'he Oldest Slovene Daily in Ohio Bsst Advertising Medium ENAKOPRAVNOST EQUALITY NEODVISEN DNEVNIK ZA SLOVENSKE DELAVCE V AMERIKI Najstarejši slovenski dnevnik v Ohio Oglasi v tem listu so uspešni %JME XXII. — LETO XXII. CLEVELAND, OHIO, SATURDAY, (SOBOTA) SEPTEMBER 2, 1939. ŠTEVILKA (NUMBER) 205 SOVJETSKA RUSIJA DELUJE ZA "Mir Jz Moskve, iz prestolnice "demokracije dvajsetega Francoska armada odločilni činitelj v mednarod. položaju 0'e^a''_> prihajajo važne in značilne vesti. Pregled 15-dnevne poti do vojne je e^kemu, svobodnemu zakonodajnemu telesu, ru-lu Parlamentu ali supremnemu sovjetskemu koncilu, ^ Sarno Petnajst minut za potrditev pakta nenapa-||;Z Nemčijo. Glasovanje je bilo soglasno. 0l>0čila, da je na potu v Berlin sovjetska vojaška %ja: f0 ojačila in potrdila vtis, katerega si prizadeva v^f nernško časopisje, da utegne namreč ta pakt do-V0iaške zveze, na katere podlagi nameravata Hitler je storil dvoje nepopravljivih napak.—Francoska armada je na višku svoje moči. vln Rusija razkosati Poljsko. ^ Vorošilov, vojni komisar, je naznanil raz-ie, Je 1{0nskripcije pod novim zakonom sovjetske arma-' .aradi česar se bo povečala sovjetska armada za mož,; hkratu pa je oznanil, da je preklicana pro-i'ojni ^ Verskem naziranju, na podlagi katere so bili . Rezanci, katerih versko naziranje se ni strinjalo 0 službo, izvzeti od službe v armadi. Pod VOIHA .. , Pepelom tleči ogenj se je sprostil ter v silnem ii| do neba. Ž njim vred so zleteli v zrak drobci ^ starih varnosti, starih upanj in zaupanj. . . 0niunističnih doktrin so se razleteli v prah, — e a Propaganda se ruši v svojih temeljih, upanja in Mri^^tega, poštenega ljudstva so se razblinile v vaški zvon klenka k pogrebu Tretje Internaciona-."asi teorije, da je nacizem obrambni zid komu-^ obratno: da je komunizem nezavzetna bariera U'Uvidevajo danes svojo usodepolno zmoto. 'Ju Jfih % # % k Si re m r g|. . *^vvaju uaiies ovuju uouucpumu ^in^uw. strašnega umetnega ognja, čigar iski^ ... isV2ai'eva^0 P0d iwljskim nebom in padajo nazaj zemljo, je pretresljiv in grozen. Ob njem pa ''ing svojih duš pretreseni narodi in gledajo Pisk % glob "Tiigv u svojih cius pretreseni naruui m gieuajL 5stega\ ^ista-Čarodeja, ki z zamahom svojega klju-Mecji vl^a izpreminja cvetoči svet v pogorišče in kup i^j^zvalim . ___ KaJ BO UKRENILA ITALIJA? - '^k (]a tokovnjaki še vedno , r* bo ^qj.,0 0_stala. Italija nev-% ftr 0 gotovo, da čim bo J.mci Prve znake šib-|0citev \ee' Mussolini delati a je J, ^emčije. Turška ' ^ bo eS angleško vla-% -tala Turčija nev- Kil"0!.0 ioni iija. v/l^ska 1° namerava igra-^ Ur s'ja, v tem se »Pozna, o nji velja Vojaški in dr- Itali dokler bo W. 0 JE BINGO, pravi governer ! M' 8overtlr,D- Dicki označba, ki jo rabimo za take primere v jeziku Amerike: — double - crossing: ali dvorezna izdaja. Komaj je namreč Sovjetska Rusija podpisala pakt z Nemčijo, je priporočila Turčiji, svoji stari prijateljici, naj na vsak način ostane zvesta svoji zvezi z Anglijo. Preko vseh dvomov je namreč ugotovljeno, da preden je Turčija pokazala pretekli teden vrata nemškemu posredovalcu von Papenu, se je posvetovala z ruskim poslanikom. 31. avgu- Zhl^Je %iiv, 50 Igre. IH nje' ki je prepo- vedano tako po državnih kakor po lokalnih zakonih," je rekel governer. , Dalje je dejal, da dobi mladina potom teh iger pohlep po gemblanju, kjer gre za visoke vsote, in sicer mnogokrat v kriminalnih razmerah. ostane , NEV- l Seja , NA ' Članice društva št. 18 Slov. ^ob 0N' 1- septem-1 ženske zveze, se opozarja, da se LONDON, 1. septembra. — | Francoska armada je danes od-ločilni faktor v mednarodni situaciji. Francija ima danes tri i milijone popolnoma oboroženih ' mož, pripravljenih, da vsak hip padejo na Nemce. V sedanji krizi je storil Hit- I ler, ki je znal doslej vedno spretno izkoristiti situacijo, dvoje nepopravljivih napak. Prva je bila, da ni udaril na demokracije v trenutku, ko je bil objavljen rusko - nemški pakt, ko je vladalo v Berlinu in Parizu veliko razburjenje, druga, še večja od prve, pa je bila ta, da je s popolnoma mobilizirano Nemčijo pustil, da je preteklo polnih osem dni, v katerem času je Francija mirno in zložno, kakor da gre za vojaške vaje, mobilizirala vse svoje vojne sile. Francozje so hvaležni Hitlerju za teh dragocenih osem dni, kajti zdaj je jasno, da Nemci ne bodo mogli udariti na Poljake, ne da bi istočasno sprostili proti sebi ogromnih francoskih vojaških mas. Pričelo se je! Ho^.^ennan, posla- gotovo udeležijo prihodnje me- I- •'yllcx * '-•'.ij ro pošti v Clevelandu, v Kanadi In Merici za celo leto.................$6.00 a 6 mesecev....................$3.25; za 3 mesece......................$2.00 rla Zedlnjene države za celo leto ........................................$4.50 « 8 mesecev....................$2.50; za 3 mesece......................$150 Za Evropo, Južno Ameriko In druge Inozemske države: ■a celo leto.......................$8.00 za 6 mesecev....................$4.00; Entered as Second Class Matter April 26th, 2t)18 at the Post Office at Cleveland, Ohio, under the Act of Congress of March 3rd, 1878. POLOŽAJ ITALIJE V VOJNI UREDNIKOVA POSTA OBISK V INDIANI Zadnjo nedeljo sva obiskala na Shickeyville, Ind., starše od Pauline Prudich in družino Fr. Mahnich. Frank je precej naprednega mišljenja in je tudi tajnik društva SSPZ. Obiskala sva tudi družino Frank Fik in njegovega brata Johna, ker so I zaposleni v premogovnikih, ki bolj slabo delajo. I Eni so zaprti, in druge pa . , , . t , ^ - podirajo, tako da ni nič dobre- Mnenje vseh vojaških strokovnjakov je, da ce iz- ^ ^ia v tisti okolici. bruhne evropska vojna, bo Italija pozoiišče pivih velikih Mahničeva in Kikova dekleta ■bitk, ko bodo francosko-angleške armade udarile skozi znajo dobro igrati baseball in gorske prelaze preko Alp proti osrčju industrijske Italije. To mnenje temelji na četverih pogojih: ITALIJA ne bo ostala nevtralna, temveč se bo udeležila boja ob strani Nemčije. ^____^ ____ ______^ NEMŠKA Siegfriedova črta in Francoska Magino- ^ah, ker se preganjajo tova črta bosta na zapadni fronti skoraj leto dni ali pa le več druga drugi kljubovali, in tam ne bo razen manjših