Praznovanje desetletnice Kanadsko slovenskega zgodovinskega društva in razstava v torontski Mestni hiši Zamisel, da se slovenska kultura in nešteti doprinosi Kanadskih Slovencev ohranijo, se je porajala že več kot pred desetimi leti. Do končnega združenja in ustanovitve Kanadsko slovenskega zgodovinskega društva je prišlo junija, 2002, ko je g. Stane Kranjc povabil skupino zavednih Slovencev in jim predstavil izzive kako udejanjiti zgodovino Kanadskih Slovencev. Z navdušenjem so bili sprejeti predlogi, ne da bi se zavedali težav, ki so nas čakale. Vendar, kakor pravi slovenski pregovor, da se počasi daleč pride, smo korak za Toronto City Hali korakom prebrodili začetne težave; zagotovili prostore v Domu Lipa, se udeleževali učnih delovnih ur pod vodstvom kvalificirane arhivistke, potovali v Slovenijo, ki je nudila intenzivni tečaj za arhivske aktivnosti in si tako nabrali vsaj najbolj potrebno znanje. Po petih letih je bila v Domu Lipa prvič pripravljena razstava slik, ki smo jih zbirali. Ker so bile osebe nam nepoznane, smo povabili obiskovalce, naj nam pomagajo ugotoviti, kdo so na slikah. Tako je nastal program «Kdo smo«, ki je še danes zelo uspšen. Saj tam srečujemo ljudi, ki jim povemo kaj več o zbiranju arhivskega gradiva. Prav tako se je pričel program snemanja govorne zgodovine v Domu Lipa. Program je bilo treba imenovati in, najbolj preproste besede so najbolj razumljive, zato je bil imenovan »Povejte nam kaj«. Osebje Doma Lipe nam je pomagalo, da so njihovi prebivalci sodelovali, nato pa se je program razširil po vsej Kanadi. Danes je v arhivu bogata zbirka teh pogovorov, ki opisujejo delo, uspehe, težave, veselje in Stane Kranjc žalosti in tako dajejo pravo sliko življenjskih izkušenj Kanadskih Slovencev. Vsa leta se je povdarjalo, da ohranjamo zgodovino Kanadskih Slovencev, ki naj bi bila dostopna predvsem našim potomcem. Ta dostop je zagotovljen, ker je KSZD član Arhivske Zveze v Ontariju (Arhival Association of Ontario - AAO), se ravna po vseh arhivskih pravilih in v slučaju, da ne bi mogli sami upravljati arhivskega gradiva, prevzame to odgovornsot Archival Association of Ontario. To so bili prvi koraki, sledile so razstave, snemanja pogovorov in delavne ure pod naslovom »Pridružite se nam«, kjer poučujemo oddaljene slovenske skupnosti o arhivu. Da bi obveščali Slovence raztresene po vsej Kanadi o našem delu, smo l. 2010 pričeli z listom »Naša Zgodovina - Our Story«. Ontarijska vlada vabi vsako leto razne skupnosti, da pripravijo zanimivo razstavo in izberejo najboljše ponudbe. Takoj prvič, leta 2010, je bilo KSZD povabljeno, da sodeluje. Razstava se je imenovala »Nitke, ki povezujejo generacije«. Tako so se obiskovalci parlamenta prvič srečali s Slovenijo. Temu vabilu smo se odzvali tudi decembra leta 2012. Razstave so šestmesečne, tako si lahko letos do junija ogledate novo razstavo, ki je zanimiva ne le za Slovence, temveč širi slovensko identiteto v Kanadi. Lansko leto se nam je ponudila izredna prilika, ko nas je obiskala Dr. Urška Strle, ki je želela, da se Kanadski Jožica Vegelj Slovenci predstavimo v Sloveniji v obliki razstave. Po večmesečnem delu je zbrala gradivo iz naših arhivov in ga s pomočjo sodelavcev KSZD obdelala, v Sloveniji pa s pomočjo tamkajšnih sodelavcev končala dvojezično besedilo. Prenosna razstava je bila prvič predstavljena v Ljublani 20. junija 2012. Takoj smo jo prenesli v Toronto in na prvem sestanku sklenili, da bi morali to razstavo pokazati Kanadski skupnosti. Pričeli so se pogovori z Mestno hišo Toronta, ki je z veseljem sprejela našo ponudbo. Minilo je kar celo desetletje, da smo lahko v sliki in besedi javno pokazali neštete doprinose in uspehe Kanadskih Slovencev. Tako je bil 5. marca 2013, otvoritev razstave v Mestni hiši Toronta prvi velik praznik za KSZD. Praznovanje desetletnice obstoja in otvoritev potujoče rasztave v Mestni hiši Toronta je vodila predsednica ga. Jožica Vegelj. To je bilo zaključno poglavje desetletnega dela KSZD. Častni gostje in govorniki Irena Gril, odpravnica poslov v Ottawi, John Doma, častni