REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA STATISTIČNI URAD REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA SLOVENIA 15 YEARS AFTER INDEPENDENCE Comparison of some important statistical indicators for 1991 and 2005 Ljubljana, 2006 Foreword On the 15th anniversary of Slovenia's independence, the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia selected some indicators with which we wanted to show the situation in 1991 and the latest available data, as a rule for 2005. Our intention was not to show the entire development of Slovenia in the period after independence but only what Slovenia has achieved in 15 years. This publication presents selected statistical data and indicators throwing light on the development achievements of Slovenia after independence. We selected the most important and distinctive data from various fields, presented them in tables and commented on them briefly in order to facilitate their understanding. The publication is informative and is as such intended for a wide circle of users of statistical data and information. We hope that you will find the indicators interesting and useful and that you will continue to seek statistical data on Slovenia and follow the development of our country. Irena Križman Director-General Prepared by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenija, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - Use and publication of data is allowed provided the source is acknowledged - Director-General Irena Križman - Editors Genovefa Ružic and Ana Novak - English Language Editor Boris Panic - Design Dušan Weiss. CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 311.312(497.4]"1991/2005" SLOVENIA 15 years after independence : comparison of some important statistical indicators for 1991 and 2005 / [editors Genovefa Ružic and Ana Novak]. - Ljubljana : Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, 2006 Prevod dela: Slovenija 15 let po osamosvojitvi ISBN 961-239-116-5 1. Ružic, Genovefa 228255744 • P O P U L A T I O N • Population and some other demographic indicators 1991 2005 Total population 1 998 912 2 003 358 Births per 100 deaths 112 971) Mean age of population (years) 36.2 40.6 People under 15 400 855 283 221 People aged 65+ 221 569 312 874 Old-to-young ratio 55.3 110.5 1] 2004 data. Sources: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of the Interior - Central Population Register, Ministry of the Interior - Internal Administrative Affairs Directorate ■ Since 1991 when it was 1,998,912, the number of population in Slovenia has increased by slightly more than 4,000, so that at the end of 2005 it was over 2 million (2,003,358]. In this period the population growth was mostly influenced by positive migration flows with foreign countries, especially with countries on the territory of former Yugoslavia. Since 1997 the number of deaths in Slovenia has been higher than the number of births. Although in the past two years a modest rise in the number of births was recorded, this growth is not enough to substantially change the trend of natural decrease. ■ Similarly to other developed countries, Slovenia is faced with population ageing. Since the independence in 1991 the mean age of Slovenia's population has increased by 4.5 years and reached 40.6 at the end of 2005. ■ The drop in births and the longer life expectancy of the population changed the ratio between people aged 65+ and people younger than 15. In 1991 it was 55 old people per 100 young people, while at the end of 2005 it was 110 old to 100 young. • E D U C A T I O N • Children in kindergartens, beginning of the school year 1991/1992 2004/2005 Number of children in kindergartens 69 370 54 815 Share of children in kindergartens (%) 47.1 61.4 ■ Despite the fact that the number of children is falling, which is the result of lower fertility, the share of children in kindergartens is on the rise. In 1991, 47.1% of children were included, while by 2004 the share has risen to 61.4%. ■ Between 1991 and 2004 a number of private kindergartens were established as an alternative to public kindergartens. In 1992 the first private kindergarten started to operate in Slovenia and by 2004 their number has risen to 17. People aged 15 or more by educational level at population censuses Education Number Share (%) 19911) 2002 19911) 2002 At least upper secondary and tertiary 787 041 1 114403 52,4 67,0 Tertiary 134 749 215 062 9.0 12.9 1) Data are recalculated according to the 2002 Census methodology. People with unknown education are not taken into account. ■ Between the two population censuses the educational level of Slovenia's population improved considerably. At the 1991 Census just over a half of the population had at least upper secondary education, while at the 2002 Census the share was two thirds. This rise is to the greatest extent the result of more people with upper secondary education, while since 1991 the number of people with