205 Original scientific paper  MIDEM Society Implementation of VIP for bus interface logic of 32-bit processor using System Verilog D. David Neels Ponkumar 1 , P. Jagatheeswari 1 , T.S.Arun Samuel 2 1,2 Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr. Sivanthi Aditanar College of Engineering, Tiruchendur, Tamil Nadu, India. 2 Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering, National Engineering College, Kovilpatti, India Abstract: A verification environment to verify an ARM-based SoC is proposed in this work. This work introduces the design of a Verification Intellectual Property (VIP) of Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA). AMBA protocols are today the best standards for 32-bit processor because they are well documented and can be used without royalties. The VIP provides Coverage Driven Verification (CDV) which significantly reduces the design verification time. The code coverage verification of the AHB bus master, Icache controller, Dcache controller and APB peripherals such as APB bridge, timer, UART, and ACE is done in this work. The test cases done for the APB peripherals are ACE with the mil_std_protocol, Timers for generation of interrupt and watchdog reset, UART for transmitting and receive messages, and interrupt registers for Reading and Write. The functional verification of AMBA is carried out using the Mentor Graphics Questasim tool with the system Verilog language. Keywords: Verification Intellectual Property; AMBA; Coverage Driven Verification; timer; ACE; UART; system Verilog Uporaba VIP za vmesnik logičnega vodila 32-bitnega procesorja s uporabo System Verilog Izvleček: V članku je predlagano okolje preverjanja SoC na osnovi ARMa. Struktura uvaja verifikacijo intelektualne lastnine (VIP) na napredni arhitekturi vodila mikrokontrolerja (AMBA). AMB protokoli so danes najbolj standardni protokoli na 32- bitni procesorjih, saj so dobro dokumentirani in brez avtorskih zaščit. VIP uporablja CVD, ki močno zmanjša čas verifikacije. V tem delu je predstavljena verifikacija AHB master vodila, Icache in Dcache kontrolerjev ter APB perifernih enot, kot so časovnik, UART in ACE. Testni primeri za APB periferne enote so ACE z mil_std_protocol, časovniki za generacijo prekinjanj in resetiranja kontrolne enote (watchdog), UART za pošiljanje in sprejemanje sporočil in prekinitveni registri za zapis in branje. Funkcionalno preverjanje je izvedeno s pomočjo orodja Mentor Graphics Questasim v jeziku Verilog. Ključne besede: verifikacija intelektualne lastnine; AMBA; verifikacija; časovnik; ACE; UART; Verilog * Corresponding Author’s e-mail: david26571@gmail.com Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 48, No. 4(2018), 205 – 211 1 Introduction With the continued progression of chip geometries to ever smaller sizes, designers are finding themselves with a wealth of available gates in which to create their latest designs [1-4]. With design from scratch entirely out of the question, designers now build these systems with off-the-shelf IP blocks that are pre-designed and verified, helping them meet their goals of differen- tiation, cost control and time to market.VIP blocks are well-tested simulation models of industry-standard buses and protocols that generate and respond to stimulus and check protocol rule adherence. VIP reduc- es system verification time and improves quality. VIP design of AMBA AXI bus is done in the previ- ous works [5-9][11], But the VIP for Dcache controller, Icache controller and APB peripherals such as APB bridge, timer, UART, and ACE is done for the first time. The implemented VIP finds application in the realiza- tion of onboard computers for navigation, guidance, https://doi.org/10.33180/InfMIDEM2018.402 206 D. D. N. Ponkumar.et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 48, No. 4(2018), 205 – 211 and control processing in-flight applications as well as for general purpose processing applications. The verification environment is managed with Questa Sim Simulator ver.10.0, test bench and SVA in System Verilog HDL and DUT in VHDL. Separate assertion files in system Verilog are bound with the corresponding test benches to validate design specifications. 2 Proposed system design 2.1 AMBA Bus The Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture speci- fication defines an on-chip communications standard regarding bus protocols for communication between various system devices and peripherals. AMBA is a registered trademark of ARM Limited and is an open standard, on-chip interconnect specification for the connection and management of functional blocks in a System-on-Chip (SoC) [2]. This work provides Cover- age Driven Verification (CDV) for the implementation of Verification Intellectual Property (VIP) for the AMBA bus. In this paper, the verification of the APB peripher- als such as APB Bridge, timer, UART, and ACE is done. 2.2 AMBA Architecture An AMBA based microcontroller typically consists of a high-performance system backbone bus (AMBA AHB or AMBA ASB), able to sustain the external memory bandwidth, on which the CPU, on-chip memory, and other Direct Memory Access (DMA) devices reside. A typical AMBA Architecture is shown in figure 1[2]. Figure 1: AMBA Architecture 2.3 AHB Master