35. mednarodna konferenca 35th International Conference on o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti Organizational Science Development 16. - 18. MAREC 2016 | PORTOROŽ, SLOVENIJA 16th - 18th MARCH 2016 | PORTOROŽ, SLOVENIA Kongresni center Portus, Hotel Slovenija Congress Centre Portus, Hotel Slovenija TRAJNOSTNA Zbornik povzetkov ORGANIZACIJA 35. mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti SUSTAINABLE Book of Abstracts ORGANIZATION of the 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development Kazalo Contents Uredniški odbor Editorial Committee Recenzijski odbor Reviewers Committee Programski odbor Programme Committee Kolofon | Colophon Organizacijski odbor Organizational Committee Pokrovitelji | Sponsors Izvršni odbor Executive Committee Pomoč | Help Univerza v Mariboru Fakulteta za organizacijske vede University of Maribor Faculty of Organizational Sciences Odbori | Committees Uredniški odbor / Recenzijski odbor / Programski odbor / Editorial Committee Reviewers Committee Programme Committee Petr Doucek Aleš Novak, predsednik / chair Aleš Novak, predsednik / chair Aleš Novak Björn Paape Alenka Baggia Vesna Novak Zvone Balantič Majda Pajnkihar Mojca Bernik Iztok Podbregar Sladjana Barjaktarović Anita Pavković Alenka Brezavšček Uroš Rajkovič Rakočević Andreja Pucihar Eva Jereb Vladislav Rajkovič Mojca Bernik Gerald Reiner Organizacijski odbor / Tomaž Kern Matjaž Roblek Roberto Biloslavo Bojan Rosi Davorin Kofjač Marjan Senegačnik Vlado Dimovski Erich Schwarz Organizational Committee Jure Kovač Andrej Škraba Petr Doucek Brigita Skela Savič Urša Bižič Maruša Miklavčič Gregor Lenart Brane Šmitek Marko Ferjan Janez Stare Petra Gorjanc Aleš Novak Robert Leskovar Polona Šprajc Miro Gradišar Thomas Steger Gregor Lenart Borut Slabe Damjan Maletič Benjamin Urh Eva Jereb Radovan Stojanović Tilen Markun Matjaž Maletič Marko Urh Tomaž Kern Vjeran Strahonja Miha Marič Goran Vukovič Mirjana Kljajić Petra Šparl Gozdana Miglič Borut Werber Borštnar Ralf Terlutter Aleš Novak Robert Leskovar Daniel Tomić Izvršni odbor / Jürgen Mühlbacher Hans Dieter Žan Jan Oplotnik Zimmermann Executive Committee Björn Paape Aleš Novak, predsednik / chair Alenka Baggia Matjaž Maletič Petra Gorjanc Uroš Rajkovič Davorin Kofjač Marko Urh Kazalo | Contents Marko Agrež, Tomaž Kern, Nemanja Backović, Bojan Ilič, Maruša Bergel, Mirjana Kljajić Drago Vuk Vesna Milićević Borštnar Uporaba sistemov za uplinjanje The Importance of Wind Energy Interaktivno gradivo za utrjevanje znanja odpadkov kot energijskih akumulatorjev Economic Efficiency for Sustainable pri matematiki v 7., 8. in 9. razredu za izvajanje regulacije moči in frekvence v Development Interactive Material for Revising the proizvodnji električne energije Knowledge of Math in the 7th, 8th and Usage of Waste Gasification System 9th Grade Solutions as an Energy Storage Zvone Balantič, Branka Balantič Technology for Execution of Power and Integracija fiziologije starejših zaposlenih Frequency Regulation in Electro Power v strategijo Evrope 2020 Mojca Bernik, Urška Mrak Production Older Employees Physiology Integration Uvajanje zaposlenih v podjetju Marmor into “Europe 2020 in a Nutshell” Hotavlje, d.o.o. New Employee Orientation in the Rajko Antlej, Mirjana Kljajić Company Marmor Hotavlje, d.o.o. Borštnar Tanja Balažic Peček Razvoj protokola za izvedbo študije Naravni modeli mišljenja kot izziv človeka primera za analizo uspešnosti pri etičnih konceptih v organizaciji Tatjana Borojević, Nataša informacijskega sistema Natural Models of Mind as a Challenge of Petrović, Drago Vuk, Marjan Development of a Case Study Protocol a Person at Ethical Concepts in an Senegačnik for Information System Success Analysis Organisations Youth and Sustainability Pedja Ašanin Gole, Anita Maček, Manuel Benazić Desimir Bošković, Ana Težak- Tina Vukasović Business Cycle Synchronization between Damjanić, Tatjana Zanini Gavranić Strateško komuniciranje in trženje države Slovenia and the Euro Area: the Markov TripAdvisor in Organising a Vacation: kot lokacije za neposredne tuje investicije Switching Regression Model Approach Tourists’ Characteristics and Types of Strategic Communication and Marketing Information of the Country as a Location for Foreign Direct Investment Kazalo | Contents Tomaž Božič, Davorin Kofjač Bojan Cestnik, Alenka Kern Kristina Feldvari Razvoj odločitvenega modela za izbiro Uspešnost uporabe spletnih storitev From Organizational (Sub)cultures and biometričnega sistema za identifikacijo in e-uprave: študija primera na Collaborative Information Behaviour verifikacijo z nevronskimi mrežami stanovanjskem področju Research to the Implications for Development of Decision Support Model Usability of E-Government Web Services: Information System Design for Selecting Biometric System for a Case Study in Public Housing Identification and Verification with Neural Networks Rock Finale Nevenka Colja, Eva Jereb Odnos do okolja in likovna umetnost v Dejavniki napredovanja zaposlenih v četrtem razredu osnovne šole Marina Brbaklić Tepavac, osnovni šoli Environnmental Awarness and Visual Jovanka Vukmirović, Aleksandra Career Progression Factors in Art in Fourth Grade of Primary School Vukmirović Elementary Schools Use of Social Media Marketing by Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Tina Fröhlich, Barbara Močan, Republic of Serbia Goran Čelesnik, Igor Vrečko, Jure Goran Vukovič Kovač, Damijan Mumel Profesionalizacija plesa v Sloveniji: Izhodišče modela kriznega agilnega študija primera Marko Breskvar, Vesna Prijatelj, projektnega managementa pri Professionalization of Dance in Slovenia: Marjeta Maček Kvanka razreševanju poslovnih kriz podjetij Case Study TeleTransfuzija v slovenskem zdravstvu Agile Crisis Project Management Model TeleTransfusion in Slovenian Health Care Baseline in Resolving Companies Business Crisis Milan Čoh, Milan Žvan Identifikacija talentov v športu Indetification Talents in Sport Kazalo | Contents Renata Gabršek Matej Grašič, Andrej Škraba, Aleksandra Jagarinec, Gozdana Spremembe Zakona o gospodarskih Davorin Kofjač Miglič družbah (ZGD-1I) in njegov vpliv na Simulacijski model za potrebe odločanja Stres pri delu učiteljev razrednega pouka Slovenske računovodske standarde (SRS pri spremembi plačnega sistema Work Stress of a Primary School Teacher 2016) Simulation Model for Decision Making at Changes of the Companies Act (ZGD-1I) Wage Payment System and Its Impact on the Slovenian Eva Jereb, Marko Urh Accounting Standards (SRS 2016) Množični odprti spletni tečaji kot Sašo Greblo možnost izobraževanja Izboljšanje testiranja programske Massive Open Online Courses as Tina Gogova, Uroš Rajkovič, Saša opreme - študija primera Educational Opportunity Kadivec, Marko Novaković Improving Software Testing - Case Study Spremljanje prekomerno težkih na daljavo Gašper Jordan, Gozdana Miglič, Telemonitoring Overweight Patients Yves Hertig, Stephanie Teufel Rok Pintar Prosumer Involvement in Smart Grids: Organizacijsko vzdušje pred the Relevance of Energy Prosumer reorganizacijo v območni enoti Zavoda Luka Gorup Behaviour za zdravstveno varstvo Organizacija zdravstvenega sistema Organizational Climate before Republike Slovenije na različnih ravneh Reorganization in Regional Unit of Organization of Health Care in Republic Miha Indihar the Institute of Public Health of Slovenia at Different Levels Pomen gibanja za mladostnike; akcija 1000 km Meaning Movements for Youth; Campaign 1000 km Kazalo | Contents Sedina Kalender Smajlović, Sanela Natalija Klemenčič, Damijan Kozina, Andrej Škraba Pivač Beno Klemenčič Razvoj modela sistemske dinamike Kazalniki kakovosti na področju Primerjava nakupnega vedenja mladih investiranja in donosnosti kapitala v kliničnega mentorstva na Fakulteti za pri izbiri oblačil med letoma 2011 in 2015 organizaciji zdravstvo Jesenice Comparison of Shopping Behaviour of Development of System Dynamics Quality Indicators of Clinical Mentoring Young People when Choosing Clothes Model of Investments and Capital at the Faculty of Health Care Jesenice between 2011 and 2015 Growth in Organizations Primož Kastelic, Mirjana Kljajić Dražen Kostelac, Ivan Marović, Andreja Krajnc Borštnar, Robert Leskovar Nikša Jajac Analiza obremenjenosti kadra v Razvoj obremenitvenih testov Strategy Management Control Through patronažnem zdravstvenem varstvu v programske rešitve z odprtokodnim the Balanced Scorecard Model Sloveniji orodjem JMeter Analysis of Workload of Personnel in Load Testing Development for a Community Nursing Care in Slovenia Programming Solution with JMeter Mojca Kostelec Cvitkovič Opensource Tool iTools – ko učbenik postane e-učbenik iTools – From Textbook to E-Textbook Nataša Krajnc Zakrajšek, Eva Jereb Karmen Kern Pipan, Mirko Stopar, Analiza praktičnega usposabljanja z Mateja Arko Košec, Mojca Mirjana Kovačić, Donald Schiozzi, delom na Srednji zdravstveni šoli Celje Gregorič Astrid Zekić Analysis of Practical Training and Work at Izzivi in perspektiva javne uprave v luči The Experiences and Dilemmas in the Secondary School for Nurses in Celje politike napredka in kakovosti Implementing the Marine Spatial Challenges and Perspectives of Public Planning in Integrated Coastal Zone Administration in the Light of Policy of Management Progress and Quality Kazalo | Contents Aleš Krapež Brigita Leban, Štefan Bojnec Branko Lobnikar, Staš Golmajer Dejavniki odpora pri uvajanju sprememb Vpliv temperature zraka na porabo Zasebnost in delovno mesto v poslovne procese pitne vode Privacy and the Workplace Resistance Factors Occurring in Business Impact of Air Temperature on the Process Change Implementation Consumption of Drinking Water Viktor Lovrenčić, Damjan Maletič, Matjaž Maletič, Alenka Marija Kuster Kortnik, Gozdana Robert Leskovar, Alenka Baggia Brezavšček, Miloš Pantoš, Boštjan Miglič Udeležba na predavanjih ter uspeh pri Gomišček Poklicni stres pri srednješolskih učiteljih opravljanju izpita Raziskava učinkov dela pod Occupational Stress of Secondary School Lecture Attendance and Exam napetostjo na nizki napetosti med Teachers Performance slovenskimi vzdrževalci električnih inštalacij in postrojev Study of the Live Working Effects at Low Mateja Langerholc, Matjaž Maletič Tomaž Levstek Voltage among the Slovenian Kombinacija pristopov za izboljšanje Primerjava in vrednotenje izolacijskih Maintenance Workers of Electrical dejavnika zaposleni v modelu poslovne materialov za energetsko varčno gradnjo Installations odličnosti EFQM Comparison and Evaluation of Insulation Combination of Approaches for Materials for Energy Saving Construction Improving People Enabler within the Miha Marič, Maja Djurica EFQM Business Excellence Model Besim Limani Educational Achievements as a Determinant of an Individual’s Informal Transmission System Technology WDM Power Izidor Lavrenčič, in 10 Gbps & 40 Gbps in Backbone Line Vladislav Rajkovič Pristina-Skopje Optimizacija proizvodnega procesa s pomočjo črtne kode Manufacturing Processes Optimization Using Barcode Kazalo | Contents Sanja Marinkovic, Vesna Milena Matić Klanjšček, Barbara Dušan Mežnar Tornjanski, Verica Mihajlovic Hvalič Erzetič Trajnostni razvoj podjetja v kriznih Evaluating Priorities in New Technology Zavedanje pomena družbene razmerah Adoption – The Case of Banking Services odgovornosti malih podjetij v goriški Sustainable Development Companies regiji in Crisis Situations The Importance of Corporate Social Aleksandar Marković, Sava Responsibility Awareness of Small Jovana Milenković, Nataša Čavoški, Andrej Novović Enterprises in Goriska Region Agent-Based Model for Analysis of Petrović, Nemanja Milenković, Stakeholders Behaviour on B2C Boris Delibašić, Marko Ćirović E-Markets Hilda Maze Analysis of Professional Interests of Kategorizacija zahtevnosti bolnišnične Elementary School Students zdravstvene nege – pomen pravih Igor Marković, Dejan Petrović, podatkov za planiranje kadra The Categorization of the Requirement Marija Todorović Jan Ministr of Hospital Nursing Care – Importance of Perspectives and Competencies of PMOs The Use of CIMAF® to Control the the Right Date for Staffing in Project-Oriented Organizations in Efficiency and Quality of Public Serbia Administration in the Czech Republic Matej Mencej, Polona Šprajc, Anja Žnidaršič Marjeta Marolt, Damjan Maletič, Boštjan Mohorič, Darko Zupanc, Zadovoljstvo uporabnikov bančnih Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar, Gregor Matevž Bren storitev in uvedba nove storitve Lenart, Andreja Pucihar Vpliv usmerjanja k trajnostnemu Satisfaction of Users of Banking Services znanju učencev: primer OŠ Davorina Comparative Analysis of Business Model and the Implementation of New Services Jenka Cerklje na Gorenjskem Ontologies The Influence of Guiding Pupils to Sustainable Knowledge: a Case Study of Davorin Jenko Primary School Kazalo | Contents Lea Nedomova, Petr Doucek Vladimir Obradović, Dragan Björn Paape, Iwona Kiereta, How are ICT Professionals´ Wages Bjelica, Jelena Barišić Diana Bongard, Nicolay Funk, Influenced by Economic Development in The Influence of the Constructive and Nora Hoppmann, Nadja the Czech Republic? Destructive Leadership on the Nazarenus, Kerstin Schmitz Employees in Serbia Attainment of Bloom’s Taxonomy Trajče Nikoloski, Andrej Udovč, Levels of Learning Goals in Relation to the Conditioning Factors ‘Educational Martin Pavlovič, Vladislav Rajkovič Bladimir Osorio-Munoz, Paulo Programme’ and ‘Real - Life Context’ Večkriterijski model za oceno primernosti Louro, Luis Cavique, Fredy preusmeritve dejavnosti kmetij Mauricio Gutierrez-Alvarez Multi-Criteria Evaluation Model for Farm Using the “Big Data” and Real-Time Drago Papler, Tomaž Levstek Reorientation Support Systems in the Municipal Trajnostni in ekonomski vidiki Management alternativnega ogrevanja Biotehniškega centra Naklo Katharina Ninaus, Sandra Diehl, Sustainable and Economic Aspects of Ralf Terlutter, Kara Chan, Anqi Jožef Ovsenik Alternative Heating Biotechnical Centre Huang Integrativno razumevanje managementa Naklo Benefits and Stressors – Perceived in organizacije (ob modelu ‘Sinusoida Effects of ICT Use on Employee Health 2000’ + stoletna izkušnja v ZDA) and Work Stress: an Exploratory Study Integrative Understanding of Anita Pavković, Josip Britvić, from Austria and Hong Kong Management and Organization (Model Katarina Marošević ‘Sinusoida 2000’ + a Century of The Development of Counties (Regions) Experiences in USA) and Financial Exclusion: the Example of Aleš Novak the Republic of Croatia Značilnosti celovitega poročanja Characteristics of Integrated Reporting Kazalo | Contents Sonja Pavše Grabrijan Judita Peterlin, Vlado Dimovski Matejka Pintar Babič, Anja Upravljanje z znanjem v podjetju; od Sustainable Organization of Knowledge Žnidaršič, Maja Drobnič podatka in informacije do znanja and Skills in the Work Environment: Radobuljac, Mojca Bernik Knowledge Management in Organization; Empirical Evidence of the Slovenes Izboljševanje kakovosti bolnišnične From Data and Information to Returning from Abroad obravnave pacientov s Knowledge samopoškodovalnimi vedenji z vidika zdravstvene nege Jasna Petković, Jelena Andreja Improving the Quality of Hospital Jerneja Pečnik, Vesna Novak Radaković Treatment of Patients with Non-Suicidal Model razvoja kadrov v proizvodnem Postgraduate Students’ Attitudes about Self- Injury (NSSI) in Terms of Health Care procesu papirne industrije - primer Sustainable Development Goals: a Case podjetja Goričane, tovarna papirja Study of Delphi Method Medvode, d.d. Saša Pipan, Sara Zagernik Model of Human Resources Vpliv kompetenc profesionalnih Development in Paper Industry Igor Petrovčič športnikov na kasnejše podjetniško Production Process - the Case of Funkcionalnost dejavnosti Lekcija v udejstvovanje Goričane, tovarna papirja, Medvode, d.d. Moodlu: študija primera na področju Impact of Competences of Professional poučevanja elektrotehnike Athletes on the Subsequent Functionality of the Lesson module in Entrepreneurial Pursuit Ticijan Peruško Moodle: a Case Study of Teaching Accounting Model for Prediction of Electrotechnics Trends in Building Society Asset Values in Natalija Plemenitaš Fuchs the National Market Vidiki zadovoljstva zaposlenih Primož Pevcin, Veronika na IRSVNDN Petkovšek Aspects of Satsfaction of Employees Management of Selected Local Public in IRSVNDN Utilities: a Review of Current Practices Kazalo | Contents Iztok Podbregar, Dragan Trivan, Metka Prelc Poženel, Marjan Živa Rant, Vesna Levašič Andreja Škafar Cerkvenik Senegačnik, Drago Vuk Izgradnja Registra endoprotetike Korporativna varnost kot funkcija Uporaba nanomaterialov v Republiki Slovenije managementa Sloveniji iz zdravstvenega in Building the National Arthroplasty Corporate Security as a Function okoljevarstvenega vidika Registry of Slovenia of Management Use of Nanomaterials in the Republic of Slovenia from Healthcare and Environmental Standpoints Matjaž Roblek, Dejan Petrovič, Marijan Pogačnik, Franc Vidic Tomaž Kern Medsebojno povezovanje institucij in Metodologija prenove razvojnega razvoj znanja na podeželju Nika Prezelj procesa v malih in srednje velikih Inter-Institutional Networking and Pokojninski sistem in varčevanje podjetjih Knowledge Development in Rural Areas podjetnikov za dodatno pokojnino Methodology of Reengineering of New Pension Sistem and Saving of Product Development Process in SMEs Entrepreneurs to Supplementary Žanka Popović Mihajlović, Mirjana Pensions Kljajić Borštnar, Anja Žnidaršič Janez Rozman, Vladislav Rajkovič Usposabljanje in sprejetost sistemov Odločitveni model za pomoč pri izbiri poslovne inteligence Vesna Prijatelj, Tilen Pahor, Uroš virtualizacijske platforme Training and Business Intelligence Rajkovič Decision Model for Virtualization Systems Acceptance Priložnosti in ovire za integracijo Platform Selection zdravstvenega varstva Opportunities and Obstacles for the Healthcare Integration Kazalo | Contents Marjan Senegačnik, Drago Vuk, Andrej Srakar, Marilena Vecco Anita Šefman Nataša Petrović Culture as a Fourth Dimension of Razvoj odločitvenega modela za izbor Problem emisij dušikovih oksidov iz Sustainable Development – a Statistical fizioterapevta za delo na področju dizelskih motorjev pri emisijskih Analysis and Indicators’ Proposal razvojno nevrološke obravnave preizkusih in v realnih pogojih otrok (RNO) Problem of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions Development of Decision Model for from Diesel Engines in Emissions Testing Aleša Svetic, Mladen Jakšić Phsiotherapist Selection in The Field of and in Real Conditions Pripravljenost na spremembe pri delu Child Neuro-Developmental Treatment Co Workers Willingness to Accept (NDT) Organisational Changes Polona Smonig Domevščik Preoblikovanje banke v podjetje za Sabina Šegula upravljanje premoženja: vloga Aleksandra Svilar, Jože Zupančič Neformalno izobraževanje – odgovor na kadrovskega managementa pri vodenju Vpliv varnostnih elementov na delo s potrebe trga sprememb spletnimi in mobilnimi bankami Non-Formal Education – Response to the The Transformation of a Bank into an Impact of Security Features on Working Market’s Needs Asset Management Company: the Role of with Internet and Mobile Banking HRM in Change Management Branko Škafar Zekerijah Šabanović, Damir S pomočjo modela odličnosti do Andrej Srakar, Rok Hren, Demirović odličnosti v višjih strokovnih šolah Valentina Prevolnik Rupel Physical Security of IT in Business Using the Model of Excellence to Health Services Utilization in Older Systems: Survey Results Excellence in Vocational Colleges Europeans: an Empirical Study Kazalo | Contents Andrej Škraba, Vladimir Stanovov, Polona Šprajc, Špela Strojin, Eva Šturm, Marjan Senegačnik, Eugene Semenkin, Davorin Kofjač Marko Urh Alenka Baggia Stochastic Search Optimization in Strict Model vrednotenja delovne uspešnosti Vzgojno izobraževalne ustanove in Hierarchical Manpower System Modelled na delovnem mestu program trajnostnega razvoja by System Dynamics Evaluation Model of Performance in the Educational Institutions and Sustainable Working Place Development Programme Pika Škraba Reorganizacija uredniškega procesa z Saša Šterk Jure Šumi, Andreja Pucihar uvedbo spletnega uredniškega sistema Status odgovornega dijaka - pomoč pri Uporaba strategije poslovnih spletnih Reorganization of Editorial Process by krepitvi odgovornosti pri dijakih v družbenih omrežij in metode vhodnega Application of Web Publishing System dijaškem domu marketinga pri trženju izdelkov za A Responsible Students Status - urbano zeleno infrastrukturo Assistence in Strengthening the Combining Business Social Media Maja Škurić, Pavle Popović Responsibility of Students in Boarding Strategy and Inbound Marketing A Review of Berth Allocation Problem in Schools Methods to Market Products for Urban Container Ports Green Infrastructure Darko Števančec, Iris Fink Branislav Šmitek Grubačević Sabina Tehovnik Kumar Repozitorij e-gradiv v Moodle-u Razlike v vrednotnem sistemu ljudi, Sistemski pristop in modeliranje The Repository of E-Learning Materials živečih v mestu in njegovem okolišu inšpekcijskega nadzora na ravni lokalne in Moodle Diferences in Value System of People samoupravne skupnosti Living in a City and Its Surroundings System Approach and Modelling of the Inspection Supervision on the Local Self-Government Kazalo | Contents Ivan Todorović, Stefan Komazec, Radovan Tomić, Milutin M. Mrkša, Irena Turšič, Marko Urh, Eva Jereb Miloš Jevtić, Rok Pintar Branka Maksimović, Miloš Upravljanje delovne uspešnosti Guidelines for Strategic Development of Dragosavac, Dragana Drinić zaposlenih MSME Sector in Serbia Indicators for Sustainable Development Human Resource Performance of Rural Tourism in Vrbas Municipality Management Jožefa Tomažič, Goran Vukovič, Jadranka Stričević Radovan Tomić, Dragica Tomić, Dean Učkar Zavzetost zaposlenih na področju Aleksandra Vujko, Miloš Problems of Estimating the Cost of zdravstvene nege Dragosavac, Tamara Gajić Capital in Emerging Markets Employee Engagement in Health Care Tourism as Accelerating Factor of Economic Development of Destination Gregor Udovč Daniel Tomić, Marija Pičuljan Ali ravnatelji uspešno usmerjajo karierni Segmenting Terms of Trade; the Case of Ivana Tonković Pražić razvoj učiteljev? Croatia Is the Career Development of Teachers Marketing Possibilities of Higher Successfully Directed by their Education Institutions: Example of Headmasters? University of Applied Sciences “Nikola Radovan Tomić, Miloš Tesla” in Gospić Dragosavac, Dragica Tomić, Benjamin Urh, Maja Zajec Aleksandra Vujko, Nina Kisin Povezanost strukturne in operativne BASEL III: Liquidity Standards Application Kalina Trenevska Blagoeva, učinkovitosti poslovnih procesov in the Banking Business Marina Mijoska Connectedness of Structural and User Adoption Analysis of the Operational Business Processes E-Government Services in the Republic of Efficiency Macedonia with Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Kazalo | Contents Marko Urh Andrej Vovk Maja Zajec Analiza spletnih strani za e-izobraževanje Upravljanje službenih mobilnih naprav in Organizational Ambidexterity: na področju spletne optimizacije varovanje zasebnosti uporabnikov Balance Versus Focus Strategy An Analysis of Websites for E-Learning in Management of Corporate Mobile the Field of Website Optimization Devices and User Privacy Assurance Janez Zeni Plače na podjetniški način v Aleksandra Vehovar, Lidija Dragan Vukmirović, Jovanka javnem sektroju Hauptman, Alenka Kavkler Vukmirović, Marina Jovanović The Salary Sistem in Public Sector Proučevanje medsebojne odvisnosti Milenković, Aleksandra davčne kulture in davčne utaje v izbranih Vukmirović, Marina Brbaklić državah Grega Zrim, Miljenko Križmarić, Examining the Interdependence Between Tepavac Vojko Matko Tax Culture and Tax Evasion in Selected Big Data and Marketing Research Neinvazivni presejalni testi bolezni Countries avtonomnega živčevja in obtočil Harald Wipfler Autonomic Nervous System and Cardiovascular Noninvasive Screening Liridon Veliu, Mimoza Manxhari Avoiding Technological Lock-Ins - Tests What Motivates Managers in Small and a Competence Based Approach Medium-Sized Enterprises, Case Study: SMEs Kosovo Harald Wipfler Sustainable Organizations through Robert Vončina, Andreja Pucihar Dynamic Capabilities - Comparing Vzpostavitev e-poslovanja z dobavitelji – Conceptions primer korporacije Hidria iEstablishing E-Commerce with Suppliers - Case Hidria Corporation Kazalo | Contents Andrej Zupan, Matevž Oman, Jože Zupančič Miha Žove Mitja Rozman, Mirjana Kljajić Analitika masovnih podatkov pri Organizacijska podpora uvajanja Borštnar proučevanju človekovega dela in integralnega upravljanja oskrbne verige v Motiviranje otrok za vključevanje v kreativnosti – socialna fizika Skupini Gorenje športne aktivnosti – razvoj mobilne Investigating Human Work and Creativity Organizational Support to the aplikacije Using Big Data Analytics – Social Physics Implementation of Integral Supply Chain Motivating Children to Engage in Sport Management in Gorenje Group Activities - Mobile Application Development Jože Zupanič, Vladislav Rajkovič Model spletne komunikacije med občino Milica Žuraj, Davorin Kofjač, Anja in njenimi občani Žnidaršič Julij Zupan, Davorin Kofjač Online Communication Modul between Analiza možnosti za spletno nakupovanje Razvoj modela poslovne inteligence za the Municipality and Its Citizens oblačil pri starejših ljudeh nadzor servisnih aktivnosti Analysis of the Possibilities for Online Development of Business Intelligence Apparel Shopping for Elderly People Model for Monitoring Repair Service Davorin Žnidarič Activities Vpliv družbeno okoljskih dejavnikov na trajnostno-prostorsko politiko v svetu in pri nas Maja Zupan The Impact of Social Environmental Trajnostni turistični produkt - primer Factors on Suistainable Spatial Policies in prakse lokalne skupnosti s predlogi the World and in Our Country izboljšav z vidika trajnosti in partnerstva Sustainable Tourism Product - Local Community Case Example with Suggestions for Improvement of Sustainability and Partnership Pokrovitelji in podporniki Sponsors and Supporters Zahvaljujemo se / Thanks to Pokrovitelji in podporniki / Sponsors and Supporters Kolofon | Colophon ® Založba Moderna organizacija. Vse pravice pridržane. Brez dovoljenja avtorja in Naslov | Title založnika je reproduciranje in razmnoževanje dela prepovedano. Trajnostna organizacija Elektronsko publikacijo lahko naročite pri Založbi Moderna organizacija, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Univerza v Mariboru, Kidričeva cesta 55a, 4000 Kranj, Zbornik povzetkov 35. mednarodne konference Slovenija. o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti Slovenija, Portorož, 16. - 18. marec 2016 ® Publishing House 'Moderna organizacija'. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or duplicated without prior permission from the Sustainable Organization publisher. Book of Abstracts of the 35th International Conference Additional copies may be ordered from: Publishing House 'Moderna organizacija', on Organizational Science Development Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor, Kidričeva cesta 55a, 4000 Kranj, Slovenia. Slovenia, Portorož, 16th - 18th March 2016 Založba | Publishing House CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Moderna organizacija v okviru Univerze v Mariboru Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana Fakultete za organizacijske vede 005.7(082)(0.034.2) MEDNARODNA konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti (35 ; 2016 ; Portorož) Trajnostna organizacija [Elektronski vir] = Sustainable organization : zbornik povzetkov 35. mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti : book of abstracts of the 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development / 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti, 16.-18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija = 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development, 16th-18th March, Portorož, Slovenia ; uredniški odbor Petr Doucek, Aleš Novak, Björn Paape. - El. knjiga. - Kranj : Moderna organizacija, 2016 ISBN 978-961-232-286-1 (pdf) 1. Gl. stv. nasl. 2. Vzp. stv. nasl. 3. 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Go to previous page Go to next page Domov | Home Back to home page Nazaj | Back Go to previous page Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Uporaba sistemov za uplinjanje odpadkov kot energijskih akumulatorjev za izvajanje regulacije moči in frekvence v proizvodnji električne energije Usage of Waste Gasification System as an Energy Storage Technology for Execution of Power and Frequency Regulation in Electro Power Production Marko Agrež marko.agrez@eles.si Tomaž Kern Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija tomaz.kern@um.si Drago Vuk Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija drago.vuk@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek Organizacija delovanja Elektro Energetskega Sistema (EES) v Republiki Sloveniji vključuje veliko faktorjev s katerimi se ta proces izvršuje – proizvajalce energije, prenos in distribucijo energije do končnih odjemalcev. V tem procesu je potrebno vzdrževati ravnotežje med proizvodnjo in porabo električne energije v realnem času. ELES je v Sloveniji zadolžen za stabilno delovanje prenosnega sistema in v sklopu interkonekcije (UCTE) tudi za ohranjanje ravnotežja med proizvodnjo in porabo sosednjih EES. Ravnotežje se ohranja z izvajanjem elektroregulacij – primarne, sekundarne in terciarne, ki jih večinoma izvajajo termoelektrarne – rotacijska rezerva. Izvajanje regulacij ima negativen vpliv na stabilno delovanje termoelektrarn in zmanjšuje tudi njihovo proizvodno razpoložljivost ter učinkovitost. Problem stabilnega obratovanja se pojavi zlasti v primeru nenapovedanega vklopa sončnih elektrarn (fotovoltaika) in vetrnih turbin. Predstavljamo idejo, kjer bi »energijske viške« električne energije proizvedene predvsem iz obnovljivih virov (sončna in vetrna energija), ki se pojavljajo precej neenakomerno, uporabili za uplinjanje odpadkov. Prav tako bi sistem uplinjanja sprožili v primeru aktivacije »negativne terciarne rezerve moči«. Le ta se aktivira v primeru nenapovedanega izpada večjega sistemskega porabnika električne energije. Namesto zmanjšanja moči delujočih proizvodnih virov, bi sistem bremena prevzel uplinjevalni sistem. Za izvajanje tega procesa je primerno blato iz komunalnih čistilnih naprav (KČN), katerega je potrebo predhodno posušiti. Posušeno blato z manj kot 10% vezane vlage 1 je snovno primerna materija za transport v uplinjevalnik, kjer v procesu uplinjanja pridobimo sintezni plin, ki ga lahko uporabimo za pogon plinskih turbin. Seveda je potrebno celotno snovno-energijsko verigo predhodno pripraviti in ustrezno organizirati. Z uporabo predlaganega sistema rešujemo več problemov hkrati :  zmanjšuje se količino blata iz KČN odloženega na deponije,  proces sušenja podaljšuje čas obratovanja elektrarn v režimu soproizvodnje (elektrika + toplota)  zmanjša se plačilo ekoloških taks,  pridobi se dodaten energijski vir,  zagotovi se obratovanje elektrarn v optimalni obratovalni točki z najvišjim izkoristkom,  ELES si zagotovi dodatne tehnične zmožnosti za izvajanje regulacij (sekundarna, terciarna) še zlasti zaradi premajhnih kapacitet za izvajanje negativne terciarne regulacije. Ključne besede: elektrika, moč, regulacija, akumulacija, uplinjanje, odpadki, sintezni plin Abstract Organization of operation of Electro Energy System (EES) in The Republic of Slovenia includes many factors, performing this process – power producers, transfer and distribution of energy towards clients. Within this process, balance between production and electricity usage in real time must be kept. ELES is entrusted to keep the electricity transmission grid in Slovenia in stable operation and must also keep balance between production and consumption between neighboring EES (UCTE interconnections). Balance is ensured by the execution of electric regulative mechanisms – primary, secondary and tertiary regulation mostly by thermal power plants – rotation reserve. During the execution of this regulation this means their worse production utilization because besides their limited production availability also the efficiency of these plants is lower. The problem occurs mainly during unplanned operation of renewables – photovoltaics and wind turbines. We are introducing the solution where the power picks got from renewables could be used as a source for waste gasification. The system will also start to operate in case of activation “negative tertiary power reserve” which is activating after unplanned shut- down some of the biggest power consumer. Instead of reducing production in the power plants, gasification system could be a supplement. For execution such a system a sewage sludge taking shape into municipal septic and cleaning devices is very appropriate. Sewage sludge must be dried and before its usage in the gasification process the percentage of water must be less than 10. The result of gasification is a syngas which could be a fuel for gas turbines. The whole mass-power chain must be prepared and organized. By using such a system we are solving many problems at the same time:  The amount of sewage sludge put on the landfills has been reduced,  Drying process extends the cogenerations (heat & power) operation mode in the power plants,  Ecological taxes are reducing,  Syngas is a new fuel, 2  Power plants are able to operate into the optimum operation point with a highest efficiency,  ELES gets new technical capabilities for system reserve services (secondary, tertiary) Keywords: electricity, power, regulation, accumulation, gasification, waste, syngas 3 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Razvoj protokola za izvedbo študije primera za analizo uspešnosti informacijskega sistema Development of a Case Study Protocol for Information System Success Analysis Rajko Antlej Razvojna agencija Kozjansko, Slovenija rajko.antlej@gmail.com Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija mirjana.kljajic@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek Črpanju sredstev iz skladov Evropske Unije (EU) je v zadnjih letih namenjene veliko pozornosti. Za spremljanje izvajanja teh programov se uporabljajo različni informacijski sistemi (IS), ki so večinoma kompleksni in zapleteni ter posledično neučinkoviti ali včasih celo nepopolni. Za namen kritične analize informacijskega sistema ISARR v tem prispevku predstavljamo razvoj protokola za izvedbo študije primera. Ker nas zanima predvsem vidik uspešnosti IS s strani uporabnikov, bomo temeljili na DeLone in McLeanovem modelu. Na podlagi modela smo razvili izhodiščna vprašanja za intervjuje z uporabniki sistema ISARR, pripravili izhodiščne kategorije, podkategorije in kode za kodiranje pridobljenih podatkov, ki jih bomo po potrebi še prilagodili, in razvili protokol za izvedbo študije primera. Protokol predstavlja osnovni okvir za uspešno izvedbo nadaljnjih korakov raziskave, saj bomo izvedli kvalitativno analizo na podlagi intervjujev, zato je zelo pomembno, da so postavljena natančna pravila in smernice za izvedbo intervjujev. Le tako bomo pridobili podatke, ki bodo dovolj poenoteni, da bodo v nadaljevanju raziskave dovoljevali kvalitativno analizo po D&M modelu uspešnosti informacijskih sistemov. Ključne besede: protokol za izvedbo študije primera, informacijski sistem ISARR, DeLone in McLean model Abstract Drawing of the European Union (EU) funds is receiving a lot of attention in the recent years. Various programs and information systems are being used for monitoring of programs’ implementation. Most of them are complex and complicated which makes them inefficient and sometimes even faulty. To perform a critical analysis of the ISARR information system we will present in this article development of a protocol for a case study implementation. Our primary concern is success of the IS from the 4 user’s perspective, therefore we will use the DeLone and McLean model. Based on the model we developed questions for interviews with the ISARR system users. We prepared categories, subcategories and codes for coding of gathered data, all of which can be adjusted during the coding. Finally, we developed a case study protocol. The protocol is a basic framework for successful implementation of further research steps as we will perform qualitative analysis based on interviews. Therefore, it is very important to set exact rules and guidelines for performing interviews. Only y doing this we will be able to gather data that is uniform enough to allow us to perform a qualitative analysis according to the D&M information system success model. Keywords: case study protocol, ISARR information system, DeLone and McLean model 5 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Strateško komuniciranje in trženje države kot lokacije za neposredne tuje investicije Strategic Communication and Marketing of the Country as a Location for Foreign Direct Investment Pedja Ašanin Gole DOBA Fakulteta za uporabne poslovne in družbene študije Maribor, Slovenija pedja.asanin-gole@net.doba.si Anita Maček DOBA Fakulteta za uporabne poslovne in družbene študije Maribor, Slovenija anita.macek@net.doba.si Tina Vukasović DOBA Fakulteta za uporabne poslovne in družbene študije Maribor, Slovenija tina.vukasovic@net.doba.si Povzetek Uporaba strateškega komuniciranja ter marketinških orodij in tehnik za pritegovanje neposrednih tujih investicij je praksa mnogih uspešnih držav. Med njimi posebej tržna znamka države predstavlja pomemben vir konkurenčnih prednosti in je ključna za prepoznavnost države. Avtorji v članku prikažejo pomen strateškega komuniciranja države za pritegovanje neposrednih tujih investicij in podrobneje analizirajo pomen tržne znamke države za tuje investitorje. Jasno izdelana identiteta in ustrezno strateško komuniciranje ter trženje države sta poleg lokacijskih prednosti, realnih in ne previsokih cen zemljišč, ugodne davčne zakonodaje ter nezapletenih administracijskih postopkov, ključna za pritegovanje tujih investitorjev. Ključne besede: strateško komuniciranje, tržna znamka države, neposredne tuje investicije Abstract Using strategic communication and marketing tools and techniques for attracting foreign direct investment is the practice of many successful countries. Among them, particularly country brand constitutes an important source of competitive advantage and the key to the visibility of the country. The authors shown the importance of strategic communication of the country for attracting foreign direct investment and analyze the importance of the country brand for foreign investors. They designed the 6 identity and appropriate strategic communication and marketing of the country, in addition to locational advantages, realistic and not too high price of land, favorable tax laws and uncomplicated admin procedures, are the key to attracting foreign investors. Keywords: strategic communication, country brand, foreign direct investment 7 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia The Importance of Wind Energy Economic Efficiency for Sustainable Development Nemanja Backović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia nemanja.backovic@fon.bg.ac.rs Bojan Ilić University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia ilic.bojan@fon.bg.ac.rs Vesna Milićević University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia milicevic.vesna@fon.bg.ac.rs Abstract This paper analyzes the economic efficiency of wind energy and its importance for sustainable development. Current research methods of economic variables and future investment perspectives in the wind energy field are pointed out. The focus is on contemporary cost analysis approach, considering that fossil fuels still have a competitive advantage in this business area. The capital cost structure of wind energy exploitation is analyzed, in order to stress out challenges that entrepreneurs are facing. Using microeconomic analysis, significance of wind sources for energy efficiency and energy intensity improvements is highlighted. Renewable energy promotion methods are also pointed out, as a predetermined rate reduces the risk of market volatility, allowing a reduction in transaction costs. Comparative study in this paper suggests that wind energy utilization will be cost effective in a long-term and feasible for power supply. The availableempirical evidenceprovides the useful insight on success factors that enhance renewable energy generation projects. The review of energy potential assessment and forecasted rates in the paper indicate that the wind power system will reduce economic uncertainties and generate numerous benefits for sustainable development of the energy sector, and by that will increase stable economic growth. Keywords: economic efficiency, wind energy 8 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16. - 18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Integracija fiziologije starejših zaposlenih v strategijo Evrope 2020 Older Employees Physiology Integration into "Europe 2020 in a Nutshell" Zvone Balantič Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija zvone.balantic@fov.uni-mb.si Branka Balantič ŠC Kranj, Višja strokovna šola, Slovenija branka.balantic@guest.arnes.si Povzetek Ker se starostna meja za upokojevanje približuje 65. letu, se je potrebno zavedati, da fiziološke sposobnosti zaposlenih z leti upadajo. Če hočemo slediti strategiji Evrope 2020, je pri načrtovanju ergonomije v organizacijah to dejstvo potrebno upoštevati. Strategija Evropa 2020 želi doseči 5 ciljev; zaposlovanje (75% zaposlenost), raziskave in razvoj (3% BDP), energetska trajnost, izobraževanje, manj revščine in socialna integracija. Če želimo doseči vse cilje, je strategijo potrebno povezati in dopolnjevati. Ustreznost delovnih mest lahko zagotavljamo z razumevanjem spremljajočih fizioloških sprememb tudi pri starejših zaposlenih. Statistični podatki o demografskih napovedih so neizprosni. Povprečna starost prebivalstva v vseh državah EU se povečuje. Pred 10 leti je bila stopnja starostne odvisnosti v EU 25%, čez 15 let pa v EU pričakujemo rast na 40%. Potrebno je razumeti dinamiko sprememb fizioloških parametrov zaposlenih, saj le tako lahko zagotavljamo visoke standarde varnostnih zahtev pri delu tudi za starejše zaposlene. Zaradi različnih trendov fizioloških sprememb, moramo te vplive selekcionirati. Različne potrebe po sposobnostih zaposlenih, sprožijo ukrepanje na področju zdravstvene nege, delovnih mest in splošne ergonomske kulture. Poznavanje integrativne fiziologije uspešno zmanjšuje starostno diskriminacijo zaposlenih. Ključne besede: starejši zaposleni, upokojevanje, integrativna fiziologija, Evropa 2020 Abstract As the retirement age is increasing to 65 years it is important to know that physiology capabilities are decreased. To follow EU 2020 strategy it is crucial to take this into consideration for ergonomics application in organizations. Goal of Europe 2020 strategy is to achieve five goals: employment (75% employment), research and development (3% GDP), energy sustainability, education, less poverty and social integration. To achieve these goals the strategy needs to be 9 connected and supplemented. Appropriateness of workplaces can be achieved by understanding of accompanying physiological changes of elderly employees. Statistical data about demographic prediction are clear. Average age of population is increased in all EU countries. 10 years ago a degree of age dependence in EU was 25% which is expected to increase to 40% in next 15 years. It is crucial to understand dynamics of physiology parameters changes of employees. By this approach high standards of safety demands at work can be achieved for elderly employees. Due to different trends of physiological changes this impacts need to be separated. Different needs for skills of employees are needed which trigger actions in the field of healthcare, workplaces and general ergonomics culture. Knowledge of integrated physiology successfully reduces age discrimination of employees. Keywords: elderly employees, retirement, integrated physiology, Europe 2020 10 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16. - 18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Naravni modeli mišljenja kot izziv človeka pri etičnih konceptih v organizaciji Natural Models of Mind as a Challenge of a Person in Ethical Concepts in an Organisation Tanja Balažic Peček Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija taja.balazic@gmail.com Povzetek Človek je del narave, zato deluje po naravnih zakonih in principih in, če jih spreminja in ruši, posledično uničuje tudi sebe. Zavedanje človeka, da vse ustvarja sam in da prispeva k trajni blaginji ljudi, je etični pristop. Postavlja se nam vprašanje, kako umestiti Evolucijski model svobodnega človeka (EMSČ) v »sinusoido 2000« in »spiralni model«? Temeljni namen raziskave je, na kakšen način pristopiti h koncipiranju etičnih konceptov, z izvorom v človeku in organizaciji. V ta namen smo razvili metodologijo koncipiranja etičnih konceptov. Metodologija temelji na izdelavi naravnega modela, ki izhaja iz bioloških paradigem, zakonov narave, delovanja človeka in organizacije. Raziskali smo naravne principe fiziološkega delovanja človeka kot živega bitja s funkcijo samo-ohranjanja in jih z metodo analogije prenesli na organizacijo ter družbo kot celoto. Primerjava »sinusoide 2000« in »spiralnega modela« dokazuje vgrajene atribute naravnih principov za trajnostno ustvarjanje in delovanje etičnih konceptov. S tem si človek in organizacija zagotavljata svobodno ustvarjanje vsakdanjih, kot tudi krovnih konceptov, ne glede na področje delovanja. V pregledani literaturi podobnih raziskav nismo zasledili. Zavedamo se omejitev raziskave, saj se živi sistemi neprestano spreminjajo. Študija odpira nove možnosti nadaljnjega proučevanja ravni EMSČ, kot izvora človekovega zavestnega ustvarjanja. Ključne besede: človek, naravni principi, organizacija, koncipiranje, etični koncepti, »sinusoida 2000«, »spiralni model« Abstract A person is a part of nature, therefore he/she acts according to natural laws and principles. If these are changed or ruined, humans consequently destroy themselves. Consciousness of a person that he/she creates everything alone and contributes to permanent wel -being of people is ethical approach. The question then arises: how to place evolution model of an independent person (EMIP) into a “sine curve 2000” and “spiral model”? The basic purpose of this research is how to deal with formation of ethical concepts with origin in a human and organisation. With this in mind, we developed methodology of planning ethical concepts. Methodology is based on 11 making a natural model that is derived from biological paradigms, natural laws, activity of a person and organisation. We looked into natural principles of physiological activity of a person as a living creature with the function of self-preservation and by analogy transferred them to organisation and society as a whole. Comparison of the "sine curve 2000” and of "spiral model” demonstrates built-in attributes of natural principles for sustainable creation and effect of ethical concepts. In this way a person and organisation assure themselves free creation of everyday and main concepts, regardless of the field of activity. We did not come across similar researches in the reviewed literature. We are aware of limitations of the research since living systems are changing constantly. The study is opening new possibilities of further examination of EMIP levels as origin of human consciousness creation. Keywords: a person, natural principles, organisation, ethical concepts, “sine curve 2000”, “spiral model” 12 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Business Cycle Synchronization between Slovenia and the Euro Area: the Markov Switching Regression Model Approach1 Manuel Benazić Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Faculty of Economics and Tourism “Dr. Mijo Mirković”, Croatia manuel.benazic@unipu.hr Abstract It is well known that economic activity moves differently during periods of expansion compared to periods of recession. Monitoring of these developments became an indispensable part of the business cycle analysis, which is very important for policy makers especially when decisions between countries are made jointly. The idea and introduction of a single European currency has increased interest for business cycle analysis in the euro area countries. