ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMEBER 12 DECEMBER, 1968 VOLUME 40 A MERRY CHRISTMAS GIFT . . . New Members In the State President’s Campaign! ZARJA - THE DAWN % Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $3.00 — Naročnina $3.00 letno For social members $2.40 annually. Za družabne članice SŽZ $2.40 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 60608 Second-class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois fficial Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union oj America radno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd„ Chicago, IH. 60608 Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must hr in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. No. 12, Vol. XL DECEMBER, 1968 St. 12, Leto XL FROM THE EDITOR Can you believe that we are in the last month of the historic year of 1968? While reminiscing, let us thank God for having given our leaders the strength of conviction that brought us out of each crisis and has brought us to a more firm belief in the power of prayer. 1968 was also a year for great strides in our Union and in this year we have undertaken programs that will reach into 1969 and beyond. The first that comes to mind is the continuing emphasis placed on youth and the young women of our organization by the various programs of education, sports and homemaking. The seventh printing of the cook- book was authorized and is already for the Christmas market. A new book by our Founder is in the process of completion 'and is also expected for sales this month. These enterprises are intended for the benefit of the scholarship program that annally benefits our young students. It is hoped that the Slovenian Chapel Fund drive will be concluded successfully this month and all plans are being made now for the Blessing and Dedication to be held in the early fall of 1969. At tirat time, members and friends from all over the United States will be able to go to Wash ington, D. C. on special excursions to take part in the festivities. This will be one of the grandest co-operative events for all Slovenian Catholics in America. We will have concluded our 41st year on Dec. 19th, the birthday of S.W.U. The 42nd looks promising and 'a whole new chapter is waiting to be written. With this in mind, may I wish you a happy Christmas and many blessings. Corinne Leskovar S*? ’SSjšf. '<5^'. '5Ss=?'. '5SŠŠ*. Special Christmas Ads in this issue were sent in by our ever-thought-ful and diligent officers, Mary Lenich, (19, Eveleth), Anna Pachak (2, Pueblo), Louise Eppley (73, Warrensville Hgts.), With sincere thanks to them, we urge our readers to patronize all advertisers whenever possible and make them know you read it in Zarja. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN DECEMBER Branch Presidents: December 6—Stella Ciccione, Br. 70, W. Aliquippa, Pa. December 12—Frances Blatnick, Br. 33, Duluth, Minn. December 15—Victoria Volk, Br. 99, Elmhurst, 111. December 17—Fannie Harvatine, Br. 29, N. Braddock, Pa. December 21—Mary Mihelick, Br. 79, Enumcl'aw, Wash. December 31—Frances Vidmar, Br. 83, Crosby, Minn. OUR SECRETARIES’ BIRTHDAYS IN DEC. December 11-Mary Pahula, Br. 34, Soudan, Minn. December 2'2—Mary Meadows, Br. 56, Hibbing, Minn. December 30—Mary Jermene, Br. 85, DePue, 111. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! DATES TO REM EM llEli . . . Dec. 7—BAKE SALE, Br. 42, Maple, Hgts, Ohio Dec. 22—COMMEMORATIVE MASS, Br. 2, Chicago, 111. Dec. 22—COMMEMORATIVE MASS, Br. 26. Pittsburgh, Pa. 10:30 a. m. CHRISTMAS PARTIES CALENDAR Dec. 1—Br. 6, Indianapolis, Ind. Br. 16, So. Chicago, 111., 2 p. m. Br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio, 1:30 p. ni. Br. 46, St. Louis, Mo. 3—Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio Br. 91, Oakmont, Pa. 5—Br. 102, Willard, Wis. 8—Br. 96, Universal, Pa. Dec. 10—Br. 40, Lorain, Ohio, 6 p. m. Dec. 11—Br. 28, Calumet, Mich., 6 p. m. Dec. 12—Br. 16, So. Chicago, 111. Adults Dec. 15—Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis., 2 p. m. Br. 17, West Allis, Wis., 2 p. m. Br. 20, Joliet, 111. 17—Br. 42), Maple Hgts, O. Br. 54, Warren, Ohio, 7:30 p. m. Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. I )ec. Dec. Dec. I >ec. Dec. 22—Br. 2, Chicago, 111. SEASON’S GREETINGS trom EDWARD F. KOMPARE FUNERAL HOME 9858 South Commercial Avenue Chicago 17, Illinois Phones: SO 8-1111 — 8800 'V-* hi O.F.M.: ?Ibe Savior Mill dome mmzw» As we prepare for Christmas we often hear the story of Zachary, the father of St. John the Baptist. It reminds so much of ourselves. He always begged God to grant him a child and God had always refused his request. He had been disappointed by God and yet he continued to pray. He was old now, but a religious man, a priest. Everyday he fulfilled the duties of his priesthood, but he had lost confidence in God. His heart was dead even though his lips still murmured the prayer. And when the angel appeared to him to tell him, on the part of God that he was to. have a son, he told the angel that it was not possible. God had heard Zachary when he uttered his first prayer. But because Zachary’s prayer was not heard in the way that he expected, he had ceased to believe that God would hear him, although he continued his prayer. So it became necessary that an angel should punish him and that he should endure a long and severe penance. And as for us who are praying during this time of preparation for Christmas but, at bottom expecting nothing, only a true conversion, only sincere penance, can dispose us to receive the Gilt which God has promised us. God has ever-surprised and disconcerted men because he has answered their prayers in a manner quite the opposite of what they expected. But when God came to save the world it was then that He caused the greatest surprise of all. And God disconcerts us, too. He has been doing it all our lives, working for our salvation by upsetting all our efforts to escape from him, by torpedoing all our ridiculous attempts to do without Him. The perpetual antagonism between what God wills and what we will has opened a chasm between us which we must go back and fill in. We shall have to travel back all the road that we have travelled in refusing His will and in doing our own. While we pout and grumble over our fancied hurts, God has promised to send, even to us, an Infant, a frail little Messenger of a great love. But beware. We still have in our hearts all the indifference, all the self- interest, all the stubborness and all ill-will which may one day refuse, reject and crucify that Infant. If we desire to prepare ourselves to receive Him, if we wish to be among those who will not find Him impossible and insupportable, we must not forget what we are and get down on our knees, strike our breasts, and say: “Father forgive me, for I have sinned . . . And it is on this condition, this condition alone, that on Christmas, in security, in hope, in love, and in great joy, our Infant Savior will come to us. Only the change of heart will bring this all. A Blessed Christmas to you all\ IWaslt Boste IDete Pri vsem uživanju, ki ga svet nudi človeku, se človek ne počuti dobro. Vedno znova išče novih poti in načinov osrečiti samega sebe. Božič je edini dan v letu, kjer se zdi, da se je človek znašel in pomiril. Kako tudi ne. Tu je našel česar je njegova duša pogrešala. V tem je vsa skrivnost božične noči. Rojstvo božjega otroka je dar neskočne božje ljubezni do človeka in božjega usmiljenja. Ta božji dotik človeka občutijo celo tisti, ki so daleč stran od vere. Ne morejo mimo tako pomembnega dogodka v zgodovini človeštva. Kako jim je dana priložnost, da se zopet znajdejo, da nasitijo svojo duhovno lakoto in ugasijo svojo duhovno žejo. “Kakor jelen hrepeni po mrzli studenčnici, tako moja duša hrepeni po Gospodu,” pravi psalmist. Boleče hrepenje v duši človeka lahko nasiti samo Bog. Cerkev praznuje božič kot skrivnost Kristusovega u-človečenja. Sprava padlega človeštva z razžaljenim Bogom se je mogla izvršiti le po bitju, ki je v eni osebi Bog in človek. “Bog je svet tako ljubil, da je dal svojega edinorojenega sina. Bog postane človek. Neviden Bog je viden v človeški podobi in živi svoje zemeljsko življenje kot “tesar iz Nazareta.” Odrešenje človeštva in zveličanje človeških duš, je osrednji namen učlovečenega božjega sina. Bog ni človeka ustvaril, da bi ga večno pogubil, ampak “da živi in se zveliča.” Božja dobrota je še vedno vsem na razpolago. Nihče ni isključen. Toda treba ga je iskati s ponižnim in skesanim srcem. Prosite in se vam bo dalo, iščite in boste našli, trkajte in se vam bo odprlo. Kakor nekdaj izvoljeni narod tako moramo tudi mi skozi puščavo očiščenja. Vsaka doba, tudi današnja doživlja svoj čas negotovosti, nepopolnega spoznanja, gledanja, kakor v zrcalu, polnega skušnjav, poniževalnih