Slovenski Dom Newsletter Volume 9, March 2011 POROČILO PREDSEDNIKA DRAGI ČLANI IN ČLANICE SLOVENSKEGA DOMA V imenu upravnega odbora z veseljem poročam o napredku Društva Slovenski Dom v letu 2010. Kakor prejšnja leta smo tudi v tem letu imeli živahen in pester program in pa tudi nekaj žalosti. Odšel je v večnost naš dolgoletni član g. Gabrijel Azman. Družini smo poslali venec in sožalje v imenu Slovenskega doma in ga spremljali na njegovi zadnji poti. Naj počiva v miru. V letu 2010 je Slovenki dom praznoval 51 letnico ustanovitve. Ponosni smo da po 51 letih Slovenski dom napreduje in sprejema nove člane v naše društvo. V tem letu smo sprejeli dva nova člana - David Cvet in Carlye Campbell. Novi člani so naša bodočnost zato prosimo da otroke in vnuke vključite v Društvo Slovenski Dom, kulturna organizacija ki nudi mladim priložnost da se seznanijo s slovensko kulturo, se naučijo slovenskega jezika in ostanejo vključeni v slovenski spupnosti. Poleg rednih mesečnih sestankov, je vaš odbor v letu 2010 organiziral naslednje kulturne in društvene prireditve. ■Marca meseca smo organizirali skupaj z Dom Lipa -"Potica Challenge" ki se ga je udeležilo več kot sto gostov. Na pokušnji smo imeli na izbiro 22 različnih potic. Prvo mesto je dobila Nada Music z enkratno orehovo potico. ■ V začetku maja smo organizirali Ekološki Dan (Environmental Day) skupaj z Slovensko Telovadno Zvezo (STZ) na Slovenija Trust v Bancroftu. ■ V začetku julija smo organizirali kulturno razstavo za Slovenski dan na Slovenskem Letovišču in razstavili različne predmete iz Slovenije. Hvala vsem ki ste posodili te predmete za razstavo. ki jih je bilo okoli 200 so bili člani in članice Slovenskega doma kakor tudi predstavniki drugih slovenskih organizacij. Uvodni govor je podal g. Tomaž Kunstelj, ambasador Republike Slovenije. Sledil je g. Jože Mihevc, svetnik mesta Toronto. Igral je orkester Brajda. Kulturni program je vodila Majda Resnik in se je začel z nastopom treh kulturnih skupin. Sledila so priznanja in nagrade. Priznanje slovenskega doma za dolgoletno prostovoljno delo sta dobila Nellie in Tone Bavdek. Finančno nagrado so dobili Slovenska Šola in Dom Lipa. Priznanje za dosežek diplome je dobila Carlye Campbell. Vabimo vse ki si želite slovenske kulturne zabave da si rezervirate vstopnice za nalsednji banket ki bo 3. decembra 2011. Več informacij o Slovenskem domu se dobi na Prisrčno Vas vabimo da se udeležite naših prireditev in s tem podprete medsebojno povezovanje in ohranitev naše kulturne identitete. Če imate kakšne ideje za bodoče prireditve vas prosimo da jih predstavite odboru. Velika dvorana na Pape Ave je v najemu Grkov ki redno plačujejo najemnino. V mali dvorani imamo mesečne sestanke odbora in pa našo pisarno. Opravili smo nekaj popravil tako da je Slovenski Dom v dobrem stanju. Tudi letos smo debatirali kako se usmerimo v prihodnost. Ustanovili smo "Building Fund" ki bo služil našim željam po novem Slovenskem Domu. Preden zaključim se zahvalim vsem članom in odbornikom za sodelovanje in podporo. Bodimo ponosni da smo Slovenci in da imamo Društvo Slovenski Dom ki nas povezuje in nudi priliko da ohranimo našo kulturno skupnost. Oscar Koren, Predsednik SLOVENIAN WRITERS IN CANADA ■ V septembru smo organizirali tečaj slovenskega jezika za odrasle v prostorih Krekove banke. Knjige in CDje smo dobili iz Slovenije. Tečaj je postal popularen med mladimi tukaj rojenimi Slovenci tako da nameravamo imeti tri tečaje v letu 2011. ■V začetku decembra smo praznovali 51 obletnico obstoja Slovenskega doma z božičnim banketom v dvorani Marije Pomagaj na Manning Ave. Med gosti Invitation This is an invitation to all, young and old alike, who enjoy reading and are interested in volunteering some time towards the Slovenski Dom Slovenian Writers in Canada project. Over the past few months, I have become involved with Slovenski Dom's "Slovenian Writers in Canada" project. I had no idea that there are over 50 Slovenian writers in Canada, who collectively have written over 70 books. This project's goal is to index these authors in an annotated bibliography of their books. I have always been interested in learning about my Slovenian heritage. I enjoy listening to my grandmother's stories of her life back in Slovenia. Let me tell you, it was far from the luxuries of the internet, cell phone textmessaging, and easy one-shop mega malls. Walking 20 miles to and from school, barefoot in the snow, is only a short step from the truth. Therefore, when I was asked to read a Slovenian-Canadian autobiography and write up a short summary, I was very excited. I have just finished reading a book entitled "Memoirs of Days Gone By" written by Joe Mihevc. In this book, Mr. Mihevc recalls from his childhood experiences the moment he decided to immigrate to Canada. He paints a unique and fascinating picture of his life, highlighting his ups and downs. I encourage all young and not so young Canadian-Slovenians who are interested in learning about their relatives' lives in Slovenia and subsequent journeys to Canada to pick up books such as "Memoirs