AMERIŠKA AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY DOMOVINA AMERICAN HOME SLOVENIAN MORNING DAILY NEWSPAPER CLEVELAND 3, 0., SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 14, 1945 LETO XLVIII—VOL. XLVIII ■ Sfl nth, -——————______ IS Lausche je odšel na Rooseveltov pogreb v /stongton. V o j a š t v o bo imelo spominske , ureae v nedeljo popoldne ob treh v City Hall. ^ ?iePoveHt0n' 13' aprila- ~~ Predsednik Harry S. Tru-S Scle danes senatoriem> da bo v pondeljek ob eni ^ ^ V toeVflandski čas) g°voril obema zbornicama kon-kt/ jjie%. ZveSer bo pa novi predsednik govoril po ra- ' Snik četam širom sveta- jr^NC dan kot dan na-S h* vse dežele za k : C/ednikom Roose- >! > 2bira na narod- naJ ^iJStia ? SVOjih pr08t°- \JS01 f ter naj tam klo-V s Ve VSern°gočnega Bo-' ,5J0minu na rao- Stettinius je ' > Si °čilu Predsednika 111(1 $ Nprt,11^ bodo danes P°-r3' fi J Vsi vladni uradi. * C žu£Vni taJ"ik Odredil llte,, f je za pokojnim 3 S *en mesec, začenši ^ k ZaStaVe b0" iKHml-iro«u na vseh \ P)lh d0 pondeljka ■of j |%,t*0Jnega predsedni-i ^jU^eJ6 bilo danes do- » v**«?na vlak ter od" J !t>Dold!ngton' kjer bodo fc V-'io » Pogrebni obre-UHn bodo pa položi-' atf/ V' m)bnic'> v Hyde, ^rOJSsestoji iz 10 v0. C ki ,1Jateljev in dru-3 v 4Premljaj0 truplo Va'inShin?ton- Tru" , ^ %h v°jaškem vozu » f V. Dval,.tab°rišče Fort IX0 ,1S0Č vojakov je Stl'až° z vojaško a to vojaki, mor-tš j dospe- li I vo^ij Mrs. Roosevelt, ^ M1 <*o Pogrebnim \S oh lodvora. W bodo danes hi? (develandski & «iKv • Truplo ne bo ur za vlakP°ko^nega pred" 'v fcf y odpeljano v .i/ kjer bo polo- \\ J Počitku V nede- . , Vnetih V dru- ' Jj V hai binetni urad" ^ i!Šjega sodišča, furadov- za- h JU bon ter sorodniki J - Hi,0 "Premljali tru-^ °na do Hyde vS* ■ t1 ' o i iSH J aPr. — Gu- J k\J v w ausche odP°- f SSl*: Na vseh dr-W & bodo zastave S" >5Sto!?eje takoj, ko J i? sti,?ni Predsedni-J W ? apel "a na- p i za novim r da naj odlo- čno in ramo ob rami vztrajamo v našem pohodu do končne zmage "Ne glede na politično prepričanje," je rekel guverner Lau-sche, "bodo ljudje vse dežele žalovali za predsednikom. Zed. države in svet so izgubili velikega vodnika." V mestu bodo pogrebni obredi za predsednikom V Clevelandu bodo jutri ob času pogrebnih obredov v Wash-ingtonu pogrebne molitve v vseh episkopalnih cerkvah, ker je bil pokojni Roosevelt te veroizpovedi. V nedeljo popoldne ob štirih bodo pa pogrebni obredi v katoliški katedrali sv. Janeza, katere bo opravil škof Hoban. Po vseh katoliških cerkvah so bile danes molitve za pokojnega predsednika. Škof Hoban je izjavil: "Smrt predsednika Roosevelta je pahnila deželo v tako veliko in splošno žalost, da dvigamo instinktivno svoja srca k vsemogočnemu Bogu v molitvi. Ne molimo samo, da bi bil Bog usmiljen njegovi duši, katerega odgovornost za dobrobit naroda je bila tak0 ogroriina, ampak molimo tudi k Sv. Duhu za vodstvo in varstvo sedaj, ko smo izgubili svojega voditelja." Nekaj trgovin bo danes zaprlo po mestu Trgovine v mestu bodo danes ob dveh popoldne zaprle. Večinoma vsa gledišča v mestu osta- nejo zaprta do šestih jutri zvečer. Zveza gostilničarjev, je urgi-rala člane, naj zaprejo gostilne med 2:30 in 3:30 danes popoldne. Državne prodajalne žganja bodo zaprle ob eni popoldne da nes. --o—- Rusi so okupirali Dunaj po osmih dneh bojev po ulicah Moskva, 13. apr. — Ruske kolone, ki so se borile 8 dni po dunajskih (ulicah in razvalinah nekdaj krasnih palač imajo zdaj v rokah vso avstrijsko prestolnico. Zavzetje Dunaja je poročal maršal Stalin. Istočasno pa trdijo neuradna poročila, da so začele ruske čete z spolšno ofenzivo od reke Odre v smeri proti Berlinu. Rusi so zajeli na Dunaju do 130,000 Nemcev. Dunaj je 18. evropska prestolnica ki je padla v roke zavezniškim armadam. Dunaj je štel 1,924,000 prebivalcev in je bilo 15. največje mesto na svetu. Dunaj je tudi največje mesto, ki so ga dozdaj še osvojili Sovjeti. Ena ruska kolona prodira zdaj proti Brnu na češkem, druga pa proti bavarski meji, zapadlio od Dunaja. -o-- Prihodnja perioda za žganje 5 tednov Columbus, O. — Prihodnja perioda za nakup žganja v državnih prodajalnah bo trajala 5 tednov, začenši v pondeljek. Dozdaj je trajala perioda 4 tedne. Brinjevec (gin) bo dan zopet nazaj na racioniranje. -o- Prijavite naslove Urad za pozidavo slovenske naselbine bi rad zvedel za na-solve vseh onih, ki imajo parcele na pogorišču. Naslove prijavite Anton Grdini ali kateremu drugemu odborniku. Fantje, letos ga pa ne boste dihali! Marčno pivo (boclc beer) se letos tako težko dobi, kot svinjska šunka. V" državi Illinois sfa f/a zvarili samo dve pivovarni to sezijo. Tako je po vsej deželi, da ga je napravila sama tu pa sem kaka pivovarna. Pivovarji pravijo, da je z izdelovanjem marčnega piva dosti dela, dobička pa skoro nič. Pred vojno se je prikazalo marčno pivo na bari 17. marca. No, letos bo pa vsako dobro, samo da je, kaj ne, fantje? Razne vesti od nailh borcev v službi Strica Sama Danicic, Hospital Annex Ward 5, Patterson Field, Ohio. M n M Sgt. Michael G. Filipovic, sin Mrs. H. Kukac iz 14815 West-ropp Ave. je bil zadnji teden 3 dni doma na dopustu iz taborišča Gruber, Oklahoma. Njegova žena, prej Rose Suponcic in sin Michael, ki sta bila z mo^m oziroma očetom sedem mesecev, bosta zdaj stanovala pri Mrs. F. Burgar, 1381 Giddings Rd. Sgt. Filipovic bo moral namreč kmalu "tje preko." M Ml M« Sgt. Joseph Koljat, sin Mr. in Mrs. Louis Koljat iz 19404 Chickasaw Ave. se je po 45 dneh dopusta zopet povrnil k svoji četi v Atterbury, Indiana. - Po St. Clair cesti se .. bomo čez en mesec že vozili, pravijo • Mestni odbornik 23. varde, Mr. Kovačič, nam je povedal glede poprave St. Clair ceste slede- • če, ko smo ga vprašali, kdaj, za _ božjo voljo, bo že pripravljena za promet. Cesta bo pripravlje-na za promet čez en mesec, pra-, vi Mr. Kovačič. ' Koncem tega tedna bo gotova z delom pod St. Clair cesto električna družba. Mesto je že razpisalo ponudbe za tlakanje ceste. Te ponudbe bodo odprte pri-1 hodnjo sredo ter cesta oddana za tlakanje do sobote. In od tedaj mora biti cesta pripravljena za promet v 30 dneh: | Torej okrog 20. maja bomo že lahko furali po naši St. Clair cesti, nekako 7 mesecev po katastrofi v plinarni ' ! -o-__! Nemika armada se j podaja zapadnim za- j veznikominneRusom Washington. __ Nemško vrhovno poveljstvo se je očividno odločilo, da se je bolje podati Amerikancem, Angležem, Ka-nadcem in Francozom, kot pa Rusom. Zato ni zclaj na zapad-ni fronti škorb nobenega odpora ' več. | Dolgo pričakovana vdaja Nemčije je očividno tukaj. Ni se sicer podala nemška vlada, | pač pa nemška armada po uka-! zu poveljnikov. Vse to potrjuje' naglica, s katero prodirajo ameriške kolone zadnjih 24 ur. Drugo dejstvo/ki to potrjuje, je tudi to, da Nemci drže Ruse ! nekaj milj pred Berlinom že več ■ tednov, dočim ni pred ameriški-1 J mi armadami skoro nobene opo-!! zicije. Zato se bo tudi najbrže'! zgodilo, da bodo Amerikanci pr-; 1 vi v Berlinu. '-o--— Lep uspeh za Rdeči križ I v 23. vardi Clevelanda , V zadnji kampanji za Rdeči! -križ se je 23. varda v Clevelan- i < du zelo dobro odzvala, kot nam'i sporoča načelnik John L. Mihe-lich. Vsega skupaj se je nabralo in izročilo v blagajna Rdeče- < ga križa $4,287.89. Imena na-1 f biralcev in vsote bonio priobčili , enkrta kasneje. Važna seja V pondeljek ob osmih zvečer bo v javni knjižnici na 55. St. in St. Clair Ave. važna seja korpo-racije za pozidavo slovenske na-sebine. , Vsi naj pridejo. četrta obletnica V pondeljek ob 6:30 bo darovana v cerkvi sv. Vida maša za pokojno Rose Zalokar v spomin 4. obletnice njene smrti. truplo^otroka je bilo poslano po pošti Palo Ato, Cal. — Iz Dallas, Texas, je bilo poslano po pošti v Palo Alto, Kalifornija, trupel-ce otroka. Policija išče tako od-pošiljatelja kot naslovljenca. Preiskavo v6dijo tudi poštni inšpektorji. Zdravnik, ki je trupelce pregledal, pravi, da je bil otrok rojen živ in da je umrl vsled zadu-šenja. Morda je umrl otrok šele potem, ko so ga dali v mal zaboj in ga odposlali po pošti. Zaboj je bil naslovljen na neko žensko v Palo Alto. OB tednu ! Senat bo v kratkem poslal po-seben odbor na evropsko boji-1 Iče, ne v boj, ampak da pregleda j položaj ameriških armad. V i zbornici je zdaj velik boj, kdo j bo poslan v Evropo. Vojaški od-; sek je pričakoval to nalogo, pa je videti, da je šla zbornica mimo njega. ! A Filipini bodo postali avtoma- 1 tično samostojni 4. julija 1946. | Toda predsednik Zed. držav ima j pravico razglasiti samostojnost Filipinom prej. Najbrže se bo to zgodilo, čim bodo Japonci po-' pol noma pregnani z otočja. A Zavezniki so vznemirjeni radi pogostih poročil iz Tokia, da so zavezniški bombniki ubili to- < liko in toliko vojnih ujetnikov , v taboriščih. Zavezniški letalci ' dobro vedo, kje so ta taborišča ■ in se jih skrbno izogibljejo z < bombami. Zato zavezniki sumi- <. jo, da Japonci morijo ujetnike j ali jih stradajo do smrti, potem t pa razglasijo, da so jih ubili za- r vezniški bombniki pri zračnem i napadu. A I Naš vojni department ima eno skrb poleg vsakdanjih, namreč, l kaj naj se napravi po padcu c Nemčije z nemškimi vojnimi ^ ujetniki tukaj. Ako bi jih po- " slali takoj domov, bi bilo to ve- z liko breme za ladje, ki jih potre- 8 bujem0 na Pacifiku in za evrop-| ski relif. Morda bi tudi ne bilo j dobro poslati domov spočite in dobro napasene nacije. Najbrže jih bo pošiljal vojni oddelek v majhnih oddelkih in polagoma, k Ameriške delavske