ekŽ Ži Ander Aleks AleksAnder ŽiŽek Celje, 2015 01 • Ad fontes! Ad fontes! Our present-day knowledge of the Celje dynasty is conveyed to us partly through rodbino Celjskih poznamo danes večinoma prek zapuščine, ki je vezana na njihovo literary legacy, and partly through attempts to recontextualize the history to serve a literarno obdelavo, pogosto pa jo v sodobnem svetu prepoznavamo preko aktu-particular current interest. In the case of Barabara Celjska, this may be even truer alizacije zgodovine, ki je vezana na sodobni interes. Za Barbaro Celjsko od vseh than for any other persona of the Celje family. The images and judgements regarding iz rodbine Celjskih veljajo te ugotovitve še najbolj, saj so podobe in vrednostne her that emerged after the fall of the Celje dynasty have often been mythological, sodbe o njej nastale v času po zatonu Celjskih in so se pogosto osvetljevale v either with a positive or negative undertone. The goals and methods of scientific smislu mitološke obravnave, bodisi v pozitivnih bodisi v negativnih tonih. Cilji work, however, always take researchers to the times and places where historical figures in metode znanstvenega dela pa raziskovalce vedno vodijo v čas in prostor, kjer lived and acted, giving full priority to the documents and evidence dating from so zgodovinske osebnosti delovale. Zato je potrebno vzeti v obzir v prvi vrsti such times. Since the Celje Historical Archives do not keep any documents issued gradivo, ki je nastalo v času njihovega delovanja. ker v Zgodovinskem arhivu by Barbara Celjska, we turned fur support to the archives in the region, which Celje ne hranimo nobene listine, ki bi jo izdala Barbara Celjska, smo se zato are in possession of such evidence. We therefore thank the archives who submitted obrnili na arhive v regiji, ki listine hranijo. Zahvala za realizacijo razstave gre the facsimiles (National Archives of Hungary, Budapest; Archives of the Croatian torej arhivom, ki so nam reprodukcije posredovali (Madžarski državni arhiv Academy of Sciences and Arts; Croatian State Archives in Zagreb; Croatian State Budimpešta, Arhiv Hrvaške akademije znanosti in umetnosti, Hrvaški državni Archives in Varaždin; and Archives of the Republic of Slovenia), and the Celje arhiv Zagreb, državni arhiv v Varaždinu in Arhiv republike slovenije) ter Regional Museum which supported the project. The exhibition celebrates the 600th Pokrajinskemu muzeju Celje, ki je projekt podprl. Z razstavo obeležujemo anniversary of the coronation of Barbara Celjska as the Queen of Germany. 600. obletnico kronanja Barbare Celjske za nemško kraljico. The exhibition ABC – Archives on Barbara of Celje brings to the fore the primary Z razstavo ABC Arhivska Barbara Celjska tako postavljamo v ospredje obravnave sources which are the foundation for any scientific and critical historical interpreta-primarne vire, ki so osnova za ustvarjanje vsakršne znanstveno-kritične tion. The sources are always the ABC or research. Thus our plea: back to the sources; zgodovinske interpretacije. Z viri se abeceda raziskovanja vselej prične. Zato, k ad fontes! virom, ad fontes! Dr. Borut Batagelj dr. Borut Batagelj 01 • 02 03 • Barbara certainly earned her “reputation” with her unconventional ways: she spoke several languages BArBArA CeljskA Barbarin »sloves« je vsekakor plod njene nekonvencionalnosti – govorila je več jezikov (latinsko, BARBARA OF CELjE (Latin, German, Hungarian, French, and Czech – and almost certainly Polish and Croatian), and nemško, madžarsko, francosko in češko, skoraj gotovo tudi poljsko in hrvaško), zanimala se she had a keen interest in alchemy and the progressive ideas of the time, such as the Hussite movement. (1392 – 11. 7. 1451)1 je za alkimijo in tedanje novodobne ideje – denimo husitstvo. nedvomno je bila z delom (1392 – 11. 7. 1451)1 There is little doubt that her relations with a part of the Bohemian nobility were peculiarly gracious, češkega plemstva v nenavadno dobrih odnosih, kar je bilo pri vladarjih bolj izjema kot pravilo, »Žena brez vse vere ino sramožlivosti«2 »A woman of no faith or humility«2 which was a rare occurrence at the court of the time. On the other hand, she needed their support, res je tudi, da je njihovo naklonjenost potrebovala, na Ogrskem in Hrvaškem pa se je veliko and she did spend a lot of her time in Hungary and in Croatia. Coronation to the Queen of tudi zadrževala. kronanje z nemško kraljevo krono v Aachnu (1414) in spremstvo moža na Barbara je bila najmlajša hčerka Hermana ii. Celjskega in Ane schaunberške. kot vsem drugim Barbara was the youngest daughter of Hermann II of Celje and Anna of Schaunberg. As all other Germany in Aachen (1414) and accompanying her husband to the Council of Constance (1415) koncilu v konstanci (1415) sta bila nekakšna vrhunca Barbarinega zakona s sigismundom, svojim otrokom je Herman tudi njej v svojih načrtih za dvig rodu Celjskih pripravil posebno Herman’s children, Barbara too had a very special place in his scheme for the rise of the Celje were the highlights of Barbara’s marriage to Sigismund, which were soon to be followed by their ki sta jima sledila razdor in prva (neformalna) kratkotrajna ločitev leta 1419. kraljici so med mesto, čeprav verjetno ni slutil, da bo prav Barbari uspel najvišji družbeni vzpon – ob bok cesarja dynasty. However, her father probably never imagined she would go all the way to become the wife of break-up and their first (informal) brief divorce in 1419. During Sigismund’s absence (he sigismundovo odsotnostjo (vse do leta 1418 je namreč sodeloval na koncilu) razmere na sigismunda luksemburškega. Herman ii. je delčke poročne »sestavljanke« verjetno začel the Sigismund of Luxembourg, the Holy Roman Emperor. Herman II of Celje most likely started to was involved in the Council until 1418), the Queen seemed to have lost control of the situation. Ogrskem zrasle čez glavo – neuspešno je skušala deželo ubraniti pred turškimi vpadi, poskušala sestavljati že kmalu po izgubljeni bitki s Turki pri nikopolju (1396), ki bi se lahko brez put together the pieces of the marriage puzzle soon after the loss against the Ottomans in the Battle She found little success in her attempts to defend the land from the Ottoman incursions, while