President’s Address austflag european_union SLOVENIA Dear Members, Welcome to the winter edition of the newsletter and also to the end of the financial year. I would like to thank everyone who has attended the club weekly and also to the people who attend when they are able to. Thank you to all the committee members, kitchen ladies and to our bbq cooks for their hard work. I would also like to thank everyone else who has helped in any way. Thanks also goes to Pater David for attending our club whenever he is in Adelaide. It is very much appreciated. Mother's Day was celebrated one week later with a small cultural program led by Vida Končina and after with a bbq dinner which was free for our members. It was a very pleasant afternoon for all our mothers. On June 26 we celebrated the 25th Anniversary of Slovenia’s Statehood and on the same day we had a special guest from Melbourne. Ms Katrina Vrisk the author of Slovenian Australian Musicians presented her very important book that took six and a half years of research and writing. The book features a number of musicians and choirs from South Australia. We had a lovely and enjoyable afternoon and I would like to thank all who participated. Sunday the 14th of August is the date for the clubs AGM. Don't forget to attend to have your say. Thank you all once again and I wish you all the best for the future. Best Regards, Ivan Cafuta President *************************************************** Slovenski klub je odprt vsako nedeljo za druženje in večerja. Vsi ste toplo vabljeni. Slovenian Club is open every Sunday for socializing and dinner. You are all warmly welcomed. Alpine Winter Village in Adelaide at the Torrens Parade Ground. Dobrodošli v zimski izdaji Slovenija Južna Avstralija novice. Welcome to the Winter edition of the Slovenia South Australia newsletter. Slovenia South Australia First published in 1997, 19th year of publication. Input and involvement from all Australian Slovenians is welcomed and encouraged. Slovenia South Australia Newsletter Mailing address: 11 Lasalle Street Dudley Park South Australia 5008 contributions: Ivan Cafuta Vida Končina Ivan Legiša Rosemary Poklar Adrian Vatovec Irene Vatovec Sources: include STA, Radio Slovenija, Sinfo,, Delo,, The Slovenia Times, Slovenske Novice Slovenia South Australia sponsors: . Slovenian Club Adelaide Contributions are being sought from the Slovenian community for Issue No.79 of The Slovenia South Australia Newsletter. Copies of Slovenia South Australia newsletter are lodged with the National Library of Australia, State Library of South Australia, and the National Library of Slovenia (NUK). Slovenia South Australia can be viewed online : (digital library Slovenia) Annual Slovenian Club Adelaide Committee Lunch The annual Slovenian Club Adelaide Committee Lunch was held at Walkers Arms Hotel on Thursday July 30, 2016. The lunch is in appreciation for the committee, radio, newsletter, and other people who contribute to the functioning of our community. In front – Ivan Cafuta, President of Slovenian Club Adelaide, Olga Cafuta, and Cvetka Jamnik, Slovenian Club Secretary. 5EBI Radio Committee Slovenian Radio Since 1975, 41st year. The Slovenian Adelaide 5EBI Radio Program team for 2015 is Vida Končina, Rosemary Poklar, Cvetka Petrovski, Anna-Maria Zupančič, and Cassandra Vatovec. Rosemary Poklar and Cvetka Petrovski are delegates to 5EBI. Contact the Slovenian 5EBI radio broadcast committee or the appropriate program presenter if you wish to acknowledge someone’s birth, birthday, death, engagement, wedding, anniversary, get well wishes, achievement or some other community announcement. Tune into FM 103.1mhz. Internet: The Slovenian program has been broadcast in Adelaide continuously for 40 years. EBI Digital World With the introduction of digital broadcasting 5EBI now simulcast the FM service on digital radio. Slovenski Pevski zbor – Choir Since 1992, 24th year. Slovenian Choir Adelaide (Slovenski pevski zbor Adelaide) rehearsals every second Sunday at 4.00pm, in the clubrooms. New members are welcome to join because as we know, most Slovenians can sing. It’s in our DNA. Golden voices of Slovenian Choir Adelaide - from left Karlo Filipčič, Emil Borlak, Frank Končina, Jože Jerebica, Tone Gustinčič, Marijo Jenko, Tone Ivančič, and Danilo Kresevič. *** 25th Slovenian Statehood Celebration The 25th Anniversary of Slovenian Statehood Day was held at Slovenian Club Adelaide on Sunday June 26, 2016. Vida Končina, MC of the event. 25th Anniversary Slovenian Statehood speech by Adrian Vatovec, Honorary Consul of Slovenia. Recital by Rosemary Poklar. Slovenian Choir Adelaide – from left, Karlo Filipčič, Emil Borlak, Frank Končina, Jože Jerebica, Tone Gustinčič, Mario Jenko, Tone Ivančič, Danilo Kresevič, and Adrian Vatovec on accordion. Speech by Ivan Legiša. Wonderful audience. Singing by Ana Likar. Recital by Emil Borlak. Sister and brother duet. Singing and playing by Frank Končina. p. David engaged with photography and video presentation. Katarina Vrisk presented her work Anthology of Slovenian Australian Musicians. The Anthology of Slovenian Australian Musicians is a very important book not only for people of Slovenian heritage but also for others as it demonstrates the creative force of Slovenians. Slovenians are deeply musical people. All you need is to get a few Slovenians together and they will naturally start singing, and it comes as easily to them as breathing. When Katarina Vrisk, the book’s author, set about beginning this project it was going to be a relatively modest in size, but Katarina kept unearthing musical talent upon musical talent upon musical talent in our Slovenian Australian community. This modest project turned out to be a monster, for it took six and a half years of research and writing for this whole thing to come to completion. The finished book, Anthology of Slovenian Australian Musicians, published in 2016, shows the enormous width and breadth of Slovenian musical talent, and a talent operating in a wide variety of musical styles. Some musicians are happy to play for the local community while others perform on the international stage. The book has seven chapters, five special features, 650 pages, and is in full colour. A 2 CD set contains 75 recordings of some of the artists featured in the book. To purchase the book and the 2 CD set contact contact Katarina Vrisk at email: Video presentation of Anthology. Katarina presented a copy of her book to Slovenian Club Adelaide President Ivan Cafuta. Adrian Vatovec gratefully accepts a copy of Katarina’s book. Adrian will promote the book and spread the word about Slovenian Australian musicians in line with his work as Honorary Consul of Slovenia. Katarina leading Slovenian Choir Adelaide in a community sing – along to the Slovenian song V Dolini tihi. Adrian Vatovec playing and walking among the audience during the song V Dolini tihi. Katarina pictured with Gary Benc and his wife. Katarina payed a glowing tribute to Gary’s late father Ivan Benc during her presentation of Anthology. Katarina with Mario Palusa. Trumperter Mario performed for the Slovenian and other communties in Adelaide for many years, and is featured in Anthology. Book purchases. Katarina with Karlo Filipčič. Karlo is a singer with Slovenian Choir Adelaide, and he is also a drummer. From left - Angela Dodič, George Schneider, Justina Bole- Schneider, and Adrian Vatovec. Slovenec Slovencu For over 10 years the above ad has been placed on page 3 of Slovenia’s leading newspaper DELO to celebrate Slovenia’s Staehood Day. The ad is published in Delo’s June 24 edition as the paper is not published on June 25 which is Slovenia’s Statehood Day. You can hear Slovenec Slovencu