konzul, Marjan Kolarič, predsednik VSKO in predstavnik Kanadskih Slovencev v RS, Stane Kranjc ustanovitelj KSZD in Joe Mihevc, mestni svetnik so povdarili predvsem važnost, da se zgodovina Kanadskih Slovencev ohrani in, da razstavo pokažemo širom Kanade. V svojem predavanju je g. Mihevc omenil, da vidi v svojih potomcih značaj svoje stare mame in starega očeta, ki so značilni za večino Slovencev in segajo sedem rodov v preteklosti in se ponavljajo sedem rodov v bodočnosti. To je vidno ravno iz arhivskega gradiva, ki jih hrani KSZD. Častni gostje in govorniki na praznovanju desetletnice in otvoritev potujoče razstave il Irena Gril Marjan Kolarič John Doma Joe Mihevc Zahvala za uspehe v tem desetletju gre vsem sodelavcem, kakor tudi vsem dobrotnikom, ki nas moralno in finančno podpirajo: SOME OF OUR FINANCIAL SUPPORTERS Slovenska pisarna Urad za Slovence po svetu Kastelic Jože Slobodnik Jože Kocjančič Lojze Spacesaver Filing Systems Slovenia Credit Union Krek Credit Union Nona Heislop Foundation Škrbec Ana Cestnik Francka Trillium Foundation Markeš Peter Slovensko Letovišče Bolton Doma John Danielle Lenarcic Biss Frank Nagode Did we miss your name? Let us know! As a non-profit organization of volunteers, we are greatful for any donations we receive! Marija Matkovic S. Vučko Mrs. F. Cestnik Mrs. Hutcheson The Board Of Directors Kranjc Stane Urbancic Anne Brence Frank Majzelj Frank Rožmanc Mary Lenarčič Dorothy Vegelj Jožica Vintar Janez Odbor in člani Kanadsko slovenskega zgodovinskega društva, želimo vsem rojakom in rojakinjam v Kanadi in po svetu Vesele Velikončne praznike! Plans for our public activities during 2013 Dispays in Vancouver, BC in June. At Planica, Bancroft, ON - August 4 - 6. At SHAC - Lovska Farma - Labour weekend Sept 1 - 2. Kdo smo? Slovenski dan - Kitchener, ON - June 23 Slovenski dan - Slovenian Summer Camp - Bolton - ON June 30 If you wish to have the Display at your organization, we would be pleased to arrange it, please e-mail us to make arrangements. CSHS Exhibits at Provincial Legislature - Again! This time northern miners recognized by Dorothy Lenarčič CSHS Display at the Ontario Legislature Readers will recall that in 2011 the CSHS was chosen in competition, to create a display at the Ontario Legislature. Our display of Narodne nose met much praise and we were invited to enter the competition again. Fortunately, in the two years following this display many more artifacts have been placed in the Archives and so we decided to enter the competition again. As reported in the last issue, our proposal focused on the Slovenian community in northern Ontario, and since Timmins was celebrating its centennial, it turned out to be a perfect fit. Once again, our proposal was accepted! "Building Community Far and Wide: The life of Canadian Slovenian miners and their families in Northern Ontario in the early years of the 20th Century" is a tribute to the families who settled in Timmins and other northern Ontario towns, such as Kirkland Lake. In the showcase we have placed a miner's hat and carbide lamp that were used by Gregor Vintar in the early 1930's. Photographs from the period show miners in their place of work including a large group photo of employees of Hollinger Gold Mine. Alongside, we have a Slovenian cookbook and a children's slovar, both lovingly used by the Benchina family, to show how Slovenian immigrants maintained their culture at home. We are so grateful to Dr. John Vintar and Dr. Tony Benchina, who made this display possible. Once again, it was a pleasure for Anne Urbancic and me to work with the Queen's Park co-ordinator, Haley Shanoff, whose suggestions and additional props, assured an attractive and engaging showcase. Now you can see it - free of charge - just steps inside the front door of the Ontario Legislature (Queen's Park). Talk to friends and family now and make your plans to see this exhibit before the end of June, after which we return the artifacts to the Archives. World Premiere of Concerto by Marjan Mozetich Anne Urbančič