diocese of Sarsenterensis (Sarsiteron, Sarsenterum) at Mostar, included in it the area of Stolac (Di-luntum), Stantino (locating it approximately at the area of Ljubuški), Nove (Runovič), per Rusticia-rum (locating it approximately at Posuški Gradac and Rastovača near Posušje), Potuatico, which he assumed to be in Potoci (Mostar), and Beuzavat-ic, which he could not locate. According to him, this diocese encompassed the areas of central and western Herzegovina,64 but he couldn't locate its centre.65 After the excavations of the early Christian complex in Žitomisliči (^ig. 4), he connected the diocese of Sarsenterensis to this.66 The decline of the diocese of Sarsenterensis took place the first half of the seventeenth century.67 Basler's locating Sarsenterum at Žitomisliči was accepted to some extent by M. Vidovič ("around the Buna River or at Žitomisliči"),68 F. Šanjek ("Žitomisliči?"),69 B. Goluža ("Žitomisliči or Mostar"),70 B. Kuntič-Makvič ("Žitomisliči?"),71 and so forth. T. Andelič, who researched the early Christian monuments from Cim and Žitomisliči, considered that an early Christian ecclesiastical community was in Žito-misliči. He placed the centre of the diocese of Sarsenterensis in Cim basilica (^ig. 5).72 Andelič's opinion was accepted by S. Vasilj73 and A. Barun,74 wheres P. Chevalier is not sure whether the eccle-sia Mactaritana (sic!) or Sarsenterum were located in Cim.75 She sought the latter alternatively at Aržano or Mostar ("Aržano? ou Mostar?").76 J. Buturac (1905-1993) and A. Ivandija (19171997) considered that at the second Salona synod four new dioceses were created in the area of the Solin metropolitan see: Muccur (Makarska), Ludrum (in the Kninsko plain or along the Cetina River), Sarsenterum (Aržano), and Baloie (around the source of the Sana River).77 They emphasized that this was "criticized by Rome", because they claimed that smaller places got bishops in this way, whereas the care of souls could have be carried out by common priests.78 The most absurd opinion about the diocese of Sarsenterensis was suggested by E. Imamovič, 61 Klaič 1967, 84: Andreas vir venerabilis [episcopus] bestoensis ecelesiae dixit: "Necesse nobis est bonae institutionis formam libenter amplecti, praesertim cum de sacro laudabiliter cogitatur obsequio adque ideo quaeso, ut a loco Copella et Arena usque ad has urbes basilicas, quae in mea patrocinia continentur, ad proponendum iisdem locum faciatis episcopum pertinere. Tantae vexationis labore submoto, aptior mihi solicitudo sit de sacerdotibus plebeque commissa, quanto grex dominicus vicino pastore melius gubernetur". 62 Benkovič 1966, 16. 63 Catholic Encyclopedia: Bosnia and herzegovina:, January 9, 2006. 64 Basler (Kujundžič) 1982, 140. 65 Basler 1986, 19; 1990, 29. 66 Basler 1984, 327, 339-340, fig. 103; 1990, 101-102, fig. 47; 1991, 3. 67 Basler 1982, 143. 68 Vidovič 1996, 17. 69 Šanjek 1991, 9; 1996, 33; 1997, 218. 70 Goluža 1998, 97. 71 Kuntič-Makvič 2003, 38. 72 Andelič 1980, 262-262; 1999b, 37; 1999c, 5. 73 Vasilj 1993, 17-18. 74 Barun 2003, 48. 75 Chevalier 1995a, 394-395, 400. 76 Chevalier 1995b, 195, 22 map 2. 77 Baloie was located by Bojanovski at the Roman settlement at Šipovo (central Bosnia): Bojanovski 1968, 1-4; 1974a, 347369; 1988, 287-292, 292, 329, 374; 1991, 287-289. 78 Buturac, Ivandija 1973, 25. Fig. 4: Early Christian objects in Žitomislici (according to: Andelic 1978b). Sl. 4: Zgodnjekrščanski objekti v Žitomislicih (po: Andelic 1978b). according to whom it included "today's Stolac (municipium Diluntum) and the municipality Beuza-vaticum (maybe Bužan, Buško Blato), the diocese of Makarska contained Duvno, and the diocese in Ludrum (perhaps today's Knin) was given Glamoč with its surroundings, as well as Sarziaticum".^9 If the diocese of Sarsenterensis really included the area from Buško Blato in the west all the way to Stolac in the east, it would have been intersected by the territory of the diocese of Narona, which the synod fathers would never have approved. During the creation of the new dioceses, the geographical logic of the area was taken into consideration, as well as the economical potential, all in accordance with the needs of the church and its clergy for a more efficient Christianization.80 79 Imamovic 1983, 45. 80 Cambi 2001, 11. 81 Cambi 1985, 35. 82 Cambi 2002, 206, 209. 83 Bojanovski 1988, 381. N. Cambi assumed that the diocese of Sarsen-terensis was located near Mostar, where the diocese of Narona extended until the creation of the former. He deemed that the exact position of the seat of this diocese was not definitely established.81 He finally embraced to some extent the location of Sarsenterum at Aržano.82 I. Bojanovski (1915-1993) identified the Sarsiteron of the Anonymous Geographer of Ravenna with the Sarsenterum from the acts of the synods of Salona. He identified a diocese in it from 533, and, somewhat reluctantly related it to the basilica in Cim.83 At Konjic Bojanovski located Potu-atico (mun. Potuaticum?), in Stolac Dellontino, in Ston Stantino and Novense (Novae) in the Imotsko plain. Unidentified were per Rusticiarum, Potuat- Fig. 5: Early Christian basilica in Cim (according to: Andelič 1978a). Sl. 5: Zgodnjekrščanska bazilika v Cimu (po: Andelič 1978a). ico and Benzavatico. Tracing the Roman road Narona - Sarajevo plain,84 he located per Rusticiarum at the Nevesinjsko plain, Potuatico at Konjic, and Benzavatico possibly at Rama. However, he left open other possibilities.85 He initially thought that Sarsiteron was located at Cim, Benzavatico at Konjic, per Rusticiarum at Nevesinjsko plain, and Potuatico at Glavatičevo on the upper Neretva River.86 In all the places mentioned, he found early Christian parishes (parochia).8'7 However, an excellent expert in the topography of the area around Konjic, P. Andelič (1920-1985) left no possibility of locating Sarsenterum or any place from the diocese of Sarsenterensis in the area of Konjic.88 A. Dračevac (1920-1993) thought it most probable that the diocese of Sarsenterensis was created for the area of Zahumlje (Hum), Pelješac, and Pri-morje (the coastal area) all the way to Rijeka Dubrovačka, and that the diocese of Sarsenteren-sis should be located by the area of Mostar. The diocese of Sarsenterensis was suppressed during the advances of the Slavs and the Avars in the years 614/615, but he also claimed that Christianity in this area was not entirely extinguished. It was renewed in the form of the diocese of Zahumlje or Ston,89 which was its legal successor in the same area where the diocese of Sarsenterensis had been located.90 The Stantania of the archbishop of Bar, Gregory (the Priest of Dioclea),was identified by this author with Stantin of the diocese of Sarsenterensis and with Turris Stagna from the Tabula Peuting-eriiana, locating them at ancient Ston (Stari Grad and the knoll of St. Michael and Gorica).91 According to V. B. Lupis, the diocese of Zahumlje or Ston expanded on the tradition of the dioceses of Narona and Sarsenterensis.92 V. Paškvalin claimed