tertiary education has increased by only 3.9 percentage points. Number of students and share of students per 1000 population Number Share per 1000 population (%) 1991 2005 1991 2005 Students at undergraduate 38 151 82 311 19.1 41.1 and postgraduate level (excluding candidates for graduation) of which the number 1 647 8 344 0.8 4.2 of postgraduate students Graduates of undergraduate 6 043 13 457 3.0 6.7 and postgraduate level programs ■ Compared to 1991, in 2005 the number of students at undergraduate and postgraduate level doubled to more than 80,000. If students of post-secondary vocational education, which is parallel to higher education studies, and candidates for graduation are added, more than 100,000 people were studying at tertiary level. In the past 15 years the number of postgraduate students jumped by five times. Compared to 1991, the number of graduates at undergraduate and postgraduate level doubled. ■ In 1991 Slovenia had two universities, while in the next academic year we will have four. In 1991 there were no private providers of undergraduate and postgraduate education. Today we have over 30 private post-secondary vocational and higher education institutions with almost 10,000 students. • L A B O U R M A R K E T • Unemployment 1991 2005 Registered unemployed persons 75 079 91 889 (average annual number) Registered unemployment rate (%) 8.2 10.2 Source: Employment Service of Slovenia. ■ The number of unemployed persons increased substantially in the early 1990s. The greatest number of unemployed persons was registered in 1993 (129,087) and 1994 (127,056). After 1998 the number of unemployed persons started to decline reaching 91,889 in 2005. Real indices of average monthly wages I-XII 2005 I-XII 1991 Gross 151.7 Net 157.2 ■ In real terms, i.e. taking into account the rise in consumer prices, in the 1991-2005 period average monthly gross wages rose by 51.7%. In the same period average monthly net wages were up by 57.2%. • L E V E L O F L I V I N G • Working time necessary to buy consumer goods 1990 2005 Brown bread (kg] 21' 23' Potato (kg] 19' 5' Milk (l) 15' 8' Sugar (kg] 24' 12' Coffee (kg) 3h 51' 1h 31' Daily newspaper 13' 10' Colour TV (56 cm] 163h 35'1] 61h 47' Renault Clio 4 389h 2'1] 2 634h 11' Cinema ticket 45' 1h 1' 1] Data for 1995. ■ Rapid development and better living conditions reflect in that compared to 10-15 years ago a worker with an average net wage needs to work much less time in order to buy most consumer goods. For example, in order to buy a Renault Clio, in 2005 a worker with an average net wage needed to work only 2,634 hours, while in 1995 the necessary number of hours was 4,389. Share of households having durable consumer goods % 1991 2003 Car 67 79 Washing machine 93 96 Dishwasher 11 37 Colour TV 80 96 Refrigerator 94 98 Freezer 80 84 ■ The higher level of living shows in better equipment of households with durable consumer goods. Almost every household in Slovenia has a washing machine, a refrigerator and a colour TV. The number of households that have dishwashers grew the most, from 11% in 1991 to 37% in 2003. In 2003 almost 80% of households owned cars. • T R A N S P O R T • Registered cars 1991 2005 2005/1991 index Number 594 289 943 954 158.8 ■ In the 1991-2005 period the number of registered cars increased by more than a half. Should the upward trend continue in the same way as in the past 15 years, in 2008 Slovenia will have a million registered cars. Passengers carried in road transport for hire or reward 1991 2005 2005/1991 index Number (1000) 205 001 39 759 19.4 ■ Obviously, as years go by people decide to drive by car more than they use public transportation; between 1991 and 2005 the number of passengers carried in road transport for hire or reward has been falling by about 11% per year In 2005 the number of passengers carried was less than a fifth of passengers carried in 1991. • D W E L L I N G S • Number and average useful floor space of dwellings at censuses 1991 2002 Number of dwellings 683 137 777 772 Average useful floor space of dwellings (m2) 67.3 74.6 ■ Between the 1991 and 2002 Censuses the number of dwellings increased by 13.9%. Their size was also on the rise as in 1991 an average dwelling measured 67.3 m2 and in 2002 already 74.6 m2. • P R I C E S • Average annual growth of prices 1991 2005 Inflation (%) 117.7 2.5 ■ In 2005 the inflation in Slovenia dropped to the lowest level since we have been measuring the growth of retail prices. With its annual inflation rate of 2.5% Slovenia has reached the European level. The lowering of the price growth led to the meeting of the convergence criterion of price stability. In 1991 prices grew by almost 118%. • G R O S S D O M E S T I C P R O D U C T • Some GDP indicators 1991 2005 GDP real growth rate (1991=100) (%) 55.9 Share of gross capital formation in GDP (%) 16.9 25.3 Share of services in GDP (%) 45.4 54.4 ■ In the period after Slovenia won independence its gross