Marjan Mozetich I wonder what thoughts Rivka Golani might be considering as she waits her turn to appear on the stage. Golani, born in Tel Aviv of Polish heritage, is now a Canadian. Today she enjoys the well deserved reputation as an internationally acclaimed and respected violist. Well known orchestras in North America, Europe, the Middle East, the Far East have invited her to play on their stages. She has held master classes at major Faculties of Music all over the world. The magazine Music and Musicians describes Golani as "an artist wholly at one with her instrument, producing rich, singing tone, and displaying an immaculate technique." Composers have written numerous pieces especially for her, over 200 of them, among them more than 60 concertos. On this occasion she will also play a composition written for her. I also wonder what thoughts Maestro Nurhan Arman of the Sinfonia Toronto might be considering as he steps on stage at the Glenn Gould Studio on March 8, 2013. The venue is small, tucked into a corner of the huge CBC building in downtown Toronto. On this evening it is full, lovers of classical music are waiting for him to raise his baton and coax and cajole melodies from the musicians around him. The renowned Maestro, born in Istanbul to Armenian parents, belongs to the world as he deftly directs professional orchestras all over the globe, but he calls Toronto his home. As his musicians gather attentively in a semicircle behind him waiting for their cue, he takes the microphone and the excitement of his voice immediately becomes contagious as he announces and describes the piece they are about to play. I wonder, too, what thoughts the composer, Marjan Mozetich, entertains, as he sits in the middle of the darkened, expectant auditorium. The piece commissioned by Rivka Golani, is about to be presented for the very first time, a world premiere. He had been working on it for some time and the final version was delivered to the conductor only scant weeks ago. Mozetich too, like the conductor and like the violist, needs no introduction to the world of music and of musicians. Like the Maestro and the violist he was born elsewhere, in Gorizia, to Slovenian parents. He too is now a Canadian, and like his colleagues, he too belongs to the world. He has won numerous awards for his pieces; critics praise him genuinely and orchestras and musicians commission his works. Tonight the audience will hear the premiere of his Concerto for Viola, Strings and Percussion, a piece in three movements. The first is inspired by Indonesian music; the second, entitled Romanza was commissioned by a private music lover for a special friend; the third, with its quickened rhythms propels the musicians and solo viola into a harmonious race with each other. I do know what thoughts fill me as I listen to the melodious joust between the orchestra and the soloist, to the lyrical phrasing of the movements, to the unexpected delight of the vibraphone. My thoughts take me to a place beyond the auditorium, beyond the other audience members to the pure thrill of beautiful music. But I am not alone. The piece ends. The room remains silent. But only for a nanosecond. Then it explodes into thunderous applause, and a lengthy and much merited standing ovation. The CSHS congratulates Mozetich on his superb success, and thanks him sincerely for the recordings and oral interview donated to our Archives. Flag Raising Announcement The Slovenian Flag will be officially raised at the Toronto City Hall (Queen and Bay Streets) on Tuesday June 25, 2013 at 11am. Come join the Canadian Slovenian community on this proud occasion. OUR STORY is published by: Canadian Slovenian Historical Society 52 Neilson Drive, Toronto, ON M9C 1V7 For more information contact: Frank Majzelj Telephone: 905-643-3563 E-mail: In this issue: Praznovanje desetletnice KSZD in razstava v torontski Mestni hiši CSHS Exhibits at Provincial Legislature - Again! This time northern miners recognized World Premiere of Concerto by Marjan Mozetich