also je ustaviti roparske pohode in miriti spore med ogrskimi velikaši. njena neodločnost je sigis-Celjanove pomoči za sigismunda tragično končala. Številnim izkazom hvaležnosti (posestim in of Nicopolis (1396), which could have ended tragically for Sigismund had it not been for the help struggling to deal with looting campaigns and disputes between the Hungarian nobles. Sigismund, munda tako razkačila, da ji je odvzel posestva, razpustil njen dvor in jo izgnal. Barbara je nato počastitvam) je namreč leta 1401 sledila zaroka, leta 1405 pa poroka Barbare Celjske in vdovca of the Count of Celje. Numerous tokens of gratitude (estates and honours) were followed by engage-infuriated by her indecisiveness, disowned her of her manors, disbanded her court, and banished her s hčerko elizabeto (roj. 1408) slabo leto živela daleč proč od kraljevega dvora in moža – sprva sigismunda luksemburškega, ogrskega kralja. Celjski so tako na najvišjem mestu dobili ment (in 1401) and marriage (in 1405) between Barbara of Celje and the widowed Sigismund of to exile. She and her daughter Elizabeta (born 1408) spent nearly a year far away from the royal v okolici romunske Oradee, nato pa na slovaškem (v Maliču). Barbara je bila kasneje sicer »ambasadorja« in zagovornika svojih interesov, saj je Barbara z vsem srcem podpirala Luxembourg, the King of Hungary. Thus, the Counts of Celje won an “ambassador” and promoter of court and her husband – initially near Oradea, Romania, and later in Malič, Slovakia. Barbara dovolj pametna, da je moža prosila odpuščanja in dosegla vsaj navidezno normalizacijo odnosov, moževo naklonjenost do tasta in Celjskih nasploh (taka poteza je bil denimo sprejem Hermana ii. their interests in the very top ranks as Barbara wholeheartedly supported her husband’s graciousness was wise enough to ask her husband for forgiveness and at least seemingly normalize their relationship. sigismunda (po smrti brata Vaclava tudi češkega kralja) pa so tedaj že zaposlovale husitske in Friderika ii. Celjskega v Zmajev red – združbo najožjih kraljevih zaupnikov ter nenazadnje towards his father-in-law and the Counts of Celje in general (for example, Herman II and Friderik Moreover, Sigismund (who, after the death of his brother Wenceslas (Václav), was also the King of vojne. Barbara se je v dvajsetih letih 15. stoletja intenzivno posvečala zaupanim državniškim pokneženje 30. novembra 1436). kljub prislovični celjski premočrtnosti v javnem in političnem II of Celje were admitted to the Order of the Dragon and, on November 30, 1436, elevation to the Bohemia) was busying himself with the Hussite Wars. In the 1420s, Barbara was strongly devoted to zadevam – cesar ji je namreč podelil razsežna ozemlja na Češkem in slovaškem, ter skrbela za udejstvovanju je bila tudi Barbara pravo »celjsko dete«, ki je znalo na najrazličnejše načine Princes of the Holy Roman Empire). Despite the proverbial relentlessness in her public and political the stately affairs entrusted to her. The Emperor had bestowed upon her vast manors in Bohemia and njihovo obrambo proti husitom, dohodki od njih pa so jo naredili za najbogatejšo žensko na ubežati strogi formi in etiketi vladarskega dvora ter dati duška svojim številnim »interesom«. endeavours, Barbara was also a true “Celje child”, finding many ways of eluding the strict form and Moravia, and she was in charge of their defence against the Hussites. Moreover, income from these Ogrskem. 31. maja 1433 so sigismunda v rimu okronali za cesarja, kronanju pa Barbara ni Barbara je bila med vsemi Celjani že za življenja deležna najbolj negativne publicitete – imeli so etiquette of the ruler’s court and indulging in her many “interests”. estates made her the richest woman in Hungary. On May 31, 1433 Sigismund was crowned Holy prisostvovala. jo za nemško Mesalino (spletkarko, hudičevko), nenasitno nimfomanko, brezobzirno okrutnico In her time, she seemed to draw more negative publicity than any other member of the Celje dynasty Roman Emperor; Barbara did not attend the coronation. konec husitskih vojn je zakonca spet začasno zbližal in Barbara je bila leta 1437 kronana kot in še in še. Če bi jo sojenice obiskale pod kakšno skromnejšo streho, bi zlasti glede na tisto, kar – she was proclaimed the Messalina of Germany (a woman of intrigue and a she-devil), an insatiable After the Hussite Wars, the couple temporarily reconciled and in 1437, Barbara was crowned Queen češka kraljica. V tem letu je cesar Barbari med svojo odsotnostjo (mudil se je na pogajanjih je o njej zapisal sodobnik enej silvij Piccolomini, verjetno gorela. nymphomaniac, a ruthless tormentor and more. Had she been visited by the goddesses of destiny under of Bohemia. That year, the Emperor (while away on negotiations with the German princes) left z nemškimi knezi) prepustil upravo čeških dežel, kar je Barbara izkoristila za povezovanje s a more modest roof, she would probably have been destined for the stake, especially considering what Barbara in charge of the Bohemian lands. She took the opportunity to establish connections with the češkimi velikaši, ki niso bili naklonjeni njenemu zetu, ki ga je sigismund predvidel za svojega her contemporary Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini wrote about her. Bohemian high-ranking officials who disfavoured her son-in-law whom Sigismund designated as his naslednika na češkem prestolu.3 successor to the Bohemian throne.3 1 3 j. Orožen, Zgodovina Celja in okolice, 1. del; Celje, 1971; str. 146-154. Hans Chilian, Barbara von Cilli. Borna – leipzig, 1908. igor Grdina, Peter Štih, spomini Helene kottanner. korenine, nova revija, ljubljana, 1999. rolanda Fugger Germadnik, Barbara Celjska rolanda Fugger Germadnik, Barbara Celjska; str. 20. 3 (1392-1451). Pokrajinski muzej Celje, 2010. Rolanda Fugger Germadnik, Barbara Celjska; p. 20. 2 i. Orožen, Celska kronika, str. 60. 