© Strojni{ki vestnik 45(1999)12,533-541 © Journal of Mechanical Engineering 45(1999)12,533-541 ISSN 0039-2480 ISSN 0039-2480 UDK 62-25:621.63:620.178.3:623.438 UDC 62-25:621.63:620.178.3:623.438 Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek (1.01) Original scientific paper (1.01) Trdnostna analiza rotorja ventilatorja borbenega vozila Strength Analysis of a Combat Vehicle Fan Rotor Robert Kunc - Ivan Prebil - Marko Ho~evar - Brane [irok Zaradi neustreznosti sedanjega ventilatorja, vgrajenega v borbeno vozilo, smo se odločili izdelati nov rotor ventilatorja z boljšimi aerodinamičnimi ter trdnostnimi lastnostmi. Rotor naj bi zagotovil zadosten masni tok hladilnega zraka skozi hladilni sistem motorja pri izkoriščanju polne moči v najtežjih obratovalnih okoliščinah (puščavska vročina). Pri tem mora tudi trdnostno ustrezati najtežjim obratovalnim razmeram, to so obratovanje ventilatorja z največjo vrtilno frekvenco in vožnja po terenu s hkratnim streljanjem. Prikazano je modeliranje rotorja za izboljšanje aerodinamičnih lastnosti (karakteristik), ki je bilo preverjeno na namensko izdelanem preskusevalisču. Pri tem smo merili odziv ventilatorja na zunanje vzbujanje v odvisnosti od vrtilne frekvence. Napetostno in deformacijsko stanje rotorja smo preverili z metodo končnih elementov. © 1999 Strojniški vestnik. Vse pravice pridržane. (Ključne besede: vozila borbena, rotorji ventilatorjev, analize trdnostne, modeliranje rotorjev) Because of the deficiencies with an existing combat vehicle fan, we decided to design a new fan rotor with improved aerodynamic and strength properties. The new rotor should assure a sufficient mass flow of the cooling air through the motor cooling system during full power operation under the most unfavourable operating conditions (desert heat). The rotor strength must be compatible with the operating conditions such as high rotational speed, off road driving and shooting. This article describes the rotor model with improved aerodynamic properties, which has been checked on a dedicated test stand. We have measured the fan response to external excitation as a function of the rotational speed. The stress and strain conditions in the rotor have been checked using FEM. © 1999 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved. (Keywords: combat vehicle, fan rotors, strength analysis, rotor model) 0 UVOD Za zagotavljanje potrebnih lastnosti borbenega vozila je treba v vozilo vgraditi nov močnejši motor. S povečanjem moči pogonskega motorja se povečajo tudi zahteve po hladilni zmogljivosti hladilnega sistema, ki mora zagotoviti zadosten masni tok hladilnega zraka tudi v najtežjih obratovalnih okoliščinah puščavske vročine. Povečanje hladilnih zmogljivosti je ob nespremenjenih termodinamičnih lastnostih in izmerah hladilnega sistema motorja mogoče le s spremembo hladilnih ventilatorjev. Pri razvoju novega ventilatorja za hlajenje motorja borbenega vozila z večjo pretočno zmogljivostjo se je pojavilo vprašanje o ustreznosti aerodinamičnih lastnosti in konstrukcijske rešitve ter o napetostnem in deformacijskem stanju, ki se pojavi na rotorju pri različnih obratovalnih razmerah. 