Original title: 70 let Statističnega urada Republike Slovenije Edited by Alenka Škafar Translated by Boris Panič Photographs: SURS Archives The publication is available at www.stat.si/eng/pub.asp Information provided by the Information Centre Phone: +386 1 241 64 04 e-mail: info.stat@gov.si @StatSlovenia CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 311.312(497.4)"1944/2014"(0.034.2) STATISTIČNI urad Republike Slovenije [Seventy] 70 years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia [Elektronski vir] / [edited by Alenka Škafar ; translated by Boris Panič ; photographs SURS Archive]. - El. knjiga. - Ljubljana : Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, 2014 Prevod dela: 70 let Statističnega urada Republike Slovenije ISBN 978-961-239-318-2 (pdf) 1. Škafar Božič, Alenka 277221632 Issued and published by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Litostrojska cesta 54 – © SURS – Use and publication of data is allowed provided the source is acknowledged – ISBN 978-961-239-318-2 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 3 FOREWORD Dear readers, Seventy years have passed since the establishment of the Slovene statistical office. Yet, even though many statistical offices have a longer tradition and are larger, our office is one of the most efficient and advanced, and in some areas among the best in the world. As it is common at jubilees, we reviewed the work performed in the past decade and then described it in this publication, which starts with where the publication issued at the 60th anniversary of Slovene statistics ended. The two publications together form a whole, but each is designed differently. The one issued ten years ago was designed as a historical overview of Slovene statistics by years, while the one in front of you, issued on the 70th anniversary, shows the operation of our institution in the past decade through descriptions of achievements and important milestones in this period. We are very proud of them. Reading this publication you will learn about us, the pulse of our institution and its orientation. We are aware that our story can only be written together with you, the providers of data in enterprises and households, and, of course, with you, the users of our data and services, the media, researchers, entrepreneurs, politicians and others. Many of you cooperate with us in both roles. All of us together are partners in providing professional independence of our institution. All of us are and will continue to be faced with lots of work as we wish to remain a highly professional and trustworthy institution in the international environment. I hope you will read or perhaps at least browse this new chapter on our office, as well as visit our website where you can find many interesting data, analyses and commentaries carefully prepared by our statisticians. Genovefa Ružić, Director-General 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 5 CONTENTS At the beginning ................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Planning and preparation of a statistical survey .................................................................................................................... 8 Data collection and processing ............................................................................................................................................ 17 Access to statistical data and dissemination of results ........................................................................................................... 23 Total quality management ................................................................................................................................................... 31 SURS's role in Slovenia and as part of the European and international statistics community ................................................ 33 SURS and the working environment ....................................................................................................................................... 37 To conclude ........................................................................................................................................................................... 41 List of abbreviations ............................................................................................................................................................... 42 Sources .................................................................................................................................................................................. 44 Appendix: History of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia ................................................................................... 45 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 7 AT THE BEGINNING In 2014, the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia celebrates 70 years of existence, as the »Statistical Office at the Presidency of the Slovene National Liberation Council« was established on 19 August 1944. Since then the institution has been renamed several times; all names are stated in the appendix on the history of the Statistical Office. With the adoption of the National Statistics Act1 in 1995 the current name the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia – abbreviated to SURS – was determined. Amendments to the National Statistics Act1 adopted in 2001 further strengthened SURS’s professional independence. A sound legal basis thus enabled SURS to develop into an impartial and trustworthy modern institution. The development in the past decade was influenced the most by the following facts: - Slovenia joined the EU, SURS joined the European Statistical System, Slovenia became a member of the OECD and international standards were introduced, the most important milestone being the adoption of the European Statistics Code of Practice2, - the importance of a standardised process of statistical surveys was recognised and the enforcement of the standardised process was enabled by the development of new information tools and technologies, - the conditions of operation changed: there were initiatives of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to reduce administrative burden and rationalise work, and related financial and human resource limitations. In all the years the principles and rules of statistical data protection were strictly respected for strengthening and maintaining trust of data providers and users of statistical data. Implementing a statistical activity means providing to all users quality, timely, temporally, spatially and internationally comparable data on the situation and trends in the economic, demographic and social fields, as well as in the field of environment and natural resources (as stipulated by the National Statistics Act). Implementing a statistical activity starts by recognising user initiatives and needs for data, knowing what purpose the results will serve for and who their users will be. This is followed by planning the optimal method of conducting a statistical survey, i.e. according to standardised procedures. A statistical survey involves collecting the input data, which have to be statistically processed and analysed. For users, the most important are timely disseminated high-quality results, which in addition to numerical values bring relevant and unbiased commentaries. This is, in brief, the lifecycle of statistical data. Because our main working material is data, we adjusted the following description of SURS’s operation and development in the past decade to the principal parts of the lifecycle of a statistical survey and in this respect designed the first three chapters: from planning a survey via data collection and processing to dissemination of results. As quality is the central feature of statistics, both in terms of the institution’s operation and the statistical process and statistical results, chapter four describes total quality management. The description ends with the presentation of SURS’s development as a producer and the coordinator of national statistics, which is also part of the European and international statistical community. The publication ends with the description of changes at SURS in terms of the working environment. 1 National Statistics Act, OJ RS, Nos. 45/95 and 9/01. 2 See: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/quality/code_of_practice (20.8.2014). 8 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia PLANNING AND PREPARATION OF A STATISTICAL SURVEY Professional and thoughtful approach to statistical activity In all of its strategic documents of the past decade SURS wrote that it will continue to be open for initiatives and needs of its users and that it will respond thoughtfully. Most initiatives were given at the meetings of statistical advisory committees, which cover all fields of statistics; in 2014 there are 23 statistical advisory committees with around 400 representatives of data users and data providers and they are a very important link in the formulation of the Slovene statistics. Membership in the EU and in other international organisations provides SURS with access to information, knowledge, good practices and guidelines; SURS can make use of the solutions developed in the international environment and reasonably At one of the methodological and critically transfer them into its own environment and take them into account in board meetings in 2007, SURS planning its activities. discussed the statistical monitor- ing of globalisation; a year later In the past ten years SURS introduced several methods of consultation and within the economic area it set brainstorming because it is aware of the importance of thorough and careful up a new area of economic glo- consideration in determining the strategic direction of the institution, in implementing balisation, where data from the new methods and procedures of operation, before starting to implement major Register of Enterprise Groups, survey revisions, and introducing new surveys. data on foreign affiliates and In 2004, SURS introduced the so-called methodological board meetings, with globalisation indicators (for the selected topics on the agenda and discussions held with SURS’s experts on individual first time in 2013) are published. fields of statistics. Decisions are adopted within a wider circle of SURS staff, which The area was developed on the facilitates implementation and wider acceptance. basis of the cooperation of SURS Since 2006, SURS has been using project management in introducing new in several Eurostat projects from procedures and methods of work in infrastructural areas, at implementing more 2005 on. complex surveys with longer periodicity (e.g. various censuses), at implementing The monitoring of foreign affili- major survey revisions, etc. An intranet site was dedicated to the exchange of ates (FATS) is part of the structural information. business statistics and in Slovenia it is the responsibility of SURS (for inward statistics on foreign af- filiates) and the Bank of Slovenia (for outward statistics on foreign affiliates). The source of data is From 2006 on, when SURS introduced project management, the most impor- administrative and existing statis- tant completed projects were the implementation of two censuses (the 2010 tical data. SURS started to set up Agricultural Census and the 2011 Register-Based Population Census), and the the Register of Enterprise Groups introduction of electronic reporting eSTAT. In 2014, 7 projects with different in 2007, and Eurostat set up the implementation periods are being implemented; particularly worth mention- so-called EuroGroups Register ing are the upgrade of SURS’s website to be completed at the end of 2014, (EGR), namely on the basis of the standardisation of statistical data processing to be completed in 2015, data from Member States. and the setting up of the statistical business register to be completed in 2016. 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 9 In 2007, the Methodological Council was established, which acts as an advisory body tasked with checking the methodologies of individual surveys and the justi- fication and appropriateness of data collection. In addition to SURS’s experts from various fields of statistics, most of the members are external experts on statistical methodology, which raises even further the quality of statistical products. SURS's website – information on activities of the Methodological Council General process model SMERNICE ZA ZAGOTAVLJANJE KAKOVOSTI In the 2008–2011 period the processes of conducting statistical surveys were inventoried, which was the basis for standardisation and rationalisation of SURS’s 1 abg work. In 2012, the inventory was issued in the publication Quality Guidelines. In xyQ one place all processes are collected and briefly described in line with the general 6,3 © 2,52,5 2,5 2 2 2 1,5 ? ? 1,5 6, 6 3 6 ? ? 1,5 7 ? ? 1 1 process model and basic steps of implementing individual sub-processes. The 1 0,50,5 0,5 0 0 0 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 abc document was the first in a line of methodological manuals that contain a detailed ODOLOŠKI PRIROČNIKI description of the statistical process or sub-process and include both theoretical MET Ljubljana, julij 2012 descriptions and practical guidance for implementation. ŕĘ Methodological manual on quality guidelines (only in Slovene) 10 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia The general process model is an adjusted version of the internationally adopted Generic Statistical Business Process Model3. SURS thus introduced a standard for describing processes which is based on foreign practices and standards and thus enables direct comparability and linking with other members of the international statistical community. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ANALYSIS SURVEY DESIGN SELECTION OF STATISTICAL DISSEMINATION SURVEY OF NEEDS AND OBSERVATION DATA DATA DATA AND STORAGE OF DOCUMENTATION AND REQUESTS PREPARATION UNITS COLLECTION PROCESSING ANALYSIS STATISTICAL DATA AND EVALUATION Planning of resources Determining and determining the Preparation of data Preparation for Editing of Time series Updating of Preparation of survey data needs list of activities with sources for sampling data collection administrative data analysis outputs documentation deadlines frame preparation sources Taking over Analysis of adequacy Collection of Studying of sources Defining of Sampling frame Mikro-level Presentation survey results preparation administrative and confirmation information for sources editing of results of results quality assessment Preparation of the Verification of methodology for Selection of Data collection and Integration of Interpetation methodology selecting observation observation units communication with data sources of results Publication Process evaluation units reporting units Preparation of statistical data processing Adress list Data capture Imputation User support methodology Organisation of cooperation with other institutions and Storage of planning takeover of Deflation statistical administrative aggregates units Questionnaire design and testing Weighting Storage of statistical microdata Preparation of materials for Calculation of communication with statistical estimates reporting units (aggregation) Pilot survey design Makro-level and implementation editing Table preparation Statistical data protection SURS’s general process model, 2012 3 See: http://www1.unece.org/stat/platform/display/metis/The+Generic+Statistical+Business+Process+Model (11.9.2014) 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 11 SURS, a register-based institution SURS was the key institution in establishing three of the most important registers in the country: the Register of Territorial Units (handed over to The Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia in 1995), the Central Population Register (handed over to Ministry of the Interior in 1998) and the Business Register of Slovenia (handed over to Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Public Legal Records and Related Services (AJPES) in 2002). Among other important national registers, one has to mention the Real Estate Register, which was not established by SURS but via the Statistical Advisory Committee for Real Estate Statistics. SURS, however, was among the initiators of establishing this register. Data in these and other registers are, of course, extensively used by SURS and are important administrative data sources. For its work, for the statistical purpose, SURS also needs statistical registers and databases which are most frequently set up on the basis of one administrative source and are significantly improved by related statistical data. Statistical registers are the basis for preparing statistical surveys as well as the data source for various surveys. The most important registers at SURS are: - Statistical Register of Employment (SRDAP), which was established after the last census of workers in associated labour as of 31 December 1986. The main data source is the so-called M forms, and the source of data on the number of farmers is SURS’s Labour Force Survey. From 2005 on SRDAP has been the source for very frequently sought monthly data on the labour force. - Statistical Register of Agricultural Holdings (SRKG), which was set up in 2004 on the basis of data from the 2000 Agricultural Census, is the key information source for planning and preparing statistical surveys on agriculture and the basis for preparing the sampling frame of most surveys of agriculture statistics. The basic source for updating is data from several administrative sources of the Ministry of Agriculture as well as statistical surveys. - Statistical Business Register (SPR), which originates from the statistical database of data on business entities and their parts, will be - after it is set up in 2016 - an important part of the statistical infrastructure supporting statistical processes, Scheme of updating of the Statistical Register e.g. for preparing sampling frames, for addressing statistical questionnaires for of Agricultural Holdings enterprises, and as the basis for satellite registers. The SPR brings a systematic approach to keeping the data on business entities. The most important source for updating the data on units in the register is data in the Business Register of Slovenia (AJPES) and data from various statistical surveys. 12 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Efficient use of administrative data The established method of work at SURS is that for every survey a study is conducted whether there already are data sources in the environment that could be used for preparing results. In this way we would not burden enterprises, farms, households and individuals (i.e. reporting units) with data collection. The development of information technologies also enabled the public administration in Slovenia to have an increasing number of administrative sources and registers, so in planning the surveys SURS is constantly checking the available administrative and other data sources. SURS’s practice is to sign with each institution an agreement on the transmission and use of data and a technical protocol; this provides an opportunity to have a say in making any changes to the data source and insuring the stability of administrative data collections. In mid-2014, SURS had agreements with 35 institutions regarding access to more than 60 data sources. The use of administrative sources has significantly reduced the burden of repor-ting units; data are collected once for various purposes, administrative and statistical, and this brings financial savings. SURS also provided support to the system for safe data transmission to its servers. Linking of various administrative data as well as their linking with statistical data makes it possible for SURS to prepare and publish more detailed data and more complex results than could have been prepared from statistical surveys only. Despite extensive use of administrative data sources, existing statistical and other data sources, SURS is already studying the possibility of exploiting so-called big data and in 2014 joined a special Eurostat working group for developing statistics based on big data. Three examples of very successful and efficient use of administrative data sources in conducting statistical surveys in the past ten years: Register-Based Census of Population, Households and Housing in 2011: Implementation of the register-based census was a large development achievement of Slovene statistics since it was conducted exclusively by using administrative and existing statistical data and by complex linking of sources. The main three input data sources were: for population the Central Population Register, for households the Households Register and for dwellings the Real Estate Register. Depending on the temporal availability of individual data sources, the census was conducted in three parts, each followed by data publication (the first already at the end of April 2011). The main advantages of the register-based census are significantly lower costs, very low number of people involved (fewer than 10) and reduced burden of data providers. Leaflet on the register-based population census 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 13 Agricultural Census 2010: SURS conducted the census as a combination of fieldwork and the use of administrative data sources; analysis and testing were done over a number of previous years. Fieldwork (finished in mid-July 2010) was followed by statistical data editing and linking of fieldwork data and administrative data, which was one of the most demanding tasks at SURS since it involved a large number of variables and data sources. At the end of September 2010 SURS published first provisional results. This publication was followed by several other publications of different results. Final data were published at the end of March 2012. Surveys on turnover in trade and services: In 2006–2008 SURS stopped collecting monthly data on turnover from about 4,000 enterprises from retail trade, wholesale trade and services. Their data were replaced by the administrative source, i.e. DURS data on value added tax. The calculation of turnover by using VAT data was first implemented in wholesale trade (statistical survey TRG/D), a year later in services (statistical survey STOR/M) and finally in retail trade (statistical survey TRG/M). Monthly data on turnover are now reported only by about 1,000 larger enterprises. Leaflet issued before the agricultural census (only in Slovene) Revision of standard classifications Classifications and nomenclatures contain international statistical standards adjusted to national needs. SURS uses them in its work from survey planning (e.g. selection of reporting units), survey implementation to dissemination of results. Because classifications and nomenclatures enable international comparability, they are usually revised at the same time in all EU Member States or even globally (e.g. UNESCO classifications). In the past ten years several revisions of classifications were implemented, which had a strong impact on SURS’s work and data dissemination: - Standard Classification of Activities (SKD 2008). The classification came into force in 2008 and is derived from the European classification NACE Rev. 1. Im- plementation of the classification was a demanding project, which was in the first phase carried out by SURS and AJPES as the keeper of the Business Register of Slovenia (PRS) – AJPES converted PRS units to new main activity codes on 1 January 2008. SURS started to publish the results of most of the statistical surveys according to SKD 2008 in 2009 and provided the comparable time series calculated according to SKD 2008, mostly from 2000 on. At the revision of SKD, the Classification of Products by Activity, 2008 version (CPA 2008) was also Publication on the Slovenian version revised. of NACE Rev. 2 (only in Slovene) 14 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia - Standard Classification of Institutional Sectors (SKIS). The classification is revised at the revisions of the European System of Accounts (ESA). The last revision was implemented in 2013 at the adoption of the fourth edition of the European system of national and regional accounts. The previous revision was implemented in 2006 and contained additional breakdown in subsectors central government and local government, which has been preserved in the latest version. The 2006 decree of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia stipulated that for all business entities in the PRS the code of the institutional sector, which is assigned by AJPES when the business entity is entered into the Business Register, must be kept. In addition to SURS and AJPES, the Bank of Slovenia and the Ministry of Finance cooperate in preparing the SKIS. In the past ten years SURS met all requirements of EU legislation in the field of national and regional accounts. Many methodological improvements were introduced, deadlines for first releases were shortened and the set of data was expanded: quarterly and annual non-financial accounts are regularly published for all institutional sectors, in 2010 data on government expenditure by function at the second level of COFOG (Classification of the Functions of Government) and regional household accounts at NUTS 3 level were published for the first time, in 2011 data on the value of fixed assets were published for the first time, in 2012 data on tourism satellite accounts were published, etc. The first regular report on the value added tax and the report on government deficit and debt 2001–2005 were published together with the Ministry of Finance in 2004 and 2005, respectively. Several publications describing the sources and methods were prepared, the most extensive being the description of sources and methods for estimating gross national income (GNI). In recent years in the field of national accounts preparations have taken place regarding the adoption of ESA 2010 methodology; data according to this methodology were published for the first time in August 2014. SURS was developing satellite health accounts together with the National Institute of Public Health, the Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development, and the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia in line with the recommendations of the OECD Manual A System of Health Accounts. First calculations were for 2003. In 2009, SURS started with regular implementation of the survey on health expenditure and sources of funding, which has been constantly upgraded within the methodology of health accounts. 