MODERN DEVELOPMENT TRENDS IN HIGH-PERFORMANCE SOFT FERRITES A. Žnidaršič in M. Drofenik* ISKRA FERITI, d.o.o., Ljubljana, Slovenia *Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, Univerza v Mariboru Key words; electronics, magnetic ceramic, soft ferrites, development trends, high-performance, Mn-Zn ferrites, magnetic properties electrical properties, microstructures, grain boundaries t- k , h f Abstract: This paper considers the current MnZn-ferrite development trends in high-performance soft ferrites. Today, soft MnZn ferrites play the dominant role in magnetic matenals. They are produced in large quantities and are used in a wide variety of applications. As a result, research and development in both industry and research centres has made great efforts to develop new classes of soft-ferrite materials. Novi trendi priprave visokokvalitetnih mehkih feritov Ključne besede: elektronika, keramika magnetna, feriti mehki, trendi razvoja, zmogljivost visoka, Mn-Zn feriti, lastnosti magnetne lastnosti električne mikrostrukture, meje med zrni Izvleček: V članku so podane različne razvojne smeri priprave kakovostnih MnZn-feritnih materialov. Danes predstavljajo mehki feriti pomembne magnetne materale, ki se prc^zvajajo v velikih količinah in za različne uporabe. Rezultat razvojnih dejavnosti v industriji in na raziskovalnih inštitutih so nove kvalitete mehko magnetnih fentnih materialov. 1. Introduction Ferromagnetic ceramic materials, which are mainly composed of ferric oxide, have a lower saturation magnetisation than ferromagnetic alloys, however in spite of this, ceramics have the advantage of being usable at higher frequencies because of their higher electrical resistance, higher corrosion resistance, better heat resistance and lower price. Applications using ferrites began about 30 years after the commercialisation of the ferromagnetic soft Fe-SI alloy. The commercial ferrites did not attract much attention because their magnetic properties were considerably inferior to those of ferromagnetic alloys. However, the importance of ferrites became clear during the 1950s, as a result of new applications such as radio, television, telephones, computer and microwave devices which were rapidly expanding at that time. At the same time, physicists and electronic engineers became very interested in the magnetism and the expanded high-frequency applications of ferrites. Research scientists in chemistry, ceramics and metallurgy also started to study ferrites and become engaged in the development of new ferrites and improved ferrite-manufacturing processes. Manufacturing ferrites is a complicated process that requires more steps than the manufacturing of ferromagnetic alloys. Because ferrites are frequently used as electronics parts, there are strict requirements in terms of the accuracy of their dimensions and the uniformity of their properties. Consequently, extremely good quality control is necessary during their manufacture. Ferrites are mistakenly believed to be fully developed in all fields of science, technology and applications. Ferrite materials are now being recognised and crucial to the further development of electronics and it is believed that the production levels of ferrites will increase year by year as their applications become more diverse. Reviewing the history of ferrites and accurately analysing their present situation will help with further development in the future. The electromagnetic properties of ferrites depend on the method of production and the resulting micro- and nano-structures. MnZn ferrite is designed to have a high permeability and to be used in power application. A high initial permeability over 15 000 at 10 kHz was recently achieved by using pure spray-roasted iron oxide. However, hand low power losses are also of prime importance for power applications. Control of the grain-boundary chemistry and the grain size by the appropriate selection of additives and firing conditions is required to achieve low power losses at high frequencies. The magnetic characteristics of ferrites are sensitive to chemical composition, impurities, firing conditions, and so on. Much effort has been devoted to investigating these parameters In order to achieve the best properties in the limit of a conventional process. In order to go beyond these limits, attempts involving new processes for ferrite powders have recently been made. Hydrothermal synthesis, which is one of these new processes, is a process under consideration. This process may be particularly useful to producing low-cost high-performance power ferrites for high-frequency switching power supplies. Finally, the parameters that determine the magnetic losses in MnZn ferrites, such as the purity of the raw materials, the influence of the dopant and the sintering process are considered in terms of their effect on the final magnetic properties. 2. MnZn FERRITES MnZn ferrites are generally classified into three groups: i) high-permeability materials for wide-band and pulse transformers, ii) low-loss materials for Inductors and telecommunications uses and iii) high-saturation-flux-density materials for power applications. The performance of ferrites is not determined only by the high value of the initial permeability. The other characteristics such as a low loss value, a high saturation flux density, a high sintered density and frequency characteristics are also important. In many cases, these requirements are not satisfied at the same time, so a compromise material has to be selected in such cases. 2.1. High initial permeability materials The initial permeability of high-permeability materials depends to a large extent on the mobility of the Bloch' s domain walls. To obtain high permeability it is important to lower the anisotropy and the magnetostriction. During the development of high-permeability MnZn ferrites In the past, much effort was devoted to the parameters which govern the bulk properties such as composition, microstructure and porosity /1 /. To achieve a high permeability the composition of MnZn ferrite must be selected from a relatively narrow composition range where a zero crystalline anisotropy and a zero average magnetostriction can be expected. Studies of the grain-boundary chemistry in combination with grain-boundary structural analyses revealed that the grain boundaries are usually a source originating from 21000 19000 17000 ^ 15000 ' oooo 7000 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 . 1 -b -o-a| ...v.* ' .•••■•'■-•• / , ■■ - / / ' ' ' / /— v / \ j/y-' J/ jm. ^—■ v cr^ 1 ^ ....p..-.. . Temperature °C Fig. 1: Effect of liquid-phase-forming additives on the jx- T characteristics of sintered MnZn ferrites; A - doped with Bi203, S;02 > 200 ppm; B- doped with Bi203, Si02<200 ppm and C - doped with Bi203, S/O2 < 500 ppm. The micron marl