on the Slovenia Australia channel on YouTube: Slovenian diaspora thanked for independence efforts Ljubljana, 30 June - A host of Slovenians living abroad gathered for a traditional get-together at the National Assembly, where parliamentary Speaker Milan Brglez and Minister for Slovenians Abroad Gorazd Žmavc praised their efforts and their contribution to the international recognition of Slovenia 25 years ago. According to Brglez, Slovenia would have been recognised later without them and their friends. However, he acknowledged at the 16th annual gathering that Slovenia had not been managed in an optimal way over the period, but at the same time expressed belief that the lost years could be made up for through hard work and with a clear vision. Žmavc, who also praised the diaspora for their efforts, meanwhile touched on the economic and migration crisis, stressing that Slovenians had shown in the past they were capable of withstanding crises and even come out stronger at the end. Martin Lissiach of the Slovenian Cultural and Economic Association, an umbrella organisation of the Slovenian minority in Italy, highlighted the importance of unity among Slovenians. "It is time that, after 25 years, we all once again celebrate diversity together, united." This was echoed by Verica Trstenjak, a professor of European law at the Faculty of Law in Vienna, who called for "the homeland to connect and not divide us". She pointed out the Slovenia needed efficient courts, public administration and healthcare and social services. It also needs leaders that will have the interest of the country in their minds and not only their own interests and the interests of their parties, Trstenjak added. STA Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Canberra Note the Embassy has a new email address: Slovenia Work and Holiday arrangements The new Work and Holiday visa (subclass 462) arrangements between Australia and Slovenia commenced on 1 January 2016. These arrangements allow up to 200 young adults from Slovenia each year to enjoy an extended holiday of up to 12 months in Australia, during which time they can undertake short term work and study. The arrangements also offer reciprocal opportunities for an equivalent number of young Australians to visit Slovenia each year. The person applying for the Work and Holiday visa must have at least 2 years of tertiary education, and be aged between 18 – 30 years of age. Information on the Work and Holiday program is available and further information for Slovenian applicants can be found on the Australian Embassy Germany website. Australian applicants can contact the Slovenian Embassy in Canberra for further information. *** Driving with Australian license in Slovenia With the Rules taking effect on the 21 May 2016, holders of driving licenses issued in Australia wishing to exchange their driving license for a Slovenian driving license will be exempt from passing the practical driving test before the competent examination board in the Republic of Slovenia for categories B1 and B. *************************************************** Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Adelaide, South Australia find us on Facebook: Slovenian Consulate South Australia. Providing consular assistance in citizenship, passport, and other matters 19 Branwhite Street Findon SA 5023 ph: 8268 4152 email: facebook: Slovenian Consulate South Australia Consular hours Monday 10.00am – 12.00pm 1.00pm – 4.00pm Please phone for an appointment Adrian (Jadran) Vatovec Honorary Consul of Slovenia ************************************************** The Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Adelaide, South Australia is a member of the Consular Corps of South Australia *************************************************** Slovenian European Union citizenship and passport Australian citizens of Slovenian descent can apply for Slovenian citizenship and then for a Slovenian/European Union passport. People living in Australia can have dual citizenship ie Australian and Slovenian. A Slovenian European Union passport allows you to free right of movement and residence in any of the states of the European Union. Benefits that a Slovenian/European passport offers its holders; • Right to work in all EU member states • Right to reside in all EU member states • Right to purchase property in all EU member states • Right to travel visa-free to all countries that are part of the European Union • Ability to access welfare benefits • Ability to access unemployment benefits • Ability to access educational benefits – people with Slovenian citizenship, and other citizens of EU countries are exempt from paying tuition fees at public universities in Slovenia • Have all legal rights as a natural born citizen of any of the European Union countries Contact the Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Adelaide, South Australia. Candidates will be more favourably looked upon if they can show that they are actively involved in the Slovenian community. How popular is obtaining an EU passport in Adelaide? As an example about 130 people of Latvian ancestry (mostly younger generation) take up a Latvian/EU passport each year. The number of people with Latvian ancestry in Adelaide is similar to the number of people with Slovenian ancestry. From the Slovenian Consulate’s Facebook page The Consulate’s Facebook page posts reach 100,000 people per week. *** July 11, 2016 Shé Hawke Shé Hawke Dear Slovenian Consulate South Australia and Slovenia generally. Yours is the most beautiful and intact, environmentally conscious , intellectually and physically stimulating country I have been to in a long time. A hard won sovereignty smiling on the world. *** This dreamy picture of Bled has so far been seen by over 80,000 people and has over 6,000 likes on the Consulate’s Facebook page. Needless to say Bled is extremely popular. Here are some of the comments people are posting about this jewel of Slovenia. Dorte Raug Nielsen My son spent 6 weeks in Slovenia training in the mountains earlier this year with his cycling team loved it. Photo at Lake Bled Dorte Raug Nielsen's photo. Like · Reply · Message · 2 · July 2 at 9:51am Karin Strie Karin Strie Have visited lake Bled and the castle above the lake - it's an absolute fantastic place - hope to come back one day Like · Reply · Message · 1 · June 13 at 10:46pm Robert Renko Robert Renko Hello Lake Bled..I will be visiting you in July..That is a super photo.. Like · Reply · Message · June 9 at 6:17am Tania Pilgrim Tania Pilgrim Robert enjoy your visit to Bled Like · Reply · Message · June 9 at 10:21am Robert Renko Robert Renko Visited Lake Bled yesterday..Absolutely magnificent and stunning sight. Robert Renko's photo. Like · Reply · Message · July 8 at 9:52pm Robert Renko Robert Renko Robert Renko's photo. Like · Reply · Message · July 8 at 9:55pm Sally Weedon-Cornelius Sally Weedon-Cornelius I will return, dont know how, dont know when. La la la la .A must do on everyones bucket list. A return to Bled Campaign by enthusiasts is a n idea!!!!!! Like · Reply · Message · 1 · June 28 at 7:55am Milanka Mckeag Milanka Mckeag I have been to Bled most spectacular place to visit. I would highly recommend anyone going over to Slovenia to go and visit this wonderful place . Like · Reply · Message · July 9 at 6:41am Annette Pianezzola Annette Pianezzola One of my favourite spots even though it rained the whole time! Like · Reply · Message · 1 · June 9 at 9:18pm Donna Mills Donna Mills I visited there last year and it is a beautiful location, that photo is amazing . Like · Reply · Message · July 3 at 8:37am Lesley Knudsen Lesley Knudsen Had a wonderful visit there in the summer a few years