padcev, telesne in duhovne ogroženosti. Neki filozof je imenoval človeško življenje “negotovost in tveganje” in je s tem zadel v živo. Bog kliče svoje drage na pot polno teme in negotovosti, kakor nekoč sv. Jožefa v njegovih dvomih, toda blagor njim ki kot sv. Jožef, ki se je opiral le na besedo Gospodovo: “Ne boj se,” vstra-jajo veri. To velja za božje ljudstvo v celoti kot za vsakega posameznika. Pri iskanju svoje sreče in notranjega zadovoljstva moramo najti svojo pot nazaj k Bogu. Ni druge poti in ne drugega načina. Ravnajmo se po zgledu dobrih pastirjev, ki so po angelovem oznanilu zvedeli za veliko skrivnost, da je Bog prišel na svet. Angel jim je rekel: “Oznanjam vam veliko veselje, ki bo za vse ljudstvo. Rodil se vam je danes v mestu Davidovem zveličar, ki je Kristus Gospod. In to vam bo znamenje: “Našli boste dete v plenice povito in jasli položeno.” Ta pot je nakazana tudi nam in vodi k Bogu dobrote in usmiljenja. Vesele praznike vsem. SUPREME PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: DECEMBER - ANNIVERSARIES AND CHRISTMAS Congratulations on the 30th Anniversary of Br. 94, Canton, Ohio, organized October 11, 1938 by Jennie Prince! Congratulations to all the winners of the New Era Campaign concluded Oct 31st! Results will be found in this issue under Secretary Albina Novak’s column. State Presidents’ Campaign With activities again started at all the branches, it was decided at the last board meeting in March t'uat the coming campaign for new members will be held in honor of all the State Presidents. It began Nov. 1st and will continue until July 31, 19G9. It is up to all the State Presidents, their branches 'and all members, to get busy and start working. The State Presidents will be in touch with you! The winning state will be remembered with a special cash award of $25 to its president. Bazaar of Oct. 13th in Cleveland The Bazaar, Style Show and Baking Demonstration was a fine success! State President, Mary Bostian had complete charge with a very capable committee of members from all the combined branches. It took a lot of preparation and hard work. Mary Otoničar, Supreme Auditor and secretary of Br. 25, had charge of the baking of doughnuts and the Sunday dinner which was served to 200 guests. Her faithful helpers were all from Br. 25, namely, Dorothy Sternisa, Jennie Femec, Anna Zal-lar, Frances Okorn, Mary Kolegar and Mary Zorenc. Waitresses were members of Branches 50, 32 and 25. Ladies were baking doughnuts all day Saturday and made over COO on Sunday, plus the complete dinners they served. Comment: Best doughnut makers — no holes in the middle! That’s our krofe! There may be some who resent compliments given to others, but I believe that performance should be recognized. Mary Otoničar not only worked two days at the hall but also at her home with the help of her daughterin-law, Mary baked 22 poticas to be sold at the bake stand. Four members of Br. 50 did the demonstrating of strudels, potica and flancate (bow ties). First they dem-monstrated the lemon strudel. While Ann Hočevar and Vi Zak stretched the dough paper thin, I observed the audience — they were watching so carefully and asking questions which were answered by the older ladies who are much more experienced in baking. But, like the old saying, one is never too old to learn. When the dough was stretched to the proper thinness, it was spread with the lemon filling and rolled up, ready to bake. Later the strudels were baked and sold while still warm. The new potica recipe was also demonstrated. (By the way, it is included in the new, revised Woman’s Glory—The Kitchen cookbook that is now on sale.) Frances Nemanich was our chief dough mixer and prepared the filling for both the potica and strudel. Recognition should be given to the three ladies I mentioned above plus Carole Traven who gave two days of their time and work to come to my home and help in making 15 strudels and 23 poticas prior to the Bazaar. Antoinette Celesnik of Br. 50, demonstrated her fiamous recipe for flancate and does she make them beautiful! And, delicious! She kept the audience watching every step, especially the cutting and twisting into bows which is a very easy trick, if you know how! Well, we surely do know now, after her fine explanation and demonstration. All participants who attended the affair received a copy of the three recipes. The Style Show which was arranged by Frances Sietz