ysrt NO. 64 /«rfl/&E>(RI e /* !%l— H OfWl E --r^->• -a V: &m€Rican in sptnrr rg« iN l^iGUAG« ©m»t/ National and International Circulation CLEVELAND OHIO, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 31, 1967 SLOVENIAN MOSmiNG N€WSPAft& STEV. LXV — VOL. LXV Združene države mire Zahodno Nemčijo radi atomskega sporazuma Združene države so dale Zahodni Nemčiji pisano zagotovilo, da atomski sporazum ne bo onemogočil a-tomske oborožene sile za “Združene države Evrope”. ^ Bonn, Zah. Nem. — Vlada Združenih držav je pismeno zagotovila Zahodno Nemčijo, da r,ovi sporazum o prepovedi kupovanja in prodaje atomskega or°žja, ki je bil dosežen med Združenimi državami in Sovjet-sko zvezo, ne bo onemogočil a-tomske oborožene sile za morebitne Združene države Evrope, ^lada v Bonnu je nedavno v po-Sebnem pismu stavila zadevno ^Prašanje s pripombo, da bi ta-*o določilo v novem atomskem ^ogovoru vplivalo neugodno na Napore za združitev Evrope. Če i Uamreč Združene države Ev-r°Pe ne imele pravice ustvariti Rastne atomske oborožene sile, 1 jim to onemogočilo zadovo-ilvo lastno obrambo in jih kljub VseJ politični in gospodarski hioči ter številu prebivalstva u-Vrstilo v drugorazredno držav-110 skupnost. Bozitiven odgovor Združenih ržav naj bi bil Bonn zadovoljil sedaj obstoja upanje da bo ta Postal na podpis novega spora-^UlUa, če bo seveda rešeno zado-w0ijivo še vprašanje mednarodnega nadzora nad atomskimi re-. i°rji. Kot znano, se Nemci u-lrajo zahtevi Sovjetske zveze, a bi atomske reaktoi’je pregle-°vali inšpektorji Mednarodne ®|°mske komisije, v kateri so ^ ani tudi Rusi. Nemci trdijo, a bi dobili Rusi na ta način do-°P do nemških tehničnih atom-^ skrivnosti. odobne pomisleke imata tu-^ talija in Japonska, med tem v se Indija sporazumu upira CoCel»°, češ da ima enako pravi-oh a^omskega orožja v svojo ambo kot sedanje atomske ar2ave. ^auSIe mšsSi na nove wamenSarne volštve? Vev. BlZ, Fr. — DeGualllova tak'lna V nar°dni skupščini je he u n^jbna, da brez podpore bo VlSn^b poslancev vlada ne Sp n^ogla varno in nemoteno sk°2i njo svojih predlo-bjjg 1J^ Programov. Po zakonu je vetl^uPščina izvoljena za 5 let, Publnf Pre^secčnik re- Phsti’ 6 pravico> da j° Preie raz-Še ln razPiše nove volitve. sk predn° je novo izvoljena bje Sc^na začela svoje zaseda-(Ja^l^e Predsednik Charles De stil ^ nam^gnil, da jo bo razpu-Vj delala sitnosti njego- skušala ovirati njegovi acr^e- Predsednik in nje-Se ^ s°delavci so prepričani, da °drez ?ri nov^ volitvah boljše blok 31 ^družen levičarski žadni-n Zadal degaullovcem pri P0raz^ , ,Vo^vab precej močan do drik-v^ S° Propričani, da bo-ein0 1 i v skupščini trdno ve- > Pa so se uračunali. Novi grobovi Louis Yappel Po petih mesecih bolezni je umrl v Lake County Memorial bolnici 57 let stari Louis Yappel s 351 E. 323 St., Willowick, preje z E. 156 St., mož Antonie, roj. Schiberl, oče Mrs. Gordon (Beverley) Vyrostek (Mentor) in Darlene, sin pok. Johna in pok. Agnes, roj. Hochevar, brat pok. Anthonyja, A.gnes Schiberl, Frances Lab, Rose Wolfe, Johna, Franka in Williama. Bil je član SNPJ št. 614 in bil 40 let zaposlen kot varilec pri Hupp Corp. Pogreb bo iz Zelotovega pogreb, zavoda na E. 152 St. v ponedeljek ob devetih, v cerkev Marije Magdalene na Vine St. ob desetih, nato na All Souls pokopališče. Iz slov. naselbin CHICAGO, 111. — Po več mesečni bolezni je umrl na svojem domu 72 let stari Anton Garden, bivši urednik Prosvete. Pogreb je danes popoldne ob 1.30 iz Zefranovega pogreb, zavoda na Woodlawn pokopališče, sekcija SNPJ. Pokojnik je bil rojen v Petrušni vasi pri Stični na Dol., od koder je prišel v Ameriko 1. 1913. Zapustil je ženo Tončko in druge sorodnike v Pennsyl-vaniji, W. Virginiji in v starem kraju. kaznovan z izklf WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senatov etnični odbor je načelno odločil, da bo predložil plenumu Senata kazen za sen. Thomasa J. Dodda, demokrata iz Connecticuta, ki je denar, zbran za voliv-ne kampanje, rabil za plačevanje svojih privatnih računov, kar ni v skladu z v Kongresu javno veljavnimi načeli. Odbor je prišel do zaključka, da naj bo senator kaznovan, v čem naj bi kazen obstojala, še ni določil, razen da ne iz izključitvijo iz Senata. Senatni odbor je prišel do načelne odločitve, še predno je odšel na velikonočne počitnice. Po sodbi poznavalcev kongresnega poslovanja more v okviru tega sklepa odbora obstojati kazen le v javnem ukoru, javni obsodbi ali javni zavrnitvi pred zasedanjem celega Senata. Nobena od teh “kazni” ne prinaša s seboj kake dejanske izgube pra- Draginja narašča, čonrav malo uočaenejše: državni proračun ni uravnovešen, pa bodo le zvišali plače državnim uslužbencem. SAIGON, J. Viet. — Saigonski generali so lani poskusili izvesti gospodarsko reformo. V ta namen so razvrednotili saigonski oijaster od 73 na 118 za dolar. V začetku je kazalo, da se bq reforma vsaj deloma posrečila, ^edaj se pa zdi, da je bilo upanje prehitro. Uradna cena za pilaster se res ni soremenila, zato ie pa začela močno nihati cena za riž. Po tej ceni se pa ravnajo vse cene za dnevne potrebščine v Saigonu. Ko so se začele širiti oozimi govorice, da bo riža zmanjkalo, ga je res začelo primanjkovati, ker so ga trgovci noskrih. Ko ie prišel na trg riž, ki ga je poslala Amerika, so cene začele padati in so se sedaj ustalile. Ker državni proračun ni uravnovešen, mu grozi primanjkljaj m s tem tudi nevarnost inflacije. Da inflaciia sploh ni nikoli orenebala, priča raven cen na Irobno, ki je znižala vrednost domačega denarja od lanskega mlija do danes za dobrih 50%. Vlada si prizadeva, da bi zadržala inflacijo vsaj na tej stonnji, toda le malokdo verjame, da se ii bo to tudi posrečilo. . Draginja ima seveda svoj vpliv tudi na politično stanje zunaj Saigona. Da posledice tega vpliva ne morejo koristiti konsolidaciji sedanjega režima, ni še treba posebej povdarjati ali razlagati, pravijo tisti redki ekonomisti, kar jih je še v Saigonu. Med tem se pa vlada pripravlja, da zviša znova plače vsem uslužbencem, kar bo verjetno storila, ker se deželi bližajo volitve. Višje plače brez vsakega proračunskega kritja pa ne morejo pomeniti drugega kot več inflacije. Tudi o tem nihče ne dvomi. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Predsednik Tito je v govoru v Peči v Metohiji grozil onim članom Zveze komunistov, ki ne marajo slediti z izključitvijo. BEOGRAD, SFRJ. — Josip na temu, kar pod to besedo ra-Broz Tito je uporabil spor med zumemo v svobodnem svetu. Zagrebom in Beogradom zaradi jezika za oster opomin onim članom Zveze komunistov Jugoslavije, ki ne marajo slediti njeni “uradni liniji”. Tako kot je lani udaril po “dogmatistih”, ko , v TT. , je pognal z vseh vodilnih mest | strokovrdala v duznem Vietna- Dve petini rdečih iz Severnega Vietnama SAIGON, J. Viet. — Podatki, ki so jih zbrali ameriški vojaški Če še niste naročnik AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE, postanite še danes! Rankoviča in njegove najožje sodelavce ter stopil delno na prste UDBI, tako j.: sedaj zagrozil “liberalni skup ni”, naj bo poslušna in ne ho 'i preveč po svojih potih, če noče ostati v partiji in uživati ugodnosti tega. “Če nekateri komunisti ne marajo slediti liniji naše Zveze komunistov, jih bomo izključili,” je dejal Tito in dodal, da ne mara v njej ne “dogmatizma” ne “liberalizma”. “Mi nimamo pravice biti liberalni do tistih, ki ovirajo naš iazvoj. Liberalizem in demokracija sta različni stvari. Jaz mislim, da ni dežele, kjer je toliko demokracije kot tu. Toda razni anarhistični in maloburžujski e-lementi običajno dvignejo svoje glave, kadar čutijo, 1 da imamo mu, dokazujejo, da je od celotnih rdečih borbenih sil v Južnem Vietnamu trenutno okoli dve petini rednega vojaštva iz Severnega Vietnama. Hanoi ima tudi popolno vodstvo tako vojskovanja kot tudi politične akcije v Južnem Vietnamu. Južnovietnamska osvobodilna fronta ima komaj kaj vpliva na vojne operacije in na splošno politično delo. Ameriški poznavalci razmer trdijo, da služi Ha-noiu le za krinko. “Zlasti časi”— | Seja— Jutri, v soboto, vabijo Sloven-1 Društvo sv. Marije Magdalene ski Akademiki v Ameriki (SA- št. 162 KSKJ ima v ponedeljek VA) v avditorij sv. Vida na zvečer ob sedmih sejo v šoli sv. družabni večer “Zlati časi” z Vida. Tajnica bo pobirala ases-večerjo, programom in plesom, ment od 5.30 dalje. Začetek ob sedmih. Pobožnost prvih sobot— Slovanov koncert— V cerkvi sv. Vida imajo jutri, Moški pevski zbor Slovan va- v sobcto, 1. aprila, ob sedmih bi v nedeljo, 2. aprila, popoldne zvečer pobožnost peterih prvih Dežela še ne mara za ravnopravnost pri iskanju stanovanj PRINCETON, N.J. — Gallupov zavod je ponovno spraševal ljudi po vsej deželi, ali so za zakon, ki bi zahteval ravnoprav-mi težave, ter skušajo izrabiti' nost za črnce pri iskanju stano-demokracijo za svo ? cilje,” je j vanj in nakupu hiš. Znova je u-razlagal Tito poslušalcem na gotovil, da dežela še ni za tak zborovanju v Peči svoje poglede zakon. Samo 35% se jih je izja-na razmere v Jugoslaviji, na de- vd° za tak zakon, 54% jih je pa vic senatorjev, je le moralni u-darec, ki pa utegne imeti usodne posledice pri volivcih. mokracijo in liberalizem. Dejal je dalje, da je bilo na-oak, da niso izključili iz Zveze komunistov tistih, ki so trdili, da mora tudi Komunistična partija “odmreti”, kajti nobena komunistična partija ne more u-spešno delovati, če ima v svoji sredi ljudi, ki so v osnovnih vprašanjih različnega mnenja. Poudaril je z enim očesom obrnjen proti Moskvi, da se Zveza komunistov Jugoslavije ni “odrekla svoji vodeči vlogi”, da pa nekatere dežele tega “ne žele razumeti”. * Tite je s svojimi grožnjami v | Peči psno pokazal, koliko in kakšno demokracijo dopušča, bilo proti. Te številke bodo gotovo tako vplivale na Kongres, da zakona ne bo izglasoval. Proti njemu bo strnjeno nastopila znana konservativna koalicija republikancev in južnih demokratov. Atomski odbor NATO bo zasedal WASHINGTON, D.C. — Ministrski svet NATO je v decembru v Parizu sklenil, da osnuje poseben odbor, ki naj mu svetuje. kakšna naj bo strategija NATO glede atomske oborožitve. Odbor ima sedem članov. Sestal se bo 6. aprila na dvodnevno sejo v Washingtonu. Udeležili se je bodo ministri Anglije, Zahod, pustil ni prav nobenega dvoma Nemčije, Italije, Turčije, Kana-o tem da bi bila ta v čem podob- de in ZDA. Tovariš Smel jakov slika rusk: avtomobilski promet Ktn0s1%dn^ oblačnosti z ver- temper^ dež^a ponoči. Najvišja Matura 75. /S CLEVELAND, O. — Tovariš N. N. Smeljakov je pomožni minister v moskovskem ministrstvu za zunanjo trgovino. Tam je dolga desetletja vedril in oblačil bivši minister Mikojan, ki svojih stikov s stvarnim življenjem ni pretrgal niti za časa najhujše Stalinove osebne diktature. Mikojan je imel tudi pogum, da je odkrito povedal, kaj misli o gospodarskih problemih. Previdno se je izražal le takrat, kadar je moral kaj napisati ali javno povedati. Da je v duhu stvarnosti vzgojil tudi svoje sodelavce, priča poročilo sedanjega pomožnega minis tra tovariša Smeljakova o tem, kaj je videl in slišal na svojem potovanju po Ameriki in kakšno je v primeri z Ameriko stanje ruskega avtomobilskega prometa. Smeljakov je naslikal naš promet tak, kot je v res-, niči, ga ni ne kritiziral ne hvalil. Temu nasproti je pa postavil stanje istega prometa v ZSSR in dognal: Površina ZSSR je dvakrat večja od površine Amerike, avtomobilov imajo pa Rusi ravno toliko kot pri nas drža-, va Michigan. Rusija je v proizvodnji avtomobilov (po številu novih voz) približno tam, kjer je bila Amerika 1. 1910. Pri tem je pa tehnika njene avtomobilske proizvodnje še zmeraj zelo zastarela. Ako hoče danes postaviti tovarne za produkcijo voz italijanske tipe FIAT in francoske tipe RENAULT, potem je to obenem tudi dokaz, da še ni sama zmožna, da ustvari masovno proizvodnjo po lastni zamisli. Rusija ne bo verjetno še 1. 