organizacije c pravijo, da ne vidijo rade, da bi q vojni ujetniki delali tukaj po j, vojni. ' h A z i Vse kaže, da bomo pošiljali Rusiji potrebščine iz posojilne- n sklada po končani vojni v Evropi iz vzhodnih pristanišč. Zdaj gre blago v glavnem pre- . ko Pacifika v Vladivostok. J* d A Angleški viri trdijo, da so gla- jj vni naciji naložili velike vsote n Jenarja v Švici, Portugalski, s| Španiji in v Južni Ameriki. s1 Skupno imajo naciji naloženega, q ;rdijo Angleži, do $320,000,000. A Zavezniki pričakujejo, da bo Stalin imenoval maršala Voro-silova za sovjetskega komisarja n ari zavezniški komisiji, ki bo po /o j ni upravljala Nemčijo. r: A ri Rimski meščani se bolj boje, B 3a bi jim roparji ne odnesli oble- n co kot pa denar. Ropi in tatvi- P ie so tam na dnevnem redu. Par k jevljev stane v Rimu do $100, P ,ore j ni čudno, če roparji ne gle-iajo za denarjem. A 11 Ameriški inženirji poskušajo n igraditi za povojne truke motor, si ti bo imel od 400 do 500 konj- si ?kih sil. Tak motor bi moral po- = ;egniti težo 75,000 funtov. Ra- JS jili bi ga največ v goratih za- _ oadnih delih Zed. držav. A Ameriške zavarovalne družbe v 50 plačale v januarja $115,000,- rr >00 dedičem padlih vojakov. To ti ie rekord za katerikoli mesec v s< lobi njih obstoja. z< A * Nek kongresnik je vprašal: ci 'Kaj bomo po vojni napravili z oazami, katere smo vzeli v na- o jem za '99 let?" Well, mi mu ne n remo odgovora, in morda tudi u marsikdo drugi ne. k -o--ji Kupujte vojne bonde! b NOVI GROBOVI Joseph Pavlench Po daljši bolezni je umrl na svojem domu, 882 Rudyard Rd. Joseph Pavlench, star 59 let. Tukaj zapušča žalujočo soprogo Terezijo roj. Bohinc, sina Cpl. Josepha, ki se je nahajal 35 mesecev na Novi Gvineji in je sedaj v Halloran General bolnišnici v New Yorku, hčer Theresa, brata Franka v Gary, Ind., ter več sorodnikov. Rojen je bil v Kostanjevici, kjer zapušča pet bratov in drugo sorodstvo. Tukaj je bival 33 let ter je bil član št. 142 SNPJ in društva Slovenec št. 1 SDZ. Pogreb bo v pondeljek zjutraj ob 9:15:iz Želetovega pogrebnega zavoda v cerkev Marije Vnebovzete in na Kalvari-jo. Naj počiva v miru, preostalim sožalje. Rudolph Chesnik Nenadoma se je zgrudil in kmalu zatem umrl v Emergency Clinic bolnišnici Rudolph Chesnik, star 56 let, stanujoč na 16011 Waterloo Rd. Pogreb ima v oskrbi Želetov pogrebni zavod. Čas pogreba in druge podrobnosti priobčimo prihodnjič. Pogreb Elizabete Bijek Pogreb pokojne Elizabete Bijek bo v pondeljek zjutraj ob devetih iz Grdinovega pogrebnega zavoda v cerkev sv. Vida in potem na Kalvarijo. Kot se nam sporoča, zapušča tukaj se-| stro Terezijo Jakšič Fink, v| stari domovin'i pa sestro Ivano Gliha. PATT0N IE 90 milj od RUS0V_ Tretja armada je presekala vse ceste, ki vežejo Berlin z jugom Pariz, 14. apr. — Tretja ameriška armada je že presekala vse glavne ceste, ki vežejo Berlin z južnim delom Nemčije. Samo prav malo še manjka in Nemčija b0 razdeljena na dva dela, severni in južni del. General Patton se je včeraj pognal 32 milj proti vhodu ter je presekal deželno cesto Berlin-Monakovo, dve železniški progi v isti smeri, se približal ruski fronti na 90 milj ter se približal na 38 milj mestu Dresdenu, ki je glavno mesto Saksonije. Patton hoče presekati zadnjo linijo, po kateri bi se mogli umakniti naciji od severa na jug v bavarske hribe, kjer se pripravljajo na zadnji odpor. Natančnih pozicij 3. ameriške armade sicer ne dajo še v javnost, toda računa se pa lahko, da je Patton oddaljen od češke meje sam0 še kakih 30 milj. Deveta ameriška armada se pa vali proti reki Labi na 100 milj široki fronti ter se je pognala že do točke 45 milj od Berlina. Prva armada se približuje Leipzigu, katerega je 3. armada prešla na jugu. Prva armada je postala brezobzirna. Ko so v neki vasi streljali civilisti iz hiš na ameriške čete, so Amerikanci zapodili svoje tanke proti hišam in jih porušili d0 tal vse, iz katerih so Nemci strejali. Tretja armada je z lahkoto okupirala zgodovinsko mesto Je-no, kjer je dosegel Napoleon eno svojih največjih zmag nad Pru-si. Nemški ujetniki na stavki ker ni bilo cigaret Darovi za begunce V našem uradu so bili izročeni sledeči darovi za slovenske begunce v, Rimu: društvo sv. Cirila in Metoda 191 KSKJ je darovalo $5.00, po $1: Mrs. M. Ropret, Louis Srpan in neimenovana, ki je izročila tudi $1 za pošiljanje lista vojnim ujetnikom. Prav lepa hvala vsem skupaj. Osma obletnica V torek 17. aprila bo darovana v cerkvi sv. Vida ob osmih maša za pokoj n0 Frances Lev-stek v spomin 8. obletnice njene smrti. Belle Glade, Fla. — V to-I varni za prezerviranje sadja dela 250 nemških vojnih ujetnikov. Oni dan so zastavkali dva dni, ker ni bilo zanje ob času cigaret na razpolago. Ameriški poveljnik jih je dal pa za kazen na kruh in vodo. -o- Seja mlad. zbora V pondeljek ob 7:30 bo seja mladinskega pevskega zbora SDD na Waterloo Rd. Več važnih zadev bo na dnevnem redu, zato se prosi polne udeležbe. Na bolniški postelji Mrs. Anna Stiftar, 5810 Dibble Ave. je zbolela za pljučnico, toda zdravje se ji že obrača na bolje. Rada bi videla, če bi jo prijateljice ob priliki obiskale. nemški župan se je obesil, ko je videl brutalnost nacijev Ohrdruf, Nemčija. — Polkovnik Searl, ki je s svojimi četami našel nemško koncentracijsko taborišče blizu tega mesta, kjer so naciji na debelo morili tuje-zemske delavce, je hotel, da bi Nemci sami videli brutalnost na-cijev. Zbral je kakih 40 boljših Nemcev ter jih peljal na kraj zločinov. Tukaj so še videli trupla umorjenih, ki so bila zložena na kupu kot drva. Na drugem kraju so videli odprto jamo, kjer s0 bila nagrmadena trupla. Veči- noma vsi so bili ustreljeni zadej v glavo. Na nekem kraju so ležala trupla v krogu 40 čevljev. Očividno so morale žrtve v krogu poklekniti, nakar so jih naciji ustrelili drugega za drugim zadej, v glavo. Med Nemci, ki so si to ogledovali in ki svojim očem niso mogli verjeti, da so take grozovi-tosti mogoče, je bil tudi župan mesta Ohrdruf in njegova žena. Drugi dan so ju našli v domači hiši obešena. Amerikanci pravijo, da sta izvršila samomor. Oilman bo govori! kongresu Truman je proglasil danes za vse Zed. držav dan zalova-i - Truplo predsednika Roosevelta na potu v Washington. - 6u-^r-er Lausche narodu, naj sloji trdno za novim predsednikom, spominski obredi za Rooseveltom v Clevelandu. Pred nekaj tedni je dobila Mrs. Mary Ann Daničič, rojena Bandi, obvestilo, da se je" njen soprog, pilot S/Sgt. John R. Daničič hudo poškodoval z letalom nekje na zapadnem bojišču in da se zdravi v vojaški bolnišnici v Franciji. Pred nekaj dnevi je pa sam telefonično sporočil, da je bil pripeljan s transportnim letalom v Zed. države in sicer v vojaško bolnišnico v Patterson Field, Ohio. Ta kraj je nekako 15 milj od Daytona, O. Soproga in Mrs. Eleonor Bandi sta se odpeljali z letalom tje, da ga obiščeta. John je še v zelo kritičnem stanju in ne bo mogel še več mesecev iz bolnišnice. Njegov naslov je: S/Sgt. John R. "AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA" AMERICAN HOME SLOVENIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER (JAMES DEBEVEC, Editor) 6117 St. Clair Ave. HKnderson 0628 Cleveland S. Ohio. Published dally except Sundays and Holidays _ crirriTri»vrrrreTiw^ NAROČNINA: . Za Ameriko in Kanado na leto $6.50. Za Cleveland, po Došti. celo leto $7.50. Za Ameriko in Kanado, pol leta »3.50. Za Cleveland, po pošti, pol leta »4.00. Za Ameriko in Kanado. Četrt leta $2.00. Za Cleveland, po poŠti četrt leta $2.25. Za Cleveland in Euclid, po raznašalcih: Celo leto $650, pol leta $3.50, četrt leta $2.00 Posamezna Številka 3 cente SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Onited States and Canada, $6.50 per year. Cleveland, by mall, $7.50 per year. U S. and Canada. »3 50 for 6 months. Cleveland, by mall. $4.00 for 6 months. U S. and Canada. $2.00 for 3 months. Cleveland, by mail, $2.25 for 3 months. Cleveland and Euclid bv Carrier. $6.50 per year; $3.50 for 6 months. $2.00 for 3 months. Single copies 3 cents. BESEDA IZ NARODA Dr. Ciril Žebof piše dr. Furlanu v London Entered as second-class matter January 5th. 1909, at the Post Office Cleveland. Ohio, under the Act of March 3rd, 1879. ______ at No. 86 Sat., Apr. 14, 1945 Ne bomo metali klobukov v zrak Nekateri Amerikanci, ali če hočemo reči: mnogo ljudi bo dalo duška veselju, ko bomo zaslišali sporočilo, da je v Evropi vojna končana. Morda že ta ali oni v omari spravljeno steklenico najboljšega, ki jo bo takrat odprl, zagnal klobuk same prešernosti v zrak .ali ob tla, zavriskal in si ga natočil zvrhan kozarec. Res je, da bo vsak vesel te novice, ampak ne verjamemo, da bi bilo čezmerno veseljačenje takrat na mestu. Preveč je padlo naših fantov na evropskih bojiščih, da bi mogli • dati duška svojemu veselju nad koncem vojne. .Popolnoma se strinjamo s clevelandskim škofom Hobanom, ki priporoča za takrat, ko se bodo oglasili zvonovi in parne piščali ter oznanjale konec evropske vojne, da gremo v cerkve in se tam spomnimo onih, ki se ne bodo vrnili domov z zmagovalci. Raje kot bi dali duška razposajenemu veselju, od katerega nima nihče kake hasni„se spomnimo onih tisočih in tisočih, ki so prelili za nas in domovino svojo srčno kri in ki spijo večno spanje v daljni tuji zmelji. Pokazali bomo s tem, da smo resen narod, ki zna upoštevati najvišje žrtve, ki so jih dali številni naši fantje na polju slave. S tem bomo pokazali, da smo vredni teh žrtev, da smo zrel narod, ki se zaveda resnih časov