prask nobenih večjih bojev. NEMČIJA, boječa se obsodbe sveta, ako se ne bo j ozirala na pravice malih narodov, ne bo vdrla v Francijo ckozi Belgijo ali Holandsko. očrtati sliko svojega življenja, POLJSKI odpor bo zahteval najmanj pol leta ali še toda ne pod nabuhlim naslo-dalje vso pozornost najmanj polovice nemške armade. vom "Beg iz tujske legije" — kolikor je naporno in za Slovenca ali Slovana sploh dostoj- organizacijo, katera bi se mogla združiti in te stare organizer ji pomesti ven in nove izvoliti v ta odbor. Mr. Green je staro kopito in Lewis ta drugi in tretje pa Progressive Miners of America, ker j se bodo mogli reorganizirati in j te stare lisjake povrniti v pokoj j v staro šaro. pravijo, da bodo prišla v Cleve land pogledat, kako igrajo tu. Delavci v Ferre Haute, Ind. se tudi pritožijo, da je A. F. of L. 1 precej kriva v današnjih razme- CIO iste naloge: osvajati, zavojeva-ti, urejati, vzdržati red, pripravljati in čuvati neizmerne prostore za naseljence, ustvarjati ceste, vodnjake, kanalizacijo, naselja. Da je za poedincg. to utrudljivo, razumeš. A za celoto, za četo to ni nič. dobljena. — Maršal Mac-Mahon v Italiji 1859. Vojaki legije, vaš prapor ni dovolj velik, nima zadosti gub, da bi mogel naznačiti vse naslove vaših odlik. — General Deligny, Mehika 1863. Legija more čisto sama opraviti delo cele divizije. — General Peyta vin, Francija 1870. Vi ostali legionarji ste vojaki, da umirate. Pošiljam vas tja, koder smrt kosi. — General De Negrier, Tonkin 1884. Tu je legija, oddelek, na katerega morete računati v slednjih okoliščinah. Brez njega nikakor AFL ima 3,320,000 članov in j ne bi mogel dobro končati od-CIO ima 3,420,000 in Progres-! prave v Dahomey. — General sive pa 45,000, kaj bi ne bilo Dodds, Dahomey 1892. lepo, če se združijo ? Potrebujem 600 mož tujske So me tudi vprašali c štrajku j legije, ki bodo zmožni, da v da-v Clevelandu, sem jim povedal' nem trenutku umro, če tako nakar so štrajkarji dobili v svoje \ nese. — General Gallieni, Mada- kazen. Drugi pa hajdi v Co- Kil Fu Kmalu po koncu 5 ?< roke , so vse preobrnili kar so gaskar 1896. dobili. j Ves čas mojega poveljevanja John Prudich v južnem Oranu in Maroku je ____bila Legija moja najljubša četa! ,v . . _ _ — Maršal Lyautey, Južni Oran, Slovenec pise zgodovino tujske legije 1900 oe Z njimi moramo biti v ognju, " , potem spoznamo, da je to krde- Marsikomu klone glava od neznanske zmešnjave na prsi. Kruti so zakoni, osobito v minulosti — toda docela neznani za legio-narja, ki je na svojem mestu. Mladega legionarja seveda ne moremo obsoditi, namreč moralno, če je utekel. To je edina prigoda legionarju, ki nima stalnosti. Ako se mu je beg posrečil, se je le enemu od sto. Drugi hitro sami pridejo nazaj — sestradani, žejni, trudni na smrt. j v neko knjigarno rri- # Nekatere pa oblasti kmalu pri-1 in zahtevala Binding«^ , , mejo. Prve doleti neobčutna I z besedami: "Prosim ^ k go R. C. Bindinga. Krepost je legenda SKRII ti 6 vojne je izšla v tisku R. C. Bindinga "Krep1 genda". Čuti ljudi so bili tako hudo zmedeni, da M' ir Sidi Bel Abbes, 4. avg. 1939 Nameravam po petih letih Njihova preteklost — grehi, i lo, s katerim moremo tvegati Mar naj Francijo skrbi to, kar 1 vse. — Maršal Lyautey, Maroko je bilo, ko pa so svojo zablodo, 1907-18. oprali na polju slave, sami sebe vodili v zmago nad seboj, v gotovo smrt za ugled francoske zastave, v kateri imajo ves svoj "Pod temi pogoji je lahko umevno, zakaj se bo po zorišče vojne premestilo v severno Italijo, je dejal neki i no uj^ odtod, pa naj še toliko i "moral." Prošlost je zbrisana, visoki častnik. "To je industrijski okraj Italije. Z vdorom j trpi. Prej kaže premisliti, si biti v to pokrajino in z razbitjem tamošnjih industrij, bi mo- I na jasnem o svoji volji in svo-rala zaprositi Italija za pomoč Nemčijo, ki pa že santa ni i jem podpisu. Naši bratje Srbi preobilno založena z vojnimi potrebščinami." IP-ikladno pravijo: Na muci se ^ i pozna ju junaci. Nasvetovano italijansko-nemško invazijo južne Fran- ^ ... ... i, s- , • 1 Ti - 1 v . v , TV , Za 17-letne fante pa to ziv- cije je z vso odločnostjo obsodil izkušeni maršal Pietro vobče ni poudar. Badoglio, prvi vojak Italije. Ozemlje, preko katerega bi bil udarec Italije na jam, telesno ni tukaj težko in vse sem izdržal s stisnjenimi ...... „ zobmi. Pač pa je druga stvar, Francijo kaj nskantno m nevarno podvzetje, favorizira ^ ^ ne toliko domo- Francoze. Gorski prelazi preko Alp na Mont Cemsu m j tožje kolikor zavest, da bi dana Mont Genevre se zožujejo, ko se bližajo francoskemu j nes mogel bolje koristiti Do-ozemlju. movini. S svoje strani motrim Legijo popolnoma drugače. To stališče je pravo. Zato mi postaja čedalje lažje, da gledam naprej na nemoteno odslužitev obveznosti, ki sem si jo naložil pred 20 meseci. In tako si mirno govorim: Še 3 leta in 4 mesece me loči od obljubljene dežele. S po- Mene je vedno nad vse zanimal vzrok, zakaj je Legija obstala kot samostojno telo nad 100 let, ko je vendar sestavljena iz tako različnih življev, nabranih iz vseh držav, o katerih "Z dovoljnim številom topništva je mogoče Francozom celo večnost uspešno braniti te prelaze," je izjavil neki vojaški strokovnjak. Glede prelazov, ki se iztekajo v Italijo, pa je baš obratno. Tukaj se ti prelazi na rodovitnih nižinah Italije razširijo ter izteko v neštetih cestah proti kadečim se tovarnam in rodovitnim ravninam, po katerih bi šel po- " hod napadalnih vojska naglo izpod rok, kakor sta doka- j trpljenjem se mažem. zala že Hanibal in Napoleon. Je pa še druga možnost napada, ki bi bil še nevarnejši za državi osišča. Popolnoma možno je namreč, da bi Francozi marširali preko Italije, zavili nato proti severu ter udarili na Avstrijo. Tak manever bi pritegnil mnogo nemških divizij s poljske fronte in s Siegfriedove ! gre glag> da ne p0znaj0 nobe-črte, ker bi bile te divizije potrebne za obrambo Avstrije. ; ne svetinje več, da nimajo no-Vojaški strokovnjaki priznavajo, da tvori uspešna ; bene časti, nikakega spoštova-pomoč Poljski silno težavno vprašanje, zlasti ker so Nem- I nja pred veljavo posameznikov ci predvsem odločeni, da starejo