Acta Chim. Slov. 2006, 53, 257–263 257 Scientific Paper Modeling Simple Alcohols in Two Dimensions† Barbara Hribar-Lee1*, and Ken A. Dill2 1Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, Aškerčeva 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. E-mail: barbara. 2Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of California, San Francisco, California 94143-2240. Received 08-05-2006 Dedicated to the memory of Prof. Dr. Davorin Dolar Abstract The alcohol-water mixtures were studied within a two-dimensional model. The MB model was used for modeling water and alcohol molecules were modeled as non-flexible chains consisting of two-dimensional Lennard-Jones disks with the first disk having two hydrogen-bonding arms. The model was explored using NPT Monte Carlo computer simulation. The results were compared with the experimental thermodynamic properties of methanol/water mixtures. The qualitative agreement was obtained for the excess volume of mixing, but due to the surface/volume effects not properly captured by two dimensional models, the excess enthalpy of mixing cannot be represented correctly by this model. Further, we studied the transfer of a single alcohol molecule into water, focusing on the trends exhibited by the methanol, ethanol, propanol, n-butanol series. While small alcohol molecules show the correct trend the flexibility of the alcohol molecules should be taken into account to improve the agreement for higher alcohols. Key words: MB model, alcohol/water mixtures, thermodynamics, Monte Carlo 1. Introduction The alcohols constitute the most thoroughly studied groups of the so-called mixed solute class. Such solutes contain groups that can hydrogen-bond with the water and so hold the solvent in the solution. At the same time they also contain a non-polar group which, by virtue of their large negative entropy of hydration, forces the solute out of the solution. The thermodynamic properties which characterize water-alcohol mixtures therefore exhibit a very specific behavior.1 At low temperatures (< 283 K) and concentrations negative deviations from Raoult’s law are observed, but at higher temperatures the mixtures show positive deviations.1 The excess heats of mixing, ?HE, show a complex dependence on concentration.2 AcPE is large and positive3, indicating the solute induced changes in the intermolecular structure of water. The excess volumes of mixing, ?VE, are negative, and the ?VE(x2) curve has as inflection corresponding to a minimum in AV2 (x2).4 These characteristics indicate that there are three concentration regions of interest in dilute alcohol solutions. The prevailing interpretation of the thermodynamic data is the following.1 The minimum which is observed in the AV2(x2) curves could be considered as being the point at which solute-induced reinforcement of solvent sheaths begins to be replaced by interference between solvent sheaths, since there is no longer sufficient solvent to support the full structuring ability of the solute molecules. The positive slopes which are observed beyond the characteristic minimum are taken to be indicative of structure breaking. At a higher concentration which corresponds to the minimum in ?HE, many of the physical properties give indication of a lower critical solution temperature.1 This was further confirmed by recent neutron diffraction experiment suggesting incomplete mixing in the 7:3 molar ratio methanol-water solutions.5 The properties described so far, unless stated differently, were investigated at room temperature. As the temperature increases, the range of concentrations for which ?HE is negative, shrinks and almost disappears at 88 °C.6 The effect could be the consequence of the temperature dependence of hydrophobicity. As stated previously, the regions of exothermic mixing is largely due to the enhancement of water-water interactions produced by the structural influence of the solute. In the number of studies dealt with the temperature dependence of the thermodynamic of solvation has been found that there exists a temperature, TH, at which the enthalpy of solute transfer is zero. This implies that the insertion of solute and the attendant creation of a Hribar-Lee, and Dill Modeling Simple Alcohols in Two Dimensions 258 Acta Chim. Slov. 2006, 53, 257–263 solvation shell in water lead to better hydrogen bonding. Thus, in cold water, solute insertion induces a shell of good hydrogen bonding. But solute insertion into hot water has the opposite effect: introducing a non-polar solute produces a shell of hydrogen bonds that is worse than in the corresponding bulk water solvent.7-9 In the last decades a number of spectroscopic procedures were developed to obtain more direct information about the interactions in the alcohol-water mixtures.5, 10-18 Based on the IR spectroscopic measurements D’Angelo et al. discuss the possible mechanism of molecular aggregation in the various regions of alcohol concentrations.15 At low concentrations the solutions are essentially monomeric: alcohol molecule forms hydrogen bonds with water molecules and enhances water-water interactions near the non-polar alkyl group. At intermediate concentrations