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 15 - Classification System of Education and Training (KLASIUS). The classification is based on the European regulation adopted in 2006. SURS started to use it in statis- tical surveys in 2009 and ministries of education and labour introduced it into the administrative environment. The project of introducing the system was finished in 2010, and in 2009 and 2010 SURS prepared web pages with e-search engines. Logo of the Slovenian Classification System - Standard Classification of Occupations (SKP-08). The classification came into of Education and Training force in 2011 and is based on the resolution of the International Labour Organi- sation concerning the revision of the International Standard Classification of Oc- cupations ISCO-08 from December 2007. SURS started the project of introducing the classification in 2009 and finished it in 2011. For this classification, too, SURS set up web pages and an e-search engine. The most active institutions cooperat- ing in its introduction into administrative records were the Employment Service of Slovenia and the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia. - Classifications of Territorial Units. The EU regulation on the establishment of a SURS’s website – for e-search in the Standard common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) from 2005 deter- Classification of Occupations (only in Slovene) mined the territorial breakdown of EU Member States at the level of regions; at that time Slovenia was divided only into 12 statistical regions (NUTS 3 level). By changing the regulation, two years later Slovenia was divided also into two cohe- sion regions (NUTS 2 level) – Vzhodna and Zahodna Slovenija. From 2007 on for lower territorial levels the Slovene Standard Classification of Territorial Units (SKTE) which covers levels from SKTE 4 (administrative unit) and lower has been used. Sources: SURS and Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia, May 2014 16 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Sampling of business entities and of persons and households In 2004, SURS started to implement standardisation procedures in the field of sam- In the field of short-term pling of business entities when it prepared and used for the first time the common industry statistics, in 2005 SURS sampling frame; this enabled control and harmonisation of enterprise sampling for changed the methodology different statistical surveys. Before that – in view of the defined target population of calculating the industrial – the sampling frame was prepared for each survey separately. Through the years production index, namely value the system was upgraded and optimised. In view of the user needs, the anticipated data collected with the survey on precision of estimates and the burden of reporting units, sampling plans are con- turnover, new orders and stocks stantly checked and based on the findings appropriately modified. Information on (statistical survey IND–PN/M) the selection of units for one survey is taken into account in the selection of units were used for the calculation. In for other surveys – so-called coordinated sampling. this way the burden of reporting units was greatly reduced, since the new questionnaire is simpler In view of the selection of reporting units, statistical surveys on business sta- and shorter and the sample of tistics can be: selected enterprises is smaller. The changed methodology - full coverage surveys – all units from the sampling frame are selected. An eliminated some weaknesses of example of such a survey is the monthly report on earnings paid by legal the previous one; the index thus persons , at which all legal persons and their units report their data on earn- takes into account the quality ings paid; change. A year later monitoring - threshold surveys – all units above a threshold are selected; the thresh- of data on turnover and new old is usually determined in view of the number of employees or turnover orders on foreign markets was above a certain value or it can be determined as a cumulative share of the introduced, separately for the total, e.g. of employees or turnover. Such a survey is the monthly statistical euro area and the area of other survey on construction and new orders , in which so many of the largest currencies. units are included that the sum of their turnover is about 56% of total turnover of construction enterprises. - random sampling surveys – the included reporting units are selected from the sample frame to the sample at random, but the selection of random samples of enterprises is coordinated, whereby the overlapping of samples is minimised and the burden of small and medium-sized enterprises is dis- persed. An example of such a survey is the quarterly survey on the perfor- mance of enterprises . In sampling of persons and households the main source for selecting persons participating in the survey is the Central Population Register, which SURS links with other data collections (e.g. Register of Spatial Units, Real Estate Register, and the telephone directory). The linked data help us determine a good sampling frame (quality stratification, two-step sampling), which reflects in data quality as well as in the price of survey implementation. The sampling frame is also the basis for calcula- ting weights, which make the collected data representative of the whole population. 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 17 DATA COLLECTION AND PROCESSING Even though SURS uses many administrative data, some data are and will always have to be collected directly from reporting units, of course taking care of non- excessive burden on respondents. In 2013, SURS thoroughly revised standards for questionnaires and accompany- ing documents that are sent to reporting units (e.g. notification letters). The revi- sion of questionnaires was also necessary because of optical reading of data and introduction of e-reporting. Design elements of the questionnaire, standard parts of the text in the notification letter (by making the text more understandable) and data necessary for establishing contact with the reporting unit were standardised. IND-PN/M E-PE/L ŠOL-ŠTUD Zakon o državni statistiki (Uradni list RS, št. 45/1995 in št. 9/2001) Zakon o državni statistiki (Uradni list RS, št. 45/1995 in št. 9/2001) Letni program statističnih raziskovanj (Uradni list RS, št. 97/2013) Zakon o državni statistiki (Uradni list RS, št. 45/1995 in št. 9/2001) Letni program statističnih raziskovanj (Uradni list RS, št. 97/2013) Sporočanje podatkov je obvezno. Letni program statističnih raziskovanj (Uradni list RS, št. 97/2013) Sporočanje podatkov je obvezno. Sporočanje podatkov je obvezno. Vprašalnik za mesečno statistično raziskovanje Vprašalnik za statistično raziskovanje Vprašalnik za statistično raziskovanje Prihodek od prodaje in vrednosti zalog v industriji Letna poraba energije, goriv in izbranih Študenti v višjem strokovnem in visokošolskem naftnih proizvodov, za leto 2013 izobraževanju – podatki o vpisu, 2014/2015 Pomoč in informacije: Pomoč in informacije: Pomoč in informacije:  porocanje.surs@gov.si  porocanje.surs@gov.si  porocanje.surs@gov.si  080 18 48 (od 9.00 do 15.30)  (01) 234 07 36 (od 9.00 do 15.30)  080 18 48 (od 9.00 do 15.30) http://www.stat.si/vprasanja.asp http://www.stat.si/vprasanja.asp http://www.stat.si/vprasanja.asp Prosimo, izpolnite vprašalnik s podatki za opazovani mesec in ga najpozneje do 20. v naslednjem mesecu Številka: 9642-22/2013/1 pošljite na naslov: Statistični urad RS, p. p. 3570, 1001 Ljubljana Datum: 28. januar 2014 Zahvaljujemo se vam, da s svojimi podatki prispevate h kakovosti uradnih statističnih podatkov. Prosimo, izpolnite vprašalnik in ga najpozneje do 24. februarja 2014 pošljite na naslov: Prosimo, izpolnite vprašalnik in ga najpozneje Rezultate tega raziskovanja in druge statistične podatke in kazalnike boste našli na spletni strani www.stat.si. do 7. novembra 2014 pošljite na naslov: Statistični urad RS, p. p. 3570, 1001 Ljubljana Statistični urad RS, p. p. 3570, 1001 Ljubljana Zahvaljujemo se vam, da s svojimi podatki prispevate h kakovosti uradnih statističnih podatkov. Vpišite opazovani mesec: 2014 Zahvaljujemo se vam, da s svojimi podatki prispevate h kakovosti uradnih statističnih podatkov. Rezultate tega raziskovanja in druge statistične podatke in kazalnike boste našli na spletni strani www.stat.si. Rezultate tega raziskovanja in druge statistične podatke in kazalnike boste našli na spletni strani www.stat.si. Vpišite mesec s številko 27 Navodila za izpolnjevanje vprašalnika Namen raziskovanja Sklop A Status opazovane enote 1 je zbrati podatke o višini porabe energije, goriv in izbranih naftnih proizvodov, o zalogah goriv ob koncu leta ter podatek o • Vprašalnik je tehnično prilagojen skeniranju, zato vas prosimo, da pri izpolnjevanju podatkov upoštevate tehnična navodila za kurilnih vrednostih porabljenih trdnih goriv, petrol koksa in odpadkov. Iz pridobljenih podatkov je mogoče analizirati letno izpolnjevanje vprašalnika. Za izpolnjevanje uporabite moder ali črn kemični svinčnik. A1 Ali je opazovana enota poslovala v opazovanem mesecu? porabo energentov pri poslovnih subjektih s področja rudarstva, predelovalnih dejavnosti in gradbeništva. • Vpisne podatke za študenta (vprašalnik ŠOL-ŠTUD) izpolni oseba, odgovorna za vpis študentov • Ustrezen odgovor označite tako, da v okence pred tem odgovorom vpišete . Da, opazovana enota je poslovala ... Obveznost sporočanja podatkov • Če ste pomotoma označili napačen odgovor, to okence pobarvajte , v okence pred pravim odgovorom pa vpišite . nadaljujte pri B1 Sklop B 1 ... pod navedeno matično številko in ni bilo organizacijskih sprememb. Sporočanje zahtevanih podatkov Statističnemu uradu RS za to statistično raziskovanje je obvezno, in sicer na podlagi določil • Okenca na desni strani ne izpolnjujete, razen če navodilo pri vprašanju ne predvideva drugače. Zakona o državni statistiki (Uradni list RS, št. 45/1995 in št. 9/2001) in Letnega programa statističnih raziskovanj za 2014 ... pod navedeno matično številko in je prišlo do pripojitve druge 2 nadaljujte pri B1 Sklop B enote/drugih enot. (Uradni list RS, št. 97/2013). Neizpolnjevanje te obveznosti pomeni kršitev določil, zapisanih v omenjenih predpisih. 3 ... pod drugo matično številko kot neposredni naslednik opazovane enote. nadaljujte pri A2 Zaupnost podatkov Sklop A Podatki o šoli To pomeni, da deluje na isti lokaciji in v isti dejavnosti in v približno enakem obsegu. Vsi podatki, ki se zberejo s tem vprašalnikom, spadajo med zaupne, zato so skrbno varovani, uporabljajo pa se samo za Opazovana enota je poslovala, vendar ne pod isto matično številko, ker je prišlo do reorganizacije. 28 statistične namene, tj. za zagotavljanje in izkazovanje zbirnih podatkov o množičnih pojavih – v skladu z Zakonom o državni A1 Ime visokošolskega zavoda oz. višje strokovne šole statistiki. Ta v 50. členu določa, da smejo biti statistični podatki objavljeni samo v agregatni obliki, torej samo v obliki združenih Opazovana enota se je ... podatkov (npr. kot povprečja, vsote, deleži), in tako, da iz njih ni mogoče prepoznati podjetja, na katero se podatki nanašajo. 4 ... združila z drugo enoto/drugimi enotami. Izjemoma se smejo ti podatki objaviti tudi posamično, če podjetje prej pisno izrazi, da se strinja s takim načinom objave svojih 27 Izpolni SURS nadaljujte pri podatkov. A3 5 ... razdelila na nove enote. 6 ... pripojila k drugi enoti/drugim enotam. Metodološka pojasnila A2 Študijski program, smer Metodološka pojasnila so kot priloga sestavni del vprašalnika. Ne, opazovana enota ni poslovala, ... Napišite naziv študijskega programa, kamor se vpisuje študent. 7 ... ker je šla v stečaj, likvidacijo ipd. Tehnična navodila za izpolnjevanje vprašalnika • Uporabite moder ali črn kemični svinčnik. 36 Izpolni SURS 8 ... ker je začasno prenehala opravljati dejavnost nadaljujte pri C1 Sklop C • Številke vpišite v predvideno okence, in sicer desno poravnano: (npr. zaradi adaptacije,sezonske prekinitve, bolezni, porodniškega dopusta ...). 5 0 9 ... ker še ni začela poslovati. A3 Kraj izvajanja študija Za sodelovanje se vam najlepše zahvaljujemo! A2 Nova matična številka je nadaljujte pri B1 Sklop B (izpolnite samo, če se študij izvaja zunaj kraja sedeža šole) Vpišite kraj dislocirane enote, centra za redni študij ali centra za izredni študij, če ta ni v kraju sedeža matične šole. 38 A3 Opombe (Vpišite matično številko/matične številke tistih enot, ki so nastale zaradi reorganizacije.) 39 Izpolni SURS nadaljujte pri C1 Sklop C Genovefa Ružić, generalna direktorica S124 1 S254 1 S047 1 Some examples of questionnaires for statistical surveys (only in Slovene) 18 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Introduction of modern methods of interviewing persons and households One of the surveys at which SURS collected input data both via te- When SURS started to conduct the Consumer Opinion Survey in 1996, the data were lephone and with fieldwork was collected for the first time with computer assisted telephone interviewing. At the adult education survey, first, the interviewing was done in offices; for every interviewer a list of telephone which was conducted every five numbers that had to be called was prepared. When the CATI studio was set up in years, for the last time in 2011. 1997, SURS started to conduct interviews with multi-user access to a shared survey Survey results show to what database (so-called CATI management), which automatically assigned telephone extent adults participate in any numbers to free interviewers. The CATI studio became an organisational unit that form of education and training, not only conducts telephone interviewing but also takes care of the implementation the ways in which they obtain of the fieldwork surveys and surveys conducted with combined methods of data knowledge, how adults assess collection, e.g. fieldwork and telephone. their knowledge of foreign The CATI studio was being constantly improved, from modernising the supporting languages and computer skills, information technology to modernising the method of taking over fieldwork data to what extent they participate in (from using (floppy) discs to using mobile networks). social and cultural activities, and why they do not participate in educational activities. In 2010, SURS conducted for the first time the survey on the careers and mobility of doctorate holders, which was conducted for the second time in 2013. The survey is conducted according to the international methodology (OECD, UNESCO, Eurostat), which provides comparability of CATI studio, SURS collected data and calculation of indicators at the international level, and will in the future SURS is aware that households and individuals are not always thrilled about enable monitoring of trends in participating in various surveys, so it wishes to offer them a method of interviewing careers and mobility of doctorate that will enable the simplest possible participation at the most appropriate time for holders in Slovenia, Europe and them. This method is web interviewing, which SURS used for the first time in 2013 the rest of the world. for the survey on the careers of doctorate holders. 