Acta Chini. Slov. 2001, 48, 137-145. 137 SYNTHESIS OF NANOMETER CRYSTALLINE LANTHANUM CHROMITE POWDERS BY THE CITRATE-NITRATE AUTOIGNITION REACTION* Klementina Zupan, Stane Pejovnik, Jadran Maček Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana Vs paper i. defeated to the late Professor Drago Kolar Received 17-01-2001 Abstract Lanthanum chromite-based materials have a great potential for use in various high temperature applications and as SOFC (solid oxide fuel cell) separators. Submicron crystalline lanthanum chromite was prepared by the autoignition of a citrate- nitrate gel. The effect of the fuel- oxidant molar ratio and sample form prior to combustion was investigated in terms of phase formation, particle size, morphology, and agglomerate formation. Various characterization methods, including X-ray powder diffraction and thermal analysis, scanning electron microscopy and BET measurement, were used to evaluate powder characteristics. It was shown that the reaction period depends on the fuel/oxidant ratio and reaction mixture packing. The lanthanum chromite powders prepared via the combustion route exhibited surface areas of about 12 m2/g for the loose packed layer prepared samples and 8.8 to 13 m2/g for the samples prepared from a pellet. Introduction Preparation of complex metal oxides is traditionally carried out using solid state synthesis, i.e. the "calcining" method. A number of specialized powder preparation techniques such as the solid-solution-precursor method,1 sol-gel synthesis,2 co-precipitation,3 and freeze drying4 have been used for the preparation of multicomponent oxides. Each method has its own characteristic compositional homogeneity, powder morphology and degree of agglomeration. Combustion synthesis from solution offers a number of advantages since its low energy and time demands makes it a promising powder preparative technique. The critical factors of combustion synthesis are the fuel/oxidant ratio and the sample packing prior to ignition; these determine the temperature and reaction time, the degree of conversion, phase formation, particle morphology and the nature of the agglomerates. A large volume of released gas, which prevents coarsening and hard agglomerate formation, accompanies the exothermic effect during the fuel and nitrate reaction. In comparison with some explosive mixtures like K. Zupan, S. Pejovnik, J. Maček: Synthesis of Nanometer Crystalline Lanthanum Chromite ... 138 Acta Chini. Slov. 2001, 48, 137-145. combinations of nitrates with urea or glycine, the citrate- nitrate gel combustion reactions are more controllable due to their much weaker exothermic reactions, thus allowing the preparation of larger amounts of the product. Due to its chemical stability at elevated temperatures and its electrical properties, lanthanum chromite is of potential use as a material in high temperature applications such as the interconnect in solid oxide fuel cells and the electronic conductors for heating elements. However, lanthanum chromite-based materials are difficult to process into a dense gas-tight separator between the electrodes. Some of the difficulties with the interconnect formation can be diminished if the powder particles are small ( * > *»* ------.-**' -JUkAL NC 500 1000 Temperature (°C) 1500 Figure 4: TG of all samples after combustion synthesis The phase composition of all samples was determined by X-ray diffraction. The as-prepared samples were not well crystallized, being mainly composed of a perovskite crystalline phase. In layer formed precursors NA and NB, a secondary phase La2Cr06 was found. In the samples NC and NCI prepared from the mixture with a c/n ratio 0.28 LaCr04 was detected. 1 K. Zupan, S. Pejovnik, J. Maček: Synthesis of Nanometer Crystalline Lanthanum Chromite ... 144 Acta Chini. Slov. 2001, 48, 137-145. After calcination at 600 °C the sample NC (Fig 5a) contains two main phases: lanthanum Chromate (LaCr04), and lanthanum chromite (LaCr03). According to the results of the liquid mix technique, mixtures of LaCr04 and LaCr03 often form at calcination temperatures below 600 °C.8 Several secondary phases for example CrOOH, La2Cr06 and Cr304 were found due to the low temperature of the synthesis and the poor contact between the gel particles in the layer form. Some peaks in that sample also remained undetermined. After heat treatment at 750 °C a chromite phase and traces of a chromium rich phase (LaCr206) were found in the sample NC. By contrast after calcination at 600 °C and 750 °C the only phase determined for sample NA1 was lanthanum chromite (Fig 5b). a) 750°C p 600°C ?ccP? 9 c P Pj pjp 3,C P,CC '1 I Ml p C ri Jr b) 750°C 600°C up ēJ p- LaCrOs c- LaCr04 1- La2Cr06 h- CrOOH n o-Cr304 P p p p L p, p L, NC NA1 1.1 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 29 (°) 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 20 O Figure 5: Ä-ray diiiraction patterns ot as -prepared samples a) NC and b) NAl , calcined at 600 °C and 750 °C. p p p p p p p p p p p p p p c c p K. Zupan, S. Pejovnik, J. Maček: Synthesis of Nanometer Crystalline Lanthanum Chromite ... Acta Chini. Slov. 2001, 48, 137-145. 145 Conclusions The fuel/ oxidant ratio and the reaction mixture form prior to the combustion (loose powder layer or compacted pellet) influence lanthanum chromite powder properties after combustion. Temperature gradients during synthesis, the relatively short times at combustion temperature, and the poor contacts between the gel particles in the layered form of the precursors result in a lower degree of conversion. The best products are obtained where a citrate/ nitrate ratio of 0.18 or 0.23 is used and the combustion is performed in a pellet form. In this case, the total mass loss after the combustion does not exceed 1%. Acknowledgements Authors wish to thank the Ministry of Science and Technology for the financial support of the project. References 1. K. Vidyasagar, J. Gopalakrishnan and R. Rao, Inorg. Chem. 1984, 23, 1206- 1210. 2. S. Bilger, G. Blass and R. Forthmann, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 1997, 17, 1027- 1031. 3. M.R. De.Guire, S.E. Dorris, R. B. Poeppel, S. Morissette and U. Balacandran, J. Mater. Res. 1993, 8, 2327-2335. 4. D.J. Anderton and F.R. Sale, Powder Metall. 1979, 22, 8-14. 5. Courty, H. Ajot, Ch. Marcilly and B. Delmon, Powder Technology 1973, 7, 21- 38. 6. S. 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