HACQUETIA 3/1 • 2004, 9–25 SYNTAXONOMY OF THE FRINGE VEGETATION IN SLOVAKIA IN RELATION TO SURROUNDING AREAS – PRELIMINARY CLASSIFICATION Milan VALACHOVIČ* Izvleček V članku je predstavljen kratek pregled sintaksonov razreda Trifolio-Geranietea in primerjava z ostalimi deli Evrope. Prikazane so ekološke in strukturne posebnosti robne vegetacije, njena razširjenost s poudarkom na značilnostih posameznih rastlinskih združb. Izpostavljena je razširjenost robnih rastlinskih vrst in združb na nivoju zvez v povezavi z nadmorsko višino in nekaterimi fitogeografskimi aspekti. Pojavljanje na različnih nadmorskih višinah se povečuje od Skandinavije, kjer se sestoji ne pojavljajo višje kot 100 m, do visokih gorovij Balkanskega polotoka. Podobno kot v ostalih predelih srednje Evrope je optimum uspevanja na Slovaškem na nadmorski višini med 300 in 600 m. Obravnavano je tudi dejstvo, da so robne vrste v južni Evropi močno navezane na senčne gozdove oziroma vlažna rastišča, medtem ko se v severni pojavljajo na odprtih traviščih. Na Slovaškem je bil kmalu sprejet koncept dveh ločenih redov, podobno kot v ostalih srednjeevropskih državah z izjemo Madžarske. (Sub)kontinentalne kserofilne in mezofilne, tudi termofilne robne združbe reda Origanetalia vulgaris uvrščamo v zvezi Geranion sanguinei in Trifolion medii, ki prehajata druga v drugo. Acidofilne robove s subatlantsko razširjenostjo pa uvrščamo v poseben red Melampyro-Holcetalia z eno samo zvezo Teucrion scorodoniae. Abstract A brief overview of syntaxa of the class Trifolio-Geranietea in Slovakia in comparison with the other parts of Europe is presented. Fringe vegetation is discussed in terms of its ecological and structural peculiarities, manifestation in distribution, with the major emphasis on characteristics of individual plant communities. The distribution of fringe species and plant communities at the alliances level in relation with the altitude and some phytogeographical aspects is pointed out. The altitudinal occurrence increases from Scandinavia, where the stands do not exceed 100 m, to the high mountains of the Balkan Peninsula. Comparably to other Central European countries, in Slovakia the optimum level is 300–600 m. The fact that, in southern Europe, fringe species are closely bound to shady forests or to more humid habitats, compared to central and northern Europe, where they relate to the open grasslands, is also discussed. In Slovakia, similarly to the other Central European countries (except Hungary), the concept of separate orders was adopted very quickly. For the (sub)-continental xerophilous and mesophilous, through thermophilous fringes of the order Origanetalia vulgaris the two alliances, Geranion sanguinei and Trifolion medii, with a delicate transition from one to another, were recognised. The acidophilous fringes with sub-Atlantic distribution were classified separately into the order Melampyro-Holcetalia with only one alliance Teucrion scorodoniae. Ključne besede: klasifikacija, European Vegetation Survey, rastlinske združbe, Trifolio-Geranietea Key words: classification, European Vegetation Survey, plant communities, Trifolio-Geranietea 1. INTRODUCTION ous tall-herb and tall-grass communities. Special light and moisture microclimatic conditions create The class Trifolio-Geranietea embraces (sub)-helio-the narrow strips and linear belts fringing the dephilous, (sub)-xerophilous and (sub)-thermophil-ciduous forests in Central Europe and areas which * Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 14, 845 23 Bratislava, Slovak Republic; e-mail: milan.valachovic@savba.sk 9 HACQUETIA 3/1 • 2004 surround it. The aim of the paper is to present the current overview of syntaxa in Slovakia in comparison with the other parts of Europe. The fringe vegetation is discussed in terms of the ecological and structural peculiarities, manifestation in distribution, with major emphasis on the classification of individual plant communities. 2. METHODS All relevés were made using traditional methods of the Zürich-Montpellier school (Braun-Blanquet 1964), stored into database TURBOVEG (Hennekens 1995), and classified using the divisive polythetic classification program TWINSPAN (Hill 1979). The final columns were hand-made re-arranged. The nomenclature of vascular plants generally follows the Central-European checklist used in TURBOVEG in Slovakia and surrounding countries. 3. RESULTS 3.1 Original ecology in fringes The temperature in fringes is stable and the air humidity is higher compared to the grasslands. Also the light conditions here are more suitable, compared to the dark forest, and at the same time the negative effect of direct light is reduced due to shade. These intermediate conditions form an optimal environment for the development and survival of the so-called fringe species (Dierschke 1974). The real existence of the true fringe species has not been approved. This is because the diagnostic taxa of the class Trifolio-Geranietea and subordinate units are quite widely distributed in Europe, e.g. Trifolium medium s.l., Agrimonia eupatoria and other species (see also Table 1). By acceptance of the fringe species, the coenological shift of taxa in Europe is becoming visible, because the species with demands for light, humidity and temperature in northern Europe prefer the open grasslands and pastures. In southern Europe they are shifting under a canopy of trees and are sometimes considered as typical forest species (van Gils & Keysers 1977), e.g. Brachypodium sylvaticum. After all, the direct existence of the forest is not inevitable condition. These species really occupy the places with specific microclimatic (light) conditions, growing also in the shade of rocky walls or along forest roads, so they are not definitely connected with the forest’s existence. Very similar communities occupy shady strips in the clump of shrubs, bushes or solitaire trees. 