in resnosti položaja. Ako bi takrat veseljačili, bi bilo prav' toliko, kot če bi plesali na dan smrti našega najdražjega bitja. Oni srečni, ki bodo lahko pričakovali svoje sinove in brate z bojnega polja, bodo res lahko veseli. Toda to veselje krotimo in soeustvujmo z onimi, ki bodo zdihovali: našega pa ne bo domov ... Z resnim zadržanjem bomo dali veliko uteho žalujočim, ki so tudi vredni in potrebni našega sočustvovanja in tolažilne besede. Proti zmagujočim armadam gre armada sužnjev Od zapada prodirajo v Nemčijo zavezniški tanki in armade. Proti njim pa prodira vse drugačna armada, armada sestradanih in stepenih sužnjev, ki išče zavetja pri zaveznikih. To je armada nemških vojnih ujetnikov in prisilnih delaveve, ki so se oprostili nemških spon in hite v zavetje zavezniških tankov. V tej armadi bivših nemških sužniev so Francozi, Holandci, Nizozemci, Čehi, Italijani, Grki, Jugoslovani, Poljaki in kdo še vse. Nekateri gredo peš, nekateri na motornih vozilih, drugi na kolesih, tretji s konjsko vprego ali na konjih. Vse to so pobrali Nemcem. Pa ne samo vozila, ampak tudi živež, kjer so le mogli do njega. Mnogi so izropali nemške trgovine, tovarne in kmetije ob potu. V Fuerstenbergu v zapadin Nemčiji so ruski delavci zasedli bogata posestva grofa Metternicha, si organizirali komunistično komuno ter si servirali steak po trikrat na dan. Razume se, da niso vprašali za račun, ko so odšli naprej. Na desettisoče se jih je vsulo preko zapadne Nemčije. Kmalu bo štelo pa njih število milijone. Hitler je namreč ukazal pripeljati na prisilno delo v Rajh do 11,000,000 delavcev iz okupiranih dežel. In ti zdaj izrabljajo zmedo po Nemčiji, pa gredo v zavetje k zaveznikom. Ta, armada sužnjev je postala velik problem za zaveznike zaradi prehrane. Zavezniške armade imajo same težko-če, ko morajo dobivati živež za naglo napredujočimi četami. Nek ameriški stotnik je imel nekega dne na skrbi 20,000 takih ubeglih delavcev, pa naj jih preživi, kakor hoče napol sestradane. Truki 3. ameriške armade, ki so šli v zaledje po potrebščine, so naložili te reveže ter jih pripeljali v Frankfurt, kjer so dobili prvo pošteno hrano, obleko in zdravniško pomoč. Deveta armada je osvobodila v Eseiheide 8,500 Rusov in 110 Francozov. S Francozi so Nemci še dokaj lepo postopali, toda z Rusi so pa ravnali 'kot z živino polna tri leta Dajali so jim toliko jesti, da niso mogli ne umreti ne živeti. Toda teh 8,500 Rusov je predstavljalo samo 2 odstotoka prvotnih jetnikov. Do 30,000 Rusov je pokopanih na ogromnem pokopališču v bližini. In potem naj kdo skuša pregovoriti Ruse, da bi lepo postopali z Nemci po vojni! Ko so se približali temu koncentracijskemu taborišču ameriški tanki, so Rusi za žično ograjo planili .na nemški voz, s potrebščinami, ki je pravkar dospel v taborišče. Kot g'adni volkovi so se vrgli sestradani jetniki na kruh in druga živila. Ako se je enemu posrečilo pograbiti hleb kruha, se je stegnilo najmanj deset drugih rok po njem. Toda bilo jih je tudi mnogo, ki so ležali kot otopeli na tleh. N:so se zmenili ne za živež ne za rešitelje. Ti so bili zdelani do smrti vsfed glada in vsled neprestanega pretepanja. Mnogi so na duhu že tako otopeli, da ne bodo še dolgo doma za rabo če bodo sploh še kdaj. To je napravila iz njih nemška "kultura" 20. stoletja. Ampak kjer je bilo to mogoče, so bivši sužnji naglo obračunali s svojimi valpti. Časopisje poroča o slučaju ruskega ujetnika. Ko so prišli zavezniki do njega, je bilo prvo, da si je izrezal iz papirja rdečo zvezdo in si jo pripel na kapo. S tem Rusom so na tistem posestvu posebno slabo postopali, a še posebno pa domača hči, fanatična nazijka. To je zdaj Rus pograbil in jo odpeljal za skeden. Tam si je vzel svoje maščevanje nad ot-,esiniffl in oholim nemškim dekletom. (Nadaljevanje) Če je v perspektivah te vojne in prihodnjega miru še kaj izgleda za združeno in svobodno Slovenijo, potem bodite prepričani, gospod profesor, da je "seme izkrvavelega naroda" v tem taboru. Pri partizanih KPS ni odločilna združena Slovenija, temveč so merodajni komunistični nameni v tem delu Evrope. Njihov namen ni svobodna Slovenija na osnovah Atlantske poslanice in štirih Rooseveltovih svoboščin, temveč ta, da se iztrebijo vsi demokratsko usmerjeni Slovenci in pride do totalitarne diktature komunistične partije. To sledi iz njih dejanj, pa tudi iz njihovih zaupnejših okrožnic,navodil in govorov. Mnogi dobri Slovenci so to spoznali šele potem, ko so ta razvoj doživeli; mnogi drugi, posebno o-ni izven "ljubljanske pokrajine" po tej izkustveni poti še niso mogli priti do jasnih spoznanj. Prof. Ehrlich pa je vedel od prvega početka, kam pelje ekskluzivizem KPS pod krinko OF, ker je pač predobro poznal komunizem in še posebej naše komuniste, prežete z avstrijsko - trockistieno miselnostjo dunajske komunistične centrale, kjer so se šolali kolovodje KPS. Toda, naj spet preidem k pripovedovanju spominskih drobcev o narodnem delu pok. prof. Ehrlicha. Prof, Ehrlich je bil zasnova-telj in deloma aktivni sotrud-nik štirih podtalnih listov med okupacijo. Prvi od teh listov — "Slovenija in Evropa" — je i-mel skoraj revij al ni obseg in značaj. V šestih številkah je z znanstveno resnostjo in temelj itqst j o razložil duhovno-zgo-dovinski smisel te vojne proti tiraniji in totalitarizmu za svobodo osebnosti in narodov. Utemeljil je s podrobno analizo duhovno nepremostljivost med temi anglo - ameriškimi smotri in partizansko miselnostjo. Z e^iako resnostjo je razvil slovenski narodni program in prinašal izčrphe dokumentarične popise nemškega preganjanja po Gorenjskem in Štajerskem. Prof. Ehrlich je bil tudi ini-ciator enega prvih slovenskih protiokupatorskih letakov v Ljubljani. Ta letak je protestiral proti temu, da so Italija- ni privedli v Ljubljano Giglia in ž njim prirejali propagandne laške koncerte v dneh, ko so Nemci v živinskih vagonih vozili skozi Ljubljano slovenske deportirance iz Goren jske. Kdor'je poznal Ehrilchovo slo-evnsko srce, si pač lahko predstavlja Ehrlichovo razpoloženje v dotičnih dneh. Prof. Ehrlich je tudi sam neposredno občutil italijanske o-kupacijske metode v Sloveniji. Prvega decembra 1941, na prvo obletnico južnoslovanskega ze-dinjenja pod okupacijo, je profesor Ehrlich molil z akademiki sv. rožni venec v kongrega-cijski sobi stolnega župnišča. Sredi molitve so vdrli v sobo italijanski vojaki in miličniki. Z naperjenimi puškami so pozvali vse navzoče, naj dvignejo roke. Po izvršeni brezuspešni telesni preiskavi so jih skupno s prof. Ehrlichom kolektivno aretirali. Nato so jih v oboroženem spremstvu, ki je bilo številnejše od. aretirancev, vodili do kvesture. Po poti so vojaki, miličniki in agenti akademike tolkli s puškinimi kopiti in ročaji revolverjev, vpijoč da so jih dobili pri proslavi 1. decembra. Mimoidoči laški oficirji so se zaganjali vanje, jih s pestmi bili v obraz in brcali. Po vsej poti so aretiranci morali držati roke kvišku. Nekaj korakov za glavnim sprevodom sta dva oborožena vojaka vodila prof. Ehrlicha, glasno razlagajoč, da je ta duhovnik "capo-balida" prednjih "tolovajev." (Dalje prihodnjič.) --o- Faranom sv. Vida naših sinov in hčera, ki se danes nahajajo v ameriški bojni službi. Pritožbe radi te častne plošče prihajajo vedno bolj pogosto od strani staršev, bratov in sester, kateri vprašujejo: zakaj pa našega ime ni gori? Da se tem pritožbam pride v okom, je direk-torij Slovenskega delavskega doma sklical sestanek vseh društev, ki zborujejo v tem domu. Ta sestanek se je vršil v soboto večer 31. marca 1945. Udeležba je bila zelo povoljna, najbolj pa je bilo razveseljivo, ker je bilo na tem sestanku opaziti tudi večje število naše tu rojene mladine. Kjer se dela poprime naša mlajša generacija, tam je uspeh •zagotovljen. Izvoljen je bil v ta namen tudi odbor, kateri bo na čelu društvenih zastopnikov vodil delo, da se popolna častna plošča' z imeni čim prej mogoče vpostavi. Tej skupini je bilo danes tudi ime in sicer. Odbor slovenskih vojakov v ameriški armadi. V ta odbor so bili izvoljeni sledeči, predsednik George Panchuj-, podpredsednica Antonia Tomle, tajnica Gertrude Koželj, blagajni-čarka Frances Zulich, zapisnika-rica Theresa Gorjanc; nadzorniki John Zaman, Mary Erjavec in Vinko Starman. Seje tega odbora in društvenih zastopnikov se bodo vršile vsako drugo in zadnjo soboto v mesecu. Vsi zastopniki pa ste prošeni, da se točno udeležujete teh sej. Ob enem pa tudi apeliram na vse starše, ki imate svoje sinove ali hčere v ameriški bojni sili, da sporočite imena istih pri svojem društvenem tajniku ali pa pri tajniku SDD. Pomnite, da le, če bomo skupno sodelovali, nam bo uspeh zagotovljen, kar ba v ponos ne samo našim sinovom in hčeram, temveč celotni naselbini. Z bratskim pozdravom, Geo. Panchur, predsednik. --o- Cenjene farane naše fare se tem potom opozarja, da bi čimprej vrnili odrezke in denar za "delnice," ki ste jih v zadnjem času prejeli od društva Najsvetejšega Imena. Dan prireditve se naglo približuje, kajti prireditev se bo vršila že v nedeljo 22. aprila. Zato ste vsi farani prošeni, da oddaste odrezke in denar če le mogoče že jutri, v nedeljo 15. aprila, v naši cerkvi pri glavnih vratih, da se bo lažje vse pravočasno uredilo, saj veste, da tudi pri nas manjka delavcev, ker je eden bplj zaposlen kot drugi. Upamo in priporočamo našimv faranom, da bi bili.tudi letos tako velikodušni kot ste bili vselej v preteklosti, saj delujemo vsi skupaj le za dobrobit naše fare in