0 INTRODUCTION In order to achieve the required combat vehicle properties, it was necessary to incorporate a new and more powerful motor into the vehicle. The demands on the cooling capabilities of the cooling system, which must be capable of delivering a sufficient mass flow of the cooling air even under the worst conditions such as the desert heat, are increased with the increase in the motor’s power. The increase of the cooling capabilities of the cooling system, while retaining its thermodynamic characteristics and external dimensions, is only possible with a modification of the cooling fans. During the development of the new cooling fan for the combat vehicle motor, with increased flow through capabilities, we had to consider the aerodynamic properties, various design solutions, and the stress and strain states under the various operating conditions. stran 533 |^BSSIrlMlGC R. Kunc - I. Prebil - M. Ho~evar - B. [irok: Trdnostna analiza - Strength Analysis Rotor ventilatorja iz Al-zlitine smo trdnostno in deformacijsko analizirali ter predlagali nekatere izboljšave in nadaljnje teste za preverjanje obratovalne trdnosti. 1 ZAGOTAVLJANJE ZADOSTNEGA PRETOKA HLADILNEGA SREDSTVA Povečana zmogljivost hladilnega ventilatorja je bila dosežena s spremenjeno geometrijsko obliko pretočnega kanala v rotorju ventilatorja in s spremenjeno tehnologijo izdelave. Profilirane lopatice so nadomestile stare krivljene lopatice, tehnologija litja aluminijeve litine pa je zamenjala staro tehnologijo kovičenja. Spremenjena geometrijska oblika s spremenjeno porazdelitvijo mase povzroči povečanje aerodinamične obremenitve in spremembo vztrajnostnih momentov. Zaradi nastalih sprememb je bilo treba izvesti trdnostno analizo vplivov na rotor ventilatorja. Za določitev zmogljivosti hladilnega ventilatorja, vplivov dinamične obremenitve na rotorju ventilatorja in osnovnih dinamičnih lastnosti sklopa rotor - ležajni okrov v odvisnosti od mehanskega vzbujanja sistema je bil izdelan eksperimentalni sistem [1]. Pri postavitvi eksperimentalnega sistema so bile v največji meri upoštevane dejanske obratovalne razmere ventilatorja v borbenem vozilu. Slika 1 prikazuje povečanje pretočne količine hladilnega zraka spremenjenega ventilatorja glede na staro izvedbo ventilatorja v odvisnosti od vrtilne frekvence. 1.2 We have analysed the Al-alloy rotor strength and strains, and proposed some improvements and further tests to check the operating strength. 1 ASSURING A SUFFICIENT FLOW OF THE COOLING MEDIUM The increased cooling fan capacity has been achieved by changes to the geometry of the flow channel in the fan rotor combined with different manufacturing technology. We have replaced the old bent blades by new ones with an improved new profile; the riveting has been replaced with an aluminium casting. The changes in the geometry and the mass distribution increase the aerodynamic loads and alter the moments of inertia. As a result of these changes, it was necessary to re-analyse the rotor strength. An experimental system [1] has been set up to determine the capacity of the cooling fan, the influence of dynamic load on the fan rotor, and the basic dynamic properties of the rotor-bearing housing sub-assembly as a function of the mechanical excitation of the system. In the set-up we have tried to simulate actual operating conditions of the fan in a combat vehicle as closely as possible. Figure 1 shows the increase of the cooling airflow as a function of the rotational speed for the old and modified designs of the fan. 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 min-1 Sl. 1. Relativni prostorninski pretok hladilnega zraka V/V k v odvisnosti od vrtilne frekvence rotorja n za različne izvedbe ventilatorjev M 84 - izvedba s kovičenim rotorjem, T 72-1 novi rotor - meritev, T 72-2 novi rotor - meritev Fig. 1. Relative volume flow of the cooling air V/Vmax as a function of the rotational speed n of the rotor for different fan designs M84 - design with riveted rotor, T72-1 new rotor - measurement, T 72-2 new rotor - measurement 2 OBRATOVALNI PROFIL - OBREMENITVE Obratovalni profil delovanja borbenega vozila ni