of Br. 50 and her committee was beautiful. The stage was decorated to provide the right background for the models, composed of members from age of three, to Mrs. Mandel who Is only 83! Prizes were given to the best made styles and workmanship. Commentator for the style show wuis Fran Nemanich and again, she did a marvelous job. Branches who had booths set up, loaded them with beautiful hand-made articles for sale. Branches 10, 25, 32, 41 and 50 and the junior baton twirlers were participants. We even had wooden ware made by Mr. Joe Okorn such as roling pins, spoons, spatulas and even hamburger makers! Penny Social also was held and Stella Dancull, Theresa Skur, Theresa Lah and Mary Comenshek had charge of this project — it was something new and all present enjoyed it. The bakery tables were filled with all kinds of poticas, noodles, cookies, strudels, flancate and doughnuts. Junior baton twirlers made a pretty picture demonstrating their marching and twirling abilities. To all the above ladies and juniors, I wish to express my thanks for a job well done and also for helping to keep our Slovenian Women’s Union in the limlight. We were proud of our organization and to show the rest of the world that we are an active group! 40th Anniversary of Br. 25 On Oct. 2l7th, I attended the 40th Anniversary of Br. 25 in Cleveland, the largest of our Zveza branches. The guest speaker and toastmistress was Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak. She also is the organizer of this branch. Only seven charter members have remained — 50 of them have passed to their eternal reward. During the 40 years, Br. 25 has lost a total of 515 members for which a memorial was held with the Dawn Choral Club singing a solemn song. I observed at that time that everyone had a tear in their eyes. The choral group makes a beautiful appearance in their royal blue robes and Zveza insignia on a gold chain Or round their necks. I am very proud of them. The banquet was delicious and many distingushed guests were present. State President of Pennsylvania, Mary Tomsic, and her family were also present. To Br. 25, good luck and hopes that you will all be here together on the 50th anniversary! Chapel Fund Donations are coming in every day, some small and others large. But, every bit help towards the amount we still need which is $23,000.00. On Nov. 12th, it was a year since the drive actually started and in this short time of one year, $47,000.00 has been collected! On Oct. 30th we received a letter from Rev. Andrew ICrusinski, pastor of St. Joseph’s church in Forest City, Pa. with a check for $400.00 plus his own personal check for $50.00 and another from Frank Milsek for $10.00 making a total of $4G0.00. The parish had sent us $100.00 last December, making a grand total of $500.00 from the parishioners. His letter was signed: “from Father Kru-sinski, an American by birth, a Pole by background, a Slovenian by adoption, I hope!” Father, I hope I will be excused for writing this, but I just could not resist as I really think you must be a priest loved by your parishioners. An anonymous member of Zveza from Cleveland sent a nice donation of $50.00, and Mr. Joe Okorn of Cleveland made Ribniška roba for the Slovenian Women’s Union which was sold and netted $10.00 for the Chapel as his donation. Thanks to all! Brochures have been received and we will be sending them to the secretaries for distribution to the members. Record 77 New Members: DULUTH, MINN,, UU. 33, TUPS IN NEW ERA CAMPAIGN! 58 BRANCHES RESPOND WITH 460 ENROLLEES! HERE ARE THE WINNERS AND GRAND TALLEY OF CAMPAIGN THAT CLOSED OCT. 31 Branch: A B Jr. Total Points 23 1 9, 4 1% 33 15 21 41 77 383,4 16 21 1 1 2 2! 3 3 m i/2 20 10 14 22 46 24.i/2 77 5 1 1 1 1 2 2 11/2 1*4 25 2 17 6 25 191/2 67 1 1 2 l'A 22 2 10 20 32 16 1 — 4 4 50 2 14 3 19 15% 42 2 — — 2 95 —■ 13 1 14 13% 27 — 1 — 1 2 1 9 10 20 12 28 — 1 — 1 14 3 6 9 18 9% 35 — 1 — 1 43 1 6 10 17 9 55 — 1 — 1 3 4 4 11 19 8% 56 — 1 — 1 40 — 8 — 8 8 79 — 1 — 1 12 1 4 13 18 7% 85 — 1 — 1 17 2 4 11 17 7% 88 — 1 — 1 73 3 3 5 11 5% 24 — — 9, o' 3 % 103 3 3 3 9 5>/4 66 — — 3 3 % 100 3 2 4 9 4i/2 106 — — 3 3 % 10 — 4 — 4 4 63 1 — 1 2 % 84 2 3 — 5 4 26 — — 2 2 !/2 92 — 4 — 4 4 65 — — 2 2 1/2 105 — 4 — 4 4 78 — — 2 2 Vl 7 — 3 — 3 4 6 1 1 % 12 — 2 3 5 2% 47 1 ___ 1 Vs 57 — 2 3 5 2% 45 1 1 M 52 68 — 2 2 2 2 4 4 2'/2 2VŽ 54 — — 1 1 V,I 101 2 1 3 2% 90 — — 1 1 V* 81 — 2 — 2 2 93 — — 1 1 Vl 86 102 2 2 1 2 3 2 2 I TOTALS 62 185 213 460 'ss&x-ys*?