1990 v avtomobilski proizvodnji tam, kjer je Amerika danes. Ni pa Smeljakov radi tega žalosten. S precej jedkimi opazkami je valil odgovornost za tako stanje na svojo lastno domovino in njene ne ravno sposobne voditelje v skve z avtomobilom na pot na deželo, se mora na potovanje pripraviti, kot da bi potoval skozi Saharo v srednjo Afriko. Zato se pa tudi tako malo tujih turistov spusti s svojimi vozovi na obširno rusko zemljo imel Pred enim vprašanjem je pa tovariš Smeljakov 1I11CJ. ir • spoštovanje. Ako hoče Rusija preteklosti. Če bi smel, bi naj-brže lahko veliko povedal, kar je zvedel od samega ^ svo-jeg? učitelja Mikojana. Scer je pa veliko vprašanje, ali je Rusiji večja pro-izvdnj a avtomobilov sploh potebna. Rusija nima namreč praktično nobenega cestne^ omrežja, ki bi vsaj delo-mazadovoljilo najbolj skrom- sfjua^v^j— -nedelje avtomobilskega pro- doseči ameriški avtomo is mea. Pravih avtomobilskih promet, odkod naj vzame a ces še ni, obstojajo zanje na- pital za investicije v nove av črt toda še niso dokončno o- tomobilske tovarne, v no dolreni. Manjka pa na cestah naftno industrijo, v novo ces tud benciskih postaj, saj jih no omrežje, v hote e, 1 30 p im Moskva celih osem in Le- trebni turistom z av omo i nigrad le pet, kot je to do- itd. Zanimivo je, a ne gnlo neko preiskovanje CIA, di Amerika, kollko kapitala 1 namenjeno našemu Kongresu, v tem stoletju a m, a Pstudi če bi postaje bile po- tomobilsko in 03 a e _ staljene, bi ne bilo storjeno je, ki jih potre uje a vs- Postajam je namreč tre- bilski promet. me ja badobavljati bencin, mazilna mogel zvedeti no ene oP, nanje je treba priključiti številke. Morda mu je pdravljalnice z izvežbanimi le v tolažbo, e i v ’ stPkovnimi delavci, vsega te- se zgrozil nad vsoto <* ’ g£pa v Rusiji še nimajo. odkod naj jo vzame j g . Cdor se torej poda iz Mo- dežela. ob štirih na svoj pomladanski koncert v SDD na Recher Avenue. Po koncertu večerja, zabava in ples! Članski sestanek— Dramatsko društvo Lilija ima članski sestanek v ponedeljek ob osmih zvečer v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. Važna seja— Glas clevelandskih delavcev št. 9 ADZ ima v nedeljo ob devetih dopoldne važno sejo v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clairju. Vse članstvo vabljeno! Nove cestne svetilke— V preteklem letu je bilo postavljenih v okolici sv. Vida in Slov. nar. doma na St. Ciair Avenue več novih živorsrebrnih (mercury) luči za cestno razsvetljavo. Kot poroča mestni odbornik E. J. Turk bodo tekom letošnjega leta postavili še več teh svetilk: na E. 61 od Glass do Superior, E. 71 od St. Ciair do Superior, na Norwood od St. Clair do Superior, na E. 64 St. od St. Ciair do Varian, na Glass od E. 61 do E. 64, na St. Ciair od E. 55 do E. 76 St. severno do N.Y.C. R.R. Postopno bodo postavili take svetilke po vsem mestu, to pa bo seveda vzelo nekaj let. Slovo od župnika M. Jagra— Dosedanji župnik pri Mariji Vnebovzeti č.g. Matija Jager, ki odhaja v pokoj, bo imel v nedeljo ob pol treh popoldne v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete pete litanije z blagoslovom. Po njih se bo poslovil od faranov v cerkveni dvorani. Skupno sv. obhajilo— Društvo sv. Rešnjega telesa j pri Sv. Lovrencu ima v nedeljo ob sedmih pri sv. maši skupno sv. obhajilo, popoldne ob dveh uro molitve, nato pa sejo. Asesment— V nedeljo bosta tajnik in blagajnik Društva presv. Srca Jezusovega št. 172 KSKJ pobi rala asesment v Baragovem do mu od 10. dop. do 12. To pobira nje bo namesto rednega vsak. i. nedeljo, ker tajnik g. J. Grdina v petek, 14. aprila, odpotujt v Jugoslavijo, kjer bo ostal dc julija. Zadušnica— V ponedeljek ob 7.30 bo v cerkvi sv. Kristine sv. maša za pok. Louisa Robb ob 6. obletnici smrti. Jutri ob 6.30 bo v cerkvi Ma rije Vnebovzete sv. maša za pok Josepha Kuharja ob 6. obletnici smrti. V ponedeljek ob sedmih zjutraj bo v cerkvi sv. Felicite sv. meša za pok. Ignaca Kozela na 30. dan njegove smrti. Goodwill Industries— Delavnice za pohabljene, zaostale in stare, ki so pomoči potrebni, Goodwill Industries, bodo s 1. aprilom začele pobirati po Velikem Clevelandu staro obleko, pohištvo, gospodinjske naprave, igrače in drugo, kar je mogoče popraviti. Kdor bi kaj takega imel, naj kliče 431-8300, pa bodo prisl iskat. Goodwill Industries popravljene predmete proda in z izkupičkom plača zaposlene. sobot v spravo Brezmadežnemu Srcu Marijinemu po namenih sv. očeta. Nov odbor cerkve sv. Save potrjen— Okrajni sodnik T. J. Parrino je potrdil izid volitev za novo upravo srbske pravoslavne cerkve sv. Save. Zmagala je skupina z Dobroslavom Milisavlje-vičem na čelu nad ono s T. Simičem v razmerju 451:297. Ko je včeraj prišel novi odbor do cerkve sv. Save v Parmi, da bi jo prevzel, ni bilo dosedanjega odbora s T. Simičem in rev. B. Skaljcem nikjer. Parmski župan Petruška je napovedal, da bo med obema skupinama posredoval danes dopoldne na sestanku v mestni hiši. Simič in rev. Skaljac sta za novega škofa, ki ga je imenoval beograjski srbski patrijarh, med tem ko priznava skupina Milisavljevica škofa Dionizija, ki ga je patri-jarh odstavil. Zadnje vesti RIMINI, Bah. — A. C. Powell je včeraj tu na sestanku črnih vodnikov iz ZDA napovedal politično organizacijo in povezavo črncev po vseh Zdru Ženih državah. Podroben načrt o tem bo izdelan na zborovanju črnih vodnikov iz vse dežele v Los Angelesu 26. maja. ATENE, Gr. — Predsednik vlade John Paraskevopoulos je včeraj zaradi spora med glavnim strankama, ki sta njegovo vlado podpirala, odstopil. Unija centra je zahtevala podaljšanje nedotakljivosti poslancev tudi po razpustu parlamenta do novih volitev, Narodna radikalna stranka pa se je temu uprla, češ da je proti ustavi. S predlogom podaljšanja nedotakljivosti poslancev skuša vodnik Unije G. Papan-dreou zavarovati svojega sina Andreasa, ki bi bil kot vodnik zarote “Aspida” brez dvoma prijet, kakor hitro bi ga ne varovala več poslanska nedotakljivost. SAIGON, J. Viet. — V tednu 19.-25. marca je padlo v bojih v Vietnamu 274 Amerikancev, 203 J. Vietnamci in 10 drugih zavezniških vojakov. Rdeči so imeli v istem času 2,744 mrtvih. To je doslej največje število mrtvih ameriških vojakov v Vietnamu v enem tednu. Poleg rekordnega števila mrtvih je bilo 1,320 Amerikancev ranjenih, 12 pa pogrešanih. — Pretekli teden je bilo v J. Vietnamu skupno 425,000 ameriških vojakov, ki nosijo glavno teže borbe proti rdečim, katerih je po ameriških podatkih skupno pod orožjem 287,000. KIM, It. — Ko je šel podpredsednik ZDA H. H. Humphrey sinoči v rimsko opero, je nekdo iz skupine demonstrantov proti vojni v Vietnamu vrgel proti njemu posodo z rumeno barvo. Na obleko podpredsednika je priletelo le nekaj kapelj, med tem ko je bil direktor opere tako poškropljen : barvo, da se je moral iti pre obleči. iinEEiSK/i Domovina «ga'Očg^awčaeiat; 6117 St. Clair Ave. — HEnderson 1-0628 — Cleveland, Ohio 44103 National and International Circulation Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays and 1st week of July Manager and Editor: Mary Debevec NAROČNINA: fcsi Združena države: $16.01) na leto: $8.00 za pel leta; $5.00 za 8 mtaeca Zi- Kanado in dežel« izven Združenih držav: $18.00 na leto; $9.00 za pol leta; $5.50 za 3 mesec® Petkova izdaja $5.00 na leto SUBSCRIPTION RATES: t*tilted State*: $16.08 per year; $8.00 for 6 months; $5.00 for 3 months (Unarift and Foreign Countries: I18.S0 per year; $9.00 for 6 months; $5.50 for 3 month* Friday edition $5.00 for one year •Mills* 83 Second Class postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio 64 Fridayj March 3l7T967 Očitno je, da imajo farmarji dovolj vzroka za pritožbe, pota hiše božje in kolikor mogo-da ne dobijo svojega deleža od'narodnega dohodka, da ta če slovesno bogoslužje, ne raste v sorazmerju s porastom cen in porastom dohodkov na ostalih področjih. Odprto vprašanje je med tem, ali je mogoče po poti, na katero se je podala Narodna farmar-ska organizacija, dejansko doseči izboljšanje položaja farmarjev. Zvezna vlada je skozi vsa leta po drugi svetovni vojni s podporami davkoplačevalcev vzdrževala cene deželnim pridelkom na določeni ravni, največkrat na višji od one na mednarodnem trgu. Žal je to podpiranje malemu in srednjemu farmarju, kot so trdile razne kongresne komisije, malo koristilo, dalo pa je možnost vsakovrstnim zlorabam, ki so povzročala nevoljo v javnosti. BESEDA /Z NARODA Župnik iaSija Jager odhaja v pokoj CLEVELAND, O. — Precej nepričakovano se je tik pred velikonočnimi prazniki raznesla med Slovenci v Clevelandu vest, da stopa č. g. Matija Jager, župnik fare Marijinega Vnebovzetja v Collinwoodu v pokoj. Lansko poletje smo v Collinwoodu z veliko slovesnostjo praznovali njegov zlatomašniški jubilej. Ker se je gospodu župniku Jagru zdravje izdatno izboljšalo, nismo pričakovali, da bo za tem njegovim jubilejem že stopil v pokoj. Farmarji se jezijo V zadnjih dveh tednih smo ponovno videli na televiziji in na slikah v časopisju' farmarje, ko zlivajo mleko v kanale, na polje ali ko ga krmijo živini, namesto da bi ga kot doslej vozili v mlekarne, kjer bi bilo predelano in poslano na trg za človeško hrano. Uničevanje mleka v času, ko je na svetu tolikšno pomanjkanje hrane, ko v Indiji, Indoneziji, pa tudi v nekaterih predelih Afrike in Latinske Amerike umirajo od lakote, ko tudi v naši bogati deželi hodijo milijoni zvečer spat lačni, je povzročilo pri gledalcih in bralcih veliko nevoljo. Ljudje so se spraševali, čemu ne dajo farmarji tega mleka rajše na razpolago dobrodelnim organizacijam, da ga razdele potrebnim, ki ga ne morejo kupiti. Farmarji so z zadrževanjem mleka od trga in z njegovim uničevanjem hoteli opozoriti javnost na svoj položaj in s temi trdimi ukrepi izsiliti povečanje cene mleka, ki je prenizka, da bi jim mogla dajati primeren dohodek za življenje in vzdrževanje njih samih in njihovih družin. Farmar-ski štrajk je organizirala in ga vodi Narodna farmarska organizacija (NFO). Segel je v 25 držav srednjega zahoda, jugovzhoda in severovzhoda dežele. Farmarji zahtevajo en dolar več za stot mleka, kar naj bi povečalo ceno kvarta v prodaji na drobno za 2 centa. Farmarska organizacija trdi, da so cene farmarskih pridelkov, posebno mleka, veliko prenizke. Pravijo, da je stal stot mleka leta 1948 $5.36, lani pa le $5.19, kar pa je bila v dolgih letih najboljša cena. Še leta 1965 je stal stot mleka samo $4.66. V 20 letih, ko je cena mleka preje padla, kot porastla, so se cene vsemu drugemu povišale za četrtino, polovico ali celo več. Tako mora farmar za svoje potrebščine plačevati veliko več, za svoje mleko pa dobi celo manj. Vsi poskusi ta položaj izboljšati z boljšo organizacijo dela in obrata niso prinesli uspeha. Tako vsaj trdi na primer farmar Bob Jensen v Farmingtonu v Minnesoti. On svoj položaj in napor takole slika; Pred 15 leti sem molzel 15 do 20 krav in imel letno čistega $1,600. Od tedaj sem število krav potrojil, ves obrat mehaniziral in uvedel umetno namakanje. Storil sem vse mogoče, toda lani vendar nisem dosegel več kot $1,600 čistega. Skozi moje roke gre na tisoče dolarjev več, toda ne ostane mi jih nič več. Živim na račun obstoječega, na račun tega, kar naj bi dal na stran za obnovo poslopij, strojev in vsega drugega. Ne ženem se, da bi postal bogat, toda imam vendar pravico do dostojnega dohodka! V zadnjih letih je mnogo farmarjev, ki so se ukvarjali pretežno z gojenjem krav mlekaric ih s prodajo meka, ta posel opustilo in svoje farme prodalo ali jih spremenilo v kaj drugega. Sedaj je v vsej deželi le še okoli pol milijona farm, ki se ukvarjajo pretežno z mlekarstvom. Še leta 1960 jih je bilo en milijon, leta 1940 pa celo 2.6 milijona. Seveda so še obstoječe mlekarske farme veliko večji obrati, kot so bile opuščene. Kljub temu je začelo domačega mleka in mlečnih izdelkov, s katerimi še pred nekaj leti niso vedeli ne kod ne kam in so jih zato pošiljali po vsem svetu za prehrano revnih otrok, primanjkovati. Farmarji so upali, da bo zmanjšanje ponudbe prišlo v sklad s povpraševanjem, kar bo privedlo do postopnega porasta cen mleka. Do tega ni prišlo, ker so začela velika mlekarska podjetja uvažati mleko in mlečne izdelke iz tujine. Da bi farmarjem pomagali, so senatorji in kongresniki iz farmarskih predelov začeli v Kongresu pritiskati za uzakonitev omejitve uvoza mleka in mlečnih izdelkov. Trenutno se žene za to okoli ICO senatorjev in kongresnikov. Farmarska organizacija se je sredi tega meseca odločila, da bo samo poskrbela za izboljšanje svojega položaja. Svojim članom in vsem drugim je priporočila ustavitev pošiljanja mleka na trg. S tem korakom je upala v določenem času povzročiti pomanjkanje mleka in iztisniti iz mlekarskih podjetij nov dogovor o cenah ki naj bi dal farmarjem, kot že omenjeno, en dolar več ^a stot mleka. Ponekod, kjer niso mogli svojih tovarišev pridobiti z besedo in svarili, je prišlo do nasilij, piketiranja in celo do pokupovanja mleka v trgovinah. V Wisconsinu je guverner pozval FBI, ko je bila nekemu farmarju v tej državi z dinamitom razstreljena mlekarna. Prodajna mreža in mlekarne trdijo, da nastop farmar-ske organizacije ni uspešen, da je dovoz mleka na trg zadovoljiv in ne grozi nobeno pomanjkanje mleka in mlečnih izdelkov. Farmarji kljub temu še niso obupali, še vedno upajo, da njihovo zadrževanje mleka od trga ne bo zastonj. Pri tem opozarjajo na svoj podobni nastop z govejo živino in prašiči, ki je vsaj začasno prinesel zvišanje njihove cene. Tam bi Narodna farmarska organizacija je bila ustanovljena leta 1955. ko so bile cene farmarskih izdelkov izredno niz- merno zem^isce m ce bl °a tudl ke in ie farmarje še posebej prizadela huda suša na Sred- dobili’ bi morda stal° Prav toli njem Zahodu. Njen glavni stan je v Cornigu v Iowi. Kohk°’ kolikor ie sfedai stala nova iiko članov ima, je njena skrbno čuvana tajnost. išola. Č. g. župnik Matija Jager- je zaključil polnih štirideset let svojega plodonosnega dela kot slovenski dušni pastir v Ameriki. Dovršil je veliko delo kot duhovnik in zaveden Slovenec. Delo gospoda župnika Jagra v Ameriki bi lahko razdelili na tri obdobja. Kaplan pri Sv. Vidu Leta 1926 je iskal tedanji sve-toviški župnik Jernej Ponikvar v Sloveniji slovenskega duhovnika za svojo župnijo v Clevelandu. To je zvedel tudi mlad duhovnik č. g. Jager, ki je bil takrat kaplan pri Sv. Jakobu v Ljubljani in se ponudil, da gre v Ameriko. Svojo službo kot kaplan pri Sv. Vidu je nastopil meseca januarja 1927. Farani se še sedaj spominjajo njegovih odločnih pridig. Četudi je bil v svoji službi zelo zaposlen, je kljub temu še našel čas, da je delal izven cerkve, kjer se je posvečal mladini v orlovski organizaciji, v dramatiki in petju. Mladina pa je ponesla od tega dela v življenje vero, slovensko zavednost in lepo slovensko govorico. Da toliko tu rojenih Slovencev še tako dobro obvlada svoj materin jezik, je prav zasluga t a k r a tnega šentviškega kaplana Jagra. Župnik v Collinwoodu Meseca maja 1952 je bilo izpraznjeno mesto