natančno poznan. Za primerjavo smo uporabili zahteve vojaške industrije za podobna borbena vozila. Obremenitve vležajenja izhajajo iz 2 OPERATING PROFILE - LOADS The operating profile of the combat vehicle is not known in detail. For comparison purposes we used the requirements of the military industry for similar combat vehicles. The bearing loads are calculated from 99-12 grin^SfcflMlSDSD I ^BSfiTTMlCC | stran 534 R. Kunc - I. Prebil - M. Ho~evar - B. [irok: Trdnostna analiza - Strength Analysis lastne mase ventilatorja, sklopke in gredi, ki znaša skoraj 50 kg, ter dinamičnih vplivov med obratovanjem (vibracij in sunkov), zaradi vožnje in reakcijskih sil pri streljanju. Velikost teh vplivov smo ocenili po priporočilih standarda MIL-STD-810D (Metode testiranja v okolju in inženirska navodila) [4]. Vzete so največje vrednosti, ki so bile izmerjene na vojaških vozilih v danih razmerah (preglednica 1). Vse obremenitve delujejo v skupnem težišču ventilatorja, sklopke in gredi. Preglednica 1. Obremenitve glede na režim obratovanja Table 1. Loads for various operating conditions the mass of the fan, clutch, and shaft (almost 50kg) and the dynamic influences (shocks and vibration) during the operation, as a result of driving, and reaction forces during shooting. The magnitude of these influences has been estimated according to the MIL-STD-810D standard (Methods of testing in environment and engineering instructions) [4]. We considered the maximum values, measured on military vehicles under given conditions (Table 1). All the loads are acting on the common gravitation centre of the fan, clutch and shaft. Št. No. pogoji obratovanja – urjenje operating conditions – training čas time % raven obrem. - najv. ocena load level - max. estimate sila force N Prečna Radial Vzdolžna Axial 1 mobilno- tlakovane ceste, 2000 min-1 mobile-paved roads, 2000 min-1 20 2 g navpično in vzdolžno 2 g vertical and longitudinal 1000 1000 2 mobilno- tlakovane ceste, 3600 min-1 mobile-paved roads, 3600 min-1 10 2 g navpično in vzdolžno 2 g vertical and longitudinal 1000 1000 3 mobilno- po terenu; 2000 min-1 mobile-off road; 2000 min-1 20 5 g navpično in vzdolžno 5 g vertical and longitudinal 2500 2500 4 mobilno- po terenu; 3600 min-1 mobile-off road; 3600 min-1 10 5 g navpično in vzdolžno 5 g vertical and longitudinal 2500 2500 5 mirujoče na položaju, operativno still in position, operative 38 1 g navpično 1 g vertical 500 200 6 streljanje vzdolžno na os ventilatorja shooting along the fan axis 1 40 g aksialno 40 g axial 1000 20000 7 streljanje prečno na os ventilatorja shooting perpendicular to the fan axis 1 40 g radialno 40 g radial 20000 1000 Za izračun statične varnosti smo upoštevali sunek velikosti 50 g hkrati v vzdolžni in prečni smeri. Ker je vir največjih sunkov na kupoli (reakcijske sile), ocenjujemo, da so izbrane vrednosti precej višje od dejanskih, ki se pojavljajo na samem ventilatorju, vgrajenem v podvozje vozila. Glede na način obratovanja in mogoče zunanje obremenitve smo obremenitev ventilatorja razdelili na devet obremenitvenih primerov (upoštevane so samo največje vrednosti oz. vrednosti zunanjih obremenitev pri vzdolžnem in prečnem streljanju; preglednica 2). 