Informatica 34 (2010) 151-158 151 Strategic Modeling of Information Sharing Among Data Privacy Attackers Quang Duong, Kristen LeFevre and Michael P. Wellman Computer Science & Engineering University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2121 USA E-mail: {qduong,klefevre,wellman} Keywords: data privacy, game theory, attacker model Received: September 7, 2009 Research in pri vacy-preserving data publishing has revealed the necessity of accounting for an adversary's background knowledge when reasoning about the protection afforded by various anonymization schemes. Most existing work models the background knowledge of one individual adversary or privacy attacker, or makes a worst-case assumption that attackers will act as one: colluding through sharing of background information. We propose a framework for modeling multiple attackers with heterogeneous background knowledge, supporting analysis of their strategic incentives for sharing information prior to attack. The framework posits a decentralized mechanism by which agents decide whether and how much information to share, and defines a normal-form game representing their strategic choice setting. Through a simple example, we show that the efficacy of database generalization operations depends on the informationsharing strategies adopted by the attackers. Through analysis of the underlying game model, a database publisher can adopt a generalization level geared to the level of sharing expected among rational attackers. Povzetek: Predstavljen je model napadov na privatnost s heterogenim ozadjem. 1 Introduction Many organizations publish non-aggregate personal data, for research purposes including social science, public health, and marketing. At the same time, high-profile incidents have underscored the importance of taking steps to protect individual privacy. In one compelling demonstration, Sweeney (17) showed that by cross-referencing a public voter registration list and a published database of health insurance information, using the combination of birth date, gender, and zip code attributes, an attacker could locate the medical record of the Governor of Massachusetts. Over the past several years, research in data privacy has sought to provide tools to guard against identity disclosure and attribute disclosure under this so-called record linkage attack model, while preserving the utility of the resulting data. Informally, identity disclosure refers to the ability of an attacker to locate a target individual in the published data, and attribute disclosure refers to the attacker's ability to determine the value of some sensitive attribute associated with a target individual. One of the principal approaches employed for this purpose is generalization, which is best illustrated with a simple example. Consider the input data set shown in Figure 1(a), and consider an attacker who is interested in learning information about Alan. Suppose that the attacker already knows Alan's age, gender, and zip code. Even if the name identifiers are removed from the published data set, the attacker can identify Alan's record (assuming that Alan is included) using this combination of attributes (com- monly called quasi-identifiers). In the generalized data set of Figure 1(b), however, attribute values are abstracted into coarser-grained equivalence classes. In this instance, the attacker cannot tell which of the first two records is Alan's. Thus, the attacker is also unable to determine whether Alan's disease is AIDS or flu. In addition to quasi-identifier information, it is also common for an attacker to have access to other instance-level background knowledge. In our simple example, suppose that, in addition to Alan's age, gender, and zip code, the attacker also knows that Alan does not have the flu. Using this additional knowledge, in combination with the generalized database, the attacker can determine that Alan has AIDS. Recent work has proposed incorporating an attacker's background knowledge into the data publication scheme, adopting worst case assumptions (3; 15). This is motivated by the practical difficulty for the person deciding what information to publish (the database publisher) of modeling the exact information available to an attacker (e.g., "Alan does not have flu"). Further, there may be multiple attackers, each with different background knowledge. Thus, these protocols instead seek to publish generalized data sets that are robust to a certain amount of structured background knowledge of a certain form, in the worst case, regardless of the specific content of the knowledge. This perspective also provides an understandable and objective measure of privacy for the published database—the number of "pieces" of background knowledge that are necessary in order to breach it. However, the database pub- 152 Informatica 34 (2010) 151-158 Q. Duong et al. Name Age Gender Zipcode Disease Age Gender Zipcode Disease Alan 20 M 12345 AIDS (Alan) 2* M 1234* AIDS Bob 24 M 12344 flu (Bob) 2* M 1234* flu Carol 32 F 12455 flu (Carol) 3* F 124** flu Dana 35 F 12411 cancer (Dana) 3* F 124** cancer Erin 30 F 12455 AIDS (Erin) 3* F 124** AIDS (a) Original data set (b) Generalized data set ribute disclosure example lisher often knows very little about potential attackers, so even estimating these background knowledge parameters can be challenging. (This problem is analogous to the task of setting parameter k in k-anonymity (17), a related data privacy requirement.) When considering the quantities of background knowledge available to an individual attacker, it is helpful for the database publisher to consider two categories of knowledge. First, there are some background facts that are known individually to the attacker. However, the attacker may obtain additional information by colluding (sharing information) with other attackers. At one extreme, the database publisher might optimistically assume that the attackers do not share information, in which case the amount of information available to any particular attacker is relatively low. At the opposite pessimistic extreme, the publisher might assume that attackers share all of their information with one another; thus each has available the collective information originally possessed by individual attackers. The purpose of this paper is to initiate a study of how information is shared among strategic attackers, which influences how a database publisher should select a data set for publication. In particular, we investigate several possible scenarios of information sharing, and observe that the model of information sharing significantly influences the privacy-preserving data publishing problem. Paper overview - We review the idea of generalization-based privacy-preserving data publishing in Section 3. This section illustrates in particular the importance of accounting for attackers' background knowledge when reasoning about privacy. - We present the motivation and observations supporting our approach to strategic modeling of data privacy attacks in Sections 4 and 5. - Our empirical study in Section 6 illustrates how to construct and analyze the strategic model as a way of evaluating a database publisher's decision about generalizing and publishing sensitive data. - This pilot study illustrates how the optimal data generalization policy depends on the attacker model employed, and how strategic analysis can inform the publication decision process. 2 Related work Recent work has proposed using game theory to model attacker behavior in a variety of security-related applications. In network security, Xu and Lee (18) use game theory to model the network of botnet attackers and defenders for analyzing the performance of a proposed defense system and guiding its design. Kunreuther and Heal (12) define a generic model of interdependent security games, where players make individual decisions to invest in security measures, but the resultant security risks depend on investments by all the players. Kearns and Ortiz (9) develop algorithms tailored to solving such games, and apply them to a scenario about the airline adoption of baggage screening technology (8). Perhaps the most prominent example is the ARMOR system deployed at Los Angeles International Airport (16), which models security resource scheduling and terrorist attack decisions as a Stackelberg game. Computational advances in game solving are facilitating the application of this approach to increasingly complex models (10). A second relevant body of research addresses the problem of modeling information sharing activities and the associated incentives and disincentives in these multiagent systems. Kleinberg et al. (11) examine different information-exchange scenarios and measure the participants' willingness to share information using solution concepts of the coalition games. Agrawal and Terzi (1) introduce a database-related information sharing scenario, in which private database owners reveal information to others in order to improve their query-answer capability. Economics has become an increasingly important tool for information security analysis, as attackers have become increasingly motivated by financial profits over the years (5). This has led to research relying on the observation that economic incentives play a significant role in the strategies of attackers and potential victims. For example, the study by Grossklags et al. (6) focuses on economic outcomes in modeling security investment decision-making by potential victims to protect themselves against malicious Internet attacks. 