one observes a progressive aggregation of alcohol molecules accompanied by the modification in hydrophobic hydration.15 A detailed examination of methanol solutions at x2=0.7 by Dixit et al. shows that at this concentration the water molecules are mostly found in the cavities formed by the »fluid« of methyl head-groups.5 The local structure of these water clusters was surprisingly close to its counterpart in pure water and bridges neighboring methanol hydroxyl groups through hydrogen bonding. For each water molecule present in the mixture approximately 1 hydrogen bond was found to other water molecule and 1.9 to methanol molecules. The number of hydrogen bonds per methanol molecule was 1.2 to another methanol molecule and 0.8 to a water molecule, which sums up to 2 hydrogen bonds per methanol molecule found in a pure methanol5. Finally, at very large alcohol concentrations water presumably loses its hydrogen bond network completely and it mixes into the solution as a single molecule.10 To interpret the spectroscopic data, computer experiments on the liquids can be most valuable. Therefore, it is of no surprise that the number of computer simulations have been performed on the water-alcohol systems5, 19-31, as also more analytical theories have been applied to them27, 32-34. Very different models for water and alcohol molecules have been used to describe the interactions between the water and alcohol molecules. The simplest one were two-dimensional models23, 25, but the majority of the calculations were performed with more realistic three-dimensional potentials that proved useful in describing the properties of pure liquids. The Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics computer simulations were used to calculate mostly structural, but also some thermodynamic (excess enthalpy19, 23, 26-27, 32, excess volume23,24, 26-27, excess free energy 26, 32, and excess entropy26, 32 for mixtures) and dynamic22, 24, 29, 31 properties of the models. In most cases at least qualitative agreement with the observed experimental thermodynamic properties was obtained. The calculated structural properties generally agree with the conclusions drawn from the spectroscopic data that there is a certain stabilization of hydrated alcohol molecules. However, conclusions on its origin are quite in conflict.21 Some authors find the hydrophilic part of the alcohol molecule to form hydrogen bonds with water and assume that the exothermic heat of solution is due to favorable solute-solvent interactions; the water structure itself is not significantly affected by the present of an alcohol molecule.19, 29, 31 Others found the enhancement of the water-water hydrogen bonding in a clathrate hydrate-like structure of water triggered by the present of an alcohol molecule.20-23, 30 Further, evidence was also found for the self-association (hydrophobic interaction), mostly for larger alcohols, of alcohol molecules with or without one water layer in between.5, 21-22 As cited, in spite of an increasing amount of experimental and theoretical work a consistent description of the water-alcohol mixtures in whole concentration range is still lacking.5 In our work we decided to test the usefulness of a simple two dimensional model to describe the properties of these mixtures. Water molecules were modeled by the so-called MB model that was previously used to study the properties of liquid water and hydrophobic effect.35 The model qualitatively correctly describes the anomalous properties of water, hydrophobic solubility and some properties of electrolyte solutions.3540 The model exhibits the TH, which is at approximately 0.20 reduced temperature.35-36 Also, the distributions in Voronoi volumes and surfaces around a water-sized hydrophobe for the model at temperatures below 0.20 shows the presence of clathrate-like formations [Figs. 9, 10 and Table 1 of ref. 35] that were supposed to be responsible for the AF2 (x2) behavior.1 2. The Model Description and the Simulation The two-dimensional MB model was used to represent water molecules.35-40 Each water molecule is represented as a two-dimensional disk that interacts with other molecules through a Lennard-Jones (LJ) interaction and through an orientational-dependent hydrogen-bonding (HB) interaction. The name »MB« arises because there are three hydrogen-bonding arms, arranged as in the Mercedes Benz logo (Figure 1). The model reproduces qualitatively many properties of pure water, hydrophobic effect, ion effects, and Hofmeister series.40 We decided to test its ability to describe water solutions of simple mixed solutes – alcohols. Hribar-Lee, and Dill Modeling Simple Alcohols in Two Dimensions Acta Chim. Slov. 2006, 53, 257–263 259 Figure 1. The MB model: the water molecules forming a hydrogen bond. In the MB model, the energy of interaction between two waters is35: Uww(X ,X ) = U (r ) + U (X ,X ) (1) i j LJ i) HB i j The notation is the same as in previous papers35-40: Xi denotes a vector representing both the coordinates and the orientation of the ith water molecule, and rij is the distance between the molecular centers of the molecules i and j. The LJ term is: U (r) = Ae LJ n LJ