S.--:!:> . th Proceedings of the 8 lnternational Sym posium on OPERATIONAL RESEARCH Nova Gorica, Slovenia September 28-30, 2005 Edited by: L. Zadnik Stirn • S. Drobne l , The 8h lnfernalional Symptnium 011 Operafional Rosearch in S/ovenla Nova Gorica, SLOVENIA, Soptem/Jor 28 - 3('1 2005 Edited by: L Zadnik Stirn and S. Drobne Slovenian Society Informatika (SDI) Section for Operational Research (SOR) lho glh lnlernallonal Symposium 011 Operallonal Research in S/011011/a - SOH Nova Gorica, SLOVENIA, September 28 - JO, 2005 © 2005 Lidija Zadnik Stirn - Samo Drobne Program Committee: th Proceedings of the 8 lnternational Symposium on Operational Research SOR'0S in Slovenia, Nova Gorica, September 28 - 30, 2005. Organiser Slovenian Soc1ety Informatika - Section for Operational Research, SI 1000 Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12, Slovenia (www.dmstvo-informatika.si/sekcije/sor/) Under the auspices of the Slovenian Research Agency First published in Slovenia 111 200" by Sloveman Society Infonnatika - Section for Operational Research, SI i 000 Ljubljana, \ ožarsk1 pot l L Sios;ema (www,dmstvo-informatika si/,,,krii,,/enr/\ KNJl2NICR FGG C ~ J 519.8 C!P Kataiožrn zapis,, pubhkaciJt Narodna 111 univerzitetna knjižnica, LJublJana C ri, INTERNATIONAL.8 SOR :;o N ::n C r L C CJ r L 65,012, 22(063)(082) '! 9,8(063)(082) ::n El2[105E:Jl:34 7 z llllllllllllllllllllll 111111111111111111 ~:08:ss i!I INTERNATIONAI Svmposium on Operational Research in Slovema 18 2 1JO'i \Jova Gorica) SOR 'O'i proceedings The 8th lnterna!Jonal Symposium on Operational Research m Slovema. '-lova Gorica. Slovenia. September 28-30. 2005 · edited hy L Zadnik Stirn and S. Drobne . 1organiser Sloveman Sociel\ Informatika, Section for Operational Researchj 1._1ubiJana Sloveman Soc1et:, Informatika ,SDI), Sectton for Operattonal Research !SORJ. 200" Organizing Committee: B Nemec. HIT, Nova Gorica, Slovenia, Chairman M Bastič, Faculty of Business and Economics, Maribor, Slovenia V, čančer. Faculty of Business and Economics, Maribor. Slovenia S. Drobne. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Ljubljana, Slovenia L, Ferbar. Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana. Slovenia 8, Peček, School of Public Administralion, Ljubljana, Slovenia L, Zadnik Stirn, Biotechical Faculty, Ljubljana, Slovenia 1 Zadmk Stim, L1d1.1a 2 Slovensko društvc [nformatika, Sekcija za operacijske raziskave 2220:_I l 104 - - L. Zadnik Stirn, Biotechical Faculty, Ljubljana. Slovenia, Chairwoman Baslič, Faculty of Business and Economics. Maribor, Slovenia L. Bogataj. Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana Slovenia M. Bogataj, Faculty of Marilime Studies and Transport, Portorož, Slovenia K. Cherlarova, Faculty of Science. Kašice. Slovakia A Čizman, Faculty of Organising Sciences Kranj, Kranj Slovenia S, Drobne, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Ljubljana, Slovenia Ferbar. Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana Slovenia S, lndihar, Faculty of Business and Economics, Maribor. Slovenia P Koechel, Chemnitz University of Technology, Chemnitz, Germany J Kušar, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Ljubljana, Slovenia L, Lenart, Institute Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana Slovenia M, Marinovic, Faculty of Philosophy, Rijeka Croatia L. Neralic, Faculty of Economics, Zagreb. Croatia M, Simončič. institute tor Economic Research. Ljubljana. Slovenia K. Šoric Faculty of Economics, Zagreb Croatia K, Zimmerman. Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Prague, Czech Republic Žerovnik. Institute tor Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics in Ljubljana. Slovenia & Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Maribor, Slovenia Chairmen and Chairladies: ____J Ali rights reserved. No part of th1s book may be reproducecl. stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any other means without the prior wntten perm1ssion of the copyright holder. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Operational Research in Slovenia (SOR'0S) is cited in: ISI (Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings on CD-ROM and ISI/ISTP&B online database), Current Mathematica] Publications, Mathematical Review. MathSci, Zentralblatt flir Mathematic / Mathematics Abstracts, MATH on STN International, CompactMath, INSPEC, Journal ofEconomic Literature Technical editor : Samo Drobne Designed by : Studio LUMINA and Samo Drobne Printed by: MIGRAF, Ljubljana, Slovenia Bastič, Faculty of Business and Economics, Maribor, Slovenia L, Bogataj. Faculty of Economics,,Ljubljana, Slovenia M. Bogataj, Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana, Slovenia B. Bohm, University of Technology - Vienna, Vienna, Austria K, Cechlarova, P J. Šafarik University. Faculty of Science, Kašice, Slovakia V Čančer, Faculty of Economics and Business, Maribor, Slovenia L. Ferbar, Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana, Slovenia S. lndihar, Faculty of Business and Economics, Maribor, Slovenia H. Th. Jongen, Aachen