ago...stunning! Lesley K Like · Reply · Message · July 9 at 5:49pm Emily Nassif Emily Nassif I couldn't believe how beautiful Lake Bled was, when I was their in 2010 Like · Reply · Message · 1 · June 25 at 10:41am Marty L. Wooten Marty L. Wooten Fell in Love with Lake Bled!! Walk the 3 miles around it and don't forget your camera!!! Like · Reply · Message · June 9 at 9:07am Carol Sikk Carol Sikk This is so beautiful. It is just like a fairy-tale of a village in the sky. Like · Reply · Message · June 20 at 6:32pm Toni Thomas Toni Thomas Ahh Bled is beautiful Like · Reply · Message · July 3 at 10:25am Cj Jones Cj Jones Jaymie Laverack let's move here, this country is going to the dogs Like · Reply · Message · 1 · July 3 at 12:44pm Marilou De La Roche Marilou De La Roche Michele Laurent on a pas été la-bas, c'est dommage faut que j'y retourne alors! :)See Translation Like · Reply · Message · June 23 at 8:01pm Peter O'Connor Peter O'Connor A beautiful lake and surrounds - he island and church looks a bit different to when we were there ! Like · Reply · Message · June 20 at 10:11pm Paul Maric Paul Maric Would love to spend much of my retirement in beautiful Bled. Like · Reply · Message · June 24 at 11:16am Ned Kellys Ned Kellys Mystical, but how i loved being there. Oneday we will return. Like · Reply · Message · June 11 at 9:18am Denise Greenwood Denise Greenwood We will be there soon looking forward to it very much .... Like · Reply · Message · June 23 at 6:38pm Dianne Bower Dianne Bower Wow love that on my entry wall the one country didn't get to Like · Reply · Message · June 13 at 8:15am John White John White Beautiful when it's snowing too. Just a pity it prevented us from getting out to the island. Next time! Like · Reply · Message · June 20 at 5:50pm Anne Christie Anne Christie Valda Blake. This is one of the places I would love to see......... Like · Reply · Message · July 8 at 8:35pm Hazel Snowdon Hazel Snowdon Brings back some lovely memories of our trip doesn't it Donna Like · Reply · Message · July 3 at 8:45pm Josh Isakka Josh Isakka Emma May Watson. I'll have to row you across this lake then carry you up the stairs. Like · Reply · Message · 1 · June 9 at 1:09pm Zac Schoon Zac Schoon Charlie James Rhys remember this place .... Like · Reply · Message · 1 · July 3 at 12:52pm Draga Kovačič Draga Kovačič Fairytale !See Translation Like · Reply · Message · June 9 at 8:38pm Joy Whotton Joy Whotton Loved this island with the church it was a beautiful place! Like · Reply · Message · July 5 at 7:42pm Frank Sebastyan Frank Sebastyan Lake Bled is one of the most picturesque lake, village, mountain sights that we have had the pleasure to visit. Had an amazing meal there. Recommended. Like · Reply · Message · 18 hrs · Edited Julie Edmonds Mackay Julie Edmonds Mackay Loved lake bled and boat ride to the church ................................ Like · Reply · Message · June 16 at 6:31pm Gav Cotterell Gav Cotterell Oh yeah, love lake Bled, June 2013 Gav Cotterell's photo. Like · Reply · Message · June 21 at 10:22pm Peter O'Connor Peter O'Connor Yes , this is what we remember - beautiful place ! RickJoy Harris RickJoy Harris We loved Lake Bled Like · Reply · Message · July 5 at 9:11am Ashleigh Saunders Ashleigh Saunders Emilyjean Waite looks like it's floating so cool Like · Reply · Message · 1 · June 11 at 10:38am Emilyjean Waite Emilyjean Waite Haha cool .... Like · Reply · Message · 1 · June 11 at 11:14am Matt D Parry Matt D Parry Jordan Stephens smoke up and chill here between fests Like · Reply · Message · 1 · 9 hrs Yana Vonta Yana Vonta Greg Pearce .... Check this out for your next best holiday ... ............ Like · Reply · Message · June 17 at 9:00am Chris O'Brien Chris O'Brien Eloise we gotta go here. Like · Reply · Message · 1 · 14 hrs Eloise Carroll Eloise Carroll Can you stay there? Like · Reply · Message · 14 hrs Chris O'Brien Chris O'Brien Don't know probs not. Like · Reply · Message · 14 hrs Eloise Carroll Eloise Carroll Makes for a beautiful photo nonetheless ;) Like · Reply · Message · 1 · 14 hrs Cathy Cole Cathy Cole On our way! We'll be there in August Like · Reply · Message · June 18 at 9:43am Dorrie Roper Dorrie Roper Truly Incredibly Beautiful .... Like · Reply · Message · July 5 at 12:24am Maree Micheli Maree Micheli Beautiful! .... . Like · Reply · Message · June 12 at 2:51pm John Mcgorlick John Mcgorlick Great MUSIC and Song And NICE Like · Reply · Message · June 13 at 11:01am Christine Gunton Christine Gunton Beautiful Like · Reply · Message · June 9 at 7:21am Esmeralda Daniella Esmeralda Daniella Like something you only see in your dream... Like · Reply · Message · June 19 at 5:21pm Willy Dereany Willy Dereany Beautiful Like · Reply · Message · June 9 at 1:24pm Ann Selby Ann Selby Dreamy picture, castle in the sky.. Like · Reply · Message · June 26 at 7:25pm Jan Hall Jan Hall Yes a beautiful spot was there in 2013. Like · Reply · Message · June 12 at 8:36am Patricia Horrocks Patricia Horrocks Beautiful Like · Reply · Message · June 20 at 4:00pm Mark Frauenfelder Mark Frauenfelder Can't wait to see this Like · Reply · Message · July 2 at 9:31am Joy Scheuermann Joy Scheuermann Awesome photo Like · Reply · Message · June 13 at 7:31am Linda Molenaar Linda Molenaar Beautiful!! We will visite you in July. I can't waith! Like · Reply · Message · June 12 at 6:59pm Cheryl Kinnison Cheryl Kinnison Magic! Like · Reply · Message · June 24 at 12:23am Darren Reynolds Darren Reynolds Groovy picture Like · Reply · Message · June 29 at 10:47am Elke Jerome Elke Jerome looks amazing.... Like · Reply · Message · June 19 at 4:47pm Tori Wright Tori Wright So pretty Like · Reply · Message · June 18 at 8:45pm Deborah Clark Deborah Clark Beautiful Like · Reply · Message · 14 hrs David Todd David Todd Stunning. ............ Like · Reply · Message · June 9 at 11:29am Cheryl Stevancevic Cheryl Stevancevic My dream country to visit .............. Like · Reply · Message · June 11 at 7:40pm Paul Walker Paul Walker I think that I should go there. Like · Reply · Message · June 22 at 8:53pm Aurora Demarchi-Detina Aurora Demarchi-Detina I have been there , and going again this year. Beautiful Like · Reply · Message · June 27 at 6:29am Daniel Gallen Daniel Gallen Immediately thought of this. Daniel Gallen's photo. Like · Reply · Message · June 12 at 1:30pm Carol Hammond Carol Hammond A most wonderful plAce to walk or cycle around! Like · Reply · Message · June 10 at 2:07am Natasha Robovic Natasha Robovic Magnificent pic beautiful place Like · Reply · Message · June 9 at 6:41am Branka Brumec Branka Brumec Amazing place on earth :) Like · Reply · Message · June 28 at 8:50am Chas Hill Chas Hill Beautiful Shot Like · Reply · Message · June 23 at 6:46pm Nada Gravorac Nada Gravorac Halo Joza svako dobro vam zelimSee Translation Like · Reply · Message · June 14 at 6:40pm Margaret Favretti Margaret Favretti Wow beautiful Like · Reply · Message · July 5 at 4:21pm Lorraine Martinovich Lorraine Martinovich Been here Margaret and it is so beautiful. Never seen the fog though Like · Reply · Message · 1 · July 5 at 5:13pm Margaret Favretti Margaret Favretti My son Andrew was there last week. He loved it Like · Reply · Message · July 5 at 7:59pm Margaret Favretti Margaret Favretti And his friend Mat Like · Reply · Message · July 5 at 7:59pm Tania Pilgrim Tania Pilgrim The most beautiful and tranquil place in the world Like · Reply · Message · June 9 at 10:21am Fiona Lord Fiona Lord One of our favourite places ever to visit. So beautiful..... Like · Reply · Message · June 9 at 6:14pm Julie Edmonds Mackay Julie Edmonds Mackay Been there ................ Like · Reply · Message · July 4 at 8:35am Lou Forsythe Lou Forsythe Stunning ˘. Like · Reply · Message · June 14 at 12:23pm Ann Froude Ann Froude Awesome Like · Reply · Message · June 14 at 11:43pm Josehine Alenton Josehine Alenton Very nice its look like floating!˘˘˘ Like · Reply · Message · June 13 at 11:07pm Tom Caterina Taylor Tom Caterina Taylor Beautiful Like · Reply · Message · June 14 at 11:16am Lucy Hooke Lucy Hooke Loved my visit there. Like · Reply · Message · July 5 at 11:31am Mary Posavac Mary Posavac Beautiful. .look forward to visiting again Like · Reply · Message · June 21 at 9:13pm Jan Bolton Jan Bolton Wow! Like a fairytale .... Like · Reply · Message · June 12 at 7:41am Jan Kemp Jan Kemp Beautiful Like · Reply · Message · June 10 at 12:02pm Marianne Magyar Marianne Magyar Looks Magical !!!.... Like · Reply · Message · June 19 at 10:21am Linda Gabor Linda Gabor Beautiful i love bled in any season ...... Like · Reply · Message · July 4 at 3:42pm June Notaguy Percey June Notaguy Percey Mystical! Like · Reply · Message · July 9 at 9:05am Colette Burnell Colette Burnell Ah...memories Like · Reply · Message · July 4 at 3:24pm Lorraine Howden Lorraine Howden I seriously wish i had seen more of this beautiful country! Like · Reply · Message · 1 · July 4 at 3:26pm Ann Brown Ann Brown Beautiful picture. Like · Reply · Message · June 10 at 6:28pm Eunice Embury Eunice Embury Spectacular! Like · Reply · Message · June 23 at 6:30pm Karen Jarvie Karen Jarvie My very favourite place Like · Reply · Message · June 22 at 8:10pm Patrice Vappereau Patrice Vappereau Surprenant et féeriqueSee Translation Like · Reply · Message · June 22 at 5:52pm Annie Forden Annie Forden What a beautiful place. Great memories Karin Harrison Like · Reply · Message · June 23 at 6:52pm Willy Dereany Willy Dereany Magnificent Like · Reply · Message · June 20 at 11:10am Gillie May Gillie May Beautiful, Magical. Like · Reply · Message · June 18 at 4:44pm Selena Lee Flack Selena Lee Flack Love that place!!!! .... Like · Reply · Message · July 5 at 3:15pm Maria Matthews Maria Matthews Amazing ............ Like · Reply · Message · July 2 at 10:10am Dianne Bower Dianne Bower Lovely photo ales Like · Reply · Message · June 13 at 8:13am Billy-jean Dowd Billy-jean Dowd Wow so beautiful Like · Reply · Message · June 11 at 3:17pm Nat Symes-Hennig Nat Symes-Hennig Stunning Like · Reply · Message · June 9 at 8:50pm Glenda Ireland Glenda Ireland What a beautiful photo. Could look at that on the wall. Like · Reply · Message · June 15 at 7:41pm Sue Crawford Sue Crawford Been there. Lovely Like · Reply · Message · July 6 at 8:15am Suzana Jemec Suzana Jemec Mystical... Like · Reply · Message · July 1 at 10:00pm Adele Gardiner Gardiner Adele Gardiner Gardiner Something out of a story book . Beautiful Like · Reply · Message · July 5 at 5:44pm Ivka Kovač Ivka Kovač HI Irma da da lijepo zgledaSee Translation Like · Reply · Message · July 2 at 8:11am Susan Brown Susan Brown Wow!! .... Like · Reply · Message · June 19 at 5:32pm Holly Withers Holly Withers Liz Paddison we've been here and it's amazing! Like · Reply · Message · July 5 at 8:03am Liz Paddison Liz Paddison Wow! Like · Reply · Message · July 5 at 9:30am Bruce Robertson Bruce Robertson Stunning place to visit and walk around ........ Like · Reply · Message · June 15 at 8:25pm Brian Tims Brian Tims Picture postcard. Like · Reply · Message · June 30 at 8:37pm Eddie Sirotic Eddie Sirotic Great place Like · Reply · Message · June 17 at 11:36am Jozi Zarkovich Jozi Zarkovich Lovely Like · Reply · Message · June 15 at 9:34pm Luci Lui Luci Lui Beautiful Like · Reply · Message · July 3 at 1:57pm Natasha Robovic Natasha Robovic Absolutely amazing I loved Bled Like · Reply · Message · 1 · June 13 at 2:55am Sheree Dervish Sheree Dervish Perfect photo. .... Like · Reply · Message · June 14 at 6:50pm Alison Foster Alison Foster On my wish list, Sam Foster Like · Reply · Message · 1 · June 12 at 2:47am · Edited Sam Foster Sam Foster Now to make it happen.! Like · Reply · Message · June 12 at 7:26pm Alison Foster Alison Foster Sam Foster indeed, will you come with me? Like · Reply · Message · June 13 at 1:37am Sam Foster Sam Foster If you're shouting?!? Like · Reply · Message · June 13 at 1:24pm Alison Foster Alison Foster Sam Foster sorry we would have to go Dutch! Like · Reply · Message · 1 · June 13 at 2:44pm Ken Robinson Ken Robinson Nice Like · Reply · Message · June 26 at 6:07pm Alesh Suriya Alesh Suriya Adam Sambucco I took the photo bad Like · Reply · Message · June 11 at 3:50pm Marina Vitri Marina Vitri sembra l'isola di Avalon!! dov'e Morgana?See Translation Like · Reply · Message · June 9 at 8:40pm Jeneane Grant Jeneane Grant Even more like a fairy tale in this pic! Like · Reply · Message · June 9 at 5:50pm Nike Sabanovic Nike Sabanovic Bellissimo...See Translation Like · Reply · Message · June 9 at 9:12pm Jo Krizmanic-Wilson Jo Krizmanic-Wilson Stunning Like · Reply · Message · June 10 at 1:25pm Lauren Bei Lauren Bei Anthony Joseph - amazing! Like · Reply · Message · 1 · June 14 at 11:15am Dani Wearing-Smith Dani Wearing-Smith Charlotte ragrets Like · Reply · Message · 1 · July 6 at 10:50pm Charlotte Whitley Charlotte Whitley I entirely blame this on you Like · Reply · Message · July 7 at 12:21am Dani Wearing-Smith Dani Wearing-Smith Excuse me, you gave me food poisoning and refused to let us go Like · Reply · Message · July 7 at 8:39am Charlotte Whitley Charlotte Whitley You were dying on the floor and said yes when I said do you want to go to hospital .... Like · Reply · Message · July 7 at 2:09pm Sonja Wentzel Sonja Wentzel Steph Wentzel Toni Oberman Reinhild Oberman lets do this again!!.......... Like · Reply · Message · June 9 at 6:13am Toni Oberman Toni Oberman Would love to!.. Like · Reply · Message · 2 · June 9 at 6:14am Andrea Usnik Andrea Usnik Sylvia Malicki ohhhh my gooodness Like · Reply · Message · 1 · June 26 at 11:04am Sylvia Malicki Sylvia Malicki Someone who went there said it is amazing! And so is Croatia!! We need to start planning Like · Reply · Message · June 26 at 11:12am Andrea Usnik Andrea Usnik Yep agreed ! :D Like · Reply · Message · June 26 at 6:16pm Jan Lewis Jan Lewis Beautiful FOG Like · Reply · Message · June 14 at 11:05am Liv Cignarella Liv Cignarella Jaiden Zografos LOOOOOK Like · Reply · Message · 1 · June 24 at 11:08pm Jaiden Zografos Jaiden Zografos That is incredible! Would be amazing to see it first hand .... Like · Reply · Message · June 25 at 6:17am Zell Nicholls Zell Nicholls The love of my life is Slovenian Like · Reply · Message · June 15 at 5:31pm Mike Zimmermann Mike Zimmermann Just Beautiful. Like · Reply · Message · June 13 at 7:10pm Hayley Holzheimer Hayley Holzheimer Wooaaw Thomas Family-Fivea Like · Reply · Message · 1 · June 14 at 2:03pm Thomas Family-Five Thomas Family-Five Thats fucking awesome! Unhide · June 14 at 2:04pm Hayley Holzheimer Hayley Holzheimer I know right Like · Reply · Message · June 14 at 2:04pm Steph Jenkin Steph Jenkin Shona McCreath omg .... Like · Reply · Message · 1 · June 14 at 2:46pm Jamie Butron Jamie Butron Maja Mikulin take me Like · Reply · Message · June 30 at 7:29pm Maja Mikulin Maja Mikulin I will!! Like · Reply · Message · 1 · June 30 at 8:00pm Fiona Elizabeth Fiona Elizabeth Megan Davison Jennifer Taylor Like · Reply · Message · 2 · June 10 at 8:46pm Letika Horne Letika Horne Sam Sorenson .... Like · Reply · Message · 1 · June 10 at 10:17pm · Edited Sam Sorenson Sam Sorenson Such an awesome place! Like · Reply · Message · 1 · June 11 at 2:11am Anastasia Rizos Anastasia Rizos Sophie EblenAlice O'Connell Like · Reply · Message · 2 · June 12 at 12:48am Sophie Eblen Sophie Eblen So pretty ........ Ashleigh Nimmo Ashleigh Nimmo Mara Hurley Howarth look! Like · Reply · Message · June 13 at 7:26pm Mara Hurley Howarth Mara Hurley Howarth Ahhh ........ you should come with me to see it in person! Like · Reply · Message · June 13 at 7:27pm Matthew Metaxas Matthew Metaxas Been there, it's amazing Like · Reply · Message · 1 · July 4 at 1:55pm Bryce Carroll Kristina Costello Like · Reply · Message · 1 · July 2 at 7:53pm Kristina Costello Kristina Costello Looks so nice doesn't it!! Deb Bridges Steve Bridges Like · Reply · Message · 1 · June 22 at 6:50am Steve Bridges Steve Bridges Don't you just love Lake Bled and I love you. Got to go back soon. Like · Reply · Message · 1 · June 22 at 6:53am Kay Vallentine Kay Vallentine Been there . Great place to visit. Like · Reply · Message · June 14 at 5:54pm Danni Gower Danni Gower It looks absolutely great at any time Like · Reply · Message · June 9 at 2:31pm Serene Chan Nureliza Syahidain Like · Reply · Message · June 14 at 1:03pm Nureliza Syahidain Nureliza Syahidain OMG SO PRETTYYYY ............ Like · Reply · Message · June 14 at 4:53pm Like · Reply · Message · July 3 at 5:29pm Fook Kong Wong Fook Kong Wong Beautiful Slovenia. Like · Reply · Message · June 9 at 6:09am Nick Gibbins Nick Gibbins Sophie Lé Jordan Like · Reply · Message · June 13 at 10:54pm Sophie Lé Jordan Sophie Lé Jordan .... ............ Like · Reply · Message · June 14 at 12:35am Sophie Lé Jordan Sophie Lé Jordan I'm on my way to bled now Like · Reply · Message · June 14 at 12:35am Nick Gibbins Nick Gibbins You better send me photos .... Like · Reply · Message · 1 · June 14 at 12:49am *** Honorary Consul Activity Consular Corps South Australia Event April, 2016 The Consular Corps of South Australia organised an event for fellow Consular colleages to familiarize themselves with the Museum of Classical Archaeology, and the South Australian Tourism Commission. These events are arranged so that Consuls can offer advice to visiting dignataries, and tourists. Tour of the Museum of Classical Archaeology hosted by Dr Margaret O’Hea, Director, Museum of Classical Archaeology. The Museum is located in the basement of the Mitchell Building of Adelaide University on North Terrace. Information about South Australian tourism presented by Brent Hill, Director for Marketing, South Australian Tourism Commission. *** Lord Mayoral Reception of Colonel William Light’s Birthday On April 27, 2016, the Lord Mayor of Adelaide Martin Haese held a birthday reception for Colonel William Light (1786-1839), in the Adelaide Town Hall. Light was born on 27 April 1786, and this is his 230th birthday. William Light was a soldier and surveyor and he was the first Surveyor-General of the Colony of South Australia. He is famous for choosing the site of the colony's capital, Adelaide, and for designing the layout of its streets and parks – the Adelaide city centre and the Adelaide Park Lands. A birthday reception for Colonel William Light has been held by a Lord Mayor of Adelaide since 1859. Light was born in Kuala Kedah, Kedah (which is now in Malaysia). He lived in Penang (Pulau Pinang) until the age of six, when he was sent to England to be educated. Light was the illegitimate second son of Captain Francis Light, the Superintendent of Penang, and Martina Rozells, who was of Portuguese or French, and Siamese or Malay descent. In Colonel William Light, South Australia had one its first tastes of multiculturalism. Picture of Colonel William Light in the Adelaide Town Hall. The Lord Mayor of Adelaide Martin Haese delivering the birthday address in the Adelaide City Council’s Chambers in the Adelaide Town Hall. Council’s Chambers in the Adelaide Town Hall. A toast to Colonel William Light initiated by The Lord Mayor of Adelaide Martin Haese (in the back, underneath the flags), in the Queen Adelaide Room of the Town Hall. Australian traditional music performed at the reception. Colonel William Light’s design and layout for Adelaide hangs in the Queen Adelaide Room of the Town Hall. Light wanted block designs for each side of River Torrens for what now is the Adelaide CBD, and North Adelaide. The parklands surrounding the CBD, also his idea, have the affect of lowering the temperature by 2.5 degrees in the surrounding area. Colonel William Light was an environmentalist way before his time. *** EU Day at the Hawke EU Centre, University of South Australia The Hawke EU Centre celebrated Europe Day 2016, on May 9, with guest speakers Jean-Christophe Trentinella, Director of Alliance Française D’Adelaide, and Adrian Vatovec, Honorary Consul of Slovenia. In addition winners of some of the Hawke EU Centre's recent postgraduate and undergraduate overseas fellowships were announced. The event was chaired by Professor Anthony Elliott and Professor Susan Luckman, both from the Hawke EU Centre. picture, from left - Professor Susan Luckman, Jean-Christophe Trentinella, Director of Alliance Française D’Adelaide, Adrian Vatovec, Honorary Consul of Slovenia, and Professor Anthony Elliott. EU Vienna pictured with three winners (centre of photograph) of the Hawke EU Centre's recent postgraduate and undergraduate overseas fellowships. Europe Day Celebrations at Hawke EU Centre *** Queen’s 90th Birthday Reception The Governor of South Australia His Excellency Hieu Van Le AC, held a reception in honour of Queen Elizabeth’s 90th birthday. The reception was held at Government House in Adelaide on June 16, 2016. Upon arrival to Government house guests were greeted by the bagpipes and drums of the Royal Caladonian Society. His Excellency Hieu Van Le AC speech. Music on the night was provided by the reed section of the Band of the South Australia Police. from left - René Pfister, Honorary Consul of Switzerland, Dr Valdis Tomanis, Honorary Consul of Latvia, Petter Carlmark, Honorary Consul of Norway, and Adrian Vatovec, Honorary Consul of Slovenia. from left - Heidi Van Gerwen, Honorary Consul of Belgium, with consul wives Irene Vatovec, Slovenia, Switzerland, Greece, Latvia, and Norway. *** Brâncu.i –Window to Romanian Soul On the occassion of the 140th Anniversary of Romania’s Patriarch of Modern Sculpture Constantin Brâncu.i’s Birthday, a digital exhibition of his work and life story was presented by Her Excellency Nineta Bărbulescu, Ambassador of Romania to Australia and New Zealand. The event took place at the Hawke EU centre at the university of South Australia on June 17, 2016. From left - Her Excellency Nineta Bărbulescu, Ambassador of Romania to Australia and New Zealand, Adrian Vatovec, Honorary Consul of Slovenia, and Irene Vatovec. Part of the digital presentation. Delicious Romanian food. Her Excellency Nineta Bărbulescu, Ambassador of Romania to Australia and New Zealand presentation on the life of Constantin Brâncu.i. 150th anniversary of the Adelaide Town Hall To mark Adelaide Town Hall’s 150th anniversary, the Adelaide Youth Orchestra (AdYO) gave a stunning concert on June 21, 2016, in the Town Hall. This date is also the exact date when the very first performance was given in the Town Hall 150 years ago. The exceptionally taleneted Adelaide Youth Orchestra (AdYO) gave a stunning concert. This inticate model of the Adelaide Town Hall, was actually the birthday cake! Ladies in period costume gave out pieces of the delicious birthday cake to guests. 