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to model and compare business cycles between Slovenia and the euro area 19 countries (EA19). Consequently, Markov Switching regression model and cross correlation analysis are applied within a research domain. The main advantage of the Markov Switching regression model is that it allows nonlinear modeling, which is particularly useful in the analysis of macroeconomic nexus that is subjected to regime changes. Obtained results indicate a relatively high degree of business cycle synchronization in terms of estimated regression coefficients, transition probabilities and expected durations of the cycles, regime probabilities, etc. Keywords: switching regression, regime changes, cross correlation analysis, business cycle synchronization This work has been fully supported by the Croatian Science Foundation under the project number 9481 Modelling Economic Growth - Advanced Sequencing and Forecasting Algorithm. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Croatian Science Foundation. 13 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Interaktivno gradivo za utrjevanje znanja pri matematiki v 7., 8. in 9. razredu Interactive Material for Revising the Knowledge of Math in the 7th, 8th and 9th Grade Maruša Bergel Osnovna šola Josipa Vandota Kranjska Gora, Slovenija marusa.bergel@telemach.net Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija mirjana.kljajic@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek Ob uporabi klasičnih pripomočkov in tradicionalnih metod poučevanja, so učenci pogosto pasivni udeleženci pouka. Uporaba modernih metod poučevanja ob uporabi sodobne informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije pozitivno vpliva na aktivnost učencev. Interaktivna tabla, kot eden najsodobnejših pripomočkov, omogoča učinkovitejši in bolj dinamičen pouk. V prispevku je predstavljeno interaktivno gradivo za utrjevanje znanja pri učnih urah matematike v 7., 8. in 9. razredu, ki smo ga razvili v programu Smart Notebook. Gradivo obsega 22 vsebinskih enot in je skladno z veljavnim učnim načrtom. Namenjeno je učiteljem matematike, kot pomoč pri utrjevanju snovi ob uporabi interaktivne table. Uporabniki gradivo lahko uporabijo v prvotni obliki ali pa ga poljubno prilagodijo. Ob koncu je povzeto mnenje učiteljev in učencev dveh šol, ki so gradivo že uporabili. Ključne besede: e-učenje, e-gradivo, interaktivna tabla, matematika Abstract Using classical tools and traditional methods of teaching, pupils are often passive participants of tuition. The use of modern teaching methods using modern information and communication technologies has a positive impact on pupils’ activity. Interactive whiteboard as one of the most modern devices allows a more efficient and dynamic lessons. This paper presents an interactive material to consolidate knowledge in mathematics lessons in the 7th, 8th and 9th grade, which we have developed in the program Smart Notebook. The material comprises 22 content units and coincides with the current curriculum. It is intended to help math teachers with the consolidation of learning materials using interactive whiteboard. Users can use the material in its original form or they can willingly adapt it. At the end there is a 14 summary of the opinions of teachers and pupils of two schools who have already used the material. Keywords: e-learning, e-learning material, interactive whiteboard, mathematics 15 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Uvajanje zaposlenih v podjetju Marmor Hotavlje, d.o.o. New Employee Orientation in the Company Marmor Hotavlje, d.o.o. Mojca Bernik Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija mojca.bernik@fov.uni-mb.si Urška Mrak Marmor Hotavlje, d.o.o., Slovenija urska.mrak@m-h.si Povzetek S postopkom uvajanja zaposlenih se danes srečujejo vsa podjetja. Podjetje Marmor Hotavlje d.o.o. ima definiran postopek uvajanja kadrov, ki ga je potrebno občasno analizirati in izboljšati glede na potrebe trga dela. V prispevku so prikazani rezultati raziskave med zaposlenimi v podjetju Marmor Hotavlje d.o.o. glede uspešnosti uvajanja v delo in njihovega zadovoljstva pri delu. Rezultati so pokazali, da so tisti zaposleni, ki so bili uspešno uvedeni v delo, zadovoljni z delom. Če želi imeti podjetje zaposlene, ki bodo zadovoljni z delom, jih mora torej že na začetku uspešno uvesti v delo. Pomembno je, kdo jih uvaja v delo, koliko je pripravljen svetovati, kakšna je dostopnost do informacij ter kako se novo zaposleni vključi v kolektiv. Ključne besede: podjetje, uvajanje zaposlenih, zadovoljstvo pri delu Abstract Each company has new employee orientation process. The company Marmor Hotavlje d.o.o. has new employee orientation process, but it has to be occasionally analyzed and improved. The article represent the research results among employees in the company Marmor Hotavlje d.o.o. by comparison successfulness of new employee orientation and work satisfaction. The results show, that employees, who had successful employee orientation are also more satisfied with their work. If the company wants to have satisfied employees, must therefore have successful new employee orientation process. It is important who introduce new employee to orientation process, how much is he/she preparing to cooperate with new employee, is there information accessibility for new employee and how good is inclusion of new employee in company team. Keywords: company, new employee orientation, work satisfaction 16 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Youth and Sustainability Tatjana Borojević University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Slovenia tatjana.borojevic@panacea.rs Nataša Petrović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia petrovicn@fon.bg.ac.rs Drago Vuk University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Slovenia drago.vuk@fov.uni-mb.si Marjan Senegačnik University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Slovenia marjan.senegacnik@fov.uni-mb.si Abstract On one hand, the terms sustainable development and sustainability became not only parts of the entire spectre of global politics, economy and social development, but common phrases in our everyday lives as well. On the other hand, the youth represents a category much more sensitive to the goals of sustainable development, than older generations. The reasons for this lay in the fact that the younger generation is the one most afflicted by unsustainable practices of the older generation and they are the ones that are suffering from the negative consequences of these actions. That is precisely why the future of the younger generation is in their own hands. The research presented in the paper deals with youth and their role in developing new sustainable lifestyles and sustainable communities in which they wil live. For this, the goal of the paper was to show the results of the analysis of youth's point of view on sustainability, sustainable development and the Strategy of sustainable development in the Republic of Serbia. Keywords: youth, sustainable development, sustainability, the Strategy of sustainable development 17 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia TripAdvisor in Organising a Vacation: Tourists’ Characteristics and Types of Information Desimir Bošković Faculty of commercial and business sciences Celje, Slovenia desimir.boskovic@optinet.hr Ana Težak Damijanić Institute of Agriculture and Tourism, Croatia tezak@iptpo.hr Tatjana Zanini Gavranić Solmelia Hrvatska d.o.o., Umag, Croatia tatjana.zanini@melia.com.hr Abstract For decades printed information sources have been used in information gathering process in tourism and personal contact with tourism providers in the process of organizing a vacation was needed. This trend began to change with the introduction of computers, in particular with the development of Internet and social networking web sites. Internet can be used for many different purposes that include promotion of tourism destination, creation of tourism destination image, but it is also an excellent tool in organising a vacation. The main purpose of this paper is to examine the characteristics of tourists who visited Istria County, Croatia in 2015 from the aspect of using TripAdvisor as a tool in organising their vacation. Data was collected through self-complete questionnaire on a sample of tourists staying in hotels and camping sites in nine tourism towns. This study was conducted from July through September in 2015. A total of 1554 responders were taken into analysis. Based on the descriptive results a little bit less than 30% of responders used TripAdvisor for organising their vacation. First time visitors relayed more on TripAdvisor compared to repeat visitors and country of origin also played important part in using TripAdvisor for organising vacation. Information about beaches, cultural heritage and restaurants in Istria County, Croatia were the most commonly searched types of information about the destination. Keywords: tourists’ characteristics, types of information, TripAdvisor, vacation organisation 18 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Razvoj odločitvenega modela za izbiro biometričnega sistema za identifikacijo in verifikacijo z nevronskimi mrežami Development of Decision Support Model for Selecting Biometric System for Identification and Verification with Neural Networks Tomaž Božič Metra inženiring d.o.o., Slovenija tomaz.bozic@metra.si Davorin Kofjač Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija davorin.kofjac@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek V prispevku so predstavljene najbolj razširjene metode biometrične identifikacije in verifikacije. Namen raziskave je bil razviti prototip odločitvenega modela za pomoč svetovalcem pri izbiri topologije sistema za potrebe varovanja določenega objekta. Model smo razvili s pomočjo usmerjene nevronske mreže. Model smo naučili in validirali na dejanskih podatkih obravnavanega podjetja. Razviti model je pokazal zadovoljivo natančnost pri ustrezni izbiri sistema biometrične identifikacije in verifikacije. Ključne besede: pristopna kontrola, biometrija, nevronske mreže, odločitveni modeli Abstract The paper presents the most common methods of biometric identification and verification. The purpose of the study was to develop a prototype decision support system to help advisers in the selection of the system's topology for the purposes of protecting a particular object. The model was developed with feedforward neural networks. The model has been learned and validated on actual data of the observed company. The developed model showed a satisfactory precision in choosing an appropriate system of biometric identification and verification. Keywords: access control, biometrics, neural networks, decision support model 19 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Use of Social Media Marketing by Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Republic of Serbia Marina Brbaklić Tepavac Babbler Media Marketing d.o.o., Serbia marina.tepavac@babbler.rs Jovanka Vukmirović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia vukmirovic.jovanka@fon.rs Aleksandra Vukmirović Belgrade Business School, Serbia aleksandra.vukmirovic@bbs.edu.rs Abstract This paper analyzes the extent, purposes and success factors of social media uses by small and medium sized enterprises in Republic of Serbia. The purpose of this analysis is to highlight analytical functionalities, interaction functionalities and managerial functionalities of using social media and their corresponding benefits for small and medium sized businesses. A model for integration of social media within integrated marketing strategies is presented. The model takes into account relevant papers of other researchers as well as guidelines for development of successful marketing strategies. Paper concludes with discussion on challenges connected with design and implementation of social media into company's marketing strategies. Keywords: integrated marketing communications, small and medium sized enterprises, social media 20 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija TeleTransfuzija v slovenskem zdravstvu TeleTransfusion in Slovenian Health Care Marko Breskvar Zavod Republike Slovenije za transfuzijsko medicino, Slovenija marko.breskvar@ztm.si Vesna Prijatelj Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Slovenija vesna.prijatelj@kclj.si Marjeta Maček Kvanka Zavod Republike Slovenije za transfuzijsko medicino, Slovenija marjeta.macek@ztm.si Povzetek Na Zavodu Republike Slovenije za transfuzijsko medicino (ZTM) smo pred desetimi leti v sodelovanju z zunanjimi izvajalci razvili in uvedli nacionalni telemedicinski sistem TeleTransfuzija (TT). Sistem je bil sprva namenjen telekonzultacijam za posebne paciente, danes pa se rutinsko uporablja v slovenski transfuzijski službi za interpretacijo predtransfuzijskih in prenatalnih testov. Sledi izdaja elektronsko podpisanih izvidov na daljavo, ki so pogoj za izdajo krvnih komponent za bolnike. Storitve TT uporabljajo v vseh slovenskih transfuzijskih centrih locirani ob bolnišnicah, kadar zdravnik transfuziolog ni prisoten. Glede na trend naraščanja letnega števila TT sej in deleža pacientov obravnavanih med 2005-2015 ugotavljamo, da sistem uspešno deluje. V zadnjem obdobju se je letna produkcija ustalila približno pri 21.000 TT sej. Sistem TT omogoča 24/7 delo v imunohematoloških laboratorijih transfuzijskih ustanov pod daljinskim nadzorom zdravnika transfuziologa in s tem zagotavlja enako kakovost storitev ter večjo transfuzijsko varnost za vse slovenske bolnike. Boljša je organiziranost dela ob manjšem številu potrebnih specialistov transfuziologov v transfuzijskih oddelkih. Posledično so ustvarjeni znatni pozitivni ekonomski učinki, saj sistem iz dveh centrov zamenjuje delo zdravnikov specialistov na devetih oddaljenih lokacijah. Za dobro delovanje sta ključna zanesljivost sistema in varen elektronski prenos podatkov, kar smo dosegli z uporabo sodobne informacijske tehnologije. Pri uvedbi TT sistema po modelu B2B smo morali obvladati številne etične in pravne dileme. Uporabniki so sistem dobro sprejeli, saj rezultati merjenja zadovoljstva kažejo, da jim predstavlja nepogrešljivo pomoč pri vsakdanjem delu. Ključne besede: telemedicina, teletransfuzija, transfuzijska medicina, zdravstvo 21 Abstract In the Blood Transfusion Centre of Slovenia, a national telemedicine system, TeleTransfusion (TT), was developed and implemented ten years ago. The system was originally used for teleconsultations for special patients, but now it is used in the Slovenian Blood Transfusion Service for the interpretation of routine pre-transfusion and prenatal testing. The laboratory results are issued and electronically signed by a consultant from a distant location, which is mandatory for issuing blood components for patients. TT service is used in transfusion centres, located beside regional hospitals, if a transfusion medicine physician (TMP) is not on site. The increasing annual numbers of TT sessions and the increasing proportion of patients treated through TT between 2005 and 2015 prove the successful use of the system. In recent years, annual production has stabilized at about 21,000 TT sessions. TT system makes it possible that work in immunohaematology laboratories at distant transfusion centres is supervised 24/7 by a TMP from another location. In this way, the same quality of transfusion service and improved transfusion safety for all patients nationwide is provided. The use of a TT system enables the reduction in TMPs needed for the organization of 24/7 work at remote transfusion centres. As a result, significant positive economic effects have been generated, since the system with two central consultants replaces the work of TMPs at nine remote locations. Appropriate system security and secure electronic data transmission have been achieved with modern information technology. For the implementation of a TT system as a B2B model of telemedicine, a number of ethical and legal dilemmas had to be resolved. The results of satisfaction surveys of the TT users show that it is highly appreciated by the users and has become indispensable for their daily work. Keywords: telemedicine, teletransfusion, transfusion medicine, health care 22 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Uspešnost uporabe spletnih storitev e-uprave: študija primera na stanovanjskem področju Usability of E-Government Web Services: a Case Study in Public Housing Bojan Cestnik Temida d.o.o. in Inštitut Jožef Stefan, Slovenija bojan.cestnik@temida.si Alenka Kern Stanovanjski sklad Republike Slovenije, Slovenija alenka.kern@ssrs.si Povzetek V članku obravnavamo problem uspešnosti sodelovanja državljanov pri uporabi spletnih storitev na primeru javnih razpisov Stanovanjskega sklada za najem in nakup stanovanj. Za izboljšanje uspešnosti uporabnosti spletnih vlog predlagamo metodologijo Chadwicka (2011) za opredelitev notranjih institucionalnih spremenljivk in uporabo priporočil in smernic za nadzor in vzdrževanje njihovih vrednosti znotraj priporočenega okvirja. Učinek predlaganih smernic ovrednotimo na novem javnem razpisu za prodajo stanovanj državljanom, ki je bil izveden po juliju 2014. Rezultati kažejo, da je z uporabo novih priporočil Skladu uspelo ohraniti enako razmerje med elektronskimi in papirnimi vlogami in hkrati bistveno izboljšati delež popolnih elektronskih vlog. Ključne besede: uporaba spletnih storitev, e-uprava, digitalna in upravna pismenost, stanovanjsko področje Abstract In this paper, we address the problem of improving citizen engagement in using online services provided by a public housing fund in public tenders for renting and selling housing facilities for citizens. To improve the success rate of online form applications, we propose the methodology following Chadwick (2011) proposal to identify internal institutional variables and implement guidelines for controlling and maintaining their values within recommended scope. We evaluated the effect of the suggested guidelines on a new public tender for selling flats to citizens, implemented in July 2014. The results show that by following new guidelines the Fund managed to maintain the equal ratio between electronic and paper form applications while substantially improving the share of completed eligible electronic form applications. Keywords: online participation and engagement, public services, digital and administrative literacy, housing 23 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Dejavniki napredovanja zaposlenih v osnovni šoli Career Progression Factors in Elementary Schools Nevenka Colja Osnovna šola Miren, Slovenija nevenka.colja@gmail.com Eva Jereb Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija eva.jereb@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek Prispevek obravnava problematiko napredovanja zaposlenih v osnovni šoli. V prvem delu predstavimo sistem napredovanja zaposlenih v šolstvu in nekatere vplivne dejavnike, ki so najpogosteje omenjeni v literaturi. V drugem delu so predstavljeni izsledki raziskave, ki je bila izvedena med zaposlenimi v nekaterih primorskih osnovnih šolah. Z raziskavo smo ugotavljali, ali imajo vsi zaposleni enake možnosti za napredovanje, ali so seznanjeni s sistemom napredovanja in kako so z njim zadovoljni. Podrobneje smo preučili, kako na napredovanje zaposlenih vplivajo nekateri dejavniki na nivoju posameznika: spol, starost, stopnja pridobljene formalne izobrazbe in delovna doba v šolstvu. Od dejavnikov na nivoju organizacije nas je zanimal vpliv velikosti organizacije in ocena uspešnosti odnosa z nadrejenimi. Podrobno smo raziskali, kateri izmed pomembnih dejavnikov: boljša plača, boljši pogoji dela, iskanje nove zaposlitve, osebno zadovoljstvo in izboljšanje statusa v družbi v največji meri vplivajo na željo po napredovanju zaposlenih v OŠ. Izsledki raziskave bodo lahko v pomoč ravnateljem pri usklajevanju želja in potreb posameznih zaposlenih s cilji ter finančnimi možnostmi na področju šolstva. Ključne besede: napredovanje, dejavniki napredovanja, kariera, delovna uspešnost, plačni razredi, nazivi Abstract The report deals with the issue of career progression in elementary schools. In the first part, the system of career progression of school employees and some important factors, most often mentioned in literature, are presented. In the second part, the results of the research done among the employees in some of the Primorska region elementary schools are presented. The aim of the research is to establish whether all employees have equal opportunities for career advancement, how well are they informed about career progression system and whether they are satisfied with it. It has been reviewed how certain factors influence the progression on individual level: 24 sex, age, level of formal education, length of service in education. On the organization level, we examined the following factors: the size of the organization and the assessment of relationship performance with superiors. It was explored in detail which of the important factors, e.g. better salary, better working conditions, search of new employment, personal satisfaction and status improvement in society, have the greatest effect on desire for career progression among elementary school employees. The results of the research will help school principals to better coordinate desires and needs of individual employees with goals and financial prospects in the education sector. Keywords: progression, career progression factors, career, job performance, salary grades, titles 25 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Izhodišče modela kriznega agilnega projektnega managementa pri razreševanju poslovnih kriz podjetij Agile Crisis Project Management Model Baseline in Resolving Companies Business Crisis Goran Čelesnik Gorenjski tisk storitve, d.o.o., Slovenija goran.celesnik@gmail.com Igor Vrečko Univerza v Mariboru, Ekonomsko poslovna fakulteta, Slovenija igor.vrecko@um.si Jure Kovač Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija jure.kovac@fov.uni-mb.si Damijan Mumel Univerza v Mariboru, Ekonomsko poslovna fakulteta, Slovenija damijan.mumel@um.si Povzetek Podjetja in drugi gospodarski subjekti izvajajo svojo dejavnost v poslovnem okolju, ki se neprestano spreminja, zato ni presenetljivo, da številna zaradi neizvedenega ali pa neustrezno izvedenega prilagajanja slej kot prej zaidejo v poslovno krizo. V obstoječih modelih spopadanja s krizo v podjetjih se v praksi pogosto dogaja, da ključni deležniki pri razreševanju podjetja v poslovni krizi delujejo parcialno, premalo usklajeno in nepovezano, zaradi česar med njimi tudi ni pravega in potrebnega zaupanja. Ključni deležniki parcialno oblikujejo in izvajajo projekte, prvenstveno namenjene razrešitvi njihovih lastnih problemov in tveganj, ki so nastali vsled težav podjetja, kar otežuje učinkovitost in uspešnost izvedbe celovitega prestrukturiranja in prenove podjetja. Da bi zmogli preseči navedene omejitve obstoječih modelov spopadanja s krizami v podjetjih, smo pripravili izhodišče modela kriznega agilnega projektnega managementa. Model temelji na doktrinah kriznega in projektnega managementa (kriznega projektnega managementa), ki jih nadgrajujemo z načeli in metodologijami agilnega projektnega managementa. Slednji se je namreč že dokazal kot uspešna in učinkovita koncepcija delovanja v visoko turbulentnem, dinamičnem in ne povsem opredeljenem poslovnem okolju, kar so hkrati tudi značilnosti poslovnega okolja podjetij v poslovni krizi. 26 Ključne besede: poslovna kriza, krizni management, projektni management, agilni projektni management Abstract Companies and other economic entities operate in a continuously changing business environment. It is therefore not surprising that – sooner or later – many of them cope with a business crisis as a consequence of absent or poorly implemented adaptation. The models of crisis coping companies implement in practice often reveal partial, uncoordinated and unrelated actions of stakeholders, leading to lack of genuine and much needed trust among them. The key stakeholders create and implement partial projects, primarily intended to resolve their own problems and risks resulting from company's problems. This decreases the efficiency and the success of restructuring the company as a whole. An agile crisis project management model baseline was created in order to overcome the mentioned limitations of the existing models of crisis coping in companies. This model is based on the crisis management and project management (crisis project management doctrine), supplemented with agile project management principles and methodologies. Namely, the latter has proved to be a successful and efficient approach in a rather turbulent, dynamic and not clearly defined business environment. These are also the characteristics of a business environment of companies in business crisis. Keywords: business crises, turnaround management, project management, agile project management 27 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Identifikacija talentov v športu Identification of Talents in Sport Milan Čoh Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za šport, Ljubljana, Slovenija milan.coh@fsp.uni-lj.si Milan Žvan Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za šport, Slovenija milan.zvan@fsp.uni-l.si Povzetek Odkrivanje za šport talentiranih posameznikov in njihovo pravočasno vključevanje v proces treniranja tiste športne panoge, ki najbolj ustreza njihovim sposobnostim je eden najzahtevnejših postopkov s katerim se ukvarja sodobna športna znanost. Napačne odločitve so številne in praviloma zelo boleče. Vrhunski šport je področje človekove ustvarjalnosti, ki ga pri nas izredno visoko cenimo. Slovenija spada glede na število prebivalcev med najuspešnejše »športne države« v svetu. Ravno majhna biološka baza zahteva premišljen in strokoven pristop pri identifikaciji posameznikov za določen šport. Na Fakulteti za šport smo razvili nekatere ekspertne sisteme in metode za ocenjevanje in odkrivanje talentiranosti otrok, kot pomoč staršem in strokovnim kadrom pri sprejemanju kar se da pravilnih odločitev glede vključevanja otrok v posamezen šport. Te metode temeljijo na uporabi specifičnih testov za ugotavljanje posameznih gibalnih sposobnosti. Uporabili smo baterijo 13 testov morfologije , 14 testov specialne motorike in 3 teste tekaške motorike. Ugotovili smo, da imajo največjo moč predikcije talentiranosti otrok specialni testi eksplozivne moči in hitrosti. Pri tem pa moramo poudariti, da kljub vrhunski tehnologiji in metodologiji merskih postopkov ne moremo z absolutno gotovostjo napovedati talentiranosti in še manj bodočih športnih dosežkov. Človekov organizem je izjemno kompleksen sistem, ki ga definirajo mnogi nepredvidljivi dejavniki. Nedvomno pa nam rezultati ekspertnih metod dajejo pomembno orientacijo v prostoru odločitev za posameznike v določeno športno panogo. Ključne besede: nadarjenost, šport, začetni izbor, selekcija, vrhunski šport Abstract Identification of talented sports individuals and their timely introduction into the training process of a sport that corresponds the most to their abilities is one of the most demanding processes in the modern sport science. Wrong decisions are frequent and usually very painful. Elite sport is an area of human creativity which Slovenians value extremely highly. In terms of population size, Slovenia is one of the most successful "sport countries" in the world. Due to the smallness of the biological base, a well 28 deliberate and professional approach is required in the identification of individuals for a specific sport. The Faculty of Sport has developed certain expert systems and methods for evaluation and identification of children’s talents, the purpose of which is to help parents and experts adopt the correct decisions concerning the introduction of children in a sport. These methods are based on the application of specific tests for establishing individual motor abilities. A battery of 13 morphology tests, 14 tests of special motor abilities and 3 tests of running motor abilities was used. It was established that special tests of explosive power and speed had the highest predictive power for children’s talents. It should be emphasised that despite the state-of-the-art technology and methodology in the measurement procedures, it is impossible to predict talent with absolute certainty, let alone the future sport achievements. Human body is an extremely complex system that is determined by many unpredictable factors. Undoubtedly, the results of the expert methods can be used as guidance in the process of choosing a specific sport for a person. Keywords: talent, sport, first choice, selection, elite sport 29 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia From Organizational (Sub)cultures and Collaborative Information Behaviour Research to the Implications for Information System Design Kristina Feldvari University of Osijek, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Information Sciences, Croatia kfeldvari@ffos.hr Abstract Collaboration in information usage and sharing is increasingly present in today's working life. This is the reason why (sub)cultures and different aspects of collaboration in organizational information behaviour should be monitored and managed. (Sub)Cultures and collaboration are important for two main reasons: to better support work related decision-making processes and to foster the development and improvement of information systems. This paper explores organizational (sub)cultures and work-related collaborative information behaviour in five Croatian subject cataloguing departments. The primary method of data collection for organizational (sub)culture detection was a paper questionnaire based on the „Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument” by Cameron and Quinn. Collaborative information behaviour was investigated by two methods: observation and simulated work task. The results showed current and preferred organizational (sub)culture and the way subject indexers experts collaborate, communicate and share information in order to perform their work- related tasks. Study also showed constrains and obstacles participants encountered while completing work tasks. These results were later used as implications for the development and design of information system with a goal of subject indexing performance improvement. Keywords: organizational (sub)cultures, collaborative information behaviour, work- related tasks, information system design 30 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Odnos do okolja in likovna umetnost v četrtem razredu osnovne šole Environmental Awareness and Visual Art in Fourth Grade of Primary School Rock Finale Biotehniški center Naklo, Slovenija rock.finale@bc-naklo.si Povzetek Skozi raziskavo za doktorat o spodbujanju okoljske ozaveščenosti z likovno umetnostjo smo naleteli na ''oviro'' glede pojavnosti odnosa, védenja, znanja in ozaveščenosti o okolju. Katera oblika odnosa do okolja se pojavi prva in s katero lahko vplivamo na druge ter tudi, ali lahko z eno obliko odnosa do okolja sploh lahko vplivamo na drugo, sta le dve vprašanji, ki nas zanimata in se zato v članku ''spopadamo'' s posameznim odnosom in tudi s kombinacijo vseh skupaj. S podobnimi vprašanji so se srečevali in jih raziskovali že mnogi, predvsem psihologi, ki pa navajajo, da so odnosi do okolja različni glede na razvitost države in regije, katerih prebivalci so bili v vzorcu raziskave, hkrati pa na odnos do okolja vplivajo tudi starost, socialni in ekonomski položaj posameznika ter izobrazba. Psihologi so tako ugotovili, da je z znanjem oziroma védenjem (ang. Knowledge) možno vplivati na odnos (ang. Attitude) in vedênje (ang. Behavior) ter tudi na (okoljsko) ozaveščenost (ang. Awareness). V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 150 učencev četrtega razreda osnovne šole. Glavni namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti stopnjo okoljske ozaveščenost in tudi stopnjo znanja o okolju. Slednje smo preverjali s preizkusom, z njim pridobljene ocene pa so služile za razdelitev v eksperimentalno in kontrolno skupino. Skupini, ki se na začetku med seboj nista statistično pomembno razlikovali, sta ob koncu raziskave pokazali različen nivo znanja in okoljske ozaveščenosti. Ključne besede: znanje, védenje, odnos, vedênje, ozaveščenost, okoljska ozaveščenost Abstract Doing a research for the doctorate thesis on enhancing environmental awareness through art we stumbled upon a ''barrier'' regarding the incidence of attitudes, behavior, knowledge and awareness of environment. What form of relationship towards the environment appears first and which is the one that can affect other people? Furthermore, can one form of relationship towards the environment be used to influence the other? These are only two interesting questions to begin with, and 31 that's why the article deals with each relationship separately, and also with a combination of both. Similar issues are faced and studied by many authors, especially psychologists, who argue that the relationship towards the environment varies depending on the development of countries and regions' population included in a sample survey. Meanwhile, the attitude towards the environment is also affected by age, social and economic situation of the individual and of course his/her education. Psychologists have discovered that knowledge can affect the attitude and behavior as well as (environmental) awareness. The study involved 150 pupils in the fourth grade of elementary school. The main purpose of this research was to determine the level of environmental awareness and the level of knowledge about the environment. Everything was verified by testing and the results were used for dividing the pupils into an experimental and control group. Groups which did not show any statistically significant differencies of knowledge and environmental awareness at the beginning of the research turned out to be much more different at the end of the research. Keywords: knowledge, attitude, behavior, awareness, environmental awareness 32 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Profesionalizacija plesa v Sloveniji: študija primera Professionalization of Dance in Slovenia: Case Study Tina Fröhlich Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija tina.frohlich@gmail.com Barbara Močan Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija barbara.mocan@gmail.com Goran Vukovič Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija goran.vukovic@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek V Sloveniji je bilo do leta 2008 možno pridobiti poklic s plesnega področja le na srednješolskem nivoju. Plesalci so lahko pridobili poklic na: Srednji vzgojiteljski šoli in gimnaziji Ljubljana ter Konzervatorju za glasbo in balet Ljubljana in Maribor. V tistem obdobju je bila s poklicnim standardom jasno opredeljena le definicija poklica »baletni plesalec«. V letu 2006 pa je skupina plesnih strokovnjakov uspela registrirati poklicni standard »plesalec, koreograf«. Z ustanovitvijo prvega samostojnega visokošolskega zavoda Akademija za ples v Ljubljani pa se je v letu 2008 začela profesionalizacija poklica plesalcev in koreografov v Republiki Sloveniji tudi za ostale zvrsti plesa. Z raziskavo trga smo želeli ugotoviti kakšno je mnenje slovenske plesne javnosti o formalnem izobraževanju na področju plesa in o pridobitvi plesnega poklica. Predvidevali smo, da je informiranost o možnosti pridobitve poklica »plesalec, koreograf«, slaba. Ugotovili smo, da temu ni tako, saj anketiranci vedo za obstoj Akademije za ples, za njen program in s tem možnost pridobitve plesnega poklica na visokošolskem nivoju. Na podlagi rezultatov raziskave, splošno znanih dejstev in prakse ugotavljamo, da je bila formalizacija izobraževanja in s tem regulacija in profesionalizacija plesnega poklica nujno potrebna. Ključne besede: formalno izobraževanje, neformalno izobraževanje, poklic, profesionalizacija poklica, Akademija za ples Abstract By the year 2008, professional dancing qualifications In Slovenia were only available at the secondary school level. Dancers were able to qualify for the occupation or 33 profession of a dancer at Srednja vzgojiteljska šola in Gimnazija Ljubljana (Secondary Preschool Education and Gimnazija Ljubljana) and Konzervatorij za glasbo in Ballet (High Music and Ballet School) in Ljubljana or Maribor. At that time only the profession of a »ballet dancer« was defined in a professional standard. In 2006 a group of dance experts succeeded in registering the professional standard for the occupation of a »dancer, choreographer«. By establishing an independent higher-education institution named Akademija za ples (Dance Academy) in Ljubljana in 2008, the professionalisation of the occupations related to dancing and choreography in the Republic of Slovenia also started for other types of dancing. The aim of the market research was to determine the opinion of the Slovenian public about the formal education in dancing and the acquisition of the dancing occupation. We assumed that the public was not well informed about the possibilities of acquiring the title of a »dancer, choreographer«. The survey showed that the respondents were aware of the existence of the Dance Academy, its programme and the related possibilities of obtaining higher education and professional titles in the field of dancing. The conclusion made on the basis of the results of the survey, generally known facts, and practice is that the formalisation of education and the related regulation of the dancing profession was required and needed. Keywords: formal education, informal education, profession, professionalisation of the occupation, Dance Academy 34 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Spremembe Zakona o gospodarskih družbah (ZGD-1I) in njegov vpliv na Slovenske računovodske standarde (SRS 2016) Changes of the Companies Act (ZGD-1I) and Its Impact on the Slovenian Accounting Standards (SRS 2016) Renata Gabršek Kapitalska družba, d. d., Slovenija renata.gabrsek@telemach.net Povzetek Spremembe Zakona o gospodarskih družbah (ZGD-1I), sprejete avgusta 2015 prinašajo veliko sprememb. Nova so pravila računovodenja, pripoznavanje posameznih kategorij sredstev in obveznosti v bilancah družb, vrednotenja, poročanja in razkrivanja. Prav tako se bodo spremenila merila za razvrščanje družb, javna objava letnih poročil ter konsolidiranje. Zakon na novo opredeljuje tudi subjekt javnega interesa ter zahteva uskladitev Slovenskih računovodskih standardov z določili tega zakona. Novi Slovenski računovodski standardi (SRS 2016) so sedaj samostojni standardi in se ne sklicujejo na določbe Mednarodnih računovodskih standardov poročanja (MSRP). Ključne besede: prepoznavanje, vrednotenje, poročanje Abstract Changes of the Companies Act (ZGD-1I), adopted in August 2015 brought many changes. New rules of accounting recognition of individual categories of assets and liabilities in the balance sheets company valuation, reporting and disclosure. It will also change the criteria for classification company, public announcement of the annual reports and consolidation. The Act redefines the public-interest entity and requires coordination of the Slovenian Accounting Standards with the terms this Act. The new Slovenian Accounting Standards (SRS 2016) are now independent standards and not refer to the provisions of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Keywords: recognition, valuation, reporting 35 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Spremljanje prekomerno težkih pacientov na daljavo Telemonitoring Overweight Patients Tina Gogova University Clinic of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases Golnik, Slovenia tina.gogova@klinika-golnik.si Uroš Rajkovič University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Slovenia uros.rajkovic@fov.uni-mb.si Saša Kadivec University Clinic of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases Golnik, Slovenia sasa.kadivec@klinika-golnik.si Marko Novaković Clinical Center of Vojvodina, Serbia markonovakovic@rocketmail.com Povzetek Debelost je vedno večji javno zdravstveni problem, predvsem zaradi naraščajoče prevalence, stroškov in posledic, ki jih ima na zdravje in kakovost življenja posameznika. Rezultati nedavne študije kažejo na trend naraščanja debelosti v Sloveniji. Na Univerzitetni kliniki za pljučne bolezni in alergijo Golnik obravnavamo čedalje več prekomerno težkih pacientov, ki imajo težave z dihanjem. Uvedli smo program za hujšanje zaradi pozitivnega vpliva redukcije telesne teže na pacienta, njegovo zdravstveno stanje in kakovost življenja. Treba je vzpostaviti hitro, učinkovito in redno spremljanje teh pacientov. Z vedno večjim številom pacientov, obstoječi proces spremljanja njihovega napredka ni bil več ustrezen, zato smo vzpostavili sodobno informacijsko podporo in ustvarili spletno storitev, ki omogoča aktivno sodelovanje pacienta ter redno spremljanje pacienta na daljavo s strani zdravstvenega osebja. Glavne prednosti oddaljenega nadzora so večja motivacija pacientov, poenostavljen delovni proces, hitrejša komunikacija in odzivnost, časovno manjša obremenitev tako za paciente kot zdravstveno osebje, nižji stroški tako za bolnišnico kot pacienta. Prepričani smo, da je razvoj in implementacija nove tehnologije bistvenega pomena za izboljšanje zagotavljanja zdravstvenega varstva in optimizacijo pacientovih izidov. Ključne besede: debelost, pacient, oddaljen nadzor 36 Abstract Obesity is a growing health problem, mainly due to the increasing prevalence, costs, consequences on health and quality of life of the individual. The results of recent studies indicate a rising trend of obesity in Slovenia. At the University Hospital Golnik we treat more obese patients with a consequent difficulty in breathing than ever before. We have started a weight loss program due to its positive influence on the patient, his health status and his quality of life. It is necessary to establish a fast, efficient and regular monitoring of such patients. With a growing number of patients, existing process of monitoring their progress is no longer adequate. We have established a modern IT support and created a web service that allows active participation of a patient and regular telemonitoring by medical staff. The main advantages are greater patient motivation, simplified work process, faster communication and response, less time load for medical staff and patients, lower costs for both the hospital and a patient. We believe that the development and implementation of new technology could be essential for improving the delivery of healthcare and optimizing patient outcomes. Keywords: obesity, patient, telemonitoring 37 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Organizacija zdravstvenega sistema Republike Slovenije na različnih ravneh Organization of Health Care in Republic of Slovenia at Different Levels Luka Gorup luka.gorup@gmail.com Povzetek Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija (World Health Organization) zdravstveni sistem označuje kot skupek organizacij, ustanov in sredstev, katerih glavni namen je izboljšanje zdravja. Zdravstveni sistem je eden najpomembnejših sistemov v vsaki državi, ker skrbi za preventivno opozarjanje na zdrav način življenja, zdravje ljudi, njihovo zdravljenje po boleznih in rehabilitacijo po poškodbah. Za kvaliteten in učinkovit zdravstveni sistem je pomembno, da so ustanove in zasebni zdravniki, ki opravljajo zdravstvene storitve in so del javnega zdravstvenega sistema in mreže javne zdravstvene službe, optimalno porazdeljeni po celotni državi in ima celotno prebivalstvo enak dostop do vseh ravni zdravstvenega sistema. V prispevku smo predstavili organiziranost, financiranje, delovanje in partnerje, ki sodelujejo pri upravljanju zdravstvenega sistema Republike Slovenije. Natančneje smo predstavili posamezne ravni zdravstvenega sistema in izvajalce na posamezni ravni. S primerjalno analizo smo primerjali kadrovske in materialne vire ter število zdravstvenih ustanov v bolnišničnem sektorju Slovenije, Avstrije, Nemčije in Nizozemske. Vse štiri države imajo socialno in zdravstveno varstvo urejeno po Bismarckovem modelu, v katerem je glavni vir financiranja obvezno zavarovanje. Ključne besede: zdravstveni sistem, organizacija Abstract The World Health Organization describes health system as a set of organizations, institutions and resources whose primary purpose is to improve health of people. The health system is one of the most important systems in every country since it is responsible for preventive informing of healthy lifestyle, health of people, for treatment of diseases and rehabilitation after injuries. For high-quality and efficient health care system is important that institutions and private physicians who perform medical services as part of the public health system and public health service network, are even and optimally distributed throughout the country and that everyone has an equal access to all levels of the health system. 