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 19 Kaj je Kje STATISTIČNI URAD REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE Statistični urad Republike Slovenije in bodo objavljeni rezultati tega raziskovanja? kako deluje? Podatke objavljamo v tiskanih publikacijah Statistični urad Republike Slovenije in na spletni strani Statističnega urada RS: kot samostojna strokovna vladna služba zagotavlja večino podatkov o stanju in gibanjih www.stat.si na ekonomskem, demografskem in socialnem področju kjer imate dostop do publikacij v elektronski obliki ter na področju okolja in naravnih virov v Sloveniji. Kakšna je in do podatkov v podatkovni bazi SI-STAT: kakovost življenja v Sloveniji? Demografsko socialno področje ® Življenjska raven Podatke, ki jih zbiramo, http://www.stat.si/pxweb/ potrebuje država za svoje delovanje, uporabljajo jih raziskovalci in v publikacijah: študenti, zanimivi pa so tudi za širšo javnost. Prva statistična objava ( ) Statistični letopis ( , ) Raziskovanje Opomba: elektronska publikacija tiskana publikacija o življenjskih pogojih Kako in kje lahko dobite dodatne informacije v zvezi s tem raziskovanjem? Kje in kako lahko dobite statistične podatke Lahko pokličete v Oddelek za anketiranje oseb in gospodinjstev na brezplačno in informacije? telefonsko številko: 080 21 23 Informacije boste dobili v Informacijskem središču našega urada vsak delavnik od 9.00 do 15.00 ure. na naslovu: Lahko nam tudi pišete - na naslov: Statistični urad RS Statistični urad RS Informacijsko središče «Za anketiranje oseb in gospodinjstev» Litostrojska cesta 54 1000 Ljubljana Litostrojska cesta 54 1000 Ljubljana Telefon: (01) 241 64 04 Faks: (01) 241 53 44 Elektronski naslov: Telefonski odzivnik: (01) 475 65 55 anketni-studio.surs@gov.si E-pošta: info.stat@gov.si Spletna stran: www.stat.si ZAHVALJUJEMO SE VAM ZA SODELOVANJE! Ljubljana, 2014 SILC 1 Kaj je Kj K e Statistični urad Republike Slovenije bo b d o o o d b o o j b av a lvjen e i r n e i r z e u z l u ta t t a i t t e a i t n e a k n e k t e e t ? e in kako deluje? SURS’s website – entry for web interviewing (only in Slovene) Podatke objavljamo v tiskanih publikacijah in na spletni strani Statističnega urada RS: Kakšne so Statistični urad Republike Slovenije kot naše potovalne samostojna strokovna vladna služba www.stat.si navade? zagotavlja podatke o stanju in gibanjih na ekonomskem, Ekonomsko področje g Turizem demografskem in socialnem področju ter na področju okolja in naravnih virov v Sloveniji. v publikacijah: Anketa Modern methods of data collection and constant improvement Prva objava ( ) SI-STAT podatkovni portal ( ) Podatke, ki jih zbiramo, of communication Statistični letopis ( , ) o turističnih potovanjih with people and households are methods with powhich trebuje država z SURS a svoje delovanje, uporabljajo jih raziskovalci, študenti, wants to preserve or domačega prebivalstva raise the level of cooperation of people and households zanimivi pa so tudi za širšo ja in vnost. surveys. To this end, interviewer training was improved regarding communication with people KaKand ko i k n k o i j n k e lah a k h o d k o o d b o i b te d t o e d d o a d t a n t e i n n e i f n o f r o m r a m c a icje households, e.g. how to establish contact with the household and gain its v zv v z e v z e co- i s to a i s t n o a k n eteot?o operation. In 2014, SURS started to modernise notification letters and leaflets that Kje in kako Lahko nas pokličete na brezplačno households receive before the interview. telefonsko številko: lahko dobite statistične podatke in informacije? 080 21 23 vsak delavnik od 9. do 15. ure. Informacije boste dobili v Informacijskem slovenija središču našega urada na naslovu: Lahko nam tudi pišete - na naslov: Statistični urad RS Informacijsko središče Statistični urad RS Litostrojska cesta 54 Anketiranje oseb in gospodinjstev 1000 Ljubljana p. p. 3570 1000 Ljubljana Telefon: (01) 24 16 404 Faks: (01) 24 15 344 anketni-studio.surs@gov.si Telefonski odzivnik: (01) 47 56 555 E-pošta: info.stat@gov.si Spletna stran: www.stat.si ZAHVALJUJEMO SE VAM ZA SODELOVANJE! Ljubljana, 2013 Examples of leaflets (only in Slovene) 20 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Business entities can report their data electronically (e-STAT) To simplify and accelerate data reporting in business statistics, in 2013 SURS introduced electronic data reporting, i.e. so-called e-STAT. After testing, such a method of data reporting is first being introduced in monthly surveys, which contributes the most to reducing the reporting burden of enterprises. Gradual transition to this method of work is planned for most surveys. SURS’s information solution for e-reporting works in the common infrastructural environment at the Ministry of the Interior (originally at the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration) for the following reasons: technical support, common infrastructure for all electronic repor- ting services, optimised costs (licences). For business entities that will start or have already started to report electronically, in 2013 SURS set up a website with technical and practical information on the e-reporting system and on individual surveys. The first survey in which reporting units reported electronically via the e-STAT application was the statistical survey on the usage of information and communication technologies in enterprises. The survey was conducted for the first time in 2004 together with the statistical survey on the usage of information and communication technologies in households and by individuals. SURS publishes results of both surveys under the Information Society domain. In both surveys each year questions are added the answers to which highlight a certain area of information society, e.g. e-commerce, e-skills, e-government, e-security. SURS’s website – entry for e-reporting (eSTAT) (only in Slovene) 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 21 SURS has quite a lot of experience in electronic data collection in cooperation with the Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia in external trade Since Slovenia’s accession to and with AJPES in several surveys. SURS has been cooperating with AJPES in data the EU, external trade statistics collection since 2005, when the two institutions joined their questionnaires on data has been split into the so- on earnings of persons in paid employment into a common e-questionnaire. In this called Intrastat (statistics on way the reporting burden was greatly reduced and data collection was rationalised. the trade in goods between EU Also, the basis was laid for further successful cooperation in several other surveys, Member States) and Extrastat particularly in the field of labour statistics (e.g. survey on the structure of working (statistics on the trade in goods time), education statistics (e.g. survey on awarding scholarships to pupils and of EU Member States with non- students) and business statistics (e.g. survey on dividends). member countries). For Extrastat the source of data is customs declarations (single administrative Setting up the Contact Centre document, SAD), while data for Intrastat are collected with a Irrespective of the way in which reporting units report their data (electronically or statistical questionnaire via the by regular mail), the necessary subject-matter and technical information must be national Intrastat information provided for them immediately or as soon as possible and this information has to system. Most of the reporting be clear and reliable. In 2012, SURS set up the Contact Centre, in which a group of units immediately transmitted trained employees communicates with business entities via a free telephone number their data electronically (data and a special e-mail address. A special website with frequently asked questions are collected, verified and for each survey separately was also set up. By establishing the Contact Centre, the harmonised by the Customs Office mentioned website and internal guidelines on encouraging units to cooperate in Nova Gorica), which significantly statistical surveys on business entities (preparation of reminders of the approaching reduced the administrative deadline for data reporting, reminders that the deadline has expired, etc.), SURS burden of data reporting. For finished the project with which it provided a single method of communication with implementing external trade business entities. statistics and the quality of its data, good cooperation between SURS and Custom Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (now Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia), which takes place at professional and operational level, is very important. SURS’s website – information for reporting units 22 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Data editing procedures One of the first surveys in which In the 2004–2006 period, SURS developed and successfully introduced automated general software solutions were data editing procedures in the monthly survey on earnings and in the monthly used is the survey on living monitoring of turnover indices in trade and services. Deadlines for publishing conditions, i.e. SILC, which SURS results were shortened and the burden on employees was significantly reduced. has been conducting since 2005. Procedures were gradually used in other surveys as well and were the beginning The survey is very complex since it of the introduction of general software solutions for process standardisation is composed of two parts, namely and automation. General software solutions are metadata guided; procedures the survey on living conditions are being rationalised since it is no longer necessary to develop appropriate and administrative (register) data, software solutions for each survey separately; all data and parameters necessary whereby eight different data for implementing a specific process in a specific survey are given in the external collections are linked. A survey environment and represent input for the application. Such process organisation conceived in this way significantly enables complete repeatability and traceability of individual phases of the process. reduces the reporting burden In this way the following procedures are prepared: data editing, imputation of and financial resources needed missing values, aggregation, calculation of sampling errors, calculation of standard for implementation. The survey errors, tabulation, and statistical protection. Work accelerated in 2012 with the is also the basis for calculating implementation of the project Standardisation of Statistical Data Processing (SSDP). several derived indicators: social cohesion indicators, poverty indicators, material deprivation Three pillars of the SSDP system: indicators. – Standardised databases of microdata. Organised in standard mode, on the basis of common rules. – General SAS programme. Once for several times approach. One software solution to support several parts of the survey process (data editing, imputations, tabulation, etc.) is used to manage several surveys. – Process metadata. Rules for the implementation of general programmes, which are written outside the software code in a special database (the database of process metadata). Microdata Process General SAS metadata programme 1 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 23 ACCESS TO STATISTICAL DATA AND DISSEMINATION OF RESULTS In the past decade people have been talking a lot about statistical literacy, i.e. being able to understand and critically evaluate statistical results that permeate our daily lives and the ability to appreciate the contributions that statistical thinking can make to public and private, professional and personal decisions4. SURS's mission is to offer SLOGOVNI PRIROČNIK za pripravo statističnih objav to its users understandable, relevant and useful results of statistical surveys that 2012 abg are accessible in a simple way. In recent years SURS has improved the method of 1xy© presenting results: several visual means are used (charts, maps, infographics), the 6 6,3 © 2,52,5 2 2 1,5 ? ? 1,5 2,52 6, 6 3 ? 