1 j. Orožen, Zgodovina Celja in okolice, 1. del (The History of Celje and its Surroundings, Part 1); Celje, 1971; pp. 146-154. Hans Chilian, Barbara von Cilli. Borna – Leipzig, 1908. Igor Grdina, Peter Štih, Spomini Helene Kottanner (The Memoires of Helena Kottanner). Korenine, Nova revija, Ljubljana, 1999. Rolanda Fugger Germadnik, Barbara Celjska (1392–1451). Celje Regional Museum, 2010 2 I. Orožen, Celska kronika (The Celje Chronicles), p. 60. • 04 05 • sigismund je njuno hčer elizabeto leta 1422 namreč poročil z Albrehtom V. Avstrijskim, ki ga Namely, in 1422 Sigismund had given away their daughter Elizabeta to marry Albrecht V of Austria BARBARA OF CELjE IN HIStORICAL RECORDS BArBArA CeljskA V lisTinAH je podpiral v husitskih vojnah ter mu preko hčere zagotovil tudi nasledstvo na rimsko-nemškem who supported him in the Hussite Wars. By marrying Sigismund’s daughter, Albrecht also became prestolu. Albreht Barbari in češkim stanovom ni bil pogodu, zato se je Barbara znova odločila, the successor to the Holy Roman throne. Like the Bohemian nobles, Barbara disliked Albrecht and Sixteen select reproductions of historical documents, of which eleven are kept by the National da za moževim hrbtom malce pospletkari ter onemogoči svojega zeta: »drugih misel kot cesar 16 izbranih reprodukcij listin, ki jih večinoma (11) hrani Madžarski državni arhiv v Budimpešti, she came up with a ploy, behind her husband’s back, to deprive her son-in-law of his royal status: Archives of Hungary in Budapest, four by archives in Croatia (Archives of the Croatian Academy je bila pa cesarica Barbara. Ona, žena brez vse vere ino sramožlivosti, je začela, ako ravno že del arhivi na Hrvaškem (Arhiv Hrvaške akademije znanosti in umetnosti, Hrvaški državni arhiv “Barbara, however, had other plans. Having seen the Emperor ever closer to his grave, she, a woman of Sciences and Arts, Croatian State Archives in Zagreb, and Croatian State Archives in Varaždin), okoli 50 let stara, svojo roko s českoj kronoj vred mlademu poljskemu kralju kasimiru ponu-Zagreb in državni arhiv v Varaždinu) ter eno Arhiv republike slovenije, predstavlja kraljico of no faith or humility, began, although about fifty year old, to offer her hand, complete with her and one by the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, present Queen Barbara as the queen consort of jati(!), kad je vidla, da se cesar že grobu približuje. Vpirala se je ona na husitske Čehe...« Barbaro kot soprogo in sovladarico cesarja sigismunda luksemburškega (listina o ustanovitvi 4 Tako Bohemian throne, to the young Polish King Casimir (!). She relied on the Hussite Bohemians ...” 4 Emperor Sigismund of Luxembourg (Charters of the Order of the Dragon, document on resolution of hudo sicer verjetno ni bilo, je pa Barbara načrtovala poroko svoje vnukinje Ane s poljskim Zmajevega reda, listina o reševanju sporov med plemstvom in cerkvenimi oblastmi ter listina While it may not have been that bad, Barbara did plan a wedding between her granddaughter Anna disputes between the nobility and the ecclesiastical authorities, and document on the protection of a kraljem Vladislavom iii., s čimer bi ji zagotovila ogrsko krono, medtem ko bi s poroko svoje o zaščiti plemiča pred pregonom), v glavnem pa kot vrhovno fevdalko/zemljiško gospodarico, and the Polish King Vladislaus (Władysław) III, which would grant Anna the Hungarian Crown, noble from exile), and mostly as the feudal landlady appearing as the adjudicator in property-related vnukinje elizabete z Vladislavovim bratom kazimirom le-temu pripadel češki prestol. skorajda ki nastopa kot razsodnica v zemljiških sporih fevdalcev in zaščitnica pravnega reda. nanjo se while the wedding of her granddaughter Elizabeta to Władysław’s brother Casimir would entitle the disputes of feudal landowners, and the guardian of the legal system. She is addressed by both secular odveč je omeniti, da je v tej poročni kombinatoriki zase predvidela pomembno vlogo regentke. obračajo tako posvetni fevdalci kot cerkvena oblastva in mesta, ki iščejo v njeni avtoriteti in latter the Bohemian throne. Needless to say, she had set aside an important role for herself, too, in feudal landowners and the ecclesiastical authorities and towns searching for shelter and support in vrhovni oblasti zatočišče in pomoč. V svojih listinah kraljica zastopa legitimnost in izhaja iz Te zadnje izdaje ji že precej bolni sigismund (mučili sta ga putika in gangrena) ni odpustil – this grand scheme of wedlock: that of a regent. her authority and supreme rule. In her documents, the Queen represents legitimacy and grounds her spoštovanja napisanih in nenapisanih splošno veljavnih pravnih norm. Posebno zanimiva je ukazal jo je zapreti v grad Znojm (1437), kamor se je k hčerki elizabeti in zetu Albrehtu skupaj Such treachery was more than the now ailing Sigismund (he suffered from gout and gangrene) was judgement on written (formal) and unwritten (informal) generally valid and accepted legal norms. listina, ki jo je Barbara Celjska namenila svojemu bratu Frideriku ii. Celjskemu in priča o s soprogo Barbaro umaknil iz Prage. Po sigismundovi smrti in po tem, ko sta maja 1438 skle-willing to forgive. He had her confined at the Znojmo castle (1437), the residence of their daughter Particularly interesting is the document drawn up by Barbara of Celje for her brother Friderik II zavarovanju posojila 4.000 ogrskih goldinarjev, za kar ji je brat zastavil grad Mehovo. Verjetno nila sporazum, jo je zet sicer izpustil, vendar se je kmalu zatekla na Poljsko, od koder se je vrnila Elizabeta and son-in-law Albrecht, to which he and Barbara had moved to get away from Prague. of Celje, in witness a loan of 4,000 Hungarian guldens, for which her brother pledged the castle of so bila taka premostitvena posojila med Barbaro, sigismundom in Celjskimi kar pogosta in šele leta 14415 in se naselila v Melniku na Češkem, kjer so jo »varovali« zvesti češki plemiči After Sigismund’s death, her son-in-law, having signed an agreement with her, released her, but she Mehovo as security. It is highly likely that such bridge loans were rather common and bilateral among obojesmerna. in jurij Poděbrad. na Melniku je končno oblikovala svoj »dvor« – središče in zbirališče svojih soon left the castle and sought refuge in Poland. She only returned in 14415 and settled in Melnik, Barbara, Sigismund, and the Counts of Celje. listine so večinoma (z izjemo ustanovne listine Zmajevega reda) povsem običajni, neokrašeni številnih čeških in ogrskih pristašev, v svoj vplivni krog pa je potegnila tudi hčer elizabeto, ki ji