župnika v fari Marijinega Vnebovzetja v Collinwoodu. Tedanji župnik msgr. Vid Hribar je nastopil svoj pokoj in škof Edvard Hoban je izpraznjeno mesto podelil župniku Matiji Jagru. Ko se je novi župnik razgledal po svoji novi župniji, je videl, da bo moral marsikaj spraviti v red, da njegovo dušno pastirstvo ne bo ovirano. Najprej se je lotil razširitve šole. Dogradil je še nekaj razredov in nato vse razrede enotno opremil. Dozidal je dvorano. Dokupil je prostor ob cesti Saranac za šolsko igrišče. Ob nedeljah je pa tu prostor za parkiranje avtomobilov. Nadalje je bilo treba ukreniti nekaj zaradi cerkve. Dosedanja je bila premajhna in poslopje ne dosti trdno. Kampanja za novo cerkev se je pričela v maju 1956. Farani so bili pripravljeni darovati okrog 250,000 dolaijev. Priprave za gradnjo so se pričele. V nedeljo, 21. oktobra 1956, je nadškof Hoban zasadil prvo lopato. To je bilo za 50-letnieo fare, ki je bila ustanovljes,fc leta 1906. Preko zime je delo že toliko napredovalo, da je škof Kroll 19. maja 1957 že blagoslovil vogelni kamen. Cerkev je rasla, skrbi gospoda župnika Jagra pa tudi. Do jeseni je bila cerkev že pod streho. V nedeljo, 15. septembra 1957, so bili v cerkvi že novi zvonovi in ta dan jih je blagoslovil pokojni škof dr. Gregorij Rožman. — V Ko je vatikanski cerkveni zbor izdal novo konstitucijo o svetem bogoslužju in se je služba božja začela opravljati v narodnih jezikih, je g. župnik Jager poskrbel, da je bilo uvedeno tudi slovensko bogoslužje. Slovenci v njegovi župniji smo mu zato še posebej hvaležni. Zlasti slovenski verniki naše župnije bomo gospoda župnika Jagra zelo pogrešali. Slovo gospoda župnika Jagra Naj ob koncu omenim še slovo gospoda župnika Jagra. Doslej se gospod župnik Jager še ni nič poslovil v kaki pridigi od svojih faranov. Toda če pogledamo, kaj se je v cerkvi okoli Velike noči v zadnjih tednih dogajalo, lahko vidimo v vsem, kako je bilo vse osredotočeno v slovo gospoda župnika in od fare. Kako zelo mu je bilo pri srcu naše duhovno življenje, spoznamo, ko je pripravil misijon za angleško in slovepsko govoreče farane. Kako skrbno je pripravil in sam vodil vse globoke obrede Velikega tedna. Na Veliki četrtek je s svojima asistentoma o-pravil k o n c e lebracijsko sveto mašo, ki je bila prvič darovana v naši cerkvi. Vsi trije gospodje so opravili skupaj sveto mašo v spomin zadnje večerje in v spomin postavitve zakramenta presv. Rešnjega Telesa. Gospod župnik Jager se je pa s to sv. mašo javno poslovil od svojih sobratov, ki so skupaj skrbeli za naše duhovno dobro. Morda nam je hotel povedati s to sv. mašo: mi trije smo eno. Vse tri nas je Bog poklical k isti službi, da smo vam, predragi moji verniki, v službi pri oltarju božjem. Na Veliki petek je pa pri odkrivanju sv. križa gospod župnik mislil na našega trpečega Zveličarja in morda tudi na svoje trpljenje, ki mu ga je Bog s svojo sveto službo dopuščal. In kakor je Kristus, predno je umrl, zaklical: Dopolnjeno je! je morda gospod župnik Jager tudi sam pri sebi mislil: Dopolnjeno je tudi zame. Izvršil sem, kar mi je Bog zaupal in sedaj samo še nekaj dni in dopolnil bom nalogo, ki mi jo je dal Bog tisti dan, ko ga je poklical v svojo sveto Igra na odru kaže značaje Vsak človek bi moral imeti kakor iz kamna izklesan, kakor iz brona vlit značaj, trdno, ne-omahljivo možatost. Kaj pa je to — značaj? Vzemimo katerokoli vam bolj znano igro ali povest, npr. Finž-garjevo “Razvalino življenja V tej igri nastopa več oseb. Urh je grabež, stiskač, Martina je sama lakomnost, Sirk je pijanček dobrovoljček, silen strah ima pred svojo Katro, Ferjan je lah-koživec, iz katerega bi dobra žena lahko vendarle mogla narediti porabnega človeka, Lenčka je sirota, popolnoma v kleščah svojega očeta, prepozno se osamosvoji, Tona je dekle, ki se je v šoli življenja veliko naučila, Mica klepetulja in na skrivnem ga rada srka. Veste, kaj smo zdajle povedali? V par besedah smo opisali značaje v igri nastopajočih oseb. Če torej povemo, kakšen je ta ali oni človek, opišemo s tem njegov značaj. Značaji so prikupljivi, imamo jih radi, pa so tudi taki, ki so nam zoprni, neprijetni, odbijajoči. Navadno imenujemo človeka januarju 1958 so bile v cerkvi že '5duzbo- -^n farani, kakor da bi res nove orgle in 26. jan. jih je blagoslovil msgr. John Oman. Nekaj dni kasneje pa je bila cerkev že popolnoma dograjena. V nedeljo, 2. februarja 1958. je clevelandski nadškof Edvard Hoban blagoslovil novo cerkev. Ako sedaj pregledamo datu- hoteli svojemu župniku napraviti še zadnje veselje, predno se poslovi, so napolnili cerkev do zadnjega kotička in skoro vsi pristopili k sv. obhajilu. Velika sobota. Sveta maša. Z močnim glasom je gospod župnik zapel: “Gloria in excelsis me, kako so se hitro vrstili drug1 Deo • Morda ste g°sPod ŽUP" za drugim ob zidavi nove cer- rdk mislili na svojo prvo glorijo, k ve, si lahko predstavljamo, ko- ki ste j° zaPeli v cerkvici na priliko žrtev in dela je bilo za go- Jaznem gričku tam na Homcu snoda župnika Jagra. j Pr^ Domžalah ... In danes ste jo * Amerikanec pravi, da s; vsak T°pet zapeli’ ^ d°P°lnil se je človek sam gradi svoj spome- nete med nami še dolgo vrsto let. Bog z Vami! Vaš faran nik. Ta pregovor je za žipnika Jagra popolnoma resničen. Z čas Velika nedelja. Zgodaj zjutraj ... Vstajenje, Aleluja, ale-gradnjo cerkve, ki jo je pcstavil bj-ia’ aleluja. In tako ste se po-Bogu in Materi božji na čist, je sloviIi k«t župnik od vstalega tudi sam sebi postavil trajen Zveličarja, ki Vam je bil petdeset let: Pot, Resnica in Živ- župnik v Barbertonu Leta 1940 je imenovan za slovenskega župni spomenik. Farani in vsi, ki stanujejo koli cerkve, so nanjo lahko po- ljenje ... novo cerkev, staro pa prezidal v dvorano. Poleg tega je tam ku- Še eno slovo, predno je dopol-bii čT Jager nosni- NJena vnan)ost J6 roleP- nieno! Litanije Matere božie na ‘ fe' bli_ šala ta del mesta. Njena rotra- Veliko nedeljo popoldne: Sveta ka v Barberton, Ohio. Tam je še’ n.jost je pa nekaj posebne^ Že Marija^ sveta Mati božja, sveta danes veliko Slovencev. Njihovo od vrat> k° stoPiš v cerkeV> je uevlc Devica... središče je bilo v župniji presv. Pred teb°j Slavni oltar; ia od . KoIlkokrat ste Jih Peli, gospod Srca Jezusovega. Prvo, kar je Povsod imaš nemoten pogled na župnik, v svojih več kot petde- ?. župnik Jager opazil v Barber-Tltar- LeP° .le opremljena, aku- setih letih? In ob koncu: V zatonu, je bilo, da je cerkev pre-'stična in ljudstvo se v nje: do- kramentu vse sladkosti počasti- majhna. Vsled tega je zgradil bro P°čuti. __ deZUSf.''' kn blagoslov z Nova cerkev je pa le zuranji, Najsvetejšim vsem Vašim fara- vidni znak dela in žrtvovanja nom, ne samo tistim, ki so bili v pil precej veliko zemljišče. Te- župnika Jagra. Nova cerkev cerkvi, ampak vsem. daj so mnogi rekli, da tega pro-! ie le sredstvo, ki naj ljudi pn- Gospod župnik, lepše se od štora nikoli ne bodo rabili. Pred vablja v bližino Bogu. Gospod svojih faranov niste mogli po-nekaj leti smo pa brali, kako so j zuPnik Jager se je no hu i , sloviti. bili Barbertončani hvaležni go-!aa b* svojim verni om m mp ako smo spremljali Vas, gospodu župniku Jagru, da je ta-!/janom bil skrben Pas ir- D1 1 spod župnik, na letošnji Veliki krat tisto zemljišče kupil, ker so mčesar ne manj 'a o v u mden in letošnjo Veliko noč. sedaj tam postavili novo šolo. ^lovnern vers em u\ a^° sem doživljal Vase slovo , . , . i Nihče se ne more pritozevat;, da jaz. Oprostite! sedaj težko dobili pri- • . .. . , u.i ~ v naši župniji nl dobil česa, , Kakor Kristus tudi prvi dan je potreboval v duhovnem ozi- po vstajenju ni zapustil svojih ru. j učencev, apostolov in prijate- Posebno lepe lastnosti go^po-. Ijev, tako boste tudi Vi še ostali da župnika Jagra so bile red le-1 med nami. Želimo Vam, da osta- Lepa starost CLEVELAND, O. — V soboto, 1. aprila, bo Mrs. Frances Sku bic na 15400 Lucknow Ave. dopolnila 82 let življenja. Poleg hčere, Mrs. Fanny Novak, in vnuka ji iskreno čestitajo farani župnije Marije Vnebovzete, ki se hvaležni spominjajo, kako pridno je Mrs. Skubic pomagala pri vseh župnijskih dobrodelnih in drugih, zlasti slovenskih kulturnih prireditvah, kako veliko dobrega je storila za župno cerkev in zlasti po zadnji vojni za Ligo Kat. Amerikancev in za pomoč vsem, ki so trpeli v komunistični revoluciji in pod komunističnimi preganjalci v Slo' veniji. Tudi Ameriška Domovina želi svoji zvesti naročnici vse naj boljše. Naj ji Bog ohrani zdravje in ji dodeli še lepo in zadovoljno bodočnost. M. K. II NAŠIH VRST Emil, Minn. — Spoštovano u redništvo! Ker mi bo kmalu potekla naročnina za Ameriško Domovino, v pismu prilagam ček za $16.00. Pri Vas imate gotovo že pomlad, pri nas pa je še dosti snega in jezera so še vsa zamrzla. Za pirhe smo dobili 20. marca še devet inč novega snega. Tako je bila Velika noč bela in mrzla. Pa kaj hočemo? Pomlad že prišla bo ... ali ne? Pri urejanju Ameriške Domovine Vam želim obilo uspeha in Vas iskreno pozdravljam Anton Štrukelj ll Robb, Alta. — Spoštovano u-redništvo! Priloženo Vam pošiljam denarno nakaznico za enoletno naročnino in prilagam $2 v malo, skromno podporo listu. Ameriška Domovina nam prinaša zanimivo, dobro in pošteno branje in tako seje med naše ljudi bogato seme. Hvala za ves Vaš trud. značajnega, če najdemo na njem precej dobrih lastnosti; človeka s slabimi lastnostmi imenujemo radi neznačajnega. S tem nočemo povedati, da nima značaja, ampak, da ima značaj, ki je nam in drugim zoprn. Vsaka povest ali igra je za nas šola značajev. Morda se včasih pritožujemo, da v povestih in v igrah mora biti vsaka oseba taka, kakršno hoče imeti pisatelj. Seveda! Vsako tako delo je lahko kos resničnega življenja in življenje se v povestih in v resnici razvija in ravna po značajih. Kadar bereš povesti, ne beri samo, kako se dejanje v povesti zamotava, razvija, dviga in pada, dokler ne pride do srečnega ali nesrečnega konca, ampak še bolj pridno se vtapljaj v posamezne značaje, dobre in slabe, prikupljive in neprikupljive, o-svajajoče in odbijajoče. Tako bo vsaka povest zate šola. Ljudje bodo pred teboj kakor živi in ti sam lahko misliš in snuješ dalje, kako bi nastopal z enakim značajem, kako bi nastopal s svojim. “Če bi bil jaz na tvojem mestu ...” učiš nemalokrat svojega bližnjega. Torej . .. Pri zdravniku Mati pripelje sinčka k zdravniku. — Zdravnik: “Pokaži jezik!” Sinček: “Mama, ali osL ' di?” O bolečinah in glavobolu (Konec.) Seveda je za toliko najrazlič' nejših vzrokov tudi cela vrsta možnosti za zdravljenje. Zato ni' kakor ne bi mogli priporočiti! naj vsakdo sam poskusi z raZ' nimi tabletami in praški zdraviti te bolečine. Če je glavobol en' kratna zadeva, že, če pa se p°' navija, moramo k svojemi1 zdravniku, ki nam bo pomaga^; Redno, zmerno življenje z dosti spanja in počitka ter z redom v prehrani in odvajanju je tistC’ kar nam največkrat manjka. ^ dobro voljo in zavestnim prena' šanjem pozornosti na drugo del° ali s tem, da se zamotimo z de' lom, običajno lahko premagani0 enkratne glavobole. Če vse to ne pomaga, šele tedaj posezimo P° tableti in ne obratno, kot pi'°” mnogi delajo: tablete jedo, ker “jih bo sicer začela boleti va”! Če pa se bolečine ponav' Ijajo, tedaj ne odlašajmo in P°T dimo k zdravniku! Poleg teh značilnih spremlj6 valcev drugih težav je lah^0 vzrok glavobola tudi v glavi sa mi: prva taka oblika je “migr° na”, ki napade nekatere lju0 večkrat, pogosto že zjutraj s h0 dimi bolečinami, ki so običaju0 v eni polovici glave in se st°P njujejo do slabosti in bruhanj^ Kasneje odleže, prizadeti PaJ. onemogel in si želi samo P°cl, ka. Vzrok migrene je znan. nje v oženju in širjenju ganskih žil vodijo do otoka gan in ta povzroči te silne bo čine. Zdravnik ima na V°K vrsto zdravil, od katerih vS eno običajno pomaga. Drug tak primer je tudi ZIV čilen, gre namreč za vnetje sl nice obnosnih votlin. Bolečine ^ običajno v območju čela, ^ očmi, pa tudi v zgornji čeljb3 ^ kjer pa jih lahko zamenjam0^ zobobolom. Če pa gre za £n°^v> vnetje te sluznice, potem naS.