^StcH^ival^ ^ i/llamteêi v N- f S.K.D. S.C.A. St^iCfûtwi Canadian Gl^ioiW c^l tîltwvitcêt^ 127 Sovereign Cove, Winnipeg, Manitoba CANADA R2V 4X1 Phone (204) 632-5699 • Fax (204) 694-3685 • bmaligec@shaw.ca January February March 2012 Volume 10 Issue 8 LEP POZDRAV NAŠIM ČLANOM IN PRIJATELJEM HELLO TO ALL OUR MEMBERS AND FRIENDS Dear members and our friends, We are enjoying our early spring weather and we can say that our winter was one of the best. We can say life in our province of Manitoba is getting much better; thanks to Mother Nature for last year- year without mosquitoes and this spring there is no spring flooding. If I can add that we are having NHL hockey back in our city of Winnipeg and taxpayers are off the "hook" for their return I must say yes Wnnipeg is back on map in Canada and best NHL teams are playing again in our city. As a city we are grooving, getting back to sports we can see new football stadium showing its structure sure we all would rather see it as a dome with 40.000 seats but tight budget is telling builders what they can spend. Maybe our young generation will find reasons to stay in our city of Winnipeg with all Spoštovani člani in prijatelji, Naša provinca Manitoba uživa v spomladanskem s soncem obsijanim vzdušju , zima je bila ena od najboljih milih zim tako da lahko rečemo življenje v provinci Manitobi postaja vsako leto lepše, hvala materi naravi za lansko poletje ki je bilo brez komarjev in tudi za to predčasno pomlad brez poplav .Če dodamo k temu da sedaj imamo še NHL hokej v našem mestu Winnipeg in brez finance pomoči davkoplačevalcev ki tokrat niso dali svoj finančni delež za vrnitev tega športa v Winnipeg . Za našo provinco Manitobo in mesto Winnipeg je to zelo pomembnno ker sedaj smo z Winnipeg Jets zopet na zemljevidu Kanade in same Amerike . Kot mesto se Winnipeg razvija in smo iz leta v leto večji po številu prebivalcev ( Na žalost Slovencev je iz leta v Continued from page 1 those sports entertainments then we will say well done job Manitoba lets enjoy what we have. Our SCA of Mb. is having second General meeting for our members on April 29.2012 and we will have elections for new Board of Directors for next two year term 2012 - 2014.1 would like to say here how important it is for us to get younger generation on the Board. You are the future, the past is sometime good experience and lesson we learn working in our Slovenian communettey here in Winnipeg. Our Association in committed for assisting our older and we are also dedicating our mission to help our homeland in its very difficult economical times in this world - European economical crisis. Yes Slovenian is going throe political dificalteys, but we are going to stay away from politics. I know firsthand what politics can do to communily, it divides us and my job is to preserve our Slovenian culture and heritage. Slovenia is known with its hospitality and today Slovenia is great tourist destination they will welcome you with their slogan "I feel Slovenia Our Association is dedicated to promote Slovenian product at our events and in our News Brief, I love to see product here in Manitoba "Made in Slovenia You all can see in Manitoba liquor stores Slovenian wine from Jeruzalem - Ormož, Renski Risling and also wine from Vina Koper Merlot both those wines are one the finest I can remember. I encourage you all to test this great product, and at the same time you are helping our homeland Slovenia by purchasing this fine wines this will help to export Slovenia there gods here in Canada. You can also purchase Slovenian mineral water "Radenska slatina "well know mineral water with its great test ,Karpa1y meets &deli store on McGregor and Bannerman will be happy to serve you. Our Association is planning to celebrate few events on June 24., First we will celebrate 21 th Anniversary of Slovenian independence (Slovenian day) we will also celebrate 10th Anniversary of our Slovenian Canadian Association of Manitoba, which was registered on 25. February 2002 in this province of Manitoba. In our ten years we will acknowledge all hard working volunteers, we thank you, each and every one of you volunteers are to us most important part of our group. We will