domestic product improved in real terms by 56%. The economic growth was influenced by greater investment, since the share of gross capital formation in gross domestic product grew from almost 17% in 1991 to over 25% in 2005. ■ It is also important that the share of services is rising and the share of agriculture is falling, which is characteristic of a developed economy. In 1991 services represented less than a half of GDP, while in 2005 their share was 55%. Gross domestic product in purchasing power 1995 20041) GDP at purchasing power parity (volume indices, EU-25=100) 68 79 1) Estimate Source: Eurostat, New Cronos ■ In the past 10 years Slovenia reduced its lag behind EU member states as regards economic development. In 1995 Slovenia's GDP (at PPP) per person was 68% of the European average while according to first estimates in 2004 Slovenia reached 79% of the European average. Among the EU-25 member states Slovenia is 16th. Countries with similar development levels are Cyprus, Greece, Spain and Portugal. • A G R I C U L T U R E • important indicators of agriculture development 1991 2005 Agricultural gross value added 4.6 1.8 as a share of gross domestic product (%) Number of agricultural holdings 112310 77 175 Average utilised agricultural area 4.5 6.3 per agricultural holding (ha) Average number of livestock units 2.6 5.4 per agricultural holding ■ The share of agricultural gross value added in GDP fell from 4.6% in 1991 to 1.8% in 2005. The fall is the result of other activities having developed more rapidly. In this period the number of agricultural holdings dropped by more than 30%, while the average size of agricultural holdings and the number of animals on them are on the rise. • E X T E R N A L T R A D E • Import, export and external trade balance Import Export 1000 USD Trade balance Import Export 1000 EUR1 Trade balance 1992 6 681 162 6 141 011 540 151 5 146 647 4 781 573 365 074 2005 17 896 029 19 626302 -1 730 273 14 397 054 15 804 786 -1 407 732 Index I-XII 2005 I-XII 1992 267.9 319.6 279.7 330.5 1) In 1992 ECU according to the average annual exchange rate. ■ In 1992 Slovenia exported goods worth USD 6.7 billion and imported goods worth USD 6.1 billion, which resulted in the external trade surplus of USD 540.1 million; exports represented 108.7% of imports. ■ In 2005 Slovenia exported goods worth USD 19.6 billion and imported goods worth USD 19.6 billion, having the external trade deficit of USD 1.7 billion; exports represented only 91.3% of imports. • T O U R I S M • Overnight stays of foreign tourists 1992 2005 2005/1991 index Number of overnight stays (1 000] 2 015 4 399 218.3 ■ 1991 was not a favourable year for tourism in Slovenia. Thereafter, the number of overnight stays of domestic tourists has been the same since 1992, while the number of overnight stays of foreign tourists has been growing and has more than doubled by 2005. The ratio between domestic and foreign overnight stays is growing in favour of foreign and the trend is expected to continue. • E N E R G Y • Electricity consumption and energy dependency 1995 2004 Electricity consumption per person (kWh) 4 927 6 348 Energy dependency (%] 50.6 52.3 ■ Between 1995 and 2004, electricity consumption per person jumped by 29%. The reason for the increase is wider use of electrical appliances and greater consumption of electricity for air conditioning in households and business premises. ■ Slovenia imports about a half of energy it needs. Between 1995 and 2004, energy dependency rose by 2%, mostly on account of larger import of liquid and gaseous fuels. • E N V I R O N M E N T • Emissions 1991 2004 Emissions (CO2 equivalent) (Gg) 17 333 20 059 ■ Greenhouse gas emissions increased between 1991 and 2004 by 16%, especially on account of road transport; in the observed period greenhouse gas emissions in traffic jumped by as much as 66%. Waste 1995 2004 Waste disposed at non-hazardous waste landfills in kg per person 457 364 ■ The amount of waste disposed at non-hazardous waste landfills dropped by 20% between 1995 and 2004. This was due to people becoming more environmentally aware, and especially due to the introduction of separate collection of waste. Separately collected waste is recycled or reused and thus the amount of disposed waste is reduced. How to obtain statistical data and information? • on Statistical Office's website • via mail, phone, fax or e-mail address: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Vožarski pot 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia phone:+386 1 241 51 04 fax: +386 1 241 53 44 answering machine: +386 1 475 65 55 e-mail: • by ordering statistical publications address: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Vožarski pot 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia phone: +386 1 241 52 84 fax: +386 1 241 53 44 e-mail: • by visiting the Information Centre office hours: Monday to Thursday from 9.00 to 15.30 Friday from 9.00 to 14.30