520 UDK 373.5(497.4):7(067)(091) 1.02 Pregledni znanstveni članek Prejeto: 2. 9. 2013 Minka Kuclar* Podobe trenutkov – Transgeneracije O kulturni ustvarjalnosti ljubljanskih srednješolcev Images of Moments – Trans-Generations The cultural creativity of Ljubljana secondary school pupils Izvleček Prispevek predstavlja nastanek in razvoj prireditve Podobe trenutkov, kasneje preime­ novane v Transgeneracije. Leta 1976 je na pobudo Gimnazije Ivana Cankarja v Ljublja­ ni (takrat II. gimnazija, Šubičeva) zaživela ideja o skupni prireditvi, na kateri bi predsta­ vili ustvarjalne dosežke mladih na različnih kulturnih področjih v okviru ljubljanskih gi­ mnazij. Prireditve so prvi dve leti potekale na Gimnaziji Ivana Cankarja, nato od 1978 do 1980 v Mali drami SNG, od leta 1981 pa so Podobe trenutkov uvrščene v program kul­ turnih dejavnosti v Cankarjevem domu, ki je nato prevzel tudi organizacijo teh prireditev. Avtorica v prispevku predstavlja vključenost ljubljanskih gimnazij, prikaže, kako se je krog sodelujočih širil vse do leta 2013, ko so na prireditvi Transgeneracije nastopali srednje­ šolci iz vse Slovenije. V Podobah trenutkov so se kot dijaki preskusili tudi posamezniki, ki so se kasneje uveljavili v gledališki ume­ tnosti: Silva Čušin, Barbara Hieng, Roman Končar, Saša Pavček, Matjaž Pograjc, Pavle Ravnohrib, Jelena Sitar, Tomaž Štrucl, Matjaž Zupančič, Dragan Živadinov in drugi. V pri­ spevku so predstavljeni tudi odzivi medijev. Dokumenti in gradivo Podobe trenutkov – Transgeneracije je bilo leta 2013 podarjeno Slovenskemu šolskemu muzeju. (Ur.) Abstract The article presents the origin and development of the event Images of Moments, later renamed Trans-Generations. In 1976, on the basis of an initiative from the Ivan Cankar gimnazija in Ljubljana (then known as the 2nd gimnazija, Šubičeva), the idea came to life of a joint event presenting the creative achievements of young people from Ljubljana secondary schools (gim­ nazije) in various cultural spheres. For the first two years, the event took place at the Ivan Can­ kar gimnazija, then from 1978 to 1980 on the small stage of the SNT Drama theatre, and then from 1981 onwards Images of Moments was in­ cluded in the programme of the Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre, which also took on the organisation of the events. In her article, the author describes how Ljubljana secondary schools were included and shows how the circle of participants kept widening until 2013, when at the event now called Trans-Generations, secondary school pupils from across Slovenia took part. Some individuals who later made a name for themselves in the arts have appeared in these events, including: Silva Čušin, Barbara Hieng, Roman Končar, Saša Pavček, Matjaž Pograjc, Pavle Ravnohrib, Jelena Sitar, Tomaž Štrucl, Matjaž Zupančič and Dragan Živadinov. The article also describes the media response. The documents and materials connected with the Images of Moments and Trans-Generations were in 2013 donated to the Slovenian School Museum. (Ed.) * Minka Kuclar, prof. slovenskega jezika v p., Ljubljana.