| 423 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 67/4 | UVODNIK | EDITORIAL NAMESTO UVODNIKA - POZDRAVNI NAGOVOR PREDSEDNIKA ZVEZE GEODETOV SLOVENIJE NA SLAVNOSTNI AKADEMIJI ZVEZE GEODETOV SLOVENIJE OB 51. GEODETSKEM DNEVU OPENING ADDRESS OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE ASSOCIA TION OF SURVEYORS OF SLOVENIA AT THE CEREMONIAL ACADEMY OF THE ASSOCIATION OF SURVEYORS OF SLOVENIA ON THE OCCASION OF THE 51 ST LAND SURVEYING DAY Spoštovane geodetke, spoštovani geodeti, ljubitelji geodezije, nagrajenci in eminentni gostje iz Slovenije in tujine. Prisrčno pozdravljeni na Brdu pri Kranju in na slavnostni akademiji ob 51. izvedbi Geodetskega dneva in 12. evropskem dnevu geodetov in geoinformatikov. Pozdrave in dobrodošlico vam izrekam v imenu organizatorjev Zveze geodetov Slovenije in Gorenjskega geodetskega društva ter soorganizatorjev dogodka Fakultete za gradbeništvo in geodezijo – Oddelka za geodezijo, Geodetske uprave Republike Slovenije, Geodetskega inštituta Slovenije, Matične sekcije geodetov pri Inženirski zbornici Slovenije in Gospodarskega interesnega združenja geodetskih izvajalcev. Danes smo zbrani na posebni prireditvi, posvečeni nečemu, kar je pogosto nevidno, a hkrati prisotno v vsakdanjem življenju vsakega posameznika – meri. In to ne katerikoli meri, temveč meri, ki presega časovne in prostorske omejitve. Meter je več kot številka na traku. To je mera, ki nas vse združuje, ne glede na geografsko lokacijo, kulturo ali zgodovinsko obdobje. Meter je nekakšen univerzalni jezik, ki ga razumemo vsi – je enota, ki meri naš svet, naše dosežke in naše razdalje. Danes želimo izraziti spoštovanje osnovni meri oziroma meram za geodete. Vse to je vgrajeno v vsak trenutek našega življenja. Meter je spremljal naše korake skozi zgodovino, bil je priča revolucionarnim odkritjem, znanstvenim dosežkom in vsakdanjim trenutkom, ko smo merili, ustvarjali, gradili. Vendar pa danes ne govorimo le o številkah na ravnilu. Govorimo o povezanosti, enotnosti in raznolikosti, ki jih meter simbolizira. Ne glede na to, kje smo in kdo smo, uporabljamo isto mero, kar nas povezuje v globalno skupnost, ki si deli skupne vrednote in cilje. Zato danes slavimo naše geodetske mere in obenem izražamo hvaležnost za vse ljudi, ki so prispevali k razvoju te enote skozi zgodovino. Hvala tistim, ki so merili zvezde in razdalje med planeti, hvala tistim, ki so ustvarjali merilne naprave in razvijali natančne standarde. Ob tem prazničnem dogodku se zahval- jujemo dobrih ljudem, ki so in ste s svojim delom in znanjem pripomogli k temu, da je meter postal mag. Gregor Klemenčič predsednik Zveze geodetov Slovenije | president of the Association of Surveyors of Slovenia | 424 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 67/4 | UVODNIK | EDITORIAL mera za vse ljudi in vse čase. Naj bo ta prireditev navdihujoča izkušnja, ki nas združuje in opominja na univerzalnost merjenja na našem skupnem človeškem potovanju. Prav je, da na slavnostnih akademijah vedno znova in znova poudarimo naše povezovanje na vseh pod- ročjih, tako strokovnih kot družabnih pod okriljem Zveze geodetov Slovenije. Zveza je prostovoljna nepridobitna zveza geodetskih društev, ki delujejo na območju Slovenije. Zveza povezuje in združuje strokovnjake upravne, izobraževalne in gospodarske sfere. Namen slavnostne akademije je tudi zahvala in prošnja za vse generacije geodetov in ljubiteljev geodezije. Vsem tistim, ki ste geodetske dneve soustvarjali v preteklosti, vsem tistim, ki jih ustvarjamo danes, in vsem vam, ki jih boste ustvarjali v prihodnje. Ponovil bom svojo misel iz lanskega nagovora: Naj nas spremljajo besede s prvega Geodetskega dneva, ko nam je bilo dano jasno sporočilo, da potrebujemo prostor in čas, da se pogovorimo o svojih težavah, željah in načrtih. In kot je zapisal Ralph Waldo Emerson: »V dobroti ljudi najdemo pravo bogastvo življenja. Kot sončni žarki, ki prebijejo najtemnejše oblake, njihova dobrota razsvetljuje pot okoli nas. Kjer cveti dobrotljivo srce, tam cvetijo najlepši vrtovi človečnosti.