79 E-BOOK AS A PART OF E-LEARNING IN ACADEMIC LIBRARY E-knjiga kot sestavni del e-učenja v visokošolskih knjižnicah Andreja Zubac Oddano: 12. 12. 2015 – Sprejeto: 18. 1. 2016 1.02 Pregledni znanstveni članek 1.02 Review Scientific Paper UDK 004.738.5:655.41:027.7 Abstract Purpose : The aim of this paper is to present the e-book as one of several information resources in academic libraries in the context of e-learning. Methodology/approach: Theoretical and research approach through the content analysis method and evaluation of services on the web pages of academic libraries of the University of Zagreb on the basis of selection criteria. Results: Findings showed that the e-book is a visible part of information resources, and as such, is an integral part of learning in academic libraries’ landscape. Research restrictions: No research restrictions. The originality: This is the first research of this kind. Contribution: The encouragement of other academic libraries to include this type of e-resourc- es to the library website and thus contribute to increase the quality of library service. Keywords: academic libraries, e-book, e-learning, electronic information resources. Izvleček Namen: Namen prispevka je predstaviti elektronsko knjigo kot enega izmed informacijskih vi- rov v visokošolskih knjižnicah v povezavi z e-učenjem. Metodologija/pristop: Teoretična izhodišča in raziskovalni pristop prek metode vsebinske ana- lize in vrednotenja storitev na spletnih straneh visokošolske knjižnice zagrebške univerze na podlagi meril za izbor.