38 We have presented the organization, financing, functioning and partners involved in the management of the health system of the Republic of Slovenia. We have presented in detail different levels of the healthcare system and contractors at each level. With comparative analysis we have compared human and material resources and the number of medical institutions in the hospital sector in Slovenia, Austria, Germany and Netherlands. In all four countries social and health care systems are arranged by Bismarck model in which the main source of funding is compulsory insurance. Keywords: health care, organization 39 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Simulacijski model za potrebe odločanja pri spremembi plačnega sistema Simulation Model for Decision Making at Wage Payment System Matej Grašič MM Svetovanje, d.o.o., Slovenija matej.grasic@mmsvetovanje.si Andrej Škraba Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Laboratorij za kibernetiko in sisteme za podporo odločanju, Slovenija andrej.skraba@fov.uni-mb.si Davorin Kofjač Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Laboratorij za kibernetiko in sisteme za podporo odločanju, Slovenija davorin.kofjac@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek V prispevku obravnavamo dinamiko plačnih sistemov. Uvodoma opredelimo vplive na vse deležnike (delavce in organizacije), ki so praviloma odvisni od odločitev poslovodstva, oziroma od tega kakšen plačni sistem »postavijo«. V prispevku obravnavamo spremembo plačnega sistema v večjih organizacijah kot kompleksen, dinamičen problem, saj je na eni strani opredeljena dinamika zaposlenih oz. prehodi med posameznimi razredi, ki so časovno pogojeni, na drugi strani pa finančni učinek spremembe plačnega sistema. Predstavljen je model razvit po principu sistemske dinamike in ob upoštevanju povratnih zank v kompleksnem organizacijskem sistemu. Razviti model omogoča poslovodstvu, da predvidi finančne učinke novega, spremenjenega plačnega sistema v prihodnosti in omogoči izbiro variante, ki zadosti vhodnim zahtevam, hkrati pa zagotavlja finančno vzdržnost v okvirnem obdobju prihodnjih 20 let. Ključne besede: plačni sistem, modeliranje, simulacije, povratne zanke, sistemska dinamika Abstract This article describes the wage payment system dynamics. Influences on involved workers and organizations usually depend on management decisions or which wage payment system has been set. 40 The wage payment system in large organization is defined as a complex, dynamic problem. The emloyees transitions among different payment groups that are time limited are of prime concern, however the financial effect of the wage payment system. We present the model that enables the management to envisage the consequences of the wage payment system on the organizational performance. Model has been developed by the principles of system dynamics. The model includes several feedback loops. The model enables us to consider financial effects of the new wage payment system in the future. The model enables selection of the variants that satisfies the demands and at the same time ensures the financial sustainability for approximately the next twenty years. Keywords: wage payment system, modeling, simulation, feedback loops, system dynamics 41 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Izboljšanje testiranja programske opreme – študija primera Improving Software Testing – Case Study Sašo Greblo CGS plus d.o.o., Slovenija saso.greblo@cgsplus.si Povzetek Članek obravnava izboljšanje procesa testiranja programske opreme v podjetju CGS plus d.o.o., ki se ukvarja z razvojem programske opreme za projektiranje nizkih gradenj. Obravnavano podjetje razvija kompleksno programsko opremo, ki podpira 15 jezikov, več CAD platform, različne operacijske sisteme in 35 lokalnih standardov, ki so predpisani v 17 državah. Analiziran je proces razvoja programske opreme s poudarkom na testiranju. Predlogi sprememb se nanašajo na: a) testiranje funkcij, b) testiranje ObjectARX, BRX in dll ter c) testiranje namestitvenih procedur. Predlog dopolnitve procesa testiranja funkcij vpeljuje strokovni pregled programske kode. Predlog dopolnitve testiranja ObjectARX, BRX in dll ter testiranja namestitvenih procedur predvideva sistematizacijo postopkov in dokumentov kot osnovni korak v pripravo načrtov testiranja skladno z IEEE 829-2800 ter regresijsko testiranje. Predlog dopolnitve testiranja namestitvenih procedur dodatno predvideva sistematizacijo testiranja namestitvenih procedur v tri nivoje in avtomatizacijo testiranja. Ocenjeno je, da se bo investicija v izdelavo načrtov testiranja, avtomatizacijo testiranja ter vpeljavo dokumentiranja testiranja povrnila v manj kot dveh letih. Ključne besede: testiranje programske opreme, avtomatsko testiranje programske opreme, optimizacija testiranja programske opreme, (ROI) donosnost naložbe Abstract The article addresses the improvement of software testing process in CGS plus d.o.o.. CGS plus d.o.o. develops the software for civil engineering design. The software is complex and constantly evolving, translated into 15 languages, supporting multiple CAD platforms, different operating systems, 35 local standards in 17 countries. Proposals for improvements of testing process have been prepared related to: unit testing, testing ObjectARX, BRX, dll and testing installation procedures. Proposal for amendments unit testing introduce a peer review. Proposal for amendments testing ObjectARX, BRX, dll and testing installation procedures are systematization of procedures and documents as a basic step in the preparation for preparing test plans in accordance with IEEE 829-2800 and regression testing. In addition the proposal for amendments testing installation procedures provides 42 systematization of testing installation procedures in three levels and automatization of software testing. It is estimated that the investment in the production of test plans, test automation and the introduction of testing documents will be restored in less than two years. Keywords: software testing, automatic software testing, optimization of software testing, (ROI) return on investment 43 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Prosumer Involvement in Smart Grids: the Relevance of Energy Prosumer Behavior Yves Hertig University of Fribourg, International Institute of Management in Technology, Switzerland yves.hertig@unifr.ch Stephanie Teufel University of Fribourg, International Institute of Management in Technology, Switzerland stephanie.teufel@unifr.ch Abstract The traditionally centralized and vertical structure of electricity networks is changing to be more decentralized. By integrating bottom-up energy provision, the industry is undergoing drastic structural changes. Bottom-to-bottom electricity provision solutions via prosumer communities, such as Crowd Energy, will change the grid in a sustainable way and reinforce the paradigm shift affecting the electricity sector. The integration of energy-prosumer communities on a low voltage distribution level affects not only the structure of electricity supply in a grid but also its underlying framework. Current energy behavior research mostly focuses on understanding household energy consumption behavior in a traditional structure and is unable to express prosumer behavior in a decentralized and horizontal structure. For the first time, this paper proposes a broader view of energy prosumer behavior in a prosumer-shaped electricity network. A prosumer behavior framework will highlight the changing and merging roles from a consumer to a prosumer and changing responsibilities in a decentralized and horizontal electricity market. It argues for broader behavioral research, both for network stability reasons and to consider its application for societal, political and economic perspectives on decentralized electricity networks. Keywords: crowd energy, behavioral research, prosumer behavior, Energy behavior 44 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Pomen gibanja za mladostnike; akcija 1000km Importance of Movement for Youth; Campaign 1000km Miha Indihar Dijaški dom Ivana Cankarja, Slovenija miha.indihar@dic.si Povzetek V prispevku so predstavljeni rezultati spremljanja dijakov v dijaškem domu Ivana Cankarja (DIC) pri njihovem udejstvovanju v športno-rekreativnih dejavnostih, pri čemer smo se ciljno osredotočili zgolj na tek, kot najbolj enostavno in naravno športno-rekreativno gibanje. Mladostniki, ki so pri tem sodelovali so (bili) stari med 15. in 19. let, njihove rezultate pa smo spremljali dve šolski leti (2013/2014 in 2014/2015). Predstavljena analiza je rezultat tekaškega udejstvovanja dijakov ob »Dnevu teka«, ki ga imamo v okviru akcije »1000 km« spomladi. Na prvem dnevu teka (marec, 2014) so sodelovali 103 dijaki, na drugem dnevu teka (marec, 2015) pa 125 dijakov. Rezultati so pokazali, da se število mladih pri tekaških aktivnostih povečuje, kar je lahko rezultat tako vse splošne tekaške popularnosti, kot tudi strokovno-pedagoški pristop do tega izziva. Ključne besede: mladostnik, razvoj, gibanje, tek Abstract The article presents the results of monitoring high school students in the high school dorm Ivan Cankar (DIC) in their participation in the sports-recreational activities in witch, we put our focus on running as most simple and natural sports-recreational activity. Adolescent that took part in it where between 15 and 19 years old. Their results were monitored two school years (2013/2014 and 2014/2015). The presented analysis are results of the running participation of the students in the “Running day” that we have under the campaign “1000 km” in the spring. On the first day of running (March, 2014) participated 103 students and in the second day of the running (March, 2015) 125 students. The results showed that the number of young people in the running activity increases, which may result as a general running popularity as well as professional and educational approach to this challenge. Keywords: youngster, development, motion, jogging 45 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Stres pri delu učiteljev razrednega pouka Work Stress of a Primary School Teacher Aleksandra Jagarinec OŠ NH Rajka Hrastnik, Slovenija aleksandra.jagarinec@gmail.com Gozdana Miglič Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija gozdana.miglic@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek Stres je v današnjih časih naš stalni spremljevalec, vendar sam po sebi ni škodljiv, ker je zelo odvisen od tega, kako ga posamezna oseba doživlja in kako se nanj odziva. Zanimalo nas je, kateri dejavniki povzročajo največ stresa pri delu učiteljev razrednega pouka. Z anketnim vprašalnikom, ki smo ga poslali učiteljem dvajsetih naključno izbranih šol po vsej državi, smo raziskovali, kakšne so posledice stresa in kako ga premagujejo učitelji razrednega pouka. Rezultati ankete so pokazali, da najbolj stresno na delo učiteljev razrednega pouka vplivajo odnos s starši, administrativno delo in odnos s sodelavci. Ta rezultat nas je presenetil, saj preživijo učitelji pri svojem delu največ časa z učenci. Ključne besede: stres, učitelji razrednega pouka, stresorji na delovnem mestu Abstract Stress is nowadays our constant companion, but by itself it is not harmful because it is very dependent on how each person experiences it and responds to it.. We wanted to know what factors cause the most stress at the work of class teachers. With the questionnaire, which was sent to teachers of twenty randomly selected schools across the country, we investigated the consequences of stress and how class teachers overcome it.. The survey results showed that the work of class teachers was most stressfully affected by the relationship with parents, administrative work and relationship with colleagues. This result was surprising, as teachers spend most of their time with students. Keywords: stress, class teachers, stressors in the workplace 46 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Množični odprti spletni tečaji kot možnost izobraževanja Massive Open Online Courses as Educational Opportunity Eva Jereb Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija eva.jereb@fov.uni-mb.si Marko Urh Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija marko.urh@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek Množični spletni odprti tečaji (MOOC - Massive Open Online Courses) ponujajo različno paleto znanj, ki se jih lahko naučimo preko e-izobraževanja. Glavne prednosti omenjenih tečajev so vrhunski predavatelji, odlična produkcija, velike in znane univerze kot ponudniki, poceni ali celo brezplačni tečaji, dostopnost in prepoznavnost. Vse to pa predstavlja veliko konkurenčno prednost pred klasičnimi izobraževalnim pristopi. V prispevku so opredeljeni množični odprti spletni tečaji, podani največji ponudniki, prednosti in slabosti takih tečajev ter spoznanja, ki jih lahko uporabijo organizacije pri izvajanju e-izobraževanja. Ključne besede: e-izobraževanje, množični odprti spletni tečaji Abstract Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) offer a broad range of skills that can be learned through e-learning. The main advantages of these courses are excellent speakers, excellent production, large and wel -known universities as providers of cheap or even free courses, accessibility and visibility. These features are a big competitive advantage over traditional educational approaches. In the paper massive open online courses are identified, the biggest providers are presented, the advantages and disadvantages of such courses are shown and recommendations that can be used by organizations in the implementation of e-learning are given. Keywords: e-learning, massive open online courses 47 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Organizacijsko vzdušje pred reorganizacijo v območni enoti Zavoda za zdravstveno varstvo Organizational Climate before Reorganization in Regional Unit of the Institute of Public Health Gašper Jordan Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede Kranj, Slovenija gasper.jordan@student.um.si Gozdana Miglič Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede Kranj, Slovenija gozdana.miglic@fov.uni-mb.si Rok Pintar Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede Kranj, Slovenija rok.pintar@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek Organizacijsko vzdušje je element v organizaciji, ki je tesno povezan z vsemi ostalimi procesi in delujočimi v organizaciji. Vsaka nova aktivnost ali dogajanje vpliva nanj, kar se odraža na vseh ostalih področjih organizacije vključno z zaposlenimi. Zelo je pomembno, da zaposleni čutijo pripadnost organizaciji in se poistovetijo z njenimi cilji. Vodilni morajo stremeti po čim večji motiviranosti zaposlenih, saj bodo ti bolj dovzetni za uvajanje novosti, dodatnega dela in večjo kakovost dela. Predmet preučevanja prispevka je bilo organizacijsko vzdušje v območni enoti Zavoda za zdravstveno varstvo. Ker je bila organizacija ravno pred postopkom reorganizacije, nas je zanimalo, kakšno je bilo vzdušje med zaposlenimi. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je organizacijsko vzdušje na povprečnem nivoju. Najbolje ocenjeni dimenziji sta bili odnos do kakovosti ter inovativnost in iniciativnost, najslabše pa nagrajevanje in razvoja kariere. Potrjena so bila tudi vsa tri raziskovalna vprašanja, in sicer zaposleni, ki so zadovoljni s svojim dosedanjim razvojem pred reorganizacijo, menijo, da imajo vsi enake možnosti za napredovanje, da so zaposleni, ki so zavzeti za svoje delo, v večji meri pripravljeni na dodaten napor, kadar se to pri delu zahteva in da zaposleni, ki menijo, da ima organizacija velik ugled v okolju, pogosteje govorijo pozitivno o njej. Ključne besede: organizacijsko vzdušje, zadovoljstvo z delom, reorganizacija 48 Abstract Organizational atmosphere is element within the organization that is closely linked to all other processes and actors in the organization. Any new activity or development effect on it, what is reflected in all other areas of the organization with a strong impact on employees. It is very important that employees feel loyal to the organization and identify with its objectives. Leaders must strive to maximize employees' motivation, because this way employees will be more receptive to the introduction of innovations, additional work and the quality of the work. The object of study in this paper was the organizational atmosphere in regional unit of the Institute of Public Health. Since the organization was just before the procedure of reorganization, we wanted to know what state was the the organizational atmosphere. It has been found that the organizational atmosphere was at the average level, but there were two dimensions of the organizational atmosphere at a rather low level. The best assessed were the dimensions attitudes towards quality and innovation and initiative, and the worst assessed dimensions were the remuneration and career development. All three research questions were confirmed; firstly, the employees of the organization, who are satisfied with their existing development before the reorganization, believe that all have equal opportunities for promotion, secondly, the employees of the organization, who are dedicated to their work, are more willing to exert additional effort where the work requires it, and finally, the employees, who believe that the organization has a high reputation in the environment, more often speak positively about it. Keywords: organizational climate, work satisfaction, reorganization 49 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Kazalniki kakovosti na področju kliničnega mentorstva na Fakulteti za zdravstvo Jesenice Quality Indicators of Clinical Mentoring at the Faculty of Health Care Jesenice Sedina Kalender Smajlović Fakulteta za zdravstvo Jesenice, Slovenija skalendersmajlovic@fzj.si Sanela Pivač Fakulteta za zdravstvo Jesenice, Slovenija spivac@fzj.si Povzetek Teoretična izhodišča: Spremljanje kazalnikov kakovosti na področju kliničnega usposabljanja so vodilo izvajanja kakovostnega visokošolskega izobraževanja in zagotavljanja kakovostne, varne kontinuirane obravnave pacientov v kliničnem okolju. Metode: Raziskava temelji na neeksperimentalni kvantitativni metodi, podatki so zbrani s tehniko anketiranja. Izveden je pregled kazalnikov zadovoljstva kliničnega mentorstva evalvacijskih poročil o kakovosti pedagoškega, izobraževalnega, raziskovalnega ter upravnega dela Fakultete za zdravstvo Jesenice za študijsko leto 2012/2013, 2013/2014 in 2014/2015. Anketiranje je bilo anonimno. Podatki so analizirani s pomočjo programa SPSS, verzija 20,0. Uporabili smo opisno statistiko. Rezultati: Študentje Fakultete za zdravstvo Jesenice so najnižje vrednosti o zadovoljstvu s klinično prakso podali v študijskem letu 2013/2014, v študijskem letu 2014/2015 pa je zadovoljstvo s klinično prakso naraslo. Primerjava treh študijskih let kaže, da klinični mentorji navajajo nižje vrednosti pri času, ki ga posvečajo študentom za kakovostno izvedbo klinične prakse. Razprava: Za kakovost kliničnega usposabljanja je pomemben dejavnik doseganje zadovoljstva kliničnih mentorjev z organizacijo kliničnega usposabljanja in s pedagoškim delom s študenti, kot tudi uspešni kazalniki s strani študentov. Ključne besede: študentje, klinični mentorji, anketiranje, mentorstvo, Fakulteta za zdravstvo Jesenice Abstract Theoretical background: The monitoring of quality indicators in the field of clinical training are the guidelines of the implementation of quality in higher education and 50 the provision of quality, safe continuity of patient care in the clinical setting. Methods: The study is based on non-experimental quantitative methods, data were collected by interviewing technique. An overview of the indicators of satisfaction of clinical mentoring evaluation reports on the quality of teaching, education, research and administrative work of the Faculty of Health Care Jesenice for the academic year 2012/2013, 2013/2014 and 2014/2015. The survey was anonymous. Data were analyzed using SPSS, version 20.0. We used descriptive statistics. Results: Students of the Faculty of Health Care Jesenice had the lowest values of the satisfaction with clinical practice specified in the academic year 2013/2014, in the academic year 2014/2015, the satisfaction with clinical practice. Comparison of three years of study indicates that clinical mentors mention lower value of the time that students devote to quality implementation of clinical practice. Discussion: The quality of clinical training is an important factor in achieving customer satisfaction clinical mentors to the organization of clinical training and teaching students, as well as success indicators by students. Keywords: students, clinical supervisors, interviewing, mentoring, Faculty of Health Care Jesenice 51 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Razvoj obremenitvenih testov programske rešitve z odprtokodnim orodjem JMeter Load Testing Development for a Programming Solution with JMeter Opensource Tool Primož Kastelic 3GEN d.o.o., Slovenija primoz.kastelic@3gen.si Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija mirjana.kljajic@fov.uni-mb.si Robert Leskovar Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija robert.leskovar@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek V prispevku je prikazano obremenitveno testiranje z odprtokodnim orodjem JMeter v distribuirani testni arhitekturi. Objekt testiranja je obsegal skupek 4-nivojskih aplikacij, pri čemer smo uporabili 5 virtualnih strojev, dva virtualna stroja za IBM Websphere Portal, dva za aplikacijski strežnik IBM Websphere in enega za delilnik bremena HAProxy. Definirali smo 3 testne scenarije in tri testne primere za vsak scenarij. Posamezni testni primeri predvidevajo različno število generiranih uporabnikov (50, 75, 100, 200, 300 in 500), različno dinamiko generiranja uporabnikov (v 10 s, 60 s, 120 s, 240 s) ter čase izvajanja testov med 57 s in 728 s. Vsi testirni primeri so pokazali, da je odzivni čas ustrezen, poraba pomnilnika pa ne bo presegala dodeljenih omejitev. Rezultati izvedenega testiranja omogočajo, da skupek testiranih spletnih aplikacij brez zadržkov prenesemo v produkcijsko okolje. Ključne besede: obremenitveno testiranje, Apache JMeter, upravljanje informacijskih sistemov Abstract The article shows the performance testing with the open source tool Apache JMeter in a distributed test architecture. The object of testing consisted of a set of 4-level applications. We used 5 virtual machines, two virtual machines for IBM Websphere Portal, two virtual machines for IBM Websphere Application server and one virtual machine for HAProxy load balancer. We defined three test scenarios and three test cases for each scenario. Individual test cases provide a different number of 52 generated users (50, 75, 100, 200, 300 and 500), different dynamics generating users (in 10 s, 60 s, 120 s, 240 s) and running test times between 57 s and 728 s. All test cases have shown that the response time was appropriate and memory consumption will not exceed the allocated limits. With such results of testing we can deploy the set of applications in a production environment without hesitation. Keywords: load testing, Apache JMeter, information systems management 53 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Izzivi in perspektiva javne uprave v luči politike napredka in kakovosti Challenges and Perspectives of Public Administration in the Light of Policy of Progress and Quality Karmen Kern Pipan Ministrstvo za javno upravo, Slovenija karmen.kern-pipan@gov.si Mirko Stopar Ministrstvo za javno upravo, Slovenija mirko.stopar@gov.si Mateja Arko Košec Ministrstvo za javno upravo, Slovenija mateja.arko-kosec@gov.si Mojca Gregorič Ministrstvo za javno upravo, Slovenija mojca.gregoric@gov.si Povzetek Namen prispevka je predstaviti poglavitne poudarke iz področja vpeljave vodenja sistemov kakovosti v javni upravi z vidika sprejete Vladne Strategije razvoja javne uprave 2015-2020 (SJU 2020) ter Politike napredka in kakovosti sodobne javne uprave. Temeljni cilji strategije so usmerjeni v kakovost in učinkovitost, transparentnost in odgovornost javne uprave, hkrati pa pomeni podporo in zavezo za uresničevanje strategije razvoja celotne države. Na področju vodenja kakovosti bo uveden sistem merljivih ciljev in kazalnikov, ki bo kaskadno razdelan na vseh ravneh. To bo povečalo osebno odgovornost, preglednost nad porabo virov ter prispevki posameznika k skupnim ciljem ter omogočilo nagrajevanje po učinkih dela. Sistem vodenja kakovosti v javni upravi bo razširjen na vse organe javne uprave, poleg upravnih enot tudi na ministrstva, vladne službe in organe v sestavi. V tem okviru je tudi evropski model CAF orodje, ki podpira razvoj, udejanjanje stalnih izboljšav in inoviranja na vseh ravneh ter ga organizacije v javnem sektorju po vsej Evropi lahko enostavno uporabljajo za izboljšanje svojega delovanja. Ključne besede: kakovost, javna uprava, ciljno vodenje, samoocenjevanje 54 Abstract The purpose of this paper is to present the main highlights in the field of implementing quality management systems in public administration from the perspective of Public Administration Development Strategy 2015-2020 (PAD 2020) and Modern public administration progress and quality policy. The main objectives of the strategy are focused on quality and efficiency, transparency and accountability in public administration, but also give support and commitment to the realization of the strategy of development of the whole country. In the field of quality management a system of measurable targets and indicators will be implemented, cascaded and elaborated at all levels. This will increase personal accountability, transparency in using resources and contribution of every individual to the common objectives and allow rewarding according to work efficiency. Quality management system in public administration will be spread to all public administration bodies, beside administrative units, to the ministries, governmental services and agencies. In this context, the CAF model is a tool supporting the development, implementation of continuous improvement and innovation at all levels and can be easily used by public sector organizations across Europe to improve their operations. Keywords: quality, public administration, management by objectives, self-assessment 55 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Primerjava nakupnega vedenja mladih pri izbiri oblačil med letoma 2011 in 2015 Comparison of Shopping Behaviour of Young People when Choosing Clothes between 2011 and 2015 Natalija Klemenčič Višja strokovna šola, Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota, Slovenija natklemencic@gmail.com Beno Klemenčič Višja strokovna šola, Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota, Slovenija beno.klemencic@gmail.com Povzetek V prispevku smo se ukvarjali s procesom nakupnega vedenja mladih slovenskih porabnikov. Osredotočili smo se na proces informacijskega vedenja pri izbiri oblačil. Porabniki v procesu nakupnega odločanja pridobijo informacije iz več virov. Temeljni viri pri nakupu oblačil so: TV in radio oglasi, revije o modi in kataloška prodaja, izložbe v prodajalnah, oglasna pošta na dom, prijatelji in znanci, oglasni panoji ob cestah in na ulici ter sodobni spletni mediji (Facebook, Twitter, Google). Primerjali smo rezultate raziskav izvedenih v letih 1999, 2011 in 2015. Ugotovili smo razlike v informacijskem vedenju v proučevanih letih. V letu 1999 so mladi pri izbiri oblačil najpogosteje uporabljali sledeče vire: kataloška prodaja, izložbe v prodajalnah, prijatelji in znanci in TV oglasi. V letu 2011 so imeli na nakupno odločitev največji vpliv prijatelji in znanci, izložbe v prodajalnah in oglasna pošta na dom. V letu 2015 so pridobili na pomenu tudi sodobni spletni mediji (Facebook, Twitter, Google, idr.). Ključne besede: nakupno vedenje porabnikov, informacijski viri, oblačila, sodobni spletni mediji Abstract In the article we dealt with the process of shopping behaviour of young Slovenian consumers. We focused on the process of information behaviour when selecting clothes. In the buying decision process, consumers gain information from different sources. Basic sources for buying clothes are: TV and radio commercials, fashion magazines and catalogue sales, shopping windows, advertising mail, friends and acquaintances, hoardings beside roads and modern online media (Facebook, Twitter and Google). We compared the results of the research carried out in 1999, 2011 and 2015. We found differences in the information behaviour in the researched years. In 1999 the most common sources used by young people when selecting clothes were: 56 catalogue sales, shopping windows, friends and acquaintances as well as TV commercials. In 2011 friends and acquaintances, shopping windows and advertising mail had the biggest impact on the buying decision. In 2015 the meaning of modern online media has increased (Facebook, Twitter, Google and others). Keywords: consumer shopping behaviour, information sources, clothes, modern online media 57 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Strategy Management Control Through the Balanced Scorecard Model Dražen Kostelac Business School PAR, Croatia drazen.kostelac1@gmail.com Ivan Marović University of Rijeka, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Croatia ivan.marovic@gradri.uniri.hr Nikša Jajac University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy, Croatia njajac@gradst.hr Abstract The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a strategic planning and management system that has been used extensively used in business and industry as well as in government and non-profit organizations worldwide during the last two decades. BSC enables the user to align business activities with the organization’s vision and strategy at the same time, improving both internal and external communications, and to monitor the organization’s performance against strategic goals. It was designed by Kaplan and Norton as a performance measurement framework to apply strategic non-financial performance measures to traditional financial metrics, providing managers and executives a more “balanced” view of organizational performance. The goal of this paper is to establish a model based on combination of existing strategic planning models, which will give a precise insight of the resources and their optimal use, and monitor the progress of strategic plan execution. Such will be determined by previously defined specific key performance indicators (KPIs) and their quantification according to strategic plans. Keywords: balanced scorecard, key performance indicators, strategy management, control 58 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija iTools – ko učbenik postane e-učbenik iTools – From Textbook to E-Textbook Mojca Kostelec Cvitkovič Konservatorij za glasbo in balet Ljubljana, Slovenija mojca.kostelec-cvitkovic@kgbl.si Povzetek Učiteljeva pripomočka že vrsto let nista samo učbenik in tabla. V zadnjih letih so z IKT podprte vsebine potreba in nuja učitelja, ki želi dijakom posredovati znanje ne le na bolj dinamičen in zanimiv način, temveč tudi preko tehnologij, ki so današnjim dijakom blizu. V članku bomo na primeru učbeniškega kompleta New Headway 4th edition prikazali, kako poteka pouk s pomočjo digitalnega vira iTools, ki je sicer prvenstveno zasnovan za uporabo na interaktivni tabli, vendar enako učinkovito deluje tudi na računalniku s projektorjem. Predstavljene so prednosti poučevanja s programom iTools, predvsem pa nas je zanimalo, v kolikšni meri vpliva na kakovost poučevanja ter kako tovrsten pouk doživljajo dijaki. E-gradiva in e-vsebine so del šolskega vsakdana, vendar moramo biti pozorni, da niso same sebi namen, ampak jih čim bolj smiselno združimo s tradicionalnimi gradivi in pristopi. Z uporabo programa iTools je postalo učenje in poučevanje zares interaktivno, saj se vsebine, ki jih najdemo v tiskani obliki učbenika dopolnjujejo in nadgrajujejo s sodobnimi e- vsebinami, udeleženci v procesu učenja pa le s težavo ostanejo zgolj pasivni opazovalci. Ključne besede: e-gradiva, interaktivno učenje in poučevanje, iTools Abstract Nowadays teachers do not rely solely on a textbook and blackboard. In recent years, ICT-based content became the need and necessity of every teacher who wishes to impart knowledge to students not only in a more dynamic and interesting way, but also through technologies that are close to today's students. This article presents the use of the New Headway 4th edition iTools, which is primarily designed for use on an interactive whiteboard, but equally effectively operates on a computer with projector. The advantages of teaching English using iTools are presented, in particular, we were interested in the impact on the quality of teaching and how the students experience this kind of teaching. E-learning materials and e-contents are used almost on a daily basis, however, they must be used wisely and in combination with traditional materials and approaches. By using iTools teaching and learning has become really interactive, since the contents from the print textbook are 59 complemented by e-materials. The participants in the learning process can hardly remain passive observers. Keywords: e-learning materials, interactive learning and teaching, iTools 60 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia The Experiences and Dilemmas in Implementing the Marine Spatial Planning in Integrated Coastal Zone Management Mirjana Kovačić University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Croatia mirjana051@gmail.com Donald Schiozzi University or Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Croatia donald@port-rovinj.hr Astrid Zekić University or Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Croatia astrid.zekic@gmail.com Abstract The three-dimensionality of the marine system enables a simultaneous operation of different activities in different sea layers: the seabed, the water column and at the surface. Ecosystems and marine resources are exposed to considerable pressures in marine waters which lead to their disruption. Marine spatial planning (MSP) as a process of analysing and allocating spatial and temporal distributions of human activities in marine areas to achieve ecological, economic and social balance is a new approach to the overall planning of the use of the sea and coastal areas. The impact on the environment and economic and sport and recreational activities is minimized and the development of the marine area is enabled through the established physical planning conditions. The Authors analyse legal requirements and the intellectual capacity of the public administration in Croatia for the implementation of the MSP. Based on acquired knowledge and practical experiences of EU members (Belgium and Norway), the importance of the MSP in the development plans of the country is being highlighted. The purpose of this paper is to determine economic, ecological and social benefits that the implementation of MSP would bring through an integral management of coastal and marine area. The aim of this paper is to determine a real need for marine area that would be based on the research carried out, and using the ecosystem approach to establish possible ways for implementing MSP into the management of the coastal and marine area. Keywords: the three-dimensionality of the marine system, marine spatial planning (MSP), sustainable development, ecosystem approach 61 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Razvoj modela sistemske dinamike investiranja in donosnosti kapitala v organizaciji Development of System Dynamics Model of Investments and Capital Growth in Organizations Damijan Kozina UniCredit Banka Slovenija d.d., Slovenija kozina@gmail.com Andrej Škraba Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija andrej.skraba@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek Prispevek obravnava vpliv stopnje investiranja in zadolževanja posamezne organizacije na njeno finančno stanje. Želimo določiti optimum med investiranjem in zadolževanjem v organizaciji. Optimizacija pomembno prispeva k trajnostnemu razvoju organizacije in celotnega okolja. Obravnavanih je več možnih simulacijskih scenarijev. Prevelika zadolženost zavira gospodarsko rast, vendar po drugi strani premajhna stopnja investiranja tudi ne zagotavlja napredka. S tem kvantitativno podpremo strategijo organizacije za uspešno delovanje na dolgi rok. Razvit je bil delujoč simulacijski model, ki upošteva stopnjo investiranja in zadolževanja v obravnavani organizaciji in prikaže rezultate simulacije. Opredeljeni so ustrezni vhodni parametri modela, ki zagotavljajo kar najboljši rezultat za posamezno organizacijo. Uporabljena je metodologija sistemske dinamike z obravnavo ključih povratnih zank. Izdelan je simulacijski model, podprt z aplikacijo, ki je testirana z uporabo testnih primerov in vključenimi različnimi scenariji. Simulacijski model je izdelan z orodjem Powersim ter realiziran s programskim jezikom JavaScript. Aplikacija je prosto dostopna na spletnem mestu http://kozina.eu/fov/model/. Ključne besede: sistemska dinamika, modeliranje in simulacija, investiranje, donosnost, zadolževanje, kapital, korupcija, integriteta, trajnostni razvoj, organizacija, JavaScript, SVG Abstract The paper deals with the impact of the rate of investments and borrowing of an individual organisation on its financial state. In this context, we would like to determine the optimum between investments and borrowing in an organisation. Several possible simulation scenarios have been considered. On the one hand, over- indebtedness hinders economic growth, whereas, on the other hand, a rate of 62 investments which is too low also does not ensure progress. With this, we quantitatively support the strategy of the organisation for successful operation in the long-term. A functioning simulation model which takes into account the rate of investments and borrowing in the organisation in question and shows the results of the simulation has been developed. Appropriate input parameters of the model which ensure the best result for an individual organisation have been defined. The methodology which has been used is the methodology of system dynamics with the consideration of key feedback loops. The simulation model supported by an application tested by using test cases which include different scenarios has been made. The simulation model has been made with the Powersim tool and realised with the JavaScript programming language. The application is freely accessible on the website http://kozina.eu/fov/model/. Keywords: system dynamics, modelling and simulation, investments, capital growth, borrowing, capital, corruption, integrity, sustainable development, organization, JavaScript, SVG 63 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Analiza obremenjenosti kadra v patronažnem zdravstvenem varstvu v Sloveniji Analysis of Workload of Personnel in Community Nursing Care in Slovenia Andreja Krajnc Patronažna zdravstvena nega in babištvo Andreja Krajnc, Slovenija andreja.krajnc@trnovska-vas.si Povzetek Uvod in namen: Patronažno varstvo je pomemben del primarnega zdravstvenega varstva, ki s svojim delovanjem vpliva na kakovost in varnost obravnav v sistemu zdravstvenega varstva. Obseg in vsebina patronažne zdravstvene nege se je zadnja leta predvsem zaradi demografskih sprememb s povečanjem deleža starostnikov, spremenjene patologije prebivalstva, hitrega razvoja medicine, sprememb v bolnišnični obravnavi in varčevalnih ukrepov v zdravstvu bistveno spremenila, zaradi česa se je spremenila tudi delovna obremenitev kadra zaposlenega v patronažnem zdravstvenem varstvu. V članku bomo prikazali analizo obremenjenosti in neenakomerne obremenjenosti kadra v Sloveniji. V analizi bomo izpostavili kadrovske razlike med sprejetimi strokovnimi priporočili in dejanskim stanjem v praksi. Metode: V članku je prikazana analizo obremenjenosti kadra v praksi patronažne zdravstvene nege v Sloveniji. Uporabljeni so podatki o številu plačanih timov iz strani Zavoda za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenija (ZZZS) in realizaciji delovnega programa. Podatki obsegajo časovno obdobje od leta 2005-2014. Pri analizi je bilo uporabljeno programsko orodje SPSS. Rezultati: Z raziskavo smo potrdili preobremenjenost in neenakomerno obremenjenost kadra v patronažnem varstvu v raziskovanem obdobju. Potrjena je bila predpostavka, da plačnik pri priznavanju in finansiranju plana storitev ne sledi demografski strukturi prebivalstva in priporočilom stroke. Zaključki: Raziskava je potrdila, da se kader zaposlen v patronažnem zdravstvenem varstvu v Sloveniji srečuje z vedno večjimi in neenakomernimi obremenitvami. Spremembam v obsegu in vsebini patronažnih obravnav ne uspe slediti ne plačnik s priznanim obsegom storitev in ne država z ustrezno ureditvijo mreže za patronažno varstvo in priznanjem kadrovskih normativov. Pridobljene ugotovitve bodo podlaga za predlog odločevalcem za izboljšave obstoječega stanja. Ključne besede: zdravstvena nega v patronažnem varstvu, preobremenjenost, patronažna medicinska sestra 64 Abstract Background and purpose: Community nursing care is important part of primary health care, which, whit their activities, influence on quality and security of hearings in the system of health care. Volume and contents of community nursing care has been changed in recent time, and because of that, workload of staff employed in community nursing care has been changed too. In article is shown analysis of workload and unequal workload of stuff in Slovenia. In analysis we wil highlight difference between accepted professional recommendations and conditions in practice. Methodology: In article analysis of workload of staff in community nursing care is shown. We are using data about amount of payed teams from the website of Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (ZZZS) and from realization of working plan. Data includes period between 2005 and 2014. In analysis we have used SPSS program. Results: With research we have confirm congestion and unequal workload of community health nursing stuff in chosen period. It has been confirmed assumption, that payer in recognition and financing of plan service don’t follow demographical structure in population and recommendations of the profession. Conclusion: Research has confirmed, that stuff employed in community nursing care in Slovenia is faced with bigger and bigger workloads which are unequal too. Changes in content and volume of community health nursing hearings are not followed by payer with confirmed content of services, and not by the state with appropriately arrangements of structure of community nursing care and with concede of stuff normative. Acquired findings will be base for suggestion to markers for improvements of existing s Keywords: nursing in community heelth care, work overload, community nurse 65 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Analiza praktičnega usposabljanja z delom na Srednji zdravstveni šoli Celje Analysis of Practical Training and Work at the Secondary School for Nurses in Celje Nataša Krajnc Zakrajšek Srednja zdravstvena šola Celje, Slovenija krajnc.zakrajsek@gmail.com Eva Jereb Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija eva.jereb@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek Uvedba bolonjske reforme je doprinesla v srednješolske programe uvedbo Praktičnega usposabljanja z delom, ki je sestavni in obvezni del v prenovljenih programih srednjega strokovnega, srednjega poklicnega in srednjega poklicno– tehničnega izobraževanja. Mednje štejemo tudi programe za katere izobražujemo dijake na naši šoli. Srednja zdravstvena šola Celje se je spremembe lotila z veliko vnemo in prav je da vam predstavimo samo organizacijo Praktičnega usposabljanja z delom, izdelavo predpisanih obrazcev in dnevnikov, ki so dijakom dostopni na šolski spletni strani. Med dijaki smo izvedli raziskavo, saj smo želeli izvedeti kako so zadovoljni z uvedbo Praktičnega usposabljanja z delom. Trudimo se, da dijakom omogočimo široko paleto delodajalcev, zato smo naše sodelovanje razširili tudi v tujino, da si dijaki lahko izkušnje pridobijo tudi drugje. Sami rezultati ankete so poplačali naš trud organizacije Praktičnega usposabljanja z delom saj so dijaki zelo zadovoljni in prevladale so tudi dobre lastnosti,ki so jih lahko navedli v odprtem tipu vprašanja. Ne smemo pa pozabiti, da so za dobro delo potrebni trije subjekti, ki so povezani med seboj dijak, šola in delodajalec. Ključne besede: izobraževanje, organizacija, Srednja zdravstvena šola Celje, Praktično usposabljanje z delom Abstract The introduction of the bologna reforms has contributed in secondary school programs introducing practical training and work, which is an integral and obligatory part of the renewed programs of secondary vocational and secondary vocational- technical education. These includes programs that educate students at our school. The Secondary School of Nursing in Celje undertook the changes with great enthusiasm and we are going to present the organization of practical training and 66 work, restructuring the prescribed forms and registers, which are available to students on the school website. We conducted a survey among the students to find out how satisfied they are with the introduction of practical training and work. We strive to enable our students a wide range of employers, which is why we have expanded our cooperation abroad so that students can gain experience elsewhere. The results show students satisfaction of practical training with work because students are very happy. The good qualities prevail which was indicated in an open type of questions. We must not forget that a good job requires three entities which are related to one another. These are pupil, school and employer. Keywords: education, organization, the Secondary School of Nursing in Celje, practical training through work 67 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16. – 18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Dejavniki odpora pri uvajanju sprememb v poslovne procese Resistance Factors Occurring in Business Process Change Implementation Aleš Krapež SŽ – Vleka in tehnika d.o.o., Slovenija ales.krapez70@gmail.com Povzetek V prispevku izhajamo iz teze, da je uspešnost sprememb poslovnih procesov in posledično uspešnost celotne organizacije odvisna tudi od dejavnikov, ki so na kakršenkoli način v interakciji s poslovnimi procesi. Spremembe so nujna stalnica poslovnih procesov. Le z nenehnim spreminjanjem poslovnih procesov in s tem njihovih rezultatov se organizacija trajnostno razvija. Spremembe predstavljajo dodaten pritisk na že ustaljen okvir vsakodnevnih aktivnosti posameznika. Vsak pritisk povzroči tudi odpor do sprememb, ki so neposredno povezane subjektivnimi dejavniki. V prispevku opredelimo poslovni proces, spremembe, ter se osredotočimo na ugotavljanje povezanosti med odporom do sprememb in dejavniki, ki so: informiranost o spremembah, stopnja vključenosti v spremembe, zadovoljstvo s stanjem v družbi in stopnja zaupanja v vodstvo. Iz raziskave, ki je bila usmerjena v splošno populacijo in ne v konkretno organizacijo, ugotavljamo, da ustrezna informiranost, aktivna vključenost in zaupanje v delo nadrejenih zmanjšujejo odpor do sprememb, oziroma povečujejo odprtost do sprememb. Odprtosti do sprememb pa ne povečuje splošno zadovoljstvo s stanjem v družbi. Pomembno je, da se z upoštevanjem rezultatov raziskave lahko bistveno pripomore k obvladovanju odpora do sprememb. Ključne besede: poslovni proces, prenova poslovnega procesa, spremembe, odpor do sprememb, subjektivni dejavniki odpora do sprememb Abstract This article is based on the assumption that the success of changes in business processes and, by extension, the success of the entire organization also rely on factors interacting with business processes in some way or another. Changes are an essential and constant feature of business processes. Sustainable development in an organization can only be achieved through continuous changes in business processes and their outputs. Change challenges the established framework of people’s daily activities. Every challenge brings about resistance to change which is 68 a mindset directly associated with subjective factors of resistance to change. This contribution focuses on identifying the connection between resistance to change and factors such as being informed about the changes, degree of involvement in the changes, satisfaction with the current state of the company, and faith in its leadership. We also set out to define the business process and the subjective factors at hand. Our research, which was aimed at the general population and not a specific organization, suggests that receiving proper information, being actively involved, and having faith in the work of one’s superiors reduces resistance to change and increases openness to change. However, openness to change does not appear to increase the overall satisfaction with the state of the company. It is important to note that applying the research results can meaningfully contribute to the management of resistance to change. Keywords: business process, business process reengineering, change, resistance to change, subjective factors of resistance to change 69 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Poklicni stres pri srednješolskih učiteljih Occupational Stress of Secondary School Teachers Marija Kuster Kortnik Šolski center Velenje, Slovenija marija.kusterkortnik@scv.si Gozdana Miglič Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija gozdana.miglic@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek Stres, pojem, ki ga opredeljujejo številne definicije, je beseda, ki jo v zadnjem času pogosto uporabljamo. Posameznik ne more popolnoma izključiti različnih stresnih situacij iz svojega življenja ali bistveno vplivati na njihovo prisotnost. Ker preživimo veliko časa na delovnem mestu, lahko posebno pozornost namenimo poklicnemu stresu, ki nastane zaradi negativnih dejavnikov, značilnih za določen poklic. Namen prispevka je ugotoviti, kako stres doživljajo učitelji. S spletno anketo so učitelji petih različnih srednjih šol Šolskega centra Velenje ocenili dejavnike, ki jim povzročajo stres, in ocenili pogostost stresnih dogajanj v šoli. Poleg tega smo raziskali tudi, kako pogosto in s katerimi dejavnostmi za preprečevanje stresa oziroma za boljše počutje se učitelji individualno že ukvarjajo. Večina učiteljev se je v raziskavi popolnoma strinjala, da je delo učitelja stresno in so kot najbolj stresno obdobje v šolskem letu ocenili konec pouka. Podobno kot v večini organizacij tudi na Šolskem centru Velenje še ni celovitega programa za ugodno delovno ozračje oziroma za zmanjšanje stresa. Na tem področju se sicer že izvajajo posamezne aktivnosti, program pa je v nastajanju. Ključne besede: učitelji, stres, preprečevanje stresa Abstract Stress, a notion defined by numerous definitions, is a word that has often been used since there is almost no one who would not come across the stressful situation in private as well as in business life. The individual cannot completely exclude a variety of stressful situations from his or her life or influence their presence significantly. Because we spend a lot of time in the workplace, we can pay special attention to occupational stress, caused by negative factors specific to a particular profession. The purpose of the article is to find out how stress is experienced by teachers. With the help of an online questionnaire the teachers of five different secondary schools of School Centre Velenje have evaluated the factors that cause stress, and evaluated the frequency of stressful situations or stressful events in school. Besides that our aim was 70 also to find out how often and what the teachers as individuals do in order to prevent stress and feel better. Most teachers in the survey completely agree that their work is stressful and the end of the school year has been evaluated as the most stressful period in a school year. As in most organizations, the School Center Velenje also does not have a comprehensive programme for a positive working atmosphere in order to reduce stress. However, there are some specific activities being carried out in this field, but the programme is still in progress. Keywords: teacher, stress, stress prevention 71 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Kombinacija pristopov za izboljšanje dejavnika zaposleni v modelu poslovne odličnosti EFQM Combination of Approaches for Improving People Enabler within the EFQM Business Excellence Model Mateja Langerholc Zavod Republike Slovenije za transfuzijsko medicino, Slovenija langerholc.mateja@gmail.com Matjaž Maletič Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija matjaz.maletic@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek Večina organizacij uporablja model poslovne odličnosti EFQM kot orodje za izboljšanje poslovanja. Preko samoocenjevanja glede na zahteve modela kritično ocenijo organizacijo in dobijo informacijo, kje so njene šibke točke. Rezultati pokažejo področja, ki jih je potrebno okrepiti, da se izboljša delovanje organizacije, položaj na trgu ali finančni rezultat. Namen pričujočega prispevka je raziskati povezanost dimenzij dejavnika »voditeljstvo« z dimenzijami dejavnika »zaposleni«. Raziskava temelji na anketnem vprašalniku, s pomočjo katerega smo zbrali podatke na vzorcu zaposlenih v Zavodu Republike Slovenije za transfuzijsko medicino (ZTM). Pridobljene podatke smo analizirali s pomočjo opisnih statistik, kanonične korelacije, t-testa ter enojne analize variance (ANOVA). Na osnovi rezultatov raziskave so podane smernice za izboljšanje dejavnika »zaposleni« na naslednjih področjih: sprememba organizacijske kulture, izoblikovanje kadrovske politike, motiviranje in pooblaščanje zaposlenih ter izboljšanje komunikacije. Ključne besede: model poslovne odličnosti EFQM, dejavnik zaposleni, organizacijska kultura, ANOVA Abstract The EFQM Business Excellence Model is used by many companies as a basis for a performance improvement. According to the requirements of the model an organization is evaluated through a critical self-assessment and information about its weak points is gained. Results show areas, which can be strengthen to improve company’s operations, its market position or financial results. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the “leadership” dimensions and the “people” dimensions of the business excellence model. The research is based on the survey that was carried out among the employees of the Blood Transfusion Centre of 72 Slovenia. Several statistical methods were utilised, such as descriptive statistics, canonical correlation analysis, t-test and ANOVA. Based on the results of the study, guidelines were developed for the improvement of the “people” enabler, especially with the focus on: the change in organizational culture, the development of human resources policy, motivation and empowerment of employees as well as improvement of the communication. Keywords: EFQM Business Excellence Model, people enabler, organizational culture, ANOVA 73 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Optimizacija proizvodnega procesa s pomočjo črtne kode Manufacturing Processes Optimization Using Barcode Izidor Lavrenčič Tomos d.o.o., Slovenija izidor.lavrencic@gmail.com Vladislav Rajkovič Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija vladislav.rajkovic@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek V referatu je obravnavana implementacija sistema črtne kode v proizvodni proces v eni večjih slovenskih korporacij. Zaradi vse večjega uveljavljanja podjetja na področju različnih tehnologij in kot razvojni dobavitelj podjetju BMW, mora Tomos pospešeno slediti in izrabljati tehnologije, ki pripomorejo k večji konkurenčnosti lastnih izdelkov. Podane so glavne značilnosti proizvodno informacijskega sistema, ki zajema tudi črtno kodo v proizvodnem procesu. Prikazani so gradniki proizvodno-informacijskega sistema in način komunikacije s poslovno-informacijskim sistemom. Ker sta sistema medsebojno odvisna in poteka komunikacija med njima v obeh smereh, je velik poudarek na točnosti prenesenih podatkov, saj le tako izpolnjujeta svojo nalogo povečanja učinkovitosti in transparentnosti podatkov. V referatu je podana tudi vizija prihodnosti elektronske identifikacije in vpeljava novih tehnologij, ki bodo nadomestila dosedanji sistem črtne kode Ključne besede: proizvodni proces, optimizacija, črtna koda Abstract The paper deals with the implementation of the bar code in one of the biggest Slovenian corporation. Due to the increased recognition of the company in the field of different technologies, and as being the development supplier to the BMW company, Tomos has to accelerate and make use of the technologies that make their products more competitive on the market. Further, the main characteristics are given of the bar code system in the production process. Also the basic elements are shown of the production-information system and the way of communication with the business- information system. Since the two systems are interdependent and the communication is bi-directional, there is a strong emphasis on the accuracy of data transfer, which leads to their efficiency and transparency. And finally the paper offers a future vision of electronic identifications and the introduction of new technologies that will replace the existing bar code system. Keywords: manufacturing processes, optimization, barcode 74 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Vpliv temperature zraka na porabo pitne vode Impact of Air Temperature on the Consumption of Drinking Water Brigita Leban JEKO-IN, d. o. o., Jesenice, Slovenija brigita.leban@jeko-in.si; brigita.leban11@gmail.com Štefan Bojnec Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za management Koper, Slovenija stefan.bojnec@fm-kp.si; stefan.bojnec@siol.net Povzetek Voda je bistvenega pomena za življenje in nepogrešljiv vir za gospodarstvo. Njena oskrba je organizirana lokalno, na ravni občine. V prispevku smo analizirali vpliv temperature zraka na količino prodane vode na lokalnem trgu. Ugotavljali smo, ali temperatura zraka vpliva na količino prodane pitne vode v različnih sezonskih obdobjih. Pri analizi mesečnih podatkov za obdobje dvanajstih let smo ugotovili, da ima temperatura zraka značilen pozitiven vpliv na količino prodane vode. Ob izločitvi podatkov za poletne mesece junij, julij in avgust temperatura zraka nima več značilnega vpliva na količino prodane vode. Ključne besede: pitna voda, temperatura zraka, količina padavin, porabljena voda Abstract Water is essential for life and it is an indispensable resource for the economy. Its supply is organized at the local municipal level. This paper presents analysis of the effect of the air temperature on the amount of water sold on the local market. We have investigated whether the air temperature affects to amount of sold drinking water in the different seasonal periods throughout the year. The analysis of monthly data for the twelve year period was found that the air temperature is significantly positively associated with the amount of water sold. By eliminating the data for the summer months of June, July and August, the air temperature has no longer significantly associated with the amount of water sold. Keywords: drinking water, air temperature, rainfall, consumption of water 75 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Udeležba na predavanjih ter uspeh pri opravljanju izpita Lecture Attendance and Exam Performance Robert Leskovar Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija robert.leskovar@fov.uni-mb.si Alenka Baggia Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija alenka.baggia@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek V prispevku obravnavamo povezavo med prisotnostjo na avditornih in videokonferenčnih predavanjih ter uspehom pri izpitu. V predhodni raziskavi smo ugotovili, da obstaja statistično signifikantna povezava med prisotnostjo na obeh vrstah predavanj ter uspešnostjo reševanja »domačih« nalog. Te so po težavnosti primerljive z izpitnimi. V raziskavo so bili vključeni študenti 1. letnika univerzitetnega študija Fakultete za organizacijske vede, ki so poslušali predmet Računalništvo in informatika v študijskem letu 2014/15. Raziskava je pokazala, da delež prisotnosti na avditornih in videokonferenčnih predavanjih pojasnjuje več kot pol variance izpitnih rezultatov. Indeks učinkovitosti reševanja domačih nalog smo definirali kot razmerje med deležem prisotnosti na predavanjih in deležem pravilno rešenih domačih nalog. Ugotovili smo, da ta indeks ni dovolj dober prediktor števila doseženih točk na pravem izpitnem roku. Zato smo z orodjem Eureqa iskali funkcijo števila doseženih izpitnih točk, pri čemer so bile neodvisne spremenljivke indeks učinkovitosti reševanja domačih nalog, število ponavljanj izpita, spol in vpisani program študenta. Dobljena funkcija dosega korelacijski koeficient le 0.70 glede na empirične podatke, poleg tega pa je funkcija izjemno zapletena in neuporabna za praktično uporabo. V nadaljevanju smo definirali še stohastični proces, začetne verjetnosti prehodov med posameznimi stanji v procesu učenja od začetka predavanj do opravljenega izpita ter verjetnost prehodov iz posameznih stanj po izbranem številu ponavljanj izpita. Proces učenja od zaključka predavanj do prvega opravljanja izpita očitno opredeljujejo lastnosti posameznika in okoliščine, ki jih zaenkrat še ne moremo dovolj dobro meriti. Ključne besede: predavanja, uspeh, izpit, matrika prehodov Abstract The relationship between the participation in auditoria and video-conference lectures and the success of final exam is discussed in the paper. Our previous research found significance between participation in both types of lectures and home assignment performance. Home assignments had the same difficulty level as the exam 76 assignments. Data was collected for students enrolled in the in the 1st year "Computer Science and Informatics" course in academic year 2014/15 at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences University of Maribor. This research revealed that more than half of exam score variation is explained by participation in lectures. Home assignment solving efficiency index was defined as ratio between lectures participation and home assignment score. This index however turned to be weak predictor for student final exam score. Therefore, Eureqa tool was engaged to find the best function of the following independent variables: home assignment solving efficiency index, gender, exam attempt and study programme. The best fitted function has correlation coefficient of only 0.7 in relation with empirical data. Its complexity also makes this function unsuitable for practical use. As a consequence, we defined stochastic process, initial state transition probabilities and state transition probabilities after selected series of exam attempts. The process from lecture participation to first exam is obviously determined by factors (individual's characteristics and circumstances) which are currently hard to measure. Keywords: lectures, success, exam, transition matrix 77 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Primerjava in vrednotenje izolacijskih materialov za energetsko varčno gradnjo Comparison and Evaluation of Insulation Materials for Energy Saving Construction Tomaž Levstek Biotehniški center Naklo, Slovenija tomaz.levstek@bc-naklo.si Povzetek Izolacija je med najpomembnejšimi dejavniki učinkovite rabe energije (URE) v stavbah, saj močno vpliva na stroške ogrevanja in hlajenja. Na trgu se pojavljajo številni izolacijski materiali, ki morajo poleg zahtevnih tehničnih predpisov izpolnjevati tudi ekološke zahteve, ki so postale pomemben dejavnik pri odločanju o uporabi določenega materiala. V prispevku smo vrednotili in točkovali tri skupine izolacijskih materialov glede na izvor. Vrednotili smo naslednje tehnične lastnosti: gostoto, specifično toplotno kapaciteto, toplotno prevodnost in difuzijsko upornost za vlago. Vrednosti tehničnih parametrov smo nato primerjali s cenami posameznih materialov ter s količino energije, potrebne za proizvodnjo posameznega materiala, in toplogrednim globalnim potencialom kot posledico njihove proizvodnje. Pri naravnih materialih ima največ točk laneni filc (97 točk), v zgornjem delu lestvice pa sta še ekspandirana pluta (89 točk) in plošče iz lesnih vlaken (82 točk). Materiali v spodnjem delu lestvice, torej z manj točkami, so slama (52 točk), konopljin filc (51 točk), celulozna vlakna (48 točk) in bombaž (39 točk). Pri mineralnih materialih izstopa penjeno steklo z zelo visoko difuzno odpornostjo na vlago (72 točk), v vseh ostalih segmentih pa ga prekaša mineralna volna (51 točk). Skupina organskih izolacijskih materialov je dokaj izenačena, razen PU plošč, ki so na prvem mestu (73 točk). Na zadnjem mestu je stiropor s toplotnim absorberjem (50 točk). Ključne besede: učinkovita raba energije, izolacija, trajnostna gradnja Abstract Insulation is one of the most important factors of energy efficiency in buildings, because it significantly affects the cost of heating and cooling. There are plenty insulating materials on the market, which have to fulfill technical and environmental requirements, which have become an important factor in deciding on the use of different materials. In this paper, we evaluated three groups of insulating materials according to their origin. We evaluated the following technical characteristics: density, specific heat capacity, thermal conductivity and diffusion resistance to moisture. The values of the technical parameters were then compared with the prices of individual 78 materials as well as the amount of energy, needed to produce the particular materials, and global warming potencial as a result of their production. In the group of natural materials the highest number of points has flax fleece (97 points), at the top end of the scale are expanded cork (89 points) and panels of wood fiber (82 points). Materials in the lower end of the scale with less points are straw (52 points), hemp fleece (51 points), cellulose fibers (48 points) and cotton (39 points). In the group of mineral materials blown glass stands out with a high diffusion resistance to moisture (72 points), but in all other segments mineral wool surpasses it (51 points). A group of organic insulating materials is quite uniform except PU panels on the first place (73 points). At the last place is the styrofoam with a heat absorber (50 points). Keywords: efficient energy use, insulation, sustainable construction 79 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Transmission System Technology WDM in 10 Gbps & 40 Gbps in Backbone Line Pristina – Skopje Besim Limani University of Prizren, Kosovo besim.limani@uni-prizren.com besimlimani@gmx.at Abstract The use of optical fiber in communications systems is growing very quickly because of offering the possibility of transmission with higher speeds and capacities. This trend is present in Kosovo too. The overall backbone transmission technology in Kosovo is based on fiber optic. The development of advanced technologies, such as transmitting technology WDM/DWDM and different amplifiers make significant improvements to increase transmission performance on communication systems with fiber optics. To improve transmitting signal it is necessary to use amplifiers in optical networks which are based on optical technology. The main focus in this case study at my paper would be aimed to achieve an improvement in performance in transmission systems with optical fiber in the real transmission backbone line Pristina–Skopje, using OptiSystem 13.0, which is a simulator device. Optical cable length is ~ 113 km. My target in this paper is to analyze two cases of the transmission system 10 Gbps and 40 Gbps. The first transmission cases will be without EDFA (Erbium Doped Fiber amplifier) amplifier, and in the second case I will use EDFA amplifier. From these two cases we will see the difference between transmission line with EDFA and without EDFA amplifier in the transmission system. The comparisons will clearly show the impact of amplifiers in increasing the quality of the transmitted signal by using the EDFA amplifiers. Keywords: optical fiber, WDM technology, EDFA amplifier 80 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Zasebnost in delovno mesto Privacy and the Workplace Branko Lobnikar Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za varnostne vede, Slovenija branko.lobnikar@fvv.uni-mb.si Staš Golmajer Petrol, Slovenija staš.golmajer@gmail.com Povzetek V prispevku smo analizirali v kolikšni meri se zaposleni v Sloveniji zavedajo svojih pravic glede varstva zasebnosti na delovnem mestu, proučevali smo njihov odnos do različnih modalitet zasebnosti na delovnem mestu in ugotavljali, ali so pripravljeni kršitev tudi prijaviti. Prav tako smo ugotavljali mnenje anketirancev glede možnih oblik zakonske zaščite zasebnosti na delovnem mestu. Raziskava je bila izvedena v prvi polovici 2013, v njej je sodelovalo 218 zaposlenih. Izpraševanci menijo, da obstoječa zakonodaja dobro ščiti zasebnost na delovnem mestu, kljub temu pa so ocenili, da bi bilo potrebno sprejeti nov zakon, ki bi dodatno urejal zasebnost na delovnem mestu. Sodelujoči nekatere segmente zasebnosti na delovnem mestu relativno dobro poznajo, nekateri segmenti pa so slabo poznani oziroma se je večinsko mnenje pokazalo kot popolnoma napačno (npr. pravica do obveščenosti). Ugotavljamo potrebo po natančnejši določitvi uporabe interneta na delovnem mestu, uporabe službenih komunikacijskih sredstev, in uporabe sledilnih naprav. Izpraševanci so naklonjeni sprejetju Zakona o zasebnosti na delovnem mestu. Ključne besede: zasebnost, delovno mesto, Slovenija Abstract »Private« may be understood as contrary to »public«. Private information is information that may be retained, by way of conduct or wish, in one's possession, and is not shared with others or with the public. Private remains private until the owner decides to share it with other people, and then it becomes public. Once it is public, it cannot become private again. Pursuant to the Employment Law, employment is a legal relationship between an employee and an employer, in which the employee voluntarily joins a working process organised by the employer, and carries out the work personally and without interruptions, against payment, in accordance with the instructions and under the supervision of the employer. In the employment relationship, each contracting party is required to exercise the agreed and prescribed rights and obligations. The employee is in a subordinate position in 81 relation to the employer. Over the centuries, the labour legislation has developed which limits the infringement of employees’ rights to privacy by employers. In spite of this, breaches are possible and happen all the time. The contribution deals with some breaches of employee privacy, particularly the most frequent ones. It presents an overview of employee privacy protection, and an overview of the legislation, both national and international, currently valid in Slovenia. For the purpose of paper, a survey (n=281; 2013) was conducted to help explore employees’ perception of privacy at work in Slovenia. Authors tried to establish to what extent the employees are aware of their rights to protection of privacy at work, what their attitude to different modalities of privacy is, and whether they are willing to report infringements to the competent authority. The authors also tried to obtain the opinion of the respondents regarding the regulation of privacy in the workplace by the new act. Keywords: privacy, workplace, Slovenia 82 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Raziskava učinkov dela pod napetostjo na nizki napetosti med slovenskimi vzdrževalci električnih inštalacij in postrojev Study of the Live Working Effects at Low Voltage among the Slovenian Maintenance Workers of Electrical Installations Viktor Lovrenčić C&G d.o.o. Ljubljana, Slovenija viktor.lovrencic@c-g.si Damjan Maletič Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija damjan.maletic@fov.uni-mb.si Matjaž Maletič Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija matjaz.maletic@fov.uni-mb.si Alenka Brezavšček Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija alenka.brezavscek@fov.uni-mb.si Miloš Pantoš Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za Elektrotehniko, Slovenija milos.pantos@fe.uni-lj.si Boštjan Gomišček Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija University of Wollongong in Dubai, Faculty of Business, United Arab Emirates bostjangomiscek@uowdubai.ac.ae Povzetek Delo pod napetostjo (DPN) kot orodje preventivnega vzdrževanja električnih inštalacij in postrojev ima že stoletno tradicijo v svetu in več kot pol stoletja v Evropi. V zadnjem desetletju se je začelo aktivno uvajanje DPN na nizki napetosti (NN) tudi v slovenski distribuciji, prenosu in proizvodnji električne energije ter v industriji in ustanovah (zdravstvo). Slovenska distribucija električne energije je začela z uvajanjem DPN na NN leta 2010. Glede na zahtevnost uvajalnega procesa so 83 narejeni posebni elaborati, ki opredeljujejo organizacijske aktivnosti, delavno dokumentacijo, predpisujejo potrebno orodje in osebno varovalno opremo. Prav tako je določen program usposabljanja, potrebno število izvajalcev, monterjev in koordinatorjev ter predvidena analiza učinkov DPN na NN. Namen prispevka je preveriti ali z vzpostavitvijo DPN na NN dosežemo skladnost z zahtevami za varnost in zdravje pri delu, kakovost ter uspešnost in učinkovitost procesov vzdrževanja. Iz rezultatov raziskave je razvidno, da so koordinatorji in monterji kot najbolj pomembno področje izpostavili varnost in zdravje pri DPN na NN. Lahko povzamemo, da je iz rezultatov razvidno, da je zavedanje koordinatorjev in monterjev v vseh anketiranih distribucijah, da so učinki uvajanja in izvajanja DPN na NN pozitivni. Na podlagi rezultatov in razprave so podane usmeritve za izvajanje DPN na NN. Glede na to, da so koordinatorji in monterji še posebej izpostavili varno delo, predlagamo, da se nadaljuje z rednim nadzorom postopkov pri izvedbi posameznih delovnih nalogov in se ob dve letnih ciklih preverjanja kompetentnosti izvajalcev še posebej ocenijo možne nastale nevarne situacije. Ključne besede: delo pod napetostjo, preventivno vzdrževanje, usposabljanje, kakovost, učinkovitost, varnost in zdravje pri delu Abstract Live working (LW) as a tool for preventive maintenance of electrical installations has a hundred year tradition in the world and more than half a century in Europe. In the last decade, LW has been implemented actively at low voltage in the Slovenian electrical distribution, transmission and generation of electricity as well as in industry and institutions (such as health). Slovenian electrical distribution began with the introduction of LW at low voltage in 2010. Depending on the complexity of the implementation processes, several special studies which define organizational activities, working documents, prescribe the necessary tools and personal protective equipment are being made. Likewise, a specific training program is defined, as well as the required number of workers and instructors, and analysis of the effects of LW at low voltage. The purpose of this paper is to examine whether we can achieve compliance with the requirements for the safety and health, the quality and the effectiveness, and efficiency of maintenance processes with the implementation of LW at low voltage. It is evident from the survey results that safety and health was highlighted as the most important field from the perspective of workers and instructors. It can be summarized that the results of this study demonstrate that workers and instructors in all of the surveyed distributions are aware of positive effects of the introduction and implementation of LW at low voltage. Based on the results and discussions, guidelines for the implementation of the LW at low voltage are given in this study. Given the fact that workers and instructors highlighted safety and health at work we suggest that regular supervision procedures continues within the implementation of individual work orders, and that possible hazard situations have to be assessed at two year cycles of verifying workers and instructors competences. Keywords: live working, preventative maintenance, training, quality, efficiency, safety and health at work 84 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Educational Achievements as a Determinant of an Individual’s Informal Power Miha Marič University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Slovenia miha.maric@fov.uni-mb.si Maja Djurica Belgrade Business School, Serbia maja.djurica@bbs.edu.rs Abstract The scope of this study is to define how educational achievements of individuals in Slovenia define their “informal power” in the organizations where they work. The study is based on theoretical definitions of the concepts of informal power and education. A total of 509 people from Slovenia over 30 years of age participated in the study. We recognized a certain influence of educational achievements on the individual’s informal power in an organization, which we measured through the value of an individual’s opinions for their co-workers and theirs superiors. The main predictor of an individual’s informal power in an organization is the individual’s last achieved level of formal education. One of the most important practical implications is that education is one of the basic predispositions to having informal power but not necessarily always and not in every case. Keywords: education, informal power, work, employees, HRM 85 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Evaluating Priorities in New Technology Adoption – The Case of Banking Services Sanja Marinkovic University of Belgrade, Faculty of organizational sciences, Serbia marinkovic.sanja@fon.bg.ac.rs Vesna Tornajnski Eurobank, a.d. Belgrade, Serbia vtornjanski@gmail.com Verica Mihajlovic University of Belgrade, Faculty of organizational sciences, Serbia mihajlovic401113@fon.bg.ac.rs Abstract The banking industry has been a conservative industry, very resistant to change. The past was characterized by stable environment and industry structure, clear business models and defined boundaries that made linear and predictable business and business environment resulting in the slower pace of innovation, compared to other industries. Today, environment is characterized by strong competition, rapid technological evolution, economic and regulatory pressure and changing nature of demand. In such conditions, only banks that can constantly innovate would be able to achieve growth, profit and efficiency. The research of this study was conducted using PATTERN forecasting method in order to determine priorities for further adoption of e-banking in Serbia. Twenty-two (22) experts from ten (10) banks took part in this research. The results show that the highest priority in adoption of e-banking, should be given to ICT advancement by introduction of new enhanced solutions, followed by improvements of infrastructure. Keywords: new technology, technology adoption, services, banking 86 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Agent-Based Model for Analysis of Stakeholders Behaviour on B2C E-Markets Aleksandar Marković University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia aleksandar.markovic@fon.bg.ac.rs Sava Čavoški MDS informatički inženjering, Serbia scavoski@mds.rs Andrej Novović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia andrej.novovic@fon.bg.ac.rs Abstract: This paper addresses the behavior of consumers and business policies of sellers in B2C e-commerce systems by applying agent based simulation (ABMS). The continuous development and dynamics in the field of e-commerce requires application of advanced decision-making tools. These tools must be able to process, in a short time period, a large amount of data generated by the e-commerce systems and enable the use of acquired data for making quality business decisions. By linking the areas of modelling based on agents and electronic commerce, this paper addresses the new opportunities for a quality of assessment of consumer behaviour and reasons explaining this behaviour in e-commerce. Models developed for this paper aim to make a change in using practical tools for the evaluation of the B2C online sale systems by allowing the evaluation of the consequences of consumer behavior and different policies in management of e-commerce sites, frequency of site visits, scope of sale and achieved income. One of the aims of the paper is to examine how consumer habits influence the complexity of their habits in buying online. Keywords: ABMS, B2C, e-commerce, website, customer behavior 87 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Perspectives and Competencies of PMOs in Project-Oriented Organizations in Serbia Igor Marković University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia igor.fon@outlook.com Dejan Petrović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia dejanp@fon.bg.ac.rs Marija Todorović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia todorovicm@fon.bg.ac.rs Abstract The purpose of this paper is to present perspectives of PMOs (Project Management Office), compentencies, and comparative view between PMOs in Serbia and globaly, so PMO directors from Serbia can benchmark their PMO against the most common types including areas of responsibility and core activities. The number of organizations that use PMO as project unit for project and strategy implementation is growing. By supporting the implementation of strategic programs, PMOs can play a crucial role in delivering organizational value. To do so, PMOs must become more strategic-oriented and focused on value delivery. Many organizations turn to PMOs in order to increase project efficiency, cut costs and improve success rates in project delivery. Ultimatly, PMOs have impact on organization through creating organizational culture for project management, strategic performance management, and knowledge and change management, and in this paper will be special review of that PMOs compentencies. In order to compare PMOs in Serbia with general PMOs characteristics the research was conducted with organizations that have PMO from 5 industries in Serbia. The general conclusion, based on collected data, is that exist many possibilities for improvement of knowledge in areas of project and strategic management that will provide better alignment with organizational strategy and reach to project goals. Keywords: project management office, project management, organizational strategy, change management 88 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Comparative Analysis of Business Model Ontologies Marjeta Marolt University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Slovenia marjeta.marolt@fov.uni-mb.si Damjan Maletič University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Slovenia damjan.maletic@fov.uni-mb.si Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Slovenia mirjana.kljajic@fov.uni-mb.si Gregor Lenart University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Slovenia gregor.lenart@fov.uni-mb.si Andreja Pucihar University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Slovenia andreja.pucihar@fov.uni-mb.si Abstract Business models are typically used to explain how companies create and capture value from innovations. A number of tools and techniques are available to support companies to define, evaluate or plan the implementation of business models. This study undertakes a critical and comprehensive review of the literature to identify the tools most widely used for managing business model innovation. In this regard, this study provides insights about the usefulness of tools for business development and business model innovation. The characteristics of individual tools are presented and discussed as well. Keywords: business, model, tools, innovation, value 89 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Zavedanje pomena družbene odgovornosti malih podjetij v goriški regiji The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility Awareness of Small Enterprises in Goriska Region Milena Matić Klanjšček, Šolski center Ptuj, Višja strokovna šola Ptuj, Slovenija mklanjscek@gmail.com Barbara Hvalič Erzetič Visokošolsko in raziskovalno središče Primorske, Nova Gorica, Slovenija hbarbara@siol.net Povzetek Družbena odgovornost podjetij je koncept, s pomočjo katerega podjetja prostovoljno integrirajo družbene in okoljske zadeve v svoje poslovanje ter svoja razmerja z deležniki (Zelena knjiga EU, 2001). Na podlagi prenovljene strategije 2011, ki družbeno odgovornost opredeljuje kot »odgovornost podjetij za njihove učinke na družbo«, se od podjetij pričakuje vzpostavitev postopka vključevanja vseh elementov družbene odgovornosti v poslovanje in strategijo poslovanja. Družbeno odgovorna naj bi bila tako velika kot tudi mala podjetja, ki so za razliko od velikih odgovorna manjšemu številu deležnikov, zato tudi niso pogosto predmet analize družbene odgovornosti. Izsledki raziskav kažejo, da se mala podjetja zavedajo pomena družbene odgovornosti, je pa zaznati nekaj težav pri njenem dejanskem udejanjanju. Z raziskavo preverjamo zavedanje pomena družbene odgovornosti malih podjetij v goriški regiji in udejanjenje družbene odgovornosti do vseh deležnikov v primerjavi z velikimi. Največjo oviro pri udejanjenju družbene odgovornosti v malih podjetjih vidimo v odsotnosti ustrezne strategije družbene odgovornosti. Z raziskavo prispevamo k boljšemu prepoznavanju družbene odgovornosti med malimi podjetji v goriški regiji, saj izzivi časa narekujejo večjo občutljivost za družbeno odgovornost. Ključne besede: družbena odgovornost, mala podjetja Abstract Corporate social responsibility is a concept which helps enterprises to integrate their social and environmental issues in their management and in their relations towards their stakeholders (Green Paper/Book, UE 2001). Based on the adapted/updated/upgraded strategy from 2011, according to which corporate social responsibility is defined as ‘the company’s responsibility of its impact on society', smal enterprises are expected to integrate the procedure of comprising all elements of social responsibility in their management and management strategy. Socially responsible are 90 supposed to be large as well as small companies/enterprises which are , compared to big/large enterprises, responsible towards a smaller number of stakeholders due to which they are not frequently a matter of corporate social responsibility analysis. According to the findings of the research small enterprises show considerable awareness of the importance of corporate social responsibility but some problems can be observed with its actual implementation. The purpose of the research is to evaluate corporate social responsibility of small enterprises in Goriska region and its implementation towards all stakeholders compared to large enterprises. The biggest problem with the implementation of corporate social responsibility of small enterprises is recognised as the absence of suitable strategy of corporate social responsibility. The research contributes to a better recognition of corporate social responsibility among small enterprises in Goriska region since the challenges of our time dictate a higher sensitivity for corporate social responsibility. Keywords: corporate social responsibility, small enterprises 91 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Kategorizacija zahtevnosti bolnišnične zdravstvene nege – pomen pravih podatkov za planiranje kadra The Categorization of the Requirement of Hospital Nursing Care – Importance of the Right Date for Staffing Hilda Maze Splošna bolnišnica Celje, Slovenija hilda.maze@guest.arnes.si Povzetek Uvod: Kategorizacija zahtevnosti bolnišnične zdravstvene nege je orodje za ugotavljanje potreb po kadrih v zdravstveni negi. Namen našega prispevka je predstaviti probleme, ki nastajajo pri kategoriziranju pacientov in vnosu dnevnih podatkov v informacijski sistem ter posledice odstopanj na zanesljivost podatkov pri izračunu kadra. Metode: Uporabili smo kombinirano raziskovalno metodologijo in sicer kvalitativen pristop z rezultati nadzorov nad izvajanjem kategorizacije po bolnišničnih oddelkih med leti 2013 in 2015 in kvantitativen pristop z analizo dnevnih podatkov kategorizacije pacientov iz informacijskega sistema Birpis 21 od oktobra do decembra 2015. Rezultati: Nadzori so izkazali odstopanja pri upoštevanju kriterijev za oceno zahtevnosti določenih skupin pacientov na posameznih oddelki. Tri mesečno zbiranje dnevnih izpisov je pokazalo, da so mesečni podatki popolni v 30 - 42% in da se število odstopanj giblje od 33 do 52 na mesec. Najpogostejša dnevna odstopanja so pri vnosu kadra, manjkajo podatki kategorizacije za celoten oddelek, pomanjkljiva kategorizacija ali v redkejših primerih premalo ali preveč kategoriziranih pacientov. Razprava in sklep: Upoštevanje kriterijev za oceno zahtevnosti pacientov bomo zagotovili z ustrezno usposobljenostjo diplomiranih medicinskih sester in rednimi nadzori. Dnevno spremljanje vpisanih podatkov v informacijski sistem in takojšnje korekcije odstopanj pa še nadalje pripomorejo k zanesljivosti podatkov. Le takšni podatki so osnova za izračun potrebnega števila izvajalcev zdravstvene nege. Ključne besede: kategorizacija, zanesljivost podatkov, zdravstvena nega, kadrovske potrebe Abstract Introduction: The categorization of the complexity of hospital care is a tool for identifying the need for human resources in nursing care. The purpose of our paper is to present the problems arising from the categorization of patients and entering daily data into the information system and the consequences of deviations on the reliability of the data for the calculation of staff. 92 Methodology: We used the combined research methodology through a qualitative approach with the results of audits over the implementation of the categorization of the hospital wards between 2013 and 2015 and a quantitative approach to the analysis of daily data categorization of patients from the information system Birpis 21 from October to December 2015. Results: Audits have shown deviations in regard to the criteria for assessing the complexity of specific groups of patients in some departments. Three monthly collection of daily printouts showed that the monthly data are complete in 30 to 42% and that the number of deviations ranges from 33 to 52 per month. The most common daily deviations are in the entry personnel, missing data categorization for the entire department, lack of categorization or in rarer cases, too little or too categorized patients. Discussion and Conclusio: Compliance with the criteria for the assessment of the complexity of the patient will be provided with appropriate training nurses and regular audits. Daily monitoring of data entered into the information system and prompt correction of deviations could be further contribute to the reliability of the data. Only such data are used for calculating the required number of nursing. Keywords: categorisation, date reliability, nursing care, staffing 93 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Zadovoljstvo uporabnikov bančnih storitev in uvedba nove storitve Satisfaction of Users of Banking Services and the Implementation of New Services Matej Mencej Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija matej.mencej@gmail.com Polona Šprajc Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija polona.sprajc@fov.uni-mb.si Anja Žnidaršič Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija anja.znidarsic@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek V trenutnem času se banke soočajo z večjo in večjo konkurenčnostjo med samimi bankami. Vprašanje je kako zagotoviti večjo konkurenčnost neke banke pred drugo banko. Odgovor v največji meri leži v zagotavljanju večje kakovosti izvedene storitve in s tem večjim zadovoljstvom posameznega uporabnika storitev. Cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti ali slovenski uporabniki storitev izbrane banke zaznavajo kakovosti storitev v enakem obsegu kot uporabniki storitev Grčije, Bolgarije, Srbije in Albanije na podoben način kot v Sloveniji narejeni raziskavi leta 2009. Ugotavljali smo ali se zaznavanje kakovosti bančnih storitev razlikuje glede na spol, izobrazbo ter višino mesečnega dohodka, ugotavljali smo katere dimenzije kakovosti so za slovenske uporabnike storitev najbolj pomembne, ugotavljali smo ali spol pomembno vpliva na izbiro najbolj in najmanj pomembne dimenzije kakovosti, ugotavljali smo ali obstajajo razlike pri zaznavanju kakovosti bančnih storitev v Sloveniji in v drugih balkanskih državah ter ali obstajajo razlike med uporabniki storitev slovenskih bank in bank v drugih balkanskih državah pri razpoznavanju najbolj in najmanj pomembne dimenzije kakovosti. Ključne besede: kakovost storitev, zadovoljstvo uporabnikov v banki, model merjenja kakovosti BSQ 94 Abstract In the current time, banks are facing more and more competition among banks. The question is how to ensure greater competitiveness of a bank from another bank. The answer largely lies in ensuring a higher quality of services rendered and thereby increasing satisfaction of each service user. The aim of this study was to determine whether Slovenian users of the service selected banks perceive the quality of services to the same extent as service users Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia and Albania in a manner similar survey made in Slovenia in 2009. We determined whether the perception of the quality of banking services varies according to sex , education and the level of monthly income, established we are the dimensions of quality for Slovenian users of the most important established was whether gender has a significant impact on the choice of the most and least important dimensions of quality assessed was whether there are differences in the perception of the quality of banking services in Slovenia and in other Balkan countries, and whether there are differences between users of slovenian banks and banks in other Balkan countries in identifying the most and least important dimensions of quality. Keywords: service quality, customer satisfaction in the bank, bank service quality 95 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Trajnostni razvoj in podjetje v kriznih razmerah Sustainable Development Companies in Crisis Situations Dušan Mežnar Lesna TIP d.o.o., Slovenija dusan.meznar@gmail.com Povzetek Dogodki v preteklosti (klimatske spemembe, konflikti na Krimu, nastanek ISIS, begunska kriza bv EU, hitrejše klimatske spremembe) in še drugi dogodki po svetu so prav gotovo pretresli svetovno gospodarstvo, vplivali so na borzna dogajanja, predvsem pa so tudi precej spremenili videnja najmočnejših podjetij glede širjenja ter strateškega načrtovanja. Dejstvo je da se podjetja po vsem svetu, tako v gospodarsko najrazvitejših kot v manj razvitih državah, srečujejo z uplivom mednarodnih kriznih situacij. Če se še tako trudimo, da bi se izognili pojavu krize v podjetju, kmalu ugotovimo, da je to praktično nemogoče. To pa je tudi razumljivo, saj podjetja ne delujejo v nespremenjljivem okolju, pač pa znotraj močno dinamičnih vplivnih dejavnikov, na katere se je potrebno odzivati in prilagajati. Posledica tega pa je, da je zaradi tega podjetje neprestano v krizni situaciji, ki pa jo je s pravilnimi procesi managementa ter implementacijo elementov trajnostnega razvoja mogoče obvladovati. Referat obravnava primer podjetja, ki je soočeno s kriznimi razmerami ter vpliv elementov trajnostega razvoja na različne ekonomske kategorije s ciljem stabilizacije razmer in dologoročnega razvoja. Ključne besede: kriza, management, podjetja, proces, trajnostni razvoj Abstract Events in the past ( climate changes, Crimea conflicts, presence of ISIL, EU refugee crisis), and other events in around the world shook the world economy, affected the happening on stock market and at most changed the opinions of the biggest companies regarding the expansion and strategic planning. International crises situations affected the most economically developed countries and also less developed countries all around the world. It is practically impossible to avoid the crisis, because companies do not operate in a fixed environment but inside strongly dynamical influential factors to which companies need to respond and adapt. As a consequence, the company is constantly in a crisis situation; however, it can be controlled with suitable management processes and company changes with the consideration of suistanable company development. This paper deals with the case of companies, which are facing with a crisis and the impact of the elements of the 96 sustainable development in various economic categories with the aim of stabilizing the situation and long-term development. Keywords: crisis, management, company, process, suistanability 97 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Analysis of Professional Interests of Elementary School Students Jovana Milenković „Đura Jakšić“ Elementary School, Serbia jovanakrnjajic@gmail.com Nataša Petrović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia petrovicn@fon.bg.ac.rs Nemanja Milenković University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia milenkovic@fon.bg.ac.rs Boris Delibašić University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia borisd@fon.bg.ac.rs Marko Ćirović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia marko.cirovic@fon.bg.ac.rs Abstract This paper refers to the issue of the application of professional orientation to assist elementary school students in the selection of the institution in which they wil continue their education. The introductory part of this paper presents the concept of professional orientation which provides assistance in choosing a school, college or future profession. The aim of this paper is to propose a methodology that would help students in choosing the institution of their