3 TRDNOSTNI PRERAČUN VENTILATORJA 3.1 Analiza materiala Al Si10 Mg Zaradi nepoznavanja mehanskih lastnosti materiala, iz katerega je izdelan rotor ventilatorja, smo izvedli trgalni test na univerzalnem preskuševališču INSTRON 1255 (Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije). Trgalni test je bil opravljen s preskušanci toplotno obdelane aluminijeve zlitine Al Si10 Mg in preskušanci "surove" (brez toplotne obdelave) aluminijeve zlitine Al Si10 Mg. Toplotno obdelana aluminijeva zlitina Al Si10 Mg se je izkazala za izredno krhko, saj se poruši, še preden doseže mejo plastičnosti Rp02: For the computation of the static security factor we took a shock of 50 g simultaneously in the axial and radial directions. The source of major shocks is the turret (reaction forces), therefore we estimate, that the chosen values are significantly higher than the actual values appearing on the fan incorporated into the vehicle chassis. Considering the operating modes and possible external loads, we divided the fan loads into nine load cases (only maximum values of the external loads during longitudinal and lateral shooting were considered). 3 STRENGTH CALCULATIONS OF THE FAN 3.1 Al Si10 Mg material analysis In order to assess the material properties used for the fan rotor, we have made a tensile strength test on an INSTRON 1255 universal test stand (Institute for metal materials and technologies). The tensile strength test was made with heat-treated and raw (no heat treatment) test specimens made of the aluminium alloy Al Si10 Mg. The heat-treated aluminium alloy Al Si10 Mg proved to be very brittle, because it breaks even before reaching the plasticity limit Rp02: stran 535 |^BSSITIMIGC R. Kunc - I. Prebil - M. Ho~evar - B. [irok: Trdnostna analiza - Strength Analysis Preglednica 2. Obremenitveni primeri Table 2. Load cases št. No. obremenitveni primer (OP) load case (LC) 1 kotni pospešek (50 g/rteMia) angular acceleration (50 g/rgrav. centre) ay = 1000 rad/s2 2 translatorni radialni pospešek (50 g) (streljanje pravokotno na os tanka) linear radial acceleration (50 g) (shooting perpendicular to the tank axis) ax = 490,5 m/s2 3 translatorni aksialni pospešek (50 g) (streljanje v osi tanka) linear axial acceleration (50 g) (shooting along the tank axis) az = 490,5 m/s2 4 N = 1500 min-1 wz = 158 rad/s 5 N = 2000 min-1 wz = 210 rad/s 6 N = 2500 min-1 wz = 262 rad/s 7 N = 3000 min-1 wz = 315 rad/s 8 N = 3500 min-1 wz = 366,5 rad/s 9 kotni pospešek (50 g/rteMia) - angular acceleration (50 g/rgrav centre) translatorni radialni pospešek(50 g) - linear radial acceleration (50 g) N = 3500 min 1 ay = 1000 rad/s2 ax = 490,5 m/s2 wz = 366,5 rad/s -porušna meja: Rm = 254 MPa - tehnična meja elastičnosti: Rp0,01 = 168 MPa (pri g = 0,01%) -elastični modul: E = 7-104 MPa Lastnosti materiala za numerični preračun smo določili iz rezultatov trgalnega testa, oziroma smo se mu poskušali s funkcijo materiala po odsekih čimbolj realno približati ([2] in [3]). 3.2 Preračun Trdnostno preverjanje oz. porazdelitev napetostnega stanja rotorja ventilatorja borbenega vozila sta preračunana z metodo končnih elementov v programskem paketu ANSYS 5.3, ki omogoča upoštevanje nelinearnosti materiala in geometrijske oblike. Geometrijski model rotorja je izdelan po izvirni dokumentaciji in z uporabo profila - oblike lopatice (ukrivljenost in debelino) za izdelavo livarske forme [3]. Iz rezultatov preračuna se je takoj pokazalo, da je privarjeni venec iz krivljene pločevine Al 99.5, ki povezuje lopatice rotorja, prešibak (sl.2). Venec se, še preden doseže rotor največjo vrtilno frekvenco, začne plastično deformirati oziroma bi se pri največji vrtilni frekvenci porušil. Zato so bile na sedanjem rotorju izvedene naslednje poprave: - spremenjen material venca iz Al 99.5 v toplotno obdelan Al Si10 Mg; s tem se spremeni tudi tehnologija izdelave iz varjenega venca na lopatice rotorja v liti venec, oziroma rotor ventilatorja je lit v celoti ter - povečanje debeline venca iz 3 mm na 5 mm. 3.2.1 Vpliv zunanjih obremenitev Največje zunanje obremenitve na rotor ventilatorja so v glavnem posledica pospeška - breakdown: Rm = 254 MPa -technical elasticity limit: Rp0.01 = 168 MPa (at g = 0.01%) - module of elasticity: E = 7-104 MPa The material properties for the numeric calculations were obtained from the tensile strength test and approximated as closely as possible with the “multilinear” material function ([2] and [3]). 