Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 60(2014)4, 241-249 © 2014 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved. D0I:10.5545/sv-jme.2013.1348 Original Scientific Paper Received for review: 2013-07-31 Received revised form: 2013-11-15 Accepted for publication: 2013-12-11 Application of Constant Amplitude Dynamic Tests for Life Prediction of Air Springs at Various Control Parameters Tomaž Bešter* - Matija Fajdiga - Marko Nagode University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovenia Air spring manufactures use constant amplitude tests for the quality validation of air springs. The tests are very simple and the only information we get from them is that a spring is adequate if it passes the test and inadequate if it does not. One of the objectives of this article is to use these tests to make life predictions based on the standardised load spectrum. This prediction is made with force as the damage parameter. The second objective is to determine if it is possible to use experimental results obtained at one control parameter, e.g. force, to make life predictions for another control parameter, e.g. stress. With equations it is proved that such transformation is possible. Keywords: vehicle suspension, air spring, load spectrum, dynamic tests, fatigue life 0 INTRODUCTION 1 STANDARD LOAD SPECTRUM Air spring assembly consists of a piston, bellows, a bed plate and a bumper (Fig. 1). Pressure inside the bellows and the piston shape determines air spring characteristics. An air spring can have progressive spring characteristic, which is most suitable for transport vehicles that are loaded with various loads during exploitation [1]. Fig. 1. Air spring Air spring manufacturers have been testing springs with various static and dynamic experiments in order to verify spring quality. Dynamic tests usually have a constant amplitude and require a certain number of load cycles without critical damage on the air spring. If the spring successfully endures the test, critical damage on the spring does not occur and hence test results do not give exact information about fatigue life. In air spring fatigue tests, critical damage usually occurs on air spring bellows. In this article, the possibilities of obtaining SN-curves with modified constant amplitude tests will be examined. To make fatigue life predictions, loads on air springs and appropriate SN-curves must also be determined. For transport vehicles, standard load spectra were determined [2] and [3] which define dynamic wheel force Fz,dyn on transport vehicles. Standard load spectrum has 1.5*108 load cycles, which corresponds to 500000 km driving distance with 300 load cycles per kilometre. Standardised load spectra have three driving modes: straight driving, cornering and braking. Based on wheel force measurements during exploitation, standard load spectrum was determined with the level crossing method. Dynamic force Fz,dyn in standardized load spectra is expressed with dynamic load factor nz which represents ratio between dynamic and static load nz=Fz,dyn/ Fz,sta. Dynamic load factor nz depends on number of load cycles N and driving mode (Table 1, Fig. 2). For arbitrary static load Fz,sta dynamic load Fz,dyn can be determined with following equation: (1) F = n • F z ,dyn z z ,sta' Load ratio: Rf = FL,. (2) where Fmin is minimal force, and Fmax is maximal force. During exploitation this ratio is changing. Load ratio range for all driving modes has been presented in Table 2. When deformations are small and materials have linear characteristic, load ratio is equal to stress ratio: R = R = R = ^ Ri ' FmDRi FmDRi Ri ' FaDRi FaDRi, FmDRi (Ri - 1 ) = -FaDRi{Ri + l), F = — F mDRi raDRi (R +1)= F (1+ R) (r -1) aDRi(i - R y Development of the equivalent amplitude force equation (Eq (11), Fig. 4). Analogue equation is used for equivalent amplitude stress (Eq. (39)). Fa1Ri - amplitude load with load ratio R, Fa1R1 - equivalent amplitude load with load ratio R1 Fm1Ri - medium load with load ratio R, Fm1R1 - equivalent medium load with load ratio R1 F — F M — alRl a\Ri F — F mlRi mlRi F - f = M (F - F ) 1 a1R1 1 a1Ri ly± V m1R1 1 mlRi } ' F - F = M 1 a1R1 1 a1Ri ly± -F (R + 1) (Ri -1) -F F + M ■ F (R' + ^ = F - M ■ F 1 alRl 1 a'R' /n 1 a'Ri 1V1 1 m'Ri ■ (R -1) ( 1 + M (Ri +1) (R -1) = FlRi + M ■ Fa\Ri (Ri+1) (R- -1) r T>i F 1 + M \ (Ri+1) (R- -1) a1R1 ± a1Ri f 1+M (R1 + 1) (Ri -1) 242 Bester, T. - Fajdiga, M. - Nagode, M. 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