have lunch prepared by our chef Marjan Jakob, Entertainment and MS will be with our Vice President Mike Dovidija and Recording Secretary Marjan Znidaric, for refreshment at the Bar is taking care Mark Maligec, we promise you two great Slovenian wines Renski Risling and Merlot, also you can enjoy test of Zlatorog beer, please join us with our festivities, which will be at 768 Mountain Avenue (corner of Mountain & Arlington). For reservation and tickets please call 632 5699 or 227 4943. We wish you to enjoy this great spring weather and we are looking forward to see you on June 24.2012. Branko Maligec leto manj ), ko sem pisal od športa moram še dodati da bo Winnipeg dobil še nov stadion za Winnipeg Blue Bombers. Mi bi želeli da bi bil zaprti stadiona ,in tudi večji bi lahko bil vsaj za 40.000 gledalcev . Zavedamo se pa da se v tesnem finančnem proračunu lahko gradi samo to kar se trenutno gradi. Iz srca želim našim mladim generacijam da se veselijo športnih prireditev in naj športno spodujajo naš Winnipeški hokej in fodbal v naši provinci Manitobi. Naše SKD v Mb. bo imelo sestanek članov društva 29. Aprila .Na tem sestanku si bomo izvolili naš nov Odbor ki bo vodil naše društvo od 2012 - 2014 . Rad bi omenil da je za naše društvo zelo pomembno da se nam pridružijo mladi Odborniki. Vi mladi ste bodočnost in za vas z veseljem garamo in se marsičemu odrečemo .Mi smo zelo ponosni na vas , in na vase življenjske uspehe in si želimo da se nam pridružite v delovanju Slovenskega društva. Vsi ki delamo smo doživeli razna razočaranja v Winnipeski Slovenski skupnosti v preteklosti , tudi sam sem doživel marskikaj neprijetnega , ampak danes se rad spomnim tudi dobrih trenutkov in uspehov . Ravno v tem delovanju se lahko naučimo marsičesa kar nam lahko samo pomaga v današnjem življenju. Naše društvo ima še vedno svoje prioritete ki so vidne v delovanju in to je spoštovanje do starejše generacije . Naše spoštovanje do njih je zahvala za vse kar so nas naučili in nam zapustili. Naša domovina Slovenija živi v zelo teških ekonomskih časih , državljani-ke se morajo odreci marsičesa v sedanjih teških ekonomskih časih .Vsak dan je več odrekanj in koncesij to so zelo hudi časi za vse člane EU .Vsak dan beremo od političneih kriz v domovini ki so lahko samo še večji vzrok za sedanje ekonomske težave v domovini .Svet ne bo finančno vlagal v državo ki nima dobrih političnih temeljev in v gospodarstvo ki je polno korupcij in kriz . Nikoli nisem bil politčno opredeljen za nobeno stranko , mislim tudi na našo Kanado , vedno pa strmim da bi delavec naj bil pravično plačan za svoj trud in delo , naj vsak upokojenec dobi pošteno pokojnino in zdravstveno nego, naj mladi rod dobi zaposlitev ko konča študij ali poklic , to je delo politikov in to so bile njihove obljube ob osamosvojitvi 1991 , in sedaj je čas da nova vlada tudi dokaže to zaupanje svojih državljanov in državljank. Med zimskim časom zelo radi načrtujemo prireditve , posebno se veselimo našega Junijskega srečanja ; ki ga radi imenujemo Slovenski dan - Slovenian day .Takrat proslavimo dan Slovenske samostojnosti ,in tudi letos bomo priredili to proslavo 24. Junija ( v domovini se praznuje 25. Junija ). Dragi člani in prijatelji naš blagajnik in šef kuhinje Marjan Jakob z svojimi volanterji vas bo tudi letos postregel po naši Slovenski gostoljubnosti z dobrim kosilom. Naš Barje zaupan Marku Maligec ki vas bo z veseljem postregel z dobrimi vini iz Continued from page 2 naše domovine - Renski Risling in Merlot, tudi Slovensko pivo vam bomo postregli z orginalnim imenom Zlatorog , tako da bo resnično Slovenski dan med nami. Dragi rojaki in rojakinje vljudno vas vabimo da se nam pridružite da skupaj proslovimo 21. Obletnico samostojnosti naše domovine Slovenije . Naša gostoljubnost je znana in naš pod Predsednik Mike Dovidija bo vodil ves program , naš Odbornik Marjan Znidarič vas bo razveselil z našo Slovensko glasbo s katero vam bo polepšal to Nedeljo . Vsi bi bili veseli srečanja z vami. Na koncu skromno omenjam da bo tudi naše Slovensko kanadsko društvo v Manitobi, praznovalo 10 Obletnico svoje registracije v naši provinci Manitobi ( 25. Februar 2002 ) vsem našim volanterjem se zahvaljujemo za njihovo