^0, j pe in hude bolečine, ki so najP, Želeč Vam mnogo uspeha, Vas gostejše zjutraj ali proti PaP| najlepše pozdravljam! j dnevu, prisilijo, da se za D. Bunderla 1 k otologu. ioP teče*0 OTROŠKI KOTIČEK | i Velikonočni prazniki so za nami in, vsaj upam tako, ste jih vsi lepo praznovali. Jaz sam se nimam kaj pritožiti. Res sva bila z muckom sama v šendici, toda z menoj je bila misel velikonočnega dneva, ki je tako blažilna za starega človeka: Če je Kristus vstal, bomo vstali tudi mi. Potička to leto se mi je lepo posrečila, smem reči. Rahla je bila, z orehi in rozinami potresena. Hren je bil pa talko močan, da mi je kar sapo zaprl, ker je nimam veliko. * Dragi Kotičkov stric! Hvala za Vaš kotiček v Ameriški Domovini. Otroci ga radi beremo. V njem zvemo za novi-ce in za doživetja drugih otrok, ki jih poznamo. Tudi Vaši odgovori so zelo zanimivi. Moj ata 3e že kar dolgo v bolnici. Počasi mu gre na boljše. Komaj čakajo, da bi prišel domov. Dvakrat sem ga šla tudi jaz obisko,t. Bil Je zelo vesel, da sem prišla k njemu. Morala pa sem imeti posebno dovoljenje. Ne vem zakaj °trokom ne puste v bolnico. Lepo Te pozdravlja Majda Rihtar biraga Majda! Vesel sem Tvoje lepe otroške zahvale, Majda. Kadar pišem iodle na pogradu odgovore na ^aša pisemca, se mi vedno zdi, da vsakega posebej vidim pred seboj. Tako je moja samotna Šendica vedno polna otrok, če-Prav sem sam. Hudo sem vesel, da gre Tvojemu atu na boljše. Marsikdaj sva se srečala in go-vorila. Seveda, če pomislim na Sv°jo starost, je Tvoj ata kakor fantek proti meni. In skoraj se ^i ne zdi prav, da sem pri teh etih zdaj bolj trden kakor on. az sem star in neroden, on pa Jnlad in še toliko dela pred se-J°i- Toda Ti povem, da se ga *narsikdaj spomnim v svojih sla-. ih molitvah, da bi Bog na vse °nce tako naredil, da bo prav. n vem, da bo. Zakaj otroke ne Puste v bolnico na obiske tudi laz ne vem. Na tem svetu je to-1'° čudnih navad, da človek res Ve zakaj so. Upam, da je med ern Tvoj ata spet doma in da se *djta vsak dan. če je moje upa-le pravo, mu povej, da ga lepo ozdravljam in da mu želim vse tud-1^ ^ Seve<^a’ *eT Pozoo<=>oooooooo0(>oo! “Ali imate voz?” Začudeno je pogledal Luka moža. Ta pa je naglo vprašal: “Kdo bo pa plačal? Ali plačate vi?” “Ali bo mnogo?” “Dvajset goldinarjev.” Luki so zaklecala kolena. “Sirota je!” je vzdihnil. “Veste kaj, mož,” je dejal zdravnik nato, “pojdite v hišo nasproti. Tam stanuje okrajni zdravnik. Veste, so domači bolniki. Le pojdite in povprašajte. Prva hiša na levi.” Vrata so se pred Luko zaprla. Velika, čudna glava iz medi je bila vdelana v les. Luka se je zagledal vanjo. Zdelo se mu je, da gleda sovražno in zlobno nanj. Obrnil se je in lezel iz hiše. in krenil na desno. Toda na desni ni bilo nobene hiše. Mimo je prišel deček, od tega je doznal Luka, kod naj obrne. Lezel je po stopnicah in obstal pred vrati, na katerih je bilo pisano neko ime. Zopet je potrkal. Ali dolgo ni bilo nikogar. Potrkal je v drugo, v tretje. Šele tedaj je zaslišal korake in potrkal je v četrto. Tedaj so se res odprla vrata. Nekaka podobna ženska ko prej je odprla in začelo se je staro izpraševanje. “Doktorja ni doma!” je dejala končno žena. Luka se je prijel za glavo: “Ga ni doma!” “Vrnite se lepo,” je rekla žena, “jutri pride pogledati!” “Jutri,” se je skušal smejati “Prva na levi,” je premišljal Luka, “če ne bo prepozno.” In CHICAGO, ILL MALE HELP Computers & People Do Mix If you are interested in both, we’ve got just the job for you. All you really reed is basic electronics — either from technical school, the armed forces or comparable experience and you’re on your way. Call FRANK MADER at FO 9-5407 or AU 7-8300, daily until 5, or write him at: IBM Corporaiion 7321 Lake St., River Forest, 111. 60305 “An Equal Opportunity Employer” (65) HEATHK1T One of the world’s largest electronic kit manufacturers has openings for: TECHNICAL WRITERS Prefer 2 years (college science major) or 2 years commercial military or Tech School Training in. electronics or equivalent. TECHNICAL ILLUSTRATORS At least 1 year of drafting experience including knowledge of perspective. ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS For service testing, trouble shooting and repair. Prefer Technical School graduates with six months or more experience. We offer good salary, generous fringes and a pleasant working atmosphere in our modern offices located on the beautiful Eastern Shores of Lake Michigan. Excellent schools, housing and recreational facilities. Send resume including salary requirements in. confidence to: JACK SCHOENBERG Director of Personnel HEATH COMPANY Benton Harbor, Michigan 49022 We Are An Equal Opportunity Employer (66) nekaka jeza ga je prijela in je rekel: “Veste kaj, če ga zdaj ni, po tem ga ni treba!” In obrnil je debelo gledajoči ženi hrbet in odšel. “Saj je vse zaman!” je mislil. “To z zdravniki ni drugega ko sleparija. Kdor ima denar, pač, kdor ima. Kaj boš ti, Jerica, sirota! Umri, vidiš, to bo še najbolje.” Luka ni vedel, da se skoraj zapleta, ko je šel po cesti. Mislil je venomer le eno: da je Jerica zgubljena. Hipoma pa je obstal. “K prvemu grem nazaj. Deset goldinarjev imam, porečem, sve to besedo vam dam, da dobite še drugih deset.” In res je krenil k prvemu zdravniku nazaj. Ko pa je prišel do vrat in zagledal ono medeno glavo, mu je zmanjkalo poguma in je odšel. ‘Vsega je konec!” mu je šumelo po glavi. “Če je vsega konec, naj pa bo!” je mislil in krenil v gostilno. Luka je popil kozarec vina, Luka je popil drugi kozarec, Luka je popil tretji kozarec vina. “Bog me je zapustil!” je mislil pred se in vrgel denar na mizo. Nekako čudno ga je pogledala deklina, ki mu je menjavala. V trgu je zazvonilo. “Ali je kdo umrl,” je vprašal Luka, “Oh,” je odvrnila deklina, “saj mrjo vsak dan.” “Kaj imajo?” “Koze!” Luka je naročil novo četrt vina in govoril sam s seboj: “Le pij, Luka! To je še najbolje. Vino je zdravo in človek pozabi, kadar pije, pozabi!” Smejal se je pred se, da se ga je strežajka skoraj bala. On pa je kimal sam zase. Skoraj dobro mu je delo, da zvoni. “Naj le zvoni, naj! Naj mrjo. Če Jerica umrje, zakaj ne bi drugi? Naj mrjo!” “Naj mrjo,” je govoril Luka še vedno, tudi ko je taval po cesti proti domu. V nekaki omotici, na pol pijan je kolovratil proti domu. Včasih je hipoma postal sredi ceste, zamahnil v zrak proti trgu in klical: “Dvajset goldinarjev bi rad! Šema, ali misliš, da jih nimam! Tu imaš trideset, na petdeset, sto, pa hajdi! Bomo videli, kdo je gospod. Le proč s tisto belo cunjo, pa hajdi, hahaha! Seveda nisi mislil, da Luka lahko plača.” Čim bliže Peči je prihajal Luka, tem jasneje se mu je svetlikalo v duhu, dasi se ni mogel otresti nekih vtisov. Trudnega se je čutil do smrti. Skoraj omahnil je ob brvi na zid. Tam doli pod brvjo je gledala izza skale drobna, živahna živalca, podlasica. Luki se je zazdelo, da CHICAGO, ILL. MALE HELP ENGINEERS CHEMICAL, MECHANICAL, INDUSTRIAL Up to 5 years experience PROCESS ENGINEERING Opportunities exist for qualified Chemical or Mechanical Engineers in process development, analysis and specification of design. Direct application in evaporation, extraction, distillation, crystallization, absorption, air and freeze dehydration, filtration, low temperature refrigeration and instrumentation. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Immediate opportunities for graduate Chemical Engineers in process development work on laboratory, pilot and commercial scale levels. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Opportunity for graduate Industrial Engineers to perform specific projects, e. g. materials handling, plant layout & cost estimating. CPM experience, desired. MANUFACTURING Chem E’s or ME’s interested in Production process engineering. Begin as development assistant to dept head or supt. Position offers potential for personal development leading to direct supervisory responsibilities. These positions offer excellent opportunity for personal contributions and development. Outstanding benefits program includes 100% EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT. PLEASE SEND RESUME AND SALARY REQUIREMENTS IN CONFIDENCE TO: MR. D. M. RICHARDSON 1MWELI HOUSE Division of GENERAL FOODS CORPORATION 1125 Hudson St., Hoboken, N. J. An Equal Opportunity Employer j.sJi! se mu roga. Pograbil je kamen in ga zalučal dol. živalca je odskočila in pogledala izza druge skale. Čudovita besnost se je polastila Luke. Zanj ni bilo to podlasica, bilo je nekaj sovražnega sploh. Ali kaj je bilo, ali je bila smrt, ali je bila Katra, Luka sam ni vedel. Samo neizmerno jezo j e, čutil nad temi očmi. In popadel je znova kamen. Toda živalca je bila zginila. Luka se je vrnil na Peč. Srečala ga je Marjanica in ga začudeno gledala. Luka je zmajal z ramama. “Kje imaš Hanco?” je vprašala Marjanica nejevoljna. “Umrla je,” je odvrnil Luka. “Pa bi bil zdravnika pripeljal.” “Ga ni doma,” je odvrnil in se opotekaje bližal zidanici. Luka je omahnil k Jerici. Pri njej je sedel Anže in položil prst na usta ter zašepetal: “Sanja, da je v nebesih!” Za Luko je stopila Marjanica v shrambo in stopila tik pred starca. S silo je krotila svojo jezo in govorila polglasno: “Ali je znorel, ali kaj?” “Bog me je zapustil,” je zastokal starec. “Kaj pa v roki držiš?” je vprašala Marjanica. Luka je izpustil kamen in se nekoliko zavedel. Prijel se je za glavo in mrmral: “Zakaj nisem skočil z brvi!” Anže in Marjanica sta ga gledala čudeča se in ga nista razumela. “Kaj se mu je zgodilo,” je mislila Marjanica in odšla. Od vasi sem je bilo čuti glas zvonov. Marjanica je potegnila čez čelo križ in rekla: “Bog ji daj nebesa, kdor koli je, grešni duši ali nedolžni.” 27. “Judež nisem!” Nekega dne pred veliko nočjo, malo zatem, ko je bil prevzel Pušar varuštvo nad dedičem na Peči, se je zglasil pri njem tuj človek ter začel povpraševati, čigav le je oni mlin doli ob brvi, in dejal, ko mu je Pušar pojasnil tako in tako, da bi on vedel za kupca. “Kdo pa bi bil ta kupec?” je vprašal Pušar. Nekaj časa je tujec izkušal skrivati, češ da trguje po naročilu drugega, potem pa je rekel, da je on sam kupec. Pušar je bil previden mož in nikoli ni bil prijatelj takih, ki so svoja premoženja prodajali tujcem. Zato je dejal kratko, da malin ne bo na prodaj. Stvar mu je pa dala povod, da je odšel kmalu za tujcem na Peč. Mislil si je: “Anti zdaj ne bo mogla reči, da malin ne bi nesel, če so še kupci tu.” Obenem se je nekako bal. Nekaka nezaupnost ga je imela do tistega tujca. “Ne odneham, v dobrem tednu je malin popravljen in za delavca tudi ni sila. Naj se da v najem. Urh je že vprašal in Urh je pošten delavec.” V teh mislih je prišel na Peč. Skoraj nič se ni začudil, ko je dobil sedaj na Peči tujca. “Aha,” je mislil, “si hotel ti mene, pa bom jaz tebe. Mlina za zdaj še ne dobiš.” In tako se je zgodilo. Dasi bi bila Katra rada prodala, se Pušar ni hotel vdati, nasprotno, trdil je, da je treba takoj malin popraviti in tako izkoristiti. Katra je mislila, da je zato treba šteti denar in da tega ni in bi bilo bolje, da pride denar na Peč, kakor da bi se brez potrebe metal iz hiše. Nato je dejal Pušar, da to ne pomeni nič, ker bo dobiček pri mlinu in zlasti žagi prinesel v nekaj mesecih toliko, da bodo izdatki petkrat pokriti. (Dalje prihodnjič) if .V- ■■■%■ %f% % m, J. KENNKK INCOME TM SiHTOE 22480 Shore Center Dr., Euclid, Ohio (Urad je med Rollerdrome in Giant Tiger) Uradne ure: 10 A.M. do 7 P.M. 1880 U 1967 NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA V globoki žalosti naznanjamo, da je dne 28. februarja 1967 v Gospodu preminul naš predragi soprog, oče in stari oče v-s-, Ignacij Koželj Pokojni je bil rojen dne 7. februarja 1889 v vasi Tunjice pri Kamniku. Tam žalujejo za njim sestra Ivana Žumer, brat Ivan in več drugih sorodnikov. V Ameriko je prišel leta 1921. Pokopali smo ga dne 3. marca 1967. Iz Želetovega pogrebnega zavoda na 152. cesti smo ga v pogrebnem sprevodu prepeljali v cerkev St. Feiicitas na 1852 Richmond Road, kjer je Rev. Thomas I. Lusoski daroval zanj slovesno pogrebno sv. mašo, nato pa na pokopališče Kalvarija, kjer je ob grobu Rev. Lusoski vodil molitve za večno srečo pokojnikove duše. Iskreno zahvalo naj prejme Rev. William J. Englert, ki je pokojnika obiskoval v bolnišnici, mu podelil sv. zakramente in ga pripravil na srečno zadnjo uro. Iskreno smo mu hvaležni, Bog plačaj! Prisrčno se zahvaljujemo odboru in članstvu društva Boj št. 53. SNPJ, društva Blejsko jezero št. 27. ADZ in Kluba Upokojencev v Euclidu, ki so počastili pokojnega kot svojega preminulega sočlana. Posebej hvala vsem članom teh društev, ki so nosili krsto in odbornikom, ki so se od pokojnega poslovili s prisrčnimi nagovori v pogrebnem zavodu. Globoko smo hvaležni delavcem in odboru Unije pri Fisher Body Co., Local 45. C.I.O., ki so se v skupni slovesnosti poslovili od pokojnika in nam poklonili skupno spominsko darilo. Najlepša hvala vsem, ki ste darovali za sv. maše in druge dobre namene, vsem, ki ste poklonili cvetje in vence ter vsem tistim, ki ste dali na razpolago avtomobile za pogrebni sprevod. Iskreno se zahvaljujemo vsem, ki ste prišli kropit in vsem, ki ste bili pri pogrebu, zlasti tistim, ki ste pokojnega spremili do groba. Razposlali smo zahvalne kartice kolikor smo imeli naslove. Če bi kdo naše posebne zahvale pomotoma ne bil dobil, lepo prosimo naj oprosti. Prosimo, da sprejmete tole našo skupno zahvalo, ki jo želimo izreči prav vsem, ki ste pokojnemu v zadnjih dneh življenja storili kako dobroto, vsem, ki ste ga ob slovesu počastili, nam pomagali in pripomogli, da so bile pogrebne slovesnosti tako ganljivo lepe. Iskrena hvala vsem za osebne in pismene izraze sožalja. Želetov pogrebni zavod nam je izvrstno uredil pogrebne priprave in odlično vodil pogrebni sprevod. Za vse usluge smo zelo hvaležni. V večnem miru zdaj počivaj, dragi, nepozabni nam, dobrih del sadove uživaj, do svidenja na vekomaj. žalujoči: soproga ANNA, hči CAROL BLACK, sin JAMES, snaha VICKY, zet GENE BLACK, 3 vnukinje in 3 vnuki ter ostali sorodniki. Cleveland, 31. marca 1967. GRDINOVA POGREBNA ZAVODA 17002 Lake Shore BIvi. 1953 East 62nd Street KEmnore 1-6300 HEnderson 1-2088 Grdina trgovina s pohištvom — 15391 Waterloo Koai UvEmxsitr© 1 -1235 GRDINA — Funeral Dbectora — Furniture Dealers as ANNA — soproga RAYMOND — sin in njegova družina Cleveland, Ohio 31. marca 1967 I V blag spomin ŠESTE OBLETNICE SMRTI NAŠEGA LJUBLJENEGA SOPROGA, OČETA IN STAREGA OČETA Joseph Kuhar ki je umrl 1. aprila 1961. leta Šest let je minilo, odkar Te več med nami ni, a spomin na Tebe še živi in živel bo do konca dni! Smrt je kruta, uniči up, razdre vezi., Ostane le bolest v srcu in spomin na prošle dni! RIBIČI Ribice poti pcžljivo TLcnriCLizutci svoje vvvi ce in čciJccitct, Icdnj bo Jcctlcu viba 'pvijelci. Ptič na čLesnevt robu slike pa med t(m pazljivo čaka} kdaj bo planil za kako ribo v vodi. MEHIŠKA DOMOVINA MARCH ST, 1967 6X25» $iL. Ameriška um AMfOTCAN IN SPIRIT POROON IN LANOUAG« ON1T SLOVfiNUN KORNiNG NCWSPAPOR Ice Cream Cupped In Cookies r* w * , Peaks of pastel-colored ice cream contrasted against golden-bI°InJ.coi)klT CUPS—what a wonderful dessert to match the mood of that first warm weather party. And so good to eat, too— mips and all! To help the hostess stay cool and calm, the Borden Kitchen suggests making the cookie baskets ahead, filling, then freezing them. Serve on a big tray garlanded with flowers. 