Original scientific article UDC 595.74(497.452Brdo pri Kranju) Received: 2011-04-14 NOTES ON MEGALOPTERA AND NEUROPTERA (INSECTA: NEUROPTERIDA) OF THE BRDO PRI KRANJU ESTATE (SLOVENIA) Dušan DEVETAK Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor, SI-2000 Maribor, Koroška cesta 160, Slovenia E-mail: dusan.devetak@guest.arnes.si ABSTRACT In the former Yugoslavia-period, the Brdo estate was inaccessible to investigators. Research became possible in 1991, when Slovenia gained its independence. In this paper, the first survey of the lacewing fauna (Neuropterida: Megaloptera and Neuroptera) of the estate is given. Among 31 species listed, two Sisyra- and three Chrysoperla-species are the most important records. The three green-lacewing species were reported for the first time for the Gorenjska region and the two Sisyrid species are important because they are included in the Red List of Endangered Neuroptera in Slovenia. Key words: Megaloptera, Neuroptera, Brdo pri Kranju estate NOTE SU MEGALOPTERA E NEUROPTERA (INSECTA: NEUROPTERIDA) DELLA TENUTA DI BRDO VICINO A KRANJ (SLOVENIA) SINTESI Nel periodo dell'ex-Yugoslavia, la tenuta di Brdo e rimasta inaccessibile ai ricercatori. Le prime esplorazioni al suo interno sono state approvate nel 1991, quando la Slovenia si e proclamata stato indipendente. L'articolo riporta i risultati dei campionamenti casuali di insetti olometaboli (Neuropterida: Megaloptera and Neuroptera) effettuati nel 2007. Fra le 31 specie segnalate, due del genere Sisyra e tre del genere Chrysoperla risultano fra i ritrovamenti piu importanti. Le tre specie di Chrysoperla sono riportate per la prima volta nella regione dell'Alta Carniola (Gorenjska), mentre le due specie di Sisyra sono importanti poiche compaiono nella Lista rossa delle specie a rischio di estinzione di Neuroptera in Slovenia. Parole chiave: Megaloptera, Neuroptera, tenuta di Brdo vicino a Kranj INTRODUCTION Brdo pr¡ Kranju is a protocolar estate of the Republic of Slovenia positioned in the NW part of the country, at the foothills of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps (Fig. 1). In the former Yugoslavia, Brdo was President Tito's residence for a long period and therefore impossible to investigate faunistically. This first became possible in 1991, when Slovenia declared its independence. The Brdo estate (Fig. 2) is a relatively small landscape of about 490 hectares consisting of a park and patches of primordial nature; the natural and anthropo-genous habitats thus interlace with each other. The Brdo Castle and the Congress Centre are positioned at the edge of the Brdo Park. Whilst the park with two ponds represents a smaller part, the majority of the Brdo estate is characterized by various forest types, including coniferous, mixed and deciduous forests. Coniferous trees dominate. A stream running through the woodland creates a chain of seven ponds. Knowledge on Neuropterida in Slovenian natural protected areas is poor. Only the Kozjansko Regional Park has been investigated so far (Klokocovnik ef a/., 2010). A decade ago, Iztok Geister started the research project »Survey of the fauna and flora of the Brdo pri Kranju estate— and the survey of Neuropterida was a part of the project. My aim is to present the results of occasional samplings of Neuropterida in the area in 2007. Fig. 1: Position of the Brdo pri Kranju estate in Slovenia (marked with asterisk). SI. 1: Položaj posestva Brdo pri Kranju v Sloveniji (označen z zvezdico). Fig. 2: The Brdo pri Kranju estate. For the abbreviations of the sampling localities see Material and methods. SI. 2: Posestvo Brdo pri Kranju. Za okrajšave lokalitet glej Material in metode. Figs. 3-8: Habitat types of the Brdo pri Kranju estate. Fig. 3: Locality Br1: a pond. Figs 4-6: Locality Br2: a pond (Figs. 4, 6) and a forest edge (Fig. 5). Fig. 7: Locality Br3: a meadow. Fig. 8: Locality Br4: a forest edge. Sl. 3-8: Habitatni tipi posestva Brdo pri Kranju. Sl. 