Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years' of serving American-Sloye nians America Ameriška 89S6' tSOfrfr HO Aldd3d 133yis OIHO ££68 NOHVWOl/M NViyVIAJ jJT USPS 024100 ■ISSN Number 0164-68X SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Phone: (216) 431-0^28 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 8, 2005 ei-niaH: ah@buckeyevveb.com 7W Some Slovenian Christmas Customs When the Christmas lights are lit, lighting up cities and villages, when old customs are revived, albeit in a modem form, it is clear that the time for the December celebrations has arrived. In Slovenia, these customs are especially diverse, which is due to its position at the crossroads, connecting the Alpine, Mediterranean and Pannonian worlds. The diversity of its cultural heritage has influenced its wide-ranging and colorful cultural forms and customs, which have shaped the country’s everyday life as well as the holidays. And it is the Christmas holiday in particular that has a special place among these. Many customs connected to Christmas are part of the common European cultural heritage. But despite the sometimes heavy burden of history, the ancient pagan heritage has remained a presence in Slovenia. Merry December But Christmas does not come out of the blue: the preparations for this holiday are intense. December is a nrerry month, which is marked by various festivities in anticipation of Christmas and the New Year, many of which are linked to the Catholic Church. So, the preparations for the holiday begin at least four weeks before Christmas, which is the period of Advent. The later is represented by the Advent wreath, which was once only made by townspeople, while today it is an ever-increasing presence. The wreaths are made spruce, fir, pine, larch, or other plants, which hold traditionally blue or white, but today, also red candles, of which one is lit every Sunday. The Advent wreaths are decorated with fir-cones, nuts, leaves and other forest fruits, as well as decorative ribbons. The first gift-giving and joy in December takes place in the beginning of the month with St. Nicholas, who comes escorted by trotters, who, according to tradition, scare and take away naughty children. The trotters are the embodiment of evil, while St. Nicholas is the embodiment of good. St. Nicholas is liked wherever he appears due to the gifts he bears. These are usually not expensive, but small, yet pleasant trifles. In the past, St. Nidnolas would bring apples, pears, walnuts, hazelnuts, dried fruit, a packet of sweets or gingerbread, while today he brings various sweets. The shop windows were festively decorated and on \ Sunday closest to St. Nicholas famous dances took place in some parts of Slovenia. Where St. Nicholas is unknown, the trotters rule for themselves. Today, St. Nicholas day festivities are very widespread and popular, while the first records of St. Nicholas festivities in Slovenia date back to 1839. Just how popular St. Nicholas is, show numerous fairs that took place at this time of year. Today, there is a revival of these fairs. One custom that used to be very popular in the run-up to Christmas, but is almost forgotten today, is Koledovanje, the Koledniki used to be groups of men, going from household to household, singing carols to families, wishing luck and happy holidays, for which they were presented gifts. Legend has it that the Koledniki brought joy and a good harvest into the households they visited. Historical records of the start of this custom are traced as early as the 13 th century, maybe even further back in history. The custom slowly disappeared in the 19th century, although efforts are presently being made to revive it. And while Koledovanje might have been more of a male custom, the women prepared for Christmas in a different way. Before the Second World War, young girls would carry a sculpture of the Virgin Mary for nine nights in a row, always to a different household. The custom slowly disappeared after the Second World War. Christmas Trees and Decorations The original Slovenian Christmas decorations differed a lot from the ones we know today. They were a lot less colorful and by tradition, living quarters were decorated with evergreens, such as the ivy, box-tree, or stone-pine. The Christmas tree is therefore associated with a cult of greenery. Christmas is also associated with shallow pots of young green wheaj, known as the Adonis pots. In the past, almost all regions in Slovenia had the custom of hanging am undecorated fir or spruce upside-down from the ceiling in the main living quarters, on the fence in front of the house or in its vicinity. It was very rare to place it standing uptight. The decorations, if there were any, were modest - apples, nuts or biscuits. The Christmas tree that we know today is a relatively new occurrence in Slovenia, as it started to appear only after the First World War. Of course, decorations were being made in the towns as well as in the countryside even before then, using colored paper, which was used to create various decorations - decorative chains, wreaths, paper flowers made from silk and crepe paper. Apples, hazelnuts and walnuts complemented the decorations. Straw braids, which were interwoven with various field product^, such as (jeans and com, were placed in the comer of the main living quarter of the house - the so-called bogkov hot (the Lord’s comer) or above the decorated Christmas table. Christmas decorations were very witty and rich, mostly called Betlehem, Jerusalem or Paradiž. In the period following the Second World War, it was the political situation that marked the Christmas and New Year’s period, as the old socialist regime also dictated the Christmas traditions. The Christmas tree was replaced by the New Year’s fir trpe, which was moved from domestic circles into public places. Santa Claus was replaced by Father Frost, who shared out his gifts on New Year’s Eve. Near the end of the eighties, however, there was a revival of the Christmas tree and of the distribution of Christmas presents in the country. The Creche The Advent period is also associated with the placing of creches around the houses, churches and sometimes even in public places. The first documented creche in Slovenia was created by the Jesuits in Ljubljana in 1644, although it was not preserved to this day. The Jesuit creche was obviously not the first artistic representation of a Christmas event in our region. The oldest scene of the birth of the Lord in Slovenia is recorded on a document dating back to 1242, in fact bearing the seal of the Benedictine monastery at Gornji Grad in Savinjska dolina. According to Janko Svetina, an expert on creche tradition and creche enthusiast, the creche was traditionally (Continued on page 2) Christmas Holiday Schedule There will be no Ameriška Domovina (American Home) newspaper the last two weeks in December, (Dec. 22 and 29). The LAST issue this month will be dated Dec. 15. The final deadline for all Christmas Greeting ads is Monday, Dec. 12 at noon. Have a GREAT Christmas holiday. Crib Scene in St. Vitus Church ______(1998 photo by Bob Mills) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 8, 2005 2 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/^61-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) 1_________________________• James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SlJBSdRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published Vveekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 43 December 8, 2005 Shocking Truth About Batteries Some Slovenian Christmas Customs by RUDY FLIS Years past, a gAod friend gave me an electric clock which I hung on a wall in our basement. This week it stopped. I replaced the battery - nothing happened. Into the garbage went the stopped clock. The next day, the furnace repairman came to give our furnace a checkup and replaced the filters. Then he checked our thermostat, and asked if we had some fresh batteries to replace the old ones. Therese opened a fresh pack of batteries and handed the repairman three of them. He installed them. Again -nothing. He put the old batteries back in the thermostat and it worked. Theresa opened a third pack of batteries, and they worked. All packages carried an expiration date of March 2010. Therese found an 800 number on the package that was manufactured in the USA. She was asked their stock number, where we stored them, and where they were purchased. There is a slight difference toward the bottom of the battery. The one that did not supply en-ergyj had a ridge and a smaller bevel on the negative end. Those were manufactured in PRC. The good ones were made in the USA. It seems our problem was we purchased the wrong battery, which was called “Duracell Ultra.” What we should have purchased was the “Duracell Coppertop.” Two days after the call to Duracell, Therese received two coupons to more than cover the two packs we threw out. Therese didn’t expect that. She called the company because she thought they ought to know something was wrong. Once we found out that the batteries were no good, Therese ran out to our tree lawn and dragged the garbage bag with the discarded clock in it and fished around until she found it. Therese is good at fishing through the garbage and retrieving items such as silverware or whatever is lost after a family gathering. Therese wiped off the clock and I put in a “Coppertop” battery. The clock began running again. It now has its second life right back in our basement again. (Now I’ll have to think of another Christmas present for Therese.) (Continued from page 1) placed in the nearest or best-lit space, regarded as the Lord’s cortier and it is the comer creche that is most characteristic of Slovenian tradition. In the ensuing periods, the creche was also popular on the chest of drawers in place of the statue of the Virgin Mary. The most common was the paper creche, bought or homemade, placed on a napkin. In Slovenia, quite a number of extraordinary paper creches have been preserved from the 19th century, representing expressive examples df the people’s culture. Sculptures - mostly wooden or ceramic - began to establish themselves in rural creches in the laSt 70 years. For the present we can say that there is a genuine revival of the creche-making craft. There are many craftsmen, there is a society, a magazine, a museum, and exhibitions (at Christmas and also permanent ones). They are present in every church and in many households, but not in every household as perhaps there was half a century ago, adds Janko Svetina. The Slovenian creche is also on display in the church of St. Joseph in Ljubljana, where the exhibition “The Birth of the Family - an exhibition of European creches” is on display, presenting creches from 25 countries, members of the EU. There are also some Croatian examples on display as a symbolic welcoming gesture to our neighbor into the EU. The display was designed in 2003, during the preparations for the accession of 10 new members, and will travel around all the capital cities of the Member States, thus spreading the message of peace and coexisting in diversity. Lately, there has been an increasing popularity for live creches, which are set up in natural surroundings with real actors, sheep and livestock. The most famous among them is traditionally on display in the Postojna Cave. Christmas Eve and Presents It used to be a custom to light incense in the household and sprinkle the home with holy water on Christmas Eve. This was followed by Christmas dinner, which today offers a wide variety of delights. The festive menu included the most typical dishes from pork, sausages and other national specialties, with the indispensable and exclusively Slovenian potica (a sweet sponge-cake loaf with walnuts filling) with various fillings for dessert, ritual breads and cakes. The visit to Midnight Mass after dinner has remained a tradition, however. The family used to gather around a pleasant, warm wood-fired oven (peč), which once stood in the comer of the living quarters in the rural household. It marked the lives of our parents and grandparents, not just at Christmas, but every day. The wood-fired oven was much more than just a means of heating the living quarters, it was the centerpiece of family life. There is another custom traditional fbr Christmas Eve - predicting the future, from the shape of the burning flame, to the shapes formed by the wax melted in cold water. The fathers used to ask what the harvest would be like the following year, and whether the livestock would remain healthy. The young, unmarried girls were interested mainly in whether they would become brides or not. Today Christmas is meant for giving gifts and it has become quite a commercial holiday in Slovenia. At Christmas time, the Slovenians practiced an incredibly wide variety of customs, beliefs, and superstitions. After Christmas The festivities usually went on even after Christmas. Important holiday was Štefanovo (St. Steven’s Day), on the 26th of December, Mien horses and cattle were blessed with hopes for good health. The holiday is revived due to horse breeding. At Janezovo, on the 27th of December, the best wine that had been produced, called Šentjanževec, was blessed and saved for special occasions. The following day, called Holy Innocents, is the only day of the year when children are allowed to gently strike their parents. This custom is still preserved today. It is connected with the old pagan tradition, according to which the grown-ups can be protected from the dark ghosts of their ancestors by vital forces and health of their children who strike them with a small stick. This is the way that Slovenians enter the New Year, ready for new challenges. Giving gifts, along with other habits, obviously is loved best by children, who get gifts from three generous men: St. Nicholas, Santa Claus, and Father Frost, although the later has been giving way more and more lately to the man from the North Pole._______________ —Slovenija SHA Birthdays Happy Birthday to the following residents of the Slovene Home for the Aged who were bom in the month of December: 12-02 - Louise Kozely, 93, bom in PA. 12-06 - Theodore Vukčevič, 93, bom in Cleveland 12-08 - Amelia Ziccardi, 97, bom in Cleveland 12-09 - Sharon Rycbacki, 57, bom in Cleveland 12-12 - Edith Buehner, 88, bom in Cleveland 12-13 - Lucille Hennessy, 85, bom in Cleveland. 