future education. Answers from the professional interests tests have been used in order to help students learn about themselves, their interests, abilities, skills and motivation. The study included 91 students of the eighth grade. Each of them answered 120 questions of the of professional interests test, based on which the proposed occupation for each student individually is formulated. At the end of this research paper, the similarities and differences with existing tests of professional interests are examined, and the possibilities of using this methodology in future studies and research papers are evaluated. Keywords: professional orientation, professional interests test, factor analysis, statistical methodology 98 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia The Use of CIMAF® to Control the Efficiency and Quality of Public Administration in the Czech Republic Jan Ministr VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic jan.ministr@vsb.cz Abstract Increasing the efficiency and quality of work of public administration in the Czech Republic is the key problem of functioning of the state as a whole. Integrated Management and Common Assessment Framework (CIMAF®) represents a standard of integrated management system which is focused on performance and quality of the management of public administration in the Czech Republic. Created model of management the organization according to this frame enhances the organization's ability to respond to change, bringing greater transparency of processes, activities and use of resources. Architecture of core model respects the general requirements of ISO 9001, Common Assessment Framework (CAF), European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) and the standard of sustainable development (Local Agenda - MA21). It integrates requirements PRINCE2® methodology in area of project management. CIMAF® implementation is realized through a reference model which requires a high degree of integration of the system elements in organization with the IT support in order to achieve automated management support of organization. The paper describes the structure and properties of methodological framework CIMAF® including the general process of implementation by help a software tool of ATTIS. The aim of this solution are: flexible administration of stakeholder requirements, the support of strategic decisions, administration of environmental influences and requirements of quality management systems in the organization by help of continuous measurement, evaluating and improving the performance of public sector organizations. In conclusion, it describes the situation with implantation of CIMAF® in the Czech Republic Keywords: methodology, process model, metrics, EFQM, CAF, MA21, PRINCE2® 99 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Vpliv usmerjanja k trajnostnemu znanju učencev: primer OŠ Davorina Jenka Cerklje na Gorenjskem The Influence of Guiding Pupils to Sustainable Knowledge: a Case Study of Davorin Jenko Primary School Boštjan Mohorič Osnovna šola Davorina Jenka Cerklje na Gorenjskem, Slovenija bostjan.mohoric1@guest.arnes.si Darko Zupanc Državni izpitni center, Ljubljana, Slovenija darko.zupanc@guest.arnes.si Matevž Bren Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za varnostne vede, Slovenija in Inštitut za matematiko, fiziko in mehaniko, Ljubljana, Slovenija matevz.bren@fvv.uni-mb.si Povzetek Osnovne šole se že več let srečujejo s terminom trajnostno znanje. Nekateri učenci in učitelji ga razumejo kot medpredmetno povezovanje, drugi kot navajanje učencev na samostojno razmišljanje, tretji kot kakovostno komunikacijo med strokovnimi delavci, učenci in starši. Kot študijo primera predstavljamo OŠ Davorina Jenka Cerklje na Gorenjskem, kjer imajo v letnih delovnih načrtih šole zadnjih nekaj let kot eno izmed prednostnih nalog zapisano tudi povečanje obsega trajnostnega in uporabnega znanja. V prispevku skušamo na podlagi analiz dosežkov učencev na nacionalnem preverjanju znanja (NPZ) in športno-vzgojnem kartonu (ŠVK) ugotoviti, ali učenci v obdobju med 6. in 9. razredom napredujejo bolj ali manj kot sovrstniki v Sloveniji. Analizirani so bili dosežki učencev pri NPZ in ŠVK v 6. razredu za leta 2009 do 2012 in dosežki istih učencev pri NPZ in ŠVK v 9. razredu za leta 2012 do 2015. Ključne besede: trajnostno znanje, nacionalno preverjanje znanja, športno-vzgojni karton, osnovna šola Abstract The term sustainable knowledge has been presented in primary schools for several years. Some teachers and pupils see it as a cross-curricular integration, some as the indication of pupils at independent thinking, and others as a quality communication between teachers, pupils and parents. As a case study we are presenting the Primary School Davorin Jenko Cerklje na Gorenjskem, where in the annual work 100 plans of the school over the last few years as one of the priorities the increase in sustainable and useful knowledge has been stated. On the basis of analysis of pupils’ attainment in national assessment of knowledge (NAK) and sports results on motor and physical development (SLO-fit) we are trying to determine, whether pupils in the period between the 6th and 9th grade are progressing more than their peers in Slovenia. Therefore, we have analyzed the achievements of pupils in the NAK and the SLO-fit in 6th grade for the years 2009 to 2012 and the achievements of pupils in the same NAK and the SLO-fit in 9th grade for the years 2012 to 2015. Keywords: sustainable knowledge, national assessment of knowledge, sports results on motor and physical development (SLO-fit), primary school 101 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia How are ICT Professionals´ Wages Influenced by Economic Development in the Czech Republic? Lea Nedomova University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic nedomova@vse.cz Petr Doucek University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic doucek@vse.cz Abstract The economies of European states have survived dramatic changes in the past fifteen years. The start of the present century and the millennium is represented by large economic boom, then in 2008 started the economic crisis and the consequences of which had not deeply hit the Czech economy until the year 2009, and ending period with small steps toward the current recovery. These economic trends are reflected also in ICT (Information and Communication Technology) sector. This article presents short overview of the development of number of ICT professionals in the Czech economy, further it presents progress in nominal and real (wages adjusted for inflation) wages for two main groups of ICT professionals – for ICT Specialists (ISCO 25) and ICT Technicians (ISCO 35) – definition of these groups is also the part of the article. This progress will be investigated and presented as well – at first in boom years (2000 - 2008) then in crisis years (2009-2011) and in recovery period (2012-2014) at the end of the article. Used data sources are mainly databases of the Czech Statistical Office and the Eurostat relevant databases as well. Methods used for investigation is data series analysis, regression functions in combination with least square method. Keywords: economic cycle, ICT specialists, ICT technicians, wages in ICT 102 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Večkriterijski model za oceno primernosti preusmeritve dejavnosti kmetij Multi - Criteria Evaluation Model for Farm Reorientation Trajče Nikoloski Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta, Slovenija nikotraj@gmail.com Andrej Udovč Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta, Slovenija andrej.udovc@bf.uni-lj.si Martin Pavlovič Inštitut za hmeljarstvo in pivovarstvo Slovenije, Žalec, Slovenija Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za kmetijstvo in biosistemske vede, Slovenija martin.pavlovic@ihps.si Vladislav Rajkovič Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija vladislav.rajkovic@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek Strukturne spremembe predstavljajo v kmetijstvu velik izziv vse od ravni države do ravni posamezne kmetije. V ta okvir uvrščamo tudi preusmeritev individualnih kmetij. Kam in kako preusmeriti dejavnost kmetije je odvisno od številnih dejavnikov. V prispevku je predstavljen model za oceno primernosti preusmeritve kmetij v vrtnarsko (hortikulturno) dejavnost. Upoštevane so naravne danosti, demografski, ekonomski in socialni dejavniki. Izbor kriterijev, njihova struktura in pomembnost medsebojnega vpliva kriterijev v modelu slonijo na razpoložljivih statističnih podatkih o kmetijah, podatkih, ki smo jih dobili iz anketne raziskave in mnenju ekspertnega tima. Model je realiziran v skladu z metodologijo DEX z uporabo programa DEXi in je kritično ocenjen na izbranem vzorcu kmetij. Dodana vrednost tega pristopa je v transparentni razlagi ocene primernosti, ki jo uporabimo za pomoč pri odločanju o preusmeritvi dejavnosti kmetij. Ključne besede: kmetijstvo, preusmeritev kmetije, vrtnarstvo, odločitvena analiza, večkriterijsko odločitveno modeliranje, ekspertni sistem, metoda DEX 103 Abstract Structural changes in farming present serious challenges on all levels from state level to the level of an individual farm. Reorientation of a farm is one of these challenges. There are many factors influencing the decision for reorientation. In this contribution, a model for assessing potential of a farm for its transformation to a horticultural one is presented. The model takes in account criteria such as: natural resources, demographic, economic and social factors. Criteria selection, their structure and importance of their interrelations in the model are based on statistical data about farms, data gathered by survey research and expert group opinion. The model was developed with the DEX methodology, implemented by the program DEXi, and was critically evaluated on chosen set of farms. The added value of the approach is a transparent assessment picture of the potential of a farm as a vital support for making decision about its reorientation. Keywords: farming, farm reorientation, horticulture, decision analysis, multi-criteria decision modelling, method DEX 104 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Benefits and Stressors – Perceived Effects of ICT Use on Employee Health and Work Stress: an Exploratory Study from Austria and Hong Kong Katharina Ninaus Alpen-Adria Universitaet Klagenfurt, Austria katharina.ninaus@aau.at Sandra Diehl Alpen-Adria Universitaet Klagenfurt, Austria Ralf Terlutter Alpen-Adria Universitaet Klagenfurt, Austria Kara Chan Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Anqi Huang Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Abstract Stress has become a mass phenomenon in the modern workplace. The use of information and communication technologies is receiving greater attention in the context of occupational stress. An exploratory qualitative study was conducted to examine both stressors and benefits as a result from technologies among practitioners in the advertising, public relations, and journalism industry in Hong Kong and Austria. Results indicate that technologies allow an instant availability, which improves communication processes as well as the exchange of and the access to information. Furthermore, modern technologies create an opportunity for organizing work with greater flexibility in terms of working time and working place, enabling employees to better balance their work and private life. Hence, evolving technologies can be perceived as beneficial in working life, yet have come with a cost. Particularly the pressure to be constantly available and connected via technologies constitutes a major source of work stress, increasing the risk of experiencing prolonged stress and its consequences on employee health. Notably, findings suggest that the pressure to be available may be attributed to an inner obligation rather than to an organizational expectation. Making employees aware of their connectivity behavior may therefore help to diminish the experience of technology-related work stress and improve and maintain employees’ health and wel -being in the long term. Practical implications are provided. Keywords: work-related technology use, ICT stressors, ICT benefits, work stress, employee wel -being, employee health 105 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Značilnosti celovitega poročanja Characteristics of Integrated Reporting Aleš Novak Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija ales.novak@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek Celovito poročanje predstavlja za organizacije priložnost, da predstavijo celovito sliko svojega delovanja in poslovanja na jasen, jedrnat, povezan in primerljiv način. Na začetku prispevka je izpostavljena vloga poročanja organizacij o poslovanju za tržno ekonomijo ter določene pomanjkljivosti tradicionalnega modela poročanja, ki jih je razkrila globalna finančna kriza. Nato je opredeljeno, kaj vse obsega celovito poročanje organizacij, ki združuje računovodsko, upravljavsko in trajnostno poročanje v skladno celoto. V posebnem poglavju so podane ključne sestavine celovitega poročanja, kot jih pripoznava Mednarodni svet za celostno poročanje (IIRC) v Mednarodnih okvirnih navodilih celovitega poročanja, kjer so posebej izpostavljena ključna načela za pripravo celovitega poročila ter ključni vsebinski elementi. V zadnjem delu prispevka so predstavljene koristi procesa celovitega poročanja za organizacije ter zaključne misli. Ključne besede: celovito poročanje, IIRC, koristi, nefinančne informacije, organizacija Abstract Integrated reporting provides an opportunity for organisations to present the holistic picture of their business and operations in a clear, concise, interconnected and comparable manner. The beginning of the paper deals with the role of corporate reporting in the financial system and in the market economy and certain shortcomings of traditional reporting model, exposed by the global financial crisis. Later the meaning of integrated reporting is identified, which combines financial, governance and sustainability reporting into a coherent whole. The special section provides the key ingredients of integrated reporting, as recognized by the International Council for Integrated Reporting (IIRC) in the International Integrated Reporting Framework, by emphasising its fundamental concepts and guiding principles. The last part of the paper presents the benefits of the integrated reporting process for organisations and provides a conclusion. Keywords: integrated reporting, IIRC, benefits, non-financial information, organisation 106 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia The Infulence of the Constructive and Destructive Leadership on the Employees in Serbia Vladimir Obradović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia obradovicv@fon.bg.ac.rs Dragan Bjelica University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia bjelicad@fon.bg.ac.rs Jelena Barišić University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia barisicjelena92@gmail.com Abstract The purpose of this paper is to present level of exposure of the constructive and destructive leadership by managers on the employees in Serbia. Constructive leadership includes leadership behavior that is a devoted, selfless and exemplary. The concept of the destructive leadership isn't unique, and it is used to describe the different categories of the leader who have expressed a negative attitude according to their subordinates. Essentially, this term includes behavior known as abusive supervision, petty tyrants, narcissistic leaders, and bullies. The survey that was conducted included 113 respondents, 51 man and 62 women, aged between 19 and 64 years. The collected data were analyzed with Excel and SPSS. For data processing in SPSS program was used a method of hierarchical cluster analysis - Ward's method. The general conclusion of the survey is that the impact of destructive leadership is weak, and the participants are exposed to constructive behavior more than the destructive leadership of their managers. The idea is that negative events in social interactions have a stronger effect than positive events. Therefore, understanding the destructive leadership is as important as the suppression of this kind of leadership increases the effectiveness of employees. Ultimately, this paper will point to how much local companies take care of their employees. Keywords: leadership, destructive leadership, constructive leadership 107 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Using the "Big Data" and Real-Time Support Systems in the Municipal Management Bladimir Osorio-Munoz Instituto Superior de Educação e Ciências – ISEC, Portugal bladim@yahoo.com Paulo Louro Instituto Superior de Educação e Ciências – ISEC, Portugal paulo.louro@isec.universitas.pt Luis Cavique Instituto Superior de Educação e Ciências – ISEC, Portugal Fredy Mauricio Gutierrez-Alvarez Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Sede Medellin, Colombia fmgutierreza@unal.edu.co Abstract Nowadays in most municipalities resources are limited, so that, public sector management looks for a proper management balance between people, statistics and investment. Different approaches and isolate events have been under development to support the implementation of smart urban technologies, e.g. data driven-decision tools. This article seeks to explore the real bases of a communicative/decision tool that let’s cities management staff (Main system and subsystems managers levels) to accomplish two specific challenges: a) real time public procurement and b) real time performance monitoring. At the end, all these initiatives, applied in the cities, are looking for smart solutions transformation into modern municipalities and of course, in accordance with each city KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). In the case of smart cities, and in order to reinforce their transparency, open collection and processing of data, an equilibrium is required; economic, commercial, industrial, cultural, etc. Through out big data analytics are leading a process that let local government managers to track, in real time, key parametric and trend results of events occurring in the city, in order for them to act promptly and with the right/best decision. It is clear that these tools developments are quickly evolving and challenging the traditional technologies scenarios for the good of their citizens and urban systems. Keywords: e-government, big data, real-time, analytics, metrics, local government 108 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Integrativno razumevanje managementa in organizacije (ob modelu 'Sinusoida 2000' + stoletna izkušnja v ZDA) Integrative Understanding of Management and Organization (Model ‘Sinusoida 2000’ + a Century of Experiences in USA) Jožef Ovsenik Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija jozef.ovsenik@s5.net Povzetek Avtor ponuja svoj izvirni model 'Sinusoida' v primerjavo z zgodovinsko izkušnjo modernega 'managementa' v ZDA v razdobju 1886-2012, kot jo opisuje ameriški avtor Walter Kiechel. V tej razpravi sta – poleg uvoda – posebej izpostavljeni temi o nastanku zanimanja za preučevanje dela, razumevanje managementa in produktivnostno gibanje v 20. stoletju in milenijski (2000) prelom razumevanja managementa in organizacije iz ravni materialne objekt-nosti globlje na raven miselno-abstraktnosti oz. spoznavne ustvarjalnosti v logiki sinusoidno-miselnega valovanja na ravni sedmih miselnih mikro-samo-vprašalnih potrditev svojih lastnih dejavnostnih. Kiechelov članek iz leta 2012 je v tem sestavku zanimiv posebej zato, ker nam omogoča razumeti družbeno prakso 'managementa' in 'organizacije' na ravni celotne družbe oziroma države kot ustanove na konkretnem primeru aplikacije našega modela 'Sinusoida 2000'. Ključne besede: Sinusouda 2000, produktivnostno gibanje, management, organizacija Abstract The author's own original model 'Sinusoid 2000' is presented, to be compared with historical experience of the modern 'management' during the era of 1886-2012 as being coined by the American author Walter Kiechel. The model 'Sinusoid 2000' is being represented is repeatedly compared, a century period long comparison in the field of the modern 'management' (and of 'organization') in America. During the 20th century, the experiences with 'management' have been many and ideas for solving the problems identified here as well. However, the social conflict concerned seems still today to stay dramatically. Kichel's article from 2012 seems to be interesting for us, because it enables better to understand a whole of 'management' and organization at the level of society as defined as a whole at a concrete case of our model 'Sinusoid 2000'. Keywords: Sinusoida 2000, productivity movement, management, organization 109 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Attainment of Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels of Learning Goals in Relation to the Conditioning Factors ‘Educational Programme’ and ‘Real - Life Context’ Björn Paape RWTH Aachen University, Germany paape@wiwi.rwth-aachen.de Iwona Kiereta RWTH Aachen University, Germany kiereta@wiwi.rwth-aachen.de Researchers Diana Bongard, BSc Nicolay Funk, BSc Nora Hoppmann, BSc Nadja Nazarenus, BSc Kerstin Schmitz, BSc Abstract In the current curricula of German vocational colleges, learning goals are set for skills, competencies and knowledge development. Bloom’s taxonomy of learning goals enables a hierarchical classification of these learning goals. By means of a standardized observation form, we analyse the attainment of the taxonomy levels in economics teaching at German vocational colleges in relation to the conditioning factors ‘level of educational programme’ (Bildungsgangniveau) and ‘real-life context’ (Lebensweltbezug). The findings – based on the observed 'everyday' classroom situation – show that the attainment of higher levels of the taxonomy is positively influenced by real-life context in teaching/learning activities. However, there is no evidence of a correlation between the taxonomy levels attained and the level of educational programme. Keywords: vocational training, learning goals 110 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Trajnostni in ekonomski vidiki alternativnega ogrevanja Biotehniškega centra Naklo Sustainable and Economic Aspects of Alternative Heating Biotechnical Centre Naklo Drago Papler Gorenjske elektrarne, Slovenija drago.papler@gek.si Tomaž Levstek Biotehniški center Naklo, Slovenija tomaz.levstek@bc-naklo.si Povzetek Biotehniški center Naklo sledi razvojni politiki trajnostnega razvoja in ob osnovni izobraževalni vlogi želi biti primer dobre prakse na področju kmetijskega gospodarstva. V stavbah Biotehniškega centra Naklo so zaradi celodnevnih aktivnosti, velikega pretoka ljudi in velikih ogrevalnih površin relativno velike potrebe po toplotni energiji. Trenutni sistem ogrevanja temelji na uporabi kurilnega olja, ki okoljsko in ekonomsko ni najboljša izbira za center, ki se vedno trudi biti okolju prijazen in trajnostno naravnan. Variante tehnoloških rešitev in finančna vlaganja za posamezno alternativno rešitev so: ogrevanje z zemeljskim plinom iz sistema daljinskega ogrevanja ter ogrevanje z lesno biomaso z lesnimi peleti ali lesnimi sekanci. Z izračuni ekonomskih kazalnikov smo prikazali ekonomsko upravičenost posamezne alternativne rešitve ogrevanja. Interna stopnja donosnosti posameznih naložb v ogrevalne sisteme pri ceni ekstra lahkega kurilnega olja 0,87 EUR/l je za alternativo zemeljski plin 22,18 %, za lesne pelete 12,02 % in za lesne sekance 29,18 %. Pri analizi občutljivosti z 10 % višjo naložbo se interna stopnja donosnosti zniža pri zemeljskem plinu za 4,71 %, pri lesnih peletih za 1,89 % in pri lesnih sekancih za 3,03 %. Z vrednotenjem družbenih koristnosti z vidika zmanjševanja emisij CO2 s Cost-Benefit analizo se je interna stopnja donosnosti povečala pri zemeljskem plinu za 0,07 %, pri lesnih peletih za 4,35 % in pri lesnih sekancih za 3,79 %. Pri visokih cenah kurilnega olja 1,022 EUR/l postane energent zemeljski plin konkurenčnejši lesnim sekancem. Ključne besede: učinkovita raba energije, obnovljivi viri energije, ogrevanje, energetska učinkovitost, ekonomika 111 Abstract Biotechnical Centre Naklo follows the sustainable development policy and wants to be an example of good practice in his basic role of education and in the area of the agricultural economy. The buildings of the Biotechnical Centre Naklo have a relatively large heat energy needs because of the daily activities, a large movement of people and a large heating surfaces. With regard to environmentally and economically impacts, wich is based on the use of fuel oil, is not the best choice for the center. Variants of technological solutions and financial investment for each alternative solution are heating with natural gas from the system of district heating and biomass heating with wood pellets or wood chips. We used economic indicators to calculate the economic viability of each individual variants. Internal rates of return on individual investments in heating systems by the price of extra light heating oil of 0,87 €/l is for natural gas 22,18%, for wood pellets 12,02% and for wood chips 29,18%. In the sensitivity analysis with a 10% higher investment the internal rate of return decreases for natural gas 4,71%, for wood pellets for 1,89% and for wood chips for 3,03%. The evaluation of society benefits in terms of reducing CO2 emissions through cost-benefit analysis, the internal rate of return increased for natural gas for 0,07%, for wood pellets for 4,35% and for wood chips for 3,79%. With the high prices of fuel oil 1,022 €/l natural gas becomes more competitive to wood chips. Keywords: efficient use of energy, renewable energy, heating, energy efficiency, economics 112 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia The Development of Counties (Regions) and Financial Exclusion: the Example of the Republic of Croatia Anita Pavković University in Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Croatia apavkovic@efzg.hr Josip Britvić Top Consult Group Ltd., Podravske Sesvete, Croatia josip.britvic@top-consult-grupa.hr Katarina Marošević University of J.J.Strossmayera in Osijek, Faculty of Law, Croatia kmarosev@pravos.hr Abstract In this paper, on the grounds of a few indicators, it was attempted to create an composite indicator compound from some of economic development often used indicators, (GDP per capita, average unemployment rate of all work-capable population (15-64)) and the available indicators which could be used to “define” the financial literacy (the territorial outspread of business units per 1000 inhabitants and the territorial outspread of the bank’s cash machine per 1000 inhabitants) for the period between 2010 and 2012 on a county level. Also, the results of the realized financial literacy can be an excellent indicator for the holders of the economic policy, as well as one of the more important indicators in creating the necessary strategies. The aim of this paper is to depict the differences in the development of regions in the Republic of Croatia, wherein taking into consideration not only the most common economic indicators, but also the available financial indicators for the regional level of the Republic of Croatia. So, the indirect aim is to show the importance of financial involvement and financial literacy for the development of regions and to provide guidelines for ways of influencing the increase of financial involvement and financial literacy. The assumption of higher economic development implicates the existence of a lower level of financial exclusion. Keywords: financial literacy, financial inclusion, economic development, regional differences 113 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Upravljanje z znanjem v podjetju: od podatka in informacije do znanja Knowledge Management in Organization: from Data and Information to Knowledge Sonja Pavše Grabrijan TPV d.d., Slovenija s.pavse-grabrijan@tpv.si Povzetek V podjetjih se dnevno srečujemo z ogromnim številom podatkov in informacij, ki nastajajo v delovnih procesih. Informacije se v večji meri zbirajo strukturirano. Dostop do informacij je v večini primerov znan. Pravi izziv za podjetja pa je dostop do znanja in izkušenj zaposlenih. Če obstaja zavedanje v podjetju, da ima znanje, ki nastaja iz izkušenj, ob inovativni dejavnosti, razvoju novih izdelkov in procesov, ter želi podjetje to znanje identificirati, zajeti, deliti in uporabljati, je to velik korak podjetja h konkurenčni prednosti na trgu. Podjetje, ki je razvojno naravnano, se sooča z ogromno količino informacij, ki nastajajo dnevno. Največji izziv je, kako te informacije spremeniti v znanje in to znanje uporabiti ob vsakdanjem delu. Sedaj v podjetju ni celovitega pregleda, kje vse se to znanje nahaja, zato je iskanje oteženo in velikokrat neučinkovito. Kako na učinkovit način upravljati znanje v podjetju? To vprašanje je velik izziv za podjetje. Kako se lotiti implementacije upravljanja znanja, kaj so ključni faktorji uspeha, kaj so ključni faktorji neuspeha, katere se najbolj primerne metode, orodja in tehnike upravljanja znanja? Kako zagotoviti ustrezno informacijsko tehnologijo? To je le nekaj aktualnih vprašanj, ki si jih podjetja postavljajo na področju upravljanja znanja. Ključne besede: podatki, informacije, znanje, upravljanje znanja, metode, orodja, informacijska tehnologija Abstract In companies, we face daily with a huge number of data and information generated in the working processes. Information is to a great extent collected in a structured way. Access to information is in most cases known. The real challenge for businesses is access to the knowledge and experience of our employees. If there is awareness within the company, that the knowledge emerges from experience, innovative activities, development of new products and processes, and the company wants to identify this knowledge, capture, share and use it, this is a big step in the company's competitive advantages in the market. 114 The company, which is a development-oriented, is faced with a massive amount of information being created on a daily basis. The biggest challenge is how to convert this information into knowledge and how to use knowledge in the daily work. Today the company does not have a comprehensive review of where all this knowledge is located, so the search is difficult and often ineffective. How to manage the knowledge effectively in the company represents an issue and a big challenge for the company. How to approach the implementation of knowledge management, what are the key factors of success, what are the key factors of failure, what are the most appropriate methods, tools and knowledge management techniques? How to ensure an appropriate information technology? These are only a few topical questions raised by the companies in the field of knowledge management. Keywords: data, information, knowledge, knowledge management, methods, tools, information technology 115 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Model razvoja kadrov v proizvodnem procesu papirne industrije - primer podjetja Goričane, tovarna papirja Medvode, d.d. Model of Human Resources Development in Paper Industry Production Process - the Case of Goričane, tovarna papirja Medvode, d.d. Jerneja Pečnik Goričane, Tovarna papirja Medvode d.d., Slovenija jerneja.pecnik@goricane.si Vesna Novak Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede Kranj, Slovenija vesna.novak@fov.un-mb.si Povzetek V prispevku obravnavamo problematiko razvoja kadrov v papirni industriji. Značilnost papirne industrije Slovenije je majhnost podjetij v primerjavi z globalnimi igralci. Podjetja se srečujejo z visokimi zahtevami globalnega trga, kar poleg dobre tehnološke pripravljenosti zahteva tudi močan intelektualni kapital. Papirna industrija Slovenije se sooča s problematiko strokovne usposobljenosti proizvodnega kadra, saj po ukinitvi Srednje šole tiska in papirja v Ljubljani na trgu delovne sile primanjkuje kadrov s srednjo in poklicno papirniško izobrazbo. Tako podjetja iščejo načine za učinkovit in hiter razvoj kadra, ki bo s svojim delom uspešno in kakovostno zagotavljal kontinuirani proces proizvodnje papirja. Rezultat raziskovanja opisane problematike smo predstavili z izdelavo modela razvoja kadrov, ki smo ga prilagodili izmenskemu proizvodnemu procesu v podjetju Goričane. Model smo razvili s šestimi koraki, ki so podrobno opisani v prispevku. Prednosti vzpostavitve modela vidimo v strateško vodenem procesu razvoja kadrov izmenskih delavcev, ki svoj osebni razvoj gradijo v organiziranem mreženju učečih se delovnih skupin. Opolnomočeni zaposleni, ki prevzemajo odgovornost za uspešno delovanje svoje skupine, postanejo visoko motivirani za prenos znanja in izkušenj na svoje sodelavce. Učeči se delavci vsakodnevno iščejo rešitve in znanja v okviru svoje delovne skupine in preko povezovanja z delavci iz drugih skupin gradijo zakladnico znanja. Ključne besede: razvoj kadrov, osebni razvoj izmenskih delavcev, opolnomočeni zaposleni, učeči se delavci, zakladnica znanja 116 Abstract This article discusses the issue of human resources development in paper industry. A typical characteristic of the Slovenian paper industry is that compared to the global players, most companies are relatively small. In addition, they are facing with the increasing demands of the global market, which requires both constant technological availability as well as a strong intellectual capital. With the closure of the High School of Printing and Paper in Ljubljana, the Slovenian labour market is witnessing a lack of wel -trained human resources with a high-school or vocational papermaking degree, and consequently, the paper industry is currently faced with the issue of the production's staff professional qualification. The companies are therefore searching for ways to assure an efficient and timely development of skilled human resources that will ensure a high-quality level of work and a continuous paper production process. The result of our research of the described issues was presented by creating a model of human resources development that we adjusted to a shift work- based production process in paper mill Goričane. The model was developed in six steps, described in detail in this article. The advantages of setting up this model are visible in a strategically managed development process of employees working in shifts, who build their personal development within an organized networking of learning workgroups. Empowered employees who take responsibility for a successful functioning of their group, become highly motivated to share their knowledge and experience with their co-workers as well. Learning workers are looking for solutions and know-how within their workgroup on a daily basis in order to, through mutual cooperation with workers from other teams, create a treasury of knowledge. Keywords: human resources development, personal development of shift workers, empowered employees, learning workers, treasury of knowledge 117 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Accounting Model for Prediction of Trends in Building Society Asset Values in the National Market Ticijan Peruško Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of Economics and Tourism „Dr. Mijo Mirković“ Pula, Croatia tperusko@unipu.hr Abstract Prediction models have become a necessity in modern business. Accounting information facilitates a review of accurate data from previous periods, forming a basis for evaluation of planned categories in the coming time periods. Evaluation of the values of the total of building society assets in the national market provides an information basis for consideration of trends in the national market and for planning the business of building societies operating in that market, with the purpose of achieving maximum financial performance. By this research, a model is created which, by application of accounting information and regulations using statistical and mathematical methods, enables evaluation of the total annual asset values of building societies operating in the territory of a specific country. The model includes the positions of building society national market total assets, liabilities and capital. The aim of the created accounting model is to generate information for all interested users concerning evaluated annual trends in building society total assets. Furthermore, it will provide information about evaluated annual trends in the positions of the total capital and liabilities in the national market. The obtained information facilitates a more detailed evaluation of the structure of the total building society assets, evaluation of the structure of sources of financing, as well as of the capital. Keywords: accounting information, accounting model, building societies, assets, national market, business planning 118 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Sustainable Organization of Knowledge and Skills in the Work Environment: Empirical Evidence of the Slovenes Returning from Abroad Judita Peterlin University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics, Slovenia judita.peterlin@ef.uni-lj.si Vlado Dimovski University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics, Slovenia vlado.dimovski@ef.uni-lj.si Povzetek Članek se osredotoča na identifikacijo ključnih izzivov, s katerimi se soočajo na osebnostnem in profesionalnem področju osebe slovenskega rodu ob povratku iz tujine v Slovenijo. Cilj članka je opredeliti ključna področja, ki so jim predstavljala težavo pri vstopu na trg dela v Sloveniji in prednosti, ki jih njihova integracija v slovensko delovno okolje prinaša za slovensko gospodarstvo. V članku so predstavljeni rezultati kvalitativnega raziskovalnega pristopa. Članek predstavlja možnosti za izdelavo priporočil za čim bolj učinkovito iskanje sinergij med povratniki in zaposlovalci v Sloveniji. Ključne besede: trg dela, organizacijska kultura, povratne migracije, management sprememb Abstract This paper focuses the attention on the identification of the key challenges that people of Slovenian origin are faced with in the field of personal and professional life upon their return to Slovenia. The aim of the paper is to identify the key areas that represent the problem in entering the labor market in Slovenia and the advantages that their integration into the Slovene working environment brings to the Slovenian economy. The article presents the results of a qualitative research approach. The article opens possibilities for making recommendations for the most effective synergies between returnees and employers in Slovenia. Keywords: labour market, organizational culture, remigration, change management 119 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Postgraduate Students’ Attitudes about Sustainable Development Goals: a Case Study of Delphi Method Jasna Petković University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia petkovic.jasna@fon.bg.ac.rs Jelena Andreja Radaković University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia jelena.radakovic@fon.bg.ac.rs Abstract In the context of growing concern over the sustainability issues, the purpose of this paper is to shine light on the attitudes of postgraduate students about sustainable development, and its 17 urgent goals. The authors chose postgraduate students as an example of educated expert group in order to evaluate their levels of acquired knowledge at the Master studies and to point out the importance of the role of properly formally educated working citizens for the sustainable development of every country. In order to evaluate postgraduate students’ attitudes we used the Delphi method. We suggested the usage of the Delphi method, having in mind that a lot of authors agree that this method has high applicability for sustainability foresight, as well having in mind the fact that it is one of the best-known qualitative methods of forecasting in the long run, especially when quantitative methods are not adequate, as it happened when debating on sustainable development, its goals and the possibilities of their achievement. The obtained results of our research have an important role in giving necessary feedback in the process of improving the curriculum of courses that are developed on a wide scale of scientific and practical knowledge of science about sustainable development. Keywords: sustainable development, sustainable development goals, postgraduate students’ attitudes, Delphi method 120 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Funkcionalnost dejavnosti Lekcija v Moodlu: študija primera na področju poučevanja elektrotehnike Functionality of the Lesson Module in Moodle: a Case Study of Teaching Electrotechnics Igor Petrovčič Vegova Ljubljana, Slovenija igor.petrovcic@gmail.com Povzetek Dejavnost Lekcija je v Moodlu prisotna že od leta 2005 dalje, vendar jo uporablja zelo malo ljudi. Njena največja prednost je v tem, da uporabniku nudi prosto izbiro učne poti in ustvari občutek interaktivnosti, zato je nizek delež te dejavnosti sprva še toliko bolj presenetljiv. Raziskava ugotavlja, da je razlogov za neuporabo modula Lekcija več, od hibridnega značaja Lekcije, saj se po funkcionalnosti nahaja nekje med Kvizom in Knjigo, do nejasnih navodil za uporabo. Nenazadnje ne gre spregledati nesorazmerja med časom kreiranja in časom, ki je potreben za dokončanje dejavnosti. Zaradi možnosti izbire se zdi Lekcija idealno sredstvo za fleksibilno podajanje snovi, ki bi upoštevalo različne učne tipe posameznikov. Poskusna študija na vzorcu dijakov elektrotehnike je pokazala, da obstajajo določene vzporednice med učnimi tipi dijakov in izbranimi potmi, vendar bi bilo potrebno za zanesljivejšo interpretacijo rezultatov upoštevati še druge dejavnike. Ključne besede: Moodle, dejavnost lekcija, dejavnost kviz Abstract Lesson activity has been available in Moodle since 2005; however, it is a seldom- used module. Its most prominent advantage is that it offers the user a choice, which learning path to select. Consequently, courses seem to be more interactive. For these reasons, it is even more surprising that Lesson is not favored among users. Reasons for the non-use of Lessons lie probably in the hybrid nature of Lesson module, relatively vague instructions or manuals, and the unbalanced ratio between the required creation time and the time needed to finish the lesson. Due to one's own path selection, Lesson module seem to be the ideal tool to approach different learning types. Results of the case study on teaching electrotechnics has shown that there are certain parallels between the learning types and selected routes in the Lesson, however, for more reliable interpretation of the results, we should take into account other factors, as well. Keywords: Moodle, lesson module, quiz module 121 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Management of Selected Local Public Utilities: a Review of Current Practices Primož Pevcin University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration, Slovenia primoz.pevcin@fu.uni-lj.si Veronika Petkovšek University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration, Slovenia veronika.petkovsek@fu.uni-lj.si Abstract Appropriate management of public utilities is becoming more and more important in terms of insufficient financial resources and at the same time the growing needs of the local population. Especially smaller municipalities are often faced with the problem that they are not large enough or do not have sufficient resources in order to effectively and efficiently perform their tasks. To minimize costs, municipalities manage the delivery of public utilities in different ways, including the outsourcing or privatization of utilities. Inter-municipal cooperation or joint delivery of public utilities is also becoming more and more topical. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of existing domestic and foreign practices in terms of the role of management in delivery of selected municipal utilities, for example in the field of water and waste management. The advantages and disadvantages of different forms of providing such public utilities will be shown through literature review, comparative analysis and critical review. In this way good practices could be found, which could be applied also in Slovenia, with an aim to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of selected local public utilities. Keywords: management, local public utilities, water industry, cross-national comparison 122 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Izboljševanje kakovosti bolnišnične obravnave pacientov s samopoškodovalnimi vedenji z vidika zdravstvene nege Improving the Quality of Hospital Treatment of Patients with Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI) in Terms of Health Care Matejka Pintar Babič Univerzitetna psihiatrična klinika Ljubljana, Slovenija matejka.pintar@psih-klinika.si Anja Žnidaršič Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija anja.znidarsic@fov.uni-mb.si Maja Drobnič Radobuljac Univerzitetna psihiatrična klinika Ljubljana, Univerza v Ljubljani, Medicinska fakulteta, Slovenija maja.radobuljac@psih-klinika Mojca Bernik Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija mojca.bernik@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek Samopoškodovalno vedenje opredeljuje namerno poškodbo lastnega telesa na način, ki ni družbeno sprejemljiv in nima samomorilnega namena ter je najpogostejše v obdobju mladostništva. V slovenskem prostoru ni zaslediti sistematičnega spremljanja samopoškodovalnega vedenja tako na primarnem kot tudi ne na sekundarnem ali terciarnem nivoju zdravstvenega varstva. Prispevek opisuje postopek ugotavljanja trenutne situacije v Univerzitetni Psihiatrični kliniki Ljubljana (UPK Ljubljana) na podlagi spremljanja dejavnikov tveganja za pojav samopoškodovalnega vedenja s pomočjo kazalnika kakovosti. Ključne besede: samopoškodovanje, zdravstvena nega, znanje, kakovost Abstract Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) is defined as intentional injury of one’s own body in a way that is socially unacceptable and does not have a suicidal purpose. It is most common in adolescence. There is no systematic monitoring of NSSI in Slovenian territory neither at primary, secondary nor tertiary level of health care. The present article describes the process of determining the current situation of NSSI at the 123 University Psychiatric Hospital Ljubljana (UPK Ljubljana) through the development of quality indicator based on the monitoring of risk factors.. Keywords: non-suicidal self-injury, health care, knowledge, quality 124 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Vpliv kompetenc profesionalnih športnikov na kasnejše podjetniško udejstvovanje Impact of Competences of Professional Athletes on the Subsequent Entrepreneurial Pursuit Saša Pipan Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija sasa.pipan18@gmail.com Sara Zagernik Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija sara.zagernik@gmail.com Povzetek Vsak podjetnik ima svojo zgodbo. Razvijanje podjetniških poti je v današnjem času vedno bolj pomembno, saj je ključnega pomena za razvoj in uresničevanje novih poslovnih idej. Podjetnikova naloga ni lahka, saj se mora le-ta zavedati tveganja ob morebitnem neuspehu. Večina uspešnih podjetnikov je na svoji poti doživela tudi neuspehe. Osredotočili se bomo na podjetniške poti nekdanjih športnikov, ki se po aktivni športni karieri podajo na podjetniško pot. Zanimajo nas kompetence profesionalnih športnikov, katere pridobijo pri profesionalnem ukvarjanju s športom, ter imajo velik vpliv na delovanje in uspešnost v podjetniškem udejstvovanju. Športna kariera zahteva namreč od posameznika veliko odrekanja, natančnosti, discipline, organiziranosti, vztrajnosti, tekmovalnosti in realizacije ciljev, ki so lahko hkrati tudi temelji dobrega podjetnika. Temelj raziskovalnega dela bo pregled sekundarnih virov o bivših športnikih, ki so postali podjetniki z metodo kompilacije in sinteze. Ključne besede: podjetništvo, kompetence, šport Abstract Each entrepreneur has its own story. Developing entrepreneurial paths is nowadays becoming increasingly more important, as it is crucial for the development and implementation of new business ideas. Starting an enterprise is not an easy task, because of the risks of potential failure. Most successful entrepreneurs are on their way also experienced failures. We will focus on entrepreneurial paths of former athletes who are after an active sports career cross from the entrepreneurial path. They are interested in the competences of professional athletes whose gain professional preoccupation with the sport, and have a significant impact on the functioning and performance of the corporate engagement. A Sports Career requires an individual to make a lot of sacrifices, but also to have qualities like precision, discipline, organization, perseverance, competitiveness and realization of the 125 objectives. This research work's content will be a review of secondary sources on former athletes who have become entrepreneurs with the method of compilation and synthesis. Keywords: entrepreneurship, competences, sport 126 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Vidiki zadovoljstva zaposlenih na IRSVNDN Aspects of Satisfaction of Employees in IRSVNDN Natalija Plemenitaš Fuchs Inšpektorat RS za varstvo pred naravnimi in drugimi nesrečami, Slovenija natalija.plemenitas.fuchs@gmail.com Povzetek Organizacijska klima obsega značilnosti, ki so skupne večini zaposlenih posamezne organizacije in obenem vplivajo na uspešnost in zadovoljstvo zaposlenih. Preverjanje organizacijske klime in zadovoljstva zaposlenih je odlično diagnostično orodje za identifikacijo možnih področij, pomembno za organizacijo z vidika potrebnega ukrepanja in izboljšanja stanja. Rezultati merjenja organizacijske klime in zadovoljstva zaposlenih namreč kažejo, kako zaposleni dojemajo svoje delovno okolje. Nekatere stvari vidijo v boljši luči, druge manj optimistično. V Inšpektoratu RS za varstvo pred naravnimi in drugimi nesrečami (IRSVNDN) kot organu v sestavi Ministrstva za obrambo RS organizacijska klima in zadovoljstvo zaposlenih še nista bila sistematično izmerjena. Prispevek se ukvarja s pomenom zadovoljstva zaposlenih v IRSVNDN glede na različne sklope ‒ zadovoljstvo z delom, zadovoljstvo z neposredno nadrejenim, zadovoljstvo s sodelovanjem z ožjimi sodelavci ter zadovoljstvo s plačami in nagrajevanjem. Ključne besede: zadovoljstvo zaposlenih, organizacijska klima, merjenje organizacijske klime, IRSVNDN, inšpektor Abstract Organizational climate scale features that are common to majority of employees of individual organizations and at the same time affect the performance and satisfaction of employees. Verification of the organizational climate and satisfaction of employees is an excellent diagnostic tool for the identification of potential areas important for the organisation in terms of the necessary actions and improvements. The results of measurement of the organizational climate and satisfaction of employees, namely to show how the employees perceive their work environment. Some of the things they see in the better light of the other, less optimistic. In the Inspectorate of the RS for protection against natural and other disasters (IRSVNDN), as an organization in the structure of the Ministry of defense of the republic of Slovenia, organizational climate and satisfaction of employees has not been systematically measured. The paper deals with the importance of the satisfaction of the employees in the IRSVNDN depending on the different strands - satisfaction with work, satisfaction with the direct 127 supervisor, satisfaction with co-operation with the staff, and satisfaction with the wages and remuneration. Keywords: satisfaction of employees, organizational climate, measuring of organizational climate, IRSVNDN, inspector 128 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Korporativna varnost kot funkcija managementa Corporate Security as a Function of Management Iztok Podbregar Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija iztok.podbregar@fov.uni-mb.si Dragan Trivan Privredna komora Beograd, Srbija dtrivan@gmail.com Andreja Škafar Cerkvenik Bolnišnica za ginekologijo in porodništvo, Kranj, Slovenija andreja.skafar@bgp-kranj.si Povzetek V sodobnem, izredno dinamičnem poslovnem okolju, ki ga definira zaostrovanje pogojev poslovanja in globalne konkurence, se gospodarske družbe vse bolj soočajo s potrebo po celovitem sistemu varnosti svojih objektov, občutljivih podatkov, informacij in delovnih procesov, ter si na ta način poskušajo zagotoviti konkurenčno prednost na trgu. Ne govorimo več zgolj o fizičnem varovanju, ki ga običajno izvajajo najete varnostne službe, temveč o pojmu korporativna varnost kot enakovrednem poslovnem procesu znotraj vseh ostalih procesov, ki potekajo v gospodarskih družbah. Celovit sistem varnosti je ključen element zagotavljanja uspešnosti poslovanja gospodarske družbe, saj v interakciji z vsemi ostalimi poslovnimi procesi, zagotavlja zaščito vitalnih interesov družbe. Korporativna varnost tako postaja osrednja funkcija managementa, zavedanje in podpora vrhnjega managementa pa sta ključna dejavnika za njeno učinkovitost. Korporativna varnost igra tudi zelo pomembno vlogo v procesih privatizacije gospodarskih družb, saj so te še dodatno izpostavljene raznim tveganjem in grožnjam. Zato pričujoči prispevek predstavlja tudi raziskavi o stališčih deležnikov o privatizaciji in motivih za tajno sodelovanje, kar lahko bistveno prispeva k prepoznavanju groženj in tveganj in omogoča učinkovito postavljanje korporativne varnosti. Ključne besede: korporativna varnost, management, privatizacija 129 Abstract In today's extremely dynamic business environment, defined by a tightening business conditions and global competition, companies are increasingly faced with the need of a comprehensive system of security of its facilities, sensitive data, information and business processes, and by doing so, seek to ensure a competitive advantage on the market. We are no longer talking only about physical security/protection normally performed by hired security services, but of the notion for a corporate security, as an equivalent business process within all other processes that take place in companies. An integrated security system, which is not only an independent working process but one of the central functions of management, is a crucial element in ensuring business success of the company. Its interaction with all other business processes ensures the protection of vital interests of the company. Corporate security is becoming a central feature of management, and awareness and support of top management are key factors for its effectiveness. Due to the companies’ added exposure to various risks and threats during the process of its privatisation, corporate security plays an important role in such process. Therefore, the present paper also presents surveys on the stakeholders’ views on privatization and motives for covert cooperation, which could significantly contribute to identifying threats and risks that would make an important contribution to efficient setting of corporate security. Keywords: corporate security, management, privatization 130 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Medsebojno povezovanje institucij in razvoj znanja na podeželju Inter-Institutional Networking and Knowledge Development in Rural Areas Marijan Pogačnik Biotehniški center Naklo, Slovenija marijan.pogacnik@bc-naklo.si Franc Vidic Biotehniški center Naklo, Slovenija vidicfranc07@gmail.com Povzetek V Evropi (EU-27) podeželski prostor (predominantly rural) predstavlja 52 % teritorija, kjer živi 23 % prebivalcev. Kljub temu da veliko govorimo o ohranjanju narave in trajnostnem gospodarjenju, pa ta prostor ni namenjen le dobremu počutju prebivalcev in obiskovalcev, ampak ima strateški pomen za vsako državo, saj v tem delu živi pomemben delež prebivalstva in predstavlja glavno zaledje za preskrbo. Podeželje predstavlja veliko priložnosti za rast, investicije in delovna mesta. V tem prispevku se osredotočamo na podeželski prostor Gorenjske statistične regije, izsledke pa je možno prenesti tudi na ostale slovenske in evropske regije. Želimo ohranjati naravno dediščino in skrbeti za trajnostni razvoj, ki bo atraktiven tudi za mlade. Zaznavamo, da je podeželsko okolje v regiji za mlade manj privlačno, saj ti ne zaznavajo podjetniških priložnosti, hkrati pa ni zadostne infrastrukture za hiter in kvaliteten trajnostni razvoj v osebnem in podjetniškem smislu. Smatramo, da je treba prebivalstvo povezati v dinamična socialna-poslovna omrežja, ozavestiti podjetniško naravnanost, vzpostaviti stimulativno podjetniško okolje za razvoj, ter jomogočiti dostop do znanja. V članku se osredotočamo pregled podpornega okolja za učenje, posredovanje znanja kot ključnega vira konkurenčnosti. Na podlagi analize podpornega okolja, tj. ponudnikov izobraževanj in svetovanj, smo zaznali pestro ponudbo, a hkrati tudi vrzeli. Na osnovi ugotovitev smo pripravili predloge za nadljne natančnejše raziskave, ki bodo dale jasno sliko učinkovitosti in uspešnosti zbiranja, posredovanja in kreiranje novega znanja, ki je pogoj za razvoj inovativnih poslovnih modelov, produktov in storitev z večjo dodano vrednostjo za zagotavljanje prepoznavnosti, konkurenčnost regije, kreiranje delovnih mest, izboljšanje kakovosti življenja ter ohranjanje trajnostnega razvoja. Ključne besede: razvoj podeželja, dodana vrednost, prenos in kreiranje znanja 131 Abstract In Europe (EU-27,)a predominantly rural area covers 52% of the territory with 23% of the population. Although we talk a lot about the nature conservation and sustainable management, , this area is not intended just for the wel -being of its residents and visitors, but it also has a strategic importance for each country. An important part of the population lives there and it represents a major hinterland for supplies. Rural areas present many opportunities for growth, investments and new jobs. In this paper, authors focus on the rural area of Gorenjska region. Similar results could be observed in other Slovenian and European regions. It is important to preserve the natural heritage and ensure sustainable development, which will be attractive for young population. We can see that the rural environment in the region is not attractive for young people as they do not perceive entrepreneurial opportunities and sufficient infrastructure for a fast and high-quality development in personal and corporate sense. We believe that it is necessary to connect people in social-business network and help them to become aware of the entrepreneurial mindset importance., We should also try to improve the access to knowledge of rational and economic use of resources., It is also important to create an entrepreneurial ecosystem for a personal development. The article focuses on learning environment, knowledge sharing, as a key source of competitiveness. Based on the analysis of education providers and consultant services, we noticed an interesting offer, but at the same time we also detected gaps. In accordance with the findings, we have prepared proposals for future research, to get clear picture of efficiency and effectiveness of collection, transmission and creation of new knowledge for the development of new and innovative business models and products with greater added value in order to ensure competitiveness of the region, create more jobs, improve the quality of life and sustainable development Keywords: rural development, value added, knowledge transfer and creation 132 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Usposabljanje in sprejetost sistemov poslovne inteligence Training and Business Intelligence Systems Acceptance Žanka Popović Mihajlović zanka.popovic@yahoo.com Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija mirjana.kljajic@fov.uni-mb.si Anja Žnidaršič Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija anja.znidarsic@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek V zadnjem desetletju lahko opazimo porast implementacij kompleksnih sistemov poslovne inteligence s katerimi naj bi podjetja oblikovala kakovostne informacije, in na njihovi podlagi pridobila pri konkurenčnosti. Na žalost rezultat uvajanja ni vedno uspešen, oziroma je le delno uspešen, in nikakor ne upraviči dolgotrajnega razvoja in implementacije, ter finančnega vložka. Neuspeh večinoma rezultira v iskanju vzroka na strani razvijalca in uvajalca sistema. Managerji se le redko zamislijo in vprašajo o sprejetosti sistema med njegovimi uporabniki, torej med lastnimi zaposlenimi. Zaposleni so tisti, ki s pomočjo sistema tvorijo informacije in jih preoblikujejo za nadaljnjo uporabo. Uporabnik nikakor ne more izkoristiti nove tehnologije, če jo ne sprejme in v njej ne vidi nobene koristi, dodane vrednosti. Na sprejetost nove tehnologije vpliva veliko dejavnikov, eden izmed njih je usposabljanje uporabnika o novi tehnologiji. Usposabljanje uporabnikov je večinoma prezrto, oz. vidno kot neka nuja, ki jo je potrebno čimprej črtati s seznama. S pomočjo raziskave, izvedene med uporabniki sistemov poslovne inteligence v slovenskih podjetjih, bo predstavljen vpliv usposabljanja na sprejetost le-teh. Usposabljanje, oz. njegovi elementi, so predstavljeni kot zunanji dejavnik v modelu sprejetja informacijske tehnologije, TAM. Ključne besede: poslovna inteligenca, sprejetost tehnologije, usposabljanje, TAM Abstract In the last decade, we could see an increase of complex business intelligence systems (BIS) implementations. Companies use BIS to generate quality information, used to gain competitiveness. Unfortunately, the implementation outcome is not always a success, and does not justify the development and implementation time. For sure, it does not justify the financial investment. The search usually starts with a failure, both 133 on the designer and on integrator’s side. Managers barely ask themselves about system acceptance among users, meaning their own employees. Employees use the system and generate information for further use. A user cannot take the advantage of new technology if he does not accept it and does not see any additional value in it’s usage. There are many factors influencing on technology’s acceptance, one of them being user training. User training is often overlooked, and represented as something necessary that should be done as soon as possible. Influence of user training on BIS acceptance will be introduced with research performed among BIS users in Slovenian companies. Training with all belonging factors is used as an external variable in technology acceptance model (TAM). Keywords: business intelligence, technology acceptance, user training, TAM 134 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Uporaba nanomaterialov v Republiki Sloveniji iz zdravstvenega in okoljevarstvenega vidika Use of Nanomaterials in the Republic of Slovenia from Healthcare and Environmental Standpoints Metka Prelc Poženel1 Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija metka.p@gmail.com Marjan Senegačnik Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija marjan.senegacnik@fov.uni-mb.si Drago Vuk Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija drago.vuk@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek V prispevku je predstavljeno stanje glede uporabe nanomaterialov v Republiki Sloveniji s poudarkom na industriji premazov. Izdelki iz nanomaterialov se uporabljajo na številnih področjih, od elektronike, medicine, športnih rekvizitov, prehrane, čistil, gradbeništva, avtomobilske industrije do tekstilnih izdelkov, biocidnih izdelkov in kozmetike. Nadalje je predstavljen zdravstveni in okoljevarstveni vidik s tega področja, saj nanomateriali kažejo drugačne lastnosti kot materiali v velikosti katere smo poznali do sedaj. Čeprav obstajajo koristi in prednosti uporabe nanomaterialov, se še vedno odpirajo vprašanja o morebitnih vplivih nanomaterialov na zdravje in okolje. Problematika nanodelcev se kaže tudi na pomanjkljivi zakonodaji glede na razvoj nanomaterialov kljub temu, da uredba REACH določa, da morajo proizvajalci, uvozniki in nadaljnji uporabniki zagotoviti varno uporabo vsake snovi ne glede na njeno obliko. Povzete so trenutne smernice razvoja zakonodaje na tem področju v povezavi z varnostjo in zdravjem pri delu. Ključne besede: nanotehnologija, nanomaterial, nanodelec, zdravje, okolje The contribution was created as a result of research for already confirmed the theme of a master's thesis of candidate Metka Prelc Poženel with title “Improving working conditions in the workplace in the small serial production of paints and varnishes«. 135 Abstract The abstract presents the situation regarding the use of nanomaterials in the Republic of Slovenia with an emphasis on industrial coatings. Products from nanomaterials are used in electronics, medicine, sports goods, food, cleaning, construction sector, the automotive industry, the textile products, biocide products and cosmetics. In addition, it presents health and environmental aspects in this area, because nanomaterials have different properties than the materials in the size of which we have known until now. Although there are benefits and advantages of using nanomaterials, there are still open questions about the potential impact of nanomaterials on health and the environment. The issue of nanoparticles is also reflected in inadequate legislation concerning the development of nanomaterials, however, that the REACH regulation requires manufacturers, importers and downstream users to have ensured the safe use of each substance regardless of its form. The current guidelines of the development of legislation on this area in relation to safety and health at work are summarized. Keywords: nanotechnology, nanomaterial, nanoparticle, health, environment 136 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Pokojninski sistem in varčevanje podjetnikov za dodatno pokojnino Pension System and Saving of Entrepreneurs to Supplementary Pensions Nika Prezelj Abanka d.d., Slovenija nprezelj@gmail.com Povzetek Dejstvo je, da bodo bodoče pokojnine bistveno nižje od današnjih zato je smiselno, da podjetniki razmislijo tudi o bodočem dohodku, o dohodku, ki ga bodo prejemali v obliki pokojnine. Zaradi nepredvidljivih okoliščin bi morali podjetniki (to so komitenti banke segmenta mikro podjetij) razmišljati tudi o lastni prihodnosti, saj morda v nekem trenutku, bodisi svojega dela ne bodo več zmogli opravljati bodisi ga ne bodo več želeli opravljati in se bodo želeli upokojiti. Zakon o pokojninskem in invalidskem zavarovanju (ZPIZ-2) omogoča prejemanje pokojnine iz plačil prispevkov obveznega pokojninskega zavarovanja. Zakon je leta 2013 v sklopu dodatnega pokojninskega zavarovanja samostojnim podjetnikom ter družbenikom uvedel tudi pravice iz prostovoljnega dodatnega pokojninskega zavarovanja. Poleg navedenih oblik pa lahko podjetniki varčujejo še individualno, česar pa ZPIZ-2 ne ureja. Ključne besede: pokojninski sistem, varčevanje, podjetniki Abstract The fact is that the future pensions will be significantly lower than today so it makes sense that entrepreneurs (micro-enterprise bank costumers) should also consider future income, the income that will be received in the form of a pension. One area that is often overlooked is personal financial security. Entrepreneurs should think carefully about their own future, as they might at some point, whether will no longer be able to work or will they want to retire. The Pension and Disability Insurance Act (ZPIZ-2) is compulsory and applies uniformly to all insured persons. The Act of 2013 under the supplementary pension has introduced a rights to entrepreneurs from voluntary supplementary pension insurance. In addition to these forms, entrepreneurs can save extra money, which the ZPIZ-2 does not control. Keywords: pension system, saving, entrepreneurs 137 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Priložnosti in ovire za integracijo zdravstvenega varstva Opportunities and Obstacles for the Healthcare Integration Vesna Prijatelj Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Slovenija vesna.prijatelj@kclj.si Tilen Pahor Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Slovenija tilen.pahor@kclj.si Uroš Rajkovič Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija uros.rajkovic@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek Ideja integriranega zdravstva izraža potrebo po zagotavljanju kontinuirane in učinkovite zdravstvene oskrbe brez ovir med specialnostmi in inštitucijami. S ciljem zagotavljanja celostne zdravstvene oskrbe se danes v mnogih državah izvajajo reforme zdravstvenega varstva. Celostno zdravstveno oskrbo je mogoče razumeti kot odgovor na razdrobljeno zagotavljanje zdravstvenih in socialnih storitev kar je zaznano kot problem v številnih zdravstvenih sistemih. V procesu integracije za med- institucionalno povezovanje, usmerjanje in sodelovanje lahko uporabljamo različne metode in modele financiranja, upravljanja in organizacije s ciljem višanja kakovosti zdravstvene oskrbe, kakovosti življenja, zadovoljstva uporabnikov zdravstvenih storitev in učinkovitosti zdravstvenega sistema. V prispevku so predstavljene strategije in oblike integracij v zdravstvu, ter pomembni projekti v Sloveniji. Ključne besede: zdravstvo, integracija, projekti eZdravje v Sloveniji Abstract The idea of an integrated health care expressed the need to ensure continuous and effective health care without barriers between specialties and institutions. With the aim of providing integrated health care today in many countries implement health care reform. Integrations a response to the fragmented delivery of health and social services, which is perceive as a problem in many health care systems. In the process of integration of health can use a variety of funding models, governance and organization with the aim of raising the quality of health care, quality of life, user satisfaction with health services and the efficiency of the health care system. The 138 article presents the strategies and forms of integration in health, and major projects in Slovenia. Keywords: health care, integration, eHealth Care Slovenian projects 139 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Izgradnja Registra endoprotetike Slovenije Building the National Arthroplasty Registry of Slovenia Živa Rant Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje, Slovenija ziva.rant@nijz.si Vesna Levašič Ortopedska bolnišnica Valdoltra, Slovenija vesna.levasic@ob-valdoltra.si Povzetek Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje je vodil mednarodni projekt Parent, ki se je zaključil novembra 2015. V okviru projekta smo kot praktičen primer zgradili tudi Register endoprotetike Slovenije (RES). Registri endoprotetike so učinkovito orodje za detekcijo uspešnih oz. neuspešnih vsadkov, ki se uporabljajo kot umetni sklepi. Nekatere države v Evropi še nimajo vzpostavljenega registra endoprotetike na nacionalnem nivoju. Med njimi je bila tudi Slovenija. Namen vzpostavitve registra endoprotetike je omogočiti boljšo kontrolo nad podatki in integracijo podatkov o vgrajenih endoprotezah na nacionalni in mednarodni ravni. Pri izgradnji registra smo upoštevali Metodološka navodila in priporočila za učinkovito in racionalno upravljanje z registri pacientov, pri čemer smo uporabili RES kot praktičen primer. Podatki v RES omogočajo takojšnji odziv stroke na povečan delež revizijskih operacij posameznih endoprotez, kar lahko kaže na neustreznost le-teh. Cilj registra je omogočiti kvalitetno in varno zdravstveno storitev za paciente ter izboljšati samo ortopedsko stroko. V prispevku je podan opis izgradnje registra, postopek, metodologije in orodja, ki smo jih uporabili pri svojem delu. V času izgradnje registra smo se srečali z nekaterimi izzivi, ki smo jih bolj ali manj uspešno rešili. Opisali smo naše izkušnje za katere upamo, da bodo v pomoč vsem, ki se bodo podali po podobni poti. Ključne besede: Register endoprotetike Slovenije, RES, register, artroplastika, Parent Abstract National Institute of Public Health from Slovenia was the project leader of the Parent Joint Action, which has finished in November 2015. As the practical example of the project we built The National Arthroplasty Registry of Slovenia. The Arthroplasty Registries are efficient instruments for the detection of success or failure of implants used for joint replacements. Some countries in Europe still do not have such control 140 of the implants. Slovenia is among them. The purpose of AR is to enable better control and data integration of implanted endoprostheses in individual health care centers on national and international level. In the time of building, we followed the Methodological guidelines and recommendations for efficient and rational governance of patient registries. As a practical example, we used The National Arthroplasty Registry of Slovenia (in Slovene: RES – Register endoprotetike Slovenije). Data in the AR offer the possibility of an immediate reaction of the profession on the possible increase in the number of revision surgeries due to failed implants. The goal is to support quality and safe health care for the patients and to improve the orthopaedic profession as well. This paper discusses the registry building, procedures, used methodologies and tools. We encountered many challenges during the implementation which we solve more or less successful. We wrote down our experiences and we hope they will help anyone who will meet similar challenges in future. Keywords: The National Arthroplasty Registry of Slovenia, RES, registry, arthroplasty, Parent 141 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Metodologija prenove razvojnega procesa v malih in srednje velikih podjetjih Methodology of Reengineering of New Product Development Process in SMEs Matjaž Roblek Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija matjaz.roblek@fov.uni-mb.si Dejan Petrović Univerza v Beogradu, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Srbija dejanp@fon.bg.ac.rs Tomaž Kern Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija tomaz.kern@um.si Povzetek Rast poslovanja prinaša pomembne spremembe v organizaciji podjetja in tako potrebo po določeni stopnji formalizacije poslovnih procesov. Problematične so predvsem spremembe v organizaciji znanjsko intenzivnih procesov, kot je proces razvoja novega proizvoda: management mora uspešno prilagoditi razvoj prve ideje (Start Up podjetje) v neprestano razvijanje novih izdelkov v srednje velikih podjetjih. V prispevku predstavljamo metodološki pristop pri prenovi procesa NPD v srednje velikem podjetju. V empiričnem delu prikazujemo rezultate primera iz prakse. Ključne besede: znanjski procesi, razvoj novega proizvoda, srednje velika podjetja Abstract The growth of the business takes significant changes in the organization of enterprises and thus it brings the need for a certain degree of formalization of business processes. Particularly problematic are changes in the organization of knowledge intensive processes such as the process of new product development (NPD): management must successfully adapt the development of the first product idea (startup enterprise) in-to continuous development of new products (medium-sized enterprise). In this article, we present methodological approach of reengineering of NPD process in a medium-sized enterprise. In the empirical part, we show the results of practical application. Keywords: knowledge processes, new product development, medium-sized enterprises 142 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Odločitveni model za pomoč pri izbiri virtualizacijske platforme Decision Model for Virtualization Platform Selection Janez Rozman Iskratel d.o.o, Slovenija j.rozman@iskratel.si Vladislav Rajkovič Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija vladislav.rajkovic@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek Računalništvo v oblaku temelji na konceptu, ki je v telekomunikacijah že dolgo poznan kot abstrakcija infrastrukture, platforme in storitev. Pomembna razloga za njegov razmah sta vedno večja razširjenost širokopasovnih povezav ter napredek na področju virtualizacije strojne opreme. Virtualizacija predstavlja osnovo infrastrukture kot storitve (IaaS). Podjetja se odločajo za virtualizacijo, ker želijo kar najbolje izkoristiti strežniško opremo. Odločitev podjetja za virtualizacijsko platformo ni enostavna, zaradi različnih ponudnikov in pomanjkanja ustreznega znanja. Referat odgovarja na vprašanji, ali je mogoče in kako rešiti problem izbire virtualizacijske platforme z ustreznim odločitvenim modelom. Opisan je razvoj in kritično ovrednotenje odločitvenega modela za izbiro virtualizacijske platforme. Model je razvit v skladu z metodologijo večparametrskega hierarhičnega modeliranja odločitvenega znanja. Prispevek predstavlja transparentna (ekspertna) artikulacija znanja o izbiri virtualizacijske platforme v obliki ocenitvenega modela. Ključne besede: virtualizacijska platforma, odločitveni model, večprametersko hierarhično modeliranje, ocenitveni model Abstract Cloud computing is based on the concept that in telecommunications has long been known as an abstraction of infrastructure, platforms and services. Important reasons for its expansion are growing prevalence of broadband and progress on hardware virtualization. This paper answers the question, whether it is possible and how to solve the problem of choosing virtualization platform with the corresponding decision model. Development and critical evaluation of decision model for selecting virtualization platform selection is described. The model is developed in accordance with the multiparameter hierarchical modeling methodology of the decision-making knowledge. Contribution presents transparent (Expert) articulation of knowledge on the virtualization platform selection in the form of the evaluation model. 143 Keywords: virtualization platform, decision model, multiparameter hierarchical modeling, evaluation model 144 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Problem emisij dušikovih oksidov iz dizelskih motorjev pri emisijskih preizkusih in v realnih pogojih Problem of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Diesel Engines in Emissions Testing and in Real Conditions Marjan Senegačnik University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Slovenia marjan.senegacnik@fov.uni-mb.si Drago Vuk University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Slovenia drago.vuk@fov.uni-mb.si Nataša Petrović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia petrovicn@fon.rs Povzetek Varstvo okolja ima tudi na področju avtomobilizma pomembno vlogo in se mu pri razvoju vozil poleg varnosti že vrsto let posveča največ pozornosti. Emisijski standardi za polutante pri vsaki naslednji generaciji vozil postajajo čedalje strožji, kar omogoča tehnološki razvoj. Vendar znižanje emisij posameznega polutanta zahteva določeno ceno, kot so lahko slabše zmogljivosti vozila in večja poraba goriva. To predstavlja precejšen pritisk na proizvajalce in v letošnjem letu se je pokazalo, da se proizvajalci vozil pri pripravi na emisijske teste poslužujejo tudi določenih prevar. Vozila nato v realnih pogojih delovanja v ozračje oddajajo znatno večje količine posameznih polutantov (v konkretnem primeru dušikovih oksidov), kot pa so deklarirane oziroma dovoljene po predpisih. Zato se pojavljajo vprašanja, kakšen vpliv ima to na dejansko kakovost ozračja in v kolikšni meri lahko sploh še zaupamo emisijskim testom. Pokazalo se je, da procedura, uporabljana v emisijskih testih, ne odraža najbolje razmer med cestno vožnjo, zato je pričakovati spremembe na tem področju. Ključne besede: emisije dušikovih oksidov, emisijski testi, kakovost ozračja, dizelski motorji (motorji s kompresijskim vžigom) Abstract Environmental protection plays a very important role in the automotive area and for a number of years presents the field which beside safety atracts most attention. 145 Emissions standards are becoming increasingly stricter which is possible due to the technological development. However, lowering of particular pollutant emissions results in certain consequences as are poorer vehicle performances or higher fuel consumption. This fact makes considerable pressure on the manufacturers and in this year it has been shown that some manufacturers may even use some machinations or even cheats to fulfil emission standards. Therefore, vehicles in real road conditions emit much higher levels of particular polutant (in concrete example nitrogen oxides) than are officially declared or regularly permitted. According to this certain questions may appear: what is the real impact of pollutant emissions on air quality and to which degree results of emission tests are trustworthy at all. It becomes obvious that driving cycles used in official emissions approval do not correspond to the condition during the on road driving and certain changes in this field are necessary. Keywords: emissions of nitrogen oxides, emission tests, air quality, diesel engines (compression ignition engines) 146 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Preoblikovanje banke v podjetje za upravljanje premoženja: vloga kadrovskega managementa pri vodenju sprememb The Transformation of a Bank into an Asset Management Company: the Role of HRM in Change Management Polona Smonig Domevščik HETA ASSET RESOLUTION AG, Avstrija polona.smonig-domevscik@heta-asset-resolution.com Povzetek Organizacije se preoblikujejo iz številnih razlogov, poseben primer pa so banke, pri katerih je prišlo v zadnjih letih zaradi spremembe poslovnega okolja, strožje zakonodaje ter ekonomske krize do potrebe po korenitem preoblikovanju. Prispevek obravnava proces preoblikovanja z vidika kadrovskega managementa, njegovo vlogo v situacijah, ko mora prevzeti nove naloge in tvorno pispevati k prenovi podjetja. Tema prispevka je pregled trendov in opis pričakovanj, ki tudi od kadrovske funkcije zahtevajo korenite spremembe. Ključne besede: vodenje sprememb, organizacijske spremembe, kadrovski management, kadrovska funkcija, preoblikovanje banke Abstract Organizations are transforming for a number of reasons, while banks are a special case – due to changes in the business environment, stricter legislation and economic crisis a radical transformation is needed. The article deals with the process of transformation from the Human Resource Management point of view, with its role in situations where new responsibilities need to be taken over to contribute to the successful company renovation. The theme of this paper is an overview of trends and expectations that require the HR function to go through radical change. Keywords: change management, organizational change, human resource management, human resource function, bank transformation 147 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Health Services Utilization in Older Europeans: an Empirical Study Andrej Srakar Institute for Economic Research, Ljubljana and University of Ljubljana, Slovenia srakara@ier.si Rok Hren Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics, Ljubljana, Slovenia rok.hren@carso.si Valentina Prevolnik Rupel Institute for Economic Research, Ljubljana, Slovenia rupelv@ier.si Abstract Chronic diseases and associated co-morbidities are highly prevalent among elderly and are associated with an increase in health services utilization which in turn raises health care expenditures throughout industrialized societies. However, health care utilization in elderly is still inadequately understood, particularly regarding the differences among European jurisdictions. In our article, we use dataset of Wave 5 of SHARE survey to study the utilization of health care in older Europeans in 15 European countries. We investigate relationships between factors such as age, gender, income, education and health variables and the utilization of various types of health services. We apply regression modeling to study the determinants of health utilization (different socioeconomic and health variables) of older people. We show some significant differences between determinants of health utilization in terms of probability and frequency of usage. We also explore patterns between welfare regimes, taking Eastern European jurisdictions as a reference category. Finally, we show that provision of formal and/or informal homecare serves as a complement to utilization of health care services. Results of our article are important for the management of health care facilities in terms of health care usage by older people, and can be of value to health care providers and policy makers in the field. Keywords: health utilization, older people, SHARE, determinants, health care expenditures, welfare regimes JEL classification: I10, I12, I18, J14, C31 148 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Culture as a Fourth Dimension of Sustainable Development – a Statistical Analysis and Indicators' Proposal Andrej Srakar Institute for Economic Research, Ljubljana and University of Ljubljana, Slovenia srakara@ier.si Marilena Vecco Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands vecco@eshcc.eur.nl Abstract In recent years, many discussions have been led over the role of culture as a fourth dimension of sustainable development. Yet, most of the discussions have been developed on theoretical and descriptive level. In our article we use the dataset of Eurostat Sustainable Development Indicators which includes data on sustainable development indicators regarding 130 indicators for EU-28 countries in the period 1990-2014. On the basis of the dataset and recently published methodology of Srakar, Verbič and Čopič (2015), we construct an index of sustainable development, based on high-dimensionally adjusted (Metropolis-Hastings Robbins-Monro algorithm, correcting for the problems of small sample in the factor analysis results) factor analysis which allows us to include a full set of indicators into the statistically supported weighting scheme for the index calculation. We, next, include in the analysis the indicators for culture (following the preliminary selection of indicators, chosen by Srakar, Verbič and Čopič 2015), which allows us to explore the statistical consequences of including culture as a sustainable development dimension. We show that preliminary inclusion of cultural indicators has no influence in the construction of the index scheme, but has significant influence in the clustering of countries in the index. Finally, we discuss the research and political relevance of the article findings. Keywords: sustainable development, culture, fourth dimension, statistics, composite indicators, multivariate analysis JEL classification: Q01, Z11, Z18, C38, C4 149 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Pripravljenost na spremembe pri delu Co-Workers Willingness to Accept Organisational Changes Aleša Svetic Gea College, Fakulteta za podjetništvo, Slovenija alesa.svetic@gea-college.si Mladen Jakšić Gea College, Fakulteta za podjetništvo, Slovenija mladen.jaksic@gea-college.si Povzetek Spremembe v poslovnem okolju so danes neizogibne, zato organizacije potrebujejo voditelje, ki sodelavce spodbujajo k spremenjenim načinom razmišljanja in delovanja, povezanim z dolgoročnim razvojem organizacije. Od voditelja se pričakuje, da je vzor sodelavcem, da skupaj z njimi oblikuje rešitve in jim pomaga odstranjevati ovire pri delu, da jih spodbuja h kreativnemu oblikovanju novih zamisli ter, da deluje odgovorno in pošteno. V prispevku preučujemo pripravljenost sodelavcev na spreminjanje v povezavi s transformacijskim vodenjem za katerega sodobni avtorji trdijo, da predstavlja eno izmed najprimernejših metod vodenja v spremenljivem okolju. Iz rezultatov raziskave ugotovimo, da obstaja pomembna povezava med transformacijskim vodenjem in pripravljenostjo na spremembe pri delu . Ključne besede: transformacijsko vodenje, spremembe, pripravljenost za organizacijske spremembe, zaupanje Abstract Everyday changes in the business environment are inescapable therefore organisations need leaders who are able to promote different ways of thinking and doing at their employees to boost sustainable growth. Nowadays, the leader is expected to set a good example to the employees, help them find solutions and avoid obstacles at work, encourage creativity in developing new ideas, and act responsibly and honestly. In the article we study co workers willingness to accept organisational changes and transformational leadership which, according to modern authors, is one of the most appropriate leadership methods in the contemporary changing business world. The results of empirical research indicate an important connection between transformational leadership and co workers willingness to accept changes at their workplace. Keywords: transformational leadership, change, willingness to accept organisational change, trust 150 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th–18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Impact of Security Features on Working with Internet and Mobile Banking Aleksandra Svilar Nova Ljubljanska banka, d.d., Ljubljana, Slovenia aleksandra.svilar@yahoo.coma Jože Zupančič The University of Lodz, School of Economy and Sociology, Poland joze.zupancic@fov.uni-mb.si Abstract Maintaining a balance between security and a positive user experience in mobile and Internet banking is becoming increasingly difficult for the providers of such services. The goal of our research is to collect and analyse user opinions about the current situation, the kind of changes they want, how users perceive security and how they relate to it, but mainly how the authentication methods they are using affect their user experience. Data were collected using an online survey among the users of 13 Slovenian banks, and statistical methods were applied to analyse them. The results of our research indicate that the use of mobile banking in Slovenia is still relatively low, as only 30 percent of respondents use mobile banking along with Internet banking. Slovenian users perceive security to be the most important factor in mobile and online banking, closely followed by reliability. We also verified whether the users knew which authentication methods they were using: 69% of respondents selected the correct authentication method. When asked if the authentication methods limit them when using mobile and Internet banking, 88% of respondents said that they do not. Our results indicate that in Slovenia, users of the Internet and mobile banking still regard security to be the most important element in mobile or Internet banking and find user experience less important while they absolutely do want products that are easy to use. Keywords: internet banking, mobile banking, security, user experience 151 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th–18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Physical Security of IT in Business Systems: Survey Results Zekerijah Šabanović University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina zekerijah.sabanovic@untz.ba Damir Demirović University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina damir.demirovic@untz.ba Abstract When we generally talk about IT security, a lot of IT experts, firstly emphasize threats like viruses, hacking, spyware, phishing, etc. Those threats are dramatically increased with the Internet appearance and faster communication around the whole planet. But along with these serious threats, physical and environmental aspects of IT security are very often neglected. The conditions in which computers work, like optimal temperature and continuous power supply, premises without dust and moisture, controlled access to premises with databases and servers, quality of backups, frequent computer maintenance, etc., are very important for reliability of any business information system and database integrity. In this paper, we present the results of our research of physical IT security in the region of North-Eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the year 2015, we have observed 57 small and middle size enterprises and analyzed physical security using separately designed questionnaire. The basis for the creation of the questionnaire, ISO IEC 27000 standard and ISO IEC 27002 – Section 11, Physical Security Management, have been used. The results of this research show that physical IT security in this region is quite underestimated and below actual ISO standards. Keywords: information technology (IT), physical security management, business information systems, small and middle size enterprises 152 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Razvoj odločitvenega modela za izbor fizioterapevta za delo na področju razvojno nevrološke obravnave otrok (RNO) Development of Decision Model for Physiotherapist Selection in the Field of Child Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT) Anita Šefman Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija anita.sefman@rnterapija.si Povzetek V članku je prikazan razvoj odločitvenega modela za pomoč pri izboru najprimernejšega kandidata, za delo na področju razvojno nevrološke obravnave (RNO) otrok. Odločitveni model je bil izdelan s pomočjo lupine DEXi, ki se je po pregledu različnih metod, izkazala za najprimernejšo. Skozi članek se podrobneje seznanimo s poklicom fizioterapevt, ki je ciljno usmerjeno na področje razvojno nevrološke obravnave in fizioterapije otrok. Katere so ključne kompetence oziroma kako strukturirati kriterije za izbor najprimernejšega kandidata, je bilo osnovno vodilo pisanja tega članka, ki pa ne vsebuje vseh opisov in ugotovitev na področju raziskav dela fizioterapevtov, ki svoje delo izvajajo oziroma bodo izvajali na področju razvojno nevroloških obravnav. Ključne besede: razvojno nevrološka obravnava (RNO) otrok, odločitveni model, večparametrsko odločanje, DEXi, izbor fizioterapevta Abstract This paper presents a decision support model development for physiotherapist selection in the field of child neuro-developmental treatment (NDT). The decision making process is supported by DEXi, a specialized expert system shell, which turned out as a most appropriate one. The aim of the paper is also to present the physiotherapy as a profession and physiotherapists working with children. Which competence they must be able to demonstrate and which attributes to choose for the selection, were the key elements.The paper does not present the description of whole research on all areas in which they practise and on all additional skills and knowldge they should have, to undertake the neuro-developmental treatment of a child. Keywords: child neuro-developmental treatment (NDT), multi-attribute decision making, decision support model, DEXi, physiotherapist selection 153 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Neformalno izobraževanje – odgovor na potrebe trga Non-Formal Education – Response to the Market's Needs Sabina Šegula Biotehniški center Naklo, Slovenija sabina.segula@bc-naklo.si Povzetek Globalizacija je pripomogla k vse večjim spremembam v gospodarstvu in s tem so se spremenile potrebe po izobraževanju. Biti uspešen v poklicu pomeni slediti vsem novostim na tržišču, se po končanem formalnem izobraževanju udeleževati čim več neformalnih izobraževanj in tako ohranjati konkurenčno prednost na tržišču. Cilj raziskave je bil, ugotoviti zadovoljstvo in potrebe po neformalnem izobraževanju v obliki dogodka Trendi v floristiki, ki ga v okviru Biotehniškega centra Naklo organiziramo že šest let zapored. Zadnje tri leta smo sistematično pristopili k anketiranju obiskovalcev in tako sledimo spremembi populacije, njihovega zadovoljstva in