požrtvovalno delo v desetih letih , tako da bo ta dan , dan zahvale vsem našim volanterjem .Naše društvo vas vse Slovence in Slovenke in naše prijatelje v Winnipegu vljudno vabi in bi bili veseli vašega obiska , vljudno vabljeni. Slovenian Wine I would like to inform all Slovenian organizations & friends in Canada, that we have in Manitoba Liquor stores ( Manitoba Liquor control commission) available two Slovenian wines ; Capris Merlot from Vina Koper ,is excellent red wine stock # 3119 in MICC stores price is $ 14.68 Jeruzalem - Ormož - Renski Risling is very good white wine stock # 3231 in MLCC stores $9.98 If some of organizations or individual would like to have this fine Slovenian product please let me know, I would be happy to assist you to have this great product at your functions . Slovenian Canadian Association of Manitoba Email : bmaligec@shaw.ca Cell # ( 204 ) 227 4943 Made In Slovenia Apeliram na vse Vas Slovence in Slovenke v Winnipegu kakor tudi na vse rojake in rojakinje v Kanadi, apeliram na vsa Slovenska društva in organizacije v sami Kanadi in tudi po svetu v skupni projekt ; kupujmo Slovenske produkte Made in Slovenija v Kanadi .Pomagajmo naši domovini Sloveniji ki se sedaj nahaja v teških ekonomskih časih . Vsi vemo da je bil začetek ekonomskih težav najprej v Grčiji in sedaj se širi po vseh članicah EU in po celi Evropi. Mi izseljenci bi se morali združiti na skupni projekt ki bi naj bil : "Kupujmo produkte Made in Slovenia " v Kanadi .To bi bila čudovita skupna pomoč nas vseh po svetu naši domovini Sloveniji. Mi lahko pomagamo našim rojakom -njim če kupimo produkte "Made in Slovenia " s tem bomo pomagali domovini v izvozu , in posebno svojim rojakom v domovini da si ohranijo ali celo povečajo število zaposlenih v domovini. Mislim da ni pomembno katera oseba v Kanadi ima zaslugo za uvoz Slovenskih produktov ki so na policah v kanadskih trgovinah .Če smo resnično Slovenci v srcu potem bi bilo prav da skupaj promoviramo Slovenske izdelke za dobro naše domovine , katera iz leta v leto finančno podpira razna Slovenska društva in organizacije v Kanadi in po svetu .Tudi ure Slovenskih Radijskih oddaj po Kanadi so deležne finančne pomoči iz Slovenije ,kako lepo bi bilo če bi se vse Radijske postaje organizirano zdruzeno tudi reklamirale Made in Slovenija . Apeliram na vse vas v Winnipegu in po Kanadi da se oddolžimo domovini v akciji kupimo izdelke " Made in Slovenia ". Bilo bi lepo če bi vsaka Slovenska družina v Kanadi in po svetu kupila izdelke ki jih imajo na voljo v njihovih mestih kjer živijo . Naša domovina Vas rojakinje in rojakov ni pozabila in mislim da je sedaj naša moralna dolžnost posebnno nas voditeljev vseh Slovenkih društev v Kanadi in po svetu.da informiramo naše člane in prijatelje da se lahko združimo v skupno akcijo in promoviramo "Made in Slovenia ". Naše SKD v Mb to dela že veliko let brez predsodkov kdo je uvozil produkt v Kanado . Osebno sem pomagal dvem vinskim kletem za uvoz dobrih Slovenskih vin ki so sedaj v Manitoba MLCC na policah , jaz za to nisem plačan ampak iz srca rad pomagam domovini. Tudi Radensko mineralnao vodo lahko dobite v trgovini " Karpaty meats & deli " naša Radenska mineralna voda je čudovita , osvežujoča , polna zdravilnih vitamoinov in jo lahko dobite v 1,5L količini .Drage rojakinje in rojaki če imate Vi Vaš predlog ali željo kako bi lahko pomagali naši domovini v sedanjih teških ekonomskih časih Vas vabim da pošljete Vaš komentar na naš Email nalsov : bmaligec@shaw. ca , želim Vam vsem da si vzamete čas za uživanje v spomladanski naravi ki bo kmalu polna čudovitih barvnih lepot. Sprejmite Slovenski pozdrav od Odbornikov SKD v Mb. NEWS FROM SLOVENIA EUROPEAN UNION Fines for the violation of public finance commitments can range up to 0.5 percent of GDP Representatives of the European Commission visited Slovenia recently to assess the macroeconomic outlooks and the progress made by the Slovenian government in the planning and implementation of measures for the reduction of the budget deficit below three percent of GDR They visited the Institute of Macroeconomic Development and Analysis as well as Banka Slovenije. The forecast must be submitted by 26 April and