83 UDK 377.3(497.4)»1848/1914«:64 1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek Prejeto: 29. 9. 2014 Monika Govekar - Okoliš* Strokovne in gospodinjske šole na Slovenskem med letoma 1848 in 1914 Vocational and domestic science schools in Slovenia between 1848 and 1914 Izvleček V prispevku je prikazan položaj strokovnih šol kot srednjih šol v Avstriji pod vplivom av- strijske šolske politike in zakonodaje. Opisan je razvoj strokovnega šolstva na Slovenskem, iz katerega spoznamo, da sta bili dve vrsti srednjih strokovnih šol. Ene strokovne šole so bile organizirane in pod vodstvom sloven- skih društev, zbornic in združenj in so bile slovenske strokovne šole (obrtne, trgovske, kmetijske, gospodinjske idr), medtem ko so bile strokovne šole, ki so se ustanavljale v sklopu realk (strokovna šola za rokodelce na realki, trgovska šola, risarska šola), in učite- ljišča tiste šole, ki so bile javne, neposredno pod vodstvom Ministrstva za uk in bogočastje na Dunaju. Prikazali smo razvoj strokovnih, gospodinjskih šol za dekleta in ženske na Slovenskem do leta 1914. Glavna naloga teh šol je bila vzgojiti spretne gospodinje, dobre matere in žene. Analizirali smo gospodinjske šole in ugotavljali podobnosti ter razlike med njimi, njihov pomen za izobraževanje deklet in zaposlenih žensk ter kakšna znanja so go- spodinjske šole dajale. Abstract This paper describes the position of pro- fessional schools in Slovene provinces as secondary schools in Austria under the influ- ence of Austrian school policy and legislature. It describes the development of professional school system in Slovenia which shows us that there were two types of secondary profession- al schools. One type of professional schools was organised and led by Slovene companies, chambers and associations and they were Slo- vene professional schools (trade, commercial, agriculture, household, etc). At the same time, professional schools that were founded as a part of general-program secondary schools (professional school for craftsmen in gener- al-program secondary school, commercial school, drawing school) and teacher-training schools were public schools, led by the Min- istry of Education and Science in Vienna. We have demonstrated the development of profes- sional, household schools for girls and women in the Slovenian until 1914 th . The main task of these schools was to train a skilful housewife, good mother and wife. We analysed the house- hold schools and identified similarities and differences between them, their importance for the education of girls and of employed women, and what kind of knowledge are give household schools. * Monika Govekar-Okoliš, doc., dr. pedagoških znanosti, Filozofska fakulteta univerze v Ljubljani, e-pošta: monika.govekar-okolis@guest.arnes.si