J. ^ECH et al.: CHARACTERIZATION OF STRUCTURAL MATERIALS BY SPHERICAL INDENTATION 695–698 CHARACTERIZATION OF STRUCTURAL MATERIALS BY SPHERICAL INDENTATION KARAKTERIZACIJA STRUKTURNIH MATERIALOV PRI SFERI^NEM VTISKOVANJU Jaroslav ^ech, Petr Hau{ild, Ondøej Kováøík Czech Technical University, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Department of Materials, Trojanova 13, 120 00, Prague 2, Czech Republic jaroslav.cech@fjfi.cvut.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2016-10-19; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2017-01-16 doi:10.17222/mit.2016.302 Nano-indentation with spherical indenters is a method of mechanical properties characterization that could be used for the determination of stress-strain curves. A necessary condition for an evaluation of the results is an exact knowledge of the indenter shape. In this study, the shapes of two spherical indenters with a nominal radius of 20 μm were investigated by atomic force microscopy and by indentation into materials with a known Young´s modulus. It was found that the actual indenter differs from the ideal shape and it is affected by the crystallographic orientation of the diamond crystal. The effective radius determined from the indentation measurements depends on the material deformation characteristics and it was lower than the actual radius. The computed representative stress vs. representative strain curves of steel samples were significantly affected by the actual radii of the investigated indenters. Keywords: nano-indentation, spherical indenter, actual indenter shape, representative stress, representative strain curves Nanoindentacija s sferi~nimi vtiskovalci je metoda karakterizacije mehanskih lastnosti, ki se lahko uporablja za ugotovitev napetostno-deformacijske krivulje. Pogoj za oceno rezultatov je to~no dolo~eno poznavanje stanja vtiskovalca. V {tudiji sta bili raziskovana dva sferi~na vtiskovalca z nominalnim radijem 20 ìm, ki sta bila raziskovana z AFM in z vtiskovanjem v material z Youngovim modulom. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da se doti~ni vtiskovalec razlikuje od idealne oblike in, da nanj vpliva kristalo- grafska orientacija diamantnega kristala. Efektivni radij, ugotovljen z meritvami vtiskovanja je odvisen od deformacije karakteristik materiala in je bil ni`ji od dejanskega radija. Izra~unane reprezentativne napetostne krivulje jeklenih vzorcev so bile ob~utno pod vplivom dejanskih radijev preiskovanih vtiskovalcev. Klju~ne besede: nanoindentacija, sferi~ni vtiskovalec, dejanska oblika vtiskovalca, reprezentativna napetost, reprezentativna napetostna krivulja 1 INTRODUCTION Nano-indentation is an effective method for the char- acterization of mechanical properties for very small vol- umes of material. It is advantageously applied when standard tests (e.g., tensile, fracture toughness tests) can- not be used. It can be employed to characterize thin films, welds or individual phases of a multi-phase mat- erial. Sharp indenters (such as the Berkovich three-sided pyramid) are the most frequently used due to the simplic- ity of the data interpretation. On the other hand, they do not provide any information about the evolution of the elastic and plastic stress-strain field under the indenter. In spherical indentation, the stress and strain progres- sively increase with the penetration depth and thus the stress-strain curves of the materials can be determined. Several models are used for a description of the elastic-plastic stress-strain field under the indenter. At the beginning of the indentation process, only elastic deformation occurs and Hertz theory can be applied.1 With increasing penetration depth, the plastic zone starts to evolve under the surface below the indenter and it spreads to the surface.2 When the plastic zone is fully developed, the ratio of hardness to yield strength stabilizes at an approximate value H/ y = 3.3 This ratio expresses the restriction of plastic deformation under the indenter compared to the tensile tests. Several models make it possible to evaluate stress-strain curves in whole range of deformations.4 Methods determining the yield strength, strain hardening exponent and other mechanical characteristics do exist; however, several problems have to be considered when analyzing the experimental data. The crucial factor is a knowledge of actual indenter shape.5–9 The real indenter does not match its ideal shape. Imperfections are created already during the in- denter’s fabrication and the indenter is progressively worn with usage. The shape and properties of the in- denter also depend on the crystallographic orientation of the diamond crystal.10 The projected indenter area func- tion Ap effectively corrects the imperfections of Berko- vich, Vickers, or conical indenters. However, for the spherical indenters, the actual projected area is not frequently used as it cannot be directly related to the actual radius, giving a tangent at the contact. Instead, the effective radius of the indenter Reff can be used. In this study, two diamond spherical indenters with the nominal radius R = 20 μm were investigated. Their Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 695–698 695 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS UDK 620.1:67.017:620.3 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 51(4)695(2017) actual shape was determined by direct (atomic force mi- croscopy) and indirect (indentation into materials with a known Young’s modulus) methods and its effect on the stress-strain curves of structural materials was evaluated. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS Indentation tests were carried out on Anton Paar CSM NHT nano-indentation instrument. Two steel sam- ples (hardness etalon 487 HV from ball bearing carbon steel and bainitic JRQ steel used in the nuclear industry) were investigated by two spherical diamond indenters (denoted as indenter A and indenter B) with nominal radius R = 20 μm. Electrolytically polished samples were loaded in the regime with partial unloading (CMC mode) in the range of maximum force from 10 mN to 500 mN. The whole indentation test consisted of 20 cycles with progressively increasing maximum force. The increase to the maximum force in the cycle takes 10 s, holding at maximum force 5 s, and unloading to 20 % of maximum force 10 s. Every unloading was analyzed using the Oliver-Pharr procedure.11 Since the shape of the indenter is not supposed to be ideal, the calibration procedure was performed for both indenters. For a contact depth hc given by Equation (1):12 h h P Sc = −max max .0 75 (1) the projected contact area Ap was determined according to Equation (2):12 A h S Ep c r ( ) = π 2 24 (2) where the maximum penetration depth hmax, maximum applied force in the cycle Pmax, and contact stiffness S are obtained from the force-displacement curve. Er stands for the reduced modulus, comprising elastic pro- perties of the indenter and the sample in Equation (3):12 1 1 12 2 E E E i ir s s = − + −  (3) The Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of sample Es and s were determined by independent ultrasound pulse-echo measurement, and Ei and i are the known Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the diamond in- denter, respectively. The indenter effective radius can be obtained from the geometry of the system (relation bet- ween the projected contact area and the contact depth): R A h heff p c c = + π 2 2 (4) Representative stress repr vs. representative strain repr curves were determined using Tabor formulae in Equa- tion (5):3 repr = P C a max π 2 ,  repr = 0 2. a R (5) where C is a constraint factor (C = 3), a is the contact radius, and R is the radius of the indenter (nominal or effective). The tips of the spherical indenters were also exam- ined by atomic force microscope AFM Park XE-100 with closed-loop z-piezo in tapping mode. An area of 20×20 μm2 was scanned with the resolution of 256×256 points. The data were corrected to the drift in slow scan- ning axis and the noise was filtered. The projected area Ap for the depths up to 2 μm was estimated from AFM measurements as a surface of a planar cut through the in- denter perpendicular to the load axis. From the measured Ap(hc) dependency, the actual radius of the indenters was computed using Equation (4). 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Atomic force microscopy The topology of the indenters A and B and the maps of their local radius of curvature obtained from the anal- ysis of AFM data are shown in Figure 1. The local ra- dius of curvature is defined as a radius of the sphere interpolated in the circular neighborhood (1 μm in ra- dius) of the particular point on the indenter surface. Comparing the topology of both indenters, it can be seen that the indenter B is more irregular than the indenter A. The differences are also visible on the maps of local radius of curvature, where the local radius of curvature of indenter A at the apex is higher than for indenter B and it reaches a higher value than the stated 20 μm. For the data analysis, and also for the fabrication of the diamond indenters, it is very important to know its crystallographic orientation. The investigated indenters were produced with the loading axis parallel to the direc- tion [100] of the diamond crystal. The crystallographic orientation has a significant effect on the indenter actual J. ^ECH et al.: CHARACTERIZATION OF STRUCTURAL MATERIALS BY SPHERICAL INDENTATION 696 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 695–698 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 1: AFM images of: a) the topology of indenters A and b) in- denter B, c) local radius of curvature of indenters A and d) B with shown axes of the four-fold symmetry (dashed lines) shape and it can introduce deviation from its nominal spherical shape. As the diamond crystal is anisotropic, it is worn and grinded more easily in the softer directions. The four-fold symmetry of the diamond crystal is clearly visible in the figures of the local radius of curvature (Figure 1c and 1d). The actual radii estimated from Equation (4) are shown in Figure 2. The radius determined by AFM de- creases with depth for both investigated indenters. The decrease is more abrupt for indenter A (from approxi- mately R = 30 μm to R = 22 μm at a depth h = 100 nm and h = 500 nm, respectively). For greater depths, the radius of indenter A stabilizes at a nominal value of R = 20 μm. The radius of indenter B decreases only slightly from R = 24 μm at a depth 200 nm to R = 23 μm at a depth 500 nm. For depths h > 400 nm it is higher than the radius of indenter A and it reaches a constant value of nearly 23 μm, far more than the nominal value of 20 μm. 3.2 Indentation Evolution of the effective radius determined from in- dentation measurements on steel samples at low penetra- tion depths shows a different trend compared with AFM results. The effective radius increases from a very low value of about 10 μm and it reaches its maximum at a depth approximately h = 200 nm. These low values of ef- fective radius result from the uneven contact between the indenter and the surface of the sample. After electrolytic polishing, the surface of steel sample is wavy, as sche- matically shown in Figure 3. The indenter touches the local surface asperities and thus the actual contact area for a given penetration depth is not spherical, but it is ir- regular