3: Lokaliteta Br1: ribnik. Sl. 4-6: Lokaliteta Br2: ribnik (Sl. 4, 6) in gozdni rob (Sl. 5). Sl. 7: Lokaliteta Br3: travnik. Sl. 8: Lokaliteta Br4: gozdni rob. MATERIAL AND METHODS On 17 May, 31 May, 19 July and 13 September 2007, adult Neuropterida were collected using a sweep net, while antlion larvae were excavated from their pits using a spoon, on the following sampling localities (Fig. 2): - Locality Br1: habitat: a pond (Fig. 3) and a forest edge; altitude 455 m; 46" 16.686' N, 14" 23.098' E; dominant tree species: Alnus spv Picea abies, Salix sp., Acer pseudoplatanus. - Locality Br2: Belska Gmajna; habitat: a pond (Figs. 4, 6) and a forest edge (Fig. 5); altitudes 475-480 m; 46° 17.407' N, 14° 24.131' E; dominant tree species: Pinus sylvestris, P. abies, Quercus robur, Alnus sp. - Locality Br3: habitat: a forest edge and a meadow (Fig. 7); altitude 460 m; 46° 16.955' N, 14° 23.980' E; dominant tree species: P. sylvestris, P. abies, Q. robur. - Locality Br4: habitat: a pond and a forest edge (Fig. 8); altitude 470 m; 46° 17.182' N, 14° 23.641' E; dominant tree species: Alnus sp., P. abies, Abies alba, Salix sp., A. pseudoplatanus. - Locality Br5: Belska Gmajna; habitat: a meadow and a forest edge; altitude 455 m; 46° 17.007' N, 14° 23.251' E; dominant tree species: P. sylvestris, P. abies, Q. robur. - Locality Br6: habitat: a park and a pond; altitude 425 m; 46° 16.513' N, 14° 22.732' E; dominant tree species: Alnus sp., P. abies, A. pseudoplatanus, Tilia cordata. Specimens are preserved in ethanol and deposited in the author's collection. Nomenclature and taxonomy is used in accordance with Aspock et al. (1980) and Aspock et al. (2001). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The collected species of Megaloptera and Neurop-tera are presented in List 1. In total, 31 species were recorded in the area. List 1: Megaloptera and Neuroptera of the Brdo pri Kranju estate. Seznam 1: Megaloptera in Neuroptera posestva Brdo pri Kranju. N E U R O P T E R I D A M e g a l o p t e r a SIALIDAE Sialis lutaria (Linnaeus, 1758) Br1, 17. V. 2007; Br2, 17. V. 2007. N e u r o p t e r a CONIOPTERYGIDAE Aleuropteryx loewii Klapálek, 1894 Br3, 17. V. 2007. Helicoconis lutea (Wallengren, 1871) Br1, 17. V. 2007; Br4, 19. VII. 2007. Coniopteryx (C.) pygmaea Enderlein, 1906 Br3, 17. V. 2007; Br4, 19. VII. 2007. Conwentzia pineticola Enderlein, 1905 Br2, 17. V. 2007. Semidalis aleyrodiformis (Stephens, 1836) Br1, 17. V. 2007, 31. V. 2007; Br2, 17. V. 2007; Br3, 17. V. 2007. OSMYLIDAE Osmylus fulvicephalus (Scopoli, 1763) Br1, 17. V. 2007, 31. V. 2007. SISYRIDAE Sisyra nigra (Retzius, 1783) Br1, 19. VII. 2007; Br4, 19. VII. 2007; Br6, 19. VII. 2007. Sisyra terminalis Curtis, 1854 Br1, 19. VII. 2007; Br4, 19. VII. 2007. HEMEROBIIDAE Drepanepteryx phalaenoides (Linnaeus, 1758) Br2, 17. V. 2007. Hemerobius (H.) humulinus Linnaeus, 1758 Br1, 31. V. 2007. Hemerobius (H.) stigma Stephens, 1836 Br1, 31. V. 2007; Br2, 31. V. 2007. Hemerobius (H.) pini Stephens, 1836 Br3, 17. V. 2007; Br4, 19. VII. 2007. Hemerobius (H.) contumax Tjeder, 1932 Br4, 19. VII. 2007. Hemerobius (H.) fenestratus Tjeder, 1932 Br4, 19. VII. 2007. Hemerobius (H.) atrifrons McLachlan, 1868 Br4, 19. VII. 2007. Hemerobius (H.) handschini Tjeder, 1957 Br2, 17. V. 2007; Br3, 17. V. 2007. Hemerobius (H.) micans Olivier, 1792 Br1, 31. V. 2007; Br4, 19. VII. 2007; Br6, on Tilia cordata, Alnus, 19. VII. 2007, 13. IX. 2007. Sympherobius (S.) elegans (Stephens, 1836) Br1, 19. VII. 2007. CHRYSOPIDAE Nineta pallida (Schneider, 1851) Br4, 19. VII. 2007, on Picea. Chrysotropia ciliata (Wesmael, 1841) Br1, 17. V. 2007, 19. VII. 2007; Br2, 17. V. 2007, 31. V. 2007; Br3, 17. V. 2007 Chrysopa perla (Linnaeus, 1758) Br1, 17. V. 2007, 31. V. 2007; Br3, 1 7. V. 2007 Chrysopa nigricostata Brauer, 1850 Br2, 31. V. 2007. Chrysopa pallens Rambur, 1838 Br1, 31. V. 2007 Dichochrysa ventralis (Curtis, 1834) Br3, 17. V. 2007 Peyerimhoffina gracilis (Schneider, 1851) Br5, on