SCIENCE OF GYMNASTICS JOURNAL Vol. 8 Issue 3 2016 EDITORIAL Since our last issue in June two major and important events signed this period of time. The first event were Olympic Games in Rio. All gymnastics competitions were of excellent quality, battles for the win were almost epic (e.g. Kohei Uchimura (Japan) versus Oleg Vernjajev (Ukraina). Some were surprises and some were disappointed. But most of all is important our sport was not part of doping issues and I'm glad FIG did not banned Russia from the gymnastics events. Afterwards Fancy Bears published some interesting documents, of which we should in near future also discus in philosophical way and to answer simple (but hard) question, is it sport proper place for those who are chronically ill? Isn't statement Mens sana in corpore sano still valid. We would be pleased if some of you readers and researchers can give more profound answers on such questions. Legal is not also legitimate. The second important event were just finished elections for new FIG structure. Now the expresident Bruno Grandi had a hard work how to put different aims of very different gymnastics developed countries into same direction. In his way there were many obstacles. But also many important changes, which changed our sport significantly. Fort the first, he added Trampoline, Acrobatic and Aerobic Associations under FIG umbrella. Trampoline is since 2000 also Olympic discipline (probably the most spectacular one). Sports Aerobic is part of World Games, and Acrobatic just gained to be sport discipline at next Youth Olympic Games. As a professor he did took opportunity and established Academy, which functions excellent, and also new FIG members are the result of shared knowledge in world. Perhaps new Scientific Commission did not had direct influence on Code of Points changes, but had an impact on awareness of gymnasts health, and for the first time publicly with scientific tools denied that gymnasts are small because of sport they practice. It is worth to mention open ended Code of Points, which well defines gymnast's quality, was under his presidency, where perfect 10 for execution remained (but hardly achieved). We need to thank prof. Bruno Grandi also for his support for our Journal. So for you did well prof. Bruno Grandi thank you. I would like to congratulate new president Morinari Watanabe from Japan for his victory at presidential votes, which gave him almost unanimously support for leading our sport in future. Would be pleased if he will continue to develop our sport into most influential Olympic sport, with well defined worldwide competition system, which can serve to all countries. I believe researchers and authors of articles in our Journal will be willing to research and give answers on qustions which can arise. Dear reader, in this issue we start with article from Ukraine research team lead by O.M. Khudolii, followed by two articles from German authors Thomas Heinen Freya Krepela and Damian Jeraj. Three more groups of authors were from Greece, lead by George Dallas, Mexico lead by H. Antonio Pineda-Espejel and Czech Republic lead by Lenka Svobodova. Anton Gajdoš added new Short historical note. Just to remind you, if you quote the Journal: its abbreviation on the Web of Knowledge is SCI GYMN J. I wish you pleasant reading and a lot of inspiration for new research projects and articles, Ivan Čuk Editor-in-Chief 213