1,5 7 geostatistics portal has been set up, simple and more complex tables are available, ? = 1 0,5 0 1 2 1 0,5 0 1 2 1 0,5 0 2 1 1 metadata (data on data) have been improved, etc. SURS has improved the quality abc ODOLOŠKI PRIROČNIKI of storytelling; employees preparing various publications participated in several MET Ljubljana, maj 2012 focused training courses and an in-house style guide was issued. SURS regularly organises press conferences. In 2013, it started to present some data on its website also in the form of short video commentaries. Style Guide (only in Slovene) To promote the use and understanding of statistical data, in 2012 SURS started to cooperate with the Delo newspaper, which almost every day publishes infographics from various fields of statistics on its last page. SURS’s data are also an important source for data journalism, where one should mention the use and presentation of SURS’s data on the last page of Objektiv, the Saturday supplement of the Dnevnik newspaper. Infographics from the Delo daily newspaper 4 See: http://www.abs.gov.au/websitedbs/CaSHome.nsf/home/downloadable+files.es/$file/Statistical_ From the special release Literacy_Paper.pdf item 4.1 (18.8.2014). World Population Day 2014, 9 July 2014 24 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia In the past decade, SURS revised and standardised its data publishing procedures. One has to mention the rules of transparency when an error in the release is detected: SURS removes the release from its website and publishes a temporary notice about the removal, which contains the anticipated deadline for preparing the correction and information about the cause of the error. Web portal, the most important SURS's communication channel SURS set up its first website in 1996 and enabled 24-hour access to published data. SURS was constantly updating the contents of its website, setting up more and more thematic pages to support the organisation of work and informing of statistical data users. Within the action plan for e-government, in early 2004 SURS finished developing its website, which has been (with minor changes) the same until now. The website design followed modern principles and trends in website applicability and statistical data dissemination. In 2005, SURS started to publish on its website the release calendar. Before that releases were announced only a week in advance. With more systematic monitoring of the statistical process the planning of releases for longer periods was improved. The so-called standard release time (10.30) was also enforced. This is the time when in a day all the latest statistical data are released at the same time. In 2014, SURS is finishing redesigning its website, with which it will improve the user experience. Some of the objectives of the redesign are improved clarity and navigation, optimisation of the procedures of publishing data and information, and improved communication with users and data providers. SURS’s website – Release Calendar Current SURS’s website and the website upon redesign 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 25 SI-STAT Data Portal, a rich and free data source Creation of the website and development of information technologies led to more convenient and detailed data publication. In 2003, SURS set up the SI-STAT database, which is based on the family of PC-AXIS tools developed by Scandinavian statistical offices and used by many statistical offices and institutions all over the world. The database first contained results of the 2000 Agricultural Census and the 2002 Population Census, and then gradually data from other statistical domains. In 2005, the database was upgraded in line with the principle of a single entry point into the SI-STAT Data Portal with links to all published statistical data available on SURS’s website and websites of other authorised producers of national statistics in Slovenia, Eurostat and some international organisations; later on also to various statistics produced by Slovenian ministries and government offices. In 2006, SI-STAT was upgraded with the possibility of presenting data on maps. Development of the contents and the number of SI-STAT Data Portal users Number of Tables Statistical domains registered users 2004 130 2 - 2005 323 16 1,177 2006 781 23 3,200 2007 1,118 25 5,100 2008 1,277 25 6,800 2009 1,521 28 8,300 2010 1,774 30 9,100 2011 3,868 30 9,923 2012 4,656 30 10,669 2013 4,958 30 11,325 SURS’s website – entry to SI-STAT Data Portal - no occurrence of event Source: SURS SI-STAT has been bilingual since its establishment. In addition to data, metadata are also available to users for greater clarity and easier understanding of statistical data with specially marked important explanations (e.g. notes regarding methodological changes, breaks in time series, etc.). By expanding the contents on the web portal, the Statistical Databank, established in 1979, lost its importance and was disconnected in 2011. 26 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Interactive contents with interesting presentations of statistical data Since 2009, SURS has been offering to its website users more and more interactive contents, such as the population pyramid, an interactive graphical presentation of the development of the age and sex structure of the population of Slovenia from 1971 to 2061, and Slovene Municipalities in Figures, which reveals the differences and similarities among the Slovene municipalities, and also their position in the country – each municipality is presented with a brief article in which selected statisti- cal data and indicators are described and presented on a map. The beginning of interactive cartography at SURS was the Interactive Statistical Atlas of Slovenia that offered the users a wide range of statistical contents through a longer time period both at the level of municipalities and statistical regions. In SURS's website - Population pyramid 2011, the geostatistics portal was set up, which comprises various tools for spatial presentation of data, besides the mentioned presentation of the Slovene municipali- ties and the atlas also the thematic cartography, the database of place names, and KASPeR – a mapping presentation of statistical data e-dimensions. In the statistical world, KASPeR was the first web cartography tool that offered an insight into the selected contents of the 2011 Population Census up to the level of the smallest resi- dential area – spatial unit of the size of 100 metres by 100 metres. Namely, in 2008 SURS was the initiator of setting up the national system of hierarchical grids that facilitates the presentation of official statistics not only on administrative units but also on a hierarchically prepared grid of cells of various sizes. SURS's website – the publication Slovene Municipalities in Figures In 2014, SURS introduced STAGE (STAtistics and GEography) – a comprehensive system for the dissemination of geospatial statistical data. STAGE combines a wide range of contents and time series of the Interactive Atlas and the spatial precision of KASPeR. The option of spatial inquiry offers to the data user new dimensions of analyzing and presenting statistical data and also their transformation in a geospa- tial shape. The introduction of the STAGE application places SURS among the most sophisticated European statistical offices in this field. On its website SURS also added the contents that are interesting to a wide circle of data users, for instance Names and Birthdays, and Place Names. 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 27 From 2009 on, on its website SURS enables the dissemination of news releases and links to web tools for collecting popular contents and to social media (Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Twitter, Delicious, Google and other). Worldwide, SURS was one of the first statistical offices to use Twitter, by having published the abstract of each release. Introduction of new publications with statistical results The development of web services brought about changes in data publishing: the smaller the volume of printed publications, the larger the number of releases in electronic form. The printed publications are nevertheless published also in electronic form. In 2013, SURS issued its first electronic book People, Families, Dwellings, which can be read on tablets, smartphones and e-readers. SURS's first e-book The most important collection among SURS’s publications is the First Release with which SURS disseminates the first and most important survey results on its website. The collection was set up in 2004 as a result of the acknowledgement that an increasing number of data users (the general public and the media) do not have enough time or understanding of statistics to use the publications that are long and do not sufficiently concentrate on the essence of the phenomenon, while at the same time these publications do not offer to more demanding users enough detailed data in the form that facilitates further work with the data. The First Release presents the results of statistical surveys in a brief commentary written in the storytelling technique (it points out the key information) and in charts and simple tables. Links are given to detailed data stored on the SI-STAT data portal, to methodological explanations, to the release calendar, and to data on the author who can provide additional information. A special computer-assisted system was devised to prepare and manage the collection. In 2004, the first 222 First Releases were published and their number kept increasing every year. In 2013, SURS published as many as 521 First Releases or on average more than two per day. Example of First Release 28 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia With the new technological development and having gained new insight into how to communicate with users of statistical data and information, SURS introduced new kinds of publications and new collections: - Statistical Portrait of Slovenia in the EU: the position of Slovenia in the EU (2004), - the Brochures collection (2006): focusing on individual fields of statistics or linked contents, - Some Important Statistics on Slovenia (2006): a collection of statistical data from individual fields of statistics published in the last month (update of the Monthly Statistical Review), - Slovene Regions in Figures (2006): a collection of statistical data and indicators presented at the level of statistical regions; in 2010 this publication became the first SURS’s interactive electronic publication, - special or promotional publications, for instance Slovenia 15 Years after Inde- pendence (2006), Slovenia and OECD Member Countries (2009), To Slovenia for its 20th Birthday – Slovene Statisticians (2011), This is Slovenia – Our First Decade in the EU (2014). In addition to population data, the Brochures collection most often presented data on the environment, environmental protection, and sustainable develop- ment. In this way SURS continued making the public aware of the environ- ment. These are cross-cutting publications, focused on the results of several statistical surveys: Environmental Indicators for Slovenia (2009), The Sustain- able Development Indicators for Slovenia (2010), Environment, Energy and Transport in Figures (2011), Water – from the Source to the Outflow (2013). The major part of the presented data originates from the results of the envi- ronmental economic accounts that were being developed by SURS during REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA the last decade; initially in line with the arising international methodologies, in the development of which it cooperated, and then in line with the Regu- lation (EU) on environmental economic accounts5. These accounts comprise material flow accounts, NAMEA air emissions, environmental protec- www.stat.si/eng tion expenditure, environmental goods and services accounts, accounts Water – from the source to the outflow on environment taxes and energy accounts. Data for the first two sets of accounts are published regularly, while the others are still being developed. In Ljubljana, March 2014 order to calculate the statistical data, SURS uses administrative data sources and the results of the statistical surveys. In the preparation of the Well-being Indicators for Slovenia, SURS cooper- ated with the Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development, the Slove- nian Environment Agency, and the National Institute of Public Health. The joint release was in 2014 at http://www.kazalniki-blaginje.gov.si (in Slovene only). 5 Regulation (EU) No. 691/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European environmental economic accounts. Some of SURS's publications 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 29 The publication with the longest tradition at SURS is the Statistical Yearbook, which was for the last time published in its characteristic form in 2013. Instead of it, on its new website SURS shall provide to its data users the latest data, basic and detailed tables, and prepare a new, modern and visually attractive printed publica- tion. From 2008 on, the SURS website presents all the volumes of the Statistical Yearbook published since 1953. SURS also used to issue publications in the collections Rapid Reports and Results of Surveys, but in time their publication was discontinued, as detailed data presented in a form that allowed further work began to be published on the SI-STAT Data Portal, and the publication of new data became accompanied with the First Release. SURS's publications Total …of which number of publications First issued Release E-release Brochures Rapid Reports 2004 674 222 4 - 385 2005 769 301 86 - 336 2006 792 416 145 2 208 2007 744 457 160 3 80 2008 727 472 158 2 56 2009 758 505 167 4 44 2010 724 507 159 5 26 2011 729 520 146 5 24 2012 723 519 152 5 17 2013 693 521 132 4 8 - no occurrence of event Source: SURS Access to microdata for researchers SURS began to systematically introduce the access to statistically protected microdata upon having set up the Data Protection Committee. SURS set up rules and access procedures for the registered research institutions, registered researchers and researchers of the government administration and published them on its website. Initially, data users received the data on CDs, and in 2005 the so- called secure room was introduced at SURS. The room contains computers with no links to the outside environment. The researchers can analyse the statistically 30 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia protected microdata, i.e. data that do not comprise (personal) identification data, for instance the personal identification number or the enterprise registration number, but comprise the statistical identifier. To make the work of the researchers easier, in 2006 SURS together with the then Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology set up a system for remote access to microdata. Having signed the contract, the researchers can access via the Internet, via their computers with a system of passwords, to statistically protected microdata that were prepared for them. SURS’s service that facilitates researchers’ access to microdata, their linking and analyses is important also as it facilitates them to make analyses: strategic decisions important for the country or the implementation of policies in various fields, for instance the social field, can be based on statistical data. From 2011 on, SURS enables the researchers working with the data of the authorized producers of national statistics to use the SURS infrastructure for research purposes. An efficient information security system SURS’s website – instructions concerning the In recent years SURS has made a large progress in the field of information security, access and use of statistically protected microdata not only in view of the system and technical solutions, meaning a smoothly operating system, but also in raising awareness of its employees and data users accessing microdata. As regards the management of the information and data security, SURS has two committees, namely the Data Protection Committee and the Information Security Management System Committee. The entire system is in line with the internationally acknowledged standards (ISO 27001). The Data Protection Committee was set up in 2004, aiming at comprehensive and CONTENTS 1. THE AIM AND OBJECTIVES OF THE INFORMATION SECURITY POLICY .................. 