Picea abies, 13. IX. 2007 Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens, 1836) sensu lato Br1, 31. V. 2007; Br2, 17. V. 2007; 31. V. 2007; Br6, on Tilia cordata, 19. VII. 2007. Chrysoperla lucasina (Lacroix, 1912) Br5, on Quercus, 13. IX. 2007. Chrysoperla pallida Henry, Brooks, Duelli & Johnson, 2002 Br2, 17. V. 2007; Br3, 17. V. 2007. MYRMELEONTIDAE Myrmeleon (M.) formicarius Linnaeus, 1767 Br3, 17. V. 2007. Euroleon nostras (Geoffroy in Fourcroy, 1785) Br2, 17. V. 2007; Br3, 17. V. 2007. All of the 31 species recorded in the area are common and widespread throughout Slovenia (Devetak, 1984, 1992a). In this small area, the species count is rather low especially for the low diversity of habitat types. Moreover, the sampling techniques used provide limited evidence on the species inhabiting the area. Other collecting techniques, like the use of light traps would certainly increase the number of species. The most outstanding results refer to the occurrence of two Sisyra- and three Chrysoperla-species. The two Sisyra-species are included in the Red List of Endangered Neu-roptera in Slovenia as vulnerable (Devetak, 1992b). The genus Chrysoperla species are insufficiently known for Slovenia and have been recorded for the first time for the Gorenjska region. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am grateful to Assist. Danijel Ivajnsic for creating the maps. This research was partly supported by the Institute of Faunistics Koper within the project »Survey of the fauna and flora of the Brdo pri Kranju estate— (by Iztok Geister), and by the Slovene Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology within the Biodiversity Research Programme (Grant No. P1-0078). K POZNAVANJU MEGALOPTERA IN NEUROPTERA (INSECTA: NEUROPTERIDA) POSESTVA BRDO PRI KRANJU (SLOVENIJA) Dušan DEVETAK Oddelek za biologijo, Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko, Univerza v Mariboru, SI-2000 Maribor, Koroška cesta 160 E-mail: dusan.devetak@guest.arnes.si POVZETEK Na območju Brda pri Kranju je bilo v času bivše Jugoslavije nemogoče izvajati favnistične raziskave. To se je spremenilo šele po osamosvojitvi, torej po letu 1991, ko je Slovenija postala samostojna država. V naključnih vzorčenjih leta 2007 smo na območju Brda nalovili 1 vrsto velekrilcev (Megaloptera) in 30 vrst pravih mrežekrilcev (Neuroptera). Med pomembnejše najdbe prištevamo dve vrsti spužvark (rod Sisyra) in tri vrste tenčičaric iz rodu Chrysoperla. Najdba spužvark je pomembna z naravovarstvenega vidika, najdba omenjenih vrst tenčičaric pa zaradi dejstva, da je rod Chrysoperla v Sloveniji še premalo raziskan. Ključne besede: Megaloptera, Neuroptera, posestvo Brdo pri Kranju REFERENCES Aspöck, H., U. Aspöck & H. Holzel (Mitarb. H. Rausch) (1980): Die Neuropteren Europas. Eine zusammenfassende Darstellung der Systematik, Ökologie und Chorologie der Neuropteroidea (Megaloptera, Raphidi-optera, Planipennia) Europas. 2 vols. Goecke & Evers, Krefeld. Aspöck, H., H. Holzel & U. Aspöck (2001): Kommentierter Katalog der Neuropterida (Insecta: Raphidioptera, Megaloptera, Neuroptera) der Westpaläarktis. Denisia, 2, 1-606. Devetak, D. (1984): Megaloptera, Raphidioptera and Planipennia in Slovenia (Yugoslavia). Faunistical contribution. Neuroptera Int., 3, 55-72. Devetak, D. (1992a): Present knowledge of the Mega-loptera, Raphidioptera and Neuroptera of Yugoslavia (Insecta: Neuropteroidea). In: Canard, M., H. Aspock & M. W. Mansell (eds.): Current Research in Neuropterol-ogy. Toulouse, pp. 107-118. Devetak, D. (1992b): The Red List of Endangered Neuroptera s.l. in Slovenia. Varstvo narave, 17, 1151-115. Klokocovnik, V., D. Devetak & S. Gomboc (2010): Neuropterida (Megaloptera, Raphidioptera, Neuroptera) of Kozjanski Regional Park, Slovenia. In: Devetak, D., S. Lipovsek & A. E. Arnett (eds.): Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Neuropterology. Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Maribor, pp. 171174.