st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i AD HOC – Accessible and Digitalized Heritage of Culture for Persons with Disabilities: a project and its results AD HOC – Dostopna in digitalizirana kulturna dediščina za osebe s posebnimi potrebami: projekt in njegovi rezultati Martina Blečić Kavur University of Primorska, Faculty of Humanities, Slovenia Boris Kavur University of Primorska, Faculty of Humanities, Slovenia 99 Management and protection of archaeo-logical heritage nowadays is unthinka-ble without the active participation of the general public. Gone are the days when ar- chaeology was a discipline and technique acces- sible only to a narrow academic circle and sup- ported exclusively by national or international funding agencies. Archaeology and archaeolog- ical heritage should be accessible to different profiles, including persons with special needs: People with visual or hearing impairments and people with intellectual disabilities. These groups have been largely denied access to their archaeological heritage and deprived of the op- portunity to fully experience their past. The aim of the project AD HOC – Ac- cessible and Digitalized Heritage of Culture for Persons with Disabilities was to create a strate- gic partnership in the field of higher education to develop and share innovative practices in the field of digitization of cultural heritage and its accessibility for persons with disabilities. The overall goal was to bring archaeological cultur- al heritage closer to the public, including diverse populations, preferably through the creation of a website and online courses developed by univer- sity educators that promote different approach- es to presenting the topic. The project activities made archaeological heritage more visible to the general public and popularized conservation sci- ence. The main work in the project was organ- ized in the form of 4 Intellectual Outputs – clus- ters of activities in which partners, contributing their specific experience based on their areas of expertise, participated in the creation of a com- mon product. IO1 – Field and desktop research was in- tended to define least accessible archaeological and cultural heritage in participant countries. It was conducted with the purpose to define which aspects of the archaeological cultural heritage can be digitalized and made accessible to the wider population including persons with disa- bilities. Within this activity, the parameters for digitalization of certain types of archaeological heritage were set. IO2 – Digitalization of archaeological her- itage will prepare the material for the creation of a web site used for the promotion and education about archaeological heritage. The main goal of this activity was the optimization of using mod- ern technologies and testing possibilities of ma- nipulation with data in order to present archae- ological heritage. IO3 – Accessibility of the digitalized ar- chaeological heritage through a web site as ad- aptation of the digitalized archaeological and cultural heritage content for students with dis- abilities focusing on vision and hearing impair- ments and intellectual disabilities. The main goal of the activity was making archaeology and cultural heritage more accessible to marginal- ized groups. ht t ps://doi .org /10. 26493/2350-54 43.10(1)99-104 © aut hor/aut hors st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i IO4 – Creation of online courses for the promotion and interpretation of archaeologi- cal heritage. Developed by university teachers of different profiles it was intended for the wid- er public including persons with disabilities. Ar- chaeological heritage presented in the form of basic concepts and case studies of topics relevant for the understanding of human societies in the past. The researchers from the Faculty of Hu- manities of the University of Primorska, who participated in all the activities, invested most of their time and experience in the creation of the intellectual outputs 3 and 4 of the activities, or- ganized a learning and training activity (LTTA 2), multiplier event (ME 4) and the final event of the project partners (TM4). They focused on the creation of a website, a platform with infor- mation about what archaeology is about, and on- line courses proposing how archaeology should be presented to the wider public, children, and especially people with special needs, creating an interwoven network of the content presenting archaeological heritage. The main product of IO 3 was the creation of a website that enables learning about the past through archaeology. The website is structured to represent the past through concepts such as living, eating, loving, making war, and dying, and includes adapted text that is easily under- stood by both the public and people with in- tellectual disabilities. Although archaeological sites from all partner countries are presented, most of the cases featured are from Slovenia and Northern Macedonia. Some of the most inter- nationally significant but sometimes difficult to access sites and finds are presented, such as the cave of Divje Babe, the Bronze Age settlements of Sodolek and Ormož and the cemetery of Za- vrč, the Iron Age finds from the cemeteries of Brezje, Vače, Novo Mesto and Srednica, the Ro- man Age tombs from Miklavž and Zagonce, and the mediaeval city of Koper and the city walls of Piran. The visual design of the site and the nec- essary preparation of the visual material were also adapted to the needs and abilities of the var- ious users. Supplemented by the created blocks and plug-ins that make sign language videos and text-to-speech applications easily accessible, it offers a number of additional features that make it exceptionally transparent and user-friendly. The final activity of the project, IO 4, was the