published by 11 May, at the same time as the spring forecast. If the European Commission determines that the austerity measures are insufficient and discrepancies with social partners too big, Slovenia might have to face a fine. Campaign for 280,000 practical trainings The European Commission yesterday launched a campaign for more practical trainings in companies in order to improve the qualifications of young people and facilitate their transition from school to good first employment. Financial support for 280,000 practical trainings will be available within the framework of the programs Leonardo da Vinci and Erasmus. Brussels about new jobs in the Ell today The European Commission will today unveil the employment package, which presents employment possibilities in the green economy, health care and the ICT sector, as well as ways for using the European funds for investments into human capital. Brussels stresses that the current crisis confirmed the education and geographical discrepancies between demand and supply on European labour markets; therefore, the EU also wants to increase labour mobility in the EU. EUROPE Unstable axis in the midst of Europe in crisis Although the calm on the European continent was only of short duration and ended with the growing problems in Spain, the European crisis management is more or less at a standstill. One of the reasons is the waiting for the outcome of presidential elections, which could start a new dynamism on the old continent. The two largest French political camps are sending out messages on a different European politics to be applied by Paris. French President Nicolas Sarkozy recently again raised a debate on the role of the EBC. He stressed there shouldn't be any taboos and supported the widening of the ECB's mandate. If Sarkozy insists on this position after his re-election, new disputes with Germany would be inevitable. Intensification of interethnic tensions in Macedonia Macedonian Minister of Home Affairs Gordana Janku-lovska stated that the murder of five people was organized, but the victims were random. She announced that the police will present concrete information in a couple of days. Several hundred people gathered in Skopje at a protest rally. Mostly young people shouted nationalist and anti-Albanian paroles. The majority of Macedonians believe that the murders of five men had an ethnical background. SLOVENIAN NEWS OF EUROPEAN INTEREST IMF with a warning, OECD with praise The IMF stated in its report on Slovenia that the strengthening of the finance sector must be a priority task for the Slovenian authorities. The institution established that the international crisis had a huge impact on Slovenian financial institutions and the abilities of Slovenian banks fell. OECD recorded improvement in Slovenia in the area of development cooperation. OTHER Reconciliation It seems that people employed in the public sector want to protest mainly because government's saving scheme is giving the wrong symbolic messages - they do not want to be treated as country's parasites. Why would we keep saving the banks no matter the price but not structurally protest health care, education and social security as civilizational acquisitions? One such example is the symbolic message of not abolishing the Study Centre for National Reconciliation headed by the spouse of Milan Zver (MEP/EPP/SDS). Does Janković's parly owe to Arih? The report of Positive Slovenia for the Court of Audit on campaign before the last year's extraordinary elections says that the company Arih allowed the delay of the payment of 126,515 euros. The agency told us yesterday that the accounts of PS are still being paid off - Janković's party already paid the costs of the campaign but then borrowed additional amount of money it is now returning. The situation is different than when the presidential candidate Lojze Peterle (MEP/ EPP/NSi) owed 160,000 euros. Urgent matters have become daily routine in the Parliament The National Assembly in the first one hundred days after its constitution adopted 12 amending laws. As many as 11 were adopted under an urgent procedure at the request of the government and were approved by the majority in