- -ssm* -ss** "'ss^- '«^r- ON THE COVER . . . Please ask for them at your Dec. meetings. Donations are still needed to help and meet the required amount of $23,000. Please send in your donation now, and make checks payable to the Slovenian Chapel Fund, mail to Frank A. Turek, 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wicltliffe, O. 44092. December is the most important month of the year for the branches. It is the duty of every one of us to contribute our ideas for the progress of the branch. Every member will be warmly received at the meeting — it does not hurt to show your appreciation for a job well done especially to the secretary. Please attend the December meeting! Elections will be held at most branches this month. Since many of the older officers would like to give up their posts, and would love to have the younger members replace them, please cooperate and do your part, large or small. Help out with the duties that are waiting for you. At this time, I wish to thank our Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Claude Okorn, all the Supreme Officers, Branch Officers and members, for their splendid cooperation given throughout the year. Wishes to everyone for a Very Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with health, happiness and God’s blessing. Happy Birthday to all celebrating this month and speedy recovery to the ailing. Toni Turek STATE PRESIDENTS’ MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN When Christmas giving is done, think of your interest in our grand organization and make an effort to bequeath a Christmas gift with special meaning — a new member in the current membership campaign. In honor of the State Presidents of S.W.U., this campaign will pay tribute to their hard work and efforts to achieve progress in their respective states. Your State President will be proud of your diligence and thoughtfulness. They are pictured from the top: ANNA PACHAK, ROSE KRAE-MER, MARY BOSTIAN, MARY TOMSIC, ROSE SCOFF, ELIZABETH ZEFRAN and BARBARA ROSANDICH. It will be the most successful of all campaigns if we give them our fullest cooperation and strive to really work together to increase our membership in each and every branch! Sign up a new member today—and be a part of the STATE PRESIDENTS’ MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN! Prizes will be awarded as follows: Class A, new member, \/2 point and 50«! cash; Class B, new member, 1 point and $1 cash Junior Member, V* point and 25AFELY 5 NEIGHBORHOOD OFI-'ICES 813 East 185th St. 25000 Euclid Ave. 6235 St. Clair Ave. 6135 Wilson Mills 26000 Lake Shore Blvd. *ci g£5B ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT licious and from comments I overheard, everyone was well satisfied. Shortly after the dinner, a program was held. Our well-known Tony Verblclc was Introduced as master of ceremonies by the president of Br. 17, Marion Marolt. Speakers for the day were Rev. Claude Okorn, Zveza’s Spiritual Advisor from St. John the Evangelist church, Honorary President and Founder Marie Prisland who introduced her new book on Slovenian heritage and Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak. Rev. Setnikar addressed us as well. The speaker of the day was Dr. Clemens Zabrowskl of South Bend, Ind., who spoke on education The Hungarian Dancers, the harpist, Anita McKnight and duet presentation by Marion Marolt and Janet Oman were all excellent. The 6 charter members of Br. 17 were presented with gifts, namely, Mrs. Schlosser, Jackie Nimmer, Mrs. Pet-rich, Mrs. Paucek, Miss Imperl and Mrs. Moze. Concluding the program, the members were entertained by three Sheboygan accordianists, Olga Saye, Johanna Zore and Frankie Koroshetz and I’m sure everyone had a grand time. I wish to thank all the members, officers and delegates for attending this event, to the kitchen staff and waitresses and hostesses for their excellent service and our hostess branch, No. 17. Rose Kraemer, State President U ... another page in our history book!” WISCONSIN AT WEST ALLIS The Wisconsin State Convention meeting held at West Allis, Wisconsin, Wis., was shortened due to the change of Mass schedules that day. The meeting room was filled to capacity and among us were Supreme Officers, Honorary President, and Founder, Marie Prisland, Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak and Editor, Corinne Leskovar. The meeting opened with prayer at 9:00 a. m. The delegates read their reports and a very short discussion followed. Branches 1, 12, 17 and 43 were present. Br.102 from Willard sent in their report and an invitation to hold the next state convention there. This was agreed by all present. At 9:50 the meeting adjourned and we marched into the beautiful new St. Marys Help of Christians chruch. The Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Matthew Setnikar who welcomed the S.W.U. members and congratulated the charter members of Br. 17. The choir, under the supervision of Miss Josephine Imperl, the organist, sang beautifully. The Mass ended at 11:00 and we all retired to the hall where from noon to 1 p. m. a cocktail hour was held for all who wanted refreshments. The hall soon filled with guests and after being seated, a tasty dinner was served them. It was beef and all the trimmings — I mean all the trimmings! It was do's^ Moze. In our branch wa have a charter member from Br. No. 12 — Fanny Stroy, who was our recording secretary for over 20 years, and she was also presented with a gift. Our secretary, Marie Floryan gave a short history of our branch activities thru the years and also presented the organizer and charter members with a gift. Congratulations and best wishes are extended to Mrs. Josephine Schlosar, the organizer, charter members and loyal members who with courage, perservance, hard work, and unity surpassed the hard road of experience and brought us our 40th anniversary. May God bless you, Our Lady Supreme, and may you enjoy continued good health and happiness for many more years. Acknowledgment was given to the Dawn Editor, Corinne Leskovar, Mr. Ludwig Leskovar and children, and State President, Rose Kraemer. Those that were interested In the football game were well informed by one of our junior members, who hurriedly went home from the banquet to watch the game and came back at intervals to relay the score. Thank you, Ray! We would like to thank each and everyone who came to celebrate our 40th anniversary. Thank you, Sheboygan Br. No. 1, Br. No. 12 and Br. No. 43. A big thank you to all who donated poticas, strudels, flan-cete, gifts, and money, and to the members who worked so diligently for our affair. Thank you, Miss Josephine Imperl, the organist of St. Marys Help of Christians church and the choir who sang the high Mass. The singing was wonderful and very In-spiriational. We would also like to thank the Supreme Officers, neighboring branches, and fraternal organ- No. 17, West Allis, Wis. Vacation days are now just another page added to our memory book. So once again we resume our lodge and other activities, and hope to see more members again at our meetings. Our 40th anniversary combined with the Wisconsin State Convention was held on Sunday, September 15, 1968 at St. Mary’s Hall. At 9:00 a. m. a short meeting was held with the Founder, Marie Prisland, Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak, and Editor, Corinne Leskovar attending with State President, Rose Kraemer presiding. At 10:00 a. m. a high Mass was celebrated by our Spiritual Advisor, Rev. M. J. Setnicar for S.W.U. intentions. After the Mass we had a short cocktail hour and at 12): 30 p. m. the banquet dinner of prime beef with all the trimmings was served, with some of the traditional Slovene pastries; potica, apple strudel, and flancete (airships). After the banquet, our President Marion Marolt welcomed the guests in English and Slovenian, and turned the program over to Mr. Anton Verbick, a very well-known capable and distinguished toastmaster. Mrs. Alice McKnight, a well known harpist, rendered sever al beautiful selections in accordance with our anniversary. She is a very talented person and the music was enjoyable and a delight to the entire audience. The harpist was brought in thru the generosity of Mrs. Josephine Nimmer. Many thanks, Jackie! Rev. Claude Okorn, Rev. M. J. Setnicar, Founder Marie Prisland, and Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak all gave very interesting speeches. Our guest speaker was Dr. Clemens Ze-browski, a director of elementary education of South Bend, Ind., who gave an inspiring talk on education. His wife, Dianne and daughter, Beth Ellen are members of our branch, and also Dianne is a daughter of our Vice President, Vickie Kastelic. Vickie is the daughter of Mrs. Julia