269 Acta Chim. Slov. 1999, 46(2), pp. 269-279 BINDING OF CETYLPYRIDINIUM CATION BY POLY(ACRYLIC ACID). EFFECT OF POLYMER CHARGE DENSITY1 Ksenija Kogej* and Jože Skerjanc Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia (Received 25.1.1999) Abstract: The effect of polymer charge density on the binding of cetypyridinium cation (CP+) to poly(acrylic acid) (HPA) has been investigated by using a Potentiometrie technique based on surfactant cation-selective membrane electrode. The amount of binding, ß, has been determined at constant polyelectrolyte concentration (mv = 5 x 1(T4 monomol/kg) and at five degrees of ionization of the acid (a = 0.0, 0.27, 0.53, 0.76, and 1.0) in aqueous solutions without added simple electrolyte at 25 °C. It has been observed that appreciable binding of CP+ cation to PA" anion starts at the total detergent concentration about 1 x 10~5 mol/kg which is well below the critical micellization concentration, cmc, of this surfactant. The free surfactant concentration at this point is still lower, about 3 x 10~7 mol/kg. A surprising finding is that the onset of binding is independent on the degree of ionization, a, of the acid. On the contrary, the plateau region which is reached for ß values below 1 depends considerably on a. In this range, ß values increase with increasing degree of ionization. Above the plateau, at free surfactant concentrations higher than 5 x 10"4 mol/kg, ß again increases sharply and even reaches values higher than 1. This has been attributed to the formation of the second layer of bound surfactant. 1 Dedicated to the memory of Professor Jože Šiftar 270 INTRODUCTION A striking feature of polymer/ surfactant systems is their mutual complexation in dilute aqueous solutions. The case of polyelectrolyte/ionic surfactant pairs in which the polyion and surfactant ion carry the opposite charge is of special interest. The association in this case is especially strong and usually starts at surfactant concentrations well below the critical micellization concentration, cmc. A convenient way to characterize various polyion/surfactant ion systems is in terms of critical aggregation concentration, cac, which is defined as the total surfactant concentration at the onset of cooperative binding [1-5]. Cac can be several orders of magnitude lower than the cmc depending on the nature of the polyion and surfactant ion. The lowest cac values have been obtained for polyelectrolytes with high linear charge density. Another important parameter in describing polyelectrolyte/surfactant interactions is the amount of binding defined as the fraction of charges on the polymer chain that are occupied by surfactant ions [6-10]. The amount of binding and the related parameters are also influenced by various polyion properties. The effect of the linear charge density parameter of the polyion on the above mentioned surfactant binding parameters has been studied thoroughly for different types of polyelectrolytes. The results, obtained by various methods, show that in general the cac values increase with increasing charge density on the polyion [1-5], but are influenced also by the specific nature of the polymer backbone [2,4,10,11]. In addition, there is no simple relationship between the amount of binding and the polyion linear charge density. Kwak et al. [7] have investigated binding of dodecyltrimethylammonium, DTMA+, and tetradecyltrimethylammonium, TTMA+, cations by several synthetic and naturally occurring polyelectrolytes containing carboxylic groups as fixed charges. They have concluded that, although the charge density of the polymer is an important parameter, other factors such as hydrophobic character, flexibility, and detailed local structure of the polymer also strongly influence the binding process. To isolate the effect of the charge density from the effect of the chemical structure we have decided to investigate the binding of a cationic surfactant, cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC), to 271 polyacrylate anion (P A"). Poly(acrylic acid), HP A, is a flexible relatively hydrophilic polyelectrolyte for which the charge density can be varied by changing the degree of ionization, a, of the acid. The degree of ionization, a, appears in the linear charge density parameter, A, in the following way [12] 47tL0LkTb v ' Here e0 is the protonic charge, e0 and e are the permitivity of vacuum and the dielectric constant of solvent, k is the Boltzmann constant, and b/a is the linear charge spacing between two adjacent charges on the polyacrylic chain. Obviously, the latter depends on the degree of ionization. The structural value of b/a is in the case of the fully ionized sodium salt of polyacrylic acid (NaPA, a = 1.0) equal to 0.252 nm [12] and gives the value 2.83 for A, in aqueous solutions at 25 °C. Parameter A, can thus be varied by changing a. The aspects of the influence of polyion charge density were studying by Hansson and Almgren [4] for binding of DTMA+ to sodium (carboxymethyl)cellulose, NaCMC, with various degrees of carboxymethylation resulting in different linear charge densities of the polyion. They have found that cac and cooperativity increase with increasing charge density of the polyelectrolyte. We wanted to compare their results with findings in CP7PA~ system. One of the fundamental and necessary methods to study interactions between polyelectrolytes and surfactants is the determination and analysis of surfactant binding isotherms. They can be obtained by various experimental procedures such as potentiometry or equilibrium dialysis. Potentiometrie method is among the most sensitive ones and has been used very successfully in the past decades [6-10]. It is based on the use of surfactant ion-selective electrodes, which make it possible to determine the amount of free surfactant in a polymer/surfactant solution and thereby the binding isotherm. We have constructed a membrane electrode selective to CP+ ions in order to study the binding of this surfactant cation to PA" anion at various degrees of ionization. 