3.2 Structure of fringes At first sight, the fringes reflect the floristic and multicoloured diversity. Mesophilous herbs dominate here, grasses are less frequent, apart from some clonal species with polycormon strategy, e.g Brachypodium pinnatum and Holcus mollis. The typical feature in forest edges are polycormons (the model of polycormon climax, decribed by Jakucs (1972)), clonal population and plants, which are (still) connected through living tissues. Moderation is also typical for fringes – species with the extreme requirements are actually absent. Moreover, endemic species are untypical and the taxa widely distributed, and species with intermediate requirements between conditions in non-forest vegetation and forests dominate. Fringes are a good example of ecotone habitats – species rich, with one or more dominants, with wide and heterogeneous groups of accompanied species, affected from neighbouring stands (meadows, grasslands, bushes and forests). Similarly, some human activities (mowing of meadows, clearing of forest margins) can obscure the microclimatic differences between them. 3.3 Classification Before 1961, fringes were considered as a part of grasslands or forests, e.g Dictamno-Geranietum sanguinei described by Wendelberger, 1954, from the Hainburger Berge Mts was classified into Festucion valesiacae. Especially mesophilous fringes were traditionally associated with forest communities of Carpinion and Fagion. On the acid parent material they were in contact with Quercetalia roboris and Calluno-Ulicetea, respectively. Later, the concept of Müller and Tüxen was accepted, except by the Hungarian author Jakucs (1961). He considers the ecotone fringe-mantle-forest as one functional system, without unequivocal floristic differences, and rejects the existence of fringe species. Also Michalko (1970) directs attention to fact that the continental climate wipes out differences between forests and fringes. The position of the Hungarian authors reflects the irreconcilable differences in opinions up to now (Borhidi 1996). 10 MILAN VALACHOVIĆ: SYNTAXONOMY OF THE FRINGE VEGETATION IN SLOVAKIA IN RELATION TO SURROUNDING AREAS – PRELIMINARY CLASSIFICATION Against this opinion are some arguments: 1/ the majority of suggested fringe plant species show a more or less clear affinity with the mild ecology without extremes (semidarkness, semimoisture, etc.). Only in intermediate conditions do these species have the ecological optimum for development, resulting in quantitative parameters – high abundance of fringe species, 2/ all tree habitats (fringe-mantle-forest) are in nature usually well distinguishable, and the selection of plots for relevés is relatively simple. The concept of separate classes in Central Europe has been today commonly accepted (Pott 1992; Mucina & Kolbek 1993; Kolbek in Moravec & al. 1995; Čarni 1997; Mucina 1997; Sanda & al. 1999; Rodwell & al. 2002; Boublík & Kučera, in press). Also from the aspects of mapping of the vegetation units or biotopes (EUNIS, NATURA 2000 etc.), the existence of fringe vegetation is practical. In Slovakia, two orders are recognised, namely Origanetalia vulgaris for subcontinental xerophilous and mesophilous, but thermophilous fringes. Inside, two alliances – Geranion sanguinei and Trifolion medii, with delicacy transitions one to another – are recognized in Slovakia. Acidophilous fringes with subatlantic distribution are classified separately into the Teucrion scorodoniae (order Melampyro- Holcetalia). In NW-England the fringes with dominate Teucrium scorodonia growing on limestone form a transition between Geranion sanguinei (Čarni 2000) and Teucrion scorodoniae. The structure of higher syntaxa and the % ratio used in Figure 1. are modified according publications cited in the references. 3.4 Distribution along latitude and altitude Comparing area-sets of the Geranion sanguinei and Trifolion medii diagnostic species (character and differential taxa) it was found that general distribution of the forest edge communities is restricted more or less to the western and central part of Europe with a humid-temperate climate (van Gils & Keysers 1977). The centre of occurrence of the forest edge communities is concentrated in Germany and Austria, with more than 20 different communities. Especially, the collection of mesophilous Trifolion medii communities is notable. The relatively good situation in occurrence of thermophilous Geranion sanguinei in southern Scandinavia was elucidated by Diekmann (1997) as an influence of continental climate (low winter temperatures but relatively high summer temperatures, low annual precipitation) in Sweden, compared to the more humid and mild climate in Germany. In the Mediterranean and Eu-continental Europe, due to the seasonal droughts, the fringes are rare habitats or they are replaced by other formations, e.g. phrygana. Towards the east the fringes become weak, representing only a small number of associations and limited diagnostic taxa. As for Slovakia, it was defined precisely that here the Geranion units are the most frequently occurring communities. This is undeniable fact that, more towards the south, the ratio improves gradually in favour of Geranion (see Fig. 1). ....... . ........ . ................... . Figure 1: The % ratio of mesophilous and xerophilous fringe- communities occurred from northwest to south Europe (sources see in references) Slika 1: Odstotek mezofilnih in kserofilnih robnih združb od severozahoda do juga Evrope (vir glej v literaturi) Besides latitudinal distribution, the shift towards the south is visible also in altitudinal distribution. In Scandinavia, for example, the occurrence is limited to the lowlands (on isle Öland, not exceeding 100 m), similar like in England – max. 80 m (Čarni 2000). When in Central Europe the typical fringe community with Trifolium alpestre find its optimum on 400–600 m, in the Balkan peninsula (Macedonia) the altitude is much higher and reaches 1000–1500 m and even more (Fig. 2). .......... ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ........ . 11 HACQUETIA 3/1 • 2004 ....................... . ....................... . .................. . .................. . ........ . ........ . ........ . Figure 2: The altitudinal distribution (in m × 10) of relevés with Trifolium alpestre in Macedonia (rhombi, Čarni & al. 2000), Slovakia (square, Valachovič ined.), and Germany (circle, Pott 1992) Slika 2: Višinska razporeditev (v m × 10) popisov z vrsto Trifolium alpestre iz Makedonije (romb, Čarni & al. 2000), Slovaške (kvadrat, Valachovič ined.) in Nemčije (krog, Pott 1992) Currently, the diversity is higher and inner variability results in separation of the endemic sub-alliances, e.g. Dictamno-Ferulagenion in Adriatic coast on the Slovenia and Croatia (Čarni 1999), or Lathyro-Trifolienion velenovskyi in Macedonia (Čarni & al. 2000). In peripheral parts of the class area (Balkan peninsula, Spain, Russia etc.), the endemism of sub-units is much higher. The structure and floristic composition in peripheral parts is strongly influenced by the different forest and non-forest vegetation. In Slovakia as well, the floristic composition is rather different, being more similar to that of Central Europe. Preliminary survey of Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei communities recognized in Slovakia (without details on sub-associations, variants etc.) Origanetalia vulgaris T. Müller 1961 Geranion sanguinei R. Tx. in T. Müller 1961 1. Geranio sanguinei-Dictamnetum albae Wendelberger 1954 2. comm. Carex humilis-Inula ensifolia 3. Rosetum gallicae Kaiser 1926 4. Peucedanetum cervariae Kaiser 1926 5. comm. Trifolium-Brachypodium pinnatum 6. Origano vulgaris-Vincetoxicetum hirundinariae Kolbek 2001 7. comm. Oryzopsis virescens 8. Geranio-Trifolietum alpestris T. Müller 1962 Trifolion medii T. Müller 1961 9. Trifolio medii-Agrimonietum eupatoriae T. Müller 1961 10. comm. Pteridium aquilinum 11. Campanulo-Vicietum tenuifoliae Krausch in T. Müller 1962 12. comm. Trifolium montanum 13. Trifolio medii-Melampyretum nemorosi Dierschke 1973 14. Vicietum sylvaticae Oberd. et T. Müller in T. Müller 1961 15. comm. Peucedanum oreoselinum Melampyro-Holcetalia Passarge 1979 Teucrion scorodoniae de Foucalt et al. 1979 16. Galeopsio ladani-Teucrietum scorodoniae Eliáš 1993 17. Cruciato glabrae-Melampyretum pratense Passarge 1979 (incl. Galio veri-Lembotropetum nigricans prov. Eliáš 1987) 4. REFERENCES Borhidi, A. (ed.) (1996): Critical revision of the Hungarian plant communities. Janus Pannonius Univ. Pécs. 138 pp. Boublík, K. & Kučera, T. (in press): Acidofilní lemy jihovýchodních Čech – první přiblížení [Acidophilous fringes in south-eastern Bohemia – a first sketch]. Braun-Blanquet, J. (1964): Pflanzensoziologie. Grundzüge der Vegetationskunde. Ed. 3. Springer Verlag, Wien – New York, 865 pp. Coldea, G. & Pop, A. (1992): New data on the vegetation in the class Trifolio-Geranietea from Transylvania. Contr. Bot., Cluj-Napoca 1991/1992: 1–14. Čarni, A. (1997): Syntaxonomy of the Trifolio- Geranietea (saum vegetation) in Slovenia. Folia Geobot. Phytotax., 32: 207–219. Čarni, A. 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Thesis (Msc.); Jarošová, E. & Mucina, L. (1988): Abstr. Bot., Budapest, 12: 143–162; Kliment, J. (1998): Bull. Slov. Bot. Spoločn., Bratislava, 20: 151–158; Kliment, J. (2002): Bull. Slov. Bot. Spoločn., Bratislava, 24: 201–207; Kliment, J., Hrivnák, R., Jarolímek, I. & Valachovič, M. (2000): Príroda Drienčanského krasu, pp. 159–190, ŠOP SR, Banská Bystrica; Kochjarová, J. (1997): Bull. Slov. Bot. Spoločn., Bratislava, 19: 50–61; Májovký, J. & Jurko, A. (1958): Acta Fac. Rer. Natur. Univ. Comen., Bratislava, 2: 285–313; Michalko, J. (1957): Geobotanické pomery pohoria Vihorlat. SAV Bratislava; Mochnacký, S. & Maglocký, Š. (1993): Thaiszia, Košice, 3: 101–110; Ružičková J. (1982): Dipl. Thesis (Msc.); Zlinská, J. (2000): Acta Environm. Univ. Comen., Bratislava, 10: 139–152. Appendix 1. Relevés used for synthesis of 17 communities incl. inner division into clusters. Published data with short citation (see references) and unpublished relevés with orographic units. Number of relevés are in parenthesis. 