vesz.nik Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 18/49 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 05. 05. 2013 6. VELIKONOČNA NEDELJA 6th SUNDAY OF EASTER Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb ŽUPNIK - PASTOR Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail Web page Hall rentals 905-518-6159 Sveti Duh nas uči živeti iz vere V ponedeljek bomo praznovali god nenavadnega svetnika: niti 15 let starega fanta, ki ni bil ne mučenec | ne spoznavalec ne duhovnik, čeprav je nedvomno želel to postati. Ali je mogoče, da se tak fantič tako popolnoma oklene Boga, ko vendar neverni psihologi | trdijo, da človek v tej dobi še ni zmožen napraviti osebne odločitve? Morebiti se pa motijo? Vemo, da se | otrok okrog sedmega leta starosti lahko odloči zavestno za dobro pa tudi za zlo in da je zato od tega časa naprej sposoben za prejem svetega obhajila, pa tudi dolžan spovedovati se svojih grehov. Dominik Savio je bil fant vere. Zelo zgodaj je prejel| Jezusa. Koje hodil po samoti v šolo, ga je vprašal starejši mož: „Se nič ne bojiš, ko vendar tod okrog divjajo razbojniške tolpe? " „Ne, saj nisem sam; spremlja me angel varuh." Zato ni nič čudnega, da se je Dominik odlikoval v delih ljubezni do bližnjega. Pri molitvi pobožen kot angel je bil pri igri razigran. Vodilo ga je geslo: „Moja prijatelja bosta Jezus in Marija! Rajši umreti kot grešiti!" In to so bili sklepi, ki jih je napisal na dan prvega svetega obhajila! Ljubezen! Vzgoja za ljubezen! Kako ta vprašanja prav pojasniti naši mladini. Imamo učitelja, to je evharistični Jezus. Če vzgajamo otroke v živi veri v Jezusa Kristusa jih utrjujemo v živi veri v Kristusovo navzočnost med nami v svetem Rešnjem telesu. Živa vera tudi sad obrodi. Vere pa ni brez oznanila. Nikar se ne bojmo, da bomo s celovitim podajanjem verskih resnic ljudi in zlasti še mlade odbili od vere! Nikakor ne, ampak jih bomo usidrali v veri. Čeprav morebiti ne bodo vsega razumeli, ali se bodo morebiti od vere celo oddaljili, jim bo le nekaj ostalo v srcu, kar jih utegne nekoč pripeljati nazaj k Bogu. CWL CATHOLIC GIRL'S CLUB Vsak prvi petek v mesecu se po večerni maši dekleta iz »Catholic Girl's Club« zberejo k srečanju. Poleg načrtovanja, iger vedno tudi kaj praktičnega naredijo in pozneje prodajajo. Vedno, pa poskrbijo, da je teh sadov njihovega dela deležen tisti, ki je v potrebi. Tako se že mlade učijo kako tudi voditi skupino, načrtovati in vedno imeti pred seboj tudi jasen cilj. Upamo, da jim bo to tudi v bodoče uspevalo in da bodo s tem pritegnila mlajše v našo slovensko skupnost. MARRIAGE TIP OF THE MONTH Tip #49 - Experts tell us that we need to spend quality time with our spouse to gain the true connection that we seek with one we love. Taking a walking, reading a book together, eating a dinner together after the kids are in bed, asking what you did good today as a couple and what you could have done better at the end to the day - these are all ways to strengthen the love you share and uncover the feelings of dating that you once shared! (From: Teresa Hartnett, Family Ministry Office, 905-5287988 ext. 2250) V mesecu maju bomo imeli še enega glasbenega gosta.LUKA DEBEVEC-MAJER iz Argentine, ki je bil na gotovanju pri nas pred dvema letoma na spomladan-skem banketu. Kanadski slovenski kongres ga je za 11. maja povabil na Brown's Line. Pri nas bo nastopil v soboto, 18. maja 2013 pri večerni maši; po maši pa nam bo zapel še kakšno primerno. Vabljeni! MATERINSKI DAN - Slovensko kulturno društvo Hamilton-Wentworth pri sv. Gregorju prireja kosilo in bogat kulturni program za Materinski dan v nedeljo 12. maja. Sv. maša je ob 9:30, kosilo ob 12:00. (Moški kuhajo in servirajo). Po kosilu sledi kulturni program. Že sedaj Vas prosimo, da si to nedeljo rezervirate za nas. Istočasno vas prosimo tudi, da si čimprej rezervirate vstopnice, Sandy Allen (905-5480889), sprejemamo rezervacije samo do 300 ljudi. MOTHER'S DAY - Hamilton-Wentworth Slovenian Cultural Society of St. Gregory The Great cordially invites everyone to celebrate its annual Mother's Day with them on Sunday, May 12th. An excellent lunch will be cooked and served at 12:00 noon (by our men) followed by a rich cultural program. Please plan to spend part of this day with us. For reservations, please call Sandy Allen (905-5480889) as soon as possible as reservations are limited to 300 people. f- Sunday's Readings v_ 6th Sunday of Easter First Reading Acts 15:1-2. 