AHB_master generates chip select signals, the external memory address for instruction and data memory. The FSM of AHB_master is shown in figure 2. The FSM works on clk_x2_pos. Wait states are added for external instruction and data memory access. They are selected from the Memory Configuration Register de- pending on the memory bank accessed. Instr_state: It is selected when instruction access is re- quested by fetch stage of the pipeline when instruction cache is disabled. Chip select signals and address for external memory access are generated. The instruction read from external memory is sent to the fetch stage of the pipeline. FSM waits in the instr_state till the speci- fied wait states are over and transitions back to idle state. Figure 2: FSM of AHB_master Data_state: It is selected when data memory access is requested by the memory stage of the pipeline when data cache is disabled. Chip select signals for load/store and address for external memory access are generated. For load, the data read from external memory is sent to the memory stage of the pipeline. For the store, the data from the memory stage of the pipeline is sent to the external memory. FSM waits in the data_state till the specified wait states are over and transitions back to idle state. ICache_state: This state is selected if Icache is ena- bled and a cache miss occurs. FSM2 handling miss in icache_controller.vhd is active here. The chip select signals are generated when fsm2 in icache_controller. vhd is in wait_for_mfc (wait_for_mfc_icache = 1) state. FSM transitions to idle when icache access is complete (icache_access_complete=1, from icache_controller. vhd) DCache_state: This state is selected if Dcache is ena- bled and a cache miss occurs. FSM2 handling miss in dcache_controller.vhd is active here. The chip select signals are generated when fsm2 in dcache_controller. vhd is in wait_for_mfc (wait_for_mfc_dcache = 1) state. FSM transitions to idle when dcache access is complete (dcache_access_complete=1, from dcache_controller. vhd). APB_sel: If a memory mapped peripheral is selected apb_sel state is encountered. FSM transitions to idle when hready_apb = ‘1’ from apb_bridge.vhd, the exter- nal memory address for instruction access, is generat- 207 ed in instr_state or icache_state. The external memory address for data access is generated in data_state or dcache_state. 2.4 Icache controller The instruction cache controller is used to cache cop- ies of frequently accessed instructions, thus eliminat- ing the program memory access bottleneck. The cache controller receives instruction read request an address from the Fetch stage. Depending on hit/miss the cache controller supplies instruction from the on-chip cache or reads from external program memory via AHB and provides instruction to the pipeline. Till external mem- ory access is complete, the pipeline is stalled. - 32KB size.Can store 8K instructions - Two way set associative - Uses Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm for block replacement - Block size: 4 words LRU Replacement Algorithm The LRU (Least Recently Used) algorithm is imple- mented for the two-way associative cache conFigure uration. This algorithm selects a block for replacement based on its usage, thus benefiting from the temporal locality principle. A single bit is added as part of the tag entry in the tag ram. Whenever a tag match is found in a block, the LRU bit of that block is cleared and the LRU bit of the second block in the set is made ‘1’ .When a block is to be evicted, the tag entry in the set which has its LRU bit set to 1 is selected. 2.5 Dcache controller The data cache controller caches frequently used data items. The data cache implements copy back with write allocate on a write miss. The dirty blocks are written back to external memory only when they need to be evicted. - Size = 32KB - Cache line size = 4words - Uses an LRU replacement algorithm - Copy back policy - Write allocate on a write miss - Two way set associative Hardware Organization: Data cache is identical to the instruction cache, except that each tag ram location has an additional bit called the dirty bit, which indi- cates whether the cache block had been modified dur- ing its cache residency. Thus each tag ram array has 23 bits * 1024 locations. Address Decoding: This is identical to two-way associa- tive instruction cache implementation. The 10-bit ad- dress is used to index the tag ram arrays. The two-word locator bits are appended to the 10-bit set address to address the cache ram arrays. Copy Back Architecture: When there is a store request from the memory stage of the pipeline, the corre- sponding cache array entry is updated in the cache if it already exists in the cache. If it is a cache miss, the block which includes the address requested by the store operation is brought into the cache from the ex- ternal memory (write allocate on a write miss) and the required location is updated. This policy is especially beneficial when frequent writes to a memory location (store instruction) occur since there is no need to ac- cess external memory once the word is in the cache. This policy uses the memory bandwidth more efficient- ly compared to the write through policy wherein