Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 53(2007)3, 186-192 UDK - UDC 621.822.7:534.64:621.391 Kratki znanstveni prispevek - Short scientific paper (1.03) Iskanje okvar ležajev z uporabo Meyerjevih algoritmov Bearing-Fault Detection Using the Meyer-Wavelet-Packets Algorithm Mohammad Hossein Kahaei - M. Torbatian - Javad Poshtan (Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran) Pri mnogih uporabah je bila uspešno upoštevana omejitvena lastnost valčni paket (VP) pri časovno-frekvenčni analizi. V tem prispevku raziskujemo novo metodo iskanja okvar ležajev na osnovi VP z uporabo Meyerjevega filtra, tako dobimo Meyerjev algoritem (MVP). Predlagani MVP algoritem smo ocenili za simulirane signale in signale v dejanskem času. Z upoštevanjem tega smo uporabili učinkovito metodo za skrajšanje preračunov algoritma. Tako je algoritem primernejši za sprotno odkrivanje okvar ležajev in zato učinkovit način za obdelavo signalov nihanj in drugih mehanskih sistemov. © 2007 Strojniški vestnik. Vse pravice pridržane. (Ključne besede: napake na ležajih, odkrivanje napak, algoritmi, vibracijski signali) The localization property of wavelet packets in a time-frequency analysis has been successfully considered in many applications. In this paper, a new method of bearing-fault detection is investigated using a WP basis with the Meyer filter leading to the Meyer wavelet packets (MWPs) algorithm. The proposed MWP algorithm is evaluated for simulated and real-time signals. In this respect, an efficient method is used to greatly reduce the algorithm's computations. This makes the algorithm more suitable for the online detection of failures in bearings, and also an effective candidate for the processing of vibration signals in other mechanical systems. © 2007 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved. (Keywords: bearing fault detection, MWP, algorithms, vibration signals) 0 INTRODUCTION A ball bearing consists of an inner race, an outer race and a number of rolling balls, as shown in Fig. 1 [1]. Normally, the metal fatigue produced between the above elements yields some mechanical vibrations, which in time lead to bearing damage and increases in the machine’s noise level. The contamination, corrosion, improper installation, and lubrication of bearings can effectively speed up the damage rate [2]. Bearing failures may be detected by analyzing vibration signals, which contain the machine’s dynamic information [3]. This is performed by inspecting the characteristic frequencies of the defect computed from the bearing dimensions and shaft’s rotating speed as [2]: Fig. 1. A typical bearing structure 186 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 53(2007)3, 186-192 N 2 " d / »" 1h—co sfai D f r (1) N ~ 2 1-----cos(a) D f r (2) D d 1- d (a ) D > (3), f i fa f = where N shows the number of balls, fr is the shaft’s rotating speed, a denotes the contact angle of the balls and races, fb, fi, fo, and express, respectively, the frequencies of the defective ball, the inner race, and the outer race, and d and D are the balls and pitch diameters, as illustrated in Fig. 1. Vibration signals measured on the machine’s surface are normally embedded in background noise, and therefore, high-precision techniques should be established for detecting and/or diagnosing machine failures. Consistent with other findings in the literature, to resolve the frequency content of a signal using the short-time Fourier transform, a sufficient data record is required. It is well known, however, that when the latter technique is applied to a large number of samples, the time localization is lost. This becomes more significant for non-steady signals when the detection of transients and movements (containing drift, trends, abrupt changes, etc.) is required. The ineffectiveness of this algorithm in such cases may lead to poor results and wrong conclusions. The use of wavelet packets has recently been considered for analyzing bearing defects, using coif4 wavelets [4]. The capability of this technique in concentrating on a desired portion of the frequency content of a signal in the time-frequency domain has received increasing attention in different applications. In this paper, a Meyer-packet-wavelets algorithm is proposed for bearing-fault detection. Accordingly, an effective technique is designed based on the relevant WP tree to reduce the number of computations. The outline of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, a brief review of wavelet packets and the Meyer filter is presented. In Section 3, the proposed wavelet-packet algorithm is described for bearing fault detection and is evaluated using the simulated and real-time data. In Section 4, a method is considered for reducing the required computations, and the conclusions are presented in Section 5. 1 WAVELET PACKETS Assume that the quadrature mirror lowpass and highpass filters of an orthogonal wavelet are, respectively, given by h(n) and g(n). The wavelet-packet coefficients are then defined by subsampling the convolutions of djp(n) with h(-2n) and g(-2n) as [5]: d2j^(ri) = d^(n)*h(-2n) (4), where 0