that there were no reliable arguments for locating Sarsenterum at Cim.93 He placed the eastern part of Mostar (Bijelo Polje, Bišče polje, and others) into the ager of the mu-nicipium Diluntum.94 He had doubts about placing Sarsenterum or Diluntum at Stolac.95 I. Goldstein saw the reason for the creation of the dioceses of Sarsenterum, Muccur and Ludrum in the "impossibility to properly monitor the wide territory of the diocese of Salona" (sic!). He placed the centre of the diocese of Sarsenterensis in the area near Aržano, while the diocese he placed along Buško Blato all the way to Stolac,96 emphasizing that the county of Imota inherited the position of the "Sarsenter parish" (sic!).97 S. Čače was certain that Sarsiteron from the "Cosmography" of the Anonymous Geographer of Ravenna is identical to the Sarsenterum from the acts of the second Synod of Salona. He searched for it somewhere in the area of Mostar, but not in Cim. He also accepted the location of Dellontino at Stolac, and Novae at Runovič, whereas he claimed 84 Bojanovski 1978, 66-98; 1988, 135 n. 14. 85 Bojanovski 1988, 135. 86 Bojanovski 1978, 114. 87 Bojanovski 1978, 114; 1988, 135. 88 Andelič 1973, 103-108, 175, 192-193. 89 Dračevac 1987, 78. 90 Dračevac 1987, 78; 1988, 85. 91 Dračevac 1988, 84. 92 Lupis 2000, 12-13 and n. 6; 2001, 198-199, and n. 6. 93 Paškvalin 1999, 47-83; 2003, 245-270. 94 Paškvalin 1999, 48, 82; 2003, 246, 269. 95 Paškvalin 2003, map after p. 349. 96 Goldstein 1995, 61. 97 Goldstein 1995, 163. Fig. 6: Medieval district of Zažablje (according to: Andelic 1999). Sl. 6: Srednjeveška župa Zažablje (po: Andelic 1999). that the locations of Beuzavatico, Potuatico and Stantino are unknown.98 I. Puljic placed the diocese of Sarsenterensis in the area that was inhabited at earlier times by the united Illyrian tribes of the Daorsei, and Sarsenterum in the center of this area - Stolac. He located the diocese of Sarsenterensis in the area between the dioceses of Narona and Epidaurum, as well as Martaritan and Bestoen.99 He identified Stantino with Ston, while Delontino - on the basis of inscriptions of the decurion of the municipium De-lunti,1^^ the Tabula Peutingeriana and the Itinerar-ium Antonini, he locates at Trebinja in the Popovo area.101 The other municipalities that were a part of this diocese he located in the area around Mostarsko Blato and Potoci (Mostar) to Jablani-ca and Konjic in central Herzegovina.102 Puljic stated that the ancient roads and settlements in the area of eastern Herzegovina are not very well known.103 According to his reading of the "Historia Salonita Maior", he located Novense (Neuense) and identifies it with the Neum area (Neon, Novum) in the medieval district of Žapska (Zažablje) or Nevesinje in eastern Herzegovina (^ig. 6).104 To corroborate his thesis, he enumerated several ancient sites and objects from the Neum area.105 Puljic also located Potuatico at Potoci (Mostar), per Rusticiarum at Raštani on the right bank of the Neretva River, and Beuzavatico at Žvatic (Beu-Zavatic-o) near Zvonigrad in Mostarsko Blato and alternatively at Bišce.106 He also believed that the diocese of Sarsenterensis survived the migration period as the diocese of Ston-Zahumlje, which encompassed the same areas as the diocese of Sarsenterensis.107 98 Čače 1993, 390-391. 99 Puljic 1994, 129-131; 1995, 22-26; 1996, 92-98; 1997, 13; 1999, 93-116; 2006, 33-54. 100 Sergejevski 1935, 17-18, Pl. IV, fig. 1; Bojanovski 1977, 84; Atanackovic-Salčic 1979, 7-40; Šašel 1986, no. 1740: D(is) m(anibus) s(acrum) / P. Aplio Pl[as]/so patri pientis/[s]imo dec(urioni) m(unicipii) Dil(unti) /5 et M[....]c[...] / infelicissi/ma(e) def(unctae) an(norum) VIIII (?) / P. Aplius Anni/us v(ivus) sibi et / suis fecit. 101 Puljic 1994, 130; 1995, 23; 1996, 93. 102 Puljic 1995, 22; 1996, 91-98. 103 Puljic 1995, 23 and n. 53. 104 O župi Žaba: Andelic, Sivric, Andelic 1999, 47-69. 105 Puljic 1994, 130; 1995, 23-24; 1996, 94-95. 106 Puljic 1994, 130; 1995, 24 and n. 54; 1996, 94-95. 107 Puljic 1995, 24, 25. In favour of this thesis, he stated the fact that Ston from 533 was a "parish" of the diocese of Sarsen-terensis and that the bishop took refuge in it, as well as the bishops of Epidaurus and Salona who took refuge in fortified Ragusium and in Diocletian's Palace in Split.108 The mother church of the Ston parish dating back to ancient times is generally accepted to be the basilica dedicated to St. Magdalena of Gorica, which also survived the advances of the Slavs.109 Puljic emphasized that in the process of establishing the area of the diocese of Sarsenteren-sis, care was not taken about its size and its road network, as well as its relation to the neighbouring dioceses. As an example of this, he stated the location of Rusticiarium at Rastok (Vrgorac), which gravitates towards the center of the diocese of Narona and to no other place where the center of the diocese of Sarsenterensis is sought.110 Puljic searched for Sarsentereum at Stolac,111 where the remains of a larger ancient settlement have been verified, and not, as is commonly said, Diluntum}'1^ In favour of this thesis, he cited the "Cosmography" of the Anonymous Geographer of Ravenna, where there is no mention of the name Diluntum. Puljic concluded from these facts that Diluntum had no special traits to have deserved to be the seat of the diocese.113 No early Christian basilica has yet been found at Stolac. Still there is a possibility that it was located in the area of Podgrad, that is beneath Careva Džamija (the Sultan's Mosque) in Stolac, which was erected on the foundations of some early Christian sacral object, or somewhere else,114 because no systematic investigation has been undertaken in Stolac at all.115 In Stolac, a domus ecclesi-ae existed as early as the pre-Constantinian times.116 On the basis of inscriptions mentioning the parish council (ordo decurionum) from this place117 and Trebinja,118 A. Škegro placed Diluntum at Stolac.119 He concluded that the fate of the late Roman and early medieval churches from the area of Stolac,120 were sealed by the devastations of war in 534 and 535, when the Byzantine emperor Justinian (527565) suppressed the Ostrogoths in Dalmatia.121 Basing his theory on the existence of a large urban settlement and two monumental fortifications in Gradac near Posušje, P. Oreč tied the centre of the diocese of Sarsenterensis to the double-naved early Christian basilica at Brižak in Gradac by Posuš-je.122 The problem of the Sarsenter diocese was also discussed by J. Vučic.123 He preferred the identification of Diluntum or Delontino as Stolac, of Nov-ense as Runovic, and of Sarsenter as Mostar.124 His definition and identification of the centre of the Sarsenter diocese and the individual settlements that composed it is not based on a review of the overall research results, or on the extant sources - the medieval ones in particular. 