Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 60(2014)9, 600-606 © 2014 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved. D0l:10.5545/sv-jme.2013.1579 Original Scientific Paper Received for review: 2013-11-28 Received revised form: 2014-03-18 Accepted for publication: 2014-05-23 Study on the Correction of S-N Distribution in the Welding Fatigue Analysis Method Based on the Battelle Equivalent Structural Stress by Rough Set Theory Yibo Sun12 - Xinhua Yang1-* 1 Dalian Jiaotong University, School of Material Science and Engineering, China 2 Dalian Jiaotong University, School of EMU Application and Maintenance Engineering, China In welding techniques, failure Is a key problem that Is related to the stability and safety of the welded structure. In the commonly used welding fatigue analysis methods, the Master S-N curve method based on Battelle structural stress solves the problem of inconsistencies in stress calculation and S-N curve selection better than the nominal stress method and hot spot stress method. In this paper, rough set theory was employed to study the S-N distribution based on the Battelle equivalent structural stress. Firstly, rough set analyses of the S-N distribution based on the nominal stress, structure stress and Battelle equivalent structure stress were carried out. Then the S-N distributions based on the three stresses were studied. The results indicated that structural stress rearranges the S-N point making it much more concentrated in the region near the mean S-N curve and that equivalent structural stress places the S-N point more uniformly on both sides of the curve. Subsequently, the corrections from the plate thickness and stress ratio in the Master S-N curve method were studied. It was concluded that with two steps of corrections the decision-making degrees of welding factors are weakened and harmonized in the Battelle equivalent structural stress. This made the S-N distribution much more concentrated and uniform, which allows more accurate welding fatigue prediction by the Master S-N curve. Keywords: welding fatigue, Battelle equivalent structural stress, Master S-N curve method, rough set theory 0 INTRODUCTION As a traditional processing technique welding has been widely used in many fields, such as mechanical manufacturing, aerospace, transportation, etc. During the welding process, metal in the welding zone fuses at high temperature with its property and geometry changed and thus fatigue damage often occurs in the weld seam, which always determines the life of the welded structure. Therefore the fatigue analysis and life prediction of a welding joint are directly related to the stability and safety of the whole structure. Currently, the commonly used welding fatigue analysis and prediction methods mainly include the nominal stress method, hot spot stress method and the Master S-N curve method based on the Battelle equivalent structure stress. The nominal stress method was first proposed for the fatigue analysis of welded structures [1]. Several standard specifications have been established based on this method using a large amount of experimental data [2] and [3]. While it is widely used in engineering applications, some limitations have gradually come to light, such as that the nominal stress of a complex structure is difficult to determine and that inconsistent stress calculation caused by a singularity in the weld toe also makes the stress value less accurate. In addition, it provides S-N curves in accordance with the classification of the welding joints, which do not always clearly correspond to one type, which limits its universality in engineering applications. The hot spot stress method that obtains the stress in the welding toe by extrapolation based on nominal stress was first proposed by Niemi [4]. It characterizes the stress level in the weld toe by hot spot stress, which makes it available for complex welded structures. In theory it provides a general S-N curve based on the hot spot stress to characterize the fatigue strength of various joints [5]. Although it solves some of the problems of the nominal stress method, but it is difficult to establish a uniform hot type and extrapolation formula for various welding types, which limits the application in engineering. In 2001, Dong proposed the Master S-N curve method based on the mesh insensitive structural stress (Battelle equivalent structural stress) [7]. In this method, the Battelle equivalent structural stress, which is not sensitive to the mesh size of finite element analysis, is defined, which makes the stress calculation uniform for various mesh sizes. The stress intensity factor correction, taking into account the influences of joint thickness and load model, etc., is then established based on fracture mechanics and the parameters in the formula are ascertained based on a large number of welding fatigue data. Thus a Master S-N curve is obtained to characterize the fatigue life including various welding joint types [8]. The Master S-N curve method is widely applied in many fields and was adopted by ASME as a standard for welding fatigue analysis [9] and [10]. 