1. Geranio-Dictamnetum (7): (2) Zlinská 2000; (2) Mucina, unpubl. Malé Karpaty; (1) Maglocký, unpubl. Malé Karpaty; (2) Valachovič, unpubl. Biele Karpaty. 2. comm. Carex-Inula (19) – 2a (10): (1) Futák 1960; (5) Baláž 1991; (2) Kochjarová 1997; (1) Kochjarová unpubl. Muránska planina; (1) Valachovič, unpubl. Biele Karpaty. – 2b (9): (5) Jarošová & Mucina 1988; (2) Mochnacký & Maglocký 1993; (2) Valachovič, unpubl. Malé Karpaty, Muránska planina. 3. Rosetum gallicae (22) – 3a (11): (1) Michalko 1957; (1) Májovký & Jurko 1958; (4) Mochnacký & Maglocký 1993; (4) Kliment & al. 2000; (1) Valachovič, unpubl. Krupinská planina; – 3b (11): (3) Mucina, unpubl. Malé Karpaty, Strážovské vrchy, Slovenský kras; (6) Maglocký unpubl. Malé Kar 13 HACQUETIA 3/1 • 2004 paty (2), Nitrianská pahorkatina, Štiavnické vrchy, Krupinská planina, Cerová vrchovina; (2) Valachovič & Ripka unpubl. Krupinská planina, Cerová vrchovina. 4. Peucedanetum cervariae (17): (1) Májovký & Jurko 1958; (1) Ružičková 1982; (1) Chytrý 1994; (4) Kliment & al. 2000; (2) Maglocký unpubl. Malé Karpaty, Považský Inovec; (2) Mucina, unpubl. Považský Inovec; (6) Valachovič unpubl. Malé Karpaty (3), Štiavnické vrchy, Krupinská planina, Cerová vrchovina. 5. comm. Trifolium-Brachypodium (63) – 5a (18): (3) Mochnacký & Maglocký 1993; (1) Kochjarová 1997; (1) Kliment & al. 2000; (1) Kliment 2002; (12) Kochjarová unpubl. Muránska planina (10), Vel’ká Fatra (2); – 5b (45): (28) Ružičková 1982; (2) Eliáš 1987; (15) Jarošová & Mucina 1988. 6. Origano-Vincetoxicetum (14): (1) Ružičková 1982; (1) Eliáš 1987; (1) Baláž 1991; (2) Kliment 2002; (7) Valachovič unpubl. Strážovské vrchy (2), Tríbeč, Vtáčnik, Nízke Tatry, Cerová vrchovina, Slovenský kras; (1) Jarolímek unpubl. Slovenský kras; (1) Ripka unpubl. Biele Karpaty. 7. comm. Oryzopsis virescens (6): (5) Maglocký unpubl. Považský Inovec (3); Malé Karpaty, Strážovské vrchy; (1) Maglocký & Valachovič unpubl. Malé Karpaty. 8. Geranio-Trifolietum (82) – 8a (6): (4) Kliment 2002; (2) Valachovič unpubl. Žiar; – 8b (53): (13) Ružičková 1982; (1) Eliáš 1987; (18) Jarošová & Mucina 1988; (3) Mochnacký & Maglocký 1993; (2) Kliment & al. 2000; (10) Mucina, unpubl. Trnavská pahorkatina (6), Nitrianská pahorkatina, Slovenský kras (2), Liptovská kotlina; (5) Valachovič unpubl. Borská nížina (3), Malé Karpaty, Kremnické vrchy; (1) Kochjarová unpubl. Vel’ká Fatra; (1) Maglocký unpubl. Tríbeč; – 8c (23): (1) Májovký & Jurko 1958; (1) Eliáš 1987; (1) Maglocký unpubl. Malé Karpaty; (3) Mucina, unpubl. Malé Karpaty (2), Biele Karpaty; (16) Valachovič unpubl. Burda (2), Štiavnické vrchy (2), Kremnické vrchy, Pol’ana (3), Krupinská planina (3), Cerová vrchovina (3), Slánske vrchy, Pohronský Inovec; (1) Ripka unpubl. Pohronský Inovec. 9. Trifolio-Agrimonietum (11): (1) Eliáš 1987; (3) Mochnacký & Maglocký 1993; (5) Mucina, unpubl. Liptovská kotlina, Trnavská pahorkatina, Krupin ská planina, Slovenský kras (2); (1) Maglocký & Valachovič unpubl. Cerová vrchovina; (1) Kochjarová unpubl. Muránska planina. 10. comm. Pteridium aquilinum (5): (2) Eliáš 1987; (3) Fajmonová unpubl. Stážovské vrchy. 11. Campanulo-Vicietum (7): (3) Mochnacký & Maglocký 1993; (3) Mucina, unpubl. Žitavská pahorkatina, Krupinská planina, Slovenský kras; (1) Valachovič unpubl. Tríbeč. 12. comm. Trifolium montanum (6): (3) Mochnacký & Maglocký 1993; (3) Kochjarová unpubl. Muránska planina. 13. Trifolio-Melampyretum (21): (1) Ružičková 1982; (2) Mochnacký & Maglocký 1993; (1) Kliment 1998; (4) Kliment & al. 2000; (3) Mucina, unpubl. Liptovská kotlina, Vel’ká Fatra, Hronská pahorkatina; (2) Maglocký unpubl. Malé Karpaty, Ondavská vrchovina; (2) Valachovič unpubl. Kremnické vrchy, Popradská kotlina; (1) Jarolímek unpubl. and (5) Kochjarová unpubl. all Muránska planina. 14. Vicetum sylvaticae (2): (2) Mucina unpubl. Liptovská kotlina. 15. comm. Peucedanum oreoselinum (6): (6) Valachovič unpubl. Borská nížina. 16. Galeopsio-Teucrietum (15): (15) Eliáš 1986. 17. Cruciato-Melampyretum (5): (3) Eliáš 1987; (2) Kochjarová unpubl. Muránska planina. Recieved 3. 10. 2003 Revision recieved 4. 2. 2004 Accepted 6. 2. 2004 14 MILAN VALACHOVIĆ: SYNTAXONOMY OF THE FRINGE VEGETATION IN SLOVAKIA IN RELATION TO SURROUNDING AREAS – PRELIMINARY CLASSIFICATION Table 1: Shortened synoptic table of all Trifolio-Geranietea relevés available in Turboveg database in Slovakia (C – character taxa, t – transgresive, D – differential taxa with number of syntaxon, see survey of plant communities) Tabela 1: Skrajšana sinoptična tabela vseh popisov razreda Trifolio-Geranietea v bazi Turboveg na Slovaškem (C – značilna vrsta, t – transgresivna vrsta, D – razlikovalna vrsta s številko sintaksona, glej pregled rastlinskih združb) Syntaxon Code 12a2b3a3b 45a5b 6 78a8b8c 91011 121314151617 Number of relevés 710 911 11 17184514 6 6532311 5 7 621 2 615 5 Diagnostic species of association Dictamnus albus C1 100 .11 .9 . . . . . .2 . . . . . . . .. . Allium flavum D1 57 1011 18 . . .13767 .11 . . .14 . . . 