3 Data generalization background Consider a data set D that a publisher would like to make available to the public. The publisher applies some data STATEGIC MODELING OF INFORMATION SHARING. Informatica 34 (2010) 151-158 153 generalization method A to D, obtaining a generalized version Da, which it publishes instead of D in order to protect the privacy of people whose information is contained in the data set. Figure 1 illustrates an example original data set and its generalized version. As explained above, despite generalization, privacy attackers may be able to derive sensitive information from DA if they possess sufficient background knowledge (3; 15; 14). We denote by t some target individual whose sensitive value at € £t is of interest to attackers. Chen et al. (3) propose to classify background knowledge regarding a particular target t into three categories of facts, represented by sets L, K, and M. Each fact is a stylized ground expression. L comprises information about sensitive values a't = at that target t does not have, for instance "Alan does not have flu". K is a set of facts about sensitive values for other individuals t' = t, for example "Bob has flu". Facts in M specify the relationships between t and other individuals, such as "if Erin has AIDS then Alan has AIDS". Given this classification, the tuple B = (L, K, M) fully describes an attacker's background knowledge and thus indirectly specifies her ability to successfully breach a published data set. We say that DA has been breached if an attacker can deduce the target's sensitive value at} For many applications, it may be advantageous to adopt a more abstract and compact specification of background knowledge, rather than enumerating it explicitly. Chen et al. (3) propose a summary representation that replaces the specific instances with counts of the number of facts in the respective categories. In this scheme, background knowledge B = (L,K,M) is summarized by the tuple of quantities b = (\L\, \K\, \M|). This abstraction relaxes the requirement to reason about instance-specific knowledge of attackers, and is exponentially more compact. Although it discards instance-specific information, the summary still enables a designer to reason about the degree of generalization required to thwart breach of the data set in the worst case. Given our examination of small examples in this study, however, we retain the full specification of background knowledge, B, for the remainder of this paper. 4 Information sharing among attackers We examine a network of n attackers who seek to discover the target individual t's sensitive value at in the data set DA. These attackers may exchange background information with one another prior to launching their attacks, in order to improve their prospects for compromising DA. The 1 The concept of breach could be treated more generally. Past work has sought to model an attacker's uncertainty about sensitive facts (for example, using a distribution over possible worlds (3; 15)), and then defined the idea of breach incorporating this uncertainty. For example, we might instead say that Da has been breached if an attacker can determine at with certainty exceeding some threshold c. However, in the interest of simplicity, we fix c = 1. attacker faces a fundamental tradeoff in its incentives for sharing information: - Acquiring relevant background facts generally improves the ability of an individual attacker to breach the target data set, which in turn generates value for the attacker. - Revealing relevant information also improves the likelihood that other attackers will successfully breach the data set. As more attackers succeed, the value of the breached information typically declines for each attacker. For example, the price an attacker could obtain by selling the sensitive information would decrease to the extent it is commonly available. Each attacker i starts with some prior knowledge, Bi = (Li,Ki,Mi). From the perspective of the database publisher and other attackers, the background knowledge of attacker i is uncertain, drawn from some distribution ¡, which can be modeled using various approaches (13). 4.1 Information sharing mechanism We describe a simple mechanism by which the attackers share information. Although in practice we cannot mandate the process whereby attackers will coordinate in this way, defining some specific process is necessary to frame the strategic environment in which the attackers operate. The sharing mechanism we assume relies on a principle of reciprocity to induce mutually beneficial sharing. That is, one attacker provides information to a neighbor on the attacker network only to the extent that this neighbor provides information in return. Specifically, the number of facts in each category transferred between two attackers is the same in each direction. For simplicity, we also assume that information exchanged among the attackers is accurate; that is, attackers do not distort information that they share with others. The basic decision made by each attacker is which facts to offer to share. That is, given prior knowledge Bi = (Li, Ki, Mi), the set of available information-sharing actions Si for attacker i comprises all si = (slii, skii, s„hi) such that sii Ç Li, skti Ç Ki, and smii Ç Mi. Given the category L sharing offers sl,i and sl, j of two neighboring attackers, the number of facts shared in that category is therefore min(|sl i|, \sltj|). Category K and M sharing operates identically. The sharing mechanism thus determines the quantities of facts to be shared for each pair of connected attackers, for each category. In each case, when the number of facts to be shared is fewer than the number offered by one party, the subset of offered facts actually transmitted to the other is selected randomly. 