AR 2014/1 KONGRESI 69 zgodovinskih danosti okolja. Združenje se ne ukvarja zgolj z mestnim prostorom, posega tudi na področje urejanja naselij in prostora med naselji – krajino. Redno organizirajo letni večdnevni tematski simpozij, ob tem dogodku izdajo tematsko izredno številko ISG Magazin (ISSN 2309-1215) z izbranimi prispevki. Besedila so dvojezična: NEM in ANG. V letu 2013 je bil simpozij usmerjen gradnjo ob robu naselij. Tematika zajema rob naselja, ločnico med pozidanim in nezazidanim prostorom. Prispevki simpoziju so bili kakovostni in so zajemali teorijo načrtovanja, prakso iz ZDA, Švice, Slovenije in Avstrije. To better spatial solutions It is not just the investor that carries the weight of responsibility, we architects and project planners bear greater responsibility, since we have not succeeded in stemming these wasteful spatial failures or reorienting them into quality. There would have been fewer spatial difficulties if municipalities had introduced the institution of municipal architect or strengthened the municipal spatial planning office with an architect. Many dilettante interventions would have been better managed in this way. Urban planning and architectural workshops are another possible contribution to a rise in quality of the design of space and identity. Market oriented planning offices have limited means (time and money) for dealing with an individual region for the purpose of spatial development. Means are determined by a number of factors, the municipal budget is explicit, the legal framework (existing and newly created legislation) and the capacities of the selected planner. Architectural workshops in this regard are a sensible supplement in planning spatial interventions and shaping guidelines (Zupančič, 2008). Spatial planning has always been part of wider public debate. In the past few years, the major property investment trend Many researches on straw bale building done so far were is focused on discovering moisture content in straw bales which is one of the major issues in straw bale building. Therefor special attention needs to be devoted to details such as separation of straw bales of ground and selection of appropriate render material. Render selection is crucial and extremely important step in straw bale building not just in moisture matter but it is the important part as fire protection there for it has to be poorly flammable. In comparison with other building materials straw bale disadvantages is its lack of material research. Regardless the advantages that such a building offers, straw as a building material still is not being recognized as it could be. BROJAN, Larisa, CLOUSTON, Peggi L.: Advantages and disadvantages of the straw bale as building material : [predavanje na Fourth International Conference on the Constructed Environment Universidade Nova de Lisboa Lisbon, Portugal 4-5 October 2013]. 2013. [COBISS.SI-ID 2919044] Mednarodno združenje zgodovinskih mest in občin je strateški forum strokovnjakov na področju vodenja mest in upravljanja s prostorom; k tem dejavnostim so pridruženi še prostorski načrtovalci, raziskovalne organizacije in arhitekti. Cilji združenja so usmerjeni k temu, da promovirajo procese oblikovanja prostora po načelu soodločanja z upoštevanjem Domen Zupančič SPATIAL PLANNING IN TOURIST CENTRES OF SLOVENIA, EARNINGS BEFORE IDENTITY ISG Das Internationale Städteforum Graz 4th International Symposium 2013 Graz, Avstrija, 21.6.2013 An example of an apothecary with housing in Kranjska Gora; the object respects all the given features of the location and all deviations. The roofs are cut-off so that it satisfies the conditions of too small a land plot for such a program. AR 2014/1 KONGRESI 70 snovanja prostorskega oblikovanja. Udeleženci so bili s celega sveta (Japonska, Kitajska, Bližnji Vzhod, Evropa, Egipt,…). Poleg javnih predstavitev prispevkov so bile organizirane tudi razprave. S kolegi smo sodelovali pri tematiki socialne vloge arhitekture in vplivom arhitekture na bivanjske navade ljudi. The paper presents the possible way to observe development of spatial structures from urban scale to architectural scale through the eyes of prediction of possible social events. There will be presented some examples of working settlements built in Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. The industrial revolution has brought social changes and has changed a whole set of habits of citizens. The role of workers dwellings has been constantly at the edge of decent spatial organization. Generally the workers class was not concerned as an integral part of business management. Those general ideas may seem to be correct but there are several examples prove the opposite. In example one of the oldest set of dwellings for workers is Tell el Amarna in Egypt. Organizing the site and setting dwellings on plot played a key role how social life is going to develop. Rectangular array with quite narrow streets is an optimized composition of a squared plot. The factor of build vs non build area reveals rather dense habitation. This density has an effect on social habits of settlers. The idea that the place was meant for slaves could not be taken as granted, the has been exhausted and emptied. Objects were built that were created under the influence of striving for high economic profit. Identity was taboo or only a caricature presentation. Density of building was the essence. It was frequently a combination of maximisation of the exploitation of surface areas and, at the same time, following the minimum standards of design of space. ZUPANČIČ, Domen. Raumgestaltung in slowenischen Tourismuszentren, Ertrag vor Identität = Spatial planning in tourist centres in Slovenia, earnings before identity. ISG Magazin, ISSN 2309-1215, 2013, [H.] 2, str. 23-26, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 2872196] Mednarodna konferenca je organizirana v okviru združenja DAKAM (Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center) in Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. Na konferenci je bilo veliko predstavitev s področja arhitekture, teorije načrtovanja in Domen Zupančič WORKERS DWELLINGS IN AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN MONARCHY: TRZIC SLOVENIA Function: Architectural and Social Function of Space ARCHTEO 2013 - Theory of Architecture Istanbul, Turčija, 4. – 6.12.2013 Identity and city.