25th Anniversary of Slovenian Statehood Day – Sydney I attended the 25th Anniversary of Slovenian Statehood Day reception that was held in the Strangers room at NSW Parliament House on June 22, 2016. The reception was organised by the Honorary Consul of Slovenia, Anthony Tomažin, and the Slovenian Ambassador to Australia Her Excellency Helena Drnovšek Zorko. From left - Mark Stariha, Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce, Her Excellency Helena Drnovšek Zorko, Slovenian Ambassador to Australia, Anthony Tomažin, Honorary Consul of Slovenia for NSW, and Chairman of Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce, and Adrian Vatovec, Honorary Consul of Slovenia for South Australia. There was a piano in the Strangers room which I could not resist. Slovenian Adelaide Come and join us! Slovenian Adelaide on Facebook. We encourage all Slovenians, particularly 2nd and 3rd generation Slovenian Australians to join. Currently 1,000 plus members. Slovenski Adelaide na Facebook. Spodbujamo vse Slovence, še posebej 2. in 3. generacije Slovenski avstralci, da se pridružijo. Trenutno 1,000 plus članov. *************************************************** Slovenia Australia Channel YouTube 15th Slovenian Festival - Melbourne 2016 Cultural Program Narrators: Frances Urbas - Johnson and David Dovgan Children from Slovenian Slomšek school Kew Slomškova šola Verskega središča Kew pater Ciril Božič OFM, OAM, EV represented by Marija Anžič Anna Tegelj Romana Zetko President Club Jadran Roland Carmody President Council of Slovenian Organisations of Victoria Inc. Her Excellency Helena Drnovšek Zorko Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to Australia Planika choir Vera Brne Children from Slovenian Slomšek school Kew Slomškova šola Verskega središča Kew Anna Tegelj Kristina Ferra and Katerina Van Der Linden Ansambel Melodija Exhibition Danila Stolfa Štefan Srnec Lucija Srnec Jadran Club's exhibition was put together by Fani Natlacen 15th Slovenian Festival Roland Carmody: Chairperson Peter Mandelj OAM, JP: Vice-Chairperson Francis Urbas - Johnson: Secretary Participating organisations Slovenian Association Melbourne Inc. Slovenian Association "Ivan Cankar' Geelong Inc. Slovenian Australian Social & Sports Club "Jadran" Inc. Slovenian Welfare & Information Office Inc. Slovenian School Religious Centre Kew recorded by Adrian Vatovec at Slovenian Australian Social & Sports Club "Jadran" Inc. 35 Duncans Lane Diggers Rest VIC 3427 Australia April 2, 2016 Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce find us on Facebook The objective of the Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce is promote friendship and co-operation between the business communities of Australia and Slovenia. Become a financial member of the Chamber by completing the application form on the Chamber’s website: Become a financial member of the Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce Join the fast growing membership base NOW! Choose one of the membership options • $20 per annum • $50 for first 3 years • $160 Foundation Member for first 10 years Forward cheque for payment to Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce c/o Royal Guardian Mortgage Corporation level 1, 4 Railway Parade Burwood NSW 2134 If Paying by Bank Transfer, transfer to Bank: National Australia Bank Limited (NAB) NAB SWIFT Code: NATAAU3302S. Account Name: Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce Incorporated BSB: 082-356 account: 731917111 *** The Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce is a member of: 1. The European Australian Business Council 2. The Council for International Trade and Commerce South Australia CITCSA European Union and Russian Federation Sub-committee meeting The first meeting of the Council for International Trade and Commerce South Australia (CITCSA) European Union and Russian Federation Sub-committee was held on June 27, 2016, at the Naval, Military and Air Force Club of South Australia. Issues discussed included the FTA between Australia and the EU, and double taxation. The committee plans to meet 3 times a year. Pictured from left: Frank Weits, President DutchSA, Adrian Vatovec, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Slovenia, and Board of Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce, Gosia Hill, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Poland in South Australia, Simon Zyrianov, EU Centre for Global Affairs in the University of Adelaide, Dr Valdis Tomanis, Honorary Consul of Latvia, and President Australian Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Irina Lyudviga, Russian-Australian Chamber of Commerce &Industry Inc., Henning Klovekorn, (Chair) - Board CITCSA, and Chairman German European Chamber of Commerce of SA Inc., Simon Thomson, Secretary GECOCSA Inc, and Adam Weinert. Meeting in progress. *** Do you require a Justice of the Peace? Free service Contact Danilo Kresevič Telephone 8340 7010 Slovenian Australian Academic Association find us on Facebook In order to enhance collaboration and facilitate academic and student exchange between Slovenia and Australia as well as between their respective regions, the Slovenian Australian Academic Association has been established to provide a central hub for academics, students and business community who have a Slovenian connection, no matter where they are located in the world, to come together. The Association is a voluntary organisation and is keen to collaborate with the Office for Slovenians Abroad in order to develop a network reaching Slovenians in Australia, Australians with Slovenian ancestry as well as Slovenians who resides in other countries. The Association especially promotes Australian academics and students to engage with Slovenia and to participate in exchanges, research and collaboration. The Association is also aiming to work closely with the recently established Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce, and other Slovenian Chambers and business community. We are inviting academic staff, researchers, and students to join the Slovenian Australian Academic Association to connect and form personal, professional, academic and business relations - also via our Facebook Group: Slovenian Music, Art, and Culture New Facebook page. “A building has no soul until it is filled with music, art, and culture.” AV Pinca (Sweet Bread) Pinca is a festive bread, found mostly in the eastern area of Slovenia, which differs from everyday bread in ingredients and shape. It is a traditional Easter bread. Pinca is also a gift cake for weddings, baptisms, childbirth, and for various personal occasions. There are many recipes for Pinca and they reflect local variants regarding the ingredients used. In some parts raisins, brandy, hazelnuts, various spices and Marsala as well as other ingredients are added to yeast dough. Ingredients 50dag flour 4 dag yeast 1 egg 10 dag sugar 8 dag butter 5 yolks Lemon peel Salt Rum Milk if required note: 1 dag (decagram) = 10 grams 1. First make yeast base. Divide yeast into three parts. Melt the first part in milk and sugar and leave it to rise. When it rises a bit, add the second part of yeast and when it rises again add the third part, together with egg and leave it to rise again. 2. Pour risen yeast base over flour, add other ingredients and kneed smooth dough, for at least half an hour. 3. Shape a loaf, place on buttered paper, and leave to rise for 3 to 4 hours. 4. When done, cut a cross on the top, and together with the paper, bake in oven. The longest cheese strudel in Slovenia – measuring 160 m, weighing nearly 800 kg Stritar Street in Ljubljana has again offered record sweet goodness – after the longest baklava, on Saturday passers-by could taste a piece of cheese strudel that measured 160 metres in length. The longest cheese strudel ever baked in Slovenia was produced by Žito Group at the request of the Lions Club Ljubljana charity organization. MMC RTV SLO Cottage Cheese Strudel Recipe Ingredients: (Makes around 12 pieces) Dough: 250g flour (for yeast/pulled dough) 1sp salt 3tbsp oil 160ml water Oil for smearing Filling: 1/2kg cottage cheese 300ml sour cream 100g sugar 50g vanilla sugar 100g raisins Lemon rind 3 egg yolks 3 egg whites Vanilla sugar powder for dusting METHOD: 1. Mix the ingredients of dough to make a soft dough. Smear it with oil. Let it wait for 30-40mins. 2. Cover a table with cloth and dust with flour. Roll the dough into a big circle, and then smear it with oil. 3. Slowly and gently start pulling the dough from center to outside. Pull it uniformly until it is around 140×80cm big and paper thin. 4. Let it wait and in the meantime prepare the filling. 