of Days Gone By" and get a taste of what life was like back then. If you are interested in volunteering to read a book in support of the project, and writing a short review of it, please do not hesitate to contact us. A reminder to high school students, you can allocate this time towards your Community Involvement Hours requirement for the OSSD. Amanda Stefanyk TEČAJ SLOVENKEGAJEZIKA ZA ODRASLE Mnogi se še verjetno spominjate let, ko sta Mimi Radovan in pokojni Blaž Potočnik vodila tečaje slovenskega jezika za odrasle. Tečaji so bili namenjeni odraslim, katerih prvi jezik ni slovenščina. Po Blaževi smrti so se tečaji opustili, kljub temu, da je bilo veliko zanimanja po znanju slovenščine kot drugega jezika za zasebne ali uradne namene kot na primer za pridobitev slovenskega državljanstva. Po več kot petnajstih letih je leta 2010 Slovenski dom dal pobudo, da se zopet začnejo tečaji slovenskega jezika. Prvi sestanek je bil 10. marca 2010. Na sestanku je bilo mnogo dobre volje in določili smo, da Slovenski dom prevzame administracijo tečaja, Mimi Radovan bo glavna učiteljica in Krekova banka bo odstopila učne prostore. Sledilo je še nekaj sestankov, na katerih smo razpravljali o učbenikih in drugih šolskih potrebščinah, o načinu učenja in drugih podrobnostih. Bilo je treba naročiti učbenike iz Slovenije in pripraviti celoten učni program. Nato je bilo treba obvestiti udeležence. Udeleženci in učitelji prvega tečaja slovenskega jezika 2010 Prvi tečaj osnovne stopnje se je začel 12. oktobra 2010 z devetimi udeleženci in je bil zelo uspešen. Sledil je nadaljevalni tečaj z začetkom 18. januarja 2011 in v načrtu so še trije tečaji v letu 2011. Pouk poteka v majhnih skupinah (največ 10 učencev), kar zagotavlja učinkovitost. Več informacij o tečajih slovenskega jezika lahko dobite na spletni strani Oscar Koren POTICA CHALLENGE - May 2, 2010 Slovenski Dom's 3rd annual Potica Challenge was held on a sunny Sunday afternoon in the auditorium of Dom Lipa. It was again a great success!! Twelve contestants and over 100 people joined us to see and taste Slovenian potica! We delighted in Marjan Sevšek's exuberant accordian playing and an audience member's playful commentaries. We are indebted to Dom Lipa Administration and to Boguslawa Zelezinska, Dom Lipa Activities Coordinator, for her enthusiastic support in the planning of this event, for her help with the refreshments and for coordinating the residents' participation in the challenge. Thanks, also, to Sonja Kovačič and Aurea Purugganan for their work with the Dom Lipa residents; Aurea also helped with the slicing of the potica samples. The Slovenski Dom team that worked on this event included: Nora Burnett, Carlye Campbell, Randy Dresar, Robert Frankovic, Peter Gormek, Nellie Gormek, Katherine Gormek (photographer), Oscar Koren, Majda Resnik (coordinator) and Johnny Smrekar. The 12 entries were from the kitchens of: Sue Augustin, Marija Babič, Vera Balažič, Tilka Benko, Teresa Gomes with Maria Nagode, Ana Jankovič, Karolina Lesar, Nada Music, Anica Resnik, Majda Resnik/Nora Burnett, Margaret Smrke, and Mary Stefanyk/Michael Stefanyk/Marko Skočir. The 12 lead bakers received $50 each toward the cost of their supplies for the required submission of 2 traditional, Slovenian round-shaped poticas (11" or 28 cm in diameter). The poticas were brought in on the day of the challenge. The judges were Marica Gabršček and Miriam Jablonski (representing Dom Lipa), Franca Anderson (president of Simon Gregorčič) and Boris Grmek (a friend of the Slovenian community). Potica Challenge Judges The judges' task was to rank the poticas on 4 criteria: appearance, aroma, taste, and texture. They used a rating scale from 5 (Superior) to 1 (something missing). Each judge was given a set of 12 full slice samples; leftovers were packaged to take home for later! The audience, meanwhile, was invited to obtain their samples from the team entries and to voice their favourite. After about an hour and a half of mingling, tasting and debating, the results were announced. It was decided that the audience favourite was Sue Augustin's potica. The judges' winners were: Ana Jankovič in 3rd place; Sue Augustin as 2nd best; Nada Music as this year's 1st place winner. Congratulations to our three best potica bakers! More importantly, congratulations to all who entered their poticas!! Anyone who has baked potica knows not only how long it takes but how unpredictable the results can be. Every single entry was delicious on its own merit. On behalf of all of us who worked on this event, a warm thank you to all who participated in this cultural, sLOVEnian event - the bakers, the helpers and the visitors. With 12 contestants and a roomful of potica lovers, it was a wonderful experience for all. We all had a great time, and our fill of sight, senses and tastes. Thanks for a memorable event! Majda Resnik CROSS-COUNTRY SKI COMPETITION The STZ-Slovenski Dom crosscountry ski competition was planned for Saturday, January 22, 2011. Due to the small number of competitors the competition had to be