4.2 Attacker utility Our model of attackers' utility presumes their primary objective is to discover the target individual's sensitive information. Let rt be the reward obtained from discovering 154 Informatica 34 (2010) 151-158 Q. Duong et al. (e.g., by selling) the sensitive information at. The more attackers who have this piece of information, the less valuable it is to each attacker. As a result, the reward each attacker receives decreases with the number of attackers successfully compromising the target data set. Specifically, if there are n successful attackers, we assume that each attacker who obtains t's sensitive value receives reward . According to this utility function, a successful attacker's reward deteriorates faster as n increases. Attackers need to make decisions about how much information they would like to share with others in order to maximize their rewards. Since we consider scenarios with only one target, without loss of generality we can set rt = 1. Given a strategy profile (sharing decision for each attacker) s = (si,..., sn), we can calculate the amount of knowledge each attacker obtains from sharing information. From this information and the specifications of the generalized database and distribution of prior knowledge, we can evaluate each attacker's prospects for compromising the target database, and consequently their expected reward, or utility. The utility to attacker i playing strategy si when other agents play their strategies collectively denoted s-i is given by ui(si, s—). Example 1. Consider the scenario specified in Figure 1. Three privacy attackers X, Y, and Z would like to know Alan's disease, denoted as Disease [Alan]. X knows Disease [Alan] = cancer and Disease [Dana] = cancer. Y knows Disease [Bob] = flu and Disease [Carol] = flu. Z knows if Disease [Erin] = AIDS then Disease [Alan] = AIDS, and Disease [Erin] = cancer. Suppose that X wants to share Disease [Dana] = cancer and Y wants to share that Disease [Bob] = flu. After sharing information with X, Y now knows Disease [Dana] = cancer, in addition to her initial background knowledge. Y therefore can infer Disease [Alan] and consequently collect a reward of 1 if she is the only attacker capable of discovering his disease. IfX, Y, and Z succeed in discovering Disease [Alan], each would then collect a reward of 9 instead. 4.3 Database publisher In privacy-preserving data publishing, the database publisher typically strives to strike a balance between protecting individual privacy and maintaining the published data's value (minimizing information loss) when choosing her generalization strategy (3; 15; 14). We incorporate both information loss and privacy breach risk when computing the publisher's utility ud. We denote by sd the publisher's strategy for anonymiz-ing the released data set. Formally, sd fully describes the resulting generalized data set, which we denote Dsd. Thus sd can be of different formats, depending on the chosen generalization method. In our example in Figure 1, the publisher's data generalization action that transforms that original data set to the generalized data set can be fully specified by sd = (sd,i,..., sd,\D\) = (1,1,2,2,2). In this particular representation, sdii = sdj for i,j e [1, |D|] indicates that the two records i and j are "generalized" so that in Dsd they are indistinguishable based on other nonsensitive attributes. We first quantify the generalization-induced information loss of the generalized data set DSd, given the publisher's action sd. For simplicity, out of many previously proposed measures of information loss, we adopt a variation of the "discernibility penalty" proposed by Bayardo and Agrawal (2). For each record e in generalized data set Dsd, we define the equivalence class n(e,Dsd), which is the set of records in Dsd that are indistinguishable from e on quasi-identifier attributes due to generalization. The intuition is to assign each record a penalty based on the size of its equivalence class. Thus, the information loss is quantified as il(sd) = -Z- ln(e,Ds Zd eeDs where ZD is the largest information loss possible for any data set of D's size, and thus is constant for a fixed-size data set. This normalization factor allows us to discount the effect of the data set's size on our measure of information loss. The second factor in the publisher's utility is the prospect for data privacy breach. We capture this in a random variable br, whose probability distribution depends on the strategies of attackers as well as the publisher. The variable takes value one if the sensitive data is breached, zero otherwise. We formulate the publisher's payoff ud(sd, s) such that it is normalized on [0,1], decreasing with privacy breach and information loss. There are many possible ways to integrate these factors in an overall utility function. The simplest is to linearly combine information loss and privacy breach, weighted by parameter w: ud(sd, s) = 1 - [w x il (sd) + (1 - w) x br (sd, s)]. (1) 4.4 Privacy breach Suppose that the database publisher chooses action sd, the attackers' initial background knowledge is B = (Bi,..., Bn), and their strategy profile is s. As described in Section 4.1, s determines the attackers' resulting posterior knowledge, collectively