odplačilo dolga. Za vaše sodelovanje in pomoč se vanl že vnaprej iskreno zahvaljujemo. Odbor dr. Naj sv. Imena fare sv. Vida. V počast slovenskim vojakom v ameriški armadi V širni cevelandski metropoli se danes nahaja mnogo častnih plošč (Honor Roll), na katerih se blišči j o imena fantov, mož, žena in deklet, ki služijo v ameriški bojni sili. Zadnje čase je v tem pogledu že kar nastala nekaka tekma med raznimi skupinami, kdo bo postavil lepšo in bolj popolno častno ploščo. Najprej so s tem delom pričeli naši narodni domovi, potem naše slovenske župnije, nakar so iste pričele izpostavljati tudi tovarne, danes jih pa še vidite skoro na vsaki ulici. Pri Tnnogih teh imenih so že zlate zvezde, kar pomeni, d;> je dotični že žrtvoval svoje Življenje za svobodo vseh narodov. Tudi v Slovenskem delavcem domu na Waterloo visi ena taka plošča, ki pa žal ni popolna, kci na njej niso označena vsa imena Zbirka za vojake v Euclidu v Metropolitan gledališču na Euclidu in 55. cesti bodo kazali , zanimivo filmsko sliko "Rainbow" (mavrica). Ko so Nemci zasedli Francijo in so se širile v svet razne vesti ob nemškem barbarizmu smo tudi Amerikanci simpatizirali s zasužnjenimi narodi in smo bili ob enem tudi veseli, da smo tako daleč od Nemčije. Danes pa, ko so naši fantje-vojaki na raznih frontah Evrope in mnogi ujetniki nacijev, pa nas ta poročila navdajajo- s strahom in skrbjo. "Rainbow" je filmska slika, ki kaže vso nemško podivjanost. V Metropolitan gledališču jo bodo kazali en teden pričenši danes 14. aprila. Ker vem, da se velika večina v naselbini zanima za ta sklad in ker sem izročila blagajno v druge roke, zato podajam malo poročila, da bodo tudi tisti, ki se ne udeležujejo sestankov vedeli, kako je z blagajno. Od zadnjega poročila so še darovali: Jas. Slapnik (cvetličar) $10.00; po $5.00: Mr. in Mrs. F. Stopar in John Kontz. Do sedaj je blagajne $1,-247.46. Prav lepa hvala vsem, kateri ste že do sed'aj darovali in se prosi še nadaljnih prispevkov. Odbor za' skupna društva pri domu za leto 1945 je sledeči: predsednik M. Intihar, podpredsednik F. Segulin, tajnik J. Mah, blagajnik F. Tegel, zapisnikar F. Julajlia; nadzorniki: A.. Svetek, F. Žagar, M. Jerman, J. Mah, A. Vesel. Gospodinjski odbor: M. Segulin, A. Svetek, F. Zaje in F. Julajlia. » A. Vesel. -o-- Sedanji vojni minister Kitajske je general Chen Chang. # * * BW-1 je armadna transportna postaja na Greenlandiji. > NESTALNO VREME IN TRINERJEVO GRENKO VINO Aprilsko vreme je letos bolj nestalno kot navadno, zato moramo biti pripravljeni nanj. Kako? Imejte Triner-jevo Grenko Vino z vitaminom B-l doma in s?a rabite kot predpisano na steklenici. To po času preskušeno želodčno in lahno odvajalno sredstvo je pomagalo na tisoče ljudem več kot 58 let. Je prijetno in zanesljivo. Pomaga teku, olajša zaprtje in to je pa prava obramba v slabem vremenu. Vcak dober lekarnar ga ima naprodaj, tc-da če bi ga ne mogli dobiti v teli dneh v vaši soseščini, pišite na Joseph Tdner Corporation, 1333 South Ashland Ave. Chicago 8, 111. in videli bo-:;tc, da je Trinerjevo Grenko Vino z vitaminom B-l izvr&tna preparacija In kupujte boiade ter podpirajte ameriški rdeči križ. ||||IPI>HIIHHI>»' Ce verjamete al' pa ne "Čakaj, ti bom privezal po-repnik pod rameni, pa te bom spustil v jamo, kjer si boš lahko njagrabil denarja, kolikor boš hotel, samo da mi boš od-vezal rep," je godrnjal Lucifer in vzel porepnik v roke. "Oho, tako se pa midva nisva zmenila," se uprejo Šuštarjev oče peklenščkovi nakani. "Ce bo šel kdo po1 denar v brezdno boš šel ti in ne jaz. Ti si bolj vajen spodnjih prostorov kot jaz." Seveda, oče hudi-manu niso zaupali, kakor mu jaz ne bi. Saj bi, pošast na-graužna, morda pustila očeta v brezdnu, kjer bi lahko potem šteli cekine do sodnega dne, če bi hoteli. Saj me ne boš, si je mislil pretkani Mcniševec, pretental, ne! "Dobro, boš pa ti mene spustil v jamo," se vda poglavar teme. "Samo eno si moraš dobro zapomniti in se natančno po tem ravnati. Ako ne, bo izginil zaklad1 in ti se boš obrisal pod nosom zanj." "Že dobro, že, ampak ti pa tudi ne pozabi, da boš hodil potem po svetu z zavezanim repom, če kaj vem," so se odrezali oče ročno nazaj. "Trdega srca si, duša meni-ševska," mu prizna hudi duh. "Taki smo vsi na Menišiji, zato ti prijazno svetujem, ker sva ravno v denarni kupčiji, da bo za te najboljše, če se Me-nišije ogiblješ. Če bi te dobil kak drug v roke, bi s teboj napravil še vse kaj hujšega." "Kaj pa takega?" ves preplašen zazija/rogač. "Rožičke bi ti zakoval, kot se zakuje žebelj v konjski podkvi, potem bi te potunkal v žegnano vodo in texnazadnje privezal še k božji matri tam pri Tončkovi ogradi." "Oh, oh, oh," je meketal ves v strahu vrag, ki se je stresel ob misli na te božje stvari. "Torej dajva, da bova že enkrat to končala," reče hudiman, "Zapomni si pa tole: ko me boš spuščal v jamo, ne smeš Ptmrj CAsfAn' V pondeljek večer 16. aprila je pričetek opernih predstav v Clevelandu, katerih bodo nastopali najslavnejši operni pevci in pevke. Predstave bodo vsak večer in v petek in soboto jp-d tudi popoldne. V te mopernem tednu v Clevelandu bodo podane opere po sledečem redu: v pondeljek 16. aprila "Faust"; v-torek 17. a-prila "Die Meistersienger von Nuerenberg"; v sredo 18. aprila "Aida"; v četrtek 19. aprila "La Boheme"; v petek 20. apri- spregovoriti niti b« „ ll boš usta le odprl- F ||| delo zastonj." „ . t;: A "če ni nič hujše £ 1 J » <50 bili F" »,l8 kar na delo, so ^ oče. Vrag si je P11 ^ ^ nik okrog telesa P°J (; ' in je stopil na roj ^ enkrat svareče P«®^ in položil prst, če $ parkelj, na gobec, ^ ^ držijo oče jezik za ^gj || se j« začel spušča« f ; Oče so pa P°cas jiflfi porepnik. Zdelo se JJ^ visi na porepmku > ^ ^ Slivnica in še P° * ^ zraven, tako je b» .i ^ ni te žak. Potne izstopile na čelo, P1' ^ jf Je(c mogli obrisati, W^f ■ obema rokma 'dos» gj t i repniku. Enkrat V t porepnik spustih j ^Jl s ljunili roke, pa 801 ; no spomnili, d« ^fij . praktično. Pa ; ja,)®a ga ne konca ne ^ - spuščal rogač Pra I \ - ponsko. . daj i - Pa se je zgf^Af ) mogli oče vec Lja,1M - prevelikega trpu ^mB 1 je nehote ušlo ^PjN dedec nemarni, j; l\; a pošast." Tedaj * A -! naokrog močno mk J-šno je zagrmelO' ^TO - stresla kot .na , so oče spustili P gan)<|H| I-'se ne spomnijo ^JHg t.' spominjali, i, ček pod pazduh0 r križali, potem i,' nji premi Protl . gefBl 1 niso tekli ne P^jifjfe il doma niso nič J^ ^.tlgj i- vratih, ampak " ! vanje in v vežo. m i-1 pod kovter. g I "Kajste?>JP )t cu?" so mati t I-'Oče pa niso nj^j || v ' nobene štime ^ ^ ie ' dolgem času so » ^ ^ tn;kli: "Stara. če ," ^ Izdaj moli, 3S i Tako so mi ^ si 'štarjev oče. /J | da, vse do P^ce, Pri M 1- jaz sem si i^U« a, 1 nju večkrat P ^ ^ i ' • ,rl'lV0> 1 ie 1 nazaj na gulv J | jš lasje od sebe^X; Operni tedesi v Cleveia^ | */rZlO&gi' J| «# ;.! II la popoldne .;,-* e rel" v a«fle razade" »»fe^J cia Di Lan^0,cinc4 21. aprila P^-i'1 J riage of JI Giaconda." . pO (| Vstopnih di po pošti ; ^ l J pera Assod** C/J of Commerc^J Cena vst°J I $2.40, $3-60'aiagJ $7.20 vklj^!^/1 august f. s POGREBNI ZAVOM fW 478 East 152nd St. Tel. BOLNIŠKI AVTO NA RAZP0 j i< SE PRIPOROČAMO ZA POPRAVILA FENDERJEV, OGRODJA IN ZA BARVANJE AVTOMOBILOV. Superior Body & Paint Co. 6605 ST. CLAIR AVENUE FRANK CVELBAR, lastnik Z letalom so posejali 1,200 akrov ozemlja s travnim semenjem Chicago. — Truax-Traer Coal Co. je vzela v najem letalo, posadila vanj pet moških in 150 funtov travnega semena za vsak polet, ter v 26 urah posejala kompleks 1,200 akrov zemlje z novim travnim semenjem. Ko bo travca zrasla, bodo tukaj dobri pašniki. To se je izvršilo blizu Canton, 111., kjer je družba razkopala zemljo pri kopanju premoga. Porabili so 5 ton semenja. V letalu je bil pilot, dva mošlca sta skrbela za semenj e, dva sta pa dajala smer pilotu. Letalo je neslo pri vsakem poletu 150 funtov semenja. Normalno bi obsejal en človek kvečjem en aker zemlje na dan. Svet tukaj je precej valovit in kot nalašč za pašnike. Na farmah primanjkuje 4,000,000 delavcev Washington. — Vojna živilska administracija naznanja, da je potrebnih letos na ameriških farmah 4 milijone delavcev. To je poleg rednih poljedelskih delavcev na farmah. Potrebnih bi bilo zlasti 1,500,000 mladih moči in 750,000 žensk. Pomagajte Ameriki, kupujte vojne bonde in znamke. MALI OGLASI DELO DOBNODELO DOBIJO Moško pomoč se potrebuje za DRILL PRESS, PUNCH SHEAR ENGINE & TURRET LATHES MILLING MACHINE, GEAR CUTTER PRECISION GRINDERS OPERATORS Potrebuje se jih nujno za prioritetno vojno delo. Plača od ure in povrhu izvrsten bonus od produkcije in šifta. Dolgo establirana tovarna na Euclid E. 212. ulični progi. Prinesite s seboj listino o razpoložljivosti v naš urad na— 19300 Euclid Avenue the oliver corp. NASLEDNIKI CLEVELAND TRACTOR THE TELEPHONE CO. POTREBUJE ženske za hišno oskrbovanje ZA POSLOPJA V MESTU Poln čas, šest noči v tednu Od 5:10 pop. do 1:40 zjutraj stalno delo. Zahteva se državljanstvo. Zglasite se v Employment Office, 700 Prospect Ave. soba 901 od 8 zjutraj do 5 popoldne vsak dan razen v nedeljo THE OHIO BELL TELEPHONE CO. MALI OGLASI Soba se odda Odda se velika opremljena SO' ba, lahko za 2 osebi, si lahko tudi kuhajo. Vprašajte na 1245 E. 59. St. (88) Slovenka išče sobe Pošteno slovensko dekle, ki ima stalno delo, bi rada dobila opremljen apartment ali sobe v collinwoodski okolici blizu ulične železnice ali busov. Kdor ima kaj primernega, naj sporoči naslov v urad tega lista. (88) A. Malnar