Poljsko. j mtl pred obtesijo: kako se mo- Edina uspešna pomoč, ki jo morejo nuditi Angleži | ^d° prav,"" in Francozi Poljakom, je intenzivno bonibaidnanje mu- mesnici rečeno, najvidnejša nicijskih skladišč, železniških križišč in komunikacijskih | raesto v zgodovini francoskega črt v Nemčiji, ki bi jih bombardirali angleški in francoski j orožja. Saj polki te legije, njih bombniki i zastave, nosijo najvišja vojna . i odlikovanja! To je vsekakor Mnenja, kako dolgo bi se mogla Poljska upirati : čudno, ko se iz nezanesljivih Nemčiji, so deljena. Nekateri pravijo, da bodo Nemci i sestavin ustvari četa, ki je zna-srečni, ako dobe v letu dni kontrolo nad Poljsko, dočim j la vselej zmagati ali poginiti. ^ so drugi naziranja, da bi Nemci že tja do božiča štrli i samo ne odstopiti. Četa, ki se je 0 v i V-^vmIo r\r\ nolinu h _ A fnkfl Ljudje brez ognjišča, brez svojih dragih, brez svoje stare domovine, brez strahu: ne boje se ničesar, ne boje se nikogar. So se mar prodali? Da bi se človek prodal za peščico frankov, za skledo leče — potem pa zato še bolj trpel, se pokoril neizprosni disciplini, prenašal žejo, peklensko sonce, saharski pesek, maroške prepade, smrtonosno podnebje v Tonkinu in močvirsko mrzlico na Madagaskarju! Kaj je te ljudi prignal sem strah pred sodnikom, morebitni zločin, storjen nekje po nepremišljenosti, ko je tu vendar hujše nego v ječi? Saj je kot vojak-legionar pač , samo za to, da iz-dahne v danem trenutku. Umreti seveda moraš, a po vrhu te divjaki nemilostljivo razmrcvari jo. Pustolovci? Prenapeti romantiki? Kolikor je njih prišlo, so se že prve ure po podpisu zaveze prepričali, da tu ne gre , za srečolovstvo ali pa za ro- poljski odpor. Prav malo vojaških strokovnjakov je mnenja, da bi bila glavna naloga Nemcev bombardiranje Londona. Nad ravno, prazno deželo, kjer bi imele poljske armade neomejeno svobodo gibanja, bi potrebovali Nemci vse svoje bombnike, ki jih imajo na razpolago. ♦ * ♦ Mussolini se — popolnoma upravičeno — bolj kakor katerikoli drugi državni glavar boji vojne. Italija je uboga dežela, kar ni nobena tajnost. Cena gasolinu je poskočila pretekli teden na 95c za galon. Kave, ki stane funt nad dolar, sploh ni. Italija si želi miru, ker je uboga in ker jo je do smrti--strah. Ona ve, da nima v tej vojni ničesar dobiti, izgubi pa lahko vse. Italijansko ljudstvo je proti vojni v splošnem, proti vojni ob strani Nem čije, katero mrzijo, pa še posebej. Italijani imajo svojih lastnih križev in težav na pretek, ne da bi si nakopavali borila po celinah — Afrika, Azija, Evropa, Amerika inozemca in njegov sijaj: za Kje Vi se ne ustavite v svojih uspehih, kakor ne bom jaz nehal zahtevati za vas novih nagrad. Vaša zastava bo, če treba, Oficir komander Častne legije. — Maršal Petain, Francija 1917. Bataljon Legije je v vseh bojih neprenehoma dajal dokaze največjih junaštev, hladnokrvnosti in zanesljivosti, ki so skozi dolga leta čast stare Legije. — General Boillard, Solunska fronta 1915. Po svoji legendarni, kvalificirani pripravljenosti, po svoji po-gumnosti, požrtvovanju ostane Legija najboljša četa, s katero se lahko razpolaga. Njeni bataljoni, spretni v napadu nič manj nego v obrambi, jačajo občudovanje vseh onih, ki so jih gledali v ognju. — Uradno poročilo 3. vojne divizije v Maroku 1926-33. 4. eskadron I. tujskega konjeniškega polka je stvoril legende, ki se lahko merijo z najslavnejšimi podvigi staroveških vojn. — General Billotte, Anam 1930. Orisati vsa "bojstva" in ju- lomb Bechar! * * Nemara je v Ljubljani že tekel film o defileju 14. julija v Parizu, kjer je prvič po svetovnem krvavem obračunu bila Legija sprejeta z največjim navdušenjem. Pred tednom so se vrnili z zmagovitega pohoda, vsi srečni in zadovoljni. Kako naglo so pozabili vse težave! Mi drugi pa smo od zavisti kar pihali. Ali čim smo videli na platnu, kako so nas predstavili Pa-rižanom, smo jim najiskreneje ploskali, brž ko so se povrnili. Komaj so bili razpuščeni, smo jih obsipali z vprašanji, da se niso utegnili niti razkomotati. Najbolj smo se nasmejali četverici strojničarjev (mitralje-zov), ki so prekoračili kosaren-ski zid, a stražar — francoski vojak — jim je ramo nastavil, da so mogli po razbojniško preko. Nato smo se pomešali med množico. Dekleta so jim trgala gumbe, ki nosijo napis Legion Lorda Nelsona, an' pomorskega junaka, j®11 či zbudil stražni časteh sporočil, da je nastal v bližini skladišča za požar. Strelivo bi se lo in pognalo vso 'To bova kmalu vl ^ odgovoril Nelson miru0 začel počasi oblačiti- K0 pil na palubo, mu Je častnik olajšano nap jal: "Ogenj so že ^ Ni vam treba biti več v Lord Nelson ga je gledal in odvrnil: "Strahu ste rekli ? ta občutek! Doslej " dar samo kazali, kaks6" osf deti človek v strahu i" 'Gospod doktojv- ol je stiSr ''1 j jI Si 'S o Zena: izvedel, da je zadel dobitek, se mu je ztn& selja ..." Zdravnik: "Pomiri a, Etrangere. Trgale so jim z ze spa, to veselje ga bo ^ ' nilo, kajti vsaka isočal^ ^ tacija stane cel tisočak mantiko. Romantika je za turi- naštva bi pomenilo sestaviti de-sta s polnim žepom vsemi j lo, ki bi obsegalo debele knji-pritiklinami, ki jih je treba za ge uživanje afriških mikavnostiJn milin ali za lov na dogodivščine. Vse to pa ni za legionarja, posebno ne za mladega junaka, za katerega legija ni otroški vrtec. * * Naj vam nanizam izreke najvišjih poveljnikov, ki so smatrali legijo za valjar, za poslednji udarec v bitkah celega stoletja. Zmaga, kdo ve bolje od vas, legionarji, kaj je to — zmaga. — Maršal Franchet d'Esperay 1931. Ti edinstveni vojaki so nosili po vseh afriških bojiščih svoj najlepši legionarski polet; oni tiči duhovna vzmet te čete? I so bili najbolj slavi jeni od vseh Vsaka vojska, slednja organiza-1 zmagovalcev našega velikega o Poznam početja legionarjev skozi stoletje, poznam sedanja podjetja — nič manj nevarna tam po Sahari, Maroku, Siriji in Tonkinu. Na strani moram pustiti vse neznatne, četudi neprijetne vsakdanje zadevice, ki so popolnoma brezpomembne. Dati moram priznanje, čeprav skromno. Odločil sem se, da po svojih močeh pripravim zgodo vino Legije od začetka do danes in sicer po virih, ki so mi na