22-29 As the first communities of Christians are formed, we hear how differences of opinion emerge, and how they are worked through: by argument, consultation and attentive listening to the Holy Spirit. Response: Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you. Second Reading Apocalypse 21:10-14. 22-23 The Lord prepares for all his people a radiant and peaceful future in the new Jerusalem. In the Spirit we catch a glimpse of this promise. Gospel_John 14:23-29 As Jesus prepares to leave his friends, he promises that the Spirit will be given them, and will bring them peace and courage in all the difficulties and uncertainties that lie ahead. "I have said these things to you while still with you; but the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything." Illustration The young mum had been excitedly looking forward to her grandmother's visiting her and the new baby in hospital. Little Catherine Mary was the first great-grandchild in the family, and Fiona, her mum, was delighted that this meeting across the generations was going to take place. When the new great-grandmother arrived, she held Catherine Mary in her arms quietly for a bit, and then sighed deeply: "Ah, Fiona! Make the most of her now while you can. She'll break your heart, you see if she doesn't!" This was not quite the rapturous delight Fiona had hoped for. But as the years went by, and long after her grandmother had died, Fiona found herself marvelling at the wisdom of these words. For, like mothers everywhere, Fiona learnt that every milestone in the child's life - learning to eat solid food, starting to walk, beginning school, making friends away from the family... right up to moving out of the family home - each of these moments was marked not only by love and delight, but also with a sense of loss. Change and growth, however healthy and good, bring a bit of heartbreak too. Gospel Teaching Change is often difficult for us, especially when it involves letting go of things that have been dear to us and making room for new things, about which we are less sure. This normal experience of moving on is seen in today's readings as the pattern of our maturing in faith, our growing in relationship with and in God. In the Gospel we see Jesus at a moment of great change. He must leave his friends, face the cross, and so open up the path to the new life of the resurrection. In this new life Jesus is in a sense absent; but he is also present in a new, more profound way to his followers - and for all generations. And so, before his passion, the Lord seeks to reassure and comfort his friends, promising that, even as he goes away and all seems lost, the great gift of the Spirit will be theirs. The disciples are called to be at peace and untroubled in the face of all the change and loss that lies ahead, putting their trust in the Lord and his word to them. This trusting in God's promises cannot be learnt all at once; indeed, it is a lifetime's learning for most of us. In the Church, too, it can take time to argue and discuss, and so discern where the Spirit is leading us. This is something that the first Christians had to struggle with, as we heard in today's first reading. The debate over whether circumcision was necessary for Christians or not was a very heated one, which involved arguments between those great pillars of the Church, Peter and Paul. It took time and heartache before the apostles could recognise something that was "decided by the Holy Spirit and by ourselves". Only then was a decision for opening up the way of salvation and lifting unnecessary