INERTIAL AND MAGNETIC SENSORS: THE CALIBRATION ASPECT David Jurman, Marko Jankovec, Roman Kamnik, Marko Topic Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Key words: inertial measurement unit, accelerometer, gyro, magnetic sensor, calibration Abstract: A powerful procedure to calibrate and align the Micro Electro-Mechanical System inertial sensors and the Anisotropic-MagnetoResistive magnetic field sensors is presented. The suggested method is cost effective and suitable for the in-field calibration because it is based on techniques that do not need any complex mechanical platforms for the sensor manipulation. To evaluate the calibration procedure, a modular Magnetic and Inertial Measurement Unit - consisting of three inertial sensor units, a magnetic sensor unit and a control unit - has been developed and calibrated according to the proposed method. The obtained results demonstrate accuracy and stability of the described calibration procedure. Inerciaini in magnetni senzorji: kaiibracijski vidik Kjučne besede: inercialna merilna enota, pospeškometer, žiroskop, elektronski kompas, kalibracija senzorjev Izvleček: V prispevku je predstavljena kakovostna metoda za kalibracijo in poravnavo inercialnih MEMS (Mikro Eiektro-Mehanski Sistem) in magnetnih AMR (Anizotropni MagnetoRezistivni) senzorjev. Predstavljena metoda je sestavljena iz kalibracijskih tehnik, ki so primerne za terensko uporabo, saj ne potrebujejo nikakršnih zapletenih mehanskih naprav za manipulacijo senzorjev. Z namenom ovrednotenja kalibracijske metode je bila zgrajena modularna magnetna in inercialna merilna enota (MIMU), kije sestavljena iz treh inercialnih senzorskih enot, ene magnetne senzorske enote ter centralne kontrolne enote. MIMU je bil uspešno kalibriran na podlagi predstavljene metode. Rezultati kalibracije pri sobni temperaturi pa izkazujejo natančnost in stabilnost kalibracijskega postopka. 1. Introduction Several Integrated Circuit (IC) manufacturers (Analog Devices /1/, Freescale /2/, Honeywell /3/, etc.) are producing low-cost Micro Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) inertial sensors and Anisotropic-MagnetoResistive (AMR) magnetic sensors that have allowed the full swing of the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) and the electronic compass systems. Low-cost miniature IMUs and electronic compasses are found in various applications like unmanned vehicles/4/, navigation devices/5/, human motion tracking /6/, virtual reality gadgets /7/ and many more. However, the MEMS and the AMR sensors have one significant drawback. The electrical parameters of such sensors are not well defined and usually scatter for as much as 10%. Additional error sources are caused by the alignment problems during the IMU and electronic compass assembly. Therefore, each manufactured device using such sensors must be calibrated prior to the use or even recalibrated several times during the lifetime. There are quite a few possible methods to calibrate the IMU and the electronic compass, but the majority of them involve complex mechanical platforms for the device manipulation or even the optical tracking systems /8/. These procedures are appropriate for the laboratory operation, but are completely unsuitable for the in-field calibration. In this paper a new calibration procedure, which is based on the local Earth's gravitational and magnetic field, is pre- sented. The procedure is a combination of calibration techniques which are simple to perform; they do not need any extra instruments and are convenient for the in-field use. Above all, the absence of any additional instrumentation leads to the reduction of the production costs and the final product price. For this reason, a miniature Magnetic and Inertial Measurement Unit (MIMU) has been developed /9/ to test and evaluate these calibration procedures. 2. Magnetic and inertia! measurement unit In order to study different degrees of sensor misalignment we have developed a modular system, where several detachable sensor units are connected to a central control unit. The MIMU consists of three inertial sensor units (ISU), one magnetic sensor unit (MSU) and a control unit (CU) (see Figure 1) which are enclosed in a cubic plexiglas casing/9/. Each ISU contains two MEMS sensors: a single-axis angular rate gyroscope (ADXRS150, full-scale range of ±150 7s) and a two-axis accelerometer (ADXL203, full-scale range of ±1.7 g), both made by Analog Devices. With the orthogonal positioning of three ISUs a complete six degrees-of-freedom (6 DOF) inertial measurement system was obtained. MSU comprises two AMR sensors: a single-axis HMC1001 and a dual-axis HMC1002 (produced by Honeywell) with ISU cu Fig. 1: Realized MIMU. MSU 1cm the full-scale range of ± 2 • lO""* ■ T, forming a complete three-dimensional electronic compass. MSU also contains a high current flipping circuit for inverting the sensor's transfer function, which reduces the cross-axis effects and temperature drift. During the development process, special attention was paid to the printed circuit board layout and analogue signal processing, to prevent coupling of additional noise and interferences to the sensor's output signals. 