2. WHAT DO THE SOURCES SAY? The diocese of Sarsenterensis is also mentioned in the acts of the second synod of Salona, which was held in the city in 533, presided over by the Salonitan archbishop Honorius II. The acts of the Salona synod were added to some manuscripts of the "Historia Salonitana Maior" by the chronicler of Split, Thomas the Archdeacon. The authenticity of those acts was refuted by I. Lučic (Joannes Lucius, 16 0 4-167 9),125 and nowadays by I. Babic,126 111 112 113 114 116 117 108 Puljic 1995, 25-26. 109 Fiskovic 1980, 222, 224. Puljic 1996, 93 n. 19. Puljic 1999, 93-116. Bojanovski 1988, 88-102, 93, 97, 99-100, 102. Puljic 1996, 93-94. Hercegovina 1985, 134; Hasandedic 1990, 9; 1997, 14/90. l'5 Hercegovina 1985, 134; Hasandedic 1990, 9; 1997, 14/90. Truhelka 1892, 356-358; 1931, 100-102; Basler 1990, 25. CIL III 13874; Bojanovski 1973, 151, note 54:--/ [- m]atri k(astrorum?) —?/[-] sc(-) ob[- /-?] dicati(ssimus?)-?] [— /m -?/5—] cos[—?/—] un[—?] l(oco) d(ato) d(ecreto) d(ecurionum) [-?]. 118 Bojanovski 1977, 83-86: D(is) M(anibus) S(acrum)/P(ublio) Aplio Plas/sopatripientis/simo dec(urioni) m(unicipii) Dil(unti) et A[nniae fil(iae)] infelicissi/mae def(unctae) an(norum) VIIII. / P(ublius) Anni/us v(ivus) sibi et /10 suis fecit. Škegro 2001, 72-78; 2002a, 11-25. 120 Andelic 1999a, 117-120. 121 Škegro 2002a, 15-16. 122 Oreč 1982, 55-85; 1994, 86; 1996, 135-136. 123 Vučic 2005, 164, 165-166. 124 Vučic 2005, 166. 125 Lucius 1673, 73: et quaecunque in illo de actis conciliorum Dalmatiae, epistolis papalibus et epitaphio Zvonimiri regis scripta sunt, ea omnia ficta et supposititia sunt". 126 Babic 1993, 13-57. / but not by D. Farlati (16 9 0-17 7 3),127 I. Batthyan (1741-1798),128 F. Rački,129 F. Šišic,130 V. Blaževic,131 N. Klaic (1920-1988),132 S. Gunjača (1909-1981),133 M. Ivaniševic,134 etc. "Historia Salonitana Maior" The acts of the first synod of Salona were co-signed by the Vitalis presbyter, whom the oldest manuscript "Historia Salonitana Maior", the Vatican Congregatio de propaganda Fide addresses as the sarniensis, that is sarntesis, and in the Barberine manuscripts as sarnitensis. Based on this, some authors consider Vitalis to be a priest from Sarsen-terensis.1^5 If this is truly a place that became a diocese during the second Salonitan synod, one gets the impression that Sarsenterum had quite a reputation even before the creation of the diocese, and because of this it became the seat of the diocese. At the second synod of Salona, Sarsenterum is mentioned in the context of the ordination of three new bishops (in Sarsentero, Muccuro etLudro episcopi debeant consecrari) and mention is made of the election of the priest Paulinus as bishop (in Sarsentero Paulinum presbiterum).1^^ The diocese of Sarsenterensis (sarsinterensis) is mentioned during the choosing of places for the newly formed diocese.137 Finally, the acts of the second synod of Salona were also co-signed by the bishop of Sarsenterensis, Paulinus episcopus ec-clesie sarsenterensis.138 Thus it is obvious that in the period of late antiquity the diocese of Sarsenterensis (Ecclesia sarsenterensis, sarsinterensis, sarsiterensis) was created in the area of the Salona metropolitan see in a place called Sarsenterum. "Historia Salonitana Maior" does not state precisely where this place would be. However, considering the order of the newly formed dioceses, it could be found east of the diocese Muccur. "Historia Salonitana Maior" gives evidence that Sarsenterum was an urban settlement that was among the first municipalities given to the bishop of Sarsenterensis. According to the words of the Salonitan archbishop Honori-us II, which he spoke before the decision on the creation of the new dioceses, it is clear that this was primarily a case of taking into consideration the canonical rules related to dioceses. Special care was taken not to damage the dignity of the bishops' service.139 As early as in 343/344, even the synod in Serdica140 determined that "it is not permitted to ordain a bishop in any village or smaller settlement; where a single priest is sufficient there is no need for a bishop to be present as well, so that his name and dignity could be undermined".141 The synod fathers held to these norms in the year 533, when they chose the centres of the newly formed dioceses.142 The legislation of emperor Iustinian also tended to the preservation of the dignity of the bishop's service. These dioceses were founded during his reign. The legislation of this emperor did not allow for the creation of new dioceses either in rural or in smaller urban settlements.143 According to the acts of the Split synod in the 127 Farlati 1753, 162-164; 173-174. 128 Batthyan 1785, 285-293. 129 Rački 1894, 13-18. 13° Šišic 1914, 157-164. I3' Blaževic 1967, 9-11, nos. 8, 9. 132 Klaic 1967, 76-85. 133 Gunjača 1973, 50-56. 134 Ivaniševic 1994, 159-161. 135 Farlati 1753, 172; Batthyan 1785, 290; Šišic 1914, 157, 161; Klaic 1967, 81 n. 221. 136 Farlati 1753, 173; Batthyan 1785, 291; Rački 1894, 16, note; Šišic 1914, 162; Klaic 1967, 83; Gunjača 1973, 54; Ivaniševic 1994, 161. 137 Farlati 1753, 173; Batthyan 1785, 291; Rački 1894, 18, note; Šišic 1914, 162; Klaic 1967, 83; Gunjača 1973, 54; Ivaniševic 1994, 161. 138 Farlati 1753, 174; Batthyan 1785, 293; Rački 1894, 18, note; Šišic 1914, 164; Klaic 1967, 85; Gunjača 1973, 56; Ivaniševic 1994, 161. 139 Ad ordinandorum nuper episcoporum curam, facta distributione, credimus pertinere, presertim cum nihil canonicis sit contra-rium constitutis, qia nec episcopalis vilescit auctoritas... Quapropter, quos vel in quibus locis episcopi debeant consecrari, diligentius pertractemus. Klaic 1967, 82 (615r). 140 About this synod: Bratož 1987, 154-155. 141 Kurtscheid 1951, 107: "Licentia danda non est ordinandi episcopum aut in vico aliquo aut in modica civitate, cui sufficit unus presbyter, quia non est necesse ibi episcopum fieri ne vilescat nomen episcopi et auctoritas". 142 Tractatu itaque habito, adicto, quomodo hoc comuni noscitur sedisse consilio, ut in Sarsentero, Muccuro et Ludro episcopi debeant consecrari futurorum personas antistitum decretorum tenor adsignet. Klaic 1967, 82 (615r). 