600 *Corr. Author's Address: Dalian Jiaotong University, School of Material Science and Engineering, Dalian, China, Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 60(2014)9, 600-606 In this paper rough set theory was employed to study the S-N data distribution of welding data based on the Battelle equivalent structural stress. S-N curves are established for Titanium alloy welding joints based on nominal stress, structural stress and Battelle equivalent structure stress in the Master S-N curve method. The S-N distributions based on the three stresses were studied. Corresponding to the computational formulas of the Battelle equivalent structural stress, the corrections of S-N data distribution from joint thickness and load ratio in the Battelle equivalent structural stress are also explored. 1 BASIC PRINCIPLE OF BATTELLE EQUIVALENT STRUCTURAL STRESS In the finite element stress calculation the results are affected by mesh size, which causes inconsistency in calculations for different structures. In order to address this problem, structural stress based on the line force is first defined using the Master S-N curve method. The normal structural stress at each node from elementary structural mechanics theory is given by: o. = O -Ou Fy Fy Gm = A = Tt Mx ' W M r-l ■ t2 (1) (2) (3) where Fy is the vertical force in the weld toe, Mx is the moment around the weld toe. The line force f and moment mx are defined as fy = Fy / l, mx = Mx / l as shown in Fig l.Structural stress can then be expressed as follows [7]: fy 6mx =°m +°b =— + —T. (4) Element Fig. 1. Definition of line force While structural stress characterizes the stress state in the weld seam, fracture mechanics is employed to estimate the fatigue life of welding joints. The stress intensity factor in crack propagation theory can be calculated as [11]: AK = 4t [Aamfm (a /t) + Aabfb (a /t)], (5) where a is the crack depth, t* is interpreted as a ratio of actual thickness t to a unit thickness, rendering the term dimensionless. fm(a/t) and fb(a/t) are membrane stress and bending stress as a function of crack growth degree, respectively. Using the Paris crack growth law, the prediction of the lifecycle from an infinitesimally small crack to final failure can be expressed as: a/t-1 t d(a /1) N - f 1-„ C(Mn ) (AK)" = C t *(1- m)(Aas )-mI (r), (6) where Mkn is the notch stress magnification expressed as Mkn = K/ Kn in which K represents the total K due to both the far-field stress and the local notch stress effects and Kn represents only the far-stress contribution to the stress intensity factor. I(r) is a dimensionless function of r and m is the crack growth exponent, which is set to be 3.6 in ASME [9]. A Master S-N curve can be established according to Eq. 6 based on a set of welding fatigue data. Related to Eq. 6 the Battelle equivalent structural stress can be expressed as: Acte= t 2>(àcts )- 'I (r >, (7) where t* is dimensionless the equivalent Aae retains a stress unit. 2 ESTABLISHMENT OF ROUGH SETS ANALYSIS MODEL Rough set theory is a mathematical approach that can be employed to handle imprecision, incompletion, vagueness and uncertainty [12]. In this paper the relationship between welding factors and S-N distribution based on nominal stress (NS), structure stress (SS) and Battelle equivalent structure stress (ES) are analyzed using rough set analysis. Firstly, rough set models were established based on well-documented fatigue data. Titanium alloy low cycle fatigue data for TIG [13], Manual TIG[14], laser welding [15], and various fillet welded joints [16]with different bending versus tension [17] in the as-welded conditions without stress-relief were cited. 106 sets of welding fatigue data were arranged by welding factors including joint type (J), plate thickness (t), load ratio (R), stress ratio (r), welding process (W) and material Study on the Correction of S-N Distribution in the Welding Fatigue Analysis Method Based on the Battelle Equivalent Structural Stress by Rough Set Theory 601 Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 60(2014)9, 600-606 type (M) and entered into the rough set database as condition attributes. The joint types marked with two capital letters were cited from reference [16]. The first letters refer to the directions along (L) and transverse (C) to the plate rolling. The second letters refer to the butt-welded joints (B), transverse fillet welded joints (T) and longitudinal fillet (L) welded joints. Among the parameters R and r were expressed as: r = ch /(