1 Ice Cream In Baskets (Makes about 6 baskets) ; CUP maP^e syrup 3 tablespoons sugar i 1/4 cup butter 1/2 teaspoon vanilla ; 1/2 cup sifted flour 1 quart Lady Borden lce Cream Heat maple syrup to boiling point. Add butter A stir until melted. Remove from heat. Stir in flour, sugar and vanilla. Drop by tablespoonfuls on a well-greased baking sheet about 4-inches apart. Bake in a slow oven (300°F., about 15 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from oven. Allow to.cool only 1. minute. Carefully remove each cookie with wide spatula. Place on inverted custard cup; pinch 4 corners to shape into basket. Cool. - i Remove from custard cup. (If cookies become too hard to shape, return to oven for a few seconds.) Fill each basket with spoonfuls of your favorite flavor Lady Borden Ice Cream. Slovenian ien Hold Dance on Upri! I John Grabnar’s Orchestra is playing for the Dance, Sunday, April 9, 1967 from 7 to 11, at the Slovenian Home on Holmes Avenue. The dance is sponsored by the Slovenian Men’s Association, branch 3. This association was organized thirty years ago for the purpose of perpetuating the Slovenian, language and tradition in the U.S., and is holding this 30th anniversary Dance. If you are over 21 and under 40 years of age, you are invited to follow the crowd to this dance, and making the donation, of $1. for the above worthy cause. Wm. J. Kennick, Chairman icsTOftie® Seminary Open fose Again this year there will be an Open House at Borromeo Seminary, Wickliffe, Ohio, on Sunday, April 9th from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. Borromeo College has as its major purpose the preparing of young men in the field of liberal arts, so that after graduation these men SHORTS on Yankees Give Ford $65,000 Contract Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. — Whitey Ford will be back at the same old stand, the Yankees announced. Signing of the 37-year-old lefthander came on the heels of a strong performance against the Dodgers on March 20. Ford pitched five innings ard scattered six hits in a 7-6 victory. The contract is for $65,000, the same salary Ford has received since 1964, when he was given a $5,000 increase to take on the additional duties of pitching coach. Ford said he never had any doubts about his ability to bounce back from a shoulder operation last August, the second major operation. performed on his arm. He joined the Yanks this spring on a trial basis. ‘Peel the Pounds or Else,’ Gil Warns a Few Senators Pompano Beach, Fla. _ Manager Farewell for Falkr Jager Rev. Matt Jager, who is retiring as pastor of St. Mary’s Church, will have the singing of litany at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, April 2nd, in St. Mary’s Church on Holmes Ave. He will bid farewell to all his parishioners after 3 o’clock in the churcb hall. CASE EPi POINT car. continue with further specia-| ^ **oc*Ses has sounded lized training for the priesthood. a, to *7? Senators’ “Suet Character development is the oth- ^)(luacl tp. Set nd of excess fat or er important phase of the college ' ^ace Pumtlve measures such as a slap on the wrist, a reprimand or even a fire. Hodges did not release anything for publication, but it was learned that he held a clubhouse meeting program. The college rule of life, j with its spiritual exercises, its I training and discipline, as well as the rigid scholastic standards, aim i at developing men with an excel- AftiERiškit Domovina lent liberal arts education who will anc* sin6led out several gentlemen also excell in virtue and leadership. vTl10. ^fre bec°ming unstylishly aTTPm 'a .■ st returned to Cleveland. He is -Sying temporarily at the home of tr- and Mrs. A. Zupančič at 1204 60 St. Welcome home! ^ Mrs. Mary Šporar of 18305 La kj *e Ave., celebrated her 82nd jjA^day on March 20th. Cor.gratu-i l0ns and v/ishes for many more PPy and healthy birthdays! p former Clevelander, Mrs. Anica gel j-Franks, who lives perma-C]nt]y in Ljubljana, is visiting in . eVeland for a month. She is stay-§ at the home of Mrs. Milka Fili-gA of 1142 E. 176 St., telephone 481-0. Have a good time! p Capt. John A. Petrie came from Rucker, Alabama, with his p ^y> to visit his parents for the °r holidays, Mr. and Mrs. John 1-3762 451 E' 156 St'’ telephone IV gt lvIrs. Meiry Ferlin of 730 E. 155 c>n’ 1rCe'ebrated her 90th birthday ahd a^er Sunday- Congratulations anri }^sbes for many more happy healthy birthdays! 'jL pe ,pn March 27th, Mr. Frank led u- ^ Hillcrest Rd., celebra-fion* S birthday. Congratula- ar.d wishes for many more CONDENSED NEWS FROM OUR HOME FRONT SeruAfter four years of mihlary of San Francisco bay pilots, built has 1Ce Navy’ Cyril Selan for his family at the turn of the rcvt'century. A business adviser has convinced the three women of the “propriety” of accepting money from the government. Santa Fe — a shot in the arm might not be so painful if there is a balloon in the other hand, the New Mfexico Health Department figures. So it is ordering 50,000 balloons to promote its vaccination program, to be used in conjunctipn v/ith an immunization coloring book also being prepared, ik Indianapolis, Ind. — Marion County Deputy Prosecutor Robert B. Carter went to jail for 20 minutes after a dispute with a judge during which Carter fold Judge Marvin Poore, “You can do anything you want to do.” tF Jacksonville, Fla. — The City Pardon Board The curriculum embraces a four year liberal arts program, offering opportunity for major stress in the fields of Philosophy, English, History, and Classical Languages. The college will accomodate 240 students in private rooms. There are nine classrooms, two fully equipped science laboratories, special facilities for the speech department, and a library with a capacity of approximately 35,000 volumes. Borromeo High School has as its purpose to accept mature and manly boys from the eighth grade and to train them in the chapacter and personality of the Christian, gentlemen and priest. Borromeo High School is accredited by the Ohio State Board of Education and presents to its students a well-rounded college preparatory curriculum which includes Mathematics, Science, History, English and Classical and Modern Languages. The High School has dormitory accomodations for 330 students. Besides the usual classrooms, science To Fattier I. Jager Thank you for all the beauty with which you have surrounded us, the beauty of God’s House the beauty of the liturgy the beauty of music, which you always encouraged; the beauty of the Mass, the beauty of the souls you baptized, married and buried; the beauty for the children in school the beauty of your friendship and goodfellowship. For all these and much more we are forever grateful. May God ever fill your heart with peace, may He give you health and blessings to last your whole life through and may He bless your every new undertaking. The Singers of St Mpry’s Church Choir stout. The grapevine said the diet duckers included outfielder Frank Howard, catcher John Orsiro, first baseman Bob Chance and pitchers Phil Ortega and Bob Priddy. What upset Hbdges was that ’ihere was no excuse for anyone not getting sufficient work. Gil is a taskmaster. He and his coaches are ever alert for someone taking it easy. The work sessions which precede a regular exhibition game last over two hours before the squad takes infield drill. Except for a couple of days, the weather has beer, extremely hot, which means the poundage should be melted. The Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 was passed by Congress in the depths of the depression and under pressure of a then prevailing philosophy that individual electric companies should be separated from the control or direction of parent holding companies. Overlooked in a wave of resentment against scattered financial abuses was the fact that holding companies played an important role in the early development of the electric light and power industry. Fragmenting the industry became public policy. The shortsightedness of that policy is becoming apparent at a time when the best interests of the power consumer can be met by widespread interconnection of power systems and the development of power pools. The head of a West Coast investor-owner power company cites the need for intercompany pooling of resources and coordinated operation of transmission systems to achieve greater reliability, lower unit costs and rate stabilization. However, he points put, “The regulatory climate in which we now operate is conditioned to prevention and control rather than to permission and progress.. . pooling and resource sharing agreements are sometimes in technical violation of various state and federal antitrust laws and have frequently run afoul of the Public Utility Holding Company of 1935. Some provisions of public law now operate to discourage the very methods that hold the greatest promise for the industry and for the public is serves.” We live in an age when technological advancements often move far ahead of the regulatory framework in which business and industry are compelled to operate. The utilities are a case in point. jst vrros hois namcPf rW^ck’n^ levlcujfi; Jib Teenage Mullh Series To Start Iss ipril Teenagers now can register at the Cleveland Health Museum, 8911 Euclid Ave., to attend new classes being organized on a series of family life education. “Boy to Man.” classes for boys aged 10-15 years will be held each _ (second Saturday of the month at a”yon.®'l:00 p.m. On the fourth Saturday of each month at 1:00 p.m., classes will be held for girls aged 9-14 on “Growing into Womanhood”. Parents of teenagers may register their children in these classes by calling 231-5010, extension 43, and the parents may accompany each child attending the classes. The classes., 3r,e yilgo available to groups such as Boy Scouts, Girl St OafMe War Veterans SL Vitas Post iilB ,aPpy and healthy birthdays! .Taken hi iLu^en to Woman’s Hospital, l047 F- 101 St., was John Kaiser of t'gp E' 66 St. We wish him a speedy ^ °very! Olga Bencic of 16116 Fuc>r^VVCOd Ave., was taken from djff Glenville Hospital to Glen-Ave Nursing Home, 25900 Euclid ^ 'T’u has ne Forget-Me-Not flower shop F ■)nI?oved from E. 152 St., to 732 ^ St. Wa°Seph Brodnik of 18611 Mus-bjU Ave., celebrated his 70th 5!6th aay 0n Easter Sunday, March for 1^ Congratulations and wishes any more happy and healthy g. Quays' Gene -aeva, O. — Mark Debevc, StterAa Eagles fullback, will be this 1 f!n§ Ohio State University ab> it was announced last c°ach William Mallory, assistant hajjj at the university. Mark, faiiba County and All NEC CoaCLCk this year, contacted Head to Woody Hayes on his decision Cetjg er'd Ohio State. A senior at W j® High School, he is the son li.F.p) ‘L. and Mrs. Leo Debevc, ^ Waf 3’ Geneva, Ohio. £ehnie„ ertown’ Wis. —- In flipping heads odds slightly favor at ,60 freshmen math students Wired r] , Western University disco-the jurmg a research project into ”l9,02o S probability. There were ^ Ifin Pfnny flippings. Heads came tosses ,316 times __ ------ voted to release , , , . , William Holmes from a 30-day jail i tak,orat°rlesi and library, there are sentence, then broke down crying. : arriple recreational facilities: base-The tears were not from compas- 1 baI1 and footba11 Helds, a large sion. The board members were 1 xield house> a swimming pool, handsigning Holmes’ release papers IbaI1 courts> and billiard and ping-f Councilman Lavcrne Reynolds ; pong room3' reached into the pocked of Council- ' man Lemuel Sharp and took out what he thought was a blue marking pen. He flipped the lever on the side and the pen went “bang.” A cloud of tear gas filled the room. A Durham, N.C. — Doctors at the Duke Medical Center advise colleagues in remote parts of the world via short-wave radio on a 1000-watt station manned, by an amateur radio club here. Queries are received on a frequency of 14.25 megacycles, ard Duke doctors answer via a telephone hookup with the station. Aid had been extended to medical outposts in 14 countries in Africa and Latin America. W Washington, D.C. — Internal Revenue Service regulations allow writers, lav/yers, entertainers and inventors to average income over a number of years. And a new IRS decision in effect allows embezzlers to take advantage of the same ' windfall” averaging. 