143 Jedin 1995, 418-427. year 925, this norm was also valid during the tenth century.144 Considering the context of these developments, we can easily comprehend the speech of archbishop Honorius II, where he emphasizes the importance of the preservation of canonical norms and the dignity of the bishops, as well as the importance of the newly formed dioceses for which they are ordained. They use the term de-bere (must) for it, which emphasizes a strong moral commitment.145 The ordination of these bishops was accepted by all the bishops at the second synod of Salona.146 It is not clear whether these or any other ordinations are related to the reproaches that were addressed in the year 550 to the administrator of the Pope'e patrimony in Dalmatia (Dalma-tiarumpatrimonium, patrimonium in Dalmatia), the Deacon Sebastianus by Pope Vigilius (537-555).147 Bearing in mind the large time span from when the Salonitan synod was held and when the Pope's letter arrived, this seems far-fetched. The "Cosmography" of the Anonymous Geographer of Ravenna The "Cosmography" of the Anonymous Geographer of Ravenna consists of short and long lists of towns (civitates) based on cartographic and itinerary traditions.148 Although it goes back as far as the seventh century, the information it gives refers to the first half of the sixth century.149 Among other towns in Dalmatia (Dalmatia, Dalmatiae) on the road leading from Burzuman to Nova (Novas) this work also mentions Sarsiteron (civitas Sarsiteron, Sarsitheron): "Next to Burzumon there are also towns called Medione, Anderba, Ausustis, Emanio, Sarsiteron, Bistue Betus, Montebulsi, Libros, Orbam, Naurtio, Epilentio, Novas."150 Burzumon is identified with the Bersumun (Birzuminium) mentioned in the Tabula Peutingeriana and it is located in Podgorica,151 Medione is identified with the fortification Meteon of the Illyric tribe of the Labeates in Medun (Kuča), north-east of Podgorica, and Anderba with Nikšic (Montenegro).152 Ausustis is identified with the travel station Ad Fusciana mentioned in the Tabula Peu-tingeriana, i.e. with Aufustianis from the Itinerar-ium Antonini, and is located at Tkanice (Tihalji-na), Emanio by its name refers to Imotski,153 Bistue Betus is identical with Bistue Vetus mentioned in the Tabula Peutingeriana and is located at Tomis-lavgrad,154 i.e. at Čipuljic (Bugojno),155 Montebul-si is identified with the station In monte Bulsinio mentioned in the Tabula Peutingeriana and is sought at Privala on the slopes of Tušnica between Buško Blato and the Duvanjsko plain,156 Libros is identified with Ad Libros mentioned in the Tabula Peutingeriana and is located at Gradina (Bukova Gora) near Buško Blato,157 whereas Orba is located at Aržano, Naurtio at Studenci (Imotski), Epilentio at Proložac (Imotski),158 and Novas has been identified since 1880 with Ad Novas, i.e. with Novae and is located at Runovic (^ig. 7).159 The "Cosmography" of the Anonymous Geographer of Ravenna points to the fact that Sarsiteron was located between Burzumon (Podgorica) and Medion (Me-dun, Kuči near Podgorica) in Montenegro, and Bistue betus (Bistue vetus) in southeastern or central Bosnia. This work, however, still does not reveal any details about Sarsiteron. Based on the fact that there is no mention of Diluntum in the "Cosmography", one can rightfully assume that this place has not been omitted by mistake, because it was 144 Non licet in modicis ciuitatibus uel villis episcopos statui, ne nomen episcopi uilescat. Kostrenčic, Stipišic, Šamšalovič 1967, 31; Klaic 1967, 99, fig. 628v. 145 Quapropter, quos vel in quibus locis episcopi debeant consecrari, diligentius pertractemus. Tractatu itaque habito, adiecte, quoniam hoc comuni noscitur sedisse consilio, ut in Sarsentero, in Muccuro et Ludro episcopi debeant consecrari. Klaic 1967, 82-83, n. 254: debeatur. 146 Klaic 1967, 83. 147 Mansi 1960, 355; Migne 1848, epist. XIV, 50-51; Ivaniševic 1994, 162; Škegro 2002b, 76-77. 148 Čače 1993, 352. 149 Čače 1993, 348. 150 Item iuxta Burzumon est civitas quae dicitur Medione, Anderba, Ausustis, Emanio, Sarsiteron (Sarsitheron), Bistue betus, Montebulsi, Libros, Orbam, Naurtio (Naurcio), Epilentio (Epilencio), Novas (per Novas). Čače 1993, 357; Ravennatis Anonymi Cos-mographia, IV, 16; Cambi, Pasini 1980, 290. 151 Garašanin 1967a, 127; 1967, 171. 152 Garašanin 1967, 127-133. 153 Čače 1993, 389. 154 Bojanovski 1974b 160-166, 170, 187, 189, 233, 236, 244. 155 Paškvalin 1998, 549-619; 2003, 129-191. 156 Bojanovski 1974b 149, 156-160; Čače 1993, 392. 157 Bojanovski 1974b 152-155; Čače 1993, 392. 158 Čače 1993, 392-393. 159 Čače 1993, 390 and n. 147. Fig. 7: Sarsiteron of the Anonymous of Ravenna (according to: Čače 1993). Sl. 7: Sarsiteron Anonimnega Ravenata (po: Čače 1993). not important enough for the author to have mentioned it. If it had been a larger and more important settlement, the Anonymous Geographer of Ravenna would not have left it out, like he has not left out the largest urban settlement in the basin of the lower Neretva - Narona. 3. THE TERRITORY OF THE DIOCESE OF SARSENTERENSIS Sarsenterum - Sarsiteron settlement in Stolac that obtained municipal status appears logical. A beneficiary station was also situated there.162 Nearby, at Gradina in Ošanici, in the Hellenic period, the centre of the Illyric tribal community of the Daorsei was located.163 After being devastated by the Delmatae around the middle of the second century BC, they erected a new settlement by the Bregava River.164 The Daorsei in the time of the Illyrian - Roman wars took sides with the Romans and as a consequence suffered considerable losses, yet as Roman allies they earned certain privileges and thus had a better perspective, unlike other itinerant populations that stood up to the Romans, which largely contributed to the development of this settlement in the ancient Roman times. In the early imperial period, as civ-itas peregrinorum^^^ they were autonomous under the protection of the Roman senate.166 Their new center earned its municipal status somewhere around the time of the Flavian dynasty (69-96), that is, during the time when municipal status was more favourable than colonial.167 According to early Christian norms, this place had the potential of becoming a diocese, depending on the influence of the Christian municipality. "Historia Salonitana Maior" gives evidence that Sarsenterensis is even more important than Diluntum. This is also directly confirmed in the "Cosmography" of the Anonymous Geographer of Ravenna, where Diluntum was not even mentioned. The "Cosmography" locates Sarsenterum in the far hinterland of the eastern Adriatic, while Tabula Peutingeriana places the station Diluntum closer to the shore. Despite the fact that systematic archaeological research has not begun in the area of Stolac, random archaeological finds, as well as the rescue investigation of some ancient sites, demonstrate that a important ancient urban settlement developed in this area. In the wider area of Herzegovina, if one excludes Narona, there are no traces of a larger urban settlement except in Stolac.160 With its size and cultural achievements, it is the most prominent settlement in the wider area of the eastern Adriatic hinterland.161 The development of an ancient Dellontino The Salonitan synod fathers assigned the basilicas, quae in municipiis Dellontino, Stantino, Neuense - Nouense,^^'8 per Rusticiarum Pecuatico et Beuzavatico to the bishop of Sarsenterensis in the year 533. As Dellontino is mentioned first among them, it is justified to assume that it was a place that, like the others, gravitated towards Sarsenterum and was the closest one. Tabula Peutingeriana 160 Bojanovski, 1973, 151; 1969, 146-150. 161 Atanackovič-Salčič 1979, 35; Čremošnik 1984, 63-77. 162 Schallmayer 1990, 382-384, nos. 485-487. 163 Maric 1977, 5-50; 1979, 61-181; 1989, 57-59; 1995, 43-93; 1996, 7-33. 164 If the toponymic form Kostolac came from castellum, it could be a way of interpreting the genesis of the name of Stolac: Skok 1972, 57-58; Šimunovic 1986, 80, 63 n. 10. 