Bohemia, where she was “protected” by her loyal Bohemian nobles and George of Poděbrady. There, The records are mostly (with the exception of the Charters of the Order of the Dragon) quite plain pisarniški dokumenti z uporabno vrednostjo, pečateni z na medlist pritisnjenim kraljičinim je mož Albreht malo pred smrtjo očital spletkarjenje s svojimi nasprotniki na Ogrskem. Očitno she finally set up her “court” – a hub of her many Bohemian and Hungarian devotees, also taking on administrative documents of practical value, with the Queens seal applied on the interleaf – only pečatom – le na dveh listinah najdemo viseči pečat. Prvi Barbarin pečat sestavlja grb, ki je je tudi elizabeti privzgojila nekaj celjske prebrisanosti in smisla za politiko, nenazadnje pa tudi board her daughter Elizabeta whom her husband Albrecht accused, just before his death, of plotting two documents carry a pendant seal. Barbara’s seal consisted of a coat of arms that combined her kombinacija očetovega (celjskega) grba s tremi zvezdami in moževega (ogrskega) grba s štirimi lojalnosti »celjski hiši« (tudi elizabeta je namreč zelo cenila zvestobo in pomoč strica Friderika against him with his adversaries in Hungary. It appears as if Barbara had instilled in her daughter father’s coat of arms (that of Celje) with three stars, and her husband’s (Hungarian) with four Árpád prečkami, ter pečatni napis. (+ s x barbare + dei + gratia x regine x vngarie).6 drugi pečat je z ii. in bratranca Ulrika ii. Celjskega). some of the typical Celje shrewdness and sense of politics, as well as loyalty to the “Celje House” as stripes, and the legend (+ s x barbare + dei + gratia x regine x vngarie).6 The second seal is from a listine, datirane 14. februarja 1432, ki jo hrani Madžarski državni arhiv, sestavljen pa je iz kom-Zadnja Barbarina »državniška« akcija je bila vezana na vnuka ladislava (Posmrtnika) in njegovo Elizabeta, too, showed great appreciation for the loyalty and support by her uncle Friderik II and document dated February 14, 1432, kept by the National Archives of Hungary. It consists of the biniranega (kvadriranega) cesarsko-ogrskega grba in napisa (s barbare dei gratia roma[norum] pravico do krone, ki mu jo je pomagala priboriti s svojim delovanjem na Melniku, kjer je enajst cousin Ulrik II of Celje”. imperial-Hungarian coat of arms, divided into four quadrants, and the legend (s barbare dei gratia ac hungr etc regine).7 jezika zapisov sta latinščina in nemščina, pisava pa pisarniška gotica. let zatem umrla za kugo 11. julija 1451. Pokopana je v katedrali sv. Vida v Pragi v grobnici Barbara’s last act of statesmanship was to help her grandson Ladislaus the Posthumous win his right roma[norum] ac hungr etc regine).7 The records are in Latin and German, and the script is Gothic listine obravnavajo kraje, posesti in ljudi z območij današnje Madžarske, Hrvaške, slovaške čeških kraljev. to the crown by her political activity at Melnik where she died of plague eleven years later, on july (Blackletter).The documents refer to places, estates, and people from the territories of present-day in slovenije. 11, 1451. She is buried in the St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague in the hereditary vault of the Bohemian Hungary, Croatia, Slovakia, and Slovenia. Kings. 4 6 i. Orožen, Celska kronika, str. 60, 61. Ta pečat je pripet na Barbarino listino, namenjeno Frideriku ii. Celjskemu, ki jo hrani Ars. katja Mahnič, srednjeveški ženski pečati iz Arhiva republike slovenije. narodni muzej slovenije, Arhiv republike slovenije; ljubljana 2006; str. 36. 5 7 Medtem so jo junija 1439 izobčili kot izdajalko in ji odvzeli posesti, ki jih je Albreht podelil svoji soprogi elizabeti. rolanda Fugger Germadnik, Barbara Celjska; str. 23. Za pomoč pri razlagi grba se zahvaljujem doc. dr. katji Mahnič. 4 6 I. Orožen, Celska kronika (The Celje Chronicles), pp. 60, 61 This seal is attached to Barbara’s document intended for Friderik II of Celje. It is kept by ARS. Katja Mahnič, Srednjeveški ženski pečati iz Arhiva Republike Slovenije (Mediaeval Women’s Seals from the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia). Narodni muzej Slovenije (National Museum 5 Barbara was meanwhile exiled as a traitor and deprived of her properties previously conferred by Albrecht to his wife Elizabeta. Rolanda Fugger Germadnik, Barbara Celjska; p. 23. of Slovenia), Arhiv Republike Slovenije (Archives of the Republic of Slovenia); Ljubljana 2006; p. 36. 7 My acknowledgement and appreciation for the explanation of the coat of arms goes to Katja Mahnič. • 06 07 • “Sigismund, by the mercy of God the King of Hungary, Dalmatia, Croatia, /.../, Galicia, Poland, Kumanija, and Bulgaria, Margrave of Brandenburg, Chamberlain of the Holy Roman Empire, heir to Bohemia and Luxembourg; and Barbara, the Queen of the said kingdoms, /…/ along with prelates, barons, and magnates of [their] Kingdom” hereby found “as a sign of [their] pure quest to persecute the condemned successors of the treacherous enemy and the old dragon – the pagan armies and schismatics of other nations, enemies of the true faith, the Cross of the Christ and [their] Kingdoms” the Order of the Dragon whose members shall undertake and adopt anything that could contribute to the defence of their kingdoms from the pagans and infidels against whom they shall act with all their force, and vow to treat fairly the widows and orphans of those who leave this world by the mercy of God, with regard to any rights, property or otherwise, and any disputes, as if they were [their] own orphans and widows. They also promise to maintain true obedience and permanent faithfulness to their Lord and his wife and their offspring of both genders, to provide their loyal service, and to support them in all good deeds and acts. In addition to King Sigismund and Queen Barbara, the document was sealed by despot Stefan, the Lord of Serbia; Herman, the Count of Celje and Zagorje; his son Count Friderik; Nicholas II Garay (Garai Miklós II), the Palatine of Hungary; Stibor of Stiboricz, the Voivode of transylvania; john (tamási jános), son of Henry tamási, and james (Iacob) Lacković (Lack) of Szántó – both the Voivodes of transylvania; john (jános) Morović (Maróti), Banus (Ban) of Mačva (Macsó); Pipo of Ozora, Ban of Syrmia (Szörvény); Nicholas (Miklós) Széchy, buttler/steward; Count Charles (Karl) of Krbava (de Corbavia, Korbáviai), supreme treasurer; Simon Széchény, guardian of the gates; Count john (jan) of Krbava (Corbavia), master of the court; john Alsáni, son of George, cupbearer; Peter Lévai Cseh, ter njunemu potomstvu obeh spolov, pravo poslušnost in stalno zvestobo, jim izkazovali zvesto equerry; Nicholas Csáki, Voivode of Transylvania; Paul of Bissen (Besenyő) and Paul de Pegh (Pécsi), službo in jih podpirali v vseh dobrih dejanjih«. both former bans (viceroys) of Dalmatia, Croatia and Slavonia; Nicholas Nádasdi, son of Solomon, Poleg sigismunda in Barbare so listino pečatili še: despot Štefan, gospod srbije; Herman in prefect of the royal Sikuli (Szekleri, Szekelyi); Peter of Perényi, previously the prefect of Sikuli, now the Friderik, grofa Celjska in Zagorska; nikola Gorjanski, ogrski palatin; stibor s stiboric, prefect of Marmaroc; Emeric of Perényi, secret counsellor; and john, son of Lord Nicholas Garay. sedmograški vojvoda; jan, sin Henrika s Tamasija, in jakob lacković s szanta – oba sedmograški Document reference: National Archives of Hungary, Budapest (Magyar Országos Levéltár), 9470; Q 308 DIPLOMAtIKAI LEVÉLtÁR vojvodi; jan Morović, mačvanski ban; Pipo z Ozora, severinski ban; nikolaj s seče; grof (Q szekció) • Regnicolaris levéltárból (N) • Archivum regni, Különböző állagok (Q 308) karel krbavski, simon, sin bana kona s sečijan; grof jan krbavski, jan, sin Gregorja z Alsan, Original, parchment 65 x 35.5 cm, Latin, Gothic, pendant seals (missing) Date: 1408 XII 12, Buda Peter Čech z levic, nikolaj Čak, sedmograški vojvoda; Pavel Besenyji, Pavel Pecsi – oba pred tem bana dalmacije, Hrvaške in slavonije; Mihal, sin Šalamona z nadasdyja (sarvarja), župan Barbara Celjska ratificira sporazum med proštom slovaškega mesta Bzovík in tamkajšnjimi Barbara of Celje ratifying the agreement between the provost of the Slovak town of Bzovík and its sigismund, po božji milosti kralj Ogrske, dalmacije, Hrvaške, /…/ Galicije, Poljske, kumanije kraljevskih sikulov; Peter s Perina, pred tem župan sikulov, sedaj župan Marmaroški; emrih s podložniki. Bzovik je mesto na jugu slovaške, kjer je deloval cistercijanski samostan. serfs. Bzovík is a town in southern Slovakia, where a Cistercian monastery was located. in Bolgarije, mejni grof Brandenburški, glavni komornik svetega rimskega cesarstva, dedič Perina, tajni kraljevski kancler, in jan, sin gospoda nikole Gorjanskega. Češke in luksemburga, in Barbara, kraljica omenjenih kraljestev /…/ skupaj s prelati, baroni signatura: Madžarski državni arhiv Budimpešta (Magyar Országos levéltár), 42895; Q 10 / jAnkOViCH diPlOMATikAi leVÉlTÁr Document reference: National Archives of Hungary, Budapest (Magyar Országos Levéltár), 42895; Q 10 / jANKOVICH DIPLOMAtIKAI in velikaši svojega kraljestva, ustanavljata »v znamenje /…/ čistega prizadevanja za pregon signatura: Madžarski državni arhiv Budimpešta (Magyar Országos levéltár), 9470; Q 308 diPlOMATikAi leVÉlTÁr (Q szekció) (Q szekció) • Gyűjteményekből (P és R szekcióból és állagtalan fondok) • Magyar nemzeti múzeumi törzsanyag (Q 10) LEVÉLTÁR (Q szekció) • Gyűjteményekből (P és R szekcióból és állagtalan fondok) • Magyar nemzeti múzeumi törzsanyag (Q 10) • Regnicolaris levéltárból (N) • Archivum regni, Különböző állagok (Q 308) Original, pergament 36,5 x 26,5 cm, latinski jezik, gotica, na medlist pritisnjen pečat Original, parchment 36.5 x 26.5 cm, Latin, Gothic, seal on the interleaf pogubnih naslednikov zahrbtnega sovražnika in starega zmaja – namreč poganskih vojska in Original, pergament 65 x 35,5 cm, latinski jezik, gotica, pečatenje z visečimi pečati (pečati manjkajo) datum: 1406 Viii 15., Zalachnii(?) Date: 1406 VIII 15, Zalachnii(?) razkolnikov drugih narodov, sovražnikov prave vere, kristusovega križa in naših kraljestev« red datum: 1408 Xii 12., Buda zmaja, ki se bo »z vsemi silami boril proti poganom in sprejel vse, kar bi lahko prispevalo k Celoten prevod listine na www.zac.si/2014/09/08/abc/: obrambi«. Člani reda bodo razen tega »odkrito ravnali z vdovami in sirotami teh, ki so po božji Access the full text at www.zac.si/2014/09/08/abc/: volji odšli s tega sveta, v premoženjskih in drugih pravicah in kakršnihkoli sporih, kakor da bi bile to naše lastne sirote in vdove« ter »ohranjali omenjenemu našemu gospodu in njegovi ženi • 08 09 • kraljica Barbara obljublja, da bo pri čazmanskem kapitlju posredovala za rešitev spora jakoba, Queen Barbara promises to address the Chapter of Čazma to resolve the dispute as Gywne of Ivanovac At the request of the town judge of Zagreb, Barbara demands from the Cistercian monks at the kraljica Barbara na prošnjo zagrebškega mestnega sodnika od cistercijanov samostana svete sina dimitrija, sina Farkaša de Themerye, kateremu je Gywne iz ivanovca (de iwanouch) s silo (de Iwanouch) forcefully occupied the estates of jacob, son of Dimitry, son of Farkaš de Thermerye, Monastery of Saint Mary to revoke the pledge to Farkas, the canon of Zagreb, and to grant the Črni Marije zahteva, da prekličejo zakup zagrebškemu kanoniku Farkašu ter posest Črni otok v zasedel posesti v Filipovcu (Philipouch) in ivanovcu, ki jih je jakob dobil v zastavo od vnukov in Filipovac (Philipouch) and Ivanovac, which had been pledged to jacob from the grandsons of otok (Black Island) estate in lease or feud to one of the townsmen of Zagreb, as per the pledger’s will. skladu z darovalčevo oporoko podelijo v zakup ali v fevd kateremu izmed zagrebških meščanov. johanesa, sina Filipa iz Filipovca. Gre za kraje v slavoniji in Međimurju. johannes, son of Philip of Filipovac. These are settlements in Slavonia and Međimurje. The Cistercian monastery of Saint Mary in Zagreb (on Dolac) was founded i the 13th century and Cistercijanski samostan sv. Marije v Zagrebu (na dolcu) je bil ustanovljen v 13. st. in je deloval Čazmanski kapitelj je leta 1232 ustanovil zagrebški škof Štefan ii., za lažjo upravo zagrebške The Chapter of Čazma was founded in 1232 by Stephen II, the bishop of Zagreb. to ease the it was active until the mid-16th century. do sredine 16. st. škofije pa je v Čazmi dal zgraditi tudi škofijski