razpolago. Kar se čita o reči. čeprav v zgoščenem vojaškem slogu, požene človeku navzlic vročini mrzel pot po koži; mravljinci-mi gomaze po polti in nehote se vprašujem: Kako so le to zmogli! Prave knjige sploh ni mogo- lenordečih naramnikov (epolet) rdeče resice, ki padajo po ramah: za spomin. Pri tem so se našli s filmsko zvezdo Marleno Dietrichovo, ki je vsaj enkrat naletela na pristne legionarje, a ne samo kulisne kulije. Poslala jim je svoje fotografije od sladčic in čokolade: kapetan jih je za prestopek malo zaprl. Stevo M. iz Požarevca pa mi pripoveduje: "Ko sem se sprehajal 14. VII. popoldne in zve- hladilne pijače, ali z!l 'L čer, me je nad 50 Nemcev vpra-1 najgroznejše draženj6 '01 N mo brati, povsod p|se'( ^ non potable, dangereU86' jezikih, pa se je mo1" . sih le nalokati. Ali p0 ,ti bacili m prejoj: ------- trebuhu, trajno zased3 , C. Legijo koines in le Sicer točijo dolič'10 šalo: Govorite li nemški? Jaz pa muke. Opoldansko k8 jcOr 8e iv kratko in malo le francoski. Ako tega ne razumete, pa srbski!" no vino se pri jedi ka Po siesti čaša vrele^^ mete, grenkega, protl ^ leže za uro. Potem P". y va išče: piti, piti, P'^ gf se "žabjega sirupa" ; — in togotno se zave skega pregovora: kdor li, mu po črevih krul1. ir bi Ž !ls ot Nabralo se je toliko zgodbic, da fantje še povedati ne morejo. Pisem dobivajo od Parižank cele kopice, mnogi tudi — denar! Vrag, pa razumi legijo. Seveda služba zopet teče ko poprej in polahkc^se vsi "Pariža-ni" vračajo iz seinskih sanj v vsakdanjo hrapavost. Mene so zdaj doletele nekake j previdnež dobi tifu5' počitnice. Sicer sem jih res za-; domislim naših ki6"1 služil. Nič ne delam. Samo ne- cev, kadar sreblje# koliko predavam o strojnicah in | afriško stokavo. toplču 37 mm za novince, žulji | Temu scm p,» na dlaneh so izginili. Sedaj sem To so nevšečne našega obstanka. Ma'e ' id11 utegnejo postati iis0 cija mora vendar imeti svoje nravstvo, vir sile in čut za čast. Vprašal sem se: Odkod neki ta neomajna nravnost, ta železna odločnost oseb, ki jih je po večini družba zavrgla in ki so med seboj zmeraj samo neznanci? Oseb iz vseh narodov, ki se v Evropi tolikanj tarejo med seboj — a so brez razlike ravno sinovi teh sovražnih si nacij v enem in istem kroju, spe v istih sobah, jedo isti kruh. služijo pod istim praporom, bojevali so se če napisati, pač pa le pregled svajanja. — Polkovnik De Ville-1 najmikavnejših bojev in tehnič-bois-Mareuil, 1890, Alžir. i nih pripomočkov. V ta namen Francoska tujska legija ču-, že precej časa zbiram podatke do vita trupa. — General Cor-; jn upam, da uspem v svoji dova, vrhovni poveljnik španske I nakani. Kolikor mogoče jasno in vojske 1836 (ko je legija obsto- j nepristransko hočem odkriti jala. komaj 57 let). skrivnost, ki se vleče že preko Na srečo, služite za primer j stoletja skozi bitek in žitek Iju-ostalim, legionarji. — Maršal i d i brez imena, ki so poznali Canrobert, Krim, 1854. j zgolj eno voljo, zgolj eno ge- Ko smo videli, kako se vaše slo: Pour la France (za Fran-"velike suknje" vzpenjajo in za- cijo). Zadeva je od sile dolga, vzemajo naše okope, ne da bi sv obrazložim jo v tej knjigi, zmenili za naše streljanje, smo Hočeš li razumeti Legijo in pobegnili. — Ujeti poglavar Ka- njena dejanja, moraš iti kar dva za isto stvar, kakor dandanes ^ še druge težave na grbo. Zato tak mrtvaški molk in zato 1 delajo za istega gospodarja bi lov po predaji 1858. i tisoč let nazaj, v dobo rimskih tako pomanjkanje vsakega navdušenja v Italiji za vojno, jnjegovi prvi pionirji. Legija je v Magenti, stvar je,legij. Saj francoska legija ima že "stari" in me puste pri miru. Meni se to prileže in sem kar zadovoljen. Vročina je muhasta, do 40 C v senci. Vrta v oči. človek je venomer moker ali vlažen. V o-poldanski pripeki imam občutek, kakor da me nevidna roka gladi z razbeljenim likalnikom po licu. Ob tej žgalini nam pri-tiče "siesta," tri ure za počitek. A zaspati ne moreš. Človek tako rekoč plava v znoju. Popoči pa pritisnejo stenice — z njimi smo večno v besnem vojnem stanju. Desinsekcija: desinfekci-ja sob, bencin, petrolej. Nobena reč ne zaleže. Pokončati jih ni mogoče. Vojašnica je sto let stara. Temu pismu sem vhod v vojašnico Legije. Tu sem stanOv^ in neštetokrat stal na kor tale legionar. L/ vidita spomenik in stebrovju so napisi. 1 ^ lin dežel, koder so se vrS"V; o n v Med njimi se blesti ^ j nom — Serbie, nato Somme... 0 Lepe pozdrave poS SMRT SINA AVTOM0,^ GA INDUSTR1 ^ Jean Bugatti, sin z'' , tomobilskega, industry tija v Parizu se je ^ nesrečil o priliki V06 Voda, ta nas gonobi! Dobro | nje z nekim novim vemo. da ni prvovrstna, da je j letel se je v drevo, celo kvarna, nevarna. Saj zna-' ogniti kolesarju. KO1 iti j] it) et k A M Di m ^ septembra, 1939. ENAKOPRAVNOST STRAN 3 ^""»ioaoaec | VERIDICUS >SB8#S8Sssss8S8SS36SS3t3SSSi6JtssjC8K5S3sss3issss3SSSS8sssssss6JS36S6SSSJSS8^| ker v hipu se je zavedel, da je z roko močno zadel ob gorko in trdo meso. VERA IN LJUBEZEN GOSPODA SVETLINA Roman po ustnih, pisanih in tiskanih virih it... 83111 Sern mislil," je dejal]niča. Ker smo jo zapodili včasih 'udj J .^avi — na možganih. )aje JS deUe e Toull tbrill over lis superb sandy beach. One Ihousand comfortable, outside rooms at HOTEL BREAKERS. Moderate rates. Excellent meals. All Sports, including Tennis, Boating, Fishing, Golf. Many new attractions. Endless Fan for the entire family for a day, a week-end or entire vacation. • Ideal for Conventions and Organization Outings. • Free parking for 6,000 cars. Garage facilities. Easy to Reach via U. S. Roulo 6, Ohio Ž. Midway between Toledo and Cleveland, in the center of Ohio's Lake Erie Vacalionland. Convenient rail or bus connections at Sandusky- Steamer from Detroit. OPEN JUNE IGth to SEPTEMBER 4lh. Ask for FOLDER. CEDAR POINT-ON LAKE ERIE • SANDUSKY, OHIO -T' -V- Dance nightly in beautiful new Ballroom to such famous Bands as Don Bes tor ... Shep Fields, Russ Morgan and others. ! silj" Sto?