1747 . Lamium purpureum D1 43 . . . . . . . . . .2 . . . . . . . .. . Crataegus monogyna D1 43 . . . . . . . . . .2 . . . . . . . .. . Inula ensifolia tC2 29 80 100 9 .3517214 . .11 13 . . . . . . .. . Carex humilis D2 14 80 78 . .186242150 .15 . . . . . . . .. . Sesleria albicans D2a . 60 . . . . . .14 . .2 . . . . .5 . .. . Asperula tinctoria D2a . 60 .9 .6 .47 .502 . . . . . . . 17 . . Pulsatilla slavica D2a . 60 11 . .6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Coronilla coronata D2a . 50 . . . . . . . . .2 . . . . . . . .. . Allium ochroleucum D2a . 40 11 . . . . .14 . . . . . . . . . . .. . Potentilla incana D2b . . 78 9 .12616 .33 .3617 . . . .5 . 67 . . Teucrium montanum D2b . . 78 . . . .13 .17 .25 . . . . . . . .. . Festuca pallens s.l. D2b . . 67 . . . .2 . . .8 . . . . . . . .. . Melica ciliata D2b . . 56 9 . . . .7 . .8 . . . . . . . .13 . Helianthemum nummularium D2b .10 44 . . .627717 .15 . . . .17 . . .. . Rosa gallica C3 .. . 100 100 6 . . . . .6 .9 .1417 . . .. . Elymus hispidus D3a .1022 82 .12616 . . .26139 .29 . . . .. . Achillea nobilis D3a . .11 64 18 . .16 . . .2130 . .57 . . . .. . Verbascum lychnitis D3b . .11 18 46 6 . . . . .24 . .14 .5 . 50 . . Peucedanum cervaria tC4 1450 .18 . 100 .2 . . .2918 .14 . . . 33 . . Salvia verticillata D5a .30 .99 . 56 7 . . . . .960 .3333 . . .20 Galium mollugo D5b ..44.9. . 51 . . .25 . .4014 .10 . 17 .20 Glechoma hederacea agg. D5b . .22 . .66 44 14 . .6 .9 . . .5 . .. . Euphorbia amygdaloides D5b ..22... . 31 . . .2 . . . . .10 50 .. . 15 Number of relevés 710 911 11 17184514 6 6532311 5 7 621 2 615 Cardaminopsis arenosa D6 ..11 ..662 36 .17230 . . . . . . .. . Oryzopsis virescens C7 ..11 ....47 100 ....... . . .. . Asarum europaeum D8a .....66.14 83 67 2 .9 . . .24 . .. . Primula veris D8a29 . . . .617 .21 . 67 .49 . .1719 . . .20 Pulmonaria mollis D8a .......229. 67 . .920 . .5 . .. . Achillea collina D8b14 .229 .18627717 . 32 9 . .14 .10 . .. . Festuca pseudodalmatica D8c ...27.12.214..19 35 . .14 .5 . .. . Lychnis viscaria D8c1410 .18 .1211 . . . .2 44 9 .2950 5 . .. . Viola arvensis D8c14 . . .96 .214 . .11 26 .... . . 17 . . Cruciata pedemontana D8c ...9.6..... . 22 .... . . .. . Poa *scabra D8c ...9186..... . 26 .... . . .. . Pteridium aquilinum C9 ............. . 100 .. . . .. . Vicia sylvatica C14 .............9... . 100 .. . Peucedanum oreoselinum C15 ........7........ . . 100 . . Koeleria glauca D15 ................. . . 50 . . Teucrium scorodonia C16 ........7........ . . . 100 . Galeopsis ladanum D16 ................. . . . 73 . Polytrichum piliferum E0 D16 ................. . . . 47 . Cytisus nigricans tC17 .4022996 .2 . .17413920 . . . . 17 . 100 Melampyrum pratense tC17 .......2...4..... 5 . . . 40 Geranion sanguinei Trifolium alpestre tC 4310 .365547172936 . 33 47 87 9 .141714 . 17 .20 Geranium sanguineum tC 1008044551865 64943 . 83 87 52 9 .14 . . . 50 . . Anthericum ramosum tC 146056 . .413929 7 .172313 9 . . .10 . 17 . . Polygonatum odoratum C 715033 . 912 611 50336711 4 . . . . 5 . 3313 . Thalictrum minus agg. C 14......1314..9..... . . .. . Aster amellus C .10...611 .14........ . . .. . Vicia pannonica C ...996.....29.... . . .. . Melampyrum cristatum C ..11 ..12.11 ...44..14. . . .. . Laserpitium latifolium C .10...66.21.50..9... . . .. . Linum flavum C ...9966.7........ . . .. . Trifolium rubens C ...9.126.......... 5 . .. . Anemone sylvestris C ......11 2......... . . .. . HACQUETIA 3/1 • 2004 16 MILAN VALACHOVIĆ: SYNTAXONOMY OF THE FRINGE VEGETATION IN SLOVAKIA IN RELATION TO SURROUNDING AREAS – PRELIMINARY CLASSIFICATION Peucedanum alsaticum C .....6.......9... . . .. . Stachys recta D 435022642735 62443 .332635 . .14 . . . .. . Seseli osseum D 143067 936 . 61614 .171944 . . . . . . .. . Potentilla recta D 1410.27966....613.... . . .. . Erysimum odoratum D 292044 . .12 .402917 .40 . . . . .10 . .. . Arenaria serpyllifolia agg. D 1410..1812..7..417.... . . .. . Aster linosyris D 14..18924.11 ...1317.... . . .. . Melica transsilvanica D 1410.1818......449... . . .. . Galium glaucum D1 57 202246 953 .1343 .332674 . .14 . . . .. . Verbascum *austriacum D 4310 .18 91822292117 .4335 . . .1714 . .. . Thesium linophyllon D .4011 18 .35 .27 . .8 . . .29 .5 . .. . Potentilla heptaphylla D .20 .9 .24 . .213333449 .14 . . . .. . Bupleurum falcatum D .3033 .18 611 11 2133 .17 . . . . . 5 . .. . Centaure stoebe D .1011 .366.2...11 17.... . . 17 . . Campanula moravica D .1022..12.21450.2..... . . .. . Veronica austriaca D . .22 . .662211767213 . . . . . . . .20 Acinos arvensis D . .33181812677 . .84 . . .33 . . .. . Vicia tetrasperma D ...18...714..9229... . . .. . Avenula pubescens D .10..9617.......... . . 17 . . Bothriochloa ischaemum D .1011 9...2...2..... . . .. . Aconitum anthora D .10.....1814..6..... . . .. . Trifolion medii Trifolium medium s.l. tC9 ....9.64...2. 91 6014 .29 . .. . Agrimonia eupatoria tC9 . .11 927412813 .171711 13 55 60 43 50 38 . .. . Vicia tenuifolia tC11 . . .18 .2411 214 . .449 . 100 17 . . .. . Trifolium montanum tC12 . . . . .53282 . .33949 .57 100 33 . . .20 Melampyrum nemorosum tC13 .2022..611 914...4... . 