3 transparent operation in the field of data security. Within its tasks the Committee 2. THE SCOPE AND BASIC PRINCIPLES OF INFORMATION SECURITY ......................... 4 2.1 Scope .......................................................................................................................................................... 4 addresses individual requests for acquiring access to microdata and samples for 2.2 Principles .................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.3 Documents on information security .......................................................................................................... 6 scientific and research purposes of Slovenian and foreign research institutions 2.4 Control ed environment and risk management ......................................................................................... 6 3. INFORMATION SOURCES ........................................................................................................ 7 and individual researchers, and also deals with the proposals of the Slovenian and 3.1 Description of the information sources ..................................................................................................... 7 3.2 Owner and administrator........................................................................................................................... 7 3.3 Classification of information ...................................................................................................................... 7 European legislative acts from the field of data security, and cooperates in shaping 4. ORGANISATION OF INFORMATION SECURITY ................................................................ 8 4.1 The competences and responsibilities ....................................................................................................... 8 the procedures regarding statistical data security. 5. FINAL PROVISIONS ................................................................................................................ 12 Annex 1: Statement on being acquainted with the information security policy and subordinate area rules ...... 13 The Information Security Management System Committee was set up in 2008, aiming at comprehensive and transparent operation in the wider field of managing the security of data and information. It prepared the complete information security policy that was adopted in 2011 and comprises the security policy entitled the Information Security Policy of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia and 12 regulations that manage the individual fields of information security at SURS. On the intranet portal a webpage was set up where the employees can get SURS’s Information Security Policy – contents of acquainted with the information and can submit their questions to the Committee. the publication 2 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 31 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT Commitment to follow the principles of the European Statistics Code of Practice In 2005, EU Member States and Eurostat adopted the European Statistics Code of Practice (hereinafter the Code), which was updated in 2011 and thus harmonized with the Regulation on European Statistics6. By adopting the Code, the national statistical offices of EU Member States and Eurostat made the commitment to FOR THE NAT A IONAL implement the activities that provide for high-quality statistics. As a reply to the AND COMMUNITY STA T T A ISTICAL AU A THORITIES demands stated in the Code, in 2005 SURS adopted the Total Quality Management Strategy 2006-2008 and then upgraded it and included it in the 2008-2012 Medium- Ado A pt do e pt d b e y t d b he y t he Eu E r u o r p o ea p n S ea t n S a t t a is t t is ic t a ic l S a ys l S t ys e t m Co e m m Co m m it m t it e t e e term Programme of Statistical Surveys. The aim of the strategy was to preserve the 28th S 28t e h S pt e e pt mb e e mb r 2011 e independence of national statistics, to increase the quality of statistical products and services, and to balance between the providers and users of statistical data and information. The accomplished aims of the strategy are part of the everyday operation of SURS, the Code’s principles are respected and on SURS’s website two statements were published: Quality Statement of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia and Confidentiality Statement of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. In 2007, peer reviews took place at all statistical offices of EU Member States and Eurostat to determine the level at which the Code is fulfilled within the European Statistical System. After the review recommendations for the improvement were made for each EU Member State and Eurostat, a list of measures for improvement was elaborated and good practices were pointed out. As regards SURS, as many as four good practices were pointed out, namely (1) the Slovene National Statistics Act, (2) access to microdata by researchers, (3) the protocol of reporting errors in releases and (4) the system how statistical advisory committees operate. In 2013/2014 preparations for another peer review to be held in September 2014 were under way. Reporting about the quality of surveys In line with the Eurostat standard for reporting on the quality of statistical surveys, in 2006 SURS started to regularly prepare standard quality reports that Report of members of the peer review group, comprise detailed descriptions on individual statistical surveys in view of all quality September 2007 dimensions (relevance, accuracy, timeliness and punctuality, accessibility and clarity, comparability, coherence) and the values of quality indicators that facilitate an 6 Regulation (EC) No. 223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European statistics and repealing Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1101/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the transmission of data subject to statistical confidentiality to the Statistical Office of the European Communities, Council Regulation (EC) No 322/97 on Community Statistics, and Council Decision 89/382/EEC, Euratom establishing a Committee on the Statistical Programmes of the European Communities. 32 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia overview on the various quality components and the comparability of these among the statistical surveys and among countries. The standard quality reports for the statistical surveys are updated every five years. SURS introduced also annual quality reports, which are much shorter and present to the user the most important quality indicators from a certain statistical survey in an individual year. Annual quality reports are translated into English. SURS’s website – published standard quality reports SURS’s website – published annual quality reports (only in Slovene) In order to make the preparation of the reports easier, in 2011 SURS published a methodological manual in the series methodological material entitled Quality Indicators, which comprises theoretical definitions and practical instructions for calculating standard quality indicators used by SURS for estimating the quality of the processes and products (only in Slovene). Methodological manual on quality indicators (only in Slovene) 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 33 SURS'S ROLE IN SLOVENIA AND AS PART OF THE EUROPEAN AND INTERNATIONAL STATISTICS COMMUNITY Slovene national statistics: SURS and the authorised producers of national statistics The National Statistics Act stipulates that the fundamental tasks in implementing the activity of national statistics are performed by SURS together with the authorized producers of national statistics (hereinafter: authorized producers), which accept this task and responsibility for the period of validity of the medium-term programme of statistical surveys. In the last decade the 2003-2007 and 2008-2012 medium-term programmes of statistical surveys were in force in Slovenia; the current medium-term programme of statistical surveys is valid for the 2013-2017 period. In all the stated periods the authorized producers were the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Public Legal Records and Related Services (AJPES), the Bank of Slovenia, the National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ; until 2013 the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia), the Ministry of Finance, the Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia (ZPIZ) and the Employment Service of Slovenia. The Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia was an authorized producer in the 2003-2007 period. SURS, acting as the coordinator of national statistics, and the authorized producers exchange information, good practices and knowledge in the methodological and other fields, the common use of some infrastructural tools has been acknowledged, etc. The European Statistics Code of Practice applies to all the authorized producers, except for the Bank of Slovenia, which is liable to the European System of Central Banks (ESCB). The operation of SURS is monitored by the Statistical Council of the Republic of Slovenia, which is a professional advisory body for strategic and development questions of national statistics and the highest representative of users and the professional public. SURS, a partner in the European Statistical System Slovenia entered the European Union in 2004 and SURS as the main producer of national statistics became part of the European Statistical System (ESS), which is a partnership between EU Member States and Eurostat. Most of the surveys conducted by SURS are governed by the European statistical legislation – the harmonization of Slovenian statistics with the EU acquis communitaire was a prerequisite for 34 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Slovenia’s accession to the EU. SURS takes part in the legislative procedures and participates in various projects the aim of which is to support the development of statistical domains within the ESS. SURS plays an active role also in international research projects (for instance the 7th Framework Programme), which involves the participation of other representatives of national statistical offices and universities.   In the first half of 2008, Slovenia held the presidency of the Council of the European   Union and SURS held the Presidency of the Council Working Group on Statistics.   During the presidency, progress was achieved in the discussion on the Regulation on                                  European Statistics, and an agreement was made on the contents of the regulations              on agricultural censuses, on trading among Member States and on the survey on    living conditions. Important progress was made in the wording of the regulation on               the statistics on sale and use of plant protection products. The negotiations on the   regulation on the population and housing censuses were successfully concluded,               which provided harmonized and comparable EU data for the first time in this             domain.                                                             SURS’s presidency team of the Council Working Party on Statistics 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 35 Slovenia adopts the common European currency In 2007, Slovenia adopted the euro as its national currency. In line with the authorization of the Euro-coordination, led by the Bank of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, SURS prepared the methodology for the recalculation of the time series, namely with the fixed exchange rate that keeps the index time series the same as before and is intended for the analyses for Slovenia, and also with the current average monthly, quarterly or annual exchange rate that is intended for international comparisons. SURS published the recalculations of time series of absolute data that were published in Slovenian tolars prior to 2007; however, it did no backward recalculations of the index time series, as the euro In 2007, SURS published for the takeover was not considered to be a methodological change in monitoring the first time the residential housing time series. During the preparations for Euro takeover in national statistics, 189 price indices for the 2004-2006 statistical surveys were identified (almost a third of all) that required adjustments. period, followed by publication For coordinated informing of the data users on such extensive adjustments, a special of quarterly data. The data source thematic page was prepared containing all the explanations on how the euro for existing dwellings was the takeover was implemented in national statistics. Due to the anticipated influence records of the Tax Administration of euro takeover on price growth, SURS was preparing additional price analyses of the Republic of Slovenia and for those subgroups of products and services that had the largest influence on the the so-called records on the real common price movements and whose prices indicated the largest discrepancy from estate market at the Surveying price movements in the past. The analyses were published on SURS’s website. and Mapping Authority; prices of new dwellings are reported to SURS by the investors. This index is part of the set of various indices of real estate that are being developed by SURS within the Eurostat pilot project Owner Occupied Housing (OOH). In 2013, data and procedures were prepared for setting up the regular production of the owner- occupied housing index. In 2009, SURS published for the first time the services producer price index, calculated on the basis of 18 partial indices for selected service activities. SURS’s