3.2 Calculations Strength checking i.e. the distribution of the stress state of the combat vehicle fan rotor was made using the Finite Element Method (FEM) and the program package ANSYS 5.3. This package facilitates the computations by considering material and geometric non-linearities. The geometric model of the fan rotor has been made according to the original documentation, with the use of the profile - fan blade shape (bending and thickness) for the casting mould manufacture [3]. The results of the calculations showed immediately that the welded ring made of bent sheet metal Al 99.5, connecting the blade tips is too weak (Figure 2). The ring becomes plastically deformed before the rotor reaches the maximum rotational speed. It would probably break at the maximum rotational speed of the fan. Therefore we made the following modifications on the existing rotor: - The material of the outer ring was changed from Al 99.5 to heat-treated Al Si10 Mg. This resulted in a change in manufacturing technology from welding the ring to the blade tips to casting the whole fan rotor. - An increase in the thickness of the outer ring from 3 mm to 5 mm. 3.2.1 Influence of external loads Maximum external loads are mainly caused by the acceleration of the complete tank shell during | ^SSfiflMlCC | stran 536 R. Kunc - I. Prebil - M. Ho~evar - B. [irok: Trdnostna analiza - Strength Analysis x^ ventilator mehki obroč - fan weak ring ANSYS 5.3 MAR 1 19 9 8 2G:44:13 PLOT NO. 2 NODAL SOLUTION STEP=1 SUB -1 TIME=1 SEQV TOP DMX ¦¦ SMN : S MX : (AVG) ÜÜ2737 221E+0G 829E+08 221E+08 259E+0G 297E+08 335E+08 373E+0G 411E+08 449E+0G 487E+08 525E+0G 563E+08 6D1E+G8 639E+0G 677E+08 715E+0G 753E+08 791E+08 G29E+0G Sl. 2. Von Misesove primerjalne napetosti (Pa) venca iz krivljene pločevine Al 99.5 Fig. 2. Von Mises equivalent stress (Pa) in the outer ring made of bent sheet metal Al 99.5 celotnega okrova tanka pri streljanju. Pri tem nastanejo največje napetosti na mestih pritrditve rotorja. Preostali deli rotorja, lopatice in venec, so praktično neobremenjeni (sl. 3). Največje von Misesove napetosti na osnovni plošči rotorja so majhne in znašajo za posamezne obremenitvene primere (OP): - 5,18 MPa OP 1 (kotni pospešek a = 1000 rad/s2) - 5,96 MPaOP 2 (translatorni pospešek a = 490,5 m/s2) - 7,4 MPaOP 3 (translatorni pospešek a = 490,5 m/s2) shooting. Maximum stresses appear at the fixing lo-cations on the rotor. The rest of the rotor, blades, and outer ring are practically without stress (Figure 3). Maximum Von Mises stresses on the base plate of the rotor are small. Their numerical values for par-ticular load cases are: - 5.18 MPa LC 1 (angular acceleration ax = 1000 rad/s2) - 5.96 MPa LC 2 (linear acceleration ax = 490.5 m/s2) - 7.4 MPa LC 3 (linear acceleration az = 490.5 m/s2) ÄNSYS 5.3 OCT 22 1998 12:34:39 PLOT NO. 5 NODAL SOLUTION STEP=1 SUB =1 TIME=1 SEQV (AVG) TOP DMX =.453E-04 SMN =16058 SMX =.579E+07 16058 377231 738404 . 110E+07 . 146E+07 .182E+07 .218E+07 .254E+07 .291E+07 .327E+07 .363E+07 .399E+07 . 435E+07 . 