Elektrotehniški vestnik 85(5): 229-234, 2018 Original scientific paper Voltage stability analysis of the interconnected Italian -Slovenian power system Stefano Quaia University of Trieste, DIA, Via Valerio 10, 34127 Trieste, Italy E-mail: quaias@units.it Abstract. The objective of this paper is to study the possibility of voltage instability on the border section between Italy and Slovenia. At present, the Italian and Slovenian power systems are interconnected by two overhead lines, one at the nominal voltage of 380 kV and the other at 220 kV. Referring to the classic voltage stability analysis, the paper investigates possible large overload conditions on the 220 kV interconnector, caused by an outage of the 380 kV interconnector when the power flows between the two countries are at their highest level. After a brief description of the characteristics of the power system in the considered section, the real network is approximated to match the model used in the classic analysis of voltage stability. The performed load-flow calculations relevant to the (real) power system under heavy operating conditions allow for an evaluation of the effects of the used approximations and validation of the results of this study. Keywords: Voltage stability, Interconnected power systems, Load-flow calculations Analiza stabilnosti elektroenergetskega omrežja na mejnem območju med Italijo in Slovenijo V članku analiziramo možnost pojava napetostne nestabilnosti na mejnem območju med Italijo in Slovenijo. Trenutno sta slovensko in italijansko napetostno omrežje povezana z dvema nadzemnima vodoma 380 Kv in 220 Kv. Študija v obliki klasične analize napetostne stabilnosti raziskuje visoke preobremenitve 220 kV interkonekcijskega voda v scenariju maksimalnega pretoku energije med državama in hkratnem izpadu 380 kV interkonekcije. Kratki predstavitvi karakteristik elektroenergetskega sistema sledi opis predlaganih približkov za uporabo modelov, uporabljenih pri analizi napetostne nestabilnosti v resničnem omrežju. Izračun pretokov energije močno obremenjenega elektroenergetskega omrežja nam omogoča potrditev dobljenih rezultatov in oceno vpliva predlaganih približkov. 1 Introduction The classic voltage stability theory [1] shows that instability phenomena can take place in heavily stressed systems and/or under unusual conditions characterized by a combination of a very weak network, very high load demand and low lagging power factor. Generally, during a normal operation in a sufficiently strong power system, these conditions do not occur. Extreme operating conditions can take place in special cases, for example in the N-1 operation, and these situations require a careful evaluation of the voltage stability. In this paper, the classic voltage stability theory is applied to the border section between Italy and Slovenia. At present, the power systems of the two countries are interconnected by means of two overhead lines, one at the nominal voltage of 380 kV and the other at 220 kV. These two lines constitute a "section", that is a border region between neighbouring areas of the European interconnected power system in which the interconnection lines carry mainly unidirectional power flows. To this regard, note that, among all the European countries, Italy is the greatest importer of electricity [2]. Accordingly, on the border sections between Italy and the neighbouring countries, power flows are directed (during most of the time) toward Italy. This is valid also for the section between Italy and Slovenia. As a rule, the power system sections need a coordinated management of the TSO involved in order to guarantee a sufficient robustness to face possible critical conditions caused by faults or disturbances in the power system. At the section between Italy and Slovenia, critical operating conditions can take place in case of an outage of the 380 kV interconnection line since, at a large power exchange between the two countries, this event can heavily overload the 220 kV interconnection line. The aim of the study presented in this paper is to investigate if the high currents flowing in this line under the considered N-1 condition can lead to voltage instability phenomena. The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 describes the main characteristics of the power system at the border section between Italy and Slovenia and also between Italy and Austria, as the latter might experience large extra power flows under the N-1 Received 9 July 2018 Accepted 23 August 2018 230 QUAIA operating condition. Section 3 presents the classic voltage stability theory. In Section 4, the theory is applied to the specific case of the border section between Italy and Slovenia with the 380 kV interconnection line out of service, the relevant power system characteristics are computed and the results are discussed and compared with those obtained by load-flow calculations. 