the collegium of parlia- merit's chairman Gregor Virant. They began with the Law on Intervention on 22 December last year and finished two weeks ago with the urgent consideration on amending the Personal Income Tax Act and Corporate Income Tax Act. The current coalition had been the initiator of most extraordinary meetings in Pahor's coalition - at the request of the SDS, the parliament had to, for example, address political responsibility of Ivo Vajgl (MEP/ALDE/Zares) when he mentioned the "erased" on his visit to Belgrade. CROWN FOR KRANJEC Slovenian ski jumping witnessed a rarely seen comeback this year, culminating in Robert Kranjec's gold medal and the team's bronze medal at the ski flying championship in Vikersund, Norway After years of struggling and mediocre results, the team virtually exploded this year. One man has always been there - Robert Kranjec. Being a part of the team that won a bronze medal at the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic Games and also the team that could not find its way out from the doldrums, he has been from heaven to hell and back. It seems everything changed with the arrival of a new coach, Goran Janus. Kranjec, 30, has been regularly finishing in the top 10 in the World Cup and fireworks were anticipated ahead of the ski flying championship. "I would have been happy with a bronze, too, but being the champion is something special, something that every athlete dreams about. I hope I am not dreaming. I hope that someone will not wake me up, saying, 'Come on, let's go, the event will start soon'", said Kranjec immediately after the competition. With a jump of 21 7.5 metres, he was third after the first round. His second jump of 244 metres (a new Slovenian record, just 2.5 metres shy of the world record) secured him gold after second placed Austrian, Martin Koch, fell on landing and Rune Velta of Norway was simply not good enough to beat Kranjec. Interestingly, he also became the oldest ski flying champion at 30 years, 224 days. To make things even better, Slovenia won a bronze medal at the team competition the next day, behind Austria and Germany and comfortably ahead of Norway. In addition to Kranjec, the team included Jurij Tepeš, Jernej Damjan and Jure Šinkovec. The team showed great team spirit when they displayed a 'Get well soon. Pero1 sign on television, to wish all the best to Peter Prevc, who was on par with Kranjec until his injury in Obersdorf when he fell on landing. Ski jumping mania in Slovenia is great news for the World Cup finals to be held in Slovenia, at Planica, from 16-18 March. It has traditionally been the best attended sporting event in Slovenia, attracting tens of thousands of people. Nobody dares to predict what will happen this year. Probably, never in its history, has Slovenia had so many competitive jumpers aiming for the very top. It seems that 2012 could finally see the first Slovenian victory at Planica. Whatever happens, it will be a true celebration of ski flying and a chance for the fans to see the World Champion and the bronze team at work. Announcements SLOVENIAN CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA WILL HAVE GENERAL MEETING FOR OUR MEMBERS ON APRIL 29.2012 STARTING: 1:00 PM PLACE: 768 MOUNTAIN AVENUE (CORNER OF MOUNTAIN & ARLINGTON) FOLLOWING REGULAR BUSINESS WE WILL HAVE ELECTIONS FOR NEW BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR; 2012 -2014 PLEASE JOIN US TO PLAN OUR FUTURE TOGETHER. SLOVENIAN CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA WILL HOST SLOVENIAN DAY EVENT, ON JUNE 24.2012 TO CELEBRATE 2 Ist ANNIVERSARY OF INDEPENDENCE AS SOVEREIGN STATE, ALSO WE WILL CELEBRATE 10™ ANNIVERSARY OF OUR SLOVENIAN CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA (REGISTERED IN THIS PROVINCE ON FEBRUARY 25.2002) OUR ASSOCIATION WILL THANK OUR VOLUNTEERS FOR THERE DEDICATED WORK TO KEEP OUR ASSOCIATION EVENTS AS PLAN. ALL SLOVENIAN IN WINNIPEG AND OUR CANADIAN FRIENDS ARE WELCOME, TICKETS ARE ONLY $ 5.00, LUNCH WILL BE SERVE WITH SLOVENIAN REFRESHMENTS, SIOVENIAN WINE RENSKI RISLING & MERLOT, ALSO SIOVENIAN BEER ZLATOROG. PLEASE JOIN US FOR TICKETS PLEASE CALL: 632 5699 OR 2274943. Maribor 2012 has