95 . .. . Astragalus glycyphyllos tC . . . . .1211 7 . . .89552014175 . . .20 Melampyrum sylvaticum tC ..........17..9...10 100 33 . . Colchicum autumnale D ......22....2..20.3314 . . .40 Potentilla erecta D .....6222...44.40..10 50 . .20 Cruciata glabra D . . . . .185620 . .50999 .143367 50 . 780 Anthoxanthum odoratum D 14.....6....2179.435024 . . .20 Trisetum flavescens D ......6....4418.141714 . .. . 17 Number of relevés 710 911 11 17184514 6 6532311 5 7 621 2 615 Gentiana cruciata D ......11 ...17..9..3310 . . .20 Festuca pratensis agg. D ......11 .7..4.18.143310 50 .. . Campanula patula D ......6......9..3310 100 17 . . Prunella vulgaris D ......6..17...9... . 50 . .20 Ranunculus acris D ......62...2427...10 100 .. . Stellaria graminea D .....6.....2.18...19 50 17 .20 Hypericum maculatum D ......11 ......920..10 50 .. . Luzula luzuloides D ......11 27..2..... 5 50 . 20 40 Lathyrus sylvestris D ............49.14. . . .. . Phleum pratense D ..............20.. 5 . .. . Euphrasia *rostkoviana D ................17. 50 17 . . Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus E0 D ......11 .........1719 . . .20 Festuca ovina agg. D ................. . . 17 .60 Sarothamnus scoparius D ................. . . 33 20 . Jasione montana D ................. . . 3327 . Teucrion scorodoniae Hieracium racemosum D ........7...9....10 . . 13 20 Hieracium lachenalii D ................. . . . 20 40 Hypericum montanum D ................. . . . 720 Avenella flexuosa D ........14..2..... . . . 100 40 Agrostis capillaris D ....9.11 .21..2918...14 50 . 80 40 Origanetalia, Trifolio-Geranietea Origanum vulgare C 29305618 947394936171732301860146738 . . .40 Securigera varia C 29302227184172165033831330 960145052 . . .20 Viola hirta C 437033 .1835443814833334 92760578357 . 17 .20 Clinopodium vulgare C 142022 9 912503336 .33361746 . .3357 . 337 . Vincetoxicum hirundinaria C 144078 . 9122251 100 506753 91840 . . . . 3340 . Tanacetum corymbosum C 2910 . 918 71 2218 71733 913 . .14 .24 . . .40 Betonica officinalis C .10 . .1824282414 .3321 918 .141738 . 50 .20 Veronica teucrium C 431011 9185317 214 .33 813 . .14 . 5 . .. . Campanula persicifolia C .10 . . .1817 .21 .176179 . . .10 50 .. . Melampyrum arvense C . .229 .1262 . . .6 . . .14175 . . .20 Silene nutans s.l. C ..11 ...6.....17.... . . 33 .40 HACQUETIA 3/1 • 2004 18 MILAN VALACHOVIĆ: SYNTAXONOMY OF THE FRINGE VEGETATION IN SLOVAKIA IN RELATION TO SURROUNDING AREAS – PRELIMINARY CLASSIFICATION Inula hirta C . . .18 .24 .27 .17817 . .14175 . .. . Brachypodium pinnatum D 292011 93682 100 100 29 .5045 43660143362 . . .60 Fragaria viridis D 432011 27185911 181467 .453946 .435019 . . 760 Galium album s.l. D 143011 .272461 .571767 4 936 .143348 . . .20 Brachypodium sylvaticum D 141011 . . . . 22117 . 2 . 9401417 5 . 17 . . Dactylis polygama D 29 . . 91824 620 71717 6 918 . . .14 . .. . Fragaria vesca D .2011 . . 63322503350 8 4464043 .52 100 50 . . Campanula rapunculoides D .3011 9 9 611 2363350 . 418 . . .19 . .. . Fragaria moschata D . . .9 .611 247171711 4940 . . . . .. . Pseudolysimachion spicatum D ...18.1211 9...1926..14. . . 50 . . Chamaecytisus hirsutus D .40..96.....24..14. . . .. . Chamaecytisus supinus D ....918...17.24....14 . .. . Chamaecytisus albus D ..11 18.18........... . . .. . Chamaecytisus austriacus D 14..9.....17.9..... . . .. . Chamaecytisus ratisbonensis D .....66..17.4...14. . . 33 . . Campanula bononiensis tC ....96......9..14. . . .. . Inula salicina tC ......11 .7.....40..19 . .. . Lathyrus transsilvanicus tC .................10 . .. . Festuco-Brometea Teucrium chamaedrys 86908973647739678633507770186086 .33 . 100 .20 Euphorbia cyparissias 71308973556539535767 .537046 .575024 . 83 33 20 Poa angustifolia 5710 .645559 611 14 . .403527 .4350 5 . 33 . . Asperula cynanchica 14406718182422132117 .23 418 .433310 . 33 .40 Sanguisorba minor 142044 . .1211 714333319 . 940 .1719 . . .40 Salvia pratensis 2940 .27 965223643 .834713 9 .571714 . 17 . . Eryngium campestre 291011 181824 . 2 750 .1322 .6043 . . . .. . Achillea pannonica 29 .11 18276647 . .17418 .29 . . . .. . Dorycnium pentaphyllum agg. 29 . . 93629 620 .17 . 817 .6014 . . . .. . Bromus erectus 1410 . . .296 . . . .24 .40 .17 . . .. . Festuca rupicola 14 . .272753171829 .332826182043 . 5 . .. . Helianthemum ovatum 143011 .182411 .143333 8 4 9 . . . 5 . .. . Linaria genistifolia 141011 93612 . .21 . .622 . . . . . . 5040 . Festuca valesiaca 14 . . .918 . . .17 .4 . . .14175 . .. . Bromus *monocladus 1410 . . . . . .14 .50 . . . . . .5 . .. . 19 Number of relevés 710 911 11 17184514 6 6532311 5 7 621 2 615 Pimpinella saxifraga .4033 .182961 714171713223640436762 . . .60 Galium verum .10 .1827472218 7 . .21223640865033 . 67 13 40 Medicago falcata .1011 9 .3556 914 .5011 91860 .3333 . . .20 Koeleria macrantha .102218 924 6 7 . . .1513 . .5733 5 . .. . Anthyllis vulneraria .1011 . .6 .2 . .33 . . .20141710 . . .20 Linum catharticum .1011 . . .62 .1717 . . . . .1710 50 . .20 Centaurea scabiosa .4011 18 941281836 .3313 4 .40141719 . . .40 Scabiosa ochroleuca .3033 . .611 9 . . .19 . .40 . . . . 