cancelled. However, those that came had a wonderful time on a well groomed trail through the forests and meadows of the winter wonderland. In Slovenia cross-country skiing is well developed and Slovenia's Petra Majdic won a bronze medal in crosscountry skiing at Canada's 2010 Winter Olympics in Whistler B.C. Being one of the safest sports with very low risk of injury, cross-country skiing offers many health benefits. It is not just fun, not just easy to learn, not just inexpensive to do, but it gives you just about the best total body workout possible, without stressing your joints. And because you can make your workout as easy or as intense as you want, anyone can do it. Statistics show that in North America there are about four million cross-country skiers and this number is growing. If you need an excuse to venture outside on those crisp winter days, join STZ-Slovenski Dom crosscountry ski events, make new friends and enjoy the great outdoors. Oscar Koren PROGRAM FOR 2011 Potica Challenge at Dom Lipa ...............................Sunday, April 3, 2011 Annual General Meeting (AGM) ...............................Sunday, May 1, 2011 Seminar: "Heraldry and Slovenian Knights" ...............................Sunday, May 8, 2011 Environmental Day with STZ .............................Saturday, May 14, 2011 Cultural Exhibit at Slovenski Dan ................................Sunday, July 3, 2011 Co-Ed Basketball League .........................September - November, 2011 Slovenian Language Course (Beginners) ....................September 27 - November 1, 2011 Slovenian Language Course (Advanced) .....................November 8 - December 13, 2011 Christmas Banquet .........................Saturday, December 3, 2011 Check the Slovenski Dom web site regularly for more details and the latest updates. Visit: and become a registered user FREE OF CHARGE. Identify yourself as a member of Slovenski Dom and, upon verification of your status, you will be able to enjoy many added features and privileges only available to members. EDITOR'S COMMENTS Well here I am yet again! 2010, Slovenski Dom's 50th Anniversary year, has gone by as usual with a great deal of effort and energy expended by the Board of Directors and willing volunteers to continue to sustain Slovenski Dom and its activities. I continue to remain hopeful to be able to make a small contribution toward advancing the aspirations of Slovenski Dom, its members and the Slovenian community at large through this Newsletter and the web site at . Every Member is invited to register and use the site to share comments, opinions, memories, photos, music, poetry -whatever you wish - and engage in dialogue and debate with like-minded people about Slovenia and things Slovenian. Registration is FREE OF CHARGE to all Members. The site now has a Sponsor / Contributor section where businesses or individuals who make financial contributions to Slovenski Dom are recognized and have access to the web site to promote their businesses or share information with the Slovenian community in other ways. As usual I am issuing an appeal, AND A CHALLENGE, to all Members to get involved in the Slovenski Dom web site. While the number of registrants is growing slowly, rather fewer than anticipated have been taking advantage of the opportunity. Nonetheless I consider the results encouraging because among the new registrants there are individuals from the U.S and even Slovenia. Remember, the Slovenski Dom web site It is not a typical "static" web site that simply "pushes" information at you, useful though that may be when you are searching for "facts." By contrast, much like FaceBook and other social networking sites, it is TOTALLY OPEN to your input - you can blog, twitter, or rant - so it can be a place for dialogue and debate unlike the many typical static sites. For casual or first time visitors the site is indeed a typical "static" site and provides basic information about Slovenski Dom, its program and activities. However, upon registration, legitimate users are given basic privileges for posting material and participating in discussions that may arise. If you identify yourself as a Member of Slovenski Dom, and are verified as being in good standing, a range of extra "Members ONLY" privileges becomes available to expand the features you can access. As always, "Home is where the Heart is." is a saying that continues to ring true. It is in that very same sense that the internet and the Slovenski Dom web site provide a virtual home where anyone, anywhere, at any time with at least a bit of Slovenia in their heart can visit and share their thoughts, hopes and aspirations regarding things Slovenian. Remember, if YOU participate, the site will become more like whatever YOU want it to be, not what some "webmaster" dictates. As stated previously, the only limitations that will be imposed will be those of decorum and good taste. Aside from that the sky is the limit! Visit the web site and participate in building a 21st Century virtual Slovenski Dom on the Internet! Tony Muc, Editor