471E+07 .507E+07 .543E+07 .579E+07 ventilator - fan Sl. 3. Von Misesove primerjalne napetosti (Pa) zaradi kotnega pospeška a Fig. 3. Von Mises equivalent stresses (Pa) caused by angular acceleration ax I ^F[^Cg>JJ[FiOD(ii[Iš[] stran 537 |mi^YE Ml^ÜlMlCC R. Kunc - I. Prebil - M. Ho~evar - B. [irok: Trdnostna analiza - Strength Analysis 3.2.2 Vpliv vrtilne frekvence Pri vrtenju se pojavi centrifugalna sila masnih delcev rotorja. Zaradi centrifugalnega pospeška se lopatice rotorja deformirajo - silijo navzven. Posledica tega je upogib lopatic rotorja na osnovni plošči. Lopatice proti zasuku zadržuje venec, kar povzroči: -zvijanje venca in - upogib lopatic na stiku z vencem (obnaša se kot konzola). Pri vrtilni frekvenci n = 3500 min 1 nastanejo največje napetosti na stiku lopatica -venec in znašajo 202 MPa. Ker so nastale napetosti večje od tehnične meje elastičnosti Rp001 = 168 MPa, se stik lopatica - venec trajno deformira (sl. 4). 3.2.2 Influence of the rotational speed During rotation a centrifugal force on the mass particles of the rotor is obtained. Because of the centrifugal acceleration the rotor blades bend outwards, which in turn causes a bending of the rotor blades on the base plate. The blades are retained by the outer ring. This arrangement causes: - twisting of the outer ring and - bending of the blades in the contact with the retaining ring (acting like cantilever). At a rotational speed of n = 3500 min-1 the biggest stress appears at the contact of the blade and the outer ring and reaches 202 MPa. Because these stresses are greater than the technical elasticity limit Rp0.01 = 168 MPa, the connection blade-retaining ring deforms permanently (Figure 4). ANSY5 5.3 OCT 22 1996 1.2:40:49 PLUT NO. S BODAL SOLUTION LTEP=<1 AN5YS Sr3 SCT 22 1998 12:47:43 PLOT ND. 1 NODAL SOLUTION STEP=5 SUB -l TTHE=5 IAVGJ SEQV TDF dh:-: in:-: AW5YS 5 . 3 0~T 22 ;^S 12:50:29 PLOT HQ. B NODAL SOLUTION 5TKP= I-------1 I____I a) b) SUB -1 TIKE=6 [AVG1 SEQY TOP dm;: SHN in/ ANSYS L.3 OCT 22 19BB 12:51:16 PLOT NO. 9 MODAL SOLUTION STEP="? SUB -1 TTME=7 ANSYS 5. 3 OCT 22 1990 12:52:03 PLOT NO. 10 MODAL SOLUTION i-TF.P-? (AYS] EEQV TOP DHX -SMN -SHX - I I I_____I c) SUB T7MF (AVGI 5EQV TOP BVN ¦ SHK ¦ I--------1 I_____I d) i—i i_____i CD e) Sl. 4. Primerjalne von Misesove napetosti (Pa) zaradi centrifugalnega pospeška Primeri a) n = 1500 min-1; b) n = 2000 min-1; c) n = 2500 min-1; d) n = 3000 min-1 ; e) n = 3500 min1; Fig. 4. Von Mises equivalent stresses (Pa) caused by centrifugal acceleration Examples a) n = 1500 min-1; b) n = 2000 min-1; c) n = 2500 min-1; d) n = 3000 min-1 ; e) n = 3500 min-1; Centrifugalna obremenitev rotorja, ki deluje pri vrtilni frekvenci n = 3500 min1 na polmeru 0,3 m, je približno 4100 g (centrifugalni pospešek). Torej je v primerjavi z največjo zunanjo obremenitvijo (50 g) 82 krat večja in seveda prevladujoča. 3.2.3 Vpliv kombinacije vrtilne frekvence in zunanjih obremenitev Tudi pri kombinaciji vseh obremenitev vidimo prevladujoč vpliv vrtilne frekvence, saj se napetost ob dodatnem upoštevanju največjih zunanjih obremenitev poveča le za 3 MPa (~1%) (sl. 5). Iz numerične analize in meritev na preskuševališču je razvidno, da so pomiki osnovne plošče rotorja posledica vležajenja (ohlap in deformacija), saj je deformacija osnovne plošče rotorja zaradi obremenitve zanemarljiva (sl. 6). V The centrifugal load of the rotor acting at the rotational speed of n = 3500 min-1 on the radius of 0.3 m, is approximately 4100 g (centrifugal acceleration). It is 82 times bigger than the maximum external load (50 g), and is the prevailing load. 3.2.3 Influence of the combination of rotational speed and external loads Even with the combination of all the loads we can see the dominant influence of the rotational speed. The stress increases only by 3 MPa (~1%, Figure 5), when we also take into account the external loads. The numerical analysis and measurements on the test stand show that the displacements of the rotor base plate originate in the bearing arrangement (play and deformation). The deformation of the base | ^SSfiflMlCC | stran 538 R. Kunc - I. Prebil - M. Ho~evar - B. [irok: Trdnostna analiza - Strength Analysis ANSYS 5.3 OCT 22 1998 12:52 : 49 PLOT NO. 11 NODAL SOLUTION STEP= 9 SUB = 1 TIME= 9 SEQV (ÄVG) TOP DMX = .002007 SMN = .243E+07 SMX = .205E+09 ? .243E+07 .151E+08 .278E+08 . 