dvorec. kapitelj je obstajal do leta 1537. management of the Zagreb diocese, he also had a diocesan palace built there. The Chapter existed Document reference: Archives of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb, D-VIII-27 signatura: Arhiv Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti Zagreb, d-Viii-27 until 1537. signatura: Arhiv Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti Zagreb, d-Viii-26 Original, paper 22.5 x 18cm, Latin, Gothic, seal with a diameter of 30 mm on the interleaf Original, papir 22,5 x 18 cm, latinski jezik, gotica, na medlist pritisnjen pečat premera 30 mm Original, papir 23 x 19,3 cm, latinski jezik, gotica, na medlist pritisnjen pečat premera 30 mm Date: 1413 IV 6, Kamengrad (Keukaproncha; Koprivnica) datum: 1413 iV 6., kamengrad (keukaproncha; koprivnica) Document reference: Archives of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb, D-VIII-26 datum: 1413 iV 1., kamengrad (keukaproncha; koprivnica) Original, paper 23 x 19.3 cm, Latin, Gothic, seal with a diameter of 30 mm on the interleaf Date: 1413 IV 1, Kamengrad (Keukaproncha; Koprivnica) • 10 11 • Barbara ukaže konventu slovaškega mesta jasov, da se v sporu s plemiško rodbino rozgonyji8 Barbara orders the convent of the Slovak town of jasov to address King Sigismund, rather than the Queen Barbara ordering the Slavonian ban Pavel Csupory, the prefect of the Križevci County kraljica Barbara ukazuje slavonskemu banu Pavlu Csuporiju, županu križevske županije na obrnejo na kralja (sigismunda) in ne na rimsko kurijo. Roman Curia, in their dispute with the Rozgonyi8 family. (županija) in Croatia, to postpone any decisions on all disputes involving Miklós Szabocsinai Lack, Hrvaškem, naj preložijo odločanje o vseh sporih Miklósa szabocsinai laka, ker se ta zadržuje Cerkvena telesa kapitlji in konventi so bili v ogrskem kraljestvu pristojna uradna mesta za overitve, In the Kingdom of Hungary, ecclesiastic bodies such as chapter houses and convents were responsible because he is currently with (visiting) Sigismund of Luxembourg. pri sigismundu luksemburškemu. ki so na prošnjo posameznikov ali po pooblastilu oblasti sestavljala uradne, verodostojne listine. for certifications, providing official and valid records or documents at the request of individuals or Document reference: National Archives of Hungary, Budapest (Magyar Országos Levéltár), 43243; Q 10 / 1897 13 DIPLOMAtIKAI signatura: Madžarski državni arhiv Budimpešta (Magyar Országos levéltár), 43243; Q 10 / 1897 13 diPlOMATikAi leVÉlTÁr by power of the authorities. LEVÉLTÁR (Q szekció) • Gyűjteményekből (P és R szekcióból és állagtalan fondok) • Magyar nemzeti múzeumi törzsanyag (Q 10) signatura: Madžarski državni arhiv Budimpešta (Magyar Országos levéltár), 10149; Q 311 / 959 3 diPlOMATikAi leVÉlTÁr Q (Q szekció) • Gyűjteményekből (P és R szekcióból és állagtalan fondok) • Magyar nemzeti múzeumi törzsanyag (Q 10) Original, paper 21.5 x 11.5cm, Latin, Gothic, seal on the interleaf szekció) • Kincstári levéltárból (E) • MKA, Neo-regestrata acta (Q 311) Original, papir 21,5 x 11,5 cm, latinski jezik, gotica, na medlist pritisnjen pečat Document reference: National Archives of Hungary, Budapest (Magyar Országos Levéltár), 10149; Q 311 / 959 3 DIPLOMAtIKAI Date: 1414 IV 21, Csepel (Chepel) Original, papir 23 x 17 cm, latinski jezik, gotica, na medlist pritisnjen pečat datum: 1414 iV 21., Csepel (Chepel) LEVÉLTÁR (Q szekció) Kincstári levéltárból (E) • MKA, Neo-regestrata acta (Q 311) datum: 1413 Xii 18. (kraj izdaje zakriva pečat) Original, paper 23 x 17cm, Latin, Gothic, seal on the interleaf Date: 1413 XII 18 (seal obscures the place of issue) 8 rozgonyji se čez slabih 20 let pojavljajo kot Barbarini zavezniki v bojih s husiti. r. Fugger Germadnik, Barbara Celjska; str. 19. 8 Less than twenty years later, the Rozgony family will appear as Barbara’s allies in her wars with the Hussites. R. Fugger Germadnik, Barbara Celjska; p. 19. • 12 13 • kraljica Barbara oprošča gospostvo kneginec blizu Varaždina plačevanja davka na kunje krzno. Queen Barbara exempting the Kneginec nobility, near Varaždin, from payment of tax on marten Holy Roman and Hungarian Queen Barbara orders Nikola, the prince of Krk, Senj, and Modruš; rimska in ogrska kraljica Barbara ukazuje nikoli, knezu krka, senja in Modruša, davidu davek od kunjega krzna (»kunovina«) je bil skupaj s številnimi drugimi dohodki in posestmi fur. The tax on marten fur was, along with many other revenues and estates, a part of the morning David Lacković de Szanto, ban of the Kingdom of Slavonia; and the vice-ban and the grand prefect lackoviću de szanto, banu kraljevine slavonije ter podbanu in velikemu županu in podžupanu del jutrnine – sigismundovega darila Barbari ob poroki, s katerim ji je bila v primeru vdovstva gift – Sigismund’s gift to Barbara at their marriage which would furnish her with adequate income and the vice-prefect of the Zagreb County (županija) to protect all estates of Nikola, son of Stjepan of zagrebške županije, naj zaščitijo vse posesti nikole, sina stjepana iz Pribića, in njegove soproge zagotovljena ustrezna materialna varnost.9 in case of Sigismund’s death.9 Pribić, and his wife Margareta, which the empress had taken under her protection from any illegal Margarete, ki jih je cesarica vzela v svoje varstvo pred vsakršnim nezakonitim poseganjem, še intrusion, especially from the intrusions of jurij, son of Ivan Zutor. zlasti pred posegi jurija, sina ivana Zutora. signatura: državni arhiv u Varaždinu, 2. Poglavarstvo slobodnog i kraljevskog grada Varaždina (1209.-1850.), radikalni arhiv, iV-25 Document reference: Državni arhiv u Varaždinu (National Archives in Varaždin), 2. Poglavarstvo slobodnog i kraljevskog grada Varaždina Original, pergament 49 x 20 cm, latinski jezik, gotica, viseči pečat manjka (2nd Magistrate of the Free and Royal town of Varaždin) (1209.-1850.), Radikalni arhiv (Radical Archives), IV-25 Document reference: Hrvatski državni arhiv Zagreb (Croatian State Archives in Zagreb), HR-HDA-749, Family Oršić - Claudius, folder signatura: Hrvatski državni arhiv Zagreb, Hr-HdA-749, Obitelj Oršić - Claudius, fasc. 22 br. 11 datum: 1414 V 28., Budim Original, parchment 49 x 20 cm, Latin, Gothic, pendant seal missing 22 No. 11 Original, papir 18 x 28,4 cm; latinski jezik, gotica, na medlist pritisnjen pečat Date: 1414 V 28, Budim Original, paper 18 x 28.4 cm; Latin, Gothic, seal on the interleaf datum: 1416 Xi 21., Virovitica Date: 1416 XI 21, Virovitica 9 r. Fugger Germadnik, Barbara Celjska; str. 4. 