2 Power System Characteristics In the Italian North-Eastern geographical region, the The power flows between Italy and Slovenia are controlled by Phase Shift Transformers (PST) installed on both interconnection lines. Two PSTs of 600 MVA each are installed at the Divača station on the 380 kV interconnector to Redipuglia, and one PST of 370 MVA is installed at the Padriciano station on the 220 kV Padriciano-Divača interconnector (see Fig. 1 where, for the sake of simplicity, only one PST is represented at Divača). All these PSTs are manually controlled by Terna, the Italian TSO. The PSTs limit the power transmission capability of the Redipuglia-Divača and electric power network is interconnected with the Slovenian and Austrian networks. Figure 1 illustrates the 380 kV and 220 kV networks at the border between Italy and Slovenia. The two networks are linked by two interconnection lines: the 380 kV line between the Redipuglia (Italy) and Divača (Slovenia) stations and the 220 kV line between the Padriciano (Italy) and Divača (Slovenia) stations. These lines form a border section between Slovenia and Italy, which normally imports energy from Slovenia. ----132 kV - 220 kV - 380 kV Melina -► Pehlin < 0 01 Padriciano-Divaca lines to 1200 MW and 370 MW1, respectively. The total power flowing from Slovenia to Italy can really exceed 1500 MW, which is about 5 times more than in the case of the power flowing between Austria and Italy. Also the border section between Austria and Italy is composed of two interconnection lines: the 220 kV line 1 More precisely, on the Padriciano-Divaca line the current limits are: the summer thermal limit of the conductor is 900 A; the winter thermal limit of the conductor is 960 A; the PST thermal limit is 929 A. Figure 1. 380 kV and 220 kV networks at the section between Italy and Slovenia. VOLTAGE STABILITY ANALYSIS OF THE INTERCONNECTED ITALIAN - SLOVENIAN POWER SYSTEM 231 between the Soverzene (Italy) and Lienz (Austria) stations, and the 132 kV merchant line between Tarvisio (Italy) and Greuth (Austria). The power flowing in these interconnectors are controlled by two PSTs, both installed on the Austrian side (at Lienz and Greuth) and controlled by APG, the Austrain TSO. At present, these PSTs keep the power flows at a constant value by automatic controllers. The 220 kV Soverzene-Lienz line transports 210 MW, whereas the 132 kV Tarvisio-Greuth merchant line transports 85 MW during the winter and 65 MW during the summer period. Speaking in terms of power transmission capacity, the 380 kV Redipuglia-Divaca interconnector is by far the most important line in the two considered border sections of the North-East area of the Italian trasmission network. In case of an outage of the Redipuglia-Divaca line, the two interconnection lines between Austria and Italy are not subject to significant power changes. This is due to the relatively low development of the 380 kV and 220 kV power systems in the entire area; these lines are therefore relatively far from the border section between Italy and Slovenia. Moreover, at steady-state the power flows resume the values set by the PST controls. In case of an outage of the Redipuglia-Divaca line, the above conditions give rise to large overloads on the 220 kV Padriciano-Divaca line and can overload also other power system components (lines, transformers) present in the area. 3 The Classic Voltage Stability Analysis This section briefly recalls the basic concepts related to voltage instability. Voltage stability is concerned with the "ability of a power system to maintain acceptable voltages to all buses in the system under normal conditions and after being subject to a disturbance. A system enters a state of voltage instability when a disturbance, increase in load demand or change in system condition, causes a progressive and uncontrollable decline in voltage" [1]. It is known that voltage instability problems in an electric power system may take place under operating conditions characterized by a very high load and system weakness. Let us consider the simple system model shown in Fig. 2 that includes an "infinite power" bus (whose voltage EP is assumed constant) and a transmission line (whose impedance is ZL = ZLe'P) feeding a load (whose impedance is Zc = Zceiv). This simple model neglects the power system transversal admittances. Figure 2. System model for voltage stability analysis. For the receiving end voltage of the transmission line, Ea, the following equations are valid: Ea-Zc-1-Zc- Ea — — ■ a zL Ep HS +2¥Lc°<ß-