KONFERENCA LIBER V P A D O V I m ag. Irena Sapač, Univerzitetna knjižnica, Maribor UDK 027.021(4) Povzetek Konferenca Liber v Padovi je bila dvajseta jubilejna konferenca, saj je bila organi­ zacija ustanovljena že leta 1971 v Strasbourgu. Referati so obravnavali naloge nacionalnih in univerzitetnih knjižnic v Italiji, V eliki Britaniji, Danski in Portugal­ ski. Zanim iva so bila poročila delovnih skupin za kartografsko gradivo, rokopise in stare knjige, conspectus, avtom atizacijo,copyright in arhitekturo. Sprejeli so program dela za naslednje leto in sklenili, da bo Liber prerasla v združenje vseh evropskih znanstvenih knjižnic, tu d i srednje in vzhodnoevropskih. UDC 027.021(4) Summary The Liber conference in Padua was the jubilee conference. Liber was founded in 1971 in Strasbourg. In the papers the functions o f national and university libraries in Italy, Great Britain, Denmark and Portugal were discussed. Very interesting were the reports o f the w orking groups for cartografic materials, manuscripts and ancient books, conspectus, autom ation, copyright and architecture. The Liber program m e was accepted. The Liber memebers decided that in the future Liber should be an association o f all European research libraries, also M id d le and East European. SAPAČ, Irena: The Liber Conference in Padua. Knjižnica, Ljubljana, 35 (1991) 4, 83-89