the potential to emerge as a recognizable European Capital of Culture The idea of the European Capital of Culture (ECC) has undergone three different conceptual outlines in its nigh-on three decades of existence and development. Melina Mercouri, after whom the prize is still named, and the direct financial help of the project by the European Union, originally promoted the idea of a Europe that is inextricably linked to culture. The ECC was therefore initially a celebration of European optimism, which was markedly enhanced by the fall of the Berlin Wall on the one hand, and by cutting-edge art on the other. Even after the year 2000, the basic message remains the same: European spiritual heritage is still extremely important, especially in order to encourage a more tolerant society. The importance of cutting-edge art as the essence of the European spirit is also not diminished. Despite all this, the ECC project has gained additional dimensions in the new millennium. Creativity in the broader sense of the word has now come to the fore, and the participation of the Capital of Culture's inhabitants in the ECC's programmes is becoming increasingly important. The project is thus morphing from being predominantly festive to something more engaged, built around sustainable annual events. Nowadays, the centres of attention are not merely European metropolises with all their infrastructure and glamour, but instead smaller cities are becoming the key locations - industrial locations that need fresh impetus to help build new identities. This period of social and financial crisis probably represents a third phase in the development of the project, a period that features all the key parameters of its former phase even more dramatically. The ECC's attempt to revive the social environment through creativity is an opportunity in the midst of a state of general numbness and mistrust. The concept of a city has been changing throughout European history, but we have always connected it to the spiritual and not just the pragmatic dimension of human existence. Today, the majority of European cities face the danger of becoming non-localities -places bereft of identity. The ECC project presents an opportunity to restore and maintain this shared identity. These endeavours are crucial, as only the revitalisation of the city as an organism of diverse functions can bring economic growth. In boom times, we relied on the benefits derived from tourism and other service industries; we were blithe with expected jobs, new investments, and the like. Even today, these are all very important aspects of the ECC. However, we should be aware that, in order to carry out all these endeavours, we must first take care of the spiritual revival of the city and not the other way around. A city is representative of its society - a metaphor for the broader situation. Maribor is experiencing a crisis of intense proportions; for the second time in twenty years its economy is on its knees, social pressures are increasing, and people with vision are scarce. Maribor is a city with an extremely high level of emigration in European terms. This city on the Drava River is accustomed to crises and changes to its identity; it has always been confronted with ethnic, cultural and social struggles. The ECC project can get the blood running through the city's veins once again. It can regain its self-esteem, but also a new identity in the eyes of others. The ECC Maribor 2012 programme includes 412 projects and many more other events and processes. It focuses on four programme pillars. Terminal 12 provides cutting-edge art, with a special emphasis on new approaches, but also local creativity. The Keys to the City establishes a dialogue between the city and the arts; the city's identity is expanding, as well as the search for new forms of creative existence through different events. The Urban Creases operate on the fringes of society - through research by activists on social and ecological topics, they not only highlight the importance of coexistence, but they also try to emphasize the ways towards a creative and tolerant society by providing effective practical examples. Living Touch is a multimedia