12-15 - Frances Zgonc, 94, bom in Slovenia 12-21 - Štefanija Rozman, 95, bom in Slovenia 12-26 - Frances Adams, 87, bom in Cleveland. ž PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster W WORDS MORE OR LESS bij \ohn Mcrtfn* CHRISTMAS WISHES OF OTHER COUNTRIES VESEL BOŽIC - SLOVENIAN / JOVEV/X NOEL - FRENCH FELICEM NATIVTTATEM - LATIN f GLAD JVL - SWEDISH ALEGRE NATAL - POATVGVESE / KALA XHRISTOIENA - GREEK GLAPEUG1VEL-DANISH / FELIZ NATAL - BRAZILIAN GLADELK3 JVEL - NORWEGIAN / BV/ON NATALE - ITALIAN FELICES PASCVAS - SPANISH / KAVSKAS JOIAOVA - F1NDLAND1SH V1SK5LYIPRAZDNIK - RVSS1AN / VESELE V1ANOCE - SLAVIC JESV SHENTAN - CHINESE / MELE KAL1K1MAMA - HAWAIIAN FROCLICHE WEIHNACHT - GERMAN / OMED1TO GOZAIMASV/ -JAPANESE /X PV/CTOC POXDAETBCAA - UKRAINIAN WESELYCH S1ET NARODEN IA CHRISTOWEGO - SLOVAK AYCZ ENIA WESOLVCH SWIAT BOSEGO NAROOZSNIA - POLISH A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL I Following in Dad’s Footsteps HAPpy News ©©©©© Several weeks ago I had the pleasure of meeting our new Slovene Consulate General, Dr. Zvone Žigon, for the Cleveland area at a special meeting held at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue. This meeting covered some special programs for Slovenian groups in this area. At this meeting Dr. Zigon made various magazines and publications available to us to read and perhaps use at our group meetings. I took issues of the magazine titled, "Slovenia Po Svef' (meaning Slovenes Around the World). This is an independent magazine for Slovenes Abroad that is published in Ljubljana, Slovenia. How they got copies of the American Home is a mystery to me, but the editors of this magazine review various articles and activities about Slovenes all over the world which are of interest. In scanning through the various issues of this magazine I discovered that an article I wrote and submitted to the American Home (Ameriška Domovina) covering the 44lh Anniversary of the Slovenian Pensioners Club of Euclid appeared in their July 2005 issue. I was very surprised and felt very honored that my article was considered by the editors of this magazine worthy enough to publish. This article made Slovenians around the world aware of our club. So you see, you never know when the things you do will be significant enough to have an impact on those who read what you write and contribute to your organization. My father, John V. Kaucic, was a very educated man who wrote many articles also for the American Home, Enakopravnost, and the Cleveland Press. It seems that I have followed in his footsteps and he would have been so proud of my achievements in this respect. —Marion E. Bocian Member, Slovenian Pensioners Club of Euclid, Recording Secretary of Slovenian Society Home Christmas is the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, the genial flame of charity in the heart. -Washington Irving KSKJ Lodge 169 Christmas Party St. Joseph KSKJ Lodge No. 169 will hold its Christmas party on Sunday, Dec. 11 in St. Mary’s Parish Community Center, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland. Doors open at 2 p.m. In addition to our regular program we have invited Jolly the Elf to our party. Jolly is a balloon artist who will entertain all ages, young and old. Her comedy will keep the kids laughing and the adults will be amazed by the balloon creations. Hope to see you Sunday. -Phil Hrvatin • President Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you. —Bob Mills Merry Christmas & Happy New Year n — Visit Us Soon — - We Are Open from 6 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. -— SEVEN DAYS A WEEK — — SERVING BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER — Mary Vesel Family Phone: 243-7373 7533 Pearl Rd., Middleburg Hts, Ohio ^ 167 HAPpy "youngsters" crowded into Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave. on November 9. It's refreshing to see so many ''recycled teenagers" (Matt Z's favorite expression) rarin' to go. Guess aches and pains are eased or forgotten in good company. Agnes "Angie" Galante, and John Bolden, son of John and Dorothy Bolden, were remembered with a silent prayer. God rest their souls; our heartfelt sympathy to the families. We remembered also all the veterans, and their sacrifice for our freedom, God bless America! Sunshine Lady Ann Eichler sent cheery cards to Helen Pavšek, and Mary Zimperman. Ann Beckert is still not up to par; try and cheer her up. Get well, dear members, you are missed. Myra Jerkič and Helen Kozlevchar ran another successful 50/50 raffle, with numerous lucky winners. Myra can still use your help for 2006; check with her which months she needs a sidekick. Happy Birthday was sung to six members. Such harmony! George Knaus, who celebrates his 91st, has invited everyone to his big birthday bash December 8, at Recher Hall. You can hear the details on Tony Petkovsek's or Dale Bucar's program. Lillian and Hank Pugel celebrated 57 yrs. of wedded bliss, and are wished many more happy and healthy ones. Na mnoga leta! Our congratulations to Albina Zimmerman, who was honored as outstanding volunteer by Babies' and Children's Hospital, as well as recognized for her achievements by AMLA. Binnie is temporarily in a rehab facility in Beachwood; hope she is soon up and running. Another "huge" sum of $11.50 was collected in badge fines. Let's see - that makes 46 forgetful members... and that's less than a quarter out of 161, very good ratio! Good news, people: badge requirement is suspended for the Christmas buffet dinner; you may leave the quarters at home. Just bring a good appetite, and your dancing shoes! We'll feast on Chicken Parmesan, and Roast Beef, with all the trimmings; and Al Battistelli will get our feet a-tapping after dinner. Deadline for the $6.00 pp tickets is December 6, Members Only!!!! Don’t bring the "Slovenian" purses, please, there will be no carry-outs. Plenty of help will be available to help carry plates to the tables. Doors open at 12 noon, dinner from 1 -2 PM; and music from 2 -4 PM. We’ll make merry! Matt Z. reports our next year's picnic will be in a new venue - Eagle's Club on Euclid Ave. in Wickliffe, east of Rt. 91. Won't have to worry about rain spoiling our fun there, as it happened the last four years on White Rd. Lovely indoor facilities, yay! Matt will have a chance to enjoy himself for a change instead of parking cars all day.. Stay tuned for more details. Long-awaited Bingo was enjoyed by many members after the meeting. Very good prizes were won by many. We'll have to do that again! Maybe I’ll have better luck next time. Story of my life: always a number off, or a dollar short... Hope everyone had a happy, blessed Thanksgiving Day! HA ffT HOLIDAYS TO ADD! from Officers and Board Members FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES ROSTER President - Anthony Mannion 1st Vice president - Robert Royer 2nd Vice President - Edward Gabrosek Treasurer - Lou Grzely Recording Secretary - Chris Novak Auditors: Anna Mae Mannion, Evelyn Pipoly Historians: Edward Gabrosek, John Habat AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 8, 2005 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 8, 2005 4 Martinovanje celebrated in San Francisco On Nov. 5th and 6th, the Slovenian community in the San Francisco Bay area once again gathered at the Nativity Church Hall to celebrate its yearly Martinovanje. This occasion has become a most popular event usually attracting in excess of 150 pecJple. This year we were fortunate to again have with us Msgr. Franci Petrie (the editor of the weekly paper Družina) who concelebrated the Saturday evening Mass with the new Nativity pastor, Father Julian Kaczowka, S.Ch. A happy hospitality hour and a sumptuous dinner followed the Mass. The but-standing repeat offering was a delicious barbequed pig, ably prepared by Franci Pe-cayar and his crew. There wete many other tasty selections, all well supplemented by Franci’s outstanding homemade wine. Msgr. Petrie emphasized the importance of this event that has kept us closely connected with the church activities in Slovenia besides continuing the tradition of St. Martin’s celebration. As a special gesture he donated to Nativity Parish his vestment that he wore at the time of the late Pope John Paul II’s visit in Slovenia for the beatification of Bishop Martin Slomšek. The Honorable John Hutar then presented Msgr. Petrie with a proclamation on behalf of the Ambassador Samuel Žbogar, with a special welcome and thanks for his visit, which strengthens both friendships and faith of our Slovenian community. After the delicious dinner we were entertained by the Michael Kramar Band that provided a good occasion to join in the traditional polkas and waltzes. On Sunday, Msgr. Petrie again concelebrated Mass o LAVR1SHA 216-391-0035 Construction & Repair Services Bokodelec Contractor with the pastor and also with the Croatian Jesuit Rev. Jeronim Ban, who is continuing his advanced studies at the School of Theology in Berkeley. At the Saturday and Sunday Masses, Ales Šimenc played the organ and directed the choir in some beautiful Slovenian hymns, with solos by Diana (Fir) Gremett and Aljoša Ravnik. After the well-attended Sunday Mass, we again gathered in the Church Hall for refreshments and conversation. This was another successful and happy Martinovanje celebration that was first introduced in our area in 1997 by the same then Father Franci Petrie and inspired by our own Martina Sepaher (originally from Bela Krajina). We hope this tradition continues. —John Ravnik Just for a few hours on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day... we permit ourselves to live according to untrammeled common sense, the unconquerable efficiency of good will. -Christopher Morley Msgr. Franci Petrič donates his chasuble to Nativity Parish. Pastor Julian accepts. Attorney Tom Brandi, Hon. John Hutar, and Msgr. Franci Petrie. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto! WARD 13 COUNCILMAN JOE CIMPERMAN “Working for the Ward” City Hall: 664-2691 Residence: 687-6772 601 Lakeside Avenue, Room 220 Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Tradition of the Christmas Tree It’s estimated that more than 30 million families will celebrate Christmas with a live tree at home this year. It’s a tradition that dates back for centuries. The National Christmas Tree Association says the Christmas tree is a symbol of life that engages one’s sense °f tradition, hope and good will. Long before there was a Christmas, Egyptians brought green palm branches into their homes on the shortest day of the year, to illustrate life’s triumph over death. Romans decorated their homes with evergreens during Saturnalia, an ancient festival in honor of their god °f agriculture. And Druid priests decorated oak trees with golden apples for their winter solstice festivals. But the first recorded reference to trees being a part of the Christmas celebration came in the 16lh century. In Strasbourg, Germany, families decorated fir trees with colored paper, frujts and sweets. The tradition spread throughout Europe and into the United States. President Franklin Pierce brought the Christinas tree tradition to the White House. And in 1923, President Calvin Coolidge began the National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony, now held every year on the White House lawn. SWU Scholarship Program The Slovenian Women’s Union of America Scholar-ship Foundation Trustees recently and with hope °f assisting more college students, is offering the following awards for the 2006-2007 scholastic year. 51,000 and $2000 scholarships will be offered to those lending a college or uni-^orsity full time during the 2006-2007 school year, dominated by the SWUA chblarship Committee. All aPplicants must hold a three year paid membership prior 0 aPplication. “Average” s dents with financial nqed "... "nnlv For more information and to download application forms, log on to http://www.swua.org Deadline is March 1, 2006. $500.00 Continuing Education Awards are being offered to adults returning to schopl either part or full time. Contributions to the SWUA Scholarship Foundation, a tax exempt 501 c3 are sincerely appreciated. —Mary Turvey, Director SWUA Scholarship Program 52 Oakridge Drive Marquette, MI 49855 Mifnrv/>\V7t\rrnf mm Tidbits of Wisdom I am in shape... round is a shape. Never be afraid to try something new... Remember, athateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic. There will always be death and taxes; however, death doesn’t get worse every year. Work like you don’t need money, Love like you’ve never been hurt, And dance like no one’s watching. ^ St. Mary’s School Alumni bulletin Are you on Medicare? Do you understand Medicare Part D and plans available? 40 minute presentation on Part D, presented by Jjandi Green and Caryn Corsi will help you understand he new changes and your options. All are welcome. Monday, Dec. 12 at 1 p.m. Collinwood Slovenian Home, 15810 Holmes Avenue in Cleveland Tuesday, Dec. 13 at 1 p.m. Slovenian Society Home (a.k.a. Recher Hall) 20713 Recher Avenue in Euclid, Ohio To Reserve your seat please call ------(440) 946-2500 or (440) 526-8180__ Translation of6Slovenian Missionary5 column * Translated by TONY LAVRISHA The Slovenian section of the American Home has a regular column titled “Misijonska Srečanja in pomenki,” which is about the activities of the Slovenian missionaries supported by the mission society “Catholic Mission Aid, Inc.,” a.k.a. MZA, and its fund-raising efforts. Last week’s column included a letter from Sister Agata Kociper of the Sale-sian Order who serves in Brazil. Here is a rough translation: Dear friends and benefactors, Tomorrow is an opportunity to send mail so I am writing this letter in haste. I have good news that on Thursday we had adoration of the blessed Sacrament for vocations with the other sister since our pastor is on a mission trip. Our prayers were quite fervent, and some of the village women and children came so that we prayed and sang with joy. The prior Sunday we had encouraged parishioners [to come to the Eucharistic De- votion] since the attendance at Mass was sparse during the summer vacation. We thanked God that they had responded to our invitation, thanked them for coming and invited them for next Thursday’s service. We experienced great grace which we attribute to Our Lady of Perpetual Help because we can say that it was a miracle. Now is a season where the snakes are moving about. When with Sister we were preparing the chapel for the celebration with various artwork from the computer, the flowers had already been arranged, it happened that a snake slithered across the floor and I stepped on it. Don Bosco assured missionaries that in the name of Mary we will be able to proclaim the gospel, walk among snakes, and they will not bite. This happened to me. The snake did not bite me, I jumped a little and all was rescued. This snake is poisonous; they call it Coral. If this snake bites you, you can say good-bye to this earth in seven hours because there is no antidote to the venom. I write about this to X you that you give thanks to ^ Mary with us for her help and protection. God still needs me here and I was not ready to depart. It is best that each day we submit to divine prudence, which I also wish for all benefactors and I also request your continued prayers for me. Thankfully Sister Agata Kociper The column also had a letter from Sister Agnes Lu of Taiwan who recounts the good works (building a hospital, setting up a day care center, and setting up a glove making business for the poor natives of Taiwan) and evangelization of the Taiwanese by Fr. Francis Rebel who died this year. She writes that Fr. Rebol always had an encouraging word -“God will open the door.” She is convinced that he is in heaven and on behalf of the Taiwanese peoples says, “Thank you Fr. Rebol. May you rest in peace.” —Anton M. Lavrisha 1076 E. 176 St., Cleveland, OH 44119 Books from Slovenia — In English The Making of the Slovenian State/1988-1992; and the Collapse of Yugoslavia Authored by Prime Minister Janez Janša, this book gives an insider's view of the period leading to Slovenia's independence and a portrait of tRft pebptt-'Wno Rmergeir-along with it. Hardback English edition has 52 photos in 256 pages. Price - $44.95 National Atlas of Slovenia *lt is indeed impressive when a country that is smaller than Lake Ontario and has about two million people - fewer than many U.S. cities - can put out a national atlas as well presented as this one." The Library Journal, 2002 Hardback - $72.95 (Also available in Slovenian - $50.95) Wines of Slovenia Translated into English, this new' book covers 386 vineyards, a remarkable number for such a small country. Presented by region, the wines are rated in a four star system and paired to tood recommendations. Authored by ethnologist Dr. Janez Bogataj and viniculturalist Dr. Julij Nemanič. Price - $72.95 SLOVENIJA^ ' * jjir.r t.r Slovenia from the Air There is no better way to appreciate the natural beauty of Slovenia than from the air. Over 200 stunning aerial photos i,n its 242 pages. Price - 5^0 now $50.95 Slovenian Folk Titles An English version of one of the best-selling Slovenian childrens books, with six Slovenian, folk tales and 52 great full-color illustrations in 82 pages. Price - $34.95 ^Slovenia f 'M :• ' Slovene-English Dictionary ' At 935 pages, this hardcover edition is intended for most translation tasks: At the condensed size of 5" x 3" x 1", the dictionary is great lor travelers.. Price - $65.95 Slovenia: My Country This is one of the best photographic portraits of Slovenia ever published. Jt. was produced by Joco Žnidaršič, the long-serving photo editor of DELO, the major daily newspaper in Slovpnia. "My Country” captures the stunning beauty of Slovenia in 277 photo- graphs over its 200 pages. English narratiop. Price - $87.95 r Handicrafts of Slovenia This gorgeous book presents the craft drt of over 200 craftsmen w-orking in traditional forms. Includes a guide to artisans by region with contact information. 315 pages with 532 color photos. Standard edition - $87.95, exhibition edition with 143 color photographs in 172 pages - $40.95 Come. My Gentle Ariel This C the best known of repawned. Slovenian author Mi.a MihehVs mariy stories for young people. It is based on the author's up-bringing . in her grandmother's home in the mining town ofTVbrovlje. 