'k New York, N.Y. — For several years 60 to 65% of the DDT produced in the United States has been shipped abroad. itll-Sfar Wrestling DeSisrns To Oily All-star professional wrestling — one of the most popular attractions on the Arena calendar in bygone years — returns after a two year absence on Thursday, April 6th, at 8:30 p.m. Bobo Brazil, giant Negro champion from Benton Harbor, Mich., and Dr. Bill Miller, huge Ohio State and Big Ten champion, have been signed to clash in the main event of a five bout program. In other bouts, popular Fred Curry of Hartford, Conn., will aim his spectacular flying drop kicks at Mr. X, masked giant; Tokyo Joe, Japanese grappler, will oppose Chief White Owl; ard a new sen- TV Tape Shows Callison That Swing Is Too Slow ^ Clearwater, Fla. — If the $2,500 the Phillies recently spent for a video tape machine ends just one star’s batting slump bebore it reaches serious proportions, the club will certainly figure it is money well spent. The Phillies purchased the machine in spring training and immediately tried it out. It proved to John Callison’s satisfaction that his swing was too slow, and caused him to order some 32-ounce bats to replace the 40-ouncers he has been swinging for some time. “Maybe that 40-ounce pole is too much for me,” Callison said after looking at the tape of his four times at bat ir. the Phillies’ first j exhibition game with the Reds. Right Knee Good as New, F. Robby Assures Orioles Miami, Fla. — Frank Robinson’s right knee is feeling fine, he assured the Orioles after a four-inning test against the Mets on March 17. The American League Triple Crown winner ard Most Valuable Player, who underwent surgery in November, said: “The knee feels better right now than at any time since I injured it last June. It didn’t give me any trouble at all.” lore ierstfry Lights FOR GOD FOR COUNTRY FOR HOME Very happy to hear that Mrs. Theresa Novsak has finally been discharged from the hospital. She also celebrated her birthday on March 28th. Happy Belated Birthday. Davy “Joe” Telban will celebrate his birthday on April 1st. (He fooled everybody including me.) John Oster and company includ-Šcouts, Campfire * Girls, " 'church I inS. Ge0roe Poprik, Ed Valencie, Groups, etc., but are limited to 30 I Strauss, Bob Mills and John students in each group for one I Burchard finished our new store-session. I room. They did a fine job and The program will be 1 Vz hours J should be commended for it. in duration and will be taught by j Calendar of Events: health educators on the faculty of ! April 21, 22, z3, 1967 — Depait the Museum [ment of Ohio Convention at Youngs- Fee for the classes is $1.00 per U°''vn> Ohio- r here is still space on ^ Dependable Sun. person. Reservations must be made Jtbe l^ave Eriday, 227-629. Tony Babic’s 234-601 also passed the select circle. Other “200” club members were: F. Kolenc 20.0, G. Lucas 211, H. Snyder 213, L. Tolar 200, S. Martinčič 209, S. Jasko 207, W. Stangry 200, J. Gabrenya 202, S. Strojin 235, M. Dougherty 213-207, F. Mauer 201 and Ed Kuhar 205. The C.O.F. No. 1317 team had high game 936 while Grdina Recreation had the top series 2775. With only four more weeks to go, the battle for first place is still very close with only 3 games separating first and third place. C.O.F. No. 1317 were easy two game winners over Hecker Taverns. John Verhovnik’s great 266-202-618 starred for the Foresters. COF No. 1317 844-386-942-2772 Hecker Tavern 961-791-826-2578 KSKJ No. 25 slipped by CWV No. 1655 twice. Joe Nemanich paced +he Kay-Jays with an even 500. KSKJ No. 25 730-774-779-2313 C.W.V. No. 1655 709-303-766-2278 John’s Tavern eked out a two game victory over Dependable Supply. Paul Vavrek’s torrid 228-227-629 led his team to the win. John’s Tavern 847-896-929-2722 943-732-886-2621 lor each class and are now being I April 21st at a time to be announc-taken for the first boy’s class start- j ecb ir.g Saturday, April 8th. The first class for girls will begin on Satur- 1 m'>-ributeJ. day, April 22nd. May 21, 1967 — Poppies will be Grdina Recreation blanked Cimperman Market ir, their big series. Marty Dougherty’s 213-207-586 won scoring honors for Grdinas. Grdina Recreation 937-904-934-2775 Cimperman Mkt. 776-368-S62-2536 May 28, 1967 — St. Vitus Me-H morial Mass at 11:45 A.M. June 13, 1967 — Corporate Communion Mass at 7:00 P.M. 1 Norwood Men’s Shop whitewashed August 1st thru Cth, 1967 — Na- Dukes. Joe Urbas’ terrific 215-235-tional Convention of the’C.W.V. at 643 scintilated for the Haberdash- , ers. Have your dues beer, paid? Dave Telban, Post Historian SL Vilas Oliristian ietfiefs Oliib J er's Club will welcome the Sears Fashion Coordinator with her mo- Hofbrau House swept the series with Mczic Insurance. Ed Turk (the Atlantic Service man) topped the victors with 546. , Hci'brau Hopse 854-893-891-2638 On Wednesday, April 5th at 8 Mezic Insurance 818-816-863-2497 p.m. the St. Vitus Christian Moth- ioeMFs IpwalT*!! Pick-Up Sales Ure Set Goodwill Industries, Greater Cie-j vV^sh:“gi0"’,,D;C;; veland’s workshop for the handicapped, launches x its annual drive. Operation Pick-Up, on April 1st. The drive, aimed at assisting area homemakers during the busy time of spring housecleaning, enables Goodwill clients to remain, at their work stations during the summer season when regular donations diminish. This special effort-gathering ssssdtsss sr'neps i er is becoming more spring like, P°r Goodwill is pleased that an all-I buying a pretty new dress is upper------ # _ time hi»h was accomplished in most in the femaie mind. Bring As you know, new Mercury lights , 1966 ” said Mr. Rudolph Stefanko, pour daughters, friends and neigh- .^ ** were installed during the last year Executive Director of the voca- aors and enjoy yourself shopping]Grdina Recreation .40% 46Vi ................ SfeSK ^ =S S Norwood Men’s S. S53-38C-873-2S12 Dukes 807-798-791-2396 Standings March 23, 1967 W L Dependable Supply ......54 33 C.O.F. No. 1317 ........53% 33% Cimperman’s Market .....51 36 John’s Tavern ..........48% 38% Mezic Insurance ........46% 40% Hecker Tavern ..........44 43 Norwood Men’s Shop .....43% 43% Hofbrau House ..........43 44 to 699 clients in 1966. 50.2% of the aean Erancisco, Calif. — r---> v.v, tu^decl af6d from 80 t0 102> have some Dersuasion. that Three IW^wiii some persuasion, that tphefits f accept Social Security X,0f a month each. Mrs. >ghtellanTSon’ 102, and her two 3 say th’ Eurline, 81, and Alice, u- y liVpey do not need the money. l0tl 1>r' 3 large Victorian man-Captain Swanson, dean □ War □ Peace □ Don’t know Check one. The Peace Corps Washington, D. C. 20525 □ Please send me information. ^ □ Please send me an application. Name_ Address- -Zip Code- State____ Published as a public service in cooper-’■ ation with The Advertising Council. sation, “The Destroyer-,” will meet i Samson Powell, onetime heavy- in the Slovenian Home area and weight fighter. arourd St. Vitus Church. Tickets — reserved seats at $3.50, This year new street lights v/ill $3.00 and $2.00 — are on sale at . be installed in the following places: the Arena, 3717 Euclid Avenue, and 1 East 61st between Glass and Richman’s, 736 Euclid Avenue. j Superior There’ll also be the return of the East 7ist between St. Clair and $1.00 General Admission ticket — Superior 5,000 of them — sold at the Arena Norwood Road between St. Clair the night of the matches. It’s “The and Superior Biggest Buck’s Worth of Entertain- East 64st from St. Clair to Varian meet in Cleveland!” Glass Avenue between E. 61st and E. 64th St. St. Clair Ave., north to N.Y.C.R.R. from E. 55th to E. 76th St. At the present time they are putting ir. new poles on Glass Avenue and Norwood Road. |wiy urges that its many area The entire ward and the entire ! friends support this vital drive by city will ultimately be converted calling 431-8300 for a special truck week. Garbage and rubbish can be , to new Mercury lights. However, it I pick-up. Another method of parti-co-mingled in the same containers . will take a few years and then! cipating in this project is via the as well. (some before the entire city will be'agency’s deposit box program. Yel- Another new innovation will be converted to new Mercury lights. " E., J. Turk During the month of March, Mary iudsage mi Hubbisk ieflesfisiis Beginning this v/eek, here in the 23rd Ward, all rubbish and garbage will be collected together, or.ee a Sajovec, one of our most beloved i Alleys Tn addition to providing -wages I members, passed on. We will miss] 1- 2 Dependable Sup. vs. Cimper. and pmnlovme'nt for the handicap- Itbis kmd w'omaD’ who had a smile [ 3- 4 Mezic Ins. vs. Hecker Tavern and empioyme permits 3nd a g°od word for everyone. To | 5-6 Grdina Rec. vs. Hofbrau H. area resfdents of limited means the Nr fal™jy we extend our deepest' 7-8 C.O.F. No. 1317 vs. CWV 1655 opportunity of purchasing service- sympathy. 9-10 Dukes vs. John’s Tavern ahfp renairabD materials in Good- ! Our condo ences to Frances Go- 11-12 KSKJ No. 25 vs. Norwood M. wHl’s’twelve retail sterea. The frmdaK. •*.•»£ ■»“ «i received Horn the sale of restored ne- slbler> ladIY -nomas, hems are returned to the Goodwill Our hearts are heavy at home rl’ents in the form of much-needed a]s° because of the loss of my chents m tne mother-in-law, Caroline Zabka, paychecks. nization, Good- who was the finest wife, mother a r,ou pi &. ---(and heme maker I’ve ever known. Mrs. Stanley Zabka Publicity Chairman 361-2956 that anyone who has any old furniture to discard will be able to take it to the curb on the day of their regular collection ar.d it will be collected at that time. In other words it will not be necessary to call for a special truck. We have been advised that the collection days will toe changed as well. E. J. Turk More Boys Born New York — Almost all counties record more boys born than girls, but earlier deaths of the males tend to give females greater numbers in the overall population cross section. low and blue Goodwill receptacles, are located on the premises of many j St. Vitus Mens Bowling League March 23, 1967 Oh Holy Thursday, four of our business -establishments in Greater j Cleveland. j o ^ ' Whichever method is used, Goodwill respectfully reminds area resi- _ _______ (tents -that their usable discards pro- men exploded with big 600 series, vide the chance for handicapped | while John Verhovr.ik hit the sea-oersonš to help themselves. 'sen’s second highest score 266-202- This special drive continues 618. Joe Urbas had the highest throughout the entire month of series 215-235-463. He was closelv April. . followed by Paul Vavrek with 228- Team High Three Games Cimperman’s Market ......2368 Dependable Supply .......2347 C.O.F. No. 1317 .........2330 Norwood Men’s Shop ......2822 Team High Single Norwood Men’s Shop ......1019 Cimperman’s Market ......1018 C.O.F. No. 1317 .........1002 Dukes .....................990 Individual High Three j M. Germ J. Urbas S. Strojin Individual High H. Szymanski ... J. Verhovnik . J. Urbas Single M. Germ P. Delic INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT and lower Government spending. RESTORED. The House has passed a bill (H.R. 6950) to restore the 7 percent investment tax credit for business and industry. I voted for this legislation. This investment credit provision v/as originally enacted in 1962 for the purpose of stimulating the economy. Last October the Administration thought the economy should be cooled off a bit and requested Congress to suspend the investment credit for a period of 15 months, even though business planning and financing had been made in reliance upon the investment credit. I opposed the suspensions at that time on the grounds that the Government was breaking faith with the business community, and also because of my studied judgment that the safe and sound cure for the then existing strong inflationary pressures was an attack on, Government spending rather than an attempt to manage the private economy with on-again, off-again tax policies. The fact that CLEVELAND PLANTS FILL A J.D.