404E+08 .531E+08 .657E+08 .784E+08 ^=^ .911E+08 ^=^ . 104E+09 ^=^ . 116E+09 p=^ . 129E+09 H . 142E+09 H . 154E+09 H . 167E+09 H . 180E+09 H . 192E+09 .205E+09 t_/ ventilator - fan Sl. 5. Von Misesove primerjalne napetosti (Pa) zaradi kombinacije obremenitve Fig. 5. Von Mises stresses (Pa) caused by the combination of all loads 0.2 mm 0 -0.2 d -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 min1 Sl. 6. Pomiki plošče v z osi pri največji kombinirani obremenitvi v odvisnosti od vrtilne frekvence in deformacije d rotorja ventilatorja za vležajenje M 84-obnovljeno Fig. 6. Displacements of the plate in z direction at maximum load combination, as a function of rotational speed and deformation of the rotor d, for renewed M-84 bearing arrangement sklepni fazi raziskav so bili ti rezultati uporabljeni tudi pri izboru ustreznega vležajenja rotorja v ventilatorski okrov [3]. 3.2.4 Sprememba rotorja Iz rezultatov numerične analize je razvidno, da se je kljub spremembam geometrijske oblike pojavilo kritično mesto na stiku lopatice in venca, kjer napetost znatno preseže elastično mejo. Zaradi koncentracije napetosti na lopatici pri stiku z vencem smo odebelili zgornji rob lopatice oz. del lopatice, ki je v stiku z vencem. Kritično mesto lopatice smo plate itself, caused by the loads, is negligible (Figure 6). In the final research stage these results were used for selection of the bearing arrangement for the rotor [3]. 3.2.4 Rotor modification The results of the numerical analysis show that, in spite of geometric changes, the critical location appears at the connection point of the blade and the outer ring, where the stress exceeds the elasticity limit. Because of the stress concentration at the blade tip connecting to the ring, we made the upper edge of the blade i.e. the part of the blade in contact with the ring, |^in=3(5ijj[M]iiGS] stran 539 iMl^fli MIgTrWIDGC R. Kunc - I. Prebil - M. Ho~evar - B. [irok: Trdnostna analiza - Strength Analysis odebelili iz 6,5 mm na 10 mm, kar vpliva na zmanjšanje koncentracije napetosti iz prejšnjih 207 MPa na vrednost 154 MPa (sl. 7). Posledica je rahlo povečanje napetosti na vencu, vendar so sedaj napetosti na lopatici kakor tudi na vencu istega razreda in manjše od teoretične meje elastičnosti, ki znaša 168 MPa. thicker. The thickness of the critical location on the blade was changed from 6.5 mm to 10 mm, which causes the stress to decrease from 207 MPa to 154 MPa (Figure7). The negative consequence is a slight increase of the stress on the ring, but the stress on the ring and in the blade are now of the same order of magnitude, and lower than the theoretical elasticity limit (168 MPa). ANSYS 5.3 MAR 2 19 98 09:04:22 PLOT NO. 1 NODAL SOLUTION STEP=1 SUB =1 TIME=1 SEQV TOP DMX = SMN = SMX = (AVG) .001863 .258E+07 . 154E+09 .258E+07 .120E+08 .215E+08 .309E+08 . 404E+08 . 498E+08 .592E+08 .687E+08 .781E+08 .876E+08 .970E+08 . 106E+09 . 116E+09 . 125E+09 . 135E+09 . 144E+09 . 