Cementna dela ZAKRAJSEK FUNERAL HOME CO. 6016 St. Clair Ave. Tel. ENdicott 3113 Rodney Adams Heating Service Instaliramo nove furneze na plin in premog. Popravimo vse vrste furneze. Inštaliramo pihalnike in termostate Za točno postrežbo pokličite KE 5200 550 E. 200. St. (x) ' ' ** t - i « i, ■ ■■■ »-• ■<__;__2__ Pohištvo naprodaj 2 kosa za sprejemno sobo, Philco radio na 9 tub, ledenica, dve preprogi, 9x12, Singer šivalni stroj; postelja samica in mo-droc, omara za obleko; kuhinjska peč na plin. Zglasite se na 7017 Hecker Ave. (87) Iščemo stanovanje Radi bi dobili stanovanje 5 ali 6 sob v Collinwoodu, Not-tinghamu ali Euclidti. Kdor ima kaj primernega, naj pokliče EX 2476. (86) ženske za pomivanje posode od 6 zveč. do 1:30 zj. Plača in overtime 6 večerov v tednu Uniforma in hrana zastonj Zglasite se The Osborn Mfg. Co. 5401 Hamilton Ave. (87) Stanovanje v najem V najem se odda stanovanje 4 sobe s kopalnico. Zglasite se na 1048 E. 62. St. ali na telefon HE 9809. (86) ženske za poln čas Dnevno delo Electro Processing Co. 4615 Superior Ave. __(87) 5 ur na dan Je vse, kar vzame za vaše delo v naši kafeteriji. Predznanje ni potrebno. Odprta pozicija za pripravo sočivja in drugo. Hrana in uniforme proste. Vprašajte za Mr. Watts The Colonnade 524 E. Superior (Leader Bldg.) *_(86) Dekleta in žene se potrebuje Assemblers Helpers Kick Press Operators Power Machine Operators Predznanje ni potrebno..... Plača od ure ter povrhu še overtime in bonus The Astrup Co. 2937 W. 25. St. 91) Lepa prilika V Euclidu na 23748 Lakeland Bvld, je naprodaj hiša za 2 družini, 5 in 5 sob, velike sobe, skoro nova dvojna tla, inlaid lino-lej, nova streha, hiša novo barvana, ni treba nobenih popravil, 4 garaže, lot 40x280. Pripraven prostor za rokodelca. Na ogled v nedeljo, žrtvuje Se za $10,500. Pokličite IV 1853. (Apr. 7, 14.) želi stanovanje Iščemo stanovanje 4 sobe in kopalnico, od E. 65. ceste ven, za 2 odrasli osebft Kdor ima kaj primrenega, naj pokliče HE 7589. __(87) Stanovanje v najem V najem se odda stanovanje 3 sob, eno pa dve sobi, kopalnica; vseh pet sob lahko vzame ena stranka brez otrok, ali pa vsako posebej. Vprašanje na 6025 Bonna Ave. zadej za trgovino. (87) ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiuuuiiin«!^ 1 ZA DOBRO PLUMBINGO = | IN GRETJE POKLIČITE | I A. J. Budnick & CO. | = PLUMBING & HKATXNQ 6631 St. Clair Ave. E em, Tel. HEnderson 328» = Residence rVanhoe 188« r "aillliimiiiifHwmiHimilHiimiiiiHIih SUN-KRAFT LUČ Vam ozdravi kostni revmatizem, naduho in vse kožne bolezni. Ne hodite k zdravniku pod luč, nabavite si jo doma — $64.00. MANDEL DRUG 15702 waterloo rd._ Bungalow v najem V najem se odda bungalow za eno družino, 5 sob brez kopalnice. Vprašajte pri Mary Tisovec, 1366 Marquette Rd. ENGLISH NEWS iiiiiiiiiiiiimiimmimiimiiiiiiiiuiiiiiim NEWBURG NEWS iiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiimimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiii The Parent-Teachers Asso. is sponsoring a "Bake-Sale" today at the quarters of Ferfolia's Furniture Store at E. 93rd and Union. Stop in "NOW" and purchase your bakery. Mrs. Louis Arko, head of the committee, assures the best in quality and quantity. The P.-T. A. will hold its monthly meeting Thursday evening at 7:30 p. m. in the school hall. Parents, join the group and voice your opinions, pro and con, regarding vital details that affect your child and* his school. The Sodalists scheduled a monthly meeting for Thursday evening. The office of the B. V. M. at 7:15 p. m. will be followed by a brief session to discuss the forthcoming ANNUAL MAY DANCE, which is booked for May 13. A social, planned by the entertainment committee, will top off the evening. Members, please take note! The Dramatic Club had its initial social in the auditorium last night. Socials may be held monthly if cooperation warrants them. The dramatic club has been quite active, providing many entertaining moments for the parishoners! ARMY NEWS The fade-out of "basket-ball" ushers in the "baseball" season—Union Field is quite a training center rand talent scouts would, no doubt, spot many a potential star if they dropped around to see the boys in action. Teams have not been booked as yet, so, details are forthcoming. Last year's championship grade-school baseball team will soon sport new blue and white jackets. These "CHAMPS" were leaders in the CYO Parish League of the past season. May they excel in future baseball feats as they have in the past! St. Lawrence's will enter a girl's team in the CYO Softball League. Quite a few players have already signed up for the season. Any girl interested in Softball should contact Mrs. Genevieve Kastelic, manager, at MI. 5479. Young ladies in their late teens and early twenties are eligible. A meeting fQr all the players will be held Tuesday evening in the school hall at 8 p. m. Come on, gals, here's the chance you've been waiting for! CHAPLAIN LOUIS B. BAZNIK, enroute to unknown destinations takes time out to post military greetings to parishoners and friends throughout the city. Sgt. Frank Kavec (E. 78 St.) former tail gunner, with 18 months of active "overseas duty" to his credit is back in our midst with an honorable discharge. Welcome home! Pfc. John Sray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sray, .was wounded during, action in Germany last month. John, age 38, entered the service in 1942 and left for overseas duty April, 1943 with an airbourne division. He was, previously, wounded last July. May his present recovery be as rapid as the past! Pvt. John Valich, E. 46 St., suffered wounds on the battle fields of Belgium. He entered the seryice in April, 1943 and was sent overseas in August, 1944. Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Frankie "Snaggs" Snyder, John Fonda and Lud Kaplan had the pleasure of meeting in Saipan. Lud was still a lad in school when "Snaggs" volunteered his services to the Ala-rines four, years ago—but today they are both nephews of Uncle Sam. Lud, upon landing, was quite anxious to meet Frankie, who to date, has been ecipient of the PURPLE HEART, a GOLD STAR in lieu of a second Purple Heart, and a SILVER STAR MEDAL for displaying conscientious devotion to duty and a gallant disregard for his personal safety. Sgt. Snyder, although in the service since 1941, has never been home on furlough. Here's hoping "our" hero is granted a home stay in the very near future! Coast Guard A1 Lekan, with much reluctance, bid farewell to his pals, once again, and reported to his base for further orders. Your letters are still first on the "Servicemen's Hit-Parade"—so—write regularly. Mrs. Louis Gliha, Jr. traveled to Florida to join her husband. She and her companion, Rose Mirtel, stopped at various points of interest while motoring to the south. Em and A1 Kuznik, displaying "envious tans" .are back in town after enjoying a month of "Floridian Sunshine." Parents, relatives and pals of Joey Milavec, prexy of the "Junior League," honored him with a surprise birthday party Saturday night. It was a lovely evening and a perfect ending—plenty of prospects for the "infantry" after that night, eh, kids? (Plenty of walking and fresh air always was the best prescription.) The Noble Cadets were guests at a dinner given Saturday night by drill team No. 47, captained by Miss Helen Tomazic. Competitive drills prompted this occasion as a token of honor to the winners. Tlie Nash was the scene of the celebration and a good time. Wedding bells will ring out in the near future for George Sprague and Nardy Slak; and for Edward Rožnik and Margaret Petsche. The basketball .teams plan to conclude an interesting season with an informal get-together tonight. Jean Snyder takes time out to work as a nurse's aide at St. Alexis Hospital. Rose Mary Cergol, Pat Lekan, and Marcella Papesh plan to undertake nursing as a profession this term. Since the school year is coming to a rapid close, "Graduation" is the chief topic of discussion among our youth—What shall I be?—Where will I be?