165 Bojanovski 1988, 75, 94. 166 Maric 1985, 49; Bojanovski 1988, 89-90, 94. 167 Bojanovski 1973, 151 and n. 54. 168 Klaic 1967, fig. 17. Fig. 8: Place of the station Dilunto from the Tabula Peutingeriana. Sl. 8: Lokacija Dilunta na Tabuli Peutingeriani. states that the station Dilunto was located thirty-five miles east of Narona, on the left side of the Neretva River beyond the station Ad Turres and before Pardua and Zizio (Narona - XXII - Ad Turres - XIII - Dilunto - XIIII - Pardua - XVI - Ad Zizio) (fig. 8). Dalluntum Dalluntum is also mentioned on the Itin-erarum Antonini on the road that led from Salona to Durres (Dyrrachium) in northern Albania (a Salonis Dyrrachium mp CCCIII - Ponte Tiluri XVI. Tronto XII - Bilubio XIII - Aufustianis XVIII - Narona XXV - Dallunto - XXV - Leusinio XL - Andarba XXVIIII -Salunto XVIII - Alata XVII - Birziminio X - Cinna XVIII - Scodra XII - Dyrrachio L).169 From this one can conclude that the travel station Dallunto should be sought to the east of Narona. It has mostly been located in different areas of eastern Herzegovina. W. Tomaschek170 and A. Mayer sought it in Hutovo (Hutovo Polje),171 H. Cons in Neum, 172 M. Hoernes (1852-1917) in Vranjevo Selo (Neum),173 G. Novak (1888-1978) in Neum,174 H. Kiepert (1818-1899) in Popovo,175 K. Miller (18441933) in Popovo (or Kotezi),176 E. Pašalic (1915- 1967) around Trebinja in Popovo,177 G. Alföldy in the local area of the Illyrian Deremists (Dere-mistae) or in Trebinja, but was still not sure where to seek it,178 J. J. Wilkes reluctantly placed it at Ljubinje or at Trebinja in Popovo,179 while A. J. Evans (1851-1941),180 C. Truhelka (1865-1942),181 D. Sergejevski (1886-1965),182 D. Mandic,183 D. Basler,184 I. Bojanovski,185 and A. Škegro placed it in Stolac,186 and I. Puljic at Trebinja.187 Modern authors did not suspect that this itinerary station was in Stolac, in favour of which they referred to traces of an ancient settlement from Trebinja and two inscriptions that mentioned members of a municipal council (ordo decurionum) from Stolac188 and Trebinja.189 While locating Dilunto in Stolac, the remains of an ancient settlement with mosaics, frescos, baths, temples, buildings with hypoc-austs, etc., in Trebinja were unjustifiably ignored.190 Some travel stations from the Tabula Peutinge-riana, among which Dilunto was also mentioned, are mentioned in the "Cosmography" of the Anonymous Geographer of Ravenna in a list of towns 169 Parthey, Pinder 1848, 338; Pašalic 1960, 62; Bojanovski 1973, 168; Ravennatis Anonymi Cosmographia IV, 16; Cambi, Pasini 1980, 289. 170 Tomaschek 1880, 548-549 and 553; Pašalic 1960, 62 and n. 12. Mayer 1940, 141-142, 150; 1991, 116; Pašalic 1960, 63. 172 Cons 1882, 370-371, 380, 390, 398; Pašalic 1960, 62. 173 Mayer 1940, 137; Pašalic 1960, 62. 174 Novak 1944, 66. 175 Kiepert 1893-1914, map 17; Pašalic 1960, 62-63. 176 Kiepert 1893-1914, 468, 482; Pašalic 1960, 63. 177 Pašalic 1960, 64. 178 Alföldy 1965, 144, 178, 207. 179 Wilkes 1969, 167, 258-259, 290. 180 Evans 1883, 92-93, 103; Pašalic 1960, 62; Bojanovski 1988, 99. 181 Truhelka 1892, 364. Truhelka wrote: "Evans located Assano in Stolac." Truhelka 1892, n. 1. 182 Sergejevski 1935, 17-18; 1962, 111-113; Pašalic 1960, 63. 183 Mandic 1962, 20. 184 Basler (Kujundžic) 1976b, 25-26; 1982, 140. 185 Bojanovski, 1969, 146-150; 1973, 151; 1980, 183; 1988, 99-102, 377. 186 Škegro 2002a, 11-13. 187 Puljic 1999, 111-112. 188 CIL III 13874; Bojanovski 1973, 151, note 54:--/ [- m]atri k(astrorum?) —?/[-] sc(-) ob[- /-?] dicati(ssimus?)-?] [- /m -? /5-] cos[-?/-] un[-?] l(oco) d(ato) d(ecreto) d(ecurionum) [-?]. 189 Bojanovski 1977, 83-86: D(is) M(anibus) S(acrum) /P(ublio) Aplio Plas/so patripientis/simo dec(urioni) m(unicipii) Dil(unti) /5 et A[nniae fil(iae)] infelicissi/mae def(unctae) an(norum) VIIII. / P(ublius) Anni/us v(ivus) sibi et /10 suis fecit. 190 Bojanovski 1973, 152. Fig. 9: Roman road in eastern Herzegovina (according to: Bojanovski 1973). Sl. 9: Rimska cesta v vzhodni Hercegovini (po: Bojanovski 1973). on the coast (per litus maris). They are Epitaurum id est Ragusium, Asamon, Zidion, Pardua id est Stamnes, Turres, Narrona. On the Tabula Peuting-eriana, the Dilunto travel station is mentioned between Turres and Pardua in the "Cosmography" of the Anonymous Geographer of Ravenna. In some other instances, the "Cosmography" becomes more detailed, so that right along the coast (circa ipsa litora maris) it mentions among other items: Epitauron, Assidium, Bretorum, Turres, Narrona.1^1 It is evident for Assidium that this is the same as Ad Ziz-io, and Turres is obviously Ad Turres from the Tabula Peutingeriana. These are travel stations from the group of stations along the coast, where Dilunto is mentioned as well. Considering the fact that it is located on the same travel route, Dilunto cannot be further from the shore, so it is not wise to locate it at Stolac. The ancient road towards the east connected Narona and Stolac (^ig. 9), and this route is well documented in the sources.192 Therefore there are no arguments to tie this road with the roads from the Tabula Peutingeriana or the "Cosmography" of the Anonymous Geographer of Ravenna. These sources do not contain descriptions of all the ancient roads.193 The important road which led from Narona over the Nevesinjsko plain deeper inland towards eastern and central Bosnia was not recorded by any sources,194 despite the fact there is much evidence in the form of unpaved roadways, beaten paths, milestones, traces of ancient Ravennatis Anonymi Cosmographia V, 14; Cambi, Pasini 1980, 289, 291. 192 Bojanovski 1980, 183. 193 Bojanovski 1974b, 21. 194 Bojanovski 1978, 52. settlements next to it, and the like. This road can be easily traced from the valley of the Neretva River through the Bregava River canyon, going straight over the Dubrava plateau, Brštanik, Stjepan Krst, Jasena, etc. It is one of the oldest Roman roads in Dalmatia, which was constructed before the great builder and governor of Dalmatia Publius Cornelius Dolabella (14-20).195 In addition to the inscriptions from Trebinja and Stolac, one of the crucial arguments for identifying the ancient settlement of Stolac with Dilunto is this very road that ran through Stolac as well. This road is identified with the route from the Tabula Peutingeriana and the Itinerarium Antonini, although its track through eastern Herzegovina has not been precisely determined. Thus, for instance, the route from Narona to Stolac, Ljubomir, and Trebinje to Epidaurus (Cavtat) is uncertain, because of the fact that there were at least two more logical, and by a third shorter, road directions, next to which traces of ancient edifices have been verified as well. One runs over the Hrasno plateau, and the other is located in the coastal area of Dubrovnik. Stantino The "Cosmography" by the Anonymous Geographer of Ravenna identifies the travel station Par-dua with Stamnes (Pardua id est Stamnes),196 which Čače explains as "Pardua, from which you can reach