129 pages with 18 illustrations. Price -S31.95 Slovenian Cookery Oyer 100 classic Slovenian dishes are provided in this recent publication. Recipes selected by Slavko Adamje, one. of Slovenia’s ' foremost chefs. 8.| color photographs over itjs 144 pages. Attention is also given to the wines of each region. Price -$50.95 AmLAYAlLAIlLE Guide to Slovenian Museums ■ $53.95 / The Atlas of Slovenia (240 maps at 1:50,000 scale) - $106.95 Plccnik’s Market In Ljubljana - $77.95 / Vlf.cnIk’s Treasures: • $77.95 / Triglav National Park Guide and.Map ■ $31,#5 Architectural Guide to Ljubljana - Paperback - $54.95 / Slovenia Pocket Guide - $15.95 Slovenian Cooking - Sl$,95 Slovenia Roadmap - $13.95 / Slovenia: The First 10 Years - $82.95 / Tourist Gnide to Slovenia - $66.95 Prices include shipping and handling. Orders can be placed by credit card on-line at: www.BooksdfSlovcnia.com or by sending a check (or purchase order) payable to Books of Slovenia to 453 Kialto Avenue,-Venice, CA 90291. For information call (310) 392-4843 or email BooksofSloYcnia(h.V.otiicuNt.nct IŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 8, 2005 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 8, 2005 $ Mlakar Walks bown Memory Lane by RAY MLAKAR The snow finally arrived, not that we are all happy about it because it seems the older we get the more we dread it for shoveling snow is no easy task in our “rusty” senior years. As we look out the window, perhaps it is a nice sight because every-• thing is white and pure. Well, to continue down memory lane, we left off back on the 10th of November in losing our prized possession, our Schnauzer “Buf-fie ” It seems that when one has such a pet, their loss leaves an emptiness that we are most anxious to fill. So Josie and I lost no time in trying to find a replacement. We were most fortunate in finding a breeder of Schnau-zers in the North Royalton area. They all seemed to look alike, but their personalities are certainly different from one another. Once again, we picked out a newly bom, a nice male, and when he was weaned, we picked him up and brought him home. At that time I was still working and Josie in no time had him trained, with a lot of side tricks that he was capable of doing. During the holidays, he got as many presents from Santa as we did and certainly filled the void in our hearts. They say a dog is man’s best friend but it can dlso be said that a dog is a woman’s best friend as well, for he tmlv liked n« hnth At nioVit ---j -----—---------- — —©*" he would take turns sitting on our laps watching TV. I had to laugh for at times Josie and I would put on the records and sing some of the old favorite Slovenian songs and in no time, Muffle would have his snoot pointed up and howling right along with us for he felt like harmonizing. We really got attached to him and vise versa. He, too, liked to go in the car and when we would drive out to Amish Country, he was right there with us for maybe he liked to see the country as much as we did, for let’s face it, one does not see that many horses and cows in Parma Heights. The only disadvantage was we were not able to leave him and go into the Amish Restaurants and so one of us would stay in the car with Muffle and the other would go into the restaurants to take meals out and Muffle would enjoy that, for he was sure to get a well done hamburger. He gave us many years of happy enjoyment for when we worked in the yard. Muffle was always there with us. We were blessed in the respect that since we now ' learned our lessons as to dog diets and what they can have Happy Harry and what they can’t. Muffle lived well into old age and was 13-years-old when he was unable to walk any more and had to be helped going outside and he appreciated our efforts in trying to make him as comfortable as possible. But then unfortunately the day came when we had to have him “put down” which was the hardest thing to do. I guess all vets are aware of how hard a task that is to have a long loving pet put down. Guess Josie felt even worse for the next day a huge condolence bouquet of flowers arrived from the florist expressing sympathy. It was from the vet. Needless to say, Josie’s health turned for the worse, too, for it seemed we were always in and out of the hospital for Josie had certainly gone thru more than her share of bad health. But we had some good years together. Back in February, 2002, Josie felt we should get another dog, but I felt it would be just too much with Josie being ill. I was doing well QOO/_ /%•£* ♦k ~ 1-- 1 1 w.wa yjk uag ilOUSCUOia chores, but she pleaded with me to get another dog. Maybe she knew something that I didn’t, that in the years ahead, I would need someone to keep me company. I gave in and this time we felt we would get a cairn terrier. I checked the paper but they were too high in price. The one party I did call wanted well over $300 and little did I know then that she was an Amish Breeder. I was about to give up when Josephine’s older brother came to visit his sister. He asked Josie why she was so down in the dumps. She went on to tell Tom, her brother, that we had lost Muffle and even though we tried to get a new cairn terrier, the price was too high. Tom said, “Let me try in my area of Ashland,” where he had a huge farm. A few days later Tom called me and said he found no breeders and asked if I still had the number of the Amish Breeder. I said I did but the price was too high. Tom said, “The price may be high to you Ray, but it is not high for me.” It seems he called the breeder and found out where she lived in Amish country and he and his daughter went there to look at the pups. They called me long distance from there and asked if they could go ahead and pick the dog rather than me trot out there. I said, “Yes, by all means.” Well, to make a long story short, within three weeks, Tom and his daughter arrived at our front door with “Happy Harry.” Josie loved him although being just a pup, he cried when it was time for him to go to bed, I put his bed on the side of our bed and read somewhere that if you put an alarm clock wrapped in cloth next to him, he will cuddle up to it, thinking it is the heartbeat of his mother. In no time we had nights where we could all sleep. Since Josie was not up to par, she insisted that I enroll him in classes and so for two semesters, I took him to puppy behavior classes in Brooklyn. Josie was so happy when school was over and Harry was given a diploma. It goes without saying that even after Josie died, Harry was always looking for her. Now more than ever I can understand why Josie insisted that we get a dog, for she felt I would need someone to keep me company and I can truly say that without Happy Harry, this house would be nothing to live in. He almost makes up for the loving companionship one misses when they lose their loved one. For the time being all I can say is, “Thank you, Josie for insisting that Happy Harry come into our lives to take over when you would be gone.” Every once in a while someone will write wondering if dogs, cats, pets go to heaven and I like to think that the good Lord has a place for all of us for if we could not have all of our loved ones with us, it is no use striving to go there. Knowing that, I will have lots of dogs and cats waiting for me at the Golden Gate. . Well, time to bring this column to an end for we just have one more issue before Santa visits your home and hope he comes with lots of gifts for all of you. Well, time to close with a joke. A couple had been debating buying a new vehicle for weeks. He wanted a track; she wanted a fast little sports car to zip through traffic and around town. He would have settled on any beat-up old track, but everything she liked was out of their price range. “Look,” she said, “I want something that goes from 0 to 200 in just a few seconds. Nothing else will do.” On Christmas morning, she looked out the window and there in the driveway was a beautiful new bathroom scale. Coming Attractions Friday, Dec. 9 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, from 7:30 to 11:15 p.m., featuring Eric Noltkamper. Friday, Dec. 16 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, from 7:30 p.m. to 11:15 p.m., featuring Fred Ziwich. Saturday, Dec. 31 New Years Eve Dinner-Dance in St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) new parish community center. Tickets $100 a couple. Veseli Godci Orchestra. Reservations call the parish rectory at (216) 761-7740. . Saturday, Dec. 31 LEMONT, IL - Slovenian Cultural Center’s New Year’s Eve Party. Slovenian Mass 6 p.m., cocktail hour at 7 p.m. Dinner at 8. Prices $45 adults, $25 children. Music by Vesele Štajerke. - 2006 - Saturday, Jan. 28 Pristavska Noč at SNH on St. Clair, Cleveland. Feb. 17 - 25 Slovenian Ski Trip to Austria. $1525 from Cleveland, $1399 from New York. Reservations call Ivan Kamin (718) 424-2711. March 19 - 26 Annual Slovenian ski trip to Steamboat, Colorado. Call John Kamin at (718) 424-2711, or weeknights at (212) 691-5551 or (518) 734-5515 weekends. Saturday, April 29 Zarja Spring Frolic Concert at Slovenian Society Home in Euclid, Ohio. Sunday, Nov. 5 Zarja Singing Society celebrates 90lh Anniversary at Slovenian Society Home in Euclid, Ohio. Age does not protect you from love. But love, to some extent, protects you from age. -Jeanne Moreau FOR SALE Slak Button Box Accordion, keys:C, F, B-flat - with traveling case — $ 1,500. Call l-440'582-9322__ Merry Christmas ami Happy New Year Your Name Street Address and City >V Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Your Name > Street Address and City Merry Christmas & «5^ rwd Happy New Year ^ Your Name ^ Street Address and City American Home Publishing Co. 6117 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, OH 44103 Enclosed is my check for______________for a (circle one) $50.00 ad; $35.00 ad; $25.00 Christmas ad to appear in the Ameriška Domovina. My name My address^ City and State_ MARY (MARIJA) VOGEL Mary (Marija) Vogel (nee Stefančič), age 71. Beloved wife of Anton; loving mother of Anthony (Theresa), Joseph (Kitty) and Mary Ann; dearest sister of Slavka Gril (Slovenija), Vinko (Marija) Stefančič, Jože and Janez (both deceased) (Slovenija); dearest grandmother of Joseph Jr., • Anton, Andrej, Nicole, Rachel, Frank, Linda, Brian and Summer; dear great-grandma, aunt, great-aunt, cousin and friend to many in Cleveland, Slovenija and Canada. Family received friends Tuesday, Dec. 6 from 2-8 p m. at the Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair Ave. Mass of Christian Burial was at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 7 in St. Vitus Church. Interment All Souls Cemetery. In Loving Memory of the 4,h Anniversary of the death of our beloved mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. Antoinette Gerbec Entered into rest December 12, 2001 In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly, tender, fond and true. There is not a day, dear mother, That we do not think of you! Sadly missed by: - Loving daughter Nancy Slapnik; son-in-law Don Slapnik; Granddaughter -Shelli March, Grandson - Louis Slapnik; Great-granddaughter -Lisa March; Daughter-in-law Dorothy Gerbec; and the Gerbec Grand and Great-grandchildren GEORGE ŠVAJGER George Švajger, age 69. Dearly beloved husband of Margaret (nee Bizyak); dear father of Mark (wife Holly), Jennifer and the late Baby George; devoted son of the late Roman and Hermina (nee Runge); cherished brother of Margaret Selan (husband Ciril) and Roman (deceased) (wife Vida); treasured uncle ahd great-uncle; loving son-in-law to Anna Bizyak and brother-in-law to Emily Blackburn (husband Bart). Mass of Christian Burial was on Wednesday, Dec. 7 in St. Mary Catholic Church, 401 North St., Chardon, OH at 11 a.m. Interment Western Reserve Memorial Gardens. Family received friends to celebrate the life of George at DeJohn-Flynn-Mylott Funeral Home of Willoughby Hills on Tuesday, Dec. 6 from 3-5 and 6-8 p.m. who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of her husband, Frank. She writes, “The American Home newspaper is very interesting and I enjoy it very much.” In Memory Thanks to Ludmilla Odar of Richmond Heights, Ohio who renewed her subscription and added a $25.00 donation in memory of Franc - and Angela Sleme. In Memory Thanks to Aggie Flanders of Yukon, PA who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of her dear “Mum” who passed away 25 years ago on Nov. 30, 1980. In Memory Thanks to Angela Žabjek of Willoughby, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of her husband, Thomas Žabjek. In Memory Thanks to Virginia M. Sire of Westerville, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of deceased family members. MILDRED “MILLIE” BRADAČ Mildred “Millie” Bradač (nee Terbizan); age 89. Dear wife of Joe (de-ceasecj); beloved mother of Joe (Mary Jean and the late Margaret), Rosemary (Karl) Michel, and Amy (David) Trenton; grandmother of seven and great-grandmother of three; sister of Stella Simčič (deceased). Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Monday from 6-9 and Tuesday 2-4 and 6-9 p.m., where services were held Wednesday, Dec. 7 at 8;45 a.m., and in St. Mary Church (Holmes Ave.) at 9:30 a.m. Interment Knoll-wood Cemetery. Donations to the Waterloo Slovenian Workmen Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, OH 44110. in her memory would be deeply appreciated by the family. In Memory Thanks to Joseph Jenko of Euclid, Ohio, who submitted a $25.00 donation in memory of his parents Flora and Joseph Jenko. In Memory Thanks to Tome Family of Euclid, OH for the $20.00 donation sent in memory of their parents. In Memory Thanks to Mary Jackson of Willoughby Hills, Ohio who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of her wonderful husband, John Jackson. In Loving Memory of the IS01 Anniversary of the Death of Our Beloved Father, Grandfather, and Great-grandfather Louis Oswald Passed away Dec. 11, 1990 As we loved him, so we miss him; In our memory he is near; Loved, remembered, longed for always, Bringing many a silent tear. Sadly missed by: Wilma — daughter Walter — son & wife Alberta grandchildren and great-grandchildren In Memory Thanks to Jacquelyn L. Delost of Willowick, OH who submitted $45.00 in memory of her father and mother Joseph and Margaret Delost, and uncle and aunt Tony and Mary Delost. In Memory Thanks to Barbara A. Folger of Cleveland wjio paid for two new subscribers and added a $20.00 donation in memory of John and Josephine Polz. In Memory Thanks to the Žnidaršič Family of Kirtland, Ohio who donated $50.00 to the Ameriška Domovina in memory of Joseph Žnidaršič. Donation Thanks to former American Home Linotype operator Ray Stopar who renewed his subscription and added a $15.00 donation with the message, “Keep up the good work you are doing.” Large Donation Thanks to Family of Dušan and Stansa Žitnik of Eastlake, Ohio for the wonderful $100.00 donation! 5 l Donations \ 7 Thanks to the following fpr their generous donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Daniel Kranjc, Willoughby Hills, OH -$15.00 Matilda Tavčar, Bradenton, FL — $5.00 Mirko Horvat, Chester-land, OH - $15.00 Sonja and jEdi Mejac, Willoughby, OH - $15.00 . Steve Mraiiibr, Euclid, OH-$5.00 ** Anne Cicciolto, Willoughby, OH — $5.00 Anne and Felix Kurbos, Euclid, OH - $5.00 Louis Drobnič, Willoughby, OH - $15.00 Hinko and Maria Zupančič, Cleveland, OH — $10.00 Sylvia Klopcic, Parma, OH —$10.00\ Borut Svetlic, Baltimore, MD - $15.00 Rosalija Gradar, Holley, NY-$10.00 Edward Sedmak, Cleveland, OH -$15.00 Frances M. Virant, Cleveland, OH — $15.00 Stana Oven, Monterey, CA -$15.00 Donation Thanks to talented singer Mark Jakomin of Willoughby Hills, OH for the $20.00 donation. Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated slnca 1908 ' Azman & Sons Market 6501 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 216-361-0347 E-mail: frankazman@msn.com We ship anywhere: Smoked Sausage - Fresh Garlic Sausage Želodec - Potica In business at this location since 1924 r- The Perfect Gift A gift subscription to the American Home Newspaper is the perfect Christmas present that will last the entire year. Your recipient will think of your thoughtfulness each time, the paper arrives. Besides that, you will be supporting the only independent Slovenian newspaper while insuring your wonderful Slovenian heritage will be perpetuated. Subscriptions are $35.00 a year. Mail to American Home, 6117 Št. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103; or call (216) 431-0628; fax: (216) 361-4088 ore-mail: ah@buckeyeweb.com Name.......... Address....... City, State, Zip: Your name Address...... City, State, Zip !_____________ In Memory Thanks to Frances Ogoreuc of Euclid, Ohio AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 8, 2005 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 8, 2005 8 Can You Name that ^•/Sv - Christmas Tune? (Answers on page 9) Peach Blackberry Strudel Makes 2 strudels Vi cup ground pecans V* cup light brown sugar, packed 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 3 large peaches, peeled and cut into slices 1 pint fresh blackberries, picked over, rinsed and drained 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice Vi cup granulated sugar 16 sheets phyllo dough, thawed if frozen 12 tablespoons (I'/z sticks) unsalted butter, melted Preheat oven to 375°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Unwrap thawed sheets and place on waxed paper, plastic wrap or parchment paper. Cover with another sheet of the same paper and place a dampened kitchen towel on top, so phyllo sheets don’t dry out. Combine ground pecans, brown sugar and cinnamon. -Set aside. Gently toss the peaches and blackberries with lemon juice, cornstarch and granulated sugar. Strain before filling strudel. Place a piece of parchment paper on a clean work surface. Place one sheet of phyllo on parchment and brush lightly with melted butter to cover entire sheet. Top with 2 more sheets of phyllo, brushing each with melted butter. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon pecan mixture over top sheet. Add another phyllo sheet, butter it and top with 1 tablespoon pecan mixture. Continue to add phyllo sheets in this manner until a total of 8 are used. Spread 'A the fruit mixture in a row down the long side of the phyllo sheets closest to you, leaving a 1-inch border on each end. Starting with this long side and using the parchment paper as a guide, roll the phyllo and fruit into a tight log, folding in the ends to enclose fruit completely. Finish rolling the phyllo strudel. Place the strudel seam side down on the lined baking sheet. Brush the top and sides with melted butter. Score the strudel diagonally with a sharp knife along the top. These will be your cutting lines when it is finished baking. Repeat with remaining ingredients for second strudel. Bake 25-30 minutes, until golden brown. Serve warm or cold, dusted with confectioner’s sugar or topped with ice cream or whipped cream. Režonja Winery Sonoma Valley, Calif. Notes from Children to Cod Dear God. How come you did all them miracles in the old days, but don’t do any now? Dear God. I keep waiting for spring, but it hasn’t come. Did you forget? Dear God. If you watch real closely on Sunday, I’ll show you my new shoes. Krofe Sale St. Vitus Altar Society will hold a krofe and noodles sale on Saturday, Dec. 10 in the auditorium social room. Potica, Cookies For Sale Slovenian potica and authentic European Christmas Cookies for sale. Order now for Christmas. Maria’s Cookies & Desserts 853 East 185 St. 216—486-5545 Stimburys Accounting Accounting & Income Tax Semicei 496 E. 200th St Euclid, OH 44119 (216)404-0990 Fax (216) 404-0992 UucUme@en.com http://stlmburysaccounUng.com Emšad to Pracbca Batih 9t§ ktamal Reeanua Sanka Stnionq Indviduats CoporaSons l SauifrArmsm IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 FISH FRY Every Friday by Auxiliary of the Slovenian Workmen’s Home 15335 Waterloo-Cleveland Fish - Shrimp -Pork Chops Goulash, etc. Take-oyts: 216—481-5378 ^Holiday entertain in Qat, A Popular Holiday Tradition (NAPS)—Throughout the year, families across the United States sit down together to enjoy their favorite holiday food traditions, with one of the most popular being sauerkraut. Sauerkraut brings 2,000 years of great-tasting history to the table—but some people may be surprised to learn it has health benefits as well. Sauerkraut is fat-free, high in vitamin C, aids in digestion, and has been shown to fight cancer. In parts of the country, sauerkraut is popularly served with Thanksgiving turkey. Many Pol-ish-Americans enjoy sauerkraut soup on Christmas Eve. The Pennsylvania Dutch say it’s good luck to eat sauerkraut on New Year’s Day. Also, many people would never turn down a Reuben sandwich on St. Patrick’s Day, a sauerkraut-topped hot dog on July 4th, or sauerkraut and sausages during Oktobcrfest. Kraut’s popularity is even extending into holiday cocktail parties. It provides flavor as a healthy ingredient in contemporary hors d’ocuvres and is now popular in drinks. Here’s a hint: Try stuffing olives with sauerkraut to flavbr cocktails and use sauerkraut juice when mixing dirty martinis and Bloody Marys. Give this recipe a try at your next holiday party, or visit www.krrrrispkraut.com for more delicious sauerkraut recipes. Cook’s Tip: Mushrooms can be stuffed in advance, then brushed with butter or olive oil and broiled just before serving. In hors d’oeuvres, main dishes or cocktails, sauerkraut is a popular holiday delight. Kraut-Stuffed Mushroom Caps 24 large mushrooms 4 slices bacon 2 Tbsp. onion, minced 1 cup bread crumbs 1 cup Krrrrisp Kraut® or Silver Floss® Sauerkraut, drained and chopped 1 cup Swiss cheese, grated Melted butter or olive oil Clean mushrooms and remove stems. Saute bacon until crisp; crumble and set aside. Mince mushroom stems and saute with onion until soft. Add bread crumbs and heat through. Remove from heat; add sauerkraut, cheese and bacon. Stuff mushroom caps with sauerkraut mixture. Brush with melted butter or olive oil. Place stuffed mushrooms on oiled cookie sheet and broil until browned. Serve at once. Holiday Eggnog 1/3 cup sugar 2 egg yolks V* tsp. salt 4 C. milk, scalded 1 tsp. vanilla or 2 T. cooking sherry 2 egg whites 3 T. sugar VA tsp. sugar Vi C. heavy cream, whipped Beat sugar into egg yolks. Add salt, slowly stir in milk. Cook in double boiler over hot, not boiling water, stirring constantly, until mixture coats spoon. Cool. Add vanilla. Beat egg whites until foamy. Gradually add 3 tablespoons sugar, beating until soft peaks form. Add meringue to custard and mix thoroughly. Chill 3 to 4 hours before serving. Pour into punch bowl. Fold IVi teaspoons sugar into whipped cream, then drop by spoons into the punch bowl. Sprinkle with nutmeg. Serves 6. f !i T- HE 12503 flrtDISON dVL LAKEWOOD. OHIO 44107 216 521 4619 ATTFNTION WEST SIDE RESIDENT: »m p SUPERMARKET WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF A VARIETY OF EUROPEAN COUNTRY (SLOVENIA, SERBIA, CROATIA, ROMANIA, HUNGARY, BULGARIA, MACEDONIA, BOSNIA, HOLLAND, SWITZERLAND... ETC....) GROCERIES, LUNCH MEAT, 7 VARIETIES OF SARDINES, FETA CHEESE, TEA, COFFEE, GREEN COFFEE BEANS, MINERAL WATER (RADENSKA, BORSEL, ST. ANDREW), SOFT DRINKS, COOKIES, CANDY, CHOCOLATE, JUICE, NOODLES, BEER, AND LARGE SELECTION OF WINE AND MUCH, MUCH MORE... - WE SELL EUROPEAN TELEPHONE CARDS. - HAPPY HOLIDAYS MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 8 AM- 8PM SUNAY 9 AM TO 6 ?M ______ Names of the Christmas Tunes from page 8) 1. Jingle Bells 2. Walking in a winter wonderland 3. Santa Clause is coming to town 4. Joy! to the world 5. Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer 6. Oh come all ye faithful 7. I'm dreaming of a white Christmas 8. Oh, Christmas tree 9. What child is this? 10. We three kings 11. Deck the halls 12. I saw three ships a sailing on Christmas 13. Oh, holy night 14. Noel 15. Away in a manger 16. The twelve days of Christmas 17. I say mommy kissing Santa Clause 18. All I want for Christmas is my two front 19-. Chestnuts roasting on an open fire 20. it came upon a midnight clear 21. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow 22. Silent night 23. Oh little town of Bethlehem 24. Silver Bells Celebrities’ Real Names It’s Cool To Be SLOVENIAN v. Toronto was originally named Fort York, and was occupied and set afire by American troops during the War of 1812. Gas Station Joke Three guys are in a jail cell. They start talking and find out they’re all gas station owners. The first one says, “I set my prices a couple of cents higher than my competitors. I’m in here for pricer gouging.” The second one says, “I set my prices a couple of cents lower than my competitors. I’m in here fpr predatory practices.” The third fellow says, “I set my prices at the same price as my competitors. I’m in here for collusion.” ____________________—Submitted by James V, Debevec, II tfl 2 Submitted by the one and only Phil Hrvatin. (Conclusion) - T- Mr. T = Lawrence Tero Robert Taylor = Spangler Arlington Brugh Danny Thomas = Muzyad Yakhoob Tiny Tim = Herbert Khaury Rip Torn = Elmore Rual Torn Jr. Randy Travis = Randy Traywick Sophie Tucker = Sophia Kalish Tina Turner = Annie Mae Bullock Mark Twain = Samuel Langhome Clemens Twiggy = Leslie Hornby -U— The Undertaker - Mark Calloway Rudolph Valentino = Ru-dolpho D’Antonguolla Frankie Valli (Four Seasons) = Frank Castelluccio Sid Vicious = John Simon Ritchie —fV— John Wayne = Marion Morrison Sigourney Weaver = Susan Alexandra Weaver Raquel Welch - Raquel Tejada Gene Wilder = Jerome Silberman Shelley Winters - Shirley Schrift Stevie Wonder = Stevland Morris Natalie Wood = Natasha Gurdin Bill Wyman (Rolling Stones) = William Perks Tammy Wynette = Wy-nette Pugh VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE in SREČNO NOVO LETO Happy holiday season Visit Sheliga Drug 6025 St. Clair Ave. 431-1035 SJaily 9 am • 8 pm, Sundays 9 am - 4 pm JOSEPH SHELIGA teeth Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Somraka %itcfiens CUSTOM CABINET DESIGN CENTER Now that you're ready to make your dream come true. Realize your dream of having a custom kitchen with the professional staff and quality products Somrak's can provide. Visit our showroom and see the stuff dreams are made of. hours , MON-FRI 8:30-5 2620) RICHMOND RD. DI*,rlbu,or* Fi"e Cabinetry BEDFORD HEIGHTS. 464-6500 EVENINGS BY OHIO 44146 - APPOINTMENT a I i 1 s * i BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Avenue, Euclid, Ohio 481-5277 ŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 8, 2005 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA* DECEMBER 8, 2005 10 A Singet* Reflects on Korotan’s Slovenia Tour by JERRY ZUPAN (Continued from last week) Miraculously, the voices remained strong, from Mass until the final note of the concert. Our concerts performed in chulches were a singer’s , dream. Contemporary synthetic sound studios are no match to the grandiose acoustics of the echoing Baroque churches crafted by stone masons of old. Koro-tan’s fame had preceded it, for people were staking out prime seats in the church pews while the choir was still rehearsing, an hour or two before the Mass. I was amazed in Krarij by the sight of a young mother with three young children, who waded into the first pew during our rehearsal and remained seated there well-behaved for the next three hours. Although encores are usually reserved for the end of a concert, at Celje, the continuous ovation after the 4th of 19 songs left the director, John Srsen, noi choice but to call for a repeat of that selection, "Srce Vklenila Si, ” a lov£ ballad for a soprano-tenor duet with choir accompaniment. More ghosts, I mused, since the two soloists with operatic voices were offspring of the Exodus: tenor Milan Gorenšek, whose father Franček had beeij director of Korotan for 16 years, and soprano Martina Jakomin, whose father, Martin Košnik, had been the oirganist and director of the Slovenian Church choir at St. Vitus Parish in Cleveland. The selections in the concert program displayed Korotah’s versatility. For garnish, a song in English (America the Beautiful), apd in Latin (Gavisi sunt), By Gallus Camiolus. The mafri course was Slovenian, wifli selections from all its varied dialects, such as "Oj Ti Mlinar” siing in th« velvet baritone of Bart Slak, another offspring of a musical refugee./Something for everyone tfsongs that lauded the beauty of Slovenian land- .’f scapes, cantatas, traditional, and new compositions, ballads of love and heartbreak. Song after song was followed by thunderous and lengthy applause, euphoria for a singer. A choir senses when the applause is more than what is required by simple politeness, and we savored thesd audible rewards for our efforts. After the 17th and final song in the program, the standing ovation at the end of each concert did not wane until the director signaled that the choir in gratitude would continue, a finale of two songs that embodied the essence of this commemorative tour. The first was "Mdja Domovina ” (My Country), a marching song that was the de facto hymn of the Home Guards during World War II, by the same token a song had been banned in Yugoslavia since 1945 by the victorious communist government. For the oldest generation in attendance, this was likely the first time they had heard the song in 60 years. Since the younger generation outnumbered the older in the audience, the choir’s reward was complete when, both at Celje and Kranj, the sustained applause lasted alinost as long as the song itself. The finale was a song that always brought a tear to each Slovenian refugee of 1945, no matter where they had to stake their new roots: USA, Argentina, Canada, Australia, you name the comer of the globe. A lullaby, the Slovenian folk song "Gor Čez Jezero, ” that expresses the heart-rending pain of an adult who can never go back home again, whose inner song has died, who yearns “If only I could return to the place I was bom, where my mother sang as she rocked me to sleep; if only I could see my home and my dad and my mom for just one more time again, then I would be at peace, then I could sing again...” By mid-song at each rendition, the audience was already a blur, my tears from I I HAPPT HOMDAT'S fHELLI'S ■ V . 6106 St. Clair Avenue (216) 431-1126 Take Out A vaitable finally comprehending the trance-like faces of my parents whenever they heard this song. For 10 days, my feet had traversed the beauty of Slovenia, a chance never given to most of the emigres once they left 60 years ago. A quick glance across the dais showed that many a singer shared these emotions. At the final concert in Kranj, after our final bow, I snaked my way through the throngs of people milling in the church aisles. Marked as a singer by my black tux, I waded through a sea of appreciative smiles, pats on the back and handshakes for a job well done from anonymous concertgoers. Suddenly my path was blocked -a very old woman, mideighties if not more, whose attire left no doubt that it was an anachronism. A peasant, obviously, in an aproned black dress that swept the ground, a babushka scarf tied around her face, revealing wisps of white hair, the deep furrows of the fields she had tended for more than half a century were now furrows etched across her sun-baked leathery face. Before I could politely nod and sidestep her, she pressed my hands together between her folded wrinkled hands. Her clear eyes locked with mine. “Thank you for singing those songs,” she said, moving her, our, hands up and down as if in intense prayer. For 10 days I had been hearing pimply “Thank you for singing,” but she alone had explicitly added “those songs.” Just what scars had been etched on her 85-year-old heart, I wondered, and just which of our songs had soothed her soul? And why me? Did I remind her of sonleone? My God, someone 60 years ago? Her gnarled fingered opened to reveal a folded 500 tolar bill (approx. $2.50 US) and pressed it into my hands. “The concert was for free. I can’t take money,” I resisted. She insisted. “Give it to the church,” I countered. “I already give money to the church.” Dam peasant logic. “Please. If I take the money, it would destroy my heartfelt delight in having sung for you,” I said. With that, the money disappeared under her apron and she embraced me like a mother to her son. Teardrops snaked down our cheeks, unwiped. Time was suspended. I felt the embrace of my own departed mother and father, my massacred uncles who lay buried in parts unknown in Slovenia. I felt the embrace of ten thousand Homeguards, and thousands of other refugees who had walked the Exodus 60 years ago. The embrace bespoke, “Thank you Korotan for not letting our song die.” I kissed her on both cheeks; no more words were spoken, and I moved on, until my trailing hand separated from hers. Not until I reached the back of the church did I look back, but by then, she was nowhere to be seen. Why that peasant woman singled me out, I do not know. I do know that I had met my final ghost of the trip, and all of us were now at peace. Four voices of four hamlets round, From far and near, on mead and moor. Swell out and fail, as if a door Were shut between me and the sound. Each voice four changes on the wind, That now dilate, and now decrease, Peace and goodwill, goodwill and peace, Peace and goodwill, to all mankind. —Alfred, Lord Tennyson 4 * VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE irf* BOi CN L SREČNO NOVO LETO! WISHING EVERYONE A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! ^2č>an doi-ia Funeral Homes 28890 Chardon Rd. Willoughby Hills, Ohio 440-944-8400 -r Independently owned and Slovenian family operated by Dan Cosic and Joe Zevnik Licensed Directors Did You Know? Money isn’t made out of paper; it’s made out of cotton. The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper. The dot over the letter i is called a “tittle.” A raisin dropped in a glass of champagne will bounce up and down continuously from the bottom of the glass to the top. 40% of McDonald’s profits come from the sales of Happy Meals. 