each store location writes to the external memory. Data Cache Parity Error detection of cache tags and data is implemented using two parity bits per tag and 4-byte data sub-block. The tag parity is generated from the tag value, LRU, dirty and the valid bits. The data par- ity is derived from the sub-block data. The parity bits are written simultaneously with the associated tag or sub-block and checked on each access. The two parity bits corresponding to the parity of odd and even data (tag) bits. 2.6 APR Bridge APB bridge acts as the master for the APB slaves – four ACE, two UART, interrupt registers and four timers. The APB bridge converts the AHB signals from the bus mas- ter to corresponding signals in APB. Memory configura- tion register specifies the no. of wait states for different memory banks and internal RAM. Select signal for selecting a memory mapped register is generated by decoding the address (haddr). Hwrite=1 indicates a register write operation. Hwrite=0 indicates a register read operation. The ACE, UART, timer, inter- rupt, and processor configuration registers are read or written in a single clock cycle, and hready_apb is as- serted. For ace access hready_apb is asserted when already signal is asserted. The Processor Configuration Register is shown in table 1. Table.1: Processor Configuration Register Bit Description 31:13 Unused 12 Interrupt Enable 11 Watchdog enable 10 SECDED enable for Internal RAM D. D. N. Ponkumar.et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 48, No. 4(2018), 205 – 211 208 9 SECDED enable for external memory bank 6 8 SECDED enable for external memory bank 5 7 SECDED enable for external memory bank 4 6 SECDED enable for external memory bank 3 5 SECDED enable for external memory bank 2 4 SECDED enable for external memory bank 1 3 SECDED enable for external memory bank 0 2 SECDED enable for Internal Registers 1 Instruction Cache Enable 0 Data Cache Enable 2.6 AMBA Advanced Peripheral Bus The APB Bridge is the only bus master on the AMBA APB. Also, the APB Bridge is also a slave on the higher- level system bus (for example AHB). The bridge unit converts system bus transfers into APB transfers and performs the following functions: - Latches the address and holds it valid throughout the transfer. - Decodes the address and generates a peripheral select, PSELx. Only one select signal can be active during a transfer. - Drives the data onto the APB for a write transfer. 2.7 Code Coverage Analysis Code coverage is a verification technology is used to recognize what code has been executed (figure 3). It has to be checked only after the simulation part. If the design may look like a good design, but the problem is that it can contain unknown bugs. It is hardly possi- ble to know the verification is functionally correct, with cent percent certainty and all of the test benches simu- late successfully. The main objective of the code cover- age is to find out which code has to forget to exercise in the design. The term “test bench” specifies the stimulus used to ini- tiate a predestined input sequence for the design and to examine its response. The test bench describes the stimulus for the DUT along with its responsibility for the outputs. Here, the test bench is written in SystemVer- ilog with a preset input sequence, and they may be in- cluded with external data files. The main task of the test bench is that to verify what input patterns to provide to the design and what is the anticipated throughput of a properly working design. If the test bench was not exactly executed, it should be returned in the design. So, code coverage technology is used for the 100% cer- tainty. It can be classified into four categories. They are Statement coverage, Path coverage (Branch and Toggle coverage), Expression coverage, FSM coverage. Figure 3: Verification plan Statement coverage: It is also known as Block cover- age, where the block is series of statements. If a single statement is executed, all of the statements in the block will be executed. By the verification suite, it measures how much of the total line of code was executed. Fig- ure 4 shows the analysis window for the statement cov- erage verification. It will be generated after the simu- lation part. The tick ( ) mark indicates that statement code which includes in the DUT are functionally cor- rect. If shows (x) mark, indicate that design is function- ally incorrect. It will quickly identify, and we can browse which statements that were not executed. Figure 4: Statement coverage FSM: It is usually, coded using a choice in a case state- ment, the unvisited state identified with uncovered statements. During the verification time, it clearly or correctly identifies the state transitions. Figure 5 shows the bubble diagram for FSM. It indicates that state tran- sitions of decoder sections. Branch and Toggle coverage: A signal is considered to have fully toggled when it has experienced at least one rising edge and at least one falling edge during the simulation. It has been found from the simulated results that the coverage windows, which indicate all the branch and toggles present in the design of AMBA was functionally, correct. D. D. N. Ponkumar.et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 