another town, namely Ston" or "in the vicinity of which there is another town, namely Ston" or "on the other side there is another town, namely Ston" or to put it in a simplified way, "Pardua, and here is also Ston" (fig. 10).197 During the Middle Ages, Ston was also called Stona (Stamnum, Stannu, Stagno, Stagnum).198 This signified an underwater place, stagnant water, dead water, and a salt lake, which are all traits of the Veliki Ston area.199 Stagnon (to Xxayvov) is discussed in the thirteenth chapter of the work entitled "De administrando Imperio" of the Byzantine emperor Constantinus VII Porphyrogenetus as the first of five towns in the territory of the Zahumlje Fig. 10: Pardua and Stamnes of the Anonymous of Ravenna (according to: Čače 1993). Sl. 10: Pardua in Stamnes Anonimnega Ravenata (po: Čače 1993). people.200 The Byzantine writer Kekaumenos (the second half of the eleventh century) mentions Stamnon (Tinv XTaTVOv).201 Civitas Stagnum, which was part of the Salona metropolitan see, is mentioned as well in the late medieval source called Provinciale ve-tus.202 The same source refers to the bishop of Ston (episcopus Stagnensis), who was under the jurisdiction of the metropolitan see of Dubrovnik.203 This title was retained by the bishops of Ston afterwards as well (episcopi stagnenses).2^4 Stantino is mentioned in the "Historia Saloni-tana Maior" as the second municipality whose basilica had been assigned to the bishop of Sarsenterum. Antibarum's archbishop Gregory (the priest of Dioclea) calls Ston at the end of the twelfth century Stantania.205 Including Stantania in the diocese of Sarsenterensis makes the location of its centre at the distant Biskup-Krupac (Glavatičevo, Konjic) absurd, as well as at Mostar and Žitomisliči, which were the natural hinterland of Narona and which they certainly were a part of in 533. Stantino was separated from the diocese of Narona and assigned to the diocese of Sarsenterensis. The road connecting Ston with Stolac, along which the author of this work locates Sarsenterum, is much more favourable than the road connecting Ston with Narona, and it was used throughout the year. Its existence has been verified by the numerous ancient edifices that have been found along this road (Neum, Neljetovlje, Vranjevo Selo, Moševiči, Gradac, Bročanac, Pra-pratnica, Hutovski Grad, Hutovo - Crkvine, Previšiča Gradina, Basariča Gradina, Burmazi, Poplat).206 195 Bojanovski 1974b, 15; Puljič 1999, 107. 196 Ravennatis Anonymi Cosmographia IV, 16; Cambi, Pasini 1980, 289. "Pardua, (Stamnes), današnji Ston". Novak 2001, 66. 197 Čače 1993, 397. Skok 1922, 129-130; 1973, 338. 199 Zaninovič 1987, 16, 17. 200 Porfirogenet 2003, 89. 201 Čače 1993, 397 n. 170. 202 Škegro 2005, 52-53. 203 Škegro 2005, 63. 204 Farlati 1800, 324-362; Gams 1873, 421; Eubel 1913, 487. 205 Šišič 1928, 327; Mošin 1950, 75. 206 Truhelka 1892, 350-365; Marijan 1989, 35-59; Puljič 1994, passim; 1995, 21. Pardua Pardua, with which Stamno (Stamnes) is identified, is located at Gradac near Ljubinje,207 more to the north in Gacko in eastern Herzegovina.208 In the context of identifying it with Stamnum (Ston), this does not seem at all logical. If Pardua were located in one of the places mentioned, then the trip from Narona to Stamnum (Ston) would be longer, despite the four times shorter naval route Narona - Stamnum. The fact that the Tabula Peutingeri-ana is not a reliable source has been known for a long time,209 which becomes prominent precisely in the context of this naval route. The inscription in memory of the decurion of the municipium Delunti from Trebinja210 would not support locating Pardua at the cited places. The inscription indicates that whether or not Diluntum was at Trebinja, its area was certainly part of the Diluntum ager. Travelling from Narona to Pardua, which was according to the "Cosmography" the same as Ston (Pardua id est Stamnes), the traveller would, according to the Tabula Peutingeriana have to go through Diluntum (thus including Trebinja) and finally after that, having passed at least fourteen miles, turn towards Stamnum (Ston),211 which does not at all seem logical. The travel station Leusino was also without valid reason placed outside the Trebinje-Dživar area and located at Panik near Bileca.212 This is in contradiction to the Montecassino Chronicles, in whose epitomes it is stated that the emperor Justinian awarded numerous estates to Benedict of Nursia (ca. 480 - ca. 550), among which there is one in Lausinum (In Dalmatia Pontem Tiluri, Biludium, Lausinium, Salluntum). A Benedictine estate has been verified only in Dživar (Trebinje), as well as at St. Peter's in the Field (sv. Petar u Polju).213 The road mentioned is more logically to be sought in a more natural direction, namely somewhere on the way from Narona through Hrasno and Gornje Popovsko towards Hum,214 and through Hutovo and Gradac and the Dubrovnik coastal area, which could be reached via Vukov Klanac.215 In accordance with this, it would be logical to look for the travel station Dilunto at the place where it has been verified, namely in the remains of the ancient settlement in Trebinja, or in its vicinity. Those who know lower Herzegovina know that Popovsko Polje (plain) is inundated most of the year, and because of that it could not possibly be the centre of a region, but rather a place that separates it. It separates the coastal area from the region to the north of Popovsko Polje, which also includes Stolac, whereas Trebinja belongs to the coastal area.216 Nouense per Rusticiarum pecuatico Since there are no original texts of the Salona synods' acts, one cannot connect with certainty the terms Novense (Neuense) with Rusticiarum (Rasticiarum, Rusticiarum, Rusticarum) and pecu-atico (Pecuatio, Potuatico, pecuatio, potuatico), which was noted after it. The oldest copy by the Congre-gatio de propaganda Fide directs the reader to read it as Neuense per Rusticiarum pecuatico without the full-stop mark as the separator, which is, for instance, found between Stantino and Neuense, as well as after Pecuatico and before et Beuzavatico. Pecuatico is also written with a small initial letter, which is also the case with dellontino in the copy of the acts by the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith. The copy of the Kaptol archives in Split 529b, 25r, also suggests the reading of Nouense per Rusticiarum pecuatio without commas, which are placed before and after these terms. This would lead to the conclusion that there is a possibility of a unique term. The copy 485, on the other hand, in the same archive, in the name Nouensi makes the letter " i " longer by drawing a longer curved line, which ends in such a way as if the author wanted to put a full stop before that name. He makes a distinction between the term per Rusti-ciarum and pecuatico, which he also writes with a small initial letter, like the above-mentioned cop- 207 Sergejevski 1962, 111-113; Bojanovski 1973, 158; 1980, 183. 208 Bojanovski 1973, 158 n. 69. 