Communal parking is discouraged, if unavoidable they should be kept of the streets in well lit private, secure areas open to natural surveillance and in small groups, so that occupants can become familiar with the other car owners and notice intruders 4. Conclusion The manual prepared by the Design Group however promotes very closed types of housing estates, for example cul de sacs - groups of [Buildings with only one entrance or exit, only one of the possible urban layouts, thus unnecessarily intervening in the choice of urban layout as well. Security is an important feature of settlements, but understanding of security is also an element of culture, customs and behaviour patterns, differing from country to country and even between places. Whether the number of burglaries into flats and houses, muggings or car theft since the beginning of the campaign decreased, we don'1 know ... Ivan Stanič, architect. Urban planning Institute, Ljubljana Notes ■■ Secured by design is the copyright of the campaign run by the Chief Police Officers Union and Design Group. Granting of a certificate implies concordance given by the Police, that the building is designed according to security standards. The material presented in the article is a selection of measures collected in the „Victim of burglary folder" prepared by the Thames Valley Police. 2 Newman describes the state of environment as defensible, nevertheless the effects of building a housing estate primarily based on individual fears or e.g. collective paranoia can be counterproductive. Defensible certainly doesn't mean the construction of „modern" fortresses, bunkers etc., but implies surveillance of open spaces, correct design of streets, pedestrian paths and cycling routes, adequate positioning of entrances, simple recognition of spaces and above all, recognising ones neighbours. Illustrations: Figure 1: The logo Figure 2: Prospect issued by the Police Design Group Figure 3: The checklist for secure design Figure 4: The basic security points from the checi