9 R. Fugger Germadnik, Barbara Celjska; p. 4. • 14 15 • rimska in ogrska kraljica Barbara posodi svojemu bratu, celjskemu in zagorskemu grofu Holy Roman and Hungarian Queen Barbara loans her brother, Friderik II, the Count of Celje and Queen Barbara gifting a mill on the thermal well near Fehéregyház (Bela Cerkev) in the vicinity of kraljica Barbara podarja mlin na termalnem vrelcu pri Beli Cerkvi (Fehéregyház) v okolici Frideriku ii., 4.000 ogrskih goldinarjev in dukatov, ta pa ji v zameno zastavi grad Mehovo Zagorje, 4,000 Hungarian guldens. Friderik, in exchange, pledges the castle of Mehovo (Meichaw) Buda to the nuns of Óbude. today, these are districts of Budapest. Bude redovnicam iz Óbude. danes so to deli Budimpešte. (Meichaw). as security. Document reference: National Archives of Hungary, Budapest (Magyar Országos Levéltár), 11131; Q 332 / VBUDA 21 23 DIPLOMAtIKAI signatura: Madžarski državni arhiv Budimpešta (Magyar Országos levéltár), 11131; Q 332 / VBUdA 21 23 diPlOMATikAi LEVÉLTÁR (Q szekció) • Kincstári levéltárból (E) • MKA, Acta ecclesiastica ordinum et monialium (Q 332) signatura: Arhiv republike slovenije, si As 1063, Zbirka listin, št. 4430 LEVÉLTÁR (Q szekció) • Kincstári levéltárból (E) • MKA, Acta ecclesiastica ordinum et monialium (Q 332) Document reference: Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, SI AS 1063, Record Collection, No. 4430 Original, parchment 36.5 x 18cm, Latin, Gothic, red wax seal (fragment) Original, pergament 39 x 23,5 cm; nemški jezik, gotica, pečat premera 2,9 cm v voščeni skodelici premera 5,6 cm, tekst pečata: + s x Original, pergament 36,5 x 18 cm, latinski jezik, gotica, pečat v rdečem vosku (fragment) Original, parchment 39 x 23.5 cm; German language, Gothic, seal of a diameter of 2.9 cm in a wax cup with a diameter of 5.6 cm, seal legend: Date: 1421 IX 9, Rawazbesew(?) barbare + dei + gratia x regine x vngarie datum: 1421 iX 9., rawazbesew(?) + s x barbare + dei + gratia x regine x vngarie datum: 1417 i 25., Veszprem Date: 1417 I 25, Veszprem • 16 17 • rimska in ogrska kraljica Barbara podeli istvánu Pahornoku Brezoviškemu10 vas Boldog Holy Roman and Hungarian Queen Barbara bequeaths the village of Boldog (Bodogflw) near Holy Roman and Hungarian Queen Barbara bequeaths the castle of Hanjačka (Hung.: Aynaskw) rimska in ogrska kraljica Barbara podari istvánu Pahornoku zaradi njegovih zaslug grad (Bodogflw) poleg nagyhatvama v grofiji Óbuda. Gre za širše območje Budimpešte (Hatvan). Nagyhatvama in the Óbuda County to István Pahornok of Brezovica (Berzevicze).10 today, this is in the Neuzoder County in Slovakia to István Pahornok for his merit. He is only entitled to use the Hajnačka (madž.: Aynaskw) v grofiji neuzoder na slovaškem. Grad lahko uporablja le za časa s posestjo lahko upravlja le za časa svojega življenja. a part of the broad metropolitan area of Budapest (Hatvan). He is only entitled to the estates until castle until his death. svojega življenja. his death. signatura: Madžarski državni arhiv Budimpešta (Magyar Országos levéltár), 68976; Q 38 / 233 diPlOMATikAi leVÉlTÁr Document reference: National Archives of Hungary, Budapest (Magyar Országos Levéltár), 68977; Q 38 / 234 DIPLOMAtIKAI LEVÉLtÁR signatura: Madžarski državni arhiv Budimpešta (Magyar Országos levéltár), 68977; Q 38 / 234 diPlOMATikAi leVÉlTÁr (Q szekció) • Családi levéltárak (P szekcióból) Berzeviczy család, berzevicei (Q 38) Document reference: National Archives of Hungary, Budapest (Magyar Országos Levéltár), 68976; Q 38 / 233 DIPLOMAtIKAI LEVÉLtÁR (Q szekció) • Családi levéltárak (P szekcióból) • Berzeviczy család, berzevicei (Q 38) (Q szekció) • Családi levéltárak (P szekcióból) • Berzeviczy család, berzevicei (Q 38) Original, papir 30,5 x 22,5 cm, nemški jezik, gotica, pečat v rdečem vosku (fragmenti) (Q szekció) • Családi levéltárak (P szekcióból) Berzeviczy család, berzevicei (Q 38) Original, paper 30.5 x 22.5 cm, German, Gothic, red wax seal (fragment) Original, papir 30,5 x 22,5 cm, nemški jezik, gotica, pečat v rdečem vosku (fragmenti) datum: 1425 Xi 11., Zvolen (Alten Zol) Original, paper 30.5 x 22.5 cm, German, Gothic, red wax seal (fragment) Date: 1425 XI 11, Zvolen (Alten Zol) datum: 1425 Xi 11., Zvolen (Alten Zol) Date: 1425 XI 11, Zvolen (Alten Zol) 10 Brezovica (madž. Berzevicze) blizu košic na slovaškem. 10 Brezovica (Hung. Berzevicze) near Košice, Slovakia. • 18 19 • Kraljica Barbara posreduje v sporu Petra Pelsöcsija in vdove Laszla Dezsőfija. Kraljica Pelsöcsiju Queen Barbara intervening in the dispute between Peter Pelsöcsy and the widow of Laszlo Dezsőfi. In exchange for the loan of 1972 golden forints owed to Pongrac Lipthouiaj, which she cannot repay kraljica Barbara kot zavarovanje posojila 1972 zlatih forintov, ki ukazuje, naj vdove ne vznemirja več in naj ji vrne odvzeto zemljo. She is ordering Pelsöcsy not to disturb and upset the widow any more, and to return to her the lands in cash, Queen Barbara pledges the entire castle Oroszlány (Orozlankew; in northern Hungary, near jih je dolžna Pongracu lipthouiaju in jih ne more plačati v gotovini, he had taken. the Slovakian border) and its ancillary estates. zastavi celoten grad Oroszlány (Orozlankew; na severnem Madžarskem signatura: Madžarski državni arhiv Budimpešta (Magyar Országos levéltár), 12345; Q 311 / 943 21 diPlOMATikAi leVÉlTÁr (Q szekció) • Kincstári levéltárból (E) • MKA, Neo-regestrata acta (Q 311) blizu slovaške meje) s pritiklinami. Document reference: National Archives of Hungary, Budapest (Magyar Országos Levéltár), 12345; Q 311 / 943 21 DIPLOMAtIKAI Document reference: National Archives of Hungary, Budapest (Magyar Országos Levéltár), 43907; Q 10 / ILLÉSHÁZY DIPLOMAtIKAI Original, papir 29,5 x 17 cm, latinski jezik, gotica, na medlist pritisnjen pečat LEVÉLTÁR (Q szekció) • Kincstári levéltárból (E) • MKA, Neo-regestrata acta (Q 311) LEVÉLTÁR (Q szekció) • Gyűjteményekből (P és R szekcióból és állagtalan