ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME II No. 20 - 21 July 1949 Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces Free Territory of Trieste. La Editoriale Libraria S. A., Trieste - 1949 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMEN British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste T Order No. 149 AMENDMENT TO ORDER No. 41 - FISCAL TREATMENT OF SUGAR AND OF SUGAR COMPOSITE PRODUCTS WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to modify Order No. 41 dated 7 March 1949 relatiitg to fiscal treatment of sugar and of sugar composite products in that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General, U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I In accordance with administrative instructions issued and with effect from 28 February 1040. the penultimate paragraph of Article III of Order No. 41 dated 7 March 1949, is hereby repealed and substituted by the following new paragraph : „Interim-aid sugar already sold for industrial uses and still held - pure or incorporated in other finished products - in bonded warehouses, shall be liable to an additional duty, to be collected over and above the excise duty, of Lire 35 per kilo. ARTICLE II This Order- shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 11th day of July 1949 Ref.: LD¡A¡49¡147 Order No. 160 SUSPENSION OF CERTAIN CONTRIBUTIONS TO „CASSA PER IL TRATTAMENTO DI RICHIAMO DEGLI IMPIEGATI PRIVATI1' WHEREAS it is deemed advisable and necessary to suspend the payment of contributions due by agricultural employers and by agricultural cooperative bodies to „Cassa per il trattamento di richiamo degli impiegati privati“ in that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General ,U. S. Army Director General, Civil Affairs NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General, U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I With effect from the first pay period subsequent to the 31st day of March 1949 the compulsory payment of the contribution due by the agricultural employers and by agricultural cooperative bodies to the „Cassa per il trattamento di richiamo degli impiegati privati“ is suspended. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 11th day of July 1949 Ref. : LD\A\49¡154 Order No. 151 determination of the rates of contributions in agriculture due for THE YEAR 1949 WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to determine the rates of contributions in agriculture due for the year 1949, in terms of R. D. L. 28 November 193S, No. 2138, in that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General, U. S. Army. Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The contributions provided for by the „Articolo Unico“ of R. D. L. 28- November 1938, No. 2138, and due in that Zone for the year 1949, shall be those set out in the table attached to this Order. ARTICLE II Section 1. — The rates of contributions as set out in the attached table shall apply to the working days ascertained in respect of each enterprise in accordance with R. D. L. 28 November 1938, No. 2138, and with the rules for its implementation. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General. U. S. Army Director General. Civil Affairs Section 2. — As regards those enterprises employing fixed salaried workers, the number of their days of attendance shall be computed, for the purpose of contributions, in the amount of 300. In those cases where the above mentioned fixed salaried workers attend to both agricultural work and cattle, such working days shall be deducted from the number of those established in total for the enterprise for the cultivation of the land and the attendance of cattle. On the contrary, in those cases where they attend exclusively either to agricultural work or to cattle, the 300 days shall be deducted from the number of those established for the cultivation of the land or for the attendance of cattle respectively. Section 3. — As regards „aziende coloniche“ and „aziende mezzadrili“, the number of days employed by each working member of the family shall be calculated for the purpose of contributions in the amount of 240. Section 4. — The owners qf rented land shall pay the rates as shown in the attached table in respect of „salariati fissi“ and „giornalieri di campagna“, for each working day of fixed salaried workers employed by them and for each working day charged to them for works of ground improvement and soil regulation, in terms of Article 5 of R. D. L. 24 September 1940, No. 1949. ARTICLE III Whenever during the year 1949 there should be any change in the rates of contributions set forth in the present Order, .pursuant to the provisions governing the social insurance treatment for which the application of the above contributions is established, the rates fixed in the table attached to this Order shall be modified accordingly by special provisions. ARTICLE IV As regards the workmen's compensation insurance in agriculture, the contributions to be entered into the rolls of the Land Tax („Imposta Fondiaria“) for the year 1949 in relation with the estimated revenue („Estimo catastale“) in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 3 of Law No. 942, of 16 June 1939, shall be determined by subsequent provision. ARTICLE V The lessors of the land leased on a share-cropping basis („concedenti di fondi condotti a mezzadria e colonia“) shall retain the amount of the contributions which may be due by the „colono“ or „mezzadro“ on behalf of any workers employed for works performed for the „colono“ or „mezzadro“. ARTICLE VI This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 14th day of July 1949. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General, LT. S. Army Ref. .* LD/AI49I155 Director General, Civil Affairs TABLE attached to Order No. 151 dated 14 July 1949 RATES OF CONTRIBUTION FOR THE YEAR 1949 RATES OF CONTRIBUTION CATEGORIES OF CONTRIBUTIONS For each working day of salaried workers whether or not attending to agricultural works and to cattle For each working day of day-workers For each working day of „coloni“ and „mezzadri“ Men Women & . Children Men Women & Children Men, Women & Children 1. Sickness Insurance 16,— 12.12 24.25 16.97 5.94 2. Old Age and Invalidism : a) basic contribution 0.54 0.27 0.54 0.27 b) supplementary contribution 6.90 3.45 6.90 3.45 — c) contribution to Social Solidarity Fund 15.75 7.87 15.75 7.87 _ d) indemnity for increased price of bread 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 — 3. Tuberculosis : a) basic contribution 0.12 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.06 b) supplementary contribution 5.19 4.33 8.65 8.65 2.59 4. Marriage and Birth 0.07 0.08 0.24 0.22 0.07 5. Family Allowance 51.— 51.— 51,— 51,— — Contribution to Social Solidarity Fund provided for by No. 2, c) includes the quota-share to be borne by the employer and the worker. In terms of Art. V of Order No. 462 dated 11 September 1947 the share of the contribution due by the workers shall bp retained by the employer from the salaries paid. The share to be borne by the worker shall be Lire 5,25 for each working day of a man, and Lire 2.625 for each working day of a woman or child. Order No. 162 OATH BY MAYORS WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to establish the formula of the oath to be taken by the Mayors elected or to be elected in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“), NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General, U.S, Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I AU Mayors elected or to be elected within the Zone shall take the following oath on assuming office : „I swear loyally to observe the Laws .of the British-United States Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste and to carry out my duties for the sole purpose of the public weal.“ ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the day it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 18th day of July 1949. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General, U. S. Army Ref. : LD/AI49I162 Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 40 AUTHORITY TO CHANGE THE SURNAME WHEREAS Mr. Fausto TOROSH, born at Trieste on 18.6.1S83. resident at Trieste, Via C. Battisti No. 3, has complied with the law provisions required to obtain the change of his surname into that of TO ROSS, according to the authority granted to him by Director of Legal Affairs on 9 April 1949, and WHEREAS said person has now made application in order that the requested change of surname be effected, and WHEREAS the provisions of Titolo Vili chapter I of R.D. No. 1328 of July 9, 1939 on the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Status have been complied with and no objections having been raised ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel F.A., Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. — The surname of the interested person Fausto TOROSH is hereby changed into „TOROSS“. 2. — The applicant will provide for the inscription of this Order in the proper règistor of birth and the annotation at foot of the deed itself, according to the existing Law. 3. — This Order shall take effect on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 8th day of July 1949. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel F.A. Executive Director to Ref. : LD/BI49I42 Director General .Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 41 APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS OF THE TURNOVER SPECIAL SECTION OF THE ZONE COMMISSION FOR TAXES . WHEREAS the term of office of the Special Section for the settlememt by administrative procedure of disputes between the Finance Administration and tax-payers relating to the Turnover Tax, constituted in terms of Article XII of General Order No. 90 dated 24 January 1947,' expired on the 31st of December 1948, and WHEREAS it is necessary to re-constitute the Commission for the four-year term 1949-1952, NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER. Colonel, F.A., Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. — With effect from 1 January 1949 and for the four-year term 1949-1952, the Turnover Tax Special Section of the Zone Commission for Direct and Indirect Taxes on business transactions shall be composed as follows : Vice-President : PAOLUCCI avv. Luigi Full members : SARTI dott. Giovanni FLEGAR avv. Ruggero MARACCHI dott. Guido ULE SSI Rag. Ugo PERSIANI Rag. Alfredo GNEZDA dott. Antonio SCOMERSI dott. Giovanni RANDI -dott. Iginio Deputies : CALISSANO dott. Guido AMORETTI Rag. Mario BROI dott. Giuseppe CASTELLAN rag. Luigi 2. — This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 11th day of July 1949. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel F. A. Executive Director to lief. : LD/BI49I41 Director General. Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 42 AUTHORITY TO CHANGE THE SURNAME 1VHEREAS Mr. Giovanni Janezic, born at Trieste on 29.9.1906, resident at Trieste Via Pozzo del Mare No. 1, has complied with the law provisions required to obtain the change of his surname into that of Ianesich, according to the authority granted to him by Director of Legal Affairs on 17.3.1949, and WHEREAS said person has now made application in order that the requested change of surname be effected and be valid also in respect of his legitimate descendente, and WHEREAS the provisions of Tìtolo Vili chapter I of R.D. No. 1328 of July 9. 1939 on the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Status have been complied with and no objections having been raised ; NOW. THEREFORE, I. VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel F.A., Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. — The surname of the interested person Giovanni JANEZ LC is hereby changed into „TANESICH“ and the change is valid also in respect of his legitimate descendents. 2. — The applicant will provide for the inscription of this Order in the proper register of births and the annotation at foot of the deed itself, according to the existing Law. 3. — This Order shall take effect on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 13th day of July 1949. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel F. A. Executive Director to Ref. : LDjВ149Ј36 Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 43 AUTHORITY TO CHANGE THE SURNAME WHEREAS Mr. NARDO’ Arcangelo Angelo born at Bitonto on 10-V-1910. resident at Trieste, Via Artisti 3, has complied with the law provisions required to obtain the change of his surname into that of ,,ZIPPOu, according to the authority granted to him by Director of Legal Affairs on 2 April 1949, and WHEREAS said person has now made application in order that the requested change of surname be effected and be valid also in respect of his wife and his legal descendents, and WHEREAS the provisions of Titolo Vili chapter I of R.D. No. 1328 of July 9, 1939 on the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Status have been complied with and no objections having been raised, NOW, THEREFORE, I. VONNA. F. BURGER, Colonel F.A., Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. — The surname of the interested person NARDO’ Arcangelo Angelo is hereby changed into „ZIPPO“ and the change is valid also in respect of his wife and his legal descendents. 2. — The applicant will provide for the inscription of this Order in the^ proper register of births and the annotation at foot of the deed itself, according to the existing Law. 3. ■— This Order shall take effect on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 13th day of July 1949. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel F.A. Executive Director to Ref. : LD¡B¡49¡43 Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 44 APPOINTMENT OF PROF. ANTONIO ANDRI AS CHIEF OF THE EDUCATION OFFICE WHEREAS Prof. Antonio ANDRI has been appointed Chief of the Education Office, Allied Military Government and it is right that he should be officially confirmed in that office, NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER. Colonel, F.A.. Executive Director to Director General, Cimi Affairs, ORDER: I __ Prof. Ajitonio ANDRI, via deU’Uñiver.sitá No. 11, Trieste, is hereby appointed Chief of the Education Office, with effect from 1 July 1949, 2. ___ This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by mo. Dated at TRIESTE, this 13th day of July 1949. VONNA F. BURGER . Colonel F.A. Executive Director to Ref. : LDjВЈ49Ј44 Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 45 APPOINTMENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ..ENTE DEL PORTO INDUSTRIALE DI ZAULE" WHEREAS it is necessary to nominate and/or appoint the Board of Directors of the „Ente del Porto Industriale di Zaule“. established by Order No. 104 dated 12 May 1949, in conformity with Article III, Section 2 of said Order, NOW, l'ñ E RUFO RE. I, VONNA F. BURGER. Colonel F.A., Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The following are hereby appointed members of the Board of Directors of the „Ente del Porto Industriale di Zaule“ in accordance with Article III, Section 2 of Order No. 104 dated 12 May 1949 : (a) The Chief, Department of Public Services, Directorate of Finance and Economics The Chief, Department of Production, Directorate of Finance and Economics The Executive Officer. Directorate of Finance and Economics (b) Dr. Egone Furian, Representative of the Zone President (c) Dott. Guido Bosutti, Representative of the Sovraintendenza di Finanza (d) Ing. Mario Prucher, Pro ceditore dei Lavori Pubblici (e) Ing. Dr. Francesco Rusconi. Representative of the Amministrazione Ferroviaria (f) Dr. Paolo de K Iodic, Harbour Master (g) Dr. Ing. Raimondo Visintin, Representative of the Commune of Trieste (h) Ing. Italo Bonazzi, Representative of the Chamber of Commerce (i) Dr. Rodolfo Bernardi, Representative of the Magazzini Generali (j) Ing. Umberto Cohen, Representative of the Industrial Association (k) Dr. Ing. Arturo Barpi, Representative of the Shipowners (l) Dr. Vittorio Cariello, Representative of organized labour. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 17th day of July 1949. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel F.A. Executive Director to Ref.: LDtBf49\4o Director General, Civil Affairs Notice No. 20 MINIMUM WAGES FOR PERSONNEL EMPLOYED WITH HORSEFLESH BUTCHERIES, NOT MEMBERS OF CATEGORY ASSOCIATIONS NOTICE is hereby given that the Minimum. Wages Arbitration Board, constituted in accordance with Order No. 63 dated 1 December 1947, has issued, in respect of personnel employed with horseflesh butcheries, not members of category associations, the following award : „ARTICOLO I Con effetto dal 1 gennaio 1949 i dipendenti di cui in premessa godranno del trattamento economico previsto dalla tabella seguente : a) Gerente con 3 o più dipendenti ................................ L. 22.500 mens. b) Gerente con meno di 3 dipendenti...........:................... L. 20.500 „ c) Cassiera ....................................................... L. 11.150 „ d) Banconiere ..................................................... L. 3.750 sett. e) Aiuto banconiere.............................................,. L. 3.000 „ f) Uomini di fatica................................................ L. 3.000 „ g) Apprendisti : nel primo aAo di servizio il 30% nel secondo anno di servizio il 45% nel terzo anno di servizio il 60% del salario base dell’aiuto banconiere. ARTICOLO 2 Gli stipendi e ì salari di cui all’articolo precedente sono da considerarsi iniziali. Nel caso di anzianità aziendale già acquisita e maturata successivamente all’entrata in vigore del pre- s ente lodo, gli stipendi e salari di cui alle lettere a), b), c), d) saranno maggiorati da 8 scatti bien, nali del 5% da calcolarsi sulle cifre basi, rispettivamente all’inizio del 3°, 5°, 7°, 9°, 11°, 13°-15° e 17° anno di servizio. Viceversa i salari di cui alle lettere e), f) saranno maggiorati rispettivamente da cinque scatti triennali del 3% calcolati sempre sulla cifra base all’inizio del 4°, 7°, 10°, 13° e 16° anno di servizio. ARTICOLO 3 Per quanto non previsto nel presente lodo, si fa riferimento agli articoli del lodo pronunciato in data 2 novembre 1948 e pubblicato con l’avviso No. 29 sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale No. 45 dell’11 dicembre 1948, in quanto non in contrasto col contenuto degli articoli precedenti. ARTICOLO 4 Il lodo decorre dal 1 gennaio 1949 e verrà a scadere il 31 dicembre dello stesso anno a meno che eventuali modificazioni apportate al trattamento economico previsto dal relativo contratto di lavoro per i dipendenti da macellerie in genere, non rendano opportuna una revisone anteriore alla scadenza. TRIESTE, 29 giugno 1949. Il Presidente : I Componenti : I Consulenti tecnici Department of Labor Approved 5 July 1949 signed : LIONEL H. BAILEY Capt. Inf. TRIESTE, 13 July 1949. R. G. HUMPHREY Lt. Col. E.A. Ref. : LD/C/49120 Chief, Department of Labor signed: WALTER LE VITUS ,, : RENATO CORSI . „ : ALFREDO COSLOVICH „ : OSCAR POLACCO „ : GIOVANNI D’ELIA „ : GIOVANNI POLI „ : EGIDIO FURLAN CONTENTS Order page No. 149 Amendment to Order No. 41 — Fiscal treatment of sugar and of sugar composite products .................................................. 379 No. 150 Suspension of certain contributions to „Cassa per il trattamento di richiamo degli impiegati privati“.......................................................... 379 No, 151 Determination of the rates of contributions in agriculture due for the year 1949 380 No. 152 Oath by Mayors ................................................................. 382 Administrative Order No. 40 Authority to change the surname ................................................... 383 No. 41 Appointment of members of the Turnover Special Section of the Zone Commission for taxes 384 ' No. 42 Authority to change the surname ............................................... 384 No. 43 Authority to change the surname ............................................... 385 No. 44 Appointment of Prof. Antonio Andri as Chief of the Education Office.... 386 No. 45 Appointment of the Board of Directors of „Ente del Porto Industriale di Zaule“....................................................................... 386 Notice No. 20 Minimum wages for personnel employed with horseflesh butcheries, not members of category associations ................................................. 387