315 entries in Webster’s 1996 Dictionary were niisspelled. •The “spot” on 7UP comes from its inventor, who had red eyes. He was albino. On average, 12 newborns will be given to the 'Wong parents daily. Warren Beatty and Shirley MacLaine are brother and sister. Chocolate affects a dog’s heart and nervous system; a few ounces will kill a small-sized dog. -Phil Hrvatin Slovenian Society Home (Recher Hall) Fish Fries 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. Fish, Shrimp, i Fork Chops, and .— Goulash Dinners Home Health Care pome Health Care with °Ve and respect. European-/perican home health aids. u + years experience. Vailable 24 hours, 7 days a ^eek. Call 440-516-1506 or 416-407-2655. References -^ailable^___________ T°ny's... Old World Plaza Barber Shop Haircuts: $7.00 664 E. 185 S\. ' at Abby Ave. and Orw. W'ndward Rd. Hours; a,n1,5:30 Pm- m-f •^a-m.SrOO p.m. Sat e bve the Slovenian teh0ple: We want more of as our customers. New Years Eve at St. Mary’s lan to usher in the New ^Car 'n St. Mary’s (Holmes Ve) new parish immunity center with a sa*a dinner/dance, tickets are $100 per , Pie- Veseli Godci will ay for your listening and j?c,ng pleasure. Reservations may be ade by cailing the parish ^eat(216) 761-7740. HAPPY HOME)AYS To All Our Members and Friends and to All American Slovenians Slovenian American Heritage Foundation MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY NEW YEAR! FORTUNA FUNERAL HOME Joseph Fortuna, Director 5316 Fleet Ave., Phone 641-0046 Fax: 216 271-0608 e-mail: fortunafh@core.com Licensed Directors John J. Fortuna, James R. Trzaska Mary Arm Fortuna Trzaska_ mmm cmmiM&s mppy mm yim Move in by the Holidays... WICKLIFFE - CAPTIVATING SPLIT - Totally renovated thru-out. Newer kitchen w/rich oak finished cabinetry, raised ceilings, family rm, walk-out basement to Florida rm, newer carpeting thru-out. Won’t last... Asking $153,900 - MIRKO ZUDIC FOR RENT... CONCORD - Newer Ranch, 2-bdrms, Great rm, Gourmet kitchen, enclosed porch, full basement, 2'A car attached garage. Close to Rt 44, Immediate occupancy, no pets. $1,000 mo. + Security deposit Lakewood - Edgewater Square Townhouse, 3 bdrms, 2'A baths, Livingrm w/fireplace, Formal diningrm, Familyrm, 2'A attached garage, Approx. 2200 sq. ft. Immediate Occupancy, $1600 mo. + Security deposit. Westlake - Comfortable Ranch, 3-bdrms, 1 'A baths, Formal Livingrm & diningrm, divided basement, fla. rm, 2'A garage, fenced yard, Immediate Occupancy. $1200 mo. + Security deposit. ACADIA DESIGN FINE HOMES BONNIE M. GOULD - BROKER - ABR 440-954-9200 - 216 261-3499 Mates a&S Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Stimburys Accounting 496 E. 200 St. Euclid. OH 44119 --— — — ^ — —— — The Board of Directors, Lodge Officers and All Members of the AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION Dr. and Mrs. Chrzanoski M. J. Chrzanowski, DDS, Inc. Family Dentistry 782 E. 185 St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 692-2910 lit, Harrah’s FortfiŠpteii , _ . _ LJUBLJANA, 29. Nov. - near Nova Gonca, an in-lovenian gaming company vestment werth US$700m it and US casino operator scheduled for completion in arrah’s entertainment have 2009 provided the Slovenian irmed a joint venture to government loosens gaming uild a major new gaming legislation, id entertainment center —Phil Hrvatin & -n > Cleveland, Ohio 44119-3250 Phone: 216-531-1900 Fax: 216-531-8123 Fraternal Insurance Society (SD7. - Slovenska - Dobrodelna /.veza) Affiliated with: National Fraternal Congress of America, Ohio Fraternal Congress W;»^S^S^^S»5SS55»5Sa!;Sft!SSB«;' AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 8, 2005 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 8, 2005 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year R & D Sausage Open Tuesday through Saturday 8 to 5 Slovenian Smoked Sausage Rice & Blood Sausage Cottage Ham - Zalodec POTICA & STRUDEL IMPORTED FOODS FROM EUROPE 16714 Waterloo Road - (216)692-1832 Joe and Carol Zuzek WE THANK ALL OUR CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR SUPPORT We have finally mastered the meaning of Christmas when Christmas becomes a way of life. A Perhaps the best Yule-tide decoration is each of us being wreathed in smiles. Christmas was close at hand... the season of hospitality, merriment and open heartedness. --Charles Dickens J/ Mopypxf, SiotidoifA, putm ifmvt ptiendU at EudUd $jumel Sienna, Many,, Maralyn, Joanne, £udy, JCathy (J, JCatAy VL, Stat, Oxeighton May all of your Christmas dreams come true. If you don't have a dream, ■ how are you going to make dreams come true? ■ Oscar Hammerstein Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year! I > 22078 Lakeshore Blvd., Euclid, Ohio 216-261-1050, www.euclidtravel.com travel ©eudidtravel. com snpi . it’s about LIFT.! ■ Slovene National Benefit Society 247 West Allegheny Road • Imperial, PA 15126 1-800-843-7675 • web site: www.snpj.org • e Mail: snpj@snpj.com LIFE INSURANCE — ANNUITIES — LIFE PLANNING (.»•• ‘,ir MERRY CHRISTMAS ~ HARPY NEW YEAR t f — OujnscL and (Dfiszatsd cSinaz 1tyo8 — In Time of Need - We Are Here to Help You. Licensed Funeral Directors: Richard J. Zele - Louis F. Zeie, Sutton J. Girod - Louis E. Zele “Four Generations of THE ZELE FAMILY” ZELE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. 452 East 152nd Street-(216) 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio " t r * FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina 7; l a iraT.’! i; AMERICAN IN SPIRIT foreign IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, December 8, 2005 - vesti iz Slovenije - |z Clevelanda in okolice 2°rko Pelikan zopet državni sekretar za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu -Naslednik odstopljenega Franca Pukšiča S 1. decembrom je državni sekretar za lovence v zamejstvu in po svetu Zorko elikan, ki je to funkcijo imel že pred pe-'®i Med drugim je bil Pelikan nekaj casa tudi slovenski generalni konzul v Trstu ln tako že ima izkušnje s problematiko sionskih izseljencev in njih potomcev. Zelo veliko kadrovskih sprememb Z najnovejšimi spremembami na kadrov-* em področju nadaljuje Janez Janševa vla-a temeljito prestrukturiranje vladnih ka-°v. Tako sta generalna direktorja postala , drej Kitanovski (gospodarstvo) in Marko k r°vs (delo). Vladni odbor za gospodarstvo 0 namesto hkratnega finančnega ministra Andreja Bajuka vodil Andrej Vizjak. Bajuk e sicer zaradi preobremenjenosti želel to 2 nkciio opustiti. Od 31. marca letos do ' novembra je bilo odstopljenih, odstavlje- 1 ali imenovanih skupaj kar 919 uradni-^ oz. funkcionarjev. Sredinsko-desna vla- .. P°d vodstvom Janeza Janša je prevzela ast 3. oktobra 2004. Vse kaže, da se bo Proces prenavljanja še nadaljeval. O spornih vprašanjih med Slovenijo in Hrvaško - Posrednik Javier Solana? Pomoč pri reševanju odprtih vprašanj j C Slovenijo in Hrvaško, in teh ni malo v ®° bdi doslej skoro v celoti nerešljivi, je Ve .rusliu ponudil zunanjemu ministru Slo-^dtje Dimitriju Ruplu visoki zunanjepolitično ?re^stavnilc Evropske unije Javier Solana. vrst aVltna °^nrta vora^ania so 'tna še odprta vprašanja so Ineja med državama, hrvaški v prvi devizni y A IUCU Ul Navalila, IlIVčtMLI UCV1Z.1U in ,''a*ci Ljubljanske banke, meji prehodi 11 ^tvo, predvsem v Piranskem zalivu. Solana, ki Slovenijo sicer itak že dokaj dobro pozna, prav tako Hrvaško, je Ruplu dejal: “Pripravljen sem pomagati pri reševanju teh vprašanj med državama, od katerih je ena članica EU in druga kandidatka.” To je bila sicer že Solanova druga ponudba posredovanja, prva je pač bila že leta 2003, takrat ob napetosti zaradi enostranske hrvaške razglasitve ribolovne cone. Množični protest za ohranitev socialne države in proti predlaganim vladnim davčnim in drugim gospodarskim reformam Slovenska vlada se je opredelila za številne davčne in druge reforme, ki se mnogim zdijo, da bodo prizadele tako zaposlene kakor upokojence. Mnogi sindikati so proti nekaterim ali številnim predlaganim spremembam. V soboto je bilo v Ljubljani velik protest, eden sploh največjih doslej v samostojni Sloveniji. Organizatorji protesta so zavračali" zlasti predvideno zmanjševanje pravic iz pokojninskega in zdravstvenega zavarovanja ter zmanjševanje socialnih prejemkov. Medtem ko je Delo poročal, da se je protestne demonstracije udeležilo do 25.000 ljudi, je revija Demokracija omenila bolj realistično številko 15.000. Dokler bo pa Janez Janševa koalicijska vlada ostala trdna, kaže, da bodo reforme v glavnem vendarle uveljavljene. Na vladni strani trdijo, da bodo reforme zelo koristile slovensko gospodarstvo, da bo davčni sistem daleč bolj enakopraven, in da delavci in upokojenci ne bodo tako negativno prizadeti, kakor menijo mnogi sindikati in organizacije upokojencev. Tečttf tolarja - Zaradi okrepljenega US dolarja zadnji čas je bil srednji devizni tečaj Banke Slovenije 1. decembra 1$US = 203,48 SIT. Petkovšek in Pegan svetovna prvaka ^deset let je Slovenija čakala na svetovnega prvaka v športni gimnastiki - vse od ^elh nC 1970 in zmago Miroslava Cerarja na konju z ročaji, in ga v avstralskem (I °Urnu na 38. svetovnem prvenstvu spet dobila oziroma kar dva. Mitja Petkovšek (Jvq0 ,'n Pegan (desno) sta dočakala največji trenutek v svoji karieri. V teniški 1,1 Rod Laver so se peščici Slovencev orosile oči, ki so dvakrat poslušali Zdrav(ji-Latero sta se Pegan in Petkovšek z zlatimi črkami zapisala v zgodovino svetovne ^astike. Zlato kolajno sta si slovenska gimnastika priborila v nedeljo, 27. novembra. co, Siru Pristavski upokojenci— Klub Pristavski upokojencev vabi na člansko božičnico, ki bo v četrtek, 15. decembra, popoldne ob 1.30 v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. Pridite! Krofi in rezanci— Oltarno društvo sv. Vida ima to soboto, 10. decembra, prodajo krofov in rezancev, to kot običajno v društveni sobi farnega avditorija in ob običajnem času. Podpora ob božičnem času— Slovenska šola pri sv. Vidu je obdarila naš list z darilom $100, za kar se šoli, njenim učiteljicam, študentom ter staršem iskreno zahvaljujemo. Božični oglasi— Naša pisarna bo sprejemala božične oglase še do naslednjega ponedeljka, 12. decembra, opoldne. Novi grobovi Mary (Marija) Vogel Umrla je 71 let stara Mary (Maijia) Vogel, rojena Štefančič, žena Antona, mati Anthonyja (Theresa), Josepha (Kitty) in Mary Ann, sestra Slavke Gril (Slovenija), Vinka (Marija) Štefančiča ter že pok. Jožeta in Janeza, 9-krat stara mati, prastara mati, teta in prateta. Pogreb je bil 7. decembra v oskrbi Zak zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Mildred (Millie) Bradač Umrla je 89 let stara Mildred (Millie) Bradač, rojena Terbizan 16. septembra 1916, vdova po Josephu, mati Josepha, Rosemary Michel in Amy Trenton, 7-krat stara mati, 3-krat prastara mati, sestra že pok. Stelle Simčič, mnoga desetletja zelo aktivna društvena delavka, v prvi vrsti pri Progresivnih Slovenk Amerike, Slovenskem delavskem domu na Waterloo Rd., bila je članica več drugih društev in ustanov, med njimi AMLA. Pogreb je bil 7. decembra v oskrbi Žele-tovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete in pokopom na pokopališču Knolhvood. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojničin spomin Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, OH 44110. (dalje na str. 20) BOŽIČNICA kulturnih društev— Kot vsa prejšnja leta tudi letos prirede kulturna društva svojo božičnico s kratkim programom in duhovno mislijo za praznike jn sicer v nedeljo, 18. decembra, ob 5. popoldne v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. Vsi člani Korotana, Lilije, Fantov na vasi, Kresa in obeh slovenskih šol prav prisrčno vabljeni kakor tudi vsi njih prijatelji in znanci. Pridite, ne bo vam žal! Zadnjič letos— Naš list bo izšel redno prihodnji četrtek, ta številka bo pa zadnja v letošnjem letu. Tako bo v letu 2006 prva številka izšla 5. jan. Kadilo in oglje— Kajenje in blagoslovitev domov na sveti večer je star slovenski običaj, ki ga še vedno spoštuje mnogo rojakov. Zavitek z ogljem in kadilom lahko kupite v Slovenski pisarni, ki je v St. Vitus Village na Lau-sche Ave. prav zraven kapele. Pisarna bo odprta to nedeljo in v nedeljo, 18. decembra, takoj po obeh sv. mašah. Pisarna nudi tudi božične karte s slovenskim besedilom. Če bi kdo želel kupiti kadilo med tednom, se lahko oglasi v župnišču. Zavitek stane en dolar. (gl. tudi dopis SP v prejšnji številki AD, str. 14.) V podporo našemu listu— G. Stane Rus, Willoughby Hills, O., je poklonil $100. Ga. Mary Urbančič, Euclid, O., je darovala $65. Prav tako sta $65 darovala ga. Cecilija in g. Robert Dolgan z Willoughby Hillsa. Ga. Dorothy in g. Thomas Bryan sta darovala $100, v spomin na Stephena in Alice Opalich. Ga. Alice Cech, Highland Hts., O., je darovala $20, v spomin na moža Johna. Gdč. Ann Arko, Cleveland, je darovala $15, v spomin pokojnih iz družin Arko in Marton. Ga. Ivanka Košir, Cleveland, je poklonila $20, v spomin na moža Janeza. Ga. Mary M. Okicki, Cleveland, je darovala $20, v spomin na pok. družine Zupančič. Ga. Frances Kristanc, Euclid, je darovala 310, v spomin na moža in na sina Jožeta. Ga. Terezija Župančič, Euclid, je darovala $15, v spomin na moža Leopolda. Naša iskrena hvala vsem za podporo! MARA CERAR HULL Lakewood, Ohio Glasbena Matica praznuje 75-letnico V uvodu letošnjega koncerta Glasbene Matice 19. novembra je Jože Valenčič zapisal: “Pevci zbora upajo, da boste uživali koncert diamantnega jubi-1 leja...” Res smo uživali! Večer je izpolnil vsa naša pričakovanja. Pevci so mogočno dvignili svoje glasove, dokler ni dvorana odmevala v prešernih zvokih Smetanove Prodane neveste, z otožnimi in živimi melodijami slovenskih narodnih pesmi, z Verdijevo molitvijo hebrejskih sužnjev, v Nabuku, veličastnim Schubertom, I temno izzivalno pesmijo Bizetove Carmen. Slučajno sem se znašla pri mizi, kjer so sedele 1 elegantne dame, prijazne sestre Kapel (Vida Zak, Sophie Matuch in Marion Slejko) ter Albert in Pat Amigoni (g. Amigoni je predsednik Ameriške dobrodelne zveze - AMLA). Skupaj smo se spominjali preteklih časov, ko smo v velikem pričakovanju vsako leto prihajali na koncerte Glasbene Matice v Slovenskem narodnem domu, prepričani, da bomo slišali pomemben koncert, saj je bil zbor Glasbena Matica najboljši v Clevelandu. “Seveda smo prihajale tudi zaradi plesa po koncertu,” je povedala Vida Zak. Vendar je bil ta zbor tista priložnost in glavni vzrok, da smo se Slovenci zbirali in napolnili dvorano do zadnjega kotička. Koncert je namreč pomenil višek kulturnega življenja v Clevelandu. Kmalu potem, ko sem leta 1955 prišla v Ameriko, me je moja mati, ki je vedno čutila posebno sorodnost z gospodom Antonom Šubljem zato, ker sta oba izšla iz istega kraja v Sloveniji, iz Domžal, prvič popeljala na zborov koncert. Takoj sem se počutila doma. Pesmi in melodije so bile kakor moje lastne. Pope-Ijale so me