* $ y oX kakor ^ si nismo mi Čemu kupujete led, ko lahko ^ Kremzar Furniture sedaj na 6405 SI. (lAIR AVE. v Slovenskem narodnem domu V ZALOGI IMAMO POPOLNO OPREMO ZA DOM Electrolux refrigeratorje, Magic Chef in Grand peči, Maytag, Boss, in Apex pralne stroje. NAŠA PODRUŽNICA JE NA 3063 PEARL AVENUE, LORAIN, OHIO Joseph Kramzar, lastnik živir^ % Je Prekin i ... . kupite dobro ohranjeno, rablje-"no električno ledenico. Za več pojasnila vprašajte na 819 East 185th Street. 1 (6) TA KUPON ze ka- ^ "llca je gre- ^roaa Samo obsede- j trgovina va je, vsa- Naprodaj Proda se poceni grocerijska v Collinwoodski okolici. Lepa prilika za onega, ki se razume na domače prekajeno z ostalimi za tekoči teden, s 49 centi, opravičijo osebo do te skupini kot na sliki. Zamenjate lahko te kupone v našem uradu. Nobenih naročil ne sprejemamo po pošti. = IME il* lU "0(Ji , ^^k^j.^^edi, vsa- 'meso. Sedanji lastnik ima trgo- = Naslov 7 )e vof KO m celo med vino« že 12 let. — Naslov se po- == Mesto ica Pri niaši. i izve v uradu tega lista ali po-ora biti copr-; kličite HEnderson 5311. '5 SPARTANS FAVORED TO BEST LOYALIIES IN 3-GAME FINALS Sunday, September 10, Tentative Date Set for First Tilt. The SSPZ Spartans will enter the 1939 Inter-Lodge League Championship series as favorites to annex the crown by whipping the SNPJ Loyalites in a best out of three games mixup. If the Spartans win, it will be for the first time since their athletic participation in the In-ter-Lodge began quite a few years back. The Loyalites won their last and only title back in Team 1930. The Spartans, being heralded Spartans ...... 12 .300 average. Frank "Doc" Gregorčič and Hank Anslovar are the leading stick swingers for the Collinwooders. Anslovar has quite a reputation as a ball killer and it may be that his mighty bat will prove to be the downfall of the Spartans. At the end of the regular season the standings were as follows : « G.P. G.W. G.L. Pet. as having the best team in the history of the lodge, enter the title battles as favorites because of their excellent record of the current seasop. The Spartans, according to statistics and records, should walk away with the crown. On the other hand, the Loyalites seemed in their last game against the Zumberaks to have snapped back into the same form that made them the terrors of the league at ihe beginning of the season. Much of the Collinwooders' hopes will rest | with their ace hurler. Charles | "Lady" Cetinsky; If Chuck can | deliver for the SNPJ crew the I Spartans will find the going j rather tough. However, the SSPZ men have chased Cetinsky to the showers' twice during the regular season. • The league leading Spartans will depend on nonchalant Ber-nie SChultz to pitch them to the throne. Bernie has a record of eight wins and one loss for the I-L year. In the batting department the Spartans also look the better. Catcher "Pinky" Prebil, league leading batsman, is hitting around the .500 mark. Close behind are three other lads hitting over .400 and then come five more sluggers who are batting better than the .300 average, thus leaving only five men on the squad who are below .300. In the Loyalite camp there are only two boys over the .400 mark and three more over the Loyalites ...... 13 11 7 1 6 .916 .538 The comparative scores for the entire season are as follows: Spartans 7, Utopians 3 Spartans 18, Zumberaks 1 Spartans 9, Comrades 5 ' Spartans 7, Strivers 9 Spartans 5, Ct. Baraga 4 Spartans 4, Lodge 99, 0 Spartans 7, Loyalites 3 Spartans 10, Utopians 6 Spartans 4. Zumberaks 0 Spartans 11. Comrades 3 Spartans 8, Lodge 99, 3 Spartans 9, Loyalites 3 Loyalites 10, Ct. Baraga 3 Loyalites 6, Utopians 2 Loyalites 10, Strivers 5 Loyalites 9, Comrades 3 Loyalites 10. Lodge 99, 2 Loyalites 2, Zumberaks 6 Loyalites 3, Spartans 7 Loyalites 5, Ct. Baraga 7 Loyalites 4, Utopians 9 Loyalites 3, Spartans 9 Loyalites 6, Zumberaks 9 Loyalites 2, Comrades 0 Loyalites won from Lodge 99 on forfeit. I. L. Champs in Previous Years '29—SNPJ Comrades '30—SNPJ Loyalites '31—CFU Pioneers 32—St. Vitus Orels '33—St. Vitus Orels '34—CFU Pioneers '35—St. Vitus Orels '36—CFU Pioneers '37—St. Vitus Orels '38—St. Vitus Orels '39—??? ENAKOPRAVNOST 6231 St. Clair Avenne HEnderson 5311 - 5312 ENGLISH SECTION LOUIS JARTZ, Editor Carries AB Official News at titter-Lodge League # SEPTEMBER 2, 1939. SDZ Olympiad Notes Vatro Grill For Council Social Ah-h-h—at last a candidate THIS WEEK Charlie Koman, the smiling barkeep and first-rate balina player ,is preparing for any __. .. eventuality that may arise from worthy VJWTti: "PUBLIC --He W Should the war come to us here, he will spend his time playing cards at our beautiful granite buildings on 18th street. * Cleveland is going to be a' desolate place over this Labor Day week end. A large body of SSPZ people left last night for Indianapolis, Ind., to attend the SSPZ annual Labor Day athletic meet. The SNPJ folks are SERVANT" has cast his hat into the councilmanic ring. For years, we have had "politicians" controlling the welfare of the 23rd ward, however, now we can all vote for Vatro Grill and rest assured that he will never forget or overlook the problems of his community. As one glances over the list of "would-be councilman," he cannot help but wonder at the auda-icty of some of them. How can a man propose to become a pub- ^ . . ... .. lie servant if he has never or i ^or their big annual athletic Young Women's Club Invites You As the fall season approaches, with its tepid weather, so the club activities season bursts forth. In February of this year about 30 young women organized "The Young Women's Club" which is affiliated with the Slovene Progressive Women of America. Although little has been heard of them these last few months, they have nevertheless been actively engaged in becoming acquainted, making plans for future activi Gays Debs Spofl Initial Dance The Gay Debs are g«J give Collinwood dancers "i , J J J. -x- cpjisč I Di It was ten o'clock last Sunday morning when Max Traven fired the shot that sent Bill Vide, Stanley Antonio, Louis Zgonc, Steve Vogrin, Victor Za-'the best treats of the krajsek and Frank Klemencic their coming Initial from the SDZ offices on the run to Pintar's grove. Bill Vicic of 1238 East 172nd street won the 13% mile marathon for the