—those are the $64.00 questions. A cloud rolls by—the sun disappears —than— "T^E SHADOW." NORMAN p. HAFFNER Pictured above is a sturdy American Marine, Norman P. Haffner, son of Mr. and Mrs. August Haffner, who operate an insurance agency at 6106 St. Clair Ave. Norman was born in Cleveland on October 16, 1926, and attended Villa Angela and Collinwood High School. He enlisted in the Marine Corps last June and was called into service in December 1944. His basic training was received at Parris Island, S. C. Now he has been transferred to Camp Le Jeune, N. C. and will be sent to' school for further training. Pfc. Robert and Pvt. Herman Dulc, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dulc of 0508 Edna Ave., met unexpectedly in Belgium after not seeing each other for 25 months. They met on Herman's birthday who said that he couldn't have asked for a nicer birthday present. The three hours which they spent together seemed like three minutes. Second Lieut. Harold E. Demshar, son of the Slovenian contractor, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Demshar, has been promoted recently to First Lieutenant. He is station at Camp Hood, Texas, where he is serving as infantry instructor. From Columbia, S. Commanding. ST. MARY'S NEWS Continued From Pase 4 Saturday night. She was at the alleys for a short while with her hair all done up in a bandana. For a minute we thought we saw Aunt Jamima. *Vhat a let down when there were ny pancakes. D. D. Zagorc was another gal wearing a turban. Fran Tomazic looked cute with her short hair cut. Spring is the time everyone starts planning picnics, hikes, etc. Carol Telich isn't wasting any fime, already She is cooking up a horseback riding party. The. Marines have landed. Yes, sir, Johnny Vidmar was home for eight days. The rugged life is doing wonders for him. MORE NEWS Hello Everyorte!! Here w'e are again. New, news and more news. First of all, Father Vic, the Sodality girls are all very happy to know you are making a speedy recovery. Now the girls wish to report about the very nice thank you letters they have received from fellows in the service. This came, about for St. Valentine's day when names of service men were exchanged by the girls to send valentines. Thanks, fellows, for they make us feel that we are still doing our little bit. Soon again, fellows, St. Mary's Parish will be putting a little package in the mail for you. We'll let you know when they are off in the mail. Ah! here is something for everyone. Yep, a War Bond Drive. It's on its way. Sodality girls will be out with tickets for a $25 War Bond. Something everyone likes to have. So what do you say? You'll take a opportunity? Good! That's the »spirit^we like to see. One of the Sodality's coming events is already in progress. Our May Crowning, the time in May when we openly show our leve for our heavenly Mother. Our mothers share this day with us by 'going to Mass and Holy Communion. After Mass mothers and Sodalists will have breakfast together. S0 all you wonderful Moms, we are looking forward to having you with us on that beautiful day. A DEDICATION: Just call us a "little behind," but ■since "tempus fugits" and since the intention is as sincere as ever,, this column will be dedicated to Fr. Tome and Fr. Celesnik. We meant to cheer Fr. Vic while he was still in the hospital, but I suppose the nurses kept him contented, or was it vice versa? (No comments, pliz!) - Then there was Fr. Celesnik—he needed some cheering up too, and we • had opportunity plus to question him about his knee — opportunity knocks but once, but we'll do it anyway. That could not go by undone! We were all in a dither, 'Cause we knew That Fr. Vic broke A rib or two. Even in bed he got the gong, 'Cause he whistled at nurses All day long ...??? Fr. Clialo was not too sick His knee was bad, But it healed right quick. And Fr. Chalo sought to please AlthougTi he could not bed his knees. Seriousiy, though, everyone in the Parish seemed to be downhearted to no end at all about the accident. We are very grateful now, however, that most everything is coming along quite fine. The atmosphere around church i ust wasn't the same, especially with Fr. Vic being in the hospital. We are all hoping that he'll be .with us again —as chipper as ever. We'll be seeing you. DEATHN0TIČES Batistic, Nicholas—H u s b a n d of Olivia. Residence at 3606 Clark Ave. Bqbich, Costa—Husband of Anne, father of Caroline, Mildred and George. Residence at 15913 Pythias Ave. Hrovat, John—Husband of Rose (nee Pacek), father of Pfc. John, (Philippines), Mary Novak and Florence. Residence at 734 E. 155 St. Jurca, Albert—Son of Frank Jurca, 4464 W. 130 St., West Park. Koscak. Frank—Father of Frank, Rose Markovic, Anna Bizjak and' Mary. Residence at 6315 Orton Ct. Milic, Anna—Wife of John. Residence at 1040 E. 68 St. Penovieh, Louis—Father of Steve, 1st Lt. Robert (overseas), Caroline Mandich, Julia Lochar. Residence at 14504 Thames Ave. Spoljavec, Steve—Husband of Catherine and stepfather of Constantino and Mary Louise. Residence at 7502 St. Clair Ave. Suhadolc, Mike—Father of Michael, Julia Shuster, Theresa Gribben, brother of Luke and Joseph, grandfather of five. Residence at 1088 E. 71 St --—o—-- Shortage is responsible for the fact that the former look of disgust or many feminine faces has changed to the appearance of envy in the presence of a pipe smoker. * * * At a party a little girl was staring hungrily at the cakes and sandwiches on the tea table. "Are you hungry, dear?" asked Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes. "Yes, sir," the youngster replied. "Then why don't you take some food ?" "Because I haven't any fork." "Fingers were made before forks," > observed Holmes.. "Not mine," the little girl replied. metropolitan opera n! ^ 16 THRU 21 IN PUBLIC AUDITORIUM III f FAUST: Albanese, Votipka, Jobin, Pinza. Warren, Ballet. elletier- ___' u ,Zv" DIE MEISTERSINGER VON NUERNBERG: Steber. Thor-,, v bor8. Kullman, Jansssn, List, Pechner, Thompson, Harrell. >1' —BaUet. szell. ■ 2v • • —------------:--1-----—------; ™ t " "IDA: Bampton, Tarshaw, Baum, Tibbett. Cordon. Ballet. lii» Brelsach. j 2V 1 1 ----- v. " LA BOHEME: S&yao, Greer, Peerce, Pinza, Brownlee, Bac-ig —55l(mi,_Cehanovsky. Sodero._________ rj ,p°!>: GOLDEN COCKEREL (Coq d'Or) with Ballet: Schehera-zade; Munsel, Harshaw, Resnik. Cordon, Manning, Thomp-j!.* S°n' Damc- Cooper.___ # " L?.CIA DI LAMMERMOOR: Pons, Votipka, Melton, Valen-J It, jj ~^~-JmgL_]Viqscona, Manning, Ballet. Sodero.___'______ | ,p0{)-: Marriage of figaro: Sayao, Stever, Novotna, Glaz, «nza, Brownlee, Baccaroni, D'Angelo, De Paolis. Ballet. J tii"—reinsdorf. •i : '».BSTT"--------- •3 GIOCONDA: Roman, Harshaw, Thebom, Jagel, Warren, fcj -.Moscona, Gurney. Ballet. Cooper.___ ' J Stwjj vk'> $7.20, $6.00, $4.80, $3.60, $2.40, $1.20. Nekateri sedeži * Za vse 0P'ere. Zato navedite 2. in 3. izbiro. M V A: Union Bank of Commerce, odprto 9 dop. do 5:30 pop. ||] Knabe klavir rabljen_ ■'j K, - ......... . ' : j kj? spomin ?CE SMRTI NAŠE ^fS^f^ZABNE J|tt XN MATERE m Sterle an,-, b°£u zaspala 7 'i FlIa 1944. X ^iNovi , brtie zvonite! * « o vest izve , > V?" »ami JmhA *ec srce. . -ie ■ Hrte kr f ft * bo tf Odpočilo Ifjgfe oocl zemljo. BS, ift, r^ C' in OTROCI. SA. ■ u mm am'ila 1945. i , , - ' f. bBh| v mBv »SPUSte. w \ ■Hip "Ur SPOMIN <4 konice smrti . Vhtpozabnega l!l j ^ brata i £ Stopar J/, ^ Tl943Zatis*m svoje oči ^S^-orm tej IP ■ M ho blagi. A X** ostali: \y v0 atin sestra. flif®?^14'apr" 1945-1 ^č,neHki> kupujte 1 **■ Brodnik said, D° ^^ Vrj we walked six milfs- J eta of subdue their em ^iPj 1 \ hikes, at least in '"V'^A, power to you boys ur . You didn't expec .> A to get this story, ™ never know fro"1, gVtf • ffflfo this one. Prebav* tf; l ^C who was in your m jml DAMSEL BOWLEKS ^ •• The reason <0T ' sund»> /1. , 'H and confusion a« geb ^Pfc the gals from ViU«*ony tMi* ing their ring cei were % jf f^H ning. Some g'rl« , a and three frames. «, were only four 81™ IS alleys 5 and 6 for . up j Dot Pizmoht m«" ^ FLORAL SJj S 15800 JOSEPHINE DRA pry Bo»: XV. V! FOR WEPPS«;^] ALL FORMAL ^ JO • rwffi kv DRESS SUIT Hi|j. HEnderiotJV, v \ Ameriška W Domovina : 'AMERICAN HOME IN MEMORIAM of our Commander-in-Chief and our President Franklin Delano Roosevelt who died suddenly of a cerebral hemorrhage at 3:35 P. M. (Cleveland time) on April 12, 1945, at W;arm Springs, Ga. May he rest in peace! Opera Hear ye, one and all, I now bring you the wonderful news that Glasbena Matica, our very well-known, singing society, is to bring forth another opera. Their choice this time is the very beautiful Strauss opera, "Gypsy Baron." All those who have ever been so fortunate as to have seen it before, know the many beautiful melodies and gay, colorful scenes. You will hear many prominent Slovenian singers in the leading roles. Our director will be our well-known and beloved Slovenian poet and songwriter, Mr. Ivan Zorman. The immortal Strauss strains will be played by a select group of men from the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra. You won't want to miss this very beautiful opera so see to it that you get your tickets now and to make sure that you won't be deprived of seeing it. Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. Makovec or from any member of the group. The prices range from $2.00, S I.SO, and SI. 00. Till Sunday then, na svidenje! E. LACH. WEDDING BELLS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rupar, formerly of E. 59 St., now of 675 E. 159 St., announce the marriage of their daughter, Josephine, fo Pvt. Joseph Merhar of 1136 Norwood Rd., today at 10 a. m. at St. Vitus Church. The groom is on a convalescent furlough from Brooke General Hospital, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, until May 14. Friends and relatives are cordially invited to attend the Mass. ~Bi°THS~ The stork made a real visit and brought twin baby boys to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ketchaver, 6214 Carl Ave., born at Glenville Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klopeic of 6002 Dibble Ave., are very proud of their grandsons. Congratulations! -o- Engagement Mr. F. J. Millavec announces the engagement of his sister, Mildred Ann, to Mr. Edward J. Hrovat, son of Mrs. Theresa Hrovat of 6731 Edna Ave. Miss Millavec is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank J Millavec of 1001 E. 71 St. .Both Miss Millavec and Mr. Hrovat are employ-ees of the Cleveland Trust Co. ........................................iiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiii c< i g Mother's Day Cards 1 now on display at • I NOVAK'S 1 6122 St. Clair Ave. g i »iiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiMiMiaHiiiiMiitiHiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiuiiiiK^ We carry genuine MAYTAG PARTS • MOTORS • ALUMINUM CAST TOPS • LEGS • COMPLETE WRINGER • ROLL SETS • CENTER POSTS • AGITATORS • GEAR HOUSING • COVERS AND GREASE We will also rebuild your May-tair washer like new! Place your order for Electrical Appliances now! NORTHEAST SALES and SERVICE 819 EAST 185th STREET KEnmore 5700 JERRY BOHINC. Prop. Charles & Olga Slapnik FLOWER SHOP FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS 6026 St. Clair Ave. EX 2134 March 29, 1945» Luxembourg Dear Editor: Writing a few lines to say "hello" and that I'm well and getting along alright. I receive the American Home regularly and enjoy it very much, as I read it from start to finish, both Slovene and English sections. I am now stationed in Luxembourg. My brother, Stanley S 1/C, is in New Guinea. After being reported missing since December 20, was glad to receive word that my brother-in-law, John A. Pucel, is now a prisoner in Germany. Once again, before 1 sign off, I send my best wishes to all back home, HEWS FROM OUR BOYS IN THE ARMY hoping it won't be long now before we all get to return home once again to stay. Respectfully yours, CPL. FRANK J. TAUCHAR, (3374 E. 116 St.) The following letter was received by Mrs. Josephine Kolenc of 1117 E. 63 St., from the Office of the Commanding General: Dear Mrs. Kolenc: By direction of the President I have had the privilege of awarding to your son, Frank,, a Bronze Star Medal for heroic action against the enemy during the period of February 2 to Febru-< Continued on page 3) CONDENSED NEWS FROM OUR HOME FRONT Cleveland, Ohio Saturday, April 14, 1945 1 gk beros studj/h Igyj 6116 St. Clair Ave. Tel * OPEN DAILY AS VSVA* ^y . M _Sundays by Appointmentj^X J DR. L. A. STARCH $ EYES EXAMINED—GLASSES yyV-^ \ f HOURS: 10-12, 2-4, 7-8. Wednesdays 10-12. Saturday5 6411 ST. CLAIR AVE.' ^^XSH SELECT and ORDER | your fine FUR-COAT for next Winter direct from a ^ JLJ K on WILL-CALL at lowest prices in Cleveland, and na . fl ® t1"« to pay for it without any extra charges. incW I y; » Just call me for APPOINTMENT for any da? & morning. BENNO B. LEUSTIG \fjMdicott 3426 ...........................................HiiMiiiiiiiiiinniiDK""" beer & wine I BY THE CASE | TO TAKE HOME | f TINO MODIC | 6030 St. Clair Ave. ^J,,,,« .........nnmnmmmmiunmnmw^mwmnmw^^^^ ^ iimalz electric stt^ 6902 St. Clair Ave. / Kgi RADIOS — WASHERS fjL\ / W^ljj * SWEEPERS REPAIRED *JJ f > effife? Anything You Break, We ^Mfr § AUTO FENDERS, M % » CHILDREN'S TOYS, ETC. ^ \ All Work Guaranteed A Open from 11 A. M. to 11 P- MiJpj W M\ EN 4808 J^^T OUR NEW CHIEF Harry S. Truman former Vice-president and now our Commander-in-Chief and President of the United States. .May he carry on the work of the great Roosevelt! -0- Notice of Dance Do drop in—at the Dew Drop Inn, In the Slovenian National Home tonight, To dance till 12 to your heart's delight. Do drop in. There, folks, is a grand invitation to the dance which will be held at the Slovenian National Home April 14 at 8 o'clock. Pete Smick's orchestra will be there to furnish the best music in town. Refreshments will also be served. Servicemen and women admitted free. So please make this a special date — meet all your old friends — make new friends. Admission is only 50 cents. P.S.—Try singing the first four lines to the tune of Three Blind Mice —we bet you'll have loads of fun. Members of No. 50 SWU. BASEBALL Roger Peckinpaugh, vice president of the Indians, was back from a visit to the Detroit Tigers' training camp in Terre Haute where he discussed a possible trade with jack Zeller of the Tigers. Peck said he had wasted his time. "I thought," Peckinpaugh explained, "that they wanted to offer me first-string players in exchange for Jeff Heath. All they talked about were bush leaguers." Manager Lou Boudreau, hitherto reluctant about predicting where the Indians would finish in the pennant race, today forecast a first division spot for his hirelings. Boudreau still is undecided about the No. 1 candidate for (a) catch; (b) third base, and (c) rjgfit field. Competing for the positions are Jim McDonnell, whom Boudreau recently named as his first-string catcher; Henry (Hank) Ruszkowski, the competent Cleveland youngster who spent last summer at the Indians' Class A farm in Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Bob Roth-el, the brush-haired 21-year-old from Columbia Station, and Roy Cull'en-bine, the veteran outfielder remodeled into a third baseman; Ed Carnett of Oklahoma City and the Chicago White Sox, and Paul O'Dea of Cleveland's sandlots. "Those three spots are question marks," said Boudreau. "I h«pe that in our remaining exhibition games I will be able to make up my mind." The young pilot reiterated his intention of using Jim Bagby, Allie Reynolds and Steve Gromek as the nucleus of his starting pitching staff. Red Embree, the brilliant rookie right-hander from Baltimore; Earl Henry, wiry southpaw from Wilkes-Barre and the veteran left-hander, A1 Smith, are the candidates for the other regular berths. Ed Kleiman will replace the absent Joe Heving as No. 1 relief man, with Paul Calvert and Hal Kleine also slated for rescue work. The Indians closed their stand at Indianapolis, then moved on to Mun-cie from where they will return home next Monday to rest for the league opener Tuesday against the White Sox in Cleveland Stadium. HOCKEY Cleveland's Barons captured their third American Hockey League title by defeating the Hershey Bears, 5 to 4, at Hershey Tuesday night, ending the final play-off series with a margin of four games to two. Tommy Burlington of the Barons broke the league record for total goals in the play-offs with his ninth and 10th. With this grand climax, the Barons closed the season with a brilliant record of having won the Western Division title, the league percentage championship, and the Calder Cup in the play-offs. Tommy Burlington, the Barona' phenomenal all-league center, and Left Wing Lou Trudel, the greatest goal getter in the history of the league, scored two goals apiece as the Barons at last broke the grip of the determined Bears. Tommy's 10-goal total for the play-offs set a new league record. The other Cleveland goal was by young Roy Kelly, completing his first pro year. Kelly, good almost anywhere, filled in at right wing on Cleveland's first line for injured Whitey Prokop, who played only briefly. Cleveland grabbed a two-goal lead in the first period, was knocked to the ropes in the second period as Hershey punched in two goals in 10 seconds, and then, with every man working to the last ounce of ability went on to win. ' Fred (Bun) Cook, the Barons' coach and the most popular pilot in the circuit, thus became the first coach to capture three titles in the 1 American League, formed in 1936. It was Bun's first championship for Cleveland, where he took hold in 1943 . His other two titles were for Provj- ' Testifying before the Senate Investigation Committee, Col. Olmstad, who compiles meat storage statistics for the War Food Administration, sthted that the meat shortage will be felt at least a year after the war ends with Germany and that today, there is already a shortage of 6,-200,000,000 lbs. required to meet the demand. • • • MM Turkey eggs will soon be on the American table. The breeding of a smaller variety of turkey has shown very good results, laying 200 eggs in a season as compared to the 40 or 60 laid by the larger turkey. Government experts figure that there will be more eggs than necessary for setting and the surplus will be put on the market. • • • MM A record snow storm in the northern and western part of Iowa on April 5 brought eleven and one half inches of snow. Minnesota reported 17 inches and over 14 inches fell in Wyoming and Nebraska, while in Michigan and Wisconsin there was a fall of 8 inches. • • • MM Mr. Joseph Cekuta Sr., well known operator of a meat market and grocery on! State Rd. in Gir-ard, O., retired at thre beginning of this month, handing his lucrative business to his sons: Joseph Jr., William and Edward. • • • mm Congressional circles expressed the opinion that after V-E Day, only 18-year-olds will be called into service. In the U. S. about 100,000 youths reach the age of 18 every month, 70 per cent of whom are .physically fit for service. • • • MM Secretary of Interior Harold Ickes has practically promised 50 per cent more gasoline to civilians after the war with Germany -ends. • • • MM Union pickets stopped all gasoline truck« at the Standard Oil Co. plant intended for delivery of gas and oil to Sohio stations. The company itself is not involved. It is a .dispute between A. F. of L. and CIO, the latter wishing to return into the company. • • • MM A Soviet Medical mission was hurriedly dispatched to Bucharest, Rumania. Allies fear the spread of typhoid which is raging in several parts of Rumania. • • • MM It i6 told in Germany that the war will end when the food will be gone. That will be when Field Marshall Goerring will be able to wear the pants of Propaganda Minister Goebbels. • • • MM The War Department in Washington dedlared that war prisoner^ will still receive the same treatment exactly according to international law, in spite of the reports from Germany of the inhuman treatment of American prisoners there. The international law, signed also by Germany, requires