and smaller than the theoretical one. According to Equation (4) the final effective radius is subsequently smaller than the actual radius of the indenter. The maximum effective radius from the indentation measurements differs for both investigated indenters and materials. Higher values were obtained by indenter A than by indenter B, similar to the AFM measurements. For greater depths the evolution of the effective radius follows the trend of the AFM measurements. The radius of indenter A decreases with depth and it is lower than the radius of indenter B from depths of about 600 nm. The effective radius of indenter B is rather constant. However, the effective radii could not be compared for higher penetration depths since high hardness of etalon 487 HV and the maximum possible applied force (500 mN) limit the maximum penetration depth into the 487 HV sample to approximately 1 μm. The differences in the effective radius estimated from indentation into JRQ steel and etalon 487 HV could be explained by the difference of their elastic-plastic prop- erties. It is well known that the contact area (which is used for a determination of effective radius) depends on the actual indenter shape and the material deformation characteristics.14 The effects of pile-up or sink-in can in- troduce the error in the determination of contact area by as much as 60 %.15 The effective radii measured by in- dentations on investigated samples are lower than the ra- dii from the AFM. More significant difference is for JRQ steel, which is probably caused by higher strain harden- ing exponent. Representative stress vs. representative strain curves were evaluated according to Equation (5) and they are presented in Figure 4. Each material was investigated by both indenters. The results considering nominal radius R = 20 μm and effective radius Reff obtained from the in- dentation into the corresponding material were com- pared. To avoid the problems with the transition from the elastic to the plastic region and the errors arising from the uncertainty of geometry of contact at low penetration depths, the cycles with low maximum load were ex- cluded from the analysis. As the nominal radius is higher than the effective ra- dius, flow curves of JRQ steel using R = 20 μm are lower than the curves obtained with Reff (Figure 4a). The curves based on nominal radius significantly differ for both indenters, especially for lower deformations (i.e., low penetration depths). Moreover, stress obtained with indenter A using nominal radius decreases with increas- ing deformation, which should not occur as the material is hardening. It is caused by an important difference be- tween the nominal and the actual shape of indenter A at low depths (Figure 2). Using the effective radius, the flow curves obtained by both indenters are nearly equiv- alent. Small differences could result from using Equation (5) for evaluating representative deformation. The for- J. ^ECH et al.: CHARACTERIZATION OF STRUCTURAL MATERIALS BY SPHERICAL INDENTATION Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 695–698 697 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 2: Radius of spherical indenters with nominal radius R = 20 μm obtained by AFM and indentation measurements Figure 3: Schematic sketch of contact between spherical indenter and surface asperities13 mula for representative deformation is based on the ratio of contact and indenter radii a/R, which is valid for ide- ally spherical indenters. Actual deformation is given by the contact angle between the indenter and the sample surface. As the shape of the indenter is not ideally spher- ical, approximation of this angle by a/R is not exactly valid and it could introduce small errors into the values of the representative deformation. The decrease of the stress with strain was also ob- served for hardness etalon 487 HV using indenter A and R = 20 μm. Nevertheless, the differences in flow curves, which results from using nominal and effective radius, are less significant than for JRQ steel. For indenter B, representative stress vs. representative strain curves are nearly identical as the effective radius for higher penetra- tion depths reaches approximately its nominal value R = 20 μm. 4 CONCLUSIONS The shapes of two diamond spherical indenters with nominal radius R = 20 μm were investigated in this study. Their actual and effective radius was determined by AFM measurements and indentation into materials with a known Young’s modulus, respectively. It was found that the indenter shape is affected by the crystallographic orientation of the diamond crystal. For low depths, both investigated indenters are flatter (larger radius) than stated by the supplier. For greater depths, indenter A reaches the nominal value, and the indenter B has a slightly larger radius. The effective radius measured by indentation into JRQ steel and hardness etalon 487 HV is lower than the actual radii, which is caused by the sur- face irregularities (for lower depths) and materials defor- mation characteristics (for greater depths). Determined representative stress vs. representative strain curves of JRQ steel and hardness etalon 487 HV are affected by the used radius (nominal or effective). To obtain indenter-independent results, effective radii deter- mined for a given material should be used. Acknowledgment Support from Czech Science Foundation (project no. GB14-36566G) and Czech Technical University in Prague (project no. SGS16/172/OHK4/2T/14) is grate- fully acknowledged. 5 REFERENCES 1 K. L. Johnson, Contact mechanics, 1st ed., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1985, 452 2 Y. J. Park, G. M. 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