potreb. Rezultati so pokazali, da na dogodek prihaja vse več obiskovalcev iz Hrvaške. Vsi obiskovalci so zadovoljni z izborom prikazanih novostih na tržišču. Ključne besede: management izobraževanja, kompetence, neformalno izobraževanje, trendi v floristiki Abstract Globalization contributed to bigger and bigger shifts in the economy and consequentially changed the needs of education. To be successful in your profession requires keeping up with all the novelties on the market by attending more and more informal education courses after accomplishing your formal education courses which will enable you to continue to have a competitive advantage on the market. The aim of the research was to determine satisfaction and needs for informal education in the form of the event Trends in Floristic which has been organized by Biotechnical Centre Naklo in the past six consecutive years. In the past three years we chose a systematic approach, conducting surveys among the visitors, which allowed us to keep up with the changes of the population, the satisfaction and the needs of visitors. It turned out more and more visitors from Croatia are attending the event and the visitors are generally satisfied with the selection of novelties presented on the market. Keywords: education management, competencies, informal education, trends in floristic 154 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija S pomočjo modela odličnosti do odličnosti v višjih strokovnih šolah Using the Model of Excellence to Excellence in Vocational Colleges Branko Škafar Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota, Višja strokovna šola, Slovenija branko.skafar@siol.net Povzetek Namen članka je predstaviti inovativen model odličnosti za višje strokovne šole. V Skupnosti Višjih strokovnih šol deluje komisija za kakovost, v okviru katere je nastala ideja za nadgradnjo Zahtev sistema vodenja kakovosti z upoštevanjem meril NAKVIS-a, z diplomo odličnosti. Imenovana je bila skupina za pripravo nadgradnje in oblikovanje modela odličnosti v višjih strokovnih šolah. Osnovni namen nastalega modela odličnosti, katerega avtorji so Marija Sraka, doc. dr. Branko Škafar in mag. Tatjana Žagar, je samoevalvacija šol in izboljšave sistema na poti k odličnosti. Na razpis Skupnosti višjih strokovnih šol za Diplomo Skupnosti višjih strokovnih šol za odličnost se šola prijavi, ko dosega 50 in več od 100 možnih točk. Model odličnosti sestavlja iz 5 dejavnikov in 5 rezultatov. Gonilo stalnih izboljšav pa predstavlja stalno notranje in zunanje inoviranje ter učenje. Na osnovi modela odličnosti bo vsako leto razpis Skupnosti višjih strokovnih šol za Diplomo Skupnosti višjih strokovnih šol za odličnost. Šola, ki doseže 70 in več točk od 100 možnih prejme diplomo. Šola, ki bo zbrala med 50 in 69 točk prejme pohvalo za vzpostavljen pristop k odličnosti. Ključne besede: višje strokovne šole, model odličnosti, samoevalvacija, diploma odličnosti Abstract The purpose of this article is to present an innovative model of excellence for vocational colleges. In the Community of vocational colleges operates the Commission for quality, from which the idea arose to upgrade the quality management system requirements with a diploma of excellence whereby considering the NAKVIS criteria. A group for the preparation of the upgrade and the creation of a model of excellence in vocational colleges was appointed. The basic purpose of the resulting model of excellence, whose authors are Marija Sraka, doc. dr. Branko Škafar and mag. Tatjana Žagar, is the school self-evaluation and the improvement of the system on the path to 155 excellence. A school applies to the call of the Community of vocational schools for the Diploma of Excellence when it achieves 50 or more out of 100 possible points. The model of Excellence consists of 5 factors and 5 results. The driving force of continuous improvement represents a constant internal and external innovation and learning. Based on the model of excellence there will be call by the Community for vocational schools for the Diploma of Excellence every year. A school that achieves 70 or more points out of possible 100 receives a diploma. A school which will gather between 50 and 69 points will be awarded commendation for an approach to excellence. Keywords: higher professional schools, model of excellence, self-assessment, Diploma of Excellence 156 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Stochastic Search Optimization in Strict Hierarchical Manpower System Modelled by System Dynamics Andrej Škraba University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Cybernetics & Decision Support Systems Laboratory, Slovenia andrej.skraba@fov.uni-mb.si Vladimir Stanovov Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University, Institute of Computer Science and Telecommunications, Russian Federation vladimirstanovov@yandex.ru Eugene Semenkin Siberian State Aerospace University, Computer Science and Telecommunications Institute, Russian Federation eugenesemenkin@yandex.ru Davorin Kofjač University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Cybernetics & Decision Support Systems Laboratory, Slovenia davorin.kofjac@fov.uni-mb.si Abstract In this paper, the System Dynamics model of a strict hierarchical manpower system is used to simulate the human resources dynamics. Such systems can be found in, for example, the military, police, medical care, and elsewhere. The optimization approach of the restructuring process in such a system is considered. The novel algorithm, based on the stochastic search principles, combined with genetic algorithms, is tested with random scenario generation. Keywords: stochastic search optimization, manpower, human resources, system dynamics, simulation 157 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Reorganizacija uredniškega procesa z uvedbo spletnega uredniškega sistema Reorganization of Editorial Process by Application of Web Publishing System Pika Škraba Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za strojništvo, Slovenija pika.skraba@fs.uni-lj.si Povzetek V prispevku je predstavljen učinek uvedbe spletnega uredniškega sistema na skrajševanje časa potrebnega za uredniško odločitev za posamezni prejeti članek. Izvedena je časovna primerjava obdobja pred uvedbo (leto. 2009) in obdobja po uvedbi (leto 2014) na primeru znanstvene revije s faktorjem vpliva. Predstavljeno je statistično testiranje hipotez, s katerima smo potrdili uspešno uveden spletni uredniški sistem ter vpliv le tega na učinkovitost uredniškega dela. V prispevku so podani tudi rezultati reorganizacije dela v uredništvu ter smernice za reševanje podobnih primerov v praksi. Ključne besede: reorganizacija, uredniški proces, spletni uredniški sistem, informacijski sistem Abstract Present paper addresses the impact of the online editorial system implementation on the time needed to perform editorial decision-making process. The period before the implementation (year 2009) and after implementation (year 2014) is considered for the selected scientific international journal with JCR impact factor. Two hypothesis are tested, that can provide the insight to the impact of the online editorial system on the overall organization effectiveness. Reorganization process is analyzed and the propositions for similar reorganizations are elaborated. Keywords: reorganization, editorial process, online editorial system, information system 158 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia A Review of Berth Allocation Problem in Container Ports Maja Škurić University of Montenegro, Maritime Faculty, Montenegro majaskuric@gmail.com Pavle Popović Port of Kotor, Montenegro pavle.popovic@portofkotor.co.me Abstract Container ports are faced with the Berth Allocation Problem (BAP), in literature described as a very complex process at container terminal that begins when ships arrive at the port, waiting to moor at the quay. This problem is known to be a NP-hard optimization problem and it is necessary to use a different approach, e.g. (meta) heuristic methods to solve it. In this paper we focus on a review of solving the BAP as multi-objective and mix-integer programming problem with emphasis on Genetic Algorithms (GA). GA has been used numerous times in the recent literature and has proven as appropriate to tackle the aforementioned problem. The formulation of GA techniques at container ports has been evaluated and discussed. Keywords: Berth allocation problem, container port, genetic algorithm 159 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Repozitorij e-gradiv v Moodle-u The Repository of E-Learning Materials in Moodle Branislav Šmitek Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija brane.smitek@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek V današnjem času je v spletu na razpolago zelo veliko različnih e-gradiv do katerih lahko uporabniki dostopajo s pomočjo repozitorijev. Repozitoriji s pomočjo učinkovitih iskalnih mehanizmov omogočajo hitro iskanje želenih vsebin. V prispevku je predstavljena ena izmed možnih uporab Moodlove aktivnosti za gradnjo osebnega repozitorija e-gradiv, ki so lahko avtorska ali jih dobimo na internetu. Članek je namenjen izvajalcem izobraževanja, ki imajo različne oblike spletnih e-gradiv in želijo Moodle uporabiti za pomoč pri svojem vsakdanjem delu na bolj sofisticiran način. Prikazana metoda ni zahtevna in predstavlja način za hitro in poceni gradnjo repozitorija v omejenem obsegu. Za uporabo profesionalnih repozitorijev uporabnik potrebuje specifično znanje, strojno opremo in denarna sredstva, ki so velikokrat problem. Profesionalni repozitoriji so namenjeni uporabi za velike skupine uporabnikov. Prikazan način je priročna rešitev za posameznega uporabnika ali manjšo skupino uporabnikov znotraj izobraževalne organizacije, ki v izobraževalnem procesu uporablja metode in tehnike e-izobraževanja. Ključne besede: e-gradiva, repozitorij, Moodle Abstract Nowadays is online available a lot of different e-material to which users can access through repositories. Repositories through effective search mechanisms allow to quickly find desired content. This paper presents one of the possible uses of Moodle activity for the construction of a personal repository of e-learning materials that can be copyrighted or obtained on the Internet. This article is intended for trainers who have different forms of online e-learning materials and they want to use Moodle to help in their daily work in a more sophisticated way. The indicated method is not difficult and provides a means for rapid and cheap construction of the repository to a limited extent. Using of professional repository requires specific user knowledge, hardware and money, which are often a problem. Professional repositories are intended to be used for large groups of users. Display usage of Moodle activity is a convenient solution for an individual user or a small group of users within educational organizations which use the methods and techniques of e-learning in everyday educational process. Keywords: e-learning materials, repository, Moodle 160 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Model vrednotenja delovne uspešnosti na delovnem mestu Evaluation Model of Performance in the Working Place Polona Šprajc Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija polona.sprajc@fov.uni-mb.si Špela Strojin Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija spela.strojin@gmail.com Marko Urh Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija marko.urh@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek V prispevku je prikazan model spremljanja in vrednotenja aktivnosti zaposlenih na makro in mikro nivoju. Pravično obremenjevanje in nagrajevanje zaposlenih glede na njihov prispevek in aktivnost v organizaciji je temelj za posameznikovo zadovoljstvo in dobro medsebojno razumevanje. Zaposleni na formalnih in neformalni srečanjih pogosto predlagajo različne ideje, ki se zaradi različnih okoliščin ne dokumentirajo, ovrednotijo in realizirajo. Model vrednotenja aktivnosti zaposlenih upošteva več različnih področij aktivnosti med katerimi sta izpostavljani ustvarjalnost in inovativnost. Raziskava, ki je bila osnova za izgradnjo modela je bila izvedena v zasebnem in državnem podjetju. Model temelji na strokovnih in znanstvenih spoznanjih dela z ljudmi in vključuje nove motivacijske prijeme kot so elementi igrifikacije. Razvoj, uvedba in uporaba modela v organizacijah bi imela lahko za posledico bistveno boljše zadovoljstvo zaposlenih, ki temelji na ustreznem vrednotenju njihovih prispevkom in dela v organizaciji. Ključne besede: delovna uspešnost, inovativnost, vrednotenje dela, spremljanje aktivnosti Abstract A model for monitoring and evaluation the activities of employees at the macro and micro level is presented in the paper. Fair job description and employee reward system are the foundation for an individual's satisfaction and good mutual understanding. Formal and informal meetings are the opportunity where employees may suggest different ideas that due to several circumstances are not documented, evaluated or even realized. Model of activity evaluation is taking into account the 161 various fields such as creativity and innovation. The main template for creation of the model was the survey which was carried out in the private and the state-owned company. The model is based on technical and scientific knowledge and includes new approaches such as motivational elements of gamification. Development, presentation and usage of the model could mean better results, improved employee satisfaction through clear evaluation of the employee work within the organization. Keywords: job performance, innovation, job evaluation, evaluation of activities 162 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16. - 18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Status odgovornega dijaka – pomoč pri krepitvi odgovornosti pri dijakih v dijaškem domu A Responsible Students Status - Assistence in Strengthening the Responsibility of Students in Boarding Schools Saša Šterk Dijaški dom Tabor, Ljubljana, Slovenija sasa.sterk@guest.arnes.si Povzetek Odgovornost je eden od glavnih ciljev vzgoje. Osebna in družbena odgovornost sta predmet številnih pogovorov na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja, sociologije, prava, politike in drugih družbenih ved. Kljub občutku, da se o tem povsod razpravlja, pa je precej manj znanja in poskusov kako konkretno vzgajati za odgovornost, kako jo predajati in dosegati. Tudi dijaški domovi nismo izjema. Pri svojem delu raziskujemo in vsakodnevno odkrivamo možnosti, kako krepiti odgovornost dijakov, ki bivajo v dijaških domovih. Ena od možnosti je tudi pridobitev »Statusa odgovornega dijaka«. Status odgovornega dijaka pridobi dijak, ki je v dijaškem domu še posebej aktiven in odgovorno opravlja svoje obveznosti, ter s svojim zgledom, pozitivnim odnosom do dela in soljudi ter sodelovanjem v domskem življenju navdihuje tudi druge dijake. Kaj vse je potrebno za pridobitev tega statusa, kakšne so njegove ugodnosti, in kakšna so mnenja dijakov, ki so ta status pridobili, pa želim predstaviti s prispevkom. Ključne besede: odgovornost, mladi, dijaški dom, Status odgovornega dijaka Abstract Responsibility is one of the main goals of education. Personal and social responsibility are the subjects of numerous discussions in the field of education, sociology, law, politics and other social sciences. One one hand it seems that we have discussions about this topic, but on the other there is much less knowledge and also attempts how to specifically train for responsibility, how to transfer it and how people can gain it. Even boarding schools are no exception. In our work, we explore and discover the everyday ways how to strengthen the responsibility of students who live in boarding schools. One possibility is also awarding the student with “status of the responsible student”. Status of the responsible student is given to a student who is in boarding school especially active and responsibly carries out his duties and by example, positive attitude towards work and others, and participating in institutional life inspires other students. What is required to get this status, what are its 163 advantages and what are opinions of students that have this status, I am presenting in this article. Keywords: responsibility, youth, boarding school, a responsible student status 164 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Razlike v vrednotnem sistemu ljudi, živečih v mestu in njegovem okolišu Diferences in Value System of People Living in a City and Its Surroundings Darko Števančec Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota, Višja strokovna šola, Slovenija da01111@gmail.com Iris Fink Grubačević Ekonomska šola Novo mesto, Višja strokovna šola, Slovenija iris.fink@guest.arnes.si Povzetek Vrednotni sistem, kot relativno trden in konsistenten usmerjevalec posameznikovega vedenja, se za čas človekovega življenja spreminja malo ali nič. Trdno zakoreninjene univerzalne človeške vrednote so dokaj neodvisne od spola, starosti in kulturnega okolja, v katerem posameznik živi. V Sloveniji se, kljub njeni teritorialni majhnosti, pojavljajo določene kulturne in subkulturne razlike. Zanimalo nas je, ali obstajajo tudi signifikantne razlike v vrednotnem sistemu ljudi na tako majhnem prostoru, kot je mesto Ptuj in podeželska okolica mesta. V prispevku bomo prikazali raziskovalne izsledke proučevanja vrednotnega sistema z M. Rokeachevim inventarjem vrednot v urbanem okolju mesta Ptuj in njegovi okolici. Ključne besede: vrednote, Rokeach, mesto, vas Abstract Value system as a relatively solid and consistent director of one's behaviour changes through a lifetime of a human life very little or not at all. Firmly entrenched universal human values are fairly independent of sex, age and cultural environment in which an individual lives. Despite Slovenia's small territorial size certain cultural and subcultural differences are present. We wanted to know if there are significant differences in value system of people in a small area, such as Ptuj city and the rural surroundings, as well. In paper we present results of value system research with M. Rokeach's inventory values in the urban environment of the Ptuj city and its surroundings. Keywords: values, Rokeach, town, village 165 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Vzgojno izobraževalne ustanove in program trajnostnega razvoja Educational Institutions and Sustainable Development Programme Eva Šturm Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija eva.sturm@student.um.si Marjan Senegačnik Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija marjan.senegacnik@fov.uni-mb.si Alenka Baggia Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija alenka.baggia@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek Okoljska vzgoja in izobraževanje sta v slovenskem prostoru vedno bolj vpeta v vzgojno izobraževalni program. Pedagoški kader poudarja spodbujanje ter večanje ozaveščenost o trajnostnem razvoj med otroki, učenci, dijaki in študenti ter jih na različne načine vpleta v sodelovanje in udejstvovanje v lokalni skupnosti in širše. Med različnimi možnostmi šole lahko izberejo tudi program Ekošola, ki osnovnemu izobraževalnemu procesu dodaja nove aktivnosti s področja trajnostnega razvoja. V raziskavi želimo ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri k večji skrbi za okolje in zdravemu življenjskemu slogu otrok vpliva program Ekošola. Rezultati kažejo, da so članice programa Ekošola bolj dejavne pri aktivnostih s področja trajnostnega razvoja, kot ustanove, ki v program niso vključene. Na osnovi rezultatov raziskave ustanovam, ki niso vključene v program trajnostnega razvoja predlagamo izvajanje večjega števila aktivnosti s področja trajnostnega razvoj. Ključne besede: program Ekošola, trajnostni razvoj, varovanje okolja Abstract Environmental education in Slovenian educational institutions is becoming increasingly embedded in the educational programme. Teachers emphasize and encourage the promotion of sustainable development awareness among children, pupils and students, involving them in different activities to participate in local communities and wider. To incorporate new activities of sustainable development into the educational process an educational institution can join the EcoSchools 166 programme. The results of our study show that members of EcoSchools programme are more active in promotion of activities related to sustainable development than the institutions that are not involved in the programme. Based on the results, we propose a higher level of sustainable development activities to the institutions that are not involved in any initiative for sustainable development Keywords: Ecoschools programme, sustainable development, environmental protection 167 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Uporaba strategije poslovnih spletnih družbenih omrežij in metode vhodnega marketinga pri trženju izdelkov za urbano zeleno infrastrukturo Combining Business Social Media Strategy and Inbound Marketing Methods to Market Products for Urban Green Infrastructure Jure Šumi Knauf Insulation, Slovenija jure.sumi@knaufinsulation.com Andreja Pucihar Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija andreja.pucihar@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek Obravnavano podjetje večino svoje komunikacije usmerja na tehnično podkovane strokovnjake. Z novo digitalno komunikacijsko strategijo, ki temelji na strokovno pripravljenih vsebinah in uporabi poslovnih spletnih družbenih omrežij v povezavi z vhodnim marketingom, je želelo izboljšati prepoznavnost svoje blagovne znamke med tehničnimi strokovnjaki, ki se ukvarjajo z zeleno urbano infrastrukturo. V prvem delu najprej prepoznavamo specifiko ciljane publike (tehnični strokovnjaki) in specifiko njihove uporabe spletnih družbenih medijev predvsem z vidika vsebine komunikacijskih sporočil, ki morajo biti precej bolj strokovna, kot za običajno populacijo. To posledično določa tudi izbiro primerne kombinacije digitalnih komunikacijskih kanalov, kjer se je potrebno osredotočiti na poslovna spletna omrežja (npr. LinkedIn, Twitter in manj pozornosti nameniti tistim, ki so prvenstveno namenjena zelo široki populaciji (npr. Facebook). Predstavljeni rezultati, nove komunikacijske strategije, pokažejo na to, da je podjetje s pravilnim poznavanjem ključnih odločevalcev, primernimi sporočili in jasno določeno dinamiko komunikacij preko pravih komunikacijskih kanalov, doseglo rast prepoznavnosti blagovne znamke. To se vidi pri povečanem obisku osrednje korporativne spletne strani in tudi v večanju števila sledilcev na ključnih spletnih omrežjih ter povečani dinamiki sledilcev pri posredovanju vsebin podjetja. Ključne besede: poslovna spletna družbena omrežja, vhodni marketing, med- organizacijski trgi 168 Abstract Company is active in business-to-business environment where major part of company’s marketing communication is targeting highly skilled technical professionals. The goal of the company was to improve its brand awareness within Green Urban Infrastructure industry by implementing new digital strategy based on good scientific communication content combined with a proper selection of business social media and inbound marketing concept. In firsts part we focus on target public (technical professionals) specifics - how they use social media and what kind of content (how scientific) they expect to receive via digital means of communication. The type of content directly determines the type of social media to be used in communication with them. Key social media channels should be the one that are more business oriented (e.g. LinkedIn, Twitter), and others, which are focused on general public, should be used less (e.g. Facebook). Results presented clearly show that proper knowledge of target audience, wel prepared content which is properly communicated over right communication channels will improve brand awareness. This can be clearly seen through increased traffic to the target web site of the brand as well as increased numbers of followers on key social medias and their activities there (more shares, re-tweets, likes…). Keywords: business social media, inbound marketing, business-to-business markets 169 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Sistemski pristop in modeliranje inšpekcijskega nadzora na ravni lokalne samoupravne skupnosti System Approach and Modelling of the Inspection Supervision on the Local Self-Government Sabina Tehovnik Kumar Mestna občina Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenija sabina.tehovnik@gmail.com Povzetek V prispevku je prikazana uporaba sistemskega pristopa, kvalitativnega modeliranja in uporaba modela sistemske dinamike na sistemu inšpekcijskega nadzora na ravni samoupravne lokalne skupnosti. Za celovit opis in razumevanje kompleksnega sistema je uporabljen kvalitativni model v obliki vzročno-posledičnega diagrama, ki hkrati predstavlja osnovo za izgradnjo enovitega modela sistemske dinamike. Z uporabo slednjega modela smo podrobneje izoblikovali dejavnike vpliva in njihovo soodvisnost ter določili merila učinkovitosti in uspešnosti nadzora. S povečanjem stopnje uspešnosti nadzora zmanjšamo odstopanja dejanskega stanja od stanja, ki ga predpisuje zakonodaja. Razviti model sistemske dinamike omogoča boljše poznavanje delovanja in dinamike sistema in s tem prispeva k oblikovanju novih politik vodenja in upravljanja, kar vodi v višjo učinkovitost inšpekcijskih služb. Ključne besede: sistemski pristop, model sistemske dinamike, inšpekcijski nadzor, lokalna samoupravna skupnost Abstract The paper describes a system approach applied to the inspection supervision on the local self-government using a qualitative modelling and a system dynamic model. For the characterization and insight into a complex system a quantitative model with a causal loop diagram was used. The quantitative model is laying the groundwork for the homogeneous model of system dynamics. By using this model we were able to formulate in detail the impact factors of the inspection supervision and their interdependency. Moreover, we determined a criterion of efficiency and effectiveness’s of the inspection supervision. Increasing the level of efficiency of the inspection supervision will cause a reduction in discrepancy between a factual situation and a situation imposed by a municipal authority. The developed system dynamics model allows a better insight into the inner workings and dynamics of the inspection supervision and contributes to a development of new policies of management and operation that lead to a better effectiveness’s of the inspection services. Keywords: system approach, system dynamic model, inspection supervision, local self-government 170 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Guidelines for Strategic Development of MSME Sector in Serbia Ivan Todorović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia ivan.todorovic@fon.bg.ac.rs Stefan Komazec University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia stefan.komazec@fon.bg.ac.rs Miloš Jevtić University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia milos.jevtic@fon.bg.ac.rs Rok Pintar University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Slovenia rok.pintar@fov.uni-mb.si Abstract The role of entrepreneurship in the world economy is becoming more and more important. As the effects of global economic crisis continue to be present worldwide, people still lose jobs and national economies are not being fully recovered yet, which causes the banking systems to stay careful when it comes to financing MSMEs. Such ecosystem is not suitable for entrepreneurship uprising. Since entrepreneurship has a strategic position in economic development through producing and accelerating business activities and creating new jobs, most countries will need growing MSMEs to revive their economies. In view of the fact that MSMEs have direct and significant impact to economic growth, the Governments should provide sustainable institutional framework for its start-up and evolving. This is particularly important for developing countries and countries with economies in transition, where the recovery from economic crisis runs slower. Governments ought to analyze the investment needs, assess the investment climate and enhance the flow and impact of foreign and domestic investments, and to provide necessary accompanying support for development of MSME sector. This paper deals with situation analysis of MSME ecosystem in Serbia and comparative analysis of Serbia and other countries from region by key indicators related to MSMEs. Research goal is to identify crucial issues and priority pillars for improvement, and to propose guidelines for strategic development of MSME sector in Serbia. Keywords: entrepreneurship, MSME, development, strategy, strategic management, institutional framework, GEDI index 171 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Zavzetost zaposlenih na področju zdravstvene nege Employee Engagement in Health Care Jožefa Tomažič Univerzitetni klinični center Maribor in Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede Maribor, Slovenija jtomazic24@gmail.com Goran Vukovič Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija goran.vukovic@fov.uni-mb.si Jadranka Stričević Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede Maribor, Slovenija jadranka.stricevic@um.si Povzetek Trenutne razmere v vedno bolj konkurenčnem globalnem okolju tudi na področju zdravstva zahtevajo za dolgoročen obstoj zdravstvenih institucij kakovostne storitve, ki pa jih zdravstvene institucije lahko zagotovijo le preko zavzetih zaposlenih. Namen prispevka je predstaviti zavzetost zaposlenih za delo, dejavnike, ki imajo vpliv na zavzetost, še posebej medicinskih sester in z raziskavo prikazati kako izvajalci zdravstvene nege v bolnišnici ocenjujejo trditve, ki se nanašajo na zavzetost in ugotoviti priložnosti za izboljšanje tistih dejavnikov, ki pozitivno vplivajo na zavzetost. Za pregled literature smo uporabili internetne vire in podatkovno zbirko Medline. Raziskava temelji na kvantitativni metodi dela. Podatki so bili zbrani z anketiranjem zaposlenih na področju zdravstvene nege. V empiričnem delu so prikazani rezultati ankete glede ocenjevanja dejavnikov iz področja zavzetosti. Ugotovljene so bile razlike v povprečjih ocen glede trditev določenih tematskih področij v podskupinah anketiranih glede mesta oz. enote zaposlitve, glede udeležbe na izobraževanjih, glede na aktivnost udeležbe, glede števila obolenj in glede občutka stresa. Zaposleni na področju zdravstvene nege so vsakodnevno vključeni v zagotavljanje kakovostnih storitev zdravstvene nege in menimo, da je pomembno razumevanje in obvladovanje dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na zavzetost zaposlenih za delo v zdravstveni negi. Vzpostavitev in spodbujanje zavzetosti zaposlenih je prednostna naloga managementa zdravstvene nege, še posebej zaradi zagotovitve kakovostnih storitev in učinkovitosti dela. Ključne besede: zavzetost, dejavniki, bolnišnica, medicinske sestre 172 Abstract Even in health care, current conditions in an ever competitive global environment demand quality service for a long-term existence of health care institutions which can be assured with the help of engaged employees. The purpose of this article is to introduce employee work engagement, factors that affect the engagement, especially of nurses, and to demonstrate on the basis of a research how health care performers in a hospital rate engagement statements, and to determine opportunities for improving those factors that affect the engagement positively. For literature review, we used internet sources and Mediline Data Collection. The research is based on a quantitative method. The data was collected by surveying health care employees. In the empirical section, survey results for rating of engagement factors are shown. In sub-groups surveying work place or unit, training attendance, attendance activity, number of illnesses and stressful feelings, differences in average ratings of statements from certain thematic fields have been determined. Daily, health care employees ensure quality health care services, and it is our opinion that it is important to understand and to control factors affecting employee work engagement in health care. For health care management, establishing and stimulating employee engagement is a priority, especially for ensuring a quality service and work efficiency. Keywords: engagement, factors, hospital, nurses 173 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Segmenting Terms of Trade; the Case of Croatia1 Daniel Tomić Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of Economics and Tourism «Dr. Mijo Mirković», Croatia dtomic@unipu.hr Marija Pičuljan Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of Economics and Tourism «Dr. Mijo Mirković», Croatia marija.piculjan@unipu.hr Abstract Favourable terms of trade developments present opportunities for countries to enhance economy-wide productivity growth, facilitate efficient resource allocation, reduce inflationary pressures and improve capability for serving debts. In that manner small, open, indebted and import dependent economy such as Croatia is much exposed to varying types of shocks, terms of trade being among variables to consider due to their feasibly wider cyclical and short-run instabilities. The aim of this paper is to consider different aspects of terms of trade changes within business cycle framework by segregating them into two variables (barter terms of trade, income terms of trade) and three parts (aggregate, goods, services) and relating them to output movements in Croatia. By using HP filter for extracting cyclical movements from selected variables and analyzing disproportion in its lags/leads, this paper gives a reflection on the dynamics of terms of trade and its (in)significant effect on the Croatian growth perspective. Results suggest general improvement in terms of trade as well as positive correlation with leading characteristics to output changes. Keywords: terms of trade, output developments, business cycle, HP-filter, cross- correlations, Croatia This work has been fully supported by the Croatian Science Foundation under the project number 9481 Modelling Economic Growth - Advanced Sequencing and Forecasting Algorithm. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Croatian Science Foundation. 174 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia BASEL III: Liquidity Standards Application in the Banking Business Radovan Tomić Novi Sad Business School, Serbia skola@vps.ns.ac.rs Miloš Dragosavac Novi Sad Business School, Serbia dragosavac.vps@gmail.com Dragica Tomić Novi Sad Business School, Serbia skola@vps.ns.ac.rs Aleksandra Vujko Novi Sad Business School, Serbia aleksandravujko@yahoo.com Nina Kisin Novi Sad Business School, Serbia ninakisin.vps@gmail.com Abstract The Basel Committee has strengthened its liquidity framework by developing two minimum standards for the liquidity provision. These standards are designed to achieve two very important objectives. First, to promote banks' short-term resilience to the liquidity risks, so as to ensure that there are sufficient high-quality liquid assets to survive a significant stress which may last for a month. In order to achieve this objective, a liquidity coverage ratio is developed. The second objective is to promote bank resilience over a longer time horizon by creating additional incentives for banks to fund their activities with more stable sources of funding. Net stable funding ratio has a temporal length of one year and should provide a sustainable maturity structure of assets and liabilities. It is necessary to introduce the above-mentioned indicators since in the Basel rules liquidity is not observed in numbers, thus it is not possible to provide a framework for its counting. This paper will analyze in detail the implementation of the Basel standards of liquidity in the banking sector. The timetable of the introduction of Basel III by the countries and an overview of the possible outcomes will be provided in this paper. Keywords: Basel III, liquidity, Basel committee, liquidity coverage ratio, net stable funding ratio 175 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Indicators for Sustainable Development of Rural Tourism in Vrbas Municipality Radovan Tomić Novi Sad Business School, Serbia skola@vps.ns.ac.rs Milutin M. Mrkša Novi Sad Business School, Serbia mrksamilutin@gmail.com Branka Maksimović Novi Sad Business School, Serbia branka.maksimovic.vps@gmail.com Miloš Dragosavac Novi Sad Business School, Serbia dragosavac.vps@gmail.com Dragana Drinić Novi Sad Business School, Serbia dragana.vps@gmail.com Abstract Tourism is both a human enterprise and an activity, and its multivalency is the basis for planning and managing the development of organized tourism, especially rural tourism, which should be support for development and improvement of quality of life in rural areas. This paper analyzes the indicators that should raise all kinds of sustainable rural tourism. These are the indicators of economic efficiency, technological development, social performance and environmental sustainability. The aim is to highlight the need to create a program for development of rural tourism and tourism activities in rural areas, to indicate the standard procedure of the integrated program and project management for sustainable rural tourism. Indicators can be used in the analytical part of the plans and programs, as well as in the control of implementation of these plans and programs. It is necessary to point out those indicators of the real state of the elements that show both potential and limitations. Keywords: sustainable development, rural tourism, indicators 176 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Tourism as Accelerating Factor of Economic Development of Destination Radovan Tomić Novi Sad Business School, Serbia Dragica Tomić Novi Sad Business School, Serbia Aleksandra Vujko Novi Sad Business School, Serbia aleksandravujko@yahoo.com Miloš Dragosavac Novi Sad Business School, Serbia dragosavac.vps@gmail.com Tamara Gajić Novi Sad Business School, Serbia gajic_tamara@yahoo.com Abstract Tourism is one of the most fast growing economic segments that deals with challenges and opportunities of global competitive market. This study assessed local residents' attitudes in Serbia toward tourism impact in their surroundings, using a Tourism Impact Attitude Scale (TIAS Scale). In this paper we discuss the main hypothesis that tourism is a accelerator of economic growth. The results showed that the majority of 249 participants consider possibility to have more money to spend as the most important impact of tourism development. The analysis of scientific literature and the research results leads to the conclusion that the increase of tourism income and employment would help the economic development. Keywords: tourism, growth/development, Serbia 177 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Marketing Possibilities of Higher Education Institutions: Example of University of Applied Sciences “Nikola Tesla” in Gospić Ivana Tonković Pražić University of Applied Sciences “Nikola Tesla” in Gospić, Croatia itonkovic-prazic@velegs-nikolatesla.hr Abstract University of Applied Sciences “Nikola Tesla” in Gospić does not use its marketing possibilities accordingly. It should develop and apply appropriate marketing strategies in order to successfully compete with other institutions of higher education. There is a lack of marketing orientation and focus on consumers, while UASNT should plan and implement marketing strategies in order to create a marketing program and a positive image and ensure its survival. The proposals given to UASNT on improve the existing state could also be implemented in other higher education institutions. Keywords: marketing, marketing strategies, education 178 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia User Adoption Analysis of the E-Government Services in the Republic of Macedonia with Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Kalina Trenevska Blagoeva Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Economics – Skopje, Republic of Macedonia kalina@eccf.ukim.edu.mk Marina Mijoska Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Economics – Skopje, Republic of Macedonia marina@eccf.ukim.edu.mk Abstract Higher utilization of e-Government services has multiple impact on wellbeing of citizens and businesses. The aim of the research is to identify factors that influence the level of adoption of e-Government services in the Republic of Macedonia. Using Technology Acceptance Model several constructs are defined (perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived trust, user’s satisfaction, social influence, facilitating conditions and demographic factors) that can influence user adoption of e- Government services. TAM is useful in analysis of e-Government adoption because it can be extended by applying domain-specific constructs. Relationships between constructs proved to be significant after analysis of the survey results. Adoption of electronic public services is influenced by the level of trust the users have in conducting transactions with the government. User satisfaction is influenced strongly by the usability and usefulness of the electronic public services that has direct impact of the adoption of e-Government services. Determining the significance of the factors can help policy makers to react in specific directions in order to improve utilization of e-Government in the country. Keywords: e-government, electronic public services, e-government adoption, technology acceptance model, republic of Macedonia 179 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Upravljanje delovne uspešnosti zaposlenih Human Resource Performance Management Irena Turšič Irena Turšič, Kamnik, Slovenija irena.tursic@siol.net Marko Urh Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija marko.urh@fov.uni-mb.si Eva Jereb Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija eva.jereb@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek Eden ključnih organizacijskih procesov je upravljanje delovne uspešnosti. Večinoma jo organizacije poskušajo zagotavljati preko ciljev, razdeljenih med poslovne enote in zaposlene in jo dosegajo z uresničevanjem le teh. V prispevku bodo predstavljeni elementi, ki igrajo ključno vlogo v upravljanju delovne uspešnosti – ocenjevanje delovne uspešnosti, povratne informacije, ljudje in pozitivna psihologija. Največjo pozornost organizacije namenijo ocenjevanju delovne uspešnosti, bistveno manj pa elementoma, ki ključno prispevata k upravljanju delovne uspešnosti, neprestanemu komuniciranju povratnih informacij in pozitivnemu vplivanju na ljudi v procesu. Elementi so obravnavani z namenom, da bi proces upravljanja delovne uspešnosti v prihodnosti bolje odigral svojo vlogo v zadovoljstvo ljudi, ki delajo v organizacijah in za organizacije in pripomogel k njihovi dolgoročni uspešnosti. Ključne besede: upravljanje delovne uspešnosti, ocenjevanje delovne uspešnosti, povratna informacija, pozitivna psihologija Abstract Human resource performance management is one of the key organizational processes. In most cases the organizations try to achieve the planned level of performance through objectives, split between business units and employees. The paper presents some elements that play a key role in the performance management process – performance appraisal, performance feedback, people and positive psychology. The biggest attention in organizations is devoted to performance assessments, while two other elements, like providing ongoing feedback to people and positively influencing people during performance management process get significantly less attention. The article addressees key elements of performance 180 management process in order to develop it in the future in a way to better play its role for the benefit of people who work in organizations and for them and contribute to organizations' long-term success. Keywords: performance management, performance appraisal, feedback, positive psychology 181 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Problems of Estimating the Cost of Capital in Emerging Markets Dean Učkar Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of Economics and Tourism “Dr. Mijo Mirković”, Croatia duckar@unipu.hr Abstract The process of calculating the cost of capital represents important information for every company that is planning some kind of investment in tangible assets. It forms a part of the process of capital budgeting, and the rate calculated as the weighted average cost of capital is used as the discount rate to discount the predictable cash flows of the investment project, or as a limit on project eligibility in accordance with the rules of financial decision making. Complex process of determining the cost of capital greatly increases in the case of companies operating in emerging markets. Such markets have proven to be inefficient, which is the basic assumption of the Capital Assets Pricing Model used in determining the cost of capital. On inefficient markets applicability of traditional method of calculating the cost of capital is questionable, and the problem of common methodology adjustments according to circumstances in such emerging markets arise. The aim of this paper is to point out the necessity of adapting the methodology and give some suggestions in this regard through the usage of Behavioral Asset Pricing Model (BAPM). The resulting conclusions can also be used in the process of capital budgeting in small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as on those companies that are not quoted on the stock exchange. Keywords: emerging markets, cost of capital, project investment decisions, BAPM 182 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Ali ravnatelji uspešno usmerjajo karierni razvoj učiteljev? Is the Career Development of Teachers Successfully Directed by their Headmasters? Gregor Udovč Osnovna šola Rovte, Slovenija gregor.udovc1@guest.arnes.si Povzetek Kako ravnateljem pomagati motivirati učitelje za njihovo delo in hkrati usmeriti učiteljev karierni razvoj? Skozi raziskavo, opravljeno med več kot 120 učitelji v slovenskih osnovnih šolah in njihovimi ravnatelji je bilo ugotovljeno, da učiteljem najpogosteje karierni razvoj pomeni napredovanje v nazive in plačne razrede. Ravnatelj pa je kot učiteljev vodja odgovoren za več kot to. Njegova vloga je, da učitelja motivira in usmerja v dosego tako individualnih kot skupnih ciljev ter v razvoj učiteljevih kompetenc. Pri tem je pomembna delitev odgovornosti za razvoj kariere učitelja med njim samim in ravnateljem, ki pa mora biti za opravljanje te funkcije primerno usposobljen. Razvoj kariere učitelja je potrebno za dosego ciljev dolgoročno načrtovati. Ključne besede: kariera učitelja, ravnatelj, karierni vodja Abstract How to help headmasters motivate the teachers for work and at the same time guide the development of their careers? With the help of the research that was carried out among more than 120 teachers from various Slovene schools as well as their headmasters, it was found out that the teachers' understanding of their career development is actually moving up the career ladder by being promoted to titles and getting a better payment. The headmaster as the teacher's manager is responsible for much more than just the promotion. His role is in motivating and directing the teacher to achieve individual and common goals as well as developing the teachers' competences to properly perform their job. Sharing the responsibility for the career development between the teacher himself and the headmaster, who has to be appropriately qualified for this, is of great importance. In order to achieve the goals, the career development of a teacher has to be planned