fourth time. He made the run in 1 hour. 29 minutes and 10 seconds. Only a few minutes later which will be held at the men's Home on Saturda. tember 23rd. They haver' both the upper and lowe for this big affair. ; The popular orches Johnny Pecon and Fran Stanley Antonio, a young lad of ■ kovich have been engal eighteen, came in second and took the prize of $15. Louis Zgonc came in third. Steve Vogrin came in fourth and he was just a little too late. Zakrajsek of SS. Cyril and Methodius came in fifth. Klemencic who furnish contiguous n# dancing. The dance will D 8:30 and will wind UP Adequate refreshment5 so be served. , So chalk down the da j tember 23rd ,and brtifl came in third last year dropped . best pal with you to eft going further west to La Salle own problems and those of the JliClJMlig XWJ in V LI I ^ Ct V- V1 v i - -----------------V--------1-r---T t I Vil J v. ties, and discovering both their j from the race after ten miles, | tremendous treat the w only occasionally offered his services to the community? And I more important—how can a j I community be expected to vote | for such a man? For the last twenty years or j more, Vatro Grill has unceasing-1 ly and willingly spent*his time, energy, and money to make our community one of the best in the city of Cleveland. He has been active in fraternal organizations, dramatic and singing societies, and any other social or cultural group which needed aid. He has locally and nation-j ally been recognized as a fine i editor of the Enakopravnost, 1 first, and now the Napredek, the official organ of the SSPZ. And more than that — Vatro Grill has always been a champion of the common man! He has always fought in his behalf. event. The Game of Balina community. Now that they, are fully groomed and integrated, they are ready for their first personal appearance. One of the chief purposes of the Slovene Progressive Women Bu Phil Sirca is to spread as much social and Practically cultural information as possi-ever since history b}e within the community The has been written, o^er groups have already m-troduced a number of prominent speakers, all of whom have been wholeheartedly accepted man has bowled It may be that bowling originated during the 1by the Public. In keeping with time when man!^ general program, "the in self defense threw a stone at I Young Women s Club invites his enemy, or threw a stone to!* its members, their friends, bring down an animal for his a!1 the members of the various i circles of the Progressive Wom-len, and the general public to at- due to a tightening of his leg, have prepared. The ^ > muscles. 1 to this dance will be The young ladies who parti-1 cents. , ij cipated should not be forgotten. I Watch this paper for Out for the first time in the SDZ j details about this aff3"' Olympics was Julia Kline who iV won the high jump with a 3 foot, 11 inch jump. The much talked about 100 yard dash was 1 won bv Alberta Somrack. The 50 1 Barn Dance There will be a daDc6', wig's Barn tonight an i row night. They are " yard dash was won by her sis- i arrangement by which ter. Ann^ This was because Al- ^aser of a chicken ors' berta didn t show up at the an- !dinner may get free,, ^ ton of coal or $15 in c# pointed time for this dash. In the Junior Softball team I row night. game ,the High Flyers defeated i Be sure to the Orioles, the score was 8-4. lyour fiends to^Ludvi nd come »"'i nP] The Collinwood girls defeated .where there is always8 the girls from St. Clair with a time to be had_ score of 9-5. The speakers at the Olympiad food supply. Authorities differ on the or- i tend its first public lecture. The 'spoke well, both of the Olympi-igin of the ancient game bowls, | topic will be "The National ad and of the organization. Elsie M. Desmond Eight Orchestras For Lokar for Council Hop The lineup for the "Lokar for Council" dance to be held next Thursday, September 7, in the Slovene Workmen's Home, Waterloo road will consist of eight top-notch orchestras who are well known to Slovene dance goers and others thruout Cleveland. The committee in charge of the gigantic free dance has worked earnestly in arranging an evening to be filled with enough music to last the ordinary persons for many months. It will be a lot of fun dancing and listening to the musicians of the orchestras who have consented to play at this gala "Lokar for Council' 'affair. Guests will have the pleasure of meeting Johnny Pecon, Frank Yan-kqvic, Pete Sokach, Lou Trebar, Vic Intihar, Frankie Mullec, Chuck Smith and Ralph Roberts tive newsboys' home and recreation house. The Skippies are coached by Norman Greeney, All-American in 1931 from Notre Dame, and Sam Brooks, a former star in every sport at Hillsdale College, where he made the All-Michi-who will be entertaining at the ! gan Intercollegiate Grid Team, dance with approximately 30' Champion Skippies Practice Right now, the World Bantamweight Football Champions, the Cleveland Skippies, are working out every night of the week at E. 18 th and Superior Field.,You see, they open their schedule on the 10th of September at Thomas Edison Field against the crack Akron Yellow Jackets, a very strong bantam aggregation, hence the reason for the Skippies getting into daily practice. This is the same Skippies team that played for the Cleveland News Toyshop Fund. However ,this year the Skips are sponsored by the Newsboys' Union, and the net proceeds of or bowling. Some hazard the I Youth Administration and how guess that the men and boys of, is benefits our youth." the Stone Age started it by roll-j Little is known of the fnuchas attentively listened to his ing stones at objects, while some tions, purposes, and achieve-troubles, and has given him. definitely place its origin in ments of the N. Y. A., thus we much sane help and advice. Isn't' what is known today as north-this the kind of a man we want | ern Italy. The Helvitii, living in for council ?