burdens possible. What makes it possible for us to work hard through change and disagreement as Christians? Simply the unity of God's call to us, and to all people. In all the struggle and uncertainty it is the vision of life in the Spirit, of the new Jerusalem, that is most certain and unchanging; for this is God's future, God's mysterious and loving plan for us. Application Change, loss, moving on - these things shape our lives at all levels. While such experiences are at best unsettling, and at worst distressing, they are always, in Christian living, moments with the potential for grace, places where the Spirit seeks to come and lead us on. As Blessed John Henry Newman remarked: "To live is to change. To be perfect is to have changed often." Today we are called to reflect on how we respond to change - in our own lives, in the lives of those we love, and within the Church and the world. Often our fears and hurt can put up barriers to the graces of new life God is offering; perhaps our anxiety has led to a lack of charity amidst the disturbances of change. It is a hard discipline to learn to trust God's providence in these shifts and disruptions; but when things aren't going to plan, when we don't like what our children, parents, friends, church, or boss are suggesting - perhaps then is the moment to pray: "Come, Holy Spirit!" Obvestila - Announcements PEVSKI ZBOR 'vi & Pevske vaje za mešani zbor bodo p^v^? v četrtek po večerni maši. Zbor poje (irvl/fcj[t/^ naslednjič v mesecu maju, za ^ ' materinski dan. KONZULARNE URE V TORONTU_ Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije v Ottawi obvešča, da bodo konzularne ure v prostorih Generalnega konzulata Republike Slovenije v Torontu (naslov: 747 Browns Line, Etobicoke, tel.: 416 201 8307) v naslednjih mesecih potekale: - sobota 8. junij 2013, od 11.30 in 16.30 ure - v torek 25 . junij 2013, od 14.00 do 17.00 ure Naslednji predvideni termin konzularnih ur je v drugi polovici julija in nato v septembru. Nov potni list si lahko uredite le osebno na Veleposlaništvo RS v Ottawi. Priporočamo, da se predhodno dogovorite za termin obiska (telefon: 613 565 5781 ali e- pošta: KANADSKI SLOVENSKI KONGRES_ Kanadski slovenski kongres vabi rojake v soboto 11. maja 2013 ob 6:30 h zvečer na Vokalni koncert g. Luke Debevec-Majerja, ki bo v župnijski dvorani, 739 Brown's Line, Toronto. Luka Debevec Majer, član opere Colon v Buenos Airesu, Argentina, nam bo v celovečernem programu pričaral s svojim fenominalnem bas-baritonom lepoto slovenskih narodnih in opernih arij. Vstopnina, vključno prigrizek $20 Predprodaja vstopnic: V Torontu: v župnijski pisarni, pri Kreditnih unijah, g. Franku Osredkarju tel. 416 251 0534. V Hamiltonu: v Credit Union in Franku Riharju tel. 905 544 1471. SLOVENIAN CANADIAN SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION_ The Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation invites you to participate in their 25th Annual Golf Tournament which will be held Saturday, May 25th at Rockway Glen Golf course in Vineland followed by the banquet at BLED, Beamsville. The cost is $130 per person and includes golf, power cart, coffee &, donuts, sausage/hot dog and beverage, dinner & draw for prizes. The tournament will be a shot gun start at 11:30 AM sharp. All proceeds go directly to the support of scholarships and bursaries for our Slovenian youth. Register early as last year was a sell out!!! To register - contact: Karl Ferko @905-578-5890; Ed Kodarin @ 905-309-4050; Andy Habjan @905-899-3876; Jerry Ponikvar @ 905-333-5813 or email -Robbie Letnik SLOVENIA CREDIT UNION_ Credit Union Kill Slovenia would like to Credit Union remind all WWW.slOVeniaCU.Ca members of the summer office hours. All SCU offices will be closed Saturdays starting May 18th, 2013 until after the Labour Day weekend. For further information about branch hours, special rates or community news, please consult our website at Thank you for your valued membership and have an enjoyable summer. DAROVI_ Za