50 . . Hippocrepis comosa .10 . . .6 .2 . .33 . . . . . .10 . . .20 Buphthalmum salicifolium .20 . . .66 . . .33 . . . . . .5 . .. . Carduus collinus . . .18 .66 . . . .49 . . . .5 . .. . Phleum phleoides . . .9 .35 .429 .33154 . .14 . . . .. . Filipendula vulgaris . . .181824 .1329 . .19 4 9 .57 .10 . .. . Briza media . . . . .2428 7 . .17 4 41840295029 50 . .40 Carlina acaulis . . . . . .1727 .332 .920 .3319 . . .40 Carlina vulgaris agg. ..11 ...17.....49..17. . .. . Molinio-Arrhenatheretea Arrhenatherum elatius 5720 . .184128 421178315175520296752 . 17 20 40 Achillea millefolium agg. 1410 . . 92950 421 .5011 135540438348 . 83 740 Veronica chamaedrys agg. 2910 . 9 .1222 929 . .153046 .293343 50 33 .20 Plantago lanceolata 14 . . . .611 2 . . .917 . .141724 50 .. . Carex praecox 14 . .9 .6 .27 . .413 . .2917 . . 33 . . Leontodon hispidus .10 . . .1217 2 . .17 2 91860433314 . . .20 Plantago media .10 . . .41 6 4 7 .17 8 .2760295024 . . .20 Primula elatior . .11 . . .17247 . .94 . . . .10 50 .. . Hieracium bauhinii . . .272735 .11 7 . . 835 . .2933 . . 1727 . Thymus pannonicus agg. . . .4627246 . . . .11 139 . .335 . .. . Rumex acetosa . . .99611 .21 .1724 . .14 .14 . 1760 . Centaurea jacea . . .9 . .62 .17 .213184014 .14 . 17 . . Poa pratensis agg. ...9..17.14.17849...14 . .. . Festuca rubra agg. ....9.28...17..9..3324 . .. . Campanula trachelium . . . .9 .67717174 .2740 . .43 50 .. . Carex tomentosa . . . .181222 . . . . . .9 . . . . . .. . HACQUETIA 3/1 • 2004 20 MILAN VALACHOVIĆ: SYNTAXONOMY OF THE FRINGE VEGETATION IN SLOVAKIA IN RELATION TO SURROUNDING AREAS – PRELIMINARY CLASSIFICATION Heracleum sphondylium . . . .9 .6 . . .17 . .9 . . .24 . ... Allium scorodoprasum . . . .9 . .27 . . . . . .14 .5 . .7 . Lotus corniculatus . . . . .1233 4141750 222 940 .5029 . . .40 Dactylis glomerata . . . . .2439 . . .33 6 42760143338 . . .60 Daucus carota . . . . .662 .17 .24184014175 . ... Ranunculus polyanthemos . . . . .246 .7 .332 .27 .291733 . ... Vicia sepium . . . . .66 . .17 .2 .27 . . .14 . ... Knautia arvensis . . . . .662 . . . .9 . . .5019 . ... Tragopogon orientalis . . . . .6 . . . .332 . . . . .10 . ... Valeriana officinalis . . . . .6 . . .17 .2 . . . . . . . ... Ajuga genevensis . . . . . .6221331729 . . . .5 . .7 . Lathyrus pratensis . . . . . .11 27 .174 .9 . . .5 50 ... Centaurea phrygia agg. ......17.....418..1710 . 17 . . Trifolium pratense . . . . . .11 . . . . . . . . .3333 100 ... Leucanthemum vulgare agg. ......17.7...4...5014 . 17 . . Pimpinella major . . . . . .11 . . . . .4 . . .1714 . ... Anthriscus sylvestris . . . . . . . .7 . . . .18 . . .19 . ... Ajuga reptans . . . . . . . . .17 .213 . .14 .19 . . .20 Plantago major . . . . . . . . .17 . . .9 . . . . 50 ... Allium schoenoprasum . . . . . . . . . .17 . . . . . .5 . ... Trifolium repens . . . . . . . . . . .2 . . .14 . . 50 ... Rhamno-Prunetea Ligustrum vulgare E2, E1 5710 . 96459 6 7 . . .29135440100 . . . 17 . . Prunus spinosa agg. E2, E1 29 . .271835 6 4 7 .171517 9 .29 .19 . ... Rosa canina agg. E2, E1 14 . . .18 628 .14 .1715 43620573314 . . 67 20 Rosa sp. E2, E1 141011 . .24 .205017 .1322 9 .43 . . . ... Crataegus monogyna 29 . . .912 .47 . .64 . .43 . . . .20 . Corylus avellana .20 . . . .287 .17 .4 .9 . . .14 . . .20 Pyrus communis agg. E2, E1 ..11 .18..2....17..... . .7 . Crataegus laevigata E2, E1 ...9.6..... . ... Crataegus sp. .....1217.14......14.10 . ... Cornus sanguinea . . . . . .17 .7 . .2 .18 . . .33 . . 720 Prunus mahaleb . . . . . . .9 . . .24 . . . . . . ... 21 Number of relevés 710 911 11 17184514 6 6532311 5 7 621 2 615 Calluno-Ulicetea Genista tinctoria 29 . .1827611 11 7 . .9449 .14335 . . .40 Veronica officinalis . . . . . .62717 . .4 . . . .5 50 3313 . Carex pallescens . . . . . .6 . .17 . .49 . .1714 50 ... Dianthus armeria . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 . .17 . . ... Saxifraga bulbifera . . . . .6 . . . . . .4 . . . . . . ... Quercetalia pubescentis Cornus mas E2, E1 292011 9 .18 .4717 .9 .27 . . . . . ... Buglossoides purpurocaerulea 29 . . .966 . .17 .499 . . . . . ... Acer campestre E2, E1 1410 . .1818 .4717 .8936 . . .24 . . .20 Quercus cerris E2, E1 ...36.18.2...226....10 . . .40 Melittis melissophyllum .20 . . . . .27 .33 .49 . . .14 . ... Quercus pubescens E2, E1 14.22.1812.137..154..... . ... Quercus pubescens E3 29...96............ . ... Euphorbia polychroma .3011 . . .11 1314 . .9 . . . . . . . ... Fraxinus ornus E2 .10......14...9..... . ... Lactuca viminea 14 . .918 . . . . . . .4 . . . . . . ... Lathyrus niger . . .99 . .11 . . .24 . . . .5 . ... Quercus dalechampii E3, E2, E1 ....9.......8..1433. . .67 . Lychnis coronaria . . . . . . . . . . . .13 . . . . . . ... Pyrus pyraster E2 .....12.....2...14.14 . ... Quercus polycarpa E3 .............9.... . ... Quercus polycarpa E2, E1 .............36...5 . ... Viburnum lantana E2, E1 .....12.....8..20..10 . ... Querco-Fagetea Poa nemoralis agg. 14 . .99 . .18733 .42618 . . .19 100 . 27 20 Prunus avium E2, E1 28..........6.18.28.. . ... Melica uniflora 29 . . . . .6 .2133 . .4 . . . . . . .20 . Fagus sylvatica E2, E1 .20 . . . . .7717 .4 . . .141719 . . .40 Lilium martagon .10 . . .1211 .14 .50 . . . . . .10 50 ... Carex muricata agg. .10...6.229..299.... . .13 . Hieracium sabaudum .20 . . .6 . .7 . .2139 . . . . . 