— A man who has' Caeser's time were said already proven that he is a to have played a game similar public servant," that he has to the present-day Italian game of Bocci. The game of Bocci is known to the Slovenes as the popular game of balinca. worked in the interest of humanity as a whole. Many persons may be inclined to say, "Well how do you know what a man who has never been active in community affairs may do in council, if he is given a chance?" Who know what he may do? He may be excellent, but then again—he may be very poor. Wouldn't our betting odds be poor if we selected such a man, especially when we already know that one of the candidates has proven his interest and sincerity for community work? Let us choose wisely by examining, without prejudice or bias, the past activities and contributions of each candidate in this ward. Such an objective analysis of each man will convince each of us, I am sure, that Vatro Grill is the only logical candidate for the post of councilman for the 23rd ward. On Friday, September 8,1939, Vatro Grill's Campaign Committee has arranged a social to which all his friend#well-wishers, and others interested, are invited. There will be plenty of entertainment for all. Those of each Skippie game this fall will help finance a $20,000 prospec-: you who want to elect a good musicians. The orchestras will alternate and "Jam" as the occasion arises. The committee felt that everyone who cared to see this gathering of musicians should be there Thursday evening, so to accommodate everyone there will be no admission charged and two halls will be available if the crowd is too large. At 'this time Rudy Lokar, popular young candidate of the 32nd Ward who is seeking a council seat in the coming elections will speak to the large assemblage and will give some of his views on the present campaign and other questions of im- Jam Session That genial host out Wil-loughby way, Dominic Kraso-vec, iS passing the word along to everyone interested in a good time on Labor Day to attend the greatest Jitterbug Jam yet held anywhere. Yes sir, a lineup of seven jammin' orchestras thruout the entire day to liven up the atmosphere aroun' Domi-nic'.s Twilight Garden Valley. Pied the Piper will have noth-ting on Johnny Pecon, genial maestro, in lining up a stream of Jitterbugs that will hop, jump, turn somer-saults and do everything but bite. It will be a councilman Vatro Grill at the November election join us at the social on Friday, September 8 at the Slovene National Home Annex. — V. C. The game of Bocci is very popular on the nothern continent today. In practically all of the cities and towns in the States, where colonies of Italians have settled, this pastime is indulged in by most of the older settler. While the younger generation has taken largely to the American game of ten pins. Bocci or Balinca is gaining an enormous amount of popularity in our own city of Cleveland, where many of our Slovene fathers have introduced the younger element to the game. Balinca is played on hard beaten ground, and once in a while, you may see it being played on the greens. The balls are of wood and are capable of withstanding a season of play. The balinca court is usually 70 ft. long and 12 ft. wide. All rules governing the game are made by the players. If you think the game hasn't any thrills, just come around to one of our Homes and try the game once. New Arrival A baby girl was recently born , offer two speakers, who will each discuss her particular duties with this organization. Miss News About Town Elsie M. Desmond Mrs. Chukayne and daughter Thanks for the paM #3 birtl - s# On August the the eve before my b1 was most delightfully- < with a birthday party ^ I want to extend thanks to Misses Chr'5 J shoe. Vida Jackon}'1' y these members of tn .J (l Girls: Fay Berus, Fra k V11 ^_ ivif a. v- liutvctj lit; ciiiu uaugiitci vjii io . ± ci v jjci uo, - j Irene Smith, placement superyi-1 Caroline of 7511 Cornelia ave., I Frances Mehevic, Maupoii Mary Smaltz and u sor for the girls, will discuss the recently returned from a three various methods employed in' week vacation in Gilbert, Min-placing a girl on a particular' nesota. Josephine Chukayne job. Miss Rebecca Hellerstein, spent a few days in Johnstown, supervisor of correlated train-, pa _ visiting the Bukovec farming will discus's _ the training ]y ancj other relatives. Her cou- program which is offered to sin, Billy Bukovec was vaca- Smalz, who particiPj1 showered me with so' ' ig ly gifts. et;i ie. Thanks to Hank St p , livened the evening v ^ ' cordion and gave . version of the "Silent >- p ^ -Al Vines and J0|Vv whose singing was • •' 0f Janec for his pointtj ^ room dancing and M , $ who believes in danc ^ ^ ivi kitchen. Lepa hvala ( Mr. in Mrs. Jackonii|^|j, youths of 17 to 25 years. The! tioning at her home for two speakers will also show moving ! weeks. Josephine Medvesek of pictures and slides which will 121141 Goller ave., arrived from help better to explain the Na-. Yugoslavia on the first of Aug-tional Youth Administration s ust while in Yugoslavia she achievements to date. | went to school, where she Because we realize that many studied the Slovene language. people are hardly aware of, A Mexican Fiesta will be .............. ..... ..... the presence of N. Y. A., we in- sponsored by the Martha Wash- home the party was yf \ vite everyone who is interested jngtons of the SDZ on Septem- May I add that theJ t,]6( ^ to attend this lecture on Sep- ^er 23 at the Slovene Auditori- roses was a beautiiu tember 25, 1939, at the Slovene {,£. Louis Trebar's" Orchestra Chris. Thank you. . ^ w National Home, room No. 1 of i will furnish the music. The Cas- It was a very enp/y the new building. We hope that tie Club and the Twelve Spades ning, and even the we have selected a subject which ' Qiub are holding their sixth an- candles on the cake ^ ^ ^ will attract considerable atten- nuai affair with an outing in Again my sincerest ^1, % tion and that many persons will the country at Bishop and White —-Olg8 attend the lecture. 