denoted as B' = (B ',... ,B'n). In order to calculate their final reward, we need estimate the likelihood that each can breach the data set Dsd given their posterior knowledge B'. For each attacker i, with posterior knowledge B', we can reason logically about the sensitive values i can eliminate when attempting to deduce t's sensitive value from DSd. The payoff u'(s, sd) to this attacker is calculated as described previously. Applying this reasoning to all attackers, we can calculate the number n that are successful for any configuration of posterior knowledge among the attackers. For this configuration, we then conclude br(sd, s) = 1 if H > 0 and 0 otherwise. d STATEGIC MODELING OF INFORMATION SHARING. Informatica 34 (2G1G) 151-158 155 Given a distribution 3 over attackers' prior background knowledge B, and a profile of attacker strategies s, we can further compute a distribution over attackers' posterior background knowledge B'. These elements are therefore sufficient to calculate expected utilities for all agents (publisher and attackers), using the definitions specified above. 5 Game-theoretic modeling We model the strategic environment with n privacy attackers plus the database publisher d as a game, employing the strategy sets and utility functions defined above. The game plays out in two stages: 1. The database publisher first chooses her action sd and publishes the data set Dsd. 2. The attackers observe the publisher's action. They then choose their actions s, exchange background knowledge, attack the data set, and collect reward if they succeed. Because the publisher moves first, we can characterize her problem as optimizing the database design, subject to the outcome of the information-sharing subgame played among the attackers conditional on this design. We thus focus on defining and analyzing this attacker subgame. 5.1 Information-sharing subgame Technically, the information-sharing game among the attackers is a game of incomplete information, with information structure defined by the distribution 3 over prior background knowledge. Each agent's strategy in the incomplete-information game is a mapping from its own type (assignment of prior knowledge) to a sharing offer. Here we simplify the model structure by translating to normal form, explicitly constructing the payoff for every combination of attacker strategies.2 Recall our subgame is conditioned on the publisher's action sd selected in the first stage. A given sd and the distribution 3 of background facts among privacy attackers defines the expected payoff for any profile of attacker strategies. We can calculate these payoffs by Monte Carlo sampling, given a budget of H samples. To estimate the expected payoff of attacker strategy profile s: 1. Draw a background knowledge configuration B = (B\,..., Bn), according to the distribution 3. 2. Calculate the distribution of privacy breach events given sd, B, and s, based on the sharing mechanism described in Section 4.1. 3. Tally the expected payoffs ui for each attacker as well as the expected value of publisher's privacy breach br based on the results for this configuration. 4. Repeat steps 1-3 H times. 5. Average over the sampled ui and br values to construct estimated expected values. We can construct the complete expected payoff matrix of the game by repeating the above procedure for each attacker strategy profile s and each database publisher's action sd. In practice, we will not be able to do so exhaustively, but instead would focus on a salient subset of strategy combinations and induce a game model that best cap- Model Construction Sample knowledge tuples For each sample and each strategy profile: 1. Comfujte attackers' posterior knowledge 2. Estimate the attackers' and the publisher's payoff lz Model Usage Payoff Ivl atrix Solution concepts: Nash equilibrium, joint distribution of strategy profiles Compute the publisher's: • Privacy breach risk ■Information loss •Utility 2In practice, this will generally entail restrictions on the flexibility of attacker strategies, particularly in how they are conditioned on the realization of prior background knowledge. Figure 2: Overview of the strategic model of privacy attackers and database publisher. Given a subgame form constructed as specified above, we are interested in identifying the Nash equilibria (NE). Definition 1. A strategy profile s* is a Nash equilibrium if no unilateral deviation in strategy by any single player is beneficial for that player given the others' designated strategies. That is, Vi, si G Si.ui(s*,s—i) > ui(s'i,s—i). If all agents play pure (non-probabilistic) strategies in s*, then s* is a pure-strategy NE (PSNE). Definition 2. Player i's regret, ei(s), represents the maximum gain in payoff i can obtain through unilaterally reconsidering its own strategy si given others' strategies s-i. ei(s) = max ui(si, s-i) - ui(si, s-i). sieSi A profile's regret e(s) is defined as e(s) = max ei(s). i 156 Informatica 34 (2010) 151-158 Q. Duong et al. By these definitions, if profile s* is an NE, strategy s* is player i's best response to others' play s_i and therefore induces zero regret (ei(s*) = 0). All else equal, profiles with zero (or small) regret are considered more likely to be played by rational agents, as high-regret profiles offer some agent a large incentive to deviate. Thus, a database publisher may wish to choose a design sd that performs well when attackers follow equilibrium strategies conditional on that design. Figure 2 summarizes the game-theoretic modeling and analysis process as applied to our data privacy attack scenario. 