48, No. 4(2018), 205 – 211 209 Transition Coverage: Transition coverage measures the presence or occurrence of sequences of values. Transition coverage can involve more than two con- secutive values of the same coverage point. However, the number of possible bins grows factorially with the number of transition states. Mechanically, transition coverage is identical to coverage points. Specific values are sampled at specific locations at specific points in time with specific bins. Table 2 and 3 show the Asser- tions for the Timer module and the UART module. Table.2: Assertions for the Timer Module Assertion Description Timer_hreset_prdata prdata_timer=32’h00000000 when hreset is asserted Timer_hreset_intr Intr_timer1, Intr_timer2, Intr_timer3, Intr_timer4=0 when hreset is asserted Timer1 underflow When prdata_timer<=32’h00000000 and haddr <= 32’hE0000048 then intr_timer1=0 Timer2 underflow When prdata_timer<=32’h00000000 and haddr <= 32’hE0000054 then intr_timer2=0 Timer3 underflow When prdata_timer<=32’h00000000 and haddr <= 32’hE0000060 then intr_timer3=0 Timer4 underflow When prdata_timer<=32’h00000000 and haddr <= 32’hE000006c then intr_timer4=0 Timer1_disable When prdata_timer<=32’h00000000 and haddr <= 32’hE0000040 then intr_timer1=1 Timer2_disable When prdata_timer<=32’h00000000 and haddr <= 32’hE000004c then intr_timer2=1 Timer3_disable When prdata_timer<=32’h00000000 and haddr <= 32’hE0000058 then intr_timer3=1 Timer4_disable When prdata_timer<=32’h00000000 and haddr <= 32’hE0000064 then intr_timer4=1 Table.3: Assertions for the UART Module Assertion Description Uart1_transmit enable When hreset is asserted and haddr==32’hE0000020 && hwdata==24’h0000A5 then rs232_tx1==1’b1 Uart1_recieve enable When hreset is asserted and haddr==32’hE0000024 && rs232_rx1==1’b1 then hrdata_ apb==32’h000000A5 Uart2_transmit enable When hreset is asserted and haddr==32’hE0000080 && hwdata==24’h0000A5 then rs232_tx2==1’b1 Uart2_recieve enable When hreset is asserted and haddr==32’hE0000084 && then rs232_rx2==1’b1 then hrdata_apb==32’h000000A5 3 Results and discussion The functional verification of AMBA is carried out using the Mentor Graphics Questasim tool in the code cover- age mode with the SystemVerilog language. The Sys- temVerilog simulation is performed to verify the AMBA design by using the VIP. Functional integrity of DUT is checked by using Assertions and cover groups along with necessary test inputs. Figure 6 shows the instance coverage analysis of the AMBA peripherals. The instance analysis is done a state of the peripherals during each instance. It provides the coverage of the individual modules in the AMBA pe- ripherals. This window analyzes coverage statistics for each instance in a flat and non-hierarchical view. The window contains the same code coverage statistics columns as in the Files and Structure windows. Figure 6: Instance coverage Figure 5: FSM coverage D. D. N. Ponkumar.et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 48, No. 4(2018), 205 – 211 210 Figure 7 shows the coverage aggregation analysis of the AMBA peripherals. The coverage aggregation anal- ysis shows, the state of the toggle graph, state graph, and the transition graph during the coverage analysis. Figure 7: Coverage aggregation The Assertion Coverage of the AMBA peripherals is also analyzed using a simulation tool. Assertion/properties provide a clear indication to the VIP module. The as- sertions can be set as true or false throughout the VIP module. It has been found from the simulated results that, the total of 17 assertions are used for the analy- sis and each of them has been satisfied throughout the analysis. Hence, the assertion coverage of the pro- posed VIP module is 100 %. Figure 8 and 9 shows the coverage analysis report of the AMBA peripherals. The coverage analysis depicts the coverage obtained by the proposed VIP module for each of the AMBA peripherals. For the coverage analy- sis, the VIP considered seven aspects for each module, and they are the statement, Branches, FEC condition trees, FEC expression trees, States, transition, and tog- gle bin. In total, proposed VIP has achieved coverage value of 91.4%, for each AMBA peripherals. Besides, the total 17 assertions provided for the analysis has never failed throughout the process, Figure 9: Coverage report (Continued) 4 Conclusion In this work, verification environment for Caches AHB_ Top, AHB Master, Instruction cache, Data cache the free running counters/timers of APB, ACE Controller, UART and APB Bridge is done. The verification scenario in- cludes Read and Write transfer phases of the APB which are verified with the values of the count and reset. The test cases done for the APB peripherals are ACE with the mil_std_protocol, Timers for generation of inter- rupt and watchdog reset, UART for transmitting and receive messages, and interrupt registers for Reading and Write. From the simulation results, the state of op- eration of the AMBA is obtained. The overall coverage obtained for the AMBA peripherals is 91.4%, and the Assertion Coverage is 100%. This work can be extend- ed by creating the verification environment for AMBA with the UVM library. 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