5. Mix cottage cheese till it is smooth. Add the cream and mix well. 6. Separately beat the egg white until stiff. Add 1/2 of the sugar and fold gently. 7. In another bowl, beat the egg yolk and 1/2 of the sugar till almost stiff. 8. Add the egg yolk in the cottage cheese and mix well. 9. Add the egg white and fold in gently. 10. Add the washed raisins and lemon rind, and fold in gently. 11. Spread the mixture evenly over the whole pulled dough sheet. 12. Fold 3 sides and roll it into a log lengthwise (from the folded to the open side). 13. Smear it with oil and carefully put it on a baking tray. 14. Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 45 mins. (When half done, the temperature can be lowered to 180°C). 15. Dust it generously with vanilla sugar and serve warm. NOTE: Use a cloth for pulling the dough into a sheet. Later while rolling, gently hold up one side of the cloth and let it roll on its own. The rolled strudel is very delicate and soft and needs careful handling. SIA stewardess widely praised for helping elderly diabetic Slovenian woman on flight A kind-hearted Singapore Airlines (SIA) flight attendant has won praise and admiration online after a passenger posted a photograph of her helping an elderly woman on a flight. Draga is a 92 year old lady who grew up in Slovenia and moved to Australia with her husband in the 70's. Ever since her husband passed on 5 years ago, she makes an annual pilgrimage to Slovenia to hang out with her sister for a couple of months. Traveling alone at that age can be tough and while she is helped by the ground staff armed with a wheelchair, her entire ride on the plane can be quite challenging. Unable to figure out any technology, she sits there without any movies or entertainment to pass time. Even to the point of being unable to turn on the light when she needed it desperately to inject insulin into herself or to prick her finger when checking her glucose level. In a post on Thursday (May 5, 2016), Facebook user Ms Shazy Tan showed the stewardess, who has been identified as Ms Kren Choong Shi Qi, kneeling next to an old woman in the airplane cabin. Ms Tan recounted being seated next to a 92-year-old lady, named Draga, on a 12-hour flight from Singapore to Frankfurt. She wrote that Madam Draga was on her way to Slovenia, where she grew up, to visit her sister. Ms Tan said that the older woman faced many difficulties on the plane ride. She was unable to watch movies to pass time on the flight as she did not know how to work the entertainment system, and could not even turn on the light when she needed to inject insulin to treat her diabetes. "I befriended her when she needed help with unlocking the tray as the clip was a little stuck. Saw her rummaging through her bag to figure out the glucose count machine," she wrote. Ms Tan then observed during the flight that Madam Draga was visibly shaking, and found out that the older woman had accidentally injected too much insulin, causing her blood sugar levels to drop. It was then that the stewardess, Ms Choong, approached the two ladies. Ms Tan recalled: "When I explained that we were trying to get Draga's sugar levels up, Karen (sic) suggested eating an apple. Draga could not bite into the hard apple and I was touched when Karen (sic) excused herself to grab a pair of gloves and a knife to cut the apple into bite sized pieces." Ms Choong then knelt by Madam Draga's side to assist, and even offered to feed the older woman, who politely declined the kind gesture. According to Ms Tan, Madam Draga was surprised by the stewardess care, and also slightly embarrassed as she did not want to be seen as a liability to the crew. However, she added that Ms Choong continued to display concern for Madam Draga. She revealed that the stewardess subsequently told her to alert her immediately should the older woman's health deteriorate further, and even took note of their seats. Commending Ms Choong's professionalism, Ms Tan wrote: "Karen (sic) did not have to do what she did. Yet, she took it upon herself to monitor Draga once in a while to see if there was anything else she could provide to make Draga's flight experience a better one." Since it was posted online, Ms Tan's post has garnered over 8,100 likes, and has been shared over 1,600 times. Many commenters also praised Ms Choong's dedication, with some even calling on the airline to recognise her kind actions. When contacted, an SIA spokesperson told AsiaOne that the Ms Choong would be recognised for her efforts. The spokesperson also explained that SIA cabin crew members undergo extensive training in how to cater to different customer groups, including children, the elderly and mobility-challenged individuals. "Training equips our crew with skills to better empathise with, and to understand and meet the needs of a wide range of customers. We are pleased that our crew member was able to anticipate and see to the needs of the customer on this occasion," the carrier added. This is not the first time that Singapore Airlines' cabin crew has won praise for their good service. Last November, another flight attendant was widely praised after she was photographed helping to cut up a young child's food on the flight. What’s the longest word in Slovenian? At 26 letters it is dialektičnomaterialističen, and it means materialistic in a dialectic way. Whatever that means. Some other words come close like: buržoazno-nacionalističen, (bourgeose nationalistic) and starocerkvenoslovanščina (Old church Slavic). It’s not the case for shortest Slovene word. There are no less than 8 Slovenian words that are just one letter long: a, h, k, o, s, v, z and ž. Napoleon’s bridge across the River Nadiža, Slovenia Its uniqueness and technical accomplishment make it a precious architectural monument and a memorial to times past. The stone bridge crossing the Nadiža gorge dates to around 1812 and stands mute testament to the routes crossing the area since at least the time of Ancient Rome. The bridge used to form part of the ancient route from Pradol and Robidišče along the Nadiža river. According to folk memory, the current bridge was constructed by a builder from the village of Čenebola in western Beneška Slovenija. It was built at the time of the French emperor Napoleon’s conquests, hence its name. France Rode: Slovenian inventor of the first pocket calculator Slovenian France Rode developed the renowned HP-35 pocket calculator and is the holder of some 25 patents in the fields of computing, satellite navigation and radio frequency identification. Congratulations - Birth Wojtek and Anita Gierlach (nee Polajzer) were excited to announce the safe arrival of Ella Neza Gierlach born on the 29th May, 2016. A sister to Leo. Obituary – Osmrtnica The Slovenian Club, on behalf of the Slovenian community of South Australia, wishes to express its sincere condolences to the family and friends of: Janet Mary NOVAK 29/01/1960 - 09/04/2016 Aged 56 years. Loved sister of Sandra, and brother-in-law Trevor. Loved cousin of Ivan, Jože, Mili, Simona, Mary, Silvia and families. Remembered with love by her friends and relatives. The Funeral Service for Janet was held in the Blackwell Funerals Chapel, 120 Henley Beach Road, Torrensville on Wednesday, April 20, 2016, commencing