-FIN AN CED ORDERS. The Agency for International Development reported recently that ten Cleveland firms have filled foreign aid financed orders for $264,853 worth of goods sold to six countries. The sales were made possible by EJ.S. development loans to the respective countries to finance the import of commodities essential to their economic growth. Eaton, Yale and Towne, Inc., plants filled orders for $76,011 worth of automotive spare parts from buyers in Colombia and Turkey. The F.D. Anderson Co., supplied $77,529 worth of machinery and equipment to the Dominican Republic. The North American Mfg. Co. plant furnished buyers in Turkey and Brazil with $53,000 worth of combustion equipment. Other production by Cleveland plants included: Preformed Line Products Co., $16,512 worth of line hardware and suspension assem the Administration, in less than six i blies shipped to Pakistan. Republic months, asked that the investment I Steel Corp., $10,000 worth of hot tax credit be restored is clear vindication of the conclusion of those of us who opposed the suspensions originally. rolled steel plates for Pakistan. Foote-Burt Co., $8,762 worth of equipment for the Bedford Engine project in India. Reliance Electric The fiscal policies of the current {and Engineering, $2,793 worth of Administration have been to pro-1 electric parts for Columbia, Good-mote higher spending, higher taxes, year Tire and Rubber Co., $1,850 and higher debt. Our last budgetary surplus occurred in the final worth of retread equipment and parts to Columbia. Carlon Products year of the Eisenhower Administra- j Corp. and the Hanco Corp., $12,227 tion. Since then, we have added , ard $6,169 worth of materials, re-some $45 billion to our public debt, ' spectively, for a power plant ex-debased our dollar through infla- i pension project in Turkey, tion, and dealt with the serious j These exports of American-made balance of payments problems only ‘ goods are part of more than $1 bil-on a patchwork basis. Government ’ lion in U.S. commodities sold each actions to suspend the investment j year to developing countries under credit as a means of dealing with : the A.I.D. program. U.S. firms fur-inflation has had an adverse effect; nish 90 percent of all goods financed on business confidence. The con- by A.I.D. credits. fore sending in his claim.” “Because Medical Mutual has reported some problems with claims from this area,” Mr. Pederson said, “we are suggesting that beneficiaries making their first claim bring the forms and receipts to the social security office. By letting us check the request for payment forms before they are sent to the medicare carrier, the beneficiary can be sure that his claim won’t be delayed because some item has been left off.” tinuity of orderly business expansion has been broken. The quick response on the part of Congress to restore the invest- GOVERNMENT JOBS. College seniors and graduates have two more chances to take part in the current series of tests to qualify ment tax credit is a step in the ; for career jobs in federal agencies right direction. Another salutary j at starting salaries of $5,331 to step that should be taken by the j $6,451. Application deadlines for Administration is a repudiation of remaining tests are April 19 and its ill-considered 6 percent sur- ! May 17. Forms and information are charge tax increase recommended! contained in “FSEE Announcement to be effective next July. The pri- No. 400,” available at college plačevale economy does not need higher ment offices, most post offices, and tax burdens. The economy does ! theU.S. Civil Service Commission, need less Government interference Yvrashington, D.C. 20415. ------------o------------- Federation Of Slovenian national fees This Federation is composed of : are of Yugoslav descent, our U. S. two representatives from each of State Dept., Matica in Ljubljana, the nine Slovenian Homes in the Cleveland area, in most cases the President and Secretary of the Home: Denison, East 80th, Euclid, Holmes, Maple Heights, Prince St. Clair, Waterloo and West Park. Regular meetings are held bimonthly with special meetings as required. The Federation, and of course the individual Homes, through the publicity generated by our Man-of-the-Year Recognition Banquet and nov/ with the July 4th Picnic, hope to make Slovenes better known and to raise our image. It is our aim to preserve Slovenian culture in the dramatic arts, music, rhetoric and the social arts; and to engage in wholesome entertainment, recreation and amusement. We hope to stimulate our members into expressing and promoting Slovene culture to the general public so that the Slovene community shall be better understood and thereby better able to engage in activities for the welfare of the general public. Also to provide a forum for advising its members v/herein they may plan ways and means to create an ever greater interest by the Slovene community in their Slovenian, National Hornes and kindred type organizations, and to promote and encourage the use of the available facilities to preserve Slovene culture. Slovenes have much to be proud of in their heritage, and only thru our Slovenian lodges, and the Yugoslav State Dept, in Beograd. The next Federation date to en- I Miss Loni, circus beauty queen from ihktrolters In Irena Emm Saiidaf, Ipi 2 America’s best-loved athletic aggregation — the fabulous Harlem Globetrotters — will offer a generous mixture of thrills, surprises and laughs when they return to the Cleveland Arena to play the New York Nationals on Sunday, April 2nd, at 7 p.m. The season’s one night repeat engagement is a rarity on their extensive schedule and was prompted by popular demand of the fans. When the ’Trotters were at the Arena Dec. 27th they kept 10,000-plus onlookers in a delighted uproar, with hundreds more turned away because of the sellout throng. There is never a dull moment when the merry nomads of the basketball court unleash their hilarious tricks. The present Globetrotters club, carrying on the tradition begun in 1927 by their creator, the late Abe Saperstein, may be one of the finest pro cage aggregations ever assembled anywhere. They place a delightful emphasis upon laughs and fun, but insiders know they are also an enormously talented team that could give any pro club on earth a very busy evening. Head man in the troupe, of course, is the inimitable Meadowlark Lemon, for 12 years the undisputed clown, prince of the game. Few athletes ever have been so versatile. He is a splendid player and comic genius, an almost im-possible-to-find combination. Fred (Curly) Neal is the dribbling virtuoso, a role alv/ays included on a Globetrotter team. The Charlotte (N.C.) wizard is rated one of the best the world tourists ever have had — and that’s saying something. Other ‘Trotter stars include Bobby Joe Mason, Mel Davis, Jackie Jack-son., Hubert Ausbie, Hallie Bryant, Bill Barnes, Troy Collier (6-8) and Frank Stephens, 6-10 and still growing. Thirty-year Globetrotter veteran Inman Jackson is coach. The strong Nationals lineup includes set-shot aitist Bobby Paw-lak, former Cleveland high school star and University Of Toledo “Little All Americar.,”; and Frank Szar-nicki, 6-10, former Akron University standout. A great parade of variety acts recruited from all over the world will perform before the game and at halftime intermission, including wider than for football, will be laid out in such a way as to make the most desirable football locations the best for soccer. circle on your calendar is July 4th, the date of our Federation of Homes Day Picnic at SNPJ Farm on Heath Road. All Slovenes and friends are invited, and out-of-towners will most certainly enjoy this affair. It is planned to have, a variety of activities which will make this picnic more interesting than, the usual such affair. Hope to see all of you. Patronize your Slovenian National Home! Na svidenje, Al Sajevic, President ledleare Bocfer Ml Missing signatures and addresses are two frequent problems that Medical Mutual has run into in processing doctor bill request for payment forms from medicare beneficiaries, Mr. J. R. Pederson, social security district manager of the east side office at 10613 Euclid Avenue said. Representatives of Medical Mutual, the carrier for medicare doctor bill payments in the Cleveland area, have reported that some beneficiaries have received repayment for doctor bills later than was necessary because they forgot to sign their forms or to include their address. Amsterdam, Holland, who excels in Risley, the art of foot-juggling, and the Elkins Sisters — Lori, Elfi and Trudi — from Austria, who perform amazing feats of body Control and gymnastic precision in unison. Advance seat sale is now on at the Arena and Richman’s, 736 Euclid Avenue. The signature on the request for „ , cultural payment form authorizes the car-groups, and Homes can we continue rier to pay the claim. Medical Mu-this heritage. Our Slovenian Homes, ! tual has to have the signature be-and of course those in other cities fore the claim can be paid. in the U.S.A. and Canada, are the center of Slovene activity. We do not mean to slight in any way the Slovene picnic grounds which give us the opportunity to enjoy social-ability on Sundays in the Summer months. The Federation Officers for 1968 are: Pres. A1 Sajevic of Euclid, Vice President Al Marn of Holmes, Rec. Sec’y. Emil Martinsic of Maple Heights, Financial and Corresponding Sec’y. Mlichael Dancull of West Park, Treas. Tony Zak of St. Clair, Trustees Harry Blatnik of Waterloo, Ed Grosel of Holmes, and Frank Bavec of St. Clair, our attorney is Charles Ipavec. Our appreciation is extended to Harry Blatnik and Cam Zarnik who have served for the past two years as President and Vice President respectively. Cam has graciously consented to continue the Federation’s efforts to obtain either a Yugoslav consulate or a regional office here in Cleveland. In the past two years numerous letters have been written to our congressional members who A missing address presents even a bigger problem according to Mr. Pederson. “Without the address Medical Mutual doesn’t know where to send the check, and the only way to get it is to write back to the doctors, who are sometimes reluctant to give out their patient’s addresses.” Mr. Pederson noted that there are two ways to get payments for doctor bills under medicare and that under the first method the doctor agrees to make the claim to the medicare carrier. But when the other method is used, the beneficiary pays the doctor bill and sends the claim to the carrier. “Beneficiaries sending in their own request for payment forms should be especially careful to give all information called for, including their address, medicare identification number, and their signature,” Mr. Pederson said. “Also, the beneficiary should either have his doctor complete the second part of the request for payment form or enclose an itemized receipted bill be- Ss©ser Club Ssšs 'Km ScMitfe A revised 1967 schedule of six heme and six road games was announced this week by the Cleveland entry in the new 12-club United Soccer Association which is bringing major league professional soccer to the United States for the first time this summer. For this year only, each League city is importing a complete foreign team to represent it during 'die 12 game season which will be icllcwed by a championship game on July 16th. ■Wearing their famous red and white stripes for Cleveland will 'be the rugged Stoke City Potters. from Staffordshire,, England. Stoke now completing it’s 104th year, in soccer, has beer, a, powerful contender in the British 1st Division (major league) all season long and will probably finish between 3rd .and 5th among 22 clhbs. Cleveland Stoke City’s,first game in Cleveland Stadium is scheduled for Wednesday,1 May 31st at 8 p.m. against an Italian club, Cagliari; which will represent Chicagb. Cai gliari is currently in third place among Italian first division teams. Cleveland is also scheduled for the official U.S.A. inaugeral in D. C. Stadium, Washington, Friday night, May 26th against Washing-ton-Aberdeen from Scotland. Altogether Cleveland will play three Wednesday nights, one Saturday night and two Sunday afternoons in the mammoth lakefront Stadium. Box and reserved seats have been priced at $5, $4 and $3 with the entire bleachers unreserved at $2. Students, 18 ard under, will be $1 in the bleachers. Orders are now being taken for season tickets at $30, $24 and $18. Anyone wishing them should send a letter indicating upper or lower sections desired, number of seats and price to Cleveland Soccer, Inc., Tower A, Stadium, Cleveland, Ohio 44114. They will be billed later. The field, which is longer and Oupesne Uisiversily TamMlxans Ooneerf Cleveland, O. — The nationally acclaimed Duquesne University Tamburitzans return for their annual concert at Cleveland Public Music Hall on Sunday, April 16. The 3 p.m. concert will represent the 30th consecutive appearance here for the group. The Tamburitzans, a collegiate group of 27 highly talented folk artists, are dedicated to the preservation of Slavic Folk arts in the United States. They take their name from the musical instrument used in their concert —- the tamburitza. Tickets for this year’s performance are row available to the public at all Burrows stores in the Greater Cleveland area. All concert proceeds go to the Tamburitzans Scholarship Fund, which pays for the college education of the student performers. For the first time this year, Croatian Fraternal Union Lodge 859 which annually sponsors the Tam-buritzan’s local appearance is offering a special student price of $1 per seat for organized youth groups such as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, Y-Teens, CYO groups, high school and college clubs, fraternities, sororities and other similar groups. “To obtain the special $1 student price, at least 10 tickets must be ordered by a group,” explained Peter Shimrak of Lakewood and John Petkovič of Euclid, co-chairmen of the concert. “Youth groups up to high school level will be allowed one $1 ticket per adult chaperone for each 10 tickets ordered,” they added. Arrangements for these tickets may be made by calling Mr. Shimrak at Home Federal Savings at 226-0510 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Evening and weekend reservations can be made by calling Mrs. James Malone at 832-8707 or M\r. John Petkovič at 831-6018. In addition to performing weekend concerts in cities throughout the U.S. from September through May, the Tamburitzans perform special concerts for school groups, such as those sponsored last February 18 here by the Shaker school system. “The Tamburitzans offer the finest educational experience in Slavic arts available in the U.S.,” said Shimrak and Petkovič. “Young people acros^ the