3. Sensor model Prior to the calibration, the sensor model of accelerome-ter, gyro or magnetic field sensors must be known and the model parameters should be identified. The sensor model parameters can be divided in two groups: the electrical parameters and the mechanical parameters. Each sensor's electrical characteristic is specified in its datasheet. Besides the sensor's sensitivity to the input physical quantity and the sensor's bias, there are also other unwanted effects specified, like the transfer function's nonlinearity and cross-axis sensitivity. However, these effects can be easily neglected, since they are suppressed by means of the system design. Thus it is adequate to determine only the sensitivities and the biases during the calibration procedure. The other group members, i.e. the mechanical parameters, result from the fact that usually the three-dimensional IMU consists of several sensors with one or two sensitivity axes. These sensitivity axes should be perpendicular to each other in order to form the orthogonal sensor triplet. To achieve adequate sensor orthogonality advanced precise assembly procedures must be employed /10/, but these procedures are time consuming and above all present considerable augmentation in production costs. The next error source is the misalignment of the sensor triplet to the sensor system casing and the mutual misalignment of various sensor triplets, which are also critical because they cause system errors. These two subjects - the orthogonal-ization and the misalignment - are also considered in the sensor model with the intention to be compensated in the software. According to the previous sections, we can put down the sensor model as: yi^ ^ Si^-T,^-Rf.-Uf.+bf. ■, k = sensor type {g,a,m),{^) where the index k represents the type of the sensor triplet (g, a or m ; gyro, acoelerometer or magnetic field sensor, respectively). The measured physical quantity the sensor triplet bias b;^ and the sensor triplet output voltage y^ are arranged in the vectors: X' K K On the other hand, the sensors' sensitivities and the mechanical parameters - the orthogonalization T^ and the misalignment R^ - are incorporated in the matrices: ■"kx 0 0 0 0 1 0 cosa^ 1 cosß^ cosy^ fk.n h.n fk.n Orthogonalization matrix T^ transforms the vector expressed in the orthogonal sensor reference frame l (D CD C 03 91 C g TO .y 90 ro C o O) o x: 89 t o o o ro PO Fig. 4: Determined calibration parameters of the acceierometer triplet. 7. Conclusion Complete procedure for the in-field calibration and alignment of the accelerometers, magnetic sensors and gyros was developed and successfully applied to the developed modular 6 DOF MIMU. With a view to simplify the sensor description an unified sensor model was used to describe the acceierometer, gyro and magnetic sensors triplets. The model considers the sensors' electrical characteristics as well as the mechanical effects of assembling the sensors into sensor triplets and enclosing them into the MIMU casing. Several calibration series were done at the room tem- __ 92 tn _g) o> 91 ■ C 03 c g 90 TO N 89 TO C O O) 88 O sz t o 87 d) 03 E 86 L iBä ß, M «1 T™ Fig. 5: Determined calibration parameters of the magnetic sensor triplet. 13.75 13.25 > 12.75 12.25 m i 11-75 o O) 11.25 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 > 2.4 M 03 2.3 O >, C3) 2.2 ö„, b b gx gy gz 90 ® O) C (O C o ro C o D) O JZ ■C o o 87 Fig. 6: Determined calibration parameters of the gyro triplet. 8. Acknowledgement The authors wish to thank Damir Franetič for helpful discussions. 9. References /1/ /2/ /3/ /4/ S. K. Hong, Fuzzy logic based closed-loop strapdown attitude system for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), Sens. Actual. A, 107 (2003) 109-118. /5/ J. 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Prof. Dr. Marko Topič, univ. dipl. ing. el. University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Laboratory of Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics Laboratory of Robotics and Biomedical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel.: +386 (0)1 4768 321; Fax: +386 (0)1 4264 630 E-mail: da vid. jurman @fe. uni-lj. si perature and they demonstrate the accuracy and stability of the calibration procedure.