at 11.00 a. m. Following refreshments in the adjoining lounge, the Cortege then proceed to the Dudley Park Cemetery (Lawn Section), Exeter Terrace, Dudley Park, for the Committal. Ivan BENC Born 29/05/1931 in Šembije, Slovenia. Passed away 21/04/2016 in Adelaide. Aged 85 years. Beloved husband of the late Mary. Dearly loved father of Irene, John and Gary and father-in-law of Scott, Sue and Veronika. Adored Opa of Luke, Jason, Mathew, Sian, Aaron, Tara and Ashley and proud Great Opa of Zack, Harry, Oscar, Luci, Tanner, Jack, Karri and Tatum. Together again with Mary. Will be sadly missed but never forgotten. Funeral Service for Ivan was conducted on Saturday April 30, 2016, at 10.00 a.m. in the Chapel of Berry’s Funeral Home, 204 Magill Road, Norwood. Darko VUKSINIČ 14/11/1932 - 28/04/2016 Aged 83 years. Dearly loved husband of Mili. Loved and loving father of Simona. Father-in-law of Petar. Adored Dida of Marina, Dana and Anna. Sadly missed by all relatives and friends in Australia, Slovenia and Canada. Počivaj v miru. Very special thanks to the wonderful staff of Milpara Aged Care, Rostrevor and R. A. H and Hamstead Campus. Darko's Funeral Mass was celebrated on Saturday, May 7, 2016 at 10.00 a. m. entirely in St. Joseph's Catholic Church, 484 Magill Road, Kensington Gardens. Ana BRAND Born in Zavrh, Slovenia on July 25, 1926. Passed away suddenly in Adelaide, South Australia on June 20, 2016. Aged 89 years. Loving Nonna of Silvana and Michael. Treasured Big Nonna of Aiden. Loved sister of Stefania, Francisca and Zinka. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by all her family and friends in Australia and Slovenia. Holy Rosary for the late Ana Brand was recited Monday, June 27 at 10.00 a. m. in the Holy Family Slovenian Catholic Church, 51 Young Street, West Hindmarsh followed by Funeral Mass. At conclusion of Mass the Cortege proceeded to Cheltenham Cemetery for Committal. Leonard VOZLIČ Born in Šempeter, Slovenia on August 6, 1943. Passed into God's care in Adelaide on July 2, 2016. Aged 72 years. Now rests in peace as he reunites with his beloved wife Maree. Loved father of Len Jnr and Peter. Father-in-law of Karen. Cherished Grandfather of Alec, Ethan and Aimee. Will miss you Pop! The Funeral for the late Leonard Vozlič was held in the Blackwell Funerals Chapel, 71 Prospect Road, Prospect on MONDAY, July 11, 2016 with a Service commencing at 11.00 a. m. Following the Funeral Service the Cortege proceeded to the Enfield Memorial Park Cemetery, Browning Street, Clearview for the Committal. HALL HIRE HALL HIRE Main Hall (seats 250) Members and non-members Clubrooms (seats 120) Members only For booking contact: President: 8443 8842 m: 0427393548 USEFUL ADDRESSES Slovenian Club Adelaide Founded in 1957 11 Lasalle Street Dudley Park SA 5008 tel: (08) 8269 6199 fax: (08) 8269 2406 Slovenian Club opening hours: 2.00pm – 10.30pm Sunday Dinner from 6.00pm 10.00am – 3.00pm - Every third Wednesday for Dan Sončnic (Sunflower Day). President – Ivan Cafuta m: 0427393548 Vice-President – Edward Lukač Secretary – Cvetka Jamnik Treasurer – Rudi Perkovič Slovenian Catholic Church 51 Young Avenue West Hindmarsh SA 5007 PO Box 156, WELLAND SA 5007 tel: (03) 9853 7787 email: Sunday Mass at 10.00 am Pater Ciril Božič m: 0412 555 840 Pater David Šrumpf m: 0497 097 783 Marija Anžič m: 0499 77 22 02 Mass days: first and last Sunday of the month Slovenian Program 5EBI FM Radio Adelaide Slovenian program first broadcast in 1976 (stereo FM 103.1mhz simulcast in digital) 10 Byron Place Adelaide SA 5000 office tel: (08) 8211 7635 studio tel: (08) 8211 7066 internet: Slovenian program times: Wednesdays 7.00 – 7.30pm Sundays 2.00 – 2.30pm Rosemary Poklar President Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije (Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia) 26 Akame Circuit O'Malley ACT 2606 PO Box 284, Civic Square ACT 2608 tel: (02) 6290 0000 fax: (02) 6290 0619 email: internet: twitter: facebook: Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Canberra, Australia H.E. Helena Drnovšek Zorko Ambassador konzularna ure / consular hours ponedeljek/Monday od/from 9:30 do/to 12:00 torek/Tuesday od/from 9:30 do/to 12:00 sreda/Wednesday od/from 9:30 do/to 12:00 in od/and from 14:00 do/to 16:00 četrtek/Thursday od/from 9:30 do/to 12:00 Za obisk na veleposlaništvu je potreben predhoden telefonski dogovor. Please make an appointment for a visit. Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Adelaide, South Australia 19 Branwhite Street Findon South Australia 5023 Tel: (08) 8268 4152 Email: Facebook: Adrian (Jadran) Vatovec Honorary Consul of Slovenia Consular hours Monday 10.00am – 12.00pm 1.00pm – 4.00pm Please telephone for an appointment Urad Republike Slovenije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu (Office of The Republic of Slovenia, for Slovenians Abroad) Erjavčeva 15 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 230 8010 fax: +386 1 230 8017 email: internet: internet: Gorazd Žmavc Minister for Slovenians Abroad Australian Consulate in Slovenia Vurnikova 2 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 234 8675 emergency tel: +386 41649919 fax: +386 1 234 8676 email: Consular hours; Monday and Thursday; 9 to 12 Wednesday; 14 to 18 Web Portal for Slovenian Emigrants The portal offers up-to-date information on Slovenians abroad and the work of the Slovenian government. Internet: Magazine: Moja Slovenija (My Slovenia) Sveta Vlade Republike Slovenije za Slovence po svetu (Government Council for Slovenians abroad) Sydney representative: Florjan Auser email: Melbourne representative: Peter Mandelj email: The Council meets annually in July in Slovenia. The objective of the Council is to preserve Slovenian culture, identity and language among Slovenians abroad. SBS Radio SBS Radio Sydney Locked Bag 028 Crows Nest NSW 1585 tel: (Sydney): (02) 9430 2828 tel: (Melbourne): (03) 9949 2121 email: Friday, 5.00 – 6.00pm on SBS Radio 3 digital, online, mobile and digital TV. No analogue radio. Listen to Slovenian program at any time on Internet radio podcast: Presenters: Tania Smrdel (Sydney) and Lenti Lenko (Melbourne) Slovenska Izseljenska Matica (Slovenian Emigrant Association) Cankarjeva 1/11 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 241 0280 fax: +386 1 425 1673 internet: Slovenian Media House PO Box 191 Sylvania NSW 2224 Internet: Internet publisher Florjan Auser Manager Misli (Thoughts) First published 1952 19 A’Beckett Street Kew VIC 3101 tel: 03 9387 8488 fax: 03 9380 2141 Religious and Cultural bi-monthly magazine in Slovenian language p. Ciril A. Božič OFM OAM EV Editor and Manager Radio Slovenija 1 Oddaja Slovencem po svetu. Program of Slovenians abroad. Friday night (Slovenian time) 9.05pm – 10.05pm Internet radio: RTV Slovenija II Slovenian Magazine Every second Saturday at 9.30pm (Slovenian time) The Slovenia Times Fortnightly newspaper in English, published in Ljubljana. Internet: Online newsletter from Cleveland, USA Phil Hrvatin Senior Editor Thezaurus Slovenian language and cultural resources Internet: Aleksandra Ceferin Director Slovenia Australia channel YouTube video channel about Slovenian Australian topics Historical Archives of Slovenians in Australia (HASA) c/- Slovenian Association Melbourne P.O Box 185 Eltham Victoria 3095 Australia email: Internet: Draga Gelt Manager The Slovenian An independent online magazine Internet: Metka Čuk Author Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce internet: facebook: Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce Slovenian Australian Academic Association facebook: Slovenian Australian Academic Association Slovenian Music, Art, & Culture Facebook: Slovenian Music, Art, & Culture