website – Euro takeover in national statistics 36 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia SURS, an internationally active institution In 2006, Slovenia was granted the status of a permanent observer in the OECD Committee on Statistics, in which Slovenia was represented by SURS. This enabled the timely beginning of the activities for Slovenia to join the OECD, as orderly statistics are a prerequisite for this. Since mid-2010, when Slovenia became an OECD member, SURS has been regularly and actively cooperating in this Committee. SURS is constantly active also in the development of statistics within the program of assistance to the Western Balkan countries. SURS cooperates also with other international institutions, is member of the Confe- rence of European Statisticians (CES), which is part of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), cooperates in the work of the United Nations Statistical Commission and also with various other international organizations. SURS, (co)organiser of various events In the 1987-2012 period, each year SURS and the Statistical Society of Slovenia organized an international statistical conference that lasted for a few days, the so-called Statistical Days. At the 20th jubilee event a special publication Twenty Statistical Days in Radenci: Development of Statistics and Slovenia, 1987-2010 was published, and at each conference a Proceedings Volume was published. In 2013, the concept of the event was changed, so that a selected topical social theme is highlighted from the statistical point of view or is linked to statistical data. The conference conclusions include also the adopted intentions of SURS to implement activities in view of the themes discussed. In 2010 and 2011, SURS organized two round tables, both times under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Slovenia; the first round table was orga- nised under the co-auspices the Secretary-General of the OECD Mr Angel Gurría. The round tables focused on the measurement and use of data on social progress and people’s well-being and on the validity of development strategies and trust in statistical analyses, models and indicators. At the beginning of the second round table, the occasional publication, published at the jubilee of the independent Slovenia, entitled To Slovenia for its 20th Birthday – Slovenian Statisticians was presented. SURS was the co-organiser of two prominent international conferences; in 2008 it co-organised the 30th IARIW Conference – The International Association for Research in Income and Wealth – at Portorož, and in 2011, together with the UNECE, the Work Session on Statistical Data Editing in Ljubljana. 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 37 SURS AND THE WORKING ENVIRONMENT In line with the Slovene National Statistics Act, SURS operates as a professionally independent government office. Between 2003 and 2013 the Director-General of SURS was Ms Irena Križman and in mid-2013 this position was taken over by Ms Genovefa Ružić. From an organizational point of view, SURS is divided into sectors (further divided into divisions) and services. From the end of 2003 to the end of 2013, the number of SURS employees decreased by about a fifth (from 393 to 328). SURS adapted its organizational structure to the lower number of employees, to changes at work and the structure of the tasks. Thus it ensured an efficient allocation of the employees. In the last decade the educational structure of the employees improved, as in 2013 at least 73% of the employees had at least higher education (in 2003 the share was 57%). In 2013, 66% of the employees were women (2 percentage points less than in 2003). The average age of an employee in Genovefa Ružić, 2013 was 45.6 years (in 2003 it was 43.6 years). Director-General Scheme of organisation of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, 23 September 2014 As in all other government institutions, from 2004 on also at SURS performance appraisal interviews are held with the employees. These also influence the best possible allocation of tasks and duties. In 2014, SURS started to develop the employee competency model in order to improve the planning of the training and to encourage taking care of own personal development of the employees. 38 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia SURS has always provided for the training of its staff both in Slovenia and abroad; the latter mostly through Eurostat. While planning the introduction of training to acquire new knowledge and skills, in 2008 SURS for the first time prepared a cata- logue of training to be held in the next year. The catalogue summarizes a range of themes (training and knowledge) that are compulsory for all SURS’s employees. Such training courses are for instance data security, clerical operation and safety at work. The statisticians, however, require also profound knowledge in the fields of sam- pling, use of various software tools for data processing, preparation of data releases, quality in statistics, and clear and efficient storytelling. In the last decade the acquisi- tion of communication skills on the part of the employees proved to be an enormous challenge for SURS. The statisticians who were authors of First Releases, for instance, took part in workshops that lasted for a few days and were led by foreign experts and Slovene newspaper reporters. Many of the SURS’s employees participated in the seminar on how to perform in front of a microphone and the camera. In 2014, SURS for the first time organized the conference Utrip statistike (The Pulse of Statistics), a professional conference for SURS’s employees focused on the work and progress achieved and the professional discussions. Logo of the conference To ensure efficient flow of information among SURS’s employees and to optimize individual processes within the institution, in 2008 SURS upgraded its intranet site; thus a new SursNet intranet portal was set up. In this way the employees became authors and co-authors of the contents on various statistical fields, as the intranet portal is of an open type and facilitates publication not only to editors and authors but to all SURS’s employees. SURS’s intranet portal SursNet (only in Slovene) In 2007, the Forum of Young Statisticians was set up to improve the inclusion and connection of young statisticians into the operation of SURS. The members pre- pared a booklet, which compiles some basic information on SURS, so as to facilitate the adaptation of the new employees to their new work environment. Until the end of 2011, SURS operated at two locations in Ljubljana (Vožarski pot 12 and Parmova ulica 33). After years of efforts focused on solving the issue of the loca- tion and space, in the beginning of 2012 SURS’s need to gain adequate space that ensuring the highest standards on data protection, adequate working conditions for the employees and rational implementation of the activity of national statistics at a single location was fulfilled. The move to the new location at Litostrojska cesta 54 in Ljubljana was carried out quickly and rationally. SURS thus obtained a new, secure data centre, a modern library, a CATI studio and contemporary working premises. Logo of SURS’s Forum of Young Statisticians 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 39 Former SURS’s locations at Vožarski pot 12 and at Parmova ulica 33, Ljubljana The new SURS's location at Litostrojska cesta 54, Ljubljana 40 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia SURS's information system A reliable support information system is required for the implementation of the statistical process and for its development. The core of such an information system is located at the heart of SURS’s building, in a space called the secure data centre, which lies in the part of the building where adequate environment is ensured for the operation of the sensitive server equipment. Adequate environment, which also means adequate temperature, humidity and continuous power supply, is provided by an efficient cooling system, a system for uninterrupted power supply, a fire protection system, and a system for detecting hazardous elements and protect- ing against unauthorized access. As failure of one of the systems would endanger the functioning of SURS’s information system, and possibly result in data loss, the devices providing conditions for the operation of servers are doubled. Important aspects in designing the new premises and the secure data centre were efficiency and economy of operation. For instance, in winter the cooling system pro- vides for optimum conditions also with the aid of the cold air from the environment. Together with the best possible arrangement of the server equipment, the use of the modern cold-hot zone sets up an energy saving system. Ten server racks hold over 30 server systems of various manufacturers that constantly operate and drive licensed as well as open source software. The disk systems store over 20 TB of data that are being regularly copied for security reasons; the most important of them are copied also to a secondary location in Maribor. Backup copies are being made late in the afternoon and at night, so as not to interrupt the statistical process. The most advanced licensed and open source development tools and databases are used for statistical data pro- cessing. The larger part of the solutions is the result of the knowhow of SURS’s staff. The virtualization of the server environment (over 70% of SURS’s servers are virtual) provides for high flexibility and availability of the entire information system. Secure data centre – server room Secure data centre – servers 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 41 TO CONCLUDE Even after 70 years, SURS continues its mission: it remains a development institution the vision of which is to be trustworthy and friendly towards data users and data providers. This thought was written at the beginning of the last decade, in completely different economic and global circumstances, yet it remains important. SURS’s main objectives are to further increase the use of statistical data and strengthen the users’ conviction of the importance and necessity of data, to preserve trust of all stakeholders, and to preserve and increase the recognition of SURS and the Slovene national statistics. An important role in achieving these objectives is played by SURS’s employees; with their professionalism, expertise and efficiency they have contributed and will continue to contribute to the creation of high-quality statistical products and services. This jubilee is for us the start of a new decade of work: on solid foundations SURS will be able to develop further and follow the motto that we can be even better. And last but not least, that it is wise to look ahead but take into account good practices and build on achieved results. 42 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AJPES Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Public Legal records and Related Services CATI computer assisted telephone interviewing CES Conference of European Statisticians COFOG Classification of the Functions of Government CPA Classification of Products by Activity DURS Tax Administration of the Republic of Slovenia EDP electronic data processing EGR EuroGroups Register ESA European System of Accounts ESCB European System of Central Banks ESS European Statistical System EU European Union eSTAT SURS’s system of electronic reporting for enterprises FATS Foreign Affiliates Statistics GNI gross national income ISCO International Standard Classification of Occupations KASPeR mapping application of statistical data e-dimensions KLASIUS Classification System of Education and Training LAU local administrative unit NIJZ National Institute of Public Health NUTS Nomenclature des Unites Territorielle pour Statistique OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development PRS Business Register of Slovenia SAD single administrative document SILC Statistics on Income and Living Conditions SI-STAT SURS’s Data Portal SKD Standard Classification of Activities 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 43 SKIS Standard Classification of Institutional Sectors SKP Standard Classification of Occupations SKTE Standard Classification of Territorial Units SSDP standardised statistical data processing SPR Statistical Business Register SRDAP Statistical Register of Employment SRKG Statistical Register of Agricultural Holdings STAGE STAtistics and GEography (system of disseminating geospatial statistics) SURS Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia TB terabyte UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations VAT value added tax ZPIZ Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia 44 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia SOURCES Report on the Implementation of the Medium-Term Programme of Statistical Surveys 2003–2007. (2008). Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia . Report on the Implementation of the Medium-Term Programme of Statistical Surveys 2008–2012. (2013). Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Report on the Implementation of the Annual Programme of Statistical Surveys for 2002. (2003). Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Report on the Implementation of the Annual Programme of Statistical Surveys for 2003. (2004). Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. National Statistics in 2004. Report on the Implementation of the Annual Programme of Statistical Surveys for 2004. (2005). Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. National Statistics in 2005. Report on the Implementation of the Annual Programme of Statistical Surveys for 2005. (2006). Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. National Statistics in 2006. Report on the Implementation of the Annual Programme of Statistical Surveys for 2006. (2007). Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. National Statistics in 2007. Report on the Implementation of the Annual Programme of Statistical Surveys for 2007. (2008). Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. National Statistics in 2008. Report on the Implementation of the Annual Programme of Statistical Surveys for 2008. (2009). Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. National Statistics in 2009. Report on the Implementation of the Annual Programme of Statistical Surveys for 2009. (2010). Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. National Statistics in 2010. Report on the Implementation of the Annual Programme of Statistical Surveys for 2010. (2011). Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. National Statistics in 2011. Report on the Implementation of the Annual Programme of Statistical Surveys for 2011. (2012). Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. National Statistics in 2012. Report on the Implementation of the Annual Programme of Statistical Surveys for 2012. (2013). Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. National Statistics in 2013. Report on the Implementation of the Annual Programme of Statistical Surveys for 2013. (2014). Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. 60 Years of National Statistics in Slovenia. (2004). Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia . Quality Guidelines. (2004). Methodological Manual, No. 2 . Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. National Statistics Act (OJ RS, No. 45/95 and 9/01) Website of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia: www.stat.si Internal SURS's documentation and the surs.net intranet portal 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 45 APPENDIX: History of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 1944 On 19 August the Slovene National Liberation Council adopts the decision to establish the Statistical Office of Slovenia. 1945 On 16 June the Statistical Office of Slovenia is established by the National Government of Slovenia in line with the Yugoslav legislation and operates following the guidelines of the National Statistical Office of the Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia. In September statistical branch offices at district and county people's committees are established as assistance to the republic office in implementing statistical actions. The first report on activities of the Statistical Office of Slovenia between the liberation and October 1945 is published, comprising fundamental principles of statistics (unity of theory and practice, democracy of the character of statistics, and cooperation of all bodies performing the statistical service) and the most important tasks (coordination of statistical work, training of statistical experts and training of the general public to understand the data). 1948 First post-war population census with which basic data on the population by counties, settlements and hamlets are collected. 1951 The Statistical Office of Slovenia is renamed the Republic Institute for Statistics and Records at the Economic Council of the Government of the People’s Republic of Slovenia. Due to growing needs for information, numerous serial publications start to be issued. 1952 The Institute for Statistics and Records of the People’s Republic of Slovenia purchases the first IBM computer system, which includes verifying machines and tabulation machines. 1953 The first post-war population census is conducted in line with United Nations recommendations. At the census the people received a form »Registration for the Population Register«; the collected data served as the basis for setting up card files of permanent population by municipalities. The first Statistical Yearbook of the People's Republic of Slovenia is published – for the first time the basic statistics for the years after World War II and more detailed data for 1952 are collected in one place. With the reorganisation of public administration, the Statistical Institute starts to operate as an independent republic body named the Institute for Statistics and Records of the People’s Republic of Slovenia. 1955 The second Statistical Yearbook of the People’s Republic of Slovenia is published. The Federal Institute for Statistics issues the principles for publishing official statistical data and assumes control over data publishing, so the Slovene Statistical Yearbook is abolished until 1964. The Institute for Statistics and Records of the People’s Republic of Slovenia starts to publish a magazine called Reviews and Studies with quality commentaries and analyses. 46 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 1956 With the decentralization of the responsibilities of the federal state to the republic level the independence of the institution is strengthened; the institution is renamed the Institute of the People's Republic of Slovenia for Statistics. 1959 The Professional Council for Statistics is established, which is responsible for coordinating the statistical service and for harmonising the contents of statistical surveys and is a predecessor of the present Statistical Council of Slovenia. 1960 The first post-war census of agriculture is conducted. 1961 The population census is conducted – the collected data are used to set up the register of permanent population. Data on dwellings are also collected in larger settlements. 1964 The Statistical Yearbook of Slovenia starts to be published again. 1965 Reorganisation of the Institute of the People's Republic of Slovenia for Statistics by abolishing county institutes. 1966 The federal Basic Act on Statistics emphasises professional and methodological unity of statistics and leaves the issue of organisation to the republic legislation. 1970 In cooperation with OECD, the Institute of the People's Republic of Slovenia for Statistics sets up the multiannual project on improvement and modernisation of the statistical information system; it issues the publication entitled “Basic Register of Population – Draft Project”, which is the visionary beginning of register-based statistics. 1971 The population census is conducted. For the needs of interviewers a statistical cadastre is organized, which is the basis for the Register of Territorial Units. On the basis of the population census the Central Population Register is established. 1974 With constitutional changes statistics becomes an activity of special importance and part of the social information system. The Institute of the People's Republic of Slovenia for Statistics is renamed the Institute of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia for Statistics. 1976 The Register of Organisations and Communities, the predecessor of the Business Register of Slovenia, is set up after having conducted the census of organisations and communities. 1977 The Statistical Society of Slovenia is founded. 1979 The Institute for Statistics purchases a powerful computer FACOM (Fujitsu), and opens the new computer centre. The first queries in the Statistical Databank are enabled. 1980 With the introduction of a unique personal identification number the conditions are given for management of the Central Population Register. 1981 The population census is conducted. The first statistical advisory committee is established to meet the information needs with the help of data from the Register of Organisations and Communities. 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 47 1987 The Institute of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia for Statistics and the Statistical Society of Slovenia organize the first statistical conference called Statistical Days at Radenci; also conference proceedings are published. 1988 The act on statistical surveys important for the Republic of Slovenia is adopted. 1989 Upon the proposal of the Institute of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia for Statistics, the Government of Slovenia introduces the calculation of gross domestic product according to the internationally comparable methodology of national accounts (SNA93). 1991 The population census is conducted. Independence of the Republic of Slovenia - Institute for Statistics is an integral part of the then Ministry of Planning. 1992 The first, informal meeting with Eurostat: the Institute for Statistics prepares the first program of activities for Europeanization of Slovene statistics. The Institute for Statistics becomes a member of the Conference of European Statisticians at the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. 1993 Slovenia is included in the Phare programme of technical assistance in the field of statistics. 1994 Slovenia and Eurostat sign a declaration on statistical cooperation. The document describes the conditions that Slovene statistics has to meet before Slovenia's accession to the EU. The Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia becomes a bilingual (Slovene-English) publication. 1995 The National Statistics Act is adopted. The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia becomes a professionally independent government service. The basic principles of operation are determined, the authorized producers of national statistics co-operate in creating the national statistics, the Statistical Council of the Republic of Slovenia is established, and the activity of national statistics is implemented in accordance with the programmes of statistical surveys. The Register of Territorial Units is taken over by the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia. 1996 The first website of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia is set up. 1998 The Central Population Register is taken over by the Ministry of the Interior. 2001 The National Statistics Act is amended, making the adoption of statistical programmes more flexible, strengthening the independence of the Statistical Office and defining in detail the role of the authorised producers of national statistics in Slovenia. 2002 The population census is conducted. The Business Register of Slovenia (formerly the Register of Organisations and Communities) is taken over by the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Public Legal Records and Related Services. 2003 SI-STAT database is set up. 2004 On 1 May Slovenia becomes a member of the European Union; the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia enters the European Statistical System. The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia celebrates 60th anniversary of its establishment; the publication 60 Years of National Statistics in Slovenia is issued. 48 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 2005 The total quality management strategy is adopted. 2006 Slovenia is invited to be a permanent observer in the OECD Committee on Statistics; in this role it is represented by the Statistical Office. Introduction of standardized measurement of the quality of data in statistical surveys: Standard Quality Reports. 2007 On 1 January Slovenia joins the Economic and Monetary Union: after the successfully implemented national project of preparing for euro takeover – the Statistical Office is a member of the Project Coordination Team – euro is introduced in Slovene statistics. The first peer review of the level of implementation of the European Statistics Code of Practice in the national statistics is conducted. 2008 Slovenia holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union; the Statistical Office chairs the Council Working Party on Statistics. 2009 The Statistical Office publishes data on Twitter for the first time (@StatSlovenija/@StatSlovenia). 2010 Slovenia becomes a full member of the OECD; the Statistical Office represents Slovenia in the session of the OECD Committee on Statistics in this new role. The agricultural census entitled Every Farm Counts is conducted between 1 June and 15 July. 2011 The first register-based census of population, households and housing is conducted completely without fieldwork. The Information Security Policy of the Statistical Office is adopted. Geostatistics portal is set up. 2012 Quality Guidelines, with which the Statistical Office gives a systematic description of individual parts of the process of conducting a statistical survey, are adopted. 2013 Electronic reporting for enterprises is being introduced and the Contact Centre for enterprises is established. Web surveying of persons and households is introduced. The first electronic publication (e-pub) for mobile devices entitled People, Families, Dwellings is issued. 2014 The web mapping application STAGE for visualising statistical data in spatial units is set up. The second peer review of the level of implementation of the European Statistics Code of Practice in the national statistics is conducted. 70 Years of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 49 HOW TO OBTAIN STATISTICAL DATA AND INFORMATION? • on Statistical Office’s website www.stat.si/eng • via mail, phone, fax and e-mail adress: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Litostrojska cesta 54, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia phone: +386 1 241 64 04 fax: +386 1 241 53 44 answering machine: +386 1 475 65 55 e-mail: info.stat@gov.si • by ordering statistical publications adress: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Litostrojska cesta 54, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia phone: +386 1 241 52 85 fax: +386 1 241 53 44 e-mail: prodaja.surs@gov.si • by visiting the Information Centre office hours: Monday to Thursday from 9.00 to 15.30 Friday from 9.00 to 14.30 Document Outline 70 YEARS OF THE STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA FOREWORD AT THE BEGINNING PLANNING AND PREPARATION OF A STATISTICAL SURVEY DATA COLLECTION AND PROCESSING ACCESS TO STATISTICAL DATA AND DISSEMINATION OF RESULTS TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT SURS'S ROLE IN SLOVENIA AND AS PART OF THE EUROPEAN AND INTERNATIONAL STATISTICS COMMUNITY SURS AND THE WORKING ENVIRONMENT TO CONCLUDE LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS SOURCES APPENDIX: History of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia