R A Č U N A LN IŠ K O PODPRTI PODSISTEM N A B AV E V UNIVERZITETNI KNJIŽNICI mag. Irena Sapač, Univerzitetna knjižnica Maribor UDK 025.2:681.3:027.7 Povzetek V članku so opisane možnosti uporabe računalnikov v nabavi. Prvi del je namen­ jen pregledu razvoja uporabe računalnikov v ameriških nabavnih oddelkih. V drugem delu so opisane funkcije nabavnega sistema in idealni računalniško podprti sistem. V zadnjem delu je obrazložen model računalniško podprtega podsistema nabave za tip univerzitetne knjižnice. UDC 025.2:681.3:027.7 Summary The article describes the possibilities of the use of computers in acquisition procedures. It is divided in three parts. In the first one there is an analysis of the development of automation in acquisition departments in American libraries. In the second one the acquisition functions and the ideal automated acquisition system are described. In the last part the model of the automated acquisition subsystem in a university library is explained. SAPAČ, Irena: Computer Supported Acquisition Subsystem in a University Library. Knjižnica, Ljubljana, 35 (1991)1, 29-50