
POMEMBNOST FUNKCIJ KNJIŽNIČNEGA KATALOGA ZA UPORABNIKE Marija Petek Oddano: 02.02.2000 - Sprejeto: 23.03.2000 Pregledni znanstveni članek UDK 025.342.004.14 Izvleček Prispevek govori o razvoju funkcij knjižničnega kataloga. Po pariških načelih je katalog sredstvo, s katerim ugotovimo, ali ima knjižnica določeno knjigo, katera dela določenega avtorja in katere izdaje določenega dela. Obravnavana je tudi razlika med literarno in bibliografsko enoto. Zanima nas, ali funkcije služijo uporabnikom in ali je pomembnejša iskalna ali zbirna funkcija. Ključne besede: knjižnični katalogi, knjižnični fondi, uporabniki Review article UDC 025.342.004.14 Abstract The objectives of the library catalogue are examined. According to the Paris agree- ment, the catalogue should be an efficient instrument for ascertaining vvhether the library holds a particular book, vvhich works of a particular author, and which editions of a work are located in the library. The differences between a literary and bibliographic unit is also indicated. We would like to find out vvhether these objectives serve library users as well as vvhich objective is more important: finding or collocation. Key words: catalogues, library collections, users PETEK, Marija: Importance of objectives of the library catalogue to users. Knjižnica, Ljubljana, 44(2000)3,137-147 137