Tael, our Mother of the Year — 19G8. Many thanks to all of our speakers. We also had the pleasure to have the Magyar Dancers — a Hungarian group who gave us their interpretation of a Grape Festival and the Lamp Dance. They are well known thru out the state and they certainly put the audience into a very gay and receptive mood. Marion Marolt and Janet Oman, a-nother daughter of Vickie Kastelic, our V. P. sang several selections In Slovenian and English, Kje so moje rožice, Rožmarin, and Ave Maria, a-nother delight for the audience. Our President, Marion Marolt presented to our organizer and honorary president, Mrs. Josephine Schlosar, a blue and silver trophy, “Lady Supreme.” Miss Nancy Nimmer then presented to her grandmother a bouquet of red carnations from the Br. No. 17 junior group. Marion Marolt then presented to the organizer and 5 charter members each with a beautiful pin. Our charter members are: Mrs. Josephine Schlosar, Jackie Nimmer, Mary Petrich (who Is also a supreme officer of KSKJ), Frances Imperl, Josephine Paucek and Sophie izations for their congratulatory cards and telegrams on our event. To Jackie Nimmer: for the beautiful stage decorations; Fanny Piwoni for the Zveza emblem; Marie Flory-an for all the beautiful red roses—a hearty thank you. So once again, to all who helped in anyway and to those who came, 'all we can say is "THANK YOU” for helping us make our 40th anniversary another page in our memory book. Our annual meeting will take place in the new church lower hall. Use the rear entrance, go downstairs and you will find the room marked for meetings. The meeting will take place on December 15th at 2:00 p.m. with important business matters to decide on for the following year. E-lection of officers and distribution of the Juvenile Christmas gifts. We will also have a $1.00 exchange of Christmas gifts among the members. Cake and coffee will be served after the meeting. Best wishes are extended to our shut-ins. We hope they will be up and about soon. If you know of anyone on the sick list, send them a card or pay a short visit if in the neighborhood, it certainly will cheer up their lonely hours. Mrs. Julia Tael, Mother-of-the-Year, was absent from the banquet due to illness, but we know she was with us in spirit. Our deepest sympathy is extended to the family of Uursula Gole. May she and the souls of the departed rest in peace. Members who have not given a donation to the Slovenian Chapel Fund at Washington, D. C. may do so by contacting the president or secrteary, and they will gladly oblige. Any contributions to this worthwhile cause will be greatly appreciated; and by contributing we show that we as Slovenians are proud of our heritage. To each and all we wish you a very Merry and Blessed Christmas and may the New Year bring you continued good health and happiness. Officers and Committee No. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — Our annual meeting will be held Thursday Dec. 12th at 1 p. m. at the usual place. Do attend, please! During the year, the attendance was rather on the slim side; therefore, make it your duty to come to the December meeting. We have important things to discuss and also election of officers. It will make us all very happy if the younger members show up and take a place in the committee for 1909. We are very anxious to make our meetings and this is possible if you come to the annual meeting and offer your help. Many thanks to Mesdames Pollack, Menart and Vesel for the delicious refreshments they served at the October meeting. We will have lots of goodies at the December 12th meeting, so please be there! To all members who are on the Šftsick list we wish a speedy recovery to good health. May the coming Holiday Season bring each and everyone lots of happiness and good health which is most important! Mary Lenich, Secretary A good example to follow! We are most grateful to Mrs. Mary Lenich of Eveleth, Minnesota who takes time every Holiday Season to approach the merchants and professionals in her community to extend their greetings in our Zarja. We know it takes good will and effort to do this! Thank you, Mrs. Lenich! So many times we wish that our good officers and members would follow her good example in their cities! Many thanks, Mrs. Lenich! 