gradbeni sklad je darovala Marija Košir $50. Bog povrni za velikodušnost in dar. PRAZNIK PRVEGA SV. OBHAJILA_ V naši župniji imamo prvo sveto obhajilo že dolga leta na zadnjo nedeljo v mesecu maju. Na ta dan bo nekaj naših otrok prvič prejelo Jezusa v svoja srca. Da bi lahko vsi doživljali lepoto tega praznika bomo imeli samo eno sveto mašo in sicer ob 10:00h dopoldne. Začeli bomo, če bo vreme dopuščalo, pri kipu Marije pomočnice nato nadaljevali s sveto mašo v cerkvi. Prvoobhajanci bodo imeli v mesecu maju neposredno pripravo na praznik, v soboto 25. maja dopoldne pa bodo pristopili tudi k zakramentu svete pokore - spovedi. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI ♦ 5. maja 2013: Materinski dan pri društvu Bled z začetkom ob 12:30 p.m. ♦ 5. maj 2013: 1:00 p.m. maša pri društvu Triglav v Londonu. ♦ 11. maj 2013: Društvo Sava-Materinski dan ♦ 12. maj 2013: MATERINSKI DAN - Hamilton ♦ 18. maj 2013: Pri večerni maši bo pel bas baritonist Luka Debevec-Majer. ♦ 26. maj 2013: PRVO OBHAJILO: There will be on at 10:00 a.m. Mass. ♦ 2. junij 2013: Procesija sv. Rešnjega Telesa in Krvi v župniji in popoldne v Londonu; ♦ 9. junij 2013: 1:00 p.m. - Maša in procesija sv. Rešnjega Telesa in Krvi v Slovenskem parku. ♦ 16. junij 2013: Očetovski dan - Bled /Maša ob 12:30/ ♦ 23. junij 2013: SLOVENSKI DAN - Društvo SAVA THE PRIESTS IN CONCERT AT HAMILTON PLACE_ In celebration of The Year of Faith, The Catholic Cemeteries of the Diocese of Hamilton is proud to present The Priests in Concert on Wednesday, November 23, 2013, at 7:30 PM at Hamilton Place Theatre, Hamilton. A trio of Irish Roman Catholic clergy, The Priests have played to sold-out audiences in major cities around the world since their debut in 2008. Tickets will be on sale beginning May 10, 2013, and are available by calling the box office at 905-546-4040, or online at Be sure to mark your calendar and join us for an evening filled with beautiful Spirit-filled music. \ tff svete mase - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. OD 05. 05. 2013 DO 12. 05. 2013 svete maše - masses 6. Velikonočna nedelja 6th Sunday of Easter 05. Maj Angel, mučenec Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. t Janez Kosednar, obl. tt Pokojni iz družine Bohnec 11:00 a.m. tt Pokojni člani društva Triglav 1:00 p.m. Žena in družina Vera in Štefan Gonza Društvo Triglav-London PONEDELJEK Monday 06. Maj Dominik Savio, mlad. t Janez Hočevar t Štefan Prša t Anton Gomboša t Janez Hočevar t Milan Štefanec 7:00 P.M. John in Mary Kobetich Elizabeth Virag Terezija Kralj Amalija Štadler žena Torek Tuesday 07. Maj Gizela, opatinja tt Terezija in Martin Vinčec, obl. t Ignac Krampač t Marija Suhadolc t Frank Gimpelj t Marija Puscher 8:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. Olga in Janez Čulig Olga Čulig Anton Suhadolc Veronika Obal Pogrebna maša SREDA Wednesday 08. Maj Bonifacij, pp tt Pokojni iz družine Ažman-Novak 7:00 p.m. tt DružinaBalažic t Joseph Šipek tt Starši, bratje in sestre Pavel Novak z družino Matila Bratuž Družina Karl Ferko Družina Gašpar ČETRTEK Thursday 09. Maj Pahomij t Stane Udovč t Štefan Prša t Marija Petek t Štefan Prša 7:00 P.M. Magda z družino Karel in Milka Ferko Marija Tompa Družina Raduha PETEK Friday 10. Maj Job, svetopisemski mož tt Starši Štefanec t Ciril Virant t Janez Hočevar t Bobi Rous 7:00 P.M. Max in Milka Pavlič Slavka Virant Marija in Franc Marič Terezija Donko z družino Sobota SATURDAY 11. Maj Estela, mučenka t Štefan Prša tt Ludvik in Irma Hull tt Pokojni iz družine Travale t Oskar Madon t Sidonia Horvat t Ivan Obal 8:00 A.M. 5:30 P.M. Družina A. Sarjaš Frank Pinter z družino Marija Košir Veronika Obal Gomboc Herman in Irma Gomboc Herman in Irma Gospodov Vnebohod Ascension of the Lord 12. Maj Pankracij, mučenec Za žive in rajne župljane t Jožefa Kastelic Bogu v zahvalo za 40 let poroke t Ethel Simončič MATERINSKI DAN 3:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 12:30 P.M. John in Olga Kastelic Jože in Albina Antolin Družina Župnijska dvorana