fondok) • Magyar nemzeti múzeumi törzsanyag (Q 10) datum: 1430 Xii 12., dyosgewe(?) signatura: Madžarski državni arhiv Budimpešta (Magyar Országos levéltár), 43907; Q 10 / illÉsHÁZY diPlOMATikAi Original, paper 29.5 x 17cm, Latin, Gothic, seal on the interleaf Original, parchment 30.5 x 20.5 cm (plica 55 mm); Latin language, Gothic, pendant seal of a diameter of 30 mm in a wax cup; seal legend: LEVÉLTÁR (Q szekció) • Gyűjteményekből (P és R szekcióból és állagtalan fondok) • Magyar nemzeti múzeumi törzsanyag (Q 10) Date: 1430 XII 12, Dyosgewe(?) s barbare dei gratia roma[norum] ac hungr etc regine. This is a combined coat of arms, divided into quadrants. The coat of arms of the Holy Original, pergament 30,5 x 20,5 cm (plika 55 mm); latinski jezik, gotica, viseči pečat premera 30 mm v voščeni skledici; tekst pečata: s Roman Empire is in the 1st and 4th quadrant (a double-headed eagle with wings spread); the old Hungarian coat of arms (four stripes) is in barbare dei gratia roma[norum] ac hungr etc regine. Gre za kombinirani (kvadrirani) cesarsko-ogrski grb. V 1. in 4. polju je grb svetega the 2nd and 3rd quadrant. rimskega cesarstva (dvoglavi orel z razprtimi krili); v 2. in 3. polju pa staroogrski grb (štiri prečke). Date: 1432 II 14 datum: 1432 ii 14. • 21 22 • rimska in ogrska kraljica Barbara ukazuje Miklósu emewkeiju Zobonaiju, županu slovaške Holy Roman and Hungarian Queen Barbara orders Miklós Emewkei Zobonai, the prefect of the Barbara ordering Polka, the widow of Benedict Sernye, son of Dominic, to return to the crusaders of Barbara ukazuje Polki, vdovi Benedikta sernyeja, dominikovega sina, naj križarjem iz székes- županije Zvolen, naj vrne Štefanu, janovemu sinu, posestva Mičiná (Mikefalwa), dolna Slovak County (županija) of Zvolen, to return to Štefan, son of jan, the estates of Mičiná Székesfehérvar the estates taken from them in the settlement of Fadd, and the Wayka forest, used by fehérvara vrne odvzeto zemljo v naselju Fadd in gozd Wayka, ki jo uporabljajo podložniki iz Mičiná (Alsomikefalwa), Vlkanová (Walkanfalwa) in riadok (reden),11 ki jih je le-ta izgubil (Mikefalwa), Dolna Mičiná (Alsomikefalwa), Vlkanová (Walkanfalwa), and Riadok (Reden)11 the serfs from the market of tolna (Tholnawar). trga Tolna (Tholnawar). zaradi nezvestobe. kraljica vrača Štefanu omenjene posesti na prošnjo prelatov in baronov do which he had lost due to infidelity. The Queen is returning the said estates to Stephen (Štefan) at the Document reference: National Archives of Hungary, Budapest (Magyar Országos Levéltár), 106421; Q 398 / 3 5 76 DIPLOMAtIKAI signatura: Madžarski državni arhiv Budimpešta (Magyar Országos levéltár), 106421; Q 398 / 3 5 76 diPlOMATikAi leVÉlTÁr končanja bojev proti husitom. request of the prelates and barons, until the end of the wars against the Hussites. LEVÉLTÁR (Q szekció) • Intézmények irataiból • Székesfehérvári keresztesek konventje (Q 398) (Q szekció) • Intézmények irataiból • Székesfehérvári keresztesek konventje (Q 398) Original, paper 29 x 19cm, Latin, Gothic, seal on the interleaf Original, papir 29 x 19 cm, latinski jezik, gotica, na medlist pritisnjen pečat signatura: Madžarski državni arhiv Budimpešta (Magyar Országos levéltár), 63943; Q 35 / 53 diPlOMATikAi leVÉlTÁr Document reference: National Archives of Hungary, Budapest (Magyar Országos Levéltár), 63943; Q 35 / 53 DIPLOMAtIKAI LEVÉLtÁR Date: 1435 VII 25 datum: 1435 Vii 25. (Q szekció) • Családi levéltárak (P szekcióból) • Beniczky család (Q 35) (Q szekció) • Családi levéltárak (P szekcióból) • Beniczky család (Q 35) Original, papir 29,5 x 15,5 cm, latinski jezik, gotica, na medlist pritisnjen pečat Original, paper 29.5 x 15.5cm, Latin, Gothic, seal on the interleaf datum: 1432 Viii 23., dyosgewe(?) Date: 1432 VIII 23, Dyosgewe(?) 11 Gre za kraje v bližini Banske Bistrice na slovaškem. Osídlenie Zvolenskej kotliny od včasného stredoveku do polovice 19. storočia. ed.: Oto Tomeček; Banská Bystrica 2009; str. 89, 90, 113. 11 These are estates near Banská Bystrica, Slovakia. Osídlenie Zvolenskej kotliny od včasného stredoveku do polovice 19. storočia. Ed.: Oto tomeček; Banská Bystrica 2009; pp. 89, 90, 113. • 23 ABC ArHiVskA BArBArA CeljskA ABC BARBARA OF CELjE IN tHE ARCHIVES Zgodovinski arhiv Celje Zgodovinski arhiv Celje (Historical Archives of Celje) Pokrajinski muzej Celje Pokrajinski muzej Celje (Celje Regional Museum) Zanju: On their behalf: dr. Borut Batagelj Borut Batagelj, PhD stane rozman Stane Rozman izbor gradiva in spremno besedilo: Selection of materials and accompanying text: dr. Aleksander Žižek Aleksander Žižek, PhD Oblikovanje: Design: Tina Pregelj skrt, Mint colibri tina Pregelj Skrt, Mint colibri Prevod v angleški jezik: translation into English: lingua service, d. o. o. Lingua Service, d. o. o. Prevod iz madžarskega jezika: translation from Hungarian: Gordana Šövegeš Lipovšek Gordana Šövegeš Lipovšek Prevod iz slovaškega jezika: translation from Slovak: dr. Tone kregar tone Kregar, PhD Viri arhivskega gradiva: Sources of archival records: Barbara in sigismund na freski v pokopališki kapeli Arhiv republike slovenije, ljubljana Arhiv Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana / Achives of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana v riffianu Magyar Országos levéltár, Budimpešta Magyar Országos Levéltár, Budapest / National Archives of Hungary, Budapest Povzeto po: daniela dvoráková, Barbora Celjská, 2013. Hrvatski državni arhiv Zagreb Hrvatski državni arhiv Zagreb / Croatian State Archives, Zagreb Foto: dušan Buran. državni arhiv u Varaždinu Državni arhiv u Varaždinu / National Archives in Varaždin Barbara and Sigismund depicted on a fresco at the Arhiv Hrvatske akademije znanosti Arhiv Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti Zagreb / Archives of the Croatian funeral chapel in Riffian i umjetnosti Zagreb Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb Adapted from Daniela Dvoráková, Barbara Celjská, 2013. Photo: Dušan Buran. Tisk: Tiskarna dikplast, d.o.o. Printed by: tiskarna Dikplast, d.o.o. naklada: 300 izvodov Edition: 300 copies Celje, 2015 Celje, 2015 razstavo je podprlo Ministrstvo za kulturo Financial support: Ministry of culture of the Republic of Slovenia republike slovenije.