University, Aachen, Germany P. Kochel, Faculty of lntormatics, Germany L. Lenart, Institute Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia R. Manger, University of Zagreb, Department of Mathematics, Zagreb, Croatia M. Marinovic, Faculty of Philosophy, Rijeka, Croatia B. Nemec, HIT d.d., Nova Gorica, Slovenia L. Neralic, Faculty of Economics, Zagreb, Croatia B. Peček, School of Public Administration, Ljubljana, Slovenia K. šoric, Faculty of Economics, Zagreb, Croalia W. Ukovich, University of Trieste, Trieste, ltaly L. Zadnik Stirn, Biotechical Faculty, Ljubljana, Slovenia J. Žerovnik, Institute tor Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics in Ljubljana, Slovenia & Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Maribor, Slovenia M. Preface The purpose o/ this volt1111e is tu rejlecr the scientijic activit1es d11ri11g The 8th I11ternatio11al Sy111posi11111 011 Operarions Research, which was held in Nova Gorica, Slove11ia, J,-0111 Septemher 2H through September 30, 2005. The sy111posi11m 011 Operations Research is one of the 1raditio11a/ series the bia111111al i11ternatio11al co11fere11ces organized by Sloveman Societv INFORMATIKA., Section of Operational Research, and represents the co11ti1111ity of seven previous symposia. At this symposi11111 the scientists, researchers and practitioners f,'0111 differe11t areas. like mathelllatics, ecu110111ics, stotistics, computer science e11gi11eeri11g, environll/ent and sysrem theurv. ufte11 working together on cm11111011 projects, ca111e together The 8th !11ternatio11al Sv111posi11lll 011 Opemtions Research SDR'05 stood l//Uler the high auspices oj the Slove11im1 Research Agency, and was granted by sponsors cited in these Proceedings The ope11i11g address was given by lvfr. N Schlamberger, the Pres1de11t o( Slove11im1 Society lNFORMATJKA, Proj. Dr Zad111k Srirn. the President of the Slove11im1 Sectio11 of Operations Research, and the representatives of 111i11istries, representatives of HIT, Nova Gorica, dijferent professional i11stitutio11s wul Upemtions Research Societies from other countries. Operations Research colllprises a large variety of 111athematica/, stalistical and i11forlllatio11al theories and methods to analvze complex sit11atio11s and to contrihute to responsible decision making, pla1111i11g and the efficient use of the resources. In a worlcl of increasing colllplexity and scarce natura/ resources we believe that there will he a growing 11eed far such approaches m ll/a11yfields ofour society. As traditionalfr, a!so this sylllposi11111 was cm i11ternatio11al forum far scientific exchange at the frontiers of Operations Research in 111athe111atics, statistics, econolllics, e11gi11eeri11g, education, e11viro11111ent a11d computer science. We helieve that the prese11tatio11s rejlected the state of the ari in Operations Research as well as the actual challenges. Besides co11trib11tio11s on recent advances in the classical fields, the prese11tatio11s, 011 new i11teractio11s ,vith related fields as well as an i11te11se dia/ogue hetwee11 theorv mul the 1111111ero11s applications. were delivered at the sy111posiu111. Thus, we hope that the divisio11 into Invited lectures and 1O sections. rejlects 011 the one hand the variety offields e11gaged, 011 the other hand separahng too many subjects which could belo11g together. The scientiflc program was divided i11to the following sections (the 11umber of papers in each section is given in parentheses). Ple11ary section (6). Scheduling a11d Control (4), Stochastic and Combinatorial Optimization (4). Algorith111s (7). E11virom11e11t and Human Resources (7), Locatio11 The01y and Transport (10), Finance and Invest111e11t (8), Multicriteria Decisio11 Making (5), Networks (4). Product/011 and I11ve11t01y (5), Ed11catio11 and Statistics (3;. The first part of the Proceedings includes invited papers, prese11ted by 6 pro111i11e11t scientists: Bemhard Bo/1111, Vienna University of Teclmology, Vie1111a, Austria; Hubertus Th. Jo11ge11, Aachen University, Aachen, Germany; Robert Manger, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia; Viljem Rupnik, Interacta, Ltd, Business I11formatio11 Processing, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Dragomir Sundac, I11ter11ational Business Co11s11lti11g Center, Ltd, Rijeka, Croatia; and Walter Ukovich, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy. The second part of the Proceeclings includes 57 contributed and refereed papers written by 92 authors and co-authors. Most of the authors ofthe co11trib11ted papers camefrom Slovenia (41), the11fro111 Croatia (30), Italy (4), Slovak Republic (3), Czech Republic (3), Austria (2), Belgi11111 (2), Germany (1), Australia (1), Hungmy (1), Israel (1), Latvia (1), UK (1), and Ukraine (1). o 1<1w1d 1ah/ei (j/ohulizutwn - Cupital 11rrher rhe ~,111pos111111 as lughl1gl11ed l Jo11u1wwm uwl /)eve!np111e111 mul Fd11cu11n1111! Proh!ems w Fru11orslw Reg um with Regard SUR '05 greut rnteres/ F11ropea11 /'rel/{/s und JJe11w11ds The·, hoth atnacred participants. The discussion led tn re11wrkahle C