vol. 14, No. 2/03 te constructively - it is possible, according to an optimistic prognosis, to decrease the elemental force that is present in space at the moment. Assist, prof. Tadeja. Zupančič Strojan, Ph.D., architect, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of architecture, Ljubljana E-mail; tadeja.zupancic@arh.uni-lj.si Matevž Juvančič, architect, Arhiteka d.o.o., Ljubljana E-mail: matevz.juvancic@l>We are people from the eighteenth and nineteenth century but we have to live in environments of the twentieth and twenty first century.«U\ The dynamism of constant social changes radically reaches into interiors of extant individual envelopes by introducing various media (telephone, radio, television), thus completely changing human perception of space. They offer experiences and test reactions of bodies in media and audiovisual spaces. The idea about minimal individual dwelling as a form of electronic attire was most radically expressed in the projects Cushicle and Suitaloon by Mika Webb, which provided »all necessary services: a) motion, b) enlargement of the envelope, c) energy ... the possibility for two people to live in one envelope or linl