« Hvala vam, dragi prijatelji, da ste danes tukaj. Naj bo vsak korak, ki ga naredimo, vreden svojega metra in spomina na veličino vseh dobrih ljudi. Prijeten večer želim! | 425 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 67/4 | UVODNIK | EDITORIAL Dear Surveyors, supporters of land surveying, prize winners and Honoured Guests from Slovenia and abroad. You are warmly greeted in Brdo pri Kranju at the Ceremonial Academy on the 51st Land Surveying and the 12th Day of the European Surveyor and Geoinformation. Allow me to welcome you on behalf of the main organisers, the Association of Surveyors of Slovenia and the Gorenjska Society of Surveyors, and the co-organizers, the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering – the Department of Geodetic Engineering; the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia; the Geodetic Institute of Slovenia; the Section of Land Surveyors at the Slovenian Chamber of Engineers; and the Economic Interest Grouping of Surveying Contractors. Today we have gathered at a special event dedicated to something that is often invisible, but at the same time present in the everyday life of every individual – a measure. This is not just any measure; it is a measure that transcends time and space limitations. One metre is more than a number on a tape. It is the measure that unites us, regardless of our geographical location, culture or historical period. One could say that a metre is a universal language everybody understands – it is the unit that measures our world, our achievements, and our distances. Today we wish to express our appreciation to the base measuring unit or units for surveyors. They are vital ingredients of lives. The metre has escorted us throughout history; it witnessed revolutionary discoveries and scientific achievements and was there in everyday moments when we measured, created, and built. However, today we are not just referring to the numbers on a ruler. We want to allude to the power to connect, unify, and diversify that the metre symbolises. Regardless of where and who we are, we use the same measuring unit, which unifies us as a global community that shares common values and goals. That is why we would like to pay tribute to our geodetic measures today and, at the same time, express our gratitude for all the people who have contributed to the development of this unit throughout history. Thank you to everybody who measured the stars and distances between planets and everyone who created measuring devices and developed common standards. On this important event, we would like to thank the good people who, with their work and knowledge, have contributed to the fact that the metre has become a measure for all people and all times. Let this event be an inspiring experience that brings us together and reminds us that measures are a universal feature in the shared journey of humanity. The Ceremonial Academy is a fine opportunity to emphasise, again and again, the strength of the Association of Surveyors of Slovenia to unite us, both professionally and socially. The organisation is a voluntary, non-profit association of surveying societies operating in the field of geodesy in the territory of Slovenia. It connects and unites experts in the administrative, educational, and economic spheres. One of the purposes of the Ceremonial Academy is to express gratitude to all generations of surveyors. T o indivi- duals who helped to create Land Surveying Days in the past, to individuals who help create them today, and to all of you who will help to create them in the future. Let me repeat my statement from last year's address – let the words from the first Land Surveying Day accompany us, when we were given a clear message that we need space and time to talk about our problems, wishes and plans. And as Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote: ‘In the goodness of men we find the true richness of life. Like the sun's rays breaking through the darkest clouds, their goodness lights the way around us. Where a benevolent heart | 426 | | 67/4| GEODETSKI VESTNIK blooms, there bloom the most beautiful gardens of humanity.’ Thank you, Dear Friends for being here today. Let every step we take be worthy of its metre and the memory of the greatness of all good people. I wish you a pleasant evening!