33rd ANNUAL MIDWEST BOWLING TOURNAMENT MARCH 22, 23, 1969 All bowlers, take note and for any further information, contact the Director in your vicinity. Liz Zefran, Secretary Midwest Bowling Association No. 23, DAWN CLUB, Ely, Minn. Now that vacations are over, the time is really going fast. First of all, it is rather late but on behalf of the Ely members, we wish to thank the Slovenian Women’s Union branch of Nashwauk for being the wonderful hostesses they were for the Minnesota Day held there in September. Also, I want to thank the guest, Hermine Dicke for her fine talk and explanation she gave us on the scholarship grants that the Slovenian Women Union gives to students and, last but not least, commentary on the favorite “Pot and Pans” page in the Zarja which we all anxiously read every month. On Oct. 15th, the meeting was held at the church hall. A delicious lunch was served by Vickey Skala, Ann Miklausich, Mary Petritz, Rose Stup-nik and Florence Markovich. Games were played and prizes were awarded. At this meeting plans were made to have a public party, admission 75 Some Christmas dinners will be cooked with this 17 The thirteenth, forth, and nine-teeth letters of the alphabet IS December twenty-fifth 19 This is used to make tar paper ANSWERS spa 81 uuitq <; 9.i3o £ .i«}S 91 It maa A Z ).I!D 91 jm 01 19A 9 .iuoh x NAVOCI SCIHOA\ 61 stjQ ua^ qj g stmnspqo 81 H laa 8 t S (I—W Al 9KL St 9aa i oox z SSOHDV SCIHOM Juan listened intently as the lady told him that she was Mary, the Mother of God. “Go to the bishop,” she said. "Tell him that I wish a church to be built here in my honor.” The Bishop doubted his story and wanted proof that she really was the Blessed Virgin. Early Tuesday morning the Blessed Virgin told Juan to climb to the top of the hill, gather the roses there, and put them in his cloak. Now Juan knew that no flowers ever grew on the rocky hill, but he obeyed. And when he reached the hilltop he found —a garden of lovely roses! He gathered them and carried them back to Our Lady. “Take the roses to the Bishop,” she said. Juan hurried to the Bishop’s house. When he unfolded his cloak, the roses fell to the floor. The Bishop hardly noticed them. For on Juan’s cloak was a beautifull painting of Our Lady! Today the lovely picture of Our Lady painted on the cloak of Juan Diego hangs in the Shrine of Our I^ady of Guadalupe. During our seminary’s Christmas novena of last year, the evening’s homily included this inspirational WORDS DOWN 1 The sound lions make 2 You trim this at Christmas 2 A monster in fairy tales 5 “Peace on earth among good will” (i However 7 Nickname for Elizabeth 9 The capital city of Peru 10 First syllable in General Mac- Arthur’s name 11 Past tense of "is” 13 Belonging to Ed 15 A Christmas present 16 This shone over Bethlehem Christmas Prayer: “Lord, let duty become touched with beauty and justice be absorbed in love. At other times I ask that 1 may do my duty; today I ask for more, that obligations may be changed to opportunities and duty done with joy. At other times I ask that I may walk uprightly; today I pray for the grace to bow myself to the needs of others. “Let my ears hear the cry of the needy, and my heart feel the love of the unlovely. Give my hands strength not to do great things but to do small things graciously. Let me accept. kindness with humility, advice with patience and disappointment with serenity. Heal the wounds of misunderstanding, jealousy or regret that scar my heart. Amen.” Your friend, REGINA CHRISTMAS CARD OR GIFT DECORATION TO MAKE From Highlights Materials: A card or heavy paper about. 5 by 6 inches. A piece of green felt a little smaller. Paper for tree patterns, a package of stars. Fold a piece of paper about 4 by 5 inches and cut one half of a tree shape, as illustrated. Cut many different shapes and choose the best of one for a pattern. Open the pattern and pin to a piece of green felt. Cut around it. Paste the felt tree on a card. Paste the brightly colored stars on the felt tree. Write or print the signature very neatly on the card. FAMiMY KERCH 84 6006 CATALPA AVE ON A CHRISTMAS SHOPPING SPREE??? MAKE IT SIMPLE FOR YOU AND, EXCITING FOR EVERY HOMEMAKER ON YODR CHRISTMAS LIST! GIVE HER A COPY OF THE S.W.U. FAMOUS COOKBOOK WOMAN’S GLORY - THE KITCHEN NEW, REVISED — ON SALE NOW! Send your order witli check or money order in the amount of $3.25 for your postpaid copy to: MRS. ANTONIA TUREK, 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 41092 Your order will receive immediate attention! A GIIT WITH MEANING ALL YEAR!