209 Mommsen: CIL III 290; Mayer 1940, 145; Pašalic 1960, 63-64; Bojanovski, 1980, 183; 1983, 9, 11-13. 210 Sergejevski 1935, 17-18, Pl. IV, fig. 1; Bojanovski 1977, 84; Atanackovič-Salčič 1979, 7-40; ILJug 1740. 211 Bojanovski 1980, 183-189; 1983, 15. 212 Bojanovski 1988, 84-85, 378. 213 Ostojic 1963, 80; Popovic 1973, 313-347. 214 Near Hum an isolated hill called Cicina could be the crossroad Ad Zizio that is mentioned in Tabula Peutingerianae. 215 During the excavations in Dubravica, archeologists found the remains of a path that led towards Vukov Klanac. This information was shared with me by Mr. Vidovic. 216 Bojanovski notes the geographical connection of Trebinje to the coastal region. However, this assumption does not suggest to him the location of Diluntum in this region, but rather the conclusion that the sea-coast of Slano was part of Diluntum. Bojanovski 1988, 100. ies, with a comma placed a little lower. All these copies lead to the conclusion that one cannot claim with certainty whether these are three terms, two terms or just one. It is also not clear what the connection between them is, or rather if there is any connection between them at all! It is especially curious that the third name in four of the six copies is written with a small initial letter p, which is not the case with any other name. This leads to the conclusion that this name might be considered an adjective. Nouense per Rusticiarum, as it is usually read by authors of newer editions of the acts of the diocese of Salona, is mentioned after Dellontino and Stan-tino as a part of the diocese of Sarsenterensis.217 If we accept the fusion of these two terms, as well as the fusion of these with pecuatico, as it is suggested in the above-mentioned copies, in this case it would be a settlement that had the traits of a municipality like the previous two settlements, but it would also be an ethnic territory. There are some indications for this in the fact that the Muccur diocese was founded simultaneously with the Sasenter and the Ludrum dioceses, and that at the same synod of Salona was also assigned the territory of the Delmatic tribe - Onestini (delminese Onestinum), which is located in Srednja Poljica in the heart of Mosor.218 Nouense (Neuense) per Rusticiarum probably refers to the area that was inhabited by the Illyrian tribe Narensae somewhere between late antiquity and the medieval period. The name was found on an early Roman tombstone in Trgovište at the foot of Brljevska glavica in Kazanci near Gacko.219 They are also mentioned by Pliny the Younger (Nare-si),220 Ptolomy (Napev8ioi),221 and Appian (Nape-8ioi).222 Judging by the other sources that are to some extent close to these epigraphic materials,223 it seems that the Narensai tribe lived in Dabarsko plain to the southeast of Stolac, where there have been attempts to locate the Deremistae.224 Judging from onomastics, the Narensae resisted the Romans for quite a long time. It seems that a large reason for this was their economic power - in stockbreed-ing - due to which they remained a rustic population (Narensae Rustici). Another reminder of the stock-breeding tradition of ancient times in eastern Herzegovina is the border inscription carved on the cliff of Sarica Greda (Zmajevac) in Stolac near Gacko at the crossing from Gatačko plain to Cernica.225 Ancient settlements have been verified on Dabarsko plain,226 which is very well connected by roads with Stolac.227 Narensae is not difficult to connect linguistically to the Nouense - (Neuense) from the "Historia Salonita Maior",228 as well as Nevesinje, which the archbishop of Bar, Gregory (the priest of Docleia)229 and other earlier writers230 mention under the name Netusini (Netussigne)?^^ Tomaschek saw Petuaticum as a large grazing field, locating it in the western area of Herzegovina.232 Considering the location of Sarsenterum at the ancient settlement in Stolac, we would rather place Nouen-se per Rusticiarum in the area gravitating towards the Stolac area, since it is connected to it by roads. The most appropriate area in this context seems to be the Nevesinjsko plain, which has optimal conditions for extensive stock-breeding.233 It was connected to the ancient settlement in Stolac by a very old road which ran through the canjon of the Brega-va.234 Attempts have been made to locate the Illyr-ic tribe of the Glinditiones"2^^ in the Nevesinjsko plain region, that is, per Rusticiarum from the area of the diocese of Sarsenterensis.236 There were several 217 218 219 (filius) 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 Klaic 1967, 83; Gunjača 1973, 54; Ivaniševic 1994, 161. Klaic 1967, 83; Gunjača 1973, 54; Ivaniševic 1994, 161; Škegro 2002b, 50-53. Mandic Studo 1985, 192; Bojanovski 1988, 109; Atanackovič-Salčič 1990, 8; Škegro 2003, 154-157, n. 18: [Tattaris/ Veneti vel fil(ius)] / et Temus B[a]/tonis fil(ia), / 5Narensai. / Annaei (filiae) ann(orum) / XXV. Hic sita / est. PLIN., Nat. hist., III, 143. PTOL., II, 16, 5. APP., Ill., 16. CIL III 12800; Bojanovski 1988, 110; Škegro 2003, 155-157. Bojanovski 1988, 110-112. Sergejevski 1938, 20 n. 18; Bojanovski 1988, 108: Te(rminus?) IN (...) Te(rminus?) VCV (...)?. Bojanovski 1987, 89; 1988, 110-111. Vego 1957, 29-30. Klaic 1967, p. Fig. 17. fol. 615r. Mošin 1950, 75. Šišic 1928, 327; Mošin 1950, 75. Mužic 2002, 55, 190; Bojanovski locates per Rasticiarum in the Nevesinjsko plain: Bojanovski 1988, 135. Mužic 2002, 55, 190. Tomaschek 1880, 548. Bojanovski, 1988, 106-108. Bojanovski 1978, 78-95, add. I; 1987, add. II, appendix I, appendix II. Bojanovski 1988, 106-108. ancient settlements discovered in the Nevesinje area, which were attached to ancient communication routes. The largest one was on both sides of Zalomka in Drenovik near Kifin Selo (Nevesinje), where several adjacent routes crossed.237 Beuzavaticum - Benzavaticum What lies underneath the term Beuzavaticum -Benzavaticum still remains unclear. The authors mentioned above placed it, for the main part without argument, in different places. Tomaschek saw in it the estate of some Delmataean named Beuza, because he claimed that Beusas was a common Delmataean name. Beusas or Beuzas is a common Illyrian name (cognomen).238 It is quite probable that it was located on the northern or northeastern border of the diocese of Sarsenterensis.239 It is also possible that it referred to the area of Gacko plain. 