the same food for prisoners as is serv-' cd to soldiers in camps at home. • • • MM In a speech last Friday in Cleveland, Senator Taft warned against1 inflation which creates depression. He said that increased government spending and debts can only bring financial destruction, worse than the 1929 inflation .and the 1932 depression. • • • ■■■ Senator Langer of N. Dakota filed a proposal which provides support for stork visits, suggesting that the government pay S500 for the first child. $750 for the second and $1000 for the third. • • • MM An honorable discharge was given to Anthony Zakrajsek, son of Mrs. Frances Zakrajsek, 1083 Addison Rd., who served as a pharmacist on a mine sweeper. He now lives with his wife at 6641 Public Square, Independence, O. • • • wmm The German mark . is being offered for sale in Madrid, but there aren't many buyers. The American value for one German mark is 3 cents at present. In January it was worth 23 cents, and when the war started it was 40 cents. • • • MM Stockholm reports that Hitler has fled to Berch-tesgaden, taking with him important war prisoners, such as: King Leopold of Belgium, the former French Premier Reynaud, Jacob Stalin, son of Marshall Stalin and Kurt von Schusch-nigg, prime minister of Austria. • • • MM A wire from Yugoslavia received in New York reports that the city of Sarajevo was taken from the Germans. • • • MM A c o m p r omise was reached between the A. F. of L. and CIO at a meeting in the mayor's office last Saturday, attended by other city officials and army and navy representatives, allowing gasoline delivery from the Standard Oil Co., to its Sohio stations for a two-week period. • • • MM The yearly report of the Consolidated Natural Gas Co., to stockholders shows that the East Ohio Gas Co.-blast on Oct. 20 caused damages amounting to $6,-800,000 and the loss of 134 lives including 73 employees. The gas company has paid out $3,-210,881 until now. Much of this expense will be covered by smaller taxes. • • • MM Dangerously ill at the military hospital in local Brecksville, O., is Anthony Uss, operator of the confectionery store at Superior and 65 St. He is a veteran of the First World War. • • • MM The citizens of Detroit still visit the meat markets in Windsor, Canada, where there is an abundance of meat and no rationing. The other Monday, which the Canadian butcliers termed a paraicularly "bad business day," they sold meat to Americans for which they would have to plunk over 27,000 red points on this side of the border. • • • MM The 7th War Loan Drive will last much longer than the first six. The period will be from May 14 to June 30. • • • MM Mrs. Mary Smrtnik of 19712 Muskoka Ave., is recuperating at Glenville Hospital, following a successful operation. • • • MM It is possible that motorists won't have to pay the $5 automobile use tax on July 1, because Senator Johnston of So. Carolina has asked for a repeal, claiming that it was unjust and that the government spent a lot of money to collect it. • • • MM Bicycle licenses are now available at City Hall, Room 122, or at the various branches, for a period of one month, priced at 25 cents. The parents' signature is required on the children's applications. • • • MM Harry Hopkins, President Roosevelt's personal adviser, now receives $15,000 per year, same as cabinet members. Last July the president gave him a $5,000 raise. Hopkins was formerly associated with the W. P. A. • • • MM According to the OPA in Washington, discharged soldiers will now receive two shoe stamps in their ration books, instead of one as heretofore. • • • MM Contractor Jos. Dem-shar went to Columbus this week, and incidentally to say "hello" to Gov. Lausche. He did not go emptyhanded, either. Hearing that our Governor misses Slovenian sausages, he brought some along but the governors cook will have to furnish the sauerkraut. • • • MM Cleveland grocers are complaining that their butter is piling (up on the shelves, because the housewives prefer to save their precious red points for meat, which they must have while they can do without butter. The merchants hope that the QPA will reduce the points. • • • MM Pvt. Claude Hunter of McClenny, Fla., who was killed at Iwo Jima, was only 15 years old and had been with the Marines since April 13, 1944. He gave his age as 17 when he enlisted. • • • MM Rev. Ralph Strazisar, pastor in the Slovenian settlement in Willard, Wis., is visiting his mother, who lives on Norwood Rd., for a few days. • • • MM Joseph Suponcici, son of Mrs. F. Burgar, 1381 Giddings Rd., underwent a rupture operation at St. Luke's Hospital last Friday. Joseph is reported getting along nicely and will stay at the hospital for two weeks. • • • MM Just before the Easter Holidays. Mrs. J. A. Ko-drich of Pittsburgh, Pa., who i6 the former Mary Lazar of E. 207 St., Euclid, was to have gone to meet her husband in Zanesville, O., to find living quarters for the family. While on the train, she became wery III and upon examination was found to be suffering from an acute attack of appendicitis and was rushed to the hospital in I West Virginia where an emergency operation was performed, from which Mary is now recuperating. Her husband John is an assistant engineer at one of the wa plants in Zanesville. We wish her a speedy recovery! The War Department informed Mrs. Irma Love that her husband, Lieut. ^^^^^^^ Robert E. Love, 24, Army Air Corps Lieut. R. E. Love Reserve in June, 1942, was commissioned last September, and went overseas three months ago. His wife, Irma ,is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Telich of 64 E 211 St. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drobnic of 917 E. 73 St., received the sad news from the War Department that their son, Sgt. Frank Drobnic, was killed in action in Germany March 26. He was 23 years old and was in the army since December 6, 1943, having been sent overseas around November 1944. He attended St. Vitus School and East Tech and before entering into service, was employed as a mechanic at Chicago Pneumatic Co. Surviving him besides his parents are: a sister, Alice, anr* a brother, Čpl. Gabriel, who is now in India. May the young hero rest in peace in the foreign land where he shed his blood for our freedom, and our sincere sympathy to the bereaved family. Pfc. Anthony ■Arko, 28, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arko of 1012 E. 77 St. has been missing in France since January 23, according to a telegram received from the War Department by his wife, Barbara, who lives at 4247 Archwood Ave. Pfc. Arko was inducted Feb. 11, 1943 and has been overseas since July. The family of Mr. and Mrs. John Breznikar, 5158 Miller Ave., Maple Heights, O., were notified three months ago that their son, Pvt. Joseph, was reported missing somewhere in Germany. Last week they received a telegram from the General Adjutant that Joseph is a prisoner in Germany. The parents were overjoyed to receive this good news after they thought that he was probably dead, even if he is a prisoner. Waukegan, 111.—Pvt. Joe J. Keber was heard from, writing from a German prison camp that he is fine and not to worry about him. He was previously reported missing since November 27. His parents are happy to know that he is alive. Meadow Lands, Pa. — The Andrew Martincheck family has been notified by the War Department that their son, Lt. Col. Frank A. Martincheck, fell in battle on February 20 at lwo Jima. ! Before entering service in February | 1941, he was a teachar. The Marine j leaves, besides his. parents, a wife, whom he married in 1943, a 9-month-old daughter, whom he had never seen, fcfuf sisters and many other relatives. Owen. Wis.—From a German prison camp writes S/Sgt. Edward L. Potočnik, who was reported missing since December 23. He was a gunner and 1 radioman on a B-26 and has been overseas since August 1944. ST. VITUS Sodality New. Pub:—Say! Did you see all the So-dalists that turned out for the meeting last Tuesday? Com:—You bet I did. And you know why, don't yoji? Pub:—Of course, it was Father Andrey's sixteenth anniversary party. Com:—You mean he's directed the Sodality for sixteen years? Pub:—Sure, and according to Father he had a hard time getting in. Com:—Yeah, and I hear he's afraid he'll have as hard a time getting out. Pub:—Oh, you're kidding. I'll bet after that party we had for him, he'll never want to leave. Com:—You mean the food? Pub:—Well,' the dinner was delicious, and we had lots of fun singing, but the best part was seeing all the truant members make a special effort to attend. Com:—I hope we see them regularly at all the meetings. Pub:—I'll bet we would if we had food at every meeting. Com:—Well, you know every other meeting is a social meeting, and at the next one, the Apostolic Committee is planning the refreshments. Pub:—Oh, boy! that's for me.' What's the date? Com:—April 17, at 7:30 sharp, be-1 cause we're going to have a movie., Pub:—Gosh, the Sodality is swing-, ing out in real style. Com:—That's why ''m not going to miss another meeting. | Pub:—Me neither! Well, I'll see you there on the 17th. Com:—It's a date. ADDENDA: There was much hugging and kissing going on at the last meeting as sach arriving Sodalist spied Olga rurk, Seaman 2nd Class, home on fur-lough from Washington, D. C. She looked neat and trim and ship-shape n her uniform. (Navy talk.) it w