domov, saj sem jih vse življenje pela in slišala. Spomini na popoldanske nedeljske o-perne matineje so mi ob opernih arijah kakor zalili glavo. Nekje, v našem poslušanju pesmi in glasbe, se določene kombinacije glasbenih not v naši notranjosti vzdignejo kakor bibi plesa - ni druge besede za to - in mi poslušalci čutimo ta ples, to posebno povezavo, ki nas lahko pripelja do smeha ali joka, do vztrepeta. Naša srca se razširijo, solze nam stopijo v oči; to so naše pesmi, naš ritem, lepota, ki je lastna nam samim, našemu bitju... Po mojem mnenju je pesem, glasba, najbolj skrivnosten od vseh umetniških izrazov, in radi se odzovemu temu vabljenju, tem zapeljlivim zvokim, da nas potegnejo s seboj in nam polepšajo življenje. Zakaj je tako, ne vem. Res je, vsi radi pojemo - ali vsaj vsi Slovenci -, vendar ne vemo zakaj. Samo to vemo, da se ob petju počutimo prijetno. Ali pa se tako počutimo zato, ker pojemo. Oboje je mogoče. Program, ki ga je predvajal odbor Glasbene Matice s Cilko Dolgan na čelu, je bil izredno zanimiv in dovršen. Čustvene slovenske pesme Po jezeru, Oj večer je že. Lastovki in Zdravica so se vtopile v naša srca s poznanimi zvoki in z vsemi podobami spominov, saj smo slišali te pesmi v daljnih, nežnih časih našega otroštva in bodo ostale z -nami vse življenje. Shirley Ivančič Stali in Frank Ivančič sta lepo zapela solo teh pesmi. Čeprav klasične glasbe ni predvajala samo Glasbena Matica in ne samo pod vodstvom dirigenta Šublja - kako je zapisal Jože Valenčič v kratki zgodovini zbora v uvodu programa, je pevski zbor Zarja, iz katerega je izšla Glasbena Matica, že v 20ih letih izvedla slovensko narodno opereto Gorenjski Slavček in John Ivanuschevo Turjaško Ro-zamundo - je bil novo ustanovljen zbor tisti, ki je uvedel celovečerni klasični koncert in opero v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clairju kot letno prireditev. Anton Šubelj je s svojimi izkušnjami pri zboru newyorške Metropolitanske opere in pred tem v rodni Sloveniji resnično ustvarjal letni kulturni višek glasbe v slovenskem Clevelandu. Solisti Eileen Ivančič, Michael Čerček, Cecilija Valenčič Dolgan in Daniel Hrvatin so dokazali, da nas njihovi glasovi z lahkoto popeljejo v čarobni svet legend in povesti. V drugem delu programa je bil prvi del posvečen ameriški glasbi: Rodgers & Hammerstein, Kern & Harback, Howe & Steffe. Solisti Carol Zofchak, Steve Royer in Julie Tra-gon, ki je tudi nova dirigentka zbora, imajo dober čut za pesem ameriškega duha. V zadnjem delu pa so nas pevci zopet popeljali k naši dediščini slovenskih pesmi skladateljev Ipavca, Kernjaka, Avsenika in Forsterja. V pesmih Slovenec sem, Mamici, Sonce zašlo je že in venček pesmi iz Gorenjskega Slavčka, so nam pevci Glasbene Matice podali zaključni dar večera, ki smo ga lahko vzeli in obdržali še za mnoge dni: Solisti Marie Engstrom, Lisa Hupfer, Lori Sierpu-towski. Matt Dolenc in Dan Ivančič (ali smo 4-es slišali tri člane Ivančičeve družine?! - so zapeli z nezmanjšanim navdušenjem. Pravzaprav je kar vseh 30 pevcev in pevk ves večer pelo s tem istim veseljem in navdušenjem! 75 let je dolga doba za pevski zbor, kjer člani od leta do leta odhajajo in se priključujejo. In doba 30, 40 ali celo 60 let - Sylvia Plymesser si lahko našteje 61 let - je izredno lepa, pa vendar kar vsi člani in članice Glasbene Matice zaslužijo in so tudi deležni našega občudovanja in zahvale. Torej: čestitke zboru in vsakemu posameznemu članu in članici! Hvala, Glasbena Matica! Bravo! Bravo! Napoči! je tihi čas Advent ni glasen. Kdor živi v pričakovanju, ne kriči. V zbranosti gleda v prihodnost in odloži vse, kar bi ga oviralo in motilo. Glasovi od zunaj morajo utihniti, da se ne presliši klica, ki prihaja iz srca. Adventni človek postane podoben jesenskemu drevesu. Vse, kar je pognalo med letom, odpade. Deblo, veje, korenine počivajo, zbirajo moči za novo pomlad. Po mrazu in zimi se bodo spet oblekle v novo obleko. Zdaj je samo še upanje. Jaz sem del narave. Tudi zame veljajo zakoni, ki so zapisani v stvarstvo. Tudi moje življenje mora poznati tišino. Zimski večeri mi dajejo to možnost. Dolgi so in vabijo me, da spet napolnim posode, ki so se med letom izpraznile. Sežem po knjigi in stopim ' v pogovor. Veliko mi imajo povedati, odkrijejo mi modrosti, ki sem jih že skoraj pozabil. Življenje dobi nov okus. Siva barva se izgubi, svetle barve se prikažejo in spremenijo svet, ki je skoraj utihnil v temi. Prižgem luč. Spomnim se dolgih noči, ki so se’ zdele brez konca, svetloba se ni hotela pokazati. V teh večerih pred svetim večerom postaja svetloba vedno močnejša. Čutim, da je v tisti sveti noči prišla na našo zemljo luč, ki se ne da več ugasniti. Nekje sveti tudi danes. Splača se, da Jo iščem. Zvezda, ki je vodila modre, je trajni kažipot za vse, ki se odpravljajo na pot. Po dolgi poti prideš v Betlehem, tja. kjer nisi pričakoval srečanja z Bogom. Tihi večeri te peljejo v bližino Njega, ki je tiho stopil v naš svet. V takih večerih pride On do besede in pomladi srce. Vsak od nas potrebuje advent, kajti za srečanje z Njim smo ustvarjeni. Advent pa želim tudi cerkveni skupnosti v naši deželi. Hudi vetrovi so jo v zadnjih časih gnali sem (DALJE na str. 15) Obisk Franca Pukšiča na Slovenski pristavi CLEVELAND, O. - Prejšnji mesec oz. 11. novembra je Slovensko pristavo obiskal sekretar komisije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu Franc Pukšič. Spremljala sta ga bivši generalni konzul Republike Slovenije v Clevelandu Anton Gogala in sedanji konzul dr. Zvone Žigon. Ogledali so si gradnjo nove dvorane in celotno Pristavo. G. Pukšič in dr. Žigon sta pripomogla, da Je Pristava dobila denarno pomoč od slovenske vlade za gradnjo nove dvorane. Na poti nazaj v Cleveland so se gostje iz Slovenije ustavila tudi v Mi-ddlefleldu, kjer živi veliko Amišev. Z zanimanjem so opazovali njihove kočije in starodavne noše. V Burtonu so si ogledali puškar no. Vsem trem gostom se zahvaljujemo za obisk 1° upamo, da so odnesli dober vtis s Slovenske pristave. MR V Sloveniji skoraj 532 tisoč upokojencev Ljubljana - Po najnO' vejših podatkih Zavoda za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Je bilo v Sloveniji avgusta letos skupaj 531.704 upokojencev, kar je za 1,2 odstotka več, kot pa jih Je bil° avgusta lani. To je hkrati več kot četrtina vsega slovenskega prebivalstva. Dobrih 90 odstotkov u' pravičencev predstavljaj0 starostne, invalidske 10 družinske pokojnine. ^ zadnjem letu se je dele^ prejemnikov pokojnin v povprečju povečal za P0*' drugi odstotek. Novi glas. Trsi 17. nov. 200S Dr. JOŽE VELIKONJA Belleyue, WA Slovenija po dolgem in počez — Skice iz današnje Slovenije — O Berem poročila obiskovalcev Slovenije, vendar se mi zdi, da vidijo drugo Slovenijo, kot jo srečujem jaz. Zato posredujem tukaj nekaj svojih vtisov. Ko se iz karavanškega predora prebiješ v dolino pod Mežakljo, bi moral biti na “sončni strani Alp". Te sončnosti še nisem doživel. Pač pa zamegljenost in umaže Jesenice in gornjo dolino Save. Na avtocesti te to ne moti, ker si od Mun-chna že prevozil nekaj sto kilometrov po zame-gleni Bavarski in Salzburškem in si se oddahnil, ker je promet po Beljaku skoro zamrl in le od časa do časa dohitiš kak slovenski tovornjak na poti proti jugu. Po predoru na slovenski strani voziš mimo širokega obmejnega postajališča, ki danes ne služi nikomur. Spomni te na načrtovalce, ki so prero- -Ll * —» »~» piumcuu navtu, ivi ga niso doživeli in ga verjetno še desetletja ne bodo. Nekdo pa je ven-, dar le plačal račun za te gradnje. Kot tudi za opu-ščeno železarno na Jesenicah. Bled, Bohinj Hitro zadeneš pri Že-rovnici na konec avtoceste in ni takoj jasno, kako Priti do Bleda. Vsak Slovenec bi moral vedeti, kje Zavitl, a jasne smeri ne nganeš, če se zaneseš sa-m° na prometne znake. Končno, kdo pa naj bi bodil danes na Bled, ostanek buržujske okosteni-ne- s starimi hoteli, z nirtvo vodo v jezeru in aejasnostjo, kdo naj bi Za to skrbel? Lahko se sprijazniš z ugotovitvijo, I. del O da so hoteli pol prazni in da tudi niso posebno dragi. Če si pozoren, boš na Bledu videl, da predpisi veljajo samo za nekatere. Pod starim režimom ali tudi v današnji demokraciji. Če ti je ime Svetina ali Križaj, zate gradbene omejitve ne držijo. Drugi naj si pa pomagajo. Če si radoveden, boš seveda zavil proti Bohinju in tam srečal podobne razmere. Ali je že kdo slišal za načrtovanje nekega skladnega razvoja in ne samo za pritožbe, kako jih posamezniki in krajevni načrtovalci kršijo? Ali je Triglavski Narodni Park samo reklamni plakat za zunanji svet? Kot je znano v deželah Vzhodne Evrope - in tudi Slovenija spada mednje - ne potrebujejo novih zakonov, morali bi uveljaviti te, ki jih že nekaj let imajo. Če ne bodo bolj pazljivi, bodo črne ir 'TVirtl«iroL'.»»vi V Narodnem Parku zapolnila vaška naselja z bavarskimi dvori in barakasti-mi garažami. Bled in Bohinj bomo gledali samo še na starih slikah. Brezje Navadno zavijem do cerkve, pozdravim kip papeža med krošnjarji in si ogledam stavbe, kjer smo kot otroci po romanju od Ljubljane, prenočevali. Na Brezje moraš na delavnik, ki si tam skoro sam. Temna in umazana cerkev ni vabljiva. Če ne veš, kje je kapela z Marijino sliko, jo moraš iskati. Ducat zasilnih stolov pred bahavo razsvetljeno podobo, na stenah darilne podobe in nekaj rožnih vencev. O Nikjer ni znaka, da so tisoči nasilno vrnjenih domobrancev klicali Marijo Pomagaj za pomoč, ko so odhajali v smrt. Pred cerkvijo seveda vidiš ploščo v spomin partizanskih duhovnikov. Ali bo nova avtocesta napravila dohod do te božje poti bolj prijazen? Kozolec Kozolec, simbol slovenske pokrajine. Pri Žirovnici jih opaziš, nato vedno več proti Kranju. Zadnje vidiš v Dravljah ob avtocesti. Če si pozoren, vidiš, da so kozolci prazni. Na letvah ni sena ali pšenice, fižola, ajde ali detelje. Pač vidiš na tleh ob njih plastične vreče s senom. Da ne bi bili brez vloge, so kozolci danes nosilci reklamnih plakatov in oglasov za najrazličnejše “potrošniške predmete”. Nečemu torej služijo. Ali je to novi simbol za slovensko podeželje? V Naklo lahko prideš po avtocesti - in se izogneš “pokrajini”, ali po starem betonu med Nakloni in Okroglim, ali po stari. cesti preko Tržiške Bistrice. Po vseh teh poteh sem se že potil, kot otrok, kot mladenič, kot upokojenec. Če te pot zapelje mimo Podbrezja, ti pride v spomin Karel Mavsar s svojimi zgodbami. Kdo še ve zanj in za njegovo Podbrezje? Tisti, ki smo z njim služili v Cleveland Twist Drill in ga videvali na St. Clairu in nam je bila takratna Slovenija zelo, zelo daleč. Da bi se kdo spomnil na Brdo in morda celo na Srakovlje, od koder je prihajal bradati menih Ciril Zupan, graditelj slovenske skupnosti v Pueblu, v Koloradu. V Sloveniji “narodnih herojev”, pravih herojev, ne poznajo. Ciril Zupan spada mednje, a zanj ne vedo. (dalje na str. 17) Z AMERIŠKO DOMOVINO STE VEDNO NA TEKOČEM ^°n^l Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family ED MEJAC RDC Program Director WCSB 89.3 FM RADIO HOURS: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 Tti/FAX web: www.wcsb.org Zgodovinar dr. Jože Dežman predsednik nove komisije Ljubljana - Slovenska vlada je sprejela sklep o imenovanju komisije vlade za reševanje vprašanj prikritih grobišč. Predsednik komisije bo direktor Muzeja novejše zgodovine Slovenije dr. Jože Dežman, so sporočili iz urada vlade za informiranje. Člani komisije so Miha Movrin z ministrstva za pravosodje, Metka Černelč z ministrstva za okolje in prostor, Majda Pučnik Riidl iz Upravne enote Ljubljana-Šiška, predsednik Zveze društev mobiliziranih Slovencev Ludvik Puklavec, Marko Štrovs z ministrstva za delo, družino in socialne zadeve, Blaž Kujundžič s Statističnega urada RS, Andrej Vovko iz Znanstvenoraziskovalnega centra SAZU, Nataša Kokol Car z ministrstva za finance, Anton Drobnič iz Nove slovenske zaveze, Pavel Jamnik z ministrstva za notranje zadeve, Davorin Vuga z ministrstva za kulturo. Milan Sagadin iz kranjske enote Zavoda za varstvo kulturne dediščine ter upokojenci Davorin Mozetič, Jožef Bernik in Janez Črnej. Komisija bo spremljala evidentiranje večjih grobišč ter števila in območja večjih pobojev in revolucionarnih žrtev med drugo svetovno vojno in po njej na območju Slovenije. Pripravila bo konkretni program aktivnosti za ustrezno zavarovanje in vzdrževanje teh grobišč. Dajala bo mnenja o vprašanjih, ki se nanašajo na obstoječa in na novo odkrita grobišča ter grobove množičnih pobojev. Nadalje bo sodelovala v postopku za pridobitev idejne rešitve za označitev oz. zaznamovanje vseh ostalih tovrstnih grobišč v Sloveniji. Tekoče bodo spremljali ureditev Spominskega parka Teharje in v Kočevskem Rogu pod Krenom, med nalogami pa so omenjeni tudi skupni spomeniki. Posredovali bodo predloge in pobude vladi v zvezi z ureditvijo in obeležitvijo grobišč. (Brez podpisa. Novi glas, 17. nov. 2005) Napoči! je tihi čas (nadaljevanje s str. 14) m ija. veiiKO ustja je zgubila. Deblo, veje, korenine so ostale. Cerkev pri nas je v zimski dobi. Mnogi se v tej Cerkvi ne počutijo več doma, zebe jih in hrepenijo po toploti. Upanje ne sme umreti. Po vsaki zimi pride nova pomlad. Verjeti je treba, da je sonce močnejše kakor led. Dobro je, da se spet in spet zbiramo pri posvetovanjih in tako prižigamo svetilke, ki svetijo nekaj časa. Opogumiti se bomo morali za odločilen korak v sonce. V svetlem soncu bomo spoznali, da moramo odložiti nekaj tega, kar se je nabralo skozi zgodovino. Sonce nam bo pa tudi pokazalo, da rastejo na našem polju do zdaj še neznane rastline, ki so zdravilo za rane nekega časa. Te rastline bo treba gojiti, da bo prišlo do novega razcveta, da bo Božji vrt razlival vabljive dišave. Tudi Cerkvi voščim tihi čas, da bo v miru odkrila, katere darove ji poklanja dobri Duh na pot v novo pomlad. Duh pomaga Cerkvi, da ohrani, kar ji je izročil Gospod. Duh pa tudi vabi, da spozna znamenja časa in tako ostane vedno mlada. Tihi čas: velika ponudba. Drevesa se pozimi pripravljajo na nov čudež. Tudi mi ga smemo pričakovati. Dal nam ga bo Gospod. Začel se bo v srcu, ki skuša odgovoriti na klic. Andrej Kajžnik AVE MARIJA, December 2005 CLEVELAND PUBUC RADIO WCPN 90.3 FM Tony Ovsenik: 31731 Miller Ave. Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092 Phone: 1-440-944-2538 e-mail: tony.ovsenik@sbcglobal.net Saturdays 9-I0pm CONTRIBUTOR TO: RADIO OGNJISCE-LJUBLJANA Milr- p. dr. VENDELIN ŠPENDOV LEMONTSKI ODMEVI Ko pričenjamo mesec december, smo tudi letos že v adventnem času, ki smo ga pričeli s prvo adventno nedeljo, 27. novembra. Advent je čas pričko-vanja. Govori nam o Gospodovem prihodu, kakor poje naša pesem: "Poslan z nebes je angel / na širni grešni svet / k brezmadežni Devici / tja v mesto Nazaret. / Devici tej premili Marija je ime / iz Davidove hiše / je Jožef, ženin nje. / Mariji angel reče: / 'Nikar se ti ne boj, / ker milost si dobila, / Gospod je sam s teboj. / Glej, Sina boš spočela / od Svetega Duha, / boš srečna porodila / Rešitelja sveta. Ves advent z Marijo pričakujemo Jezusovo rojstvo. Pa je v tem svetem času še praznik Marijinega brezmadežnega spočetja, 8. decembra, v tej deželi zapovedan praznik: "Zdrava zemlje vse Gospa in nebes Kraljica! / Zdrava zvezda jutranja, vseh devic Devica! / Zdrava Mati milostna. lepa vsa in sveta! / Ni na tebi madeža, čista si spočeta. " Frančiškanski red si je Marijo brezmadežno izbral kot posebno zavetnico reda, zato je za nas, frančiškane, to največji Marijin praznik v letu. Ameriški škoQe so si tu- di izbrali Brezmadežno kot zavetnico in ji posvetili deželo. Naj jo varuje in vodi! Pa na Miklavža, na Nikolaja, ne bomo (nismo) pozabili, saj nas spremlja že od mladih nog. Morda se še spomnimo, da je sv. Nikolaj živel v 4. stoletju, v Miri (mestu, ki je v današnji Turčiij). Pripovedujejo, da se v Miri niso mogli zediniti, koga naj izvolijo na izpraznjen škofovski sedež, zato so sklenili, da bo za škofa tisti duhovnik, ki bo naslednji dan prvi stopil v cerkev. Nikolaja, ki o vsem tem ni nič vedel, je Bog pripeljal v cerkev in tako postavil za škofa. Celo življenje Je veliko skrbel za uboge. Po smr ti leta 350 se je njegovo češčenje kmalu razširilo po vsem krščanskem svetu. Tudi po Sloveniji, saj mu je posvečenih okoli 200 cerkva. Posvečena mu je tudi ljubljanska nadškofija s stolnico -Šenklavž. Naj sv. Miklavž še v naprej prosi pri Bogu za Slovenijo, predvsem za mladi rod! Sobratje, umrli v decembru: p. Rihard Rogan (6. dec. 1994); p. Gabriel Estok 4. dec. 1964); p. Tomaž Hoge (7. dec. 1990); br. Robert Hoche-var (7. dec. 1997); p. Hugo Bren (8. dec. 1953); br. Humil Savelj (23. V blag spomin ob peti obletnici, odkar si nas zapustil naš ljubi mož in oče. Peter Pečavar 23, maja 1940 - 23. dec. 2000 Pet dolgih let je že minilo, odkar Te več med nami ni. Vendar Tvoj vedno veseli nasmeh nas spremlja po vseh naših težkih poteh. Tvoji: Žena Stanka ter sinova Peter in Johnny dec. 1965). Večna Luč naj jim sveti! Na božič se v raznih krajih pripravljajo na različne načine. Ponekod opravljajo “zor-nice” skozi ves advent, ali pa po domovih molijo veseli del rožnega venca s posebno prošnjo, da bi se družina lepo duhovno pripravila na “sveto noč in sveti dan”. Posebna devetdnevnica je tudi v bogoslužju, ki se prične 16. decembra, ko se na več krajih ob tem že zasliši božična pesem: “Dete rajsko, Dete sveto, / o preljubi Jezus naš, / pridi k nam. saj trde jasli / v mrzlem hlevčeku imaš. / Rajsko srečo nam obetaš, / če ponižni, čisti smo, / iz premeni naša srca, / da podobna tebi so." Novembrske maše in molitve za rajne smo vestno opravljali: vsak dan sv. maša za vse, ki so nam bili priporočeni. Vključeni so bili tudi v naših skupinah in osebnih molitvah. Prosili smo Jezusa, n^j privede v nebesa vse duše, zlasti še tiste, ki so najbolj potrebne božjega usmiljenja. - Bog plačaj za priložene darove. Vsako leto obhajamo Lemontske Verne duše nrvo Tl rw romKvo tokrat 6. novembra. Ob dveh popoldne smo opravili molitve na pokopališču sv. Frančiška, nato smo se z molitvijo rožnega venca podali v cerkev Marije Pomagaj, kjer je bila ob pol treh sv maša za rajne sobrate, sorodnike in dobrotnike, in za vse, ki so nam priporočeni. Po sv. maši, ko je daroval p. Bernardin Sušnik, z izvirno homilijo, je bila kratka komemoracija za škofa Gregorija Rožmana, ker bo čez 10 dni obletnica njegovega vstopa v večno domovino. Naročnikom, ki redno poravnavate naročnino, nekateri že za več' let naprej, se iskreno zahvaljujemo. Tiste, ki so prezrli številko na ovojnici, pa prosimo, da pogledate in se po tem ravnate. Pravtako zahvala vsem, ki z dodatkom “za pomoč listu", obenem poveste, da vam revija veliko pomeni za osebni duhovni podvig. S tem pomagate, da nam ni treba dvigati naročnine. Saj vsi vemo, kako se vse draži in revije in ostali tisk dodaja dosedanji vsoti. Bog plačaj tudi za ostale darove, zlasti za misijone in za sv. maše. V Jolietu, Illinois, so tretjo oktobrsko nedeljo slavili stoletnico obstoja sedanje cerkve. Župnija je bila ustanovljena leta 1891, ko se je v to mesto pričelo naseljevati vedno več slovenskih rojakov. Skoraj 15 let je vzelo, da so pozidali cer kev z dvema zvonikoma V Jolietu in daleč naokoli je znana kot najlepša cerkev v škofiji. Po toliko ieiih je zdradba potrebovala obnove. Dve leti so jo popravljali, da je dobila prvotno obliko in lepoto. Sedanji župnik James Radek se je s farani za obnovo, ki jim je izredno lepo uspela, res potrudil, zato je res še vedno najlepša cerkev v jo-lietski škofiji. Župniku in faranom iskrene čestitke k obnovi in slovesnosti stoletnice, ki naj bo še vnaprej slovenskemu v duhovni podvig. Bog naj pa župnika, farane in dobrotnike bogato blagoslavlja. Slavja 100-letnice Sv. Jožefa v Jolietu sta se na povabilo udeležila tudi p. Krizolog Cimerman iz New Yorka in p. Bernard Karmanocky, ki deluje pri fari Sv. Terezije Deteta Jezusa v Johnstow-nu. Pa. Oba patra sta pred leti delovala pri fari sv. Jožefa. Deset let je poteklo, odkar je bil Slovenski kulturni center^ Lemon-tu zgrajen, opremljen in slovesno blagoslovljen Desetletnico so slovesno obhajali drugo nedeljo v novembru, 13. novembra, z zahvalno sv. mašo, programom in banketom. Na ta Kulturni center še vnaprej služi slovenskim rojakom in njihovim prijateljem, kakor je preteklih deset let. Čestitamo! Naš Romarski dom je od oktobra sem zopet postal “Dom duhovnih vaj - Retreat Center”, ko si razne skupine ali društva rezervirajo konec tedna za duhovno obnovo. Slovenska sobotna šola za mladino in odrasle s sedežem v SKC redno deluje od prve sobote meseca oktobra. Našim balinarjem, ki imajo na našem gričku lepo urejene steze, letos skozi celo poletje dež ni delal veliko preglavic. Kakor pretekla leta sp tudi tokrat imeli tekmovanja, še v jesen nadaljujejo, menda jih tudi rosa ne prepodi. AVE MARIA December 2005 Odbori, upravnik in uslužbenci želijo vsem članom, njihovim družinam in vsej slovenski skupnosti, da bi bili božični prazniki napolnjeni z dobroto in da bi bilo leto 2006 blagoslovljeno. Župnijska hranilnica in posojilnica Slovenija ISBP Slovenia Credit Union www.sloveniacu.on.ca 725 Browns Line, Etobicoke, Ontario 611 Manning A ve., Toronto, Ontario 23 Delawana Drive. Hamilton. Ontario (416) 255-1742 (416) 531-8475 19051 578-7511 J Slovenija po dolgem PAVLE BORŠTNIK Perry, O. Še ena knjiga o našem času Janko Moder: Dr. Valentin Meršol in slovenski Veliki teden; Mohorjeva družba - Celje, 2005; 407 strani O (NADALJEVANJE s str. 15) Ljubljana sem in tja Rop bančnih predalov Prve dni novembra Je svojevrstni dogodek, ne zaradi ropa samega, am-pak zaradi opravičevanja, k* ga krivci nezadostnega varovanja nosijo na dan. Zanimivo je bilo spremljati ta razpravljanje na televiziji - tiste dni ni bilo drugih vročih razprav predvsem nemoglo jecljanje varnostnikov, od Predstavnikov banke do stražnikov v mestu. Vse je bilo v skladu s Predpisi, vse je bilo zakonito, vlomilci so vendarle sedem ur neovira-no odpirali predale in Jih praznili, nihče ni vedel, da se to godi sredi mesta, pol poti od pošte do želežniške postaje. Ljubljana je bila tisto n°č kot naselbina ameri-^kega divjega Zapada, kjer je vladal najmočnej-^ in so oblasti posegle Vlnes. ko je bila banka Izpraznjena. V Ameriki Se Je to godilo pred sto-letJem in pol, v Ljubljani Pa v letu 2005. O Ljubljana ni prijazno mesto. Majhni lokali na Skvnih cestah so bodisi ^aPrti, ali so se pa uma-Ul velikim trgovinam. ed staro pošto ni več alry Queen ali Daj da-^ v nekdanji Batov! 2gradbi domuje Beneton, Cesta proti Tivoliju Je del- n° zaprta. Seveda, ne hodi v Lju-•l^o, če težko prema- guješ stopnice. Kot ne hodi v Moskvo, če ne bereš cirilice. Stopnice so povsod. Na pošto, v banko, v cerkev - od daleč ne vidiš, ali je zaklenjena ali ne v knjigarno Mladinske knjige moraš po stopnicah, v restavracijo v Slonu podobno. Zato v mestu ne vidiš invalidskih vozičkov. Če ne moreš po stopnicah, ostani doma. Če živiš v stolpnici, se boš spet srečal s stopnišči, ker ni gotovo, da bo dvigalo vozilo. Sicer pa tudi dvigalo ne ustavi v vsakem nadstropju. Mesto je bolj prehodno, kot je bilo včasih, kajti prehodi skozi dvorišča so odprli notranjosti, vendar je teh vedno več zazidanih z začasnimi ali tudi končnimi stavbami, brez reda in skladnosti. Stari socializem se pozna na stopniščih starih stavb. Teh nihče ne popravlja. Stanovalci lastijo stanovanja, skupni prostori, kot je veža ali stopnišče, ostane v rokah skupnosti, danes nedefinirane. Spomeniki v Ljubljani Iskal sem Kocbekov spomenik v Tivoliju. Šele po spraševanju sva ga z bratom našla med tivolskim bajerjem in železniško progo. Nikjer znakov, kdo naj bi to bil in kdo Je kip izdelal, Kocbek pa tam tudi sameva na klopi in gleda vlake na tržaški progi. Zakaj ga niso postavili ob glavno tivolsko sprehajališče? Koc- in počez bek Je hodil tja in ne v tivolski ribnik. Ob vladni palači je še vedno kričavi Kidrič. Gor-šetov kip plavalke nad vhodov v kopališče Ilirije pa opaziš le, če veš zanj. Reklamni panoji ga sko-ro popolnoma zakrivajo. Pred leti ga je bilo kar Jasno videti iz hotela, danes ne več. Parkiranje v mestu Kje lahko pustiš avto? Središče Ljubljane je sicer majhno, v njem je več avtomobilov kot ljudi. Ceste in hodniki za pešce so polni avtomobilov, če si iznajdljiv, najdeš tudi parkirne zgradbe: pred parlamentom, za Medj atovo hišo blizu 'kolodvora, pod nekdanjim dvoriščem Schneider-Ve-rovška - in še kje. Plačaš dolar in pol na uro, če seveda dobiš prostor. Najbolj prostorno je parkališče v Tivoliju, ne najdeš pa mesta blizu Kliničnega centra ali Vodnikovega trga. Če si potoval po svetu, se temu ne boš čudil. V primerjavi z mesti po svetu je parkiranje v Sloveniji zelo poceni. Sodobnost Slovenije lahko presodiš po avtomobilih. Starih “Katre” in ‘Tugov” ne vidiš več, avtomobili so novi in tudi vozniki so se v zadnjih letih nekaj naučili. (Konec I. dela. Drugi in zaključni del prihodnjič) Veleposlanik ZDA prvič na Koroškem Slovenj Gradec - Na uradni obisk se Je iz Ljubljane v mesto ob Mislinji 7. novembra napotil ameriški veleposlanik v Sloveniji Thomas Robertson. Po obisku, v gradu Rotenturn, kjer se Je pogovarjal z županom mestne občine Matjažem Zanoškarjem, se Je napotil v slovenjgraško gimnazijo. Gimnazijci namreč sodelujejo pri projektu Global Classroom Project, ki poteka tudi pod okriljem ameriškega veleposlaništva. Povezavo s svojo domovino Je veleposlanik našel tudi v Koroški galeriji likovnih umetnosti. Tam si (DALJE na str. 18) Konec januarja 1942, me Je italijanska policija iz zaporov v Šempetrski kasarni prepeljala na oddelek za nalezljive bolezni v Mostah. Sprejel me je zdravnik izredno resnega obraza, srepega pogleda in redkih besedi. Medtem, ko Je italijanski kvesturin iz “varne” razdalje opazoval, kaj se je dogajalo v sobi, mi je zdravnik med preiskavo potrdil, da imam devico, povedal svoje ime, me pobaral po mojem in vprašal, kako naj starše obvesti, kje sem in kako je z menoj. Bil je to dr. Valentin Meršol, takrat primarij klinike za nalezljive bolezni v Ljubljani. Osem let kasneje, sva se srečala na tramvaju, ki je takrat še vozil po St. Clairju. Ni me spoznal, spomnil pa se je mojega primera. V razgovoru pa me je presenetila neka “odsotnost” od vse preteklosti. Razlagal sem si jo z naravnost neprimerno težo tega dogajanja, ki je morala še vedno viseti na njegovih ramenih: Vetrinj in vse, kar se Je tam zgodilo. Zdaj, po šestih desetletjih, smo dobili knjigo, v kateri Je v zgoščeni obliki nakazana vsa tragika tistih dni, vsa skoraj neverjetna “slučajnost”, v kateri - tako se zdi - Je peščico ljudi, 'ki jim je bila takrat nekako zapisana usoda okrog 30 tisoč slovenskih življenj, udarila neka nerazumljiva slepota, v kateri se jim Je izmuznila iz rok še poslednja možnost za preprečitev tragedije, ki se je na tistem usodnem polju pripravljala za vso slovensko množico. Tisti, nekam skrivnostni zdravnik "resnega obraza, srepega pogleda in redkih besedi” je bil po vsem videzu edini človek v vsej tragični množici, ki Je videl pred seboj neko perspektivo, tragična kot je bila, in se odločil, da njega v vsej njegovi skromnosti tudi ta kataklizma ne bo zlomila. Janko Moder jasno nakazuje to Meršolovo skoraj mitično zanašanje na neko pomoč, ki mu bo na voljo, če po svojih močeh poseže v ta dogajanja, če se mu že tiste predeterminirane tragičnosti ni bilo mogoče otresti. Ta moment je še toliko bolj zanimiv, ker se Moder v opisovanju dogodkov od odhoda iz Ljubljane do končnega triumfa, ki ga je dr. Meršol v Vetrinju dosegel z majorjem Barrejem, dotika tudi doslej malo obravnavanega vprašanja: ali je dr. Meršol, obenem z drugimi zdravniki, prekršil t. i. Hipokratovo prisego, ko je v Lescah ali tam nekje zapustil vlak z domobranskimi ranjenci in si s tem rešil življenje, svoje in svoje družine. (Z ranjenci je ostal le župnik Jenko, nekaj de-klet-bolničark in dva bolničarja, eden od njiju Marjan Pavločič, Fr. Xa-verij OFM, moj nepozabni mladostni vrstnik.) Meršol sam naj bi se. po Moderjevem pisanju, zavedal tega problema in isto bi lahko rekli za dr. Janeza Janeža, ki je prav tako odšel od istega vlaka in si kasneje pri Pliberku rešil življenje s “skokom v koruzo”. Oba, Meršol in Janež, sta ta svoj “prekršek", če je to res bil, poplačala v polni meri, pa če sta se ga v resnici zavedala ali ne - Meršol s svojo herojsko intervencijo za rešitev civilistov v Vetrinju, Janež z domala legendarno zdravniško dejavnostjo na Tajvanu. (DALJE na str. 18) Joseph L. FORTUNA Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! I Veseli Božič ter srečno ^ in zdravo novo teto! A Merry and Blessed Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year! TO ONE AND ALL FROM THE Slovenian Cultural Garden Association jjj Še ena knjiga o našem času (NAD ALJ EVAN J E s str. 17) Drug, podoben moment, ki se ga Moder dotika, je vprašanje, ali se je dr. Mer šol zavedal, se pravi, ali je vedel za odločitve, napravljene na Jalti, v vprašanju oboroženih skupin, ki so med vojno nastopale proti Sovjetski zvezi in jugoslovanski komunistični vojski. Se pravi, ali je dr. Meršol med službenim tolmačenjem v Vetfinju nekako izvedel, da nameravajo zavezniki razorožene domobrance vrniti v Jugoslavijo, pa je o tem molčal, ker naj bi ga vezala obljuba (prisega?), ki naj bi Jo dal kot tolmač v Vetrinju. Če je dr. Meršol res dal takšno obljubo v Vetrinju, bodo morda vedeli povedati ljudje, ki so mu bili blizu v tistem času, če so še med nami. Ostaja pa Modrova navedba, da je dr. Meršol po odhodu prvega trans- porta generala Krenerja opozoril, da “nekaj "ne Štirna” s tem transporti, nakar naj bi ga Krener grobo zavrnil, naj se ne vmešava v vojaške zadeve. Krener pa je moral vedetu vsah za možnost vračanja, saj ga je o tem že nekaj mesecev prej obvestil dr. Krek iz Rima! Tudi Moder, ki je imel med domobranci v Vetrinju rodnega brata, se pri tem prijemlje za glavo in vprašuje: kako je vse to mogoče! Ta začudenost mu tudi narekuje, da zgodbo, katere junak je “Meršolov Tina iz Radoljce” (pravilna izgovorjava, op. pis.) podaja v skoraj pripovednem jeziku, kar v nekem smislu še povečuje njeno neverjetnost. Istočasno pa bo ta “pripove-dnost” vsem, ki so sodo-življali tragedijo na Vetrinjskem polju, in vsem. American Home Publ. Co., 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 Enclosed is my check for _ for a (circle one) $50.00 ad; $35.00 ad; $25.00 Christmas ad to appear in the Ameriška Domovina. My name _________________________________________ My address City and State ki so o njej izvedeli v enem ali drugem taborišču, pomagala obuditi spomine na tiste strašne dni, pa na skromnega slovenskega zdravnika, ki se je na tisti "slovenski Veliki teden” soočal s svojim resničnim poslanstvom. Dr. Valentin Meršol ima v slovenski begunski srenji za vselej zagotovoljeno prvo mesto. Dva skromna spomenika: v Škofovih zavodih in na Slovenski pristavi, bosta o njem pričala še daleč v bodočnost. Za vse nas, posebej še za tiste, ki mu v resnici dolgujejo svoja življenja, pa bo ta zgovorna knjiga na častnem mestu na polici, trden dokaz resnične hvaležnosti. Genocid in demokracija (nadaljevanje In konec; prvi del je bil objavljen 1. dec.) O Zgodovinar Jože Dežman je govoril o odnosu sedanjosti do totalitarizma. Hladna vojna Potem ko je partija po koncu vojne zmagala, je dejal Justin Stanovnik, in uvedla totalitarno diktaturo, je izvedla še tri ustrahovalne akcije zgodovinskega značaja: genocidno je dala pomoriti slovensko domobransko vojsko; za komuniste je postavila ustanove, kot Je Goli otok; srednjemu razredu je prirejala procese in ga razlaščala. S prvo akcijo je paralizirala večino tradicionalne kulture, z drugo je disciplinirala lastne vrste. Veleposlanik (nadaljevanje s str. 17) Je ogledal mednarodno fotografsko razstavo Živeti - 2Live, pri kateri sodelujejo trije ameriški umetniki, postavitev razstave pa je med drugimi podprlo tudi ameriško veleposlaništvo. Robertsona so na obisku na Koroškem spremljali njegova soproga ter še dva predstavnika veleposlaništva, za konec pa so jim gostitelji razkazali še staro mestno jedro. M. C. DELO, 8. r\ov. 2005 s tretjo je pokorila liberalce, da si ne bi česa domišljali. Potem je imela štiri desetletja mir. Tako se je končala boljševiška agresija na slovenski narod, ki se jp začela junija 1941 po nemškem napadu na Sovjetsko zvezo. Po nizu nelegitimnih' političnih dd-janj, kot je ustanovitev Vosa 15. avgusta 1941 in uzurpacije pravice do odpora s strani komunistične OF 16. septembra 1941, je partija začela s terorjem nad vidnejšimi slovenskimi ljudmi. S tem so komunisti dosegli dvoje: pretrgali so normalen razvoj nacionalnega odpora, ki Je že obstajal, in izzvali odpor tistih, nad katerimi so izvajali teror, ali drugače, izzvali so državljansko vojno. Pri tem je prišlo do temeljne dislokacije, ki jo še najbolje izrazimo, če ji rečemo prehod iz naravnega stanja v nenaravno: namesto naravne, vsenarodne, iz različnih političnih sil sestavljene rezistence, je nastala u-metna, ki ni imela več prvinske vloge in je rabila izključno parcialnemu partijskemu interesu. Tako moramo reči, da rezistence kot rezistence ni bilo več. Namesto bojnega razmerja rezistence-okupator je bilo vzpostavljeno drugo prevladujoče bojno razmerje: partija- slovenski narod. Tako je postala Slovenija edini prostor v Evropi, kjer se hladna vojna ni začela maja 1945, ampak štiri leta prej. Hladna vojna, ki sme jo, sledeč vsebinski semantiki, označili za vojne proti boljševiškemu totalitarizmu, se je v Sloveniji začela tako zgodaj zaradi nujnega odpore proti boljševiški agresiji Slovenska protiboljševišld rezistenca je tako stopile v integralno logiko druge svetovne vojne, ki je bile vojna proti ideologiji ^ praksi totalitarizma ^ vojna za civilizacijo, Je dejal Stanovnik. V. W- Demokracij Ljubljana, 20. okt. 2005 * Seznanjajte naše bralec z aktivnostmi vaših društev! . Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361 J2*2 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID F0Jj THE AGED PRESCIPTIONL Sprememba naslova Ko se selite, trajno ali začasno, ste lepo napr°' šeni, da naši pisarni posredujete tako Vaš novi naslov kakor sedanji oz. stari. To omogoča, d* boste brez prekinitve dobivali naš list. Nov naslov Datum začetka: Vaše ime: Naslov: Star (dosedanji) naslov It's Time for your eye exarnl J. F. OPTICAL Eye Care Specialists Eye Exams Latest in eye fashion - Contact LenseS We Welcome Your Drs. Prescripti0*1 775 E. 185th St. Eye Glasses Cleveland, OH 44119 Repaired Tel.: (216) 531-7933 (34) Program Kultura 2000 - Evropski dediščinski laboratorij Evri za hitrejšo prenovo Žičke kartuzije Ta mesec se je začel enoletni projekt revitalizacije Žičke kartuzije, za katerega bo EZ prispevala 114 tisoč evrov oziroma 43 odstotkov. Projekt je bil prej v okviru programa evropske komisije Kultura 2000, s katerim sofinancirajo mednarodne projeke ohranjanja in varovanja kulturnih spomenikov oziroma krajev posebnega pomena, ki so dostopni javnosti. Mag. Mateja Golež, univ. dipl. inž. geologye Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije, Ljubljana O Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije (ZAG Ljubljana) Je skupaj z mednarodno priznanimi strokovnjaki za raziskave historičnih objektov z Univerze v Pavii In BAM iz Berlina ter s slovenskimi strokovnjaki ZVKD Restavratorski center, ZVKD OE Celje, Filozofsko fakulteto, Oddelkom za arheologijo, in Naravnoslovno-tehniško fakulteto, Oddelkom za ge-ologijo, kandidiral s projektom Revitalizacija Žičke kartuzije na razpisu. Po vsebini morajo projekti prispevati k razvoju In razširjanju inovativnih konceptov, metod in teh-nik iz konzervatorstva-re-stavratorstva na evropski ravni. Uspešna kandidatura slovenskega projekta po-Ineni, da je po vsebini tn zasnovi ustrezal zahtevanim razpisnim merilom ter kot eden izmed štirih ^branih projektov na ra-VHt Evrope, vendar prvi 12 Slovenije, pridobil omejeno evropsko finančno Podporo. Preostanek denarja v višini 150.000 evrov mo-raJo zagotoviti projektni Partnerji, pri čemer se Pričakuje tudi finančna P®^Pora ministrstva za Kulturo RS. ponien Žičke kartuzije Večina interdisciplinar-j*eŠa projekta raziskav 0rnPleksa Žičke kartuzi- j® usklajena z vsebino Pr°jektne naloge Žička Kartuzija, ki jo Je v letu izdelala skupina strokovnjakov z ZVKD Celje. ^ nJej so celostno predstavljene spomeniške in raJinske vrednote ob-m°^Ja ter opredeljene vsebine in naloge, ki bo-0 podlaga za izdelavo °nzervatorsko - restavratorskega programa in kon-2ervatorsko - restavrator-ske-ga projekta prenove. Zaradi obsežnosti pro-'ematike prenove kom-Ploksa bodo raziskave Potekale na področjih hi- o storičnih materialov, konstrukcij in arheologije, pri čemer bodo uporabljene vse najsodobnejše znanosti in tehnike ter prispevale h kakovostnejšemu študiju in ohranjanju spomeniške dediščine, tako kakor je to predpisano z beneško listino iz leta 1964. Spomeniško zavarovani kompleks Žičke kartuzije je opredeljen kot ožje območje zgornjega kartuzijanskega samostana v Starih Slemenah, dolina sv. Janeza Krstnika s samostanskimi ribniki in spodnji samostan v Špitaliču pri Slothnskih Konjicah, pri čemer bodo tokratne raziskave omejene na zgornji kartuzijanski samostan. Lastnik kompleksa je občina Slovenske Konjice, ki si ga skupaj s strokovnjaki spomeniškovarstve-ne stroke Zavoda za varstvo kulturne dediščine Območne enote Celje in zunanjimi sodelavci že vrsto let prizadeva ohranjati in restavrirati ter promovirati, a tudi tržiti. Vrednota samostanskega kompleksa pa ni samo v njegovem dolgoletnem stavbnem razvoju, neokrnjeni naravi in odmaknjenosti od utripa sedanjega časa, ampak tudi v prepoznavanju vplivov romanskega prostora na razvoj naselbin kartuzijanskega reda v nemških in slovanskih deželah, saj je Žička kartuzija prva svoje vrste zunaj tega kulturnega prostora. Pripadniki kartuzijanskega reda so s postavitvijo sakralnih in gospodarskih objektov ustvarili možnost pridobivanja novih somišljenikov, kar je pomenilo vzdrževanje njihovega načina življenja, hkrati pa mešanje različnih kultur. Razcvet in razpustitev Zgodovinski razvoj stavbnega fonda samostanskega kompleksa sega v začetek 12. stoletja, ko je štajerski mejni grof Otokar III. Traugauski zagotovil kartuzijanski skupnosti bogato donacijo za njeno gospodarsko neodvisnost in tako posledično njen šeststoletni razvoj v ozki dolini pod strmimi pobočji Konjiške gore. Red se je razvijal v obdobjih romanike in gotike, z reformacijo zamrl, v baroku znova vzcvetel, leta 1782 pa ga je cesar Jožef II. razpustil. Razpustitev reda je posegla v strešno konstrukcijo osrednjega sakralnega objekta, to Je cerkve sv. Janeza Krstnika v zgornjem samostanskem kompleksu. Odstranitev strehe Je povzročila hitro propadanje objekta, ki je še toliko bolj pospešeno v vlažnem podnebju, značilnem za ta del Slovenije. Z leti se je bogata kartuzijanska oprema porazgubila, odneseni so bili razni kamniti arhitekturni členi. Prenova Danes je cerkev sv. Janeza Krstnika statično nestabilen kamniti obod brez podrobnega vedenja o vgrajenih materialih in arhitekturnih nadrobnostih, ki bi omogočile njeno strokovno argumentirano rekonstrukcijo ali vsaj predstavitev. V ruševinah, ki so zaradi prekritosti s prstjo postale skozi čas arheološka kulturna dediščina, sta tudi mali in veliki križni hodnik ter samostanske celice. Reševanje te problematike pa je jedro projektnih vsebin. Interdisciplinarna skupina strokovnjakov za družboslovne in naravoslovne ter tehnične vede bo z raziskavami historičnih materialov, konstrukcij in arheologije posku- Restavrirano samostansko obzidje iz 15. stoletja in cerkveni obod na sredini objekta šala pridobiti kar največ manjkajočih podatkov o gradnji zgornjega samostanskega kompleksa, ki so pomembni za prenovo. Raziskave materialov bodo zajele malto, kamen, pigmente, kovine, keramiko in steklo. ZAG Ljubljana bo v svojih specializiranih laboratorijih s skupino strokovnjakov za posamezne materiale z uporabo najsodobnejše opreme raziskoval notranje omete, kamen, kovino, pigmente in opeko ter predlagal ustrezen nadomestni material za nadaljnjo prenovo stavb samostanskega kompleksa, predvsem cerkve sv. Janeza Krstnika. Raziskave zunanjih o-metov in stekla bodo potekale na Univerzi v Pavii, kjer že imajo izkušnje z nekoliko mlajšo kartuzijo. Po programu raziskav bosta ZAG Ljubljana in partner iz berlinskega BAM z uporabo različnih nedestruktivnih metod izvedla meritve stavbnega tkiva in izdelala tridimenzionalni model z oceno stanja kamnitega oboda cerkve sv. Janeza. Celovito podobo stavbnega fonda zgornjega samostana v dolini sv. Janeza bo mogoče dobiti z interpretacijo rezultatov arheoloških raziskav, pri čemer se bodo za meritve uporabljale radarske in seizmične metode. Morda še dodatna sredstva Namen prenove kartuzije ni vzpostavitev prvotnega stanja, ampak z novimi argumenti poudariti izjemnost kulturnega spomenika in ga v vsej mističnosti približati obiskovalcem. Rezultati raziskav projekta bodo podlaga za nadgradnjo dosedanjim umetnostnozgodovinskim spoznanjem razvoja kartuzije v slovenskem in evropskem prostoru ter izhodišče za predvidene rekonstrukcijske posege. Kakovostno izveden projekt pa ob nadaljnji podpori ministrstva za kulturo in lokalnih oblasti lahko kandidira za dodatna sredstva EZ, kajti izjemnost samostanskega kompleksa s krajinskimi kvalitetami je močna razvojna možnost kraja v ožjem smislu, širše pa je to evropska dodana vrednost. Delo, rubrika "Znanost” 29. septembra 2005 ‘v’ Dr. Franc Germovnik, lazarist Ali lahko pride do pandemije ptičje gripe? Ljubljana - Na verne duše, 2. novembra, je odšel k Bogu duhovnik Misijonske družbe dr. Franc Germovnik. Umrl je v mestu Perryville v ZDA, star 90 let. Franc se je rodil 27. septembra 1915 v župniji Vodice. Kazal je veliko nadarjenost, zato so ga starši poslali v šole. gimnazijska leta je preživel v Dijaškem domu lazaristov na Taboru v Ljubljani. V. šoli je bil vseskozi odličnjak. Po odlično opravljeni maturi je 5. septembra 1935 vstopil v Misijonsko družbo, večne zaobljube pa je naredil 6. septembra 1937. Bogoslovje je študiral v Ljubljani. Mašniško posvečenje mu je podelil škof Gregorij Rožman 20. aprila 1941 skupaj z drugimi bogoslovci Misijonske družbe. S posvečevanjem so pohiteli, saj se je že začela druga svetovna vojna. Novo mašo je še lahko obhajal v rodnih Vodicah. Nemci so pregnali lazariste iz Grobelj in Celja in ti so se zatekli k sobratom v Ljubljano, zato je bila hiša na Taboru prenapolnjena. Vedno manj so se lahko posvečali svojemu misijonskemu delu. Predstojniki so zato leta 1942 poslali V BLAG SPOMIN 19. obletnice smrti našega ljubljenega moža, očeta, starega očeta, brata in strica PAVEL DOLENC ki umrl 8. decembra 1986. Gospod, daruj mu mir, naj večna Luč mu sveti, ker si dobrote vir, uživa raj naj sveti. Žalujoči ostali: Antonija, žena Sinova in hčere: Maria Yaecker, Josie Taricska, Pavel ml., Anton in Ann Bloom, vsi v ZDA Vnuki in vnukinje S. Euclid, O., 8. decembra 2005. mlada Tiadarjena duhovnika Franca Germovnika in Antona Sokliča v Rim. Germovnik je študiral cerkveno pravo in ob koncu vojne, leta 1945, doktoriral. Takrat so se že zbrali v večnem mestu slovenski begunci. Razmere niso priporočale, da bi se po študiju vrnila domov. Pet mladih lazaristov se Je zato odzvalo prošnji škofa iz Tunisa. Kmalu pa so trije, med njimi tudi Germovnik, odpotovali v ZDA, kamor jih je povabil vizitator srednje-zahodne ameriške province. Potreboval je profesorje in duhovnike za delo na univerzah. Germovnik je v Chicagu dodatno študiral in si pridobil diplomo knjižničarja. V letih 1946-1954 je -deloval kot profesor v S ant Antoniu (San Antonio. TX?), 1954-64 v Perryvillu in zatem v Le-montu. Povsod je deloval kot profesor in urejal družbene knjižnice, v Chicagu pa je vzorno uredil univerzitetno knjižnico. Kot izvedenec v kanonskem pravu je leta 2000 izdal obsežno delo v latinščini in angleščini z naslovom “Indices ad Corpus iuris canonici” v dveh zvezkih. Že v prvih letih delovanja v ZDA Je kot profesor liturgike iz-, dal dve knjigi z naslovom Liturgika. Germovnik je imel izreden talent za jezike. Že kot bogoslovec je obvladal latinščino, grščino, nemščino in francoščino. V Ameriki je dodal še angleščino in španščino. Znanje jezikov je uporabil pri duhovnem vodstvu sester, ki so prihajale iz Mehike, ter pri pastoralnem delovanju na jezikovno mešanih župnijah. To delo je z veseljem opravljal do svoje bolezni, ko se je naselil v Perryville. Do konca življenja je bil povezan z domovino in domačimi. Ko ni mogel več na pot v domovino zaradi starosti in bolehnosti, je domače poklical po telefonu ter se zanimal za dogajanja v rojstnem kraju in v domovini. L. G. DRUŽINA, 27. nov. 2005 Alojz Tul Novi glas. Trst 17. novembra 2005 O Svetovno in evropsko javnost že nekaj časa vznemirja nedavni izbruh ptičje gripe, ki jo v strokovnih medicinskih krogih imenujejo avlama gripa ali influenca (iz lat. besede avis, ki pomeni ptica. Za zdaj je omejena na območja v nekaterih deželah vzhodne Evrope. Tovrstna gripa napada ne samo ptice, ampak perutnino nasploh (kokoši, purane, gosi in podobne domače živali). Že decembra 2003 je ptičji virus v hujši obliki napadel perutnino v devetih azijskih državah. Takrat so predvsem na Tajskem, Kitajskem, v'Vietnamu in v Indoneziji pobili več milijonov perutnine, da bi tako zajezili oziroma odpravili epidemijo ptičje gripe. Najbolj skrb zbujajoče pa je bilo to, da §e je gripozni virus prenesel tudi na druge živalske vrste (mačke, tigre), in, četudi v omejenem številu, tudi na ljudi. Poročali so, da je bilo okuženih 117 ljudi, od katerih je več kot polovica umrla. K sreči se ni virus dalje širil od človeka do človeka. V BLAG SPOMIN NAŠEGA MOŽA, ATA, IN STAREGA ATA Štirinajsta obletnica smrti MILAN DOLINAR ki je umrl 14. decembra 1991 Štirinajst let Te zemlja krije, v temnem grobu mimo spiš; Srce Tvoje več ne bOje, bolečin več ne trpiš; Nam pa žalost srca trga, solze rosijo nam oči; Dom je prazen in otožen, odkar Te več med nami ni. Žalujoči ostali: Pavla — žena Rozi, Milena — hčerki, in zeta Miran, Gregor — sinova, in snahi vnuk in vnukinji Po krajšem premirju pa se je julija letos ptičja gripa prenesla tudi v Evropo, in sicer na perutnino, zlasti na divje race, v Rusiji, Kazahstanu in Moldaviji in nato dosegla Romunijo, Turčijo in Grčijo. Splošno znano in dokazano je, da predvsem ptice selivke prenašajo virus na velike razdalje, enako tudi nepreviden u-voz okuženih ptic. Zato so zlasti države Evropske unije uvedle v zadnjem obdobju razne preventivne ukrepe za preprečevanje ptičje gripe. Ljudje pa so-kljub temu nezaupljivi, tako da je prodaja perutnine tudi pri nas občutno upadla. To pa ima na daljši rok lahko zelo škodljive gospodarske posledice. Vsekakor je treba poudariti, da je gojenje perutnine v Italiji pod stalnim nadzorom, tako da ne vidimo razlogov za kakšen strah v zvezi z njenim uživanjem. Bolezen gripa ima za ljudi zelo dolgo zgodovino Strokovni poznavalci virusov vedo povedati, da gripa spremlja človeštvo že od zdavnaj, ko so se ljudje začeli zbirati v gručah in gojiti domače živali, od katerih so se verjetno prvič okužili. Toda danes so življenjske in zdravstvene razmere povsem drugačne. Tudi zgodovinarji kot proučevalci preteklosti u-gotavljajo, da so se bolezenske epidemije gripe pojavljale v rednih časovnih presledkih od 10 do 50 let in zahtevale ogromno smrtnih žrtev. V povprečju so se vsako stoletje pojavile po tri epidemije ali bolje pandemije, to se pravi množična obolevanja ljudi za gripo z visoko smrtnostjo. V prejšnjem 20. stoletju so to bile španska gripa leta 1918, azijska gripa leta 1957 in hong-kongska gripa leta 1968. Najhujša od teh je bila španska gripa, zgodovinski spomin na slednjo je prisoten pri še živečih starejših ljudeh. Zahtevala je od 40 do 50 milijonov življenj, ker ni bilo učinkovitega zdravila proti njenemu virusu. Povzročitelja gripe so pri ljudeh odkrili šele leta 1933. Tako Je samo na bojiščih prve svetovne vojne za špansko gripo umrlo nad 8 milijonov ljudi. Drugi dve pandemiji 1957 in 1968 sta zahtevala vsaka nekaj čez milijon človeških žrtev. Omenjene pandemije gripe so povzročili človeški in ptičji virusi. Zato obstaja možnost čeprav minimalna, da naslednjo človeško pandemijo utegne povzročiti aktualni virus H5N1, ki se trenutno širi pretežno med pticami. Za to pa je potrebno, da predhodno pridobi sposobnost širjenja med ljudflrti, vendar je v sedanjih razmerah možnost le teoretična. Zato je vsako širjenje preplaha med ljudmi neumestno in škodljivo. Prikazano stanje poti' juje splošno ugotovitev, da življenje na zemlji že ! dolgo ni povsem varno-Spremembe na vseh ravneh nas nenehno postavljajo pred resnične ^ | namišljene grožnje, ki j1*1 često ne moremo več racionalno dojeti in obvladati. NOVI GROBOVI (NADALJEVANJE s str. 13) George Švajger Umrl je 69 let siafl George Švajger, mož Mar' garet, roj. Bizyak, °*5 ! Marka, Jennifer in že p0*' j Georgea, sin že pok. mana in Hermine (r. R°0‘ ge), brat Margaret Selan ‘n že pok. Romana. Pogreb j6 bil 7. decembra s sv. maž° | v cerkvi sv. Marije °8 Chardonu, O., s pokop0119 na pokopališču Western sereve Memorial Gardens- Catherine Posavec Dne 29. novembra je u mrla 50 let stara Catherih Posavec iz Strongsvilla, t0 jena Muhic, žena (28 Bronca, mati Vanesse Marka, hčerka že pok. L0111 sa in Anne (r. Jakša), nC kaj učiteljica v farnih šola*1 pri sv. Leo-tu Velikega sv. Vidu, zadnjih 21 let a, stovala in vodila Clevela*1 ^ Restaurant Products v Par mi, O. Pogreb je bil 3. cembra s sv. mašo v cer ^ sv. Karla Boromejskega pokopom na Sv. Križa P0" kopališču.