4. CONCLUSION The "Historia Salonitana Maior" gives evidence that in the year 533, at the second synod of Salona, the diocese of Sarsenterensis was founded. Paulin was ordained to be its bishop. Basilicas were assigned to it, as written in the copies of "Historia Salonitana Maior": in monicipiis Dellontino, Stan-tino, Noenese (Neuense) per Rusticiarum pecuati-co, et Beuzavatico supra constituto. With the solutions given by the authors mentioned above, this work suggests that the area of Narensae might be the same as Novensae (Nouense per Rusticiarum), that Pecuaticum could be identified with Nevesin-jsko plain, and that the area of Beuzavaticum or Benzavaticum could also be found in the area of eastern Herzegovina. Considering the usual customs of the Church in ancient times, i.e. that dioceses could be founded only in places worthy of episcopal dignity, one comes to the conclusion that the centre of the diocese of Sarsenterensis - Sarsenterum (Sarsiteron) should be found in the ancient urban settlement of Stolac. In terms of its size and importance, it exceeds all other ancient settlements from the wider area of the lower Neretva River except for Narona. The growth of the urban settlement in Stolac and its significance for the wider surrounding area was conditioned by the special status that Rome awarded to the Daorsei tribe as their allies in the wars with the Illyrian tribes, as well as by its central position in this specific and different mini-region. Besides that, the line of communication of Stantino and Delontino with Stolac was geographically more favourable and natural than that of Narona and other dioceses of that time, which was not taken into account by the researchers. Christianity in Stolac consolidated in pre-Constan-tinian times.240 Judging by the traces of sacral objects from the wider area of Stolac, it particularly blossomed until late antiquity, which was the prerequisite for the founding of a new diocese. In the wider region of the lower Neretva River, excluding Narona, only the ancient settlement at Stolac possesses the qualities of an urban settlement.241 In this context, it is only logical to connect the centre of the diocese of Sarsenterensis precisely with this. The remains of this settlement are also not contrary to the norms that in late antiquity applied to the creation of dioceses. Just like Na-rona, the ancient settlement of Stolac could contribute with its importance to episcopal dignity. Thus, it is illogical to place Diluntum in Stolac, and then to search for a larger settlement that would be the centre of the diocese of Sarsenterensis. Such an arrangement of places included in this diocese produces a naturally integrated and a historically justified territory. The diocese of Sarsenterensis did not terminate with the migration of barbarian peoples. Its bishop retreated during those tumultuous times into his more sheltered parish of Ston (Stantino from 533 AD). 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Ker za Sarsenter (Sarsenterum, Sarsiteron) ni epigrafskih dokazov, se lahko pri iskanju lokacije škofije in mest oz. področij pod pristojnostjo njenega škofa naslanjamo le na itinerarije in geografske vire ter rezultate arheoloških raziskav. S to škofijo se je ukvarjala že vrsta avtorjev, od katerih sta bila prva I. Lučic (1604-1679) in D. Farlati (1690-1773). Razen D. Mandica (1889-1973), B. Rupčica (1920-1984) in I. Puljica so jo le mimogrede omenili v okviru drugih vprašanj poznoantične oz. zgodnjesrednjeveške zgodovine. Trditve o njej so pogosto postavljali ne ozirajoč se na norme, ki so veljale v obdobju zgodnjega krščanstva, pogosto celo v nasprotju s pravili o izogibanju prekrivanju pristojnosti sosednjih škofij. Pri soočanju z zapletenim problemom iskanja središča sarsenterske škofije in njenega ozemlja je večina avtorjev uporabljala trditve o tej škofiji, ki so jih postavili W. Tomaschek (1841-1901), F. Bulic (1846-1934) in F. Šišic (18691940). Naslanjajoč se bolj na njihovo avtoriteto kot na lastno presojo so pogosto prišli do zelo nenavadnih rešitev. Nekateri so središče sarsenterske škofije iskali v Aržanu (Imotski), njeno ozemlje videli od Stolca v vzhodni, do Buškega blata in Šuice v severozahodni Hercegovini, obenem pa pripisovali Duvanjsko polje mukurski škofiji. Drugi so iskali Sarsenter na področju Konjica, Mostarja oz. Stolca, obenem pa pripisovali širše področje spodnjega toka Neretve naronitanski škofiji. Tretji so iskali središče sarsenterske škofije v večjih zgodnjekrščan-skih stavbah najdišč v Hercegovini. "Historia Salonitana Maior" priča, da je bila na drugi salo-nitanski sinodi 533 ustanovljena tudi sarsenterska škofija. Za škofa je bil posvečen duhovnik Pavlin. Vanjo so bile vključene bazilike, kakor je zapisano v nekaterih prepisih tega spisa: in monicipiis Dellontino, Stantino, Nouense (Neuense) per Rustici-arum pecuatico, et Beuzavatico supra constituto. Ta prepis dopušča interpretacijo, da je področje Narensov (Narensae) z Debarskega polja jugovzhodno od Stolca mogoče identificirati z Novensami (Nouense per Rusticiarum), da se Pekuatik (Pecuaticum) lahko enači z Nevesinjskim poljem ter da lahko področje Beuzavatika oz. Benzavatika (Beuzavaticum - Benza-vaticum) iščemo na vzhodnohercegovskem prostoru. Če upoštevamo antično cerkveno prakso, da se škofije lahko ustanavljajo samo na mestih, ki so vredna škofovskega dostojanstva, pridemo do ugotovitve, da moramo središče sarsenterske škofije - Sarsenterum (Sarsiteron) iskati v ostankih antične urbane naselbine v Stolcu. Ta naselbina s svojo velikostjo in pomenom prevladuje med ostalimi antičnimi naselbinami na širšem območju spodnje Neretve, z izjemo Narone. Rast urbane naselbine v Stolcu in njen pomen za širšo okolico sta pogojena s posebnim statusom, s katerim je Rim nagradil Daorse (Da-orsei) kot svoje zaveznike v vojnah z Iliri, ter z njegovo centralno pozicijo v tej specifični in od okolice drugačni miniregiji. Poleg tega je bila komunikacija med Stantinom in Delontinom ter Stolcem geografsko ugodnejša in bolj naravna kot z Naro-no in drugimi tedanjimi škofijskimi središči, česar dosedanji raziskovalci niso upoštevali. Krščanstvo se je v Stolcu zakore-ninilo še v predkonstantinski dobi. Če lahko sodimo po ostankih sakralnih objektov s širšega območje Stolca, se je krščanstvo na tem območju do časa pozne antike resnično razcvetelo, kar je bilo obenem predpogoj za osnovanje nove škofije. Na širšem območju spodnjega toka Neretve, z izjemo Narone, ima samo antična naselbina v Stolcu značilnosti urbane naselbine. Glede na to je smiselno povezovati prav to naselbino s središčem sarsenterske škofije. Ostanki te naselbine tudi niso v nasprotju z normami, ki so v pozni antiki veljale za ustanavljanje škofijskih središč. Tako kot Narona je tudi antična naselbina v Stolcu s svojim pomenom lahko prispevala k škofijskemu dostojanstvu. Glede na to je nesmiselno v Stolac locirati Diluntum in potem iskati večjo naselbino, v katero bi lahko postavili središče sarsenterske škofije. S tako razporeditvijo mest, vključenih v to škofijo, dobimo naravno celovito in zgodovinsko upravičeno ozemlje. Sarsenterska škofija se ni končala v burnem času selitev barbarskih ljudstev, temveč se je njen škof zatekel v svojo bolje zavarovano župnijo Ston (Stantino iz leta 533). Prav zato splitski sinodi iz let 925 in 928 ne zanikata pravice do obstoja Stonski škofiji. Sarsenterska škofija s selitvijo njenega škofa v Ston (Stantino) postane stonska oz. zahumska škofija, ime pa dobi po kneževini, v kateri se je nahajala. Prevod: Tina Milavec Dr. sc. Ivica Puljic Trg Gospe od Zdravlja 1 BiH-88390 Neum Dr. sc. Ante Škegro Hrvatski institut za povijest Opatička 10 HR-10000 Zagreb