6 Illustrative example and analysis In this section we present a toy example illustrating how our game model can be used to analyze a privacy-preserving publishing scenario. 6.1 Example The original data set D for our example comprises the records in Figure 1(a), plus the set of records specified in Figure 3. Name Age Gender Zipcode Disease David 24 M 13344 heart Daniel 32 M 13455 allergy Frank 24 M 12334 AIDS Grace 40 F 12445 cancer Heather 45 F 13445 allergy Figure 3: Additional records appended to Figure 1(a) to define the original data set D for the example. There are three attackers (n = 3) in this example who are interested in identifying Alan's disease. Moreover, it is common knowledge that each person's disease can be either heart, allergy, AIDS, cancer, or flu. Although this would never be the case for realistic data sets, our toy example is sufficiently small that we can exactly account for all possible background knowledge instances in all three categories. In this case, there are four instances of type L, and nine each of types K and M. We further restrict that each attacker initially starts with only one instance of each category, which means \Li\ = \Ki\ = \Mi\ = 1. The distribution of prior background knowledge 3 draws a fact in each category with equal probability for each attacker. Given this configuration of prior knowledge, an attacker needs to decide whether or not to share her available fact for each knowledge category. We assume that attackers make this decision unconditional on the particular fact drawn for the respective categories, which results in a total of eight possible strategies. For example, one possible strategy is to share one's L and K facts, but not the M fact. The database publisher's strategy sd can be represented by a ten-element array of equivalence-class indices, follow- ing the format described in Section 4.4. The strategy specifies to which class each record belongs as a result of the publisher's data generalization method. Since there are too many possible publisher actions (168,440 even for this small data set) to evaluate them all, we identified a select set of ten candidate strategies, spread out in the design space. We deliberately selected these ten candidates from a set of more than a hundred designs sampled from the publisher's strategy space, to ensure that information loss is spread relatively uniformly over the possible range. For each design, we constructed the corresponding normal-form information-sharing subgame, using the procedure detailed in Section 5.1. Our Monte Carlo budget was H = 5000, a sufficient number of samples to render negligible the variance in expected payoff calculations for the attackers. For each profile of attacker strategies, we record the attacker payoffs as well as the probability of privacy breach. From this we can calculate database publisher's utility using Equation (1). We set the publisher's tradeoff weight w = 0.25, implying that the publisher values lowering the probability of privacy breach by a given increment three times as much as lowering information loss by that same increment on the specified scale. 6.2 Empirical results For each publisher strategy, we evaluate the outcome achieved under three different assumptions about attackers' behavior: Scenario Assumption No NE All No attackers share any information. Attackers play a PSNE profile. All attackers share all information. The No scenario is a best-case assumption: attackers are unable or unwilling to share information, for whatever reason, thus they attack based only on their individual information. All is the worst-case scenario for the publisher. Under NE, the attackers are treated as rational strategic players, predicted to play an equilibrium profile of the information-sharing subgame. In general these subgames may have multiple equilibria. Our analysis identifies all the PSNE, and defines the NE scenario as an equiprobable selection among these. Figure 4 presents the information loss and expected privacy breach for each of the ten selected publisher strategies, under each of the attacker behavior assumptions No, NE, and All. Since information loss does not depend on the attackers' actions, a given publisher action is represented by three points at the same y-axis level, associated with the respective attackers' behaviors. The separation of these points on the x-axis confirms that attackers' behavior in equilibrium is generally different from all-or-none information sharing. Inspection of Figure 4 allows us to identify and rule out the dominated publisher actions, that is, any sd that STATEGIC MODELING OF INFORMATION SHARING. Informatica 34 (2010) 151-158 157 A Nash equilibrium □ No one