272 EXPERIMENTAL SECTION Materials As a starting material poly(acrylic acid), HP A (K & K Laboratories, Inc., Plainview, N. Y.) with a molecular weight around 10 000 g/mol was used. Prior to use, an aqueous solution of the acid was exhaustively dialyzed against water [12]. The concentration of the stock solution of HPA was determined by Potentiometrie titration with a standard NaOH solution. From the acid, the sodium salt, NaPA, was prepared by adding to the acid a corresponding amount of NaOH. By mixing HPA and NaPA stock solutions of known concentrations, the solutions of polyacrylate anion, (H,Na)PA, with various degrees of ionization (a= 0.0, 0.27, 0.53, 0.76, and 1.0) were obtained. For the study of binding, a constant concentration of PA", equal to mp = 5 x 10~4 monomol/kg, was used in all experiments. The surfactant, N-cetylpyridinium chloride, CPC (Kemika, Zagreb), was thoroughly purified by repeated recrystallization from acetone and vacuum dried at 50 °C. Surfactant stock solutions, either in pure water or in aqueous poly electrolyte solutions, were prepared by weight from dried substances. The triple distilled water was used in all experiments. Emf-Binding Studies PVC-membrane electrode selective to CP+ surfactant cation was constructed as described in the literature [6]. The binding isotherms were determined in aqueous solutions without added simple electrolyte at 25 °C. The membrane electrode potential was determined relative to the standard calomel electrode. The emf was measured with an ISKRA pH meter MA 5740. First, the calibration curve presenting the dependence of the emf on the surfactant concentration in the absence of PA" was recorded. Afterwards, the binding isotherms were determined in the presence of constant polyelectrolyte concentration for various a values. The titration technique was used to vary the surfactant concentration in a wide range from slightly below 1 x 10~6 mol/kg to about 2 x 10~3 mol/kg. The upper concentration is already above the cmc value for CPC in water. 273 The reported cmc values in the literature range from 5.8 x 10"4 mol/kg at 25 °C to 7.0 x 10"4mol/kgat30°C[8]. RESULTS AND DISCCUSION Potentiometrie measurements are shown in Figure 1. The calibration curve obtained in the absence of polyacrylate is a straight line in a wide concentration range from nearly 1 x 10"6 mol/kg to the cmc. The slope of the line equals 56 mV/decade which is somewhat lower than the theoretical value 59.1 mV/decade. However, the 150 —¦—a = 0.0 —D— a = 0.27 —A— a = 0.53 —A— a = 0.76 100 —O— a = 1.0 > 50 Am J ri /77 S Ti LU jS 0 •S •/ -50 ............... m f .................. 1E-7 1E-6 1E-5 1E-4 log m t 1E-3 Figure 1. Response of the CP+ electrode to changes in CPC concentration in aqueous solutions without added simple electrolyte at 25 °C: (•) calibration curve in solutions without added PA~ (mv = 0) and (¦, D, ^, A, O) Potentiometrie curves in solutions with added PA~ (mp = 5x10 m) at various degrees of ionization, a (values for a are given in the picture); Ams is the amount of CP+ bound by polyelectrolyte and mi is the corresponding equilibrium concentration of free CP+ cations. 274 reproducibility of the calibration is very good. The observed Potentiometrie curves in the presence of PA" at various a values deviate from the calibration line due to the binding of surfactant by polyelectrolyte as indicated in Figure 1. Here, Ams represents the amount of CP+ bound to PA". From this, the amount of binding, /3, was calculated from expression [6] AmS mSt - mSf ß =----- = —------- (2) mp mp where mi and ms are the total and the free surfactant concentrations, respectively, expressed in mol/kg, and mp is the constant polyion concentration in monomol/kg. The resulting binding isotherms, i.e., plots of the amount of binding ß vs. log msf, are presented in Figures 2(a) and 2(b). They have a typical sigmoidal shape associated with the cooperative character of binding of surfactants to polymers. The initial steep rise of ß is observed at approximately the same free surfactant concentration (~3 x 10"7 mol/kg) irrespective of the degree of ionization of the polyacid. The influence of a on the amount of binding ß is seen later in the part of the isotherms where ß already reaches the relatively constant plateau value. Here, ß depends strongly on a. The first finding is somewhat surprising. In NaCMC solutions [4] with different linear charge density parameters, X (ranging from 0.8 to 3.0), the onset of binding of DTMA+ was found to shift towards lower free surfactant concentrations with increasing X. At the same time, the initial slope of the binding isotherm, which is a measure of the extent of cooperativity, increased with increasing X. On the contrary, the amount of binding in the plateau region where ß levels off showed no regular dependence on charge density in the system NaCMC/DTMA+. For binding of CP+ to PA" (cf. Figure 2(b)), the slope of the cooperative part of the isotherms also increases with increasing X (which parallels a). However, the onset of binding seems to be independent on X. At present, it is difficult to explain these differences but they could be ascribed to a less flexible character of NaCMC in comparison with NaPA. Also, the surfactant head group in our study is different than in reference [4]. 275 3.0 2.5 - 2.0 - 1.5 - 1.0 - 0.5 - 0.0 (a) 1E-7 1.0 0.8 - 0.6 - 0.4 - 0.2 - 0.0 1E-7 -¦—