nation are becoming Tamburitzan fans in surprising numbers.” The Tamburitzan. concert is an unmatched musical experience based on authentic reproduction of customs, songs and dances. Over a 1000 costumes are used in a concert. This year’s program features the captivating songs and fiery dances of Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Poland, Russia, Rumania and Bulgaria. A constant source of amazement is the versatility of the individual performers, each of whom plays several instruments, dances and vocalizes with equal ease. Every Tamburitzan is a full-time student at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pa. Each member receives a full-tuition scholarship in exchange for participation, in the troupe. Candidates from all nationalities are chosen on the basis of academic achievement and proficiency as a singer, dancer or instrumentalist. The Tamburitzans are directed by a staff 0f four competent administrators and specialists, Walter W. Kolar, managing-director; Steve W. Kovačev, assistant director; Richard Crum, choreographer and technical advisor; and Lucille Anderson, wardrobe supervisor. patient only for any part of the 1200 Addison Ave. door. • ^ Oblak, Mary (nee Srenjsek) — If your dryer must go on the | $50 deductible that still remains Mother of Frank, Fred, mother of right, you will want a right-hinged ! to be paid and for 20 percent of the Frances Ipavec. Former residence dryer door. I bill over the $50 deductible, at 3949 W. 22 St. Late residence in This will give you added effi- j Under the other method of pay* Millersburg, O. ciency, allowing you to transfer ment the doctor bills the patient, Omahen, Joseph — Brother of clothes from washer to dryer with-j the patient pays the bill, and then Albina Zgonc (Yugoslavia). Resi-: out bumping into the dryer door the patient sends the completed dence at 15910 Midland Ave. (or having to walk around it. j request for payment form to the Rupnik, Mary — Residence at j In fact, one maunfacturer has a! medicare carrier. A statement from 25636 Brookdale Lane. | washer and dryer pair that can be the doctor showing the treatment Skedel, Frances (formerly Kas- : placed one on top of the other, j given, and the charges already Pai(i telic, nee Germ) — Mother of dryer above washer, taking up less i by the patient must .be furnished Frances Kastelic, Mrs. Joseph (So- floor space. In such a layout, it I either cn the request for payment makes no uifference on which side! form or in a senarate receipted the dryer door is hinged. I bill. In the Cleveland area, medi- Drying indoors, automatically, I care doctor bill insurance is ham keeps your wash cleaner, softer and j died by Medical Mhtual at 2060 E-fluffier. As a result, very , little! 9th Street. phie) Zlate, Rudolph Kastelic. Residence at 744 E. 236 St. Yanketic, Vuko — Husband of Alexandra, father of Vukoman, Roxanda. Residence at 5437 Stanard Avenue. Zadeli, Mary — Wife of Frank, mother of Rudolph (Barberton,), Joseph, Dolores, Victor, Stella Vadnal, Wenzel, Sheila Bober, Sylvester (U.S. Navy), sister of Josephine Percio, Barbara Franco, Tillie Phelps, Louise Doney, Jennie Samaras, Elizabeth Kiraly, John, Wenzel. Residence at 18506 Underwood Ave. mm mrms Bizjak, Frances (nee ; Hren) — Mother of Louise, grandmother of Lois and Sharon Simonič. Residence at 38041 Lake Shore Blvd., Willoughby, Ohio. Eschen, Marian (nee Zupan.) — Cousin of jean Florjančič, Mildred Malovasic. Residence at 2723 S.O.M. Center Rd., Willoughby Hills, O. Gobec, Helen — Mipther of Frank (Ray), Anna Gornick, Helen Mel-gun, sister of Mary Kalin, Joseph Sraj, Thomas Sraj (Canada), Jacob Sraj (Yugoslavia)- Residence at 5911 Prosser Ave. Jagodnik, Tina (nee Kirn)—-Wife of Frank, grandmother of two, sister of seven. Kausek, Leo — Husband of Olga (nee Urbaneic), father of Mrs. Joseph (Janet) Loiko, Mrs. Nick (Dolores) Danculovic, stepfather of Mrs. Joseph (Olga) Lipko, brother of Frank, John, Caroline Strmole, Ivana Zajc (last two in Yugoslavia). Residence at 15708 Saranac Rd. Klaich, George — Father of Bessie Chernushinr Martha Klaich, Robert brother ofGlisho (Yugoslavia). Residence at 3511 Chatham Ave. Levstik, Frank — Father of Angela Arko, Theresa Golden, Frances Levstik. Residence at 11818 Madison Ave. Mihelich, Joseph F. — Husband °f Helen (nee Laurich), father of John (Bethel Park, Pa.) Joseph (attorney), brother of John L. (attorney), Anton. (Geneva, O.), Marie Kerze, Caroline Samsa (last two in Yugoslavia). Residence at Ssda! issiiriff Sards M For iieiišifšoafion Banks, department stores, and smaller merchants are losing millions of dollars each year because they accept social security cards as identification in cashing checks and money orders, Robert M. Ball, Commissioner of Social Security, said. For years, Ball noted, the 2” x 3” card has carried a notation “Not for Identification” — and the Social Security Administration, i n posters and press releases has explicitly pointed out that a social security account number card issued for the convenience workers ard their employers and helps to identify a worker’s social security account for social security purposes only. “The mere possession of the card is obviously not a positive method of identifying an indi vidual, since the card could easily fall in the hands of the wrong per son,” the Social Security Commis sioner said. “We do not consider it such when, claims are filed for social security benefits, and we certainly do not expect others to do so,” he added. Ball’s warning followed recent discovery of a caphe of stolen money order's and Travelers Cheques in a gulch in the Pima County Ari zona desert. With the booty, which also included the driver’s licenses of three known, persons with criminal records, were a number of forged social security cards. Some of the cards included the name and social security number of a Skokie, Illinois man, who, upon oeing notified b^ authorities, re ported that his card, and two savings accounts books had been stolen two years ago. The cache also included 12 mail warehouse employee union cards, 10, voters., registration cards for Cook County, Illinois, and a post bard addressed to a man in a Joliet, Illinois prison. John C. Neely, chief of the Social Security Investigations Branch, said the cheques and money orders could have resulted in the loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars if they had been cashed. Commissioner Ball said that built-in safeguards in the social security claims process protect the social security trust funds from im posters who might use forged or counterfeit social security cards in attempts to collect social security benefits. He also noted that under Federal law (18 U.S.C. 506) a person could receive up to five years imprisonment and up to $5,000 fine for falsifying a social security card. In addition, violations would be subject to prosecution on the charges of cashing forged checks or other fraudulent transaction, using the false cards. ironing is needed. Colors don’t fade as in harsh sunlight. and then taking them off the line a few hours later. It takes only seconds to transfer clothes from automatic washer to electric dryer, but it takes 20 to 30 minutes to hang wash out on the line and as long to take it down later. Most new dryers have a setting to handle drip-dry fabrics and • a new automatic shut-off. With this shut-off, the homemaker does not have to estimate the drying time. Instead, the electric dryer “senses” the moisture content of the wash and shuts off by itself, when the clothes are properly dry. lelsare Hldms Stekiip ImM ileefrie Ofefte Sl?p? Seas&i is isre Springtime is a great time to do things outdoors, such as gardening and lawn mowing. But it can. be costly for the homemaker who decides to hang her clothes outside, instead of drying them indoors in her electric clothes dryer. Trees will soon be producing pollen, which can stain your wash if you hang it outdoors. And birds can be frequent visitors on an outdoor clothesline. In addition, dust and dirt in the air can leave their htark upon your wash. And, with the ever-changing weather this time of year, sudden spring rains can soil your drying clothes. One job which can always be done inside, regardless of the weather outdoors, is drying your clothes in an electric dryer. When planning a home laundry, homemakers should keep in mind the proper relationship of the automatic washer to the dryer. The location, of your washer is usually determined by the plumbing in your home. The dryer should be placed on the “convenient” side of the washer, depending on the space layout in your laundry. Many manufacturers offer a choice of right- or left-hinged dryer doors, to make it easier to have an efficient laundry layout. If your dryer must be placed to the left of your washer you will want a dryer with a left-hinged Older people area who have paid doctor bills but have not yet claimed their medicare doctor bill insurance payments are invited to have their claims checked by the east side social security office at 10613 Euclid Ave., before mailing them to the medicare carrier, according to Mr. J. R. Pederson, district manager. “In. the first six months of the medicare program some benefit payments were delayed because the applicants did not include all the necessary information with their claims,” he said. Mr. Pederson believes that most people will need this help only the first time they make a medical insurance claim. “The Medicare Handbook, which is given to all beneficiaries, explains how to make the claims,” he said, “and the form is relatively simple, but most people can use seme advice the first time they apply. We’re glad to offer assistance, and we believe we can help many people to avoid some delay in their payment.” Mr. Pederson noted that the medicare claim may be made either by the patient or by the doctor, if he accepts assignment of the insurance. If the doctor applies for 21 GieiiliiS Eire !! EUROPE! All inclusive escorted tours visiting: YUGOSLAVIA, AUSTRIA, GERMANY, SWITZERLAND, NORTHERN ITALY, ADRIATIC COAST, plus tours of SLOVENIA from 3569.50 The price includes round trip jet fare from New York to Ljubljana, bus transfers from airports, all hotel accommodations, most meals, transportation by luxurious motorcoach, sightseeing trips, folklore in Slovenia, English speaking guide and one even has a stopover in Paris! DEPARTURES: MAY, JUNE, JULY, AUGUST and SEPTEMBER All arrangements exclusively by: AUGUST KOLLAREER TRAVEL BUREAU INC. 6419 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44103; tel.: 431-4148 POSITION OPEN JUNE 1st MANAGER — Club Room and Rentals (Residence Suite Included) Preference will be given to Husband and Wife team, and to those who speak both Slovenian and English. However, exceptions may be made. If interested, write ard mail details of your qualifications, personal information, and references to: Mr. A1 Sajevic, Secretary Slovenian Society Home 20713 Recher Avenue Euclid, Ohio 44119 (All applications will be held in strict confidence.) JtXXXIZXXXXxxxxrZXlLULXxiXiXXXXtXXXXXXXXIXrxXXIT T ■" Songs & Dances of the SLAVS! DUQUESNE UNIVERSITY TAMBURITZANS! 3 p.m. Sunday April IS CLEVELAND PUBLIC MUSIC HALL Tickets on Sale At All Burrows Stores Loge $3.50, Oreh. $3, Mezz. $2.50 Parq. $2, Bal. $2. Student Price $1.00 The same simple one-page request for payment form is mailed You also save yourself the con-' to the' car‘riei. n0 matter whether siderabie jeo of hanging ^ clothes payment is to go to the patient or to the doctor. Doctors’ office3. accustomed to filling out insurance forms, should have no difficulty providing the few. items of information requested, Mr. J. R. Pederson noted. But handing of form3 received directly from medicare beneficiaries is sometimes delayed because some essential item of in* formation has been omitted. If the beneficiary leaves out hi3 medicare identification. number, for example, it is impossible t° verify that he is signed up for the doctor bill insurance, or how much of his deductible amount has been paid. Some elderly people with failing eyesight are unable to make legible entries. And some do not get adequately itemized receipt3 from their physicians, or forget t° in the Cleveland enclose the receipts with their claims. If the request for payment form is incomplete or improperly filled out, the medicare carrier ha3 to write back to the beneficiary, thus delaying the payment. “The social security office doe3 not make the decision or pay the claim,” Mr. Pederson said. “The lav/ requires that the payments he handled through the selected medicare carriers. But we can answer ; general questions about medicare j and help people in the east side area get their application ready f°r review by the carrier.” The east side social, security fice is located at 10613 Euclid Ave-The phone number is 791-6050. Diesel Engines Chicago — The Union Pacific and Burlington roads were fir5" to use diesel locomotives for their passenger trains. The Santa Fe and Southern were diesel pioneers for freight trains. Cow Population There are 13.7 cows for every the medicare payment, he bills the persons in the U.S. OBLAK FURNITURE & APPLIANSES at the new address: 6532 St. Clair Ave. 431-2288 and 2289 — Residence 943-0.169