
199 Petdeset let mednarodnega identifikatorja ISBN Fifty years of the international identifier ISBN Alenka Kanič Oddano: 27. 7. 2017 – Sprejeto: 11. 9. 2017 1.04 Strokovni članek 1.04 Professional article UDK 655.535.28(091) Izvleček Predstavljen je 50-letni razvoj mednarodnega standarda ISO 2108, ki vključuje na- tančen opis strukture mednarodnega identifikatorja ISBN, njegov namen in rabo ter poudari njegove prednosti. Pomembno je, da je to enkraten in stalen identifikator za monografske publikacije v vseh njihovih različicah. Omenjeni so sorodni identifikator- ji, predstavljen je tudi nastanek in delovanje Slovenske agencije za ISBN. Analizirana je podatkovna zbirka slovenskih založnikov, ki lahko postane zanimiv vir za razisko- valce založništva v Sloveniji. Ključne besede: ISO 2108, ISBN, metapodatki, Slovenska agencija za ISBN, podatkovna zbirka slovenskih založnikov, zgodovinski pregledi Abstract The development of the international standard ISO 2108 during the past 50 years is presented, as well as the detailed structure of the international identifier and its scope. The usage is described and explained, stressing its advantages and benefits. Particular importance is paid to the fact that it has to be the unique and persistant identifier of a monographic publication for any of its forms and manifestations, and some related international identifiers are discussed in this respect. The origin and history of the Slovenian National ISBN Agency are presented, its tasks and activities, including an analysis of the Slovenian Publishers’ Directory database which proves to be a good source for further research in the field of publishing in Slovenia. Keywords: ISO 2108, ISBN, metadata, Slovenian ISBN Agency, Slovenian Publishers’ Da- tabase, historical reviews