'road on September 10. See Eddie —Vera Can d on ggitz at 16213 Waterloo road in case you are interested in attending. BARN DANCE 0 . , 1„ . . There was quite a crowd at September 16 is the day set p^r Barrel Inn last Sat-or the Good Old Time Barn ^day evening. The occasion Dance sponsored by the Frances ; was the proprietor's daugh- Susel Cadets of the SZZ at Glenridge farm. There's going to be a hot time in the old barn that nite. The roof, and I won't be sur- portance. The dance is free— real day of labor—on Monday, you can help make it a success j Sept. 4th—Labor Day, at Domi-by attending the affair with1"1"'" d-i-- i— your friends. — Committee. nic's. Pack a lunch and stay the entire day. Play Safe Two children have been killed by automobiles in Cleveland during the past few days. One child was nine years old and the other ten. Youngsters of that age can't realize or understand the dangers when they step from the curb. Parents must continually warn them and motorists must do their part by slowing down whenever a child is at the curb. —Bureau of Public Relations, Cleveland Police Department. Gayety Girls In Euclid, a group of eight girls have organized a club In Hospital Mr. Frank Markusic, the well known ball player of 15815 Trafalgar Avenue recently underwent an operation at the Women's Hospital. We hope to see him well soon. Otonicar - Jasco This morning at 8:00 at St. Mary's church on Holmes, Miss Donnie Otonicar, daughter of Mrs. Mary Mehle of 391 E. 165 St., became the bride of Mr. Frank Jasco of 1100 E. 68 St. Congratulations. Mer bar - Pavetils On Monday, Labor Day, at 11 in the morning at St. Mary's church on Holmes, Miss Josephine Merhar of 15804 Grove-wood Ave., will become the bride of Mr. Frank Pavetits. Friends and relatives are invited to be present at the nuptial ceremony. baby and mother are doing well at St. Ann's Hospital. nd his boys. Quoting Frankie, "We'll come there as a group of regular old farmers." Of course, our 20 lovely cadets will be featuring the latest fashion in overalls and straw hats. Yes — our two popular. ter, Natalie Boldin and son-in-law, Joe Roller were celebrating their birthdays. bukovN Photographic StU^0 762 EAST 185th KEnmore 1166 EQ3I There are not many more than 6,000 stars that are visible to ordinary eyes under the best of seeing conditions. It is esti- called, "The Gayety Girls." 1 mated that the 100-inch reflec-1 They are active socially, and ex- on Mount Wilson is capable pect to do bigger things soon, of photographing more than a At present they are conducting billion stars. ^ a drive for new members. Mem-! bership of the club consists of j The highest mountain peak on Christine Krashoc, president; 1 the North American continent Frances Mihevc, seer etary; is Mount MdfCinley, it is 20,300 Vida Jackonin, treasurer; Olga feet above sea level. The highest Pol janec; Mary and Dorothy peak in the United States is Smaltz; Eleanor Brezek; Fran- Mount Whitney in California, | ces Fink. ' it is 14,496 feet above seal level. ■ The height of the Statue of Liberty on Bedloe Island is 151 ft. from the base to the torch. It weighs 225 tons; the bronze charming mascots will be there alone weighs 200,000 pounds,! (gorry boys, they're too young) and is 3-16 of an inch thick; i g^rutting around as the young-40 persons can stand in the egj. and fairest farmerettes to head, and 12 in the torch. be found any place. . , | If you have attended any of Frederick August Bartholdi our previous dances, you need was the sculptor of the Statue! no g^er inducement to attend of Liberty. Ihe statue cost one for you've been waiting about a million dollars; the:j-or ^ but however, if you've funds of which were raised by m-gged previous fun, all I the French people, and the New can ig __ take a chance, York World, which raised $300,-1 y0U'ii never regret it. There 000 for the pedestal. The statue; will be wine> women and music, was unveiled on October 28,; ^y^at more do you want for 1886. ! twentv-five cents. P. S. Girls — There will be plenty of boys too. — Rosemary Rossa, Capt. Frances Susel Cadets. Slovene School The Slovene School of the Cleveland Slovenian Language Club opened last night. Classes will be resumed at St. Clair-East 55th Public Library, at 7:30 p. m. Mr. Anthonv J. Klan-car is director-instructo" of the school. Those interested in the study of the Slovene language and ' literature may apply by letter to the instructor of the school at 1047 East 67th street or come to the first class of the semester to be held September 8th. HIGHWAY EHEMY N°l f THE STOP SIGN PASSER YPSL Tenth National Convention Contemporary problems of democracy, war and economics will be discussed, and youth action planned when 300 representatives of socialist youth of the country come to Cleveland for the tenth national convention of the Young Peoples' Socialist League of America on Sept. 1-4 in the Public Auditorium. Features of the convention sessions will be study commis-' sions on the unemployed p rob-' lems, the anti-war movement.1 international aid, present threats against democracy, and other problems facing youth. | Scheduled events during thei course of the convention include | a reception Friday evening, a' banquet at the Blue Boar Cafeteria, and a dance in Clubroom B of the Public Auditorium, Saturday evening, and a public mass meeting in the Ballroom of the Public Auditorium on Sunday at 8 p. m. Norman Thomas will be the featured speaker at the mass meeting, with additional prominent national and local socialist speakers participating in the program. I THOUGHT I KAD A 5 OF OENIU5 —" mm _ "For a honeymoon ^ girl couldn't see H" ^ she'd rather have » ioll."j little firmer foundm. ^ ,if J So wc borrowed cash from the vri*' INGS & LOAN CO-everything is goUW W right. -d I, If you arc inter« |e| * ownership, why '' .joP. f plain without ol)M» pT how our simple l"'1 ,f a tea. -hal jh The chances are ^ ."Is ey you are now , t will be sufficient J .' loan. WHY NOT GET ^ INFORMATION Boxing Classes Boxing classes will again be resumed at the St. Clair Recreation Center beginning Monday, September 11th. Instructions are free to boys and young men. Gloves and other paraphernalia will also be furnished without charge. Those interested may register with Heinie Martin at the Center. •a % 1