154E+09 ventilator - fan Sl. 7. Von Misesove primerjalne napetosti (Pa) za spremenjen rotor Fig. 7. Von Mises stress (Pa) on a modified rotor 4 SKLEPI Trdnostna analiza rotorja ventilatorja je dala naslednje sklepe: - venec iz krivljene pločevine (Al 99.5), varjene na lopatice, je prešibak. Zato se rotor lije v celoti (skupaj z vencem). Hkrati se vencu poveča debelina s 3 mm na 5 mm; - kritično mesto stika lopatice venca se odebeli s 6 mm na 10 mm, kar vpliva na zmanjšanje koncentracije napetosti pod teoretično mejo elastičnosti, ki znaša 168 MPa. Potrebna je še aerodinamična analiza ventilatorja, saj se zaradi odebelitve lopatice na mestu največjega pretoka zraka spremeni aerodinamična karakteristika ventilatorja ter - zanemarljiva deformacija osnovne plošče rotorja glede na izmerjene pomike osnovne plošče na preskuševališču. Iz tega sklepamo, da je glavni del pomikov posledica vležajenja rotorja. Rezultate meritev smo uporabili za modeliranje vležajenja rotorja v ventilatorski okrov. Za overjenje preračuna je treba določiti časovno in trajno dinamično trdnost materiala (Wöhlerjevo krivuljo) zaradi narave obremenitve ter poroznosti ulitka, ki nastanejo pri litju v pesek (poroznost vidna tudi s prostim očesom na samih trgalnih epruvetah). Iz literature [5] lahko sklepamo, 4 CONCLUSIONS Strength analysis of the fan rotor gives the following conclusions: - The outer ring made of bent sheet metal (Al 99.5) welded to the blades is too weak. Therefore the rotor is cast in one piece, together with the ring. The ring thickness is increased from 3 mm to 5 mm. - The critical point connecting the blade with the ring gets an increased thickness from 6 mm to 10 mm, leading to a decrease in stress concentration below the theoretical elasticity limit of 168 MPa. An aerodynamic analysis of the fan is required, because the increased thickness of the blade at the point of maximum air flow changes the aerodynamic properties of the fan. -The deformation of the rotor base plate is negligible with respect to displacements measured on the test stand. We can conclude that the main part of the displacements is caused by the rotor bearing arrangement. The measurement results were used for the modelling of the bearing arrangement in the fan housing. To verify the calculations it is necessary to determine the lifetime strength of the material (Wöhler function), because of the load properties and the porous appearance of the casting that are caused by casting in sand (the porous surface can be seen without magnification on the test specimens for tensile strength testing). The litera- 2 flFDT^pJefltMltllSGCO I I ^[MiFmMHjC | stran 540 R. Kunc - I. Prebil - M. Ho~evar - B. [irok: Trdnostna analiza - Strength Analysis da je trajno dinamična trdnost za material Al Si10 Mg dosti manjša od natezne. Vprašanje je tudi lezenje aluminijeve zlitine. ture [5] indicates that the dynamic strength of the material Al Si10 Mg is much lower than the static strength. The problem of the creeping of the aluminium alloy has also as far remained unsolved. 5 LITERATURA 5 REFERENCES [1] Širok, B., Hočevar, M., Zupan, S., I. 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[4] MIL-STD-810D (1983). [5] Boller, C, T. Seeger (1987) Materials data for cyclic loading. Part D: Aluminium and Titanium Alloys, ELSEVIER. Naslova avtorjev: mag. Robert Kunc profdr. Ivan Prebil doc.dr. Brane Širok Fakulteta za strojništvo Univerze v Ljubljani Aškerčeva 6 1000 Ljubljana Marko Hočevar Turboinštitut Rovšnikova ul. 7 1000 Ljubljana Authors’ Addresses: Mag. Robert Kunc ProfDr. Ivan Prebil Doc.Dr. Brane Širok Faculty of Mech. Engineering University of Ljubljana Aškerčeva 6 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Marko Hočevar Turboinštitut Rovšnikova ul. 7 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Prejeto: Received: 15.10.1999 Sprejeto: Accepted: 3.12.1999 stran 541 |^BSSIrlMlGC