17 13 20 Convallaria majalis .20 . . . . .214 .17 . . . . . . . . ... HACQUETIA 3/1 • 2004 22 MILAN VALACHOVIĆ: SYNTAXONOMY OF THE FRINGE VEGETATION IN SLOVAKIA IN RELATION TO SURROUNDING AREAS – PRELIMINARY CLASSIFICATION Hieracium murorum .20 . . . . . .2133 .249 . . . . . . .20 Symphytum tuberosumagg. .30..96.11 ...299.... . ... Euonymus verrucosus E2, E1 .10...6.2...6...... . ... Lathyrus vernus . . . .9 .6 . . .17 . . . . . .10 . . .20 Galium schultesii . . . .9 . .9733 .6 .9 . . . . 100 . 20 40 Melica nutans . . . . .18621467 . . .1820 . .10 . ... Carpinus betulus E2, E1 . . . . .62216 . . .441820 . .34 . . .20 Quercus petraea E3, E2, E1 .....6.9...19918...10 . 33 .20 Fraxinus excelsior E2, E1 .....12.9..17.....1710 . ... Acer pseudoplatanus E2, E1 ......6.2117332.....14 . ... Galium odoratum . . . . . . .47 . . . . .20 . . . . ... Festuca heterophylla . . . . .6 . .7 . .2 .9 . . .5 . . 740 Mercurialis perennis . . . . .6 .2 .1733 . . .20 . .14 . ... Stellaria holostea . . . . .6 .1314 . .213 . . .335 . .20 . Viola reichenbachiana . . . . . .6 .7 . .24 . .14 .10 50 ... Cerastium holosteoides . . . . . . . . . . .2 .9 . .1714 50 ... Waldsteinia geoides . . . . . .69 . . .4 .9 . . .5 . ... Populus tremula E2, E1 ......6.7........5 . . 720 Ranunculus lanuginosus . . . . .6 . . .17 . . .9 . . .5 . ... Ranunculus auricomus . . . . . .6 . . . . . .9 . . .5 . ... Senecio ovatus . . . . . . . .717 . . .9 . . . . 50 ... Viola mirabilis . . . . .6 . . . . . .4 . . . .10 . ... Other species Hypericum perforatum 142033912753 61629333319444660435038 . 6767 . Elymus repens 14 . .2796 . .7 . .11 1318 .29 .5 . 17 . . Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia 14 . . .9 . .2717 .134182014 .10 100 17 .20 Vicia cracca agg. 14 . .2791250 . . . .6927 . .505 50 ... Rubus fruticosus agg. 14 . . .186 .2717 .2 .272014 .5 . .40 . Calamagrostis epigejos . . . .18 .62 . . .94272029 . . . 83 20 20 Potentilla argentea agg. 14..2727......8139.14.5 . .7 . Fallopia convolvulus . . .1818 6 .1636 . . 6 9 .201433 . . ... Rumex acetosella s.l. ...........2...14.. . 33 . . Vicia hirsuta 14 . .9912 . .7 . .4229 . . .5 . . .20 Picris hieracioides . . . .9 . .2 . . .4 .940 .175 . . .20 23 Number of relevés 710 911 11 17184514 6 6532311 5 7 621 2 615 Trifolium campestre . . .9 .12 .2 . . .84 . .14 . . . .. . Hieracium pilosella . .11 . . .11 2 . . .29 . .145010 . 5020 . Symphytum angustifolium . . .9 .12 . . . . .2 .18 .29 .19 . .. . Echium vulgare . .11 .276 .47 . .8 . .20 . . . . 17 . . Alliaria petiolata 29 . . . .6 .921 . .2 . .20 . .10 . .. . Hylotelephium maximum 141011 46 . 6 62014 .171522 9 .14 .10 . . 13 20 Medicago lupulina . . . .91811 2 . . .29920 . .10 50 .. . Lepidium campestre . . .18 .6 .2 . . . .9 . . . . . . .. . Thymus pulegioides . . . . .1211 2 . .33 .1318 . .1719 . . .20 Helianthemum grandiflorum 14 . . . . .282214 .1715 . . . .175 . . .40 Dianthus carthusianorum 141022 . .5350 421 .5017 4 . . .17 . . 17 .20 Luzula campestris . . . . . .11 . . . .417 . .291710 . 33 . . Senecio jacobaea . . . . . .62 . .174 . .20 .175 . 33 . . Geum urbanum . . . .18 . .236 .176 .27 . . .5 . .. . Knautia kitaibelii .20 . . .617 .21 .502 . . . .1710 . .. . Falcaria vulgaris . . .9918 . .7 . . .9 . .14 .5 . .. . Silene nemoralis .10 . .966 . . .334 . . .14 .10 . .. . Trifolium arvense . . .9 .6 . .7 . .29 . . . .5 . 50 . . Arabis sagittata . .11 . .6 . .14 .33 . . . . . .5 . .. . Poa compressa . .11 .96 .27 . .91318 .29 .5 . .. . Digitalis grandiflora .20 . . .611 1336 .676 . . . .1714 50 .. . Cruciata laevipes . . .9 . .62 . . .8 . . .1450 . . .. . Achillea stricta . .11 . . . . .71750 . . . . . . . . .. . Myosotis arvensis 1410 .18 .66 .14 .17 .9 . . . . . . .. . Arabis hirsuta . . .9 .12 .214171749 . . . .5 . .. . Seseli libanotis . . . . .6 . .7 . .2 .9 . . .14 . .. . Carex caryophyllea .10 . . .66 . .1733 .4 . .1417 . . . .20 Galium aparine 29 . .181812627 . .922 . .14 .14 . .7 . Genista pilosa .20 . . . . .47 . . . . . . . . . . .60 . Calamagrostis varia .2011 . . .6 .14 .33 . .9 . . .14 50 . .20 Phyteuma orbiculare .20 . . . .6 . . .17 . . . . . . . . .. . Silene vulgaris .40 . . .181727 . .699 .143319 . . 20 40 Sorbus aria 1430 . . .6 .22,1336,74 . . . . . . . .40 . HACQUETIA 3/1 • 2004 24 MILAN VALACHOVIĆ: SYNTAXONOMY OF THE FRINGE VEGETATION IN SLOVAKIA IN RELATION TO SURROUNDING AREAS – PRELIMINARY CLASSIFICATION Lactuca perennis . .11 9 .6 . . . . .89 . . . . . . ... Allium *montana . .11 . . . .414 .33213 . . . . . . .27 . Thymus praecox agg. 14.22.....7...4....5 . ... Dianthus pontederae 14 . . .9 . . . . . .8 . . .29 . . . 17 . . Silene otites 14 . .9 .6 .7 . . .2 . . . . . . . 17 . . Sedum sexangulare .10 . .27 . .2 . . .613 . . . . . . 17 . . Convolvulus arvensis . .11 9 .66 . . . .2 . . .14 . . . 33 . . Muscari comosum . . .9912 . . . . .44 . .14 . . . ... Pinus sylvestris E2, E1 ...9.662...4.....5 . . 13 20 Adonis vernalis . . .9 .6 . .717 .6 .9 . . . . . ... Thymus serpyllum . . . .9 . .13 . . .8 .9 . . . . . 50 . . Anthemis tinctoria . . . .912 . . . .17217 . . . . . . ... Carex sp. ....96......4....5 . 17 . . Carex michelii . . . . .246 . . . .24 . .14 . . . ... Pimpinella nigra . . . . .6 .27 . .24 . .14 . . . ... Centaurea sp. ......6.7......141710 . ... Aegopodium podagraria . . . . . .6 . . . .2 .9 . . .24 50 ... Abietinella abietina E0 .10...6..7...4...17. . ... Allium oleraceum . . .9 . . .2 . .1724 . . . . . . ... Other taxa (in 1-4 columns only) were removed 25