shares ® All share □ ' À □ M ill □ A4 □ A 1 • lllkD ° □ it-/ A Aï a 1 1 1 1 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 privacy breach probability Figure 4: Expected privacy breach and information loss under various generalization actions and attacker behaviors. is worse on both information loss and privacy breach than some other available publisher strategy or convex combination of strategies, under the same assumption on attacker behavior. Accordingly, in the figure we draw piecewise-linear curves for each attacker scenario, connecting the frontier of non-dominated publisher strategies. Given any weight parameter for publisher utility (1), the optimal generalization design (among the ten evaluated here) lies on this non-dominated frontier. We label the non-dominated actions with roman numerals. As expected, generalization actions that induce greater information loss generally partition the original data set into fewer groups and/or generalize more records in the same group. For instance, action I partitions the original ten records into two groups of three and seven, whereas action V divides them into four smaller groups. The distinction in composition and shape among the frontiers for the three behavior scenarios confirms the possibility that the publisher's optimal choice will be different under the respective assumptions. For instance, a publisher that pessimistically assumes that all attackers share information (All) may pick action II. However, this strategy is dominated under the NE or No assumptions. ■ NE No BAN I II III IV V action Figure 5: Database publisher's utility (w = 0.25) under different generalization actions and scenarios for attackers' behavior. Given a particular weight for trading off information loss and privacy risk, we can identify the publisher's optimal choices. Figure 5 plots the publisher's utility for its non-dominated actions, at tradeoff weight w = 0.25, under each of the attacker behavior scenarios. This chart reveals that the worst-case assumption (All) that all share everything indeed leads to choosing action IV, which is suboptimal under the NE model. Like in most multiagent-system models, the solutions generated from our models are sensitive to the choice of attackers' utility function described in Section 4.2. In particular, higher powers of ¡i in the attacker's utility function (i.e., reward dropping off faster than the square of number of successful attackers) may lead to overoptimistic estimates of the risk of privacy breach. Further, the choice of utility function can vary considerably with specific data publication scenarios. 7 Conclusions and future work Past research in privacy-preserving data publishing has demonstrated the importance of accounting for an attacker's background knowledge. A variety of generalization tools have been developed, but at a minimum these still require the database publisher to know the amount of background knowledge available to attackers (3; 15). The presence of multiple attackers with capabilities for pooling background knowledge significantly magnifies this uncertainty, absent a model of how attackers will actually share information. This paper initiates a game-theoretic study of privacy attackers as a knowledge-sharing network. Rather than simply guessing about attackers' information-sharing behavior, we propose a grounded framework for reasoning about attackers' interactions, which in turn assists the data publisher in choosing a generalized data set to publish. Our empirical study demonstrates that attacker incentives (and their resulting behavior) can influence the database publisher's optimal strategy. Whereas this paper illustrates the importance of reasoning about attackers' incentives when choosing a data publishing strategy, our initial models by no means cover all attack scenarios. Future work should refine these models based on behavioral observations to enrich the data publisher's limited information about attackers' knowledge and behavior. In addition, representing the full content of attackers' background knowledge as we did for this initial study will not remain feasible as we scale the resulting model to larger networks of attackers. Thus, it is also important to adopt a more compact representation of background knowledge, such as the quantified summaries of background knowledge proposed by Chen et al. (3) and Martin et al. (15). Game-theoretic analysis may provide useful grounds for predicting attacker behavior, but it is by no means the only source of evidence. Attackers may not be perfectly rational, or their information and incentives may not be accu- 158 Informatica 34 (2010) 151-158 Q. Duong et al. rately captured by the model. Graphical multiagent models (GMMs) are designed to support integration of game-theoretic and other sources of knowledge about multiagent behavior (4). Like other graphical models, GMMs also take advantage of locality in agent interactions (e.g., structure in the information-sharing network), and provide a compact representation for efficient computation of joint distributions over agent behavior. 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