long-term. Keywords: the career of a teacher, headmaster, career manager 183 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Povezanost strukturne in operativne učinkovitosti poslovnih procesov Connectedness of Structural and Operational Business Processes Efficiency Benjamin Urh Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija benjamin.urh@fov.uni-mb.si Maja Zajec Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija maja.zajec@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek V prispevku obravnavamo povezanost spremembe posameznih kazalnikov strukturne učinkovitosti poslovnih procesov s spremembo kazalnikov operativne učinkovitosti poslovnih procesov. Zanimalo nas je predvsem ali lahko na podlagi modela prenovljenega poslovnega procesa oziroma njegove spremenjene strukture predvidimo vpliv na spremembo kazalnikov operativne učinkovitosti poslovnih procesov. Spremenjen oziroma prenovljen model procesa lahko ocenimo s pomočjo kazalnikov strukturne učinkovitosti. Ključni parametri, ki vlivajo na kazalnike operativne učinkovitosti procesov so čas, stroški, kakovost in fleksibilnost. Na podlagi spremembe posameznega strukturnega kazalnika učinkovitosti lahko predvidimo vpliv na spremembo posameznih parametrov, ki lahko ključno vplivajo na spremembo kazalnikov operativne učinkovitosti. Ključne besede: učinkovitost procesov, kazalniki strukturne učinkovitosti, kazalniki operativne učinkovitosti, uspešnost prenove Abstract In this paper we discuss above the connectedness between changes of individual business processes structural efficiency indicators and changes of business processes operational efficiency indicators. Primarily, we focused on whether it is possible on the basis of a renewed business process model or its modified structure to predict the impact of these changes on the business processes operational efficiency indicators. Modified or renewed process model can be evaluated by means of structural efficiency indicators. The key parameters that influence on the processes operational efficiency indicators are time, cost, quality and flexibility. Based on changes in individual structural efficiency indicator we can predict the 184 impact on individual parameters changes, which can have a key influence on the changes of operational efficiency indicators. Keywords: process efficiency, structural efficiency indicators, operational efficiency indicators, process renovation effectiveness 185 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Analiza spletnih strani za e-izobraževanje na področju spletne optimizacije An Analysis of Websites for E-Learning in the Field of Website Optimization Marko Urh Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija marko.urh@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek Članek analizira najbolj najpomembnejše spletne strani, ki so namenjene e- izobraževanju s področja optimizacije spletnih strani. Optimizacija spletne strani postaja ključen element za uspeh spletne strani. Proces se imenuje optimizacija spletnih strani za iskalnike. Učenje spletne optimizacije se večinoma izvaja preko e- izobraževanja. Članek opisuje značilnosti spletnih strani kot so: faktor pomembnosti spletne strani, število obiskovalcev, čas preživet na spletni strani in druge pomembne značilnosti. Na podlagi značilnosti spletnih strani smo izdelali seznam najpomembnejših ponudnikov e-izobraževanj s področja optimizacije spletnih strani. Različne spletne strani imajo različne pristope e-izobraževanja in uporabljajo različne elemente k e-izobraževanju na svojih spletnih straneh. Analizirali smo elemente e- izobraževanj na spletnih straneh kot so: forumi, blogi, novice, pogosta vprašanja in drugo. Članek podaja nasvete in priporočila, ki jih lahko uporabijo izobraževalne ustanove pri razvoju različnih spletnih izobraževalnih programov. Ključne besede: izobraževanje, e-izobraževanje, analiza, optimizacija spletnih strani Abstract The article analyzes the most popular websites, which are designed for e-learning in the field of website optimization. Optimizing a website is becoming a key element for the success of a website. The process is called Search Engine Optimization – SEO. Learning web optimization is mainly carried out via e-learning. The article describes the characteristics of web sites such as: page rank, the number of visitors, time spent on the site and other relevant characteristics. Based on the characteristics of the websites we have created a list of the most important providers of e-learning in the field of website optimization. Different websites have different approaches to e- learning and use different elements of e-learning on their websites. We have analyzed the elements of e-learning on websites such as forums, blogs, news, FAQs and more. The article gives advice and recommendations that can be used by educational institutions in the development of various online educational programs. Keywords: learning, e-learning, analysis, web site optimization 186 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Proučevanje medsebojne odvisnosti davčne kulture in davčne utaje v izbranih državah Examining the Interdependence between Tax Culture and Tax Evasion in Selected Countries Aleksandra Vehovar Univerza v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, Slovenija aleksandra.vehovar@gmail.com Lidija Hauptman Unvierza v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, Slovenija lidija.hauptman@um.si Alenka Kavkler Univerza v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, Slovenija alenka.kavkler@um.si Povzetek Družbena odgovornost podjetij je pomemben del politike delovanja posameznega podjetja. Povezanost davčne kulture kot dela nacionalne kulture in davčnih utaj je bila že v preteklosti predmet številnih tujih raziskav. V prispevku predstavljamo rezultate lastne raziskave, ki po modelu Richardsona (2008) proučuje medsebojno odvisnost davčne kulture in davčne utaje v izbranih državah, na vzorcu držav, v katerem je zajeta tudi Slovenija. V prispevku proučujemo, kako patriarhizem in vplivnost posameznika vplivata na stopnjo davčnih utaj. V raziskavi smo uporabili regresijsko analizo ob uporabi metode najmanjših kvadratov. Rezultati kažejo, da ima patriarhizem negativen vpliv in stopnja vplivnosti posameznika pozitiven vpliv na stopnjo davčnih utaj v državah. Ključne besede: davčna kultura, davčna utaja, družbena odgovornost, vplivnost posameznika, patriarhizem Abstract Corporate social responsibility is an important part of the policy in individual companies. The interdependence between tax culture as a part of the national culture and tax evasion was previously a subject of a number of other studies. The paper presents the results of our research based on the model of Richardson (2008) examining the interdependence of tax culture and tax evasion in selected countries, included also Slovenia. It examines how masculinity and power distance of an individual affect tax evasion. In this study, we used regression analysis with the 187 method of least squares. The results show that masculinity negatively impacts the level of tax evasion in the country, moreover the degree of power distance of the individual has a positive impact on the level of tax evasion. Keywords: tax culture, tax evasion, social responsibility, power distance of an individual, masculinity 188 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija What Motivates Managers in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Case Study: SMEs Kosovo Liridon Veliu Department of Management and Informatics, Faculty of Economics, University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, Kosovo liridon.veliu@uni-pr.edu Mimoza Manxhari Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana, Albania mmanxhari@yahoo.com Abstract Human resources play a crucial role in a process of increasing companies’ effectiveness. A great amount of worldwide wealth is expressed in the form of human capital. A motivated and qualified workforce is crucial in increasing productivity and the quality of the organisational services in order to achieve organisational objectives. The managers that are feeling motivated they will have more dedication for the company. The theoretical framework of this study includes concepts such as motivation and the factors that motivate managers. The main objective of this study is to determine the factors that affect motivation of managers. The population of the study were the private enterprise manager (SMEs) in Kosovo. For the study we used a structured questionary and the data analyses where made through statistical package (software) for social sciences (SPSS). The group’s dominant locus of control was also measured through the use of an appropriate measuring instrument. Keywords: motivation, motivating factors, managers, SME 189 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Vzpostavitev e-poslovanja z dobavitelji – primer korporacije Hidria Establishing E-Commerce with Suppliers – Case Hidria Corporation Robert Vončina robert@mangart.si Andreja Pucihar Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija andreja.pucihar@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek E-poslovanje posodablja klasičen papirni način poslovanja s sodobnim, brezpapirnim poslovanjem in hkrati zmanjšuje stroške poslovanja podjetja, poslovanje naredi bolj pregledno in zanesljivo. Na strani partnerjev povečuje zadovoljstvo, saj poenostavlja in pohitri tudi njihovo poslovanje. V prispevku je predstavljena vzpostavitev elektronskega poslovanja z dobavitelji v korporaciji Hidria. V uvodu je opredeljena potreba za vzpostavitev e-poslovanja, v nadaljevanju predstavljamo e-poslovanje, načine e-poslovanja in prednosti njegove uporabe. Sledi prikaz dveh prototipnih rešitev za vzpostavitev e-poslovanja z dobavitelji, ki imajo različne možnosti e- sodelovanja. Predstavljamo prototipno rešitev e-poslovanja prek nabavnega portala in prototipno rešitev neposredne računalniške izmenjave poslovnih dokumentov. V zaključku predstavimo uporabno vrednost rešitve za korporacijo in njene dobavitelje. Ključne besede: e-poslovanje, dobavitelji, nabavni portal, RIP Abstract E-commerce changes classic paper type of commerce with modern, paperless commerce and it reduces business costs of company, consequently it simplify and fasten its business. In this report is presented establishing of e-commerce with suppliers in corporation Hidria. In introduction is presented the need to implement e- commerce, below we present e-commerce, types of e-commerce and benefits of its use. Below are presented two prototype solutions for implementing e-commerce with suppliers, which includes different possibilities of collaborating. We present e- commerce prototype solution thru supplier portal and prototype solution of EDI – direct electronic business data interchange. At the end, it is presented useful value of solution for corporation and its suppliers. Keywords: e-business, suppliers, suppliers’ portal, EDI 190 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Upravljanje službenih mobilnih naprav in varovanje zasebnosti uporabnikov Management of Corporate Mobile Devices and User Privacy Assurance Andrej Vovk Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije, Slovenija andrej.vovk@zzzs.si Povzetek Mobilne naprave v organizacijah zaposlenim omogočajo preprosto povezovanje v svetovni splet, izmenjavo ter dostop do različnih informacij. Upravljanje mobilnih naprav je že v osnovi zahtevno z vidika varovanja podatkov, zagotavljanje zasebnosti pa predstavlja dodatno dimenzijo zahtevnosti. Na eni strani se organizacije ne želijo in ne morejo odreči funkcijam, ki jih omogočajo mobilne naprave, na drugi strani pa morajo krmariti med učinkovitim upravljanjem teh naprav in hkratnem varovanju zasebnosti zaposlenih. Prispevek predstavlja tehnološko, organizacijsko in vsebinsko upravljanje mobilnih naprav z osvetlitvijo problema varovanja zasebnosti. Ključne besede: mobilnost, varnost, zasebnost, upravljanje Abstract Mobile devices in organizations have become agents of a convenient accessibility to the internet, and hence to its various information bases and their exchanges. In respect to the considerable strains that data protection alone brings to the management of such devices, user privacy assurance presents even further challenges to the entire process. Though organizations are often unable or unwilling to forgo the benefits of mobile devices the other side demands maintaining a precarious balance between their effective management and user privacy assurance. The article puts forth the technological, organizational and contextual management of corporate mobile devices with a focus on the problem of privacy assurance. Keywords: mobility, safety, privacy, management 191 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Big Data and Marketing Research Dragan Vukmirović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia vukmirovic.dragan@fon.rs Jovanka Vukmirović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia vukmirovic.jovanka@fon.rs Marina Jovanović Milenković University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia marinaj@fon.rs Aleksandra Vukmirović Belgrade Business School Higher Education Institution for Applied Studies, Serbia aleksandra.vukmirovic@bbs.edu.rs Marina Brbaklić Tepavac Babbler Media Marketing d.o.o., Serbia marina.tepavac@babbler.rs Abstract The subject of this paper is to discuss develop the marketing research methodology on the basis of the Big Data concept. The central problem of the paper preceding is the appearance of large amounts of data – Big Data. Development of technology and the expansion of the Internet and Social media has led to the accessibility of large amounts of data that are scattered on a global network with no structure. The model presented in the paper aims to efficiently and effectively contribute to standards of collection, storing, processing and analysis of available data, both external – that are on the network, as well as internal. The model was developed so that it can be implemented in all business systems. Keywords: marketing research, big data, social media, internet, e-business 192 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Avoiding Technological Lock-Ins - a Competence Based Approach Harald Wipfler Graz University of Technology, Institute of General Management and Organization, Austria harald.wipfler@tugraz.at Abstract This research project discusses the role of organizational capabilities to help to avoid path dependency and technological lock-in. As firms increasingly depend on technological developments, they require appropriate competences in order to adapt to environmental and technological change. While the conceptions of path dependence and dynamic capabilities are comprehensively discussed on a theoretical level and mainly in organizational and strategic contexts, these perspectives are hardly practically applied to technology management. This PhD- project combines the three research perspectives of path dependence theory, dynamic capabilities and technology management and relates them to the activities of the technology management process. Using a qualitative approach and cases of companies in the high- and medium-technology industry, the study aims to analyze factors leading to lock-in situations and to identify organizational capabilities to avoid path dependence within the technology management process. The study aims to contribute to the theoretical discussions on path dependence and dynamic capabilities by relating these topics to technology management and by describing organizational capabilities which help to avoid or overcome lock-in situations. Keywords: path dependence, dynamic capabilities, technology management 193 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Sustainable Organizations through Dynamic Capabilities – Comparing Conceptions Harald Wipfler Graz University of Technology, Institute of General Management and Organization, Austria harald.wipfler@tugraz.at Abstract The paper describes different conceptions of dynamic capabilities and their practical application to implement corporate sustainability. Dynamic capabilities are seen as a possibility to adapt to rapid changing environments and to implement sustainable innovation. While extant literature with theoretical contributions on dynamic capabilities has been published, there is still a discussion on how to operate them. The paper reviews seminal contributions on dynamic capabilities in the field of strategic management and literature on corporate sustainability. It summarizes the main conceptions and discusses the implementation of corporate sustainability applying the dynamic capability perspective. Keywords: dynamic capability, corporate sustainability 194 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Organizational Ambidexterity: Balance Versus Focus Strategy Maja Zajec University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Slovenia maja.zajec@fov.uni-mb.si Abstract Today’s organizations confront dual demands of exploiting existing processes and exploring new processes. Many authors show that ambidextrous organizations better manage these dual demands, but not fully consider those that focus on only one of these objectives. In this paper we will present a new model, where a number of different capabilities (strategic, contextual, structural) impact on balance versus focus decision and consequently firm’s performance. Keywords: organizational ambidexterity, balance versus focus, business process management 195 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development March 16th – 18th 2016, Portorož, Slovenia Plače na podjetniški način v javnem sektorju The Salary System in Public Sector Janez Zeni Samostojni svetovalec, Slovenija zeni.janez@amis.net Povzetek Urejanje plač, še zlasti v javnem sektorju, je v Sloveniji v zadnjih 25 let po osamosvojitvi, vedno zelo pereče in aktualno vprašanje. Kljub velikim prizadevanjem stroke in tudi aktualne politike, nam to ne uspeva, kot bi si delodajalci, (država) in zaposleni to želeli. Še vedno je veliko nezadovoljstva glede osnovnih plač. Tudi motivacijski dejavniki še niso tako strokovno pripravljeni, ki bi zaposlene spodbujali za neprestan strokovni razvoj, kvalitetno in učinkovito delo ter poslovanje. Prav to pa je v referatu poskušano pojasniti in s primeri nakazati ustrezne rešitve, ki bi dolgoročno prispevale k večjemu zadovoljstvu zaposlenih in državljanov, koristnikov storitev javnega sektorja. Ključne besede: organizacija, organiziranost, motivacija, zadovoljstvo Abstract Wage adjustment in the Slovenian public sector has been a burning and current question for the last 25 years . Experts and politicians have made many efforts but the results are not as employers , (state) and employees would like. There is much disappointment about the basic wages. Motivation factors have not been prepared competently to stimulate employees to constant professional development, quality and effective work and operating. This article tries to explain that and shows with the examples how to reach the right solutions which could lead to employees and citizens satifaction, the publis sector users in long-term. Keywords: organization, motivation, satisfactiont 196 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Neinvazivni presejalni testi bolezni avtonomnega živčevja in obtočil Autonomic Nervous System and Cardiovascular Diseases Noninvasive Screening Tests Grega Zrim Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Slovenija grega.zrim@student.um.si Miljenko Križmarić Univerza v Mariboru, Medicinska fakulteta in Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede, Slovenija miljenko.krizmaric@um.si Vojko Matko Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Slovenija vojko.matko@um.si Povzetek Bolezni obtočil so glavni vzrok smrti v razvitih delih sveta. Obtočila so pod nadzorom avtonomnega živčevja, zato se preko monitoringa srca zagotovi pogled v avtonomno živčevje. Zgodnja preventivna intervencija s presejalnimi testi pomeni pravočasno zdravljenje in znižanje umrljivosti. Raziskovali smo ali je mogoče z medicinsko opremo, ki je primarno namenjena neprekinjenemu monitoringu v bolnišničnem okolju, izvajati hitre dinamične provokacijske teste, ki bi nam služili kot presejalni testi. Hemodinamične spremenljivke smo zajemali s kontinuirano neinvazivno protitlačno Peňáz metodo merjenja krvnega tlaka. Okno v delovanje avtonomnega živčevja pa je predstavljala variabilnost frekvence srca (HRV). Na zdravih prostovoljcih smo izvajali dva tipa provokacijskih testov obtočil: Valsalva manever in pasivni dvig nog (PLR). Podatke smo analizirali z Matlab programskim orodjem. Ugotavljamo, da je oprema sposobna zabeležiti hitri dinamični odziv, kjer smo opazovali vse štiri faze Valsalva manevra. PLR test pa je pokazal nekoliko manjšo občutljivost. Oprema bi ob zelo natančni standardizaciji lahko predstavljala orodje za presejalne teste. Ključne besede: neinvazivna diagnostika, presejalni testi, obtočila 197 Abstract Diseases of cardiovascular system are the main cause of death in the developed world. Cardiovascular system is under control of the autonomic nervous system, therefore through the cardiovascular monitoring we have an insight into the autonomic nervous system. Early intervention with preventive screening tests gives timely treatment and reduces mortality. We researched whether it is possible with the equipment that is primarly meant for continuous monitoring in a hospital environment to perform fast dynamic provocation tests, which could be used as screening assays. Hemodynamic variables were taken by continuous noninvasive backpressure Peňáz method of measuring blood pressure. Window to the functioning of the autonomic nervous system could represent heart rate variability (HRV). In healthy volunteers, we carried out two types of challenge test of the cardiovascular system: Valsalva maneuver and passive leg raising (PLR). Data were analyzed using Matlab software tool. Our findings are that the equipment is able to record fast dynamic response, where we observed four phases of Valsalva maneuver. PLR test demonstrated slightly decreased sensitivity. At the very precise standardization of equipment, it could be used as a tool for screening tests. Keywords: non-invasive diagnosis, screening tests, cardiovascular 198 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Motiviranje otrok za vključevanje v športne aktivnosti – razvoj mobilne aplikacije Motivating Children to Engage in Sport Activities – Mobile Application Development Andrej Zupan Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija andrej@1024.si Matevž Oman Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija matevz@1024.si Mitja Rozman Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija mitja@1024.si Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija mirjana.kljajic@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek Spodbujanje športne aktivnosti za otroke je zelo pomembno. Podpira zdrav telesni in kognitivni razvoj ter jih poučuje o zdravem in aktivnem življenjskem slogu. Na žalost veliko predšolskih in šolskih otrok ni dovolj aktivnih zaradi zasedenih vsakodnevnih urnikov in prodorne tehnologije, ki prav tako terja svoj davek. Rešitev smo videli v razvoju aplikacije, ki bi s pomočjo igrifikacije pomagala trenerjem in staršem motivirati otroke, da sodelujejo pri športnih aktivnostih. Aplikacija, predstavljena v tem članku, je namenjena podpori treningom nogometa, lahko pa se uporablja tudi v katerem koli drugem športu. Služi kot podpora trenerju pri planiranju ter vodenju treninga in komunikaciji s starši. Osnova aplikacije so različne igrificirane naloge oziroma vaje. Prototip smo testirali s skupino otrok na treningih nogometa. Prvotni rezultati kažejo, da uporaba aplikacije poveča motivacijo otrok pri vadbi, na treningu in doma ter poveča uspešnost. Poleg tega se uporabniki (trenerji in starši) strinjajo, da je aplikacija preprosta za uporabo. Ključne besede: mehanika iger, mobilna aplikacija, športna aktivnost, nogomet, otroci 199 Abstract Encouraging sports activities in the young age is very important. It supports healthy physical and cognitive development and children learn about healthy and active life style. Unfortunately many preschool and school children are not active enough due to busy everyday life and pervasive technology that has taken its toll. We address this problem by developing a gamified mobile application that is aimed to support the coach and parents in a venture to motivate kids to engage in sport activities. The presented mobile application supports football training, but it can also be applied to any other team sport. It supports the coach in training management and communication with parents. The core is based on various gamified training tasks. We tested the prototype with groups of children in football training. Preliminary results show that the use of gamified mobile application contributes to higher sport engagement motivation of children, equally in trainings and at home, and to better physical performance in general. Furthermore, users (coach and parents) agree that the prototype is useful and easy to use. Keywords: gamification, mobile, application development, sport activity, football, children 200 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Razvoj modela poslovne inteligence za nadzor servisnih aktivnosti Development of Business Intelligence Model for Monitoring Repair Service Activities Julij Zupan julij.zupan@siol.net Davorin Kofjač Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija davorin.kofjac@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek Poslovno inteligenčna orodja s katerimi podjetje proaktivno ukrepa se običajno uporabljajo za reševanje problema nadzora nad aktivnostmi poslovanja v realnem času. V tem članku predstavljamo model poslovne inteligence, ki smo ga razvili za učinkovitejši nadzor nad aktivnostmi vseh serviserjev v logističnem podjetju. V članku je predlagano reševanje nadzora nad ključnimi kazalniki uspešnosti (KPI) servisnih storitev. Prvi rezultati testiranja kažejo, da se z uporabo razvitega modela KPI in implementacijo le-tega z orodjem Tableau pomembno poveča učinkovitost, znižajo stroški časa in virov v procesu nadzora nad servisnimi storitvami. Ključne besede: poslovna inteligenca, nadzor servisnih storitev, ključni kazalniki uspešnosti, Tableau Abstract Business intelligence tools whereby companies can pro-actively take action are in general in use for solving problems of monitoring business activities in real time. In this article, we present a model of business intelligence, which was developed for the effective supervision of the engineers’ activities in the logistic company. This article suggests the solution of monitoring KPI repair service activities. The first test results are showing that using the developed model for KPI, which was implemented with Tableau, significantly increases the efficiency and reduces time and costs of the resources in the process of control over the repair service activities. Keywords: business intelligence, monitoring service activities, key performance indicators, Tableau 201 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Trajnostni turistični produkt - Primer prakse lokalne skupnosti s predlogi izboljšav z vidika trajnosti in partnerstva Sustainable Tourism Product - Local Community Case Example with Suggestions for Improvement of Sustainability and Partnership Maja Zupan Zavod za turizem in kulturo Žirovnica, Slovenija maja.zupan1@gmail.com Povzetek Turizem je pomembna gospodarska panoga, ki mora še posebej pozorno slediti smernicam trajnostnega razvoja, v kolikor se hoče soočiti s sodobnimi izzivi družbe. Trajnostno upravljanje turistične destinacije kot osnovne celice sodobnega turizma je tesno povezano s širšo lokalno skupnostjo. Močno vlogo imajo integralni trajnostni turistični produkti. Gre za verigo povezanih trajnostnih storitev in trajnostnih proizvodov. S sodelovanjem skozi partnerstvo različnih možnih oblik dosega trajnostno naravnana turistična destinacija sinergijske učinke. Kot rezultat združevanja znanja, virov in moči, turistični deležniki ustvarjajo dodano vrednost turistične destinacije. V nalogi raziskujemo potenciale trajnostno naravnanih turističnih produktov, ki dobivajo vsak dan večjo težo v turistični ponudbi. Trajnostno usmeritev v razvoju turizma močno podpira tudi Organizacija združenih narodov, ki je leto 2017 pravkar proglasila za Mednarodno leto trajnostnega turizma za razvoj. V nalogi predstavljamo trenutni status žirovniškega lokalnega turističnega produkta, ki že nekaj let velja za primer dobre prakse na področju čebelarskega turizma. Na podlagi večletnih izkušenj s področja managementa tega trajnostnega produkta, predlagamo izboljšave in priporočila z vidika trajnosti in vzpostavljenega partnerstva za dosego večje konkurenčnosti žirovniške destinacije. Ključne besede: trajnostni turistični produkt, trajnostni turizem, čebelarski turizem Abstract Tourism is an important economic sector which should be especially careful to follow the guidelines of sustainable development, in so far as it wants to deal with contemporary challenges of society. Sustainable management of tourist destinations as the basic unit of modern tourism is closely linked to the wider local community. Integrated sustainable tourism products play a strong role. It is a chain of related sustainable services and sustainable products. A sustainable tourist destination can 202 achieve synergistic effects by working through the various possible forms of partnership. As a result of sharing the knowledge, resources and power, tourist stakeholders create added value to a tourist destination. Our study investigates the potential for sustainable tourism products, which are becoming vital in the tourist offer.The United Nations strongly supports sustainable policies in tourism development and they declared the year of 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development. Our study presents the current status of Žirovnica local tourism product, which has been considered as an example of good practice in the field of beekeeping tourism for several years now. Based on many years of experience in the field of sustainable management of this product, we suggest improvements and recommendations in terms of sustainability and established partnerships to achieve greater competitiveness of Žirovnica destination. Keywords: sustainable tourism product, sustainable tourism, beekeeping tourism 203 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Analitika masovnih podatkov pri proučevanju človekovega dela in kreativnosti – socialna fizika Investigating Human Work and Creativity Using Big Data Analytics – Social Physics Jože Zupančič The University of Lodz, School of Economy and Sociology, Poland joze.zupancic@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek Vodilni strokovnjaki s področja informacijske tehnologije pričakujejo, da bo v naslednjih letih prav analitika masovnih podatkov (ang. big data analytics) eden največjih izzivov in priložnosti za informatiko in management. Analitika masovnih podatkov je spodbudila tudi razvoj socialne fizike, to je kvantitativne družbene vede (ang. social science), ki opisuje zanesljive matematične povezave med informacijami in pretokom idej na eni strani in človekovim obnašanjem na drugi strani. V tem strokovnem prispevku bomo predstavili nekatere možnosti, načine in značilne primere uporabe analitike masovnih podatkov, predvsem možnosti njihove uporabe pri analiziranju človekovega ravnanja in dela na delovnem mestu. še posebej temu, kako se razširjajo ideje v različnih delovnih okoljih in kako to lahko vpliva na ustvarjalno sposobnost podjetij. Ključne besede: masovni podatki, analitika, informacijska tehnologija, socialna fizika Abstract Leading IT experts expect that big data analytics will become one of the biggest challenges and opportunities for IT and for management. Big data analytics has promoted the development of social physics, quantitative social sciences describing reliable mathematical links between the information and the exchange of ideas on one hand and human behaviour on the other. This professional paper presents some opportunities, methods, and typical examples of the use of big data analytics, in particular the possibility of their use in analysing human behaviour at the workplace, especially on how ideas spread in a variety of working environments and how this may affect creative ability of enterprises. Keywords: big data, analytics information technology, social physics 204 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Model spletne komunikacije med občino in njenimi občani Online Communication Modul between the Municipality and Its Citizens Jože Zupanič Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija josko232@yahoo.com Vladislav Rajkovič Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija vladislav.rajkovic@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek Uspešno in učinkovito komuniciranje občin z občani predstavlja izziv. Možnih je več vrst komunikacije, vsaka od teh pa ima različne prednosti in pomanjkljivosti. Razočaranje s čakanjem na telefonu, neodgovorjenimi klici in odgovori, kdaj bodo določene napake odpravljene, so le nekatera vprašanja, ki lahko vodijo v stres in motnjo za obe strani. Naše delo je usmerjeno k iskanju informacijske rešitve, ki bo občini dalo priložnost, da obdeluje in shranjuje poizvedbe občanov na enem mestu, kar pomeni, da je proces poročanja napak lažji za občane, in bolj učinkovit za občine. Tak sistem komunikacije omogoča shranjevanje podatkov v eni podatkovni zbirki, zaradi česar je notranja komunikacija učinkovitejša. Naše delo predstavlja predlog komunikacije med občino in njenimi občani. Predlagamo tudi, kako lahko izboljšamo komunikacijo med zaposlenimi v občini, pokažemo pa tudi primer komunikacije med župani. Ključne besede: informacijski sistemi, komunikacijski model med občino in občani, prototipiranje, podpora odločanju Abstract Efficient and effective communication of municipalities with the citizens is a challenge. There are several kinds of communication, each of them has different advantages and disadvantages. Frustration at waiting times on the phone and no straight answer as to when faults will be fixed are just some issues that can lead to stress and annoyance for both parties. Our work is aimed at finding IT solutions that will process and save enquiries in one place, meaning that the process of fault reporting is made easier for customers, and more efficient for municipalities. This communication system allows storing data in one database, which makes internal communication in municipalities more efficient. Our work presents a proposal of communication between the municipality and its citizens. We also suggest how we 205 can improve communication among employees in the municipality, and also show an example of communication between the mayors. Keywords: information systems, communication model between the municipality and citizens, prototyping, decision support 206 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Vpliv družbeno okoljskih dejavnikov na trajnostno- prostorsko politiko v svetu in pri nas The Impact of Social Environmental Factors on Sustainable Spatial Policies in the World and in Our Country Davorin Žnidarič davorinznidaric@gmail.com Povzetek Razvoj človeške družbe je v zadnjih dveh stoletjih temeljil na izrabi fosilnih goriv, ter snovno materialistični rasti in izkoriščanju naravnih dobrin. Prekomerna izraba naravnih potencialov ter s tem degradacija okolja na račun energije in ekonomije, že bistveno vpliva na kvaliteto posameznikov in planeta Zemlje. Povečevanje prebivalstva, nadaljevanje nekontroliranega izkoriščanja okoljskih potencialov, sta nas pripeljala na rob preživetja. Planetarne zmogljivosti so omejene, negativni vplivi obremenjevanja na okolje vidni na vsakem koraku. Biotska raznovrstnost se zaradi antropogenih vplivov vsak dan zmanjšuje. Vse skupaj pa vodi v zmanjševanje in omejevanje virov prihodnjim generacijam. Paradigmo neoliberalizma, ki je bila leta vodilo družbeno ekonomskega izkoriščanja, mora nadomestiti nova, socialno, družbeno in okoljsko vzdržnejša politika, usmerjena v medgeneracijsko solidarnost, enakost in pravičnost, ki je združena v ideji trajnostno naravnane politike in družbe prihodnosti. Ključne besede: fosilna goriva, naravne dobrine, okoljski potenciali, neoliberalizem, trajnostno naravnana politika Abstract The evolution of human society in the last two centuries has been based on the use of fossil fuels, materialistic growth and the exploitation of natural resources. Overuse of natural resources and with that the environmental degradation at the expense of energy and economics, has a significant impact on the quality of individuals and the planet Earth. The increasing population, the continued uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources, have brought us to the edge of survival. Planetary capacity is limited, the negative influences of environmental pollution can be seen on every step. Biotic diversity is decreasing due to anthropogenic influences. All together it leads to the reduction and limitation of resources for future generations. Paradigm of neoliberalism, which was the lead for social economical exploitation for years, has to be replaced with new, socially and environmentally more sustainable politics, which is focused on intergenerational solidarity, equality and righteousness, which is united in the idea of a sustainable policy and future society. Keywords: fossil fuels, natural resources, environmental, neoliberalism, sustainable policy 207 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16.–18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Organizacijska podpora uvajanja integralnega upravljanja oskrbne verige v Skupini Gorenje Organizational Support to the Implementation of Integral Supply Chain Management in Gorenje Group Miha Žove Gorenje, d.d., Slovenija miha.zove@gorenje.com Povzetek Skupina Gorenje v svoji temeljni dejavnosti razvoja, proizvodnje in prodaje gospodinjskih aparatov v zadnjih letih pomembno spreminja organiziranost upravljanja oskrbne verige oz. verige ustvarjanja vrednosti. Strokovno specializacijo posameznih poslovnih funkcij nadgrajujemo s procesnim razumevanjem, vodenjem in koordiniranjem celotne oskrbne verige. V ta namen je bil imenovan tudi nov član uprave, ki je poleg nekaterih ostalih področij zadolžen tudi za koordinacijo oskrbne verige. V okviru enega izmed strateških projektov Skupine Gorenje smo identificirali poslovne procese, ki sestavljajo oskrbno verigo, njihove lastnike ter medsebojne povezave. Opredelili smo tudi kazalnike uspešnosti za posamezen proces ter oskrbno verigo kot celoto. Pri tem smo izhajali iz treh kategorij: storitev za kupca, sredstva in proces. Kazalniki so zamišljeni tako, da jih je možno neposredno primerjati na nivoju panoge. Z vzpostavitvijo koordinacije oskrbne verige je bilo spremljanje njene uspešnosti ter nenehno izboljševanje in ukrepanje tudi formalizirano in celovito opredeljeno. V medsebojni primerjavi s strateškim partnerjem, korporacijo Panasonic, smo ugotovili, da je takšen integralen pristop zanimiv tudi zanje in da želijo nekatere poudarke tudi sami uvesti v okviru njihove evropske regije. Za boljše obvladovanje oskrbne verige prilagajamo tudi organiziranost v krovni in odvisnih družbah Skupine Gorenje, kjer iz funkcijskih »silosov« postopno prehajamo na integrirano vodenje oskrbne verige. V povezavi s tem izboljšujemo tudi pogoje za napovedovanje prodaje ter načrtovanje potreb. Ključne besede: oskrbna veriga, organiziranost, poslovni procesi, upravljanje oskrbne verige 208 Abstract Gorenje Group in its core business of developing, manufacturing and sales of home appliances has in the past years undergone significant changes in organization of the supply chain management and value creation chain. We are upgrading the specialization of individual business functions with process- based understanding, management and coordination of the entire supply chain. To this purpose, a new Member of the Management Board was appointed as responsible, among other areas, for coordination of the supply chain. Within one of the strategic projects of Gorenje Group, we identified business processes in supply chain, their owners and interdependencies. We have also defined key performance indicators (KPIs) for individual process as well as for the supply chain as a whole. Doing so, we built on three categories: service for the customer, assets, and process. KPIs are designed to be directly benchmarked within the industry. By establishing the supply chain coordination, we have also formalized and holistically determined its performance management, continuous improvement and corresponding measures. During benchmark with Panasonic Corporation, Gorenje’s strategic partner, we discovered that such integral approach might be considered and applied by them within their European region. In order to better manage our supply chain, we are adapting the organization on Group and subsidiary level, whereas gradually transforming the functional silos towards integrated supply chain management. In addition to this, we are improving the conditions for sales forecasting and demand planning. Keywords: supply chain, organization, business processes, supply chain management 209 Domov | Home Nazaj | Back 35. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti 16. – 18. marec 2016, Portorož, Slovenija Analiza možnosti za spletno nakupovanje oblačil pri starejših ljudeh Analysis of the Possibilities for Online Apparel Shopping for Elderly People Milica Žuraj Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija milica.zuraj@student.um.si Davorin Kofjač Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija davorin.kofjac@fov.uni-mb.si Anja Žnidaršič Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Slovenija anja.znidarsic@fov.uni-mb.si Povzetek Namen naše raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kakšne so nakupovalne navade starejših od 55 let, s poudarkom na njihovem mnenju o možnostih nakupovanja oblačil na spletu. Podatke smo zbrali s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika in jih analizirali s pomočjo opisne statistike. Rezultati so pokazali, da anketiranci največ kupujejo oblačila v tradicionalni trgovini, najmanj pa v spletni trgovini. Ugotovili smo, da ima za starejše kupce spletno nakupovanje oblačil nekatere pomanjkljivosti, ampak ima tudi prednosti. Anketirance od spletnega nakupovanja odvrača, da ne morejo oceniti kakovosti oblačil in jih pomeriti. Skrbi jih, da barva in vzorec nista realno prikazana in niso prepričani, katera velikost jim ustreza. Med prednostmi, ki jih spletne trgovine zagotavljajo kupcem, so anketiranci navedli, da se z nakupovanjem oblačil v spletni trgovini izognejo gneči, hitro primerjajo cene med ponudniki oblačil in s tem prihranijo čas. Ugotovili smo, da anketiranci težko najdejo kakovostna oblačila ustrezne velikosti, v katerih se počutijo udobno zaradi starostno pogojenih telesnih sprememb, zato je večina anketirancev zainteresirana za nakup oblačila po meri preko spleta brez večkratnega pomerjanja. Na tako vrsto nakupa bi najbolj vplivali dejavniki, kot so cena, primerljiva s ceno oblačil v trgovini, enostaven nakup oblačila, izbira tkanine po želji in višja kakovost oblačila. Ključne besede: starejši kupci, nakupovalne navade, spletno nakupovanje oblačil, izdelava oblačila po meri 210 Abstract The aim of our study was to determine what are the purchasing habits of people more than 55 years old, with a focus on their view on the prospects of shopping apparel online. Data were collected through a questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that the respondents purchase most apparel in a traditional shop, but less in the online store. We found that for older customers online apparel shopping has some weaknesses, but it also has advantages. Participants of the survey of online shopping are discouraged because they can not assess the quality of apparel and are unable to try it on. They are worried that the color and pattern are not accurately represented, and they are not sure what size fits them. Among the benefits provided by online stores the respondents stated that by purchasing apparel online they avoid the crowd, quickly compare prices between providers of apparel and thus save time. We found that respondents have difficulty finding good quality apparel of appropriate size in which they feel comfortable because of age-related physical changes, so the majority of respondents is interested in purchasing custom-made apparel online without multiple try-on. This type of purchase would be most influenced by factors such as price, comparable to the price of apparel in a brick and mortar shop, easy purchasing of apparel, the choice of fabrics, and higher quality of apparel. Keywords: older customers, shopping habits, online apparel shopping, manufacture of custom-made apparel 211 Document Outline Start clanki 1_AgrezKernVuk Untitled 2_AnteljKljajicBorstnar 3_AsaninMacekVukasovic 4_BackovicIlicMilicevic 5_BalanticBalantic 6_BalazicPecek 7_Benazic 8_BergelKljajicBostnar 9_BernikMrak 10_BorojevicPetrovicVukSenegacnik 11_BoskovicTezakZanini 12_BozicKofjac 13_BrbaklicVukmirovicVukmirovic 14_BreskvarPrijateljMacek 15_CestnikKern 16_ColjaJereb 17_CelesnikVreckoKovacMumelpdf 18_CohZvan 19_Feldvari 20_Finale 21_FroehlichMocanVukovic 22_Gabrsek 23_GogovaRajkovicKadivecNovakovic 24_Gorup 25_GrasicSkrabaKofjac 26_Greblo 27_HertigTeufel 28_Indihar 29_JagarinecMiglic 30_JerebUrh 31_JordanMiglicPintar 32_KalenderPivac 33_KastelicKljajicLeskovar 34_KernStoparArkoGregoric 35_KlemencicKlemencic 36_KostelacMarovicJajac 37_KostelecCvitkovic 38_KovacicSchiozziZekic 39_KozinaSkraba 40_Krajnc 41_KrajncZakrajsekJereb 42_Krapez 43_KusterMiglic 44_LangerholcMaletic 45_LavrencicRajkovic 46_LebanBojnec 47_LeskovarBaggia 48_LevstekPapler 49_Limani 50_LobnikarGolmajer 51_LovrencicMaleticMaleticPantosGomiscek 52_MaricDjurica 53_MarinkovicTornjanskiMihajlovic 54_MarkovicCavoskiNovovic 55_MarkovicPetrovicTodorovic 56_MaroltMaleticKljajicLenartPucihar 57_MaticKlajnscekHvalicErzetic 58_Maze 59_MencejSprajcZnidarsic 60_Meznar 61_MilenkovicPetrovicMilenkovicDelibasicCirovic 62_Ministr 63_MohoricZupancBren 64_NedomovaDoucek 65_NikoloskiUdovcPavlovicRajkovic 66_NinausDiehlTerlutterChanHuang 67_Novak 68_ObradovicBjelicaBarisic 69_OsorioLouroCaviqueGutierrez 70_Ovsenik 71_PaapeKiereta 72_PaplerLevstek 73_PavkovicBritvicMarosevic 74_PavseGrabrijan 75_PecnikNovak 76_Perusko 77_PeterlinDimovski 78_PetkovicRadakovic 79_Petrovcic 80_PevcinPetkovsek 81_PintarZnidarsicDrobnicBernik 82_PipanZagernik 83_PlemenitasFuchs 84_PodbregarTrivanSkafar 85_PogacnikVidic 86_PopovicKljajicZnidarsic 87_PrelcSenegacnikVuk 88_Prezelj 89_PrijateljPahorRajkovic 90_RantLevasic 91_RoblekPetrovicKern 92_RozmanRajkovic 93_SenegacnikVukPetrovic 94_SmonigDomevscik 95_SrakarHrenPrevolnik 96_SrakarVecco 97_SveticJaksic 98_SvilarZupancic 99_SabanovicDemirovic 100_Sefman 101_Segula 102_Skafar 103_SkrabaStanovovSemenkinKofjac 104_Skraba 105_SkuricPopovic 106_Smitek 107_SprajcStrojinUrh 108_Sterk 109_StevancecFink 110_SturmSenegacnikBaggia 111_SumiPucihar 112_TehovnikKumar 113_TodorovicKomazecJevticPintar 114_TomazicVukovicStricevic 115_TomicPiculjan 116_TomicDragosavacTomicVujkoKisin 117_TomicMrksaMaksimovicDragosavacDrinic 118_TomicTomicVujkoDragosavacGajic 119_TonkovicPrazic 120_TrenevskaMijoska 121_TursicUrhJereb 122_Uckar 123_Udovc 124_UrhZajec 125_Urh 126_VehovarHauptmanKavkler 127_VeliuManxhari 128_VoncinaPucihar 129_Vovk 130_VukmirovicVukmirovicJovanovicVukmirovicTepavac 131_Wipfler 132_Wipfler 133_Zajec 134_Zeni 135_ZrimKrizmaricMatko 136_ZupanOmanRozmanKljajic 137_ZupanKofjac 138_Zupan 139_Zupancic 140_ZupanicRajkovic 141_Znidaric 142_Zove 143_ZurajKofjacZnidarsic