creation of a freely accessible educational platform. This platform was created by members of the Faculty of Humanities in Moodle pro- gramme and contains content from the website that has been transformed into educational ma- terial. With its accessibility features, it can easi- ly be used to introduce archaeology to children and the public, as well as to persons with disabil- ities. The content of the website is presented in a visually enriched and textually reduced version of PowerPoint presentations, which have been translated into all languages of the participating countries and into English. Sign language videos interpreting key elements of the texts from the presentations were also added. The medium al- lowed us to enrich the content with additional videos introducing the sites discussed, as well as three-dimensional scans and videos presenting the digitized artefacts of these sites. The April 2022 partners meeting was for the Learning Teaching Training Activity (LTTA 2). It was organized by the teachers and researchers of the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Education of the University of Primorska in co- operation with other project partners. The ac- tivity had a wide reach as it was attended by nu- merous members of the University, students, and professionals working in various institutions in the region. The organized training activity was primarily aimed at presenting the development and implementation of online curricula in the field of cultural and archaeological heritage. In order to address the complexity of field-specific issues in the presentation of archaeological herit- age, a broader range of programs was created. It included introductions to relevant topics in edu- cation, tourism, and historic preservation, with an emphasis on the potential for adaptations for persons with disabilities. st u d ia u n iv er si ta t is h er ed it a t i, le t n ik 10 (2 02 2) , š t ev il k a 2 / v o lu m e 10 (2 02 2) , n u m be r 2 10 0 A D H O C – A C C E SS IB L E A N D D IG IT A L IZ E D H E R IT A G E O F C U LT U R E .. . 10 1 st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i st u d ia u n iv er si ta t is h er ed it a t i, le t n ik 10 (2 02 2) , š t ev il k a 2 / v o lu m e 10 (2 02 2) , n u m be r 2 10 2 Participants gained valuable insights into the results and experiences of the host partner institution, both in the conference and in the practical field work. Various previous projects and project results related to the research and promotion of the cultural heritage of the Uni- versity of Primorska were presented – starting in the city itself and slowly expanding to the sur- rounding area. Introducing Koper and its herit- age was just the beginning, the Roman villa in Simonov zaliv (bay) was presented as an example of an archaeological park with a developed infra- structure and an organised programme of pres- entations for the public – with special attention to the people with disabilities. We also presented the infrastructure and activities of the Centre of Excellence InnoRenew CoE in Izola, as well as an example of a successful initiative of the Uni- versity of Primorska, which in cooperation with regional and international partners has created a modern international research infrastructure. From the University led Aquarium to the park of freestanding monumental stone sculptures Forma Viva in Portorož, on the path of good practises was also presented The Rodik Mythical Park, as well as the potential of the surrounding area such as the Castle of Socerb and the Church of the Holy Trinity in Hrastovlje. The fourth multiplier event (MP 4) of the project was included in the European Research- ers Night, organized at the University during the last weekend of September. In the ARTLabora- tory of the Institute of Archaeology and Herit- age, 2D and 3D technologies for the digitization of archaeological heritage and technologies for the preliminary analysis of archaeological finds were presented to the public (and especially to re- gional schools). The inclusion of an internation- al event allowed us to increase the impact, as the organization provided additional promotional opportunities for the activities, not to mention the numerous visitors to the presentations. The final event of the project, the Fourth Transnational Meeting (TM 4), was again or- ganized at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Primorska. At this final meeting, all participating organizations contributed to the visibility and sustainability of the project results so far. One of the outcomes of the pro- ject is the derivation of a framework for the cre- ation of new approaches to the creation of acces- sible online materials in the field of cultural and archaeological heritage, new curricula for on- line courses and new open educational resources (OER) for people with special needs. The inno- vative value of the project lies in the accessibility of OER and the development of greater compat- ibility with special technology, easy connection to screen readers and speech recognition soft- ware for the visually impaired. In addition to concluding comments, project ideas and future collaboration opportunities between the part- ners were discussed during this meeting. This issue of Studia Universitatis Hereditati is dedicated to presenting challenges we have en- countered, case studies we have examined, and solutions we have proposed. st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i A D H O C – A C C E SS IB L E A N D D IG IT A L IZ E D H E R IT A G E O F C U LT U R E .. . 10 3 st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i st u d ia u n iv er si ta t is h er ed it a t i, le t n ik 10 (2 02 2) , š t ev il k a 2 / v o lu m e 10 (2 02 2) , n u m be r 2 10 4 st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i