venue for reflection, from the events of the ECC through the city and the region to the wider European context. Besides the four programme sets, we also decided on three programme entities we want to take a special role in the structure of the ECC. Among the international activities underway, this mainly includes cultural embassies, which will focus on different cultures in association with several European and non-European countries. The University of Maribor also has a special importance for the city, the region and the ECC, and represents its significant development potential. We also would like to pay special attention to volunteering and people with special needs. The ECC must be an opportunity for everyone. Maribor 2012 has the potential to emerge as a recognizable European Capital of Culture. It has the opportunity to become a new model to follow in these times of crisis, even though we have drawn on the experience gained from other European capitals of culture, especially those just before Maribor. Enforcing high standards and ambitions, as well as addressing the whole society through creativity. The web of ECC cities - besides Maribor as the holder, also include Ptuj, Novo Mesto, Slovenj Gradec, Murska Sobota and Velenje -by consolidating a number of common and networking projects, we can set something in motion. My Little Red Mittens Elizabeth Dovidija-Budney About the Book This book is about a little girl who was given very special mittens by her Grandmother. In this rhyme book, she expresses her exciting day, with her new red mittens. Children associates rhymes to memory. This is a fun and useful book that helps children develope those skills. About the Author Elizabeth Dovidija-Budney was born October 15,1965 in Winnipeg Manitoba. Her parents, Viljem and Anna Dovidija, immigrated from Europe. Elizabeth was named after her Grandmother from her father's side. She has worked in the healthcare field for most of her life. She enjoys speaking with the elderly generation. She has a love for animals, since she was very young. She enjoys family time with her husband and two sons. She enjoys swimming and bike riding. In Elementary School, she began writing poems, and shortly there after, wrote poems again in her early 20 s, for her husband to be. When her boys were young, she noticed they enjoyed rhyme books, so this inspired her to publish her first children's book. AuthorHouse - September 2011 - 32 pages You can order ISBN: 8.5x11 Color (978-1-4634-3735-0) My Little Red Mittens directly from the publisher at www.authorhouse.com. Suggested Retail Price: Typical Ordering Time: 7-10 Business Days $16.39 - 8.5x11 Color This book is also available at your local retailer. © 2011 Author Solutions, Inc. authornousE™ WREB Medallion Club 1981, 1982,1989,1984, 1988,1989, 1990,1993 1997, 1998,1999, 2000, 2001,2002,2003, 2004, r i royal Lepage Prime Real Estate [NDEPENDENTLY ÜWNFD AND OPERAI FD Ivan J. Rasic Salés Representative 1377 Henderson Hwy. 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Serving all Faiths and cemeteries sirce 1957. ■mïT TI i Aààimï 1442 Ffiïrr^frgw WiMTiJ^PMiioUÏI^ J&Ê&ffrr Clark Norman 940 Elgin Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3E 1B4 T. 204.772.5945 F. 772.2622 printing@kwikkopywinnipeg.com www.kwikkopywinnipeg.com Design & Print Centre Rivers Animal Hospital Dr. David Scammell 2539 Main Street Winnipeg, MB R2V 4G4 PH: 204-334-9111 FAX: 204-338-2014 rima Mon, Tues, Thürs 8:00 am - 6:30 pm Wed, Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am -12:00 pm Slovenian Canadian Association of Manitoba Board of Directors for 2010 - 2012 President: Branko Maligec Vice President: Mike Dovidija Treasurer: Marjan Jakob Secretary: Draga Znidaric Directors: Heidi Jakob Marjan Znidaric Tony Klanchar News paper Committee: Branko Maligec Marjan Jakob Heidi Jakob 1*1 KARPATY MEATS & DELI 536 ĐANNERMAN AVE. (at MCGREGOR ST.) WINNIPEG, MANITOBA R2W 0V6 PH. (204) 586-1395 Tuesday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. -4 p.m. Please join Slovenian Canadian Association of Manitoba and let's celebrate together on June 24.2012 Slovenian day & 10th Anniversary !! Tickets line 632 5699.